#function; yah talks (original post)
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Yotsuyu Stimboard
DNI if - Exclu, TERF, Truscum, Anti, Fanpol, Anti-Selfship
x x x x x x x x x
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manynamedshipper · 1 year
Welp, my old blog got terminated so guess I'm moving here after all.
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swords-in-space · 5 months
You once mentioned you have a thesis about fanfiction as a genre of literature and its value to genre fiction. I reallyyyyy would like to read your thesis. If that's okay for you
okay so i don't actually have a thesis about it. like, i think about the topic a lot but writing a thesis would require a lot of research and interviews and compiling information and i am far too adhd to do that on my own, and i'm not going to grad school anytime soon to have an excuse to do it
some thoughts include:
-genre fiction can be (often is, arguably) a metaphor for current cultural fears. the popular tropes in sci fi particularly and fantasy to a lesser extent are often a reflection on current global events. (well, i say current. usually it's about 3-5 years behind due to the nature of, yah know, writing and publishing a book.) this ties into the first point too, a little, because genre fiction allows the author and reader to put some space between you and the fear/trauma/event -- you're not actually reading a story about someone who could be alive right now and suffering, you're reading about a guy with a name straight from Fantasy Name Generator and his life in the post-apocalyptic future. we can confront our fears about nuclear war and censorship while we read about a dude named Guy who burns books for a living. then -- to pick a non-random example -- how many fics have been written in the last several years that are sickfics, zombie aus, or just straight up about quarantines and isolation?
-fanfiction is already a massive part of genre fiction. just because it's licensed doesn't make it less fanfiction -- i dare you to go into your local bookstore, find the sci-fi/fantasy section, and take a look at how much of it is taken up by star wars, star trek, warhammer, dungeons and dragons. how many video games have licensed novelizations, how many popular movies. i was a bookseller for 6 years, i can tell you that easily a quarter to a third of the section is just this. so then the question is -- how is that functionally different from fanfic on ao3 or whatever other site you frequent? just because they have an editor and a publishing contract doesn't mean they can't also be writing fanfic. i know several published authors here on tumblr that i've found through their ao3 pages
-how many times do you see posts talking about people using fanfic as a way to process trauma? the posts are usually explaining away dead dove fics, but i was a child with a library card and no oversight in what i read and i have to say i've never come across a dead dove fic that broaches a topic that i've not also seen in an obscure fantasy novel
-all art is worthwhile and all art means something to someone. all art has the ability to be beautiful and moving, and you cannot gatekeep what will be to someone. i've cried reading fanfic before, i'm sure you have too. sometimes it's even mostly smut and it's still emotionally moving. i think we do a HUGE disservice to those authors who have touched us if we say that what they're writing is somehow lesser than just because they're writing naruto tentacle porn or whatever the fuck
-Wattpad is owned by HarperCollins. the company takes a look at the most popular fics on that site and offers publishing contracts. this isn't hearsay, i was literally told by a HarperCollins rep while i was at a work dinner with them. it's how the After series was published, to name the most famous example. if you look in YA and romance, you'll spot more than a few "Wattpad originals" too. if publishing houses think that fanfic has enough value to be financially beneficial to them, then we can't sit here and say it's not culturally or emotionally or thematically valuable. if someone is making money off it, then it has influence whether we like it or not
-Fifty Shades of Grey is infamous at this point. we can't deny that it's had a huge influence on the romance genre -- there are so many books being published today that are fanfic with the serial numbers filed off, and more that are from well-known fanfic authors who have an existing fanbase. it seems to be more and more, too, that if an author wants to publish an original romance novel, to have a loyal readership already is a huge point in their favour to win a publishing contract. this is less about fanfiction specifically a genre of literature and more about the influence it has within the publishing sphere already
-so: what makes a genre? they have specific tropes, sometimes unique to the genre, they have specific structures and themes. genre is hard to define, too, because the lines are so often blurred -- what makes The Woman in the Window, for instance, be shelved in general fiction instead of mystery. (the answer is usually "the publisher thinks it will sell better there.") so what do "legitimate" genres have that fanfiction doesn't? i've debated this point with my gf before, and she was on the side of "fanfiction is a type of fiction, mostly serial fiction, and encompasses a variety of genres" and i was on the side of "fanfiction is a specific genre unto itself". we never came to a conclusion, and i think that there's merit to both arguments -- my point here is that this is one of the things that would require a lot of research to make a compelling argument, and i don't have that research (yet. there's always hope.)
-there's historical basis for fanfiction too. for all that the term is a modern one, and fan culture as it is today being born out of women's star trek writing circles and the internet, people have been writing derivative works for centuries. what is Milton's Paradise Lost (and Paradise Found) but Bible fanfic. what is Dante's Inferno but self-insert rpf. what is Virgil's Aeneid but a historical au of the founding of Rome
anyway! there's probably more thing that i haven't mentioned and will wake me up at 3am, but this is long as it is
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nyctolovian · 3 years
Chapter 16: easy being nice to a bitter boy like him
Welp! I just thought it’d be cool if I posted fic on my birthday. So here’s a milestone chapter of sorts haha
Summary: Shouto's doubts grow
Chapter 1
Bakugou woke up incredibly cranky, even by his usual standards. Shouto was made aware of this by the colourful swearing Bakugou let out when he stubbed his toe on the foot of the bed in the morning. This was followed by a loud slam of the door as Bakugou exited the room to head to the shared toilets. 
The two headed to the dormitory’s cafeteria for breakfast (a sandwich, yoghurt and a chocolate-y drink called Milo). The sort of silence they had, which would usually be calm, was now stiff, like Bakugou was looking for the next thing to metaphorically or physically blow up. Shouto didn’t quite want to stand in the way of that.
Then, as they stood at the pickup point, waiting for Preeta to pick them up, Shouto finally asked, “Is something bothering you?” 
Bakugou let out a gruff “nah”.
That was a lie and Shouto could smell from a mile away. He frowned at Bakugou in deep thought. However, before he could ask another question, Preeta’s yellow car drove into the pickup stop. Hesitantly, Shouto dropped the subject when he and Bakugou got in the car and Preeta greeted them with a wide, sunny smile. "Are you ready for Day 1 of hero-ing Singaporean style?"
Shouto nodded nervously while Bakugou let out a hum that wasn't quite in assent or disagreement. 
"Tough crowd," she huffed out, curling her fingers around the steering wheel. "No worries. You're gonna have a blast at my office, I assure you."
As they travelled, the supervisor gave a quick rundown of what interning under her would entail. Preeta and Co. Hero Offices was located on an entire floor in one of the many office buildings in the central business district. Preeta explained, "We mostly deal with combat situations within that area. It's a hotspot for villains that really want to wreck things big time."
As they drove into the district, Shouto spotted countless skyscrapers and interesting sculptures around. He had heard that there were many important expensive buildings in the area so property damage was apparently a big deal as well. He was slightly worried by this. If there was one thing about their fighting styles that Shouto could call a similarity, it might possibly be the destruction. He and Bakugou didn't exactly have the best track record for keeping fights in their lanes after all.
Soon, Preeta parked in the underground carpark of a fairly unremarkable office building and took a lift from the car park up to the office. As soon as the lift slid open to their destination, they were greeted with a frenzied girl rushing towards them. "Oh my god!" She side-stepped, letting them out. "New interns?" she asked in English, brushing her messy blue hair behind her ear. 
"Yeah," Preeta replied. She glanced at the folders the girl was clutching as she darted into the elevator and slammed her thumb into the button. "Documents for HeroTech again?"
"Yah lah!" she whined, pulling a face of agony. "Who else?" 
Preeta rolled her eyes at the closing lift doors. "That's Charlene by the way. You'll talk to her a lot in the future."
Shouto glanced back at the closed doors. He barely remembered what she looked like already. Sometimes he wished he had better facial recognition skills. Also, Shouto was about 75% certain that was her first name. This felt wildly different from what he is used to… 
Bakugou nudged his back, bringing his attention back to their supervisor, who had already walked past the empty reception desk. She pressed her finger on a scanner to unlock the door that led to an open plan office.
It was chaotic with people discussing things or typing away at their computers. Some of them were in office wear, some in casual clothes, and others in their hero costumes. With a quick glance around the room, Shouto estimated a head count of about 15 other people.
"Attention!" Preeta's voice boomed across the room, capturing the attention of everyone. "We have two new interns, Bakugou Katsuki and Todoroki Shouto from UA, Japan. They'll be with us for three months." She gave them both a look and made a sweeping motion, urging them to introduce themselves. 
Shouto tried his best to articulate himself in the foreign language, "Hello. My name is Todoroki Shouto. I am 17 years old. Um… My quirk is um…" He held his palms up and simultaneously created a flame and a shard of ice. "My hero name is Shouto. Nice to meet you."
Someone started clapping and the others followed suit. Shouto stiffly nodded and pursed his lips.
Next was Bakugou. "I'm Bakugou Katsuki. 18 years old. My quirk is Explosion and my hero name is DynaMight. I'll be the Number One Top Hero."
Shouto narrowed his eyes at him. Did he really need to say that?
Bakugou's eyes made contact with his for a while before he added somewhat reluctantly, "Nice to meet you."
His greeting was also met with an applause and a short hoot. Meanwhile, Preeta grinned at him and said, "Someone's got more guts than I thought! I like that!" She glanced around the room and said, "Everyone except Charlene is here."
Someone from the corner confirmed that statement. 
