#for all my talented shipmates
anmylica · 1 year
Something About December (Throw a Wrench in Your Plans)
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Summary: Killian and Emma have been secretly dating for close to a year, only none of their friends know it. They’ve agreed to keep it a secret until they know it’s real, but what happens when Emma’s brother, David, starts to become suspicious? One thing is for sure, this Christmas will be one that none of them forget!
Inspiration for this fic: @xarandomdreamx and @kmomof4 encouraged me to write this fic (fondly referred to as the procrastination fic) based on a prompt in the CSMM Discord that said: “Christmas prompt: Emma and Killian have been dating about a year or so but they kept it secret because Killian is Emma’s brothers best friend. So Christmas comes around and they have to act like they haven’t been sleeping together so David won’t give Killian a black eye for Christmas.” My idea was based on the Buzzfeed article where someone wrote about how they knew two people were dating (“At a place I worked at about 25 years ago, my co-worker had dropped her screwdriver, and our boss picked it up and stuck it in her pocket. Later that day, my buddy said, 'She did not flinch or look away from what she was doing when his hand went to her pocket — his hand has been in that pocket before.” —u/CathyTheGreatsHorse). I also blame @everything-person and @teamhook for this fic, as they were the ones who either came up with the prompt or encouraged me to add another WIP. I’m debating adding a part 2, as I couldn’t work my other ideas into the narrative, but we’ll see!
This is my (surprise) gift to them, but also to the fandom as a whole. May your days be merry and bright!
The title is also from a Christina Perri song, in case you recognize it!
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Something About December (Throw a Wrench in Your Plans)
David tried really, really hard not to disturb his sister before 9:30 in the morning on her days off (and let’s be honest, he tried not to disturb her before he had to on days she wasn’t off anyway), as Emma “Swan” Nolan wasn’t a morning person in any interpretation of the word. But his wife, and Emma’s best friend, Mary Margaret Nolan, wouldn’t hear of his excuses and forced him to brave his sister’s wrath and bring her her favorite leath jacket (that she had inconveniently left at his place last week and thus subsequently nagged him to death about delivering it to her). He rolled his eyes, but he liked to remain on his wife’s good side, so he reluctantly agreed to run it over to her early on the Saturday after Thanksgiving.
He had just parked his truck, thankful that he didn’t have to work today himself, when he saw her door open. ‘Good,’ he thought, ‘she’s already awake. I won’t have to slay the dragon today, after all. This makes this easier.’
He was just about to open his door when he saw his best friend and fellow sheriff’s deputy, Killian Jones, step out of Emma’s apartment. He stopped in his tracks, his hand on the handle of the door and poised to throw it open. He stared at the sight before him, turned his eyes briefly back to the dash to check the time, and then turned his eyes back to his best friend and his sister. He watched as Emma followed Killian out, wearing nothing but the button down shirt he could have sworn he saw Killian wearing yesterday while they worked their shift and a pair of socks. Killian turned and gave his sister a long, slow, lingering kiss. The kiss lasted so long it made David feel awkward, as if he were about to get a show he didn’t ever want to see. Finally (at last) Killian pulled away and left, getting into his vintage Shelby Mustang and waving as he did so. Emma waved back and stood staring in the doorway as he pulled out of sight. Once she couldn’t see him, she disappeared back into her appartment.
David stared at the closed door dumbfounded. What had he just witnessed? He hadn’t seen them together before this. He wouldn’t ever have said they would have been attracted to each other before this. (That was a lie; all the rest of his friends had commented numerous times before that you would get an explosion if you lit a match anywhere near them, but David refused to accept that as truth.) Did any of their friends know about this? Surely not. Mary Margaret couldn’t keep a secret to save her life, Ruby couldn’t hold back gossip this juicy (her words, not his), and, although discreet, Belle would have told Mary Margaret. David doubted that any of their other friends, though probably not Victor, would even care about this revelation. (Again, this was a lie. Liam, Victor, Graham, Eric, and Jefferson were all highly invested in the not-Killian-and-Emma ship.)
How long had they even been together, for that matter? Or were they even dating? David was going to break every single bone in Killian’s body if he were putting one over on his sister. The bro code had to be honored, in this case. There was no way Killian was getting out of the consequences.
David sat so long in his truck pondering this new revelation that he was startled to see that thirty minutes had passed. Deciding that this was plenty of time to wait, he got out of his truck and delivered his sister’s jacket, though he didn’t say a word about what he had seen. He needed more information than what he had to go on, at present. Surely there had to be another explanation? When Emma answered the door, he greeted her the same as he always did and presented her her red leather jacket.
Nope. Everything was just fine. He was not going to automatically assume they were boning just because of circumstantial evidence. He was going to wait for further proof.
“Dude, they’ve gotta be fucking,” Victor exclaimed later that evening. Their group of friends had all met at the Rabbit Hole for their traditional post-Thanksgiving get together. Some years they had it at one of their places, but no one had felt like staying in, so they all agreed to go to the best bar in Storybrooke.
“Who?” Demanded Liam, turning to look at who Victor was pointing at.
“Killian and Emma,” Victor replied. “Look at them! All cosy playing pool together.”
Belle frowned. “How does this indicate they’re together?”
“Look how close they are! I only get that close to girls I’m trying to persuade to go home with me.”
David examined the amount of space between his friend and his sister. They might have been closer than strictly necessary, but that was because another group was playing pool at the next table over and were on the same side as Killian and Emma. They weren’t any closer than anyone else.
“It doesn’t look that close to me,” Liam dismissed skeptically.
“No, not right now, but I swear just a second ago they were like this,” Victor insisted as he pressed as close as he could to Mary Margaret, who shrank back away from him instantly, making a face. “You don’t get that close unless you’re banging.”
Mary Margaret scoffed. “Must you be so disgusting?”
Ruby laughed and Graham grinned. DIsgusting and sleazy were Victor’s middle names.
Victor cast a roguish grin towards Mary Margaret. “It’s a talent,” he replied flippantly. “But I still stand by what I said.”
Liam’s brow furrowed as he contemplated the picture that Killian and Emma presented. “I haven’t seen him with anyone since Milah. He’s brought a few home for the night, but nothing serious.”
Belle nodded in agreement. “It’s been the same way for Emma. We all know how Neal turned out.”
Silence fell over the table as they all agreed, remembering how badly Neal and Milah, who were brother and sister, had screwed over their friends. Neither lived in Storybrooke anymore, and it was a good thing, as David was willing to bet that many of their friend-group would have had criminal records if they had stayed in town.
Victor nodded sagely. “Yes, well, be that as it may, they’re doing the dirty.”
Everyone rolled their eyes in response, but no one at the table deigned to reply.
“Who’s doing the dirty?” Elsa asked as she had just walked up, shrugging off her ice blue coat as Liam jumped up to help her.
“Killian and Emma!” Victor announced triumphantly.
Elsa rolled her eyes. “How on earth did you figure that?”
Victor pointed at them. “Behold!”
Elsa and the group turned to watch Killian and Emma again. Killian seemed to be mocking a guy’s stroking technique from the next pool table over while Emma had collapsed against the table in tears from laughing so hard. Killian was laughing at how much Emma was laughing, but this was nothing different from how they had acted in the past. Elsa turned back to Victor with one eyebrow raised as if to say, ‘Is that all you’ve got?’
“Oh yes,” Elsa replied as she sat on Liam’s lap, “they’re getting it on right as we speak.”
Victor huffed in frustration. “I’m telling you, they are!”
Graham pulled out his phone. “Let’s do some research,” he responded. “Let’s find out what the Internet says.” He ran a quick search on his phone. “First: do they make a lot of eye contact?”
Everyone turned to evaluate how much eye contact the two were making. Neither looked at the other very long.
“Alright, next: do they seem closer in general?” Graham continued. They group fell silent as they thought about it. David silently watched the others shrug, but he didn’t say anything. He wasn’t sure if what he witnessed counted as closer, anyway. One by one, they all shook their heads.
Graham nodded his head. “Are they sharing lingering looks?”
They all looked up to see Killian checking out a brunette in a short mini skirt who was jumping up and down and Emma eyeing a guy at the bar.
Graham shook his head. “Doesn’t look like it. Do they communicate in a secret language?”
Mary Margaret was the one who answered that. “They’ve always communicated in a secret language.”
Liam nodded his head in agreement. “Ever since they were in school together. Even when he was with Milah and she was with Neal. That hasn’t changed.”
Everyone nodded. Victor mused, “Yeah, I can see that one.”
Graham turned his head back to his phone. “They become very protective of one another.”
Belle was the one who answered this. “They’ve always been protective of one another. Remember what happened with Neal?”
Everyone winced and David laughed. Neal had cheated on Emma back in high school with a girl named Tamara, and Killian had kicked his ass. This was right before Killian found out that Milah had gotten pregnant by an older man in the community, Robert Gold, and was planning on eloping with him (he was one of the richer men in town). Once Killian had found out, Emma was quick to take up for him in return. They’ve always been that way with each other. After thinking on it, David wondered if maybe that should have been a hint to him then that there was something between them.
Graham said the next item on the list. “You will see them together more and at odd times.”
Ruby shook her head. “That’s inconclusive since they both work such crazy schedules. And they’re always together or with us in a group.”
“They suddenly have more to say to each other,” Graham continued.
David and Liam shook their heads. “The last conversations we’ve had have been about the usual stuff. He hasn’t mentioned Emma at all,” Liam said. David agreed.
“She hasn’t mentioned him to me either,” Elsa replied and the other ladies agreed.
“They tease each other more or they choose their words more carefully.” Graham looked at everyone, but they shook their heads.
“They’re smiling and happy all the time.”
Mary Margaret tilted her head as she thought about this one. “Maybe? Emma does seem happier recently.”
“So does Killian, but he’s been talking about a lot of good happening at the station,” Liam added.
Graham nodded his head. “So that’s a possibility. What about avoiding each other?”
Everyone shook their heads. If they had started avoiding each other, none of their friend group had noticed. David wondered if the lack of mentioning the other recently counted as avoidance, but he kept silent.
“Alright, last one. Have they started touching more recently?”
Victor started vigorously nodding his head. “Dude I just saw Killian’s hands in Emma’s pockets and they were standing right beside each other!”
They all turned to look back at Killian and Emma. Neither was beside the other, and they were taking drinks out of their glasses. Everyone turned and looked at Victor in disbelief.
“Not right now, I mean earlier! When I decided they were getting lucky with each other!”
Elsa scoffed. “Oh, you decided. Suddenly it’s all becoming clear.”
Liam shook his head. “You can’t just decide these things Victor, we’ve been over this!”
Ruby rolled her eyes as Victor protested, “I’m telling you, it was real what I saw!”
Everyone picked up their glasses and took a drink with no one bothering to say anything in response to Victor’s whining. Emma and Killian were making their way over with newly refilled glasses.
“I have emerged victorious!” Killian announced to the table as he sat in his abandoned chair, Emma coming behind him rolling her eyes.
“He won by a scratch,” she corrected.
“That’s not all I win by a scratch, Swan,” Killian winked at her, causing Emma to roll her eyes.
“Well, win with that brunette over there by a scratch,” she threw back. “I’ve got to head out, I’ve got research to do for my next job. I’ll see everyone later?” Emma surveyed the table. Everyone nodded their heads in agreement.
“Emma! Don’t forget that we’re doing Dirty Santa at our place on the 10th,” Mary Margaret added. “I meant to tell everyone, so I guess I’m telling all of you now.”
Emma nodded and waved at everyone, grabbing her jacket. David watched carefully to see when Killian left, still suspicious of their dating status. After about ten minutes, Killian said his goodbyes as well, citing an overtime shift he was picking up in the morning. David knew this to be true, so it didn’t seem too off for him, but he also wondered at how close in time Killian’s leaving was to Emma’s departure. There were a lot of signs that seemed to point to Killian and Emma being a thing.
David wondered what he should do next.
It turned out there wasn’t much he could do next to confirm what he suspected, as the flu began to go around the station and he had to start covering extra shifts. He and Killian began working overtime trying to fill in where they could, with Graham (who was the sheriff) filling in on the road with the rest of the deputies as needed. After almost two weeks of this, things finally slowed down to where they could resume their normal shift work. Killian and Emma hadn’t, as far as David knew, spent any time together outside of what they already did at work.
Emma also worked for the Storybrooke Sheriff’s Office, but as a detective who investigated murders or cold case files. Her schedule was a bit different from theirs, but every now and then, she had to fill in on shift work the same as everybody else. The recent flu endemic meant that she was pulling more road work than usual, and she was patrolling more with David. This was how he had known that Emma and Killian hadn’t seen each other much, as they were all pulling overtime. None of them were at home much, so there was no way for them to see each other outside of work, right? And David never saw them flirt while on the job, at least not recently. They had quit their ridiculous flirting-on-the-job stuff almost eight months ago.
It made David very happy that his best friend and sister finally saw fit to cease making everyone else so uncomfortable. It was very considerate of them, really.
On what Graham had sworn to them was their last shift of pulling double duty, Emma had collapsed into a desk in the bullpen. “If I have to arrest another drunken guy from The Rabbit Hole, I’m going to scream,” she announced.
David laughed. “At least we’ll have everyone else covering for us while we get some time off.”
“That’s the only good thing about this,” she agreed.
Their conversation was interrupted by Killian coming in bearing coffee and a box of donuts. He wordlessly handed David a cup, to which David muttered, “Thanks,” and set the box down. He proceeded to hand Emma her cup, which she took without a word of thanks, and she opened the box.
“There better be a bear claw in here,” she said as she pried open the top.
Killian chuckled. “Oh there is,” he laughed in return. “And one for me as well.” He handed her a napkin, which she took without any mention of gratitude, and handed one to David as well. David did express gratitude again, and they all dug into the donuts.
