#gilbert lafayette x reader
knowltonsrangers · 1 year
TURN!Marquis de Lafayette x reader
[tw//: mentions of not eating, undefined depression, and anxiety ahead. please read at your own discretion.]
Food pushing was the first sign of distress, so he’s noted.
Lack of appetite always seems to be the reasoning, the simple “I’m not hungry,” can suffice, but for only so long. It carries, the concern, into a day, then heavily when it becomes a little less than a full week.
He can only sit and abide by it for so long, until he’s ready to keel over, watching once more as your fork becomes a stick, picking and poking at dinner.
It’s a frustrating thing to look at, because no matter how much he asks, you never have an answer for him.
His nose twitches in discontent, yet he pushes forth, swallowing the anger that fights its way forward. Anger that he cannot help you. Whatever it is, you’ve made it clear you did not want to talk about it.
“Is it alright if…if I go take a walk? I need to clear my head…”
You ask, still staring down at your full plate. You’re only asking because you know if you just got up and left, Lafayette would be at your heels in a moment, wondering why you’d want to go out in the cold, at a rather late hour.
But somehow, something in that sentence brings a smile to his eyes, and he nods happily, standing from his seat.
“Shall we?”
He’s invited himself, no surprise there, yet, you’d feel like something was missing if you gone without him. You haven’t gotten to do this in a long while, and it would be your mind that would become your enemy if you took this trip alone.
“I know you do not wish to talk about it,”
Lafayette had helped you into your coat, insisting on putting your gloves and scarf on. After, he shrugs his own coat on his broad shoulders, black leather gloves to his hands.
You had begun the walk in silence, yet, Gilbert broke it after a handful of moments.
“And you do not have to. I can talk this entire time, if you would like,”
You barely blink before another sentence leaves his lips.
“However, I am so very troubled by this, y/n. I do not like it that you have not eaten, and that beautiful smile has been gone from your face for too long.”
Your hands come to shove in your coat pockets, when you take notice of Lafayette’s hand, dangling just at the perfect height at your side. It’s a subconscious feeling, and you heed it, taking his hand in yours and giving it a squeeze.
To his surprise, yet, he doesn’t question it. It’s the first move you’ve made on your own, and he would rather die than have you pull your hand away.
“Y’know…when you have those obsessive thoughts. That sometimes everything happens for a reason?”
Your voice is hoarse, unable to find anything to look at besides the sidewalk below.
“Mhm, I do.”
“It’s a mantra that I keep saying over and over, yet, I still don’t know if I believe it. Everything has been thrown in my face, and then some, and I think I’m at my breaking point.”
Gilbert’s heart sinks into his stomach, and he slows his stride just a bit, feet shuffling at your words. It’s the first time you have brought this feeling to him, and many times you have expressed it physically, just by body language, this was the first time you have spoken it, verbally.
“Well, think of it this way,”
You sniffle, eyes watery as they slowly move upwards to catch his gaze. To blatant surprise, he’s staring right at you.
“Sometimes, people walk into your life for a good reason, and walk out of it for a good reason. Same with things, places—you must take the good with the bad,”
He exhales, and a puff of cold air comes as he does so.
“If you are at your breaking point, y/n, then do not hesitate to talk about it. Whatever you need, that is why I am here. A ‘good cry’, as you call it, may suffice as well.”
You nod, pulling his hand tighter so you leaned on the upper part of his arm.
“Promise me we’ll work on that?”
Most people, in times of urgent desperation, would make the decision to allow the other to solve it for themselves, with necessary assistance.
Lafayette says ‘we’. He insists on seeing you through this, together, and it wells something else in your chest as you can’t help the smile that comes to your face.
Still staring at the sidewalk though, you wouldn’t see it, the look Gilbert gives you. His heart actually skips a beat, he thinks, just watching your smile that had disappeared for so long.
It’s a huge relief to see it back, and you have no idea what it does to him.
“Thank you.”
You whisper, picking at your coat buttons with your unoccupied hand. Gilbert shakes his head, and mumbles something about ‘anytime’ before he waves his hand dismissively.
“If it’s alright with you,”
You start warily, eyes finally able to move off the ground.
“I’d like to go back, I’d hate to waste dinner,”
He sends you that award-winning smile, nodding happily as you begin to walk back home.
“Of course,”
There’s a lapse of silence.
“Oh, and one more thing, y/n?”
He asks, just when you reach the steps.
“I love you,”
Your lips twitch upwards.
“I love you too.”
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obiwan824 · 7 years
A Week- Poly! Hamilsquad x Reader x Poly! Southern Democratic Republicans
She met Aaron last. Y/N thought of him as one of the men who, out of the trio, intrigued her most. He was quiet, never outspoken, and he rarely shared an opinion. She had watched him speak before, always holding note cards, never quite answering questions- he would offer a thin smile and change the subject. He was mysterious, but now, in front of her, he was anything but.
Burr sat stiffly across from her, never relaxing or stopping to breathe. He talked quickly and with purpose. “My boyfriends are interested in having you join our relationship.”
Y/N choked on her water. “What?” When Aaron said nothing, she tried to process the words. “I’m in a relationship.”
Aaron smiled a bit bitterly, though his eyes twinkled as if there was a secret he was sharing with her. “As are they.”
“I’m-I’m not interested-” Y/N choked out, tensing in her seat.
“We both know that’s not true.” Aaron studied her, his eyes boring into her. She felt as if he could see all of her secrets, as if he could read her mind.
Y/N swallowed hard and paused to gather her thoughts. “I don’t want to leave my boys.”
Aaron leaned back in his seat and crossed his arms. He acted as if he were making a business deal instead of extending an invitation to go on a date.  “Perhaps you don’t have to, then.”
“I don’t understand,” Y/N admitted. “I- I’m certainly not interested in being in two relationships at once-”
Aaron stood up. Just by doing so, he drew the conversation to a close. He brought a silent, commanding presence wherever he went, differing so greatly from his partners. “Just consider it?” He turned and began to walk, but suddenly stopped and looked back at her. He offered her a smile- not the fake one he would use when avoiding a question, or the tiny, crude smile on his face when he spoke to most people, but a sweet, heartfelt smile that made her melt. “I wouldn’t object to having you around, Y/N- have a good day.”
Y/N stared after his retreating form for a while. She collapsed in her chair, head in her hands- she had no idea how to tell her boys about the newest problem.
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cloudninewriter · 3 years
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Brian Wiles has a YouTube now!!! It’s only been up a few months, there aren’t many videos, and it’s all about Egyptian Arabic, but I thought TURN fandom would be interested and overused the tags.
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You’re The Voice In My Head (Polyhamilsquad x Reader)
A/N: Another completed request! I hope you are all doing well and that you enjoy this, especially @random-thoughts-003 I hope you like this! And thank you so so much for requesting! All of the readers thoughts are in italics and the boys are in bold italics, just in case it confuses anyone. As always I wish you all the most wonderful of days and I’m sending you all my good vibes.
Soulmates. Something you had learned about from a young age. Your parents had found each other when they were just thirteen years old and they had been inseparable ever since. Growing up hearing their story always made you long to find your soulmate. You would listen intently whenever you met someone new or went somewhere new. You dreamed of having the same story your parents did, that same sweet, unyielding love they had for each other.  
Unfortunately, you didn’t find your soulmate throughout your middle school years, high school years or even in college. By the time college came around you pretty much gave up on finding your soulmate, thinking you were one of those people who just didn’t have one. You had become resigned to your fate and learned to deal with the fact that you didn’t have a soulmate. You used to get upset by the fact that there were people who had multiple soulmates, that could hear each other's thoughts. How unfair that one person can have more than one and I don’t even have one?
You of course had everyone around you, telling you that your soulmate was out there, be patient, they’ll find you when you least expect it. You had heard it all and had decided to stop listening. You were fine, you were happy on your own, besides soulmates are overrated anyway.
With this mentality you lived your life day to day, looking for little things to find the most joy in. One of those things? Your local record store. You walked in saying hello to the cashier, before heading back to browse through the records.
Wanted Dead or Alive by Bon Jovi started playing over the speakers. You smiled to yourself as you started humming along.  
“I’m a cowboy on a steel horse I ride, I’m wanted (Wanted) Dead or alive, Wanted (wanted) Dead or alive…..oh and I Ride!”  
God, that’s a great song.  
What did you say?  
You stop what you’re doing when you hear the voice. You look on either side of you and then behind you, but don’t see anyone. You shake your head at yourself.
