#ftm surgery educational blog
answersfromzestual · 2 months
Do you ever get sent anon hate? If so does it tend to fall into certain categories of the types of shit they say? Do you ever laugh at it /is there any you've gotten that have been so outlandish they've made you laugh? and do you have any advice for people who receive transphobic anons? Cheers
Actually, I don't think I've received transphobic hate on this blog in a few months. People usually have another agenda to try to bring me down...
But these hates? I laugh and think they are just uneducated boobs. They dont know me (or you). But at the end of the day, I report, block, and log off. I see you all as my (grown) kids. I'm not going to stop helping people because some faceless turd decided to take their anger and confusion out on me.
When I got trans hate, it was in the realm of you know you're actually not a real man. You're a pedophile. Stop telling people to mutilate themselves. That bull scat. At the end of the day, I know I'm a man, and I help people feel more comfortable, and I help children not hurt them. For me, it's really easy to laugh off internet hate towards me.
I grew up without the internet. I didn't have it until high school. I faced so much face to face hate, physical altercations, and much colder words, especially by people I looked up to and loved...
With that said it's easier for me to dismiss someone who will talk smack but not show their face.
If someone doesn't even show their blog/face, it's sad. It's already an anonymous site, so I see these people as pathetic.
But my advice
Report and block, for your blog.
For your head, these people are PATHETIC and SAD and not worth your time. These people are taking out their insecurities on you. They are so uncomfortable in their skin that they project it onto you. These people don't even have the stones to use their blog name... that shows they are ashamed of what they are saying subconsciously (especially since this site is anonymous). Being a therapist/ social worker, I took a LOT of psychology courses. And that's what they are doing. They need to hurt you to feel better about themselves. At the end of the day, they don't pay your bills. They don't deserve rent inside your head. They are just a whisper in a hurricane to me.
Something a Proffesor said during class "projection is nothing about you, all about that person and their own insecurities." So I laugh because what that person says is untrue then feel bad for these people. They are so unhappy that they need to put others down to feel better. That doesn't say "I'm a happy person," according to psychology.
I am also on a lot, so if you ever need to talk about a nasty, ask I'm here ❤️
I love you all, and don't let some whisper ruin your ROAR. You are amazing, beautiful, talented, and loved.
Stay Golden Anon ✌️ 💙 💜
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To find the entire blog and up-to-date posts follow: https://www.tumblr.com/answersfromtheshadows
This is just the new main account I transferred answersfromtheshadows to so I could have it be its own entity.
This blog will not be updated often / at all in the future. For further information, please follow :
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gayhenrycreel · 5 months
i would like everyone to know that @answersfromtheshadows is a fantastic blog and you should follow him
ive been wanting to learn about ftm surgery and this is the perfect blog for it. the information is correctly sourced and backed up by science. the things people say about phalloplasty are pretty awful and this blog was everything i needed to know that it is actually a safe procedure and is not as bad as people think. in fact i think i might get phalloplasty myself now that i know how it works. answersfromtheshadows deserves more followers, and is an amazing education blog
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butch-reidentified · 1 year
Detrans female lurker here. I wanted to chime in with some thoughts on voice training. I think you’re correct that most ftms don’t really end up with a fully male-passing voice, but I unfortunately did and it used to be a huge insecurity and source of anxiety for me. The idea of training my voice sounded really intimidating at first, but I decided it was worth a try and I’m really glad I did. It took me a few months to get decent results, but now my trained voice sounds almost exactly like my pre-T voice, just a bit raspier. I see a lot of detrans women who feel they’re stuck with a voice they hate and I want to offer some reassurance that this isn’t the case—they can change it if they want to. Voice training can be a pain but it really does work, and it becomes automatic once you’ve been at it long enough.
Unrelated: thank you for being a voice of reason and nuance. Like you, I don’t regret my mastectomy, and when I first started orbiting radfem spaces I was very put off by all the “mutilated and ruined” talk. I find it deeply hypocritical, and I’m glad there are people speaking out against it.
Hi! So happy to meet you! I always felt pressured to hide that my surgery helped me, since it doesn't serve the common agenda of many radfems/gc folks, but one of my most core rules for myself is total honesty. I genuinely take great pride in approaching all things with nuance and caution (my nickname in a certain section of facebook back in the day was Queen of Nuance lmaoo). It makes me really happy to hear that it's noticed and makes a difference for others.
I think being vocal and honest about our positive experiences with surgery could also be a key step in helping to repair relations between radfems and trans folks, since there are many people in both groups (and some people who belong to both!) who aren't on the extreme end and see the potential benefit in building a bridge.
It also helps show genderists that I'm coming from a place of understanding, empathy, honesty, and genuineness, not hatred of trans/dysphoric/gnc people (I am dysphoric and gnc, and it could be argued I am trans in a medical but not ideological sense).
I also, VERY importantly, want this blog to be somewhere other radfems and others questioning gender ideology feel 100% safe to talk to me, ask questions, or express opinions that parts of radblr might react more harshly to. I don't think there's anything wrong with that - women are not required to be patient, educators, etc., and I certainly feel the need to scream and rant and lash out my fair share - but if we want to put the good of all women and girls first, and reach other women/girls and show them there is safety in sisterhood, some of us need to take that patient, nuanced role on sometimes. I find that people go from hateful to open pretty quick once they realize in one-on-one interaction that I'm not some trans-hating bogeyman, just a regular woman who understands dysphoria and wants everyone to be as healthy, happy, and free as possible.