Killian and Emma joked around like always, but David was silent.
He couldn’t imagine not telling someone who wasn’t Mary Margaret thanks for something they had done for him, and he knew that his and Emma’s parents had instilled better manners than that. By this point, he was ninety percent sure that Victor Whale’s summation of events between Killian Jones and Emma Nolan was correct.
But he didn’t receive confirmation until the night of the Christmas for Friends party at his and Mary Margaret’s house that they did every year.
It was still very early in the evening, and not everyone had arrived at David and Mary Margaret’s place yet. Though Ruby, Graham, Victor, Emma, and Killian were there, several other couples had yet to arrive, including Killian’s brother and his girlfriend, Elsa. Emma was helping Mary Margaret with a few last minute details while Killian and David set up the drinks bar. Everyone was chatting lightly together, laughing, and enjoying the first gathering in a few days that they had gotten to arrange.
After placing the ice in the bucket, Killian took his phone out of his pocket to call his brother to find out how much longer it would be before they arrived, only to discover that it was dead.
“Bloody hell, I forgot to charge my phone before I came over here,” he cursed. David was just about to offer his phone to Killian to use, but his sister beat him to it.
“Here, use mine!” Emma handed it to Killian, who took it (again, without a thank you, David noticed) and stepped outside.
The conversation inside the loft continued as it always had, with everyone laughing and snacking before the rest of their friends arrived. Killian came back in after a moment.
“Liam says he and Elsa are about five minutes from here,” he announced once the door shut behind him. “He said to make sure his favorite cookies are ready to go, Mary Margaret.”
Mary Margaret rolled her eyes. “They’re right where I always put them.”
Emma laughed and kept stirring the homemade dip she had just gotten ready. Both of her hands were too messy to take her phone from Killian. David watched as Killian slipped her phone into her pocket without a word; David also noticed Emma’s distinct lack of reaction at Killian’s hand going into the front right pocket of her too-tight jeans.
He wasn’t going to say anything. He finally had the confirmation that there was something going on between them, and that was all he really needed. David glanced around at everyone else, but no one else seemed to have noticed anything. He was the only one who realized there was a romantic (or something like that) relationship between his sister and his best friend. Obviously they felt the need to keep it a secret, so he wouldn’t be the one to rat them out. Nope, he was the one who could keep secrets in his relationship. Had it been Mary Margaret, she’d have already announced it to the world. But he didn’t need to do that. They would tell the whole group when they were ready.
“You’re fucking my sister,” David said loud enough for everyone to hear. They all stopped and looked at him. Emma turned and gave him a strange look, and Killian looked up from the tray of cookies with what could only be described as a deer-in-the-headlights expression.
“What?” Victor asked. “Who’s fucking your sister?”
“Wait, what?” Ruby asked. “Is that really what he said?”
“Yes, that’s exactly what he said!” Victor replied.
“Pardon, mate?” Killian asked.
Victor looked at Killian. “Is he talking about you?” Killian looked back at Victor helplessly.
“You sorry son of a bitch. How dare you try to take advantage of Emma?” David continued, starting to feel really angry at the secrecy.
“Who’s taking advantage of me?” Emma asked indignantly.
Victor gave a leering look. “I’d have taken advantage if I could have gotten it,” he responded to her, earning a disgusted look from both Emma and Killian.
“It’s a good thing you never could have ‘gotten it,’” Killian snarled back.
“Hey, I’ve never made it a secret that I’d have gotten Emma in the sack if I could have,” Victor shot back.
“Are you sure you’re not on call at the hospital? Because you’re about to have to go there,” Killian retorted as he took a step closer to Whale and angled his body to be slightly in front of Emma’s.
“Oh, I think you’ll be the one there before me,” Victor responded, instinctively stepping forward at Killian’s challenging tone.
“Touch him and you’ll have more to deal with than him,” Emma responded to Killian being threatened.
“Killian Jones is about to have more to deal with if I have anything to say about it,” David cut in. “How long have you been screwing my sister?”
Killian looked back at David. “Mate, I have no idea what you’re-“
“I saw you at her house!” David cut him off. “You left at 7:30 in the morning for an overtime shift the Saturday after Thanksgiving! Emma is never up before 9 on weekends she’s off! And she opened the door wearing nothing but your shirt that you had worn the day before!”
Everyone’s heads had been turned to David, but once he commented on his sister’s state of dress, all eyes swerved to land on Killian, who was growing a bit red and had his jaw clenched.
“How do you know that?” Emma asked.
“I was there outside your apartment! Remember that I brought you your favorite red jacket back? I saw you kiss! I stayed out in my truck for thirty minutes after he left wondering what was going on, why neither of you had said anything!”
Emma and Killian fell silent, as the rest of their friends looked on in abject curiousity. David stared at them hard. No one said anything.
Belle, Will, Liam, and Elsa arrived, opening the door and letting themselves in without knocking. They had been friends for so long that they no longer felt the need to follow the standard niceties. They were all laughing amongst themselves, but that laughter quickly died upon their entering the room.
Each of the newcomers surveyed the loft. The atmosphere was tense and expectant. They slowly filed in, wondering what kind of minefield they were entering.
“Is everything alright?” Liam asked tentatively.
“Dude! You just missed it! David just accused your brother of doin’ a little bow chicka wow wow with his sister!” Victor enunciated his words by doing a lurid dance, making sure to gyrate his hips as he spoke. Ruby had to cover her mouth to muffle her laugh, and Graham had to look down at his feet. Mary Margaret rubbed her forehead in exasperation. David scowled at Victor.
Liam frowned. “He what?”
“Actually, we don’t really know what happened.” Mary Margaret shot a warning look at her husband. “David just made a baseless accusation.”
“What kind of baseless accusation?” Liam asked.
“He claimed that Emma and Killian are sleeping together,” Ruby said to fill him in.
“It’s not baseless! He put her phone in her front pocket!” David exclaimed. Everyone stared at David’s exclamation.
“Oh, yeah, that’s a hell of a sign, innit? Putting someone’s phone in their pocket is always how I determine how someone is doing the deed,” Will stated. Killian scoffed and shook his head, but before he or Emma could say anything, Belle piped up.
“No, I think David actually has a point, here. People don’t do that unless they’re very close.”
“I’m sure there’s a more reasonable explanation to that action. Maybe Emma told Killian to put it in her pocket?” Liam suggested.
David shook his head. “I was watching them. She didn’t say a word.”
Killian by this point had clenched his jaw and Emma could see the muscle twitching in his jaw (which, if she were being honest, was insanely attractive to her). She knew things were about to boil over very quickly, ruining their Christmas party, if something didn’t give soon. She crossed over to him and took his hand in hers. He looked at her for a long moment, and for that one moment the room faded away. Killian visibly calmed down with just that connection.
David watched their silent interaction, and in that instant he knew. Nothing he said or did would stop what was unfolding. No matter what else was said, his best friend and his sister were more serious than everyone was making it out to be. He took a deep breath and counted to ten, zoning out of the conversation continuing around him, Emma and Killian not being able to get a word in edgewise.
Perhaps this was why they hadn’t said anything yet? Perhaps they knew what would happen if everyone in their group of friends found out before they were ready to tell people?
“YOU GOTTA SEND ME DOWN A MISTRESS FOR CHRISTMAS! I WANT A WOMAN IN RED WITH A BOW IN MY BED!” Victor started half-singing, half-shouting in response to something David hadn’t heard from Will, who was laughing.
“The only bow around here is gonna be the one they have to tie your bandages with, Whale!” Killian shouted in return, though not nearly as loudly as Victor was wailing.
Victor paid him no mind as the girls all rolled their eyes or put their heads in their hands. “MISTRESS FOR CHRISTMAS! I CAN HEAR YOU COMING DOWN MY SMOKE STACK, YOU WANNA RIDE MY REINDEER AND RING MY JINGLE BELLS!” He resumed the suggestive dance around the loft.
“What are you, twelve?!” Emma sneered. “Grow up, Whale! This is why we haven’t told anyone yet!” She looked very upset, tears forming in her eyes, and David knew he had just fucked up majorly with her.
Victor didn’t stop his antics, carrying on butchering the song and everyone started to get irritated. David had finally had enough. He yelled as loud as he could, and everyone stopped.
“Victor, if you can’t comport yourself properly you need to leave,” he said. Then he turned to Emma and Killian. “How long has this been going on?”
“Almost nine months,” Killian answered.
“That long?!” Ruby exclaimed in disbelief, but she was quickly silenced with a look from David.
“Aye, that long. At first, it was so new and we wanted to see if it was something that would last, and then once it became apparent it would, we enjoyed not having to worry about all of this,” Killian waved his hand around to indicate the chaos that had taken off this night.
Emma looked at Killian, who looked back at her.
“We’ve both been interested in each other for longer than we care to admit. I hate that it took us this long to give us a chance,” she said.
“We alway said you two would be perfect together,” Belle responded, smiling gently.
“Yeah, we are,” Emma and Killian shared smiles.
“It’s crazy because I don’t think any of us realized a change in how you acted,” Elsa added, trying to make sure the conversation stayed on a more serious note. “We all probably suspected something at various points, but the two of you never really changed towards one another.”
Emma shrugged and Killian responded, “We just continued as we were. I guess when you’ve been in love for so long, nothing really changes in how you treat each other.”
David nodded and they all fell silent for a moment. Finally Will piped up, “I thought this was supposed to be a party? Have we finished with the Killian-and-Emma-sitting-in-a-tree nonsense, or are we going to carry on with that some more? Because I would really like to get to the gift-giving portion of our evening.“
Everyone started laughing and the serious atmosphere was broken. Everyone started mingling, separating into groups as they finally moved past the confrontation.
David moved closer to Emma and Killian, who had retreated and were standing quite close, having their own conversation. David hated to interrupt, but he felt he owed them an apology. He had this bad tendency to fly off the handle once his temper was lost, and he had definitely lost it today.
Something About December (Throw a Wrench in Your Plans)
David tried really, really hard not to disturb his sister before 9:30 in the morning on her days off (and let’s be honest, he tried not to disturb her before he had to on days she wasn’t off anyway), as Emma “Swan” Nolan wasn’t a morning person in any interpretation of the word. But his wife, and Emma’s best friend, Mary Margaret Nolan, wouldn’t hear of his excuses and forced him to brave his sister’s wrath and bring her her favorite leath jacket (that she had inconveniently left at his place last week and thus subsequently nagged him to death about delivering it to her). He rolled his eyes, but he liked to remain on his wife’s good side, so he reluctantly agreed to run it over to her early on the Saturday after Thanksgiving.
He had just parked his truck, thankful that he didn’t have to work today himself, when he saw her door open. ‘Good,’ he thought, ‘she’s already awake. I won’t have to slay the dragon today, after all. This makes this easier.’
He was just about to open his door when he saw his best friend and fellow sheriff’s deputy, Killian Jones, step out of Emma’s apartment. He stopped in his tracks, his hand on the handle of the door and poised to throw it open. He stared at the sight before him, turned his eyes briefly back to the dash to check the time, and then turned his eyes back to his best friend and his sister. He watched as Emma followed Killian out, wearing nothing but the button down shirt he could have sworn he saw Killian wearing yesterday while they worked their shift and a pair of socks. Killian turned and gave his sister a long, slow, lingering kiss. The kiss lasted so long it made David feel awkward, as if he were about to get a show he didn’t ever want to see. Finally (at last) Killian pulled away and left, getting into his vintage Shelby Mustang and waving as he did so. Emma waved back and stood staring in the doorway as he pulled out of sight. Once she couldn’t see him, she disappeared back into her appartment.
David stared at the closed door dumbfounded. What had he just witnessed? He hadn’t seen them together before this. He wouldn’t ever have said they would have been attracted to each other before this. (That was a lie; all the rest of his friends had commented numerous times before that you would get an explosion if you lit a match anywhere near them, but David refused to accept that as truth.) Did any of their friends know about this? Surely not. Mary Margaret couldn’t keep a secret to save her life, Ruby couldn’t hold back gossip this juicy (her words, not his), and, although discreet, Belle would have told Mary Margaret. David doubted that any of their other friends, though probably not Victor, would even care about this revelation. (Again, this was a lie. Liam, Victor, Graham, Eric, and Jefferson were all highly invested in the not-Killian-and-Emma ship.)
How long had they even been together, for that matter? Or were they even dating? David was going to break every single bone in Killian’s body if he were putting one over on his sister. The bro code had to be honored, in this case. There was no way Killian was getting out of the consequences.
David sat so long in his truck pondering this new revelation that he was startled to see that thirty minutes had passed. Deciding that this was plenty of time to wait, he got out of his truck and delivered his sister’s jacket, though he didn’t say a word about what he had seen. He needed more information than what he had to go on, at present. Surely there had to be another explanation? When Emma answered the door, he greeted her the same as he always did and presented her her red leather jacket.
Nope. Everything was just fine. He was not going to automatically assume they were boning just because of circumstantial evidence. He was going to wait for further proof.
“Dude, they’ve gotta be fucking,” Victor exclaimed later that evening. Their group of friends had all met at the Rabbit Hole for their traditional post-Thanksgiving get together. Some years they had it at one of their places, but no one had felt like staying in, so they all agreed to go to the best bar in Storybrooke.
“Who?” Demanded Liam, turning to look at who Victor was pointing at.
“Killian and Emma,” Victor replied. “Look at them! All cosy playing pool together.”
Belle frowned. “How does this indicate they’re together?”
“Look how close they are! I only get that close to girls I’m trying to persuade to go home with me.”
David examined the amount of space between his friend and his sister. They might have been closer than strictly necessary, but that was because another group was playing pool at the next table over and were on the same side as Killian and Emma. They weren’t any closer than anyone else.
“It doesn’t look that close to me,” Liam dismissed skeptically.
