#gentle sadism
cealtrachs · 3 months
One of my favorite things about Vagabond is how beloved Kojiro is within the narrative. A deaf-mute swordsman with a kill count nearing the triple digits. Referred to as a "monster." A "beast" and "crazy tiger." A "person purely devoted to the sword."
"Even if you love him, you've got to fear him." And yet, he is wholly loved by so many.
Animals love him. Birds land on his body, and cats curl up in his lap. An untamable horse on the verge of being put down accepts Kojiro as its sole rider.
Children love him. They follow him like mayflies and giggle when he notices them. They give him group hugs. They beg him to train them.
Women love him. Sex workers refuse to charge him and even thank him for being a good lover. They comment on his warmth. The women in Kokura adore him (as do all village residents, within a day of meeting Kojiro).
Even his enemies love him. They refer to him as "cherished by all swords." They remark on his sparkling eyes as they are disemboweled and beheaded. They note that Kojiro fights without hatred or rage - only a look of mild curiosity, or open joy. They watch him develop new techniques on the battlefield, and celebrate!
They seek and - it's fairly ambiguous whether this is supernatural, or a projection placed onto Kojiro by outsiders - fully understand what Kojiro is conveying through his swordsmanship! And Kojiro is excited by this. Being seen. Understood.
Swordsmanship not as a method of domination or centralizing political power but an expression of love. A dedication to craft and singular method of communication!
Kojiro's opponents almost never survive, of course. But when they do, they imagine him telling them to become stronger. They see him in their dreams. They speak of him as they would an old friend, years later. Even Musashi - Kojiro's natural antagonist, in history and in fiction - thinks back on his "way" while watching Kojiro spar.
"So their primal instincts tell them that they are not enemies."
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youryanderedaddy · 4 months
can you write gentle yandere taking their darling for the first time vs mean sadistic yandere taking them for the first time?
Btw I love ur work 💖💘💗
tw: female reader, non - con, kidnapping, obsessive/possessive behavior, sadism, degradation, slut - shaming
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Gentle ~
You know the type of guy I'm talking about. Big and buff, dark - haired, cries a lot. Watches romance movies in his free time and actually calls his mother even outside of the holiday season. Wears slutty little black fitted shirts after working out and brings you smoothies after work. He smiles and blushes. The man is a massive loser with an undying passion for anything nerdy, be it dragons, board games, collecting marks. Who would really expect this poor soul to hurt even a fly?
But he does.
It doesn't happen until months after he's taken you in. Most of the time he's being the perfect gentleman (aside from literally keeping you captive) - he cooks for you, brings you roses and chocolates (even when you throw them away or tear the petals from the flowers), cleans and doesn't make you lift a finger. He reads you poetry until your ears bleed. He tells you he loves you one hundred times a day and seemingly doesn't care about your snorts or the way you roll your eyes and push him away, already so used to your living situation you can't even find it in yourself to be scared. You think he's harmless - as harmless as a lovesick puppy.
But then one night he comes home, an unusual frown on his otherwise soft face. There is a certain type of madness in his hazel eyes. They are still so very soft and adoring, he still sees you as a Goddess in need of worship... but there is also something dark and muddy. Something possessive.
Your captor kisses you on the cheek and that much is granted - he does it every day, along with shouting "Honey, I'm home" at the door. He hugs you - tight. Tighter than ever before, it feels as if the man is trying to crush you in a suffocating embrace, like he wants to swallow you whole within his arms. For the first time you realise just how muscular he is - how much stronger he is. And then he picks you up like a blushing bride and leaves a quick peck on your forehead before taking you to the bedroom and carefully laying you down.
He doesn't give you time to ask questions - as soon as he steps a foot in your shared room, he's already tearing apart his clothes, revealing his ripped form.
"See anything you like, sweetness?" the man asks you, rubbing his hands together as he towers over you, caging you between two beefy arms. You stay silent for a moment, mouth agape at the suddenness of it all - you have never seen him like this. He starts caressing your cheeks and slowly moves down, and that's when it finally settles in your mind. You need to act quickly.
"Stop." you say authoritatively, just like you have done so many times before, praying it would work like it had in the past. But not now. This time he simply shakes his head, a crazed smile playing on his lips as he lowers his head and kisses your neck softly, lovingly. It's terrifying. You're not used to this. You don't know how to react. "Baby, I can't hold it in anymore." Your captor whispers, head resting against your shoulder, voice low and desperate - almost whiny.
"I really tried." he swallows thickly. "I swear. I tried cold showers a-and thinking about bad things but..." he bites his lip, staring at you. You look so small and helpless and, God, he respects you, he really does, but he can't help the way his crotch twitches and his pants tighten as he watches you squirm and tremble, oh-so-small and panicky, defenceless little hands scratching at his arms, but failing to make him budge.
"But every time I come home all pent up and annoyed after dealing with bastards all day, all I want is to bend you over," he continues after moving a lock of your hair out of the way so he can whisper directly into your naked ear. "And fuck-”, he says as he pins your hands to the bed frame, enjoying seeing you wiggle and pant. "The shit-" he can feel your heart beat faster and faster as your whole body gets warmer. It's awfully intimate. "Out of-" he's so excited now that he grabs your hips rather roughly, and ruts against your core, whimpering as his crotch rubs all over your clothed slit. "you".
He growls, now more akin to a lion or a bear than to a human.
He tries to enter you slowly so he wouldn’t hurt you, but the moment your tight velvety walls wrap around his hard throbbing length, he’s reduced to a feral whimpering mess, shoving at you in short sloppy thrusts, completely pussy - drunk. He lasts less than five minutes before he pulls out and cums all over your stomach, watching in fascination as his seed marks you. He slams his lips against yours, swallowing your hushed protests as he murmurs “Mine” over and over again, gripping your hips closer when he feels you pulling away.
Once his brain has cleared enough to be able to think properly he helps you clean up, touching you so gently you wonder if this wild, brutish side he exhibited was all but a dream. But it’s still very much there, barely contained under the surface - and one single moment of freedom and passion is enough to open Pandora's box. 
After that night he feels a lot more comfortable with touching you, for better or worse. 
Mean ~
He doesn’t wait for you to adjust to your ‘new life’ before he basically pounces on you like a predator. To be completely honest, he’s wanted to fuck you within inches of your life since the time he first saw you - the only thing keeping him at bay for a while were the countless pretty pictures he had of you naked and writhing in your own bed in the comfort of your home that all the secret cameras he had installed managed to capture.
Before he used to treat your home footage like his own personal cam - girl show; sometimes he would wait to leave work, jerking all over your face on his screen the moment he gets home. Other times he wasn’t so patient, and he had to sneak off to the restroom any time a thought about you occurred, stroking himself to completion as he blasted his recordings of your quiet moans on his headphones.
But now you’re here in the flesh - the real thing, tied so tight you can’t move an inch, trembling all over just like a bunny caught in a trap by the hunter. He wants you completely immobilised - he’s waited ages for this moment and he wants absolutely no distractions getting in the way of him finally taking his price.
You sob pitifully, your mouth the only part of your body left uncovered, and you try to plead with him desperately. You promise him money, influence, anything he wants - whatever would be able to get you out of this hellish predicament. You even offer to give him a blowjob - which he simply sneers at, grabbing a fistfull of your hair. 
“Oh, doll, the night is still young. Don’t you worry your pretty little head about it.” He looks possessed, ready to feast on your flesh. You shiver, curling into yourself as much as possible - but he pulls your legs on both sides of his thighs, his hands seeming grand across your rickety ankles. “You’ll get your chance to choke on this cock soon enough.” He grabs his bulge crudely, massaging it through his thick stained grey pants. “Right now all I want is to see this cute little pussy stretched on my meat and those pretty tits bouncing in the air as I slap them red.”
It really doesn’t matter if you’re a virgin or not, you’re getting brutalised either way - although his comments would be different.
If you’re a virgin, he’s making sure you get the whole of his length in one - there is something terribly amusing about the toe - curling scream you let out as his cock tears you apart, something borderline pornographic in the way your brows twist and your nostrils flare, lips shut tight as to not give him the pleasure of hearing your pain out loud. But it’s obvious, and he wants you to know that he enjoys it through and through - licking your tears and the sweat off your neck, pinching at your thighs, your breasts, your stomach; whatever makes you cry the most. 
If you’re not a virgin, he still finds a way to get his fun out of you. 
“I don’t feel you clenching on me, you little slut.” He smacks your cheek with little force behind it - it’s not meant to hurt you, but to humiliate you and drive his point across. “Did you have a fucking train ran on you? I should have known you’d be a filthy whore.” He bites at your lower lip, pulling at it until he hears you whine pitifully - leaving his mark on you. “Should’a known with these cocksucking lips of yours, and ngh-” He sinks into you, voice breaking once the tip of his dick brushes against your cervix. “And t-those slutty hips, shit, keep squeezing me just like that, n-ngh, I am going to ruin you all over again!”
He fucks you for who knows how long - when he’s finally satisfied, the sun is already up and you’re drenched in sweat and cum. There isn’t a single part of your body that doesn’t ache.
He leaves you there, snickering at the sight of your empty stare fixed on the ceiling - only reaching to untie you and cuff your ankle to the bed frame instead. You weakly raise an eyebrow in question.
“Stay here until I come back, okay?” He grins with malice, caressing your wet matted hair. “Hah, not that you can really go anywhere.”
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hazelfoureyes · 3 months
for your consideration:
a reader who’s genuinely more powerful than Alastor is. maybe they’re royalty or another overlord or maybe they simply just have a more commanding presence than him, but in any way, he hates it. he goes out of his way to try to one-up them (much like how he did with Lucifer), but the reader never falters, ever-calm and ever-in control. it infuriates Alastor to no end— not only because of the simple fact that he isn’t the strongest person in the room anymore, but also because the reader never treats him like he’s lesser than them. they treat him like an equal, and it makes him even angrier.
when they fuck for the first time, it’s a last-ditch attempt for Alastor to regain control— and it fails, because even though Alastor is on top with his nails digging into the reader’s skin, doing his very best to cause the pain he knows he can cause, the reader still just stares up at him, taking it like they always do. no tears fall from their eyes, no pleads fall from their lips. Alastor is dissatisfied— very much so. so they do it again. and again. and again, until it’s something of a game between them. until one day, the reader’s composure finally shatters.
they’ve had enough of Alastor’s attitude and disrespect, and they tell him as much. they pin him down, snarling about his god complex and his twisted sadism and how long they’ve been waiting to put him in his place. and Alastor finds that no matter how much he struggles, he can’t get that control that had been so rudely snatched from him back. but the thing is— a part of him likes it. really, really likes it— that loss of power that should be his and his alone, being held just out of his petulant reach. it brings him a sick feeling that he’s never felt before and can’t get enough of.
that part grows and grows until he’s the one crying and begging and squirming weakly underneath the reader, both his smile and his mind threatening to break as the reader fucks him relentlessly. no matter how many times either of them cums, the reader doesn’t stop, not until Alastor is screaming his apologies, over and over and over again. he hates it. he loves it.
when it’s all over, and when the reader has settled, Alastor makes them promise that they will never speak of this again. without a hint of smugness, the reader agrees— but maybe the next time Alastor is acting up, the reader will only have to give him a look. and he will know.
I know this wasn’t a prompt necessarily but don’t think you can come into MY HOUSE and lay a feast in front of me and not expect I’d dig in 👏 face 👏 first 👏 so here’s me just kinda riffing off your DELICIOUSLY WRITTEN MESSAGE. NO TIME TO EDIT A CUTE REPLY IMAGE
Wrapped around Your Finger (Ace Alastor bottoms for a GN!Seraphim Reader short smut)
Warnings/Promises: 🗣️ ALASTOR GETS FINGERED, Gender Neutral Reader x Alastor smut, hate fucking, bondage, initial dubcon, Ace Alastor, scratching, kinda degradation kink, Angel Reader, Reader is a good friend, Protect Angel Dust at all costs
minors dni
⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ When Lucifer introduced a defected Seraphim to the hotel, Alastor’s smile dropped. You had feet yet to him you seemed to glide through the hotel halls effortlessly. You were impeccably dressed, ever polite, well mannered, clean. It was driving him mad. Yes, Alastor knew the importance of being well groomed. He exalted manners and gentility. He disliked grime and thought a lack of personal hygiene was an actual sin. But the sight of you, every fucking day with that ever present soft smile on your lips? Your gaze, always gentle as you listened to sinners explain their dreams of redemption. Nails on a chalkboard. Every room you were in, all eyes turned to you. It was if the air itself was pulled into your charms.
Every one in the hotel either feared Alastor or, at least, failed to hide their annoyance when He’d sneak up on them or touch them without warning. Of course, not you. Alastor shocked himself with his antics in attempt to make you react to him at all. Charlie would pull him aside weekly, asking what the actual fuck? “Why did you say that? They know they aren’t from here, we all know that, but telling them they are most unnatural creature to ever exist in Hell? And I don’t think it was an accident you knocked their drink over. Al, you are being a bully.” Yes, and he was sorry. Sorry he was so ineffective. Not even a fucking knitted brow so much as flashed at him when he spilled your drink down your chest. You smiled, you had the audacity to smile at him and say, “Whoops. Your monocle isn’t prescription, huh?” He only had one option left to push you beneath him—-rip you to pieces. Any thing to get you to look at him differently than all the other weak souls mulling about in hell.
Alastor had seen you fight, when an overlord came to the hotel to taste seraphim blood, all of the Pride Ring saw your power. Arms out stretched, a glow came from your palms, yellow and bright. With the speed of someone enjoying a breakfast on the patio on a Sunday in hell, you knelt down and pressed your palms into the ground. A flash of light and power rung out from you and blinded everyone watching, but Alastor could see you as he melted into the deepest shadows your light created. White and gold glowing shards erupted from the dirt, fracturing the grounds of the hotel lawn as they formed a jagged but intelligent line straight for the demon. The overlord barely recovered from the blinding effect of your power before a glass-like piece shot from the ground and straight through his chest. It was over in seconds, and you had never dropped your soft grin.
He was prideful, but not stupid. A test, a little experiment first. When you watched sweetly from the sidelines and Charlie directed yet another meaningless activity, Alastor stood opposite you. Your eyes flitted from person to person, your smile small but genuine. Were you glowing? He had had enough. He reached his shadow appendages out and wrapped one around your ankle, as it gripped and prepared to drag you to the floor in what he hoped would be an embarrassing display, nothing happened. As the tentacle touched you, it dissipated. Your light entirely erasing the shadow.
He felt his mind breaking. Every night he paced, feeling your overwhelming presence in the hotel even at such a distance. He decided to try the one thing he’d never tried. Atleast, not since coming to hell. You were always so accommodating, maybe to a fault? He found you in kitchen, alone, making yourself some sickeningly sweet drink. Your body froze when Alastor pressed against you from behind. But, you didn’t make a sound. “Apologies, I don’t think I can suffer any longer.” He ground his hips into your ass, “I never do this, a gentleman through and through. But you see, as a deer demon, sometimes there are periods of—- unbearable discomfort. I can’t focus on redemption like this.”
Alastor was shocked when you swiveled around, eyes closed from your smile, and said, “I came here to help. What can I do?”
He couldn’t understand it. Bent over the counter in the common area, his nails cutting lines down your sides that healed with a frustrating speed, you just sighed into him. Little moans, soft exhales. He slammed your hips against him, the sound ringing through the kitchen. But still, your eyes were closed but not clenched. Your sounds small and even. The only thing keeping him hard was your hand, reached back and digging nails into his thighs. The tiniest hint of your true feelings. He’d bury his mind where your hand tore his skin and find release. Happy to see you at least a little less perfectly assembled after.
Alastor would find you at the most inconvenient times, in the most public settings, and find some excuse to need to fuck you. At one point a sinner even walked in on you two, and to Alastor’s palpable dismay, you apologized to the sinner for blocking the ice machine.
Your resolve finally snapped, however, when Alastor stepped past a line he didn’t know you had. Alastor had you, uncharacteristically, in your bed. He always spoke during sex but now, now it was genuinely grating you. “You’re such a whore, coming to Hell just to eat demon cock. If you drowned in cum you’d probably respawn as an even bigger slut than Angel Dust.” You sat up, one hand on his chest and the other under his armpit, and flipped him onto his back. Alastor’s arm moved to push back, but he found both wrists held down to the bed with a signature glow.
“If you knew Angel half as well as you pretended, you’d know how fucking stupid you sound.” Your hands gathered his cum from earlier that evening, slowly dripping out of you with the sudden change in position. “He’s the whore? Who stalks this hotel, hungry for any ounce of attention? A petulant child willing to embarrass others just so teacher notices them?” Your hand began to pump his cock. Alastor thrashed, he hated people handling his dick, but that was overshadowed by his disgust of having his semen spread over his skin. The sensation made his skin crawl and he would have gone soft but when he met your gaze he only grew harder in your fist. Your eyes were alight, figuratively and literally. The rage on your face made his smile drop entirely. You looked like you hated him. “If he is a whore, then you are Mary Magdalene. I’ll wash your feet for you, sinner.” You used your knees to spread open his untethered legs.