Thanks for the voice training info btw! I definitely believe in the power of voice training. Despite some radfems claiming otherwise, when done right for a prolonged period of time, you can do most anything with vocal training, and it does become your "real voice." I think a lot of radfems who haven't known many MTFs irl think their voices are all fake and that if, say, they talk in their sleep, it would be in a regular deep man's voice. That's not true. Now, my experience is pretty limited to gender critical transsexuals rather than gendies, but I often discuss my mtf best friend on here, who's stayed over at me n my wife's house many times and is a hell of a sleep talker 🤣 At least in her case (and again, I use "she" bc my brain has only ever perceived her as female so it feels dishonest not to, not because she has asked me to or cares in the slightest), I can 100% confirm that the trained voice is permanent and never disappears - I mean it is like working out one muscle group a ton and letting another atrophy, so it makes sense. So it's not like voice training means talking in a fake voice for the rest of your life, which is what a lot of people seem to think.
I'm glad to hear you have no regrets about surgery and are happy as you are :) I'd love to chat more with you and hear your perspectives and opinions!
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chubby-femme-boi · 2 months
[TW discussion of genitals. Minors CAN interact. Refer to my intro post on why I believe educational content and queer elder testimonials should be available to minors.]
Long post ahead 。.。:∞♡*♥
So I know this is my gender blog and it's been a while. I've been kind of ignoring the elephant in the room: dysphoria. I dress femme and all and that's great. I have a small packer I like. I was gifted a STP + penetration packer for my 20th birthday that simply doesn't fit my anatomy. It's uncomfortable and doesn't fit.
Packers are great but it's certainly not the solution I want. Ideally, a phalloplasty. I don't think I'd be satisfied with a tdick or metoidioplasty. In fact, I think I'd feel gross and "wrong" and my dysphoria would worsen. But I know a phalloplasty is very invasive, I'm afraid of the scarring, and it would take me years to get results I want. In the meantime, I know I wouldn't be as sexually appealing to my partners. I'd hope it would help in my sex life, as it's rather difficult to enjoy myself with my current plumbing, but there's no guarantee.
I'm afraid of being forced to be put on t for longer than I'd want. I want to try T, for sure, to help at least get a more androgynous feel. Ideally if I could pick I'd be AMAB but extremely feminine and honestly I'd probably take E in that universe. Gender is weird like that. But I don't want my femininity stripped from me just so doctors can be confident I'm not "making a mistake".
I don't even know where to start when it comes to T. I don't know what I'm looking for. I'm not happy in my body, but I don't know how to chart a course to where I'm most satisfied.
My partner and I struggle to be satisfied in our sec life due to their needs and my anatomy. I hate knowing getting something done down their might ruin our chemistry. But I also wonder how much it would really change. They'd love me for me, always. And luckily, I'm ace. I don't need sex to be satisfied. It's just... Nice to have and to be pleased. Asexuals who have and enjoy sex are real, you're looking at one.
So... I don't know what to do. I feel helpless and lost. Medicine and science is behind. FTM surgery is nowhere near what MTF surgery is at, and I do think it should be discussed more. A lot of trans men, even ones I know, opt to just deal with the dysphoria because as it stands now it's not worth the hassle and possible cost of surgery.
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my-darling-boy · 4 years
i love my body to an extent (being ftm) sometimes my chest bothers me sometimes it doesn't. anyways on one of my 'don't care' days i bought this beautiful corset. some days i resent it sometimes i don't. but the biggest issue is people call me a fake because i own it and have worn it in public (only at ren fair not on the street) i'm a firm believer in you need dysphoria to be trans* and i do experience dysphoria but the 'faker' thing bugs me. especially since i can't bind real well, advice? thx
The best advice I could give to you or any other trans person: never ever believe you need dysphoria to be trans.
I’ve made my stance on the matter very clear in THIS ASK: believing you or another trans person must have dysphoria will not only harm others, but yourself as well. It’s stated in my blog bio I do not want transme.ds/transsc.um following me or interacting with me, but if I can take a moment to educate, I will!
I used to have a LOT of severe dysphoria. What I didn’t mention in that link is something that happens to a ton of transmascs who are young or have just come out, and have since changed, and now feel too ashamed to talk about it, so you know what? I’ll say it because it’s important to learn from:
Trans people are faced with this persistent issue of being accused of faking our gender identity. I happened to be a minor who was new to identifying as transgender 8 years ago; I was having a hard time getting cis people to take me seriously as a man because of both my more feminine appearance at the time as well as other stereotypical “feminine hobbies” that I enjoyed; I felt I wasn’t meeting the standards to be a man. I thought to myself, “How can I PROVE myself to be a man to others or get an undeniable piece of evidence that I’m not a girl?” And that’s when I learned about Gender Dysphoria.
Not only did I feel Gender Dysphoria articulated the negative feelings I had about my body when I was 14-15, but it gave me this sense that I had this Membership Card to prove my trans masculinity to anyone who wanted to say that I wasn’t a trans man. To me, dysphoria was criteria by which to live by: as long as I was uncomfortable with myself and my identity as afab, that meant I was trans. This was wrong. And I’m here to tell you this mindset will ruin the way you think of yourself as a trans person.
