#for my baby cousins who live like two hours away so if i dont give it to them during the christmas meetup id have to mail it
macroglossus · 1 year
okay BUT. i finished the two paintings that have a time limit!
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mousydentist · 2 months
More KPTS fics <10k words that altered my brain chemistry
PART 2: Misc Relationships
here we go again! this time, these are all fics that fit somewhere outside the big three pairings (kp, vp, kc). more (WAY more) than a few deal with sensitive topics, so the back button is your friend! enjoy <3
One Bright Moment by sparkly_butthole @sparkly-butthole-on-ao3
Rated E. Creator chose not to use warnings. Summary:
“Okay,” Porsche says slowly, “who is the smartest person we know? We should start there.” “Arm,” Pete responds immediately. “He’s a scientist. A tech geek.” “As opposed to?” “A magician? I don’t know.” Or: Porsche and Pete swap bodies. No one knows what to do about it.
this fic is ssooooo conceptually amazing, i'm absolutely obsessed with the interactions between the characters and the smangst gives it extra bonus points too. god VEGAS in this fic is literally spectacular, stunning, perfection
Complicated by Dumpster_Fire_x @dumpster-fire-x
Rated M. Creator chose not to use warnings. Summary:
Chay was in trouble. There was no way to put it. He knew that what he felt was far from normal nor the conventional way relationships work. He was in love, not with one person but two. Kim and Macau. It didn’t begin that way.
COMPLICATED!!!! this fic sent me into a kimchaymacau rabbit hole that i have yet to find my way out of but tbh i like it down here. soooo sweet and cute and just all around a very delightful read. angsty with a lovely helping of hurt/comfort that makes me 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
an hour glass glued to the table by IsleofSolitude @emberfaye
(+ associated series: time is a wheel in constant motion)
Rated G. No archive warnings apply. Summary:
"He’s immature, of course he is–he didn’t get to have his cousins and his parents give him attention and time. He knows how hard Vegas works–doing triple the work of anyone so that Macau is allowed to be carefree and attend classes at his school and not the type of training that strips away at your soul." Macau and Kim are the youngest sons, only four years apart in age.
i fucking LOVE this series so much, giving me that sweet sweet kim&macau goodness. i dont normally see/read gen fics or macau-centric fics and this really set my standards high for both of those things because its so well done
I don't need a parachute, baby, if I've got you by sabrina_il (marina) @pitchercries
Rated E. No archive warnings apply. Summary:
“We can do this,” Kinn insisted, between one kiss and the next, lying on top of Tay on the massive bed in his suite. “It’s totally doable.” Tay had to laugh. Kinn was very sexy and very heavy on top of him, and Kinn’s shirt was barely buttoned anymore and Tay appreciated all of it, but Kinn was an absolute idiot when it came to being an omega. Tay had known that even before they’d gotten together, almost six months ago. He’d known it for most of the time they’d spent as friends. “We absolutely cannot,” Tay countered, kissing Kinn again. An AU where Tay and Kinn are both omegas who get together (after breaking up with Time and Tawan respectively) and due to Reasons both go into heat at the same time. Porsche is the alpha they hire to solve all their problems. Suffice it to say, everyone gets way more than they bargained for.
oh WOW what to say about this fic. the PLOT in this bad boy, and in the rest of the series, is absolutely unmatched. SUCH a creative universe and made me fall in love with tropes/relationships id never considered before. 10/10 no notes
Ain't No Sunshine by Dumpster_Fire_x @dumpster-fire-x
Rated M. Major Character Death. Summary:
"Sometimes, death can bring the living together, and death can cause the living to find solace in one another." - C. JoyBell C.
🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲 ow. just. ow. short and sweet, painful, heart wrenching, lovely, and all the other adjectives that mean "hurt in a beautiful and poetic way"
Kinn the Stud by IsleofSolitude @emberfaye
Rated E. Rape/Non-con. Summary:
It’s not often that Kinn is put out to stud. Most of the time, the two ruts he gets a year are treated with a mix of pills, vetted escorts, and schedule rearranging. Yet, every few years, people are allowed to pay for the honor of having a Theerapanyakul alpha stud for their fertile omegas. Korn had promised that this time, in honor of his birthday, he would be allowed to pick one omega personally. Of course Kinn had chosen his boyfriend.
genuinely dont care if im biased cause this was a gift for me, this fic aaaaaaactually rocked my fucking world like oh my GOD my jaw was on the floor the whole fucking time and then went i went to pick it back up the fic slapped it out of my hand god this FIC.
Chan's 7 Step Method for Making Good Boys by JynxedOracle @jynxed13
Rated E. Creator chose not to use warnings. Summary:
After being assigned to train Kim by Korn, Chan decides to use the opportunity to work on Kim's disrespectful attitude. Luckily he's devised a 7 step method to make Kim a good boy, regardless of Kim's feelings on the matter.
i was present for this fic being written through discord messages and it was a religious experience. i reread it twice on discord and then a third time when it got put on ao3 and then like six times since then. if you have EVER considered the possibility of chankim you HAVE to read this fic
adrenaline by loveliuess @the-innefable-idiot
(+ associated series angsty and horny KimVegas au by popular demand)
Rated E. Graphic depictions of violence. Summary:
Tomorrow Kim would blame everything on the adrenaline rush.
hi um. this fic. this FIC. this entire series actually, because you HAVE to read the whole thing. "angsty and horny kimvegas" is 100% accurate and LORD HAVE MERCY. i read the first fic as like a little treat before i went to bed and then i stayed up til 3am to finish the rest of the series and then i cried and didnt sleep at all :) GO READ IT
a night worthy of 200kbaht by Anonymous
Rated E. Creator chose not to use archive warnings. Summary:
Tuition is due and his brother is running himself ragged with three jobs already after Uncle Thee's latest gambling debts, so Porchay does what he has to in order to take care of things himself; selling the only thing he has worth something. He just didn't expect the highest bidder to be so... classy, and lowkey impressive.
oh if you know me you know about my obsession with this fic. ive bonded with close friends over how much we love this fic. this fic drastically changed my life its SO FUCKING GOOD. im a kinnchay hoe all the way and this is just *chefs kiss*
Performance Review by iffervescent @iffervescent
Rated E. No archive warnings apply. Summary:
Big wants to be good. Chan wants him to earn it.
this! fucking! series!!! i dont think i need to sell anyone on how amazing iffervescent is but goddamnit im gonna do it anyway. i very very rarely read bigchan but when i read the rest of the series i was like oh my god i HAVE to read this one and i DID. NOT. REGRET IT.
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gloriafc · 4 years
Their daughter -Part 1
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After the Volturi left and Reneesme was physically all grown up, Emmett could see the yearning to take care of another child in his wife. And honestly he missed having little feet running around, and the little hands gripping his hair as he gave countless piggy back rides.
He did some research before taking his wife on a trip to a small island not found on most maps. "Emmett where are we." "I read about this healer, she's supposed to be able to help anyone have a kid."
Rosalie can only stare at her husband in shock, he brought her all the way here so they could have a child of their own. But would that be a problem for them? If they succeed, will their child be somewhat normal? Or grow like Reneesme?
The couple is led into a small hut of a very remote village, they're met by a young woman who's eyes are completely glazed over, you could practically see the universe in her eyes.
"The spirits tell me you've been looking for me. They say you have a particular request." Emmett steps forward about to answer but she quickly stops him, "I can help you. Your request is simple. The ability to carry a child is something every woman should be able to experience no matter what their kind is. A child is something every wedded couple should be able to experience. But in return I must ask for a favor. Not for me, but for this village."
They watch as a young child leads the blind woman around the room, until she's stopped in front of them. She quickly ushers the child out of the room before looking straight ahead, "These people know of many creatures. They come and go, seeking my help. Many dont receive. But what I ask is simple. If I help you conceive your child." They watch the woman smile, "She'd be as beautiful as her mother, with her father's dark hair and soft curls. Small and spoiled, but grateful for everything in her life. But to ensure she stays healthy, the three of you would be asked to stay in the village for three months after shes born, theres a small hut that would be provided for you. All I ask in return is your protection for the time you're here. To help the people of this small village with tasks they may not be able to complete on their own."
Rosalie grips onto Emmett's arm, hope in her eyes. "You know what she'll look like?" "I know a lot of things. Despite not having my vision, I can do many great things. And that tone in your voice is telling me the two of you are agreeing to my terms." Emmett speaks up, "Your terms are very considerate, despite what we're asking of you. Our answer is yes." "Although simple, what I ask, many others wouldn't even think about doing. I believe only the greatest gifts should be given to those willing to do the simplest acts of generosity. I can sense that the two of you would give your entire fortune for what I've already given you."
They look at each other in shock as the woman turns and walks away, "You mean-" "That you're already pregnant? Yes. As soon as you walked in, I already knew the two of you would agree. This won't be a normal pregnancy. By the time the sun sets you'll be able to hear your baby's heartbeat. In four days you'll give birth. I am aware of the hybrid in your family. Your daughter will also be a hybrid. As a thank you I'm giving your child some humanity. She will have the same vampire abilities, but she'll grow at the same rate as a human, when she turns 21 she'll stop and will become a full vampire. At 21 she'll still be able to eat, and sleep. She just won't need animal blood as often as the two of you do, maybe once a month from a small rabbit at most."
Emmett quickly takes Rosalie into his arms, no price would be big enough for what they've just been told. The woman gestures for the threshold, "The hut is on the outskirts of the village, near the creek, go and enjoy your news. I'll be over tomorrow morning with a small task to get you acquainted to the town."
The two leave, easily finding their home for the next three or so months. They sit on the makeshift bench on the porch, listening to the water in the creek, the kids playing and splashing. Suddenly Emmett freezes, "Can you hear it?" Rosalie looks at him with the biggest smile and venom filled eyes that will never spill, "She's already perfect."
The two spend the whole night watching her stomach grow and listening to their child's heartbeat. By the time morning comes they've already decided on a name for her. They look up when the healer enters, "You can feel the happiness all throughout the village. Here I brought something. Your child still need nutrients, since you cant eat regular food without your venom instantly destroying it, I have this. Drink it twice a day, and your child will gain all the nutrients they need."
The next three days go by quickly. Rosalie is asked to watch the children, to help teach them while their fathers fish and their mothers farm. Emmett helps rebuild some structures around the village, his vampire speed helping him rebuild everything.
The last night of the pregnancy Emmett helps Rosalie waddle to the healers hut. A few hours later Rosalie has pushed out their beautiful baby girl. And just like the healer said, she looks exactly like her mother, but has her father's dark hair.
What surprises them is when she opens her eyes and see bright blue eyes just like Emmett's human eyes. They both melt when she smiles and laughs, showing off the dimples she inherited from her dad who is already wrapped around her finger. They watch as the child falls asleep holding onto a piece of her mother's hair.
"I sense you've adjusted quite well already. What have you named her?" "Y/N" "Beautiful name for a beautiful face. The villagers have left a gift in your hut as a thank you for all the help you've been to them. And this will act as formula for the child. There's enough for six months, after that she should be able to start on regular milk. When shes old enough to start talking and walking, that's when her vampire abilities will start, right now you can't crush her, that's the vampire in her protecting her. Even though she will physically age like a regular human, she'll considered smarter, her vampiric abilities will help her learn to do things faster. She'll sit up on her own sooner, try to crawl sooner. She'll accelerate in school."
Everyday they watch as their child grows until the day comes for them to take their child home. They watch as her personality grows, and they fall more in love with her everyday.
They say bye to everyone in the village, promising to visit someday in the future. They stop in a nearby town, grabbing stuff they'd need, like a carseat, some clothes, a diaper bag, random stuff for the flight home.
Rosalie watches as her daughter falls asleep on her dads chest during the long flight home. The only thing going through her head, she'll get to watch her child grow for twenty one years.
During the drive home Rosalie constantly looks into the backseat, where her daughter happily watches the trees pass by the window, every once in a while she'll let out a babble. "Do you think Alice can see her?" "Looks like we're going to find out."
As they stop in front of the house they can see their family standing outside, "You guys are back!" Rosalie let's Esme pull her into a hug. "What is that sound?" Rosalie pulls back with a smile, "We want you to meet someone."
They turn to Emmett who's now holding the car seat. Esme gasps before moving forward, getting a good look at the now sleeping baby. "Where'd you find her?" Emmett and Rosalie look at each other, "How about we go inside."
They explain everything about Y/N, how she was carried, how she'll grow, her appetite, her seemingly human ways, and how shes theirs.
Esme quickly congratulates the two, knowing just how much her daughter has always wanted a child of her own. Everyone stops when they start to hear movement in the carseat before a soft yawn is heard. Rosalie moves with a smile before taking her daughter into her arms. She turns so Y/N can see her new surroundings. Esme immediately gushing, "Her eyes." Emmett nods, "Same as mine before I changed."
Upon seeing the attention is on her, Y/N immediately smiles and looks up at her mom who happily smiles, "This is your family Y/N." The small child let's out a happy giggle before clapping her hands, everyone chuckling. When Y/Ns eyes land on her grandmother she immediately reaches for her with a big smile, her dimples popping. Edward laughs, "She already understands. Her mind, she cant speak but she understands that were all the same." Jasper jumps in, "Shes happy. Not overwhelmed, but curious."
Esme reaches for the babys hand, tiny fingers wrapping around one of hers, "May I?" Rosalie nods and hands over the small child, happy tears wanting to spill when she watches her daughter lay her head on Esmes chest. Edward speaking up, "She knows she's safe and welcome."
As everyone is sitting in the living room, getting to know the new addition of their family, watching her interact with her cousin. Emmett laughs looking at his brothers, "You want to see something?" Everyone looks at him confused making Rosalie chuckle knowing exactly what he wants to do. She explains, "She's already a huge daddy's girl, unfortunately. One of the kids in the village was playing with her and her toy fell. He wanted to wash it off before giving it back to her. She saw he wasn't going to give it back right away, and thought he was taking it away. She started crying and immediately reached for Emmett to go get it back."
Edward laughs and agrees to be the one to take the empty bottle that's still in his niece's hands. Everyone watches as he walks away, before Y/N immediately turns to her dad with tears in her eyes. When he doesn't move she let's her wails be heard and raises her arms. Everyone chuckles as he stands up and picks up the crying child, wiping her face, "What happened?" Unable to answer she just hits her dads chest making a chuckle leave his lips as she turns in the direction her uncle went and points. "Alright let's go get the bottle." Before they can fully leave the room Edward returns, Y/N immediately letting out another wail and pointing, stopping when she sees her uncle holding a new bottle.
When the child is finally asleep for the night, everyone watches, fascinated by the girl who already has their hearts, ready to protect her at any moment.
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joontier · 4 years
Patawad, paalam. | drabble
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translation: forgive me, goodbye. 
pairings: jungkook x reader
rating: NC-17
genre: romance, angst | warnings: wholesomeness basically (one-liner implied smut),,,,,, until you get to the last line gklasjdfa bUT DONT SKIP 
word count: 1.3k
g/n: AHHHHH! my first release for The Paraluman Project!! might as well rename this angsty august (can i get an amen @mintseesaw​ this was meant to be posted in a few hours bUT IM IMPATIENT LIKE THAT kdsjfasfasf) anywho,, ‘Patawad, paalam’  is meant to be a prologue and an epilogue at the same time and if you guys want to have a lidol backstory well lmk okiiii,,,, yall know im ready to spoil my darlings EEEEP feedback is always appreciated!! ILY YALL
navi. | m.list
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Today’s the big day. 
The church had been decorated just like the way you’ve always pictured it to be - your idea of the perfect wedding finally a reality. Just as what had been planned years ago by both of you, you have decided on celebrating this once-in-a-lifetime event in your chapel - the very place where you two first met. 
Four-feet tall pedestals crowned with bouquets of white hydrangeas stand tall and proud along the length of the aisle, while the sunlight passing through the stations of the cross depictions on the stained glass provided an extra burst of color on the snowy flowers. 
Jungkook has never been good with crowds, especially not when the audience included their relatives and some of their closest family friends. Yeonwoo, Jungkook’s best friend of many years, takes notice of the man’s palpable uneasiness, and approaches the nervous man. “You’ll do just fine, Kook. I believe in you.” After a pat on the back, Jungkook smiles at his best friend, grateful for the much-needed reinforcement. 
There’s a quiet chatter amongst the guests, remaining seated on the wooden pews as they wait for the processional. The benches have been newly varnished just for the occasion. While a number of the invited guests speak to each other to pass the time, the rest take photos of the immaculate venue as they praise the decorations. Perhaps he could mention your unparalleled efforts in his speech later at the reception. 
Pride swells in Jungkook’s chest as he remembers how much time and effort you had spent perfecting each detail of the church’s decorations, investing at least three whole days of planning for the interior alone. 
Jungkook stands by the altar patiently, big brown eyes scanning the crowd and silently thanking each one of them for having allocated a day from their busy lives just to witness one of the most important days of his life. The man continues to struggle with the event’s actuality, his stubborn nerves gnawing at him deliriously. In fact, he doesn’t think he’d been able to cope with reality for the past few days. 
He recalls having dreamt about you last night, unable to sleep a wink after seeing a vivid image of you in a white dress during his slumber. The restless man takes a stroll in the seminary’s garden in the hopes that the tranquility afforded by the grounds will bring him enough peace and quiet to lull him back to sleep. 
As he entered a secluded area only a few people knew of (you included), he found you on the swing, swaying yourself gently on the seat. He wanted to go back to his room, under the quite ridiculous belief that it was bad luck to see the bride just before the wedding ceremony. He watches you for a while, hiding behind a moss-covered wall. As he studies your features, he senses you’re just as restless as he was and shortly after, he finds himself walking towards you, unproven hearsay the last thing on his mind. You converse for a good two hours until you deemed it time to go back to your rooms and get some sleep. You both had a long day ahead of you and rest was important. With a final hug, you part ways once more. 
The musical ensemble brings Jungkook out of his reverie, the sudden sound of the violin playing making him jerk slightly in surprise. The soloist starts strumming the strings of her guitar to a familiar tune, giving the song more depth and emotion with the melodic sound resonating throughout the chapel. The crowd’s chatter immediately falls to a hush, the audience faces the entrance to watch the highly-anticipated processional. 
Wise men say, only fools rush in 
But I can’t help, falling in love with you
Your niece enters first, passionately throwing white petals from a large disproportionate wooden basket. Her tiny feet carry her throughout the length of the aisle, sending a half-toothless smile left and right. 
Her older brother trails after her a couple of meters away, his usually unruly hair now handsomely tamed with gel for this special occasion. The audience coos at the siblings, finding the duo most endearing. There’s muted laughter amongst the crowd as his small hands tremble, the ring pillow shaking lightly in his grasp. As they reach the altar, your brother, the best man, gives the siblings a high five before guiding them back to their pews. 
Like a river flows, slowly to the sea, 
Darling, so it goes, 
Some things are meant to be
The bridesmaids file in with bright smiles from the side, each carrying a mellow arrangement of baby breaths and lavenders. Your closest cousin, Cassie, who you chose to be the maid of honor has flown all the way from Canada just to witness your wedding. She walks the carpeted aisle slowly, dabbing at her cheeks with the back of her hand as she clutches onto a bouquet with the other. 