“No, not right now, but I swear just a second ago they were like this,” Victor insisted as he pressed as close as he could to Mary Margaret, who shrank back away from him instantly, making a face. “You don’t get that close unless you’re banging.”
Mary Margaret scoffed. “Must you be so disgusting?”
Ruby laughed and Graham grinned. DIsgusting and sleazy were Victor’s middle names.
Victor cast a roguish grin towards Mary Margaret. “It’s a talent,” he replied flippantly. “But I still stand by what I said.”
Liam’s brow furrowed as he contemplated the picture that Killian and Emma presented. “I haven’t seen him with anyone since Milah. He’s brought a few home for the night, but nothing serious.”
Belle nodded in agreement. “It’s been the same way for Emma. We all know how Neal turned out.”
Silence fell over the table as they all agreed, remembering how badly Neal and Milah, who were brother and sister, had screwed over their friends. Neither lived in Storybrooke anymore, and it was a good thing, as David was willing to bet that many of their friend-group would have had criminal records if they had stayed in town.
Victor nodded sagely. “Yes, well, be that as it may, they’re doing the dirty.”
Everyone rolled their eyes in response, but no one at the table deigned to reply.
“Who’s doing the dirty?” Elsa asked as she had just walked up, shrugging off her ice blue coat as Liam jumped up to help her.
“Killian and Emma!” Victor announced triumphantly.
Elsa rolled her eyes. “How on earth did you figure that?”
Victor pointed at them. “Behold!”
Elsa and the group turned to watch Killian and Emma again. Killian seemed to be mocking a guy’s stroking technique from the next pool table over while Emma had collapsed against the table in tears from laughing so hard. Killian was laughing at how much Emma was laughing, but this was nothing different from how they had acted in the past. Elsa turned back to Victor with one eyebrow raised as if to say, ‘Is that all you’ve got?’
“Oh yes,” Elsa replied as she sat on Liam’s lap, “they’re getting it on right as we speak.”
Victor huffed in frustration. “I’m telling you, they are!”
Graham pulled out his phone. “Let’s do some research,” he responded. “Let’s find out what the Internet says.” He ran a quick search on his phone. “First: do they make a lot of eye contact?”
Everyone turned to evaluate how much eye contact the two were making. Neither looked at the other very long.
“Alright, next: do they seem closer in general?” Graham continued. They group fell silent as they thought about it. David silently watched the others shrug, but he didn’t say anything. He wasn’t sure if what he witnessed counted as closer, anyway. One by one, they all shook their heads.
Graham nodded his head. “Are they sharing lingering looks?”
They all looked up to see Killian checking out a brunette in a short mini skirt who was jumping up and down and Emma eyeing a guy at the bar.
Graham shook his head. “Doesn’t look like it. Do they communicate in a secret language?”
Mary Margaret was the one who answered that. “They’ve always communicated in a secret language.”
Liam nodded his head in agreement. “Ever since they were in school together. Even when he was with Milah and she was with Neal. That hasn’t changed.”
Everyone nodded. Victor mused, “Yeah, I can see that one.”
Graham turned his head back to his phone. “They become very protective of one another.”
Belle was the one who answered this. “They’ve always been protective of one another. Remember what happened with Neal?”
Everyone winced and David laughed. Neal had cheated on Emma back in high school with a girl named Tamara, and Killian had kicked his ass. This was right before Killian found out that Milah had gotten pregnant by an older man in the community, Robert Gold, and was planning on eloping with him (he was one of the richer men in town). Once Killian had found out, Emma was quick to take up for him in return. They’ve always been that way with each other. After thinking on it, David wondered if maybe that should have been a hint to him then that there was something between them.
Graham said the next item on the list. “You will see them together more and at odd times.”
Ruby shook her head. “That’s inconclusive since they both work such crazy schedules. And they’re always together or with us in a group.”
“They suddenly have more to say to each other,” Graham continued.
David and Liam shook their heads. “The last conversations we’ve had have been about the usual stuff. He hasn’t mentioned Emma at all,” Liam said. David agreed.
“She hasn’t mentioned him to me either,” Elsa replied and the other ladies agreed.
“They tease each other more or they choose their words more carefully.” Graham looked at everyone, but they shook their heads.
“They’re smiling and happy all the time.”
Mary Margaret tilted her head as she thought about this one. “Maybe? Emma does seem happier recently.”
“So does Killian, but he’s been talking about a lot of good happening at the station,” Liam added.
Graham nodded his head. “So that’s a possibility. What about avoiding each other?”
Everyone shook their heads. If they had started avoiding each other, none of their friend group had noticed. David wondered if the lack of mentioning the other recently counted as avoidance, but he kept silent.
“Alright, last one. Have they started touching more recently?”
Victor started vigorously nodding his head. “Dude I just saw Killian’s hands in Emma’s pockets and they were standing right beside each other!”
They all turned to look back at Killian and Emma. Neither was beside the other, and they were taking drinks out of their glasses. Everyone turned and looked at Victor in disbelief.
“Not right now, I mean earlier! When I decided they were getting lucky with each other!”
Elsa scoffed. “Oh, you decided. Suddenly it’s all becoming clear.”
Liam shook his head. “You can’t just decide these things Victor, we’ve been over this!”
Ruby rolled her eyes as Victor protested, “I’m telling you, it was real what I saw!”
Everyone picked up their glasses and took a drink with no one bothering to say anything in response to Victor’s whining. Emma and Killian were making their way over with newly refilled glasses.
“I have emerged victorious!” Killian announced to the table as he sat in his abandoned chair, Emma coming behind him rolling her eyes.
“He won by a scratch,” she corrected.
“That’s not all I win by a scratch, Swan,” Killian winked at her, causing Emma to roll her eyes.
“Well, win with that brunette over there by a scratch,” she threw back. “I’ve got to head out, I’ve got research to do for my next job. I’ll see everyone later?” Emma surveyed the table. Everyone nodded their heads in agreement.
“Emma! Don’t forget that we’re doing Dirty Santa at our place on the 10th,” Mary Margaret added. “I meant to tell everyone, so I guess I’m telling all of you now.”
Emma nodded and waved at everyone, grabbing her jacket. David watched carefully to see when Killian left, still suspicious of their dating status. After about ten minutes, Killian said his goodbyes as well, citing an overtime shift he was picking up in the morning. David knew this to be true, so it didn’t seem too off for him, but he also wondered at how close in time Killian’s leaving was to Emma’s departure. There were a lot of signs that seemed to point to Killian and Emma being a thing.
David wondered what he should do next.
It turned out there wasn’t much he could do next to confirm what he suspected, as the flu began to go around the station and he had to start covering extra shifts. He and Killian began working overtime trying to fill in where they could, with Graham (who was the sheriff) filling in on the road with the rest of the deputies as needed. After almost two weeks of this, things finally slowed down to where they could resume their normal shift work. Killian and Emma hadn’t, as far as David knew, spent any time together outside of what they already did at work.
Emma also worked for the Storybrooke Sheriff’s Office, but as a detective who investigated murders or cold case files. Her schedule was a bit different from theirs, but every now and then, she had to fill in on shift work the same as everybody else. The recent flu endemic meant that she was pulling more road work than usual, and she was patrolling more with David. This was how he had known that Emma and Killian hadn’t seen each other much, as they were all pulling overtime. None of them were at home much, so there was no way for them to see each other outside of work, right? And David never saw them flirt while on the job, at least not recently. They had quit their ridiculous flirting-on-the-job stuff almost eight months ago.
It made David very happy that his best friend and sister finally saw fit to cease making everyone else so uncomfortable. It was very considerate of them, really.
On what Graham had sworn to them was their last shift of pulling double duty, Emma had collapsed into a desk in the bullpen. “If I have to arrest another drunken guy from The Rabbit Hole, I’m going to scream,” she announced.
David laughed. “At least we’ll have everyone else covering for us while we get some time off.”
“That’s the only good thing about this,” she agreed.
Their conversation was interrupted by Killian coming in bearing coffee and a box of donuts. He wordlessly handed David a cup, to which David muttered, “Thanks,” and set the box down. He proceeded to hand Emma her cup, which she took without a word of thanks, and she opened the box.
“There better be a bear claw in here,” she said as she pried open the top.
Killian chuckled. “Oh there is,” he laughed in return. “And one for me as well.” He handed her a napkin, which she took without any mention of gratitude, and handed one to David as well. David did express gratitude again, and they all dug into the donuts.
Killian and Emma joked around like always, but David was silent.
He couldn’t imagine not telling someone who wasn’t Mary Margaret thanks for something they had done for him, and he knew that his and Emma’s parents had instilled better manners than that. By this point, he was ninety percent sure that Victor Whale’s summation of events between Killian Jones and Emma Nolan was correct.
But he didn’t receive confirmation until the night of the Christmas for Friends party at his and Mary Margaret’s house that they did every year.
It was still very early in the evening, and not everyone had arrived at David and Mary Margaret’s place yet. Though Ruby, Graham, Victor, Emma, and Killian were there, several other couples had yet to arrive, including Killian’s brother and his girlfriend, Elsa. Emma was helping Mary Margaret with a few last minute details while Killian and David set up the drinks bar. Everyone was chatting lightly together, laughing, and enjoying the first gathering in a few days that they had gotten to arrange.
After placing the ice in the bucket, Killian took his phone out of his pocket to call his brother to find out how much longer it would be before they arrived, only to discover that it was dead.
“Bloody hell, I forgot to charge my phone before I came over here,” he cursed. David was just about to offer his phone to Killian to use, but his sister beat him to it.
“Here, use mine!” Emma handed it to Killian, who took it (again, without a thank you, David noticed) and stepped outside.
The conversation inside the loft continued as it always had, with everyone laughing and snacking before the rest of their friends arrived. Killian came back in after a moment.
“Liam says he and Elsa are about five minutes from here,” he announced once the door shut behind him. “He said to make sure his favorite cookies are ready to go, Mary Margaret.”
Mary Margaret rolled her eyes. “They’re right where I always put them.”
Emma laughed and kept stirring the homemade dip she had just gotten ready. Both of her hands were too messy to take her phone from Killian. David watched as Killian slipped her phone into her pocket without a word; David also noticed Emma’s distinct lack of reaction at Killian’s hand going into the front right pocket of her too-tight jeans.
He wasn’t going to say anything. He finally had the confirmation that there was something going on between them, and that was all he really needed. David glanced around at everyone else, but no one else seemed to have noticed anything. He was the only one who realized there was a romantic (or something like that) relationship between his sister and his best friend. Obviously they felt the need to keep it a secret, so he wouldn’t be the one to rat them out. Nope, he was the one who could keep secrets in his relationship. Had it been Mary Margaret, she’d have already announced it to the world. But he didn’t need to do that. They would tell the whole group when they were ready.
“You’re fucking my sister,” David said loud enough for everyone to hear. They all stopped and looked at him. Emma turned and gave him a strange look, and Killian looked up from the tray of cookies with what could only be described as a deer-in-the-headlights expression.
“What?” Victor asked. “Who’s fucking your sister?”
“Wait, what?” Ruby asked. “Is that really what he said?”
“Yes, that’s exactly what he said!” Victor replied.
“Pardon, mate?” Killian asked.
Victor looked at Killian. “Is he talking about you?” Killian looked back at Victor helplessly.
“You sorry son of a bitch. How dare you try to take advantage of Emma?” David continued, starting to feel really angry at the secrecy.
“Who’s taking advantage of me?” Emma asked indignantly.
Victor gave a leering look. “I’d have taken advantage if I could have gotten it,” he responded to her, earning a disgusted look from both Emma and Killian.
“It’s a good thing you never could have ‘gotten it,’” Killian snarled back.
“Hey, I’ve never made it a secret that I’d have gotten Emma in the sack if I could have,” Victor shot back.
“Are you sure you’re not on call at the hospital? Because you’re about to have to go there,” Killian retorted as he took a step closer to Whale and angled his body to be slightly in front of Emma’s.
“Oh, I think you’ll be the one there before me,” Victor responded, instinctively stepping forward at Killian’s challenging tone.
“Touch him and you’ll have more to deal with than him,” Emma responded to Killian being threatened.
“Killian Jones is about to have more to deal with if I have anything to say about it,” David cut in. “How long have you been screwing my sister?”
Killian looked back at David. “Mate, I have no idea what you’re-“
“I saw you at her house!” David cut him off. “You left at 7:30 in the morning for an overtime shift the Saturday after Thanksgiving! Emma is never up before 9 on weekends she’s off! And she opened the door wearing nothing but your shirt that you had worn the day before!”
Everyone’s heads had been turned to David, but once he commented on his sister’s state of dress, all eyes swerved to land on Killian, who was growing a bit red and had his jaw clenched.
“How do you know that?” Emma asked.
“I was there outside your apartment! Remember that I brought you your favorite red jacket back? I saw you kiss! I stayed out in my truck for thirty minutes after he left wondering what was going on, why neither of you had said anything!”
Emma and Killian fell silent, as the rest of their friends looked on in abject curiousity. David stared at them hard. No one said anything.
Belle, Will, Liam, and Elsa arrived, opening the door and letting themselves in without knocking. They had been friends for so long that they no longer felt the need to follow the standard niceties. They were all laughing amongst themselves, but that laughter quickly died upon their entering the room.
Each of the newcomers surveyed the loft. The atmosphere was tense and expectant. They slowly filed in, wondering what kind of minefield they were entering.
“Is everything alright?” Liam asked tentatively.
“Dude! You just missed it! David just accused your brother of doin’ a little bow chicka wow wow with his sister!” Victor enunciated his words by doing a lurid dance, making sure to gyrate his hips as he spoke. Ruby had to cover her mouth to muffle her laugh, and Graham had to look down at his feet. Mary Margaret rubbed her forehead in exasperation. David scowled at Victor.
