#free marriage license
neon-emojiz · 3 months
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Silly little marriage license
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caimitos · 11 months
my most self indulgent hc that is closest to my heart and haven't talked about in years is vespa ilkay filipino (her eyes have a rage you only see in 3rd world med students)
#when u grow up in a place where going into healthcare is a ticket out of ur shithole country that exports 10000s f healthcare workers yearly#but only if you're a nurse or some other profession that can still get ordered around in hospitals#the amount of MDs i know who tried working abroad thn got their degrees & licenses rejected so they had to pick up...a wildly different job#and also vespa ilkay medtech grad real in my heart of course (points at heart of it all pt 2 the blood tells you everything)#and vespa ilkays mom ofw na unti-unting hindi na umuwi also real in my third secret heart#her network of med professional friends is fucking huge bc filipinos go into pre/med expecting half the ppl to leave for richer countries#which is to say most of my friends are already making plans of leaving for the usa/australia/singapore etc etc and some are there already#most of her college batch is scattered across the galaxy they have a groupchat named 'brain drain gang class of 2XXX' or wtv the fuck#but also college swamp girl vespa is just so dear to my heart like the mental image of her#studying under a mosquito net sweating wearing a neck fan with her illegally photocopied medical textbooks from rangian recto avenue#she broke my 'characters i love are southeast asian (in general) characers i hate and want to suffer are filipinos' rule i'm sorry queen#skl.txt#rangian recto avenue whee she gets a fake marriage certificate for her and buddy for shits n giggles#guy who knows all the alumni gives her one for free when she visits they have copies of the vesbud wanted posters behind the counter
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Wedding Ministers & Officiants of Atlanta
770-963-7472 click for our Homepage!
Wedding Ministers & Officiants of Atlanta
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Wedding Ministers & Officiants of Atlanta @GeorgiaWedElopeMarryOfficiant - Officiant Near Me Gwinnett Ga. - FREE Wedding Venue Locations to Elope in Gwinnett Georgia 770-963-7472 http://www.wedgeorgia.com - Helping Couples Tie the Knot Since 1978 Located on the Historic Gwinnett County Courthouse Square in downtown Lawrenceville Georgia just two blocks from the Gwinnett County Courthouse.  Connect With Us. Allow Our Mobile Wedding Officiants to Perform Your Ceremony Even on Weekends - Officiating Metro Atlanta Marriages for Over
45 Years – Yes We Can Sign your Marriage License – Our Officiants are Ordained, Government-Licensed, and Board-Certified - Get in Touch With Our Team - Receive a Free Quote Meet Atlanta Celebrity Wedding Officiant Reverend Thomas Johnson Reach Out to Receive a Quote for Your Wedding Ceremony
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ddejavvu · 3 months
I love your best friend with no boundaries James, and I was wondering if you could do one where James and reader are having their regularly scheduled mid-day naps, and Sirius and Remus walk into the dorm to find James just humping reader while they’re asleep? Maybe James and reader wake up to the GASP of horror from Sirius after his not so innocent eyes witness “straight up porn in their shared dorm where Peter of all people could witness”
I love all your works and was wondering if I could be marked as 😻anon? I’m the person who requested the bsf Steve imagine and I’m 100% gonna request something again because you’re perfect and I just wanna kiss you on the mouth🫶🏻🫶🏻
this post is 18+, minors dni.
Sirius considers himself James's best friend- no, brother, but he's not afraid to whack the man upside the head when he finds James grinding on you in his sleep.
"You-! Nasty-! Fucker-!" He bullies James awake, appreciating the much calmer, kinder way that Remus rouses you, tugging you away from James on the bed and murmuring that your nap is over. You blink your eyes open serenely, and James's shoot wide in pain as Sirius assaults him.
"What the fuck? Agh- Sirius! I know you're mad that I've got the better potions grade, but killing me won't help!"
"This isn't about potions, Potter," Sirius scoffs, "But I am thinking about tossing you in a hot cauldron. You were- eeugh, you were humping her, you animal!"
Your brows are furrowed and your blinks are bleary, but your brain catches up with the help of Remus's hands where they trace soothing circles on your back.
"Oh," You mumble groggily, as James groans with quickly reddening cheeks, "Uh- s'alright, Jamie."
Remus's hand stills on your back, but James and Sirius join in a fused indignant-confused "What?"
"S'just natural I guess," You shrug, "I dunno, I haven't- er, got one. But it was an accident, Jamie, you were asleep. It's alright."
James’s cheeks are still plenty rouged, but he nods sleepily at your forgiveness, relieved that he's not being hit by two people instead of only one.
"Yeah, thanks bird," He flops back down onto the mattress, letting out a sigh heavily infused with relief, "Wouldn't do it on purpose, y'know. Not while you're sleeping, that's- that's pervy."
"Some people like pervy," You hum, settling back into your own position in James's bed, though he's no longer curled around you. Sirius watches as you knock your hand against his own, "Sirius thinks I'm a perv."
"You're both pervs," Sirius grimaces, his lip curled in distaste as Remus stands from James's bedside, "Seriously, he eats off of your spoons, you've seen his dick, he's been grinding all over your ass - if you don't get a marriage license soon you're going to be very unpopular with the traditional crowd."
James turns towards you with a gasp, his eyes shining just the same as his grin does, "We could get married!"
"We should," You laugh, "And we could get a flat, and we could have your mother over for dinner every Tuesday."
"That would work." He nods, fully settled back into the pillows from Sirius's disturbance, "She loves you. And she's free Tuesday nights - her knitting circle ends at three."
"I know that," You scoff, barely biting back an overexaggerated eye roll, "James, I write your mother once a week. I know when her knitting circle is."
"You write my mum?" He rears back, momentarily confused, "She's never told me that!"
"Of course she hasn't," You snicker, "Because if you'd known, you would have stopped me from telling her how many times you get detention every week, and you'd want to share the sweets she sends me in exchange for the intel."
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moonbaetarot · 24 days
Pick a pile
First year of marriage
1. 2. 3.
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Pile 1
Your first year of marriage is going to be very free and exciting this new chapter in your life is full of lots of new beginnings and adventures waiting for you during this year. I feel like this first year is very important to you and this marriage. You’re going to be traveling or moving a lot during this year as well. I see you having a lot of luck in your life things going your way for once. You and your future spouse had a very clear image of what life would be like after you got married so when you do you will follow through with these commitments. You may be receiving a trophy, award, certificate, license of some sort. This marriage is very balanced you and your future spouse are very compatible. You or your future spouse may work or get a job in law or a cop of some sort. You’re going to be planting your life long seeds like making a foundation for the many years and decades of love and life to come. I also see you just sitting back and wondering how this is happened like one day your reading this and the next your living life with your future spouse. You’re also going to be yourself more show more of you. I see you like creating something for yourself and your family like when a bird creates its nest so they can protect and have there babies so there may be some talk about children you may be tempted to have kids so early on in the marriage but I don’t see you having them right away. I also see that you feel very protected by your future spouse you feel like you can just relax now that you have them.
Thank you for reading loves! 🤍
Pile 2
You’re going to be on the right path you may have been feeling some nerves or “cold feet”. things are going to be moving very quickly after you two get married. You or your future spouse maybe even both careers is going to be important very much a hard worker Whatever this work is I see it as being very important and successful. This first year of marriage is very healing to the heart so much love and care. You may own a lot of pets with this person im seeing 2 dogs and a cat. This person is also very respected in their work. I do see y’all having a big vision about something like a house or land but you need money to get this so they are really putting in the work to be able to get this for you. There’s a lot of risk and investments that will be going into this relationship. your going to being feeling very secure you know that you will always have this person. Your future spouse Honors and respects you a lot. I feel like the masculine lets the feminine be in her energy and the feminine lets the masculine in his energy. The feminine in this relationship is mature, motherly, “house Wife” energy” you don’t even have to want or have kids yet but you radiate this energy. For some of you want kids I see a baby girl as your first. This first year of marriage is going to have lots of new things coming in for you i see it healing you emotionally a lot as well. You’re going to be realizing your purpose in life hearing “what was a made for” and this is what you were made for.
Thank you for reading loves! 🤍
Pile 3
Your first year of marriage is going to feel very rewarding there may have had to been lots and patience, waiting, trials and tribulations, challenges but you’re finally here and it’s finally paying off. You’re going to be celebrating this achievement. I do see you traveling a lot you may have went overseas for your honeymoon and it was really nice and relaxing. Your visions are Turing into reality you waited for these days for so long So much love and fulfillment. I feel Iike you manifested this I feel like one day you’re daydreaming about it and the next you’re living it. I feel like the years leading up to this marriage were really heavy like emotionally and physically and now that you can just breath it feels very peaceful. You or your future spouse may be very artistic or creative. The feminine here loves like a mother would very empathic, sensitive, compassionate and understanding very romantic as well. Yeah I do see things getting better for you two once you get married I don’t see this problem being between you and your future spouse but more of something or someone outside of the relationship maybe even long distance for some. This person definitely gives your princess treatment but I also see that you take care of this person really well to. Your future spouse makes you feel very emotionally secure.
Thank you for reading loves! 🤍
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kinardscoffee · 21 days
Okay galaxy brain headcanon time. So Tommy's name tag in season two said Kincaid not Kinard. Maybe that was his original last name but he changed it when he finally cut contact with his dad - or his last name was something else entirely. He turns 18, says fuck you dad, changes his name from Thomas X to "just Tommy" Kincaid, joins the army and Tommy 2.0s himself, then years later he's like "i wanna be a pilot", im gay, no dad fuck off, new life, new me, new name, new station. Tommy Kinard is Tommy 3.0.
Tommy 4.0 is of course marriage to this hot firefighter named Evan and that means new name once again, but maybe with a hyphen this time.
Heyyy Anon!
First, I just want to say, well fucking done on catching that! I had to do a bit of research on this ask cause I, for one, missed it!
So, here's S2 Tommy in all his selfie glory:
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And if we zoom in... that name tag does in fact say, Kincaid:
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BUT... I think it's just a costuming error because I went back to watch the "Begin" episodes and everyone calls him "Kinard" and it's the name on his turn-out.
However, I do like the idea of an evolution of Tommy Kinard, so here's my two cents inspired by your two cents!
You can change your name at 16, and I agree he changed his legal name from Thomas to just Tommy. I imagine his father called him Thomas, and I believe that was a sore spot throughout his childhood.
Thomas can't do anything right.
Tommy can sneak out at night.
Thomas was a mistake.
Tommy has friends at school.
So, I believe Tommy joined the military the day after he graduated from high school, which would potentially make him 18. And he never saw his father again after this. A quick Google search let me know that the Army is actually the only branch of the military where you only need a high school diploma to become a pilot. So after completing basic training and the other requirements to become an Army pilot, Tommy could have potential received his pilot's license in roughly 2 years.
I'm not going into time served in the Army, so let's move on...
Thus, Tommy 2.0 is born.
He lands in LA, buys a house, and decides to join the LAFD, where he meets Captian Gerrard and Sal DeLuca. This ultimately shoves him into Tommy 3.0, which is the version of himself that I believe he hates the most.
He's wrestling with feelings he's always had but knows they're "wrong" in certain people's eyes and so I believe his first years at the 118 Tommy has never felt more like his father.
And he hates it. Despises himself even.