“I know you, Alastor,” the fingers of your other hand slicked through the lathered cum dripping down his ass and began to massage at his hole. “Your greatest sin wasn’t murder. It was pride. Never could let anyone see the famous Radio star with even a hair out of place. You’d drop your morals for even a taste of an improved social image. Even in death, you abuse and hound others who dare to make you feel less than how you demand you look from the outside.” He wanted to say anything, argue, roar, but his jaw was locked in place. Your eyes never left his, and soon his vision was darkening around your luminescent stare. A finger slipped into him, slowly but with resistance.
“Tell me to stop.” Your hand slowed to let his muscles relax around your digit before picking up speed again, curving your palm over his head with every pull upward, “Tell me to stop and I will. I’ll go right back to who I always am, and always will be. I’ll smile at you every morning and move out of your way with a nod in the halls. Say ‘stop’.” Your words were threats, not idle or hollow and it made Alastor’s thighs twitch. Go back? Return to looking at him like you truly wanted the best for him despite how dirty his hands were? Soft eyes threatening to make him melt into a lesser, weaker man?
You were in him to the knuckle, finger prodding and twirling.
His eyes were wide but focused on you. Alastor thought his soul would evaporate, your face a sneer he’d never been so lucky to even imagine before now. He could feel you around him, in him.
A tiny, halted, “S-,” was forced through his teeth.
He shook his head, eyes fluttering closed.
“God, you’re pathetic. What about a sorry? Can you manage a single apology for your comments tonight? I’ll let you roll me back into the mattress, for a sincere ‘sorry’.” Alastor's knees hitched, his head fell back, and he came over your knuckles with a pained groan. But you didn’t stop. You’d get your reply, eventually.
Alastor gave a threat of his own when you finally got your apology, half screamed through his third orgasm, and let him flee your bed. You nodded and agreed, yes yes, this never happened blah blah yet another example of your enormous pride.
After that night, any time Alastor wanted to yank on Husk’s chains, or double speak someone into a deal, he’d pause and look around. Expecting your two golden lit eyes to be staring, ready to flip him onto his back and drag several more apologies from him.
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lunarduty · 5 months
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☾ how the cod men eat pussy. 141 + ALEJANDRO + RUDY + GRAVES + FRANK X F!READER TAGS | nsfw. smut. oral (female receiving). female reader. WC | 1,029
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JOHN PRICE is patient, methodical, and just a little bit sadistic - a recipe for a man who will eat you out slowly and thoroughly and string you along until he decides you deserve to cum. he’s relentless and a quick learner, and will go out of his way to learn every single way to wind you up and make you needy on his tongue. his sadism comes through when you’re teetering on the edge of an orgasm - teasing you about cumming so quickly, but ultimately forcing you over with a quirk of his fingers because john can never deny you anything. he likes to watch you fall apart. takes a selfish pleasure in hearing his own name tumble from your lips.
GAZ eats you out like he’s starving. intent on satisfying his needs and yours. he’s usually pretty sweet and gentle about it - paying compliments whenever he can, telling you how pretty you sound, proud that you’re falling apart so fucking easily. gaz does have a habit of withdrawing just a little when things get intense and he’s really trying to make you cum. he takes his missions very seriously and would wholly focus on finding the right rhythm of tongue and fingers. moans alongside you when you finally cum, and he always watches when you do. for gaz, there’s very little else he loves than watching your body keen on his tongue.
SOAP knows his way around a pussy. pretty experienced, and yet, he loves the thrill of learning new tricks that make you breathe out his name like a prayer. he’s very touchy - kissing your thighs, gripping your hips, letting his breath waft over your clit without actually touching you. soap likes to wind you up for the sole purpose of making you desperate - he likes it when you rock up against his face. craving more of him and seeking out what you want and soap fully lets you ride his tongue, groaning out praise as you do so. he can get a little carried away, and you’ll probably have some bruises on your hips in the morning. definitely french kisses you afterwards, making it a point to let you know just how fucking good you taste.
GHOST has the tendency to get too serious when going down on you. he mainly just tries to give it his all, wanting you to enjoy yourself. he goes quiet in the beginning but it isn’t long until ghost fully lets his walls down. groaning against your pussy, cock throbbing in his pants when your thighs lock around his head, and he gets kinda pussy drunk. you can pull at his hair, suffocate him between your thighs, moan loud enough for the neighbors to hear - he doesn’t care. not when you’re finally cumming on his fingers and ghost can’t help but remember how good you feel around his cock so he’s pulling himself away from you before you fully finish cumming and he’s tugging his pants down and…
ALEJANDRO is always very eager to eat you out any time you let him. loves getting nasty with it and making a huge mess on whatever surface he put you on. sitting on his face and riding his tongue is probably his most favorite - he just thinks there’s something very hot about having his hands on your waist, controlling the way you grind down against his mouth. and when you get close, it’s like alejandro does, too - gets very vocal to match your moans and loves to dirty talk because it always winds you up even more and you always look the most beautiful when you’re cumming with a hint of bashfulness on your face. you’ll cum hard and quick and alejandro will just keep going.
RUDOLFO is slow and sweet, taking his time to kiss every inch of skin and make sure the mood is perfect before finally giving you his mouth. asks you frequently if you’re enjoying it and has a surprisingly potent praise kink - rudy works even better when you tell him exactly how good he’s making you feel and how much you want him to make you cum. he absolutely lives for the little things, like your fingers curling into his hair or the breathless version of his name or the light squeeze of your thighs against his ears. he very purposefully builds up your orgasm at a gradual pace before letting it hit all at once - rudy is so sweet, but he gets a sick sort of pleasure from making you cum so hard, you don’t even realize he’s kissing you until you can taste yourself on his tongue.
GRAVES likes to brag that he can make you cum in under three minutes and it’s even worse knowing that he absolutely can. he gets almost aggressive in the way he eats you out - barely allowing you a break, constantly turning the tables on you, never letting you predict his next move. physical contact can soften him up though. caress his hair and face and you can convince him to slow down for a little bit, allowing himself a chance to just watch you ride his fingers. but fuck, graves loves the way you look and taste and he’ll tell you about every single detail between flicks of his tongue. his arrogance can get annoying, but when he makes you cum until you’re going blind, and then asks if he should keep going, it’s easy to forgive.
FRANK WOODS will eat you out in any way you want him to, just as long as he can - he’s not fuckin’ picky. he’ll always be wearing a cocky little grin when he gets you so completely lost, and will say something to the effect of turning you stupid. can and has used his whole arm to hold you down when he was feeling particularly cruel and you’re bucking your hips desperately. this is usually the time frank likes to mix things up, just to keep you on your toes - using a hint of teeth, adding another finger, groaning loudly against your clit. and after your orgasm, he’ll just keep pumping his fingers until you have to physically pull him off you.
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yestrday · 7 months
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— BLUSH BLUSH ! anemo | hydro | geo
⤷ yan! hybrid! zhongli, itto, gorou, albedo
summary ! these land-dwelling hybrids have devotion as sturdy as stone and they’re ready to prove it anytime! if you’re feeling shackled by your father’s chain, do not worry, for you have your trusty hybrids to keep you company. should you have any concerns, just come to them anytime. after all, you are all bound by a contract that will never expire~
content ! possessive behavior; obsessive behavior; yandere behavior; mentions of violence; mentions of biting you; mentions of blood; mentions of drugs; sadism; thoughts of corruption
notes ! woah!!!! i have posted an actual full update!!! woah!!! applaud please!
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in the neighboring country of your very own, legends say that a great dragon protected their lands in a time of tumultuous peril. were it not for the great dragon general and his army of mythical beasts, the people of that land would have succumbed to war and famine. he built the broken country from the ground back up, and introduced many kinds of craft to help them prosper. the land and its people did indeed flourish,  thanks to the wisdom of the dragon. but wise as he is, he ultimately decided that the humans must learn to rely on themselves, and so he and his army of beasts hid away, till they faded into nothing more but myths and stories…
you stare blankly at the gentleman who is calmly sipping his tea while he tells you this story, and venti's squawking laughter as he dies in the background. having let go of his human form, he sits comfortably with his scaled tail and his golden antlers out, and his black and gold hands gingerly cup the ceramic teacup. aether is beside you giving the man a deadpan stare. all the surrounding hybrids, save for a few clueless ones, give him the side eye. yeah, ZHONGLI is not fooling anybody.
unlike your other hybrids, it was you who came to him. your father had summoned you, much to the anger of your caring hybrids, and your servants had you scrubbed with scented soaps and dressed you in elegant pieces. aether accompanies you all the way to your company's building and soothes your worries away as you ride the elevator going up. the man accompanying you shoots a condescending gaze— the forgotten heir and their hybrid pet— and backing down after receiving aether’s dark glare. when you step into his office, you’re greeted by the apathetic look on your father’s face… and the handsome man beside him.
“this is ZHONGLI,” your father tells you, sounding bored as he resumes to reading his documents. “i heard that you’ve amassed yourself a following of hybrids of some sort.” you tense when you hear that, knowing the positions hybrids hold in this world. “what you do there is of no concern to me. ZHONGLI is a good and efficient secretary– he can help you control those beasts of yours. after all, i cannot risk having so many sources of harm around my child without someone to properly control them.” aether snarls under his breath at the mere implication of them hurting you, but you squeeze his hand. and so off you leave to your isolated villa, your back turning on your neglectful father once more.
ZHONGLI quickly proves himself to be quite the skilled hybrid. he can easily identify from just a glance on what kind of animal they are, as well as the specifications of their behavior, preferred environment, diet, and whatnot. he also helps you sort through your treasures— the jewels and antiques you’ve accumulated over time and tell you stories of these. he entertains you with new knowledge, helping you have a good grasp on the world beyond these walls.
he’s also very, very gentle with you. for the kindness you’ve shown these hybrids, you’ve gained a special place in ZHONGLI’s heart. oftentimes, he will pat your hair down as he recounts an old eastern fable, and straightens out any wrinkles in your shirt when he sees them. it pleases him to know that you are nothing like your father, but he knows that you’re still his blood-related child. if you had to go through any of the trials that your father had, ZHONGLI fears that you may grow just as cold-hearted as he is. so he makes sure to take the utmost care of you, so that you’ll never have to change from your kind and soft self.
ZHONGLI quickly becomes a trustworthy pillar that everyone can rely on. the younger hybrids tend to come to him for advice, and he sometimes even replaces aether as a substitute butler. but when it comes to fights, he only watches in amusement and sips on his tea. youngsters should let out some steam once in a while, he reasons. oh, and aether absolutely forbids him from touching the mora. that’s one thing no one ever trusts him with.
ZHONGLI’s pride and ego as a dragon hybrid has long dissipated since the eras have changed, but even so, it has always irritated him that your father tricked him into a contract. sometimes, when he looks at you, a dark urge dwells in the dark recesses of his mind. it’s a feeling he hasn’t felt ever since he was a young bloodthirsty general— that bloodlust and sadism. he knows you’re not your father… but what he does know is that your father has a great amount of affection he refuses to show to you. so what would happen if ZHONGLI were to… say, ruin you? to push you past your breaking point and present it to your father? 
he knows it’s not right to think such things of you, but you can’t blame him. ZHONGLI is sure you’d understand, like how you understand your every hybrid’s troubles. he’s done so much for you, after all. surely you’ll allow him to take a bite of you, and maybe more. you are a treasure, hidden away where no one can hear you scream. it doesn’t help that ZHONGLI is a dragon, heralded by legends as the mightiest of them all, and he wants to possess every single inch of you until you’re not yourself anymore.
he loves you, and he isn’t afraid to tell you. you are kind, and you are everything your father isn’t. his heart swells when you look at him and his smile is unstoppable when you excitedly chatter on about trivial matters. he wants to give you everything and more but it is in his blood to be selfish, and there’s nothing he wants more than to ruin you and your father too.
RELATIONSHIPS: zhongli and venti often get into passive-aggressive fights by covering up their insults with very fake compliments. poor xiao and aether often find themselves in the middle of this verbal war, but the two old men actually get along more than they’re willing to admit.
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ITTO makes himself known by destroying a wall and a room. it was a nice and peaceful day, enjoying a cup of tea before another session of studying with zhongli. but soon enough, the entire manor shakes as a loud explosion comes from one of the outermost rooms, and everyone rushes to see what happened. in the middle of all the rubble and mess is a snorting bull, a stab wound in his side. when it looks up at you, it's eyes grow wide.
everyone covers your eyes when the bull morphs and reveals a naked muscular man with the stupidest grin ever. "hello, little one!" his voice nearly booms, but it stills sound faint as blood dribbles from his mouth. "uh, haha, i know it's awkward to ask this of ya since we just met, but ya look like the master of this house. care to help me out here?"
ITTO apparently has gotten himself injured thanks to a gang war. according to his story, his gang pissed off some of the local ones when they barged into their territory ("anywhere's arataki itto's territory!" he corrects zhongli, but is promptly ignored) and he split up from his gang while running away ("strategic retreat!"). the adrenaline must've gotten to him, because he was a long way off from where he originally came from.
ITTO is loud and childish, but you've never had a normal childhood, so his presence is greatly appreciated. he drags you into his silly games— catching beetles with you to raise them into fierce fighters, shouting out cringey finishing moves during your card games— it’s always a fun time whenever he’s around, and he even manages to wrangle other hybrids into playing with him. a lot of people are exasperated by him, but they do like how friendly and stupid he is, so he’s one of the more popular hybrids in town.
stupid ITTO knows how strong he is, but that doesn’t mean he stops to think before pulling you into one of his bone-crushing hugs. gorou often yelps and tries to pull him off, nagging the laughing bull about his strength and carelessness. when he does loosen his grip on you, he does make for a great cuddle buddy— a set of firm abs behind you, muscled biceps wrapped protectively around your hips, and his head atop yours. sometimes you’ll fall asleep in his arms, much to everyone’s dismay, because then itto would fall asleep with you and everyone knows he has a grip like death.
ITTO’s foolish, but he’s kind and surprisingly wise at times. he’s wise enough to know the dark leer in his fellow hybrids’ eyes, and strong enough to be able to whisk you away from potential danger without any consequences. he tends to move you away whenever territorial conflicts arise between the hybrids, distracting you with a game or two. itto knows all too well how hybrids are treated in this world… he doesn’t want you being scared of them either.
that’s why he doesn’t warn you about the dangers of the other hybrids either. one, because he doesn’t want to fill your head with scary thoughts about them and two, well, he becomes a hypocrite. he may try protecting you, but even that’s hard enough for him. when you smile at him so trustingly, it just breaks his heart in two… and stirs up something dark and possessive within his heart. 
ITTO wants to cradle you gently, continue to play these silly games with you and have fun with the others for your entire life, but sometimes, you make it hard for him to be a nice man. he’s a big, big man— so big, in fact, that you won’t be able to do anything when he wraps that meaty hand of his around your head and muffles your screams. once he pins you to the floor and starts nibbling at your soft flesh, you’ll be helpless and weak, and it’ll only take him a second before he draws blood. he hates himself for wanting to violate you like that, but the thought makes him salivate.
you don’t know the real world like ITTO and the others does, and he wishes to keep it that way. concepts like innocence and pure are too philosophical for the bull hybrid’s taste, but he wishes to keep you safe. he’s been ridiculed, scorned, and cursed at for simply existing. part of him knows its paranoia, part of him believes it, and a small part of him wishes that you continue to hide in the haven you’ve made for yourself.
RELATIONSHIPS: itto’s quite friendly with the entire inazuman group, ready to loop them in for some fun whether they like it or not. due to his outgoing nature, he’s also made friends with the others as well, especially xiao, and seems to be oblivious to his mythical status with his laments about his poor, small figure. aether keeps a tired yet amused smile at his tirades, but makes sure to keep you away from him to avoid his bad influence.
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GOROU joins your family after being wrangled by the neck by itto, who had loudly proclaimed that he had found dinner. when he bursts in the front doors, there’s a yipping dog digging its canines into his hand. someone briefly mentions that bulls are supposed to be herbivores, but all you can think about how cute the puppy is. slowly creeping to the shiba inu, you gently stretch out a hand and start petting its soft fur. the small thing flicks its eyes to you and bares its teeth to growl, but a particularly good scratch has it whimpering timidly.
