ssadumba55 · 9 days
I’m sorry friend! It made me sad to type out too! Hope you feel better soon
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sorry for ghostbusters, mostly egon spengler posting on main in 2024 (i have too many niche random sideblogs) but.
trying not to think about egon on his own at that farmhouse in oklahoma. trying not to think about him waking up every morning and for a brief moment his mind has tricked him into thinking he's not alone. or about him heading down to his little lab in the shack using the pole that he definitely put in because it made him homesick for the firehouse. and he knows he's too old to keep using it but he does it anyway because while he's sliding for a moment, he can imagine at the bottom or at the top, peter, ray and winston are waiting for him. when he gets to the bottom, he actually moves out of the way and waits instinctively. but no one comes.
and he stops by that wall of callie every day and thinks one day i'm going to get to hold her. and i know it wasn't shown but he definitely has a photo of ray, winston and peter and he thinks 'one day i'll make it up to them. one day they'll understand and we'll be friends again.' I'm doing this for all of them.
meanwhile, callie, winston, peter and ray rarely think about him and if they do it's with bitterness because he left. he left and never came back and he'd become a raving lunatic, the few times they had heard from him he'd made no sense. he'd taken important equipment. he'd never been there for father daughter dances or dance recitals or graduations.
he thought about them everyday, he wanted to save the world so that they could continue living in it. even if that meant he wouldn't be there to enjoy it with them.
like. i know the real reason they had to kill him off was because harold ramis was gone, but do you ever think about the in universe implications of that?
it's kind of heartbreaking.
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ssadumba55 · 13 days
everyone should be weirder about their ocs more.
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ssadumba55 · 20 days
I know Egon's spirit has passed on and all that
but imagine he was still hanging around (incorporeal though) with his family, playing chess with Pheobe, giving Trevor the tools he needs when fixing the car, giving Callie hugs and using tech to 'talk' to her, being annoying and making life inconvenient when they are trying to move because they forgot to pack up with spores, moulds, and fungi to bring to the firehouse
(god what I wouldn't pay for ghost egon to finally be able to punch dickless without much/any repercussions)
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ssadumba55 · 2 months
things you can say instead of "I'm bad at writing" or "my writing sucks"
What's wrong with saying those things? First of all, you're insulting yourself and you don't deserve that ❤️ Second of all, those statements aren't going to get you any kind of reassurance in response. The only thing anyone can really say is "no, you're/it's not" - and that will almost certainly just sound patronizing to you when you're in a funk.
Focus in on your actual feelings and thoughts instead of dumping it all under the umbrella of "bad." Even if you're only talking to yourself, you'll get a better understanding of what's actually happening and a more realistic impression of yourself and your work.
I'm not satisfied with how this story turned out.
I feel like the ending is kind of weak on this one.
I'm feeling really uncertain about my characterization in this story
Is this plot too simple? I'm worried no one will bother reading it.
Is this plot too complex? I'm worried it's meandering and that my readers will get lost or bored.
Reading my own story doesn't give me the same sense of awe that I feel when I read [another author]'s story.
I don't think I achieved what I was aiming for with this story.
I'm worried no one will like this story, so I want to tear it down preemptively before anyone else can do so.
I'm worried I'm going to disappoint the people who liked [another story I wrote]
This story is really difficult to write. It's so much harder than I thought it would be / than my last story was!
I don't seem to write stories in the same way or with the same speed or length as other writers.
I feel like no one pays attention to my writing.
Feel free to add more examples in the notes. And please remember that you don't suck at writing and your writing isn't bad. You're just being your own harshest critic. ❤️
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ssadumba55 · 2 months
Reblog and put in the tags how you were introduced to your recent hyperfixation.
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ssadumba55 · 3 months
Put in the tags something you and your parent are both fans of
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ssadumba55 · 3 months
“We need to strive to be more accepting of POC” you guys can’t even handle religion.
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ssadumba55 · 3 months
not to sound like your dad but if your not having a great time rn you might legitimately be playing too many video games or being on that damn phone too often, or at least without any necessary activity buffers
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ssadumba55 · 3 months
since toy story 5 announcements have come out people are once again shitting on toy story 4 so i'm going to bring back my banger analysis from last year
Here is the Toy Story 4 tea y'all.
My opinion on Toy Story 4 is in the minority, it's the opposite of what literally everyone else thinks about it; I think that Toy Story 4 was a necessary film, I think it was good in terms of Woody's character development and I think people who boil it down to Woody ditching his friends for his (in their words not mine) 'hoe' are missing the entire point of Toy Story 4.
Let me explain myself.
The most relevant argument I see about this film is the 'Woody would never argument; 'Woody would never leave Bonnie', 'Woody would never leave Buzz and the gang', etc. and I'm not going to knock this argument, because at some point this was true. In the first three films, Woody was given the option to abandon his kid or the gang and he chooses to stick with them but there are a lot of differences in Toy Story 1-3 and Toy Story 4 Woody.