That what was weird, guess it was all in my head.  
What was?
You stop and look around again, this time you see a man who looks around your age with long, dark hair tied back and brown eyes.  
“Did you just say something?” You ask, looking at him warily.
“That depends,” he replies.  
“On what you heard.”  
“A question I guess, two actually,” you try to explain. You shake your head at yourself.
No, it was all just in my head.  
Technically you’re right, but it's me you’re hearing.
You look up at him with wide eyes, waiting to see his mouth move with the words you’re hearing.  
You can hear me, can’t you?
You shake your head in response and disbelief.  
“You can!” He says aloud, excitedly. “Say something in your head again.”  
I can’t believe this happening.  
“This is very much happening,” he smiles widely. 
You look at him still shocked and confused.
“So,” you start slowly, trying to wrap your head around this, “we’re soulmates.”  
“Yes,” he smiles, “yes we are.” He laughs lightly. “You look thoroughly shocked. What did you think you’d never find me?”  
“No, I didn’t,” you shake your head. “I thought I was one of those people who just didn’t have one.”  
He smiles gently walking closer until he was standing right in front of you. He takes your hands in his.  
“Well, love, turns out you’re one of the lucky ones.”  
And that’s when you feel it. The Ties or Strings, your parents called them. They said it was like there was invisible strings that tied you to your soulmate the moment you touched. You were bound to each other.  
You exhale and a smile finally graces your face.  
You look up to see him staring at you and your smile grows and before you know it, you’re throwing your arms around his neck and pulling him into an embrace. You feel no hesitation from him, instantly wrapping you up in his arms. You’re stunned by how right it feels to be in this strangers' arms.  
You release your hold on him and he does the same. You step back with a shy smile and hold out your hand.  
“I’m (Y/N), thought maybe you should know name, seeing as were soulmates and all.”  
He chuckles at you and grasps your hand with his.  
“Alexander, but feel free to call me, Alex.” He smiles at you. “I mean seeing as were soulmates and all.”  
You laugh as your cheeks flush.
“How about we go get some coffee and get to know each other a little better,” he releases your hand only to grab your other.  
You look at your intertwined hands and back up at him.  
“Well, I don’t usually go out with people I've just met, but since your soulmate I guess it's alright.”  
He throws his head back as he laughs and you find you like that, that he was happy, that you made him happy. It made your heart stutter in the most wonderful way.  
“Come on,” he says as he pulls you along.  
You make it to the coffee shop and Alex can’t stop smiling. You keep taking shy glances at him and it takes him a moment to realize your hands hadn’t come unclasped.  
You both ask each other a stream of questions about your respective lives and find you have a similar taste in music.  
“Anyway, my parents wake up and my sister and I are covered in extinguisher fluid, my brother is covered in pancake batter and my mothers favorite carpet is ruined.”  
You laugh retelling the story of how you and your siblings once started a small fire while trying to make pancakes.  
“Oh my god,” he laughs along in disbelief, “what did your parents do?”  
“Well, we were all grounded for one week and banned from ever using the kitchen without their supervision,” you chuckle and shrug. “Wasn’t that bad if you think about it.”  
He chuckles once more before turning serious.  
“Is everything okay?” You ask worriedly.  
“Yeah,” he nods, looking lost in thought. “Its just,” he pauses, “there’s something I want to ask you.”  
“Have you ever heard anyone else before?”  
Your face scrunches up in confusion.  
“The way I heard you today?” He nods. “No, I never have.” You pause, he still looks lost in thought, looking down at the table.  “Have you?”  
He looks up at you now, a small bit of fear in his eyes as his hand tightens for a moment on yours. As if he’s afraid you’ll run away.  
“I”- he starts and stops. “I have.”  
“You have?”  
“Yes, but not just one.” He cringes as he makes his confession.  
“How many?”  
“I have three other soulmates,” he says quickly.  
“Oh my god,” your hand slips from his for the first time since you met, as you place them on your head. “Three soulmates,” you repeat trying to wrap head around it.  
It's not unheard of sure, but three. You just found out you actually had a soulmate and now he has three other soulmates.  
What if they can’t hear me? What if I can’t hear them? What if I only hear one of them? Or two of them? What if they ask him to choose? I can’t ask him to give up his soulmates. What if they don’t like me? What if-  
Your racing thoughts are cut off by Alex’s gentle touch on your arm.  
“Hey, hey, hey,” he says trying to calm you.  “Your thoughts are making me dizzy,” he chuckles.  
“What if"-  
“They would never make me choose and I know they’re going to love you,” he caresses your face. “Everything is going to be okay.”  
You sigh, calming at his touch. He moves to sit next to you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and pull you close.  
“You don’t know that.”  
“I’ve got a feeling,” he says brushing his nose against yours before kissing it.  
You giggle and snuggle into him.  
Everything is going to be okay.  
I promise.  
You smile and look up at him, he smiles down at you and kisses your forehead.  
You decide it’s too much in one day to meet so many soul mates at once so you both decide to do it a few days later. You’re incredibly nervous as Alex walks you up the steps to the apartment, he shares with his other soul mates and quite possibly yours.
He turns to you.  
"You sure you're ready for this?"
You nod and give him a nervous smile.  
He smiles and kisses your hand in his.  
"I told them to be on their best behavior, so don't worry."
You chuckle lightly and squeeze his hand.
You take a deep breath as he opens the door. And you're immediately greeted with an onslaught of thoughts.
Oh, they’re back.
She’s finally here.
Gosh, I really hope all of this works.
Everything is going to be fine, don't worry.
Oui, mon cher, we'll all be alright.
Remember Alex wanted us to try and quiet our thoughts so we don't overwhelm her.
You pause in the doorway as you hear them all at once.
Alex grabs your arms to steady as you sway a bit.
"Are you okay, love?"
You laugh to yourself as you gain your balance and you realize you don't have to worry. You can hear them. All three of them in your head, three distinctive voices. Not only that, but you can feel the same pull you felt with Alex. The strings tying you to your three other soulmates. You look up at Alex.
"I can hear them," you say with a breathless smile.
Four soulmates, there's something I never thought would happen.
"You can?" He smiles brightly at you.  
You nod with the same smile.
"You better start believing baby because we can hear you too."
You and Alex turn to see your three other soulmates, three of the most handsome men you've ever seen.  
The tallest one comes to greet you. His smile is gentle and warm, you're surprised by how much you want to run into his arms.  
"It’s wonderful to meet you, Alex has told us so much about you. My name is Hercules." He gently takes your hand in his and kisses the back of your hand softly.
I don’t think I’ve ever met so many handsome men at once before.
Hercules smiles at you still holding your hand.
"Well, thank you," he chuckles. "I don’t think we’ve ever been graced with a woman as beautiful as you."
Your cheeks redden as you realize they all heard the thought.
You look behind him to see the two other men smiling from ear to ear. They are next to approach you, the one with the French accent is the first to introduce himself.
"I am Gilbert du Montier de Lafayette." He chuckles as your eyes widen. "But you, mon ange, can call me Lafayette."
He kisses your hand, much like Hercules and gives you a dazzling smile.
"And me, baby girl, I’m John Laurens, call me anything you'd like."
I cannot wait to hold you in my arms.
You smile at him.
“Well consider your waiting done.” You hold out your arms to him and he is quick to embrace you.  You giggle as he nuzzles your neck. You’re once again surprised by how right it feels to be in his arms.
Lafayette is next to embrace you after John is convinced to let you go, he quickly goes into Alex’s waiting embrace. Laf holds you close and releases a breath, like he’s been waiting just to hold you and he can finally relax. He kisses your temple before he pulls away and lets Hercules have his turn.  
Herc embraces you gently at first, as if your too precious to hold too tightly. He holds you tighter, when you nuzzle into his chest.  
I hope you can get used to this, cupcake, because it won’t be letting up.
Get used to this? Definitely.  
He chuckles and kisses the top of your head and pulls away slightly to look at you. He caresses your face as you look up at him.  
“You sure you can handle all of us?”
You look away from Hercules and at your three other soulmates, staring at you expectantly with hopeful smiles.
“Can I handle being loved by four incredibly handsome and kind men?” You pretend to think about it, as they laugh. “Yeah,” you nod, “I think I can handle that.”
6 Months Later...
I’m late, I’m late, I’m late, I’m late, I’m late.
You hear Alex’s voice running through your mind, as you get ready on this particularly hectic morning since you all woke up late.