Next in line are Jungkook’s parents, who are both holding on to each other for support. When Jungkook’s and his mother’s eyes meet for the first time today, unspoken words are shared between the mother and son, small smiles gracing their lips in acknowledgement. Your parents follow after them with your father’s cheeks already red and wet with tears. 
As the entire entourage get to their seats at the front, the music stops. All bodies turn to face the entrance. The majestic wooden doors finally open with an audible creek, and the whole chapel falls quiet. 
Take my hand, 
Take my whole life too, 
For I can’t help falling in love with you
Jungkook’s eyes, previously scanning the crowd, finally fixate on you. God, you were so beautiful. He reprimands himself for using the Lord’s name in vain, but at the same time, there was no one else to speak to, or thank but the Lord Himself: for his life, for his family, for this day, and most especially, for you. 
You looked magnificent. Regal, even. 
He wasn’t familiar with how dresses were described in detail, all he knows is that the exact moment he saw you today, time just froze, as if the whole world paused in its entirety. You were the girl in his dreams. You were the girl of his dreams. 
A tiara adorned with crystals and pearls rests prettily on your head, the crown anchoring a sheer, long lace veil that flowed beautifully along the length of your gown at the back. The bodice of your dress accentuated your curves wonderfully and the endless number of baroque patterns sewn onto the fabric of your dress added up to the silhouette your wedding gown graciously gave you. 
Jungkook’s mind betrays him for a moment - the vivid memory of the single intimate moment you two shared - an experience of a lifetime that had been etched onto the back of his head for the rest of eternity. 
Jungkook subconsciously tugs at his sleeves, racking his brain for something to stop his trembling hands but achieves nothing. His palms are likewise getting clammy, only adding to the poor man’s nervousness. When he meets his mother’s eyes one more time and she sees the emotion swirling in his son’s eyes, she lets out a choked sob, resting her head against her husband’s shoulders as he places a consoling hand on her back for support.  Jungkook diverts his eyes before his own tears threaten to fall. 
As you finally reach the altar with your own hands trembling like a falling leaf in autumn, Jungkook gives you a small smile, one you reciprocate with a warmer one. Tears start to well in his eyes. Jungkook closes his eyes for a moment, gathering his courage as he takes a deep breath. With renewed hope, he takes in his surroundings and sets another smile on his face, this time more genuine than the last. He spreads his arms and speaks - 
“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of God, to witness the joining of my very own brother, Junghyun and _________ in the holy covenant of marriage…” 
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© hhyungz 2020. All rights reserved.
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||Temeplate credit to @video-space !! ||
Name: Leilani christan ormsby/thistlewaite
Pronouns: he/him
Weapon/fighting style of choice: Paddles/ Bats
-"Well hello, mind for a talk James?"
-"Hopkins! Greetings, a moment of your time please?"
-"Jimmy, can we speak?"
-"James, How are you?"
Saying Goodbye:
- "I have to go check on my baby Perri, see you later James"
- "Well times ran out, I have to hear another phone call from my mother."
- "I best be going, my designs aren't going to finish themselves!"
-"Fare well Hopkins, I have to catch a gift from my Fathers' in the office about now"
- "Get back here, you, you doormat!!"
- "Once I catch you, you'll be hearing from three lawyers!"
-"Stop running, face me coward!"
Out of breath:
- "I'm wasting time, you're lucky I have plans today.."
- "No..Wait till I catch my breath then you'll be unlucky.."
-"Oh! My side! Heavens I need to run more.."
Walking around talking to themself:
- "My Daddies won't stop sending me hideous sweaters!"
- "Sometimes I wish I did come out a girl just so my mother would leave me alone about the subject"
- "Dresses aren't that bad to wear, mommy used to make me wear them when I was small! Maybe they're just tad itchy is all.."
- "Would life for me be much better if i was born a girl, well maybe for mommy's life.."
- "Having two dads ain't so bad as mommy always told me.."
- "My Daddy isn't as bossy as Mommy, I wish she'd get boys are more better than girls"
- "Only good gift I've gotten from my Daddies is Perri, no boy could replace him when it comes to those nights.."
-"Perri is what's keeping me from giving into my mothers wishes of what she wants"
-"Perri is like a baby to me, speaking of, I should go down to buy him treats"
-"My Mother says kissing boys here is dangerous, I think the only good advice she's given my entire life"
-"Maybe lower class boys can be handsome, well MAYBE can at least.."
- "Did your Mother ever make you say you were a girl?"
- "You know those rubber things in the small packages? I don't think it's gum.."
- "You know James, you are cute but I wish you dressed less poor so if we were seen together my parent's would suspect a thing!"
- "I think I have Scoliosis, I've been forgetting a lot of things"
- "When I was little I found this strange collar in my Daddies' room, I'm still wondering if they were gonna get me a puppy."
- "What do you normally shop for James?"
- "Do you think when you drink blue punch, your pee is blue? I swear some toilets suspiciously have Blue in them"
- "My mommy had a small dog named Lily when I was 7, she liked dirt, reminds me of the jar of dirt I used to make a dirt mountain in the living room when she strangely vanished.."
Conversation Response:
- "Oh my."
- "Indeed."
-"Quite interesting, may you say more."
- "Undertsable, I get that."
- "Couldn't get that, but I will try."
- "Maybe for once boys dressed nice I'd kiss them!"
- "I wish my Mommy would lay off, only if I had the guts!"
- "God dammit, I stepped in gum!I think I'm gonna cry…"
- "Perri accidentally pooped on my arm when I was chatting with a cute boy, I cant believe he'd do me like this!"
- "My last pair of underwear is once again missing! These pants are really not soft, think I'm getting another rash on my- you know where!"
Unknown/Cut Dialogue:
- "It is normal to faint five times after a hot shower?"
- "My Mother is getting on my back after that date with one of the bullies, wish she got that he actual showers?"
- "What the hell is a V card, is there letter cards I never heard about? And why do people always take them?"
- Sometimes I'll be doing something but blink and find myself on the floor, I don't get what the nurse means by neurocardiogenic syncope? Is that like a sleep thing?"
-"I have 10 brothers, no wonder my mom wanted me to be a girl"
Starting fight with Cliques:
- "God, I hope your pimples don't pop during a punch!"
- "Bet you fight like you dress, poorly!"
- "You nothing more than pennies on the ground!"
- "Come at me you heathens!"
- "I'll be washing my hand when I'm done with you!"
- "Under all that leather is nothing more but a walking non-sqeak door canister!"
- "Don't slip on your hair gel when you get a run start!"
-"Fast food places use less grease than you put in your hair!"
- "You may have brains, but i know you dont have brawl!"
- "You're weaker than my baby cousin!"
- "You're gonna wish you keep that nose in a book!"
- "Hope you like not seeing for a week, four eyes!!"
- "Keep those sweaty hands away from me!"
- "Smells like wet jockstrap!"
- "Come at me you Sport freaks!"
-"Football dont teach you punching skills!"
- "Glad bullworth doenst have you in it"
- "Proud Derby dont waste money on you!"
- "Ready to get a taste of Bullworth!"
- "I'd sue you but I dont think you have enough money to even pay for a parking hours at the cournt house!"
Requesting an errand:
- "James, If you do this thing for me maybe you can buy better clothes?"
- "Quite an heavens call, Hopkins I need help!"
- "Speak of the devil, James I need a errand please, help one out"
- "Jimmy dearest, mind getting em a few things? I'll pay extra!"
Friendly Comments:
- "Good evening James, you look stunning for once!"
- "Proper clothes, Hopkins I'm quite shocked"
- "Jimmy, ya know Perri doesnt find you all that bad?"
- "James, you make me question if some boys do have have taste here"
Unfriendly Comments:
- "Whered you find those? Bottom of your moms drawer?"
- "At least I have two daddies"
- "Move aside, I dont need to waste my eyesight on you punk"
- "The only thing thatd describe you is what you find vomited near the dumpster melted in the pavement"
Demanding flowers:
- "Maybe a little something can make me not mind your clothes?"
- "A gift would be nice if you really cared"
- "Honey, if you didnt have the fashion to ask me out, do you have the gift to make up for it?"
After receiving flowers:
- "I hope you checked for spiders, I might cry"
- "Well, i mean, clothes arent all that important right now.."
- "Quite nice of you James, ain't you a sweetheart?"
Before kissing:
- "I quite flattered, come here baby"
- "A kiss?Been awhile since a nice boy asked me this"
- "Let me see what's it like to kiss boys like you"
- "Oh James, I quite enjoyed that"
- "You know, maybe if your open tonight, I can measure some designs on you?"
- "I now get what Gord means"
- "We cant hold hands, I dont want any longer calls with my mother, BUT James I do appreciate this"
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Tags: //Honestly i dont know who to tag 😔// @video-space @gordvendomewhore
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nisaadventures · 4 years
I’m turning 30 in 10 days... yikes.
The last year of my life has sucked... lol. Okay, it wasn’t all bad. I’m exaggerating... but I’m also not. I know there were plenty of nice moments in the last year... but when I think about the last year of my life, its just full of so many firsts... awful firsts... 
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First time celebrating their birthdays without them...
First holiday season without them... anyone else miss mom’s turkey? Most people don’t like traditional thanksgiving dinner because the turkey is more often dry... mom’s was never dry... Okay the key people.. Don’t actually cook your stuffing in the turkey. Its just going to suck all the juice life out of your bird... I mean come on. Trick #1 stuff the turkey with fresh cut oranges and yes, you can leave the skin on... #2 do majority of the oven time in an oven bag to keep the moisture in. #3 cook breasts down. Its the part thats usually most dry, so duh... keep it in the juicy, buttery goodness of the pan. I never made the entire meal, I usually just helped mom with everything. These are just some things I’ve taken away in my observations. 
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Halloween trip to Disneyland without them... Disney is always a good time, but I’d be lying if I said my heart didn’t feel heavy in some way... and that is saying something because Disneyland is my happy place lol. 
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Looking forward to 2020... Hoping that it had so much better in store for us. 
Dear lord... what a joke. 
Going to Hawaii for our “family trip” without them...
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A pandemic without them... I mean yes, I’m thankful they aren’t out there with COVID on the rise... I’m glad they’re not stuck at home because COVID. Mom and Michael are both too much of busy bees to be cooped up in the house for too long. 
Not going to lie... picking up where they left has been hard. All of moms plants... The dogs.. Taking care of the backyard, where Michael usually would. Mom would definitely do too much at once. She’d be out in the yard planting something and pulling out something else in her damn UGG boots! wth mom?! Those are expensive! lol. “Oh its fine.. I’ll wash them.” Omg lol. Either that, or she’d be over here trying to move heavy a$$ pots by herself and I’d have to stop her before she hurt her back. Ayiyi. 
Keanu and Aria’s birthdays without them... seeing my babies sad and missing their grandma, grandpa, and aunties has been hard. It will be out of nowhere sometimes... and all the nights of Aria waking up in the middle of the night crying. I feel you baby girl... I get it. I miss them too... Its okay to be sad... Mantras... 
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You were her little rays of sunshine. Grandpa and grandma loved you SOOOO much. 
Mom would babysit the kids on Saturday mornings, while Kuya, Vaness, and I went to workout. They’d go get breakfast, pancakes and eggs, at UJs. She’d take them to Target, the dollar store, Walmart, etc. just so they could look and maybe get something to play with together. She always crafted with them. 
Living in this house... especially with COVID... has been hard. I miss just sitting at the dinner table, eating sho mi, and talking about work. Mom and Michael getting all worked up over some crazy manager, or something going down with the union.. yup, that’s where I get it from... advocacy and leadership skills FTW.  One thing they could always talk about for HOURS was work lol. 
I remember when I was a little girl, Mom would let me play in the bathtub until I was all wrinkled. She would let me bring all my toys into the tub. At one point I even had a care bear doll that she, for some reason, let me take in the bath lol. She’d throw it in the dryer for me after I was done. 
I remember going to the grocery store with mom and leaving with two full a$$ grocery carts because we had a full house at all times. I mean it was Kuya, my cousin Jojo, my brother Derric, my cousin John, Bubba, my cousin Jay, me and whoever else was over the house lol. When Kuya was in high school, it was all of his buddies partying at our house and crashing on the floor in the living room, dining room, and all the couches. She was the #1 host for sure.
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“Are you hungry? Did you eat yet?” 
Thats love. 
All of Kuya’s high school friends called her Mom. My friends called her Mama Fern. She loved that. 
I remember playing hide n go seek in the dark in our tiny town house.. Later in the bigger house on Glenbriar... where mom actually tripped and broke her arm... But she laughed so hard she peed her pants, so she was a good sport? lol. Needless to say, we sort of stopped playing after that.
I remember making dim sum with mom for the first time. Such a hot mess, flour and food everywhere, but so fun. We definitely didn’t do that again until there were more adults around to help lol. Mom knew how to run through a kitchen like a tornado. Hot mess! but the best cook. 
Mom was always careful. She always wanted to make sure we were safe, that I was safe. I couldn’t go outside unless one of the boys was with me. When I would swim she would get nervous, even though I learned how to swim at a young age thanks to Kuya. One day, we were having a bbq, lots of family over, I was playing in the jacuzzi (drawing on the wall of the jacuzzi with a piece of chlorine... don’t play with chemicals kids lol) and she thought I was drowning? So she jumps her a$$ in there fully clothed and yanks my a$$ out. I was shocked as hell, so I naturally started crying hella hard and complaining about the fact that she scratched me when she yanked me up out of the water lol.
Keep in mind that that was not the first time one of the twins jumped into the pool fully clothed to “save” someone hahaha. 
 Speaking of fully clothed in the pool... The time auntie tripped and fell slo-mo style (that questionable, are you going to catch your balance, speed) into the pool LOL. Mom was dead laughing at her. Most hilarious video. 
Those twins lol. 
Jeeze.. speaking of the twins. They had this crazy connection. Tell me why when mom got sick with suspected viral meningitis and had to be hospitalized... Auntie straight up followed her right into the ICU with viral meningitis... 
Who remembers their 50th birthday? Talk about doing it BIG. So much fun. All the performances. Lani was there... KMA performances and kuya and John getting down for Maglalatik. Who doesn’t like seeing some half naked, buff dudes, bang coconuts together? haha. The twins getting down with their hula performance. Cute!
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I remember when Mom and pops were going through their divorce and she would text me after midnight. I was going to Sac State and of course I was team NO sleep at the time. I would be in the AIRC studying. I’d comfort as best as I could from a distance... and then come home on weekends to be there with her when I could. 
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She found her footing again. Started going to the gym with Kuya more... Started running all the time... all of her half marathons and finally she did the Nike Women’s Marathon. 
Hiking Half Dome with her. What.a.badass. 
That is really how I see her. She was so badass. When she was my age she had my 9 year old Kuya and I was on the way... She was working and supporting us and then eventually decided to make a better life for us, and went back to school... NURSING SCHOOL. wth. I can’t even imagine doing that right now, but reminding myself of where she has been and how much she PUT IN WORK... That keeps me grounded in the fact that we are responsible for our lives. If you want something, you have to work for it. You can’t just hope for better... you make better happen. 
I guess its that reminder... her strength... her and Michael’s love and hard work... That keeps me going. 
Being mindful... being thankful... acknowledging my own strength... 
But with that said... August has been increasingly hard. I don’t like to think about my birthday. I don’t even want to plan anything. They’re not here... I can’t celebrate with all my loved ones and friends. Thank you COVID... 
We’re just getting closer and closer to the anniversary? Nah.. lets not call it that... anniversary sounds like something nice... something to celebrate... This is NOT that. The day your loved ones are taken is not something to celebrate... I mean honestly, if I had to pinpoint the worst day of my life, that was it.... When I think about that day I can’t breathe. Terrible memories... so many sleepless nights. I’ve come so far. Its still hard, but I’ve come a long way. 
Anyway... this post is sort of random and nostalgic. Things I hold onto. Things that make me happy cry... Things that weigh heavy on my heart. 
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Here’s my playlist for grief... reminders of them... collected over the last year:
Aloha for now -Kaleo Vai & Passion 
One day at a time -Jennifer Chung
In the end - Gabe Bondoc, Melissa Polinar, Passion
Round and around -Kolohe Kai
Fade Away -Rebelution
Alive -The Green
New Day -Kimie’
Angels above me -Stick Figure
Memories -Maroon 5
Wish you pain -Andy Grammer
100 -Katchafire
Everyday life -Coldplay
Out of the darkness -Isla vista worship, Bre Reed
Amen -Andra Day
Grateful -13 Crowns feat. Poo Bear
Rainbow Connection -Gwen Stefani
Be okay -ZOE worship 
With you -Eryn Allen Kane
Dont worry -Mesto feat. Aloe Blacc
Just livin’ -Sensi trails, Kbong
Remember me -Miguel, Natalia Lafourcade
Even more -Major
Let it be -Xav A.
Give Thanks -Iya terra, Stick figure
Mr. Sun -Sammy Johnson
Rest easy -Thrive, Nico of Tribal Theory
Sunny Days- Allen Stone
Today’s a new day -Common Kings
Mother’s Love -Jonah Jaxon, Micah G
The bones -Maren Morris, Hozier
Give you blue -Allen Stone
And we remain -Johnnyswim
Yellow -Kina Grannis
Streetcar -Daniel Caesar
Meant to be -Bebe Rexha, Florida georgia line
All you need to know -Gryffin, slander, Calle Lehmann
Like I’m gonna lose you -Jasmine Thompson
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szopenhauer · 4 years
Think of a movie and now give me that movie title: random Elvira: Mistress of the Dark 
Quote a line from that movie:
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Name a song: random MARUV & Boosin — I Want You 
What’s a line from that song? Baby turn me, turn me on All night long What’s the last word spelled backwords of that line? GNOL XD Whats the relationship between you and the last person you texted? my fiancee What would your name be if you replaced T’s with S’s & A’s with E’s? Zuzenne Would you ever legally change you name to that? nah Your boyfriend/girlfriend say they can’t hang out & it’s been two weeks. You? ok How often do you think about death? all the time Where were you when you had your first sleepover? Your house or a friends’? friend’s - P.W.