It caused me to push away ANYTHING that could be read as feminine, from clothing to toothbrush colours. I started taking on aggressive personality traits which were seen as stereotypically masculine, watching sports I would otherwise have no interest in, dressing in clothing I wouldn’t wear even today. I was SO upset with myself that I was forcing out ANYTHING in my life that had to do with femininity. I had to be uncomfortable with my chest right? I had to want bottom surgery right? The more I hated who I was, the more manly I felt. It made me feel “more trans” than other trans men who were “more feminine” than me, or who didn’t feel they had dysphoria.
What started out as a simple medical term spiraled out of control: like it exists today in a lot of trans spaces, it’s not always used as a term to describe your experiences with your identity, but used by trans people to lift themselves up by putting other trans people down, usually linked to their own internalised transphobia.
I see it all the time in the trans community! I can’t speak for you, but it’s common to see trans people who are VERY uncomfortable with the idea of being “fakes” holding on so tightly to their belief in needing gender dysphoria to be trans. For them, it can serve as a piece of “proof” to compensate for the amount of confidence they lack in themselves. A lot of these individuals, if their mindset is not reconsidered, will go on to police other trans people for not meeting the criteria—which is socially constructed by the way—for living up to X gender. These people may have private judgements about the way other trans people present themselves simply because it’s not how THEY would choose to express their identity. While you are part of the community, it is not an extension of you that needs controlling. Meaning, trans people are trans just like you, but just because someone presents themselves in a way you might not want to yourself, you are not allowed to judge them or police them. If you feel other people in the community “make you look bad” or have “caused people to associate you with Fakersᵀᴹ” you need to re-evaluate your ways of thinking. It is still possible to be trans and transphobic, or sexist, or misogynistic.
You don’t need proof to be trans. The only thing that proves you are trans is you saying you’re trans and having a piece of paper won’t make you any more trans than anyone else. I found my own anxiety with being accused as a “Faker” (which is not a real concept btw), with feminine clothing, and seeing reflections of that in my own transmasc community was directly rooted in my own discomfort with my own identity. Once I learned to start being comfortable with myself for who I was, I loved other people for who they were. The only faking I ever did as a trans person was trying to be the hypermasculine man I wasn’t to uphold some silly social constructs and please transphobes who wouldn’t accept me anyway, no matter how manly I seemed.
Currently, I have little to no dysphoria! Recently I bought a black lacy lingerie set and I feel gorgeous! I don’t worry about being a Fake for liking something that is seen as feminine because there’s no such thing as being a faker, and if someone calls you a faker, they’re transphobic, even if they’re trans. I guarantee that if you focus more on learning to love others and affirm your own identity to yourself and not only rely on validation from others you will be able to wear that lacy corset proudly to more places than just a renaissance fair.
But if you still think trans people need to have dysphoria to be trans, I’d ask that you kindly unfollow me.
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chrisgraphss · 5 years
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Long story short, I’m a depressed LGBT student in my last year of high school & I plan on pursuing higher education in another country (or at least on the other side of my country), but that will mean my abusive family will try to close the bank accounts they’d opened for me years ago in an attempt to forcibly keep me here, and I will have to either submit and put myself in danger (mental and physical), or remain broke and on the streets, unless I somehow gather the necessary money for the ticket, school fees & daily expenses (food, clothes, rent). On top of that, my dysphoria makes my life much harder than it should be, so I wish to go through with the FTM surgeries as soon as I can, but we all know they cost a lot.
That being said, I’m opening up graphic commissions & selectively art commissions, and I’ll be dedicating this entire blog to them!   I do: theme backgrounds, promos, headers, icons, colorings, PSDs, renders, lockscreens, wallpapers, caps, chibis, anime portraits and I can also tweak some codes up!  If you have any questions I haven’t answered on my pages (or if you think I could do smth but it’s not listed) you can send me a message and I’ll answer it as soon as I can!  Thank you to everyone who reblogs and/or commissions/donates to me!
Here are my rules, commission info and examples.
I also accept donations, Patrons and coffees on ko-fi! My paypal.me is paypal.me/toonos and my backup is paypal.me/jasdevi (Use the first aka “toonos”, unless it doesn’t work).
Other than on this blog, you can find me @yeonban (my rp blog), @revoarmy (my personal) or on my discord at kakeru#6254.
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answersfromzestual · 2 months
If there is anything you would like me to do an article on? Let me know!
I am happy to dive into some information 🤓
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I have completed the transfer to its own Blog
It is still, technically, a side blog, I haven't figured out if it is possible to transfer it and also make it a main blog without reposting the data post by post.
There is no reason to follow the other blog, this one will remain intact as it is.
The entire account is dedicated to this blog and only this blog. So I apologize for all those who followed the new blog.
This blog has the same URL, title, and content as before. Nothing has changed on your end.
Here is the link to the Blog Directory
Remember, if you need some advice and would feel comfortable sending me an e-mail, it is still [email protected] Feel free to write me and we can have more of a conversation about the questions you may have. Of course we also have the Ask Tab.
Thank you to all the loyal followers who have waited and waited for this to be its own entity.
Stay Golden 💙🩷
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lettersandinkstains · 5 years
hi, sorry if this is annoying but i think i might be transgender (mtf) and i’m freaking out because i don’t know anything about how to transition or the identity and i was wonder if you have any advice or anything??? thanks a million
Anon, hello! You’re not being annoying at all! I’m sorry this is so late!! 