"Ok! Good! Saves time!" she said, clapping her hands together. "Introduce yourselves as well!"
One by one, the others introduced themselves with their names, positions, and their quirks. Some added special information about themselves and cracked a few jokes that garnered some chuckles in the office. However, between trying to get used to English comprehension, the unusual names and many different information, Shouto's head was swirling. Names and faces seemed to seep out of his brain as the introductions continued.
By the time Preeta smiled down at the two new interns and suggested introducing them to the office facilities, Shouto had already forgotten everyone's names. 
Still, he silently followed Preeta as she told them where the pantry, toilets, sick bay, function rooms and her private office were. Then, they walked around the already chattering employees to a steel door behind the large table. There was another fingerprint scanner that Preeta used. "We'll have to get your prints later. This stuff is just a safety precaution. Hero work can get pretty sensitive. Plus, we have expensive equipment." She swung open the door to the most spacious room yet – the training gym. 
With its light blue walls, the room looked more vibrant than the rest of the office. Natural light also streamed in from its wide windows, which displayed a view of the city skyline, like a reminder of why they do their work. The equipment, while not as grand as Endeavor Hero Agency’s, was still not to be sneezed at, from its high-tech temperature-regulators to an obstacle course with elements customisable to one’s training needs. There was a large first-aid kit and defibrillator beside the benches and a fire extinguisher fixed upon each corner of the room. 
"This is where you will likely begin and end your day. Warm-up in the morning, and self-training in the evening." Preeta smiled as she pointed to a door with her thumb. "The lockers are just over there. Now, get into hero mode, chop chop! I want to see what the two of you can offer on the field."
There was a wide grin on Preeta's face when the boys were done showcasing what they could do. "Not bad! Not bad at all!" she said, clapping her hands in appreciation. "We will be working together just fine, I think."
"How about you show us what you've got?" Bakugou said, crossing his arms. He lifted an eyebrow at her challengingly. "Would like to see how *you* fare on the field."
Of course, Bakugou would do something abrasive at some point. Truthfully, however, Shouto would say he was expecting this side of Bakugou to show much earlier. Perhaps that was a testament to what a strange mood Bakugou has been in since this morning.
Luckily, Preeta didn't seem to take any offense in his tone. She just threw her head back and laughed boisterously. "Of course!" she said. She pulled her hair back and her nimble fingers secured the dark red locks in a tight bun. With her originally mid-back length hair tied up, Shouto could see an intriguing feature of her costume. 
It was already fairly interesting when she first stepped out from the locker room, changed into her hero attire. Despite her extremely colourful casual outfits, her hero costume was entirely black. She wore black boots, a black jacket, a black pair of pants, and a black undershirt. The only thing that stood out at first were the big black bracelets that resembled Uraraka's. On her back was a metal fixture with six cylindrical tubes sticking out behind her, and behind those tubes was her bare brown skin. 
Shouto found this all very curious. This costume must have been designed like this to serve a purpose… but what was it?
As though she read his mind, Preeta said, "How about a little quiz for you two?" She stabbed her hair with several more bobby pins. "Take a guess what my quirk is exactly."
Bakugou made no reaction and Shouto just nodded quietly. 
Taking in a deep breath, Preeta swung her arms. Then, she spread them out and leapt to the air. There was a gust of hot air that pushed Shouto and Bakugou back slightly.
They straightened back up to see Preeta shooting upwards like a rocket. Her muscled arms swung forward to grab a slab of metal that hung from above. As soon as she made contact with it, the metal bent to fit the shape of her hands, glowing red-hot. With the momentum, she swung forward and landed with a roll on a lower hanging platform. The spot on the metal that she had grabbed had the marks of her fingers and no longer looked molten. Shouto's eyes widened in intrigue and Bakugou let out a short hum.
Preeta was on her feet before their focus could return to her and, when they did, she was bounding to the other end of the suspended platform. She grabbed a wooden block from a stack at the side and drew her hand back.
The wood burst into flames and she hurled it across the gym, and accurately into a pail of water. Nodding, she leapt off the platform and grabbed onto a pole near the walls and slid down quickly with one arm. 
When she was on the floor again, she flashed the two a grin. "That's the gist of what I can do. My abilities are most practical in a real-life scenario to be honest. So," she folded her hands in front of her chest, "take a guess what my quirk is."
"It's heat-related," Shouto mumbled to himself.
"That's a given in my office."
Meanwhile, Bakugou narrowed his eyes. "Is…"
Shouto's eyes followed his gaze to the coated metal pole. He frowned. There were water droplets forming upon it. He took a step closer to it and placed his hand on the pole. "It's cold." Shouto's eyes widened. "Is it like mine?"
"No, not really. I can't just create fire and ice like you."
Bakugou grinned triumphantly. "So it's some heat transfer thing."
"Impressive," Preeta commended. "What else can you tell me about my quirk then?"
"It relies on contact?" Shouto suggested.
"Yes, and...?" 
Shouto frowned in thought, as did Bakugou. Bakugou hazard a guess, "Do you store the heat in your body?"
"Nope," she said. "It's all stored in these babies." She tapped the cylindrical bracelets on her wrists against each other. "Insulate against the external climate but in direct contact with my skin."
Curious, Shouto asked, "But how did you shoot through the air?"
"Rapid gas expansion in the cylindrical structures on my back," Preeta explained.
Wide-eyed, Shouto nodded. Bakugou's air of skepticism was also lifted as he looked at Preeta in silent admiration. 
"You two are pretty impressive, I must say," Preeta said. "UA really is UA, huh?"
“Preetaaa!” someone interrupted with a sing-song voice. A familiar blue-haired lady popped in. 
Shouto was mildly surprised to find himself recognising her as Charlene from the elevator. 
Looking towards the entrance, Preeta shouted back, "Yah?"
“Your darling is here!”
Preeta turned to goo as she laughed nervously. "Oh my god," she said. "I just– Well, you two–" She buried her face in her hands for a second as she let out a groan. "Just… stay here. I'll be right back." She made a beeline for the exit and stopped in her tracks right outside the gym. Her face broke into a smile. Preeta's hands were even more animated than before as she began to talk to a rather plump lady just beyond the entrance. The lady's back was towards them but Shouto could spot her handing a small tin box to Preeta, who smiled apologetically. It looked like a bento.
Shouto found his eyes sliding towards Bakugou. “What are they saying?” he asked as he peered towards Charlene.
“Harh? How the hell would I know?”
“Aren’t you always eavesdropping others’ conversations?”
Sighing, Bakugou shot him a glare. “Don’t say that as if I hear your stupid-ass conversations on purpose.”
“Do you not?” he teased.
Bakugou shoved him. “Die, asshole,” he said, rolling his eyes. The exasperated fondness did not escape Shouto's notice.
“Hey, hey,” Charlene interrupted. “I may not understand Japanese but I know fighting when I hear it.”
“Ah,” Shouto replied in English, as he raised his hand up in refutation. “It’s okay. That’s… um… just the way he usually is.”
Bakugou jabbed Shouto’s side harshly, drawing a yelp out of him. “You’re un-fucking-believable."
“Are your interns arguing already? On the first day?” the lady Preeta was speaking to said as she spun around to look at the commotion.
Shouto froze.
The skin of her face had a familiar leathery and discoloured quality to it. Her face was of a darker shade compared to the rest of her body, which was pale. And Shouto found his fingers tracing the scar on his own face.
Those were burn scars. But unlike his, it stretched over her entire face.
“They’re not fighting, they said,” Charlene replied, pulling Shouto back from his dazed state.
“I hope not." Preeta peered back into the gym. When it didn't seem like they were ready to murder each other, she said, "Love, do you want to meet the new interns?"
The scarred woman exclaimed, “Okay!" She walked swiftly into the gym in her high heels, Preeta following close behind. “I’m Kaiqi. Preeta’s girlfriend.”
Bakugou stepped in front of Shouto, hands nonchalantly in his pockets. “I’m Bakugou Katsuki. And he is Todoroki Shouto. We’re both from UA in Japan.”
"Nice to meet the both of you. I hope you'll have an amazing time in Singapore. Even though it's an internship, I think it'd be good to have some fun," she said. 
Now that she was closer, Shouto could see the burn scars better now. Such as the way her smile was a little lopsided from the odd swelling in her face. She didn't have any eyebrows or eyelashes either. 
The only burn victims Shouto knew were himself and his father. However, while both of their scars were on their face, neither of them had burns as severe as hers, and not over as large an area. He couldn't help but wonder: how did she get those burn scars?
Preeta’s face twisted as though her foot had been stepped on. At that, Kaiqi rested her hand on her girlfriend’s elbow and asked, “What did he say?”
That was when Shouto realised he had spoken aloud. He blinked in shock. Bakugou spun around, staring, and mouthed, "Idiot."
It looked like pulling teeth as Preeta translated what he said into English.
Shouto felt a surge of shame as he apologised for the question. 
"It's fine," Kaiqi said, waving her hand. "I get asked about it quite often anyway. It was during a scuffle with a small-time criminal I was chasing after. He overloaded my quirk, which stores heat in my hair, and just caused it to catch fire."
"You're a hero?" Shouto asked.
Laughing, she said, "Used to be but not anymore. I've essentially lost my quirk." She pulled her bangs up to reveal that it was a wig.
His eyes widened. "Oh. I-I'm sorry."
"It's alright, really. You learn to live with things, right?" she said, directing a kind smile at Shouto. "It's been more than 10 years now so I'm fine!" She flexed her arm with a grin.
