#gerard was right. you’re walking away and i will die in this place.
future-crab · 3 months
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It is actually so vital that any good playlist have a “I’m gonna die in this fucking town” interlude.
[ID: a screenshot of part of a playlist, showing Letterbomb by Green Day, followed by Kill All Your Friends by My Chemical Romance, followed by Drugstore Perfume by Gerard Way. End ID.]
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lovessidney · 2 years
I saw your MCR post and have a request ^^ Gerard Way x reader where the reader is a good singer but hides it cuz they're insecure about me. Thanks :D
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Pairing: Gerard Way x Reader (I think gender is pretty unspecified in what I’ve written).
Pronouns: they/them.
Requested by: Halloweenbitch2764
Summary: Reader takes the chance to sing in the rehearsals room, Gerard hears them. There are feelings.
A/n: Thank you so much for reaching out to me, it was super fun to write this! I hope it’s somewhat what you had in mind.
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(Y/n) had been to My Chems rehearsals before, more times than they could count. The room were their favourite place, furnished with amplifiers, instruments and a worn down sofa. The sofa were (y/n)s favourite place. Just kicking back, listening to the band practise and write new songs. A favourite past-time really. (Y/n) couldn’t help but feel lucky to have such talented friends. They closed their eyes and listened to the band play through Helena, one of their new favourite songs. After a while, and quite some noice, the sound died down. “What do you think (y/n)?” Gerard asked, with a smile (y/n)s way. It almost made them blush, they way Gerard looked at them. (Y/n) and Gerard had known each other forever, but in the last couple of months something had changed between them. That was what (y/n) hoped and felt at least. Maybe it was just on their end things hade changed.
“It sounded great!” (Y/n) said with a big smile Gerards way. “You’re really on to something with Helena”. (Y/n) thought they could see a poorly concealed smile on Gerards face. “Thanks (y/n), we couldn’t do it without you. Our biggest fan” Frank said with a smirk. (Y/n) laughed. Not too long ago the sofa had been Franks place. The band played a few more songs. Some old, some new. After a while, the other members of the band started dropping off, rehearsals being done for the day.
“I just have to catch some fresh air, and a smoke” Gerard said, looking (y/n)s way when it was just them left in the now very warm room. “But I’ll be quick, do you mind waiting for me?”. (Y/n) nodded and smiled Gerards way. A moment passes and Gerard is back again. “I’m all out of cigarettes” Gerard says with a frown. “I’m just going to buy a new pack. But please stay, there’s something I have to talk to you about” they continue, almost stumbling over their words. “No worries Gerard, I’ll just read my book while I’m waiting” (y/n) answered while digging around in their bag for their book.
(Y/n) tried to focus on their book, but soon accepted it wasn’t in the cards to get any reading done. They got up and walked over to the mixer board and turned up the volume for the microphone. They tapped the microphone softly to confirm they’d changed the right setting. The tap echoed through the room. After that they put their headphones on and started the demo backing track to Helena. (Y/n) had always loved singing, but had always been too shy to do it when anyone was around.
“Long ago. Just like the hearse you die to get in again” they began singing, and continued along. They already knew the lyrics by heart. Just as they sang “when both out cars collide” they could hear a faint cough through their headphones. Gerard was staring at (y/n) in disbelief. “That sounded absolutely amazing (y/n)! Why in the whole world have I not heard you sing before?” Gerard almost gasped. (Y/n) could feel the warmth in their face and knew for sure that they were blushing. They felt ready to sink through the floor and face of the earth. Gerard took (y/n)s hand and they could feel the blood in their veins freeze to ice. “Just when I thought you couldn’t get more beautiful” Gerard said and squeezed (y/n)s hand.
“What?” (Y/n) said, almost in disbelief. They had to fight every urge in their body not to look away. “I think you’re beautiful (y/n)” Gerard said, without a doubt. (Y/n) couldn’t believe their ears. They looked up at Gerard, at the most beautiful person in the world. Their dark hair curled beautifully around their face and their eyes were sparkling. “Can I hug you?” Gerard asked softly. “Of course” (y/n) said, feeling like they might have answered the question a little too quickly. Gerard wrapped their arms around (y/n). “You’re beautiful too Gerard” (y/n) whispered in their ear, and they could feel Gerard hug them harder, bringing the both of them even closer together.
“So what was it you wanted to talk about?” (Y/n) asked, once the two of them had parted. Gerard looked at them, confused. “You said there was something you wanted to talk about” (y/n) clarified. “That was it, (y/n)” Gerard answered. “That I think you’re the most beautiful person ever, and that I’m head over heels in love with you” Gerard sayid, looking right in to (y/n)s eyes. “Oh. Wow” (y/n) said, feeling dumbfounded. With that, Gerards smile faded. “I’m sorry. I thought it was obvious. The guys all say it is” Gerard began, voice trembling. “Oh, Gerard. I’m so sorry. I thought it was only me that felt that way. That I was the only one head over heels in love with you”. Gerard smiled. “You’re …” they trailed off. (Y/n) nodded. “I think you’re amazing Gerard. You’re absolutely wonderful. I just didn’t think you’d feel the same way” (y/n) said, looking down at their shoes. “Well, I do” Gerard stated, voice a bit more confident. “Can I kiss you?” (Y/n) asked Gerard softly, still feeling a bit shy. Gerard nodded for an answer and leaned in. Their lips met softly, and for a moment all the stars in the universe lined up just for the two of them. Gerard pulled (y/n) closer and held their face softly with one of their hands. The other rested around (y/n)s waist. Both of (y/n)s hand wrapped around Gerards neck.
“Wow” Gerard said softly as they broke apart. They smile and stand on their tiptoes to kiss (y/n)s forehead. “Yeah, wow” (y/n) added lightly and pulled Gerard in to a hug.
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Hope you liked the story. And if you want to request something, please just send me a message!
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You Saved Me - Derek Hale x fem!reader part 11
As soon as I walked into the veterinarian office, I felt it. Like a total drain of my muscles and my head started to hurt. 
“Mountain ash.” Dr. Deaton said as he came out from around the corner, “It weakens werewolf abilities so they cannot shift their form.” 
“That would explain it.” I smiled, shoving my hands in my pockets. 
“How can I help you, (Y/N).” He knew my name.
I squinted at him, “Have we met?” 
“We have, but you wouldn’t remember. You were here with some minor injuries and your parents weren’t sure if you were going to turn and just in case…the hospital found something interesting.” He said, a small smile on his face, “But I see you have finally turned.” 
I nodded, “Yeah, but I don’t know how.” 
“I believe I may have an answer.” He pulled out a book from the front desk. It was a dark leather bound book, its pages were brown with age. 
“It was a spell used by werewolf clans that were being hunted hundreds of years ago, in France, Scotland, England. In some cases, werewolf hunters would test werewolves in their human form with Mountain ash, rendering them unconscious. Et obscuratus lupum. Wolf Eclipse.” I looked at the book, seeing a drawing of what looked like a child, half human, half wolf. 
“Parents would perform this spell to cloak their child from hunters. The Mountain ash wouldn’t affect them and they would be spared and safe until they could transform. This spell would also remove any memories of werewolf behavior from beyond that point so they couldn’t give away the rest of the clan by accident.” 
I looked down at the desk, “But why now? Why did I turn now? And why am I an alpha? I’ve never killed anyone.” 
“As for your turning now, many children are given back their power by their parents. Or if their parents were killed, they usually don’t unless something triggers the change - high stress, fear, terror, torture. But I can’t explain the alpha part, the only people who could were your parents.” 
“Derek? Derek!” Isaac’s voice echoed through the building. 
“What’s wrong?” Derek turned away from what he was doing. Isaac looked frantic and scared. 
“My dad… I think he’s dead…”
“What did you do?” Derek asked firmly. 
“That’s the thing…It wasn’t me.”
I woke up on the couch. Not the best place to sleep all night. 
I sat up and cracked my back, twisting from side to side. I shuffled into the kitchen, seeing Uncle Noah already there. 
“Morning, kiddo.” He said, sipping his coffee. He went with the dark roast this morning. Bitter. Something serious had happened. 
“We found Lydia, I don’t know if you heard.” He said. 
I nodded, “Of course, talk of the town. Stiles is gonna get an A in economics.” 
He shook his head, a small smile on his face. He was still slightly sleepy, meaning I could probably get something out of him about what’s making him leave this early. 
“What’s going on?”
He yawned and raised his eyebrows. He looked around the corner then back to me, “Promise you won’t tell Stiles. And I’m only telling you because it involves one of your players.”
“Isaac?” I asked, “Is he okay?” Uncle Noah narrowed his eyes at me, clearly confused how I knew. 
“I had my own questions about his home life. A guess.” 
“Well we found his dad dead this morning. Mauled to death in his car in an alleyway.”
“Mauled?” Great… This is exactly what we needed with this hunter situation going around. Didn’t Derek tell Isaac that humans were off limits, especially right now? Isaac didn’t seem like the type, but if he was getting abused, maybe he couldn’t take it anymore. 
“Yeah, not pretty. Oh, by the way.” He rifled through the mail, “This came for you at the station.” It was a brown envelope. It had multiple stamps and postmarks. The text was written in old English calligraphy. 
“The Lunar Circle.” I shook my head, “Never heard of it.” I looked at the return address, “Scotland?” 
“I guess so.” He looked at his watch, “Alright, gotta go.” He kissed the top of my head, making his way out the door. 
I got into the locker room later than usual, but in time to watch Scott and Stiles stare at a chain that was falling out of Stiles’ locker. Coach walked between the two of them, staring at the chain as it finished pooling on the floor. 
“Part of me wants to ask… the other part says knowing will be more disturbing than anything I could ever imagine. So, I’m gonna walk away.” Before I could speak to the two, Coach slipped the blind fold onto my eyes, the elastic slapping the back of my head. 
“Good looking out.” I nodded vaguely in his direction. Stiles shoved a bag in my hands, Scott and Stiles started shoving the chain into it and froze, Scott tensed up. 
Another scent. Someone like us. 
“There’s another in here.” Scott said. 
“Another what?” Stiles asked. 
“Another werewolf.” 
Once the players were on the field, Stiles pulled me aside. 
“Alright, switch Scott with Danny for goal and then you use your sniffer on the guys on the bench.” 
I raised my eyebrows at him, still not over what he said the other day. 
He stared for a minute, then closed his eyes, “The silent treatment, really?” 
I smiled slyly, nodding. 
“Oh my god.” He groaned, “Look, I’m sorry. I know you’re just trying to protect me. I get it. We can have this conversation later, please.” 
I thought about it for a minute, then nodded, “Fine. I’ll go tell Coach.” I found Finstock and told him. 
“Why would I want McCall in goal? McCall is co-captain. He needs to play offense.” 
“That’s true, but what happens when Danny gets hurt during a match. Are you gonna put in someone from second line or someone with those reflexes?” He stared for a minute, thinking about what I just said. 
“Think about it like this. Danny’s out, it’s tied and we are ten seconds from overtime. Who are you putting in? Second line or McCall.” 
He nodded and chuckled, “Good thinking.” He turned back to the other players and blew his whistle, “Let’s go! Line up!” Players made their way onto the field, “Faster! Make daddy proud.” Daddy… I hate it. I scanned the line up, there was number fourteen at the end - Isaac. 
Coach blew the whistle again, signaling the drills to start. Scott ran from the goal, tackling the player. Scott was many things. Subtle was not one of them. 
“McCall!” Coach shouted, his eyes wide and his hair seemed even wilder. 
“Usually, the goalie stays somewhere within the vicinity of the actual goal.”
“Yes, Coach.”
“Let’s try it again!”
“What the hell, man?” The player shouted. His name was…  Matt Daehler if I remembered correctly. 
Coach blew the whistle again, throwing another ball into play. Again, Scott knocked the next player down. 
“McCall!” Coach called again, “The position’s goalkeeper, not goal-abandoner!’
“Sorry, Coach…”
“Let’s go!” He blew the whistle. Again, Scott knocked the next man down. 
“Stiliniski!” Coach pulled Stiles up by his helmet. Stiles stood up from the bench on the other side of me, “What the hell is wrong with your friend?”
“Uh, he’s failing two classes, he’s a little socially awkward, and if you look close enough, his jawline is kinda uneven.” Stiles said in a rush. 
Coach and I turned heads to the side, looking at McCall. Was his jaw always crooked? Had I not noticed in all of this time?
“That’s interesting.” He said, dropping Stiles' helmet. Scott knocked over Danny next, landing on top of him. Danny was having a good year so far. 
“McCall!” Coach shouted, clearly frustrated, “You come out of that goal one more time, and you’ll be doing suicide runs ‘til you die! It’ll be the first ever suicide run that actually ends in a suicide! Got it?” 
“Yes, Coach.”
“Yeah!” Coach glared. 
Jackson looked at Scott warily, “Uh, Coach, my shoulder’s hurting… I’m gonna-I’m gonna sit this one out…” He watched out of the line and onto the bench. What’s gotten into him? Besides not the bite. Scott ran forward at Isaac. But instead of Scott taking him down, they both collided and fell to the ground. That’s when I saw Scott pause, he found his werewolf. 
“Dad?” Stiles asked. I turned around, seeing Uncle Noah and two other officers heading towards the field. They must have been coming to bring Isaac in for questioning. 
“Don’t tell them…Please don’t tell him.” I heard Isaac say. 
I stayed back with the rest of the team while Finstock was talking to Uncle Noah. Scott was listening in on the conversation. 
“His father’s dead. They think he was murdered.” Scott said. 
Stiles looked at me, “Is that what you and my dad were talking about this morning?”
“There may have been something Uncle Noah told me not to tell you.” I grinned innocently. 
“Come on…” Stiles sighed, “Are they saying he’s a suspect?”
“I’m not sure. Why?”
“Because they can lock him in a holding cell for twenty-four hours…”
“Like, overnight?”
“Those generally are the same amount of time, yes.” I said. 
“During the full moon.” The full moon. Not only would it be Isaac’s first turn, it was going to be mine. 
“Crap.” I mumbled. 
“How good are these holding cells at holding people?”
“People? Good. Werewolves? Probably not that good.” Stiles said grimly.
“Stiles, remember when I said I don’t have the urge to maim and kill?”
“He does.” How Scott could tell that, I couldn’t tell. Because I didn’t get that vibe.
I made my way through the hall, seeing Uncle Noah in the hall outside the principal's office. 
“What’s going on?” I asked, not seeing Isaac near. 
“We’re interviewing Jackson Whittemore. He’s Isaac’s neighbor, we’re just trying to see if he knows anything. I’m just waiting to meet the new principal.” 
“New principal?” I asked. Right after I spoke, the door opened. And there stood Gerard Argent. I tried to hide my shock when I saw him, since the last time I saw him I watched him cut someone in half. 
“Sheriff Stilinski, I’m terribly sorry to keep you waiting. Just a phone call from one of my teachers.” He said in his brogue, he turned to me, “And Miss (Y/N), assistant coach for our lacrosse team. I have been anxious to meet you.” He held out his hand. Oh, he was anxious? Yeah definitely. 
I blinked, a small smile on my face, “It’s good to meet you as well. I apologize for my shock, I was not aware that you had been hired.” I shook his hand. His hands felt cold, like the ice in his heart spread through his veins. 
“I understand. It was quite unexpected. But I am excited to get started.” He played his role well. An older man happy to help and be accommodating to his new surroundings. I knew the truth though, and it terrified me. But I needed to lay low and stay on his good side for right now. He declared war, no longer following the code and Chris couldn’t stop him like he stopped Kate. 
“Of course. I’m excited to work with you too, Mr…?”
“Oh like Allison. She’s such a sweet girl, I always see her at games.” 
“She became a fan.” He nodded. In the distance, I could hear Jackson’ walking down the hall. How did I know it was Jackson? His brand new shoes squeaked.
“Well, I gotta head out. Delivery came to the front office for the team. Pearls and crosses. It was good meeting you, Principle Argent.” 
“Please, call me Gerard.” He smiled. 
I grinned and nodded, “Gerard.” I looked at Uncle Noah, “I’ll see you tonight.”  I made my way towards the front office, glad that the hunter couldn’t hear my heart beating out of my chest. 
“You okay?” Derek’s voice echoed in my head. 
I sighed, taking a deep breath, “No. They took Isaac into lock up, Gerard is the principal, and I am going to turn tonight whether I want to or not and I’m scared.”
“We’ll talk.” 
I sat on the front steps, looking over the envelope. The Lunar Circle. Was this something my parents were involved in? Just as I was about to open the envelope, I got a text from Scott to meet him and Derek at Isaac’s house. 
So I met them there, looking up at the sky. I had already cracked all of my knuckles so now I just was wearing a hole in my shoe from tapping. 
“Are you alright?” Scott asked. 
“I don’t know, Scott, were you okay when you turned the first time? Because I can recall you almost killing me the last time.” My eyes flashing red.
“Hey, I apologized for that.” Scott defended himself. 
“(Y/N), look at me.” Derek stood in my line of vision. The red left my eyes and I sighed. 
“Sorry, I’m just… anxious.” I clenched and unclenched my hands. 
We snuck into the Lahey household, making our way down to the basement. 
“If Isaac didn’t kill his father, who did?” Scott asked as Derek led us through the house. Derek moved slowly, keeping a flashlight beam ahead. 
“I don’t know yet.” 
“Then how do you know he’s telling the truth?”
“Because I trust my senses. And it’s a combination of them.” He looked at Scott over his shoulder, “Not just your sense of smell.” 
“You saw the lacrosse thing today?” Scott asked sheepishly. 
“So you saw him tackle and sniff everyone on the field, his big plan.” I added.
“Yeah.” Derek said plainly. 
“Did it look bad?” 
“Yeah.” Derek and I said together. Derek opened the door and we all looked down to the bottom of the basement, Scott and Derek’s eyes lit up the space a little, enough to see what was below. There were the usual things - chairs, dust bunnies, boxes.