So, when Chim shows up, Tommy has this massive wall up, built by self-hatred and sadness. But then, Chim saves his life. And that wall begins to chip away, bit by bit.
We see the wall has almost completely crumbled when Hen arrives but with Captian Gerrard there he's prepared to put up barriers again.
Until Hen gives her speech.
I believe that speech cracked open Tommy 3.5. Maybe not someone who's ready to stand up and preach his truth in front of everyone but definitely someone who knows it's time to help be a part of the solution.
When Bobby shows up, Tommy is sailing nicely into Tommy 4.0. He's happy, he has friends that he can go out to drink with, and for the first time in his life, I think he's starting to feel as if he actually could belong somewhere.
Lou has said that Tommy likes to fly because it's his way to feel free and escape his problems. And I believe that with the happiness Tommy has found at the 118, his displeasure of not feeling true to himself is harder to ignore.
So, he transfers and stops lying to himself. New station, New him right? He gers the freedom of flying and being open about his sexuality.
Tommy 4.0 is officially here.
Then, years later, after a really bad breakup that left him ready to give up on the idea of ever finding love, he finds it in the most adorable ally that helped steal his helicopter, Evan Buckley.
And that's when Tommy Kinard finally finds the place where he belongs.
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rottenpumpkin13 · 18 days
AGSZC find themselves performing in the LOVELESS VR play
• Shinra sends members of SOLDIER and the turks to the Gold Saucer on a vacation (Not really. Everyone decided to use their accumulated leave days at the same time and Shinra couldn't do anything about it).
• Genesis drags everyone to the theater to boast about the version of Loveless he wrote, and their little group ends up being the chosen performers.
Zack: Hell yeah! I was born for the stage. Look at this face and tell me it wasn't made for the limelight.
Genesis: You will be playing Garm.
Zack: Cool! Is he like a warrior or something?
Sephiroth: He's a dog.
Zack: $#&@$¢%!
• Sephiroth finds himself in the role of Alphreid without understanding why, yet he concedes and does his best to get his lines right. He wonders who will take on the other roles, especially Rosa. Maybe Cissnei or one of the other female Turks? After all, they did come as a big group.
Sephiroth: Release me! My blade thirsts for vengeance!
*Genesis prances in wearing a dress*
Genesis: Fear not, Alphreid! I've come for you!
Sephiroth: And yet they wonder why I've gone gray early.
• Angeal is playing Varvados, and can't get any of his lines right because Zack is distracting as Garm.
Angeal: Pray take not another step, gentle princess.
Zack, on all fours: Woof.
Angeal: Would the cur defy his captor?
Zack: Woof.
Angeal: Zack, that's not your line.
Zack: I'm taking poetic license.
Sephiroth: Aye! By the grace of the goddess. As She has set me free. Even now, so too shall She guide my blade.
Zack: Pride goeth before the fall—and I, Garm, shall deliver you from hell!
Genesis: It's deliver you TO hell.
Zack: I think it should be FROM hell. Whoever wrote these lines suck.
• Cloud was tasked with being the fool, a role he was anxious to take initially, but after Genesis told him he was free to speak in his own words, he felt more comfortable.
*After Alphreid defeats Garm and has to pick what he wants to know about the future*
Sephiroth: I wish to know about my future with Rosa.
Cloud: Your inability to make your intentions clear and tell Genesis you love him means you will likely die old and alone.
Sephiroth: !?
• Sephiroth is so tired from battling both Zack and Angeal back to back, that he confuses the order of the scenes.
Cloud: The dragon king Varvados fears only true love, and so our hero Alphreid will reveal to him it's true power.
*Sephiroth kisses Angeal*
• Somehow they make it to the end of the play without arguing. Well, almost.
Genesis: Thank you, Alphreid, for saving our world and everyone in it. You are a true he—
Genesis: You are a true he...
Genesis: A true h....
Sephiroth: A true hero.
Genesis: I know.
Sephiroth: Then say it.
Genesis: A true he—*he clears his throat* You are a true he...
Sephiroth: You wrote the line!
*Cloud rushes out on stage*
Cloud: Following their heroic victory over the dragon king Varvados and saving Guardia, Alphreid and Rosa decided to seek guidance through marriage counseling.
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aestheticaltcow · 5 months
What Happens in Vegas Doesn't Always Stay in Vegas
A four-part series about a drunken mistake and realizations starring our favorite neurotic chef.
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Part 1 - Those are legal?
“I’m sorry, what do you mean ‘I’m married’?” Ellie questioned the FBI agent in front of her. “Well, with Jack’s security clearance, we took his marriage license application very seriously. Elanor Marks, you’ve been married to a man named Carmen Berzatto for the past eight years.”. Ellie turned to look at Jack, who was just as dumbfounded as her, “You two got married in 2016 at Quickie Vows in Las Vegas.” the agent handed Jack a folder. “Here’s all the information, sir.” Jack nodded without saying anything. 
“How did you not know you were married?” Jack laughed as he got into bed that night, “I didn’t think those Vegas weddings were like real marriages.” Ellie sighed, sinking deeper into their mattress. Jack frowned, realizing just how upset his fiance was, “Hey, get over here.” he opened his arms. Ellie sighed and scooted closer to him in bed, “This is one of the things I love about you, Ellie. You’re spontaneous and eclectic. You love life and have never said no to anything.” he kissed her head making Ellie sink deeper into his chest. “When I met you in Germany, I knew you were goin’ be my wife one day. This whole Vegas marriage thing is just a hiccup. I’ll call Bren, and we’ll get all of this figured out… you’ll get your spooky October wedding, I promise.” 
Ellie opened her locker the next morning and shoved her backpack in before sitting on a free chair to change into her non-slip shoes. “There she is, the blushing bride.” Ellie rolled her eyes at her friend’s greeting. “Hey, Maddie.” “You good?” “I’ve been better…”
Maddie shot her a quizzical look. “Wanna talk about it?” Ellie sighed “Do you remember Carmy Berztto?” “Wow, that’s a blast from the past…” “Yeah, that’s what I said… we’ve been married since that Vegas trip.” Maddie was lost for words, “You know what I have to feed my sourdough…” she awkwardly laughed, scratching at the back of her neck. “Lunch break?” Ellie laughed, knowing Maddie wanted to know what had happened that trip “Yes. I have so many questions.”
“CAB, you’re like the best.” “I don’t know ‘bout that, El.” Carmy laughed, taking another swig from his bottle of tequila. Ellie snaked her arm around his waist as the two walked down the Vegas strip. The two found themselves separated from the main group of friends they’d come to Vegas with; it wasn’t something unheard of for the two of them. “You’re a kid but got the fuckin’ James Beard! You’re the best.”Ellie hiccuped. Carmy rolled his eyes, “You’re only like a year older than me, babe.” Ellie giggled and playfully hit his chest. 
The two ended up sitting on the edge of a fountain, exchanging stories of childhood trauma and fears of the future between kisses. “My mom used to call me a whore back in high school-” “You’re my whore…” Carmy whispered as he kissed down Ellie’s jawline, making her giggle and hit his shoulder “You’re so stupid.” “Fuck I love you.” Carmy laughed, burying his head in her shoulder nipping at her collarbone. Ellie giggled and gently tugged at his hair “I fuckin’ love you too.”
In New York, this evening would end in sex on the kitchen floor or the ratty old couch in Carmy’s bare apartment. In Vegas, it was a different story. Neither Carmy nor Ellie realized who’d suggested it, but they found themselves at Quickie Vows. They both went through the motions, thinking it was the funniest joke in the world. The two returned to the group’s Airbnb and went to the backyard to get into the hot tub. The next day, Ellie got the call she’d been waiting for.  She was going to Europe to be a commis chef. After a quick stop in New York, Ellie was off and thought she’d never be back in the States, at least until she met Special Agent Jack Aubrey.
The two met in Germany five years ago; it was love at first sight for Jack. Ellie took a couple of months to warm up. He was everything Carmy lacked; he actively made time to be with her. They weren’t together out of convenience; Jack was proud to be seen with her. He encouraged her to be herself and grow as a person. But of course, Carmy needed to make one last appearance before Ellie could live happily ever after.
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lurkinglurkerwholurks · 6 months
Selina had not been a little girl who dreamed of white dresses. The marriage of Selina Kyle and Bruce Wayne, from Selina's POV. For @audreycritter and @frownyalfred
Selina had not been a little girl who dreamed of white dresses. She had not filled her idle musings with bouquets of flowers and tiny cakes. Her interest in diamonds had always been professional, not personal, waxing and waning in sync with whatever artificial value the De Beers were enforcing in the moment. A wedding had never been on her list of goals, a marriage even less so. She had craved luxury, security, independence, autonomy. Nothing she had seen as a child, watching forgotten in a corner, nor as an adult, peering through the windows of strangers, had indicated that marriage could be anything more than a gilded cage at best, an end to all she guarded fiercely at worst.
And yet here she was.
Selina had been determined to be present and fully engaged in the consequences of her decision. She had made this choice, herself, fully and of her own free will, and yet the muscle memory of her soul twitched, threatening flight at the first suggestion of a trap. If she detached herself, she risked reacting instinctively, spirit engaging in the gaps where the will faltered. So she had cataloged each moment, each sensation, carefully, a discreet notation in her mental dossier, a bespoke placard hung alongside the framed piece—the feel of her dress being zipped into place, velvet and lace pressed to skin; the clouded smell of the roses in the bower over her head, their blossoms full and heavy; the whirr of insects beneath the stringed quartet that beckoned her down the aisle.
It still felt like a dream. Selina felt herself doubled, reverberant in mind and body. She was present, present, present, and yet outside herself, forever echoing outward with a ringing ripple of awe. She smiled at all the right moments, true and real, and noted the faces that reflected their joy back from the seats on the lawn. She marveled at herself from afar. She spoke her vows, repeating solemn phrases of partnership, devotion, binding loyalty, and meant them even as her insides quivered. She heard them as if from someone else’s lips.
She was getting married.
She was getting married.
She was married.
Selina Renée Kyle, the Wayne silent but wrapped around her heart like silk, a band on her left hand and a kiss pressed to her lips. Married.
Bruce, as always, was her bolt, her fixed point as she swung through space. He had taken her hand in his at the altar and kept it through the ceremony, the vows, the walk back down the aisle, and the final round of photos that followed, letting go only briefly to sign the license. The prolonged touch might have felt restrictive, but instead it felt like the final check on her lines before rappelling through a skylight, that superstitious tug and the feedback of an anchor point that would not fail. He held her aloft.
Their rehearsal dinner had been small, intimate, restricted to the cherished few that knew who was truly getting married the following evening. Bruce, to Selina’s surprise, had chafed against the wedding pageantry his status demanded and had made a bid for the ceremony to mirror the dinner, held before no more than a handful of witnesses.
“You and me,” he had said, words breathed into the side of her neck. “The kids. Alfred. That’s all we need.”
Selina knew better.
Read the full fic on AO3
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Always Read the Fine Print Chapter 2
Chapter 1
Who actually reads all the terms and conditions? After mindlessly checking a box years ago, our Reader unintentionally agrees to be part of a scientific study to create super soldier babies. To make matters worse, her fellow test subject is the brooding and intimidating Bucky Barnes.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Reader finds out exactly what Bucky wants out of this experiment.