For starters, Woody's whole purpose throughout the first three movies is Andy. He wants to be there for Andy, he wants to help him grow, he wants to be loyal and fulfill his purpose which is being Andy's toy. As soon as Andy gave Woody to Bonnie in Toy Story 3 that purpose was fulfilled, as we see in the fourth movie, he doesn't know where to go from that point because up until that point his purpose was Andy and Andy is no longer in his life.
This leads to my second point which is we (the viewers) and Woody himself don't really know who Woody is. Sure, we all know he's a loyal guy who will stick by his friends and yeah, we also know he has a little bit of a by the book kind of guy, but those are all things he has to be for other people. He has to be loyal to Andy, because Andy needs him. He has to lead the toys, because the rest of the toys would be in disarray without him and he has to follow the rules because the rules keep his friends safe. In all honesty, we have no clue who Woody is in terms of himself and neither does Woody. When Bonnie stops playing with him as much in favour of her other toys, Woody realizes this. He doesn't have a purpose, he doesn't have anything besides the people around him and he starts to realize throughout the film that he needs to start being a little selfish.
Before I go deeper into Woody's character arc let's talk about Toy Story as a whole. I like to think of Toy Story as an analysis of a relationship; particularly the relationship between Woody and Andy, because in my opinion, that is the main relationship in the film. In the first two films, Woody is tested in his relationship with Andy and he decides to hold firm and loyal to this relationship both times. In the third film, Andy starts to drift from this relationship and Woody, not ready to let go, holds onto it for as long as possible until at the end he realizes that what he and Andy have can never be the same as it was when Andy was a child. He has to come to grips with this change and he does it with his friends at his side. The fourth film then is Woody finding himself. As I'm sure anyone who has been in any type relationship they thought was the most important at the time, only to later have it die out would tell you; after that relationship you do a lot of self exploration. You start to realize who you are outside of that relationship, form new relationships and become a stronger individual.
The same can be said for Toy Story 4; I personally think that even had Bonnie been as invested in Woody as Andy was, the outcome would have been the same. Woody would have left, because when you leave a relationship like the one he had with Andy, you can't replace what you had before and that's essentially what he was trying to do with Bonnie. He was forcing Bonnie in his mind to be the "new Andy" and that's not a healthy way for anyone to live or foster a relationship (even if that relationship is one sided).
So then, if Toy Story 4 is Woody finding himself it makes perfect sense he'd run off with Bo and it makes perfect sense his friends would let him. Now that he no longer has his loyalty to Andy tying him back, he's starting to put his own wants and needs before others, something everyone has to do at some point. And bumping into Bo, getting a second chance at something he hadn't been able to pursue before, probably accelerated that process. Buzz, Jessie and the other toys realize that Woody has spent decades selflessly giving himself up for them and Andy, they have been there all along. They know it's a breakthrough that he's finally focusing on himself and being a little selfish. All they want is for him to be happy, much like all Andy wanted was for his toys to be played with at the end of Toy Story 3.
So to basically summarize my thoughts and feelings on Toy Story 4; I do not think Woody was out of character, I do not feel like it was unnecessary. I don't think it was Bonnie's fault Woody ran away, I don't think Woody was choosing Bo over his friends; I think Woody was choosing himself over his friends and that it just so happened to coincidentally be that the selfish thing he wanted to do to make himself happy was be with Bo because he got a one in a million second chance to be with the one he loves and how often do you get an opportunity like that?
To dispel some other arguments I feel like people will bring up in response to this, I don't care how Andy would feel about all of this. Bro is in college, Woody and the gang aren't his toys anymore, they're Bonnies. Andy doesn't matter anymore, like it or not. He isn't even there. Andy also would not be mad at Bonnie for this, she's a little kid. In some event where he did find out, he may be mad at himself for giving her the toys but it's not Bonnie's fault Woody left. Buzz and the gang can do just fine without Woody now. Dolly is in charge of Bonnie's room, so Woody doesn't need to fulfill that role anymore and everybody else still has each other. Plus, I like to think Woody and Bo visit if they can.
And finally, at the end of the day, yes I know none of this matters because Toy Story's 2-(now)5 are cashgrabs meant to monopolize on your love of these characters. I am aware how capitalism and movie sequels work, but that doesn't mean these movies can't mean something to the people who watch them and that they can't be enjoyed. And this is what Toy Story in general and Toy Story 4 meant to me. It just kind of sucks to see people shit on it because sometimes, in a way it feels like people are shitting on me. I've been in a position like Woody, where someone I cared about suddenly didn't want me anymore and it sucked, it took a lot of growth and yeah, I ended up leaving a lot of friends who I loved and who I cared about but in order to grow I needed to do what was best for me.
And sure, maybe most people won't see Toy Story 4 as this metaphor, maybe you'll think I'm projecting or that I'm stretching a bit too far and that's okay. This isn't intended to change your mind, only show you a different perspective. I hope it at least was an interesting read. And yeah, I'm a 22 year old guy who thinks way too critically and deeply about cartoon toy movies.
It's the autism, innit? /j /lh
Either way you wanted it, so who's really the weirdo here? /j Feel free to ask for clarification, I tried to organize this into coherent thoughts but sometimes my brain works faster than my hands and things get lost.