“You wanna learn?” Derek asked, “Start now.”
“What’s down there?”
“Motive.” We started down the stairs. 
“And what are we looking for?”
“Follow your senses.” Derek said. I strayed from the group, seeing dust covered toys and games, covered with age and gray. It looked like a normal basement, but it felt like something terrible had happened here. Derek took my hand in his, pulling me back to them. 
“What happened down here?” Scott asked. 
“The kind of thing that leaves an impression.” Derek said in a low voice. It was kind of creepy, in addition to the spider web covered basement. As we went further into the basement, we saw chains hanging from the wall. My heart sank. I took Derek’s flashlight and lit up the floor, there were groove marks in the floor. Scott bent down and placed his fingers within the groove. Scratches in the cement floor. My attention was brought to a large freezer in the corner of the with a rusted padlock. The energy radiating from the cooler made my heart drop into my stomach. 
“Open it.” Derek told Scott as we stood in front of it. Scott took off the lock and lifted up the lid of the freezer. My mouth fell open in shock, tears burning at my eyes. Scratch marks, covering the entire inside of the freezer. The worst were the rust covered marks, meaning that Isaac was so desperate to fight his way to freedom that his fingers bled. I turned away from the freezer, feeling nauseous. Leaning over, my hands on my knees. 
“This is why he said yes to you?” Scott asked. 
“Everyone wants power.” 
“If I help you, you have to stop. You can’t just go around turning people into werewolves!” Scott had a point. It was dangerous to be a werewolf right now. That’s why my parents did that ritual on me. 
“I can if they’re willing.” 
“Did you tell Isaac about the Argents? About being hunted?”
“Yes, and he still asked.” 
“Then he’s an idiot!” Scott shouted. 
I stood back up and stared at Scott, “An idiot? He’s been tortured his whole life, Scott, and he’s the idiot for trying to save himself.” There was a growl in my voice as my anger rose. Derek put a hand on my arm.
“You’re the idiot dating Argent’s daughter.” Scott looked shocked at Derek’s words, “Yeah, I know your little secret. And if I know, how long do you think it’s gonna take for them to find out?”
Derek grabbed Scott by the shoulder, “You saw what happens to an omega. With me, you learn how to use all your senses. With me, you learn control.” He lifted Scott’s clawed hand, “Even on a full moon.” Seeing Scott’s hands, I lifted mine and saw the claws had grown in. I hadn’t even felt them come out. 
Scott pulled his hand away, “If I’m with you, I lose her.” 
“You’re gonna lose her anyway. You know that.” 
I shook my head, thinking about the night Peter was killed. The look in Allison’s eyes as she shot arrows into Derek and I was cold, no emotion at all. “Scott, don’t you remember what happened? She shot us down.” 
“That wasn’t her, that was Kate.” He defended her, like a love sick puppy. 
“Was it? You didn’t get to see her when Kate brought her down to that cellar and watched as Derek got electrocuted, over and over. She did nothing to stop her, she knew it was wrong but she didn’t stop her. Allison’s loyalties are never going to be with us.” My voice was calm but the shaking was starting to take over. It felt like my chest was going to burst at any moment. Even my gums ached. 
“Come on.” Derek said softly in my ear. He escorted me to the stairs, a gentle hand on the small of my back. 
“Wait!” We turned back to face Scott, “I’m not part of your pack… but I want him out. He’s my responsibility too.”
“Why? Because he’s one of us?” 
“Because he’s innocent.”
I sat in the parking lot of the Sheriff’s office, tapping my fingers on the steering wheel. I can’t do this. How can I help break Isaac out of jail when I can’t even keep myself in control. I shouldn’t be around people. I shouldn’t be around Stiles or anyone else in the deputy department. I jumped when I heard the knocking at my window. Derek and Stiles stood there, looking a little concerned. I opened my door and got out, sticking close to Derek. If anyone could stop me from attacking Stiles it was him. 
“Okay. Now, the keys to every cell are in a password-protected lock-box in my father’s office. The problem is getting past the front desk.” Stiles stared at me like I was from Mars, “I gotta tell ya, I don’t think I’m going to get used to the red eyes anytime soon.”
“Yeah, me either.” My voice had a growl too, quickly shutting my mouth. 
“Well, there goes plan A. Letting you distract the front desk.” I glanced inside, seeing a woman sitting there, sipping her coffee. 
“I’ll distract her.” Derek said, turning towards the building. 
“Whoa, whoa, whoa.” Stiles grabbed onto Derek’s jacket and pulled him back., “You? You’re going in there?” Derek eyed Stiles hand, then Stiles, telling him to get his hands off of him in his usual way - without words.
“I’m takin’ my hand off.” Stiles quickly pulled his hand away. 
“I was exonerated.”
“You’re still a person of interest.”
“An innocent person.” 
“Ah-” Stiles blew out air, “You? Yeah right.” He sighed, “What’s your plan?”
“To distract her.” Derek said impatiently. 
Stiles nodded, “Ahuh, how? By punching her in the face?” 
Derek let out a fake laugh, “By talking to her.” 
“Is he even charming?” Stiles looked at me. Derek looked at me expectantly while I thought for a minute. 
“Compared to when I first met him, he’s very charming.” I smiled awkwardly. 
Stiles rubbed his temples, “Okay. Alright. Give me a sample. What are you gonna open with?” Derek only stared. 
“Dead silence. That should work beautifully. Any other ideas?” Stiles asked sarcastically.
“I’m thinking about punching you in the face.” Derek said snidely. Once Stiles agreed, we made our way towards the station but before we went in, I pulled Derek aside. 
“I can’t do this.” I looked up at the moon, “My body feels like it's going to fall apart and I feel so angry and-” 
“Just hold out a little longer.” He placed a hand on my cheek, “As soon as we get Isaac out, I’m gonna bring you somewhere where you can let it all out and you won’t hurt anyone. But right now I need you to get inside and make sure nothing happens to Isaac. There’s a hunter in there who’s going to kill him.” 
“Okay, I’ll try.” 
Derek led the way into the station, Stiles and I stayed low to avoid the deputy. 
“Good evening, how can I help-” She paused, looking up at Derek, “you?”
Derek gave her a thousand watt smile, “Hi.”
“Hi.” The woman said with a little tremble in his voice. She leaned on the desk. 
“Um, I had a question…” he chuckled, “Um, sorry, I-I’m a little thrown. I wasn’t expecting someone…”
“Like me?” She asked. 
“Oh, I was going to say ‘so incredibly beautiful’, but yeah, I guess that’d be the same thing.” Derek said sheepishly. Stiles stared at Derek’s back in disbelief. I shoved his side. He shook his head and we crawled down the hall to uncle Noah’s office. 
Once inside, Stiles used a code on a keypad on the wall that opened a small hatch. It was empty inside. In the next room we heard the jingling of keys.
“Oh no…” Stiles and I ran towards the source of the noise, getting closer and closer to the cells. On our way there we were stopped short by a deputy. 
“Oh, sorry,” Stiles apologized, “Just lookin’ um…” I looked over the deputy, then I saw it - an arrow sticking out of his leg. I hit Stiles' side. He looked down, then back up at the deputy. 
“Ah shhh-'' We tried to run for it but he grabbed us, pressing his hands over our mouths so we couldn’t scream. I wanted to rip his hand off with my teeth but that would be putting Stiles in danger and outting myself as a werewolf to a hunter if he got away. As we were dragged back towards the cells, Stiles pulled the fire alarm. 
Once in the cells, he threw Stiles and I into one of them. I clenched my fists together tightly, desperately trying not to turn. Sharp teeth poking at my lips. Stiles grabbed my arm, bringing my attention to the other cell, the empty cell. Isaac was loose. The hunter’s shout brought us back to see him being attacked by Isaac. He pinned the hunter to an examination table, then threw him against a wall. The hunter struggled but got up, trying to stab Isaac with a syringe but Isaac grabbed his arm and broke it. Isaac slammed the hunter’s head into the wall, he fell, dropping the syringe. 
Derek came into the room shortly after, stepping on the syringe. The sound of glass breaking turned Isaac’s attention to us. His yellow eyes took us in, his fangs and claws sharp. He stalked forward towards us. I shoved Stiles behind me, baring my fangs at Isaac as he came closer. Derek’s roar broke Isaac out of his trance, making him fall to the floor and scramble to the corner. He looked up from the wall, looking more human. He was trembling in fear. 
“How did you do that?” Stiles asked, trying to catch his break. 
“I’m the alpha.” Derek smirked, his eyes red. 
Ignoring the trembling the best I could, I walked over and kneeled beside Isaac. He was breathing heavily, eyes darting around the room like he was expecting someone to show up. 
“Isaac.” his eyes focused on me, “Let’s get you home.” I smiled and held out my hand.
Read part 12 here!
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Do you have any sterek fics that closely follow canon? Preferably in season 2 and 3 but other seasons work too. Thanks in advance💖
I think so. As close as Sterek fics can be.
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#24 He's Our Man! by stilinskihalefamily
(1/1 I 1,438 I General)
Stiles on the lacrosse field practicing for the first big game of the season. With all the good players, i.e. Jackson and Isaac, gone he has somehow made it to first line. And to say he’s nervous is understatement. So he’s practicing his ass off.
He’s been out on the field for an hour when he sees Derek trying to sneaky and hide behind a tree. Stiles lets him hide behind that tree for a few minutes but it’s unnerving feeling eyes on you but not seeing the person the eyes belong too. So he ends up saying, “Stop being such a creeper, Derek. Come help me practice.”
“I’m not a creeper.” Derek says, walking across the field to where Stiles is standing a few feet away from the goal.
right as rain and soft as snow (we're home sweet home) by sterekhale
(1/1 I 2,008 I General)
Their first New Year’s Day as a family finds them snowed in with a broken furnace; it’s a good thing one of them happens to be a werewolf with a higher than average body temperature.
A Guy Walks into a Bar by 42hrb
(1/1 I 3,123 I Teen)
The last person Derek expects to see on stage is Stiles Stilinski, but there he is, looking like sex and singing like it's what he was born to do.
That Depends On How You Define Werewolf by janonny
(2/2 I 16,613 I Mature)
We’re all shapeshifters. It happens rarely, and it happens for a reason. Sometimes the shape you take reflects the person that you are. – Derek Hale, Season 2 Episode 5
“I didn’t shoot him if that’s what you’re worried about,” said Stiles’ dad. Then he smiled wryly. “Though I did push him against the wall and threaten to strangle him with my bare hands.”
Stiles gaped at his dad, because Derek…was Derek. And the Stilinski men weren’t exactly buff. They were built more slender and agile, though Stiles was still waiting for the agile part to kick in.
Blood Pounding in Our Veins by minusoneday
(10/10 I 41,305 I Mature)
Stiles figured that Mrs. McCall finding out Scott’s secret would change things, but he’s completely unprepared for the very first thing she does, which is to invite Isaac to move in with her and Scott.
In which Stiles is angry. For some very good reasons.
will to follow through by owlpostagain
(2/2 I 42,111 I Teen)
“It depends entirely on how you look at it, I guess,” Stiles shrugs. “On the one hand, instant healing and the apparently inherited ability to pull off leather at all times. On the other, serious attitude problems and a suspicious disappearance of eyebrows.”
“Even Derek’s?” Danny snorts, “that’s a lot of eyebrow to lose.”
“I know,” Stiles agrees. “You should see, it’s so weird. Every time I want to ask him where they go, except he’d totally eat my face off.”
“There are worse ways to die.”
A Tangled Refuge by wanderingeyre
(15/15 I 49,554 I Explicit)
The Hale House has been rebuilt for the past five years and for all five of those years, it’s been a sanctuary for supernaturals that needed a place to stay, a halfway point, a place to recuperate, or a place to be safe from whatever was on their tail. Word traveled quickly in the small world of the supernatural and now they rarely had to seek out people who needed help. Most came to them.
Running Up That Hill by maypoison
(32/32 I 139,488 I Explicit)
“Even before the pack joined together, Scott was trying to protect you. And he still is trying to protect you, even if it means leaving you out of all this.”
Stiles does roll his eyes at that. “Yeah, but it didn’t work did it. I was still involved, and so was my Dad. We were nearly killed by Matt, and then Gerard.”
“My point is, people change. Relationships aren’t always perfect. Scott's tried to kill me before."
Stiles raises an eyebrow. "So, you’re saying that someone trying to kill you is just a small flaw in a relationship?"
“We’re werewolves.” Derek answers with a shrug, as if that was a perfectly good explanation.
Doors Unlocked and Open by Imnotahero
(20/20 I 140,060 I Teen)
They say that when one door closes another one opens. That might be true elsewhere, but not in Beacon Hills. Danger lurks behind every door, and once they're ajar they stay like that - unlocked and open. Which is not good. Not at all. Stiles find things bad enough with Dread Doctors, Theo and his pack of Resurrected Chimeras, Lydia stuck in Eichen House and the foundation of his friendship with Scott unraveling fast. The surprising return of Derek might just be the counterbalance he needs. Especially if they could just close some of these damned doors...
129 notes · View notes
magnusmysteries · 3 years
Part 3: The Wheel of Fear
The Magnus Archives was a horror podcast. It is now completed. Many of the show’s mysteries were never explained on the show. I intend to explain them. Spoilers for the show, but also spoilers if you wanna solve these mysteries yourself.
In the Architecture of Fear Smirke talks about a great wheel of fear. He talks of the fourteen powers, each with their opposites and their allies. I think Smirke believed the fourteen fears could be arranged in a circle, and that two fears on opposite sides of the circle are opposites. 
In Old Passages there is a circular room with fourteen corridors leading out of it and a datestone that says “Robert Smirke. 1835. Balance and Fear.” I think each corridor represents a fear, with opposing fears placed opposite each other. The building is supposed to balance and thereby neutralize the fears. I think it works to some extent. In End of the Tunnel there is a similar structure. This one was damaged by a bomb during World War 2. This ruined the balance, and the Dark got out.
In Family Business Gerard says some fears really clash with each other, while others can blend together.
I tried to work out how Smirke arranged his fears on the wheel. I looked for episodes where two fears seemed to blend together and put them next to each other. With some fears it is fairly obvious they are neighbors, if you look for the clues. Others connections are harder to spot. I tried a few versions of the wheel that didn’t feel completely right. But then I found a version where suddenly lots of things clicked. It explained why the web table could trap the Not-Then, why Robert Monthauk’s ritual banished the darkness monster and things like that. I think this is the correct wheel:  
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Description of image: A circle with 14 spots similar to a clock. On each spot is a number and the name of a power: 1. Corruption. 2. Desolation. 3. Hunt. 4. Slaughter. 5. End. 6. Lonely. 7. Stranger. 8. Flesh. 9. Spiral. 10. Buried. 11. Dark. 12. Vast. 13. Eye. 14. Web.
Here is how powers overlap:
Corruption and Desolation 
Desolation deals with suffering and loss of loved ones, and disease can cause both of those things.
Asag is a god of both fire and disease.
John Amherst is an avatar of both powers. There is fire in every episode he appears. In Taken Ill the old folks home he managed burns. It appears it was burned by Trevor and Julia, but this is misdirection. Amherst burned it himself. In Pest Control Amherst is burned, yet survives. In the Tale of A Field Hospital Jonathan notices the statement is charred. He speculates this happened when Gertrude burned the book. But I think the book spontaneously combusted. In A Cozy Cabin we learn that Gertrude is very much against burning books in the archives, and would have been more careful and not ruined the statement. And in Rotten Core Adelard says he will sit on Amherst’s throne and burn himself and it. I think that was a very bad idea, more on that in a later post.
In Squirm the protagonist, after being infected by worms, burns his own apartment down. He is influenced by Corruption/Desolation.
Desolation and Hunt 
You can run from a hunter and you can run from fire.
Vampires are Hunt, Desolation and Corruption. In Vampire Killer we learn that vampires burn very easily. Because of the Desolation.
Why do vampires have a long bloodsucking tongue? Because the Corruption deals with mosquitoes.
There is a hint about the vampire-mosquito connection in Dead Horse; “That night the mosquitos were out in force, thick with fever, and hungry for our blood. I did my best to simply ignore them, safe as I was in my net. But over in Raleigh’s tent I kept hearing a sporadic thumping, or clapping sound, as if he were killing them with his bare hands. When I asked him about it the next day, he simply told me he had inside him a strong and enduring hatred of bloodsuckers.”
And then later: “Now, he and his crew were pinning the things that looked like men to trees, with long, iron spikes. They thrashed, and struggled, and a long, bulbous tongue hung from their throats, pinned by the iron of von Toll’s men. “I cannot stand bloodsuckers,” Raleigh said approvingly, as he conversed quietly with Baron von Toll in French.”
Also in Vampire Killer, the vampire offers rotten fruit to Trevor. Her house is dusty, a book Trevor picks up is damp and moldy and the bed is musty. 
Hunt and Slaughter 
The similarities are obvious.
Several of the Slaughter episodes have music that makes people go violent: The Piper, Strange Music, Grifter’s Bone, Civilian Casualties, Nemesis.  Total War had singing corpses. Two hunter episodes also had music connection. First Hunt has the werewolf whistling “A-hunting-we-shall go”. Thrill of the Chase had the protagonist tapping her foot as if to music right before the violence started.
Thrill of The Chase is a Hunt/Slaughter episode. The Man in the mask is like a serial killer from a movie, very Slaughter. But it is a wolf mask, very Hunt.
Slaughter and End
People die in war.
Absent Without Leave covers both fears. Slaughter obviously, but it is also about the inevitableness of death.
Many Slaughter episodes deal with the living dead. And they usually seem to have a horrible existence: The guy getting stabbed in the Smell of Blood. All the soldiers fused together that shot Melanie. The dead people in Grifter’s Bone that had to fight each other. The dead woman in Absent without a leave. The corpses in the tunnel in the same episode. This makes people fear death since they don’t wanna end up like that.
The End also has the skin book which similarly makes people live after death, and it is agony. And Oliver Banks was alive after death.