The dark look on Preeta's face, however, said otherwise. But Shouto dared not press this any further.
The rest of the day was taxing. Between figuring out their patrol route, struggling with names, and fumbling through hero equipment, Shouto was drained by the end of the day.
It really didn't help though that the mood had seemingly soured. Preeta wasn't as bright and bubbly as she was in the morning. That wasn't to say that she was gloomy because she still tried her best to ensure the atmosphere was never too heavy. But it was clear something was weighing upon her, and it obviously had to do with whatever happened during Kaiqi's quick visit.
That, however, wasn't the most frustrating part; it was Bakugou's sour mood. He was a little grumpy in the morning, and then it got better with time, even joking around in the gym. Yet, suddenly, he was brooding again, and Shouto hadn't a clue what he should do.
Even as the day ended and Preeta sent them back to the dormitories, Shouto still couldn't figure out what had gotten him in this mood or what he should do.
Discreetly, he slid his phone out of his pocket and texted the first person he could think of for help. He was waiting for a reply when the car pulled over.
"Alright! We're here!" Preeta said, smiling back at them. "Rest up. It's been a tiring day but we've got more to do tomorrow!"
Bakugou hummed in acknowledgement as he got out of the car.
"Thank you for today," Shouto said as he slid out after Bakugou.
"No problem!" Preeta returned. "Goodbye, kids!"
The two boys waved before closing the car door and watching it drive off. When Shouto turned around, Bakugou was already walking back into the dorm compounds. 
Shouto was about to follow after when he felt a vibration in his pocket. He took a look at his phone.
Izuku: good morning!!! (Or evening?)
Izuku: but oh no that doesn't sound good :(
Izuku: i honestly think u should talk to kacchan properly
Izuku: leaving kacchan with his thoughts isnt exactly the best idea 
Izuku: maybe talk to him 
Shouto: … I think you're right
Izuku: (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
Shouto nodded to himself. Izuku had experienced first-hand what it was like to deal with a Bakugou who has been left with his own negative thoughts for too long. So Shouto trusted his friend's advice on this topic. He was about to put his phone away when another message came in.
Izuku: its really nice that u r his boyfriend now! i think sometimes he forgets its okay to ask for help and that he doesnt need to deal with stuff alone. plus i can tell he listens to what u say
Izuku: love really changes a person hehe
Izuku: not in a bad way!!
It was as though a lead ball was launched straight at Shouto's stomach. 
There was still the issue that he had to confess that he didn't reciprocate Bakugou's romantic love for him. The day had been so hectic and he had forgotten all about that.
And this conversation with Izuku drove home another problem: when he and Bakugou do break up, how would he explain to his family and Izuku that the relationship they had been overjoyed about not too long ago had just ended?
Shouto felt his lip begin to tremble. He wouldn't know how to face them to be honest. It seems like such a jerk move to have dated someone for more than half a year, only to tell them that he didn't feel any romantic love.
Wouldn't it have been much simpler if he had said that he didn't feel anything romantic for Bakugou from the start? Either they don't start dating or they enter the relationship knowing exactly what they were both in for. Not this… unstable form of a relationship.
What Bakugou needed was something firm he could lean on. Not this… mess of a person who fumbled around with his feelings like an idiot. 
Shouto's head shot up to find red orbs staring into him. 
"You coming?"
"Y-yeah," Shouto muttered, climbing the flight of stairs to the boyfriend whom he simultaneously wanted to embrace and tear himself away from.
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eat-worms · 4 years
Sanders Sides AU where Thomas is a Robot the sides are building.
Plot: A bunch of 𝑔𝒶𝓎 scientists have to begrudgingly work together on building their robot son.
Patton- Was originally the bubbly receptionist for the lab, but after a few run ins and or shenanigans Janus realizes that Patton is really good with people and is the perfect test subject and consultant for Thomas's emotion replication abilities. So he officially hires him. (cant do tech stuff at all. cant even "hang out" with Thomas without something breaking)
Logan- The one building the robot parts of Thomas. Gets fed up with the other's antics but couldn't do it without them :)
Roman- Engineering. Designs the stuff on paper and in little prototypes. wants to constantly make Thomas "cooler" and adds in random things in the designs like a soda dispenser and Logan is tired™
Remus- Testing. Makes Thomas do stupid stuff and films it and Logan is like "how did you get a degree of science you buffoon??" and Roman just cackles and it inspires him to add more ridiculous and obscure things to Thomas for Remus to test.
Virgil- Techie that programs Thomas and also helps Logan build but mainly works on the safety aspect and fixing stuff after Remus tests. He also loves the wacky tests but if ANYTHING happens to Thomas u will pay. He adds protections and warnings in his comments/notes like "do not. under ANY circumstances. put Thomas within a 5 foot radius of a spider." just to confuse and annoy Logan (he may also be half serious) and Logan doesn't know what to do with any of it.
Janus- Director of the psychological studies for Thomas. He is very well versed in the ethics of the field they are working in and wont hesitate to debate you. He mainly focuses on trying to make Thomas act like a person even though hes a Robot and alongside Roman helps translate that into something that can be built. Hes also kind of the leader, along with Logan.
Logan: This is test number three-five-o-two at 3:25 PM EST on July 3rd 2020 to evaluate-
Virgil: Logan, why is Thomas talking to the stove?
Logan: Wh-
Roman: Aw come on! Look at how stupid he looks talking to the kitchen appliances Logan, you made him stupid.
Logan: I dID NOT make him STUPID YOU-
*Janus later has to end the kerfuffle after he walks in on Logan, on top of Roman, holding a soldering iron to Roman's throat*
*Thomas is booting up but it's taking a while*
Roman: Tom
Patton: Tomathy
Roman: Tommy Salami
Patton: Tomalama ding-dong
Roman: Thomas the DANK engine
Logan: ...
Logan: I know him better than anyone because I know how he works so-
🤖💖More Lore💖🤖
Logan does the know exact time thing but says it at the same time as Thomas when someone asks what the time is.
Virgil will talk to Thomas like hes a person and Logan is confused by this but Virgil uses the excuse that hes supposed to seem like a human so why not talk to him ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Virgil also kinda vents to him but uh big ouch a lot of it gets recorded onto Thomas and that gets turned into either hyjinx and or angst later.
Patton also talks to Thomas like a person but more like "Yes look and my robot son he is so smart I love him" and he also teaches him puns. The puns get out of hand at some point and Thomas has got it in his neural network that puns are The Exact Right Thing To Say in Any social interaction but they start becoming really obscure because Thomas has access to a lot of information, and he hasn't quite nailed getting puns in context, so one time he makes a pun that is really sciencey and vaguely connected to the conversation so only Logan gets it,,,,, but he finds it hilarious and it's the only pun Logan will admit to laughing at.
Virgil has that programmer relationship with Thomas. So smthn just wont run correctly and Virgil is like "YOU IDIOT! I'm going to prohibit your mimicking human breathing function if you keep this up!!!" "A SINGLE SEMI COLON ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?! Why is it ALWAYS dumb s̶h̶i̶t̶ like that with you Thomas?!" "I have a million copies saved of his program because if anything happens to him I will actually combust." He also has incomprehensible names for variables and functions and stuff and some of them are memes and vine references. Logan has had to learn a bunch of modern slang just vaguely understand what's happening in the code.
Jan is always recommending certain things to Roman to make Thomas more realistic but sometimes they are obscure because "people and psychology are just weird" so Roman adds them in (or tries) but sometimes Janus just makes it up and watches everyone struggle meeting his request for entertainment. like, "Mhm, ok, fantastic work this week, truly, just show-stopping. However, comma, He just... doesn’t fix his hair enough... You'd be surprised the amount of times the average Male adult fixes his hair in a single social interaction. So....make him do it more." (That request never ended up getting changed back after it got implemented...)
Remus is always adding things to the list of "things he needs to test with" and Pat at reception starts to get concerned with the 3rd bulk shipment of deodorant that came through. Remus actually uses funds to restock the fridge and snack cabinet a lot along with Roman occasionally.
Pat is always scolding the others (mainly Remus and Virgil) for swearing or saying mean things too or around Thomas because he "wants to raise him right" and doesn't want him to "learn bad manners". He also may or may not be low-key emotionally attached to Thomas and wants to believe he actually feels things. Janus is simultaneously amused and frustrated with this but he let's it slide because "I guess that means that Thomas is effective...despite the fact that Patton is naive, it's still promising."
(Patton isn't actually naive, just because he wants to treat Thomas like a human doesn't mean he thinks he is. Patton really does it because then the others can be proud of their hard work and can actually see Thomas functioning with a person outside of a controlled environment.)
Yeah so that's what I got so far! I kinda wanna add more to this so if ya like the idea interact with this post n I'll maybe make an update. I don’t have a plot in mind for this other than like, Patton being added to the group. I just think the idea is cute and works well with the dynamics already set up in Sanders Sides.
Also, Disclaimer, I haven't had any experience in Robotics LOL so this could all be actual gibberish. I have done Computer Science and programming tho so I vaguely understand that side of it. But the engineering and actual possibility of making a human-like Robot I have no clue about.
Oh! If you know anything about these topics or maybe just like this au idea and want to add on FEEL FREE TO SHARE! :D I would LOVE to see what people have to add!