Warnings: arranged marriage, forced proximity, eventual smut, lots of angst
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Bucky Barnes was sitting right across from you. His long brown hair was neat and smooth but hiding his face. He wore a white button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up. That's really hot, was the first thing that popped into your head. You immediately chastised yourself - now is aggressively not the time. He had a subtle stubble and dark circles, which made his light eyes stand out. The look on his face confused you. You could tell he was pissed, but when his eyes met yours, it turned to...pity? Guilt? Embarrassment? He could barely look at you. Before you had time to analyze the meaning behind his expression, his lawyer started talking.
"Sergeant Barnes has a few stipulations regarding this study. He WILL participate, as his contract demands, and he will do so without resistance. However, he will only be paired with one test subject. If this young lady is the only viable candidate you have for the study, after all these years, then I would assume she will be the one."
"You can't make demands like this, the study may require more than one test subject who could produce offspring. His request is denied," the woman flatly responded.
"With all due respect, you've spent years looking for a subject who has even the slightest possibility of moving forward with the study. It would be foolish to jeopardize his complacency for the chance you MIGHT find another subject. Now if you don't mind, I was not finished with his request," the lawyer retorted. "Sergeant Barnes would like to uphold the young lady's honor. If he is to produce a child with this woman, he would like to do so properly. He would like to propose a marriage arrangement, along with their own house free from your poking and prodding."
The woman looked to the others in the room, took a deep breath, and relented. "Alright, if Barnes wants to live his little apple-pie life, we'll sign off on it. But the timeline for an expected pregnancy just moved up. And let me make this very clear: you are not in a position to make any more demands. After your little stunt last week, you're on thin fucking ice."
With that, she and the others left the room, leaving you alone with Bucky and his lawyer.
"I'll get the marriage license in order, as well as negotiate your living quarters. I'll keep in touch. Who knows what timeline they're expecting now." The lawyer finished packing his briefcase and walked towards the door. No no no no, please don't leave me alone with him, you thought. I don't know what to do or say. Where do I even go? Back to the hotel? After all of this?
The sound of the door closing made you jump, even though you knew it was coming. You looked down at your wringing hands, bursting with nervous energy, unsure of what to do next. Do you introduce yourself? Make small talk? Was someone going to escort you back to the hotel? Your mind was reeling. You knew for a fact your face was flushed and your eyebrows were furrowed, which made you even more embarrassed. You decided you'd ask him what happened last week that put him on thin ice. Just as you mustered the courage to ask, he spoke up.
"I'm sorry," he said quietly. His voice was raspy and low, barely a whisper. This confused you. Isn't he just as much a victim as you are?
"I don't understand," you responded, "this isn't your fault. We're both trapped." He nodded slowly, trying desperately to keep composure.
"If it weren't for me, there would be no study. You wouldn't even be here," he said. He was getting angry, his volume slowly increasing. So much for keeping his cool. "Now you're stuck. With me. I'm trying to do the right thing, but you don't understand, I'm not a good person. I've killed people. A lot of people. And now you're stuck." He stood up and started pacing the room. You felt the need to console him, but you weren't quite sure where to start. How do you calm down the Winter Soldier?
"Bucky listen to me. This is not your fault. We're in the same boat; we need to be a team. That's the only way we're gonna get through this." You stood up and slowly made your way towards him.
"You're not getting it - we don't 'get through this.' This is forever. This is the rest of our lives. The rest of our kids' lives. There is no happy ending, it's just being lab rats until we die." His words were starting to sink in and you realized he was right - this little science experiment will never end. As you struggled to say something - anything - a couple agents entered the room to escort you back to your hotel room. Part of you was relieved. Maybe with some quiet time, it'll sink in that you're about to become Mrs. Barnes.
Chapter 3
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chaithetics · 11 months
Porcelain and the Shark: The Engagement
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Pairing: Stewy Hosseini x f (Roy) reader
(reader has anxiety, no use of y/n, physical descriptions or other names but does have the nickname Porcelain/Porce - due to family viewing her that way not because of her complexion)
Word count: 4.8K
Prompt: they go to Logan to announce their engagement, he’s pleased that his baby is marrying a “shark” and that she’ll be “taken care of” and that Stewy is joining the family. Stewy is happy to let him believe he’ll be “joining them” when in reality he’s taking her. He’s just waiting for the marriage license to be signed. Shiv is pissed when she finds out her baby sister is getting married before her, finally stops blowing off Tom about moving in together and pushes it forward lol
Chapter warning: 18+ MDNI (smut-free fic) established relationship, fluff, soft Stewy, anxious reader, anxiety/panic attacks, a few f bombs, mentions/allusions to childhood abuse, canonical Roy Roy family being Roys...
Authors note: Sorry for the delay in this one! I've been blown away at the love that the Stewy fics have gotten but it's been so, so, so touching how much love Porcelain and the Shark has gotten and how it's resonated with people. It makes me so happy, I absolutely adore you all and I hope you enjoy this installment! This hasn't been proofread properly (obviously), and I feel like the ending is a bit rough (I really just wanted to get this out haha). Thank you again to the nonnie who sent in the original asks and inspired this! Please do let me know what you all think! Comments, reblogs and asks are more than welcome and very much appreciated!
Stewy had proposed a couple of days ago and it was perfect, to say the least. He hadn’t bombarded you with a grand gesture, done it in a public space, you’d felt no pressure or anxiety over any of it. The last few days had been spent in a blissful, engaged, Stewy-encompassing bubble. You weren’t quite prepared yet for it to burst by being brought back to the real world and sharing that news with your family. 
There was a family lunch today. You and Stewy had discussed attending that and that being the opportunity to tell your family, then there was dinner with the Hosseinis to share the news as well. You were grateful for that at least. Stewy’s family were much more stable and kinder than yours. They had always been more welcoming to you and had treated you better than your own family had. You knew they’d be happy about the news and Stewy did too, it would be nice to have some family members genuinely be happy about it you thought. 
Connor would be happy without a doubt so that was something. Kendall would be more civil than your siblings but it would also depend on his mood. Shiv and Roman were responses you weren't looking forward to. And well, your father was painfully unpredictable. 
You’re still lying in the bed, wrapped up in the duvet. Feeling content at the idea of never leaving the bed when Stewy comes out of the shower, he smiles at you as he walks over to the walk-in closet and starts to pick out his ensemble for the day. 
“I don’t want to go and tell him.” You say, breaking the comfortable silence. 
“Are you regretting this?” Stewy asks somewhat earnestly as he finishes dressing. 
“No, not at all. He’s just scary.”
You didn’t regret it at all, you loved being with Stewy and you were excited about the whole concept of this being another milestone in the relationship. He made you extremely happy and you were in love with him. But you did find your father terrifying and you knew that your siblings would probably find a way to trample on this. You didn’t want to subject Stewy to that and well any venom that might leave your father’s mouth. 
“I’ll hold your hand the whole time.” He quietly promises. 
It's not a cure. Or a perfect solution but it's a reassuring and loving one. It's something.
“Okay.” You whisper, you look up at him as he comes over and puts one of your hands into both of his, they’re warm and soft. He gives your hand a reassuring squeeze in his comforting hold and then brings your hand up to his lips to press a gentle kiss there. 
There are butterflies floating around in your stomach when you arrive at your father’s penthouse, even with Stewy firmly behind you. As you enter both of you are quickly greeted by Marcia, the perfect hostess, as usual, you can feel the butterflies with every movement and breath and you swear they’re somehow multiplying and bypassing the whole cocoon stage. 
You’re too anxious to carry out a conversation with Marcia that goes beyond the polite pleasantries as even that’s difficult. Stewy carries the conversation which you’re grateful for. Part of his body is pressed behind you and his hand rubs circles gently onto your hip. Marcia immediately notices the anxiety on you. Your eyes are widened and your head occasionally turns when you become startled hearing your siblings argue and jest. 
“Mon chéri, are you feeling okay?” Marcia asks you, you panic for a second tripping over words in your head and nod. Stewy looks at your face carefully, hating that you’re so anxious. It’s radiating off your body like its own energy source and he can feel it. 
“Mmhmm.” You hum nervously and your voice is in a higher pitch than usual as you lean into Stewy a little more. 
“Okay, okay.” She says softly at you. She gives your arm a little squeeze and then walks past you, pretending it’s for the sake of going back to greet other guests in the house but you and Stewy know it’s because of your state and she wants to give you a moment. 
“We can say you’re unwell if you want to go home. We can do this another time.” Stewy murmurs into your hair as he presses a kiss to the top of your head. You sigh out, and shake your head slightly. 
“No, no. It’s okay, I think we just need to tell Dad and it’ll go.” He nods and chews on the inside of his cheek for a moment before giving you another kiss on the top of your head. 
“Time to find Sir Roy.” He says in a more playful tone, hoping that’ll ease you out of the anxiety cocoon a little and bring a bit of positivity to the tense air that is all that can be breathed in in the penthouse. 
“Are you okay?” Roman asks. 
“Y-yes, yes, yes.” He looks at you, not a single line of belief is etched into his face so you continue with your voice breaking a little. “Yes! Yes, Roman.” 
“You sure? Because you kinda sound and look like the ‘before’ in an ad for Xanax.” His tone’s somewhat playful but there’s a look in his eyes that has concern. It was pretty visible you were pretty anxious and on the verge of a panic attack or you’d already had one. Roman couldn’t tell but his gaze was a bit softer for a moment as he looked at you. 
Roman’s gaze flickered to Stewy for a moment, Roman did think it was a bit odd how quiet Stewy was and wondered if that was a cause for anxiety but you still seemed more comfortable around him than anyone else. 
“Dad?” You squeak out as your gaze locks on your father’s before Roman can ask you another question about your state. 
“Yes, Porce?” He responds looking over at you curiously, the squeak catches his attention. He walks a bit closer taking in a large apprehension in your eyes.  
Logan thinks you look as fragile as ever, his faint-hearted porcelain doll of a daughter is the literal thought he has, he almost says it to you. Stewy sees the thought in your father’s face and it makes him uncomfortable. He hates how you’ve always been viewed as a fragile piece of fine chinaware that needs to be kept on a shelf, locked away almost or else you’re at risk of slipping and cracking which would be twisted amusement to your family. 
“Can we go into the study for a minute please?” You quietly ask as you fidget with your fingers, trying to give him the most pleasant smile you can while trying not to draw attention to yourself, despite knowing it’s useless. 
He looks at you and his brow quickly furrows and then his gaze which is strongly laced with suspicion lands on Stewy. 
“No, nothing’s wrong Dad, just please-”
“What is it?” He asks more firmly, his patience slipping for a moment as he glares at his future son-in-law. 
His attention stays on Stewy before briefly turning back to you for a moment. He doesn’t look or sound impressed. The command in his voice has now caught the attention of everyone else in the penthouse. Their eyes focus on the three of you and you can feel it. 
“Study. Please. Dad.” You breathe out. Stewy begins to start rubbing his hand in a comforting circle on your back. 
“Please, Mr Roy? Just a quick chat about some good news?” Stewy asks as he continues to stand next to you for support. His voice is level, far more confident and assertive than yours. Logan looks at you again, it’s the doe-eyed eyes of his porcelain doll who rarely asks for anything that makes him give in to the request. 
“Oh fuck it, fine.” Logan huffs out as he then walks to the study. You follow behind him and Stewy gives your side a little squeeze as his hand stays on your back. His body is practically pressed against your side as a reminder that he’s here. You try to focus on your breathing and take deep breaths as you head to the study. 