GOROU just might be the only sane one from the inazuman hybrids, minus thoma, who’s more or less subservient to you and ayato. he’s usually frantically running back and forth keeping an eye on itto (“humans are not to be held like that!”) and heizou (“do not try to eat kazuha again!”). when he’s not trying to keep it all together, he likes training in the open field out back, and his night time routines are often spent with other fluffy tail boys, who sit in a circle to groom each others tails. you’re part of this too, often finding yourself groomed by the others too. 
he’s a respected warrior, and he likes to help out around the house too. GOROU is fairly amiable and gullible, so he often plays the straight man of many pranks. he’s strict with himself and with others, but not a lot of people take him seriously, especially with ears and tail as fluffy as that. it’s quite troubling for him, and he doesn’t appreciate it when people stroke his ears out of the blue or ruffle his preciously groomed tail.
although young, he likes to present himself as respectable and responsible. after all, he wants you to trust him, to come to him whenever you need help! but it doesn’t help that whenever GOROU is engaged in a duel, his more base instincts come out and the heat of the fight rushes in his head. he’s growling and scratching the floor, he shoots with a precise aim but doesn’t neglect the use of all four limbs. you find it endearing how embarrassed he becomes when he’s finally relaxed after the duel and you of all people had to see him like that. while you coo and comfort him about how cool he was, all the other hybrids exchange  a look— that wasn’t about being cool, it was a show of primal instincts.
GOROU values your approval and affection more than anything in this world. it’s why he works so tirelessly to become a man you can rely on. he doesn’t allow himself to be clingy, but with some encouragement, he’ll immediately melt in your touch and he won’t let go. he sees you like a being near to divinity– if not divinity itself. your touch cleanses him, your voice soothes him, and should you give him a command, he’ll carry it out with perfect execution. he’s been demeaned as a brainless dog by society, an animal instead of an equal, but for you, he’ll proudly carry that title with blood on its name.
if you’re looking to gain more than what you currently have, GOROU is the perfect lackey to have. it’s not to say that all your dear hybrids are more than happy to follow your pursuit of greatness, but they all have their underlying agendas when it comes to you. meanwhile, GOROU’s wants and needs are all based on yours. he doesn’t need to have any other agendas— all he wants is for you to hold him for the night, bloody mess and all.
RELATIONSHIPS: gorou is usually yelling and running after itto, mostly failing to get him wrangled and disciplined. he’s only ever relaxed around kazuha and aether, who both patiently listen to his grumbles and complaints. the three of them are part of the unofficial tail society of the manor, who along with the other fluffy tail-havers like to sit in a circle and groom each other’s tails.
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there was once a time when common household products mysteriously disappeared from your cabinets. it whipped the servants into quite a fright, and rumors of a ghost haunting the halls were popular for a time. it was only when a servant found a small cavern in the side of the hill’s landscape, where the said products were organized meticulously, did they find the culprit— a handsome boy sporting feline eyes and a pair of fluffy ears and tail to boot. when ALBEDO meets your eyes, the wildcat hybrid smiles in a way that would make any romantic’s heart flutter.
“apologies for the inconvenience i may have brought you,” he says in a voice like a fairytale prince’s. “i should have introduced myself sooner instead of stealing from your cabinets. but as you can see,” he poi kntedly stares at the dozen wary eyes behind your back. “... i may have gotten a bit shy in the presence of such… intimidating companions.” 
ALBEDO is almost immediately absolved of all sin. who can get mad at such a pretty face? even your head maid who had been angrily fuming and ranting these past weeks immediately quickly turned all sparkly-eyed and accommodating as soon as albedo sent a charming smile her way. he becomes a quick favorite among the staff, because oh, he’s so nice to talk to! all these scary hybrids are either brooding or scheming or scarily strong and here’s this angel from above come to give them a sense of normality! he’s not nicknamed prince for nothing!
you always feel at ease around ALBEDO, and you like how gentle he is with you. his words are soft-spoken and carefully chosen, and he listens to your insecurities with a patient ear. he shares with you advice and his own perspective of things (albeit a bit flat on the social aspects), and he draws you little doodles to cheer you up. you both have a little game that you play where he draws on his sketchpad and you try to guess what it is before he finishes it. he always finds a way to trick you though, so you never guess correctly. he laughs quietly when you declare that one day you’ll figure it out, and pout when he ruffles your hair like a big brother.
ALBEDO likes how… warm you feel next to him. a favorite past time of his is accompanying you on your strolls and observe the wildlife with you. his hands squeeze yours as you point out the funny cloud in the sky or when you ask about a specific type of flora. if you’re sleepy, you often nap on his lap under the shade of a tree. he can feel his heartbeat racing as his fingers stroke your chin and trace your eyelids, and his big fluffy tail wraps your torso protectively. all he hears is the skritches of his pencil against paper and your faint snoring.
ALBEDO is… passive. strangely so, amidst a harem of dangerous hybrids. he makes it a point to never admit his feelings out loud. to verbalize such fantasies about you, the one who keeps him sheltered, it feels disrespectful to you. you’re too naive of the outside world, too innocent of the darker recesses of the human, er, hybrid mind. he wants to protect this innocence, because there’s too much darkness already in the world.
he hides away in his study, pencil against paper scratching away as his eyes zero in this unfinished portrait. he plans to make a portrait of your likeness, but none of these copies can compare to the real deal. an eye is too off, the nose too thin, the smile not pretty enough. he doodles some little yous on the corner of his scrapped portraits… and blushes furiously. he tears up the indecency and throws them on the fire.
is it so terrible to want to play with you a little? he may put on the big brother act now, but that’s mostly because he likes seeing the expressions you make whenever he praises you. your expressions are so interesting, despite them being like any other human’s. exactly what makes him so drawn to you? it’s a research topic he must explore one day. but for now, ALBEDO is content to play house with you for a little while, and shut away his more sexual instincts for a little while longer. there’d be plenty of time to experiment on you later, once he’s reached his limits. for now, he’ll let the potion simmer for a little while longer ♡
RELATIONSHIPS: albedo often shuts himself away from everyone and stay inside his lil old lab conducting experiments and the like, but once in a while there are people who drag him out. he often experiments on a disgruntled aether, who he bribes with mora. cyno thinks of him as a like-minded friend, but tighnari thinks that the way albedo stares at the jackal is much like a scientist staring at microbes under a glass.
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slytherinslut0 · 7 months
Chapter Twenty-Info: You and Mattheo have been butting heads for months, since you were assigned as his tutor, and one day during a session full of tense bickering, he has enough.
(This will essentially be a toxic book where we are Theos fucktoy. No love here, very minimal fluff.)
Tags: 18+, SMUT (literally pure FILTH), Sub!Reader, Dom!Mattheo, Degradation Kink, Humiliation, DubCon(?), Fingering, Multiple Orgasm, Overstimulation, Corruption Kink, Subspace, Praise Kink, Dirty Talk, Sadism, Semi Public Sex, PIV, Choking, Gagging.
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As the class finally drew to a close, the air filtered with an unspoken tension that shadowed over the room like a heavy fog--enveloping you and Mattheo in a world of charged silences and lingering desires. The classroom, once filled with the droning voice of Professor Snape, now echoed with the shuffling of papers and the distant sounds of students in the hallway.
Your hands moved almost mechanically, still trembling with the aftermath of your release as you briskly packed your bag--but each accidental brush against Mattheo sent a jolt of electricity through your skin, igniting a fire within you that refused to be tamed.
When you glanced over, his eyes locked onto yours, their depths a tumultuous storm of lingering, intoxicating lust that sent a thrill down your spine. The way he had treated you during this class felt like mere restraint, a mere fraction of what lay beneath the surface. Anticipating the upcoming encounter in the bathroom, you couldn't fathom the depths of desire he was capable of unleashing, and you'd honestly never been more fucking excited in your life.
Abruptly, the hypnotic trance Mattheo had ensnared you in shattered, as a familiar voice called out your name. Looking up, you found none other than Tom Riddle standing in front of your desk--his eyes, a mirror image of Mattheo's stormy gaze, flicked between you and his brother, a subtle tension creasing his brow.
"I heard what happened with Berkshire," his voice was gentle, yet laden with concern. "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. I'm glad you weren't hurt."
Your cheeks burned, nerves spreading through you as you could practically feel the frenetic energy coming from Mattheo multiplying by the second. Though you couldn't see his face, you could vividly imagine the clenching of his jaw, the intensity of his gaze, and the way his fingers must be tightening into fists, gripping his bag with a white-knuckled intensity. Ignoring the persistent heat between your thighs, you forced yourself to straighten up, your posture a facade of composure.
"Thank you," you said, your voice laced with genuine thankfulness, your eyes meeting Tom's with a blend of appreciation and depth. "I appreciate your concern...luckily Mattheo was there to help."
The simplicity of your words belied the complexity of the emotions swirling within you--a mix of gratitude, desire, and a strange kind of loyalty that bound you to Mattheo in ways you couldn't fully comprehend. Before Tom could get the chance to reply, Mattheo's arrogant sneer broke through the tension, his voice dripping with condescension as he mocked his brother.
"Quite the knight in shining armor, isn't he?" he scoffed, his eyes narrowing with disdain as he turned his gaze from you, back to his brother. "Inviting you to the party, only to disappear when things got tough...guess it was only a matter of time before you showed your true colours."
Tom shifted uncomfortably under Mattheo's piercing gaze, a mixture of shame and resentment flickering in his eyes. The tension in the room grew taut, a silent battle of wills unfolding before you, with you being caught directly in the middle of it. Tom cleared his throat, his eyes flickering with uncertainty before he composed himself, a veneer of calm settling over him.
"Well, you know how it is," he said, his voice steady but lacking conviction as he stared at his brother. "Parties can be rather...unpredictable."
His words hung in the air, an attempt to diffuse the tension, but the strain in his voice revealed the truth behind his carefully crafted facade. In an attempt to escape Mattheo's merciless gaze, he turned back to you, attempting a weak smile, though it failed to reach his eyes.
"I do apologize again," he said, attempting to muster up as much sincerity as possible. "I'd like to make it up to you. Perhaps we should cancel our meeting tomorrow? You could probably use the rest."
You nodded, grateful for Tom's consideration despite the lingering tension in the room. "Yes, that would be appreciated," you replied meekly, mustering a small smile. "Thank you."
"It's the least I can do, little witch." Tom managed another weak smile in return, his eyes reflecting a mix of regret and understanding. "Take care. I'll see you Thursday."
As Tom made his exit, Mattheo shot his brother one final, dark glance--his eyes filled with a silent yet unmissable warning, one you knew only you would catch. Then, without a word, he too spun around on his heel and left the room, his departure swift and purposeful, leaving a trail of palpable intensity in his wake.
With a cautious pace, you trailed after him, allowing the tide of students to swallow his figure in the chaotic shuffle. Navigating the bustling corridor, you granted him distance, a deliberate move to give him space, hoping the interim might quell the storm brewing within him. Yet, an unsettling intuition gnawed at you, suggesting it might only intensify his brooding anger.
Upon ascending to the third floor, you took a moment to collect yourself, inhaling a sharp breath to steady your racing heart. As you gently pushed open the bathroom door, there he stood--Mattheo, his posture rigid, leaning against the sink with an air of restrained aggression. His eyes, sharp as flint, bored into yours, the confined space practically crackling with the weight of unspoken tension.
"Close the door." His voice was harsh, cold, firm. "Lock it."
Mattheo's command sliced through the air, his voice an icy whip that lashed at your nerves, compelling you to obey. Swallowing hard, your pulse echoing in your ears, you eased the door shut with trembling hands, the soft click of the lock amplifying the palpable tension in the confined space.
Mattheo watched you--his eyes, sharp and unyielding, drilled into your soul as he shed his uniform jacket, the fabric sliding off his shoulders with calculated grace. It landed on the counter beside the sink, forgotten in the intensity of the moment as he then methodically began rolling up the sleeves of his white dress shirt, revealing the sinewy strength of his forearms. Every movement he made was deliberate, a display of control that left you breathless
"Good girl," he stated, devoid of any warmth, his words falling like cold steel. "Drop your bag and come here."
A hard lump formed in your throat, forcing down a gulp that felt like swallowing shards of glass. Your heart hammered against your ribcage, its rhythm echoing in your ears like a relentless bass drum, each beat threatening to shatter the fragile structure of your sternum. Fingers entirely unsteady, you allowed your bag to slide off your shoulder, hitting the ground with a muffled thud, its impact barely audible over the cacophony of your racing pulse.
And then, taking deliberate, slow steps, you began to move toward him, your cautious approach mirroring the delicate balance of a predator stalking its prey--but in this moment, you weren't entirely sure who was supposed to be the prey. You, or Mattheo.
Coming to a halt in front of him, you felt the intensity of his stare searing into your skin. His eyes, dark and magnetic, darted to your lips, a hunger burning in their depths. The palpable energy surrounding him was a living, breathing entity, wrapping around you both like a tightly coiled thread, ready to snap at the slightest provocation.
"Hands behind your back," he commanded, his gaze lingering on your lips with a predatory intensity.
Obeying him, you slowly moved your hands to your back, your lungs quivering with anticipation. His eyes flickered down to your chest, a subtle challenge in his gaze.
"That's it," he murmured, his voice a low, velvety growl, the praise sparking heat in your veins. "You're going to let me unbutton your shirt, aren't you?"
His words hung in the air, laced with desire and dominance, demanding your consent without uttering the words explicitly, inspiring your thighs to throb with need. The commanding tone of his voice, coupled with the unspoken request, sent shivers sprinting down your spine. Your fingers trembled behind your back as you nodded, succumbing to his silent demand.
"Can't you talk?" Mattheo's jaw clenched, his eyes smouldering with intensity. "Use your words, Raven."
"Yes," you breathed, your voice a fragile whisper. "I'm going to let you."
He blinked. "Good girl,"
Mattheo emitted a low, appreciative hum, his fingers gliding over the buttons of your uniform shirt with deliberate slowness. Each button yielded to his touch, his eyes fixated on his hands' movements, as if he feared missing a single detail. The cool bathroom air caressed your skin, leaving goosebumps in its wake, and a shiver rippled through you as his fingertips found the last button, fully exposing your bra and chest to his hungry eyes.
His gaze traced every inch of newly exposed flesh as though he were savoring a newfound delicacy, his intensity leaving you breathless in the hushed atmosphere.
"Mm," he murmured, his eyes slithering up to meet yours. "You fuck me up in the best way, you know that, Raven?"
Your heart hammered in your chest, your nails biting into your palms as if anchoring yourself in the moment. "Do I, Mattheo?"
Mattheo stood before you, a coiled spring of restrained energy--the raw power emanating from him made every muscle in his body tense, as if he were holding back a storm. This version of him, this potent mixture of control and desire, was utterly captivating. You had never witnessed him like this before, and the sheer force of his presence, unyielding yet tantalizing, had the power to send every nerve in your body into a full out frenzy, and bring you to the brink of euphoria without even a single touch.
"You make me feel fucking alive," he murmured, his eyes fixated on your lips as if they held the secrets of the universe. "You're the only drug I can't live without."
"Oh...Gods..." your breath caught in your throat, desire and desperation intertwining in a tumultuous dance. Every fiber of your being screamed for him, ached for his touch, your voice leaving your lips in barely a whisper. "Please...kiss me..."
In an instant, Mattheo's lips crashed onto yours with a furious intensity, a maelstrom of pent-up desire and longing. His hands found your hips, pulling you against him with an urgency that left you breathless. They roamed over your back, tracing every curve, before ascending to tangle in your hair, holding your head in place with a possessive, commanding grip. The kiss deepened, a wild, passionate exchange that ignited a fire within you, consuming every rational thought.
With a swift, graceful movement, he spun you around, your back meeting the cold, unforgiving surface of the sink counter. The sensation made you shudder against his body, amplifying the electrifying connection between you as he tightened his grip in your hair. His lips molded to yours, the world outside fading into oblivion as you surrendered to the storm of sensations, lost in the overwhelming fervor of his kiss.
"Fuck...you're such a good girl for me..." he pulled back, lips falling to attack your neck. "You'd do anything I fucking said, wouldn't you?"
A gasp escaped your lips as he sank his teeth into your skin, eliciting a delicious mix of pain and pleasure that shot through your senses like lightning. Your fingers instinctively tangled in his disheveled curls, holding onto him as if he were your lifeline, your body still trembling from the aftermath of the classroom encounter.
Words eluded you, your mind clouded with desire and need. "I...I-fuck..."
"Mm," he breathed against your skin, his tongue tracing a slow, tantalizing path up the side of your throat. "You're still sensitive, aren't you, pretty girl..."
"Yes," you gasped, your breath hitching in your throat, desire pooling in the depths of your stomach. His hands found your waist, fingers gripping your skirt tightly, pulling it higher up your hips, setting your senses ablaze. "Gods..."
Mattheo groaned against your skin, his hot breath tickling your ear. With a skillful movement, he shifted one hand, his fingers teasing your heat through the damp fabric of your panties. Your back arched as pleasure washed over you, your body reacting to his touch with unbridled hunger. Pressed against the counter, you squirmed and gasped, utterly consumed by the electrifying intensity of his embrace.