Liam frowned. “He what?”
“Actually, we don’t really know what happened.” Mary Margaret shot a warning look at her husband. “David just made a baseless accusation.”
“What kind of baseless accusation?” Liam asked.
“He claimed that Emma and Killian are sleeping together,” Ruby said to fill him in.
“It’s not baseless! He put her phone in her front pocket!” David exclaimed. Everyone stared at David’s exclamation.
“Oh, yeah, that’s a hell of a sign, innit? Putting someone’s phone in their pocket is always how I determine how someone is doing the deed,” Will stated. Killian scoffed and shook his head, but before he or Emma could say anything, Belle piped up.
“No, I think David actually has a point, here. People don’t do that unless they’re very close.”
“I’m sure there’s a more reasonable explanation to that action. Maybe Emma told Killian to put it in her pocket?” Liam suggested.
David shook his head. “I was watching them. She didn’t say a word.”
Killian by this point had clenched his jaw and Emma could see the muscle twitching in his jaw (which, if she were being honest, was insanely attractive to her). She knew things were about to boil over very quickly, ruining their Christmas party, if something didn’t give soon. She crossed over to him and took his hand in hers. He looked at her for a long moment, and for that one moment the room faded away. Killian visibly calmed down with just that connection.
David watched their silent interaction, and in that instant he knew. Nothing he said or did would stop what was unfolding. No matter what else was said, his best friend and his sister were more serious than everyone was making it out to be. He took a deep breath and counted to ten, zoning out of the conversation continuing around him, Emma and Killian not being able to get a word in edgewise.
Perhaps this was why they hadn’t said anything yet? Perhaps they knew what would happen if everyone in their group of friends found out before they were ready to tell people?
“YOU GOTTA SEND ME DOWN A MISTRESS FOR CHRISTMAS! I WANT A WOMAN IN RED WITH A BOW IN MY BED!” Victor started half-singing, half-shouting in response to something David hadn’t heard from Will, who was laughing.
“The only bow around here is gonna be the one they have to tie your bandages with, Whale!” Killian shouted in return, though not nearly as loudly as Victor was wailing.
Victor paid him no mind as the girls all rolled their eyes or put their heads in their hands. “MISTRESS FOR CHRISTMAS! I CAN HEAR YOU COMING DOWN MY SMOKE STACK, YOU WANNA RIDE MY REINDEER AND RING MY JINGLE BELLS!” He resumed the suggestive dance around the loft.
“What are you, twelve?!” Emma sneered. “Grow up, Whale! This is why we haven’t told anyone yet!” She looked very upset, tears forming in her eyes, and David knew he had just fucked up majorly with her.
Victor didn’t stop his antics, carrying on butchering the song and everyone started to get irritated. David had finally had enough. He yelled as loud as he could, and everyone stopped.
“Victor, if you can’t comport yourself properly you need to leave,” he said. Then he turned to Emma and Killian. “How long has this been going on?”
“Almost nine months,” Killian answered.
“That long?!” Ruby exclaimed in disbelief, but she was quickly silenced with a look from David.
“Aye, that long. At first, it was so new and we wanted to see if it was something that would last, and then once it became apparent it would, we enjoyed not having to worry about all of this,” Killian waved his hand around to indicate the chaos that had taken off this night.
Emma looked at Killian, who looked back at her.
“We’ve both been interested in each other for longer than we care to admit. I hate that it took us this long to give us a chance,” she said.
“We alway said you two would be perfect together,” Belle responded, smiling gently.
“Yeah, we are,” Emma and Killian shared smiles.
“It’s crazy because I don’t think any of us realized a change in how you acted,” Elsa added, trying to make sure the conversation stayed on a more serious note. “We all probably suspected something at various points, but the two of you never really changed towards one another.”
Emma shrugged and Killian responded, “We just continued as we were. I guess when you’ve been in love for so long, nothing really changes in how you treat each other.”
David nodded and they all fell silent for a moment. Finally Will piped up, “I thought this was supposed to be a party? Have we finished with the Killian-and-Emma-sitting-in-a-tree nonsense, or are we going to carry on with that some more? Because I would really like to get to the gift-giving portion of our evening.“
Everyone started laughing and the serious atmosphere was broken.  Everyone started mingling again, separating into groups as they finally moved past the confrontation.  
David moved closer to Emma and Killian, who had retreated and were standing quite close, having their own conversation.  David hated to interrupt, but he felt he owed them an apology. He had this bad tendency to fly off the handle once his temper was lost, and he had definitely lost it today.
Emma and Killian paused in their conversation and eyed him warily.
“Come to berate us some more?” Killian sardonically asked.
David winced.  “I guess I deserve that one.”
Emma looked at him disbelievingly. “‘Guess?’”
David nodded placatingly.  “You’re right.  I do deserve it.  I’m sorry for saying it the way I did and getting the peanut gallery involved.  I didn’t mean to interrogate you like that.  I was just a little shocked that I was right.”
Killian looked at David and said, “So you had to accuse me of ‘fucking’ your sister?”
“I’m sorry!  I could have used better language.  Emma, you know my mouth sometimes speaks before it thinks.”
“Before you think, you mean” she retorted, crossing her arms.
David nodded.  “Can you forgive me?”
Emma sighed and looked at Killian, who gazed softly back at her.  “I guess we can,” she responded.
Killian wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close to him.  “It’s alright, mate.  Though I do intend to hold it over your head for a very long time,” he added to Emma’s answer.
David chuckled.  “I’d expect nothing less.”
The three of them smiled, turning to watch the others when they heard Will carry on about how many presents were under the tree, and that it was time to stop lollygagging around and get to the point of the evening.
They all began exchanging presents as Christina Perri sang, “Let all your memories hold you close no matter where you are.  You're not alone because the ones you love are never far If Christmas is in your heart,” on the radio that Mary Margaret had turned on moments before to play softly in the background.  
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Special Announcement
Hey guys, it's Kazzy here!
I started this blog back in the fall as a fun way to share CaptainSwan content and celebrate such a beautiful ship with such talented shipmates, and I've really enjoyed all the fun this blog has been. However, over the past few months, I've noticed my interest shifting into other fandoms, and running this blog has felt more like an obligation than a privilege. Because of that, I'm stepping down from my role of running this blog.
However, I love this blog and its events very much, and would love to see it continue for many more happy holidays to come, so I'm looking for a replacement who would like to take over running this blog. This would entail planning and organizing holiday events, making posts, finding mods if necessary, and any other tasks related to the blog (or delegation of such tasks.) I'm also willing to still help out as a consultant/graphic designer/tech support/mod for future events, especially the first few as you get the ball rolling.
If this sounds like something you'd be interested in, let me know, because I'd love to see this event in good hands!
Happy sails to you all!
✨ kazzy
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hmserebusadjacent · 6 months
Sea shanties
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Part of A New Hope for Five Days of Izzy Hands
Izzy Hands x Male Reader (Developing Friendship, Established Friendship, Developing Relationship, Both Aromantic Asexual)
Summary: Izzy yearns for you and the community you create with your lute and your voice, rejoicing when he can be a part of that world.
Lyrics (in italics) used are from Santiano by Santiano and from Roll The Old Chariot Along.
Word count: 710
Fic link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50934946
Izzy Hands loved your singing voice. Before you came along the Queen Anne had been such a quiet pace, and even then Izzy had thought that singing on board ships was largely pointless.
But then you had arrived with your lute. It was one of the things you were glad to have brought along from your previous life, which meant Izzy developed an odd fascination with it and you. If singing reminded you of your grief, why still sing now?
Why fill the ship at night with shanties, sonnets, lyrics?
Farewell now, my love
Send me off with a kiss
Heave away, Santiano!
Even more than that, why would you then encourage people to sing along with you? Most of the crew knew the sea shanties you sang, passed down through generations of sailors and pirates to give light and laughter and merriment to the long evenings.
We'll roll the old chariot along
And we'll all hang on behind
Izzy sat at the fringe of these groups with a bemusement that he didn't dare let show on his face as people opened up their hearts and voices to you. It wasn't exactly musical, given no one else had as beautiful a voice as you did, but it was a heart-warming choir nonetheless. In return for their voices you gave your heart too, belting out lyrics and even dancing with your feet if you could manage it whilst playing.
Izzy sat on the fringes and listened, never joining in out loud even if he quietly sang the words in his heart. He knew them all, he'd been a pirate long enough too. But it wasn't since he was young that he had joined in with his shipmates with a mug of ale in his hand.
Sometimes you looked over at him as if you could sense his want to join, his inner singing, smiling at him kindly in that special way you seemed to reserve just for him.
As the two of you grew closer, Izzy asked you why you had kept your lute and your voice. And you had told him that both things had been a joy you had clung onto when everything else seemed dark, keeping your dream of escaping to the sea and finding a community alive. So that was why you kept such good condition of your lute, checking every ship for new strings and indulging people in shanties as often as possible.
You had smiled at him and said that if it makes him happy then your work is doubly important. Izzy had asked why that would be and you had looked sad for a moment. Then you had told him that you hadn't met anyone else that deserved to smile as much as Izzy Hands did.
After that, Izzy had to tamp down his urge to sing even more in front of the others. He wanted to smile for you, to reveal in your talents properly, to make you happy in turn.
So one night on night watch, Izzy had crept off to your room to grab your lute, presenting it to you with such a delicate grip.
"Can I sing with you?", Izzy had asked.
Your grin was magnificent.
"Of course you can."
So the two of you had spent the rest of the night singing together. Izzy suggested some tunes and you suggested others, and your harmonies made the old pirate's heart clench with joy.
Farewell now, my love
Send me off with a kiss
At one point whilst singing that line, you had leaned over and brushed your fingers over Izzy's cheek, the question obvious. Izzy had nodded and waited with bated breath for you to lean in and kiss his cheek.
It was the first time in a very long time that Izzy had sung with anyone else, let alone be kissed on the cheek with care and intent.
Izzy Hands looked back on that night often, noting it as one of the best nights of his life. Every time he hears a sea shanty now he thinks of you, lyrics full of yearning for your love and adoration.
It was a good thing that for a long while your lyrics of love had solely been destined for him too.
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0mysticjungle0 · 1 month
To all my fellow bbrae shipmates!
I'm kinda doing a talent search among us for a bbrae-inspired musical project I'm working on. Collaborating with you guys would be the coolest, so I'm starting my search in my own community. I know there's a lot of hidden talent here!!
I'm basically on the lookout for the following:
-a graphic designer
-a male singing voice for a pop/upbeat song
-a stylist
If any of my dear shippers are interested, I'll be waiting on my DMs. Thanks!!
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cssns · 1 year
Get to Know Your Mods
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Our final mod is @ultraluckycatnd​! This is also her first year as a mod so give her a warm welcome!
How long have you been a part of the CS fandom?
I've been a part of the fandom for 10 years now. I stumbled upon a Tumblr post via Pinterest after the 3A finale, and down the rabbit hole I went.
What is your favorite part about fandom?
I love the camaraderie between everyone, no matter their likes/dislikes, where they're from, what language they speak, etc. We all have a common interest, and it's amazing to me how diverse we really are.
What drew you to this event?
I've been a beta for this event for many years now and have been amazed at the content that our wonderfully talented shipmates have come up with over the years. When I was asked to join as a mod this year, I enthusiastically said yes!
Will you be participating either as a writer or artist? If so, what will you be doing?
I'm nowhere near that talented, but I will serve as beta for a few of our wonderful writers.
What do you do in your "real life?"
I'm finishing up my 18th year teaching music, all within the same school district. Currently, I am a General Music teacher at an elementary school (K-5) and 5th grade band director, as well as the flute clinician for the high school band.
What are you most looking forward to in this event?
I'm looking forward to all of the stories and art that are going to be produced. I've seen the list of ideas for the stories, and as an avid reader, I can't wait to read them all! And the art I know is going to be out of this world, helping those stories come to life.
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dearestspirit · 1 year
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-> kazuha x gn!reader
-> fluff
-> wc: 1767
-> note: kazuha my beloved <3 set around when kazuha first boards the alcor and becomes part of the crux
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it was a rowdy night on the alcor, a new crewmate being welcomed to the crux. despite the crew's overall ruckus, the man has yet to say a single word to anyone on board. so far, he gestured only using his hands. beidou had taken him in as a refugee, citing the situation in inazuma as the cause. news of the sakoku decree had spread faintly outside of the region, as did the vision hunt decree. it wasn't a surprise the newcomer hadn't said a word, for one could only guess what he had been through. whispers circulated quickly throughout the ship upon his arrival, rumoring where he possibly could have come from. questions were asked that likely wouldn't be answered any time soon. even with his silence, he was incredibly helpful around the ship. he cleaned, took care of storage, taking on whatever duty he could. still, not a peep from him. no matter what you questioned him about, there was nothing. he just continued to work until it was time to eat and sleep, retiring to his quarters. until juza simply… asks.
"inazuma boy. what are we supposed to call you if we don't know your name?"