“Shouldn’t he be thinking we’re late,” John says as he slides next to you to fill his thermos with coffee as you hand him Alex’s ready to go. “We do work in the same place.”
You chuckle as you place a soft kiss to his lips and then his cheek.  
“You know how one track minded Alex can be,” you placate him, rubbing his arm.
He pulls you into his arms and kisses your cheek and down to your neck.
“I think I might being getting one track minded with you,” he whispers in your ear making laugh breathlessly.
You pull him away slightly with a smile.
“Your mind should be on work,” you give him a quick kiss before pulling way completely and fixing his suit.
He sighs. 
“But when we get back my minds going back,” he smirks and kisses your cheek.
“That’s fair,” you laugh. “Now, you have to get going.”
You walk behind him and lightly push him out of the kitchen.
“Alex, darling, breakfast,” you catch him just as he’s running past you to the door.  
You hold out a bag for him to take and he grabs it quickly and continues, before pausing turning back and pulling you into his arms and kissing tenderly. He’s pulls away smiling.
“Thank you,” he says as he gives you a last quick peck. “I love you,” he shouts as he walks out the door.
John shakes his head and pulls you into him for a quick kiss of his own.
‘We’ll see you tonight, baby girl,” he kisses your cheek before heading out after Alex.
You laugh to yourself and turn right into Lafayette's arms.
“Have our frantic lovers left, mon ange?” He asks, as he pulls you close and nuzzles your neck.
You giggle softly and play with his hair as he hums into your neck.
“Yes, they just walked out, although I have to say one was far more hectic than the other.”
He feel him laugh into your neck before he pulls back to place a slow, soft kiss to your lips.
“I can’t believe we have to work on a Saturday,” he sighs, resting his forehead against yours.  
“I’m sorry, my love, but at least we’ll all have tonight and tomorrow to spend all together,” you try to soothe him.  
He nods and caresses your cheek.  
“At least,” he kisses you softly once more, before going to the bedroom. 
He walks back out a few minutes later. You’re at the table finishing your coffee, and he lifts your head so you’re looking up at him. You smile and rise up from your seat so you can embrace him. He wraps his arms around you kisses your neck once.
“I will miss you, mon ange,” he says brushing some of your hair from your face.
“The day will fly by, and we’ll all be here waiting when you’re done.”
You smile gently and press your lips to his for a soft kiss.
“Now, go before you’re late, my love.”
He smiles and kisses your hand before heading for the door. You turn to head back to the kitchen, when his voice whispers in your mind.
I love you, mon coeur.
You smile as you turn back to him and think your response.
I love you.
He smiles brightly at you before closing the door behind him. As you begin washing the dishes from the quick breakfast you and Herc made this morning, you feel his arms circle around your waist. He kisses your shoulder as you lean into him.  
“I’m glad I only have to go in a couple hours today.”
“I know at least I get one of you for most of the day,” you reply turning in his arms. “That's the benefit of having multiple soulmates, you’ll always have one of them with you.”
He laughs and kisses your temple, cheek and places a tender kiss to your lips.  
“Truly a wonderful benefit, cupcake,” he bumps your nose with his before lifting you into his arms.
“Babe!” You giggle in surprise.
“I think we should get in some quality cuddles while we miss our soulmates together.”
“A wise suggestion, love,” you nod seriously in agreement.
He smiles wide as he jumps on the bed with you in his arms making you laugh in unison.
Later that evening as you’re snuggled in bed with all your lovers you sigh in contentment.  
Happy, baby girl?
You laugh as you snuggle deeper into Johns chest.  
With all of you? Always.
He pulls you closer and kisses the top of your head.
I am also happiest with you, mes amours.
Laf chimes in, from behind John.
I love you all so much.  
Alex is next to think out from behind you.
Nothing is better than this.
Herc is the last to say, as you all snuggle in closer.  
You never thought you could be lucky enough to end up with one soulmate, but now you had four and they were they best people you had ever met. You had never felt more loved, more cherished, or more complete in your life. Of course, you could say that’s a given once you’ve found your soulmate, but you’re pretty positive you’ve got the best ones out there. And as you slip into sleep you’re further convinced of the fact as you hear a gentle chorus of ‘I love yous’ in your mind.  
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katie-writes24 · 4 years
Avoid The Bumps
Pairing: Lafayette x reader
Warnings: SMUT, fingering, light d/s undertones, public sex, language, translated French and fucking LAFAYETTE in general
What...me? Posting two fics in a week? Not me! AND it’s a smut? Wow. Yay me. Anyway. So, yeah. I wrote this months ago, though slightly altered. It was originally a poly!hamilsquad short fic, and I can still put that out if y’all want. But I’m proud of this. I don’t really know what made me think of this, but I do know it came to me one night at 2am, you know, when ALL my ideas come to me. So, enjoy! Let me know if you want to be tagged, and, as always, feedback is appreciated! ENJOY!
Road trips weren't always that great.
In saying that, Y/N had a blast on the way to Virginia, full of laughs, jamming to music, and junking out in the car. She was with her favorite people, and never thought that being in such a tight, small space could be so much fun.
Yet, on the drive back, it was uneventful; maybe everyone was just tired from the built up energy from the past few days, and it slowly came to a stop. They mostly slept, played music at a low volume.
Currently, John was in the middle seat, leaning his head on Hercules shoulder while Alex had his head in John's lap, all sleeping. Y/N was leaning against the window in the passenger seat and Lafayette was driving.
Y/N saw a sign reading that home was only sixty more miles. Thank god. She could already feel her bed, warm and welcoming, she couldn't wait.
Y/N startled as her hand was picked up, interlocking with Lafayette's. "What are you thinking about, ma amour?"
His tone fit the mood, light and quiet. It was late afternoon, and the sun was hitting just right on his skin, practically glowing. He was beautiful, absolutely beautiful.
"My bed," She answered honestly, and it made Laf scoff.
"You mean our bed, non?" He raised a brow questionably.
"Nope, when I get home it's mine. Nobody else allowed, just me and the pillows and sheets."
Laf rolled his eyes, "Whatever you say, cherie, goes."
She squeezed his hand and lifted it to her mouth, giving it a long kiss. Laf glanced over at her behavior, smirking before turning his eyes back on the road.
"Should we stop and get some food before we head back into town?" Y/N rubbed her thumb against his hand and he hummed.
"Sure," Laf looked at the big, green billboard and smirked. "Next stop is another twenty miles."
In the rearview, the boys were out like a light. Alex’s snores were loud, and John was drooling onto Herc’s shoulder. The latter had his headphones on, making it impossible to hear anything. Laf hummed to himself.
He moved their linked hands to her thigh, and Laf squeezed once. "You alright?"
Y/N nodded and leaned her head back on the window. Licking his lips, he lowered his tone, "Why don't you unbutton your shorts, ma ange?"
He saw her head bounce back up from the glass, swallowing hard. She looked behind her before whispering, "The boys are asleep."
"Then we better not wake them," Laf turned to look at her surprised expression, switching lanes after.
Several seconds passed before she released his hand and started unbuttoning her shorts, sliding the zipper down slowly. Y/N was worried that he would crash, but then again, she's seen him around the kitchen- the man could multitask.
Laf's hand crawled up her thigh, squeezing lightly before palming her through the shorts. Y/N let out a shaky breath, biting her lip and watching the road ahead.
“Relax, Y/N.” Her boyfriend said softly, pressing the heel of his hand down on her clit.
Laf moved his hand into her shorts, passing her underwear and diving straight towards her pussy. The pressure made Y/N shake, closing her eyes and covering her mouth with her hand, leaning back against the window.
She had learned two things about Lafayette during sex: he was an ass kinda guy, and his long fingers came in handy in the best ways. They never failed to make her shudder, and even though he liked to take his time, she could have them in her forever.
He started pumping his index finger in her folds slowly. The seat beneath her creaked as she sunk into it and lifted her right leg onto the seat, giving him better access. He took this opportunity and shoved another finger in without warning. Y/N gasped and gripped his arm with her free hand.
Laf spared a glance; her face was blissed out, eyelids hanging low, jaw clenched in order to keep quiet. He wished he could view her properly, but he brought this on while driving, their lives were in his hands.
When she clenched around him, Laf couldn't help but chuckle deep. If that's how she wants to play it. He quickly started thrusting his fingers in her, barely hearing the delicious squelch of her juices over the soft tune of the radio.
Y/N felt like she couldn't breathe, she wanted to scream out, beg for more, beg for anything more.