In Total War, a Slaughter episode, the statement giver says he could believe he was dead and in hell. 
End And Lonely 
You’re all alone when you’re dead I guess.
In the episode Alone, the statement giver is almost drawn into an empty grave. Very End. 
There is also a ghost in that episode. So life after death, like with the End and the Slaughter.
The Lucas family only meet for funerals.
From Boatswain’s call, regard Peter Lukas: “His eyes only moved a fraction of an inch to focus on me, but it felt as though the movement had the weight of a heavy stone door. Like a tomb. Don’t know why that’s what popped into my head, but there you go.”
Lonely and Stranger 
If everyone is a stranger to you, you are lonely.
Lost in the Crowd and Monologue are Lonely/Stranger episodes.
Stranger and Flesh 
Stranger deals with objects that behave like people. Flesh deals with thinking people are just flesh, an object.
Anatomy Class is a Stranger/Flesh episode.
Flesh and Spiral 
Thinking you are just meat is a kind of madness.
In Killing Floor the protagonist is lost in a slaughterhouse maze, very Flesh and Spiral. He also walks a spiral staircase at some point.
I think Jared Hopworth is both Flesh and Spiral. Many reasons for him being Spiral: First: He prays on people with mental problems, body dysmorphia, anorexia etc.
Second: In The Butcher’s Window he twists a bone into a spiral and inserts it in himself.
Third: The book The Boneturner's Tale makes nearby books bleed. I think objects that bleed, that should not have blood, is a sign of the Spiral. The door handle in a Sturdy Lock bled. The tree in Burned Out bled. I think the tree is Spiral, much more on that in another post. Books, door handles and trees that bleed are all impossible, madness. Some might object that blood also fits with the Flesh, but the Flesh is actually fairly into cleanliness. I’ll explain why below.  
Fourth: when Michael Crew is tormented by the Spiral he tries to escape by using the Boneturner’s Tale. “...but when I tried to shift the bits of myself I thought might set me free, the only shapes I could form with them were laced with that horrid, hunting fractal.” You can’t escape from the Spiral by using a book of the Spiral.
Mary Keay seems to think the book that drops bones is of the Flesh “Just a bit of viscera. Poems about dying animals...” The book is part Flesh, hence the dying animals, but is also Spiral. If you see a book producing bones you’d think you’d gone mad right? 
Also in Old Passages, the bone book is stored in the room corresponding to the Spiral. The floor of that room’s corridor apparently bleeds. “I put my hand onto the floor to push myself up, and it came away faintly tinged with red.” There is a mummified hand in the Spiral room, hands are often an element with the Spiral. Think of the Distortion’s hands, or the Worker-in-Clay’s weird hands, or the hands coming out of the pot in Lost and Found. After entering the room, the statement giver gets very confused. He says his memories start to blur, and he ends up apparently taking the wrong door several times. That’s the Spiral messing with his mind and making him lost.
The demon In Confession and Desecrated Host might be of Spiral/Flesh. Or it might be the two Fears working together. More on that in a later post.
Spiral and Buried 
Strong claustrophobia can be irrational, a mental problem. The Spiral includes the fear of getting lost, and you can get lost in a cave.
The Distortion has a yellow door that is a portal to impossible places. The Coffin is yellow and is a portal to an impossible place.
Held in Customs is Buried/Spiral. Time behaved differently for the protagonist, typically Spiral. John says the protagonist got Alzheimer, but it is the Spiral messing with his memories.
Lost Johns’ Cave is Buried/Spiral/Dark. The protagonist's memories are all wrong, the Spiral has changed them. And the cave is a maze. Mazes are spiral. The statement giver is a big fan of darkness.
Buried and Dark 
Caves are dark and cramped. The ocean is dark and choking.
Lights Out is Buried/Dark. Quote: “I was in the Sandman’s sack. (...) The darkness pressed in, and seemed to fill my mouth, my nose.” Also the Sandman spills sand from his mouth, similar to how people chocked on sand in Dust to Dust and how the man spit out mud in We All Ignore The Pit.
Submerged is Buried/Dark. The protagonist is in danger of drowning but there are lots of references to darkness: The lights at the lawyer office don't work because the lightbulb is filled with water. There is thunder but no lightning, that is there are no lights in the sky. There are no street lights or lights on in the other houses. Water is described as dark and murky. The lights of the cars come on, to show dark shapes moving in the water. Quote about the water: "It would wrap itself around me, reach down my throat and fill me with its choking darkness." The water is murky. Dark water is also in several Dark episodes: a Father Love, Nightfall, Tucked In and the Movement of the Heavens. 
Dark and Vast 
The ocean is dark and vast. Space is dark and vast.
High Pressure is a Dark/Vast/Buried episode. The space the protagonist enters seems too dark. The vastness of the underwater space and the size of the creature is Vast. The enormous pressure is Buried.
In Big Picture we learned that Hailey, of the Dark, helped make the diving bell for the Vast ritual.
In Old Passages the first corridor the statement giver is in, is of the Buried. He keeps thinking the corridor is getting narrower. When he gets to the circular room he looks down the other doorways. One makes him feel like he’s gonna fall into it. One is exceptionally dark. It’s the corridors of the Vast and the Dark. They would be the corridors next to the Buried, the first doorways the statement giver would look into.
Vast and Eye 
From The Coming Storm, Mike Crew discussing the Vast and the Eye: “We have a lot in common, really. After all, what, what good’s the height, the terrifying draw of gravity, unless you, unless you really know the scale of what you’re facing?”
In The Architecture of Fear an enormous Eye fills the sky.
In Twice as Bright Jude says of Michael Crew “...he’s closer to your lot than mine.” Meaning the Vast is closer to the Eye than the Desolation.
Quote from Jurgen Leitner: “Imagine, you are an ant, and you have never before seen a human. Then one day, into your colony, a huge fingernail is thrust, scraping and digging. You flee to another entrance, only to be confronted by a staring eye gazing at you. You climb to the top, trying to find escape and, above you, can see the vast dark shadow of a boot falling upon you. Would that ant be able to construct these things into the form of a single human being? Or would it believe itself to be under attack by three different, equally terrible, but very distinct assailants?”
Jurgen is referencing four powers here, the eye is the Eye. The boot is the Vast and the Dark. The digging fingernail is the Buried. And these four powers are next to each other, so in a way they are the same.
When Jurgen said this he was compelled by John. John did not know that he was compelling Jurgen, but Jurgen did know. Jurgen seemed to not want to give too much information. He was perhaps worried John would learn that destroying the archives would kill John. That Leitner, indirectly, was planning to kill John. So Leitner talked in riddles. That way he could give into the compulsion without John getting wiser.
Eye and Web
Both powers can seem passive, waiting and watching. Spiders have eight eyes.
The Book A Guest for Mister Spider is part Eye. Mr. Spider has eight eyes of all shapes and sizes.
Archivists are Eye/Web. First, the way they compel people to speak is very Web. 
Second, the ancient archivist in Alexandria had long spindly fingers. Like spider legs. In Web Development Annabelle Cane is also described as having long spindly fingers. In Thought For The Day Annabelle moves her fingers along the wall, “...like a spider”.
Third, In Doomed Voyage, after John takes Floyd’s statement, Floyd seems confused. John tried to soothe him. Then John says “It’s alright, Floyd. You just need a break.” Floyd says “Yeah. Sure”. I think John was mind controlling Floyd. I think there is a little static when John speaks. Static on the tape often indicates that something magic is happening.  
In Heavy Goods John tells Breekon “Stop”. Breekon is upset. Then John extracts a statement from Breekon’s mind. I think John mind controlled Breekon to stand still. There’s definitely a lot of static.
In Infectious Doubts Gertrude tells Arthur that he can try to leave. It seems he tries but is unable to. I think Gertrude is mind controlling him to stay. 
Web and Corruption 
Insects and spiders are similar. Probably many people afraid of one of them are also afraid of the other.
In Hive Jane Prentiss talks about the song of the hive that affects her. She says webs has a song as well.
Each fear has an opposite:
The Corruption vs. The Flesh 
Because rot harms meat.
The Flesh tends to be very clean. The student in Anatomy Class cleaned up all the blood they spilled. The slaughterhouse maze in killing Floor was very clean. This is to combat the Corruption.
The Man Upstairs was about a Flesh avatar being attacked by the corruption.
I think Blood Bag was also about the Corruption versus the Flesh. More on than in a later post.
The Desolation vs. The Spiral
I’ll explain why they are opposed in a later post, when I get to Hill Top Road.
The Hunt vs. The Buried
The Hunt is a lot about running from a predator. Can’t run in a cramped space.
When Daisy was in the Buried she was freed from the Hunt. It could not reach her there, because it was an opposite force.
The Slaughter vs. The Dark
I’ll explain why they are opposites in the next post.
In The Piper the Slaughter kills Jonathan Rayner of the Dark.
In A Father’s Love the father performs a ritual that involves killing many people. The ritual destroys the darkness monster that is coming for his daughter. I think this worked because it was a ritual of the Slaughter, the opposite of the Dark. The father is chanting as he stabs the human heart. The Slaughter is often associated with music. 
The End vs. The Vast
From Dead Woman Walking, Georgie talking about the End: “The promise of a cold and lonely eternity in the grave would have been a mercy; at least it would be eternal. But everything ends, even the universe, even time. (...) ...the monumental realization of the scale we existed on. Not the meaningless vastness of the universe, but the… the smallness of it.” Sounds like the opposite of the Vast.
I think the Vast also deals with the fear of eternity. First: notice how Georgie said eternity would be a mercy. 
Second: notice how old Simon Fairchild was.
Third: In Submerged we learn that Gertrude threw Jan Kilbride’s body into the pit to disrupt the Buried ritual. John says “But Gertrude also realized that the body need not be alive. Or in one piece. She thought it was a mercy. It wasn’t.” I think this means she chopped up the body, but Jan was still alive. Jan was touched by the Vast. I think this had made him immortal, to make him fear eternity. 
Fourth: In Personal Space a door in password to the door is E109GHT8. Someone on the Magnus subreddit figured out what it means. It refers to the three fears that owned the space station, the Lonely, the Dark and the Vast. For the Lonely, the 10 should be read like lo, and the beginning of the nine as n, giving is elon, sounding like alone. For the Dark, the 9 sounds like ni, making 9GHT sound like night. For the Vast, the 8 sideways is an infinity symbol 
Fifth: in Freefall, when the guy is falling through infinite sky, his watch has stopped and he doesn’t know how long he has fallen. It feels like hours or days. But when he returns it has not been that long. The spiral messes with time to make people doubt their sanity. The Vast does it to make people fear eternity. 
Sixth, quote from A Matter of Perspective: “I don’t know how long I was floating for. I know it was less than a billion years, which is barely a heartbeat in the life of the universe, so how can it really be said to matter? The stars began to wink out, one by one, and I thought – perhaps for a second, perhaps for a hundred years…”
I believe the immortal gamblers from Cheating Death, Section 31 and Burial rites, were not of the End, like John thought, but of the Vast. They didn’t want to die at first, hence they gambled for life. That is the choice they made to embrace the Vast. But later they become afraid not of death, but the opposite, of not dying. The mummy in the pyramid tried to stab itself to death. The gambler in Section 31 tried to shoot himself. There is a symbol of infinity on the pyramid. 
In High Pressure, the statement begins and ends with the statement giver saying she should be dead. She didn’t die because she was touched by the Vast.
The Stranger vs The Web 
The Stranger makes dolls, puppets etc. into living things. The Web does the opposite, makes living people into puppets.
In Heavy Goods Breekon says of the Spider “It knows too much to truly be a stranger.” The Stranger has the Unknowing, a ritual based on not knowing things.  
The Web table trapped a creature of the Stranger. Quote from Jonathan after he smashed the table: “Smash the table, kill the monster, stupid! Lazy, sloppy assumption. Of course the table was binding it. The table is webs and spiders. Spiders are something else. They don’t help each other, they oppose, they… they weaken.”
In Nightfall Officer Musterman tells John he doesn’t know who is listening to the tapes, but that he doesn’t like it. The tapes are Web and Mustermann is Stranger.
In Angler Fish, the Stranger targets smokers. Smokers, like other addicts, are weak to the Web. So the Stranger isn’t just getting victims, it is fighting the Web.
The Eye vs. The Lonely 
Because if you’re watched you’re not alone.
In Personal Space, there is a camera apparently recording the lonely astronaut. But then he finds out the wires of the camera were severed from the start. So it is scary for the astronaut that no-one was watching him, the opposite of the Eye.
But if every fear has an opposite, what about the Extinction? Find out next post.
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anxiousstark · 4 years
S2 11 | Battleplan
Stiles Stilinski x Reader! Half-sibling!Mccall
Word count: 1912.
Warnings: Mentions of injuries, blood, murder, dead body, swearing (always).
A/N: This is kind of a filler. Not too long. Bruh, LAST CHAPTER OF SEASON 2.
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Things were complicated. Melissa wasn't talking to Scott nor me, she witnessed me flashing my eyes, and she saw Scott as a werewolf.
When Matt had dragged my unconscious body to one of the rooms where almost everyone was, I woke up for a couple of seconds, Stiles was unconscious on the floor, and Mr. Stilisnki had been hit on the head, falling to the ground. Then, the Kanima appeared, I found strength from somewhere deep inside me when I saw that he was planning to attack Melissa. I took the arrow out of my belly, the pain made my eyes flash, and while I stabbed the Kanima on the back with the same arrow, my eyes met Melissa's.
Stiles was receiving help. I felt bad because a couple of days before I had promised to protect his father, which I wasn't able to do. Not only that, but he was also ignoring me.
I was sitting on the bleachers, a lacrosse game would take place in a couple of minutes. I noticed Stiles and Scott talking to each other, and decided to go up to them. "Hey," I whispered, hands inside the pockets of my jacket, it was freezing. Scott glanced up, offering me a little smile. However, the other boy continued talking without acknowledging me.
"It's going to be bad, isn't it? I mean, like people screaming, running for their lives, blood, killing, maiming kind of bad?" His eyes were teary, legs bouncing up and down. "Scott, the other night seeing my dad get hit over the head by Matt, you know, while I'm just lying there and I can't even move, it just-. I want to help, you know, but I can't do the things that you can do. I can't-."
"It's okay."
Stiles shook his head. "We're losing, dude."
We were losing. We were losing people, and maybe we were losing ourselves on the way.
"The hell are you talking about?" Coach appeared from behind them, and even though I saw him coming near, I got startled. I was jumpy. "Game hasn't even started. Now put on your helmet and get out there. You're in for Greenberg."
"What? What happened to Greenberg?" He began looking around.
"What happened to Greenberg? He sucks. You suck slightly less."
"I'm playing? On the field? With the team?"
"Yes, unless you'd rather play with yourself."
"I already did that today, twice." I almost chuckled.
"Get the hell out there!"
The hazel-eyed boy restlessly grabbed all of his things. Before he could walk to the field, I stopped him, my hand clutching his jersey. "Stiles, I-"
"I can't talk," He didn't even glance at me. "This is important for me." Wasn't I?
"Yeah," I whispered, but he was already running to the field. "Good luck," I muttered. I heard Scott calling my name, but I just offered him a smile as he did before.
I went back to the bleachers, deciding to sit next to Melissa, but she quickly waved Lydia over. I didn't think much about it, or at least I tried not to while I sat next to Noah. His arm went around my shoulder as he kissed my forehead. For a moment, I thought I would break down. Noah couldn't help but scream for Stiles when his son walked to the field.
Things got even more complicated. First, Isaac came to the game, sitting down next to Scott. They both seemed to be friends now. Then, I noticed that Gerard was wickedly smiling while peering at Scott. Something was going on. Next, Jackson took a player to the ground, inducing him into unconsciousness. Coach asked Scott to play, and Melissa suspected that something more was going on, something more than just a lacrosse game. But then Scott disappeared while Coach screamed for him to come back.
I got up from the bleachers, determined to search for him even though my wound was fresh, and still hurting. But then everyone on the bleachers started cheering up, Stiles had scored. And another one. Then, again. The team hugged each other, congratulating. Stiles glanced at the bleachers, his eyes met mine. I was clapping, proud of him, grinning widely. He beamed back, but just for a couple of seconds as he seemed to realize something, then the smile wasn't for me, it was for Lydia Martin. And I suppose that is how everything should be.
The buzzer sounded, indicating the end of the game and our victory. The excitement didn't last. The lights went out, and someone screamed. Everything seemed to slow down. People falling to the ground, screams, bumping into others, running, fear. I made sure that Mr. Stilisnki was fine, running to the field, searching for Stiles. But I tripped, falling to the ground. I tripped over someone just lying there. I tripped over Jackson's unconscious body.
"Jackson? What's happened to Jackson?" Lydia's terrified voice sounded all over. "Jackson! Jackson! Jackson, what's happening?" She kneeled on the floor, next to him. I quickly got into the same position as her, grasping her arms, doing my best to calm her down.
"Can we get a medic over here? We're gonna need a medic!"
Melissa came running to us, putting her head over his chest. "He's not breathing. No pulse." She started pressing his chest, trying to bring him back. "Get down here." She glanced at Lydia. "Get down here and hold his head. Tilt it up."
"Stiles?" I whispered to myself, running to all the lacrosse players, looking at them in hopes of finding a familiar pair of hazel eyes.
"Where's Stiles? W-where's my son? Where's Stiles? Where's Stiles? Where's Stiles? Where the hell is my son?"
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The last hours were horrible. I spent them being embraced by Scott, reassuring each other, convincing each other that Stiles Stilisnki was perfectly safe.
I ran with all my strength, the wound on my stomach was burning, and it was probably bleeding as Melissa told me not to force myself. But I couldn't help it. Stiles was back. Stiles was in his house.
"You came running?" Mr. Stilisnki's eyes were wide open after he opened the front door, letting me come inside the Stilisnki household. I nodded my head frantically, glancing around. "He is upstairs." He smiled. I grinned, running towards the steps until his voice stopped me. "Lydia is there too."