First things first, thank you for trusting me with this. And good for you for reaching out for answers! I’m not MtF, so my experiences are gonna be a little different but I’ll give you a run down of what I did, and list options for you and sorta just explain the identity. At the end, I’ll link the resources I can! Hopefully you’ll find this useful!
(Please be warned that this is going to be long ! Everything is itemized and broken down for hopefully an easy understanding and help!)
My Experience / What I Did
When I realized I was Definitely Not Cis, I was fairly into adulthood. She/Her pronouns made me want to die, but he/him felt like a puzzle piece that could fit, but not quite. 
I started talking to a therapist about it, and still continue to this day with talking to my new therapist about it. Over the course of the early sessions, I ended up being diagnosed with gender dysphoria, where there’s distress / discomfort between my assigned gender and my gender identity.
From there, on my old blog, I made a post asking for people to use ‘Silas’ and ‘they/them’ for my pronouns. And it just fit perfectly. I elated that I was being referred to correctly -- the pronouns and the name didn’t make me cringe and want to die.
That’s what I did.
What Is Transgender?
Transgender is the term for someone who does not identity as the gender they were assigned with at birth. They can be a trans man, a trans woman, non binary, genderfluid, etc.
The Steps To Take
Talk to a professional who is trained with and is supportive of the LGBTQIA+ community. While it’s not required per se, I very much recommend it. Talking to a professional is incredibly useful for many reasons:
You can get your thoughts and feelings out to a non biased party.
They can help navigate and help you figure out the steps to take.
It’s good to talk to someone! This person can become part of your support network!
Find a supportive community! There’s a thriving trans community on Tumblr, and elsewhere on the internet!
These people are the ones you can go to and talk and ask questions about being trans and transitioning. People’s experiences vary and everyone has different insight!
They will also be a support network for when you need it!
And it doesn’t always need to be online, you can search up local groups where you live, there should be something nearby. If not, that’s okay! Internet friends are real friends too!
I really love r/transpositive and r/asktransgender! Everyone on those two subreddits are so nice and incredible. r/lgbt is also really cool!
I don’t know any community blogs here on Tumblr since I follow only writeblr’s but someone is likely to know something.
I’ve also got an LGBT+ based writeblr discord if you wish to join a welcoming & incredible community! There are also non writing LGBTQIA+ discords! I’m in one for gaming, and r/lgbt’s mod’s run a discord as well called Spectrum. Highly recommend.
Play around with names & pronouns -- and you can also play around with styles too! You’re discovering yourself and your identity. Do what you feel is comfortable.
You can ask a close group of friends you know would be supportive of you to refer to you with she/her pronouns (or whatever pronouns you prefer!), and a name you would like to be called by!
It’s okay if you pick a name now and want to change it later! Names are an important part of your identity and you need to feel comfortable with it!
Dress in clothes that’s considered to be for women. You don’t have to do super femme if you don’t want to! Like, there is no wrong way to dress and present yourself! There’s butch, there’s femme, there’s an in between, etc.
After all, we don’t force cis women to dress super femme and model like (and doubt their gender identity and presentation), so we shouldn’t expect trans women to adhere to those standards either.
However there is nothing wrong with wanting to do! If that sundress makes you feel like a model, and make up makes you feel wonderful, go for it!! And if dressing in jeans, boots, and a t-shirt makes you feel happy, do that!! Dress in a style that makes you feel happy about yourself!
If anyone complains, punch them. Or Snip Snip.
HRT / Transitioning - Hormone Replacement Therapy. This is the act of taking hormones to develop secondary sex characteristics -- trans men take testosterone (T) and trans women take estrogen. Doctors will also sometimes prescribe another hormone to go with it.
If you decide to transition, estrogen will cause a development of breasts, softer skin, fat distribution will be more feminine, and you’ll also develop curves. Essentially, you’ll be going through the typical female puberty.
You don’t have to take hormones if you do not want to or are not ready yet! This is not a be all, end all situation! Take your time and do research on it and the effects it will have!
If anyone tells you that you have to take HRT to be a ~real trans person~, punch them. They have no right telling you what you should do with your body.
This also leads me back to point one: the professional will be able to help you figure this out and help be a support during the process.
Starting Transition
Depending on where you are and your age is what will be available to you.
Some countries do not allow those under the age of eighteen to transition. Some do with explicit parental consent. Be sure to research this as well.
I don’t know if this has changed since I was a youngin, but you would have typically needed a diagnosis if gender dysphoria* in order to get the doctor’s okay and prescription to start HRT. There are exceptions to everything.
This also may depend on local laws too, so check those out!
Depending on what you’re prescribed, you may take birth control, you may have to take shots, etc.
Where you get your hormones also largely depends on where you are too. Here in the United States, universities offer them at their on site clinics (mine does, anyways!), and some Planned Parenthood’s also prescribe hormones too! I can’t speak for other countries, and I wouldn’t even know where to begin looking for you.
HRT is also hella expensive in some places.
If you live in a country with universal health care, it shouldn’t be too much of a problem!
Coming Out -- Don’t come out unless you are ready & you are in a safe environment to do so!
This is basically LGBTQIA+ 101. If you are not safe to do so, do not do it. I know it sucks, but your safety is absolutely number one!
Everything is going to be okay. You are okay, there is nothing wrong with you.