Are you hungry?: thirsty
What did you buy last time you went to the store?: food? bread not food? trinkets - for example - two books and a tiny stuffed dog
Do you think stained glass windows are pretty?: I don’t know tbh
Are you a chocoholic?: not at all
Have you ever been carded when buying something? : not even when I was buying cigarettes
Do you have a favorite highlighter color?: yellow
Do you have a flashlight?: I do
Do you like watermelon?: nah
Has anyone ever walked in on you while you were on the toilet?: obvi, many times but usually just family members
Do you like a lot of ice in your drinks?: noooo
Have you ever painted a room?: bathroom Have you ever petted a donkey? from what I remember
Out of all 24 hours, which one is your favourite? hmm... Have you ever been in a lighthouse? nope
What time are you planning on going to bed tonight? no idea Have you ever been bit by an animal? yeah Did it rain today? kinda What was the name of the last dog you pet? it was my dog - Łasuch Do you find that you have a certain meal you eat every time you go to certain restaurants? sure Are you constantly judging people? could say so Have you ever had anything stolen from you? sorta Which would you rather, a snowy day, sunny day, rainy day or cloudy day?: cloudy or sunny maybe rainy but definitely not snowy How long have you ever spent away from home? month? Has your luggage ever been lost at the airport? Did you get it back? - About how many times during the night do you wake up from your sleep? few Are there any air fresheners in your house? What kinds? no What scent of candle do you burn the most? we don’t For what reason did you last cry? ugh... What kind of surveys do you wish there were more of? deep
Last time you were attacked by an animal? this summer? Are you paranoid all the time or just during the night? more often during the day actually  Have you ever dated someone without knowing their name? last name, not first, I was a stupid kid and was dating a guy online once and several boys at camp just to show off somebody likes me that way even tho I wasn’t really interested nor knew anything about those matters
If you go to an all-you-can-eat buffet, how much do you really eat? a tiny bit If you need to ask a question in class do you raise your hand? of course How many times have you been engaged (if any at all)? once, currently Do you have to see something to really believe it? jak niewierny Tomasz - często Have you ever gotten so dehydrated that you passed out? I’m surprised that I didn’t :x If your friend was being cheated on, would you tell them? absolutely Do you always assume the worst? that me indeed Are you sick and tired of life? sadly Have you ever been busted for under age drinking? I wasn’t drinking underage, I still don’t drink  Do you have a picture of you and your lover kissing? 1 and a tik tok Have you witnessed a fight at school? bunch
What is your favorite time of day to run? when I’m late for the bus lmfao
When was the last time you talked to your mom? recently Do your parents crush your dreams? sometimes Did you sleep in today? I didn’t Do you hate sleeping in? I love sleeping in  How late do you consider too late to sleep in? noon, 11am is already late  How long have you had a smartphone? less than 5 years Do you keep lists of names that you like? even tho I don’t want kids :P Have you ever butt-dialed someone? it happened
First letter of the names of everyone you have kissed, like *that*; M.
Do you like going to school sports games? eww, boring Have you ever worn your boyfriend’s clothes? guy from camp gave me his cap for a day Have you ever stolen your sibling’s clothes? I had to wear them when she was growing up, gross Have you ever loved someone and HATED it? later? Do you like Starbucks or would you rather just have water or something? just water lol Have you ever walked into a door before? po maturze zapomniałam, że woźny zamknął drzwi, które się same otwierały i walnęłam w nie, raz przytrzepałam sie w futrynę bo za szybko skręciłam w nocy do pokoju, mama uderzyła mnie drzwiami jak byłam mała i stałam za blisko wejścia dzwoniąc do domu więc spadłam ze schodów, a ojciec stuknął mnie tymi dworcowymi przy wiadukcie i wylałam na siebie sok - to chyba wszystkie przypadki Do you know anyone who’s like, psycho-religious? fanatic? my uncle is one of those Have you ever been stuck on a ski lift? luckily never been there to begin with Do you know who Nancy Sinatra is? ain’t this the gal who sings “those boots were made for walking” or smth like that? Have you ever bought anything from an airport? I wasn’t there so... If I asked you who you were gonna marry a year ago, you would say; omg Do you snore, talk, sleepwalk, or drool? drool at times, sorry also roll/kick around and fart ^^” When you woke up this morning, what was your first thought? I was wondering why Nat fronted If you could start completely over knowing what you do now, would you? possibly
If you drink coffee, do you have a favorite flavor & brand? If so, what? not applicable Have you ever personally known a pair of Conjoined twins? woah What is your first thought when you see people kissing in public? "get a room” Would you ever consider being a professional stunt-person? I have no abilities/skills/health etc for that kind of job and it’s really sad actors get prizes for stunt-ppl’s work
How about a Mailman? my father was and that ruined his body so I doubt it (Besides Hello kitty) Do you have a favorite Sanrio character? If so, Who? Hello Kitty is evil Do you flinch when strangers touch you? don’t touch me! Can you remember the first time you went to a movie theater? I believe Is there something in particular you like to look at photos of? What is it? I have strange interests... Do you actually like the taste of Diet Soda? didn’t try and don’t plan to What brand of toliet paper do you normally use? I don’t give a shit ;) Do the Charmin bears make you feel uncomfortable? xD fact that they’re red makes me uneasy On average, how many cans of soda would you say you drink daily? zero Did/do you ever stick your chewed -up gum under tables? I spat it on grass when I was younger and had stuck it in my hair years before as well but every other gum I trashed properly Can you remember the last thing you watched on the news that upset you? that’s why I avoid news How do you feel about red lipstick, is it whorish? it’s my fav but I no longer use makeup What is your definition of feminism? fighting for equal rights between women and men like pay in workplaces Are you comfortable in shorts? am not So, have you watched that Bob’s Burgers show? Do you like it? fragments 
Do you ever get the feeling you dont belong? always Do you believe actions speak louder than words? good actors will use both ways to lie
If your friend tried to commit suicide infront of you how would you react? how, why, who, when etc. Ever had a rumour spread about you? plenty Have you ever tried to impress someone before? majority of my life and I hate myself for that If someone jumped on your back what would you do? die? If you had a child and they turned out just like you would you be happy? poor kid... If you could choose the gender of your child what gender would you choose? not that I want kids but girl
Name three people you want to meet in Heaven. from those who died or are alive rn?
What could be the theme song of your life? I was taking a quiz today and they gave me Kero Kero Bonito - I'd Rather Sleep
Do you have any embarrassing health issues? :( Who do you wish you could talk to? grandma and/or brother Do you lose or misplace things a lot? very rarely lose, misplace more often but still usually same item like my scissors What was the name of the street you grew up on (if you don’t live there now) I live here! Does it still feel like summer where you live? it’s too cold for that Do you have a Paypal account? I wish Have you ever had a brand or company reach out to you on Instagram? polyvore What is the last thing you purchased from Etsy? I have no bank account to be able to buy stuff there Do you sell on Etsy? I’d like to someday Do you have a favorite aunt, and if so, who is it? aunt Alice Who is your favorite cousin? no one Have you bought next year’s calendar yet? yup What year did/will you turn 30? 2022 What’s a food that you like, but it makes you feel sick? no comment Do you like the name Addison? sounds like a shoe Is there anything that you regret getting rid of? ... Have you ever stood up to a bully? couple of times Do you own striped tights? nude and transparent Have you ever made your own Halloween costume out of clothes from ur closet? yep When was the last time you received a hug? this day Do you have anyone who hugs you regularly? dad? Would you rather have the bottom bunk or top bunk? bottom Window seat or aisle seat? window, aisle if in church  Have you ever thrown up on an airplane? that’s one of the reasons I won’t fly Have you ever seen anyone else throw up on an airplane? that’s another... Have you ever gotten sick in the car? almost Do you still wear clothes from the children’s section? whoops you got me What color is your watch? I need to buy watch for Nat... What color was the last pair of flip-flops you wore? last time I was wearing flip flops was before middle school and they were pink I suppose Were you born in your favorite season? in the worst! Have you eaten oatmeal lately? regularly... Do you enjoy editing photos? if not a snapchat filter selfie then I prefer them “natural” What is your favorite app on your phone? Choices forever! lately I begun playing The arcana and it’s pretty good, Lisa downloaded Addams family mystery mansion or smth but it’s not that cool and I used to play the detective story which was awesome <3  Do you answer your phone every time it rings? hell no Do you like to decoupage things? scrapbooks/collages are way better How many tabs are open on your browser right now? 9 with this one but I forgot to close the background music 
How many times have you had sex within the past two years? Guesstimate? personal How many times in a month do you go to the movies? How much do you spend? not at all
When was the last time you heard thunder? Where were you at anyway? this month? home When was the last time you were in trouble with your parents? If so. it’s complicated Do you know anyone who claims to have the ability to see the future? I have dreams that come true and my parents do, also my gf When you go to the movies, do you actually watch the movies or not? ... what else would I do in the cinema? oh, you mean kiss and such? waste of money Do you love or loathe the Eurovision? I don’t mind it Have you ever wielded a sword? wanna try :D If you were famous would you want a statue or a building names after you? what for Can you erect a tent? hope I didn’t forgot How tall is the tallest person you know? didn’t ask Have you ever ridden a camel? might try What’s your opinion on rats? cute
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anti-pasto · 4 years
for the 200 ask thingy, i actually dare you to do all of them. :D
delgaskarthalexhere we go, anon: 
200: My crush’s name is: I don’t have one right now, I don’t get them often (if I ever had a crush at all)
199: I was born in: 2003
198: I am really: A 2005 emo kid x a 2008 scene kid x a 2014 tumblr fangirl x Kyle himself
 197: My cellphone company is: Apple
194: My ring size is: Honestly? No idea. Propose to me with a sword.
 193: My height is: Somewhere between 5′7″ and 5′8″
192: I am allergic to: Nothing I’m aware of 
191: My 1st car was:  94 Station Wagon, by request
190: My 1st job was: being this funny is a full-time gig
 189: Last book you read: Bone Gap by Laura Ruby
188: My bed is: “made”
187: My pet: I have a cat, I love her very much and I will show her to you if you dm me a cursed image
186: My best friend: We don’t use “best friend” for personal reasons, but they’ve been with me since I was 5 so, my one and only Bro
185: My favorite shampoo is: anything with “silky smooth” or “strawberries” on the bottle. i’m not that picky anymore.
184: Xbox or ps3: xbox or ps4  xbox
183: Piggy banks are: really useful
 182: In my pockets: wallet, keys, phone, earbuds, black pen/pencil, earplugs, mini flashlight
 181: On my calendar:  i’m meeting a friend for smoothies tomorrow
 180: Marriage is: something we shouldn’t push so much onto people. it’s a declaration of love, not an end-all fix-all to your life. i can’t ever see myself getting married but who knows!
 179: Spongebob can: continue to be a relevant meme
178: My mom: i mean. we function. i can’t really complain about my family at large but i am defiantly looking forward to living literally as far away from them as i can. 
 177: The last three songs I bought were? psh, you think i pay for music? (folie a deux, lake effect kid, believers never die volume two) (those are albums but its okay)
176: Last YouTube video watched: I watched Markiplier play Uno
175: How many cousins do you have? 11? 12? I lost count
174: Do you have any siblings? I have a brother
 173: Are your parents divorced? Nope!
172: Are you taller than your mom? Yes, I have been for a while
171: Do you play an instrument? dude HECK yeah! i vibe on piano, guitar, ukulele, clarinet, and im a drum major
170: What did you do yesterday? I went on a drive by myself.
 [ I Believe In ] 
169: Love at first sight: Nope.
168: Luck: Yes, but luck is something that can be engineered
167: Fate: To an extent
 166: Yourself: I’d say overall, yeah. I still have doubts tho
165: Aliens: Mmmmmm yeah
 164: Heaven: Yes
163: Hell: Yes
162: God: Yeup
 161: Horoscopes: without an ounce of truth, they would have died a long time ago
160: Soul mates: the greeks had seven words for love. i think we have multiple soul mates to fit each of those categories. there are definitely people we’re just meant to vibe with
159: Ghosts: i want to say yes but i really dont know
158: Gay Marriage: yes. its 2020. grow up.
157: War: in theory? no. war is kinda messed up. in reality? not everyone is going to be down to nice diplomatic conflict resolution, and not everyone is just gonna leave people *countries* they don’t like alone, so...
156: Orbs: ??? energies are real
155: Magic: vibes are real
 [ This or That ]
 154: Hugs or Kisses: hugs
153: Drunk or High: i am a child of jesus
152: Phone or Online: online
 151: Red heads or Black haired:  irdc but black hair bc i am Emo
150: Blondes or Brunettes: blonde?? ig?? easier to dye
149: Hot or cold: hot weather + cold rooms
148: Summer or winter: summer
147: Autumn or Spring: autum (screw spring)
 146: Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla
145: Night or Day: night
 144: Oranges or Apples: oranges (better to share with homies)
 143: Curly or Straight hair: i dont care but curly
 142: McDonalds or Burger King: mcdonald give iced coffee
141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: dark chocolate
 140: Mac or PC: pc for vidgya gaemes
139: Flip flops or high heals: ...converse. please. i cant walk properly in either of those
 138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: sweet and poor 
 137: Coke or Pepsi: pepsi
136: Hillary or Obama: this is kinda outdated but obama
135: Burried or cremated: cremated i aint watch spn for nothin
134: Singing or Dancing: singing. at least that gets better with practice
133: Coach or Chanel: chanel (thank u mr frank ocean and also the neighborhood)
 132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: whomst
 131: Small town or Big city: big city and if you say small town you’ve never lived in a small town
 130: Wal-Mart or Target: target
 129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: who tf is this
 128: Manicure or Pedicure: idk dude probably pedicure i don’t like people touching my hands and i use them for too much to get my nails done
127: East Coast or West Coast: hnngggggggg west coast has more to do but east coast has better beaches and 
126: Your Birthday or Christmas: birthday 
125: Chocolate or Flowers: chocolate bc then i can give u some
124: Disney or Six Flags: ive only been to disney so disney (though i AM a HARDCORE rollercoaster stan so it wouldnt take much for me to say six flags)
123: Yankees or Red Sox: what 
 [ Here’s What I Think About ]
 122: War: unfortunately sometimes necessary but not as a first resort i went over this already 
 121: George Bush: is that the shoe guy?
 120: Gay Marriage:  be gay. do crime. kiss wife. or husband. or partner. basically, hell yeah
119: The presidential election: america need 2 b single and focus on herself
 118: Abortion: pro-choice and that choice should be made by the one carrying the baby
117: MySpace: tumblr’s dad
116: Reality TV: don’t talk to about abt this
 115: Parents: disgusting. go to therapy. 
114: Back stabbers: if you’re gonna stab me in the back, pull my lungs through my ribcage bc that’s what my ancestor’s ghosts are gonna do to you (thanks great (x a few times) grandma viking ily thanks for the hair:) )
113: Ebay: good for merch and selling books
 112: Facebook: zuck my dick, data-theif
111: Work: i like doing work? like- i enjoy completing tasks and seeing my hard work pay off? it’s not that bad?
110: My Neighbors: old. boring. want me to babysit for free.
109: Gas Prices: i cant really complain rn they’re kinda low and im a little broke so
108: Designer Clothes: i vibe to them, honestly
 107: College: not for everyone but definitely for me
106: Sports: marching band is a sport marching band is a sport marching band is a sport marching band is a sport marching band is a sport but only technically speaking though you can make fair comparisons to sports such as cheer, and gymnastics where the idea is to put on a show and receive a score in the form of competition. 
 105: My family: disgusting
104: The future: the future doesn’t exist
 [ Last time I ] 
103: Hugged someone: god, don’t ask me this
 102: Last time you ate: uhhh like 9 hours ago? it was dinner and i had pizza
 101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: three or four weeks ago by best bro came to visit and we vibed
100: Cried in front of someone: i finished twist and shout at school at the end of a very bad week. it was only a few tears but that’s as close as i get to crying
99: Went to a movie theater: whenever the last star wars movie came out
98: Took a vacation: last year i went to dc over summer break to see the Smithsonian, it was a lot of fun. i was supposed to go to altanta and florida this year but that didn’t happen for reasons
 97: Swam in a pool: last week
 96: Changed a diaper: never
 95: Got my nails done: never
 94: Went to a wedding: its been at least 6 years dude
93: Broke a bone: never, somehow
 92: Got a peircing: nope
91: Broke the law: technically, yesterday. 55 is too slow
90: Texted: just now
 [ MISC ] 
89: Who makes you laugh the most: the person in my snap named “junior”
88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: my cat
87: The last movie I saw: probably into the spiderverse
86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: things going back to normal. or somewhat normal. i need school to have a schedule bc i absolutely cannot force myself to function without outside influence
 85: The thing im not looking forward to: ironically, school in the fall. the way we’re going back is going to wreck me more than lockdown already has
 84: People call me: i only ft one of my bros and they know who tf they are if you ask to ft you’re getting fuckin blocked mate i dont do that shit video calls are for WORK and SCHOOL thats IT. but ppl call me by my nickname irl, i go by screech on here. 
83: The most difficult thing to do is: listen to my parent’s political opinions? live in a small town? force myself to be productive without a physical influence and reminder? put up with that one dude?
82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: nope
 81: My zodiac sign is: scoprio/leo/gemini
80: The first person i talked to today was: the potential bassist for our potential band? 
79: First time you had a crush: uhh im still not sure if it was a crush but i wanted them to myself and they wanted (and got) someone better. we were just friends so it doesn’t really matter
 78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: the person on snap named “the great oracle”
77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: yesterday, it was my brother
 76: Right now I am talking to: in order of snap names, “vibin ~[^.^]~”, “russian umbrella”, and “mom” (not really)
75: What are you going to do when you grow up: hopefully, a job that makes me happy
74: I have/will get a job: as soon as i know what’s going on with school. but like as an adult? wherever will hire me and pay my fairly. being a barista would be fun, but at a local place (not in my current town)
73: Tomorrow: ???? time for bad poetry: tomorrow i will see my friend/ admist this lasting chaos/ we will be each other’s solitude/ while sharing fruity drinks/ and when we both come home/ a smile we will bring
72: Today: idk what this means so more poetry: today i will be sleep deprived as always/ i will think of them and weep/ but no tears will fall from my eyes/ for i know there is a reason/ we went our own way
 71: Next Summer: i fr dont know whats goin on so: next summer i will be/ as happy as can be/ because i will be in pain no longer/ the earth is sure to heal/ and i will heal with her/ so i can enjoy/ the heatwave of next summer
70: Next Weekend: next weekend i will spend/ my days wasting away/ maybe ill finish hannibal/ again/ not that serial killers make the dopamine stay/ i will not see my friends/ or talk to my family/ i will seldom eat/ and live off coffee/ this has been my life/ all quarintine/ god someone please help me
 69: I have these pets: i have four cats, three chickens, and a dog
 68: The worst sound in the world: my dad and grandpa talking
 67: The person that makes me cry the most is: Them
 66: People that make you happy: snap name time: the great oracle, junior, vibin ~[^.^]~, russian umbrella, mom, hero, booby-king 48, go to bed, son, pooper trooper, mac&cheese, plain egg biscuit, apple pie
 65: Last time I cried: i dont cry bitch (last week over officals that cant make up they gottdamned mindes)
64: My friends are: my family and i would die for each and all of them
 63: My computer is: an old hp but it play gaemes real good so it okie
 62: My School: is trash but the band pops off
61: My Car: old, fast, clean
60: I lose all respect for people who: are my dad
 59: The movie I cried at was: i cried over big hero six
 58: Your hair color is: blonde
57: TV shows you watch: supernatural, good omens, hannibal, parks and rec
56: Favorite web site: this hellsite or youtube
 55: Your dream vacation: out of the country with beautiful beaches, amazing food, and my best friend
54: The worst pain I was ever in was: the time i split the back of my head open, the time i split my chin open, and the time my then best friend said they didn’t want to talk to me anymore. i’ll let you guess which one hurt the most and which one i think about every fucking day
53: How do you like your steak cooked: medium or medium well. 
52: My room is: clean and a reflection of myself, or so i’ve been told
51: My favorite celebrity is: i do not engage in celebrity worship. ill follow them and reblog gifs/interviews but i dont really have a favorite. the less i know abt them the better.
 50: Where would you like to be: my own apartment in nyc
49: Do you want children: FUCK THEM KIDS BRO
 48: Ever been in love: i dont know if it was love. i dont know if it was a crush. what i do know id that i was attached and they didn’t feel the same, and why would they?