"Uhm," I turned around. "C-can I wait here until she comes down?" He seemed confused. "I don't want to interrupt their, uhm, talk." He shook his head while smirking, muttering something under his breath. "Want something to drink?" I approved, following him to the kitchen, and sitting down on a chair. "How are you feeling?" He handed me a cup.
I fiddled with it, feeling the warmth go through my hands. "I did look inside the backpack." He waited for me to go on. "Some pictures of famous people she admired, and a picture of her with the friend who took care of me."
"No picture of you."
I sadly smiled, glad that I didn't have to say so myself. "Love," I sighed. "It's a strange thing. Mr. Stilisnki," He glared at me. "I mean Noah," I laughed while continuing. "How can I trust people when the ones who should teach me about it weren't even there?" My voice cracked. "Now, I'm terrified. I don't want to get too close because something bad could happen."
"Or something beautiful," His hands grabbed mine, thumb rubbing circles on the back of my hand. "Love feels good and hurts so bad, that doesn't mean everything will be wrong. There will be joyful and sorrowful moments. You need to go through all of them."
"If they ta-."
"Nobody is going to take you away, okay?" He softly whispered. "I will take care of that."
"Uhm," I heard someone, turning around to see Lydia. I smiled at her, although I don't think it looked like an honest one. "I'm already leaving," She glanced at the older Stilisnki. "Thank you for letting me stop by."
After we heard the door close, he nudged me. "Go."
I tried to calm my nerves while breathing deeply. I lightly knocked on the door, and when I heard his voice my stomach fluttered. However, I didn't like what I had in front of me. His cheek was bruised, a large bruise all over it, and his lower lip was busted.
My hands grabbed his neck, moving his head to the other side so I could examine his wounds. "Who did this?" He didn't reply, eyes meeting mine just for a couple of seconds. "Who did this, Stiles? I swear to god I will kill whoeve-."
"That's your problem." He pulled my hands off him. I studied his body posture, he was anxious and mad. "You don't know what you are, but you still throw yourself into trouble. A pepper spray?" Why was he talking now about the other day? "Pepper spray against a Kanima? Got beaten and shot, you still ran your mouth and insulted Matt which made him hit you, even while you were unconscious." His lower lip trembled. "And I couldn't do anything about it because I was paralyzed!"
"I would do it again."
"See, that's the problem. Y-you don't care about getting hurt." He stepped closer to me. This time, his eyes didn't leave mine. "But you know how I'll feel? I'll be devastated. And if you die, I will literally go out of my fucking mind." His eyes were teary, and at this point, mines were too. "You see, death doesn't happen to you, Y/N. It happens to everyone around you, okay? To all the people left standing at your funeral, trying to figure out how they're gonna live the rest of their lives now without you in it? Huh?" He was screaming now. "And look at my face, huh? Come on, you actually think this was meant to hurt me?" I flinched a little, not liking when people raised their voices. "Um- I'm so sorry." He brought me closer to him, hiding his face on my neck. "I missed you. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry"
"Is this why you ignored me on the field?" I embraced him tightly, terrified that he would disappear. I felt him nod. "Stiles, I would do anything for you like I know you would do anything for me." I felt him nod his head, bringing me even closer to his body.
Our eyes met. Arms still tight around each other. His eyes went from my eyes to my lips. He got closer, head inclined to the right side, getting closer.
"Y/N, wanna have dinner here?" We jumped apart. Warm invading our faces. Stiles blushing quite hard. "Oh, did I- does Chinese sound good?" We both nodded, shyly smiling as he closed the door behind him.
I found the strength to turn around and glance at him when I heard a faint melody resonating through his room. He had moved closer to his computer, playing the song. My eyebrows were furrowed, waiting for him to explain what was going on. "What is going on?" I whispered, not having the strength to talk louder.
He beamed at me. "I want to slow dance like we did at the dance." He came closer, asking for permission to place his hands on my waist. Of course, I nodded my head as my hands travelled from his chest to his shoulders, resting there. "But just with you."
TAGLIST: @og-baby-ob14 - @savemypostcards - @cas-loves-pizza - @used-avocado - @mvrylee - @bilesxbilinskixlahey - @honeydoll-stark - @arieltheworldisamess - @softpeteparker - @kit-kat-katie99 - @thatsuperherosidekick - @bexbetterxthanxwords - @big-galaxy-chaos - @littlemiss-forgotten - @enchantedcruelsummer - @coldfreakeggsexpert - @merla123 - @sammypotato67 - @weirdowithnobeardo - @maggiesblogsblog - @itskindyl - @bobo-bush - @moongoddesskiana - @multifandxm353 - @irwxnhugsx - @xoprincessmel - @iclosetgeek - @andreagf956 - @niawoods - @anerroroccurrrrred - @perrytheplatypus11 - @trustfundparker - @nmriia - @steve-harringtonnn - @trustfundparker - @brithedemonspawn - @weirdowithnobeardo - @my-soul-is-the-moon - @azayamari - @poguestyle17 - @bibliophilewednesday - @10minutesofscreentime - @momentitodebruh​ -
People in bold means it doesn’t let me tag them.
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crush culture || kendall knight - chapter one
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Summary: In which Kendall Knight has a crush on a girl who plays the drums at a local cafe
Word Count: 2,356
❝ you make me feel like a teenager in love, you make me feel like i'll be forever young❞
KENDALL GROANED AS HE HEARD A CRASH FROM OUTSIDE HIS BEDROOM, throwing a throw pillow over his head to block out the noises and lights. He'd had to go into the studio yesterday for nearly twelve hours trying to fulfill one of Gustavo's checklists, and about halfway through, he'd started developing a migraine. He'd shrugged it off the night before and tried to sleep it off, but it had somehow gotten worse overnight.
    Thankfully, he would have the day off, as he'd managed to get a few harmonies done the day before. He reached toward his navy blue curtains and pulled them over the sunlight leaking in through his window, laying still as he waited for the noise in the apartment to die down.
    It was moments like this that he longed for his life in Minnesota. While he was thankful that he'd been given such a privileged life in California, he knew that if he hadn't gone to the auditions with James six months ago, he would've been at the ice rink at the moment, practicing for a hockey scholarship. He wouldn't have learned the meaning of 'stress migraine,' and he definitely wouldn't have had to leave his apartment to get a decent cup of coffee.
    When he finally forced himself out of bed, he was met with an empty coffee machine and an empty bag of ground coffee. Kendall all but slammed his head into the kitchen pantry, throwing the bag into the garbage disposal and reaching for his phone. In truth, he wasn't even completely sure where the nearest cafe was, but he remembered his mom mentioning that there was a small one at the hippie grocery store on Rosé.
    'God, that's such a Hollywood name,' Kendall thought to himself as he ordered his taxi. Once it confirmed, he quickly changed into a hoodie and jeans, sliding his keys into his back pocket. He headed for the taxi the moment he saw it drive into the parking lot, only giving slight nods to his friends as he rushed to get his coffee.
    Thankfully, the driver hadn't tried to start any conversations, allowing him to sit in the backseat in silence. He leaned his head against the window, shutting his eyes as he tried to block out the sunlight. It felt as though direct sunlight would set fire to the back of his eyes.
    As the driver pulled into the front of the grocery store, Kendall winced at the slight jerking movement of the vehicle as it came to a halt. He handed a fifty dollar bill to the driver and stepped out, pulling his hoodie over his head as he stared at the oddly hippie grocery store, complete with plants hanging outside the building and a green-painted sign with the name 'Williams' painted in white letters.
    Kendall lightly rolled his eyes at the California culture, making his way into the store and heading for the cafe area towards the back. It was a completely different atmosphere from the coffee places and grocery stores they'd had in Minnesota, and while he likely would've figured that out sooner, he'd spent the majority of his time in California stuffed in a recording studio.
    As he approached the cafe, he noticed a few bookshelves towards the wall, filled with journals and cooking books, and whatever else California people liked to read. He walked toward the counter and noticed a short girl sitting behind the register, a dazed look on her face as she rhythmically tapped her fingers.
    "Uh, hey, could I get a cup of coffee?" Kendall asked, pulling his hoodie off his head. He'd made a slight effort to brush out his hair, but had given up after a while and shoved it ebenath a gray beanie.
    The girl snapped out of her thoughts and turned to face him, allowing him to get a view of her name tag: Emory. She smiled happily, soft brown eyes lighting up when she noticed him. "Hi! Welcome to William's Coffee House. What can I get you?"
    An involuntary smile came to his face when he heard her voice, but it quickly faded away when his eyes drifted to the menu. He fumbled with his words as he scanned the list of coffees, complete with lattes and espressos -- and what the hell was a macchiato? Kendall rubbed the back of his neck, confusion painted across his ivory features. "Uh... the coffee... kind?"
    Emory bit back a laugh and went through the buttons on the register. "I'll just get you a small black coffee, and you can add cream and sugar if you want."
    "Thank you," He sighed. He reached to grab a twenty dollar bill from his pocket, but she pushed his hand away quickly. Kendall looked u, dark eyebrows knitted together in confusion.
    "Don't even worry about it. It's on the house," She explained lightly, standing to go prepare his coffee. "You look like you've had a rough day."
    "Is it that obvious?" Kendall questioned, tugging at the edges of his beanie so they covered his temples. They felt like they were going to explode.
    She hesitated, reaching out to hand his coffee cup to him. She pursed her lips together, as if she were searching for the best words to tell him that he looked like he just crawled out from the garbage disposal. Emory winced at her own words as she said, "You're still cute."
    Kendall might've blushed if it weren't for the tightening feeling on the right side of his head.
    As he reached up to press his palms against his eyes, Emory questioned, "Do you have a migraine? I have Excedrin in my bag, if you want some. They're not crazy drugs or whatever."
    "Excedrin?" He pulled his hands away from his eyes to find her holding out a small bottle of acetaminophen. She smiled lightly and placed it next to her coffee. "Thanks."
    "No problem. I carry them around 'cause my brother and I get migraines a lot. One or two should be good depending on how bad it is," Emory advised. Kendall ignored her and shook three pills out of the bottle. "I mean, or you could do that."
    The corner of his mouth twitched into a smile as he went to take the three excedrins and swallow them down with the hot coffee. He winced at the taste, setting it down.
    "Didn't you say you wanted cream and sugar?" Emory questioned, pointing at the cup.
    Kendall deadpanned at the sight of the cream and sugar, throwing his hand onto the desk. Emory giggled and took the cup from him, shaking in a little bit of each ingredient. Her laugh was high-pitched, similar to a cartoon character's. He lifted his head slightly. "Cute laugh."
    Emory dropped the sugar packet into the cup. Her eyes widened and she quickly began preparing another cup. "I'm Emory."
    "Kendall," He responded. "That's a... unique name."
    "Thanks," She chuckled. "My Pops chose it. It's supposed to mean 'brave' or 'powerful' or something. I'm neither of those, which is why I'm working in a nearly empty café at eleven in the morning on a Friday."
    "Three-day weekend," Kendall shrugged and took the cup from her. He smiled, his migraine already beginning to fade away.
    She nodded and sat down in a stool behind the counter. Emory didn't have the nerve to tell him that her dads had named her other siblings 'Silas' and 'Andromeda.' She also didn't have the energy to explain that her dads had given her one mental health day per quarter, and she'd used it today so she could skip out on volleyball. She was only 5'2" which made serving the ball practically impossible.
    For some reason, she'd wanted to impress him. She wasn't quite sure how to do that while she was sitting in a coffee apron, at the back of a grocery store, though. He was genuinely attractive -- the kind that you found on the cover of magazines and billboards. Complete with dirty blonde bangs, deep green eyes, and dimples. As dramatic as it sounded, Emory swore he would be the death of her.
    Kendall stole glances at her as she cleaned up the suddenly messy counter, and pretended not to notice when she glanced back. He hadn't been able to meet a lot of people in Hollywood -- at least, no one outside of the Palm Woods. Gustavo and Kelly had kept him under lock and key in the studio. It had been somewhat justified, of course, considering they were working on an album; but there were times where he missed working at the grocery store in Minnesota. Times where he would've preferred to be playing hockey with his friends, as opposed to learning the same dance moves over and over again.
    God, he felt privileged.
    "So, skipping out on school, pretty boy?" Emory had said it without even glancing up, but he could hear the smile in her words.
    "No, I, uh, have an off-day today," Kendall responded awkwardly. He wasn't sure how to explain that he'd completely forgotten about the essay he had to turn on by three o'clock today. "What about you?"
    "My dads let me take the day off," Emory explained. She caught her words immediately and winced, waiting for the backlash or questions she would inevitably receive. Even in California, the LGBT capital of the world, there were somehow always questions.
    "Dads, huh? What are their names?"
    "Johan and Gerard," She said hesitantly. He would ask about her siblings now, or whether her mom had died, or where she was adopted from. She held her breath.
    "That's cool."
    'What the fuck?'
    "Yeah, they're pretty great," Emory agreed, slightly confused but overall relieved by his reaction. He only gave her a calm look, implying that he was generally unbothered by the topic. She nodded in approval. "So, tell me about yourself, pretty boy."
    "What do you wanna know?" Kendall asked, leaning back in his chair. "I'm from Minnesota; I really love hockey and music; and me and my sister Katie were raised by a single mom."
    "What do you mean by 'you love music?'" Emory squinted her eyes lightly and sat down in the seat across from him, leaning forward. "Do you, like, play any instruments or are you one of those guys that listens to music and says they love it so they look really cool and pretentious?"
    "I'm in a band with my best friends. I think I'm pretty into music," Kendall chuckled. "I play, like, the smallest amount of guitar; but I mostly sing."
    "It's not a band of none of you play the instruments," Emory was quick to point out. "I'm in a small band with my foster sister, Evie. I play drums."
    "You play drums?" Kendall snickered. "And that's not fair. We're mostly singers."
    "Then you're a group, not a band," She shot back. "Yeah, I play drums. Is that hard to believe?"
    "You're just so tiny," Kendall laughed. "I couldn't imagine that."
    "Ever hears the phrase 'you're lucky you're cute?'" Emory questioned, to sing a sugar packet in his general direction. It hit the side of his flannel jacket, and she sighed internally. He was kind of making her eyes hurt at this point. She mentally went over all the reasons that it would be completely unethical for her to ask for his number, then all of the reasons that she would regret not asking for his number.
    Unfortunately, she wasn't given the time to come to a balanced conclusion. Kendall's phone rang and he took it out of his pocket, sending Emory an apologetic look as he did so. The moment he answered it, his mood seemed to falter, and by the end of the call he'd practically slammed his head against the wooden counter.
    "Uh, are you okay?" Emory questioned, lightly poking his shoulder as he hung up his phone.
    "Nope. My producer is calling me into work today, after he promised me the day off yesterday!" He raised his voice and yelled at his phone, despite the fact that the caller had hung up already. He peeked at Emory from between his fingers. "I probably look really weird right now."
    Emory nodded, her nose crinkling as she smiled down at him. "You do."
    Kendall sighed and lifted his head, shoving his phone back into his pocket. He looked at Emory. "I should probably..."
    "Yeah. I wouldn't want you to get fired or anything. A face like that deserves to have screaming girls chasing after it," Emory said. She regretted her words immediately, questioning whether she'd spoken proper English just then.
    If Kendall noticed, he chose not to say anything about it. Instead, he went to stand and took a few paces away from the café. "I'll uh... I'll see you around?"
    'Ask for his number. Ask for his number. Ask for his number.'
    "Uh, yeah! You should visit again. I'll give you a discount on your coffee next time," Emory responded with a smile.
    "Yeah, I will. Uh... thanks, Emmy," Kendall nodded at her, before his phone went off in his pocket again. He groaned and pulled it out, practically yelling into the phone. "I'm coming!"
    Once he was out of sight, Emory groaned and laid her head down on the counter, covering her blushing face. She felt a hand on her shoulder and looked up to see Gerard, who was covered in flour and baking ingredients.
    She sighed. "How much of that did you see?"
    Gerard rubbed his daughter's back comfortingly. "You'll get better eventually, Emmy."
    Emory deadpanned, letting out a sigh. The next time she would see him was on the cover of a magazine, being proclaimed the new teen heartthrob.
    If she knew she would get Silas' flirting skills by spending so much time around him, she might've tried to get him kicked out of the house sooner.
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rpf-bat · 4 years
You Fell In Love With A Vampire
Pairing: Gerard Way x Reader
Genre: Horror, Romance
Summary: Written for Gothtober 2020, Day 7. Prompt: “Blood.” 
It’s late at night, when your best friend, Gerard shows up on your doorstep. He’s frantic, and covered in blood. He tells you that he’s been attacked - and reveals the bite marks, on his neck. When a strange thirst begins to take him over, your relationship with him changes forever. 
It had been a year since you graduated from SVA, and moved into this shoebox Manhattan apartment. But, you still hadn’t gotten used to how noisy the city could be at night. Even at this late hour, you could hear drunk people shouting, and taxi cabs beeping their horns. What they said was true - New York really was the city that never slept. 
But, I had to move into the city, to be closer to work, you reminded yourself. I’m lucky that I landed a job in my field, at all.  
You were debating whether to get out of bed, and fix some tea, when you heard a knock at your door. 
Who could it be at this hour?, you wondered sleepily. Should I just ignore it? 
The knocking continued insistently. 
“Ok, I’m coming…,” you mumbled. You pulled on your dressing gown, and looked suspiciously through the peephole. To your surprise, you recognized the face on the other side. “.....Gerard?!” 
You had known Gerard, since your first year of art school. You considered him one of your closest friends. But, he had never shown up on your doorstep, this late. What the hell was he doing here?
“Y/N, please open up!” you heard him beg. He sounded like he was crying.
Concerned, you opened the door. You gasped, when you saw the blood on his shirt.
“Y/N, you have to help me,” Gerard stammered. “I….I just got fucking attacked!” 
“What?” you gaped. “By who?”