You walk into the study and Logan leans against the desk, raising his eyebrows at you and waving his hands out in a dramatic gesture for you to spill whatever it is. Your heart is pounding so loud, it feels like somebody has gone inside of you to record it just so they can blast it in your ears like an obnoxious podcast. You can tell your father is becoming impatient as you twiddle with your fingers. 
Your hands shake a little and you try to ground yourself with the calming sensation of Stewy’s hand still on your back. His other hand quickly softly holds onto one of your hands, as he fulfils his earlier promise his hand gently squeezes yours. 
“Stewy and I, we’re engaged. He um, Stewy proposed a couple of nights ago. We wanted to tell you first.” You finally get out. 
“Oh?” You're terrified at that response, somehow it feels more chilling than if he'd been vocal with disdain. It's the uncertain nature. Stewy, rubs his thumb over your hand picking up on how you tensed up again. There’s an undecipherable blank look on Logan’s face that makes you want to melt into Stewy. 
“That’s good.” Logan had looked down briefly and now he’s looked back up, his gaze is on you but it then flicks over to Stewy and stays there for a moment. 
“Thank you-” 
“Marrying a shark.” 
“What?” You immediately, sharply blurt out as your eyes widen, Stewy’s eyes widen at that as well and his eyebrows dramatically raise so high that they nearly touch his hairline. 
“No,  I’m glad, he’ll… he'll look after you.” He looks at Stewy, it’s an expression that doesn’t contain disdain but you have absolutely no idea what it is. You quickly think that could be worse. “You need that. I’m glad that you’re taken care of in that way, Porce.” You and Stewy are silent at that but then your father continues again. "Are you pregnant?” 
“No, we’re not. That wasn’t a factor in this sir.” Stewy promptly responds as he looks at Logan. 
Stewy’s trying to be polite like he always is, polite like how his parents raised him to always be. His loving parents that are nothing like yours. He wants to say that you don’t need protecting, everyone knows about your anxiety but that doesn’t make you the porcelain doll or dormouse that they think of and treat you as. That what you have is a loving and respectful partnership of equals not designated roles of perceived weaknesses and strengths. 
But he knows that would sour this moment and that it would make everything worse. You know that marrying Stewy makes it easier to step away even more from your family. In the ways that matter and are more detrimental. It’s something you’re both more than aware of. 
“I can expect grandchildren though?” He asks the question seriously. The question felt prepared and he surprisingly looked almost disappointed in Stewy’s answer, which greatly surprises you. He wasn’t as cruel to Sophie and Iverson as he had been to you and your siblings but nobody would call him a warm and doting grandparent. You find the interest odd to say the least and Stewy shares that opinion as well. 
“Well yes.” You’re a little more at ease but still taken aback at the whole conversation and the nature of this topic is beginning to make you feel a little uncomfortable. “Eventually… That’s the plan…” 
You and Stewy had discussed children and were in agreement about that but it was still a couple of years away at least. The idea of timing was something you’d both agreed on and you were happy with it. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t excited about the idea of Stewy as a father. 
“Good, good. Well, that’s good Porce. Well uh congratulations to you both.” He says it as he appears to be thinking something that he’s not voicing, he appears to be choosing his words carefully but he then gives you a hug.
 “Well, welcome to the family officially, I suppose.” He says as he shakes Stewy’s hand. “You should tell the others, celebratory lunch now, huh.” His gaze is serious but it looks almost content, he’s not looking at either you or Stewy though. You have no idea how to interpret any of that. Then he leaves the study and closes the door behind him. 
“That was weird.” You finish off for Stewy. He nods at that. As you’re both left in the now silent shadow of your father’s chaos. The study feels a lot more quieter and larger now that he’s gone, almost darker you think. 
“Yeah, it was.” He says as he rests his chin against your shoulder and presses a few soft kisses to your neck. “How are you feeling?” 
“Um.” You pause to think for a moment, you’re definitely less physically anxious now but it’s still there a bit and your mouth feels a bit dry. But you don’t know how to feel, you should feel happy and celebrated by your family in this moment and you know it could’ve gone worse, part of you was expecting that. But you didn’t expect this overwhelming sense of confusion, it engulfs you. “Better. Weird though I guess, I don’t know what to make of that all really.” You answer as you relax into his warm arms. He presses some more soft kisses to you as a response and you lift one of his hands up to your lips to press a gentle kiss there. 
 “I guess we break the news to everyone now?” He breathes out against your neck, it tickles a little and gets a small giggle out of you. 
“I guess so.” You whisper while nodding, even though you want to stay frozen like this in Stewy’s proximity. It’s free of cruel words and unreadable gazes. 
Your father broke the news almost immediately as you and Stewy were out of the study. Marcia congratulated you both and seemed genuinely happy for you. Connor immediately hugged you and he gave Stewy a hug as well. That was sweet you thought and you were grateful for Connor's kindness, Shiv had just nodded at the whole thing which wasn’t too surprising. Something was bound to be said soon you knew. You then saw the glint in Roman's eyes and immediately knew you didn't want to hear whatever was going to come out so you went in search of the wine, even though Marcia had asked some of the staff to get out champagne. Shiv quickly follows you. 
“How did that go?” Kendall asks as he sidles up to Stewy, ignoring the fact that Connor was in the middle of a sentence to Stewy. 
“Well he called me a shark,” Stewy says bluntly as he takes a sip from his glass, watching Shiv follow you and start a conversation. The conversation didn't look too tense yet Stewy noted.  Kendall looks confused for a second as he processes what Stewy said but is brought back as Roman snorts loudly behind them and laughs like a hyena. “So you know, fucking A- considering everything.” Stewy bluntly continued. 
“Fuck, that’s amazing!” Roman says still laughing, Stewy raises his eyebrows and gives him a bemused look. 
"Well, it's you know something…" Connor says noting that Stewy looks impressively unaffected by the moniker. 
"Do you remember when Porce went vegetarian? Marrying a marine apex predator, that's like… just so Greenpeace ally of her!" Roman teases in a feminine vocal fry register. "But hey, congratulations man for joining the gilded cage!" 
"Rome-" Connor says. 
“So what, housewife Hosseini?” Shiv asks as she comes to stand right behind you. 
“Well I’ll be wife Hosseini at least, haven't decided on the rest. Looking down on housewives Shiv?” You ask somewhat innocently while looking at the bottles of wine. 
“You’re going to change it?” She asks shocked, her voice goes up and there’s a look of horror etched onto her face. 
“My name?” You don't dare to look away from the labels, you know the answer, you know what she thinks but you don't want to know what the expression is on her face, you don’t want to see it. 
“You’re not changing it to Hosseini are you?” She's audibly horrified at the prospect her voice heavily tinged with disgust that's clear. “Probably, I don’t know. It’s still early betrothed days.” You answer softly, trying to ignore the anxiety your sister gives you and instead on the love you have for her. Shiv stands back for a second and chuckles humourlessly.
“You’re un-fucking-believable! You know that right?” She exclaims. 
You then look up at your older sister as you pick a bottle up and start pouring yourself a glass. You do it somewhat unflinchingly, which shocks her but she does her best to hide it, you see a glimmer of it in her always piercing blue eyes though. She’s especially surprised as she’d seen how you were when you came in and started the conversation with Logan. 
"Do you want one?" You ask. You're not sure what else to say to her other than that. 
"No- God. Fuck off." Her tone is now irritated and she looks at you for a moment, analysing you like you're a foreign species that's never been encountered before. One that horrifies and intrigues her all at once.  She pauses for a moment thinking over her words. "You know, Tom and I are planning to move in. It's basically all confirmed." 
Her manner is curt, you sense another shift in the tension. It makes your shoulders tighten a little. 
“Oh? That’s great news, Shiv. Congratulations, I’m happy for you both!” You say to your sister and she just continues to analyse you for a few more seconds longer than you’d like so you turn around to walk away with your glass of wine. 
Shiv then goes to talk to your father and you see your brothers talking to Stewy. Tom awkwardly stands on the outskirts of the inner circle that has been formed, it’s typical fashion of your brothers to essentially, completely ignore Tom. You can’t help but feel sorry for the socially awkward, desperate-to-be-liked man. He hasn’t been in the picture as long as Stewy, Rava or Grace which doesn’t help his case either. 
“Hey Tom, how are you?” You ask somewhat quietly as you come to stand by him. He jumps a little at the sudden movement and acknowledgement but visibly relaxes when he sees it’s you. 
“Uh hi, good, good, good. How are you? Well obviously good!” He awkwardly laughs for a small moment and you politely smile at him. “But congratulations! That’s exciting.” He nods while speaking. 
“Thank you! And congratulations to you too!” He smiles at you but his brow furrows a little at that. “About you and Shiv- she said you two are finally moving in?” 
“Oh? Oh! Well, we’d talked about it a few times but she was a bit uh hesitant… I didn’t know… When did she uh say this?” He asks. 
You can see the confusion on his face, a glimpse of detectable sadness. He doesn’t have an issue being this frank with you because he doesn’t view you as a threat or a manipulator. It would be an entirely different and even more painfully awkward conversation if it was your brothers. 
“Just-just before Tom. It might’ve just been good news girl talk before she wanted to chat with you. I’m sorry.” 
“Yeah, yeah sure. It was probably just girl talk.” He says it unconvincingly, more to himself than you.  
You and Tom both know it wasn’t girl talk. You and Shiv have never done anything like that. It’s clear to both of you that this was some way to try and draw attention away from your news. You know that it’s also linked to the fact that you’ve reached a milestone before her, one that she wishes she’d gotten to before you, especially because of your father’s reaction. It was part of a Shiv mind game because every Roy child was preprogrammed to compete in every aspect of life. But in particular, for your father’s affection and praise. 
“Well um, would you excuse me, please? Thank you.” He says and you nod and then he’s gone. 
"Eating you alive?" You ask with a small smile directed at Stewy as you step closer towards him and your brothers. He shakes his head softly at you and smiles warmly. It’s such a comforting sight, there’s just pure adoration in his features and it’s the nicest feeling. You can’t help but smile widely at him.
Roman lets out another loud, hyena-esque laugh at your question though. "We're the shark meat here." He quips with a large, goofy smirk. 
"You told them?” You question with a sigh while looking from Roman to Stewy.  “He'll never shut up about it! It's going to be a lifetime of shark jokes now." You say to Stewy and he smirks at you with a slight shrug. 
He doesn't really care what they say or think, it's only your voice he actually wants to listen to in this room and only your thoughts that he cares about. Your smile makes a lifetime of bad shark jokes from Roman worth it. As long as you're happy is what he thinks. Stewy also knows that this helps create more boundaries for you and a degree of separation for you to set and maintain more boundaries while getting further away from the haunted house. 
"You could've snuck-swam! Swam in a shark pun or something in there at least. God." Roman responds before walking off to get a champagne flute. 
“Maybe it’s time for you all to swim to the table for lunch?” Marcia says with a smile on her face that doesn’t quite reach her eyes, especially evident when Roman scoffs at her. 
“So?” Kendall comes over, leaning against your seat as he looks down at you as you sit down. Not everybody is in here yet and his tone is a bit playful but quiet. 
“So?” You ask back, dragging out each syllable. 
“You’re happy with everything?”
“Mmm.” You hum. “Why? If not, you’re going to storm the facilities for a different ring cut?” You ask with a small laugh as you tilt your head to look into his eyes, they twinkle a little as he smirks. 