 47: Who’s your best friend: we dont really use best friend bc but “the great oracle” “junior” and “vibin ~[^.^]~”
46: More guy friends or girl friends: its 50/50
45: One thing that makes you feel great is: goin fast, the beach, playin video games
44: One person that you wish you could see right now: them
43: Do you have a 5 year plan: go to college, earn degree
 42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: commit arson
 41: Have you pre-named your children: FUCK. THEM. KIDS. BRO.
40: Last person I got mad at: they do not understand that they do not know everything about something they’re not even involved in yet
39: I would like to move to: new zealand
38: I wish I was a professional: artist? musican? youtuber? who knows
 [ My Favorites ] 
37: Candy: nerds
36: Vehicle: 1970 mustang gt
 35: President: jfk only bc his assassination is the only good thing abt american history the rest of it is fucked up and shouldn’t have happened. also jfk’s song in assassians the musical goes hard
34: State visited: california
 33: Cellphone provider: verizon? apple? idfk
32: Athlete: what is sport
31: Actor: i don't watch shows or movies
30: Actress: i do not consume media
29: Singer: alex gaskarth or alexander deleon
 28: Band: fall out boy 
 27: Clothing store: hot topic (i will not apologize)
 26: Grocery store: okay harris teeter fucks but lidil’s has aloe vera juice and target at 9 pm energy so idk man 
25: TV show: supernatural...
24: Movie: big hero 6
 23: Website: tumblr or youtube
 22: Animal: snow leopard 
 21: Theme park: busch gardens bc roller coaster go fast
20: Holiday: christmas
19: Sport to watch: snowboarding bc its like skateboarding but on snow
18: Sport to play: anything with havy footwork (marching band is a sport)
17: Magazine: i do not condume media
16: Book: the ranger’s apprentice series as a whole makes up my all-time one favorite book
 15: Day of the week: friday bc its game day baybey
14: Beach: cocoa beach in florida but also i have so much left to experience 
13: Concert attended: i havent been to any notable gigs but i was supposed to go to hella mega
 12: Thing to cook: pancakes
11: Food: pizza or shushi
 10: Restaurant: chiplote
 9: Radio station: i like my local rock station and my local edm/top 40 station
8: Yankee candle scent: anything smoky or vanilla idc
7: Perfume: chanel no. 5 if i even wear it
6: Flower: Hydrangea
5: Color: orange
 4: Talk show host: cecil palmer
 3: Comedian: john maulaney
 2: Dog breed: yes
1: Did you answer all these truthfully? ;)
That was a trip. But it was fun, please do things like this more often. Also, I don’t consume media by choice. I’m not sheltered I just can’t be bothered, and I have enough going on. That being said I will now be sleeping. Thanks again, Anon, I hope you have fun reading this :D
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Serenity in the edge
of the cliff
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Have you ever experienced your soul in the arms of nature? Like suddenly you just feel the warm embraced of your own soul out of nowhere. All the problems and chaos of the city suddenly vanished without any trace and you feel the fresh breeze that slowly and passionately kissing your bare skin. At first glance, it is just a plain swimming pool area, house rent, cottages and a souvenir shop but at the back of it is the hidden beauty of this place. A muddy narrow upward heel is the only way you can took going to it's real paradise. As the tip of my slipper touches the bamboo made small nipa hut, it is clearly the hint that I'm near the secret paradise. At my third step inside of it, I looked down and saw the breathtaking majestically creation of our beloved father, the entrance of the abstract bliss of nature. A first rate most transcendental paradise for my sorrowful soul made by the tricky problems of mine. Majestically resort indeed to escape and surrender yourself from the over populated chaos of urban life.
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While the sun is still sleeping, the plane already rises and meets the shadowy clouds up in the air. After an hour, a couple of eye are looking out of window chasing after the rays of the awaken star. Suddenly, the twinkle in my eyes cannot deny how mesmerized am I to the golden beauty of the palace made by the white fluffy clouds, morning rays of the sun, and the birds that creates their own show and making the palace alive. My adoration to the view outside the window suddenly disrupted by the charming flight attendant that is gentle as a lamb who asked me if I can close the window at my right side because after how many minutes we will arrive at the land of the dream weavers, South Cotabato. The hometown of the pride of Mindanao, the great T'boli tribe weaver makers.
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As my shoes stepped down, the warm greetings of the full view mountain and tingling sensation that the breeze of air welcomed me. Also, the lively voice of the attendants greets us full of hospitality with their shining eyes. Entering the departure area, I immediately went to the baggage and scan for my stuffs. When I find my things, it is like I lift a gigantic elephant, my sweat started to find its way going down to my eyes and to my cheeks. We hurriedly and desperately find a cab going to my grandmother's house. A lot of cab driver's offered us a ride but it was way too expensive and greedy of them. At the end, a honest and good samaritan driver offered us a fair fee and without any hesitation we agree. At our way going to my father's side mother, the driver and my father is like catching the time together like they now each other for a long period of time. While my mother and little sister was sleeping, I decided to joined them and sleep.
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As fas as I remember, the province ambiance and air slowly sinking to my mind and making my entire system in calm. All of a sudden, two young girls are going to our way and hug us tightly and followed by a short hair elder perhaps my grandmother. With her teary eyes she scans my face and smile widely and hug me. Now I remember her, after almost 10 years she was the woman who’s holding me when I’m still an infant in the picture, my lala. After the repeatedly warm welcome to us, they let us rest and gain energy for the lunch.
After how many days, my cousin invited us to go swimming at Tuburan together with our near relatives. My little sister and I quickly gather our clothes and our OOTD or outfit of the day. When everyone is ready, we excitedly scream and laugh. On our way going to Tuburan, different fruits and vegetables are obviously showing how wealthy the agriculture of this place is. From the huge watermelons, melons, coconuts, bananas and oranges and many different kinds that you can buy at the side of road in affordable price up to the red peppers, sugar cranes, bananas and eggplants that are planted everywhere. Also, you can see how happy those people who are contentedly living here by just looking at their eyes and how energize they are working under the heat of the sun.
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Unfinished flourishing of road made us dizzy and also a signal that we are near by the Tuburan resort. You can see outside the tall plantation of bananas and the greetings of M-E-E-E-E-H by the goats. As the staffs of the resort open their gates widely to us, I was astonished in the nature friendly ambiance of the place. A clever young monkey welcomed us with his hands waving at us and my cousin lends his hand to give the monkey some bananas. After finding our rent cottage we decided to enjoy the man-made different kind of pools but unfortunately I’m not into swimming becacause I dont know how to swim. So after several hours, I got bored out of one's brain and my good looking cousin notice the absence of my presence in the group of ours. He approached me and asked why I look like I’m counting ant in the side. I told him I’m extremely bored and he laughed hardly that he caught the attention of my other cousins so they joined us. And when they get a hint of my silence, they clutch my wrist and I let them grab me whenever they want. I got a big question mark behind my mind because I think we are trespassing the back of elegant rental house and the way is getting narrow and muddy upward heel and my sweat is starting to fall out of my face. When we reached the top, my whole body stiffened and automatically blows away by the fascinating view of the bliss at my sight. I forgot that I’m with my cousins just look around amazingly.
Before I went here, the overloaded school activities fill my schedule and time. But as of now, the only thing that matter was how this place slowly giving its own way of healing emotionally the scars and wounds of my heart and mind. From how the wind touches and kisses my bare skin and find its way to slowly calm my senses like I am a new born baby up to the deepest serene of my heart.
If my little sister did not call me I will not come back to my senses. As a step inside an open nipa hut, slowly all the worries and problems fade away. The chaos of silence filled my system as if in just a snap of finger my life restarted and open a new beginning of wider journey. At the end of nipa hut is the new world in the cliff, with the trees dancing in the rhythm of cold breeze air and the birds that slowly capturing the rhythm under the dancing trees creating a magnificent view. All of a sudden, the urge to avoidance to live in the city suddenly the only desperate move I can do. Living here without worrying what will happen next just breathing and mating your soul to the nature is a blast. Breathe as if it is the last moment of my unforgettable escape, the hidden world.
This transcendental paradise that will always have a significant place into my heart. The beauty behind the man made resort; the magnificent world in the edge of the cliff. A place for a person like me, still finding the serene in the arms of nature. Though this paradise is many miles away from my unescapble life in urban I will always treasure this place.
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I’m Never Wrong
Erik x Reader story
Warnings: This story is really long. I’m warning you now. Smut, SoftErik! RedeemedErik!
32 days before Christmas
I gotten in from work pretty late tonight. Working on all of these damn briefs and defenses so I can be case free for the Holidays. Erik hates when I bring work home so I always either don't or I hide it and work in the office when he's out or sleep. Tonight, I chose not to bring it home. The slave ship that is Lawman & Sholtz Associates got fifteen hours out of me today. It's almost 11 PM and I just want a glass of wine in my bed. I walk into a dark foyer and an even darker living room. Erik is usually in there playing Fortnite or Battlegrounds, cursing out little nine year olds on live. This is the quietest my house has ever been since we moved in six months ago! It's truly been an adjustment living with N'jadaka Stevens-Udaku. He is the noisiest, nosiest, grumpiest roommate I've ever had!
That's including my law school roommate, Phoebe. She never liked having company over, same as Erik. She was hella territorial over food that we both bought, same as Erik! They both even have a mean snoring problem. I'm pretty sure if I could find the damn girl and let them meet, they would hit it off they're so much alike!"
Babe?! You home?!" I yell out, silence. I dropped my briefcase, coat, and keys on the floor so I can lose my uncomfortable ass heels. "I know he better be home tonight! He knows it's our.." "Baby! I'm back here! Bring yo ass, woman!" I quickly shimmy out of my pencil skirt and blazer down the hallway. I just know I'm in for a long night tonight. It's our three year anniversary. It's also been two years since I almost lost his dumb ass, tryna chase a throne with nothing but rage and oppression on his heart.
"Hey bae, I'm ba--" FAP! A sharp slap landed on his right cheek, he couldn't even react to it before he felt a jab connect to his left one. "You got some fucking nerve coming back here! Six months N'jadaka!? You said you would be back in a week or two! How the fuck did that turn into six--fucking--months!?" My last three words turned into three more punches. He grabbed my wrists with one hand and used his other hand to push me against the back of the door. "Look baby, I'm sorry. I went to Wakanda and shit went left, okay? I beat my cousin in ritual combat, I thought I killed him. I was about to send the vibranium weapons out to our wardogs and come back to you. Then, he returned. All hell broke loose and.. I died." My eyes grew wide before I could open my mouth to scream he let go of my hands, "Dont! Hear me out, Y/N. I died. T'challa stabbed me in my chest--" He lifted up his shirt to show me the mostly healed wound. "--I told my cousin if he was gonna lock me up, just let me die. Bury me in the ocean. I guess he chose not to lock me up and he saved me. When I came to, he told me that he bought the old apartment building my father and I lived in and made it an outreach resource center, that it would be the first of many.. That he needs my help in running. Even though it's a small step in the direction of progress, it's a step. I gave Cha my word, I'll help him. But I had to come here and explain myself to the love of my life." I shook my head in disbelief. In disbelief of the entire story! How do you die and come back? Can vibranium do that? Wait. "I'm your what-now?" He smirked and kissed my neck gently, "You're the love of my life. I love you, Y/N." I've never heard this man tell me he loved me before today. He's always tip toed around saying it. Even before he left for six months, his last words to me was, 'I care for you so much baby. Swear I'm coming back for you. On my parents. You coming back home with me.' His stubby finger swiped across my cheek wiping the single tear that fell from it, "I'm sorry. I love you." He embraced me as I cried in his arms, "I love you, Erik."
I get to the doorway to be met by pink candles trailing to our master bath and rose pedals spread throughout the layout of our room. Who's cleaning this up? I approached the door frame to see my fine ass man in nothing but a towel, accompanied with two flutes full of champagne. "What is this?" "This is for you, gorgeous." He hands me a glass and I gladly take a sip, I been waiting all day for this. Bollinger Brut Rose, my favorite. I moaned at the bubbles hitting my nose with that sweet aroma. It's what I imagine what heaven must be like. "I been waiting on you to get this bath started. I didn't want the water getting cold so.." He starts filling up the tub as I tell him about my day with these colonizers stressing me out, I thanked him for the lunch and edible arrangement that he sent me. "You ate it all, didn't you?" I raised my eyebrows at his question and throw back the rest of my champagne, "Mhm. You know I love chocolate covered strawberries!" He beams at my response, "Good thing I got two dozen and kept the other one here!" He pulls out a dozen of the delectable fruit on ice. "God, I love you. Have I told you that?" He shrugs, "A time or two." I laugh and jump up, "The bath!"
We settle in the bathtub with our refilled glasses and strawberries on hand, then he grabs something else. It's pretty dim in the bathroom so I really can't make out what it is. "Any more surprises, lover boy?" I tilt my head backwards to see his boyish grin as he nods and holds out a ball. "I went to lush." I gasp and squeal "You hate that place baby!" "I know! I wanted to make tonight special for you. I know I ain't always the best. I'm not the happiest camper in the woods all the time, but you put up with that shit. You always make sure I'm as happy as I can be. So I'm tryna make tonight as special as possible for you. For us." I turn myself around to face him and give him a long, passionate kiss. This is single-handedly the best anniversary ever. Especially considering the first was the worst, the second was when he finally came back from Wakanda and that one wasn't any better. He's really making up for that. He breaks our contact, "Damn baby, you gon make me drop it!" "What did you get?" He pondered on the question, "Uh, I told the lady it's our anniversary and you love the place, I told her what smells you didn't like and she gave me this..She said its a..sex bomb I think." I shake my head, "Oh, so you tryna really get it poppin' tonight, huh?" "Hell yeah, Y/N. You thought you was getting away with what you did this morning?" I look up to the ceiling in deep thought, "I'm sorry, I do not recall." He nudges me, "Oh, so you don't remember how I woke you up, told you you were moaning in your sleep--" He drops the bath bomb in front of us..as it starts to fizz and the Jasmine aroma releases, he starts caressing my outer thigh, continuing, "--and that I could help you out with that. You let me get you out your pjs, and just as I was about to eat you like my last meal--" He stops to kiss my shoulder, I let out a whine, "Your alarm went off for work and you pushed me off you." He takes a strawberry and devours it whole, sucking all the juice out directly in my ear, making sure I could hear it. Then without moving, he whispers, "You don't remember that baby?" I bite my lip and my eyes darted back at the sex bomb, it's still fizzing. Turning the water to a beautiful lavender hue. "It's coming back to me.." He feels me closing my thighs together, then he places one hand between them, prying them back open. "Nah gorgeous, we not doing that tonight. I already called your job after you left. You not even getting out of bed tomorrow unless you coming in here, let alone going to work. I called out for you." His finger grazed past my clit as he said it, distracting me, I let out a muffled moan. "Damn..this bath is working. Otherwise I'd be curs--ooh!" Erik takes his other hand to wrap it around my neck and firmly press against that spot that makes me wet every single time, "You not cursing me out, you gon thank me tomorrow for how I'm about to tear you up tonight. You ready for it, Y/N?" I nod, words are completely out of the question while he's giving me this euphoric feeling. He huffs, "Imma let you slide this time gorgeous, but you know when I ask you something, I wanna hear an answer." He releases his hold, "Right?" "Yes sir."
"Good. Good. Now, back to these." He feeds me a strawberry, "So, remember our first date?" I burst out into laughter, "How it was about to be our only date, yes!" "Aye! I told you I was late because--" "Yeah, yeah. Because you robbed a museum and you almost got arrested but the cops lost your tail. I thought you were bullshitting." "I wasn't though. I had to make some bread to take you out." I sank deeper into the warm water, "You lucky you're a charismatic SOB, I had all intentions of not giving you a second date." "Look at us now. Living together, you partner at your firm. I'm running the Wakandan outreach center. We living our dreams." He gave me my glass and held his up to mine, "To three years, and a million more." Our glasses clink and I threw my second glass straight back. "Oh so you tryna get it poppin' tonight, huh gorgeous?" I roll my eyes, "Since I'm off tomorrow, hell yeah."
We get out of the bathtub and we're practically all over each other. Lush outdid themselves with that bomb. We barely got ourselves dry with the one towel we had between us as we stumbled onto our California King. I straddle him as his hands find their placement around my hips. I hungrily kiss him, occasionally licking his soft bottom lip and pulling it in with mine. He lets out the most beautiful moan I've ever heard in his deep tone. I swear, I can't get any wetter than what I am now. I kiss his outer jaw then whisper close to his ear, "Happy anniversary, baby." I trail kisses back down his jaw, to his neck. He hands move from my hips, through my scalp, running his fingers through my hair as he felt a slightly sharp pain of my bite. He cooed as I left two nice sized hickeys where he likes to be kissed the most. I make my way back up to his lips as I'm grinding into him, he's standing at full attention at this point. He starts mirroring my movements while his fingers are still entangled in my hair. He breaks our kiss and whispers, "So beautiful." I whisper back, "I love you." 
As he opened his mouth to return the sentiment, I grabbed his hard member and dragged it across my dripping slit. His mouth hangs open when I drop down onto it. I bottom myself out as I rock back and forth on him, I just hear 'Ah' over and over as I go each way. I occasionally roll my hips around as he hisses and grabs my hair with full force. My lips go back to his ear, "You like that baby?" I can tell he's biting his lip because I hear a muffled moan come out as I roll my hips around again, "I love it." I kiss his lobe as I groan at his hips crashing into mine. I place more distance between our lower halves, moving up and down on his glistening member. As his head continuously grazes my g-spot, my tone rises. He removes his hands from my hair and return them back onto my hips as he crashes into me harder, making sure to keep the same pace. "Right there, Y/N?" I groan through my answer, "Yes! Right there!" The harder he crashes back into me, the more incoherent my moaning becomes until my voice goes into a falsetto and my first orgasm flows out onto the both of us.
"Ride it out baby, keep going." I'm shaking as my body is trying to give out but his words give me the strength to hold myself up to keep bouncing on him. At this point I'm only hearing the smacking of our skin as we collide and his voice saying my name over and over again, motivating me to keep going. I feel my thighs quivering as he continues hitting my spot, All I could let out was a group of yeses, one higher than the other until my second orgasm surprises me and leaves my entire body quaking. He holds himself right on my g-spot as my walls contract against him, my fluids splashing down my inner thigh onto his pelvis. "Shit, Y/N. Hold up." He digs his hands into my hips and rolls himself on top of me. Once my orgasm finishes washing over me, he starts digging me out like he's on a mission to do it again. He takes his turn to lean into my ear, "You wanna cum again baby?" I yelp as he bottoms me out, holding it there, "Yes!" He pushes himself further up, "Yes, s-ir!" As he almost completely pushes himself out, his hands snake back around my neck and squeezes tight. I become displaced again, the only sense I clearly have left is hearing and I hear myself struggling to groan loudly, splashing, and him yelling my name again. He eases up around my neck and I come back to. I look down and our lower halves are drenched, Erik is looking at me with his eyes halfway shut as he confesses, 
"Baby, I love you so much! You feel so.." I felt my walls involuntarily close around him as I shiver, "Ahh..damn you feel so good." I pull him down to me. Now, we're face to face. He slows his pace all the way down, but the intensity is still present. We're kissing each other through our coos and moans, we both feel my third orgasm creeping up on me. "I love you Erik." I look him in his dark eyes as mine release tears of joy, he wipes one side of my face as he kisses me, slowly pushing in and out of me, "I love you too, Y/N. You're everything--I could ever ask for. I can't be without you. Ever." Erik kisses me again. I open my eyes and I see his fingers fiddling with a ring. I gasp and cover my mouth as more tears are coming down my face, "Marry me. I'm asking you to make me happier than I've ever been. I'm asking you to go through life's ups and downs with me, as one. Marry me, Y/N."