Yet, if she woke up her friends in the backseat, not only would she be embarrassed but they could cause a distraction, and make Laf swerve. She didn't want to be discovered dead with her shorts undone.
His rhythm made her whimper, finding herself lifting her hips to meet his brutal thrusts. A third finger almost made her cry out, but Laf quickly drew away before slamming right back in, adding his thumb against her clit. Y/N looked over at him; his grip on the wheel made his bicep flex, making her whimper softly.
Lafayette truly could make everything sexy.
Leaning her weight against the window, she clenched around his fingers and came hard, lips thinned and a hand covering her mouth. It was a pulsing feeling, literally. She felt a weight lift off her shoulders, though she doesn't know where it came from.
Laf pulled his fingers out and licked them clean, making Y/N clench again.
She met his gaze as he smirked at her. The Frenchman blew a kiss at her and mouthed, “good girl.”
Y/N let out a shuddering breath, buttoning up her shorts and trying to get her heart rate to come down.
For good measure, she checked to make sure the three boys were still sleeping, and, thank god, they turned out to be in the same position they had been in before.
She looked over at the smug bastard in the driver seat and looked down to find he had his own problem.
She smirked herself, “Think you could be quiet now, Gilbert?”
Let me know if you want to be tagged!!
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daveedstan · 4 years
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there are not enough words in the english lexicon to explain what this picture does to me. i just can’t
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astralaffairs · 4 years
musée d'orsay 01 | g. lafayette TEASER
title: musée d'orsay 01 | playlist
pairing: lafayette x reader
words: 10k-ish in the full chapter
warnings: not much. meet-ugly instead of ur regularly scheduled meet-cute, lafayette’s coat collection, all the dialogue is actually in french i swear, lafayette is filthy rich
desc: when the desperate postgrad shows up in stubborn pursuit of a particular painting (and yes, it has to be that one), the new conservator can’t seem to catch a break.
tags: @stargazelaurens @ivory-haired-queens @exoticxchicken8 @assbuttstyles777 @distinguishedpotsticker @fukaaaaaaaa @hereforthepsyche-assessment @ivetoldamillionlies @fangirl570 @thealaddinkid @lasciviouspeach @shy-and-awkward-daveed @rachelhermionerose @soft-weeb-s @gryffinclxw @anamrnk @daveeddiggsit @ayayayayana @marinovakovich @cryinghazelnutt @thefandomgirl03 @a-hopeless-fan @cloudynblw @tinywhim @lolidunnoaboutnow @siriusorionblackiii @fanfic-addict-98 (lowkey this is just the fotp taglist bc i pasted the header on this so lmk if u wanna be removed lmao)
"Excuse me?" Lafayette called out down the hall, stopping the woman headed the opposite direction in her tracks, and she gave a heavy sigh. She turned. "What?" she asked, folding her arms, but when she caught sight of Lafayette, she had to lift her gaze by about another foot. "I need to— I have somewhere to be. And you can't have your coffee in here. Either finish it or throw it away." Although the hostility in her stature gave him pause, it didn't deter him from approaching her tentatively. He ignored her latter statement. "Do you work here?" he asked, and she nodded. "I have been looking for a painting by Gustave Caillebotte for the past hour, and I have had no luck. I need to know where it's housed; can you point me in the right direction?" "Everything we have from Caillebotte is on the third floor, room 31. You could've checked the map." With that, she began stalking off in the other direction, but he frowned, glancing down at the map he had in hand. As though he hadn't consulted it at least twenty times in sixty minutes. "Wait, please, just a moment." When he continued after her, she wore a scowl. She'd made it a considerable distance in the few seconds he'd paused, but his long strides caught up with her easily, and as he came up beside her, she raised an irked eyebrow. "I have been through room 31, as well as the entire wing of impressionist paintings. It is not there." She glanced up at him. "Check again." "Please, is it not your job to help visitors to the museum?" he asked, and she didn't even turn her head. "I'm a conservator, not customer service," she replied, the words terse. "Find someone else." "I have been looking, but no one knows," he lamented. "Would you give me just a moment of your time?" "Have I not made it clear enough that I'm busy?" She paused for only a moment, pursed her lips and looked at him as he took another sip of his coffee. "And throw away your coffee before you spill it on a Degas." "How would I spill my coffee onto a painting?" At his incredulous tone, the woman scoffed, rolling her eyes, and she promptly turned on her heel, decidedly done entertaining his questions. His eyes widened. "No, wait! I'm sorry," he called after her. "There is only one painting I'm looking for. Can you at least tell me if it's been moved to the archives?" Lafayette's plea was met with silence, and he huffed, trying to catch up to her. "Please, I'm desperate. I need to find this painting before the end of the semester. I'm studying art history, and--" He looked down at her, his breathing picking up as he tried to keep her pace, and he furrowed his brow. "Would you slow down?" Once again, all he received in return was a scowl. "I cannot fail my final for the fall. The paper I am writing is worth fifty percent of my grade." His distress was clear in his tone, and while guilt flickered across the woman's face, if only for a moment, her resolve was firm. "I looked it up, and the museum website says that it is here somewhere, but it clearly is not on display." She turned a corner as he glanced down at his map, and in the moment he wasn't looking, he thought he'd lost her. He picked up the pace. "Please, miss, I—" "Can you just—?" She turned abruptly to him, fuming, just at the moment that he reached out to grab her arm, trying to catch up, but his skidding to a halt wasn't quite quick enough.
She gasped when they collided, and Lafayette immediately took a step back, eyes wide in horror when he saw her. His black coffee was no longer in his to-go cup but instead spilled all down her shirt. She winced as it seeped through her clothing, almost certainly scalding her skin. Lafayette was frozen.
When she looked up, there was fury in her eyes, and he visibly swallowed.
Neither of them moved.
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thenonsenseuniverse · 5 years
Coffee Cups and Leather Jackets pt. 7
Hamilton Modern Au Hamilsquad x Reader Thomas Jefferson x Reader PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4, PART 5, PART 6, PART 7
Summary: After finally getting away from ‘The King’, You decide that maybe it’s time you talk to Jefferson about his own interests in you. Meanwhile, the Hamilsquad decide to come up with a plan to get Y/N at The Blue Coats. Washington confronts them.
          You had been sitting through dinner with these three imbeciles for about an hour and a half, and you could feel your self-control slipping. Within that hour and a half, all Sam, Charles, and George had discussed a range of things from how the school should stop accepting lower classmen as they only tarnish its ivy league reputation, to insulting the Hamilsquad, to simply talking about their classes. Throughout these discussions, George’s hand seemed to be restless on your skin. It went from your shoulder, to hand, to your knee, before finally resting on your thigh. You didn’t like his touch, but you played along. 
“What I don’t understand is why, despite being the smartest and most powerful man in the school, we’re still not liked by the student body. Hamilton humiliated me in front of the entire student body when I was giving my proclamation on how the student body should be behaving and how we should be treated. He called me a dog!” Samuel whined putting his head on the table. 
You sighed, growing tired of being submissive, and turned to him. “Do yo-you ever think th-that m-m-maybe it’s for that very reason that pep-uh-people disrespect yo-you?” They all went quiet and looked at you. You shrunk back into George’s chest shyly. “I-I-I mean, p-people don’t like, um, like being t-to-told what t-t-to do. People like the H-Hamilsquad believe in f-freed-dom, and th-that people should be a-b-ble to be them s-s-selves n-no matter who th-they are or wh-where they come f-from. So of c-course it’s going t-t-to upset th-them if you outright oppose them. Inst-stead of working against their be-believes, you n-need to allow them t-to pr-prove themselves wrong. Th-then provide th-them the resources to see th-things yo-your way. “
Charles rose a suspicious eyebrow at you. “Are you saying that our King is wrong? He is never wr-”
“Oh do shut up, Charles.” George cut him off as he stared ahead thoughtfully. “ So you’re saying I should let them go, have their independence, and let them realize just how much they truly need me when their alone and complaining of their own?” You nodded, and he hummed in agreement as he smiled down at you. “I suppose that is what happened to you, isn’t it? I gave you a little more space than usual, and next thing I know, you’ve come to senses about those scum and now your here with me.”
Huh. You hadn’t thought about it that way. You, of course, knew that wasn’t the case, but simply nuzzled deeper against his chest. You could practically feel him grin as he began to run his fingers through your hair. 