“Uh-huh. I already have several people on standby, with uh fucking pitchforks and everything.” He banters back. 
“Such an organised and onto-it big brother must be the Capricorn in your chart.” 
“Well, I haven’t prepared for everything.” He says before taking a sip from his drink. 
“Oh?” You ask curious where this train of thought of his is going to go. 
“Still working on a plan to take out the uh groom-to-be if that’s required. Which it’s bound to be at some stage, for my uh sake if not yours.” He teases, your brow furrows at that and he can’t help but laugh at seeing that expression on your face. It reminds him of the shock and grumpy expression that would occasionally plaster itself onto your face as a child. 
“I’ll send you my next therapy invoice.” 
“If any of us kids should be paying for that, it’s Roman.” He says and you both laugh at that and nod. 
“You’re not wrong.” You reply as you look away from him to where Roman stands talking to Grace and Shiv. 
You then slump against the back of the chair and sink down a bit into it and look up at Kendall he laughs at that and then the humour leaves his eyes and they’re more serious as he looks down, hovering over you. 
“You are happy though?” He asks again, his tone more serious than before. You nod. 
“Yes. Extremely” You say as you look up at him and then poke his nose gently with a little popping noise. He rolls his eyes and laughs. 
“So mature.” 
“You’re the one that was offering to off my husband.” 
“It was a uh you know, heads up not an offer. Plan hasn’t been finalised for it to be a formal offer.” He immediately says. 
“Uh-huh. Because that makes all the difference.” 
“You fucking bet it does.” He says before going to take his seat next to Logan. 
The rest of the lunch had gone surprisingly okay for Roy standards. You were now at the home you and Stewy shared, recuperating from today’s lunch and getting ready for dinner at Stewy’s parents. Fortunately, that would be something that wouldn’t be emotionally and socially taxing at all, especially in comparison to your family’s gatherings. 
You’re in the ensuite finishing getting ready when Stewy comes over leaning against the doorframe, you give him a smile and you can see that he’s thinking about something as he watches you. 
“Wait a second,” Stewy says as his eyes focus on you in concentration. 
“What?” You ask looking at him quizzically. 
“There’s something in your eye.” 
“There’s nothing in my eye?” It comes out as more of a question than a statement as your tone is laced with confusion. 
“Yes, there is. Just wait!” He says sweetly as he comes over with a smile on his face, he plants one hand softly on your hip and the other on your cheek as he looks into your eyes closely, inspecting them. Your cheeks heat up at the intimacy of the touch and the look in his eyes.  
“I don’t feel anything Stewy-” 
“Just wait a second honey, please.” He pretends to get something from your eye that’s obviously not there and pulls it away with a pleased smile on his face. You chuckle a little at that and his smile widens at the sound of your laugh. 
His hand stays on your hip and his other quickly returns back to your cheek, his eyes are on your lips for a moment before they go back to your eyes. The sweetness in his eyes is still there but the playfulness is gone, replaced with just love and affection. 
“What was that for?” You gently prod and he flashes you another smile. 
“You’re just really pretty.” You giggle a little at that and he chuckles as well. “I just wanted an excuse to look at your pretty eyes again close up.” He admits with a genuine smile still on his face as he continues to look into your eyes. Your cheeks heat up again at that. 
“You don’t need an excuse for that.” You whisper while looking at his soft lips. “But that was pretty smooth Hosseini.” 
“Thank you, I’m glad you think so Mrs Hosseini to be.” He responds as he notices your gaze on his mouth. 
He quickly tilts his head and presses his lips against yours as his thumb brushes against your cheek. You wrap your arms around the back of his neck as your mouth opens to invite him in more, deepening the kiss. You continue to kiss, for longer than you probably should if you’re going to get to his family’s place on time. 
You eventually break away for air and he smiles at you, he looks absolutely smitten and that’s how you feel about him. 
“We need to go soon.” 
“Oh?” He asks playfully as if he’s oblivious to the dinner plans. 
“If we want to make it on time, we shouldn’t be late…” He then leans again to start pressing kisses against your jaw and then along your neck. He hums in agreement against your throat at that and you gasp at that. “Stewy!” 
“You’re already Baba’s favourite and I’m his son so I don’t think you need to worry.” He breathes out in between kisses. You giggle at that and nod. 
“Exactly, so I can’t risk that, can I?” You say with a smirk, he sighs out against your neck and it tickles. You gently place your fingers on his jaw and guide him back up for another deep kiss on the lips. 
“I suppose, we can go now.” He says melodramatically before he presses a kiss to your forehead. 
“How generous of you.” You say while smiling at him while wiping some of your lipstick off of him. 
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sicc-nasti · 11 months
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Do you like receiving your mail unopened and your packages in pristine condition - untouched by curious hands and peeping eyes? Do you love when your woefully embarrassing love letters filled with terribly written poetry to ur crush is delivered without an audience to read it?
If you said yes to any of these questions then WOW do I NOT have the guy for you!!!!
Meet your new favorite tenth class merc and failgirl mailman
The Courier! (Click for more of his story!)
An ex-con hailing from New York with a insatiable appetite for fraud, deli meats and violence - Courier deserves your vote!
Sure he���ll read your letters, snack on your treats you ordered from overseas and sign you up for a credit card without your knowledge but listen! He does it with the best intentions in his heart 💖. Courier loves you AND your extremely expensive imported German chocolate sent from your great great grandma !
Not enough for a vote?
Well, listen, im not above bribery. If you vote for him he promises to not read ur mail for like a week and INSTEAD write you up a totally not fraudulent marriage license to any merc you want!! How’s that sound for incentive, boss?
Keep your eyes peeped for more propaganda! He’s the one delivering the fliers, anyways.
Feel free to send asks!
Credits under cut
Tourney - @tf2shipswag
First two and last two pieces by me
Rest are in order of appearance
@/friendlyengie @/gearbroth _nanizzz_ @/scrapnick @/vacueye @/1-800-deactivatednearu
Thank you all so much for the art💖
278 notes · View notes
issacballsac · 10 months
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“Being Ben’s S/O„
He’s a bit dramatic at times but that doesn’t stop him from being the best boyfriend to you! Gn reader (I rlly hope I got his character right)
Reilly | O’Really
Forces you to help him bleach his hair
Has a mini panic attack when his roots start growing back in
As you may or may not know he bleached his hair to differentiate himself from Peter so he would be pissed if his natural colour came back too fast
“Is that brown I see?”
“What. No, where? Are you serious, I just bleached it!”
If you are a frequent gym-goer he’d go with you
Y’all are each others spotters
“You got this, lift it!”
If you don’t go to the gym often/not at all it’s alright he’d encourage you to go with him but would respect if you didn’t want to
Platonic or romantic relationship doesn’t matter he’s def gossiping with you especially about spiderverse shit
“I was just assigned on another mission and everything cause some kid came here and prevented Pavitr’s canon event and now wants to prevent his own canon event! Can you believe it?”
“Ben. What the fuck is a canon event?”
Can’t keep a secret
If you ever took him in a date to the carnival he’d start crying
Average bumper cars enjoyer
Very dramatic but if you lived the life he did you’d prob be seen as a bit dramatic too
In addition to this it would prob take a while before he tells you his entire past
Like he’s given you parts but never the whole thing
Give him time and he’ll tell you eventually
Shares headphones with you to show you his music taste and Vice versa
You guys have matching jewelry of some sort
Necklace, ring(non-marriage), bracelet, etc.
Comic Ben no, because his thoughts are written out in the narration box, but spider verse Ben narrates out loud while you guys are on a date or even just hanging out
No matter if your clothes fit him properly or not he’s wearing them just cause
Ofc he’d let you wear his too granted his closet isn’t very…diverse?
He doesn’t have bad fashion sense but like his closet is hella empty 💀
That hoodie though…🦀
Gives little kisses every morning even if you didn’t fall asleep together he’ll make sure to give you the routinely morning kiss
I see him as more of a little spoon? Feel free to disagree but I feel like he would want to be in your arms regardless if ur arms are slim or muscular
He DOES NOT CARE about appearance or anything like that bro jus wants someone to love him FR😭
Back to the silly shit
He cries during romantic movies
Especially if it’s a tragic one
His sobbing ruins the movie FR💀
“God—Ben can you cry quieter?”
“I’m sorry I just can’t believe she died before he could even tell her his feelings!”
Ugly crier fs
Isolated himself from the world after watching the notebook for the first time
Loves playing iMessage games with you especially 8ball and cup pong
He definitely cheats in Uno
Whether or not you help him cheat is up to you
Just know if you call him out on it he’s not talking to you for like a week
If your a regular dude he likes to show off with his powers and everything
If you’re a hero/villain/vigilante etc. he still shows off perhaps even more than before especially when your out doing whatever your doin💀
I could rlly talk abt him forever
He’s actually pretty smart just not in a common sense way
He’d make you come with him to get his ears pierced bc he’s a pussy
I love him and he IS hella strong and shit but he would definitely be too afraid to get his ears pierced
Getting thrown into a car? No problem!
Needle near ear? No.
He can cook a lil bit
No chef but if you want chicken and rice he WON’T give you food poisoning!😁🫶
Better at making drinks
Likes cuddling with you, watching random YouTube videos, and eating goldfish
Has a ritual of rewatching all Jersey Shore seasons at least once every month
Idk if it’s canon but he def doesn’t have a drivers license and you drive him everywhere💀
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billys-pretty-babe · 9 months
What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas
Pairing : Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader
Summary : A summer trip with your three best friends to Vegas should be fun right?
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Warnings : Underage drinking, swearing, implied smut
Word count : 2,092
A/N : Everyone is 18!
You've spent 2 days in Vegas so far and you don't think you've ever partied so much in your life. Your breakfast consisted of pain killers, electrolyte filled drinks and crackers to cure your hangovers. Tonight was different, Tommy and Carol decided on a whim to get married in one of the Elvis chapels.
Billy thought they were crazy, droning on about it in the hotel room. "So you'll never get married?" He scoffed, "Fuck no. I'm not putting my children through shit that I went through." He shook his head as he took a puff from his cigarette. "Yeah, well Neil's an asshole, you're not like him," you said as you laid in the large white bed in your hotel room. "I can see it. You meet some girl, real pretty, she's shy and quiet to balance out your craziness and you get a white picket fence and a good sized house and you'll have little Billy's running around and asking to see their aunt all of the time." He laughed and shook his head.
"Fuck that, no need for a wife or kids when I have your annoying ass." You mocked him and flicked him off and he laughed as he tossed his cigarette in a beer can and swished it around in the beer and backwash mixture. He laid beside you, slamming his feet down on the ground as he relaxed, looking at the ceiling. You looked at him, your face a few inches from the side of his head, if he would face you, the tips of your noses would touch.
"What's wrong?" He shook his head, "Nothing, they're so fucking stupid." You hummed, "They've been together since middle school, right? Maybe this really is what they want and it's not just the adrenaline of it." He hummed and nodded. "What if she's pregnant?" You laughed, "Wouldn't surprise me, they go at it whenever they can." He laughed and nodded, "That's true." You both laid in silence for a few moments before your door opened, Carol and Tommy walked inside.
"What're you guys conspiring about?" Billy laughed, "Nothing." He hummed, "Like I believe that." You laughed and shook your head. "What time do we have to leave?" Carol smiled, "Eight." You nodded, being left with a few hours of free time.