There are certain groups of people who will tell you that your identity may be ~wrong~ or whatever arguments they can think of. Do your best to ignore them, and when you need to, vent to the people you trust.
Things To Check Out
YouTubers:uppercaseCHASE is a trans man who talks about trans issues and his own transition. He has an HRT 101 series that might be helpful! His expertise is FTM (Trans men) so there will be things that might not be as helpful. Educational videos, however!
arielle scarcella - while i do not like her very much and disagree with a lot of her beliefs, she’s a cis lesbian who has done videos in the past that’s educational about trans people -- and frequently has trans women on her channel where they talk about their experiences with HRT, as well as Gender Affirming Surgery if they’ve had it. (same goes for trans men!)
andrea chrysanthe is a trans woman who has documented her experience with transitioning and does life updates. She recently released a two part video that talks a lot about it. (warning: I haven’t watched all of her videos, and some look to be NSFW for at least talk of kink so be careful going in!)
melanie-ish is another trans woman youtuber! she talks about political issues as well as her own experience with transitioning and coming out. (warning: she hasn’t updated her channel in two years!)
PRINCESSJOULES is another trans woman who also documents her life as a trans woman! She also does make up tutorials, vlogging, and a lot of other things!
jammidodger is a trans man who talks about his experience with transitioning. he is by far one of my most favorite youtubers!
(if anyone else has any youtuber recommends, feel free to add on!)
trans resources -
leolines on etsy. they sell underwear for trans women -- a safer alternative to tucking. they also have binders! fairly inexpensive, and so many styles and designs!
the trevor project’s international center - the trevor project in general is absolutely amazing! they have a lot of resources on their website from phone numbers you can call if you’re feeling suicidal to groups and support groups! this link, if you are out of the united states and are looking for something, will give you a listing of international resources! 
transgender law center - legal services and advocacy for trans folks!
trans women of color collective - an advocacy group for trans women of color! they do a lot to help trans women of color! check them out, they’re super cool!
trans youth equality federation  - they provide support for family membes of trans youth, trans youth, and allies. as well as education!
gender spectrum - provides support for all trans youth, as well as education for families and educators!
I AM: trans people speak - a project that was made to raise awareness of about the diversity that exists within the transgender community.
glaad - resources - glaad is a well known organization for advocacy and education!
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WHEW ANON that was a lot. Hopefully you made it through to the end, and hopefully it was helpful! I hope those links above help provide some use for you and figuring out what steps you want to take.
On that note, if anybody who has read this wants to add on, they are free to do so. The above is only advice, from one person whose experience is one of millions and still, different.
AND ANON, one more thing! If you wish to talk, you are so much welcome to DM me! They’re open for non mutuals :)!
Good luck on your journey, may it provide you happiness!
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asian-hero · 6 years
I really love your blog!!! And I was kinda wondering if you could do some Headcannons with the paladins and their s/o is FTM? That’s a little bit of me, and I just wanted some loving from my paladins ^///^
I’m not familiar with FTM myself, but I do hope that you’re having a safe and easy transition! Also, I apologize if some of the information is incorrect, feel free to correct me on any mistakes!
Shiro (my main hoe):
I fully believe that this man would love you even if you were part Galra
So when you tell him that you’re transitioning, he supports you no matter what
Will tell off anyone who talks shit about you
Once punched an alien because he made a comment about how you don’t look “masculine” enough
You had to pry him off before he caused too much damage
He’ll help you in anyway that he can 
You want/need a binder? He’ll look everywhere online and in stores to find you a comfortable one. Want to get top and/or bottom surgery? He’ll try to pitch in some money along with helping you manage the money that goes into the surgery. Want to get started on testosterone? He’ll be there with you when you go to your doctors. 
At the end of the day he just wants you to be happy
If you choose to get testosterone injections, he’ll be with you every step of your journey
He’ll make sure that you never feel uncomfortable or unhappy with yourself
 Will constantly remind you of how handsome you are and how he’s the luckiest guy in the world
Totally loves you and will do anything in the world to make you happy
This boy is a little confused at first
He’s not well educated when it comes to FTM or MTF transitions
You’ll have to explain to him for a couple of hours
Once he understands, this boy is all for it
Like Shiro, he’ll make sure that you’re as comfortable as possible through your transition
Binder? Check. Top/bottom surgery? If you want to, he’ll absolutely be for it. Thinking about getting hormone injections? He’ll be there every step of the way for therapy.
At the end of the day, he really wants you to be as comfortable as possible
Will 100% beat up anyone who even scoffs at you
You had to hold him back once because someone looked at you and rolled their eyes
He had his knife out he was ready to kill
Constantly reassures you and tells you about how handsome he thinks you are
If you feel a little smothered and uncomfortable though, he’ll tone it down immediately
This angry boy turns into a fluffy boy when he’s with you, and he does anything in his power to make your transition as easy as possible
Out of all the paladins, they’re the least shocked about it
They understand that freaking out or just looking shocked probably doesn’t make you very comfortable
Will tell you that they love you no matter what and that they want you to be happy
Makes sure that your transition is as comfortable as possible 
Is the only paladin who actually researched about FTM transitions and about all of the necessities that you would want
Won’t go as far as to beat people up if they talk shit
But you best believe that if they’re electronics will definitely be malfunctioning for the next couple of weeks
One time Lance made some insensitive comment about your transition (he didn’t mean to though, he apologized profusely afterwards) and Pidge was pissed
They made sure that Lance’s door malfunctioned and stole all of Lance’s beauty supplies until you found out
Occasionally gives you comments about how handsome you are and how lucky they are to have you
At the end of the day they just want you to be happy, and if that means getting a binder, getting top/bottom surgery, or getting hormone injections, then they’re all for it
When you first tell him that you’re transitioning, he’s a little confused
Like, transitioning to what? Are you going to do something different? A new job?