"my name is kaedehara kazuha. as i'm in your debt for taking me in on your ship, you may call me kazuha." his voice is gentle, breathtaking even.
from there, he slowly blossoms into a real shipmate of yours. he tells tales of his travels, opening up about how he had been a wandering samurai, not liking to stay in one place for too long. he tells of his sword, the great mark of pride he always wears. how he sees poetry in all nature– the sixth sense he had been gifted. the signs of storms and earthquakes all nestled into his mind at even just a whisper of the wind. it was beautiful, the way he weaves his stories and haikus effortlessly (despite him claiming to not have much talent at it). to him, even a simple leaf could be used to create. he shows this, whistling into a stray leaf, the tune of music soft and delightful.
he's mesmerizing. it makes you wonder, if he can hear all the secrets of the earth, surely he must hear the way your heart beats at his anecdotes? with kazuha comes a great sense of longing, one that you hadn't known until he came. he gestures with his hands as he tells about true freedom. how without the burden of wealth he could traverse across the whole of inazuma, settling on warm rocks in the sunlight. even more, he spins a story about the playful tricks of bake-danuki he had come across, light shining in his eyes as he recalls them.
more nights pass, and you find yourself awake, staring at the ceiling of your quarters. the ship rocks gently, the sound of waves lapping at wood bringing a sense of peace. regardless, you find yourself restless, stepping out of bed. perhaps the stars could keep you company for the night, you thought. you make your way up to the deck, looking up to see xu liushi up in the crow's nest. shaking your head, you make not to tell beidou of his refusal to sleep– though, she'd likely wonder why you were awake to notice in the first place– and head over to the side of the ship, leaning over the railing. the breeze blows through the air, the scent of seawater tickling your nose. in the sky, the stars shine exceptionally bright, a pleasure to see.
"you're awake quite late, aren't you?" a voice comes from behind you, startling you. "may i inquire why?"
"oh, it's you, kazuha," you feel the panic start to slip away. "i was just having a bit of trouble sleeping. no cause for concern, surely."
"i see," his bandaged hand comes to rest on his chin, seemingly lost in thought. "i must confess that the same has happened to me. shall we keep each other company?"
"i'd really like that." you smile, remembering back when kazuha had trouble opening up to the rest of the crew. he had come a far way from that.
"you know, i don't know too much about you… (name), was it?" he asks.
you nod at the name he calls you. "anything you’d like to know? i'll answer."
"where are you from? you're not from inazuma, yet you don't treat liyue like home whenever we are docked there." he's quite observant, you notice.
"i'm actually from (region)," you look over at him. "however, if i'm being honest, i never quite liked it there too much. i figured the kind of life i wanted was something more like this! on a ship, where i can really see the world and what it has to offer. i got what i needed from (region) and left as soon as i could."
"so you prefer the sense of freedom rather than the sense of home?" kazuha ponders. "is that a correct assumption to make?"
"i suppose so," you shrug. "i never noticed how much i desired independence until you showed up, telling us all your fanciful stories of your travels."
"then it must be fate that i arrived on this ship, no?" he jests, a smile on his face as he bumps his side into yours playfully.
"you joke, kazuha, but i think you're right in a way. you've helped me make some realizations about my life that i hadn't before. one day, when i retire from my work here, i want to see more of the world." you stare up at the stars, feeling a sense of yearning for those days. "you haven't talked much of inazuma. why's that?"
he sighs, hand coming up to hold the rail. "inazuma… makes me feel lonely to think about. i have lost many things to that place, and i wish to maintain my sense of self. i've thought about returning, but for now… this is enough for me." one of his hands goes up to his chest, clutching at the cloth of his haori.
you nod along solemnly. "i'm sorry to hear that," you tentatively place a hand on his shoulder, giving a gentle squeeze. "though, it's interesting to hear your perspective. i feel similarly. while we may have our pasts to work through, we have the present to bask in as well, don't we? the future is ours to mold into what we desire, not what our countries desire. whatever you may have lost, you have just as much to gain. maybe it won't be long before we find what fate's leading us towards."
"how poetic," he shakes his head, the sober look on his face fading into a pleasant calm. "have you ever written haikus?"
"not any good ones, i'm sure." you laugh, hand falling off his shoulder and back to your side.
"hm," he hums, trying to figure out how to word his next sentence. "would you be interested in going back to my quarters to write some?"
"oh, i shouldn't take up more of your time than i already have," you mumble, eyes wide and face warm. "we should both sleep, shouldn't we?"
"well, that is true that we should sleep…" he looks at me with a mischievous glance. "it doesn't mean we must."
"alright, i'll join you." it doesn't take much to convince you, interested in spending more time with him.
"even mountain's path, bleak and rocky to the eyes, has the heaven's clouds." he speaks out as you count syllables on your fingers. when you confirm, he dips his feather quill in ink and pens it down on paper. "your turn."
"um…" you mutter. "the kiss of maple, breeze on the lips of your love, sticks sweet in your heart?" your shoulders rise, feeling a hint of embarrassment.
he smiles, admiring you as he rests an elbow on the desk, chin in palm. "romantic," he says, once more dipping his quill in ink and writing your haiku down next to his. "i enjoyed it. you did well."
you go back and forth, creating pages upon pages of haikus. you barely notice the time passing, caught up in each other's company. eventually, you lay your head on the desk during a moment of silence, trying to come up with more words to use in your haikus. without realizing, you fall asleep, head in your arms.
the next morning, you awake to beidou hollering. kazuha, red faced next to her, stands unusually slouched and shy.
beidou's laughs roar throughout the ship, pointing at you. "oh man, (name) is in kazuha's quarters," it's as if a riot breaks out, loud footsteps hammering in your ears as the rest of the crew barrels in, still barely awake. "in his bed, even!"
she throws an arm around kazuha's shoulders, pulling him into her side and giving him a noogie on the top of his head. he flounders, trying to push himself out of her grasp. when he successfully does so, he manages to escort everyone else out of the room, walking back to you. groggily, you sit up, rubbing at your eyes as the sleepiness leaves you.
"i apologize deeply for that," he mutters, taking your hands in his. "i didn't mean for them to disturb you. you fell asleep earlier at my desk, and it would've been rude for me to disrupt your rest. so i brought you to my bed and then i happened to fall asleep at my desk… then beidou came barging in, as you're aware."
you laugh, not too worried about things. "that's just how the crew are, kazu," you see him flush a little at the nickname. "we're all a big family here, and that includes teasing each other. besides… it's not like i mind." you bring one of his hands up to your lips, pressing a kiss to the back of it.
he's shocked, glance lingering on the spot where you kissed his hand. "ah," he mumbles. "we… we must get to our duties," he gets up quickly, going to his desk and aimlessly shuffling around some papers, trying to make himself look busy. "i shall see you later tonight. i enjoyed your company last night, and…"
he hesitates for a moment, steps stuttering as he makes his way back over to you. he cradles your face in his palms, eyes briefly meeting yours as if to ask, 'is this okay?' when you nod, he gently plants a kiss onto your forehead.
"there," he smiles, chuckling a bit. "the kiss of maple, just like your haiku."
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hertzwritings · 2 years
The high seas
A/N: The way Tumblr kind of connects people truly astounds me. Through my writings, I met this amazing, sweet, kind, loving and downright perfect person who puts up with my weird ramblings and even weirder headcanons. @buckyshattergirl​ honest to all the gods in all the universes, I love you and you make me feel all asjkhfdæfdgsfk. Thank you for you.
You can buy me a coffee here, and I’ll write you a personalized drabble, one-shot or multichapter fic – anything you want, really, the sky is the limit!
Remember, feedback feeds the soul and my requests – and askbox – are always open – there’s no limits, because I am me, and I have none.
Pairing: Pirate!Bucky Barnes x female reader
Contains: language, pirate-y things, suspension of disbelief just a little bit, mentions of sirens, mentions of blood, mentions of swords, Pirate!Bucky (because that is indeed a warning in and of itself), SMUT (MINORS DNI), just a quickie ish, p in v, unprotected sex 
W.C.: 4.470 (SORRY)
 The High seas
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Captain James “Bucky” Barnes was many things. Feared, enormously talented with both a sword and a pistol, a brilliant navigator and his name traveled further than his ship did. He stood often at the rutter, salty sprays of seafoam coating his face as his eyes, that matched the sky above him and the sea under him, wandered to the far-off horizon, always looking for the next adventure and plunder.
When The Winter Soldier came across a shipwreck near Clew Bay and he saw a woman resting on jagged rocks, his brows furrowed. A white shirt, slightly wet from the sprays of the sea against the rocks, flowed in the wind, while a leather corset – the brown tones of it blackened by use – rested on her torso, male trousers on her legs and high boots. She looked like she was expecting them. Steve had looked questionable at the sight of a lone survivor, especially a woman, sitting on the rocks surrounded by pieces of wood and dead shipmates, but Bucky had barked an order to let her on the ship. The men didn’t dare disobey his order, even if they believed her cursed.
She hadn’t spoken for a few days, but at first sight of rebellion from the crew, she had squashed any and all inklings to her being nothing more than bad luck, when she threw her dagger and caught a feather to the mast, whilst she still stood near the rutter, eyes barely looking back at the mast. Her eyes searched the sea more often than his did.
From that day, nobody dared say anything. Even Sam had once spoken loudly that it seemed like she was good luck, seeing as they hadn’t had troubles with enemy-ships, nor the dangers that lurked beneath the surface of the water.
Bucky was inclined to agree.
He learned her name was Y/N, and that her ship had unfortunately gone down near Clew Bay because of a foolish navigator, that followed a siren’s song instead of his eyes. Many men had lost their life to the sea like that.
When they docked at St. Mary’s Island, the sun slowly setting, he let his eyes follow Y/N as she wandered off the ship to the nearest inn, her fingers twirling her silver dagger. He hummed and followed her and his crew, his long leather jacket flowing in the soft breeze, his boots echoing around the wooden docks. Yes, he was, in any man’s eye, frightening and his demeanor was more than enough to scare off anybody who tried to approach him. But not Y/N. She had followed him with her eyes through the inn and finally given him a small nod of respect when he sat down. He nodded back. He didn’t care about her gender; she was a brilliant navigator and an even better fighter. There was nothing to judge.
Sam had sat heavily next to him and looked at Y/N through narrowed eyes as she drank, seemingly very bored with the rowdy crowd around her. “Sometimes I find myself thinking that she’s not quite from this world, Buck.” He said. Sam’s eyes never did him a disservice. He spotted most if not all things, most people wanted to hide – it made him the perfect man for scouting and finding flaws and chinks in the armor. It was the reason he was called Falcon in common tongue. “Hm. What makes you say that?” Bucky amused the conversation, eyes on her. He was a man of few words and even fewer, when he found his eyes on her; she was a vision, truly, and when her hair whipped around her face, her eyes closed against the bright sun, he was almost ready to take her to his quarters. Sam shrugged.
“If I knew, I’d tell you. Just know I’m not the only one thinking it.” He said in a low voice, looking to Tony and Scott, who were whispering conspiratorially and glancing at Y/N – she had seen it as well, tipping her glass with a smirk to them.
A grimy man, dressed in the Queen’s uniform long since discolored by drink and wear, stalked to her and Bucky nearly got out of his chair to kill the man, who put his grimy paws on Y/N, but Sam held him back. “Watch.” He pointed to her hand, that held a tight grip on her dagger. “A woman sitting here, acting like…” The man hiccupped. “You are worth nothing more than what’s between your legs.” He sapt at her and Bucky saw read, as the glob of spit hit her cheek. She calmly wiped it from her face and turned her body slightly, a soft, dangerous smirk on her face. “Well, then.” Before he could see what had happened, the man screamed out, her silver dagger buried at the knuckle of his finger – she nudged it back and forth with slender fingers, slowly, but surely, severing the finger from the hand. “Touch me again, speak to me again, and I’ll make sure you see nothing more than the darkest pits of the sea.” She stood and threw the finger out through a window, before sheathing her dagger again. She nodded to her crew. “Boys.” And with that, she left.
Bucky had never experienced love. He had experienced several women during his life, but only for a night or an hour, hobbled somewhere in the back of an inn or in the dark corners of the streets, knees bruised and rum running thicker than blood in his veins. But never love. At least not until this moment, when Y/N left the inn with a saunter that rivalled his own and a smirk plastered on her face. Sam chuckled and Bucky shot him a glare. Steve laughed loudly on the other side of him. “Well, captain, seems as though you’ve got yourself in trouble.” Bucky didn’t answer but gathered his belt and pistol, trailing after her into the darkened night. She was wandering away from the docks, headed towards the small cove along the shore – her hair shone in a million diamonds when the moon hit it.
He kept his pace slow and distanced from her, his coat billowing against the wooden planks, he so often had walked. She almost disappeared in the darkness, but the moon shone brightly enough to illuminate the sand under her, and he settled on a large, flat rock near her, still hidden by shadows and the cover of night.
She toed her boots off, and as the wind died down, he heard her sigh contently as the water lapped at her toes.
It wasn’t exactly news to him that he might have feelings that were more than just loyalty to a crewmate towards her. He had noticed it more and more the longer she had stayed on the ship, how he would subconsciously drift towards her, their hands almost touching as they strolled the deck, keeping lookout during storms. She had given him the last orange before they reached St. Mary’s with a shrug and told him that he looked like he needed the comfort. She had rushed to his quarters one night when she had overheard his screams from another nightmare, that seemed to plague him less and less the more she was around. Her entire being called to him in the same, gentle and alluring way as the sea did; she was simply unavoidable, deep as the chasms in the seafloor and as much in uproar as the darkest of storms, but it made him feel at ease. He knew her fire and her spirit just as much as he knew his own.
He was pulled from his thoughts when a soft tune hummed in the very air around him; he blinked a few times, trying to gather his bearings, but the song was enticing and hard to hold from his ears. He almost wanted to walk to the sea and swim.
His eyes flew open and quickly dug through his coat pockets and withdrew two lumps of wax, rolled perfectly to fit his ears – a siren, and Y/n was unprotected and alone. He rushed to stand, putting the wax in his ears, when he saw her; a beautiful woman, her face hovering just above the waterline, eyes trained on Y/n, who simply stood still, looking at the siren in the water. He was almost running, when he felt the hum of her song stop and he stilled himself – Y/n was sitting down just near the edge of the water, her eyes on the siren… And she was smiling.
He slowly removed the wax again, the rush of the world coming back to him, and he heard Y/N’s voice clear as the blinding sun – he would hear that voice through maddening crowds, if he was being truthful.