“Y/N has a point, boys. This strategy would take much less time and energy and we wouldn’t have to use our sources through the school as much.” You slightly narrowed your eyebrows at this but said nothing. George brought his fingers under your chin and smiled at you. “I always knew you would be of great value to us, Y/N. You’ve only been part of the group for a day and already your slipping into your role by my side.”
A chill ran down your spine at his words. You didn’t like his tone or the way he was looking at you right now. You needed to end this. 
You smiled up at him. “Thank you, my King, it's good to know that at least someone appreciates me.” You then let out a subtle yawn and glanced down at your watch. “However, as wonderful as this day with you has been, I’m exhausted and-”
George sighed and chuckled. “Of course, I completely forgot. You have English with Mr. Green tomorrow at 8pm.” You felt your blood go cold slightly. He knew your schedule, apparently, he knew your history, and he no doubt had more knowledge on you as well. This means that this man knows more about you than anyone except your family. You didn’t like this. George seemed to pick up on your confused fear and ruffled your hair. “Don’t look like that, it wasn’t too hard to find out your schedule. Just a matter of pulling a few strings within the administration's office. Your information is safe with me.” He snapped his fingers and signaled for everyone to rise. “Come on, we’re taking Y/N back to their dorm. They have a midterm to study for.” The more he talked the less at ease you felt. 
He wrapped an arm around your waist as you were leaving. “You know, if you need help, Samuel is majoring in English. I mean, not that your grades are slacking, they’re stellar actually. But Samuel is our communications and English expert, I handle all the business and sciences and Charles...” He paused for a moment before sighing. “Well Charles is trying his best, but he’s loyal; I’ll give him that.”
After that, they did as promised. George got the driver to bring them to your dorm and kissed your hand before you left. “We’ll save you a seat at our table at lunch, Darling. Be sure to be there.” His words were final and left no room for you to say otherwise. He then flashed you a bright smile and waved as the car pulled away. 
The moment it was out of your sight you let out a huge breath as all tension left your body. “Well, that was fucked up.” You mumbled under your breath as you entered your dorm. 
As you entered the comfort of your bedroom, you reflected on the past week or so.
You finally confronted your shitty friends on their shitty behavior and dumped their asses
You met Jefferson and his friends on the same day. Which, to be honest, it was kind of creepy, but you were too sad and lonely to notice at the time.
And finally, you just went on the equivalent of a date with your long term stalker as per Jefferson’s request and am now scared to leave your dorm lest you be followed by his perverted ass. 
When had your life become so dramatic? When had you allowed it to become this? 
The image of a magenta leather jacket flashed in your mind.  Jefferson. Looking back on your first interaction with him, it all seemed staged. There were similarities between how he treated you at that moment and how George treated you when you pretended to be in that same situation. They both desired to manipulate your pain to get what they wanted. They both seemed to have extensive knowledge about you, George more so than Jefferson. 
Was it possible that Jefferson was hiding things from you? Aaron had briefly mentioned that he had been obsessed with you at some point. 
But why? What so interesting about quiet little Y/N? Why did both Jefferson and George, arguably two of the most powerful students on campus, deem you worthy of their attention?
Just thinking about all of it gave you a headache. You’d deal with it tomorrow, for now, you had to sleep. George was right about one thing, you had class in the morning and if you didn’t want to be a sleep-deprived zombie you had to go to bed now. 
You curled up under the covers and allowed sleep to overcome you.
At the same time, across town, the Hamilsquad was entering The Blue Coats.
They were exhausted. Ever since they had seen Jefferson and Y/N at the cafe a couple days ago, they had been working non-stop to come up with a plan to get them back. However, nothing seemed to be good enough. 
Laurens plopped himself onto the nearest bar stool and slumped his head against the counter. “What are we going to do?” He groaned.
Alex scoffed and joined him. “There’s not much we can do with Jefferson spewing non-sense in their ear.”
Herc shook his head as he took his seat. “No there’s got to be away. I mean she just met Jefferson. She’s known us for over a year and a half. Yeah, we fucked up, but the fact of the matter is that she knows us.” 
They all turned to Laf as he silently sat down staring intently at the counter. Alexander rose an eyebrow at his behavior when suddenly he was hit with an idea.
“What! Laf is friends with Jefferson. He can get inside information for us.” 
The Frenchman sighed and looked up. “I do know him, but we’re not quite friends. More like he did me a favor once and now I owe him once.” He narrowed his eyebrows as he turned to them. “What confuses me is Jefferson never does anything without a reason. Everything is planned out and done with precision. So what does he want from Y/N?”
As they asked themselves this question, Washington appeared from the back and seemed to relax at their present. “Ah, boys! I was hoping I’d see you tonight.”
Hercules smiled at him. “G. Wash! What’s up? It has been a while since we’ve last been in.”
Washington batted off the welcome and looked at the with an air of authority and seriousness. “Can any of you contact Y/N? They were here earlier tonight with some...questionable company and didn’t seem entirely at ease. I want to make sure that they’re okay.”
The boys glanced at each other as Alex let out another groan of frustration. “I know! They’ve been hanging out with that no good Thomas Jefferson and-”
Washington frowned at his words. “They weren’t with Jefferson. Although that makes me worry even more. I trust that man about as far as I can throw. But no, they were here with that nasty little shit George and his posse. I offered them an angel shot, but they denied it. The whole thing just felt off.”
The entire Hamilsquad felt their blood run cold. Y/N hated George. He was a stalker, creepy, and possessive. He had been trying to get his grimy little hands on them since the moment he saw them. They had always been there to protect them though, always there to stop it. 
Why would they go out with George willingly? Why would they put themselves in danger like that?
“Oh Y/N,” John whimpered out. “What have you gotten yourself into?”
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knowltonsrangers · 1 year
9 for Gilbert? It fits him so well 💜💜
9: when it's hard for them to contain a smile, so they grin so wide it lights up your world >>>
TURN!Marquis de Lafayette x reader
[a/n: glitchhhh of course 💕💕]
Across the room, it’s difficult to keep your eyes on the book in front of you. Every time you look up, he’s staring right back at you, much to the annoyance of those around him. They were trying to work on something, to which the group effort would be explained, but all he keeps mumbling on about has nothing relevant to add.
He can’t help it, especially sitting in such a seat with a perfect line of vision to you.
Tapping the exterior cover of your book, you look down once more, a smile yourself brewing on your lips. It’s hard to not, with the way he looks at you so lovingly, and the more you look away, the harder it becomes to resist the urge to take another sparing glance.
Someone in his group taps him, asking him if he’s alright, to which the Frenchman nods eagerly, finally tearing his gaze from you to shuffle the stack of papers in his grasp.
“…lover boy.”
You hear one of them say, to which you’re caught once more staring at him. As he looks at his own information in front of him, talking, arguing with his group, you are free to watch the passion that comes across his rosy cheeks.
You stifle a laugh, knuckles coming to your lips as someone mentions how they were on a completely unrelated topic.
“Oh? Oh, my apologies, I just wanted to add—“
The giggle you emit does little to help his recovering brain, and when he looks up to meet your eyes, he finds it extremely hard to contain his smile. You even see his teeth come to bite his bottom lip, attempting to suffocate the laugh back into his throat.
It’s futile, so the effort seems, as you watch once more the way the smile breaks over his entire face, and your heart thrums wildly in your chest.
He seemingly recovers, beginning to talk about something relevant, much to his groups satisfaction. Yet he never looses sight of your smile, and your book suddenly doesn’t seem so interesting any more.
The look he gives you, speaks more than any words could.
One more minute, then I am all yours.
You nod, fingers fiddling with a page, yet you never flip it.
When not a minute more passes, his group stands, shaking hands, agreeing on one last thing before departing.
Hurriedly, you turn back to your book, watching their shoes as they leave, counting them and their voices until all that remains is a pair of shoes standing directly in front of you, stealing your heart with a simple set of words.
“All finished. Let us go home, my love.”
His hand comes out, and you close your book, taking his hand as he pulls you to stand.
Nothing could make your day like that smile of his, especially when it was reserved just for you.
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gray-anxiety · 5 years
More AC3 remastered featuring Lafayette (that looks like a r a t )
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obiwan824 · 7 years
A Week- Poly! Hamilsquad x Reader x Poly! Southern Democratic Republicans Part Two
A/N: This is pretty much the first chapter, the other one was a prologue. We’re going back in time to how the relationship started (this is mainly hamilsquad this chapter!)
Life for Y/N and her boyfriends wasn’t the usual lifestyle. People would stare at them on the streets, mock her and call her insults and hurt her. At the end of the day, her boys would take care of her and comfort her, and it was all worth it.