Once you tell him that you’re transitioning to a new gender, he’s super supportive
Will constantly shower you in complements about how amazing and handsome you are and how he loves you 
100% will get into a fight if anyone even looks at you the wrong way
Once an alien made a remark about how “men don’t look that dainty”
Hunk was immediately at your side and punched the asshole alien square in the face
You had to hold him back because he was so mad
This is one of the only times you’ll ever see Hunk really mad
Is supportive of whatever you want to do (Binder? He’ll find the most comfortable one. Surgery? He’ll look up the best surgeon in your price range. Hormone injections? Will be sure to look up everything before you just take them from a doctor.)
If you ever feel self conscious about the way that you look he’ll be there to give you the best hugs and a string of heartfelt compliments 
Loves you so much, he just wants you to be happy with yourself
Is probably the most confused of the paladins
He just isn’t well educated on this topic
When you explain to him about your transitioning he’s super supportive
He makes sure that you’re comfortable no matter what (sometimes he goes a little overboard)
Isn’t as violent as some of the paladins, but if someone tries to make fun of you, he’ll do his best to defend your honor
One time Keith made some uneducated remark about your transition (again, this boy didn’t mean it and he was extremely sorry afterwards)
Lance was fuming
Not only because Keith opened his mouth, but because Keith opened his mouth about you
Needless to say, you needed to hold him back before he caused some actual damage
Will constantly remind you about how handsome you are and how much he loves you
If you ever express any distaste about yourself, Lance will sit you down and tell you about all the things he loves about you until you’re either crying from happiness or a bright blushing mess
At the end of the day he just wants you to be happy, no matter what
Yo yo, I don’t usually do ending notes, but I want to say to everyone that’s transitioning, whether or not you choose to get surgery or hormone injections, it does not make you any less of man/woman, you are who you identify as, end of story. If someone wants to talk shit about what you identify as, then remember that they’re just closed-minded assholes that are too stuck in their own ways to reeducate themselves. Love who you are and who you’re going to be, because at the end of the day, your opinion is the only opinion that should matter. ❤️🏳️‍🌈
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gabesapwhoreta · 6 years
The first and only time I've been out during my stay in a mental hospital, there was a transgirl on the same unit as me. One day we were all having lunch in the main room, and a discussion got started up about transitioning, mostly me and her comparing mtf vs ftm transitioning and what it was like/the research we'd done on it. Naturally the other kids were curious about it, so we had like, a big discussion, just sort of answering every question they had about being trans- like, how pronoun preferences work, what's polite, and some of the less talked about stuff too, like what surgery is like and why dysphoria/wanting a full physical transition isn't across the board for every trans person. Neither of us minded at all since we were already talking about it, and since obviously they were just curious and seemed really scared of accidentally being rude.
But like, towards the end of the conversation, this girl says something that makes me wanna tear up- she's just like "You know, I used to disagree with people wanting to be called pronouns and names and stuff before they got surgery, but you guys completely changed my mind. Like, you're both completely the gender you say you are, anyone who talked to you would see that, it doesn't matter whether you've had surgery, you guys are both so sweet and awesome."
And like, it kind of made an impression on me, like- I changed someone's mind. Just by talking to her and letting her know me. It kinda blew my mind to think about how many other people are like that- people who seem transphobic and 'respectfully disagree' or whatever they say they're doing with our 'life choices', meanwhile they just grew up only surrounded by people and media that was telling them completely reversed facts. It's like those dumb videos you see on YouTube titled "Gay People Hug Homophobes" or whatever, and the videos end with the person saying something like "I didn't think gay people acted like you," and you almost want to cry because, what did you think we act like?
Impressions are so important, especially when the person you're talking to isn't particularly exposed to many viewpoints. I remember talking to my grandmother once, and she was talking about why she didn't believe in interracial relationships, or something insane like that, and she explains why- "I had a friend, he was black, and he used to tell me not to trust black guys who wanted to date me, because he'd never choose a white girl over a black girl, because they're sexier." Obviously the dude was joking to a degree, but she took it totally verbatim.
Anyway, that's why I answer questions way more personal than most trans people are willing to answer, provided the asker is just curious and not trying to be rude or something- I feel like there's a big trend in this community to hate straight and cis people, and yeah, it's hilarious and therapeutic to make jokes on tumblr, but sometimes impressions can change a person's entire perspective. Yes, I get it, it's not our responsibility to educate people, it's theirs to seek the information out- but that's not how to actually change anything. When people come on tumblr asking critical questions about being trans, most of the time, they're trying to seek that information out- but the response they get is just people yelling at them for their bad phrasing and overly formal nerdbro-associated typing style borrowed from reddit, and two months later they're an anti-sjw blog, because the conclusion they drew is that we're aggressive and entitled, since they had no fucking clue why anyone was yelling at them when they didn't know.