“You shouldn’t be singing so close to the docks.” Y/n said, and Bucky took another step forward, the sand shifting under his feet. “You shouldn’t be alone.” The siren responded, her voice alluring and dangerous. Y/N laughed. “No, I probably shouldn’t. good thing, I’m not.” She turned to face Bucky, who stopped dead in his tracks. “Well? Coming?” She asked, patting the soft sand next to her. The siren hissed. “Easy, Frey, he’s…” She looked at him again. “He’s trustworthy.” He slowly made his way to her, the siren’s eyes on him, and sat down next to Y/n. A little closer than he normally would. The siren’s eyes glowed reddish and her hair billowed around her face in the soft waves. “Now, you bring news?” Y/N asked her. The siren tore her gaze from Bucky and focused back on Y/N. “I do. The ship known as red Skull’s has been spotted near Tortuga. I cannot say by who…” She glanced at Bucky again. “But I know they’re looking for a certain treasure.” “Amaro Pargo.” Y/n whispered, her eyes alight with the promise of new adventures. “That is thought to be lost, isn’t it?” Bucky asked. The siren tilted her head to the left. “Perhaps. Perhaps it’s only lost to those, who cannot find it.” Bucky restrained himself from rolling his eyes. Sirens were, apparently, full of immeasurable riddles. “Hm.” Y/n hummed. “Can you lead?” She asked the siren earnestly. “Me?” She looked back at Y/N. “Have I not led you to more treasure than you can hold? Helped with more enemies than you could’ve hoped for?” Y/n nodded and Bucky finally understood why Y/N had been such a good navigator, how all ships seemed lost when they found them, their crew dazed. “Frey…” Y/n sighed. “I expect nothing from you, but I am asking, pleading that you help.” The siren sighed and looked to the docks. “I will try.” She nodded once, very strangely, to Bucky. “Man.” It seemed like a goodbye. “Fare thee well.” She nodded in the same strange way to Y/N, and then she was gone with the swell of the water.
They sat in silence for a while, Bucky trying to figure out what had just happened. “She has been… Sort of my companion for years.” She said into the silence. “Huh?” She ran a hand over her hair, tugging at a braid. “She came to my aid when I boarded my first ship. She had seen me board, seen the way the crew looked at me…” She glanced at Bucky. “let’s just say it wasn’t a coincidence that I was the only survivor, when you found me.” Ah. “And she… Helps you navigate?” He asked, intrigue coloring his words. He never knew sirens to have any type of relationship that didn’t end in death and the last breath full of salty water. She shrugged. “Not really. She tells me where there’s trouble. If her voice is left, I veer right. She might be a companion of sorts, but she’s still very dangerous and I’d prefer her not to become too close to you.”
Bucky didn’t outwardly show his emotions, if it wasn’t anger. But now, with those words, he couldn’t help the heat on his cheeks and the way his lips twitched.
“Alright, then.” He stood and offered his hand. She took it and pulled herself to her feet, their chests touching as he looked down at her. “Shall we find a lost treasure with the aid of a siren?”
It had been a hard journey. The sea was unrelenting and with a swaying deck, rain falling in heavy, angry drops, he fought several of Hydra’s crewmen. The clanging of swords hung heavy around the ship, the smell of gunpowder stifled in his lungs, and yet, as he cut another man down, his eyes wandered to the vixen on the lower deck. She was grinning maddeningly, her eyes blazing with fire as she circled two men, that towered at least a head over her. She had blood-spatter on her white shirt, that clung to her chest, nipples pebbling under the cool rain. She lunged and blood flowed from the man’s throat, his crewmate’s mouth wide in shook as the woman danced around him. Bucky lunged and cut the second man down, who had swung his sword too wide to be able to block him, and he saw red when a man neared her back. He jumped on the railing and grabbed a rope – but before he swung, he saw Frey’s eyes peer up at him, a wicked smile on her lips.
“MEN! WAX!!” He shouted through the mask, he wore over his lower part of his face, and all as one swirled and pulled wax from their pockets, ready for whatever carnage Frey was about to bring. They had seen it before – Sam had even hollered that he knew Y/N had been different, when they first saw Frey talk to Y/N with her soft voice. Most of them seemed surprisingly fine with the prospect of a siren trailing their ship. The few that didn’t, happened to simply disappear overnight.
He nearly didn’t have time to get the wax in before the song started, and he swung down from the rope to Y/N’s side, where he stood back-to-back with her, fending off whoever dared near her. He felt the song in his chest and saw the men slowly lower their swords, daze already in their eyes. He grinned wickedly at them, spotting Red Skull hiding in shadows by his own ship; he was steering away, leaving the men he had on the Soldier, behind. All of them wandered around to the rails, leaning over the side. Frey swam gently through the swell of the waves, her eyes a perfect mirror of the color of the sea, now, and heads popped up around her; her song had called the few sirens nearby to her, joining her. Slowly, one by one, the men toppled to their watery grave, being pulled under by beautiful women who turned to hauntingly, beautiful and terrifying creatures as soon as their prey landed in their arms. Bucky watched, mesmerized by the sight of men going under, when he felt a hand on his arm. Y/N. She looked up at him with wide eyes and wiped her thumb across his cheekbone in an intimate gesture unlike anything, she had done before – her thumb came away covered in blood. The other crewmen looked everywhere else, trying their best to ignore whatever happened between their captain and Y/N, all of them still slightly on edge by the sirens that crowded their ships. Y/N looked behind him and nodded once, gesturing for him to remove the wax. He did, the thrumming of the song still embedded in his chest, but he turned to the sea and looked to Frey, who smiled wickedly, sharp teeth catching on her lips. “Thank you.” “Thank me not, pirate.” She disappeared under the water.
All the men drank happily after another victory, their shanties roaring from the brig. Bucky sat in his quarters, fiddling a small dagger and stared out of the open window into the darkness, when a few clatters sounded. He frowned and took a step and found three beautiful shells and a handful of colorful, shiny rocks littering the wooden floor. He glanced out the window, and despite the consuming darkness of the night, he couldn’t avoid seeing the red glow of Frey’s eyes. “Why rocks?” He called. “She likes things shiny.” And with that, her eyes were gone. He collected the strange rocks and shells in his hand with a slight smile on his lips. A soft knock sounded on the door. “Yes?” Y/n stepped inside, holding a bottle in her hand and a needle and string in the other. He rolled his eyes. “It’s superficial.” He said, pointing at the gash on his arm. It wasn’t the first, nor would it be the last. “Even so.” She handed him the bottle. “I took the last bottle of the rum, we procured in Port Royal.” She grinned. “If the men knew, they’d have my head.” He sat down and chuckled. “No, they wouldn’t. They would fear for your friend of the sea.” She sat down next to him and eyed the cut. “It won’t take long.” She mumbled and slowly began threading the needle, eyes focused on his arm. He couldn’t help but flex it, just a little and was rewarded with a soft whine. She began stitching him, and he didn’t dare move a muscle, but simply took a large swig of the bottle of rum, relishing in the warmth of the spirit. Minutes passed in silence, and he glanced at his table, where the collection of rocks and shells rested. “All done.” She mumbled and wrapped his arm in white linen, before standing up and wiping her hands on her pants. Her shirt was still spattered in blood.
He stood as well, and a swell of the waves around the ship made it tip slightly, which none of them were prepared for; she tumbled into his chest, fingers on his collarbone and his hands flew to her waist, trying to steady her. She found his eyes.
A carnal need overcame him, the very air became hard to breathe in, and he couldn’t stop himself. He kissed her deeply, a small gasp coloring the kiss in beauty, and her hands flew to his neck, wrapping around him to meet his kiss. Their tongues wrestled and he pulled her close to him, fingers moving to swiftly undo the damned laces on her back. She breathed a moan as the corset loosened and finally fell from her body – he grabbed her leg, holding her behind the knee and turned her, laying her on the bed. Their movements were frantic, desperate, and longing, so many months of glanced, near-touches and unsaid words hanging thickly in the air, and she clawed at his shirt, finally pulling it out of his trousers. He groaned as she rolled her hips against him, and he let his tongue dance over hers before he ripped her shirt to shreds. She gasped. “Buck, that was my favorite!” She bemoaned. He chuckled, kissing her neck. “I’ll buy you a brig’s worth of that shirt when we reach shore.”
She grunted and pulled at the lace on his pants, as he did the same to hers, Her chest was heaving and he couldn’t help himself – he lowered his lips to her hardened nipple and sucked it, teeth scraping against it and he was sure the sound, she made, would be burned into his mind for the rest of his life.
She finally managed to undo his pants and quickly pushed her hand inside, moaning as she touched his hard length, wrapping her hand around it. He rutted into her hand and his fingers had a hard time getting the fucking pants off her and she giggled, fully giggled as she lifted her rear up to make it easer for him to move the pants down her legs. The leather of his own pants were straining against his hard cock and her hand, and he quickly released her nipple with a soft pop to sit up straight and push his pants down. She clearly decided to use it to her advantage, and she wrapped her legs around his hips, removed her hand from his member and flipped them.
He grunted at the impact, but quickly swallowed any grievances when he saw her on top of him, straddling his hips. Her lips were swollen and red from the rough kisses and his beard, her chest heaved and tattoos littered her skin, drawing intimate pictures, a story of her. She positioned herself better, and grabbed his length again, lining him up. “Darling, don’t you…” He wanted her to feel good, but she quirked an eyebrow, a clear challenge. “You don’t believe me capable, Captain Barnes?” He had never loved being called a captain as much as he did now. “I believe you more capable than me.” He simply said, cock twitching in her hand. She grinned and lined him up with her dripping folds, sinking slowly down on him.
He might’ve thought the sea was his home, his calling, but at this moment, he knew he had been wrong – she was his home. She was tight and wet, the sounds tumbling from her lips were sinful as she lowered herself on him; he worried about her feeling pain, but her eyes rolled back in her head as she was finally seated on him, and immediately began rolling her hips, riding him with long strokes. he growled and held her hips, steering her and he felt her clench around him, her wetness growing on his lower abdomen, and he rutted up into her, craving more and sped up, not daring to slow down now, not with the way she pulled him deeper, and her moans grew. He fucked her deeply, grabbing at any bare skin he could as he nails dug into his chest. “Please…” She moaned. “Please, deeper…” He would never tell her no. He fucked her deeper and harder, feeling her clench around him and she threw her head back, stilling her hips as she came undone around him. He had felt many women reach their peak under him, but never had it felt as good as it did with her. He craved to see it again, the way she twirled her hips and used him to get more out of it, more of him. She leaned down and kissed him deeply, all teeth and tongue, and he lost control – he flipped them again, swallowing her squeal and began pounding her; her legs wrapped around him, lips warm on his, and he would die happily here, buried in her. She was moaning his name, like a drowning man’s last breath, and he sped up, dragging against her walls, that fluttered against him. “Buck….” She moaned again biting down on his shoulder. He growled and thrusted deeply, his cock twitching. “Fill me.” She whispered, her breath cooling the spot, her teeth had just been on and he damn near lost it. He fucked into her frantically, his arm weaving under her leg and hoisted it, clutching it under her knee, her walls tightening around him and with a roar, he spilled inside of her at the same time as she clamped down, another wave of pleasure running rampant through her body.
They rocked slowly to a still, his cock still twitching inside of her, and he kissed her languidly before slowly pulling out and laying down next to her, wrapping his arm around her. “You made my stitches open.” She mumbled, fingers gently swirling against the new red-splotched linen. He chuckled and let a finger follow a tattoo that ran from her collarbone to her elbow. “Worth it.”
When they came out of his quarters the next morning, their hands intertwined, the crewmates all whooped, and Steve yelled the loudest that it was about damn time. Bucky didn’t care, not even about the lewd comments, because Y/N managed to send a dagger flying towards Sam’s hat and pin it to the railing behind him when he shouted something obscene. They stood at the rutter together, the pirate and his queen, and stared into the endless horizon. He saw Frey following the ship just out of the corner of his eye, and he tipped his hat to her.
 TAGLIST:    @acaceta​ @a-skov​ @angelmather1​ @cooldreamlandsandwich​ @doubletriplepowerbomb​ @est1887​ @enchantedbytomandhenry​ @fionnthebandersnacc​ @herroyalbubbliness​ @keiva1000​ @kebabgirl67​  @mis-lil-red​  @one-sweet-gubler​ @pandaxnienke​  @sleutherclaw​ @sofiebstar​ @summersong69​ @spookyboogyuniverse​ @stardusted26​ @thereisa8ella​ @timetraveller4​ @thatonechickhere​ @themanfromu​ @thelastpyle​ @yourlocalhoney​ @wheretheriversrunintothesea​  @avengershoney​ @getthismoose​ @gloriuspurposee​  @the-omni-princess​ @the-gods-gloted-but-they-burned​ @xcallmetaniax​  @calstielwinchester​ @janita​ @lover-of-bucky​ @marvel-whor​  @tfandtws​ @youtubersshipper​
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CS fics by @elizabeethan you must read!
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Happy birthday @elizabeethan ! @snowbellewells and I had the same idea apparently but you deserve all the love for your fantastic stories on your birthday! 
Elizabeth have so many amazing, beautiful fics and so I’ve struggled to narrow it down to my absolute forever favorites. If you haven’t read one of them yet you’re missing out and you need to rectify that ASAP - your life will be better for it, trust me
The Sad Baker Killian series
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Never More Than I Can Take 
holding my breath for you
From the Beginning 
What can I even say about this series - there aren’t even words. It’s the softest, most painful, hearbreakingly beautiful love story. Sad Killian is always one of my favorites but who knew that adding baker to that would just magnify it tenfold. Ugh this story is just - I can’t - just gfjdakvdsagl. Read it. 