"Shit...still nice and fucking wet for me...you love when I'm in control, don't you?" He snickered, breath washing warm over your ear. "That's why you act like a little fucking brat around me all the time...you want me to put you in your place...you want me to do the most unholiest shit to you imaginable..."
A low, unrestrained groan escaped your lips, the sound echoing in the confined space, surprising even yourself. Your head fell back, offering him better access, as his mouth fervently marked your skin, leaving a trail of purple possessive bruises above your collarbone. Your fingers tightened their hold on his hair, grasping it aggressively as if you could pull your release from his scalp, his assault on your sensitive clit becoming relentless.
"Fuck-yes, Mattheo..." you whined, squirming against his hand, voice torn with pleasure. "I-I love it..."
"Yeah, that's right..." he sneered, his arrogance breaking through his hardened facade. "You want me to use you however I want, whenever I fucking want, don't you..."
His voice turned harsh, a husky growl escaping his lips as his fingers abruptly pulled back, yanking your panties aside before returning to swirl your clit with a relentless rhythm. A cry tore from your throat, louder than you intended, and Mattheo responded with a primal growl--his free hand moving swiftly, clamping over your mouth, muffling your sounds of pleasure as he claimed a new expanse of skin on the other side of your neck with his teeth.
"The things you fucking do to me, Raven..." he growled against your neck, fingers dipping down to your core, slipping inside you without warning. "I wanted to bend you over that desk so fucking bad...make you cum on my cock in front of that whole fucking class..."
Your lids fluttered as his thumb grazed your clit, two fingers slowly pumping in and out of you. "You're such a good little malleable slut I bet you'd have fucking let me, wouldn't you, princess?"
You attempted to nod against his hand, pathetic desperation fueling your insane compliance. It was entirely clear to you that in this moment, you were willing to say anything, do anything, just to coax release from him. Your craving was insatiable, a hunger that consumed you entirely. You needed him, every part of him, everything he was willing to offer, and you were more than prepared to fucking beg for it.
"That's what I fucking thought..." he purred, nipping your earlobe. "You're my desperate little whore, desperate to fucking please me, aren't you?"
You could feel the heat rising in your cheeks as he spoke, the arousal pooling between your thighs growing even more intense with each syllable. Part of you wanted to deny it, to protest and tell him that you weren't his whore, just to see how much further you could push him, but the words caught in your throat and seemingly dissipated into thin air as he pumped his fingers deeper into you, sending another tidal wave of pleasure through your body--and in response, your forced yourself to nod against his palm.
"Yeah, that's right..." his voice was a growl, his movements becoming more relentless. "Such a bratty little mouth, but when it comes down to it, you have nothing to fucking say..." you whimpered, legs trembling, threatening to give out from under you. "Just because this pussy holds power over me, doesn't mean for a damn second you can tease me like that...I will take you anywhere I want...I will fuck you so hard the people in Hogsmeade will hear your screams..."
He lowered his lips back to your neck, kissing and biting at the sensitive skin there as his fingers continued to work their magic. Gasping, you nodded again, completely melting at his words, the pleasure becoming too intense, too all-consuming as it threatened to overpower you entirely.
Mattheo's palm released your mouth, his fingers diving into your hair, tugging gently as he smothered your lips with his. A gasp escaped you, lost in the fervor of his kiss, your attempts to pull away to catch your breath immediately met with his unyielding force. His mouth moved against yours with a hunger that bordered on ravenous, as if he could devour you whole. Just when you felt your entire being coiling, ready to unravel in the throes of climax, he broke the kiss, pressing his forehead against yours.
"You want to cum for me, princess?" He murmured, tightening his grip in your hair. "Third times a charm, isn't it, baby..."
"Yes. Please-" you squealed, voice torn. "Please!"
"Good girl--so fucking good," he growled, his voice deep and rough with desire. "Cum for me, angel."
The nickname sent a thrill of excitement and warmth rushing through you, your body shaking with pleasure as you felt yourself teetering closer and closer to the edge. With one final thrust of his fingers, Mattheo pushed you over the edge, sending you into the waves of orgasm for the third time today. You let out a gasp that you couldn't hold back, and he quickly covered your mouth with his own--your body shaking with pleasure as waves of ecstasy coursed through every inch of you.
Finally, after what you were certain had to have been an eternity, the waves ebbed away, leaving you feeling breathless and overly sated. Mattheo withdrew his fingers from your throbbing core, a satisfied smile playing across his lips as he met your eyes.
"There's my obedient girl," he murmured, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead before bringing his fingers up to your lips, forcing them past your teeth. "Taste yourself off of me...tell me how fucking good you taste..."
Under the heat of his praise, you were entirely unable to resist--taking his command without protests, obediently sucking on his fingers, tasting your own slick arousal off his skin. You moaned around them, holding his burning stare, the taste sending a fresh wave of need through you.
"You like that?" He purred, his tone an exasperated drawl. "You like tasting what I fucking do to you?"
You nodded, whining in response as he pushed his fingers deeper, forcing a gag before he huffed, ripping them from your mouth without warning. Before you could even think to say or do anything further, his grip on your hair tightened, pulling you forward. You gasped as he spun you around, pressing your front against the hard surface of the counter, and you shivered as you watched his hand wrap around your throat in the reflection in front of you.
"You see that little slut in the mirror?" he hissed, his breath hot against your ear. "She belongs to me."
You groaned, feeling his hand leave your hair before sliding down your back to cup your ass, flipping up your skirt as he pressed his throbbing erection against you, shoving your hips firm into the counter with enough force to make you yelp.
"I think you forgot who holds the power over your fucking goals...yet again," he groaned, tightening his hold on your throat, jerking his insistent erection against your ass. "You want that mentorship, then you're going to have to start watching that dirty little mouth around me more often princess...understand me?"
"Yes," you gasped, the feeling of his hardness pressing against you making your entire body quiver. You hissed the words out through the hold on your neck. "I fucking understand."
"Mm. Yeah you fucking do." He groaned, teeth nipping at your ear. You moaned softly in response, grinding your hips back against him. "Filthy girl. You're going to watch me fuck you."
It was then that Mattheo released your throat, his hand slithering back to hold a firm grip on your hair. With that, he used it to pull your head up and back against his chest, so that you were looking at yourself in the mirror above the sink. After a brief moment of manoeuvring, Mattheo had undone his belt and freed himself--his thick, smooth length pressing against your ass as he seethed in relief, before he reached down and slid his fingers along your slick folds, making you watch as he teased your dripping entrance.
"I wanted to throat fuck you until you begged me for mercy but I genuinely can't fucking wait anymore...I need to get inside this tight little cunt..." you mewled, watching your own desire on display as he circled around your entrance before thrusting two fingers inside you. "I've made you cum three times, Raven...this fuck is for my pleasure, not yours...understand?"
You moaned, nodding your head, feeling the orgasm rise within you as Mattheo pumped his fingers in and out of you with an experienced hand, his grip on your hair tightening.
Noting his dissatisfaction with your lack of words, you quickly gathered yourself and answered. "Yes, Mattheo...I understand..."
As your muscles clenched around his fingers, Mattheo pulled out abruptly, slapping your ass with a hard, firm smack--leaving your cheek stinging in its wake.
"Good girl," he said, positioning himself at your entrance now, teasing you with a few slow, sensual thrusts along your slick slit. "You're mine to use, to play with, to fuck. Say it."
"I'm-fuck!" Your words were cut short as he pushed inside you, splitting you wide with one long, harsh stroke--slamming deep, smacking your cervix with ease. "Shit-"
"Oh, fuck..." he hissed, his lips pressed against your ear. "You're so fucking tight, Raven...fuck, it's like you were made for my fucking cock..."
"Oh..." your sight blurred as you felt every single delicious inch of him inside you, felt him so fucking deep into your stomach that you were certain he'd split you in half if he kept going. "Mattheo-fuck-oh..."
"Say it or I'll fuck you so hard every breath you take tomorrow will remind you of my cock." You could see the pleasure etched on his face as he felt you clench around him, and you knew that he was enjoying this, enjoying every fucking second of it. "Go on, little whore...you can do it..."
"Ah-shit...I'm-" your words were cut short yet again as his hips started to piston in and out of you, hard and fast. He took you with almost ruthless precision--each thrust felt like it was calculated both for his pleasure and to test your endurance. You dug your nails into the countertop, clinging on for dear life as he moved inside of you without mercy. "Gods! Fuck-I'm yours! I'm-oh!-yours...please-"
At your plea, Mattheo huffed, jerking your head back and holding your eyes to his in the mirror as his free hand slipped up your front, finding your jaw and holding it firm in place. You could feel his hips slamming against your ass, each thrust pushing you closer to the edge of losing your sanity, the sound of his skin slapping against yours echoing through the empty bathroom.
"You're okay...just breathe, Raven," he cooed, releasing his hold on your jaw and moving to your lips, shoving two thick fingers past your teeth. "You can take me...you can take it all, can't you?"
You whimpered in response, feeling tears prickling at the corners of your eyes as he reached for the back of your throat, forcing a gag, his hand in your hair relenting only for a moment before sneaking down and clasping around your neck--holding you firm to his chest as he fucked deep inside your heat. Every inch of your being was focused on the raw, animalistic sensations that ricocheted through your body under his power--his cock spearing you open, splitting you wide with every single thrust.
"Yeah, you can..." he purred, his breath hot against your ear. "That tight little pussy can take this fucking cock..."
Your body trembled with pleasure as Mattheo's low, gravelly voice rumbled through you, his words only serving to increase the intensity of your sensations, emboldening you to take everything he had to offer and then some. With a growl, Mattheo's hand around your throat slowly loosened, gliding down the front of your body until he'd found your clit and began to rub tight, fevered circles against it. You cried out in pleasure, the sound muffled by his fingers still planted firmly in your mouth.
"That's it," he groaned, his lips pressed hotly against your ear as his hips continued to slam against you. "Watch yourself in the mirror, Raven...watch how this perfect little body breaks for me..."
In a desperate haze of pleasure, you met his gaze in the mirror, watching the way your body writhed under his demanding touch. The fire in your belly smoldered, stoked higher by the relentless pounding of Mattheo's cock. You groaned against his fingers, drool spilling from your lips and dribbling down your chin. You were so close, so unbelievably close to teetering over the edge for the fourth fucking time in one day, you couldn't even begin to comprehend it--your mind felt like it was about to melt into a mere puddle at your feet.
"There we go," he cooed, sensing your incoming climax, his fingers quickening their pace. "Watch yourself cum like a whore on my cock. You love this, don't you? You love being fucked like the dirty little slut you are."
His eyes roamed over you possessively, and you knew that he was taking in every detail, committing this moment to memory. His movements grew rougher, more insistent, as he drove you closer and closer to the edge. You could feel your muscles tightening, and you let out a strangled moan as you finally broke for him, for the fourth fucking time. Your pussy spasmed around his cock as you came hard, your body convulsing with the force of your orgasm.
"Shit-" Mattheo huffed, his own eyes fluttering shut as your pussy milked his cock. "You squeeze me so fucking good when you cum-fuck..."
You knew that he was close now, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he pounded into you with all his strength, rubbing you through the aftershocks of your orgasm until he pulled his hand away, both hands shifting to your hips, gripping you with enough force to bruise.
"Fuck-I'm gonna fill you up, baby..." you felt him twitching inside you, you felt his cock practically begging to cum. "Tell me you want my cum, Raven...beg me to cum inside this tight little pussy..."
"Please-" you squeaked, his thrusts turning erratic, his breath sputtering against your neck. "I want your cum, Mattheo! Please!"
"Shit...fuck-" finally, he let out a feral growl, his hands tightening around your hips as he thrust into you one last time before he stalled, his nails digging into your flesh with so much force you nearly winced.
You felt him twitching inside you, felt his cum pouring inside your heat as he came hard, his orgasm almost overwhelming you with its intensity. Gasping for breath, you leaned heavily against the counter, feeling completely spent, and Mattheo's arms slowly left your hips, slithering around your waist, holding you against his chest as he pressed a few small, sporadic kisses to the back of your neck.
After he'd finally come down from his high, and the both of your pulses had somewhat slowed, Mattheo pulled out, quickly moving to tuck himself away while you began piecing yourself back together. After a few silent moments, you felt composed enough to break it.
"Remember when you said you didn't want to take my virginity?..." you said, a sly smile playing on your lips, though you attempted to conceal it. "What a pretty little lie that was."
Mattheo stole a stoic glance at you, his emotions carefully veiled, as he ran a hand through his tousled hair, trying to untangle the sweat-drenched strands from his forehead. With a deliberate yet seemingly effortless motion, he reached for his jacket, the fabric clinging to his form in the heat, his jaw clenched in an attempt to suppress the grin that threatened to break free.
"That wasn't a lie, Raven." He said, his voice carrying a hint of sincerity beneath the playful banter.
Your eyebrow quirked up in curiosity. "Oh, is that so?"
"I didn't just want it," he confessed, his tone steady yet laced with unspoken emotions, as he meticulously donned his jacket, the fabric rustling softly. Moving closer, he closed the gap between you, his hand tenderly cupping your jaw, tilting your head back to meet his eyes. "I fucking needed it."
Your breath hitched, need screaming in your lungs with every inhale. Four orgasms in and somehow he still found a way to make your fucking thighs scream for more. "You're unbelievably insatiable, Mattheo Riddle..."
"Yeah, but so are you, princess..." he purred, leaning down closer, brushing his lips against yours. "I always knew you'd give it to me, it was just a matter of when...I'd have waited forever just to fuck you like this..."
You huffed, feeling the heat rise to your cheeks. "Your arrogance is insufferable."
"Am I wrong, though?" He murmured, a sly smirk playing on his lips as he brushed them teasingly against yours. "Godric knows I need to ruin that tight little cunt of yours...but he also knows I'm the only one you'd ever let do any of this to you..."
"Mm, you caught me..." you whispered, your lips meeting his in a fleeting, feather-light kiss. "Will you take that mentorship for me?"
"Perhaps I will," he replied, his fingers leaving your jaw and slipping into your hair, his touch both gentle and possessive. "But I suggest you refrain from pissing me off like that ever again...don't think it'd look too good on you if you wrote 'Mr. Riddle got mad and fucked me into the sink like the dumb little whore that I am' on the detailed log, now would it?"
You scoffed, your playful snarl hanging in the air, a testament to your exasperation, yet beneath it, a thread of amusement danced in your eyes, unable to be suppressed.
"You're truly something else," you murmured, your voice a blend of vexation and reluctant admiration. "I will figure you out, Mr. Riddle."
With that, he relinquished his grip on you, his eyes gleaming with a challenge. "Not before I figure you out, first."
Chapter 21->
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lemonyboy97 · 3 months
Heyyy I like your writing, and I was wondering if you could do like fluff/comfort of like Val, vox, and/or alastor with a reader who gets really socially anxious and shuts down when they get overwhelmed?
Wasnt sure what gender reader was so i did neutral, thank you so much for the ask! I havent gotten one in forever and i was fresh out of inspo ❤️❤️🫂 love you anon! (Also i threw in different relationship dynamics to spice things up and also because i cant imagine alastor being ANYONES 'boyfriend', that man would go from 'close friend and confidant' to 'fiancé')
Pop in and leave me a request on my new blog!
Fiancé!Vox, Boyfriend!Val, Husband!Alastor (seperate) x gn!anxious!reader
Warnings: brief mentions of sadism, anxious reader (obviously), not quite my definition of a panic attack but close to it
(Im going to do some loose headcannons about each of the boiz, then include a oneshot for each of them)
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I feel like Vox would be the best out of the 3 in this scenario, as he's the least sadistic. Vox is a very protective lover, he's also compassionate and doting (behind closed doors). If Vox notices you (its really a matter of when not if because this man WILL notice) becoming overwhelmed or overstimulated he is gently guiding you away from the crowd to check on you, 'Are you okay?', 'do you want to leave?', 'is there something specific bothering you?' are FAQs (frequently asked questions) His way of dealing with the issue is removing you from the situation altogether- taking you back home, wether thats to your shared apartment or the Vee's headquarters depends on whichevers closest.
You and your fiance, Vox, are at a release event for the newest VoxTech drop. Vox is proudly harping about the newest Tech he’s developed, an even prouder arm around your waist; how could he not be proud with his pretty little love on his arm? (He calls you his ‘pretty little thing’, ‘little love’ no matter your gender or size) He’s so absorbed in his success that at first he doesn't notice the subtle tremble in your hands, or the way you curl into him as if trying to hide, or maybe the way you flinch at the bright camera flashes. But when you let out a barely audible whine Vox immediately turns to you, all ears.
Vox suddenly realizes how overstimulating this all must be; the flashing cameras, the loud and frantic crowd, the music in the background, the shouting, the rowdy demons who are protesting- oh god how could he have been so negligent?