Right now, however, she found it hard to block out the hate.
“FOUR?” someone exclaimed, his face red with anger. “I can’t believe this! You were our best employee, Y/L/N!”
She bit her lip at her boss. “Am,” Y/N corrected, feeling tears begin to drip down her face. “I’m not gone, sir-”
He let out a dark chuckle. “If you think I’m going to have a greedy little-”
“Stop. Right. There.” a voice drawled from the doorway. Her boss smirked at Y/N.
“What, are you one of her little playthings?” He turned to face the figure in the doorway only to step back in alarm. “Mr- Mr. Washington, sir-”
“Berating a perfectly good employee?” Washington scolded, entering the room. “For revealing her lifestyle to you? For confiding in you? I am disgusted, Lee, disgusted by your behavior.”
Charles swallowed hard. Without another word he gathered up his things and left, taking down the plaque outside the door claiming the office as his. Shaking his head, George Washington turned back to Y/N, helping her off the floor where she had fallen at some point in the argument. For once, George let her embrace him, letting her lean against his chest and cry.
“Y/N, if I may ask, are your partners a part of this business?”
She shifted uncomfortably and turned away. “I-I don’t know if I should-” she thought it over. Her boys did trust Washington with their lives- he was a father to Alex and John, and even Laf. She shook her head. “Some of them, yeah.”
George nodded. “Hamilton is very popular in the press, you know,” he said after a moment. She looked up in surprise. “If one were to be- romantically involved with him, or with Mr. Jefferson, one would- hypothetically- have to keep it a secret.”
She nodded slowly. “If one were, hypothetically, involved with Mr. Hamilton,” she emphasized the name. “They would have to keep it a secret.”
“Good girl.” he nodded once and led her to his office, taking note that his “son” has chosen the best possible woman as his partner. He had a small smile on his face for the rest of the day.
When she bumped into the tall figure on her way out, she crashed to the floor, instantly hurting her foot. She let out a cry of pain.
“I am so, so sorry!” someone exclaimed, setting down a cane and a stack of papers. The figure crouched down to meet her eyes. Her heart fluttered with excitement, her face began to turn pink- with his brown eyes and wild brown curls, Jefferson was everything she had remembered and more. Upon seeing her, however, his eyes narrowed. “Oh. It’s Hamilton’s little plaything. Doesn’t matter if you get hurt, he’ll find another cheap thing in a few days.”
She wanted to think of an insult or something to say until her eyes began to fill with tears. Between the pain and the slur, she couldn’t handle any more pain. Arms wrapped around her legs and face buried in her knees, Y/N began to sob. “Please just go away.”
Thomas softened, his heart broke- he hadn’t meant to do this. He was expecting a sarcastic reply or an insult. To be honest, he had never given the woman a chance- although she was beautiful and smart, she was obviously with Hamilton. The looks of love and adoration between the two had not gone unnoticed. “I’m sorry. Can you stand?”
She took no time to dwell on his sudden kindness. “No.”
“Let me,” he insisted, scooping her up bridal-style. She began to panic.
“No, I- if my boyfriend-”
Thomas smiled down at her. “Don’t worry, I’ll keep you out of Hamilton’s sight.”
Y/N frowned. “It’s not just that-”
Thomas cut her off with a look and carried her back to her office, setting her down on her chair. She let out a shaky breath. “Are you alright? I’ll go get Hamilton-”
“Actually,” she interrupted, looking embarrassed. “Could you get John Laurens?”
Jefferson raised his eyebrows but went and got John. When they returned, Laurens was all over Y/N.
“Baby girl, are you alright?”
Y/N’s cheeks turned red. “John… Jefferson…”
John’s eyes widened. He froze and slowly spun around to face Thomas, who was smirking at them.
“Well, well, well…”
“You won’t say anything-” John demanded, clenching his fists. “P-please.”
Thomas smiled. “How many of there are you?”
Laurens looked to his girlfriend for help. When she looked down, he sighed. “Just- just come over for dinner?”
After carrying Y/N home with Alexander in the passenger seat, John had to tell Herc and Laf the bad news. Hercules seemed uncomfortable, but Lafayette smiled.
“This is wonderful, is it not, mes amours? You know how well Thomas and I get along- it’s about time my friends know of our relationship!”
Hercules bit his lip but nodded. “You wouldn’t have to avoid him in the office anymore.”
“That doesn’t mean I won’t do it,” Alexander said, continuing to braid Y/N’s hair. Once finding out that she had been hurt, the boys became mother ducklings- she had been carried to the couch where she sat on Herc’s lap, Alex sat next to her doing her hair. Laf and John were on the other couch across from them.
Laf chuckled. “I’d better get cooking.”
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iwritetopassthetime · 5 years
Courtships and Orchids Masterlist
Tumblr media
Chapter One: An (Unwanted) Arrival
Chapter Two: Propositions, propositions
Chapter Three: New York
Chapter Four: Undesired Surprises and Blissful Outcomes
Chapter Five: Family Forests and Enchanting Flowers
Chapter Six: Dinner Surprises and Unfamiliar Sensations
Chapter Seven: Home
Chapter Eight: Proposals, proposals
AO3 Version
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New Discoveries (PolyhamilsquadxReader)
A/N: Hello lovelies! I hope you’re all well. Here is another request! I hope you enjoy this anon! This request was hamilsquad discovering the reader is ticklish! I hope you like it anon! As always I’m wishing all the best and sending you all my love.
It was a casual Saturday afternoon and you were lounging in your boyfriends living room.  Alex and Lafayette were snuggled up on the love seat, while you were cuddled up between John and Hercules. You were laying back against Hercules with your legs strewn over Johns lap. He was lazily running his fingers up down your legs and he slowly made his trail higher to your side.
You were completely content, when Johns fingers brushed against your side and you jumped a little and couldn’t contain your giggle. The boys immediately turned to look at you.
“Are you ticklish, baby girl?” Johns asks with a wide grin.
“Maybe,” you reply with a coy smile.
“Mon ange, we did not know this,” Laf voice is full of wonder and excitement.
“Its a new discovery,” Herc smiles down at you and runs his fingers down your side, making you laugh and wiggle again, making all the boys laugh along.
“I think we should properly test out this new theory,” Alex say as he rises from his seat.
You start to sit up and smirk as your feet touch the ground.  
“You’ll have to catch me first.”
You bolt up from your place on the couch just barely missing Alex's reach.
You sprint around the kitchen and you know john has joined the chase by the sound of the foot steps. You catch a glimpse of Hercules grinning form the couch and Lafayette going to join his side as you sprint down the hallway.
“Should we interrupt, mon couer?” He asks while snuggling into Hercs side.
He laughs as he replies, pulling Laf closer.
“We’ll give them a few minutes.”
You make a quick turn down the hallway and decide to go into the bedroom. You quickly hide in the closet as your hear John and Alex slip down the hallway giving you a few seconds of time. They run into the bedroom a few seconds later.
“Where is she?” John wonders.
“I could’ve sworn I saw her come in here,” Alex squints his eyes, looking around.
You cover your mouth to hold in your giggle.
“Let's go check the office,” you hear Alex say.  
You smile triumphantly from hiding spot thinking you’ve fooled them. You slowly open the door, trying to be as quiet as possible. Just as you fully step out you’re pulled into Alex’s chest and you squeal as John lifts you into his arms and jumps on the bed. Alex and John tickle your sides and you laugh out and wiggle around on the bed.  
“I surrender!” You laugh out as they continue.
“What was that?” Alex inquires, pausing just a moment as John does the same.
“I surrender,” you answer breathless.
“You sure?” John asks this time leaning in closer.
You nod seriously. You wait as they both move in closer to kiss you and as they’re distracted you quickly move out from under them.
“Hey,” they both shout in unison.
You don’t get far as Alex grabs you and pulls you back onto the bed, as you laugh out.
“You think you’re so funny, huh?”
He and John begin their onslaught once more.
“Okay, okay!” You laugh. “I surrender for real this time!”
“What?” John pretends not to hear you.
“Couldn’t make that out, love.”
“Someone save me,” you shout out so Herc and Laf could hear you.
A few moments later you hear footsteps coming down the hall.  
“Alright, alright, that’s enough,” you hear Hercules voice, “leave our lovely lady be.”
John and Alex both pause, and chuckle as you catch your breath. Lafayette comes to pick you up holding you in his arms.