Overboard  series
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Here we have a beautiful example of our lovely talented shipmate thinking she could get away with only writing us a oneshot of this breathtaking universe. And here we are 6 installments in and if you don’t think I would devour a hundred thousand more you’re wrong. I need this as a whole damn novel that just never ever ends. The sad silver Killian and damaged Emma, the way you’ve written the emotion and the love between these two, the way you created such a full and complete world which feels so real and beautiful while still keeping our favorite ship so true to their characters - I’m in awe. Sometimes I’ll just start thinking about this fic and sit there for a good long while in amazement at your talent. Did I mention I’m obsessed with this series already? Perfection.  
Watch the Sunlight Fade
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UUUUGGGGHHHHHH this fic. It’s like you wrote everything I wished Sons of Anarchy had been and then multiplied the amazingness by a billion. This one is so so painful to read and so incredibly beautiful. Strap yourselves in for a hell of an angsty ride that will be 100% worth it. Prepare yourself to want to murder Neal like you never have before. Prepare yourself to want to give Killian a giant fucking hug and take care of him. The way you slow burned this fic too is just stunning too and I can’t even get my words to work right in saying how much I love this fic. Everyone needs to read it and give it the appreciation it deserves because WOW this story gives me life. 
Steal Away
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So there’s obviously a pattern starting here of @elizabeethan hurts me to the deepest part of my soul and I thank her for it. I was obsessed with this fic from the moment you suggested the premise and honestly apart from Overboard which will forever be one of my all time favorite fics, this might be my favorite of yours. This fic starts as a robery gone wrong and then becomes something so much more than I ever expected or knew I needed. It had me crying, like ugly cry in public but don’t stop reading because you need to know what happens next, and then just feeling so many things that I couldn’t do anything but yell at you about it and then I think this one just renewed my belief in love because you wrote their characters and their story and their emotions so perfectly and everything feels so REAL and heartbreaking and then so so hopeful. This fic is a masterpiece and I would (have?) read it a million times over. 
Spaces Between Us
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I remember this fic starting with “do you think people would be mad if...” and man I think that is how you need to approach everything you write forever lmao. Will it make them mad? I don’t know but it will absolutely make them rage at your horrible villains, want to cry for Emma and be begging you to let our babies have a torid affair and then maybe murder someone (disclaimer: there is no murder in this fic- but you’d consider it a reasonable choice if there were). You absolutely broke my heart with this story, poor Emma trapped in her relationship with Walsh, the second chance love story that felt so real that I was blown away. I’ve always found it hard to read those because I couldn’t get on board with my ship breaking up in the first place let alone how they’d end up together again but then you wrote this fic and I get it now. And you brought them together again in such a beautiful way with all the angst I could possibly handle. You write angst so well but you also have such a talent with bringing happiness and love and hope back to the story at the end of it all and this fic is a perfect example of that. 
Between the Morning and the Night
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Finally I had to throw this hilarious little fic in. I swear I’d have listed every single one of your shorter fics - there were so many I loved and everyone should go read them all but I had to narrow it down for this list and I ahve to say that this might be my absolute favorite of your standalones. The premise is so fucking funny - Will noticing the scratches on Killian’s back and Killian in full blown panic about David finding out just who gave them to him - dead. Of course, beautiful, talented, amazing author that you are you gave us feels like you wouldn’t believe turning this funny little oneshot into a truly stunning piece of writing. I love this fic so much. Like just: 
“Good god, mate.”
He turns, surprise in his eyes when he faces his friend and colleague and is met with his shocked, horrified expression.
He knows he’s red and sweaty after a workout, but it can’t be anything different from how he always looks when they return to the locker room.
“I mean, were you attacked?”
Bless this fic and bless you for writing it
I hope you’ll all go and read the incredible fics that Slibby has written over the last couple years (she wrote 54 in like 2 years???? are you real though, girl??) and give her the love and appreciation she deserves on this the most special of days!
Happy birthday again @elizabeethan you’ve been the best pocket friend a girl could ask for and I’m forever grateful that the fandom brought us together 
@kmomof4 @elizabeethan @the-darkdragonfly @undercaffinatednightmare @jennjenn615 @dramioneswan @gingerchangeling @gingerpolyglot @batana54 @lfh1226-linda @csalltheway @xsajx @xarandomdreamx @onceratheart18 @ownedbycaptainswan @teamhook @pirateprincessofpizza @lostintheskyfaraway @zaharadessert @thejollyroger-writer @ultraluckycatnd @justanother-unluckysoul @spartanguard @jonesfandomfanatic @deckerstarblanche @jrob64 @klynn-stormz @wefoundloveunderthelight @sailtoafarawayland @tiganasummertree @winterbaby89 @hollyethecurious @stahlop @superchocovian @snowbellewells @xellewoods @sals86 @karlyfr13s ​ @ouatpost ​ @skairipakomtrikru @lonelyspectator12   @anmylica   @alexa-fangirl-forever @inspiredbystardust @marcella2727 @paradiselady19 @koryandr @killiansprincss
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waraxarcana · 9 months
@piratebento​ continued from here
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The barest hint of a smirk touched Hawkins’ lips when the foolish Heart Pirate did not even attempt to deny his assessment of what Penguin thought of his shipmate as a woman. For all Ikkaku would talk his ear off about how much she loved “her boys,” she had, in a few moments of trusting weakness, used him as a shoulder to cry on. A sympathetic ear when the unthinking comments of her crew turned misogynistic or insulting and she needed to vent lest she inflict violence upon them.
Personally, Hawkins would have loved to have seen her do just that, but his goddess was soft-hearted. It would be frustrating if it weren’t so adorable. Not to mention beneficial to him. It was why he was certain that her displeasure with him would fade soon enough. If she could forgive the constant slights from this fool, surely she’d get over whatever it was she was mad at her lover about.
“I will not deny her talent with her tools. She is an exceptional woman in that respect, though it is not my main interest in her. Unlike others, I see her for more than her job.” This was no lie - of course she was brilliant with machines, but there was more to her than anyone realized. Ikkaku included, he had come to realize.
All the more reason to ensure she didn’t slip through his fingers and into the unworthy arms of another.
Turning more fully towards Penguin, he looked down his nose at the younger man. “Do not presume to lecture me about she does and does not want. I do not answer to you - hers is the only word I find worth listening to. As such, I came here to speak to her and hopefully settle this matter. With an apology, perhaps a candlelit dinner, and a few gifts,” he stated, holding up a flat wrapped box. “She was eyeing this dress before our little lover’s spat. I thought she might like it to remind her that I see her for what she is; a diamond among common stones. After all, that boiler suit might be practical, but it sadly hides her away too much. You may not appreciate her femininity and would rather relegate her to ‘one of the guys,’ but I refuse to let someone so insufferable dull her brilliant shine.”
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mafaldaknows · 1 year
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I posted 10,784 times in 2022
1,017 posts created (9%)
9,767 posts reblogged (91%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,574 of my posts in 2022
#instagram - 519 posts
#tales from the charmiesphere - 401 posts
#timothée chalamet - 237 posts
#mafalda always looks for signs - 197 posts
#armie hammer - 177 posts
#hello anon - 162 posts
#johnp.shanley - 156 posts
#youtube - 103 posts
#support armie hammer - 101 posts
#call me by your name - 87 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#the fact that this is a small film with a tiny ensemble - there would be no place to hide - him and taylor had to carry the film in a way he
Just FYI: ☝️This tag was one that I kept from a reblog. I know that didn’t write this since I haven’t seen the movie yet 🙃
Also, look at tumblr being cute and making suggestions 🤭😜
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My Top Posts in 2022:
The picture that’s giving you Johnny Rotten vibes...look closely at the top he’s wearing. I’m sure it’s the cover artwork to The Velvet Underground’s Venus In Furs. I haven’t seen this picked up elsewhere yet - please look up the lyrics to that song if you’re not familiar with it. Very interesting choice, Timmy! 😏🥵❤️
Hello, Anon:
The image on Timmy’s shirt is actually the cover of a book by sexologist Michael Leigh, published nearly 60 years ago, which inspired the name of the legendary band, when a friend of the band found a copy of it lying in the street.
The Universe speaks. ❣️✨🤘✨❣️😜😉
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Instagram: britishvogue
See the full post
181 notes - Posted September 15, 2022
But how can we be part of the solution for charmie to come out? What is my pebble look like?
Hello, Anon:
I think it’s up to you to decide how to best utilize your own special gifts and talents to support Charmie in the way that speaks to you most clearly, to help the solution happen. We are all hands on deck, each with our own contributions, all of which are significant and valuable in maintaining course on this ship. Steady as she goes.
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It might be helpful to define your purpose as a Charmie by identifying the values that are most meaningful to you, and to write them in a simple mission statement.
My values are beauty, truth, and love, in no particular order or hierarchy. In my mind and in my heart, they are all equally important. I also enjoy a good laugh and do not always take things so seriously.
I like to use my Charmie pebble to find and share signs of hope and possibilities, to help lift our spirits, and to seek out and defend beauty, truth, and love wherever and whenever I can, with kindness and good humor.
This is my mission statement, as seen in my Instagram bio:
“Noodle-centric seeker of truth & beauty, believer in random luck and the power of LOVE. Call me by your noodle and I’ll call you by mine.”
It may sound silly, but it also helps keep me focused on the values that guide my purpose as a Charmie, which is simply to enjoy the voyage on this beautiful ship powered by love, with all of my Charmie shipmates, come what may.
See the full post
182 notes - Posted January 25, 2022
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The Night Porter, 1974
See the full post
201 notes - Posted March 22, 2022
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Instagram: readytimmywear
230 notes - Posted April 17, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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625 notes - Posted September 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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lothrilzul · 1 year
So, Thenasto, or Tendon as the shipmates came to knew him aboard the Merryweather, was free elf by the time the Magisters caught him. He was leading a one-elf healing clinic where he sometimes worked for free if people were unable to pay. He accepted trade, food, whatever. That’s where he met the other custom Godwoken of his story, Lady Arne, who was my Husband’s custom character.
As a young elf, he lived in the edge of the Homeland, near a human village where his father was helping the humans with the burials. He literally grew up in a cemetery but it never bothered him. He learned a lot about death, customs, rituals, respect, loss and the Hall of the Echoes was a very interesting thing for him. He also was curious about Source, but he didn’t connect the two yet.
When he was a little older, he had a crush/girlfriend, I don’t how serious it was, but they had a pet squirrel. Only, the squirrel died and he was grieving the poor innocent creature so much, that he somehow brought it back. It was not the same, and eventually not more than a walking (albeit happy) skeleton and the girl was terrified. Of both of them. She screamed and yelled and sent him away. With his broken heart, he ran from home, never to return.
He wandered the forests, silent at first, and then he came to peace with his talents. He vowed never to use these skills as offense, only in self defense, and only if there was nothing else he could do. He was also talented in Hydrosophist spells, so he focused mostly on those. He learned some ice magic, but it was healing that interested him most.
And scholarly stuff. He is a reader and a talented singer. Every night, he would walk the forest and sing to the creatures or the Moon. I know it’s cliche but he really was a pure dumb idiot like that. 
So one day, during the New Moon, lizard slavers captured him and it was his voice that saved him. He never stopped singing and didn’t resist. He liked living, even if he wasn’t free. He was immediately put to a different wagon, into a more expensive cage essentially and was sold to the highest bidder. The slavers were paid well for the find.
His first owner was a pleasure garden. He had pretty good life there, the ‘birds’ were respected by the owner, were allowed to refuse clients and most often didn’t even need to perform sexual acts. It was mostly mild things, think courtesan or geisha. They were expensive escorts, not cheap things. It was a prestige to hire a bird and if a client was not behaving they found themselves banned from the garden.
One day, a wealthy human woman came to the garden to buy a new book reader, because her eye sight was failing and her previous one just died. (You know, like you would buy a new e-book reader, I guess?) She quickly chose Thenasto because he spoke more than one language and could sing beautifully.
He continued to have a relatively happy life. He had everything but his freedom. They had fine clothes, free time, were free to leave the mansion and they loved the Lady. The Old Lady was nice, well, as nice as a slave-owner gets, but  everyone someone enough owned slaved there.
Thenasto fell in love with a man named Sandor, the cook. The Old Lady allowed them, she said it brought happiness into the ‘big old house’.
But the Old Lady was, well, old and only had relatives that lived in countries where slavery was abolished, and urged her to free her lot, give them wages, but she said she was too old to change now and they’ll be free once she died. All of the relatives squarely refused owning slaves, all but one. So, when she died, everything she had, including all the ‘servants’ in the house, were inherited by her niece, who was the only one not refusing. 
Now, the niece was everything but like the Old Lady. She was cruel and selfish. The last year of Thenasto’s slave-life was plain misery. The new lady was keen on showing them what slaves ‘deserved’, whippings were common as verbal abuse and so on. Sandor and Thenasto laid low, but they Lady found out. It led to Thenasto escaping via a literal bloodshed where he killed her, but also lost Sandor.
Since that event he could raise a bloated corpse, one of his starting spells. (Other is decaying touch, also used that night.) He used it only in self defense and was always horrified of it.
He had 3 owners in total, but I’m not sure how long his slave time was actually. He was free by the time the Fog devastated the Homeland and his last hope of seeing his family vanquished. 
At that time, he never would’ve thought he will end up with the man he cursed so many times and he would be grateful for meeting him.
(Spelling these all out, I’m now embarrassingly aware how similar some of these elements are to the stories of Fenris and Anders from Dragon Age 2 and Zevran from Origins, but when I conjured it all up, it haven’t played these games yet. Yeah I’m a latecomer.)
So, where did this idea came from? I wanted to play an elf because I was tired of equipping the shapeshifting mask everytime. I chose male, because female elves terrified me personally. I still respect Sebille but hoo boy. She’s a presense, isn’t she? Thenasto sure agrees. Now, I always had a sweet spot for Necromancy since Heroes of Might and Magic III’s Necropolis and my D:OS Source Hunter was a Geomancer/Witchcraft girl, so I was kind of familiar with the playstyle. 