See yah~💖🤖💖~
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lapishasproblems · 5 years
“You two can’t be serious.” (Post-reveal love square fic)
<Previous Part [PART THREE] Next Part>
(Original idea right here by @livanarose , ps, I never told you how grateful I am for letting me use your idea so thank you, thank you so much :)))
My self-esteem is so goddamn low, I thought the notes were going to drastically dip right after the first one. BUt NoPE. So thank you to everyone who are still reading. Believe it or not, I still read the comments every damn time. It brightens up my entire day, yall. You’re the reason I’m even still writing.
One person mentioned that there are not many people who write fics about the aftermath of the reveal back in the previous part. Well, for that, you might want to thank the person who gave me the inspiration for this fic ;))
Alright, enough with the babbling. Please enjoy this next part (I wrote partially at the movies. I regret nothing)
Plagg took it as a chance to mock him. “Come on, Adrien. You’re not letting this girl beat you again, right?”
“That’s rude,” Tikki mentioned.
“I know.”
“No, I mean to Marinette. She has a name, you know.”
Adrien groaned. Pushing back the pink chair he was sitting on. Sure, he was sick of losing to Marinette all the time, but he could never hold back the smile that starts to blossom everytime the girl beats him. Whether it was a video game, or an akuma attack, or anything, really. The fact: Adrien likes getting his ass beaten by this girl, in whichever form she’s in.
“Alright, Agreste, ready for round two?” Marinette turned.
Adrien smirked, ready to test his luck again. “Absolu—“
The girl turned just in time to spot her mother pop her head through the trapdoor, a plate of croissants in her hand. The two kwamis that were lounging on the table moved to hide behind Adrien’s back.
“Your croissants are ready.”
Marinette put down her controller and went over to get the plate from her mother’s hands, giving the woman a kiss on the cheek.
“Thanks a lot, Mom.”
Sabine smiled back at her daughter and turned to the blonde boy still sitting with a controller in his hand. “Adrien, will you be staying for dinner?”
Will you be staying forever? Marinette thought briefly before shaking herself awake from it.
The boy nodded. “Of course, if that’s okay with you.”
“Of course it is,” Sabine nodded, turning to Marinette. “Come down for dinner soon, dear.”
“We will, Mom.”
The baker’s wife nodded before disappearing through the trapdoor again, closing it on her way down.
Marinette straightened from her crouching position before waking over with a plate of croissants in her hand. The two kwamis who were hiding earlier came out from behind Adrien’s back and zoomed away to the direction of the pink chaise lounge nearby.
Marinette and Adrien have been dating for a couple of weeks now. So were Ladybug and Chat Noir. This far, the plan worked perfectly, no flaws. Sure, Marinette wasn’t a really good actor and Adrien constantly recieved death glares from the girl when he nearly let the truth slip, but nobody suspected a thing. Everyone was oblivious.
It didn’t take long for the media to find out about Adrien’s girlfriend. What took forever was for them to find just who this girl is, exactly as planned. Adrien (and Marinette) were in the news today. As the boy expected, the headline, in bold.
The plan aside, Marinette was beyond glad that everything worked out. Adrien often stayed at her place for dinner, finally feeling love and acceptance since the last dinner he had with his mother. Marinette of the other hand received advices and feedbacks on her designs from Gabriel Agreste. Video games, holding hands, kissing, movies together, and little cuddle sessions were the other little things she loved.
Ladybug and Chat Noir were pretty much the same, just with a little more cat puns and flirting and a little less ice cream dates and talking at school. Akuma attacks were no longer excuses for Chat to see the lady of his dreams. What for? They meet each other everyday at school. But those times they spend in battle with each other were also reminders of how strong their bond was.
“Did you make these?”
The question brought Marinette back to the present as she placed the baked good-filled plate on her table before sitting on the empty chair next to Adrien.
“Yeah. I just asked Mom to watch over them while they bake,” she shrugged, picking one warm pastry. “How did you know that, though?”
Adrien smiled, picking one croissant. “By now I know that everytime I come over, you bake stuff for me.”
Marinette stiffened, her cheeks suddenly burning. The girl suddenly found her pink shoes interesting, not wanting to meet the pair of green eyes that were staring at her intently. She picked at the warm, fresh pasty in her hands, unable to function properly.
Finally, the girl eyed the croissant in Adrien’s hand.
“Uhm, well...is it good?”
Adrien nodded.
“Y-you haven’t even good it yet, how do you know it’s eaten?” she blurted before realizing her mistake, correcting it quickly. “I-I mean, you haven’t even eaten it yet, how do you know it’s good?”
Adrien chuckled. I wish it could be like this forever.
“I don’t need to eat it to know it’s good, Bugaboo. Everything you make seems to be good, whether it’s your baking or your design.”
Marinette was sure her face looked like a big tomato now. She didn’t even bother eating the croissant anymore. She simply covered her face with her free hand and shut her eyes, facing the other way, too embarrassed to even look at the blonde.
Adrien on the other hand, wasn’t sure whether to laugh or to coax her to start playing again before Sabine calls the both of them downstairs for dinner. He eyed Marinette’s chaise lounge, finding Tikki and Plagg there, giggling uncontrollably. Well, Tikki actually looked like she wanted to help the flustered girl, but Plagg was holding her back, the two giggling all the while.
The model leaned forward, taking Marinette’s hands. “Hey.”
“Adrien, don’t—“
“Uh, sorry to interrupt this beautiful interaction.”
The third voice brought both Marinette and Adrien to their senses, turning to the chaise lounge where the cat kwami was eagerly trying to catch their attention, which he succeeded in doing. The ladybug kwami had flown over to the window, looking at whatever is out there, if not the Parisian landscape.
Tikki finally turned to the two.
“It seems that Paris needs you both right now.”
Ladybug leapt to a rooftop, studying the akumatized victim not far from the Eiffel Tower, as if looking for something, her back facing the red clad superhero. The victim was a teenage girl around her age, with a black bodysuit and platinum blonde hair tied back into a tight ponytail. She had something like a staff in her hands.
“What do we have here, Bugaboo?”
The girl turned, finding her partner standing casually behind her.
“Let’s get closer, see what we’re working with here.”
Chat Noir nodded and the two heroes leaped from rooftop to rooftop, looking at the damage the victim caused around the Parisian streets. Ladybug swore she caught sight of people in other black bodysuits running like ninjas around the streets, as if looking for something while she threw her yo-yo for another momentum.
“She’s turning people into these spy-looking things, My Lady,” Chat blurted, still using his baton to leap around.
The duo stopped close enough to inspect and listen to the akuma victim better, but not too close that she would immediately spot them and pounce.
“Yes...yes! My minions, find Adrien Agreste and bring him to me!”
Ladybug eyed her partner. “What did you do?”
The woman with the black bodysuit and platinum hair turned around, finding the red clad superhero about to leave her hiding place and strike, looking like a deer in headlights.
Ladybug froze. Not because she just missed her chance for a stealth attack, but because the victim had these ugly pair of sunglasses on her face. As a designer, the blue-haired girl took her time to flinch.
“Ladybug! How nice of you to join us!” The woman sighed in delight. “I’m the Paparazzi and I have a special mission for you.”
“Yeah?” The girl spinned her yo-yo as a shield. “Do tell me.”
“Go and find Adrien Agreste’s girlfriend for me. What was her name again? Marinette Dupain-Cheng?”
Ladybug scoffed, tensing up all the while. “And why would I do that?”
“Because you have no right to decide.”
Ladybug was ready for an attack, deflecting it with her yo-yo, but before she realized anything happened, she was up in the air, catching a swift black shape beforehand, taking her for a leap. Once they landed on a different rooftop, she turned to look at her savior.
“Thanks, kitty.”
“No problem,” he shrugged, pulling out his baton. “Mind telling me what you did that angered this akuma victim?”
“Wasn’t this your fault? She was looking for you!”
“You too.”
“Doesn’t matter—“
“AHA! THERE YOU ARE!” the Paparazzi turned and spotted the two on a rooftop, not far from where she was standing. “And with Chat Noir too. I shall make the both of you my minions.”
The akuma victim raised her sunglasses and Chat Noir quickly looked away, closing his partner’s eyes with his free hand.
“Don’t look at her eyes, she’ll turn you into one of her ninjas,” Chat warned, grabbing her cheek and urging her to look away with him.
“Where’s the akuma?”
“Purr-haps the sunglasses,” Chat Noir shrugged.
“Great, I’ll try to distract her while you use your cataclysm,” she replied, ignoring the pun.
“As you wish, My Lady,” Chat Nor replied before leaving her on the rooftop, leaping to another building using his baton.
Left alone, the red clad superhero racked her brain, trying to find a plan.
Without looking at where the voice was coming from, she groaned, extending her yo-yo to get as far away from the Paparazzi as possible. Just as she was ready to swing herself away from the rooftop she was standing on, a pair of hands grabbed her by the shoulders, pinning her down and holding her wrists.
The blue-haired closed her eyes shut, knowing that she’d be unable to fight if she opened them and looked at her opponent’s.
“Come on Ladybug, join my army,” the akuma victim said. “All you have to do is look for that girl for me. I’d even accept her alive or dead.”
Ladybug turned her head to the left, not wanting to be face-to-face with the Paparazzi, despite the fact that her eyes were still shut tightly.
“Or, I can just take these—“
The heroine felt a hand on her right earlobe.
“—and you don’t even have to be one of my minions.”
Her opponent’s hand took the earring on her right ear, making Ladybug thrash and squirm within her grip, her transformation slowly dropping.
“Mind if I join in?”