“Oui, mes amours, she must be handled delicately,” he says as he kisses your cheek and nose gently.  
You smile and nuzzle into him. He sets you down and Hercules is waiting to embrace you. You quickly jump into his arms.  
“How can I ever thank you for your grand rescue?” You ask dramatically.
“A kiss is all ask of you sweet lady,” he plays along with you not missing a beat.
“I’m more than happy to oblige, kind sir,” you reply reaching up to press your lips to his.  
You pull apart, resting your foreheads together and laugh.
“I’m feeling very neglected right now,” Alex pouts.
“Me too, babe,” John joins.
You turn to them and look at them both sympathetically.
“I’m sorry, my loves, you’re right.”
You smile widely as you tackle the pair on the bed and press kisses to each of their faces, reciting, ‘I love you, I love you, I love you’, in between each kiss. They both held you close laughing and trying to match every kiss you gave.  
The three of you smiled at each other. Herc and Laf looked loving at the three of you.
“May we join, mes amours?”
“Thats the only thing that would make this even better,” you answer.
Herc and Laf both jump on the bed, Laf pulling you into his arms and nuzzling your neck.
Alex turns to face you. “That was a fun new discovery,” he smiled gently, brushing hair away from your face.  
“I hope we can discover a lot more,” John smiles.  
“Well, we have time,” Herc looks lovingly at you.  
“As long as you’ll keep me.”
“Forever then,” Laf replies, holding you close and kisses you behind you ear.
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hamilton-fic-writer · 5 years
I’d love you just the same
Request: 67 Laf x reader? -marvelmojito
67: I think I’m pregnant
Pairing: Lafayette x Reader
Warnings: Possible pregnancy, a little anxiety
Word count: 1,058
A/N: This was super fun to write! My requests are currently open, so feel free to send in an ask! You can find the rules here! My prompts list is linked in the post
Y/N sat on the floor of the bathroom, knees drawn to her chest. Her mind raced and her entire body felt cold. There’s no way this could be happening. Her and Lafayette had been careful. Using all sorts of protection and always cleaning up afterwards. Where could they have slipped up? Maybe she was overthinking all of this, maybe she wasn’t pregnant.
She reached up onto the counter and grabbed her phone. She turned it on and was greeted by a picture of her and Laf. It was from their trip to the statue of liberty. Y/N was laughing with her boyfriend as he rested his chin on her head. Y/N couldn’t help but smile slightly at the memory.
You know, she was a gift from the french
Yes Laf, you told me several times
She wanted to call him so badly. For him to calm her down and tell her everything was going to be okay. She wanted to, but couldn’t. What if he didn’t want a baby? What if he was furious? Laf had never gotten angry with Y/N in all the years they’d been together. Even when she’d completely deserved it. Y/N knew this, and yet she still dreaded the thought of telling him.
She entered her contacts and scrolled through them. Who could she trust in this situation? That’s when she saw Eliza’s name come across the screen. She would be understanding, everyone always joked about how she was the “mom friend”. She tapped on the contact and held the phone up to her ear. Y/N bit her lip as the phone rang. Maybe she miscalculated when she was supposed to have her period. Maybe she just had the stomach flu.
“Hey Y/N!” Eliza’s cheery voice cut into her thoughts. Sounds of children’s voices could be heard in the background.
“Hey ‘Liza, is this a bad time?” Y/N asked, realizing that she must be at work.
“No no, it’s fine, just one second” Eliza reassured her. Y/N waited for a moment until the little voices stopped. “I was just leaving work, what’s up?” Y/N felt the knot in her stomach tighten.
“I.. uhm… I need a favor and... you can’t tell Laf ” Y/N mumbled into the phone. Eliza paused.
“Of course honey, what’s wrong?” She asked, immediately picking up on Y/N’s worry.
“Could you… I need you to bring over a pregnancy test” The other line went silent. Y/N wondered if Eliza had hung up for some reason.
“Y/N you shouldn’t be afraid to ask Lafayette to do this. He’s the most understanding man ever” Eliza said.
“No!” Y/N blurted “I...I just want to figure this out before he knows anything”
Eliza sighed. It didn’t sound like she was annoyed, just defeated. She wasn’t going to fight Y/N on this
“Okay, this is for you to decide. I’ll be over in a few minutes” she said.
“Thanks ‘Liza” Y/N whispered and hung up. Just as she pressed the red ‘hang up’ button, her stomach lurched. She threw herself over the toilet and silently begged for Eliza to arrive quicker. Or Lafayette. Or anybody. She just didn’t know how much longer she could take being alone with her thoughts. Several minutes passed and she could hear the front door open.
“Eliza? I’m in here! Do you have it?” Y/N called out down the hall. She heard Laf chuckling down the hall and her heart sank.
“No Eliza here! Just moi!” He called back. Y/N’s eyes darted around, trying to think of something to say, but nothing came.
“Is she coming over?” Laf asked as the front door closed. Y/N remained silent, and Laf seemed to notice.
“Y/N? Cheri?” He called. Still nothing. Y/N could feel herself growing more and more nervous. Her palms were sweating and the color was draining from her face.
“Y/N? Is everything okay?” Laf asked, sounding a little more worried. Footsteps approached the bathroom and Lafayette appeared in the doorway. Y/N’s eyes widened as they locked onto his. “Y/N, why are you on the floor? What’s wrong?” He asked as her rushed over to her side.
He took her hands in his, patiently waiting for a response. His hands still felt cold from being outside, yet they still felt so inviting. Y/N bit her lip and closed her eyes.
“I think I’m pregnant” She whispered. It felt as though a thousand pound weight had been lifted off her chest. However, she still hadn’t seen Laf’s reaction. She slowly opened her eyes and looked up at Laf’s face. He looked shocked. His eyes were wide and his mouth was slightly ajar. Y/N quickly let go of his hands to hide her face.
“I-I’m sorry… I shouldn’t have said any-” Y/N stammered until Laf cut her off by cupping her face with her hands. As her face lifted, she could feel tears fall.
“Amour, there is no reason to be sorry. Pregnant or not… I still love you. If you are pregnant, I will love our bebe just the same” He said soothingly.
“Of course”
Y/N smiled and rested her head onto his chest. His arms wrapped around her, pulling her into a comfortable embrace. They sat there for several minutes before a knock on the door flew down the hallway. Y/N lifted her head from Laf's chest.
“That’s Eliza, I asked her to bring over a pregnancy test” Y/N blushed, feeling embarrassed now. Laf giggled and stood up.
“I’ll go let her in” Laf said gesturing to the door. Y/N nodded and he left. He made his way down the hallway and opened the front door. Sure enough, Eliza stood on the other side, a pink box in her hands. She made eye contact with Laf and quickly fumbled the box behind her back.
“Laf! Hi! Uh, I was just in the area and thought I would… stop by” Eliza spluttered.
“It’s fine Eliza, Y/N told me everything” Lafayette chortled.
“Oh thank god…” Eliza sighed, letting her hands drop to her sides, revealing the test. He let out another laugh and lead her to the bathroom. Y/N looked up as they entered. She smiled, feeling ready.
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yae-lover · 6 years
Washington: Alexander, go to sleep.
Hamilton: sLEEP IS FOR THE W E A K?!!?! *drank too much coffee*
Washington: Son.
Hamilton: i'M NOT YOUR S O N!!!! *Shaking*
Hamilton: F u CK YOU!!!
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to-write-ornah · 6 years
Oh, Baby
A/N: idk what this is but it's cute
Warnings: none?
Pairing: Lafayette x reader (modern au)
You were practically bouncing out of your seat. Your plane landed in half an hour, and once you got past baggage claim, you would finally be able to see your fiancé. Gazing out the window, you marveled at how different New York was from Paris. You were also glad you'd decided to sleep for most of the nine hour flight. Catching your reflection in the window, you decided to go freshen up before landing.
Fixing your hair and makeup in the small bathroom, your thoughts turned again to your fiancé, as well as the friends he had promised to introduce you to. You were excited to see Lafayette, but also incredibly nervous to meet his friends. He'd spent almost a year in America, only coming back to France a handful of times. But the last time he came back, he'd told you that he was looking for an apartment for the two of you, so you could come to New York and live with him. You were overjoyed, and had started packing immediately. And now it was finally here.
The last half hour went by quickly. The plane landed, and you were one of the first to exit (perks of first class.) After a quick stop in the restroom, you went to baggage claim and located your bags. You'd only brought a small and a large suitcase, seeing as how everything else was being shipped to your new apartment anyway.