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ssadumba55 · 3 months
I didn’t realize the ghostbusters fandom was still alive I’m sorry for introducing myself by hurting you all please forgive me.
also you’re all very lucky because this was originally a fic idea I couldn’t quite pinpoint, less abstract.
But hi!! I don’t have any ghostbusters friends so it’s nice I don’t have to scream into a void now.
sorry for ghostbusters, mostly egon spengler posting on main in 2024 (i have too many niche random sideblogs) but.
trying not to think about egon on his own at that farmhouse in oklahoma. trying not to think about him waking up every morning and for a brief moment his mind has tricked him into thinking he's not alone. or about him heading down to his little lab in the shack using the pole that he definitely put in because it made him homesick for the firehouse. and he knows he's too old to keep using it but he does it anyway because while he's sliding for a moment, he can imagine at the bottom or at the top, peter, ray and winston are waiting for him. when he gets to the bottom, he actually moves out of the way and waits instinctively. but no one comes.
and he stops by that wall of callie every day and thinks one day i'm going to get to hold her. and i know it wasn't shown but he definitely has a photo of ray, winston and peter and he thinks 'one day i'll make it up to them. one day they'll understand and we'll be friends again.' I'm doing this for all of them.
meanwhile, callie, winston, peter and ray rarely think about him and if they do it's with bitterness because he left. he left and never came back and he'd become a raving lunatic, the few times they had heard from him he'd made no sense. he'd taken important equipment. he'd never been there for father daughter dances or dance recitals or graduations.
he thought about them everyday, he wanted to save the world so that they could continue living in it. even if that meant he wouldn't be there to enjoy it with them.
like. i know the real reason they had to kill him off was because harold ramis was gone, but do you ever think about the in universe implications of that?
it's kind of heartbreaking.
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ssadumba55 · 3 months
sorry for ghostbusters, mostly egon spengler posting on main in 2024 (i have too many niche random sideblogs) but.
trying not to think about egon on his own at that farmhouse in oklahoma. trying not to think about him waking up every morning and for a brief moment his mind has tricked him into thinking he's not alone. or about him heading down to his little lab in the shack using the pole that he definitely put in because it made him homesick for the firehouse. and he knows he's too old to keep using it but he does it anyway because while he's sliding for a moment, he can imagine at the bottom or at the top, peter, ray and winston are waiting for him. when he gets to the bottom, he actually moves out of the way and waits instinctively. but no one comes.
and he stops by that wall of callie every day and thinks one day i'm going to get to hold her. and i know it wasn't shown but he definitely has a photo of ray, winston and peter and he thinks 'one day i'll make it up to them. one day they'll understand and we'll be friends again.' I'm doing this for all of them.
meanwhile, callie, winston, peter and ray rarely think about him and if they do it's with bitterness because he left. he left and never came back and he'd become a raving lunatic, the few times they had heard from him he'd made no sense. he'd taken important equipment. he'd never been there for father daughter dances or dance recitals or graduations.
he thought about them everyday, he wanted to save the world so that they could continue living in it. even if that meant he wouldn't be there to enjoy it with them.
like. i know the real reason they had to kill him off was because harold ramis was gone, but do you ever think about the in universe implications of that?
it's kind of heartbreaking.
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ssadumba55 · 3 months
Favorite Writers
Hey! Just wanted to spread a little love to some of my favorite writers on here. I'm sure this list will grow haha
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ssadumba55 · 3 months
Hello, my friend! Do you write for Newsies or suggest a writer who does?
I did used to write for Newsies I took it off my list because not a lot of people requested it and it's been a while since I've seen it so I don't know if the character portarayals would be accurate.
If you send your request, I could probably give it a go!
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ssadumba55 · 3 months
things have been sort of quiet on the blog because i got sick after my birthday and have been working on school/my trans journey a lot. More writing coming soon though, I plan to quit my job soon to focus on writing and reading more.
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ssadumba55 · 4 months
Random writing thought: the best stories are often the ones that only you could have written — but also the ones that you could only write at this one moment.
I couldn't write All the Birds in the Sky from scratch now if I tried. But the me of 2013 couldn't have written The Prodigal Mother either.
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ssadumba55 · 4 months
Come hangout with us! It’s a lot of fun!
HI I feel like with so many new people showing up in the tag (and my other admins suggesting it), I should send a new link to join our aatc discord! It's a community that we use to share fanart/fanfics, talk about our favorite characters,ships, watch episodes together, play games, and work on projects! It's where I met so many new friends that gave me the inspo and motivation to make what I make. Please join if you are interested!
Link below:
If the link expires, please dm me! I will gladly send you a new one :)
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ssadumba55 · 4 months
i don't know what autistic person needs to hear this but they are not watching you. the entire world is not constantly waiting for you to do something weird and laugh at you behind your back. you do not need to constantly self-police whenever there's the slightest chance another person might see you. you have a right to be your autistic self in public spaces. stop fighting yourself for their sake.
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