The Paparazzi looked around, trying to find the source of the third voice. But before she could even pinpoint the person she’s looking for, a black-gloved hand reached for her sunglasses from behind, immediately turning it to dust. The akuma victim quickly found her attacker, facing the other way, letting Ladybug finally open her eyes safely.
Despite the fact that her vision was still blurry, she should’ve been able to see the akuma anywhere, but she couldn’t find it.
“Wrong target, My Lady,” someone shouted from behind the opponent that was still pinning her down. “It’s not the sunglasses.”
Ladybug took the chance while her opponent was distracted with Chat Noir and grabbed her earring from the Paparazzi’s hand, putting it back on her right ear. The red clad superhero was sure that the platinum-haired villain was going to go back and focus on her, but she was wrong. Paparazzi stood up and charged at Chat Noir, who was still looking away.
And everything seemed to go slowly when the Paparazzi whacked Chat Noir with her staff, so strong that the force was enough to drive Chat to the edge of the rooftop.
And Ladybug saw as Chat lost his balance and fell.
I was honestly expecting a lot of diabetes-worth fluff but this turned out to be a somewhat angst. I just let the ideas float, man. This wasn’t planned.
Bruh, the plan was just to create phase three but here we are.
Again, thank you for the love you all have shown for this fic. The previous parts recieved lots of notes and there is nobody else I can thank but you all. You guys keep me alive and writing.
But honestly, I suck at writing fights. I had to rack my brain to come up with this certain akuma victim with those certain powers. I also had to think intensively to come up with those fighting scenes.
Okay so I’d like to apologize for taking two (one and a half?) days before I continue. I’m watching the Promised Neverland (thanks to the person who recommended it to me in the other post, ps, I LOVE IT SO FAR!) and I’ve been so distracted. Do forgive me.
I’ve also been thinking to start mentioning people who want to keep up with the fic. So give me a “:))” if you’d like to be mentioned for the next parts.
Alright, that was part three for all of you! Thanks for keeping up with the story! Anyone up for part four? Don’t forget to leave your thoughts, advices, and feedbacks down there! I’d love to hear from everyone :))
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fly-pow-bye · 4 years
ThunderCats Roar - “The Legend of Boggy Ben”
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Co-Executive Producer: Victor Courtright
Supervising Producer: Nate Cash
Producer: Marly Halpern-Graser
Written by: Victor Courtright
Directed by: Victor Courtright
It sure is "boggy".
So, the first episode of Roar was essentially a re-adaptation of the first few episodes of the original ThunderCats, with a few jokes thrown in there. It was actually kind of entertaining. How does this episode start?
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With some of that good ol' fashioned choir text humor! Okay, there's a little bit of build up to that. Lion-O decided this hour was the hour to open up an old jar of Thunder Snaps from his home planet, and everyone is excited. See, it's a little bit more high stakes than one might expect, since they couldn't exactly order another jar from Thundara, since, well, everyone knows at this point.
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Unfortunately for all of these Thunder Snap lovers, Lion-O can't seem to get the jar open. Tygra offers to help, but Lion-O believes a leader shouldn't ask for help. Tygra responds to this lack of wanting to call for help by saying that he means he should use the “call for help” function on the Sword of Omens. Just like in the last episode, he decides to let the sword help by using it opener of cans and/or jars, which was apparently wrong. What was Tygra even meaning with that piece of help, anyway? The ThunderCats are all already here, so doing a "ThunderCats Hooo!" isn't going to do anything.
I want to give this episode some credit for that particular joke: while trying to open the jar with the Sword of Omens, the Sword of Omens seemingly leaps out of Lion-O's hand and lands right into the carpet. The Sword of Omens can disobey Lion-O in the original, as seen in the last episode I reviewed where it did the same action when Lion-O tried to use it for hunting, and it's fitting that it wouldn't obey him here, either. Whether this cookie jar was just that much powerful, or the act of using a sword on cookie jars is considered an evil act is never really touched upon.
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Cheetara offers a better idea for Lion-O that isn't "just let Panthro take off the lid with his super strength": she knows of a magical elixir that can give Lion-O enough strength to open any cookie jar. The only problem is that it's in the soppy swamps of Boggy Ben, a powerful swamp monster that only exists in legends. Only she knows where it is, so Lion-O lets her join him in the magical quest...
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...as he sings a powerful rock ballad about how he doesn't need anybody's help on his mission. It's essentially a montage of him talking about how mighty he is. He would sing about how he can lift rocks, he would be seen right next to a huge rock, and the camera pans out to show him pushing over a much, much smaller rock right next to it. The joke is that Lion-O is childish and weak.
To prove even more how unqualified he is, he keeps singing until he ends up falling right into the swamp. After seeing a cute frog that tells him he's going to croak out here, because that joke wasn't telegraphed from a mile away, Lion-O comes to the obvious conclusion:
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Lion-O: This swamp is spookyyyyy!
Somehow, saying that makes the TV Y7 FV rating appear with a giant flash, complete with a clang sound effect. Honestly, it took me a few times to realize what was going on; I thought my video glitched. This doesn't become a running joke, and I don't even get what this joke would have been. Was Lion-O going to say a bunch of expletives about how he was in this bog, and the TV Y7 FV prevents him from saying it? Honestly, I'll just chalk it up to it actually being a glitch. He then falls into the bog again, with the animation degrading to Atari 2600 levels.
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No, the animators didn't give up, this is actually a transition to WilyKit and WilyKat playing an old video game on their Snarf video game system. Apparently, an old bad video game that seems to star Lion-O. Maybe they're playing their own C64 adaptation.
WilyKit: This game was in fact, the toots.
Jaga said "oh, Thunder-Toots" when he had to introduce the mutants from Plun-Darr, and I am glad to know that's going to be a saying throughout this whole thing. Cyborg had "boo-yah", this show has "toots". Seeing their boredom with the video game, Panthro tells the ThunderKittens that he's working on a super sweet secret weapon for the Thundertank that he hypes up a lot, and he needs their help. While they don't want to do help, a curiosity fail gets them to help anyway. We know this because of giant text saying
because the viewers can't see what's going on unless someone screamed it at them. This show is really reminding me of a reboot, and I'm not thinking of a Disney one.
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Meanwhile, after leaping across several rocks, giant skulls, and muck, Lion-O and Cheetara end up at the lair of Boggy Ben. Lion-O walks in only to find Cheetara in a cage. Did Boggy Ben lock her in there? Not even she seems to know. Suddenly, Boggy Ben shows up, and Cheetara tells him to raise the Sword of Omens.
As is the case for Lion-O, he knows exactly what to do with that sword. He raises it, and slices Boggy Ben's head off. Since this is a TV Y7-FV cartoon, which apparently this cartoon really wanted us to know in the middle of the episode with that weird gag from before, anyone can guess that something is off.
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Apparently, that anyone even includes Lion-O himself, who knew that it was just Tygra in a costume. Cheetara and Tygra admit that the whole thing was a sham to get Lion-O to use the Sword of Omens properly, and accept that maybe letting people help him is a good thing.
Lion-O looks down and takes all of this to heart that his friends are filthy liars, possibly literally filthy due to all of that swamp water. To be honest, I was barely listening to this scene, because my mind was going, "he's going to ask if Boggy Ben is fake, who's that guy, he's going to ask if Boggy Ben is fake, who's that guy, he's going to ask if Boggy Ben is fake, who's that guy..."
Lion-O: So if Boggy Ben isn't real, who the toots is that guy?!
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Gee, my surprise cup runneth over! That's because I have never watched a cartoon in my life, except for every one of them! This comes as a shock to everyone involved, as Cheetara seemed to think this swamp lair was uninhabited by anyone and that the mythical house dweller was just a legend. Turns out, the only legend that isn't real is the cookie jar opening elixir.
Lion-O: Toots.
Believe it or not, there's no actual fart jokes; it's possible they felt the amount of "toots" in this episode was enough. I am referring to both the amount of times they say the word "toots" and the brain-toots of this episode. Left with no choice, Lion-O, Tygra, and Cheetara have to face off against this monster, and...
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...I'm not going to lie, it's actually a pretty decent fight scene. No joke! As much flack as I've given this episode so far, this is a pretty big saving grace for the episode. There's bits of great animation here and there, like one scene where Lion-O rides on a piece of the ceiling to try to bop him on the head with that sword. They still add bits of comedy here and there, with Tygra getting played with like a yo-yo, and the monster using just one of his hands to sword-fight with Lion-O, using his nails like swords. This isn't bad at all; there's a lot of creativity here that doesn't really show up in the rest of the episode, and the only problem is that the pacing can get hectic.
Then I have to think about all of this: what did Boggy Ben do to deserve this? This whole thing was supposed to be a ruse to get Lion-O to learn the value of teamwork, as constantly throughout this episode, they tell him to call for help. Looking at it from Boggy Ben's point of view, though, he just came home and found people in his house. Sure, attempting to kill them may not be the greatest thing to do, but it's not like the ThunderCats were really in the right, anyway!
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Despite their combined efforts, they're not successful. They need more ThunderCats in the action. It would be here where Lion-O would do the classic "I'm sorry I'm such a jerk scene", but he instead decides to accept his and his friend's death. Cheetara eventually talks some sense into him, and, for the first time in the series, Lion-O finally does the "ThunderCats Hooo!", making the sword shine that symbol.
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I like how we get to see that Cat Signal burst through the ceiling, as if the symbol was like a giant laser beam. If it can project itself onto nothing, it might as well be able to do that! Panthro, the ThunderKittens, and Snarf see this symbol, making their eyes glow yellow. This comes just in time, as Panthro was finished with that much bally-hooed secret weapon!