Stepping out of baggage claim and into the front of the airport, you stood on your tiptoes, trying to locate Gilbert via his curly hair.
"Mon amour!" You heard his voice from behind you, and spun around. There he was.
"Mon cœur," you breathed, dropping your bags and running straight to him. He met you halfway, catching you in an embrace as you threw your arms around his neck. He spun you around a few times, repeating the same phrase over and over.
"Tu es là."
"Je suis ici, mon amour. Je suis ici," you whispered in his ear. His curles tickled your nose, but you could only smile as you hugged him tighter. He set you down, but didn't stop touching you. His hand came up to gently caress your cheek before pressing his lips to yours. You immediately kissed back. It was soft and tender, and conveyed exactly how much you had missed each other.
He pulled away and rested his forehead against yours.
"Je t'aime, ma belle fleur."
You smiled. "Et je t'aime, ma vie."
He ran his thumb over your cheek, pressing another kiss to your lips before pulling away again.
"How is the English coming, mon amour?" He asked, smiling softly at you.
You laughed. "I don't think it is too bad, but I could do better. Try only English with me, or I'll cheat and go back to French." He laughed softly and nodded.
"Well, are you ready for me to take you home?" You nodded excitedly.
"S'il vous plaît."
With that, he took your small hand in his much larger one and picked up the bags you'd left on the floor, taking you outside and hailing a cab.
He didn't let go of your hand the entire ride home.
Your new apartment was lovely. It wasn't overly furnished, seeing as how Laf had just gotten into it a few weeks ago, but it was enough to be comfortable.
Laf brought your suitcases to the bedroom, which was larger than you expected, and had an enormous bathroom and closet.
"Would you like to get settled? Or maybe sleep for a few hours?" He asked, his face soft and caring.
"I slept on the airplane, mon amour. I'm alright. Although, I have been sitting for far too long. Maybe we could walk around?" You suggested. His eyes lit up as he stepped toward you.
"Would you like to? I know a park we can go. C'est tres belle!"
You laughed at his excitement and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
"I would love that, mon chère."
After three hours of walkin and talking in a very beautiful park, you and Laf returned to your apartment. You put a few things away, took a shower, then got ready for bed. Curling up next to your fiancé's much larger frame, you felt truly safe.
His arm curled around your waist, gently pulling you into him. In spite of being an ocean away from home, you slept better than you had in months.
You woke up with a weight across your back. Not crushing, but pleasant. Turning over, you were met with the sleeping face of your love. You smiled softly and cuddled closer to the sleeping man.
He instinctively tightened his hold on you, nuzzling into your neck and leaving half awake kisses there.
"Gilbert," you laughed, "ça chatouilles!"
He poked his head up, slowly raising an eyebrow.
"No one here calls me Gilbert," he remarked sleepily. "I haven't heard my name in months."
With that he let his head drop and went back to leaving gentle kisses on your neck. This caused you to giggle, and in retaliation you poked your fingers into his side.
He flinched backwards, eyes wide in shock.
"Alright, amour, if that's how you want to play," he grinned. His fingers suddenly wrapped around your waist. He wiggled them slightly and gained an instantaneous reaction.
"No, stop!" You laughed, squirming to get away. "Gil, stop! Stop, s'il vous plaît, stop!"
He grinned as he ignored your pleas, continuing to tickle you relentlessly.
"Gilbert du Motier, stop!" You shrieked, limbs thrashing. His hands stilled though his grip was still tight around your waist. A thoughtful look came over his handsome features.
"Hmm," he prentended to think for a moment. "It depends on how much you love me."
"I love you with all my heart," you whispered, lifting his hand and pressing a gentle kiss to his palm. His expression softened.
"And I am beyond happy to be here with you." You leaned toward him, brushing your lips over his in a soft yet teasing manner. His facial hair tickled your cheeks, but you had missed it and him too much to care.
He growled slightly, moving forward and pressing your lips together. He moved his hand to the back of your neck, deepening the kiss and moving so he was above you and supporting himself on his forearms. You moaned softly, reaching up and raking your fingers through his curls. You pulled slightly, causing him to groan into your mouth.
He rolled his hips against yours teasingly. You moaned again, and he slippped his tongue past your lips. You fought for dominance, but quickly lost. His tongue explored your mouth as his hands ghosted up and down your sides, resting gently on the sides of your breasts.
He pulled away, capturing your lower lip between his teeth before moving to your jaw, then down your neck.
You moaned again as his hands gently massaged your breasts, bucking your hips slightly when he rolled his hips down on yours again.
You were just getting into it when an obnoxious song you didn't recognize played from Gilbert's phone, interrupting you.
"Merde," Lafayette cursed, dropping his head to your shoulder.
"What is that?" You asked, looking back at the nightstand.
"I'm going to kill Hamilton," he groaned, reaching over you to grab his phone. Pressing the end button, he tossed it back to the nightstand and began to kiss you again.
The ringtone started up again and Laf groaned loudly. He dramatically fell next to you before reaching for the phone once more.
"What, Alexander?" He growled into the phone.
"I'm busy at the moment," he said after a few seconds. You couldn't hear the man on the other end, but your fiancé was obviously annoyed with him.
"I didn't forget but it's-" Laf checked the clock, "noon," he finished, a little less forcefully.
"Fine, we'll be right there." He hung up and dropped the phone on the bed, gently falling on you.
"Are we late to meet your friends?" Your voice was light and hardly concealed your amusement.
"Oui. Very late, actually. We were supposed to be there an hour ago."
You sat up, or at least tried to. Your fiancé wrapped his arms around your waist to prevent you from leaving.
"Gilbert, that is so rude. We need to go," you struggled to get out of his grasp, but to no avail.
"Why can't I just have my fiancée to myself for...all of today," he mumbled into your side.
"Tell you what," you absentmindedly ran your fingers through his thick curles. "If we go and appease your friends, then," you leaned down and whispered the rest of your sentence in his ear.
When you sat up again he turned toward you with a shocked expression, which quickly turned to a sly grin.
"Deal," he said quickly, jumping up from the bed and racing to the closet. He ran back into the room with his shirt half off and a pair of jeans on. You watched him in amusement.
"Well?" He asked, raising a brow. "Get dressed, amour, we've got to go so we can get back!"
You chuckled, but got up and headed to the bathroom. Easy makeup and a pretty summer dress got you ready before Gilbert could finish taming his hair. Twenty minutes later and you were in a cab on your way to meet Gilberts friends.
"Laf! Over here!" A tall man with dark skin and a beanie waved you over to a table in the corner.
"Mes amis!" Laf grinned as he greeted his friends. He hugged the guy with the beanie, then a shorter man with long hair done in a ponytail, and finally another man with curly hair and freckles. All of them greeted one another with hearty laughter and remarks of 'good to see you.'
You stood slightly behind Gilbert, smiling at the interaction.
"So, is this your lovely fiancée?" Freckles asked.
"Oui," Gilbert turned to you with a loving smile, extending his hand toward you. You accepted it, and came to stand by him as he introduced you to his friends.
"Y/n, this is Hercules," he gestured to the man with the beanie, "John," freckles, "and Alexander." Ponytail guy.
"Mes amis, this is my beautiful fiancée, Y/n."
"Damn Laf, you always talk about how pretty she is, but you didn't say drop dead gorgeous," Alexander stepped forward, and you ignored his handshake in favor of a hug.
"It is so nice to meet all of you," you said, smiling. You turned and hugged John, then Hercules. You were beaming at them all as you pulled away.
"I wanted to say to you," you looked to Gilbert for reassurance that you weren't messing up your English, to which he gave you a smile and a nod.
"I wanted to say that I thank you, for taking care of Gilbert when I was not here, so that he wasn't lonely." Your words were slow and bit unsure, but a bright smile from your love told you that you'd done well.
"It was our pleasure," Hercules said, giving you a warm smile. "We'd never leave him on his own. He wouldn't make it," he joked.
"How about we sit down?" John suggested, and with that everyone moved to the table.
Alexander shot Laf a funny look before blurting out, "you call him Gilbert?"
Your eyebrows scrunched in confusion.
"That is his name, no?"
Alex laughed; not in a cruel way, but as if you had said something genuinely funny. The other three were rolling their eyes.
"Laf, she's adorable. Please never let her go," John said through a smile.
"Don't worry, mon ami," Gilbert looked at you adoringly as he brushed a stray piece of hair out of your face. "I never will."
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