“I can explain,” he sniffled. “Just...please, let me in!” 
“Of course,” you nodded, ushering him into your living room. “Sit down….it’s gonna be okay….” 
“I’m s-sorry,” he said, sitting hesitantly on your couch. “I didn’t know where else to go….you’re the only person I really know, who lives on this side of the Hudson.” 
“Sssh, it’s okay,” you consoled him, putting an arm around him. His whole body was shaking. 
“I stayed at the office really late tonight,” Gerard explained. “I was working on a drawing, and I guess I lost track of time. I was getting ready, to get on the train, and head back to Jersey for the night. But, as I walking to the station, this creep came out of nowhere, and cornered me in an alley.” 
“A mugger?” you guessed. 
“No!” Gerard shook his head. “I threw my wallet at him, but that wasn’t what he was after.” 
“What did he want, then?” you asked, confused. 
“My body,” Gerard shuddered. 
Your eyes widened - you never expected him to be a victim of that type of crime. But, assault isn’t something that only happens to women, you reminded yourself. Anyone can be a target.
“He started kissing my neck,” Gerard recalled, shaking, “and, like, biting on it.” 
“That’s horrible,” you said, terrified to hear the rest of your friend’s story. “Did he….?” 
“No,” Gerard shook his head. “I fought him off, before he could do anything else to me.” 
“Oh, thank God,” you replied, relieved that the bastard had not violated your friend any further. 
“I have a knife that I keep on me for self defense,” Gerard clarified. “I managed to cut him pretty deeply….what’s crazy is, he took off, like the injury was nothing.” 
“Seriously?” you asked, surprised. 
“Yeah!” Gerard replied, still looking shaken. “Oh, god….his blood splattered, when I sliced at him. Some if it got in my mouth….I can still taste it….”
“Do you want a cup of tea?” you offered, unsure how to help your clearly traumatized friend. 
“Yes, please,” Gerard said softly. 
You got up, and microwaved a mugful of water. You grabbed a tea bag from the cabinet, and set it in the mug, to steep. 
“Let that sit for a moment,” you cautioned. “It’s gonna be pretty hot. While you’re waiting on that, can I look at your neck? You look like you’re bleeding, a little bit…”
“Oh, god, am I?” Gerard shivered. “Do you have a first aid kit?” 
“I should have some bandages, somewhere,” you nodded. You sat down beside him, and gently tugged his shirt collar down. The fabric was soaked in red. “This looks kind of deep….” 
“Am I gonna be okay?” Gerard asked nervously. 
“Yeah, let me put some antiseptic on it, and you’ll be fine,” you assured him. You grabbed a bottle of hydrogen peroxide from the bathroom, and poured some onto a cotton ball. “I’m sorry if this stings a bit….” 
You daubed the cotton ball, onto the bloody bite mark, on his neck. What kind of sick freak would do such a thing?, you thought to yourself. It almost looks more like an animal bite… 
Gerard winced, as the antiseptic made contact with his skin. 
“I’m sorry,” you frowned. “I’m trying to be gentle.” 
“It’s okay,” Gerard said softly. “Thank you, Y/N, for helping me, even though it’s so late.” 
“Of course,” you told him, as you placed a Band-Aid on the wound. “I wouldn’t turn you away, when you’re in such obvious distress, like this.” 
“Y/N…..I was so scared,” Gerard confessed, tears welling up in his eyes again. He dove into your arms, and began to cry on your shoulder. 
“Ssssh,” you quieted him, gently rubbing his back. “It’s okay, Gee. The son of a bitch is gone now. You’re safe.” 
“Y/N….,” Gerard mumbled, his voice muffled by your shirt. “You...you smell so good…..”
“Huh?” you blinked, pulling away from him. 
“I….I’m sorry,” he blushed. “I don’t know why I said that.” 
What a weird thing to say, you thought, bewildered. It almost sounded like he was coming on to you….but, that wouldn’t make any sense. After what he’s been through tonight, romance would be the last thing on his mind. 
“.....Your tea should be cool enough to drink now,” you said awkwardly. There was no way he would hit on someone like you….even if he hadn’t just been groped by some pervert. 
“....Right,” Gerard said, and picked up the mug. He drank it quickly, setting the empty mug back down in seconds. 
“You must have been thirsty,” you said, raising an eyebrow. 
“I still am pretty thirsty, actually,” Gerard admitted. “Would it be okay if I had some more?” 
“Yeah, sure,” you shrugged. “I can fix you another cup.” 
“Before you do that,” Gerard asked hesitantly, “would you mind taking a look at my mouth?”
“Your mouth?” you repeated, confused. 
“My whole mouth hurts for some reason,” Gerard explained with a frown. “It feels like, when I had my wisdom teeth.” 
“Uhh, sure,” you decided, moving closer to him, on the couch. You didn’t understand how the attack could cause a symptom like that. But, you didn’t think he would make it up, either. 
He opened his mouth wide, so you could see it better. You leaned in, scrutinizing him with your gaze. At first, you couldn’t comprehend what you were seeing. There’s no way…..
“Gerard,” you paled, unsure how to tell him what you just saw. “You look like….you’re growing fangs.”
“Huh?” Gerard blinked, closing his mouth. “What are you talking about?”
“Go look in the bathroom mirror, if you don’t believe me!” you insisted. 
Gerard got up, and went to go look, for himself. His eyes widened in shock, as he stared at the reflection of his teeth. “Oh, god….what the fuck is happening to me?!” 
The pieces began to click into place, in your head. 
“Gee….,” you said nervously, “I think the guy who attacked you, was a vampire.”
“What?” Gerard laughed nervously, walking back into the living room. “Y/N, you gotta be kidding me…..vampires aren’t real.” 
You hadn’t thought they were real, either, until tonight. But, there was no other explanation, that made sense. 
“He bit you, and drew your blood,” you pointed out. “And now, all of a sudden, you spontaneously start growing a pair of fangs….” 
“Are you saying,” Gerard realized, the color draining from his face, “that I’m turning into a vampire, too?” 
You didn’t want to believe it, but the evidence was right in front of your eyes. 
“Oh, god,” Gerard realized, a look of horror crossing his face. “Does that mean that the sweetness I smelled when I was hugging you, was your blood?”
“That’s why the tea didn't do anything for your thirst,” you figured out. “You’re blood-thirsty.”  You took a frightened step backwards. 
“Y/N, I’m not gonna hurt you!” Gerard cried. “Please...you know me better than that.” 
“You’re right,” you sighed. “I’m sorry, Gee. Even if you are a vampire, you’re still my friend.” 
“I need to get out of here,” Gerard said, heading for the door. 
“No, wait!” you said, grabbing his arm. “It’s almost dawn….if you step outside now, the sun will burn you up into ashes.” 
“Maybe I should let it!” Gerard cried, trying to jerk away from you. “It’s better to be a pile of dust, then turn into an evil monster, that might harm you!” 
“No!” you insisted. “Gee, you can’t just kill yourself!”
“I can’t stay here!” Gerard argued. “What if I go berserk, and bite you? I would never forgive myself!” 
“You won’t do it!” you shouted back. “I know you -you’re a good person!” 
“Let go of me!” Gerard struggled. “Even if I go home  - what if I end up attacking my mom? Or Mikey? I’d rather die, while I still have my humanity, than live life as a monster!” 
“There’s no way I’ll let you die!” you screamed, tears welling up in your eyes. You held fast to his hand. Desperate to escape your grip, he shoved you away. 
You fell backwards, into the coffee table. You knocked the empty teacup as you hit the ground, and it shattered onto the floor. A shard landed on your hand, nicking your finger.
“Oh, god, Y/N, I’m so sorry!” Gerard gasped. He knelt down, to help you up. “I...I didn’t mean to hurt you…..”
“I’m okay,” you assured him, taking his hand. “I know, it was just an accident.” 
You tried to pull your hand away, now that you were on your feet. To your surprise, he held it fast. 
“Hey, let go,” you demanded. 
Gerard didn’t answer you - he was staring down, at your fingertips. You followed his gaze, and realized that your finger was bleeding. 
“....Gerard?” you called his name. “....I said, let go.” 
He stared at the red bead on your fingertip, as if he was hypnotized. It dawned on you, that he was trying desperately, to hold himself back. 
“.....You want to drink my blood,” you realized. 
“No,” Gerard whimpered. “I can’t….that would be wrong…..” 
“But, if you’re really a vampire,” you guessed, “don’t you need blood to live? If you don’t drink, you’ll starve.”
“Y/N, I’m so thirsty,” Gerard confessed, a hungry look in his eyes. “It….it hurts….” 
“Then, let me help you,” you offered. You extended your bleeding finger to him. “Just….promise to be gentle?” 
“I….I can’t do this to you,” Gerard hesitated. 
“It’s better for me to give it to you now, of my own free will,” you insisted, “then, to let you lose yourself, and end up attacking an innocent person.”
“A-Are you sure?” Gerard stammered. 
“Yes,” you consented. “Go on...before I change my mind.” 
“.....Okay,” Gerard decided. He took a deep breath, and knelt down, at your feet. He gently took your hand in his, and brought it to his lips. His tongue softly lapped at the blood that had pooled at the tip of your finger. 
“Oh, fuck,” he gasped. “Fuck, Y/N, you taste so good.” He licked your fingertip again. 
You found yourself blushing. 
He took your fingertip into his mouth, and started sucking on it, still making an effort to be tender. You felt the blood drip from the wound, as he began to suck you harder. His lips tightened around your finger. 
“....Hey, easy!” you reminded him. 
He slowed down, slightly, but the pressure of his sucking continued. His eyes rolled back in his head - the taste of you, seemed to be ecstasy to him. His pace quickened again. He couldn’t help himself.
 His fangs grazed your cut, deepening it, and allowing more blood to flow. You didn’t fight it. His lips against your skin, felt so soft, and good. It made you gasp. The only sounds in the room, were his soft, sucking noises, and your own ragged breathing. 
“...Y/N?” he gasped, gazing up at you, as he withdrew your finger, from his red mouth. “You look almost like….you were getting off on that.” 
“I….I think I was,” you confessed, cheeks aflame. What was wrong with you? 
“Is it strange,” he asked, licking his bloodstained lips, his thirst seemingly slaked, “if I say that I was kinda getting off on it, too?” 
You kneeled on the floor beside him. After the strangely erotic experience you’d just shared, there was no way that you could go back to being just friends. 
You kissed him, tasting your own blood, on his mouth. His body responded to yours, and he pulled you in. His red-dripping tongue, entered your mouth. 
“Fuck, Y/N!”, he gasped. “I…..I’ve wanted this for so long. The truth is…..I’ve had a crush on you, since freshman year.” 
“You….you have?” 
You’d always been attracted to him, but you never thought, you’d be his type. 
“I dreamed of this,” he confessed, his eyes full of passion. “But….I never thought it would be this way.” 
Nothing about this night, could have possibly been predicted. Your best friend had become an actual vampire - and he’d bitten you. And you’d enjoyed it.
“You can’t leave until the sun goes down, right?” you panted, kissing him again. He moaned against your lips.
“Y-Yeah,” he said. “I’m stuck here, until nightfall.” 
“Then, do you want to pass the time, in my bedroom?” you asked seductively. 
“Are you saying….there’s something else, you’d like me to suck?” Gerard smirked. 
“I would,” you purred. 
He took you in his arms again, and looked at you with a hunger that had absolutely nothing to do with  your blood. “Then, I’m yours.”
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dizzydancingdreamer · 3 years
Cast your mutuals but it’s only Lottie because it’s her birthday 🥳🎂
I just want to say that I see you, I hear you, and I’ll deliver (even tho I’m lazy and I could never do this if it wasn’t for you)
Cast your mutual ( @imdreamingwiththestars ) as...
Marvel Man — Ant Man, Scott Lang
Wait before you get mad hear me out! SCOTT LANG IS THE SEXIEST AVENGER! First off he’s fucking hilarious without even trying. Like HILARIOUS. Everything he says has me in stitches. Second, he’s a great fucking father— literally the best fucking father. Kinda like how you’re always telling me to drink water and to go to bed. Third, he’s adaptable! He can switch between superhero, commendable dad, friend, awkward, sexy— this man is everything and you are everything. Fourth, he’s a dork. And you can’t get mad at me for that because it’s not a jab— it’s the reason we’re friends. The scene in Ant Man and the wasp where he’s doing a thousand things while bored at home just screams Lottie and the way one moment you’re sending pictures of the bracelet you made and then the next your doing something entirely different. Finally he’s sexy— he’s hot as fuck and anyone who doesn’t think Paul Rudd— America’s true golden boy— is sexy then I don’t want to know you. He’s sexy not only because he’s just plain sexy with no substance (which he’s not and neither are you) but because of all the things I said before saying that he’s hot. This fucking DILF makes me want to be a MILF.
Marvel Woman — Scarlet Witch, Wanda Maximoff
Chaos Queen bisexual witch with nerd boyfriend— sounds about right to me! No— you don’t have nerd boyfriend but he’s out there (and maybe his name is SCOTT LANG). She loves fiercely when it comes to family and feels like she’s dying when those she loves are hurt. Family relationships get rocky at times but would do absolutely anything for her found family. She has meltdowns that rock entire towns and then, in the next second, is fine. Maladaptive daydreamer who creates the realities she would rather be in and adds the extra creative flare that the rest of the people around her are missing. That town was suffering before she showed up and gave it the ol’ razzle dazzle. Like please, take over my mind anyday. Deals with my Agatha Harkness level drama with grace. Like oh shit I kidnap you and force you to relive trauma and you don’t kill me? Wow a queen. 100/10 would bang and, yes, that needed to be added because it’s an important attribute. Also when I picture Lottie’s marvel costuming I see red and I see corsets and that’s enough for me 😌
TVD Man — Kai Parker
No, you aren’t a sociopath but neither was Kai Parker!! He was a kid who’s family fucked him over in every way because he was different and then— when he lashed out after years of straight abuse— got locked up. He’s not crazy— he’s hurt and no one’s fucking listening. He’s made mistakes but everyone would rather say shit about him instead of looking at their own lives. At the end of the day no one was better than Kai Parker despite how much they would like to think they are. He appreciates the little things— snowflakes and good food and sharp knives. He’s charming and has a voice that makes me melt— I can picture him going for walks and sending me videos about his coffee and what he bought at target. He needs a hug and a vacation and an I’m sorry.
TVD Woman — Bonnie Bennet
Is it telling that I picked another witch? Possibly. Am I gonna do it again? Definitely. Bonnie Bennet is a badass despite the fact that literally everything goes against her. She isn’t a badass because it’s easy, she’s a badass because it’s in her fucking DNA. No one wants her to be a badass— even her grandma at some points hates her— but she can’t turn it off so she doesn’t. She shouldn’t turn it off. She’s level headed but oh boy when she gets angry fucking watch out. She’s ride or die for her friends but will put them in her place when she needs to. She’s the most powerful one but no one treats her like it?? Creative problem solver with a penchant to let her powers kinda slip from time to time until a building or two is on fire. Falls for the hottest people but also might fall for your brother. She is the hottest one— full sexy— and again, yes, that’s important.
TO Man — Marcel Gerard
It was a toss up between him and Vincent Griffith but I have made my choice. Marcel is the poster boy for found family but also for knowing when it’s right to separate and do his own thing. The true king of NOLA who has exquisite taste in music. He was kinda evil at the beginning but it really only made him sexy so?? He thought he was protecting his city and vamp fam and I think that’s reasonable. Cares deeply, is beyond loyal, and would kill for those he loves. Saves a dorky awkward gay from death and that goes without saying hey thank you ma’am dorky gay here thankful for you’re consistent messages in her inbox I would be dead on here without you. Accidentally acquires a child but becomes one of the best dads ever despite her temper and unpredictable powers. Has an on off relationship with an equally sexy blonde. Himbo CEO vibes and I think that’s lovely— like you. You are lovely.
TO Woman — Hayley Marshall
Fierce, sexy, hybrid who loves two men even though they makes her so damn angry. Family drama 100%, found family drama 200%. Wolf queen who appreciates the downtime of chilling in nature with a cold drink and good people. Would die for her family but before it even gets to that point she would kill anyone who got in between her and them. Would go to unknown lengths to do the literal impossible like bring her family back from the dead. Impeccable mother— impeccable friend— impeccable leader. IS SO FUCKING SEXY. Also kinda angsty lol.
A Favourite Song — Drops of Jupiter | Train
Despite what it may seem like, I didn’t choose this because I know it’s one of your faves. I chose it because when I think about you I think about little things. Dunkin donuts and bikini tops and mugs and pink purple blue bracelets and late night talks about nothing. The verses of this song talks about all the little things she does that makes him love her and that’s how I feel about you. I love you because you don’t say hi, you say things akin to “Finn Mikaelson deserves to feel sexy like the rest of his brothers” and I think this song has that energy.
A Favourite Movie — Treasure Planet
“You’re gonna’ rattle the stars, you are.”
A coming of age adventure story with an angsty main character and a happy ending— it’s perfect. Sometimes to find yourself you need to find a golden map, get your moms rich friend to fun your pirate ship, hire a sexy cat captain, and befriend a father figure whose also a villain. Sometimes you also have to let him get away at the end. It touches on themes of discovery, forgiveness, trauma, and self love. Jim is a capable sarcastic smart kid and his best friend is an awkward robot who talks too much— wow, it’s us. Please bring me to space school when you get accepted 😌
I hope this makes you smile on your birthday! I love you most 💕
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spcncershybrid · 4 years
Dead?-Spencer Reid Imagine Part Two
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Spencer Reid X Mikaelson!Hybrid!Reader
Criminal Minds X The Originals
(Summary: After believing your brother has been framed you and your sibling try to get to the bottom of it.)