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This episode still does what it was set out to do, as with the teamwork of all the ThunderCats, they manage to do a lot more against Boggy Ben. Tygra tries to do another bola attack, only to be caught in the same paddleball trap from before. Panthro jumps up to take Tygra's place, using the spikes on his outfit to bruise his knuckles. Snarf, the now robotic cat thing that can't talk gets in on the action too, using Ben's now bola whipped up hand to make him punch himself.
After the ThunderKittens use their trademark smoke bombs on his eyes, giving me a screenshot that makes the show look a lot gorier than it's supposed to be, it all ends with Lion-O doing a finishing blow...by literally blowing him away. It is supposed to be a comedy-take on an 80's cartoon, and that is a joke I actually didn't expect them to do. That was something that was needed in this episode.
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Also needed in this episode is a conclusion to the cookie plot, as much as the cookie plot felt kind of tacked on. We get one with Lion-O accidentally dropping the cookie jar, breaking it and all of its contents. Is all hope lost? Well, just guess what Panthro's secret weapon was. Here's a hint: it makes everything all better. Lion-O falls into the bog again, proving that he has learned absolutely nothing, and the episode ends.
How does it stack up?
Yeah, it was a good and well animated fight scene, arguably better than any of the fight scenes in the first episode. It's too bad it didn't come with a story.
I debated on whether this should be a 1 or a 2. Even with the fight scene, there's some baggage with that. However, the fight scene does raise it a little, and it would seem odd to rate something with such a low rating when I've only seen two episodes so far. Maybe if this turns out to be the worst episode, I'll re-rate it, but as it stands, I give it 2 logos.
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Next, the apparently totally adult Lion-O has to prove that he really is a kid.
← Exodus (Parts 1 & 2) 🐈 Prank Call →
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missblogging · 5 years
Wow... I leave for One. Fucking. Night. And immediately, I'm???
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THANK?? ? ?
Just leave me and mah corndogs thank you...
AND THAT GUEST.... ISSSSSSSSS *insert some drumroll*
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This theory today folks is going to be about her, and her quirk! Of course, I had originally wanted to do one on Katsuki as a birthday gift but this kinda popped into my head after a little... incident at home... ya lets just keep it like that...
The reason I wanted to do this was just to get it out of my head, and of course, I’ll do one on Kachaan after!!!
... heh, little bitccy piccolo patata...
This is mainly a theory though, so don’t take this too seriously... or would this technically be a headcanon???
Eh, I’ll leave that to you guys!!
Ahem, back to the topic!
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Look real. fucking. close at this... yeah you see that? those green lights? Yup thats her quirk doing its magic... If you don’t see this, however, it’s just Izuku’s arm being healed after the incident with the zero-pointer robot!
You already know the functions of how Heal works? Correct?
Heal: Allows Recovery Girl to amplify and quicken her targets' healing process by extending her lips and kissing them. 
Straight outta the MHA Wiki page!!! Lmao.
 BUT!!!   That’s not all to it of course!
-The healing process, however, is not without its cost. It requires stamina from the receiver's part in order to work, leaving said receiver very exhausted after the process is completed if an injury is, or injuries are, serious enough. 
And of course, Heal is unable to heal injuries that obviously bring the user close to death, which is why Recovery Girl was unable to heal Sir Nighteye... 
And see, here’s the thing. The part that got me was the exhaustion part. The aftermath of being healed. 
At this point, it’s probably just a headcanon and not a theory but- 
What if, Heal isn’t taking your Stamina, but your blood sugar?
It’d make sense, wouldn’t it? I’m not sure if Recovery Girl realizes herself, or if she knows but just hasn’t brought it up but, I’d like to think that’s the reason why she gives out pieces of fruit or she’d give her patients pieces of candy. She’s taking their blood sugar, so of course, she’s going to give her patients something sweet to get them up and not passing out due to the exhaustion.
Now before you say shit like- “bUt That Won’t maKe SenSe, LoW BlOoD SuGar WoUld haVe gOttEn TheM Confused As WeLL”
Well, see here’s the thing- I understand Low Blood Sugar gets a patient confused, along with them being: 
Tipsy (not the drunk kind just unable to stand without falling over)
And of course, being surrounded by a bunch of heroes in training, she’s gonna do a lotta smooching. But things are different here.
The heroes are injured, they’re focused and energetic because they’re so fucking high off the adrenaline and shock (not really the shock but ya get the drift) that they don't even realize how bad their injuries are until after they're being treated or until the energy wears off. Which is where recovery girl comes in.  Like in the picture of Midoriya, he still has to wear an arm brace thingy, because of Recov. Girl not wanting to take the risk of putting him out of commission for the entire day and having his parent pick him up in a super bad state, so most of the healing goes towards his legs. And a tiny bit to his arms, resulting in him needing a 12-hour naptime. But, like as I'm saying, the possible reason as to why he's so exhausted could be not because she's taking their (at this point already) depleted stamina but their blood sugar. 
Or maybeeeee
It's both!!!! What if instead, she DOES take stamina, but because you've used it all up, her quirk takes the blood sugar in your little tank!!
Ahem- Sorry, yeah you'd probs be dead if she were to take any more of the energy left inside you. So yeah!!! ...
That's basically what I had to say about this... It's possibly blood sugar, I don't have enough brain cells to continue my train of thought, and I'd like to go to bed now and try to sleep.
So thanks for coming to my TED talk...
Ciao le mie piccole patate!!
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rannedomblr · 7 years
⚠ Long Rant Coming Up
You have been warned.
Hi to everyone who decided to proceed and read this post. These post will be about mental health and rannedom advices.
So for those who doesn’t know yet, I’m a new studyblr. And one of the main reasons I created a studyblr is because I’ve been really behind in all my classes. I have 10 mandatory classes everyday (that’s our education system for y'all). But last month, my doctor requested for me to take 2 weeks off at school. So now, all the activities and stuff they did are piling on me. Please send advice.
I have Bipolar Disorder and mostly experience mixed episodes. But lately I’ve been on the low again and can barely function properly. I can’t make original posts that much but I try to make up on that by being active.
Anyways, I’m naturally a perfectionist so I always try my best to make aesthetic posts just like the other blogs. So I end up starting over again a gazillion times until I get it at least presentable in my eyes. Those mostly take a lot of time AND I still got my school works on stand-by.
Since the StudyBlr Community is an amazing place, I’ve learned a lot from the people here. I’ll list them below:
MENTAL HEALTH IS AS IMPORTANT AS PHYSICAL HEALTH. Even when you’re schedule is so packed, never forget to take breaks, even just 5 min breaks are so helpful because it gives you’re mind some time to cool down. Don’t overwork yourself, take time to grab snacks and drink water, that’s very important. And most importantly, SLEEP. Take at least 3-4 hours of sleep. If you’re super busy, you can sleep less than that, but never forget to sleep. It helps to rewire your brain and take in all that infos.
JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE A STUDYBLR DOESN’T MEAN YOU NEED TO HAVE A PERFECT WORK. Studyblrs aren’t just about aesthetic notes and good handwriting. It’s so much more than that. Studyblr is for you to push yourself to work, to have inspiration to study. It’s having someone who shares the hardships and challenges you are facing in school, having someone to help you through them and having someone to make studying a little bit easier for you.
YOUR HANDWRITING DOESN’T MATTER. You should not be ashamed of hoe your handwritibg looks because we don’t care if it looks shit or something. We see the fact that you did something, you finished and accomplished something and actually had a productive day. In that way, you encourged somebody to actually start something and be productive.
PRODUCTIVITY IS CONTAGIOUS. I don’t about this one. It’s probably not for everyone but this is definitely true for me. It’s just that when you’re lurking through your dash and all you see are people being productive, making all those aesthetic and cute notes, sharing how their day went, you just get inspired. Like, I also want to have those, and you won’t even notice it but the next moment you’re grabbing your stationaries and starting to make notes/spread, too. This happens to me a lot especially when I can’t sleep and start scrolling through Tumblr, I get this rannedom burst of energy and next thing I know, I’m making a BuJo Spread at 2 am. That happens. So yah.
IT’S VERY EASY TO MAKE FRIENDS IN THE STUDYBLR COMMUNITY. Like that’s already a given. People here are so nice and welcoming. In here you’ll meet the smartest and most creative persons ever. But despite how amazing they all are, it’s very easy to get along and talk to them. I just simply love this community. So if you’re reading this and you’re not yet a StudyBlr, (whateven are you doing with your life jk) you should definitely join the fam and tag me in your intro post ;)
If you reached this far, thank you ! I appreciate it. And if you have post requests please send me an ask. Please spread the word so a lot of people will see this :))
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projectsblogg · 6 years
Justis Pitt-Goodson: The BrownMill Man
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I walked into a cafe, after missing two busses and  therefore resorting to a bellowing haul down Halsey Street in Newark, to meet a calm soul sitting on the edge of a chair with his head positioned so that his eyes could catch a glimpse of the sun that sat on the concrete just outside the building we’d met in for the first time. This was Justis Pitt-Goodson. The creator of the brand we know today as BrownMill. I’d only known him from instagram because somehow, even though we’d went to the same school — Rutgers University Newark — we’d always seemed to have missed each other. A reality that is in no way unfamiliar to those attending larger universities. But what was strange to me, was though he’d accomplished so much in the creation of his brand at only 20 years of age and as successful as BrownMill has become, the eyes that sat just behind his eyelids possessed a humility. And so we spoke.