Now, it was dark outside as you and Billy sat on the uncomfortable chapel benches, his thigh pressed against yours, his pants were tight, you could hear it in his groaning and the way he had to keep readjusting himself. They signed the marriage license as Tommy popped open the champagne bottle, pouring it into four glasses, you and Billy were lucky the chapel was on the first floor of the hotel so that no one had to drive.
That was all you could remember that night, everything else was a blur. When you awoke the next morning, everything felt off but at the same time, you felt at peace, the most peace you had felt in your entire life and that all came crashing down when you heard a familiar groan and fingers under your left breast before bare thighs made contact with your own, his chest connecting with your bare back.
Fingers squeezed your own and you looked down, horrified as you saw his silver ring on your ring finger, clear tape on the band to fit you better, your own ring basically burned a hole in your back as it hung on Billy's necklace. He groaned again in your ear, his head gently nuzzling against the back of your own before you felt him still.
"Oh shit," he rasped out. "Oh shit is right." Instead of tearing himself away from you, he held you tighter. "What the hell did we do?" You shrugged, "No idea, I don't remember anything after we started to drink." He nodded and brought up your linked fingers, seeing his ring on your finger, his left hand going down his neck, tracing the dainty chain that laid perfectly on his skin and he twisted your ring in his fingers.
"There's no way they let us go through with it." You shook your head, "No way, they would've stopped it." Billy nodded. He sat up, his hair a mess and you laughed and attempted to smooth it as you saw his back, your skin heating up, your jaw dropping. "What is it?" He asked as he turned his head, pulling his skin to try and see. "Uh, you'll see." He nodded and grabbed the white sheet, ripping it from your body, leaving it for his viewing. "Damn, too bad I don't remember that." You quickly grabbed the white duvet, a few holes in it as feathers floated out.
"Damn," he exclaimed, "I was good then." You rolled your eyes, "Whatever." He laughed and wrapped the sheet around his waist, bruises and bite marks littered his stomach, v-line and the small glimpse of his thighs that you saw a flash of. He walked into your en-suite bathroom. "God damn," he exclaimed again as he walked out and waved at his body. "You got rabies or something?" You laughed and shook your head, shooing him back to the bathroom.
He leaned against the wall as you stood up, wrapping the blanket around your body, more feathers falling out. "I'm gonna shower. Wanna join? I won't touch you." You nodded and followed him, the blanket dragging on the floor and he laughed. "What're you laughing at, Hargrove?" He laughed once more, his hands going to your waist, "Well Missus Hargrove, I'm laughing at your makeshift dress." The name did something to you, like it fulfilled you.
"Shut up, William," you seethed and he let you go, laughing again as you both walked into the bathroom. "Bath or shower?" You sighed, looking at the jacuzzi tub. "Bath." He nodded and turned the water on and you turned the hot water up and he shook his head as he turned it down slightly before turning up the cold water. "Billy, no. Hot water." He looked at you, "No, I want warm. I don't need my skin melting off of me." You rolled your eyes and let him do what he wanted.
He looked in the cabinets, twisting the top off before flinging it on the tile floor as he dumped half of the bottle of bubbles into the bath water. He turned around, looking at the wall. "You can go ahead and get in. I promise, I'm not looking." You laughed and untucked the top of the blanket and got into the warm water, turning the hot water knob quickly and turned it back off as the water heated up.
"I'm not looking." He laughed and you looked at the mural that was on the wall and the water sloshed slightly as Billy got into the water, sitting across from you in the tub. "So, what are we gonna do?" You shrugged, "I don't know. I mean, is it even legal? Am I legally your wife?" He shrugged, "I don't know if we signed a license. I sure as hell can't afford a divorce right now." You nodded, "Yeah, neither can I." He shrugged, "Maybe it's not that bad." You raised a brow at him, "You were talking shit about marriage last night." He laughed, "Yeah but you're my best friend. It's not weird, I mean sure, my dick was inside you." You gagged and he laughed.
"Oh come on, it wasn't that bad," he said as he motioned to his stomach and to your neck and chest. "I say, we give this a chance, we actually try and then think about what we want." You nodded. "You know you have to stop fucking around now." He nodded, "I know, I don't care."
For the first time in Billy's life, he felt complete, you had always completed him but as he sat here in the hot water (which he wouldn't dare to bring up), looking at you, your skin holding a soft glow that only appeared after sex, your eyes held something that he couldn't place but it made his heart melt, he felt whole, he felt accomplished.
"I'm gonna get you a ring and then get us wedding bands." You nodded, "Okay," you softly said, the ring becoming slippery from the bubbles and the tape. You took it off, reaching over and placing it on the blanket. You got back into the water and Billy reached for you, bringing you close to him, your knees pressing into his biceps as you sat between his legs. He brought his hand up, it was soapy but neither of you cared. He placed it on your cheek, rubbing circles on the skin.
"Can I kiss you?" Faster than you would have liked, you nodded and he smiled and stopped rubbing his thumb on your skin, his hand moving down so your jaw was between his thumb and forefinger as he leaned down and kissed you, your hands immediately going to his shoulders.
A shrill shriek broke the two of you up, Tommy and Carol standing in the doorway, Carol's fingers over her eyes, Tommy's eyes wide. "What the hell did we walk in on?" Billy laughed, hand going to the middle of your back, softly scratching it. "Apparently, we got married last night." Carol nodded, "I know, I was a witness. I got it filmed too. Tommy and I have to go pick up the disks in a few hours." Billy nodded.
"Where's the license?" She pointed to the bedroom, "Top drawer, on top of the Bible." You both nodded and they left you both alone, the door slamming shut. Soon, the two of you finished up before getting dressed and you and Billy cleaned up the room as you put his ring back on your finger. He opened the drawer and there it was, the marriage license, both of your signatures on the page, sure they were wonky but you could clearly make them out.
"Move in with me," you said, no hesitation. You had moved out after graduation, living in an apartment by yourself in a city outside of Hawkins. He nodded instantly, "Okay." He put the license away, back in the drawer and sat in the middle of the bed, body sinking slightly. "No fucking way," he said as he got up, lifting the mattress slightly to see two wooden slabs broken. He looked at you, "Are you okay?" You nodded, "Yeah, I'm good, nothing hurts." He nodded and laid back down and you laughed as he slowly sank.
You laid beside him and he wrapped one arm around you, looking up at the ceiling, "Fucking Vegas, man. What happens in Vegas can't stay in Vegas." You laughed, "Sure can't." He laughed, "I feel like it would have happened eventually, there's no way we wouldn't have gotten married or stayed in a long-term relationship." You nodded, intertwining your fingers with his.
"Just sucks that we weren't sober when we did it." He snickered, "Which part?" You rolled your eyes, "The wedding, not sex." He hummed. "I think we should consummate again." You laughed, "Of course you do. You think with the wrong head." He laughed, body shaking as genuine happiness filled the room from the two of you.
Hours passed before Tommy and Carol showed back up, tossing the case beside Billy and he picked it up and placed it on the bedside table. "You're not gonna watch it?" Billy shook his head, looking down at you, your head on his chest as you slept. "Not without her, we're a team now, whether we remember it or not." Tommy nodded, hand on Carol's hip as she smiled as she watched Billy's grip tighten on you.
"So, you guys are gonna stay married?" He nodded, "Yeah, we're just gonna see what happens." Tommy nodded, a slight smile on his face, happy for his two friends. He and Carol left the room and Billy pulled your leg up over his waist, fingers barely connecting with your skin as he took mental pictures of each visible mark, scar, and everything else. You gripped his shirt in your fist and he held you closer, kissing the top of your head.
In just two years time, Billy had two mini-mes, his baby girl and his baby boy, his son carrying his first name and his baby girl carrying his mother's name. Who knew this would come out of a summer trip to Vegas when the two of you were eighteen?
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ohforficsake · 5 days
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The Margay: Chapter 10
Read the Last Page
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Summary: Santiago recruits Frankie to contract for a covert agency that pairs them with danger in more ways than one. A series of one-shot snippets taking place during and around missions.
Pairing: Frankie Morales x Sniper!OFC Audrey 'Moose' Goddard
Word Count: ~4.4K
WARNINGS: Triggers for themes of self harm/ suicidal ideation / fearing that someone will self-harm / Mentions of physical spousal abuse and escaping an abusive marriage. Please read with care.
Rating: Explicit 18+ / language / mentions of past drug use / Minors DNI
A/N: Frankie tries to put himself back together. Frankie tries to figure out why the fuck he's like this. Audrey realizes there is something she's afraid of.
Dividers by @cafekitsune
As always, this is un-beta'd, please do shoot me a message with any typos. Feel free to pop into my inbox if you'd like to chat. We've only got one chapter after this for these two. I hope I do them justice. Here goes nothing.
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Francisco spends the next two weeks in hiding.
As much as Benny’s place can be considered hiding. 
Santiago is too close to the thing and Will would have tried to pull it apart, deliberately. Methodically. So he could come up with a way to make it right.
Frankie doesn’t want solutions right now, he just wants to feel like shit.
And Benny knows Catfish fucked up somehow, because the last time Frankie was here was when he got hit with the coke charge that suspended his license. 
He supposes Fish hiding at his place is better than Fish running through an eightball. 
But Frankie’s first night here is the worst night Benny’s had since then.
The night after Tom died included. 
It wasn’t all on him then. 
He couldn’t hear Frankie’s stuttering sobs in the next room then.
His stomach didn’t churn with the wails that Frankie tries to stifle with pillows when the walls of his heart can’t hold them in any longer then. 
But Benny soon learns that Frankie going silent is far worse. 
And so he hauls himself from bed, grabbing his phone off the nightstand, and quietly makes his way across the hall to the guest bedroom, rapping two knuckles against the guest bedroom door.
Still, silence. 
“Listen, you ain’t gotta tell me what’s up. Not if you don’t want to. I just. I just gotta know that you’re okay, buddy."
“I don’t have fucking coke if that’s what you’re asking.” Frankie’s voice is hoarse. Muffled where he’s face-down in a wet patch on the pillow.
And Benny already knows because Benny checked his bags while Catfish was in the shower and nabbed Frankie’s keys and pocket knife to tuck into his own bedside table. 
But still.
“I just need to know—” Benny starts. Thinks better of it. Decides he couldn’t live with any more regret. Continues softly. 
“—that you’re not going to hurt yourself, Fish.”
“It’s fuckin’ fine, Benny,” Fish’s voice is only muffled by the door now. 
Benny stares at the ceiling. 
“Okay,” he rolls off his tongue. “Can you do something for me though?” He bends to sit on the floor with his back against the doorframe. 
“The fuck is it Ben?”
“Can we just—do a few breaths?”
And Fish doesn’t say “no” because Fish doesn’t say anything.
“I’m gonna put my hands on my stomach,” Benny reframes, “and breathe in through my nose. All the way in until I move my hands.” There’s a pause as he does. “And I’m gonna let it out and do it again.”
He repeats this cycle. A bit less instruction each time, but following through himself. Palms rising and falling over the worn jersey of his t-shirt. 
He repeats the cycle. 
Of forcing Frankie to breathe. 
Of ticking his nervous system cool.
Until he hears a mumbled, “thanks, Benny,” from the other side of the door. 
“Listen man,” Benny starts softly.
“I love you, okay?”
“Love you too, man.”
And he feels a bit better. 