Vox is immediately passing the reins over to Velvette (much to her dismay), and gingerly leading you through the crowd, towards the back door.
“It’s alright, lovely, just through here… There we go…”
His words are gentle, and the hands on your shoulders to guide you are 10x more so. He leads you out the back and to the limo, and once you’re sequestered away inside he just waits- He knows when you’re ready for touch you’ll initiate. He knows that for now, just the knowledge that someone is aware and looking after you is enough to help de-escalate the situation.
“There you go, doll, breathe yeah? In…. Out…. In…. Out… good job, love, doing so well for me”
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Val is definietly more of a 'what do you mean?' Kind of guy, or 'just breathe?', you know? We know from his workers (ahem angeldust ahem) that he isnt the most... understanding with weaknesses and the like. So- while I feel like Val's approach is a bit more 'deal with it by not dealing with it' than Vox's, it is still heartfelt for his wonderful gf/bf/partner. Even if he wont directly address it, Valentino is the type to try and reassure you through touch, wether thats what you need or not, thats what he's got because this man KNOWS he is brash and he doesnt want to make things worse.
You had walked to Valentino's studio to bring him homemade lunch after he was complaining about his imps being 'inconcievably incompetent'. You are now awkwardly standing backstage, out of sight, as he directs a particularily.... raunchy... scene. You are visibly uncomfortable with screams and various sounds of... mixed sensations.. echoing around the set, along with flashing lights and dizzying scents. Altogether they make an array of overstimulating inputs, and after setting down said lunch on a side bench, a pretty note tucked into the lip of the basket, you stumble back outside, trying to catch your breath. Val follows you shortly after, he caught sight of you from across the set.
Valentino carefully sits beside you, pulling you into his side.
"You alright there, babycakes?"
You shakily nod, but Val sees right through you. He sighs and kisses your temple as he absentmindedly rubs your shoulders.
"Thought I warned you 'bout my work hours, baby"
You slowly explain that you just wanted to surprise him with lunch and he smiles, kissing the inside of your wrist.
"Damn, sugar, shoulda started with that, hm? Why don't I pop in and grab it- then we can share it out here while you get your head back on."
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This man. This. MAN. It can go one of two ways depending on where your relationship is with him- but in this you are married so- he would be so attentive- like. You would barely be feeling the 'oh hey, this is a lot' feeling and Al would pick up on it and knight in shining armor you away from it. Alastor just KNOWS. He has like a sixth sense when it comes to you. He is so finitly attuned to every fibre of your being that you cant even hide it from him. He just KNOWS. Like- you're in cannibal town (because be real y'all go on dates there all the time and Rosie adores you) and the children are being rowdy but 'its alright, i can manage-' oh and there's Susan- 'yes susan, we are married- no, no susan you cant see my ring im a bit worried you might try to eat my finger- No, really i insist-' oop and here comes Alastor, scooping you up with a charming grin, Rosie on his heels. 'Come along now darling, our dinner is waiting'
You and Alastor are in the hotels lobby, greeting guests for a party Charlie is throwing to 'encourage the inhabitants', Alastors hand is protectively on the small of your back like always. The arriving demons are a bit rowdy but nothing too bad- the real issue is the howling, rambunctious laughter coming from the bar, poor karoke all but screamed into the low quality microphone (much to Husk's annoyance), flashing strobe lights arouns the room turning the guests pink, green, blue, pink, green, blue, pink, green, blue-
Careful fingers snap in front of your face- effectively lurching you out of your spiraling thoughts. You swallow thickly and look up at your husband, shaky smile plastered on your lips.
'Yes, Al?'
He frowns as he gaze flits from one eye to the other, then, his mind seemingly made up, he summons his shadow, scoops you up, and shadow travels back to you twos shared room.
"Oh lovely, this certianly wont do"
He dotes on you, rubbing your tense shoulders, kissing the crown of your head, murmuring sweet nothings to your skin as he lays you down in your shared, king bed. And later, once you're half asleep and content in his arms, he lovingly murmurs,
"No more of Charlie's so-called 'parties' for you, my sweet"
A/n: Reblogs are always encouraged and appreciated! And yes i did like my own post. I am very proud of this, i wrote it in one day WHILE (legally) high on loopy pain medicine
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mingwrites · 2 months
Kinks each member might have?
ahhh thanks so much for requesting anonnie! hope you enjoy reading!
ateez kinks
seonghwa ~ auralism, sensory play, oral fixation. seonghwa's favorite aspect of sex is the sounds he and his partner produce together. the dirty talk, your soft, breathless moans, the gentle slapping of skin, all of these get seonghwa half the way there. he's also a big fan of sensory play, both giving and receiving, whether that's a playful tickling with different objects (feathers, brushes, etc.) or a blindfolded round of temperature play, or anything in between. finally, he has an oral fixation and needs to have his mouth on you 24/7.
hongjoong ~ collaring, pet play and humiliation. hongjoong enjoys spoiling you, and one of the ways he does that is by buying you pretty, bejeweled collars and leashes to wear during sex (and maybe in public too). with your collar on, you become his kitten and are expected to behave well, by licking him all over and submitting on your back when he wants you to. sometimes you have to be his kitten in front of others, and if you resist, he's not afraid of scolding his kitten in broad daylight. your humiliation brings him great pleasure.
yunho ~ somnophilia, ass play. yunho has always been curious about CNC, and the way he and you express that curiosity is through sleep sex. on any given night, yunho might ask if he can fuck you in your sleep, and with your consent, you'll wake up the following morning by the sensation of his lubed up dick stretching you open - sometimes from the back, because yunho also has a fascination with ass play. he begs you almost daily to let him fuck your ass, and he loves to eat it, spank it, grab it, do whatever he pleases with it.
yeosang ~ sadism, nipple play. although he normally treats you like you're made of glass, on nights that he's really, really horny, and with your consent, he loves to watch you cry out in pain. he's a big fan of whipping and paddling, as well as usual biting and scratching, and maybe even on rare occasions, light knife play. on himself, he goes absolutely crazy when you play with his nipples. he's very sensitive there, and that combined with the somewhat taboo aspect of a man receiving pleasure from nipple stimulation really gets him going. he could almost cum you licking his nipples alone.
san ~ LIVES to be praised. both because he’s a cocky little shit who wants to hear how great he is, and because at the end of the day he’s just a sweet guy who likes to make others happy. getting praise lets him know that he’s doing a well and is admired. he’s also a big fan of exhibitionism. lots of pda, secretly fingering you or getting a handy in front of others, having loud sex in a public bathroom, all are fair game for sannie.
mingi ~ mingi also has a big thing for being praised. but unlike san, cockiness has nothing to do with it - actually the opposite. while he’s a confident guy, he can still use a boost now and then, and hearing compliments from his most favorite person (you) makes his heart soar with joy and his cheeks turn pink. he equally loves to give praise as he’s a romantic sweetheart. every time he cums, he’s panting out random words of praise on repeat: “you feel so good,” “you’re so beautiful,” or simply, “thank you.”
wooyoung ~ submission and degradation. wooyoung is a brat to be tamed. it’s his favorite game. he’s instantly hard every time you put him in his place, especially when you’re mean about it. he loves hearing how naughty he is, that he's a slave to your pussy, and that he’s useless other than as a fuck stick for you to play with. he’ll argue and talk back til death, but when he finally does submit, it’s all over for him. he never lasts long while begging you for mercy and telling you over and over how worthless he is.
jongho ~ rough sex and domination. manhandling, spanking, face fucking, and choking are some of his go-to’s. he likes to feel powerful and absolutely, forcefully dominant over you. there are some lines he won’t cross, and he would never disrespect your boundaries, but at the end of the day, he loves seeing you used and helpless, in full submission. plus, he really enjoys the aftercare for rough sex where he gets to baby you and treat you like the delicate flower you are to him. not only is he your dominator, he’s your protector. and he gets off on both.
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osachiyo · 9 months
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﹙ ✿ ﹚── includes : dazai, chuuya, akutagawa, fyodor, nikolai x fem!reader ♡
﹙ ✿ ﹚── content warnings : nsfw content, dacryphilia, rough sex, unprotected sex, choking, bondage (rashomon I'm so sorry girl), sadism, petnames, degradation, spanking, edging, mentions of murder in nikolai's etc ♡
﹙ ✿ ﹚── synopsis : you're a crybaby and they love it ♡
﹙ ✿ ﹚── author's note : this one won the poll so here it is! I might do a bimbo reader one so keep an eye out for that 👀 ♡
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DAZAI ☆⌒(>。<;)
This guy basically read you like a book the first time you two met. He knew that you were a very emotional person, and he liked that about you. It was very different from himself, considering he hides his emotions most, if not all of the time. So it was a nice and much needed change.
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When he first learned that you were very emotional in bed aswell, he definitely used that against you. I mean, how could he not? Watching the fat tear drops running down your pretty eyes made his cock throb in a sick, twisted way and he loved it. He would make you sob his name out until your voice is hoarse, then cradle you like a baby in his arms and mutter soft words of praise to you. Telling you how good you are for him, taking his cock so nicely.
"don't tell me you're tapping out already, sweet girl?" Dazai hummed, tracing little shapes on your hip as you lay there, face buried into the pillows as they dampen with your tears. He had you in a prone bone, hips laying flush against your ass. "can't t-take it!" You hiccuped, body jolting when he grinds his hips into yours, "yes, you can, baby. I've barely started, you can definitely take more," he chuckled, laying soft kisses on your shoulder blades to help you ease up a bit. You moaned out when he thrusted into you a bit harder, hips smacking against your plush ass. Your pretty painted nails were scratching his linen sheets, almost ripping the fabric. Dazai's hand curled around your figure, reaching to play with your swollen clit. You gasped when he bit down on your shoulder, now moving his hips erratically while he chased his impending orgasm. You could feel his hot breath against your ear when he moaned lowly next to your ear, "god─ you feel amazing, 'donna," he bit your lobe playfully, fingers working wonders on your clit as his cock hits your sweet spot repeatedly. He needed to make you cum, needed to see his pretty girl gush on his cock. He slightly angled his hips and oh. You let out an almost guttural moan, head laying limp on the pillow as your back arches for him, tears still falling freely from your eyes. Looks like he finally found it, found the spot that make you go stupid and he wasn't gonna stop anytime soon.
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CHUUYA ☆⌒(>。<;)
That one time you went on a first date with Chuuya was..interesting. Well, more embarrassing on your part but that's okay. He had taken you to see a movie. A character had died in the movie, it was definitely sad but Chuuya wasn't that affected. He heard little sniffles from his side, so when he turned to you and saw a fountain of tears dripping down your face and you struggling to stiffle your whimpers, he was a bit concerned. He asked if you were okay— but then you started bawling out. He took you to a fancy ice cream parlour later to make you feel better <3
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Chuuya always treats you like you're made out of glass, thinking even the slightest pressure will shatter you, and that's applies to your bedroom activities with him aswell. He'd caress your body with the most gentle touch, shushing your cries and kissing your tears away.
Your legs were propped up on Chuuya's strong shoulders, hair splayed out on the sheets and some of it sticking to your forehead, framing your face beautifully. You were like an angel to him, downright heavenly. An angel in the grasp of a devil? He huffed out a laugh at that, the noise vibrating against your sopping cunt. His gloved hands gripped your thighs like a vice, fingers sinking in the soft flesh. His swollen lips kiss your clit gently, tongue poking out to taste you and fuck, he could do this for hours. His tongue breached past your gooey hole, nose bumping against your clit as you clutch the dark red sheets in your hands, tears stinging your glossy eyes while you shudder from the pleasure of your boyfriend feasting on you. "mmh— taste so good, doll," he muttered, eyes flicking up to make contact with your tear-soaked ones, groaning into your cunt when he sees the cute pout you wore. "f-feels good, 'chuu," you gasped, head thrown back in ecstasy when he wrapped his lipstick stained lips around your clit, encircling a finger against your hole. When did he take his gloves off? Your vision was hazy, stomach clenching and unclenching when he pushed two fingers into you, curling them just right to make you see stars. His lips leave your clit to leave bite marks on your inner thighs, pinning them down firmly when you try to close them. "nuh-uh, baby. you're gonna take everything I give you, okay?" You could only nod in response, sniffling as the tears drip down your chin. He couldn't help but hump the bed at the sight of your tears flowing freely, snot running down your nose as you try your best to stay still and more importantly, be a good girl for him. You were just too fucking adorable.
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He was genuinely so confused when you started crying because he was going to leave on a mission for 4 days. He actually thought you were possessed or something at first but you had to explain to him that no, you were not in fact possessed but just a very sensitive person. He thought you were stupid for crying like that, it's not like he's leaving forever. Actually had the audacity to tell you to get over it and stop being a baby....typical Akutagawa...
Made up to you later because gin smacked the shit outta him.
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Akutagawa came home late that night, the aura around him seemed...wrong. It felt like he was angry or upset at something. You poked your head out slightly from the ajar door of your shared bedroom, watching him mutter random curses and mentioning a name you had heard many times before, 'weretiger'. You quietly walked towards him, wrapping your arms around his torso from behind, resting your back against his back. He stayed still for a few moments before you felt something whip out from under his coat, wrapping around your limbs and slamming you against the wall. He turned around, finally facing you. His eyes were darkened with lust and..something you couldn't really understand. That's the last coherent thought you had before—
You thrashed around, trying to break free of the bounding but it's no use, it's grip was tight, and firm. A fragile thing like you couldn't even land a scratch on it. All you could do was stay still and endure Akutagawa pounding your cunt, a lewd mix of your slick and his precum formed a puddle on the carpeted floor. A tendril of the cloth had been draped around your eyes, turning you blind for the moment, making you all the more sensitive to your lover's rough touch. His cock continuously brushed against the spongy spot inside your velvety walls, rendering you a mess at his mercy. His rough hands were pinching and pulling at your nipples, coaxing broken moans out of you. You could feel your voice getting hoarse from screaming his name out so much. His hip bones were jabbing against your own, little curses and grunts slipping out of his pale lips, which were swollen and slightly red from him biting them so much. His hand reached everywhere he could, desperate to force more moans and tears of pleasure out of you. How he loved seeing you cry because of him, your glassy eyes swollen and red from crying so much, bottom lip jutted out into a pout as you wail from the painful pleasure he's enforcing upon you. "shut up and take it," he'd growl, feeling you clench on his cock. He loved you, he really did, but he loved your tears just as much.
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FYODOR ☆⌒(>。<;)
'Easy manipulation'. That's what Fyodor thought to himself when he first met you. He liked how easy to control you were. He barely even had to pull a few strings to make you fall head over heels for him. He was thinking of just using you for his own benefit, but alas, he had caught himself falling for you. He was a bit annoyed at first, but quickly realized he could just keep you forever and you wouldn't even mind.
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Like Dazai, he'd also use your tears against you in bed. Of course, you were his lovely angel and he adored you, but it wasn't his fault you looked so pretty when you cried, was it? He was a man, after all, he couldn't ignore the urges clawing at the back of his mind.
That's why you were splayed out on his bed, legs wrapped around his hips as he fucks into your sopping heat. His hair was tied in a loose ponytail, that you did on him earlier. His bangs were brushing against your sweaty forehead. He leaned back to admire the addicting view of tears flowing out of your pretty eyes like a river, the droplets looking like shiny jewels. The area around your eyes were slightly red and puffy from crying, but he didn't relent. "does it feel good, milaya?" His lips curved into a smirk, placing gentle kisses on your ankles as he grinds his hips into you. "please— fedya! 'wanna cum so bad!—ngh—" you sobbed, nails digging into his pristine sheets while you buck your hips up, trying to reach your orasgm. Fyodor only tutted, completely stopping his hips as he feigns a disappointed look, "you can do better than that, darling," his hand reaches down to thumb at your clit, forcing a moan out of you. "please! 't hurts! please make me cum, 'wanna cum on your cock so bad, plea—" he cut you off with a thrust of his hips, seemingly satisfied with your pathetic begging. You sobbed out his name repeatedly, eyes shut as he wraps a slender hand around your throat, fucking into you with much vigour than before. If you weren't so cockdrunk, you'd hear how hard the headboard was slamming against the wall, bed creaking with each brutal thrust. Your eyes rolled back when your orgasm approached closer, the coil in your stomach about to snap when— you wailed when he stopped thrusting again, cutting off the path to your sweet, sweet orgasm. He only laughed at your whining, a low moan rumbling in his chest when your cunt tightened around him. Unfortunately for you, torturing you was way too fun for him.