I hold my left hand out, "Yes N'jadaka. Yes!" He places the ring on my finger and I tightly embrace him. He quickly reminds me what we were doing before he asked me to be his wife, pushing himself deeper than he's ever been. I gasp as my nails embed themselves into his muscular back. He pulls back out of me then back to that same spot. I hear a squishing sound that makes me jerk back, he presses back on it making me scream, "N'Jadaka!" he moans in my neck, "Say it again." "N'jada-- ohh!" He drills into me again and again back in that same spot as my orgasm unfolds right then and there. I spill out, more than I ever have before, splashing the sheets, myself, and him. The more he keeps pressing that spot, the more I cum. He huffs out as he lets himself go. We're both shaking and holding onto one another. As he's shooting into me, I'm shooting out on him. He collapses on top of me as we drifted off for the rest of the night.
Six days before Christmas "That's everything?" Erik zips up the third suitcase of mine as I'm looking around my room mentally checking off everything that's in my bag. "Yup. That's it." "You plan on leaving me?" I look in his direction, puzzled. "What?" He stretches his arms out over the three large suitcases I have verses the one duffle bag he has. "You literally packed for three people." "No I didn't. Ass. I have two suitcases of clothes, we're gonna be there for two weeks! The third one is for my shoes and toiletries." He shook his head, "This is about to be expensive as fuck." He's right about that. We're going to Toronto this year for Christmas and New Years. My parents moved there about three years ago after my youngest brother moved out. We've never been there so I don't know what to expect weather wise. "You got your passport Erik? We don't have time to turn around if you forget it." He holds two blue booklets up, "I got yours and mine, now lets go." -- WELCOME TO PEARSON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT
I hear over the intercom, my eyes are squinting at the bright lights. Erik and I are hand in hand as we navigate through the busy airport looking for baggage claim. We finally find it and with that we find my parents with a big sign reading, "The Stevens" I cover my face in embarrassment. My mother squeals "Y/N! My baby!" She grabs me up and hugs me really tight, rocking me left and right. "How was your flight?" "A nightmare, ma. Seven hours of the same toddler screaming, people coughing in my personal space..I'm tired. Can we go to the house now?" She nods, "Okay baby. Hello Son! How are you?" He hugs my mom, "I'm good Raina, I was tryna keep her comfortable for the entire flight." "You know how fickle Y/N is about packed flights." "She hates it." They say in unison. "Aye! Enough ragging on my daughter. We both hate crowds in cramped spaces! I'm glad you made it out here to see us, lovebug." My daddy kissed me on the cheek and gave Erik a firm handshake, "It's nice to finally meet my son-in-law to be." "Likewise Mr. Y/L/N." "Call me Wallace, or dad." They both smiled at the informality. 
-- We settled into my parent's house quite nicely, and damn is this house nice. Five bedrooms, Seven bathrooms. A Spacious back yard, a minibar in the living room, the kitchen with white appliances and white marble counter tops, the island in the center. They even have a wine cellar for their vast collection of wines! This is truly their dream house. I'm so happy for them. As a retired physician and banker, they really made their dreams come true as empty nesters. Suddenly, I felt a lump in my throat, like I couldn't swallow my saliva. I shook my head and forcefully swallowed. Not thinking much of it, I head to the kitchen where I bump into my brother, Jordan.
"Hey bighead! Wassup?" I nudge him, "Shit, tryna get some water if you'd move!" He steps aside, "My bad. Daaayym! That must cost a grip!" Jordan grabs my left hand, "Nice. Where's my bro anyway?" I point upward, "Upstairs sleeping, we're hella jet lagged. Where's my sister?" Jordan married Daisa last year, she's expecting their first child in February. "She's in the office, talking to dad about plans for our nursery. You know he's hella excited to be a pop pop." I giggle at the name, "Why don't grandparents ever wanna be called grandpa and grandma?" He shrugs, "I don't know.." "Because we're not old." My mom slides in the kitchen from the wine cellar. She slaps Jordan's hand, "You better get a coaster for that cup! Wash it when you finished, too!" "Okay ma! I'm going to check on Daisa anyway!"
I sit on the island as I gulp down my bottled water. "Have ya'll thought about any plans for the wedding yet, baby?" mom sips some of her Cabernet. I shake my head, "Nah, we've just been so.." "Engulfed into each other that you haven't thought about it?" We laugh at the same time, "What can I say? I really love him, ma." "I know you do, baby. You've been glowing since he asked.." She takes a sip, then continues, "Speaking of glow, you know I dreamed about fishes the other night." My eyes instantly rolled at her phrase, my mom being from Florida, she always has these superstitions. The fish dreams are always on point though. She dreamed about fishes last year, Jordan and Daisa found out they were pregnant. Three years before that she dreamed of fishes, my oldest brother Stephan got his fiancee Joyce pregnant. I shake my head at her, "Maybe Daisa is having the baby early." "Girl, she's carrying too small, that baby is just fine in there until February, maybe even March. Erik has been sleep since you guys got here four hours ago. Jet lag, my ass." I then thought about how my older brothers were before they knew their women were pregnant. The Y/L/N tradition always stood, the woman may have some symptoms, but the men always carried the sleepiness and the over eating. It never failed. My dad gained a total of fifty pounds thanks to the three of us.
Last week
Erik had been staying late at work all week, Friday is finally here and I decided to take a half day and cook his favorite. Fried chicken, brown rice, gravy, collards, and cornbread.  He finally got home as the collards finished boiling down. "Hey babe, whatchu in here cooking?" "My baby's favorite!" I sniffed the aromas from the foyer "Y/N, you want something don't you?" I shook my head as I fed him some greens and kissed his olive oil ridden lips, "I just wanna take care of you tonight. I know you been working late this week, So wash up and get ready for dinner." He pulled me in for another kiss as he smacked my ass, "What about dessert?" I giggled, "Nigga. You get dessert every night. Tonight ain't no different." He stretched his arm out and pulled it back to him, "Yes!"
I look at him dumbfounded as he devours his meal like he just got home from prison. Erik is eating everything at once, smacking obnoxiously and moaning. "Is it good?" He nodded as he continued smashing his plate. 
SNAP SNAP! "Y/F/N, Y/M/N! Are you here?!" I blink out of my flashback and swallowed hard, "Uh..yeah. Yeah. I'm here. Uh, I'll be back." I run upstairs to our room and closed the door. Almost out of breath, I drink the rest of the water in the bottle and pull my phone out. I immediately pull up my period tracker app..
Day 38, you are six days late (Pregnant?)
Oh, No. I start pacing around the room. Erik and I never talked about kids. He's awesome with the kids at the outreach center, but those are school aged kids. I've never seen him with a baby, baby. I'm still out of breath, I look over to Erik, his eyes are fluttering..shit, he's about to wake up.
I hear Stephan's annoying ass scream out, "Food's here!"
-- Silence falls around the dinning room table, nothing but forks hitting plates can be heard, with an occasional sip here and there. I look to my left to see Erik smashing his plate once again, which is putting me off of my food. "Son, have you eaten today? You okay?" My dad asks as he passes Erik the box of takeout. "Blink twice if Y/N is not feeding you!" Stephan jokes as Jordan laughs with him. Erik finally slows down, "Oh, nah. I haven't eaten since breakfast. We had a long flight. I guess I'm really hungry." He looks to his right, lightly headbutting me, I return a nervous grin. "So, I dreamed of fishes the other night!" The entire table groans out except for mom and Erik. Stephan objects, "Man look, it's not us! Joyce is on that ICU thing!" She quickly interjects, "It's an IUD, stupid. I'm not pregnant, Raina. We might revisit the conversation in a year or so, but there's no fishes this way." Joyce holds up her wine glass and throws it back, confirming. I gulp down my sweet tea, which is tasting quite nasty, but I had to get this food down one way or another. My dad looks over at Jordan, Daisa yells out, "It's only one in here! She's not coming until February!" "Maybe March!" My mom interrupts, then winks at me.
Like clockwork, the entire table looks at me and Erik. Erik is still looking confused at the entire conversation, "What's dreaming of fishes about?" "Bro, it means swimmers been swimming! Soldiers been marching!" Stephan throws out the ridiculous figures of speech. Erik looks around the table again then his light bulb turned on, "Ohhhh!" He laughs and goes back to eating, "Nah. If Y/N was pregnant, I would know. Ain't that right, baby?" I laugh with him, "Yeah! Mhm." Everyone shrugs it off and my dad changes the subject to Canadian football. I scoot my chair back and dismiss myself to the upstairs bathroom. That tea really threw my entire meal off, I feel myself heave as I'm climbing the stairs, I shake my head trying to shake off the feeling. Then I heave harder, feeling my dinner come up. I run to the bathroom and made it just in the nick of time to reach the toilet.
"Y/N! You okay, baby?" My mom's voice echos through the east wing of the second floor, I'm still throwing up..not able to answer. She leans against the doorway of the bathroom and smiles at me from the mirror, "I'm never wrong." I wipe my mouth and flush the toilet.
Three Days before Christmas
The past three days have been torture. I still hadn't bought a test to confirm or deny mom's allegations. I'm scared to know for sure. Even though I'm sure I am, especially since I throw up every night after dinner, and my mom meets me at the bathroom door with sparkling water like clockwork. Saying the same thing, "I'm never wrong." I cringe just thinking of the way she says it. So arrogantly, like she knew all along it was me. Even before I thought it was me!
I slept in this morning, I woke up around half past noon and went straight to the kitchen. The men of the house cooked a continental breakfast that blessed the entire house with it's great aroma. I was the last significant other to get up for breakfast, so as tradition stood, I had to set the table. "I'll help you sis." Daisa waddles over to the drawer where the silverware was as I went in the pantry to grab the tablecloth.
I fan the cloth out over the table and Daisa follows, laying down the forks and spoons in front of each chair. "You ready for my niece to get here?" She sighed deeply, "YES! Ready is an understatement!" I giggle as I grab the glasses from the china cabinet. "Girl, If I could have her now, I would! She keeps kicking me in my damn ribs like she hates me!" I shake my head as I felt a sharp cramp on my side, I paused as I hold myself where the pain is, "It is you, isn't it?" I look up at her and shrug, "I don't know." She smiles at me, "There's nothing to be scared of, Y/N. That man in there loves you. He's been gawking about you all morning! 'Y/N just made partner at her firm! Y/N is a better cook than me! Y/N, Y/N, Y/N.' His world revolves around you. You two will make great parents." Somewhere in the middle of her saying all of that, I start crying. She shushed me as she pulled me into her, "It's okay love. Whenever you ready to find out, we'll go to the store, okay?" I nod as I wipe away my tears.
-- Christmas Eve
"Alright guys, We're going on our last minute Christmas shopping spree! We'll be back--" "Whenever we get done spending your caaaash!" Joyce interrupts my mom as we all laugh out the door. We spend our car ride to Eaton Centre singing along to all the nineties girl group hits. Mom finally finds a parking space and we arrive in the crowded mall. Mom pulls out the directory, "Let's see here, I have to go to the J. Crew to get Wallace his sweater." Joyce joins in, "I have to get SJ his iPad Mini at the Apple store." Daisa links her arm into mine, "I'm done with all my shopping, so I'll just go where Y/N goes." Mom hands me the directory, "I guess I can get Erik this watch he's been talking about from Top Shop." "Alright ladies, We'll meet at the food court at four for lunch!" We all go in opposite directions to our destinations.
"You know, there's a pharmacy in here too?" Daisa says as she's looking through each display window we pass. "Oh, really?" She nods, "There's no time like Christmas Eve to know, Y/N." I sigh and throw my arms up, "You're right. Let's get this watch first." We finally reach TopShop and the store is almost packed wall to wall. We pry through the crowd to the accessory section where I find his Rosefield black and gold watch with a black snake skin-like material band. N'jadaka loves black and gold. I love the way it looks on him. He looks so regal, as he should, since he's Prince of Wakanda and all. Daisa and I waited in the checkout line for almost an hour, but I got the watch, She asked them for a large gift bag, I was about to object before she put her hand up, "I got this. Don't worry about it." "Excuse me!" I stop a girl who looked like she was a local, "I'm sorry, I'm visiting from out of town, do you know where the Pharmacy is?" She nods and says, "Go down this way, down the stairs, make a right, It'll be past the Victoria's Secret." "Thank you so much. Happy Holidays!" She returns the sentiment as Daisa and I walk past her to our new destination.
Daisa and I come to the conclusion to buy three ClearBlue tests since they were the easiest results to read. It was fifteen minutes until four so we buy the tests and make a beeline for the food court. We pass the Starbucks where we find Joyce at the front of the line, she grabs her caramel macchiato, "Do y'all know there's a different word for sneakers here? The barista kept saying, 'Nice runners' I'm like, 'I'm not running nowhere!'" Daisa and I look at each other and bust out in laughter. Mom finds all of us with mad bags in her hands, "What are we eating?"
-- We finally get home around six, the boys are yelling in the living room, we all look at each other and say in unison, "They're drunk!" I hid Erik's present in our room and put the pregnancy tests in our bathroom drawer. I hadn't taken them yet, I was waiting on my mom and Daisa, but her words rang in my head 'no time like Christmas Eve to find out..' I grab one test from the drawer and urinate on the stick. I place the top back on it and put it back in the drawer. I go back down in the living room where my family sat around the TV watching football. My fiancee watching with his lips tucked, dimples poking out, and an egg nog sitting in between his legs. His eyes meet mine and he sets his cup aside, patting in the space for me to sit. I lay against him as everyone else is heckling. His lips connect to my scalp, "I'm tired babe, I think I'm gonna go down early." He rubs my arm, "Okay baby, I'll be up in a while." I nod then get up and look in Daisa's direction, she winks at me tells Jordan she has to use the bathroom and we both go upstairs.
We get to the second floor, "I took one." "What did it say?" I shrug. "I took it and put it in the drawer." My mom nudges us, "Well, go find out!" The few steps to our bedroom feels like a thousand, I peer down to my hands, they're shaking and sweating. Daisa holds my left hand, my mom holds my right, "No matter what the test says, You'll be alright. You're loved, not just by Erik, but by all of us. You're good." My mom flips the light switch in the bathroom. I open the drawer with the used test in it, I grab it and squint my eyes at the results
Pregnant ☺(7-8)
I drop the test, as it hit the tile my mom picks it up and smiles, "I'm never wrong."
Christmas Day       
Babe.. Babe..Y/N. Wake up! My eyes flutter at N'jadaka's voice, "Hm?" "Merry Christmas, baby." He holds out a box. I rub my eyes and sit up, "What is it?" His lips collide with mine, "Open it." I claw at the top part of the box, "What is it?" He helps me, it's his father's chain. "I thought, I'd give the person that means the most to me, the thing that means the most to me." He pulls out the chain and places it around my neck, "The ring, is made of vibranium. It's totally impenetrable." I pull him to me, "I love you. I love you so much." He kisses my forehead, "I love you too, Y/N." "Y/N! Erik! Time to open Gifts!" My mom calls us from downstairs.
We watch as SJ opens up his gifts from all of us, He got all of the clothes, toys, and games his little heart desired. As he was distracted by his new Audi toy car, the adults opened their gifts. Stephan got Joyce and upgrade to her engagement ring. Joyce got him season tickets to the New York Giants games. They only agreed to give each other one gift since they splurged on SJ. Mom got dad private chef lessons from the sous chef of Gordon Ramsey's restaurant, a few sweaters and ties, and a trip to Dubai for next Christmas. My dad got mom two new charms for her Pandora bracelet, an iPhone XS and a Caribbean cruise for the end of summer. Jordan and Daisa agreed to open their gifts when they got back home, they figured traveling with the gifts would be a hassle at customs. 
Daisa waddles out of the living room when Erik hands the rest of us black and purple envelopes. I open mine and it reads:
"You are invited to the union of N'jadaka "Erik" Stevens-Udaku and Y/F/N Y/M/N Y/L/N in matrimony at the Royal Palace of Wakanda on the eighth of June in the year of Two Thousand and Nineteen... Erik.." 
"Baby. I know you said we would plan a wedding, I've been planning it for months. T'Challa and Shuri helped, I got your parents blessing last summer over the phone." "So that's why you welcomed him with open arms?" My parents held each other on the arm of the couch, "Mhm." "Now, all I need is you, your dress, and your answer. Will you marry me, in Wakanda this summer?" 
Daisa waddles back in the living room with the large TopShop bag and a box. "Open your gifts." He stares up at me, puzzled. "What's your answer?" "My answer is, open your gifts." He opened the box first, it had his watch in it, which had a note at the bottom. As long as time exists, you'll have me. Love, Y/N. Erik looks at me as he takes the tissue paper out of the bag, he sees another note, "you'll also have me.." He digs through more tissue paper to find all three tests at the bottom of the bag along with a onesie that says, "Arriving August 2019" Erik stands up with his mouth agape, "You're pregnant?" I nod, "I am. So we may have to reset a date after August." He pulls my arm until I crash into him. I look up into his tear filled eyes, I've only seen him cry like this the first time he told me he loved me. I wipe his tears away and kiss him over and over again until his lips break out into the largest grin, "Y/N, I love you." "I love you more, N'jadaka." Everyone crowded around us in cheers as my mom admits again, "I'm never wrong."
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the--blackdahlia · 5 years
Natural Born Killers Chapter 8 (Sam x Dean)
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Title: Natural Born Killers Chapter 9
Summary:  It started as an accident. That’s what it was. But things escalated from there and now the law wants Dean Winchester, one way or another.
Warnings: Language
AN:  So, after I wrote this chapter, I realized that same-sex marriage was not legal in California until later. So, let's just pretend this is an AU where it's a little more accepted/legal in the early 2000's.
“Your file says you graduated from St. Joseph high school.” Victor said, looking at Sam.
“That’s right.” Sam said.
“Was this before or after your dad died?” Victor asked.
“Why does it matter?” Sam asked. “I graduated. That’s all that matters, right?”
“I’m just very impressed to be honest.” Victor told him. “I mean, you have to have had at least a hundred schools under your belt. You stayed at St. Joseph for about two years it seems. And then you graduated salutatorian and got a full ride scholarship to Stanford. That’s pretty good for a prime candidate for foster care.” Sam just rolled his eyes. “Tell me about Stanford Sam. What led up to it. All of it.”
It was a few days after Dean’s birthday when the envelope showed up. Sam had applied at Stanford, as well as Notre Dame, UCLA, and some various Michigan and Indiana colleges. The trail of letters had slowly been trailing in. But this one was different. And when Sam opened it, he knew his life was going to change.