But Ben Miller still doesn’t sleep that first night.
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Fish hangs around the house like a phantom for the next three days. Benny hears the creak of floorboards in the guest room. The latching of the bathroom door. The tv click through channels. 
Hears Netflix pause when it asks if Frankie’s still watching. 
He is. 
Baking shows from the sound of it. 
Benny tries the whole first day to offer him coffee and breakfast. Lunch and Pepsi, because maybe Coke would have been insensitive. Dinner and a beer. 
“‘M not hungry.”
“Frankie, you gotta at least drink some water.”
“Got some from the sink.”
So Benny takes to leaving snacks in the guest bathroom.
He breathes a little easier when some of them start to disappear. 
And he occasionally hears Frankie sniffling. And then hears deliberate breaths. 
He’s grateful to have given Frankie that at least. 
The poltergeist’s activity spreads on day five when Benny hears footsteps on the stairs.
And he has to fight a wince when finally the man appears. 
Frankie looks like a husk. 
Puffy eyes, hair matted down to his head. Overgrown, scraggly beard that's greying on sallow cheeks. 
And Benny just pulls two beers from the fridge, cracks them open on a magnet, and klinks the base of his against Frankie’s.
“Wanna watch the game?” 
“Sure,” Frankie mumbles.
And Benny breathes a little easier.
He clocks Frankie on the knee with his knuckles after about half an hour of silence, “hey, you eat today, man?”
“Don’t remember.”
“Go take a shower. Gonna order pizza. Sausage is good, right?”
“Not hungry.”
“I’ll get goat cheese on it.”
And Frankie sits for a beat.
He has a bit more color in his cheeks when he returns to the kitchen.
“Hey, you ever try meditation?” Benny asks after a bit through a mouthful of pizza. 
“No, I’ve never fucking tried meditation, Benny.”
“I can show you, if you want.”
“Not right now.”
“No,” Benny huffs through a bite of crust, “not right now. I’m gonna get you a journal too.”
And Frankie starts to protest, but he knows Benny is trying to offer him the tools that he himself uses to get him through.
There’s a Moleskin and a pen in the bathroom when Frankie ventures out in the morning. 
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And like summer sun after the spring equinox, Frankie emerges from his cave earlier and earlier each day.
“You wanna talk about it?” Benny asks one night from where he’s slumped down on the couch, beer in hand, basketball game on tv. 
“Nah.” Fish answers from the other end of the couch, taking a swig from his own bottle.
“‘S about Moose?”
“Yeah,” Frankie works a fingernail between paper and glass, the tack of adhesive catching on his fingerprints.
“She get hurt out there?”
“No,” Frankie answers.
After a minute.
“I hurt her.”
“You cheat on her?”
“Wha–no. No. It’s not like that. I didn’t cheat on her.”
“Good, you’d…” And Benny chokes off his first reaction.
“’S fine, you can say it.”
“I’d be a fuckin’ idiot. I already am. I’m aware,” Frankie scrubs a hand down his face. “I just. I said things I ain’t proud of.”
“So go fix it.”
And Frankie lets out an astonished huff at how simple the world is to Benny sometimes.
“You in a headspace for me to tell you somethin’?”
“Say what you gotta say, Benny.”
“Listen, Fish. You gotta just face it. And don’t just say 'I’m sorry' because girls hate that shit. Say what you’re sorry for and why you were a fuckin’ idiot for sayin’ it and that it’ll never happen again. And then don’t fuckin’ do it again. Not if you wanna keep her. Because that girl? She ain’t gonna put up with your shit.”
“She left.”
“She left because you probably pushed her away, Catfish.” Benny shifts on the couch to place his beer bottle on the coffee table, elbows resting on his knees before he finally looks over at Frankie.
“Look, I dunno what you said, but she’s got thick fuckin’ skin. Moose will take a lot of shit right on the chin and fling it back at you. So whatever it was, you gotta figure out why you said it. You gotta do that work on yourself, man. And don’t yank her chain, either. She ain’t gonna give you third and fourth chances.”
“You read that shit in a book somewhere, or you just got a lot of experience apologizing, Benny?”
“I do.”
Frankie scoffs.
And he wants to jump right up off of this couch, march up the stairs and slam the bedroom door behind him. But he knows what that would do to Benny. 
So he waits until the game is over.
Excuses himself with a “goodnight” and a “thanks for the beer.” 
He finally cracks open the journal Benny bought, and on the first page he scrawls:
Why the fuck am I like this?
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The hardest part, Frankie thinks, is that his neural pathways are still wired to her presence. 
Any second she’ll step through the doorway.
Wild black curls and a soft smile. 
A matter of moments before she’ll press her soft weight to his back and her lips to that spot just behind his ear with a soft hum.
Lithe warm body to cover his own.
A pretty little thing to be used when the need strikes and then…
His own words ring in his ears. Crumble the fantasy into powder.
The dreams don’t help either.
The ones of that night in her apartment. 
The way things could have gone.
Her hands braced against the wide expanse of his chest as she chases the high that will make her forget.
Both of them move to fit around his neck.
And she comes with his full name on her lips.
And he follows her with sparks bursting in the black at the edges of his vision.
Little death has green eyes.
Little death that slips through his fingers each time he palms his cock in search of relief.
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Frankie finds the strength to face Santiago once he’s back at his own place.
Strength or loneliness.
He’s not actually sure on that one. 
But he swipes a hand down his face after he shifts his truck into park in the driveway. He rubs it around to the back of his neck, fingers working at a knot there.
He's here.
Might as well.
Dinner passes without incident. Santi's fresh off the plane from Guatemala. And the hesitancy with which he discloses it tips Frankie off.
"How is she?"
Santiago angles hard dark eyes in his direction. And he wants to tell Frankie that she's distracted. That her gaze is constantly weighted with something that all of this dredged up. She's functional now but she's running on luck. Audrey can't afford to run on luck.
She's not well. But that's not Santiago's to confess.
“Frankie. What happened?” Comes out instead.
“I flipped.”
That’s all he needs to say for Pope to know how bad it is.
“What did you say, Francisco?”
“I…I was jealous seeing her there," he rubs at his lips with a finger. "With that man. And then I couldn't stop myself from thinking about everyone else. I said crude things.”
“We say crude things to each other all the time, that wasn’t it. What did you say, Frankie.”
“I talked about other men using her,” he swallows hard. “I…I called her a pretty little plaything to be used when the need strikes and then…”
“Discarded?” Santiago finishes, eyebrows in his hairline. 
“I didn’t," Frankie looks down at his lap. "Didn’t say that. Didn’t get that far.”
Santi runs his palm down his face and across his chin and springs from his seat. “Oh. Well then. What were you going to say? What did you intend to say when the first half of that sentence left your fuckin’ mouth. Huh? What was it, Francisco?”
“I wasn’t myself, Pope…I…”
“And you put your hands on her. Again you put your hands on her, Francisco.” And some dark part of Frankie’s brain thinks that where Pope took his side the first time, now he takes hers.
He should be taking hers.
“I saw the bruises.”
“I’m sorry…”
“Don’t fuckin’ apologize to me, apologize to HER.”
Gestured broadly in the direction of Washington DC.
“I did. I did that night,” his voice is a low rasp, “but I…I was a mess.”
“What did you tell her? I’m sorry with big fuckin’ tears in your eyes?”
“Yeah.” And the big fuckin’ tears are back. 
“You told her she was disposable, Francisco. I don’t care if the word didn’t come out of your mouth. That’s what you said. A body. Because you were thinking with what, your dick? You told her she’s unwanted. Unloved, Francisco.” 
And something in the way he says it makes Frankie think that he knows more than he lets on.
“The crocodile tears? That shit’s not enough. How many times has she grounded you? Pulled you out of one of your fuckin’ moods without asking what put you there in the first place? How many smiles has she put on your face, huh? She brought the fuckin’ light back into your eyes, hermano. I see it when you’re with her. How many times has she made you fucking feel something again, Francisco?”
“She fuckin’ sees you. Every. Fucking. Part. Of you," Santiago stabs two fingers of one hand into the palm of the other with every word.
“And you know what?” He points at Frankie now.
“She loves you anyway.”
“She doesn’t love me.”
“You know she sent your daughter a birthday present from you because she knew that you were gonna forget? Yeah. Your daughter’s birthday was a week ago, Francisco.”
Santiago’s kitchen is spinning.
"I should go," Frankie starts, wincing at the way his chair scrapes across linoleum when he stands.
“But you told her she’s a thing that you wouldn’t keep.” And he definitely didn’t tell Pope that.
“I think we both know that’s a lie, Francisco. But only one of us is willing to admit it.”
“And you know what? You shouldn’t. You don’t fuckin’ deserve her.”
“And it’s your own fuckin’ fault. I can’t help you out of that one.”
But Santiago knows how hard he just bit.
And the part of him that loves Frankie.
This wrecked shell of a man.
The part of him that doesn’t want to get a call in the morning about an overdose tonight.
Now tries to lick wounds.
He wraps Frankie in a hug.
And Frankie hugs him back with closed fists, heaving sobs into Santiago’s shoulder.
“I love you, man,” Santiago murmurs. “I don’t wanna see you throw away one of the best things that’s ever happened to you. The best thing since your little girl.”
“I don’t know what to do. Without her.”
And Santiago’s viscera twist with the pain in Frankie’s voice.
“We’ll figure it out,” he moves back a fraction, hand on Frankie’s shoulder. “We’ll figure it out together, okay?”
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Audrey tosses her keys, phone, and a stack of mail on her kitchen island, toeing off her sneakers as she piles her curls at the crown of her head and secures them with the tie on her wrist.
She washes her face and slips into the bedroom, tossing her clothes and bra onto the leather butterfly chair in the corner, swapping linen for the same tired t-shirt she's worn for the past two weeks.
It's one of Frankie's. Found at the bottom of a duffle that never got unpacked in the aftermath. Marled grey cotton that falls halfway down her thighs with a faded Corona Extra logo over her heart.
She idly pulls the collar up over her nose and holds it there as she sifts through the pile of mail.
An L.L. Bean catalogue.
An invitation to her cousin's baby shower.
A padded manila envelope.
From F. Morales.
She tears it open and pulls out a burgundy leather notebook with a yellow post-it stuck to the front.
I’m leaving this with you, because it feels fitting for you to have it. An exercise in remembrance. If you read nothing else. Please just read the last page.  x F
But Audrey’s brain.
The one that’s kept her alive after over 20 years on the razor’s edge of survival. 
Has already identified the worst possible contingency. 
And she frantically gropes for her phone with panic squeezing her chest.
Santiago answers not two seconds later.
“Yo,” he starts.
“Santiago, don’t say a single fucking word that's not an answer to what I ask you right now. Do you know where Francisco is?”
“Yeah, he’s sitting right across from me. All good.”
Her forehead falls into her palm as she heaves a sigh.
But it comes out very wrong.
Cracked and choked. High-pitched on the last syllable.  
"Okay," she repeats as her legs begin to falter. "Thank you. Thanks, Santi."
And Santiago hears the tremor in her voice.
The raw fracture as she sinks to the floor. Back braced against the cabinets. 
Santiago gets up from the bar table, feeling Frankie’s eyes on him and steps out into a cloud of smoke on the patio.
“Hey, hey, hey, Aud. He’s okay. It’s gonna be okay.” 