Word Count: 2K
Warnings: This won’t make sense if you don’t read part 1. Probably one or two curse words.
pt. 1  pt. 2  pt. 3
REQUESTS ARE OPEN!! It can either be crossover (scroll to my first post to see who I write for!!) or just a normal imagine! Also thanks for a lot of likes on my first post in the ‘Dead’ mini series I genuinely appreciate it :))
Rebekah and I enter Rousseau's and grab a seat at the bar. “Nice you see you back here. I was starting to think the Mikaelsons went extinct.” Camille says, passing Rebekah and I a drink. “Don’t worry it’s not poisoned.” She says laughing and walks away to attend other people. “Why do you believe our brother was framed Y/N?” Rebekah aasest taking a sip of her drink. “Well for starters my team and I came here to investigate murders of people being drained and suddenly waking up and leaving. When we got there the detective was immediately drawn to accuse our family and made Spencer and I call Matt Donovan. So I gave Klaus a warning after but the detective told me not to. But that’s not the crazy part Bekah! She made my brain almost explode! She’s a witch. She knows, well thinks the Mikaelsons are apart of it.” I say quickly gulping down my drink as it slightly burns my throat. “What was the witches name?” Rebekah asks fully, gulping her drink and stands up. “Greenwood.” I say standing up with her. “I believe you but we need to figure this out before your team decides to tear down a village to understand our family.” She says as we exit Rousseau's. We speed over to the family house and enter. This place hasn’t changed. “Klaus!” I exclaim as I set my jacket down. “Great another sibling who will forcibly give me an interrogation.” Klaus says emerging from the study. “Let’s get this quick so you can go to your mundane life with your human boyfriend who seemingly doesn’t know about your family secret nor of your siblings.” He continues grabbing a stool and sitting on it. “I’m not here to argue Niklaus seeing that has definitely worked in the past. I’m here to help you. I think you’re being framed by a witch-” I start. “Great more witches.” Klaus says clapping his hands. “Let me guess they’re the one leaving bodies on our bloody doorstep.” He says standing up. “Her name is Mallory Greenwood and I think she has help.” I finished. Elijah comes into the room glancing at Rebekah and I before walking up to us. “I heard the conversation, sorry to intrude, but what has this witch done that you believe our brother is innocent.” He says before standing next to Klaus. “She didn’t want me to warn you. Also my team believes I’m a Mikaelson, although I am, I told them I was a Gerard. I left my things at the station but I can’t go back there Elijah. We have to do this the only way we know how.” I say to him softly, nearly tearing up. “And what way is that?” Klaus questions. “By fighting fire with fire.” I say grabbing my jacket and exit with my family on my tail.
“Where are we headed?” Rebekah says speeding to my side. “The station I can show you the witch girl. Then we go back home and act like normal, human normal. If they decide to arrest all of us we need to stick together.” I say turning to face them. Elijah and Klaus look amused at the plan. We all speed to the station. Elijah and Rebekah instantly head to open the doors. “Wait!” I say, grabbing them and place Klaus’ hand on my shoulder. “Invisique.” I say turning us all invisible. We step inside carefully to not draw attention to the opening door. I spot Detective Greenwood talking to Spencer. I feel my blood boil a bit but brush it off he wouldn’t intentionally hurt me. “Who’s that?” I hear Rebekah whisper to me. “My boyfriend and the witch. Actually let’s all step out and I’ll go in alone.” I whisper back guiding the circle of invisible people outside of the station. I let go and we all appear slowly. “Okay I’ll go in and do what.” I say facing Rebekah and Klaus as Elijah wanders around. “I would say compel the little witch to give us our answers.” Klaus says clasping his hands together. “I can’t compel her in front of them are you insane!” I exclaim looking at Klaus like he's grown five heads. “I would’ve done it but I think they already have wanted posters printed out for all of us.” He says pointing to all of us. “I’ll just go in and talk to my team and if I get stopped by the detective I’ll compel her.” I say straightening out my jacket. They all nod and I start heading inside towards the team. “Welcome back. Cleared your head.” I hear Derek say laughing. I laugh slightly and grab my gun and badge, putting them in their respective places. Hotch and JJ look at me confused, Spencer and Emily just sigh in relief that I’m back. “Hello the Mikaelson family is outside.” A deputy says rushing into the room. “What!” I blurt out. The deputy smirks delighted. I roll my eyes and head out not worrying about my team. “I know you can hear me.” I hear the deputy say. I stop just outside the door as it shuts behind me. “Warn them your team dies.” He continues. “I will shove a wooden stake so far up your ass that the person that turned you would feel it.” I say clenching my jaw. “I have a proposition, an eye for an eye, I will give you Mallory for your stupid family.” He says. “What about my team?” I ask. “They look mighty delicious, especially the skinny one, what’s his name Dr. Reid.” He pauses for a moment. “Fine I’ll give you your team and Mallory for your family.” He says. I turn back and open the door. I glance towards the deputy smirking. I run over to him and grab him by the neck pinning him to the wall. “Threaten my family and team I’ll have your head strung up like a trophy at Mikaelson Manor to remember the idiot that tried to strike a deal with me.” I spat into his face my words stunning him. Hotch and Morgan pull me back as the deputy falls clutching his neck coughing. “Et dormient donec redire.” I whisper looking at the deputy. He falls snoring softly. I shrug a Morgan and Hotch off of me and run out of the station. I run out seeing my sibling dead on the floor, obviously a neck snap. I wait for a moment as they come back to life. “Who did this?” I ask them. “A tall guy that was canoodling with the witch. Melinda?” Rebekah says standing up. I automatically know who she's talking about. “Mallory? But we don’t have to worry about him he’s asleep until I get back to the station. We just have to figure out what she wants with our family.” I say as Elijah and Klaus get up. They both look at me confused. “Let’s just go home and figure this out. Get Marcel and Davina, potentially Kol and Freya so we can stop all this mess.” I say speeding off to the manor.
We enter the manor dropping our things on the couch and head towards the kitchen. The front door opens and familiar voices drown into the kitchen. “Explain to us in detail of what is going on.” Davina says immediately. “Hey Dav nice to see you too.” I say laughing. “But in all seriousness I think Klaus is being framed by a detective and a deputy. One is a witch and the other is a vampire, I think.” I say. “So this whole thing can end one or two ways. She kills all of us or we kill them.” Marcel says entering the conversation. “We can’t die but they can. So I vote we kill them.” Rebekah says hopping off her stool raising her hand. Klaus seems to agree but I immediately shoot down her idea. “No Rebekah because we can probably get arrested.” I say lying slightly. I don’t care for the fact that we get arrested but for the fact that my team has no idea this world or lifestyle exists. “It’s something else spill.” Rebekah says walking up to me. “None of my team knows about all of us being vampires, hybrids, and witches. I can’t just freely compel them, it feels wrong. They’re like my second family. They’re human and I like that they aren’t involved in our crazy messed up life. Of course one day I would’ve had to tell them but I didn’t expect that moment to come so soon.” I admit to her sighing as a heavy weight gets lifted off my shoulder. They all look at me sympathetically. “Tell them once this mess is all over. Then if all goes well we can all have dinner.” Rebekah says hugging me for a moment. We all stare at each other for a moment before a series of knocks abrupting the silence. “Mikaelson family! FBI!” I hear Derek say. “Let’s all get arrested I guess.” I start before hearing knocks again. “We can compel for freedom; all things are off the table. I will tell them about it later.” I finished as the door burst open. Spencer looks at me with pure confusion on his face as he comes over to arrest me. “I know my rights Spence just get this over with.” I say as he cuffs me. “Why?” He says his voice cracking slightly. “There’s a certain side of me I’ll explain after this is done.” I say as a tear slips out. He sighs softly guiding me outside into a police car. He jumps into the passenger's seat. I look out the window catching eyes with Davina. ‘Now’s the time Dav make us all invisible.’ I say telepathically. She nods. ‘On the count of three’ I say. ‘One’ I say looking around. “Y/N tell me what’s going on?” Spencer says. “Spencer I love you just know that.” I say breaking my gaze from Davina looking at him in the eyes. “What I’m about to do will make no sense, don't even try figuring it out.” I say tearing up. “You probably won’t see me for a while depending on how this goes.” I say as a tear slips out. He wipes the tear. “What do you mean?” He questions his voice laced with concern. “I love you Spencer Reid.” I say. I shift my elbow rolling down the window. I look over to Davina who’s getting loaded into a cruiser. She makes eye contact as I nod towards her. “omnes supernaturali creatura invisibilis verto.” We say aloud making every supernatural creature around us turn invisible. Spencer looks stunned looking around to see if anyone noticed what he saw. All the police officers and my team members look around stunned. No one says anything. I break the handcuffs and step out of the car noticing all the car doors are open. Thankfully they all got the memo. “Hotch what the hell was that?” Derek says aloud. “I have no idea.” Hotch answers confused. “Reid are you okay?” Derek says jogging to Spencer. “They said they loved me. I didn’t say it back. Now I have no clue if I’ll ever see them again.” Spencer says sadly running his hand through his hair. Trust me we will.  I sped over to the police station hoping that’s where my family went. “Are you all here?” I whisper knowing if they’re near they can hear me. “I am.” I hear Marcel say. “Here.” I hear Elijah, Kol and Klaus say in unison. “Present!” I hear Davina and Rebekah say. “Where’s Freya?” I question. I wave my hand in the air making us all visible. All of them appear except Freya. “Are you guys the Mikaelson family?” An officer says coming up to us. We all nod staring at each other. “Here.” He says handing me an envelope. I open the envelope pulling out a card. I turn to my siblings opening it. ‘Meet us at The Abattoir 8PM.” I drop the card on the floor looking at all of my siblings. This is a full fledged war. Let the games begin.
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robinrunsfiction · 4 years
Life in Pink
Pairing: Frank Iero x Female Reader Rating: General Requested By: None Word Count: ~1,200 Author’s Note: Spotify randomly brought me the song Life in Pink by The Ready Set today. I’d never actually heard it that I can remember, but I was instantly like “oh that’s a story!” and it was one of those things where my brain wouldn’t let me focus on anything else until I got this done. At first it wasn’t even gonna be Halloween related, but a quick edit made it so I didn’t have to wait to post this it lol
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If Frank had to describe (YN) in one word, it would be pink.
Not because of her appearance, or wardrobe, but because of her whole aura, her presence. A total stranger would have felt the warmth and affection she radiated toward everyone. It was as if she heard the expression "leave a little glitter everywhere you go" and she made it her personal mission to do just that. She could charm her way into any party and the host would only be mad at themselves for not inviting her in the first place.
Now he was standing in the corner of a Halloween party, feeling glad the actual day, his birthday, wasn't for another week as he wouldn't want to spend here. Unless (YN) would be there, he'd hang out in a trash dump if it meant hanging out with her. Luckily he didn't have to sit in trash tonight, as she had just walked into the party, but hadn't spotted him yet. Of course she was dressed as a princess, while he was dressed as a disgusting monster. It was an accurate representation of both of them he thought.
He watched her as she moved through the crowd. (YN) kissed her friends hello and he wondered how soon she would finally make her way to him. He lived for the moments when her lips grazed across his cheek, or she wrapped him in a hug. 
But he also knew the other side of her that she didn’t let anyone else see. The sad days, the lonely days. There weren't many people she trusted with that kind of information, not wanting to be a burden on anyone else, but she had let Frank in and he always wondered why she chose him. Maybe because more often than not he was sad and lonely, closed off from others, the opposite of her.
"Hey Frank!" She greeted him with a big smile, eyes sparkling as she pulled him into a hug. She smelled good. She always smelled good, like fresh laundry. It made him almost happy to do his own because it reminded him of her.
"Hey (YN)," his expression warming now that he was in her orbit. 
"You looked like a lonely zombie over here, so I thought I'd come join you."
"You don't have to worry about me," he replied, looking down at his cup of stale, room temperature beer. "I'm good."
She gave him a knowing look. "Come on, let's at least go someplace quieter, I feel like we haven't talked in forever!"
Frank acquiesced and they made their way out the front door. "Wanna stay here, or walk?" He asked.
(YN) pondered for a moment. "Walk."
Frank dropped his beer on the lawn, and they made their way to the sidewalk.
"So how've you been? Honestly?" She asked.
"Honestly?" He replied. "Ok I guess. Nothing's going on one way or another, just waiting for my next gig."
"Are you gonna invite me to the next My Chem show?" 
"You wanna go?" He asked, surprised.
"Duh! You're amazing! You guys are amazing."
A smile broke across Frank's face at her compliment as they arrived at a small park. They made their way to the swings and sat down. "You just wanna get with the lead singer," he said in a joking tone, but he couldn’t help but wonder if he was right. All the girls loved Gerard. Hell, all the boys did too, himself included, the guy was gorgeous, but nothing compared to (YN).
"Mmm no, I like guitarists better," she replied as she started to swing.
Frank drew his eyebrows together in confusion. "I'll let Toro know that he has a chance then," he replied and (YN) laughed.
"Oh Frank," she sighed.
Frank kicked at the gravel as (YN) kept swinging. The squeaking of the chains and the rustling of her skirt in the breeze were the only noises in the moonlit park.
"I'm gettin cold," Frank said suddenly as a chill shook through him. "Only you could drag me out of a perfectly warm party."
(YN) laughed. "You know you love me, Frankie."
"I do," he replied out loud, surprised at how easily the words slipped out. 
"Ok Frankie," she replied with another laugh.
Frank's mind was spinning. He could leave it alone and let her keep thinking that he meant nothing by it. Friends tell each other they love the other all the time right?
Or he could be honest. He could tell her that he's been hopelessly, pathetically in love with her since he first saw her.
"No, (YN), I really do love you. I am in love with you!"
(YN) let her feet drag in the gravel as she swung back down. Confusion on her face turning to surprise. "You... Oh!"
"Sorry," he said, getting up and walking away. Why had he bothered telling her how he felt? She could never love a guy like him back. She deserved someone like Ray, with a warm heart, or like Gerard, gorgeous and creative. He was so lost in thought and self pity that he didn't hear the crunching of gravel behind him.
"Frank!" She said grabbing his hand, making him stop in his tracks and face her. "You didn't let me respond."
"It's ok, you don’t have-"
"I love you too Frankie. Not just as a friend, but like, in love. Really really in love. When I first met you, I actually didn't ever think someone as cool and tough as you could stand to be around someone like me for more than five minutes, but you've always been so kind and genuine and that's why I felt like I could be more honest and open with you than anyone else I know. And the fact that you never bailed on me just made me fall even harder. I just really never thought you'd ever feel the same."
He realized his hand was still intertwined with hers, so with his free hand he reached up and caressed her cheek. Her skin was so perfectly soft, but a little cold from the night air. She leaned into the touch and Frank felt like his heart was going to burst. 
"I love you so much (YN)," he said again before leaning in and kissing her with every ounce of pent up love and affection he'd ever felt toward her. She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him tight against her as she kissed him back. He never wanted his moment to stop. He could die right then and he'd be satisfied.
When they pulled back, he searched her face for any glimmer of regret, but despite the fog from their breath swirling between them, he saw nothing but love and adoration on her face, he leaned in again, kissing her sweetly. When they parted, they walked hand in hand back to the party. 
"Wait, your birthday is next week! What do you want for your birthday?" She asked looking up at him excitedly.
"I got everything I could ever want right here, right now," he replied with a soft smile before lifting her hand and pressing a kiss to it.
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ofpackandpride · 4 years
Subhuman CH2
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You put your good arm around Isaac’s shoulders to keep him close as he presses his tongue against yours. You moan into his mouth, sliding your hand to his shirtless back when his hands squeeze your ass.
You smile and lift your hips up off your bed when Isaac tugs at your sweatpants, allowing Isaac to tug them down. You moan when he leans over you and sucks at your neck, gasping when you feel his hand wrap around your length.
“How long do we have?” Isaac asks, breathless against your neck as you shudder.
“Probably only like fifteen min-” You pause when you hear the loft door slam open, assuming Isaac heard it too based on his panicked expression.
“Y/N? Isaac?” You hear Derek yell as you move the blankets and slide under them, motioning for Isaac to do the same.
“Up here!” You call back, fluffing Isaac’s hair on one side to give him a bedhead look before moving so your head was on Isaac’s chest and his arm was wrapped around you.
You hear footsteps go up the metal stairs and force yourself to relax and close your eyes, hoping Isaac catches on.
“What are you two doing?” Derek asks from the doorway, eyebrows raised in true Derek manner.
You open an eye and yawn, internalizing your surprise when Isaac speaks for the two of you. “I was helping Y/N sleep, I heard something and came in to check on him and he was having a nightmare. I woke him up and helped calm him down and he wanted me to stay, is that alright?” You nod along to what Isaac says, watching Derek’s eyes soften in sympathy.
Derek’s sad smile speaks volumes for you. You know what he’s been through and intend on helping Peter finish what he’s started, if not for you then for them. “I brought food, come down when you're hungry.” 
“Thank you.” Isaac says as you nod against his chest, giving Derek his confirmation.
Derek gives the two of you one last look before heading back out.
“What are we even doing at the school?” Isaac asks as he follows you inside.
You pause in your step, Isaac coming to a stop alongside you. “Getting vengeance for my family.” You answer as you continue to your destination.
“Wait, what do you mean?” Isaac asks as he falls back in place next to you. “What are you going to do?”
You glance down at your destroyed arm, watching it bounce in the sling it’s in. “When he was an Alpha, Peter, My father, hunted down those who participated in the Hale fire. Not everyone on the list is gone, I’m changing that.” You explain, honing in on the heartbeat in the chemistry classroom.
Isaac doesn't have time to ask any other questions before you kick the door open, startling Harris as you walk into the room.
Harris stands up and instantly starts yelling at you. “What do you delinquents doing here?”
You take out your claws with a smile, shining your eyes in delight as you watch Harris’ eyes widen when he sees your claws. “You helped her.” You say, approaching Harris as he backs away.
You don’t care that Harris is looking for any way he can find, he won’t make it that far. “Who? Who are you talking about?”.
“Kate Argent” You answer, the scent of his fear growing stronger as you get closer. 
“I don’t know who-”
“Bullshit!” You yell, claws growing more in your anger. “Father got all the information he needed that night..”