What I'm saying is we need to start differentiating between ignorance and people genuinely being rude on purpose. Privacy invading questions suck, but it's possible to gently tell someone why they suck, and giving them the benefit of the doubt, instead of just yelling at them. I feel like tumblr culture has a big tendency to fuck that up.
Yes, it's exhausting that we have to explain ourselves to every single person, and yeah, it's super fucking unfair. But no one is going to listen to us when we're insulting them.
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dccomics-imagines · 7 years
Hi! I just found your blog and i love it so much!! I was wondering how you think the batfam would rract if their sibiling came out as trans? (Ftm)
 “Uhm Dick…I have something to say” 
He honestly gives you a confused look, sitting down with you. 
 “Alright lovebug. What’s up?” 
“I’m trans.” 
It goes dead silent, and honestly you think he mad or something but then he speaks up.
 “___. We love you for who you are, being trans won’t change that.” 
“Y…you aren’t mad?” 
“Dear god no! I’m proud that you had the courage to tell me. And i will support you for eternity” 
Cue Dick crying cause he’s so haPPY. 
Like you trusted him enough to tell him this. 
He will literally harm anyone who gives you backlash for being trans. 
Takes you to pride parade every time it’s around. 
 Kate is probably with you guys too. 
Hell, this boy might even be marching in the parade. 
I fully believe that Dick Grayson might be bisexual. 
He supports you as well. 
Except he confronts you first.
 “You’re hiding something from me…actually us. Tell me what’s up”
 When you break the news to him he is indeed in shock. 
But he smiles, ruffling your hair. 
“Alright kid. Just tell me if anyone messes with ya.” 
Will definitely fight someone for you. 
Probably has already fought someone for looking at you the wrong way. 
Dear god don’t take him to pride cause he will literally punch every single protester. 
“These people are more human than you asshats will ever be!!” 
“Jason jasON STOP.” 
He’s supportive as well, and if you haven’t gone through the surgery he will make sure to find the best doctor to preform the surgery on you. 
He presents you with it on Christmas, along with your first dose of hormones. 
It’s all an emotional moment for the family. 
He takes pictures at pride. 
And they all look amazingHe just loves how happy everything is, and seeing your smiling face and hearing you cheer is the best thing he could ever see. 
He makes sure everyone refers to the name you like to go by. 
“Excuse me their name is___. Please get it right next time or I won’t be able to hold back big guy” 
Big guy is Jason. 
He’s ready to kill.
Let’s be honest, I don’t think he fully understands what that means.
Once you tell him, he looks it up though.
Immediate apologies.
“Hey…I didn’t quite understand what you said before, but after looking it up, and educating myself on all the factors, I’d like you to know that I’m sorry.” 
“I’d also like you to know you have my full support”
No one ever bothers you about your choice.
If they do, this lil demon raises hell.
He makes sure to call you by your preferred name.
Very protective of you.
He tries to go everywhere with you so if anyone looks at you wrong he can kill them politely glare at them.
That glare isn’t polite at all.
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doberbutts · 7 years
How old were you when you realized you were trans?
This is an interesting question for me to answer. Not because it's a bad question (though, bear in mind, everyone's "realization" comes at a different time in their life and no one story is exactly the same) but because of the way I was raised to regard the LGBT+ community.Way back when I was a wee baby at about 8 years old, I had to have my head shaved due to having damaged it with lye-based relaxer at a salon. For those who are unaware, many black women once upon a time (and some even still now, though it is becoming less common as we have better ingredients that don't BURN YOUR SCALP OFF) were *expected* to relax and straighten their hair in order to be regarded as available or beautiful, even by the black community. While we as a community still struggle with that today, more and more people are going back to the natural hair movement, and there is less overall pressure on young black children to have perfectly straight hair. However, at the time that I was around that age, the pressure especially for biracial children with white mothers who had no idea what they were doing with black hair to have straight non-frizzy hair was still very high, and so my sisters and I agreed to have our hair straightened so our mother could have a break trying to figure out how to care for it properly. Keep in mind this is also before the age of the internet when you could just look that stuff up nowadays. Lye relaxer was very common back then, and yes, it burns like hell. It also seriously damaged my hair and one of my sisters' hair (one sister is biracial like me, the other is not) and we both had to get our hair cut very short for it to heal afterwards. While my sister's hair was still long enough for her to style, mine was buzzed basically to my scalp.Being that I was already regarded as a tomboy child, interested in "boy things" like sports, videogames, pokemon, catching bugs, etc, and not as interested in "girl things" like makeup, jewelry, dresses, and more as my sisters were, and having the problem that black women are *always* read as more masculine and aggressive than white women, AND that black children are *always* read as older than white children that are the same age... strangers started changing the way they referred to me the second my hair was cut. Nothing changed about the way I spoke, dressed, or carried myself, just that my hair was now "boy hair". And yet, people started calling me a boy, referring to me as "young man" or "sir" or "that boy" or "he"... and I was honestly more startled by how right it felt than by the sudden change in how I was spoken to.I didn't know what being transgender was at the time. I didn't have anyone to talk to about that. No one I knew was any sort of LGBT+ (I had two friends at the time who later came out as bi, but that was in high school). All I knew about anything ~~~gay~~~ was that the LGBT acronym was somehow both synonymous with BDSM (which my understanding at the time was "gross dirty stuff bad adults do") and also with pedophilia (or, simply, "child molesters")- which you can thank my parents, Christian school, and church for- and that a lot of gay men and transwomen (which at the time was translated as "men who want to be women") died in cop shows on TV.So yeah, if I had had words