“He sent—sent me this book and this note and FUCK."
She's hyperventilating now. Now that she's past immediate danger.
Now that the feeling catches up to her.
The fear.
“The…the way he worded this, it. I’m sorry. Fuck, I’m sorry for bothering…”
“Hey, Aud no no no. What did he send?”
“A notebook. A note that says I’m leaving this with you.”
“He’s not there, Aud. He’s okay. He’s okay, I promise. He’s not in that space. Benny and Will are here. We’ve got him.”
And he hears the sharp gasp of breath through her constricted throat. The staccato of her letting it out on a sob between beats of her racing heart where everything she’s tamped down rushes out of a crack in the earth.
“He’s clean. He’s not, in that headspace. Not near that point, Audrey,” Santi coos, his own throat tightening now. “He’s okay.” 
The Operative spoke first.
The Woman is speaking now. 
And she means how do you know.
How the fuck can you be so sure. 
“We’ve,” Santi clears his throat, “we’ve been through this with Frankie before. Twice. He’s not there.”
And the tremor in her voice hits him like the first time he saw his dad cry.
“Take care of him. Please. Please take care of him.” 
In the softest voice he's ever heard Audrey use.
And it’s the simplest plea delivered to him as though she were tendering her still-beating heart. 
“I will, Aud. You have my word, I will.”
Santiago hears her let out a broken sigh that’s muffled by a hand over her mouth.
“Thank you, Santi.”
“He’s gonna be okay, Aud.”
The line goes dead.
And Audrey weeps on her kitchen floor.
Until she’s wrung moisture from the marrow of her bones.
She reaches up to grab the little burgundy notebook, thumbing through to the last page.
A date range, a week and a half from today.
And an address in Jamaica.
An address that she knows.
A place where her future split off a new branch. The limb that she’s curled on now.
And she doesn’t know if she has it in her to go there again.
But not knowing what more to do, she flips to a random page.
Had a good day today. Made it down to the gym with Benny and Will. Think I smashed my hands up a bit, but it still felt good after. 
It's a journal.
And she idly realizes she's never really seen Frankie's handwriting before. Composed of tightly wound capitals in places that languidly flow together at the same time.
It suits him.
Another entry.
Saw an old Chevy for sale today and thought about buying it and fixing it up. Part of me wants to. But I don’t think I can right now.
And she flips all the way back to the very beginning. 
Why the fuck am I like this?
The journal spans the nearly three months that they've been apart.
Therapist asked me this afternoon if I’ve talked to her. Told him I haven’t tried and he asked why. I don’t think she’d want to talk to me. But he said that’s a decision I’m making for her. Guess that’s right. Asked what I’d say if she did pick up the phone. I don’t actually know. He said would you try to convince her to come back. And I don’t think I would. Not because I don’t want her back, I want that more than anything in the world. I want a future with her in it.  But I don’t think it’s right to try to convince her. 
He has “convince” underlined twice.
I want to be better. I need to be better first. What’s that shit they say about if your flower bed sucks. You don’t fix the flowers, you fix the soil. You make it a good place for them. I’m not a good place for her right now. But I want to be. I already fucked one good thing up because I wasn’t. I can’t just keep doing the same shit. Not just for her, for Luci to. She deserves a good dad. Audrey deserves a good man. Trying to convince her wouldn’t actually change anything. I guess that’s good to remind myself of.
Chevy’s still there. Talked to the owner, said he’d knock $500 off it for a vet. I’d still give him full asking. Still don’t know if I’m ready. But I hope I’m getting there.
Been thinking about mom and dad a lot lately. That last fight they had before the divorce. How mom just looked so defeated. How she looked at us with so much love. Even after what dad did. Even though her whole world was breaking. Even though we’re half him. How she just told us to get our favorite toy and tucked us into the back of her car with our blankets and never looked back. I remember holding Mr. Bear so tight that night.  I don’t remember ever seeing the bruises. But they had to have been there.  I think I’m dad. The last thing I wanna be is dad. 
Audrey stands briefly, fingers closing around the nearest bottle of wine and the stem of a glass before she returns to the floor and Frankie's notebook.
I keep thinking about that question, what would I say if she picked up the phone. All I can come up with is I’m sorry and I love you. It doesn’t feel like it’s enough. 
Had a dream about Aud last night. We were sitting on a patio watching a storm roll in. It was like I could feel her right there. Today was hard.
She flattens her hand to her heart at that one.
Lucia said today she wants a puppy for Christmas. Her mom definitely doesn’t want a dog in the house. I think a cat’s better since she’s still so young. Tried floating that idea, didn’t fly. Wish I lived closer so she could have a cat at dad’s house. I’d worry about being away so often. Probably on Davis’ shit list right now though so maybe that doesn’t matter. Hadn’t thought about that until now. The last two years doing this set us up pretty well. College and a car for Luci aren’t an issue anymore. Haven’t felt that weight off until now. Feels kind of hollow.
Bought the Chevy. And Santi thinks he’s making progress. Maybe things are starting to look up. Still scares the shit out of me though. Dunno what I’m in for. 
I used to wipe the tears from Mamá's cheeks when she tucked me into bed. What the fuck am I now. This isn’t who I am. It’s who I was taught to be. It’s what I was shown. It’s wrong.  It isn’t love. It’s fear.
Talked to the therapist about dad today. About how I think he always resented me for being more like mom. For not liking the things he did. How he would yell at me for being soft. And useless. I still remember that. Dug that in every time he could. He hated when I cried. Hated that I would spend hours playing with Mr. Bear. Hated that I liked to read. I think some part of me still believes him. That I'm not enough. That I never will be. I'll never be anything. And I fear it sometimes. Why would she want a useless fuck-up like me.
"You're not," Audrey whispers, running her fingers over the page like somehow it will carry her message to him.
I think he was afraid of irrelevance, at the end of the day. I wasn’t interested in anything he knew. Anything he could teach me. Think it made him lash out. And Mamá still got the divorce. Made him fuckin irrelevant anyway.  I think he got one fuckin awful lesson in that I never asked for. Love isn’t lashing out. It isn’t screaming or yelling. It isn’t won with a fist. But I think it fucked me up, seeing only that. I think I learned that from him. I look like him. But I’m not him.
Tears slip down her cheeks as she presses on.
Leaving for Oklahoma tomorrow. Santi’s coming with. Says we’ll have some fun while we’re out there. Part of me is looking forward to it. The other part of me doesn’t know if I’m ready. It’ll either move me forward or set me back. No way of knowing but to try. Because I can't stay here. I can't live like this.
The entries go silent for a week.
Just got back. Needed that time away. Think it helped clear the doubt. Feel better than I have in weeks. It was the right choice. Oklahoma is pretty in the summer. 
And a zing of jealousy for whatever is in Oklahoma shoots through her. 
As if she doesn’t have something of her own there. As if that’s not the first place she ran to. 
I wonder if I should give this to her. If it might be able to say everything that I can’t seem to. Because I know in the moment, if ever there is one, I’m gonna fuck up. I’m gonna look into her eyes and forget everything I want to say. “I’m sorry, I love you” is all I’m gonna have. And it isn’t enough. 
“I love you too, Frankie.” She whispers into her kitchen.
She thumbs the long tails of his “y”s. Lazy “r”s that always bleed into the next letter. 
But it’s the notion that his hands touched these pages. 
Formed these words.
Shed salt upon ink in places.
The way she holds some essence of him in her hands.
The way all she wants is to hold him again.
It’s two hours and three quarters of the bottle of wine gone when she makes her way through, again flipping to the last page. 
Her knees crack as she stands, grabbing her packet of Parliaments and lighting one off a gas burner. Three long draws before she sits back on the floor between her wine and Frankie's journal.
Fingertips reach for the glass of her phone as she opens her messages and taps on the “FM” bubble right at the top of the page.
I’ll be there.
Read 1:36 am.
Three dots appear on the screen.
I can’t wait to see you, Aud. I miss you.
And she doesn’t respond right away.
She can’t see through the tears.
I miss you too, Frankie. 
I miss you so much.
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Taglist: @harriedandharassed @missladym1981 @sarcasm-theotherwhitemeat @toomanytookas @spookyxsam
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@jessthebaker @tanzthompson @youandmeand5bucks @ems-chaos-corner @thethirstwivesclub
@76bookworm76 @tuquoquebrute @jeewrites
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tayshifts · 2 months
Extra things I scripted into my MHA DR
Some are safety related and some are for my convenience as i was worried about them
Mosquitoes, lice, ticks, fleas, cockroaches, silverfish, and bed bugs don’t exist.
There is no rape in my DR.
There is no racism or racial prejudice.
There is no homophobia and no transphobia. There are no surgical requirements for transgender people to be able to change their gender legally. No ban on same sex marriage or same sex adoption. Equal fucking rights. LOVE IS LOVE BITCH
I take Mineta’s place in Class 1-A. Mineta is not in my DR.
UA has always had the dorms.
I have enough money to always live comfortably. UA provides all students with stipends
No one in my Class or Class B will die.
Midnight will not die
Present Mic will not die
All Might will not die
Eraserhead will not die
There is no hero licensing exam. We are given our licenses at the discretion of our teachers at our school, based on when they think we are ready for them. Class 1-A and 1-B all receive hero licenses after the events at the Training Camp and Kamino.
TikTok exists in my DR, younger heroes often have their own TikTok accounts to gain popularity.
Current music exists in my DR
We speak English at school but everyone is fluent in both english and japanese
I cannot be expelled
The Hero Support course develops a fabric for Hagakure so that she can wear something during hero work and still retain her invisibility. AKA used her hair as a base like they did for Mirio
Hagakure can also control when she is invisible and since her hero quirk will be similar to Mirio’s in concept, it will turn invisible with her
I do not know the plot as it will play out beyond where I enter my DR. For example, I will not know about the attack on the Camp prior to the attack starting
There is no Covid-19 in my DR
We have the same homeroom teacher for all three years at UA.
UA has professional therapists to help hero students cope with stress and emotions that come with hero training. These therapists can make sure students in need of mental health counseling and medication receive the proper care. (Amajiki)
UA is a college and all students are 20 upon entering their first year at UA, no matter the program.
Eri is not aged up, despite all other characters being aged up. She is still a child.
I will always remember my classmates and their hero names
Spotify Premium is just how spotify works in my DR, for free
UA gives students access to all streaming platforms. Netflix, Disney, HBO, Hulu, etc
Squishmallows has ProHero squishmallows
Sir Nighteye doesn’t die. He is injured but he and All Might will reconcile and All Might will finally explain why he couldn’t give the quirk to Mirio
The War Arc doesn’t happen, there is a better solution
Instead of the Licensing Exam, we do interschool training exercises to promote working together in the future and being exposed to other future heroes, not just our class or school’s.
I have the right adaptors/chargers/etc for outlets used in Japan
The zombie ova doesn’t happen
I understand the metric system
I understand the yen to US dollar conversion and my banking is set up when I arrive, so I don’t need to worry about it
We have the same dorm building all three years, they just change the signage to signify what year we’re in
Each dorm room has its own private bathroom. There are still the communal baths
Fatphobia is a no <3
Hidden cameras in public and nonpublic spaces aren't a thing.
The toilets are like the ones in America
ADHD/stimulant drugs are legal. I have no issues getting any of my needed medications in Japan and can get them easily from local pharmacies
Stronger Western deodorants are available in Japan, easy to find
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