“What are you talking about?” You can hear the desperate panic in his voice.
You place your hand against his throat. “The night Father came here just like me and got you to confess. The bar, the way you told her how to get away with murder. I know it all.” you say before swiping your claws across his throat. “By the way, I never liked you.” You whisper as he clutches his throat.
You hear Isaac’s heartbeat racing by the door and turn to him. “He helped burn them all down, Isaac, everyone I’m after helped with the fire.” 
Isaac takes a few breaths, listening to your heart and calming himself before replying. “I believe you.”
The plan hadn’t worked, everything that could have gone wrong did.
You hear Derek grunt and fall as he’s paralyzed by the Kanima venom. Dashing to your Alpha and moving him away from the danger of the fight ensuing as much as you can with one arm.
Hearing a pained gasp and smelling fresh blood, you see Isaac falling as Allison pulls her knives from his back. You growl and flash your eyes as she spins her daggers and approaches you and your Alpha. “You’re not getting to him.” You growl out, making sure she sees you flick out your claws.
Allison doesn’t say anything back to you, just increasing her pace to kill Derek. You growl and start shifting, long fangs and claws that are sharper than ice emerging as you claw off the sling on your bandaged arm. “You think Derek’s a monster for killing your bitch of a mother but she could have lived as a werewolf, she cared more about her honor than her own daughter.” You tell her, smelling her anger and hatred. 
You finish clawing off the wrappings on your arm and hold it out for her to see “That night you hunted Erica and Boyd? This is what happens when you leave people with Gerard.” 
You and Allison both turn to where Scott was running to the two of you. Scott stops running and looks at your injured arm, discoloured skin that has cracks making it look like broken clay and claws that don’t match your uninjured arm. 
“Allison!” You whip your head back to her when Scott calls her name, ready to kill to keep your Alpha safe. You didn’t expect the Kanima to have its claws around her throat. “He’s right Allison, now is not the time for Derek to die.” 
You inch back towards Derek when Gerard speaks. You know there’s no way you can get Derek and Isaac out but on the other hand you know you can take down Gerard and the Kanima, not while you don’t know what’s wrong with yourself.
“Thank you, Scott, for bringing them here like I asked.” Gerard says, making you try to block Scott from Derek as well.
“I’m sorry, Y/N. If I do this then I can be with Allison” Scott reasons. 
You get ready to fight, hoping Peter can get the others out in the worst case scenario. “Don’t be sorry, be afraid. If you do this, I’ll kill her.” You know making him mad will make him stronger, but he’ll also make more mistakes. 
Scott roars and charges you with wild slashes, not semblance of grace to his movements.
You trade hits with Scott in a losing battle, you were a newer beta than Boyd and almost killed right after. You were nowhere near ready to fight an experienced werewolf that hasn’t been hurt.
After taking a deep gouge to your stomach, you go to hit back when you hear Isaac cough to your right. In the short moment you shift your attention to Isaac, Scott swipes his claws straight over your eyes.
You grit your teeth and jump back, holding your good hand over your blinded eyes.
“You don’t know what you're doing, Scott, stop!” You hear Derek yelling by where you left him. You focus on the heartbeats of Derek and Scott, charging at Scott's and swinging your claws in an attempt to get him away from Derek. 
You feel flesh rip and almost immediately get thrown away by Scott, hitting the wall with a bang and falling to the floor with slowly fading consciousness. “Isaac, I’m sorry.” You mumble, fading into slumber with a hand outstretched for him.
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chiefdirector · 4 years
Broken Hearts - Klaus Mikaelson - The Originals
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Part One
Part Two
 Warnings: talk of death
Written for: @xx-rosehasthorns-xx
(Italics for flashbacks)
“You're lying,” Klaus roared, lunging forward to attack Rebekah, only to be interceded by Elijah, “I watched her die. She’s dead; (Y/N) is dead!”
“Do you really think that low of us, brother, to lie about such matters as this?”
“Nik, just listen okay!” Rebekah snapped, still behind Elijah. “I saw her myself. In Rousseau’s. She’s with Davina now.
“Davina, the witch who tried to kill us all? This keeps getting better and better.” Kaus stepped away from his siblings before turning to his liquor cabinet to find something strong to distract him from the facts that had been laid before him. Grabbing the bourbon, he poured himself a hefty glass, “So if my wife is alive, why is she with Davina instead of coming to see me first?”
Rebekah sighed before cautiously walking towards her brother, “That’s the thing, Nik,” she held her breath slightly, trying to piece her next words together carefully, “she doesn't remember anything.” 
The compound walls were familiar to (Y/N), maybe it was because of the vague memories pulling at her mind of the many decades she had spent here, or maybe it was the longing in her chest that drew her here in the first place that made her feel safe. Either way, she knew that she was in the right place.
It was hard, escaping Davina with her hexes, potions and spells, but (Y/N) managed to slip out. She knew the young witch wouldn't be far behind, so all (Y/N) had was mere minutes to find something, anything, to remember.
A loud smashing of what sounded like glass drew (Y/N) out of her thoughts and with inhuman speed across the abattoir into what seemed like a parlour room of sorts. However, when she saw Rebekah with two men, (Y/N) hesitated slightly before taking a deep breath and walking into the room.
“I heard the crash, are you okay?” (Y/N) said making all three heads turn to her. She looked up, unsure who to focus on: the grand man with the suit, the only person she knew here, or the blond man with blood and glass hanging out of his hand. “You might want to sort out your hand. I can help if you want.”
Niklaus looked at his wife, finally believing what his siblings were telling him. All he could see was your chest rising and falling with your breath. All he could hear was your blood pulsing through your veins. All he could feel was your heat radiating from you. Each one a sign of life coursing through you once more.
“Here,” (Y/N) reaching across to grab his hand to get the shards from the wound before it started to heal, “let me-”
Niklaus swooped down, catching (Y/N) in his arms as her eye rolled into her head and her legs gave out. He looked towards his siblings before leaving the room to lay her on his bed.
Rebekah twisted (Y/N)’s hair with a tug before finally tucking the last piece in with a flower securing its place. She then lifted the small mirror they had up before her soon-to-be sister’s face.
“See,” Rebekah said, looking down at her work, “I did tell you, Niklaus is the luckiest man to be marrying you.”
“Do you think so, Rebekah? What if he decides to not marry me?”
“I am sure. And I will tell you why I am sure.” Rebekah steppes bacn before heading to the small bed, and took the light creme dress from it. “It is because I heard Niklaus ask Elijah that very question not even a day ago.”
(Y/N) stood up and went over to where Rebekah was standing before talking the dress so she could finally seal her soul away to the man she loved with her entire being.
“(Y/N)?” Niklaus asked, waking his wife up at three in the morning.
(Y/N) stirred slightly, cuddling into her husband before opening her eyes slightly. “Nik? What is it?”
“You won’t leave me, will you?”
“I won’t leave you, not now, not ever.” (Y/N) mumbled into her busbads shoulder, “May I sleep now, my love.”
Niklaus hummed in response. He wrapped his arms around (Y/N), drawing random patterns up and down her arm until her breathing evened our once more.
“Don’t forget the red peppers for dinner tonight!” Niklaus called over his shoulder at his wife as she grabbed her handbag to leave the abattoir for the day. “You know Rebekah only eats red peppers.”
“Yeah, I know.” (Y/N) said, ducking into the kitchen to give Nik a kiss goodbye, not realising that this would be the last time she saw home for a while. “I love you.”
She sped out the door and towards the farmers market before he could reply. However, when she never arrived. Marcel Gerard made sure of that.
(Y/N) leaned forward as far as she could in the chair she was tied to. The ropes burning through her skin as they were drenched in vervain.
She had been here for hours, maybe even days but when every moment of filled with excruciating pain, you tend to lose count.
“Just tell me what he’s planning, (Y/N).” Marcel Gerard said, pacing in front of the woman, “I really don’t want to hurt you, but you know I will if you push me.”
“He’ll kill you, you know that right?” (Y/N) bit back, gritting her teeth together.
“That’s all you’ve said. You want to try again.”
Marcel just shook his head before leaving the room. He returned moments later with a wooden stake.
“Do you know what this is?” Marcel said. (Y/N) nodded promoting him to continue. “But it’s not just a stake. I found white oak ash and I covered it with the ash. Now I want to see if it will kill and original.”
“Marcel please don't do-” (Y/N) started begging but her attempts we're useless as she felt her body go limp.
The sunlight was softly projected onto the bed where (Y/N) lay with her husband beside her. She had been unconscious for three days now and any other person would assume that she was dead, but the original hybrid could hear her heart beat softly and rhythmically.
Klaus hadn't left his wife's side since she had fainted. He had already lost her once; he wasn't willing to lose her twice.
(Y/N) began to stir causing Nik to hold his breath. Her eyes fluttered open as she turned the face the man next to her.
“Hi, love.” Nik said softly, not wanting to startle and frighten her.
(Y/N) smiled. “I remember everything. Our highs, our lows. The dates, the fights. But I remember most of all, how much I love you.”
Buy me a coffee?
Tags: @xx-rosehasthorns-xx @thefandomzoneisdangerous
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anystalker707 · 4 years
Blood on my hands
🎃Halloween special Pairing: Frank x Reader Word counting: ~ 2 400 Genre: Terror, suspense, fluff TW: Terror, blood Summary: A cozy house in the woods. Being attacked by a beast you can’t see. And suddenly finding out your boyfriend is a vampire. a/n: I suck at horror, sorry bbs
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"I'm calling it," Frank says in defeat, his bottom lip sticking out as he sends a few dry leaves flying with a kick. "We're lost in the woods." A sigh escapes his nose as he looks around, cold fingers poking out of his fingerless gloves and wrapping themselves around my hand. They're always cold.
"Well, no shit, Frank." I roll my eyes. "I literally said that five minutes ago, but you were worried, with..." I think for a moment, but I'm not sure about what he was doing, talking to himself while I looked around the endless trees, seeking for a clue to get us out of here. "...whatever."
"Aw, don't be like this, I found a nice thing!" He says in a soft whine, eyebrows furrowed; he stops to walk, reaching for something in his pocket then pulls out a heart-shaped rock. His lips stretch in a cute proud smile, "actually, it was something else that I had seen, but I found this and I was gonna give it to you, but you were walking away before I could notice," he says with certain frustration.
"Oh, look at you! You never let me stay mad at you," I mutter under my breath, my heart practically melting. Taking the rock in hand, I take a good look at it before shoving it in my pocket. "Idiot," I joke, leaning in and pressing a quick kiss to his smiling lips. The giggle that comes from him makes me look at him with a stupid smile, shaking my head to myself before pulling him along with me to continue walking.
Dry leaves crack under our feet, practically the only sound in the place apart from the occasional breeze going through the leaves that remain in the trees and also makes us shiver. The dense clouds above us make it difficult to determine what time is it - something thankfully solved by our phones - and contributes with the cold air, though it doesn't penetrate through the heavy layers of clothes. Of course, we were worried about the rain, but the way the clouds are there since yesterday and not a single drop fell from the sky gave us some confidence.
Besides all, it feels like we're alone, but it also doesn't. Not to mention that, if we weren't actually alone, the sounds of the steps would easily be heard through the thick silence, with the ground being practically orange, almost completely covered in dry leaves. It makes me calmer.
All the walking almost makes me forget how we ended up here, but I remember what was it about it. We went for a walk to a specific place - a clearing we'd found days ago -, but I guess we took the wrong turn and, caught up in a conversation, only noticed it when we didn't even have phone signal anymore. It's not as bad as it sounds, the woods are just in the outskirts or the city. We found a trail at some point and here we are now, hoping it takes us to out of here. Though we've probably been walking for a couple of hours, the good point is that we left our house in the morning.
"I'm so tired of walking," Frank groans with a sigh, rubbing his face with his free hand. "We're getting nowhere. And I'm sure I've seen that tree-"
"Wait, that's a house, isn't it?" I raise an eyebrow, pointing to the place, interrupting Frank before he gives me another goddamn existential crisis. "There's probably someone in there," I tell him with a thoughtful hum, "like, window's open and all..." I trail off, tired. It seems like a fancy place, I bet someone probably wouldn't build this too deep into the woods. Or at least I hope so.
"Well, I guess," Frank shrugs, grabbing his phone and flipping it open, but just for a few seconds and then he's turning to me with a frustrated sigh. "Still no signal. Okay, so, whoever's in there will either help or kill us, so we better be prepared. I love you so much, so, if there's ever a situation that only allows one of us to run away..." He pauses, looking at me from under his eyelashes; as much as it sounds like he's going to say something sweet, I guess I know Frank enough. "...I'll miss you a lot, okay? Maybe I'll call the cops to come check on the place, so don't worry." His lips part in a proud grin, a chuckle escaping his lips once I snort.
"Okay, yeah, sure," I nod, rolling my eyes, "You're so lovely, Frank, best boyfriend," I tease, but quickly fall serious again, having thought about what he said. "No, but, really, what if they actually kill us or something? Like, horror movie thing? I'm pretty sure that in Texas Chainsaw Mass-"
"No, no, c'mon," Frank interrupts me, his eyebrows furrowing in a pleading expression as he holds onto my hand with both of his. "We could get some water or something, you've got no idea how fucking tired I am. We can hit them with whatever if they try to attack us."
"Y'know," a breath escapes my lips as I try ignoring the fear tight in my chest and let Frank drag me along with him. I mean, I'm really tired, but I prefer to sleep for two days straight instead of being killed. "Gerard's usually the one with bad ideas, but you're always pulling us to problems."
"Aw, no, trust me," he says with a pout, squeezing my hand, the rough fabric of his gloves somehow warm around my hand. "Trust me," he shoots me a look, pleading eyes observing me from under his eyelashes.
Not replying, I only let out a defeated sigh in response. I really want to stop and my throat aches for a drop of water. In the worst of the cases, at least I won't die alone.
It looks like practically any house we'd find in a rich neighborhood - modern styled two-story house, a lot of details in wood while the front wall of the second floor seems to be entirely made of glass, though it's not possible to see through it. It has a comfortable vibe, seeming to be a good place for spending the vacations in. All the windows in the first floor are open while there's just a single one open in the second one, with white curtains poking out of it, pulled by the wind when it hits stronger. The open door shows the furniture in light wood and a decoration that matches the aesthetic.
"Hello?" Frank asks after knocking on the door, though it's open. He's tense, me too - our hands tight around each other, both of us holding our breaths and standing completely still as waiting for a response, but the word is lost in an empty silence.
Slowly, he starts walking in the house, ignoring the glare I send him.
"It's not nice walking into someone's place like this," I say quietly as looking around, seeking for a signal of life in the house.
"Eh, we can just explain why we're doing this if they catch us." Frank's voice is louder than mine, but still quiet. Our steps sound impossibly loud against the wooden tiles. I don't answer.
The kitchen isn't much different from the rest of the house. Everything seems organized; the way the place is clean and a glass full of water sitting on the counter with two ice cubes inside it tell me there's really someone in the house, making a shiver run down my spine at the thought they'll probably be back soon to get the water.
"Here," Frank says, suddenly holding out a glass of water to me. Apparently, I zoned out for too long.
"Thank you," I mutter, exhaling and taking the glass in hand, shakily bringing it to my lips. Meanwhile, Frank looks around the place, sighing as he leans back against the counter. He looks from me to one of the stools across from him and points at it. With a nod, I sit up on it, thankful for giving my legs a break. The quietness is immersive, causing a great difference after so long with the breeze going past our ears or through the tree's leaves.
Frank's eyes go past me, probably looking at the doorway. Something catches his attention, but there's nothing when I turn around and to take a glance.
"What's up?" I ask in confusion, setting my empty glass beside me.
"Nothing..." He trails off. "Y'know, I'll... I'll go check if there's someone around, okay? I'll be right back." His lips press together in a smile and he kisses my cheek before moving to walk out of the room in weirdly slow and quiet steps. Odd. Something in his words and manners don't convince me, but I don't question it either, just trusting him.
He's gone for a few minutes; I check the time on my phone at least three times and I just can't wait anymore when ten minutes go by. I try calling for him, but there's no response - not even when I walk into the living room again. The same deadly silence of before is the only response I get.
I'm quiet for a moment, trying to listen or catch on a small detail that tells me Frank didn't simply disappear. The stairs seem weirdly threatening for some reason. But what if he's up there?
I'm about to take a step forward to climb the stairs when there's suddenly something grabbing onto my arms. Frank.
"Hey, I was-" I interrupt myself when I start being dragged behind and I freeze noticing it's not him, a shudder running down my spine. Though it feels like there are sharp, long fingers gripping around my arms, just below my shoulders, I can't see anything there when I look at it. And there's absolutely no one behind me either. No matter how I look around or try to look at the objects' reflex, there's absolutely nothing, but the grip's so strong that I can barely move as I'm dragged.
Where is it taking me to? What's even it?
The only result of all the questions, of all the confusing feelings is only a loud scream going past my lips before I can notice. At this point, the terror is probably bigger than the fear - I don't even fucking know what's doing this to me, I don't know what to wait for or what someone or something with this grip is capable of.
I can hear my name being called from upstairs, Frank's voice muffled, followed by heavy footsteps coming down the stairs.
And suddenly I'm alone again. Standing in the middle of the living room. My eyes are wide as I observe around the room. There's still this thick silence- And there's a muffled, loud thud.
Not even thinking, I start running upstairs, my heart stopping for a second at the sight of a red liquid coming from under one of the doors and, as bad as it can turn out, it's the exact door I go for, sweaty fingers wrapping themselves around the cold doorknob, afraid the worst happened.
Frank stands there. Calmly. An almost innocent look on his face as he looks around, intensifying when his gaze finds mine. Something completely normal. That if there wasn't blood everywhere less on him. Still, I weirdly calm down - or simply don't know how to react, my mind just giving up on keeping up with all the weird events and entering in a state of shock.
"Red syrup." Frank says with a smile, earning himself a look of disbelief from me.