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NIKOLAI ☆⌒(>。<;)
This man is a fucking menace. He'd do anything and everything to see you cry, and you make it so easy for him that he does it all the time. But only he's allowed to make you cry. If anyone else dares to make you shed your pretty tears, he'd rip their head off, put it in a pretty little present box and send it on your doorstep. He'd relish in the horrified face you make after opening the box, tears gathering in your bottom lashline at the terrifying sight. He'd take you out later as an apology though <33
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He thinks you are absolutely adorable, his precious little dove. Corrupting someone like you is definitely his fortè, he loves it. One of the things he loves to do the most is punishing you. Be it overstimulation, edging, spanking or all of them, he enjoys every single one. Even if you haven't done anything wrong, he'd randomly pull you onto his lap and tell you to count before spanking you until your ass is red and sore, you'd cry your eyes out form the pain but it felt so good at the same time.
You guess thats how you ended up in this predicament, face down and ass up as Nikolai fucks you into the mattress. His hand was buried in your hair, shoving your head further down on the pillow beneath you as he slammed into you over and over again at a borderline inhuman pace. His other hand was gripping your hip tightly, occasionally slapping the soft fat of your ass. He snickered at your dumb babbles of pure ecstasy, drooling on the pillow as he fucked you raw. He's been at this for hours, fucking orgasm after orgasm out of you and all you could do was lay there and take it like the good little doll you were. Sobs wracked through your entire body when his hand came down to the sore flesh of your ass again, and fuck did it sting like a bitch. He kneaded the plush fat in his large hand as an apology but it only made it hurt more and he knew that. You felt like passing out from the sheer exhaustion settling in your bones, a hand making its way to press against Kolya's abdomen, trying to get him to stop or atleast slow down, "kolya— 'm gonna pass out!" you sobbed, clinging onto the pillow with one hand for dear life. He smacked your hand away from his abdomen, only thrusting into you harder, "aww~ you're gonna pass out?" He cooed, reaching his hand out to grip your chin, turning your head to face him. You nodded, sniffling as he kissed your tears away, "then pass out~♡"
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©sachiyoh— do not copy, plagiarize and repost my works to any platform, reblogs are very appreciated♡
TAGS 𖤐 @zaiisamu @mellieellie @reyanne @anastaxiah @crystalzxv0 @shiopi @dazaiserectnips @r-e-m-i @jjflipflop12 @jay--feather @deepstrawberrycreator @simp4bsdcharacters @dazaisimpletmereadfanficspls @tojiscardboardboxx @kemis-world @stygianoir @vrivl1 @rei-pearl @lovleyyz
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Stede/Ed/Izzy — Killing with kindness
Okay, okay, SO. I think at this point the entire fandom agrees that Izzy is the biggest masochist to ever masochist... so the most sadistic thing to do to him would be to not give him what he wants at all. That is, only being nice and soft with him, no matter how much he begs for roughness and pain. Dealer's choice on whether Stede and Ed eventually do give in or not.
Fill: None
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butterflytint · 6 months
fav positions
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Summary: jjk men and their fav positions
Pairings: jjk men x fem!reader
Warnings: nsfw, sexual content, missionary, cowgirl, riding, doggy style, fluff if you squint
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Satoru Gojo
This man LOVES it rough. Not much of a surprise there as he’s the strongest.
But this man also loves being soft and intimate with the right person—you. He seems the type to love doggy because he can be fast and rough with it but in actuality he loves when you ride him.
He adores how he can see everything. How your pussy sucks in his cock with every stroke. How your tits bounce. How your face scrunches when you struggle to take in every inch of his thick cock. How your eyes flick between his face and where the two of you are connected.
He loves the intimacy of it all. This way, he can place his hands on your waist, let his fingers sink into your flesh as he guides you up and down his dick, occasionally landing a smack on your ass to goad you on. He lives for the sensation of the one thing most precious to him in the world gazing down at him, so desperately fucking herself on his cock—her hands on his chest, occasionally sliding up and digging into his shoulders when the pleasure would become too much.
As much as he enjoys the intimacy, a small part of him enjoys the sadism in it all. How tired you’re getting from riding him for god knows how long. How you’re a whimpering and whiny mess. How your body visibly reacts to his praise—to him calling you a good girl and telling you how well you’re taking his fat cock. How you lean down, kissing his lips as if to appeal to him, quietly whisper to him how much you love him.
That’s when he finally wraps his arms around your frame, holding you close against him as he fucks up into your sopping cunt. He’ll kiss you back, murmuring praise for you in between and telling you how much he loves you.
Suguru Geto
Let’s be honest, he enjoys any position but for some reason he loves doing it sideways.
Thoroughly enjoys lazy sex when you two are cuddling in bed on a lazy Sunday afternoon
While you’re on your phone, facing away from him, his chest is against your back. His arm is strewn across you and his palm is casually slipped under the hem of your camisole, resting on your stomach. That hand eventually glides up to squeeze at your breast, teasing your nipple by pinching it, making you whimper breathlessly.
That ends up leading to him rutting his hardening dick against your clothed ass. It’s just him grinding against you while you turn your head enough to kiss him.
It’s a matter of minutes (never more than two) before he’s tugging your shorts down, moving your underwear to the side to slip the head of his cock in your dripping cunt. At first, he’ll relish how you whine in protest when he teases your opening by pushing the tip of his cock in, only to pull it back out.
He’ll smirk and let out a humored breath before planting a soft kiss on your jaw, “I’m just playing with you, princess.”
Then he pushes the tip back in, groaning along with you as he hooks his hand under your knee, spreading your legs enough for you to really feel him.
He starts off slow, letting you adjust to his size as he bottoms out in you. When he starts to move in you, he’s still so gentle with it. Slowly rocking his hips into you, alternating between burying his face in the crook of your neck or lazily kissing your lips, tongues intertwining as you moan into each other’s mouths.
Then he’ll quicken his pace, fucking you with harsh and fast thrusts. What starts off lazy always becomes messy and rough. His breaths become heavy as he watches how you plant your face in your pillow to muffle your screams. How your entire body is shaking and spasming, clawing at the sheets or at his forearm when he slithers his hand down between your legs to circle at your clit.
Your leg begins to cramp and you’re writhing because of his strokes. He’s not satisfied till he feels you creaming all over him, your bodies becoming sweaty and sticky.
Kento Nanami
He’s a gentle lover that can get rough when he needs to or really wants to. But his number one priority is making his partner feel comfortable before anything else. So missionary is always what he prefers, especially because of the affection in it. The intimacy, the closeness, the familarness, the eye contact, the clear indication of desire—he basks in all of it.
Of course, he enjoys the intimate aspect of it when it’s with somebody he genuinely loves and feels comfortable with himself.
He gets to stare down at you when he’s pistoning his cock in and out of you. He gets to watch your brows pinch together and mouth part in breathy moans and gasps all because of what he’s doing to you. He feels his heart rate pick up and he’s not sure at first if it’s the fact he’s fucking you right now or because he’s fucking you.
He loves this position because you throw your arms around his neck, pulling him against you while he bites into your shoulder, not too hard because he’s so afraid of hurting you. Ever the gentleman.
He gets to hear your desperate panting straight in his ear. Your legs are wrapped around his waist, heels digging into his lower back as your back arches. He angles his hips so he could thrust deeper in you, make sure that he’s giving you the pleasure you need when the tip of his cock reaches places deep in you that get your head spinning. His elbows would be propped up either side of your head when he feels your hands slide up the back of his head. Nails scratching at the hair at the nape of his neck, you pull him so his lips are on yours.
When you’re moaning against his lips, mumbling his name between passionate kisses, he’s not sure if he can last much longer.
Toji Fushiguro
Doggy . . . are we surprised?
Yeah, he loves hitting it from the back and would do it against any surface. The bed, the couch, you bent over the kitchen counter, in the backseat of a car, against the wall—and windows. There is practically little room for exceptions here and there.
Obviously, it’s not the only thing he’ll do with you during sex. He loves the buildup to it—the fiery kisses, the touching and groping, going down on you, you sucking his dick, all the banter and back-talk before he finally flips you onto your stomach and has you on all fours.
His large hands are on your ass, spreading your cheeks apart so he could watch how your cunt takes every inch of his big dick. He smirks when you glance back over your shoulder all breathless and whiny, not looking at him but where he’s sinking into you.
Once he’s buried himself in you, he starts moving at a pace so ruthless your gasping for air and fisting the sheets by the side of your head. His hands are on your waist, his grip strong enough that you’re sure there’d be indents on your skin later.
He loves watching you under him, how the muscles in your back contract with every thrust—how your shoulder blades threaten to pinch together from how much you’re squirming. How your back arches into the mattress and you’re moaning loud enough to lose your voice.
He loves grabbing a fistful of your hair, pulling you up against his broad frame and truly recognizing how much smaller you are than him. It makes him yank your head back enough so he could sloppily make out with you, saliva trickling from the corner of your mouth.
His thick fingers skim around your hip, drifting toward your dripping cunt and circling your clit. It’s enough to make you muffle a squeal against his lips and writhe against his body. It reminds him how little and how much he can do to get you succumbing to him everytime, to have you crying out his name with tears in your eyes.
He’ll tease you like that for a bit before shoving your head down in the mattress again, leaning over your shivering frame and pressing his chest to your back. He sinks his teeth into your shoulder, trying to mask his grunts from the unrelenting pace his cock is ploughing into you. The hand that’s not in your hair is expertly wrapped around your torso, holding you against his body as he fucks you like he wants to keep you from walking the rest of the week.
Choso Kamo
I feel like he wouldn’t have a preference as he LOVES them all lmao but lotus is one of his fav.
There’s some crazy sensation of butterflies stirring in his guts while he’s rearranging yours. Having you sitting pretty in his lap while he’s sitting up too, your eyes being the ones looking down at his, his arms around your waist, and yours around his neck.
What he loves most about this position is that it reaffirms how strong your chemistry is. With you swaying your hips against him, desperately trying to get yourself off on his dick. His mouth is level with your breasts enough for him to catch one of your nipples in his mouth, gaze up at you while you curl your fingers in his dark hair.
He can truly appreciate your body this way too, watch the way you toss your head back or lean back enough to get the right amount of friction between the two of you. With hazy eyes, he watches your pussy stretching out on his cock and those same dark eyes would flick back up to your fucked out face.
One of his favorite things to do though, is grab you by the back of your neck and pull you towards his face. Capture you in a kiss that allows each of you to capture each other’s moans as well. He loves the feeling of desperation exuding from each of your bodies, the man’s a romantic so it explains why.
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maiiruo · 6 months
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completely time skip, slight overstim
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kenma was always busy with something. his youtube, his gaming, his stock trades...you get it. despite that, he always made time for you, abandoning whatever task he had at the moment and practically waiting on your beck and call, your every desire tended to as best he could. this was slightly different; although he wasn't technically working, he was somewhat busy in a game of metal gear, his favourite, but you had different plans in mind.
you loved sitting in kenma's gaming room whenever he played, watching his brows furrow, his pretty face whenever he was serious, his tied back hair— that feeling quickly turned to clinginess when you began slowly inching yourself towards him until you were straddling him, his head peeking over your shoulder.
"baby…2 minutes, okay? i just need to..." his voice trailing off as he went back to focusing on whatever he was trying to do. normally, you would be at least half focused, but as of now all you wanted was his attention. placing small kisses all over his face, his cheeks slowly turned a light shade of pink, still trying to focus on his game. after a few minutes, kenma's game came to an end—maybe not the end he anticipated, but it definitely ended. in a loss, that is.
"he wasn't even—god this fucking game." his hand practically flew to his face, holding his nose bridge out of both stress and agitation while you waited for him to acknowledge you. putting his controller down, his hands finally found their way to your waist, making your body shiver. "you happy? the game ended." his pretty lips parting to reveal his smile, jokingly making fun of you. "mm...maybe" he rolled his seat back away from his desk, lifting you by the underneath of your thighs to carry you to your shared room. kenma was strong for a gamer and constantly showed it—he loves carrying you princess style, especially ever since you told him you sometimes felt "too heavy", whatever that means. walking like you weighed nothing, you got to your room and he sat down, still with you straddling his lap.
his hands wandered your body, finding your waist once again, your lower back, your thighs; he touched you as if he had memorised every part of you, like he could do it with his eyes closed. kenma knew how sensitive you were for him, his hands running across your body that so easily made your thighs wet. "so impatient...is this what you wanted?" his voice was so soft, despite you practically being the reason for his loss.
"lay on the bed for me, baby." despite his voice sounding gentle, you could tell he was demanding. you sat on the bed, slightly slouched up against the headboard while kenma took off his zip up and followed after you, leaning over you while he let his pretty lips explore your body. he loved how you would squirm under him as if you didn't know how easily he could overpower you. "i know you wanted this, love. stop resisting." he was so straightforward with his commands, the stickiness between your thighs only getting worse.
his hands grazed your thighs, groping at them as if your body was his to use, speaking as if the thighs he was grabbing weren't yours. "so soft..." he was basically drooling. staring so intensely like he wanted to completely consume you. a few minutes passed of his fixation on your 'so soft' thighs and he dragged his tongue across his fingers before teasing your hole, small whimpers escaping your lips. trailing his fingers to your clit, he rubbed small circles around, remaining at a slow pace as to keep his control over you.
time that felt longer than mere minutes passed of kenma revelling in his sadism, his fingers now wet with your fluid and your whimpers slowly turning to you moaning his name. his fingers swiftly disappeared inside you, causing your back to arch both out of shock and satisfaction from how long it felt like you waited. “f-fuck, ken…thank you, feels so good” with his ring and middle finger no longer visible from how deep he was, kenma only sped up, simultaneously rubbing at your clit with his thumb and causing your mind to feel fuzzy. “babyy…’wanna cum, please let me cum for you”
“cum for me, love. you can do it, come on baby.”
he watched you like he was analysing you, waiting for when you were ever so close— before moving his hands away completely, depriving you of the orgasm you were chasing and contradicting his words. you looked back at him, his eyes meeting yours with a smirk on his face. god, he was such a sadist but he looked so good.
you watched him pull the ribbon on his grey sweats apart, his bulge almost forcing its way out. although you saw it countless times before, you were always more surprised by the size everytime you saw it— you constantly wondered how it ever fit in you. “come on, don’t look at it like that. we’ll make it fit, yeah?” his cock slid in your hole so easily, as if you were moulded to his shape. both you and kenma’s moans mixing to create a polyphony of sorts, his voice whiny and desperate to ruin you. “fuck…k-ken, i cant..”
“baby…i’m not even all the way in. take it for me, yeah? i know you can.”
you never got used to how full he made you feel. the way he slowly but harshly forced his cock into you, stretching you out as you watched him disappear up to the base. he slowly pulled out until his head met your entrance once again, watching your every move, every reaction looking for the slightest hint of discomfort—he always noticed the little things. despite how sweet he could be, he completely contradicted that the second he slammed his cock back into you, merciless to how sore this would make you in the next few hours. speaking through whimpers, you barely managed to make out words, “k-ken, fuck…please, i can’t”. regardless of your pleas, kenma only revelled in your desperation, throwing his head back with curses leaving his lips. his pace only quickened, maintaining the same force and mercilessness he had before. “f-fuck, you feel so good…you’re so good for me, my angel” his words were so different to his actions, praising you like you were sent from heaven itself yet physically degrading you with his cock.
your mind was fuzzy, completely blank with nothing but the thought and feeling of overstimulation, moans turning into tears and unintelligible pleading. “k-ken…’wanna, please, please, please” at this point, it would be more of a miracle if he even understood what you were asking for. his voice was breathless, speaking between his pretty moans, “few more minutes, baby…please, you can wait for me, right?” although he too was chasing his orgasm, he only wanted to make you do the same—he knew how sensitive you were to this and he only wanted to heighten that feeling. he was so ruthless. he always said he hated getting tired yet his stamina was unwavering.
although it had only been a few minutes, time went slower than anything, kenma wiping the sweat from his brows while thin strands of his blonde hair slightly stuck to his face. “fuck, baby, i’m close…cum with me, please, cum for me, come on.” his words acting like a cue; you waited so long, or it felt like it, you only needed him to say those few words. your voices were intertwined, both of you riding out your long awaited orgasm and feeling him fill you up, practically spilling out of your hole. although you were completely breathless, your energy depleted, kenma only kept going, making sure none of his cum was wasted and every last drop stayed inside.
after you both slightly caught your breath, he ran his hands over your face, wiping the tears from your cheeks and kissing your lips, “god, i love you. so, so proud of you.”
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don’t steal, translate or repost my work
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inkykeiji · 3 months
⋆₊˚⊹♡ 𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫 + 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐲 𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐢𝐬
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character: alastor warnings: no smut but still 18+, heavy pet/master dynamic, toxic relationship, blood, alastor is obv experiencing intense feelings of infatuation words: 818 notes: a thought i had based on just how much alastor casually touches charlie throughout the entire series hehe—something that would manifest tenfold with his favourite pet, i think!
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For someone with a penchant for sadism, Alastor can be surprisingly touchy with his precious pet.