“Dean?” Sam said into the phone. Dean was at work. He was working a little later throughout the week so he could have his weekends with Sam. It didn’t always work out that way, but since he had proven himself to be such a good mechanic, his boss tried to work things out for him.
“Sammy? What is it? What’s wrong?” Dean asked.
“I have something big to tell you.” Sam said. “I don’t know if I should tell you now though…” Dean’s heart was beating hard. What was wrong with his Sammy? “De?”
“Are you okay?” Dean asked, his voice a little unsure. Sam was smiling, not that Dean could see.
“De, how do you feel about California?” Sam asked.
“What?” Dean asked, confused.
“Well, I got a full ride scholarship to Stanford, so…” Sam said. Dean was silent at the other end of the line. Then Sam heard him yelling and could make out words of excitement.
“Oh my god Sammy! That’s the best news I’ve heard all day!” Dean told him. “When I get home, we’ll celebrate! Fuck, I’m so proud of you!”
“I have to live on campus.” Sam groaned as he tossed all his information on the coffee table and dramatically threw himself on the couch. Dean looked up from the movie he was watching.
“Says who?” Dean asked.
“Says Stanford.” Sam said. “The only way I don’t have to is if I have proof I’m living with my parents, there are accommodations that I need that they can’t provide, or I have proof that I’m married or in a domestic partnership.” Sam looked up at Dean. “So I guess I’ll be living in a dorm for at least the first year.”
“Give me some time.” Dean said. “I’ll make sure you can stay with me baby boy.”
The big day came not too long after Sam turned 18. He was one of the youngest in his class it seemed, but he was so excited. He had made friends with a bunch of people over the two years he was there, and even walked with Kaelyn, a girl that was in his photography club with him. He had worked his ass off over the past two years, taking as many AP classes and activities as he could to beef him up to colleges. Him and Dean hadn’t been hunting a lot, but he wanted to make sure they never had to rely on hustling pool or anything like that ever again.
Sam gave a beautiful speech and man, Dean was so ready to jump up and applaud every word that came out of his mouth. Dean hadn’t graduated high school, so he didn’t really see the joy in sitting in a gym for hours while kids talked about following their dreams and such. But seeing Sam in that dark blue gown, standing up at the podium to give hi speech, filled Dean’s heart with so much love.
And then he got his diploma and Dean was on his feet, cheering his blushing little brother.
“So where are you off to after this?” Kaelyn asked Sam as they all stood around, hugging each other.
“We’re moving out to Palo Alto so I can attend Stanford in the fall.” Sam said shyly. He didn’t like boasting about himself. Only a few of his friends knew about the full ride.
“That’s right Mr. Smart Stuff.” Kaelyn laughed and hugged him. “Well, I’ll send you my address when I settle in my dorm at the U of M.” She smiled at Sam, like she wanted to ask him something, but Dean came up and put a hand on Sam’s shoulder and Kaelyn blushed. She had a major crush on Dean.
“Well, I’ll send a postcard to your home address when I get settled up in Palo Alto so you have the address.” Sam said. “I’ll miss you Kaelyn.”
“I’ll miss you too Sam. And Dean.” She said, her face turning a bit redder. Sam and Dean made their way towards Baby. Sam had gotten pictures with his friends and they all promised to send him a copy when they were printed. Dean had a disposable camera he had gotten at CVS and the roll was filled with nothing but Sam at his graduation.
“I thought we could order Chinese and stay in for the rest of the night.” Dean told Sam. “The house we picked out over spring break is ready for us to move in. Dan and Tiffany are sad to see us go. They said we’re the best renters they’ve had in awhile.”
“Yeah, sounds good.” Sam said, staring out the window. Dean frowned a little. He knew Sam had been stressing about the housing situation for awhile. If he could prove that he needed to live off campus, the money from his scholarship that would be put towards room and board would be given to help offset a rent or mortgage. Because Palo Alto was expensive. But they had found a cute little place not too far from campus. It was the cousin of Dean’s boss’ place, and he wanted to sell to head east.
When they got home, Dean placed an order at the Chinese place and went to their bedroom to watch Sam change out of the dress clothes he had worn under his gown and slid into some sweats and a t-shirt. Dean wrapped his arms around his waist and kissed on his neck.
“I’ve got a surprise for you.” Dean murmured against him. “Go sit down and I’ll bring it out.”
“Mmmm, okay.” Sam said, moving away from Dean and settling himself on the couch in the living room. Dean took a couple minutes but came out with an envelope. Sam looked up at Dean. He had been getting cards and such in the mail from people like Bobby and Jim who wanted to congratulate him for all his hard work. Sam just thought it was one of those.
“You didn’t have to get me a card.” Sam said, taking the envelope from Dean.
“Just open it Sammy.” Dean said. “I called in a lot of favors for this.” Sam raised an eyebrow but opened the envelope and took out the paper from inside.
State of California Department of Public Health
License and Certificate of Marriage.
Samuel W. Campbell and Dean M. Winchester.
“D-Dean.” Sam looked up at him.
“Now you don’t have to live in the dorm baby boy.” Dean said. Sam laid the paper by him and wrapped his arms around Dean, hugging him. “We have an official record in California, and I got someone to change your records at school to reflect it.” Dean’s heart warmed at the smile that spread on Sam’s face. “There’s something that goes with that.”
“What?” Sam asked. Dean grabbed a box he had set on the coffee table and opened it to show two black bands. Two black wedding bands.
“Gotta make it official right?” Dean asked, taking one of the bands and sliding it on Sam’s finger. Sam did the same for Dean. Dean took Sam’s hand and kissed the finger where the ring was. “Mine.” He whispered.
“Yours.” Sam said happily.
Two days later, they Impala was packed down with all their boxes and such. They had sold off most of their furniture, and rented a small trailer that could hitch to Baby for the things that wouldn’t fit in the car. They had not stayed in a motel since they rented the house, but they were going to stay in one on the way to their new home. Dean wasn’t entirely sure where they were going to stop off at yet. They had left early in the morning and stopped to get breakfast. But Sam was tired and napped on and off on the way. They finally stopped late in the night for a motel. Dean hadn’t had to pull all nighters to drive for a long time and he was a little out of practice. So he got them a motel room with a king bed for him and the other Mr. Winchester.
“It’s pretty much our honeymoon baby boy.” Dean joked as he kissed Sam gently. Sam just rolled his eyes and let Dean kiss him.
The next morning, he was like a ball of energy. They were so close, he could taste it. He would have about a month or so to get used to the house before he had to attend orientation and then classes. He had plans to do some gardening; herbs and other plants that they could use for protection as well as cooking. He had done a little with their next door neighbor in Michigan, since it was sometimes too hard for her to get done to pull the weeds. It was a great relaxer sometimes. Dean worked on cars; Sam liked to take pictures and work on gardening with Mrs. Tandy.
“We’re almost there.” Dean said as they passed through Sacramento. Dean couldn’t stop stealing glances at Sam. He looked so happy, so relaxed and Dean was so in love. Before they knew it, they were pulling onto Emerson Street in the Midtown neighborhood.
“I can’t believe we scored a house here.” Sam said in almost a dreamlike state. Their home in Michigan was very nice, but it wasn’t theirs. They were just renting it. Of course, their landlords didn’t mind if they painted or anything like that, but Sam wanted someplace that was theirs.
“Remember, it needs a little love.” Dean said, finding the right address and pulling into the driveway. They had visited the house and it’s previous occupants on Sam’s spring break a few months prior. The house had been empty for about a month now. Dean had worked extra hours and done a few kills to get the money to pay for the house, meaning that the extra scholarship money could be applied to fixing it up.
“It’s ours.” Sam said, a huge smile on his face. “It’s all ours.”
Two Months Later
“Dean, I’ve gotta get to the orientation.” Sam said.
“Want me to drop you off on my way to work?” Dean asked, buttoning up his work shirt.
“Might be a good idea. I heard parking is a bitch.” Sam said. “And I haven’t gotten the bus schedule down yet.” Dean smiled and kissed Sam.
“And you’re the nerd.” Dean laughed. “Come on. Let’s get you to your orientation.” Sam smiled. He knew how to drive, but he had just never bothered to get a car. Dean drove them everywhere and Sam was happy with that. Occasionally, he would drive out for things, but it was rare.
Dean dropped Sam off at the student center and gave him a quick kiss.
“If you need me to pick you up, call me baby boy.” Dean said. “Love you Sammy.”
“Love you De.” Sam smiled and waved to Dean before heading inside. They were all gathered into an auditorium and went over all the things that Stanford had to offer, financial things, etc. Finally, they broke for lunch. Sam sat a table by the window, looking out over the campus.
“Hey, mind if I sit here?” A kid asked holding a tray of food.
“Sure.” Sam said, looking up at him.
“I saw you at orientation. What dorm are you in?” The kid asked.
“Oh, I don’t have one. I live at Midtown with my husband.” Sam explained.
“Dude, lucky.” The kid laughed. He stuck out his hand for Sam to shake. “Name’s Brady. I’ll be at Florence Moore...I think.” Sam laughed and shook his hand.
“I’m Sam.” Sam said, smiling at him. “Pre law.”
“Business.” Brady said. “I’m gonna be a CEO someday. But I think I’ll need a lawyer like you to help me out.”
Conversation flowed freely between the two of them, and they stuck together for the rest of the orientation. They had a few of the same basic core classes, and they even got them at the same times.
If Dean ever had to be jealous of anyone, it was Brady.
Forever Tags: @anathewierdo @we-ride-with-the-tide @dekahg @marvel-af @nanie5 @imboredsueme @gemini0410 @aiaranradnay @babypink224221 @mogaruke @xxwarhawk @strab0 @sandlee44
Supernatural Tags: @bandobsession98 @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester @fangirlsencyclopaediaofweirdness @ilovetardis @missihart23 @supernaturalwincestsblog @flamencodiva @sams-serialkiller-fetish @theas-bedtime-stories
Natural Born Killers Tags: @mysteriousharmony @webcraft4eveh @mereka18 @writinginthesecrettrees
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New Member of the Family
Book: Desire and Decorum
Pairing: MC x Ernest Sinclaire
Summary: A new member of the family comes quicker then most and delivered by a one Edmund Marlcaster.
Authors Note: Long post incoming! This clocks at 2,000 words which surprised me. I don’t know who to pair Edmund up with honestly with Miss Sutton out of the way. I prefer Briar and Mr. Woods (if anyone has those stories please send them to me!) but it could be whoever you want since I left it vague. Enjoy!
Tag List!  @flyawayboo @queen-among-writers   @cosigottahavefaith  @am-i-invisible777 @countrymusicandncis-blog @fluffy-cat-whisper @melodyofgraves @symonde 
It was an over cast day as the sky was a formidable shade of gray that threatened to burst, but never did. By the pondside at Edgewater Clara Sinclaire wrote in her journal as she checked on the baby next to her. He was sitting up looking curiously around as she tipped his chin so he could look at her.
“Yea, you’re so cute Andrew,” she said cooing at the infant as she turned him on his stomach encouraging him to crawl. “Mama loves you.”
He drooled as Clara used a handkerchief to wipe his face as her other son, Laurence, raced past her. Behind him quickly following was Ernie trying to tag him.
“Boys stay away from the edge of the water,” called Ernest as he chased after him. Vincent quickly gaining speed behind him. The boys were running away from someone but why they didn’t really scatter she wasn’t sure.
Clara just shook her head as she did a quick head check to keep track of her children. The boys were playing tag and the girls next to her playing with their dolls. Good, she thought, as she smiled at Mabel and Georgiana happily playing almost shouting at each other to be heard.
“I caught you,” called Vincent as he finally tagging someone. “You’re its Georgiana.”
The girls put down their dolls before joining in the game of tag as Clara shook her head. So much for them winding down for now as they had participated in the last two games of tag. She looked down at Andrew again as she made a face that made him giggle. He was going to be one soon enough as Clara was already thinking ahead of what to do for it.
“I’m out of this round I need rest,” said Ernest as he put a hand up. That seemed to upset the kids as they ran straight at him as they hugged his legs. “I’m going to sit with your mom and brother for now. Your cousins Katherine and Harry will be here soon though.”
Gently he pried off Mabel off his leg as she ran along following her brothers and elder sister. Edmund was going to be arriving soon with his two children. Ernest smiled as he took a spot next to Clara as she grinned at him. It was quiet as they watched the kids play as Ernest put his arm around her and kissed her cheek. Giggling Clara let her pages air out as she put the book aside and rested her head against his arm.
“Guess who’s crawling toward you,” she said as she saw Andrew pulled himself up next to him. “It’s hard to believe he’s going to be one soon.”
Ernest pulled up Andrew on his lap as he peered curiously at the buttons on his jacket before pulling at them. Ernest took his hands and played with them for a moment.
“It’s going to be time for us to try for baby number seven,” he teased as Clara giggled as she wrapped an arm around his waist. That didn’t actually sound too bad, she thought, grinning. He leaned in and kissed her as the back door to the estate opened. Clara turned to look to see her grandmother coming towards them with a rather pensive expression on her face.
“Clara, Ernest there you are,” said Dominique as she sat at the bench behind him. Reluctantly Ernest pulled away from Clara as he turned his attention to his son as he listened to what the women were saying. “Dinner will be ready when Edmund gets here. What is this?”
“My journal,” said Clara as she made sure the ink was for sure as she firmly shut the pages and put it in her bag she carried with the children’s needs in it.
“I didn’t know you wrote,” she said getting a good look at it before she cleared her throat. “Will Vincent be joining us for dinner?”
“Yes he is,” said Ernest as he squeezed Clara’s hand.
“I’ll help decide on dinner,” said Clara as she kissed her husband’s lips softly as Dominique only flushed. Despite having six children the open display of affection was rather unconventional. She took Andrew from his lap as they headed inside. He needed a nap before eating anyway. Behind them Ernest got up as well to round up the children to wash and have their downtime.
Together the two strode inside Edgewater hand in hand as they smiled at each other.
Ernest took Vincent and Ernie to the study, so they could work. Clara took the others to the parlor as Georgiana was to work on her sampler. Her sewing was really improving as she helped her. Laurence and Mabel playing quietly with their toys that they did have here.
Finally, after an hour had passed did the next carriage pull up that housed Edmund and his two children. He had married not too long after Ernie was born, and his children were Georgiana and Laurence’s age, which was five and seven.
“Hello aunt,” chorused both children as Harry bowed to her and Katharine curtsied. Both of them were smiling that it looked as their faces were going to burst.
“Hello Mrs. Sinclaire,” said Edmund as he followed in after them as he kissed her cheeks.
“We have a surprise for you and our cousins,” said Katharine as her brother shot her a look. “It’s for after dinner though.”
Clara looked at Edmund a bit surprised as he shook his head. “We mustn’t tell them what it is,” said Edmund sternly to his daughter who nodded shyly.  “Now run along and find your cousins. I’m sure they’re very hungry and eager to see you.”
“They’re in the nursery,” said Clara as she smiled at them to head up,
The two children headed up as they all started toward the dining room. It was still rather dull as her grandmother tried her best to keep Clara up on the gossip. The former Miss Bowman passed giving birth to her third child. Viscount Westonly’s widow had remarried again, she was on her third husband this time. King George was getting worse day by day.
It was long a long dinner as Clara could only smile as she saw Edmund talking with her son. She felt a pang of sadness run through her. They were going to have to send him off to boarding school in the fall as she took a breath. There was still five other children to care for. If they were back at Ledford the entire family would be eating together and not just the eldest.
“I’m going to go and check on Andrew,” said Clara whispering to her husband.
“Can you wait Clara?” asked Edmund. “The kids really want to give you all your surprise at the same time.”
“Alright, how about I get them together?” she asked as he nodded looking very happy.
Clara gave Edmund a long look before going upstairs to get the kids. Their dinner was just about over as well.
Not even knocking she entered the room to find the kids finishing up their food. Ernie telling his younger siblings some story or another. The nursemaid, Ellen, stood up and curtsied to her as Clara just smiled at her.
“I think it’s time for you to share your surprise,” said Clara to the children as Ellen followed after the children.
Just behind her was Katharine and Harry as they were excited. After them the others followed in tow ready for the surprise whatever it might be. The family had gathered in the living room with Dominique, Edmund, and Ernest already there talking amongst themselves. Mr. Marlcaster had a large box in front of him as Katharine and Harry raced toward him.
Clara and Ellen helped get the kids settled down on the carpet as Andrew tried to crawl over to the box. She made a face as she went to pick him up and sat next to Ernest.
“Do you know what it is?” asked Clara in a whisper to her husband.
“I do, and I think you’ll like it,” said Ernest as he pressed his lips to her temple and rubbed Thomas’s head affectionately.
“Alright here it is,” said Harry as the three of them pulled off the top of the box together.
Then there was nothing leaving everyone puzzled. Edmund put up a finger before he poked his hand inside as there was a small… bark?
The box tumbled over as a puppy tumbled out as it panted facing them as it yipped at them. It was adorable as it was black and white with tan spots around its eyes and cheeks. Clara glanced over at Edmund as she couldn’t help but grin. She once had a pug named Mr. Bingley before but it had passed shortly after Georgiana was born. They had yet to get a dog since.
“She’s yours,” said Katharine proudly.
“Doggie,” said Mabel as she went over to pet it. The dog sniffled at her before rubbing his head against her hand.
As quick as they were the kids surrounded the dog petting her fur and licking them as they played together. It was quite adorable as Clara watched them play with the dog. Next to her Lady Grandmother put a hand to her chest as she seemed happy for them too.
“Children what do we say to uncle and cousins?”  asked Ernest as the kids shot up.
“Thank you, uncle and cousins,” chorused the children all at once. Georgiana even went up to hug him as Edmund looked surprised before patting her head. She giggled before going off to play the puppy again.
“What are you going to name her?” asked Clara as Andrew gurgled in her lap.  
That seemed to be the worst question to ask as all of them had an idea. Ernest held his hand up to keep them from talking over each other. This had to be had done one at a time. “P… peh… Pip… a,” mumbled Andrew in her lap.
“Hey I think Andrew named her,” said Vincent as he heard him trying to talk. It seemed easier to let him name her rather than fight over it. “Pippa.”
“I like it,” said Georgiana as she giggled patting the dogs head. She barked back at her enjoying the rubbing. “Miss Pippa Sinclaire.”
“I wanted to name her Lady,” protested Laurence.
“Alright she’s Lady Pippa Sinclaire,” said Ernie as he rubbed Pippa’s tummy. “You’re a good girl.”
The kids clamored around her as they went to show her around the inside of Edgewater. At least where they could go as the puppy stuck close to Mabel. Next to her Lady Grandmother turned to talk to Ernest about something as Clara held her son and crossed the room to sit next to Edmund.
It was quiet between them as she listened for the kids as they were telling the dog where everything was.  
“I asked Ernest and he said it was alright. He wanted to keep it a surprise for you,” said Edmund as he smiled at her. “The kids were happy she went with someone they knew and liked.”
“Well thank you, that was a very sweet idea,” said Clara as she took his hand.
“It’s not a problem,” he said with a small wistful smile on his face.
It was quiet as Ernest kissed her head once Edmund and Lady Grandmother were talking with each other. “Did you like my surprise?” he asked as Clara giggled.