"Is that really red syrup? Please tell me it's syrup." I say in a rushed tone, then pause. "I can't stand blood." A sick feeling bubbles in my stomach.
"Good thing it's everywhere," he chuckles, though he clearly holds more feelings than he dares to demonstrate, a visible tension or maybe nervousness noticeable by his tense shoulders. Why are his teeth stained red?
Averting my eyes from him, I look around the room. I don't know what's worse; the sight of blood everywhere, the lack of source, Frank having not a single hair strand out of place or maybe the I'm glad you are here written on the wall in black letters, a childish handwriting.
"So..." Frank trails off. "Let's get out of here," he looks away, cleaning his throat as approaching me in rushed steps, taking my hand and starting to pull me down the stairs with a firm grip.
I hadn't noticed it before, but there are a few mirrors hanging on the wall, by the stairs. Weirdly enough, I'm the only one I can see in it. It's not even scary, after everything.
"...So, when exactly were you going to tell me that you're a vampire?" I ask, my attention between going down the stairs and looking at the mirrors. Eventually, we stop, by the bottom of the stairs. there's a wider mirror hanging on the wall, right behind Frank. It looks like my hand's wrapped around nothing.
"Wh-what?!" Frank tenses up, eyes widening in the same moment. Some genuine surprise takes over his face. "What do you mean? Vampires aren't-"
"Frank, I'm looking straight in the mirror and you're not in it." My voice is calm. But what is there to freak out over anymore?
He's silent. Eyes flickering over me in seek for something, but he doesn't find it and he falls in disturbance.
"What attacked us?"
"Um, you better not know." Frank says nervously. There's a long pause, but I don't ask further about it. "I..." Frank exhales. "Let's get out of here, hm?" He presses his lips together, quickly starting to walk again. He sighs, glancing at me repeatedly as we walk, but I don't say anything.
"I know how to get us out of here now," he mutters, the silence of the house not so empty anymore.
We leave through the back door and, when we go past the kitchen, the glass with ice is there the same way. The cubes not any smaller.
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False God
A/N: Inspired by False God, by Taylor Swift. Also I put in so many Taylor song references (I’m also a Swiftie, I had to), so you might find those. Hopefully. Pairing: Gerard Way (2007, EMA era) x F! Reader Warnings: Steamy, definitely steamy, no explicit smut though. And swearing. Word count: 1,542
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(Here’s the song, if you haven’t heard it)
We were crazy to think Crazy to think that this could work Remember how I said I'd die for you? We were stupid to jump In the ocean separating us Remember how I'd fly to you?
“Gerard-” You moaned as he slammed your body onto the bed. The sheets engulfed you almost instantly as his lips continued to assault the various sweet spots on your neck, going up to behind you ears where his mouth would whisper the dirtiest things about his intentions with you.
“Yes, darling?” He asked, trailing down further and further, his hands keeping your hands tied above your head. He had gone to the right side of your neck, right above your shoulder and began placing soft kisses before attacking your weakness. You let out a loud moan and sigh, you could feel him lightly chuckle as he was in power.
“Right there, baby, right there.” “Anything for you sugar.”
And I can't talk to you when you're like this Staring out the window like I'm not your favorite town I'm New York City I still do it for you, babe
You were awoken to no one next to you, only your bare body and the scent of Gerard. “Gee?” You called out lightly, your eyes still adjusting to the sun which projected itself into the room and across the floor. You looked up to see him gazing out the window, fascinated by the bustling city below.
You got up, grabbing the nearest article of clothing which happened to be his dress shirt from the night before. The fabric fell on your mid-thigh and exposed some of the hickeys on your neck and chest. You walked over to him, wrapping your arms around his chest from behind and giving him a kiss on the head as he rubbed your arm. “You’re gorgeous.” He said, looking up at you.
“I could say the same for you.”
They all warned us about times like this They say the road gets hard and you get lost When you're led by blind faith Blind faith
“When are we finally going to open up, Gerard?” You asked him, your anger slowly rising within you.
“I don’t know, Y/N,” He fought back, “I was hoping to keep this between the two of us for a while.” “It’s been a while,” You replied, “Almost nine months.” He sighed, “No one knows, Gee, no one but us. Not even our parents. Not even our siblings.” He aggressively ran his hand through his messy raven hair.
“Because no one needs to know, Y/N/N,” He continued, “What we have is something really special. And I know that sounds cliche, but I’ve never felt this towards anyone.” “I get what you mean, I’ve never felt this either. But why can’t we show other people?”
“Because we just can’t.” “We just can’t?” You screeched, “Of course we can!”
“You need to calm down.” He said.
“I am calm!” You screamed. “Don’t raise your voice at me.” He warned, pointing his finger. “You’re going to regret it.” “Oh, how so?” You snapped, his eyes squinting slightly as his face turned to one of frustration and warning. “Watch me.” Within a few seconds your body was slammed against the wall, your hands pinned above you as his mouth attacked yours, his tongue entering yours and taking almost immediate dominance.
But we might just get away with it Religion's in your lips Even if it's a false god We'd still worship
Your relationship was under the radar for over a year. It was slightly making you lose your mind, you wanted to show off Gerard to everyone. But keeping this secret was fun, and you knew it only made both of you want to take more scandalous steps.
“Hey, babe.” You heard Gerard greet you as you got home, placing your trench coat on the coat rack and boots on the mat as you walked in from the stormy New York evening.
“Sorry I’m late,” You said walking over and giving him a kiss on the lips, “I was stuck in the studio.” “Understood.” He lightly smiled, continuing the painting he was working on in the spare room you had, which was an office/art space. His typical paint cardigan had a few new paint splatters you could tell.
“And what’re you so busy doing mister?” You asked playfully.
“Oh nothing.” He sighed, “It’ll be something soon, though, I promise.”
We might just get away with it The altar is my hips Even if it's a false god We'd still worship this love We'd still worship this love We'd still worship this love
Sitting down on the couch in your robe with a glass of red wine was how you spent the rare stormy nights in New York. The rain pattered on the floor to ceiling windows in your apartment, the lightning and thunder being seen and heard whenever striking. That of course didn’t stop you from watching whatever drama movies were on TV.
You felt Gerard give you a long kiss on the head, so you reached back and rubbed your fingers through his hair all while smiling. You couldn’t even notice your robe had come undone until you looked down to see his fingers pulling the strings which once tied the silk garment to you off all while kissing around your neck. “And what do you think you’re doing?” You asked.
“Trying to make you feel good.” He answered, continuing.
“Well,” You began, “Why don’t you make me feel good after you shower.” He sighed letting go.
“You know how to ruin a moment, sugar.” You lightly giggled. He took the wine glass out of your hand, drowning the rest rather quickly, before putting it back on the coffee table.
“While you’re up could you pour me another glass?” You asked, putting on your puppy dogs eyes. He sighed again.
“Of course, darling.” He replied, going to the kitchen instead of the bathroom first. He came back, a freshly poured glass in hand for you. “While I’m taking a shower, why don’t you check the art room.” He suggested and smirked, closing the bedroom door to go to the bathroom.
You lightly laughed at his mystery, getting up and wandering over to the corner room where you saw a sight that made you stop in your tracks. There sat a giant mural of your face, every feature prominent and perfect. You slowly approached it, admiring it for quite a bit of time.
It felt like a few minutes, but it became more when Gerard crept up behind you. “What do you think?” “It’s incredible.” You turned around to face him and smiled, “It’s done all too well to be honest, all my delicate features are there, everything.” You said.
“I’m glad you like it, I do too.” He responded.
“What are you going to name it?” You asked next.
“I don’t know.” He sighed, “But call it what you want.”
I know heaven's a thing I go there when you touch me, honey Hell is when I fight with you But we can patch it up good Make confessions and we're begging for forgiveness Got the wine for you
“For once just listen to me Gerard!” You yelled.
“Not when you’re being delusional, Y/N.” He fired right back, you two stood opposite of each other in the room, both pacing in your own corners.
“I’m not being fucking delusional!” You screamed, “You’re being a jackass!”
“Sometimes you’re so bitchy!” He replied.
“I’m what?” You asked, your voice going down, “Call me a bitch one more time.” You looked right into his eyes, his face now plastered with fear instead of anger. “You’re a dickhead, Gerard, and you clearly don’t know a damn thing about women.” You stormed off down the hall and to your room.
“Wait, Y/N, I-” He began following you, trying to grab your arm.
“Don’t fucking touch me.” You warned, tears filling your eyes, “Leave me the fuck alone.” You entered the master bedroom and slammed the door, marching over to the bed where you curled up and began crying.
You were so upset that he still didn’t want anyone to know about the two of you. You almost felt as if he was ashamed of you. Sure he was a rock singer and you were a pop singer, but you weren’t sure if that was enough to ruin his reputation, or even alter it in any way.
So you cried, for almost an hour, eventually hugging his pillow only to smell the familiar and comforting scent of your lover. “Y/N?” You heard him lightly knock, “Can I come in.” You sniffed and sat yourself up.
“Yeah.” You lightly said. There, walked in Gerard. His eyes were red, you could see he too has been crying.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N,” He said, “So sorry.” “I know,” You responded, “It’s alright.” He came over and sat next to you.
“I think we do need to let out family know, it’s been far too long. That way we can spend more time together, in public and such.” “Are you sure?” You asked, “I mean, only if you feel comfortable.” “Of course, darling.” He smiled, “I’m always comfortable when I’m with you.”
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enderspawn · 3 years
🎼 (I can’t find the correct emoji lol) exile arc tommy?
Oh boy! (opens up breakdown playlist) /hj
Montreal – Penelope Scott
Sleep with a Baseball Bat – Cosmic Johnny
Brother – Gerard Way
breakdown under cut, tw for suicidal ideation on the first song esp
1.       Montreal – heehee hoohoo suicidal/depression thoughts baby!!
I mean in short this is tommy saying he wont Survive exile. The intro of the song lists when the singer would be home from college/school and that “another 90 day summers gonna take [their] fucking life” which is rlly just. Tommy not gonna live THAT long in exile.
“And I would rather die And let me make it clear It's nobody's fault But I think we all know That I won't make it to Montreal”
So the thing here is that its “nobody’s fault” bc on one hand it is that he doesn’t blame tubbo but worse he doesn’t blame DREAM. Its just meant to happen, its not bc of anybody, yknow?
“And I would rather die I'll jump before I'll fall And I'm having lots of fun But I won't make it Montreal”
Mans tried to jump to his death before he “fell” whether bc of dream or an accident, hes makin the active CHOICE to end it rather than just waiting. Even w the fun he’s having w dream, he’s miserable and he knows he wont make it to see lmanberg again
“You like to talk about the future As if it's real And when you tell me that you love me I can almost feel it”
Dream keeps promising him stuff for the future. Maybe he can visit to see the tree, maybe he can get another visit, maybe he wont be alone. But tommy doesn’t care, its all fake to him (which like, it is so good for him but fjkdlsjf)
“It's not that it's a bad plan No, the plan fucking slapped I was so excited you don't know how bad I wanted all of it The coffee shop, the weather, the apartment But I don't want anything anymore I don't know, I guess I just got bored”
Okay so. Tommy kept trying to get shit together to leave, right? He wanted to go back so bad and have this domestic life w his friends but in the end he just got so downtrodden that after his shit got blown up he was so ready to just GIVE UP.
“And I don't wanna die I don't wanna get left behind But it's better half than none I hope to god you have some fun”
He doesn’t want to be in this situation, he still CARES abt the lmanberg crew but in the end hes been told that they’re happy WIHTOUT him. He’s not angry at them, not anymore, he just wants them to be happy bc he isn’t.
2.       Sleep with a Baseball Bat – tommy and dream relationship baby!!
“And every time you wake up Thinking this could be the day Well something, something just”
Every day in exile he had no real plans. He just had to exist out there alone and hope someone else came. This IS the day he can do…. Something. He doesn’t know. He doesn’t have a goal.
“And when your love is an anxiety attack Don’t settle for that, don’t settle for that And when you wake and find the claw marks in your back Sleep with a baseball bat, sleep with a baseball bat”
Hes been manipulated into thinkin dream is his friend, that dream “loves” him but it makes him miserable! Hes paranoid and stressed and falling apart!! Boy!!! Fjdsklfj
“Siena says you’re getting used But something’s broken in your head And you can’t run away when you need to”
The other ppl who visited him, like ranboo, KNEW something was happening and that he was in a bad place but tommy had been manipulated by dream so much that he couldn’t process it. No, dream couldn’t be bad, dream was his friend, right? He couldn’t leave exile, dream would be upset. Its all what DREAM wants, not tommy.
“Hey, space cadet Are you still floating round the rock That you spent so much of your life trying to get away from? And does it at least look different from up there?”
OKAY SO ONE. SPACE CADET? THAT’S CLARA BABY!! TWO: he spent ALL his time on this server fucking fighting dream, trying to “get away from” him. But now hes stuck “floating around” with him as his “friend”. The last line feels sarcastic and bitter but like. FUCK it hits, yknow??
“It might take a couple tries till you believe it But love is real, you’ll figure it out, you’ll live to see it But you still have to take a couple of falls And you can’t make an omelet without breaking your balls So batter up Is your bed made? Is your helmet on?”
HAPPY ENDING POG!! HE STARTS HEALING!!!! HE STARTS REALIZING DREAM WASN’T HIS FRIEND!!! He still “falls” and relapses into wanting dream w him but hes so much better!!! Also,,,,, “is your helmet on” w the turtle shell helmet (eyes emoji)
3.       Brother – IF TECHNO AND TOMMY NOT BROTHERS WHY THIS SON—(gunshot rings out)
Okay so on a serious note this song is abt addiction and while I don’t want to take away from that Serious Topic, it Does relate but w tommy dealing w his ptsd of dream
“And brother, if you have the chance to pick me up And can I sleep on your couch To the pound of the ache and pain? Oh, in my head 'Cause I'm awake all night long To the drums of the city rain”
Hhrhnrng staying at technos place to hide from dream and get better a lil JFKDLSJK. Also “the drums of the city rain” is referenced a LOT in this song but like. It keeps him up so,,,,,, dream JFKDLSJF. Mans barely ever slept in exile so it WORKS okay jfkdlsjf
“The lights we chase The nights we steal The things that we take to make us feel this (To the drums of the city rain)”
This is him and techno livin together!! Like in the first chorus you could see lights we chase being tommy finding techno’s place, then later it’s the lights of lmanberg as they sneak in. the nights they steal is both just time spent together and also straight up the times they stole shit JFKDSLJ. “the things that we take to make us feel” is the gapples tommy always eats so that he can feel safe (also, bc in the og song this is PROBABLY abt drugs and potions are drugs in universe so. Arguably getting a potion effect from the apple means it is Also Drugs? Fjdkslfj)
“I can't go back I don't think I will I won't sleep tonight as long as I still Hear the drums of the city rain”
Go back to logstedshire or lmanberg you ask?? The answer is yes. Both. He feels like he doesn’t belong in lmanberg and logstedshire is too traumatizing for him to return at this point. As long as he “hears the drums of the city rain”, or is thinking of dream, he Cant Sleep:tm:
“Does anyone have the guts to shut me up? 'Cause I believe that every night There's a chance we can walk away So hold on tight Because I won't wait too long In the drums of the beating rain”
Okay so hear me out but. This is just tommy and dream. “I believe that every night theres a chance we can walk away” is tommy hoping desperately for dream to let him go home, to walk away from logstedshire. He never will be permitted, not really, but theres a chance that tommy clings to. He wont “wait too long” while out in exile and stuck w dream bc hes desperate and miserable (also fun fact these analysis is basically me just pmv’ing shit in my head and rambling vaguely abt it but like. Listen,,,, flashback verse jfkdsljf) ALSO. The line “does anyone have the guts to shut me up” in relation to exile!tommy is just VERY important to me. Mans was so quiet and afraid to speak up when in exile.
“'Cause the nights don't last And we leave alone Will you drive me back? Can you take me home? (To the drums of the city rain)”
Following up that last paragraph, this is still in flashback. The days end and dream leaves again, making tommy alone. He asks if he can go back, if he can see home and lmanberg and everyone. But echoing the “to the drums of the city rain” after home CAN imply that “home” has become logstedshire WITH DREAM even tho it keeps him up and aaAAAAAHHHH
I swear this ends up okay and techno + tommy focused fjkdsljf
“Faces I don't know I am tired in the glow”
He feels isolated from everyone during his exile and lashes out at those who visit, to the point he feels like they’re all more or less strangers and “faces he doesn’t know”. Being tired in the glow is, imo, him over the lava.
“Of the freezing club Keep me breathing Don't make the lights come back Can you take me home? We all need this When we leave alone”
Hhhngg okay so tommy breakdown time! Hes in techno’s house (the freezing club) and is just pleading for techno to help. Don’t let “the lights come back” (lava again maybe? He doesn’t want to be Like This?) and just wants to feel like hes at home because hes just left exile and hes Messed Up Over It
“Remember when you and I would make things up? So many nights, just take me down To the place we can hear them play I miss that sound 'Cause now we don't sing so loud To the drums of the city rain”
OKAY SO THEY MAY NOT BE CANON FAMILY BUT WILBUR REMEMBERS SPARRING W TECHNO AS A KID AND PHIL IS HIS CLOSE FRIEND SO THEY STILL KNEW EACH OTHER AS KIDS SO SHUSH FJSDKL. Tommy just wants things to go back to how they were, before everything. When things were easy and they were kids just having fun. He misses it. Before exile, before lmanberg, before dream. But it doesn’t matter, because they’re stuck in this now. With his brother dead and his closest friend being the man who killed his best friend and helped blow up his country. Again, the drums of the city rain is dream. Because of his influence, its all different.
Hhhngngngn this is too long so I wont go into the last outro bc you can interpret it a LOT of ways, esp depending on how you want to Pace this song w the exile arc. But like. The analysis is THERE if you really wanna push it/animatic it babeyyy
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