It’s primal: a compulsive need, an instinctive addiction, an insatiable parasite. It’s something he can’t control even if he wanted to—and he doesn’t have any interest in denying himself such a luxury. 
Not when you are his.
It’s possessive; a physical marker, a visual claim that you are owned, that you belong to him, answer to him, are of service to him. It’s a single finger, hooked in that pretty crimson collar, curled tightly around the leather as he leads you around the hotel with him, keeping you near, a bony knuckle pressed tight to your pulsing jugular. 
It’s a large palm, laid flat on the small of your back above the swell of your ass, fingers splayed wide and claws just barely piercing the thin cotton of your clothing as he guides you—to your seat at the dinner table, when you’ve been especially well-behaved; to the living room to witness a new group activity; to his bedroom, when he decides it’s time for his pet to sleep. 
It’s four fingers cuffed around your wrist, keeping you tethered to him via a leash of his flesh, obediently trailing behind him like the sweet little pet you are as he goes about his business in town, dutifully keeping silent just like he told you to, nuzzling into the space between his shoulder blades when he stills for an extended period of time, the ball of your nose rubbing over the prominent notches of his spine, his responding hum vibrating against your flesh.
It’s protective; a way to ensure that you are within reach of him at all times, so that he can defend against any and all incoming threats and potential dangers. It’s an arm curled around your shoulders, pressing you flush to his side where he can tuck you safely beneath his touch, or an arm twined around your waist, palm cupping your hip as he clutches you close, closer. 
It’s his thigh slotted up against your own during one of his routine lunches with Rosie, your elbow threaded through his as he chats and eats and laughs and plots, dainty fingers toying passively with the hem of his shirtsleeve, fingertips just barely brushing the thin skin stretched across his wrist. 
It’s his palm swathed around the nape of your neck, tips of his claws digging into your skin just hard enough to be a reminder—be good, behave—grip flexing the moment he senses any peril, instantly ready to yank you out of harm’s way and draw you back into himself, where you are shielded and secure, where you fit perfectly. 
It’s peaceful; an odd type of comfort he’s never quite experienced before—something deep-seated, something growing in his soul, something that soothes any unruliness the instant it begins to spawn within him, rattling his ribs and eroding his throat as it rages with gnawing teeth and thrashing claws. Doused in your presence, in your supposed love for him—your devotion, your affection, your obsession—it diminishes, dries up and dies; even if only for a moment.
It’s his chin resting on the crown of your head as he works and you sleep, curled into his chest, breaths damp and gentle against his collarbone, lulled into fitful dreams by the skillful scratch of his pen against parchment, the gentle clink of the metal pen nib against the glass ink bottle, the sharp scrape across the rim as he disposes of excess ink, a heavy sense of contentment sinking in his chest.
It’s demanding you sit at his feet during his nightly reading session, your body wound around his leg and a foot wedged between your thighs, his palm cupping the crown of your head as he strokes your hair in soothing, rhythmic motions. It’s allowing himself a brief glance down at you, something dense and warm seeping through his ribs and into his lungs when you nestle your cheek against his calf, fatigued eyes refusing to close without his explicit permission, licks of flame flickering in glazed pupils as you watch the blazing fireplace.
It’s him groping for you the moment anything mildly disconcerting happens, desperate to feel your flesh beneath his touch—filling his palms with fistfuls of you, staining his teeth and soaking his tongue with scarlet flowing from your throat or your wrist or your bosom, inhaling your scent harsh and deep as he buries his nose in you, and letting it pollute him, consume him, sedate him. 
And despite how new it all is, how scary it feels, how vulnerable it leaves him as it pries his ribs apart bone by bone, digs its talons into his tendons and pulls them apart string by string to expose, offer, whatever it is that throbs in his chest for you, he wouldn’t have it any other way.
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yanderes-galore · 4 months
I was going to do this at some point but others also wanted it... so! CatNap time! This is my version like with DogDay, so maybe read that one first to understand my AU? Pure brainrot, barely proofread, there may be mistakes.
🌙Yandere! CatNap Concept🌙
🐱(My Version)🐱
Pairing: Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Stalking, Possessive behavior, Violence, Overprotective behavior, Drugging/Gassing, CatNap watches you sleep, Manipulation, Slight sadism, Blood, Implied murder, Slight gore, Forced companionship.
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I'm just going to say this, the first thing I read about CatNap is he likes watching his friends sleep.
So that's how this starts.
As usual, CatNap has a cartoon/plush form and a monster form in my AU.
I talk a bit more about this in the DogDay concept.
CatNap, in his more innocent plush form, is docile, gentle, bashful, and highly impressionable according to the wiki.
CatNap can have an eerie presence but he is usually very calming.
He prioritizes proper rest, especially towards you.
When left all alone in Playcare, he becomes a hunting beast who worships The Prototype.
He's not Theo in this version, he's his own thing.
He's sadistic and enjoys the hunt in his more beastly form.
However... he isn't heartless... as in this concept he cares for you a lot.
Let's use this concept just to discuss his overall behavior like I did in the last one.
CatNap's plush/cartoon form still manages to get up to just about the waist of an adult on two legs.
Although the cat also likes to roam on four legs.
CatNap has a lavender smell in his fur, a scent known to calm and put others to sleep.
Although... that isn't exactly what he uses to put you to sleep.
Like in canon, CatNap has the ability to release Poppy Gas from his lungs.
Said gas creates hallucinations and even puts the target asleep.
CatNap likes it when his best friend sleeps....
So, the purple cat often likes to crawl on your lap, release some of the gas, and puts you to sleep as he nuzzles into you with a purr.
Yes, I feel I want to make CatNap purr in my version.
CatNap likes to wrap his long tail around you and follows you around loyally.
He wants to make you happy, healthy, and full of energy!
The only way to do that is a good night's sleep, right?
So let him help you.
CatNap definitely also uses his lavender scent to calm you, too.
He just wants his friend to hold him and sleep...
He'll watch over you like a good friend should.
Then there's the monster form.
He's still very dedicated to you, even when he roams the area like a stalking cat.
CatNap watches over you like a hawk, a caretaker at heart.
In his larger form he looks more unnerving, crawling on all fours like huge hunting cat.
He carefully stalks prey (and you) in the shadows, disorienting them with Poppy Gas before striking.
Unlike DogDay he doesn't bother hiding his predatory nature.
He doesn't care if blood or bits of flesh stain his purple fur when he eats.
His lavender scent still lingers despite the dirty blood smell when he's near you.
The large cat often tries to curl around you in his larger form, purring softly as he encourages you to sleep.
If you try to leave his long tail prevents it... he'll even give you Poppy Gas if you still struggle.
If you think about it... CatNap would be very similar to Moon from FNAF... except CatNap is more... religious?
Speaking of that, CatNap may view you as a gift from The Prototype.
His god has rewarded him for his loyalty!
He'll cherish you as his Best Friend....
CatNap would not hurt you as he views you as his gift and Best Friend.
He often swaps between his smaller cartoon/plush form and his monster form.
If he isn't on a hunt and doesn't want to scare you... he'll swap to his more docile form and encourage you to hold him.
Admittedly... his purr and lavender scent is enough to make you want to sleep anyways.
CatNap is mostly sadistic towards others, like DogDay and the other Critters if they were still alive somehow.
CatNap is possessive of his newfound pal.
He growls and hisses when you try to leave or if you mention any other Toy Mascot.
Even if you did escape, CatNap is hot on your tail, stalking you from the shadows.
Next thing you know the room you're in fills with red mist... you start to hallucinate... the last thing you see before you collapse is the monstrous form of a predatory cat.
Then you wake up back where you once were... with a purple plush cat wrapped in your arms purring away.
It looks like you aren't leaving the claws of CatNap after all....
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chososdiscordkitten · 4 months
Suguru Geto In Bed.
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Pairing: Suguru Geto x Fem!Reader Content: No plot- just porn, just so very nasty, oral (f & m), EDGING (f), dirty talk, BRIEF BUTT STUFF (f), praise, CUM EATING & CUM PLAY, a sprinkle of DUBCON if you squint really really hard, MOUTH FUCKING, use of baby, good girl nd mama used ONCE, he's so mean, refers to r! c**nt as 'she', ROUGH SEX, cream pie, a whisp of sadism, no aftercare Word Count: 2.8k
(a.n) im out here in miammiiii lookin for the hoochieeee daddieeeesss
⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨♡୧ ⋆ ˚。 ⋆
One of the filthiest men on the roster. I like to think that's a universal thought in the fandom. 
The kind of man who'd greedily shove his tongue between your lips after you sucked him off. Being able to taste himself in your mouth, “You don't have to Suguru-” you'd whisper between kisses as his hands gripped onto the swell of your bottom. Pulling away from you with a string of spit connecting your bottom lip to his. With a small hum he smiled, “I want to-” pressing a kiss to the side of your lips, raising himself onto his forearms, placing a light open mouthed kiss to your neck as soft moans graced his ears in reward.
Pulling himself up as he tied his hair back into a small bun- the sight making your cunt throb, knowing that meant he was about to devour you entirely. Pressing his lips back to your collarbones, kissing down your swelled chest as he peppered wet kisses down your skin.
Looking up at you as he pressed a wet kiss to your sternum, roaming fingers grazing your soaked panties. A cheeky grin on his lips as you let out a stifled whine, Suguru’s broad shoulders urging your knees to spread. Welcoming him with rolling your hips against his teasing fingertips, keeping your knees wide enough for him to shift further down your core. 
One of his favorite things to do was get you all riled up, making sure to keep your panties on to overstimulate you through the soaked patch. And when he believed his fingers did a good enough job, he’d lick a long strip from the clothed source of your wetness, up to the little mound he was grazing with his fingers, tasting you against the wet cotton.
To make sure you kept your hands to yourself, he’d hold your wrists in his hands, planted right next to your hips as you tried to find relief in the gentle licks.
One thing Suguru knew how to do best was get you sensitive enough to the point one small touch would make you come undone. It was one of his favorite activities. True, if you disliked it you'd tell him to stop- and he would without hesitation. But the thrill of being driven to the edge of climax, only for him to take it away. Over and over again, it made everything more exciting. Especially when he finally let you cum. Geto always made sure you put on a light show for him. 
Looking up at you when he finally latched his lips around your bare clit, your nails clawing into the tops of his veiny hands. Long curling fingers against your gspot as his lips sucked harshly at your overworked clit making your back arch and your head to thrawl back into the pillows. ‘Fu-ck-’ fell from your lips in a choked whine. A string of moans trying to warn him you were cumming made his eyes go wide with excitement, his tongue unmoving as he felt your clit twitch against his tongue, pulling away from you as the waves of the prolonged orgasm crashed through you. 
“There you go baby-” he muttered, a wisp of air brushing against your damp clit, watching in amusement as your cunt squelched around his fingers. Ears ringing as your head eased back into the pillows. His slowing fingers making sure to help you come down from the well earned reward. “I got you.” he hummed against your skin, pressing light kisses to your shivering thighs. Suguru always made sure to talk you through the white hot orgasm he’d pull from you, that's just how ‘nice’ he was. 
Now I know I can't be the only one who is an avid believer in Geto being an ass man. I like to think he would do anything to you, even if it seemed 'too nasty' ; in your words. To him, anything tastes better than the filth he was forced to swallow on a day to day basis.
You're gonna try and tell me he wouldn't be fucking nasty in bed?
I just know he'd beg- beg. To let him eat you out from the back, just to have your ass in the air- entirely invading his vision as he filled his greedy hands full of what he liked best.
And you being too nice to him. You'd say yes, “No funny stuff.” you warned, knowing he had a peculiar obsession with your ass. Biting into the plump skin whenever he had an opportunity, gripping one of your ass cheeks harshly while you rode him. 
Digging his fingertips onto the surface of your ass while he fucked you in doggy- mesmerized by the water like movement. And always- always held his hand on your ass while being out- all but shouting from the rooftops that you were his. And only his.
Geto had never been harder in his life till he held your hips off of the bed- your cunt infiltrating his pointed nose as he lapped at your clit. Your face churned with overstimulating pleasure as his cock made a mess in his briefs. Grunting almost painfully as he felt you squirm in his grip, hearing your whimpers and moans of his name fall from your lips as he overworked the little mound above your cunt. 
The hair tie tangled in his hair slipping little by little as he greedily slurped on your puffy bud. That promise of ‘no funny stuff’ slipped his mind as he sloppily kissed from your clit to your entrance, dipping his tongue directly into the source of the mess that adorned his chin. His reward being the adorable whines your lips spilled.
Tongue fucking you as your muffled moans went ignored by his ears- focusing his hazy vision on the sight of your cunt, nose threatening to dig into the overlooked hole.
Sugurus mind trailing to doing what he wished for too long- pulling his lips from your entrance, kissing up the small space between your cunt and the puckered hole that had been calling his attention since he first parted your thighs. 
“Suguru!” you gasped, reaching your hand to his large forearm that held you in place, writhing in his strong arms as his tongue lapped at the unexplored territory. “Wait-” you huffed with a whine, feeling his other hand roam up your thighs and press two fingers into your cunts' entrance in hopes to distract you from objecting. Moaning into the pillows as he kept you still.
He would 100% eat your ass till he got pink eye, tell me I'm wrong.
Overall definitely the giving type, only if that ‘giving’ had a handful of rules and you have to behave for him to give. But he will carefully push your unspoken boundaries, after all that's what safe words were for. Only because he likes seeing your face decorated with surprisement and white hot pleasure you had never felt before you had him.
When it came to pleasing him, he always watched you with soft eyes. Examining you closely, watching your eyelashes clump together with salty tears as your throat contracted around his cockhead.
Breathless huffs from his lips were all he offered as you swirled around his tip. I see him as the type to not be able to cum as easily as the others from receiving head, it seemed like a plenty fine appetizer to get his cock fully erect to Suguru. But never did he see it as a means to an end.
The whole ‘I'll give you head so you'll feel better’ thing never worked on Suguru, of course he derived pleasure from your gentle tongue, but he would find himself frustrated as he watched you. Oftentimes a blow job would end in his hands clutched against your ears as he fucked into your throat roughly. 
But Geto is no monster, he was ‘kind’ enough to help train your throat to take him and his rough tendencies. Definitely a head pusher at the beginning, blaming you for trying to be so gentle with him. When all he wanted was the opposite. 
The first time throat fucking was brought up with Suguru, he kinda thought of it as like- no big deal. But when he watched you choke on his fingers as he shoved them further down your throat, seeing your eyes water and your bottom lip shiver against his long digits, it made something in him snap.
Geto let you set your own pace- at first. Seeing you delicately bob your head up and down, flashing a few expectant looks up at him as you tongued his cockhead. Only for his smug face to be adorned with a sweet smile- watching you in amusement. 
But his hard work paid off. When he was finally able to use your throat as his own personal cocksleeve? This man was over the moon. His endearing eyes looking at you; politely sitting between his knees, pumping his cock as he awaited for your lips to part. Closing your eyes and opening your mouth with your tongue covering your lower teeth. A chuckle from his lungs in adoration as he placed his flushed tip on your tongue. “Good girl.” he'd mutter through clenched teeth, grabbing onto the back of your head and pushing you down onto his cock. 
And as we established earlier- he’d practically demand a “Don’t swallow.” as he nibbled on his bottom lip, pulling you up to him by your neck gently before he pressed his lips to yours. Coaxing your lips to part with his tongue as his own seed spilled into his mouth. Guiding your hips to hover above his cock. Groaning as he felt the warmth mix with the leftover sap he slurped from your cunt. Making sure to kiss you as filthy as possible. A disgusting cocktail of your messes mixing in each other's mouths. Unashamed as he assisted you with swallowing the mess. Easing you down onto his cock as the mix of his seed and your spit trickled down his throat.
Spit? Not even a question. One of his favorite things about fucking was when saliva was always swapped back and forth. Completely unbothered by the filth.
His favorite position? All of em. But he has a special place in his heart for doggy, but not in the ‘on all fours’ doggy? The kind where your face is pressed into the pillows harshly, and his strong hands hold up your hips to force your back into a disgustingly mean arch. 
The thing with Suguru, is he feigns being nice. He’d wear that sweet smile on his lips as he guided you to lay on your tummy. But his rough hands yanking your hips from the mattress, using no pillow to help keep your hips up, and his harsh grip on your sides? That was all you needed to see to know that sweetness was a farce.
Keeping his nose upwards as he looked down at you, cock twitching as it awaited the warmth your cunt always welcomed him with. 
In attempts to keep up that false act of kindness, he’d start slow. Pushing his painful erection into your heat, his tip oozing against your own mess. Your knees trembling as you bit into the pillows, hands fisting the sheets- “You wan’me inside baby?” Geto smiled with a crooning tone, being able to feel your cunt throb against his cockhead. Muffled moans were all he heard from you as he kept his tip at your entrance. Trailing one of his hands from your hip to your belly, “Wanna feel me right here mama?” he held his hand flat against your tummy as he eased his tip into you.