Let’s just start off with your name and what you do.
My name is Justis Pitt-Goodson and I’m a Tailor, Fashion Designer, Entrepreneur, and Leader and I make clothes. I Engineer garments.
Why did you choose Design?
I’ve always been a hustler— you know always trying to sell stuff to make money.Throughout middle school and highschool, I would sell sneakers, cut hair, sold candy all the above. But you know, one thing I really like to do is get dressed and look nice and present myself in a nice fashion. So I figured, “Why not teach myself how to do it?” That’s what I did and I just ran with it. I am a big advocate for Salam— a black owned business — and I’d always ask myself, “All these clothes I buy, where is this money going?” And of course, I soon realized, “Not my people.” And in that, I wanted to build a platform, to put my people on— to put my friends on. And so that’s something I’ve been doing since then.
You post often your community service escapades, why is it important to give back to your community?
Well I feel like, personally, nobody ever really did it for me. So like, going through my trials and tribulations. Seeing like, “Damn I wish I had this, I wish I had that,” or “I wish someone would’ve told me this earlier, and also being an older brother, that kind of helps — seeing my lil’ brother not go through shit that I went through, is because I was there to say “This is what you don’t do and this is what you do.” So It’s like, “What if we can do this on a mass scale, what if we can scale that to our whole community? What is we were leaders and could tell the youngins’ “this is what you don’t do and this is what you do.” and just be an example for them and lead by example. I guess my passion for Community Service comes from not having that in my life.
So that’s why you identify so much with being a leader. Hmmm. Would you say creating BrownMill was a form of leadership?
Yeah. That’s one hundred present. If we don’t make clothes, even if we never sell another jacket, as long as we’re presenting ourselves in a manner that we should, we’re doing the best that we can do.
In terms of the stigma surrounding African Americans, how do you feel about us representing ourselves in the best way possible?
You know, that’s a tricky question because I don’t wanna be like, “Everyone should pull their pants up and be that guy.” I mean, when I create clothes, I think of the “BrownMill Man”, so that’s all I can do. I can’t think about everyone in the world— I think about the “BrownMill Man” and who I’d like that to be and what I think he should stand for.
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What should the “BrownMill Man” stand for?
Yah know, I think he should be a righteous individual, I  think he should be someone who’s conversation should always be one of improvement. Someone the little guy on the street can look up to. The “BrownMill Man” should be someone that’s attractive — Mentally and Physically, a Full and Healthy being. And that’s who I design for. That's… The “BrownMill Man”. I can’t say the “BrownMill Man” doesn’t hang on the block, because yeah he could hand out oon the block. But if he’s hanging out on the block, he’s always doing good shit for the community. Talking about good shit. So what would the “BrownMill Man” wear? That’s my process.
So would you say you create clothing for the sake of Occasion? Would you say you create uniforms for what is considered to be the “BrownMilll Man?”
Yeah, you know, my mentor — Luigi Theodore of the Brooklyn Circus — once said to me that “It’s very important that we have uniforms when we come to the office.” I always understood that because, we all went to the March on Washington in December as a collective, and when you saw all the Muslim sisters there, you knew you couldn’t just approach them the same way you’d approach shorty on the street. You couldn’t go up to them and be like “Ayo Ma! …” Because she’s wearing her hijab, and why is that? Why did I feel I couldn’t approach her any way I wanted to, that’s because by the way she was dressed it represents something, it spoke to what she stood for and the way she presented herself mattered. And I thought of ways of how can we put that into the context of what we do as far as BrownMill and the Brooklyn Circus? Making sure we constantly use that same philosophy? Because it really does matter; presentation of self.
I feel like we sort of know and understand that better than anyone, because as a black man, there’s always this stigma surrounding us. A large part of the world sees us as delinquents as soon as they see our brown skin, they see us as a physical threat. Nonetheless, to piggyback off of what you said, presentation does matter, but in what sense do you think presentation doesn’t matter? In what sense do you think substance matters most?
See that’s the thing, I noticed you stated that people think black people are delinquent and all the above, But at the same time, I always end up asking myself, “Why does it matter what they think?” It really only matters what my community thinks, right? So in a sense, presentation does matter, but it doesn’t. Creating a balance is important. But overall, I think it’s important that we create something that stands for something and that is greater.
How would you explain the Utility Collection?
So the Utility collection is something we did last year, around August. And I thought of the notion behind “functionality.” Making sure that pieces aren’t just fashionable, but ensuring that they’re also functional. I started studying janitorial positions and people in the work industry and at the time I was working at a mechanic shop under a guy named Joe and seeing him go day to day with the things that he wore — clothing that possessed pockets, elastic embedded material for flexibility and comfort — I thought, “Let’s devote a collection to just that essence, those patterns, those color schemes,” so in one word — Functionality.
What are BrownMill’s origins?
My grandfather’s last name is “Brown” and my grandmother’s first name was “Mildred,” so I went off of what they stand for. My grandfather moved from North Carolina with three kids to the hood. He worked two full time jobs just to get them out of there. So with that and my grandmother’s creative abilities, I thought it was important to embody what the stood for in their lives, and family is something I really hold number one.
Your latest collection you have coming out — The Virago Collection — you mentioned in a post on the BrownMill instagram page, that especially in Western Culture women aren’t really valued and in that it’s hard to find words in the english language that represent or embody the powerful women. With your grandmother having such a strong influence on you, what is your definition of a “Powerful Woman?”
Well, giving context, I was raised by women. My grandfather had a stroke and was bed ridden when I was in the fourth grade, so most of my life I was raised by my mom, my grandmother, my aunt. So that female image, that model has always been there — it will always be there. And I won’t stray away from. The only thing I know about leadership comes from a woman. So it’s hard to describe.
Considering that those words are so hard to find, and language and communication is everything in society, you wanted to create a collection that stood for what it meant to be a heroine rather than creating a word. The collection is the word. Did you want to create a collection that honored everything you know about leadership and how that stemmed from the posture of a woman?
Haha! — See i’m trying not to give you too much on the collection before it actually comes out! But the collection is so dope man. All the models will be female. Being a menswear brand I wanted to express our ability to be flexible, so although it won’t be women’s clothing, It’s be woman displaying the clothing in a unique way. One of the quotes that inspired this collection is the words of Kanye when he said “I could stand there in a speedo and be looked at like a fucking hero.” We want to have the barest and minimal approach to this collection and at the same time no matter what, the looks that these women give are very heroic. I want people to see right off the back “Damn, thats a leader.” You know? So i’m really excited for this. Hopefully it changes some lives, some perspectives.
I’ve noticed that most of your clothing has this recycled element to it, can you explain that a bit?
So yeah, that’s another thing we explored. Its an ongoing project called “Thread by Thread.” So around the world, tons and tons of clothes are wasted every year. So knowing that, and knowing the garment industry. So that project is dedicated to making clothing sustainable. We use one hundred percent recycled fabrics. Hopefully going forward, that’s something we do with every piece of clothing. We hope to be a clean sustainable brand.
Socially, what would you say you’re attempting to do with BrownMill?
Overall I want it to have a very communal feel — a very grass roots feel. In terms of stores, I want to only have about three stores around the world. I want that tailored element to always be there. I feel there are many brands that produce too much, which depletes the value of an item. So being able to walk into a store and say “only ten people have this and I’m one of them…” thats awesome. And on top of that, if the quality is A1. That’s something I want to maintain throughout. I’d like to give people an opportunity to display and exercise their creative abilities through my platform. A lot of people I’ve worked with in highschool and college who are on my team and are doing the same things. I wanna give people the opportunity to be the best that they can be at all times. I wanna urge people who have talent to exercise it. I want to do the best that I can do in order to help urge people on my team to do what they were born to do. People who aren’t in the brand. I want to inspire them to go after their dreams. That traditional “Follow Your Dreams” speech.
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I sense there’s a connection between your urge to create and recreate, and your desire to change society’s perception of certain groups of people. Is that accurate?
Yeah I think so. I don’t think my motive is to change the world. But I do what I think is right. I consider myself a God seeking man, and I compare myself and what we do, to the prophets in the holy books. In these books, thee talk about Jesus, Moses and Mohammed. These were excellent men and we’ll never attain what they attained. But it tells us to seek that, and try and then try again. As long as we try to be the best that we can be and to be like them, we’ll always be doing better than who we were yesterday. Its the same concept at BrownMill. If i’m doing the best that I can do as a leader— as if I was called as Mohammed, Jesus or whoever. So yeah.
What is the connection between BrownMill and sports? Does sports play a role in your brand?
I guess not directly, but indirectly. My background is in sports — basketball, football — but other than that I just love black heritage. I love melanated peoples heritage. That’s something I’d really like to promote. Anything I find interesting. Anything I find unique. Just sort of using that as a reference for what I do.
Who would you say were some of your inspirations? Who would you say inspired you the most?
Well, the Brooklyn Circus, who I interned for a while back. Ralph Lauren definitely. Oswald Burton. Supreme. Bape. A lot of different brands.
Lastly, what would you say to someone who wants to pursue a career in design?