“Of course I did,” she said. “And now we have a new member of the family for right now.” Clara leaned in close to him as a sly grin on her face as she blinked up at him. “Who knows we may or may not have another.”
Ernest flushed as he whispered right back. “I don’t think I’ll ever stop wanting to do that with you,” he said as Clara smiled kissing her sons head. Maybe they would have another baby sometime. 
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a-k-a-loser · 5 years
1. are you religious?
nope! i was raised catholic tho and i still hold on to some of the weird catholic habits. i’d call myself aesthetically catholic
2. what animal do you think you’re most like?
hmmmmmmmm a cat?? or some weird bird maybe??????
3. how do you take your coffee?
too much sugar and some milk, i also like flavored coffees and cold brew!!
4. how old were you when you had your first kiss?
still haven’t had my first kiss yet actually!
5. museum date or aquarium date?
i work at a museum that has an aquarium, so neither! but aquarium definitely
6. do you have any tattoos or piercings? do you want more?
my ears are pierced and i have one tattoo! i want to get my nose pierced and i commissioned my friend to draw a new tattoo for me a while ago and i haven’t got it yet, i have a short list of some others i want too!!
7. favorite fruits?
raspberries! i’m actually not really a fruit person, i prefer vegetables
8. favorite vegetables?
zucchini!! squash, celery, asparagus, snap peas, it’s a very long list tbh!!
9. i’ll only date you if _____. (fill in the blank)
you’re taller than me lol idk actually??? the bar is so low
10. do you cry a lot?
yes, always, just assume i’m crying right now
11. who are your closest friends?
i don’t have a ton of friends, so i’m pretty close with all the ones i have, because there’s like 4 of them, but i think my closest friend might be my friend mckenzi, i’ve known her since the 4th grade and she’s the best
12. have you ever been a part of a protest or a march?
i haven’t! there aren’t a lot of protests or marches locally, so it’s not really easy for me to attend any, also my parents are p against the idea of protesting and i live with/am financially dependent on them rn sooooooo
13. do you play any video games?
YES!!!!! i am a HUGE dragon age fan, dragon age 2 is my favorite! rn i’m playing a lot of rdr2 and i love it so much!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
14. did you ever have an emo or scene phase?
i wanted to!!! really badly!!!! but my mom would never let me cut or dye my hair, and i didn’t get to wear any of the ~super cool scene/emo clothes~ and i’m a little thankful because no embarrassing scene phase pics but also :(
15. what color is most of your wardrobe?
it’s mostly dark colors, but i think other than black it’s a pretty even split between blue and green right now
16. what do you like to do for fun?
aaaaaaaaaa mostly video games, sometimes drawing, i like to go outside or go to the park on kinda cloudy days, when it’s cool and there are no bugs out!
17. what is your biggest fear?
geese probably, or dying alone, it’s a tossup really
18. name a subject you know a lot about.
i know a lot of useless video game lore stuff!! and some other weird random topics because i go on internet deep dives when i get really curious about stuff
19. favorite fictional characters?
AAAAAAAAAAAAA i have too many tbh, atm arthur morgan owns my ass
20. do you read a lot? what are your favorite books?
i don’t read as much as i used to, so i’m including comics/manga in this, i really like junji ito’s work. i have tomie, gyo, and uzumaki, i also really love les miserables! and i was really into warrior cats as a kid
21. how would you describe your style?
a mess, and not even a hot mess
22. did you have a favorite stuffed animal when you were little? do you still own it?
yes!! i have a stuffed animal of the three headed dog from harry potter (don’t know his name because idgaf about harry potter tbh) and i love him and i still sleep with him in my bed!
23. what’s something most people love that you hate?
ummmmmm idk brussels sprouts i guess????
24. do you think you’re a good singer?
no, horrible, as anyone who has ever ridden in a car with me
25. who do you live with?
my mom, my little brother, and our pets!!
26. favorite desserts?
27. what is the best decision you’ve made in your life so far?
idk, yesterday i ate a bunch of honeysuckles i found in my yard and that was p good
28. favorite makeup brands?
not sure, i use drugstore makeup and i don’t really pay attention to the brand???? just like??? the cheapest matte full coverage makeup available at the store
29. favorite clothing stores/brands?
again not really, most of my favorite clothes come from goodwill, and when i buy clothes not from goodwill i’m looking mostly for stuff that’s comfortable and fits
30. what was your first job?
i still have my first job! i work at a children’s museum, i do kids parties, summer camps, and i tell people not to touch things!
31. do you take a lot of naps?
not really, but when i do sleep i can sleep for like 10+ hours sometimes
32. what is your favorite part about your body?
hmmmmmmmmmmmm??????? like maybe my nose??? or my shoulders?
33. are you more dominant or more submissive?
i stop typing when i see that the person i’m texting is typing, so i’m gonna day submissive
34. are you more outgoing or more shy?
it depends on like my mood and where i am, i can be very outgoing but i’m actually pretty shy in general
35. how tall are you?
5’5” ish
36. what is your body type?
lil chubby i guess
37. favorite flower?
38. favorite planet?
39. what do you want to dress up as for halloween this year?
A WEREWOLF! or my finished taako cosplay!
40. do you prefer to date people the same age as you, younger, or older?
my age or older! anyone who is younger than me is a baby as far as i’m concerned!
41. describe the person you’re in love with/have a crush on in great detail.
i’d rather not
42. who is your biggest inspiration?
not really sure??
43. do you have any kinks?
44. do you own any pets?
i have 2 dogs and 2 cats!
45. which celebrity do people say you look the most like?
none of them, this one time a guy who was cutting my hair said that short hair made me look like natalie portman but that is a lie
46. do you like sports?
sorta? i want to get into hockey and i used to play volleyball! when i was kid i liked to go to baseball games
47. have you ever seen a broadway musical?
no :(((((((( but i have seen some local plays!
48. what is your favorite kind of food?
49. would you rather be a fairy or a mermaid?
50. what is your instagram?
51. glossy lips or matte lips?
i don’t wear lipstick, but i like the look of matte lipstick!
52. do you like cherry, grape, blue raspberry, watermelon, or green apple jolly ranchers the best?
green apple!!!!!!!!!!
53. what are your best personality traits?
i can be very patient and i think i’m pretty loyal!
54. what is your ethnicity?
i am very white, but i’m also 1/4 puerto rican
55. what different hair colors have you had?
red, blonde, grey, pink, orange, silver, and right now it’s blue/green on one side!
56. favorite disney princess?
57. favorite album of 2017?
going grey!
58. have you ever had braces?
yes! and then i didn’t wear my retainer and now my teeth are fucked again!!
59. favorite holiday?
60. post a selfie.
Tumblr media
61. are you a good swimmer?
not at all!
62. do you wear jewelry?
sometimes, i don’t really wear earrings or necklaces very often because they make me feel too feminine, but i like rings and bracelets!
63. can you play any instruments?
no :((
64. do you have any siblings?
yes! i have two brothers! i’m the middle child
65. are your grandparents still alive? how old are they?
both of my grandfathers have passed away, but both of my grandmas are alive and in their 80s!
66. who knows the most about you?
uhhhh idk, probably my cousin @olds-paper
67. are you a more quiet person or do you talk a lot?
little of both?? it really depends on who i’m with!
68. what advice would you give to your 13 year old self?
69. how many pillows do you sleep on?
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thearrangment-phff · 5 years
September 2018
“Archduchess Isabella and Prince Harry have been in Switzerland since the beginning of the month with The Duchess of Sussex’ family. The two were spotted at the wedding of Archduke Franz Ludwig to Mathilde Vignon. Archduke Franz Ludwig is a first cousin of The Duchess. A vast number of Habsburg and Bourbon royals were also in attendance.”
“King Philippe and Queen Mathilde of Belgium along with the Grand Ducal couple of Luxembourg, Hereditary Prince Alois and Princess Sofie of Liechtenstein will attend the Heads of State of German-speaking countries get together in Switzerland. Many believe that Archduchess Isabella will attend as a guest of her uncle and aunt, the Grand Duke and Duchess of Luxembourg.” 
“The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are expected to stay in Switzerland until the mass to commemorate the 25th anniversary of King Baudouin of the Belgians’ death in Brussels. The Belgian royal court confirmed The Duke and Duchess of Sussex would be attending. King Baudouin was the great-uncle of Archduchess Isabella and his wife, Queen Fabiola of the Belgians was her godmother. Archduchess Isabella’s eldest son The Earl of Ross who was born earlier this year carries the name Baudouin in honor of his great-grand-uncle, the former Belgian King.”  
“Where is your father?” asked Yolande to Isabella.
“I have no idea,” answered Isabella.
“I’ll go find him,” said Marie Astrid as she left the room to find her husband.
“Are we going to be late?” asked Harry.
“I don’t think so. My grandmother made us all get ready an hour earlier than everyone else,” replied Isabella.
“So we’ll be early?”
“Belle, darling, can you help me stand up?” asked Yolande. Isabella went to her grandmother extending her hand. The elder women leaned on Isabella’s hand and got up. She walked towards Harry and patted his chest because that’s how far she could reach, “How are you?”
“Uh... fine,” answered Harry.
“While Charlie and Bertie are a dream, I only have 15 great-grandchildren with Kathy, Luisa, and Marie Christine’s children coming soon. When are you and Belle going to give me more great-grandchildren?”
“Wait. Did you just say, Luisa? She’s expecting?!” asked Isabella.
“Did you not know?” asked Yolande.
“No! I didn’t. How far along is she?”
“6 weeks possibly, maybe 8. I can’t remember Belle! I’m an old ask your mother.”
“How many people knew before I did?” asked Isabella.
“Well, obviously Luisa and Alex, me and your parents. The royal house is going to make an announcement soon,” answered Yolande.
“Will the baby be in line for the Belgian throne then?” asked Harry.
“Yes! All descendants of Albert are in the line. Since Alexander and Luisa got permission to marry from the king and government her children are the only ones in line. Remember Amedeo didn’t get permission to marry Elisabetta,” explained Yolande.
“I can’t believe he is finally having a baby. Everyone finally has a family of their own,” smiled Isabella.
Before anyone else could say anything Isabella’s aunt and her family came in. The Liechtenstein family of five said hello to Yolande, Isabella, and Harry as soon as they entered the room.
“How are you?” asked Margaretha to Yolande.
“Wonderful! 2 new babies, with Kathleen due soon and Christine in December. It’s all so wonderful. Alex and Luisa are also expecting so it’s all very exciting,” beamed Yolande.
“Yes, all very exciting. If only mine could give me some grandchildren,” joked Margaretha and her children all seemed to roll their eyes at the same time.
“I don’t think we were supposed to say anything about Alex and Luisa Mamie,” interjected Isabella.
“We’re family,” spoke Marie Astrid, Isabella’s cousin.
“I think he wanted to tell us all together, another time. Probably when we’re all in France at the end of the month,” added Josef-Emanuel.
“Josef is right. We can’t mention this to Alex. It’s his and Luisa’s special moment,” nodded Isabella
“So lets me get this right. Kathleen in October, Marie Christine in December, and Alexander in spring? Of course, Charlie and Bertie were born 4 months ago... that’s a lot of kids born in a short time,” said Harry.
“It’s the joys of growing up in a large family. You can all have kids around the same time,” smiled Marie Astrid.
“We better get going,” interrupted Nikolaus, Isabella’s uncle by marriage.
“Are you coming with us?” asked Margaretha.
“Not yet. Marie Astrid went to go find my son. Once they come back, we’ll go.”
“Well, we’ll see you at the church then,” smiled Margaretha. One by one, the Liechtenstein family said bye to everyone with kisses on the cheek and half-done hugs.
It took a couple of seconds until Harry asked a question, “Where are the rest of your brothers and sisters?”
“Marie Christine, Imre, Christoph, and Gabriella don’t really go to these things. They prefer to stay out of the view of cameras. Usually, Alexander does too but since he married Luisa he’ll have to be more in the spotlight. He’s here, he’s just with her and the Austria-Este family,” answered Isabella.
“Why didn’t more people come?” asked Harry.
“Many people did but some of them have real jobs and not ones were in ‘work’ for an hour a week.”
“That felt like an insult.”
“Not an insult. Just stating facts,” replied Isabella.
“Belle!” Isabella turned around to find Charlotte walking steadily towards her with the rest of her family behind her.
“Charlotte! Hi!” Charlotte towered over Isabella when giving her a hug, “Ferdinand?”
“Hi Belle.”
“What are you doing here?”
“I invited him,” answered Charlotte.
“Yes. I got that, but... are you two a thing?”
“Well... yes. It hasn’t been long,” answered Charlotte.
“And you invited him here?” asked Isabella.
“Ferdinand means a lot to me so I thought inviting him to this would show that.”
“Charlotte, I’m not judging you. I would be the last person to do so. Ferdinand is family and you are as well. It was simply a surprise that’s all,” replied Isabella.
Isabella’s parents Carl Christian and Marie Astrid finally entered the room, “He couldn’t find his tie anywhere.”
“Tie? You are making us late over a tie?” asked Yolande.
“The king gave it to me. I wanted to wear it today,” answered Carl Christian.
“We should get going. We don’t want to be late,” said Yolande earning nods from around the room.
The car ride was short from the castle to the church. Yolande, Harry, Isabella, Marie Astrid, and Carl Christian had ridden in one car while Guillaume, Sibilla, Charlotte, Leopold, and Paul Louis in the other. When they got out of the car, Harry could swear the screams got louder. There was that thought again. The one about how Isabella changed his life once they married. Years ago, would he have imagined himself at a Catholic church in Brussels paying his respects to a dead Belgian King surrounded by the Belgian, Luxembourgish, and Liechtenstein royal families? Of course not.
Harry was now on friendly terms with the Belgian king and Luxembourgish Grand Duke since the beginning of his marriage. King Philippe was a godfather to his son, Isabella was a godmother to the king’s youngest daughter. Queen Fabiola was godmother to Isabella. The ties were never going away and they were all Harry’s. He had spent years in the shadow of his elder brother seeing how William was the future king and Harry was the spare. But things had changed, Isabella had changed him.
Isabella smiled back at the crowd but no waving because she saw that as disrespectful at an event like this. Harry looked back at the crowd for a couple of seconds before turning back to Isabella and her family. Liechtenstein, Austria, and Luxembourg all within a couple of feet of him.
“Harry, come on. We have to go find our seats,” said Isabella with Charlotte by her side.
Harry took one last look and went inside. The service lasted about an hour and a half. The Royal Family and the other guests gathered at the Royal Crypt where all the former Kings and Queens of the Belgians who have passed away are buried. The King and Queen laid a wreath at the grave of King Baudouin and Queen Fabiola. Isabella let out a single tear when she saw the picture of her great-aunt and great-uncle on their tomb.
“Are you okay?” asked Harry.
“Yes. It’s just that I wished they both lived a little longer, that’s all.”
They met with the public in which Harry and Isabella were paired next to King Philippe and Queen Mathilde. Grand Duke Henri and Prince Louis left immediately after laying the wreath so they could get back to Luxembourg. There were a lot of questions from the public to Harry and Isabella since their sons were 4 months old now.
“Your Imperial Highness, how does it feel to be back in Belgium?”
“Wonderful. Belgium has always felt like another home to me.”
“Prince Harry! How are the twins?!”
“They are strong. Big boys thanks to their mother,” joked Harry.
“Your Majesty how does it feel to be godfather to the Earl of Ross?!”
“Very honored. Belle is godmother to my Eleonore and being godfather to Charlie is a blessing.”
Of course after everything the press went wild with their stories. The ones who annoyed Isabella the most were saying that she and Harry didn’t belong in Belgium and William and Kate should have been there instead.
“They are my family! Mine! I had every right to be there!” yelled Isabella.
“Of course you do Belle-”
“Those stupid little nothings make money off of my name. I have the ties to Europe, not Harry!”
“Exactly why-”
“No! God, I am sick and tired of them saying that I married the 6th in line! I brought back royalty to this family. Me! Nothing but a bunch of ungrateful people who would rather have commoners as their king than gods” ranted Isabella.
“That is enough Isabella! Quiet down before you say else something you’ll regret,” warned Harry.
“These are the times I regret marrying you! You and your peasant family have been nothing but a thorn in my side,” argued Isabella.
Princess Charlotte of Murat took this opportunity to slap Isabella across the face, “Your husband is right. While you gave him blood, he gave you validity. You would be good to remember that.”
Princess Christine, Countess Gaelle, and Countess Olympia were left speechless. Gaelle was the first to act by putting her arm around Isabella, “I think it’s time for prayer-”
“No! I will not be praying to some stupid imaginary thing I don’t believe in. Not anymore!” yelled Isabella.
“What she needs is a drink,” interrupted Olympia.
“No. She will have no more alcohol. I don’t want that,” said Harry.
“I won’t be going back to London or Balmoral with you.”
“Where do you think you’ll go?” asked Harry.
“Zeno’s christening is at the end of the month. I’ll be at Berg castle with my family until then. We were supposed to go to France with my family after that and I’ll be right with them,” answered Isabella.
“You will not do that Isabella. You have spent too much time outside of London. You haven’t been doing anything but seeking refugee with your family since Charlie and Bertie were born. You need to do more.”
“Maybe I should just divorce you now and end my misery before I hang myself in our children’s room,” threatened Isabella.
“You will do no such thing!” yelled Charlotte as she went to Isabella and grabbed her face, “You are a stupid little girl and I will be damned if I let you ruin everything.”
“Charlotte let her go!” yelled Christine.
Charlotte continued her hold on Isabella’s face, “You will do what all your betters have done before you. You will give birth to all the little royal babies your body will handle and die in this marriage. Do you understand me?”
Isabella ripped her face out of Charlotte’s grasp, “You were nothing before me. I gave you importance so don’t talk to me like you better. You married for a title, you married for money, but I was not an impoverish countess, I am an Archduchess of Austria.”
“I’ve had enough of this. I am going back to London and I have engagements in the Netherlands in a week. I would hope that you would come but at this point, I would rather you not. I’m taking the boys back with me to London,” explained Harry.
“The boys need me. I am their mother,” argued Isabella.
“You aren’t breastfeeding them anymore. They don’t need you and besides you rarely ever took take them, Gaelle and Olympia did.” Harry walked away and Isabella grabbed the nearest thing and threw it in his direction. The glass shattered on the wall near his face and he flinched, “Did you really just do that? You are unbelievable Isabella!”