The words he tried to say caught in his chest, hearing anguished whines leave your lips, directed into the pillows as he got off on the filth he’d spout. 
Humming with a smile, “S-she’s suckin’ me in baby-” Suguru huffed in amusement. Earning one of your hands to slap against the one on your hip weakly, attempting to tell him to be quiet. “S-shut up Sugu-” you managed, placing the side of your face onto the pillows, and as a ‘reward’ for being impolite- he cruelly thrusted his cock into you. Rough and at the speed of light, a yelp from your throat making his lips curl into a sadistic smile. 
Geto’s hips went unmoved as he granted you the ‘kindness’ of getting used to the curve of his cock. Leaning over you as he felt your walls pulse around him, opening his mouth and pressing a sloppy kiss to your spine. Earning your shoulders to shudder from the feeling, “f-fuck-” he gasped against your skin, trailing the tip of his tongue up your shoulder blades, “So tight-” he mumbled to himself, holding his hand on your belly as he hunched over you. 
Heavily breathing against your ear as you felt his hips apply pressure to the back of your thighs, in some desperate attempt to burrow himself deeper in your cunt.
With an unseen grin on Sugurus lips- “You f-feel me right here?” he stuttered against the shell of your ear with a hot exhale, pressing his hand onto your tummy- guessing where his cock would be and applying a bit of pressure.
Earning you to huff a breathless groan. “Hm? Right here?” He teased into your ear, unable to feel his cock through your skin- but he knew he was more than deep enough.
Pressing his lips to the cartilage as he nibbled on the skin. You inhaled all the air you could, trying to form the words, “yours-so-” you stuttered, face pressed into the pillows making you to slur the words. “I'm so..?” he teased, “so fuckin' n-nasty-” you managed, causing him to pull away from your ear with a gratified smile. 
It wasn't his words that made your ears tingle with embarrassment, it was the tone he took- enjoying the way he flustered you with a few words, as though he derived more pleasure from demeaning you than he did from actually fucking you.
“I like when you talk to me like that-” he gruffed through clenched teeth, slowly dragging his hips from yours. Keeping his throbbing cockhead inside, hearing your breathing quicken as his hands held your hips taut and in place. 
A harsh plap rung through the room, Suguru snapped his hips to yours- and before you had any time to process the sudden jab, he pulled out and rammed into your cunt again. Nose crinkling at the harsh jabs his hips refused to halt.
Over and over again, the tip of his cock bullied your gspot as it curved into you.
Looking down to his fat cock connecting with your cunt, mouth going slack jawed as he bulldozed his hips harshly into you. Admiring the white ring forming at his base, Geto’s eyes almost rolled to the back of his head as his mind ignored your slurred babbles.
Various moans starting as curses, only to form pleasure filled whines were forced from your throat as he drilled mercilessly into you.
Instead his mind focused on the thunderous plaps of his hips snapping against the back of your thighs, along with the filthy squelches coming from the sight his eyes were glued to.
Gripping his hands so tight on your hips- you knew he'd leave bruises. Eyes rolling to the back of your head as he fucked you into your orgasm, not being able to remember which one you were on, cunt fluttering around him violently, Suguru grunted as your walls subconsciously clenched around his quick moving shaft.
“So fuckin’ tight-” Geto seethed through gritted teeth, the pillows silencing your cries and whimpers as he abused your poor cunt, his head fell back as he thrusted firmly, hips starting to falter their steady pace as he felt his boiling orgasm pool in his tummy. 
“Cumming-” he moaned with a shameless grin, “M’cumming-” he bit his bottom lip, allowing the pooled orgasm to spurt out of him, coating your walls as you fisted the sheets- knuckles turning white from how hard you clenched them in your hands.
Hunching over you as he thrusted lazily in and out of your cunt. Putting his full weight on you, fucking his seed further into you with vigorous hips that spasmed with every pump of cum you milked from his tip.
With every sloppy patternless thrust, his cum trickled down your thighs- mixing with your own arousal on your skin.
The ‘doggy’ position churned into a lazy version of prone bone. Pressing his damp forehead to your shoulder as he rode himself down from the skyscraper high your cunt threw him from.
And after he'd get his fill of drilling into you- he would ease his grip from your hips and he guid your body to lay down. Eyes hazy as he eased you down from the cock drunk state he fucked you into.
Heavily panting against your skin as Geto held his softening cock inside of you, it wasn't even hesitation, more like refusal to pull his soft cock from your warmth. Pressing a kiss to your shoulder, “So good f’me.” he murmured, trailing kisses onto your shoulder. Placing a soft hand onto your hip as he rolled onto his side, taking you with him as he spooned you. Soft cock still engulfed by your warmth as he hummed against your skin with a cheeky smile. Completely melting into his touch.
This was sososo nasty, I surprised myself actually.
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heizouology · 11 months
˗ˏˋ tattoo artist kaveh and piercer alhaitham ´ˎ˗
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ tags: nsfw, kaveh x afab reader, alhaitham x afab reader, kaveh x afab reader x alhaitham, threesome, double penetration, lots of praise and aftercare (kaveh), slight sadism (alhaitham), degradation (alhaitham).
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ notes: kaveh and alhaitham are roommates and work at the same tattoo and piercing studio. i imagined kaveh’s tattoo style to look like @/zihwa_tattooer’s work on instagram. i’d sell an organ to be tattooed by her, i’m a whore for fine line omg.
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❛ kaveh ༉‧₊˚
kaveh is so insanely pretty and he’s got the prettiest tattoos too. simple, aesthetic, black fine line designs are placed in certain parts of his body - his arms, hands, and back, complimenting his features instead of overpowering them. you can’t help but admire them every time you see him, which he doesn’t mind - he loved the attention you give him. he also has few cartilage, adorned with gold leaf and feather themed jewelry, all done by alhaitham.
a month into your relationship, he gave offered to give you a tattoo, free of charge. unsure of what to get, he picked out a few designs from his flash that he thought would look nice on you. you settled on a simple butterfly below the back of your neck, a place he recommended, as it’s one of his favorite places to kiss you. the process was pretty painful but kaveh’s steady and light hand, along with his calming praises and small talk, made it a lot better. also, his hair was up in a clip, which was a little treat for you as well - you loved it when he wore his hair like that.
during sex, kaveh always prioritizes your pleasure over his own. he's so gentle with you, constantly mumbling little praises and encouragement as you ride him, caressing your back with a feather-light touch and helping you keep a steady rhythm. he loves you so, so much, and hates to see you in pain - he constantly checks in to make sure you're alright, making sure you know your safe word, etc. he remembers all of the places that make you feel good, all of your favorite positions, and all of the little praises you love to hear.
he'll eat you out before fucking you with his dick, making sure that you're all nice and wet for him. he loves it when you tug on his hair, urging him to continue. your moans are like music to his ears, fueling his desire to bring you as much pleasure as possible.
kaveh’s a switch, though he prefers giving rather than receiving. when you want to be dominant, though, he’ll make the sweetest moans, begging you for more. he loves it when you mark him up with hickeys, and will wear his hair up to show them off the day after, letting everyone know that he’s yours. he’s so happy and grateful that he’s loved by someone like you, and treasures every little mark you give him, knowing it’s a symbol of your love.
he thinks you’re the most beautiful person in the world as you’re coming down from your high. he never lacks in aftercare - he knows how much you need reassurance and love afterwards, so he’s quick to pull you into his embrace, whispering sweet nothings into your ear as he caresses all of the places he knows will be sore later.
“you’re already beautiful, but i think you’d be even more beautiful with a few tattoos,” he whispers as you lay against his chest. his hand goes to cover yours, his thumb rubbing over your outer hand and wrist, a little smile forming on his face as he imagines designs for you. “a floral design here would look so pretty. imagine us holding hands, tattoos showing and all.”
his hand then moves to your side, tracing it with his fingers. “then, maybe one here as well, starting from here and extending all the way up here,” he explains, starting from your waist and ending next to your breast. “we can add little snakes or cute butterflies to the design. make you a beautiful little garden.”
secretly, he dreams of getting matching tattoos with you as your relationship progresses. he’s drawn out some ideas based off of your shared interests that he’ll show you when the time comes, but for now, it’s his little secret.
the next day, he'll invite you over to his studio after hours to work on your new tattoo. besides loving aftercare in bed, he cares for your tattoo aftercare as well. he’ll constantly be nagging at you to not scratch it, carries aquaphor with him just in case you need to reapply, and once it’s healed, he has a small little bottle of sunscreen for when it’s exposed to the sun, knowing that you always forget to put some on.
he doesn’t want his little piece of art getting ruined, especially if it’s on such a beautiful canvas as yourself.
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❛ alhaitham ༉‧₊˚
alhaitham is so fucking hot. he usually wears basic, black t-shirts and tank tops, showing off his bulky tattooed arms. his upper body is covered in bold tattoos - usually traditional, though he does have a sword tattoo on his forearm from kaveh. he's got a side labaret, a tongue piercing, and a ton on his ear - industrial, helix, you name it. on his large, veiny, tattooed hands are a collection of silver rings, not a single finger plain.
when the two of you began dating, you said you've been interested in getting a septum for a while, though you were still on the fence about it - you were scared about the healing process and if you'd even like it. you got your ears pierced when you were young, so it would technically be your first piercing. he offered to do it for you, and if you didn't like it, you can simply take it off. though, he assured you that you’d look beautiful with it. the idea got you interested, and he took you to the studio to get it done.
the piercing was quick, though it did hurt a little, especially since you didn't have the best pain tolerance. your eyes got a little watery, a single tear falling. it was a little embarrassing for you, though alhaitham guiltily thought it was kind of hot. he'd be lying if he said he wasn't a sadist - he never has these thoughts while piercing his clients, but seeing you like this was different. after putting in your jewelry, a cute little gold clicker, he quickly excused himself to grab you a cup of water, though it was mainly to calm himself down.
he fucks you hard and rough. he loves seeing you beg and will often deny your orgasm to see you all needy, crying for him to let you cum. he loves holding your wrists so he has complete control over you. he thinks it's so cute that you're so small and weak in comparison to him - it fuels his lust to break you and then spoil you afterwards.
he loves to degrade you, too. he'll call you a whore while fucking you mercilessly, saying you're such a slut for him and his cock. he'll never say anything meant to hurt you, though. if he notices his degrading goes too far, he'll apologize and make it up to you, toning down the roughness and slipping in a few praises instead.
during one of your sessions, he has you standing in front of the bathroom sink, holding onto the counter for your dear life as he's pounding into you. he holds your chin so you're forced to stare at the lewd sight, kissing your sensitive ear and neck as he does so.
"look at how cute you are," he coos with a low voice, grunting as he thrusts into you. his hand moves to cup your breast, giving your nipple a little pinch, causing you to gasp in pleasure. "you'd look so pretty with piercings here. have you considered getting them done?"
his hand cradling your chin moves down to hold your other breast, flicking your nipples. "imagine how good they would feel while we fuck," he mumbles, his warm breath against your ear as he stares at your reflection with you. "of course, i'll pierce them for you - don't want any other man seeing you like this," he whispers, giving you a kiss on the cheek. "what do you think?"
you're too fucked out to say anything, so you nod. he smiles as one of his hands travel down to your stomach, his index finger stopping on top of your belly button.
"and maybe one here. you'd look so pretty with one, and you'd get to wear more of those tiny shirts you like so much," he mutters. you told him you've been interested in wearing clothes that show your midriff, though you're self-conscious about showing your stomach. he would assure you that you'd look fine every time you bring it up, though it wasn't enough to boost your confidence. “so, so pretty," he purrs, circling his finger over it and giving your cheek another kiss, before his hands travel down even further.
his hand stops at your clit, slowly rubbing it with one hand as he holds your chin again with the other. "and maybe a piercing on the hood here, too. wouldn't it feel so, so, so good here? the smooth metal rubbing against your clit as i fuck you. imagine how sensitive you'll be when i put a vibrator against it," he teases, increasing the intensity of his fingers. "and imagine how hot you'd look with one. a little secret between you and me.” the idea of getting a clitoris hood piercing was never on your mind, but with the way he described it pushed you off the edge, and you were forced to watch your reflection as you cum.
"that's my girl," he whispers, watching you with a smile as you tremble from the intense pleasure, his hands moving to your waist to hold you steady.
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❛ alhaitham and kaveh ༉‧₊˚
god, fucking the two of them at the same time would feel so good. while you're dating one of them, the other notices the two of you having sex in their room and can't help but join in.
while kaveh's so gentle with you, making sure you're alright and giving you plenty of kisses and praises, alhaitham is merciless, manhandling and degrading you. it’s the perfect balance between being spoiled and being ruined, and you’re in love with it. the two of them are competing to see who can fuck you best, and you're unsure of who's winning - your lover or his roommate.
you lay on the bed as alhaitham opens your legs, kissing from your stomach down to your folds. he sucks roughly on your clit and prods his tongue into your hole, causing you to feel his piercing against you. the pleasure is intense, almost too much as he slips two fingers in, fingering you quickly and deeply, abusing your g-spot. he runs his tongue on your clit, making you feel his hard tongue piercing, causing you to go insane in pleasure.
as alhaitham bullies your pussy, kaveh’s behind you, giving you the much needed kindness you weren’t receiving from alhaitham. he hushed you as he lovingly kisses your ear, nibbling and sucking on your earlobe. his hand travels down to your breasts, groping them slowly so as to not overstimulate you, but rather enhance your pleasure.
with alhaitham’s aggressive oral and kaveh’s sweet care, you find your high approaching, and they both know it by the way your body reacts to them. alhaitham speeds up his fingers and licks as kaveh teases you with his hot breath against your ear, and you find yourself cumming hard on alhaitham’s tongue.
the two of them let you catch your breath, and once you do, kaveh is gently turning you around so you’re facing him, taking off his pants to reveal his hard cock. he scoots down, resting his head on the pillows as he guides you to sit on his dick. you lace your fingers with his, slowly sinking down onto his dick while he sings little praises for you.
“angel, you’re taking me so well,” he gleams, watching as you fully bottom out. “so perfect, so, so perfect.” he says, pulling you down to his chest as he thrusts up into you.
“quit babying her, she’s a slut,” alhaitham bickers. “she knows how to put a dick in her.”
“shut your damn mouth, you’re just jealous because you’re not the one fucking her right now," kaveh sneers, and though his words were harsh, he didn't change his tender touch on you.
alhaitham sighs, watching as kaveh fucked you with so much care, whispering into your ear and drowning you in kisses. he’s so vocal during sex, something that alhaitham wasn’t. getting turned on by the scene, he takes off his pants, stroking his dick.
after a while, when you were soon nearing your high, you noticed that alhaitham was gone from your side. from behind, you feel someone prod a finger at your other hole, prepping you for his cock. it was alhaitham. you're scared of the pain - you weren’t used to getting it there and it hurts a little, which kaveh notices and quickly stops.
"i... i can't..." you stutter, holding onto him. alhaitham slows down, though his fingers don’t leave your hole.
"it's alright, babe," kaveh hushes, stroking your cheek. "it'll feel better soon, okay? you'll feel so good with the two of us inside of you. can you do it for us? i know you can handle it," he says. from behind, alhaitham's kissing your back, paying special attention to your tattoo. you nod, causing kaveh to smile and kiss your forehead. “thanks, my love.”
kaveh thrusts into you again, this time more slowly and deeply. alhaitham continues prepping your asshole, adding in another finger. once he thinks you're ready to handle him, his fingers leave you, being replaced by the tip of his cock, which stretched you way more than his fingers did.
"just breathe, okay?" kaveh says, holding your hand. as alhaitham slowly inserts himself in, kaveh's mumbling little "i love you"s and "you're doing so good for us" against your lips, wiping away any tears that fall. the stretch is painful, but you know it'll be all worth it in the end.
after a few careful thrusts from alhaitham, careful to not hurt you, the pain soon turns into pleasure as you get used to his size. your winces became moans, and you hold onto kaveh. he asks if it’s okay for him to start moving again, and you nod, allowing him to pick up where he left off.
"enjoying it already? you sure are a slut, huh," alhaitham grunts from behind, increasing the intensity of his pace. their thrusts aren't synced - while one pulls away, the other is going in, causing you to be constantly stimulated. it feels so good feeling so full, and you soon find yourself reaching your high, gripping onto kaveh's shoulders for stability.
they fuck you through your orgasm, slowing to a stop once you’re done. they let you take a little break as they litter kisses all over you. you snuggle up against kaveh, sapped of energy, until you hear alhaitham laugh as he lifts you up so your back is pressed against his chest.
"think you're done already? we haven't even came yet," he teases, making your heart sinks. you were already so tired, so fucked out, but you weren’t done yet? you'll be having a long night.
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