I would say DO IT! I mean, be as timeless as possible. Because with Brown Mill, I think that’s what people like most about us. We make sure everything we make has that element. Because I think the worst thing you can do is create a trendy piece. That’s something I sort of what to move away from. I think with the sustainability factor, I think that’s something that can be kind of cool because these are pieces we can pass down from generation to generation. Make sure that whatever you do is done with great execution. And make sure that whatever you do isn’t done for the now. But taking in what you’ve done in the past, and present to create something that can be worn forever. There’s so much garbage out here in the industry. Don’t create garbage. If you’re going to create something, take your time. So it well. Do it hard. Use reference. Do it from your heart because uniqueness is something no one can ever take from you. The worst thing you can do is try and be like someone else. Each and everyone one of us is uniquely created and different. So drawing in and tapping in on that uniqueness, no one can mimic that. That’s something i’m working on every day — finding out who I am. What’s unique about me. The self analysis the self reflection i’m using to put into what I do.
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Hey, this is a totally random blog recommendation and definitely nothing else at all here
You should all go follow @manynamedshipper
for no reason at all definitely I promise!
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manynamedshipper · 1 year
My current blog is looking like it's shadowbanned. If I can't get it back within a week or two, I will be moving here.
My Carrd.
Anything else will be added if I have to move over here!
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thousandmaths · 7 years
A Murnaghan-Nakayama Rule for Quantum Cohomology of the Flag Manifold
This talk was given at the CRM’s Equivariant Combinatorics seminar by Nantel Bergeron. In case the title wasn’t a giveaway, this post will not be elementary, but I will make a special effort to source everything in this post because I found the talk surprisingly comprehensible.
The Classics
Although the main thrust of the talk was on quantum things, Bergeron began the talk with an extended remark on the classical case. To avoid technicalities, that remark will be the primary focus of this post.
Longtime readers of the blog may remember that there is something called the Bruhat order on the group of permutations. Bergeron reminded us of its construction in the following way, which is now my favorite way to describe the Bruhat order: the covering relations are determined by swapping, two numbers, so that “in between the numbers, there are no numbers in between.”
Slightly more helpfully: 41325 is covered by 41523, because the only number “in between” the 3 and 5 (namely: the 2) is not “in between” 3 and 5 (it is less than both).
This characterization allows us to write down a weakening called the $k$-Bruhat order. This is the poset with the same covering relations except that we also demand that the smaller number is located at or before $k^\text{th}$ position. So the covering relation that we described above is in the 3-Bruhat order, (and 4- and 5-), but is not in the 2-Bruhat order (or 1-).
The advantage to this definition is that it allows us to neatly write a somewhat more general version of a classical result called Monk’s rule (named after D. Monk), which tells us partial information about how to multiply together two Schubert polynomials. The original rule is that $\sigma_k\sigma_w=\sum_{i\leq k}\sum_{j>k} \sigma_{w\cdot (ij)} $, and the expanded version is 
$$ (\sigma_k)^n \sigma_w = \sum_{\text{rank}(v)=n} C(w,v;k) \sigma_v, $$
where $C(w,v;k)$ is the number of saturated chains in the interval $[w,v]$ in the $k$-Bruhat order (and rank must also be taken in the sense of the $k$-Bruhat order as well).
This idea may be leveraged into a rather surprising computation: $\sigma_w$ multiplied by the Schur function for a hook-shape tableau. To compute this product, we sum a bunch of $\sigma_{\gamma(w)}$, where $\gamma$ is a saturated chain in $k$-Bruhat whose “shape” is the appropriate hook shape. (The shape of a chain in the $k$-Bruhat order has a rather involved definition, which is provided at the end of the post.*)
Finally, we get to the goal: the Murnaghan-Nakayama rule (MUR-nuh-hand nah-key-YAH-muh). To be honest, I’m not sure why this rule has this name: the original Murnaghan-Nakayama was about computing character values, i.e. evaluating Schur functions. However, in this conference whenever anyone said Murnaghan-Nakayama, they meant a rule for computing products by power-sum symmetric functions, i.e. $p_r(k) = x_1^r + x_2^r + x_3^r + \cdots + x_k^r$.
This rule is essentially the same as the one for $s_\lambda \sigma_w$, with two exceptions. First, instead of adding together just $\sigma_{\gamma(w)}$, you also include a sign: $(-1)^h$, where $h$ is the number of length-one rows in the hook shape. And second, you also have to make sure that the chains $\gamma$ are “connected”; again, that word has a somewhat involved definition, but it is not at the end of the post because I’m not quite sure I understood it :/
The Quantums
At least something should be said about the quantum setting, since this is what the talk was about.
The word quantum comes from the fact that everything is now centered around the quantum Bruhat order. I don’t really want to define this thing, but suffice it to say that it is $\Bbb N^{n-1}$-many copies of the Bruhat order, together with some extra quantum covering relations, which only connect elements from different copies. The rules for which elements are connected are like the rules for ordinary covering relations, except that this time, to swap $i$ and $j$, we demand that every number which is “positionally” between $i$ and $j$ is also “numerically” in between $i$ and $j$. (Note that this is not a complete definition because I have not told you which copies these elements live in, only that the copies are not the same.)
Similarly we may define the quantum $k$-Bruhat order in which everything works the same except that we only take half of the quantum covering relations (explicitly, we demand that $i>j$.)
Doing this, we get a quantum version of Monk’s rule and a quantum version of Murnaghan-Nakayama, which is, after all, what we were going for :)
He noted toward the end that Postnikov et. al had previously found a quantum Murnaghan-Nakayama rule, but their rule is not really combinatorial: it requires a fairly substantial (abstract) algebraic computation, which we do not know how to avoid by counting methods.
[ * The shape of a chain in the $k$-Bruhat order is given by looking at the smaller number from each pair that was swapped. This sequence either increases or decreases at each number; also include $0$ at the front and $n$ at the end. Starting at the origin, interpret an increase as a step right and a decrease as a step up, so that we now have a lattice path. Now draw the rectangle from the origin to the final point in the path, and consider the region above the path. This is a partition, and that partition is the shape of the chain. ]
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quitesorry · 7 years
parakavka replied to your post “called and booked an appointment w that psychologist that the gp...”
psychs (at least in the US) are generally p happy to give a diagnosis and meds so its kinda weird this dr is so wishy washy. but i would say going to an lgbt specific practice is much much better typically
dang it feels simultaneously like 5 days and 1 hour ago i posted this originally...
yah i think it really depends on the psychologist... but out here you have to see a psychiatrist to get meds (not sure if it’s the same out there?) here they’re not as “med-happy” as they are in the USA because i don’t think kickbacks from pharma companies are quite the same? not sure tho may be totally wrong! idk!!! 
but i did see a psychologist(? or maybe he was “just” a therapist? idk? it’s all so fucking confusing and blurry idfk and i think they like it that way) in LA and he was gotdamn Terrible. and super duper not into diagnosis and stuff... it was just. shit. but anyway. yea. idk. part of me is like “no giv this wishy washy lady a chance she might be ok” but another more powerful part is like “fuck that, tell her your aunty suddenly died in the UK and you have to go over there to help your cousins out” so idk. here like. my gp was like “go to the psychologist for a month and if that’s not making a difference we’ll get you a referral to a psychiatrist who can prescribe you something” idk if it’s the same in the us, or if you can go straight from gp to psychiatrist with no in between... but inside im just like screaaming because. fuck i just wanna see One Person i wanna see 1 person who can talk to me a bit and gimme some plans to help w my bad brain and then also some meds to help me god damn function. but nah mental health is on such a backburner it’s like “mm let’s wait and see” when i’ve been screaming and on fire for 24 years of my life and it’s Getting Worse.
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detoxnearme · 6 years
How Long Does It Take To Withdrawal From Methamphetamine
24 hours. more
And how long its effects
Impact damages the brain’s fester; uncle
It’s part chemistry class
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Long-term methamphetamine abuse has many negative consequences, including addiction. Addiction is a chronic, relapsing disease, characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use and accompanied by functional and molecular changes in the brain.
Methamphetamine (contracted from N-methylamphetamine) is a potent central nervous system (CNS) stimulant that is mainly used as a recreational drug and less commonly as a second-line treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and obesity. Methamphetamine was discovered in 1893 and exists as two enantiomers: levo-methamphetamine and dextro-methamphetamine.
Unfortunately, when you take a hit the THC is stored in your fat cells within minutes. Sometimes factors such as the strength of the marijuana or the person's metabolism, heig … ht/weight, and nutritional and hydration status can affect this, but not reliably and not in every situation. THC can stay in a person's body for as long as 1 to 90 days after …
Methamphetamine damages short- and long-term memory by changing the structure of the brain. Users talk about not being able to recall long stretches of time and struggle to remember things day to day.
Immediate release versions of Adderall last for 4-6 hours and require repeated dosing. Extended release Adderall XR lasts a full 12 hours but should be taken ONLY ONCE every 24 hours. more here on how Adderall affects the body and brain, and how long its effects last. Plus, a section for your ...
How To Create Methamphetamine Contents This impact damages the brain’s fester; uncle fester drug And sex – mothers against Poachers who were 0 Wow, this is fucking insane. Some Sherriff showed a bunch of school kids how to make meth basically. The say it’s part chemistry class, part drug enforcement. Yah, enforce drugs by making crank right in a How To Help Someone With A Methamphetamine Addiction Contents 2014 issue. cpe monthly
The above blog post How Long Does It Take To Withdrawal From Methamphetamine was originally published to https://detoxnear.me/
from DetoxNear.me - Feed https://www.detoxnear.me/how-long-does-it-take-to-withdrawal-from-methamphetamine-3/
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Me: I'm not a child!
Also me, at 9:30pm: I can barely keep my eyes open.... i fear i may slip into unconsciousness if I do not sleep soon...
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