for what I felt, or if I was surrounded by supportive people at the time giving me a proper education on the finer points of the LGBT+ community, that probably would be where I figured out that I was trans. Because I didn't, I just sort of... shrugged and moved on, I guess. I was a little girl, with little girl expectations, and little girl socializing, and that was fine.Fast forward to my first period and suddenly I was not so fine. I still had no words for it, but now I was *very* uncomfortable being regarded as a woman by the world at large.Eventually, after entering high school at 13, I confessed to an online friend (who was straight) and coworker that I really didn't like being called a girl while explaining why I'd made my online handle what it was. She then handed me off to a different online friend (who was pansexual), who I also had said uncomfortable conversation with, and she linked me to a transguy's blog back from the days of xanga and his journey with puberty, adolescence, T, surgery, romance...And then I knew. There are other people like me. I'm not broken. It's okay.From there I experimented a bit, I called myself Third Gender and Nonbinary for a while (folks who wonder why I use the asterisk, back then, if you didn't use the asterisk you were excluding NB genders. now apparently if you DO use it you're excluding. make up your mind, internet) and finally settled on transgender male, FtM. I was about 16 when I came out to my parents and my classmates. By then most of the friends I had were somewhere in the LGBT+ community, but mostly ace, bi, and pan people were those who made up my first experiences figuring my crap out.It's almost 10 years later and the internet is a much different place than it was back then. It's a lot easier to find yourself. It's a lot easier to find those who are like you. It still bothers me that there are not many transmen in the media- without looking, I found transwomen left and right, and though they were never great representation, they still told me that that was a possibility. But I found my first transman in MSM in Dragon Age, and he's been the only one, and I found him as an adult. I've wondered how many kids like me stayed repressed and desperate and uncomfortable in their own bodies until they figured out that they were not broken freaks.
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twshitlord · 7 years
(1) Recently i was given your blog to look at by a friend because I've been strugling with what at first I thought is dysphoria, but I'm not sure if it actually is. It will come and go where I'll hate my feminine figure, but other days I love it. Most of my discomfort comes from my large chest. Some days I bind and it helps ease some of the discomfort, but I still have it because you(I) can still clearly tell I have brest. (cont)
(2) I’ve never really felt like my gender is wrong, just that there are days where I feel more masculine and others where I feel feminine. There was one day at work where I was mistaken for a man till I turned around and it made me so happy that I was called Sir till they corrected themself and said Miss. I’m just so confused as to what this could mean and thought maybe you could point me in a direction to start researching and figuring out things.
I hope you won’t take offense to some of my thoughts, anon, but here are some of my thoughts based on what you’ve said:
You mention that sometimes you feel discomfort with your physical figure, and I would ask then about how old you are. It’s very common that even cis people feel discomfort with their sexual characteristics during puberty given the rapid changes and development taking place. If you do have a very large chest, there are also many cis women who take issue with that feature and who seek to change it through surgery or binding.
As for your daily fluctuation, that’s common. I don’t think most people feel 100% always masculine or feminine. Our existence is very often a blend of experiences, activities, and characteristics that are a mix of these. However, that isn’t the same as being transgender. Personal expression isn’t the same as having dysphoria, and I think tumblr tends to sort of misconstrue these things.
I guess I would advise you to read a bit from this resource site on FTM stuff. It may give you a better understanding of the different things that actually go into transitioning and being a trans man. Obviously transition doesn’t make someone more or less trans, and some people can’t do certain things due to medical conditions, financial limitations, etc. but looking at these things might help you have a more educated understanding of the lengths that trans men are willing to go to to feel more comfortable with their bodies.
I always recommend that people consider where they want to be in thirty, forty years. Beyond being an attractive young man, are you prepared or willing to be a forty, fifty, sixty year old man? If that’s not appealing, you may not be a trans man.
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chrisgraphss · 6 years
Tumblr media
Long story short, I live in an abusive household (as well as anti-LGBT, which I am part of as a gay, trans person). My father has attempted sexual assault on me several times, and a single wrong word could literally get me killed. I wish to cut ties with my family and pursue a higher education in another country, but that will mean I will be broke and on the streets unless I’ll somehow gather the necessary money for a ticket to said country, daily expenses (food, clothes, school supplies etc) as well as rent and school fees. I also dream of going through with FTM surgery, which is around €10,000 (this includes HRT and other medical fees), plus the extra euros for the ticket to Thailand, where I wish to have the surgery. My mother plans to divorce my father before I leave as well, but since they share a bank account and he’ll likely close it down, I’ll probably be the one paying for a lawyer and going through the other divorce procedures with her.
That being said, I’m opening up graphic commissions and I’ll be dedicating this entire blog to them. I do: theme backgrounds, promos, headers, icons, colorings, PSDs, renders, lockscreens, wallpapers, caps and I can also tweak some codes up! If you have any questions I haven’t answered on my pages (or if you think I could do smth but it’s not listed) you can send me a message and I’ll answer as soon as I can! 
Here are my rules, commission info & examples.
I also accept donations, and coffees on ko-fi! My paypal.me is paypal.me/toonos
Other than on this blog, you can find me @locksfate (my main rp blog), @toono-s (my personal) or on my discord at kakeru#6254.
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