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cannedapricot · 7 years
Baking Christmas Cookies with! Lai Guanlin
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christmas collab with @alliwannado-w1 and @jihoonslattee!! make sure to check their special christmas scenarios out when they’re posted!
ah, christmas
the season of giving
children laughing and giggling 
the feeling of rolling around in snow with loved ones
basically what i’m trying to say is,
the only awkward thing you’d have to deal with is greeting the relatives who you didn’t know even existed until christmas
“oh my gosh!! y/n you’ve grown so much!!!”
mind: um do i know you 
mouth: “haha yeah”
relatives would start streaming into your house from december the first
those relatives were the ones who /really/ got into the christmas spirit
you know
the type that puts their tree up straight after halloween 
as more relatives come, you’d be forced into sharing a bedroom with your parents because,
“soz your aunt is coming over with her whole family
ok fine :c
you just hope that her five kids won’t ruin your framed jbj poster
on the last day of school, you were ready to leg it
you and your friends had made plans to pig out and eat discounted christmas cakes for the evening 
so there you were in class
staring at the clock every other second
as your teacher drones on and on about staying safe during the holiday season
which is very important please do stay safe guys
and as soon as the bell rang, you and your friends dash towards the door and out into the hallway
everything was going smoothly
you had nearly made it out of the school 
you feel a tug on the back of your shirt
“are you going to be around this evening”
“SO IF YOU COULD KINDLY LET GO- oh hi guanlin”
das right
you turn around to find the basketball team’s star player and ‘ideal guy’ of your school, lai guanlin
“of course i’m gonna be around i live there”
you reply with an eye roll
hm why was guanlin heading over to your house?
get ready for a long ride kid
well, your parents are super close with his parents thanks to some complicated events
and your parents, being the jolly people they are, invite the lais to spend christmas over at your house every year
there was a room in house especially saved for their family???
a majority of guanlin’s winter clothes were in that room because he knOWS THAT HE’LL BE THERE AT THE END OF THE YEAR
if he runs out of hoodies or smt
he’d text you to bring him one tomorrow
and you guys meet in the janitor’s closet
guanlin’s friend and other hot basketballer, yoo seonho caught you two once
he followed guanlin one time because he was curious 
and he busted you two in the closet with you holding his hoodie 
and he was like
*finger guns while moonwalking away*
it took a lot of persuading to get seonho to not say anything
y’all bought him a month’s worth of lunch rip wallet
what’s worse was the time the whole school thought you two were dating
you had run out of sweaters and complained to your mom about it
she pulled out this jacket outta no where and figured it was yours
it had your school’s logo on it you see
and you didn’t think twice and wore it to school
it died down after a few weeks though
you had made some excuse of finding it on your desk and thinking it was yoo seonho’s (who you pretended to be /really/ close with)
guanlin played along with this excuse
seonho was just,,,,,
“i’m ;) not ;) saying ;) anything ;)”
the relationship between you and guanlin was like a ‘summer fling’
it wasn’t summer and it wasn’t a romantic fling
y’all would be super close during the holiday season 
due to the fact that you two were the only high schoolers there lol
but as soon as school starts again
y’all back to strangers
the first time it happened you were shocked :ccc
you thought that perhaps guanlin was too embarrassed to be caught hanging out with you
considering he was at the top of the food chain after all
you’re used to it now lol
sure, guanlin was tall and hot and whatnot 
but uh
seeing him in ugly sweaters and playing board games with him every year kinda ruins the way you see him
especially since he destroys you at monopoly every year bduSDVU HOW DARE-
“aiight i’ll be coming over tonight”
guanlin lets you go with a snap of his wrist
he let go so suddenly that you fall to the ground lol
guanlin pretends to not notice and heads towards his squad lmAO
you scramble up and towards your friends
that evening, you return home with a full stomach and your arms full with different boxes of cakes
man the cake shop adventure was a blast
you get surrounded by your baby cousins almost immediately lol
after you basically get robbed by them,
guanlin appears with a pouty face
you know, that face he made when the pink sausages were being cute together ikcydkfkd
“you said you’d be here”
wow what a turn from your convo together at school
he’s adorable
you push the thoughts away as his parents come to greet you
in no time, you fell into the rhythm of seeing guanlin everyday
you had to tbh, he’d force you awake every morning by playing shitty christmas carol remixes and singing along to them
“aLL i waNt fOr cHRIStmas iS yOUUuuUuUuuuUU”
it was cold and you just wanted to sleep in :’’’’c
you can’t believe this dumbass is the same guy from school who everyone except seonho lol thinks is a model
you and guanlin were basically joined by the hip everyday
“oh hey y/n can you swoop by the store and buy some milk?”
“sure buT CAN GUANLIN COME????”
but he’d wear a mask in case someone from school shows up at the store
on the way home, he saw you rub your hands together and realized that you weren’t wearing gloves
you stare at him
he suddenly finds a wall interesting
but he didn’t let go of your hand 
even though it was in his pocket already
you thought he was just being a gentleman you know he is and trying to keep your hand as warm as possible
my scenarios would be so much simpler if y’all juST KNOW ABOUT EACH OTHER’S CRUSH UGH
come christmas eve, the adults were like,
“we’re gonna take the kids out to see the parade and then go carolling, we all know that you two don’t want to join us!! so bake the cookies pls lol ok bye have fun”
it was a thing every year to bake cookies and leave them for santa
usually anything that had to do with food was the adults’ duty
you two acted like the babies there but ok
“so,,,, wanna get started?”
“hell no lmao lets marathon show me the money”
best believe that’s exactly what you two did
until you realize it’s been hours since they’ve left
guanlin steps over the sofa with his damned long legs
“you’re so extra man”
guanlin squints his eyes at you skeptically
you were literally rolling over the sofa
“who’s the extra one again?”
you huff because shit hes right you’re even more extra than he is
guanlin pulls out the recipe left for you two while you grab what you were 100% sure that you two would need
a bowel? check
flour? check
chocolate chips? oh they’re in the pantry-
you, an intellectual, run up and try to take them away
but guanlin raises them above his head
this boy’s a giant
he sends you a shit eating grin as you attempt to take the packet by jumping lol
in the end, you punch him in the stomach
and as he doubles over in pain, snatch the chocolate away
how to deal with tall people 101 by yours truly
you run back to the kitchen, choco chips in hand
and guanlin, claiming you cheated, ran after you
you scream, reaching the kitchen
turning around, you were ready to tease guanlin about his loss
but he was right in front of you
there was only a tiny distance between your bodies
guanlin smiled as you chucked him the sweet treat
not at the chocolate but at how adorable you were
“i’ll leave enough for the cookies don’t worry!!”
he did alright
there was an average of two chips per cookie
it’s :) ok :))
it’ll :))) have :)))) to :))))) do :))))))
guanlin was off to the side licking off the left over batter from the bowl
>:( this boy didn’t do shit but eat and stir the batter
you were stuck with measuring and making sure that they don’t fail >:(
you shove the cookies into the oven and squat in front of it for a while, making sure that it was baking for sure
until you feel something hit your back
snapping your head back in shock, you see guanlin with the bag of flour in his arms
whoops theres another handful of flour 
that hit your face
upon seeing this, guanlin doubles over in laughter
you picked up the ingredient closest to you and threw it in guanlin’s direction
it just happened to be an egg
but it didn’t really matter how expensive that jumper is
it ended up covered in all sorts of things
and that’s how your kitchen floor ended up too
the playful handful of flour guanlin threw at you started a full on food fight
the kitchen was MESS but neither of you cared, you guys were waaAAAY too happy to care lma o
at one point y’all started to use spoons as catapults 
guanlin’s bag of flour seemed endless but you had run out of eggs
so you duck behind a counter and scan the kitchen for anything else you could use as ammo lol
your eyes landed on the butter but you hesitated for a second
you scowl
“i let you win”
he scoffs
“you just don’t want to admit that i’m b e t t e r than you”
he playfully puts his hands on the counter as well on the opposite side
“then tell me why i keep beating you at monopoly as well”
“oh really?”
“Y E S”
“do you wanna have a go at beating me at connect four then?”
without noticing, the two of you had starting leaning towards each other over the counter
when you realize, your playful banter had ceased and you were staring into his eyes
you realize at that moment that you were completely head over heels for him
your feelings for him had been building every winter leading up to his one
you had thought that they were completely platonic
but your burning face told you that they weren’t
you notice guanlin’s eyes looking down at your lips
and his adam’s apple going crazy
you gather up the little courage you had
leaned in 
and pressed a small kiss on his nose
guanlin’s head went blank
you let out a small giggle and say,
“if you wanted to kiss me, you could’ve just done so”
ur man is almost gonna faint gdi
guanlin’s lips raise into a smile
“you like me?”
you hop over the counter so there wasn’t anything between you and him
and guanlin lets out a smile bright enough to rival the sun
and with that, he brings you into a huge hug
and falls onto the couch with you in his arms
you snuggle against him
even though he was covered in egg lol
“hey guanlin, can i ask you something?”
“why do you act like you don’t know me at school?”
you two were idiots
but you were idiots for each other
bonus: you two fell asleep in each other’s arms and the rest of the family came home just in time to save the cookies from burning
no body heard that one aunt rant about the state the kitchen was in
everyone crowded around you and guanlin
cooing at your sleeping forms
“mom, are they gonna have kids???”
bonus x2: guanlin happily shows you off the next year at school
seonho the snake in this au made a bet with your friends and now your friends owe him a month’s lunch
bonus x3: you two share your official first kiss on new years hoW CUTE SVEFUDOS GOALS AMIRITE
guanlin may look chic and all at first but we all know he’s a actual child inside :’) i don’t think i did my boy justice with this au but i added my son seonho!! :’)
have a safe holiday and more christmas aus will be out very soon this week oops
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bitsfordays · 7 years
Work Visits
Another part to my nurseydex children series! Ive offically deemed this Au “Things That Stop You Dreaming” and it can be found on AO3 under that title!
Enjoy Addy being cute af, plus an introduction to Bella! 
(pst, i posted this in two parts on AO3 but yall will get it all in one bc im lazy)
“Daddy, are we there?”
Derek sighed and looked at his daughter for probably the seventh time in the last 10 minutes he's been driving. This was the seventh time she asked.
“Addison, I know you have the route to the rink memorized, so I know that you know that we are literally in the arena parking lot. You don't have to antagonize me.”
Addison gave what could only be described as a shit-eating grin from her spot in the back seat. She swung her legs happily. “I know Daddy, but Papa says that I should mess with you more often. He says its funny”
Derek was going to kill his husband.
He pulled into one of the parking spots reserved for players families and shut off the car. He turned around so he could make proper eye contact with his daughter.
“Okay Addison, Papa is playing against Uncle Jack tonight. Uncle Bitty was in town already for his book tour and so he brought Bella with him and we’ll be sitting with them in the family section. Do you remember the rules for when Uncle Jack plays against Papa?”
“Boo when Papa gets checked but don't cheer if someone on Uncle Jacks team gets checked, unless it's by Papa.” Addison explained neatly.
“Anything else?”Derek prompted.
“Don't curse?”
Derek couldn't help but laugh. Addison had learned her fair share of curse words, despite only being 6 years old. It's what happened when a child had an uncle whose name was literally Shitty.
“Not quite, lovely but that's a good one. I was actually going for ‘don't heckle Uncle Jack.’ He needs to stay concentrated on the game ”
“Oh.” Addison shrugged her little shoulders. “I can do that. Can we go inside now?”
Derek laughed. “Yes, Addy. We can.”
They got out of the car and made their way inside, not even bothering to wave their passes at the security guards, who they knew by name and had for years now. They went to their seats in the family section, directly behind the glass and found their family already there.
“Bella!” Addison tore her hand from Derek's and ran to greet her best friend/pseudo-cousin. They hugged tightly in the way that only young kids could.
Bella was a year older than Addison but that didn't stop them from being as thick as thieves. They lived three hours apart so they didn't see each other often but they adored each other just the same. Bella was more soft spoken than Addison was,
“Nursey!” Bitty grinned and pulled Derek into a tight hug.
“Hey Bits.” Derek laughed and hugged the other man back, just as tight. “How was the book tour?”
“Oh, you would not believe...”Bitty launched into a story about his time touring for his newest cookbook and Derek let his thoughts drift as Bitty rambled on.
“Oh, there they are!” Bella interrupted her father, pointing down at the ice as the players skated on for warm ups.
Jack and Will  were both easy to spot. Even from under his helmet, Will’s ginger hair was easy to spot, just as Jacks distinctive blue eyes were easy to spot behind his face guard.
“Papa!” Addison jumped up and down in front of the glass and waved her arms furiously. “Papa! Papa, over here!”
Derek could see Will’s grin from the other side of the ice. Will waved at his daughter, who waved back energetically. Derek could see Jack’s shoulders shake as he laughed and saw Jacks mouth move in some chirp. Will grinned and said something back before they skated their separate ways to warm up with their teams.
Addison kept waving her arms, trying to catch her father's attention again until Derek had to put a stop to it. “Add,let Papa warm up in peace. You dont want to throw him off his game, do you?”
“Its preseason, Daddy, it doesn't effect the season.” Addison responded, not looking away from the ice. Bitty chuckled from his seat.
“Addison. Leave him be until after the game, okay? Then you can harass him as much as you want.”
“Fiiiiiineeeee.” Addison backed away from the glass and sat down between Derek and Bella with a pout but Derek couldn't help but chuckle. There were times where he wanted to do the same thing.
Addison kept pouting and Derek took pity on her. “Hey Addy, how about you tell Uncle Bitty how your skating classes have been going? Im sure he would love to hear about them.”
Addison perked up immediately and Derek smiled.
This was going to be a good evening.
Rangers beat the Falconers 4-3, with Dex getting the game winning goal at the end of the 3rd period. Jack clapped Will on the shoulder during the handshaking and from the stands, Derek could see him say something and Will laughed before they both went on to shake more hands.  
They met Dex outside of the Rangers locker room. He was sweaty and gross but he still beamed when he saw his husband and daughter. It made Dereks heart do flips, the same way it did when they met in college.
“Papa!” Addison tore her hand from Dereks and did a flying leap towards her father. Will dropped his hockey bag to open his arms as his daughter slammed into his chest. “Hi Papa! You played really good tonight!”
“Thanks baby.” Will hugged her tightly. “Did you enjoy watching the game with Uncle Bitty and Bella?”
“Yeah! Did you know Bella is taking figure skating classes? Im gonna have her show me all the stuff shes learning there and Ill teach her everything Im learning in my hockey skating class!”
“Thats wonderful, Addy-Girl.” Will smiled. He set her down and looked over at Derek. “Hey babe. Did you enjoy the game?”
“You know I did.” Derek smiled and kissed Will on the cheek. “Nice check on Jack during the 2nd. Had him rattled for a second there.”
Will shrugged. “He got me back in the 3rd, twice as hard. I felt my brain rattle.”
Derek frowned. “How's your head?”
“It's fine, Der. They got me all checked out and I'm fine.”
“Good. I like you better with your brain intact.”
“Quit being gross!” Addison jabbed Will in the leg to get his attention.
“Ow, Addison. That's not how you get people's attention.” Will chided.
“Sorry. Can we go see Uncle Jack and Bitty and Bella now?” Addison said.
“Sure. Lead the way.” Derek said.
Addison lead them around to the visitors lockers, just in time to run into Jack, Bitty and Bella, who was currently asleep on Jacks back.
“Nice game, Cap.” Derek said with a smirk.
Jack sighed. “I havent been your captain in over a decade, Nurse. Please stop.”
“Ah, but you were the best one Ive ever had. Sorry Bits.”
Bitty and Jack both rolled their eyes.
“We would love to stay and chat with you two but we gotta get headed towards the airport.” Bitty said. “Especially since Bells already asleep. Shes been up since 6am with me and is just bone tired.”                                                             
“Okay Bits. We’ll see you in a few weeks for the Falconers home opener. Wanna get dinner before hand, while our husbands do their thing?”
“Sure. We’ll see you then. Have a safe flight you three.”
“See yall later!”
The Zimmermann-Bittles walked away, leaving the Poindexter-Nurses on their own. Addison tugged on Dereks hand. “Are we gonna go home now?”
Will grabbed Addison's free hand and smiled. “Yes, Addy-Girl. Home for now.”
“Okay.” Addison gave a tired smile. “It was a good game, Papa.”
“Thanks baby.”
Together, the three of them left the area at the end of another good day.
Derek Poindexter-Nurse hates writing. Its difficult, its time consuming and tedious to do. He hates writing with an undeniable, fiery passion.
Which is why he does it for a living. Obviously.
When it comes to writing, Derek’s been lucky. Hot got published only a few years after college and he quickly made it onto the bestseller list. He has hordes of teenage fans who would probably commit many crimes if he asked them to, all of them clamoring for another installment, another book, another bonus story, another anything. He could give them a five hundred word shit stain and most of them would probably be content. Literally anything.
Which is of course, how Derek found himself holding down the ‘H’ key for ten minutes, thumping his head continuously on his desk, as if that will make the ideas come faster. Usually when Derek gets into a slump like this, he just goes and talks to Will but its early May and the Stanley Cup playoffs are looming in front of the Rangers, so Will’s at practice and will be for another four hours, meaning that Derek is stuck stewing in his own mind indefinitely.
Indefinitely doesnt last for long. Dereks stewing is interrupted by a knock on his study door and it being pushed open to reveal Addison in all of her 13 year old glory.
“Are you okay Dad?” Addison said, looking at her father with a mixture of concern and vague disgust.
“No.” Derek sighed. He thumped his head aginst the wood again.
“Um..” Addison walkedd ina nd leaned against the desk where Derkes head currently was. “Maybe stop hitting your head against the desk? I dont think getting a concussion would be very good for you. Besides, Papa’s gotten enough for the both of you.”
Derek leveled a glare at his daughter but he lifted his head off the desk and sat up. He rubbed the red mark on his forehead. “Ive gotten my fair share of concussions too, ya know. I did play hockey for a lot time.”
“I know, I know, all im saying is that Papa had a concussion like, a month ago. “ Addison shrugged. “So his might be a little more relevant.”
It was true. Will had gotten a harsh check and was out of the game for a while because of it. It was rough on all three of them, just as it always was whenever Will got hurt during games. It always made Derek worry, usually about how much longer Will could play in the NHL or if they should continue letting Addison play in her junior league. It sent his head in swirls and him and Bitty and Caitlin have spent hours talking about the stress of being married to three of the top players in the NHL. And Derek knew that their children have had similar conversations about being the children of NHL stars.
“Dad? Hello?” Addison waved her hand in front of Derek's face to get his attention. “You still with me or did you actually give yourself self a concussion? Do I need to drive you to the hospital?”
“You can't drive yet, Addison. You're 13.”
“I know but I figured that if you had a concussion you would let me try anyways.” Addison grinned.
“And that's where you're wrong.”  
“Worth a shot. So what's wrong?”
Derek let out a long sigh. “Writing is hard, Addy. Don't do it. It isn't a viable career. “
“I mean, it wasnt on my list. I was more thinking hockey.”
“Huh?” Derek stared at his daughter and his heart thumped extra hard. “Really?”
“Well, yeah.” Addison shrugged. “Its what makes sense and I like it a lot. Is there…..something wrong with that?”
Derek let out a breath. The idea of his daughter, his pride and joy, one of the two most important people in his life, playing a dangerous game that both him and his husband loved made him feel nauseous. He knew first hand how dangerous the game was and while he knew that Addison took after her fathers in her love for the game, part of Derek wished that she didnt.
“Just..be careful.” Derek said carefully. He didnt want to admit to her how much it scared him. “You have time to decide. Most kids your age have no idea what they want to do. But, me and Papa will support you no matter what, okay?”
“Okay Daddy.” Addison leaned over and hugged him tightly. Derek hugged her back, putting all of his concerns and hopes into that hug.
“So, how can I help you get past your writing block right now?” Addison asked, pulling away from the hug.
Derek glanced at his laptop, which was just showing a word document full with the letter “H”. An idea tickled at the back of his brain. Something about an over-do meeting between a main character and their parent. A nice conversation about fears. Derek grinned
“You've already have.”
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