Ah, and Thenasto is a well-read one and he craves old stories about Source users. Source Hunters, Arhu, Zandalor, Jahan, Cassandra and Braccus? He knows everything that was written down somewhere. Meeting Jahan, Arhu and Braccus in person was like a dream come true. Or a nightmare, in the latter case. (He personally almost worships my Source Hunter Busdra, even tho official texts claimed it was ‘Roderick and Scarlett’ or whatever, he always believed the ‘Busdra and Blossom’ version was true. That was what the elves taught to him. That was in the memories that he tasted.)
As for the romance? I didn’t even know this game had romance until I accidentally triggered Ifan with the ‘you know, lonely’ dialogue. I was done then and there. In a week I was shipping this boy so hard with Ifan my heart clenched. Because just imagine the possibilities! The back story was born soon and I’m currently 18k into their ‘idiots in love’ fic and half of it wasn’t even written. Or badly. It devolved from a violent climax to a totally tender one and I’m still polishing it to be good enough to share. It’s a quickly escalating thing, really, much like my real falling in love was. ^^
Ifan, as we know, can be in love with the player since the moment they meet on the ship, and I am on board with that. He saw this graceful parrot with his mohawk, soft words and kind soul and went: that’s the one. Thenasto didn’t need much more than a boop on the nose either.
Neither of them was comfortable prodding the other much tho, both thought the other deserved better. Thenasto was not proud of his past as a slave, especially as that kind of slave and well, we know Ifan’s story. It is extra angsty with an elf.)
Lady Arne and the Red Prince (the rest of the party, Hubbo’s characters) were doing their best to make these two idiots realize what they felt before they left Reaper’s coast. They succeeded, bless them.
We finished our game by sharing the source with everyone, but their canon is that Lady Arne became the New Divine in Lucian’s place. This was more or less satisfactory for everyone. Neither Thenasto nor Ifan really ever wanted it, and none of them wanted to outlive or outstrong the other, so they trusted Arne. Turns out, she is much better than Lucian. The only downside was losing Afrit for Ifan.
Thenasto and Ifan went on about the forest rehabilitation project and lived happily ever after. (Or not, but that’s a different story, and I’m still working on that.)
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zaharadessert · 1 year
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I posted 92 times in 2022
33 posts created (36%)
59 posts reblogged (64%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 63 of my posts in 2022
Only 32% of my posts had no tags
#cs ff - 43 posts
#captain swan - 42 posts
#zaharadessert writes - 37 posts
#emma swan - 22 posts
#captain hook - 21 posts
#talented shipmates - 20 posts
#neverland new year - 14 posts
#killian jones - 14 posts
#princess emma - 12 posts
#neverland au - 12 posts
Longest Tag: 69 characters
#but this is what i imagine would be in it if i were ever to write one
My Top Posts in 2022:
The Heart of the Saviour (1/12)
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Rating: Explicit, mostly for the violence. But there's significant smut in the last chapter.
Warnings: Abduction, Ransom, Mortal Peril.
Summary: One night, in every corner of every magical realm, every boy aged nine to seventeen disappeared. Not one remained. That was when Pan made himself known to the realms, and from that night the eve of every boy’s ninth birthday meant their disappearance, until finally the realms demanded to know what he wanted to return their children to them. Pan told them he wanted the saviour, and while most realms were confused Snow and David knew what he meant and confessed the role their daughter was supposed to have played in breaking the curse. The realms voted and agreed to Pan’s terms, and Pan stopped taking the realms sons, holding the children he’d currently taken as insurance of their compliance.
For the next fifteen years Emma’s birthday wasn’t a celebration, it was another tick on the countdown clock to the end of her freedom. Not that she was ever free in the first place, but to save every male child in the United Realms including her younger brother, Leo… She understood that she had a job to do, and she would do her duty with her head held high. What she didn’t count on was the sparkling blue eyes of the man Pan sends to escort her to Neverland in time for her twenty-first birthday.
Notes: It is finally finished… only a month and a half late… ooops. I hope you all enjoy it and think it was worth the wait! I am so excited to share it with you all, so do let me know what you think! I won’t be posting whole chapters on tumblr because they are so damn long… but there’s a link to the full chapter on AO3!
A huge, huge thank you to @kmomof4​ for betaing this for me, and for being super supportive while I’ve been tearing my hair out over this. Thank you to the @neverlandnewyear​ mods for running this event again, I have had so much fun writing this!
Read on AO3: Chapter One
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The ship had first been seen just after noon, exactly as Pan’s most recent missive had told them it would. It had been delivered as all the others had been by the wingless fairy he kept in his employ, the magic that transported her to and from his lands not strong enough to take more than just her. So, he was sending a ship, and his envoy should be given all the courtesy one might expect upon arriving at a Royal Court before departing with the promised cargo the next morning.
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Read the rest on AO3
44 notes - Posted March 5, 2022
Canticum Sanguinis Lux - Initium (1/8?)
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Summary: Once, all Emma Nolan wanted was a normal life, but when she had a run in with a vampire as a teenager she realised that she couldn’t escape the life of a hunter. Now all she wants to do is prove herself, and she’s going to end up going above and beyond to be the hunter the world needs her to be.
Rating: Explicit. Mostly for graphic descriptions of violence, and some smut.
Warnings: There are hints at the non con nature of the control vampires can have over humans.
Length: should be eight chapters.?
Notes: So, first off, a huge thankyou to the @cssns​ mods for running this event again. Thanks so much for the opportunity. Secondly, thank you to @clockadile​for the gorgeous banner. Lastly, thank you to @kmomof4​, who not only is an amazing beta, but volunteered to deal with my panics and general insanity. Thank you so much, I could not have done this without you.
One final note, thank you for reading. I apologise, I’ve broken my own cardinal rule and started posting before I’ve finished writing. But this is kinda a prologue, so I think it’s gonna be fine on it’s own until I’m done? I hope… hahaha! Thanks so much for reading.
Also on AO3
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Emma’s footsteps echoed in the alleyway, the buzz of the streetlamps a distant hum behind her that faded to nothing amid the click of her heels on the poorly laid tarmac. She wrinkled her nose against the smell of the bins stacked at the end, her eyes flicking up to take in the fire escapes on either side. She could feel the shadows pressing in around her, ominous and foreboding.
“Walsh?” she called, her voice sounding timid and worried as she moved further away from the safety of the populated street and into the darkness. Where the hell had he gone? She’d only been a couple of steps behind him and it wasn’t that dark down here… “Walsh, stop messing around. This isn’t funny and you’re far too old for these silly games,” she declared with an almost petulant huff.
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Continued on AO3
49 notes - Posted July 10, 2022
A Tarnished Proposal
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Rating: T, I think...
Warnings: For me this is super tame, but Neal is an ass so… he threatens some things.
Length: ~5k
Summary: Three years ago, Neal Cassidy halted his pursuit of Emma in favour of the fortunes of an heiress by tarnishing her reputation. Now he's back intending to collect his prize, but Emma isn't the wide eyed ingénue he courted so easily last time. When he invites himself to join the family and some other guests for dinner, the night yields far more than anyone bargained for.
Notes: Great thanks to @kmomof4​ for once again being a wonderful beta. The art is by the lovely @undercaffinatednightmare​, I had so much fun talking to you about it, it really has brightened my time being ill over the last couple of days. You should all thank her too, if she hadn't made it, I wouldn't be posting this.
This fic was inspired by a visited to the National Trust property called Upton House. It is the house featured in the art in fact (we're clever like that!) So honestly it's pretty British, even if the 'era' isn't overtly stated it's meant to be regency in feel.
So I hope you enjoy, and thank you for the support!
Complete Story on AO3
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Emma usually loved the house parties her parents threw at their country home; they were more relaxed than the ones that happened in town and she felt under less scrutiny here. Anyone who was invited was a friend, and didn’t know or didn’t care about what had happened three years ago. But tonight was different, and she found herself having to step out of the long gallery and onto the terrace when the men came through from the dining room because she simply couldn’t bear it anymore.
Normally, sat across from her younger brother Leopold she had a good time glancing across the table and having silent conversations about things their dinner guests had said, but she’d been seated next to Lord Cassidy who’d happened to be in the area and had seen her father this morning. He’d spent the whole time at dinner being absolutely insufferable and she was done with the whole charade. It didn’t matter how many platitudes he offered, how many compliments he dropped with that insipid smile on his face, she was not going to change her mind.
Not after what he’d done to her.
See the full post
62 notes - Posted February 27, 2022
Sneak Peek! [The Heart of the Saviour]
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Rating: This peek is Teen, I guess. I expect the rest of the fic to be Mature, maybe straying into Explicit? I’m not sure, it’s not finished yet!
Warnings: Abduction, Ransom, Mortal Peril.
Length: Currently over 70k… and still going…
Summary: One night, in every corner of every magical realm, every boy aged nine to seventeen disappeared. Not one remained. That was when Pan made himself known to the realms, and from that night the eve of every boy’s ninth birthday meant their disappearance, until finally the realms demanded to know what he wanted to return their children to them. Pan told them he wanted the saviour, and while most realms were confused Snow and David knew what he meant and confessed the role their daughter was supposed to have played in breaking the curse. The realms voted and agreed to Pan’s terms, and Pan stopped taking the realms sons, holding the children he’d currently taken as insurance of their compliance. 
For the next fifteen years Emma’s birthday wasn’t a celebration, it was another tick on the countdown clock to the end of her freedom. Not that she was ever free in the first place, but to save every male child in the United Realms including her younger brother, Leo… She understood that she had a job to do, and she would do her duty with her head held high. What she didn’t count on was the sparkling blue eyes of the man Pan sends to escort her to Neverland in time for her twenty-first birthday.
Notes: So this is a sneak peek for my NLNY fic for 2022. I was hoping to have this written in time, but it’s become a monster and it’s not done. I can’t start posting properly until I’ve finished writing, so instead please enjoy the art up the top there and the opening of chapter one…
A huge, huge thank you to @kmomof4​ for betaing this for me, and for being super supportive while I’ve been tearing my hair out over this. Thank you to the @neverlandnewyear​ mods for running this event again, and for letting me push my date back, even if the only thing it’s achieved is me getting the art done so I can share that… Ooops!
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Note on the above... I took out the rest of the thing cause it's already up there somewhere, lol!
83 notes - Posted January 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Fallen Angel
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Rating: Mature
Warnings: Mentions of attempted non-con and past ‘wifely duties’. It’s all emotional angst and feels, starting with a little Emma!Whump and misery.
Length: 5k
Summary: Forced into a marriage she didn’t want with a man she didn’t love when her parents died, Emma Nolan did everything she could to make the best of it. But when he died, leaving her with an infant son, she realised the depths of his disregard for her and the sanctity of their marriage. Not only was he a gambler, he spent his winnings on his mistresses and left his young wife and with enough debt that she ended up in a workhouse. A workhouse which, like everything she used to own, has just been sold, and the new owner is coming by to survey his new purchase.
Notes: Inspired by visits to Lavenham Guildhall and Ickworth House(the property in the art, funnily enough), set somewhen in the 1800s. Betaed by the lovely @justanother-unluckysoul. Art by me!
Oh, and I'm not posting this as a celebration of getting 100 followers!!!!! Thank you all so much for the love!
Also on AO3
- - - - -
Emma’s hands had never known such hardship; she’d have said the same for the rest of her but she was a mother. Her body had been through a lot in the last couple of years, but her life had never prepared her for this. Her back was killing her, bent over this loom with the added weight of her child snuggled into the fabric holding him against her chest. He was the only thing she had left worth anything, and she would do whatever it took to give him a life better than what they were facing now.
It had been called a mercy when they’d made the ruling. They’d stripped her life away from her, taken everything she owned except the clothes she’d been lent by the maid, and the meanest of items she needed for her son who hadn’t even been a year old.
Mercy, at the hands of men who didn’t care if she and her child lived or died.
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Ciel Phantomhive.”
Chapter 9
So I'm thinking it's got to be totally unrelated, but Yana Sensei released a drawing of Sebastian as a.......
-----Wait for it-------
I'm sure it's a phenomenal coincidence and I'm trying to allow only my fantasy realm to believe that she's reading my measly fic and was thinking "oh yeah, Sebastian would make a yummy pirate!" So allow me this delicacy of ego and I'll just keep writing my stories in peace lol
Ok, enough nonsense! Thank you for the support and wonderful feedback! I've got lots of suprises in store, lots of plot twists, lots of OPT magic and excitement coming your way in the following chapters so I hope you enjoy this latest installment!
Love you all to pieces oxoxoxo
Chapter Text
By the time the sun had finally peeked over the swaying horizon, most of the morning crew had already eaten their breakfast, washed up, and reported to their stations. The noisy chatter of friendly bantering amongst the crew was punctuated by the cries of seagulls and lapping waves against the side of the massive ship. It was a crisp and clear day, warm to the skin and yet comfortably cool whenever an ocean kissed breeze sifted through the men and women working the deck.
Several pairs of hands busied themselves with sewing torn pieces of canvas on the sails while shipmates, who boasted carpentry skills, carefully checked the stability of the masts and other large wooden poles. The rigging was an intricate system of ropes, wiring and chains throughout the masts, booms, and yards of the ship and thus, it took talented hands and a keen eye to ensure the safety of this system since it supported such a large portion of the ship.
Having already secured the powder kegs in the artillery storage room, Bard took to the kitchen with Finny in order to teach the lad some delicacy in handling cups and dishes. Serving the new prisoner his meals on broken plates was not going to be tolerated for much longer and The ex navy man wanted Finny to remain trouble free. But after the fifth plate was shattered into infinite pieces, Bard quickly ended their lessons.
“Go up to the crow’s nest and relieve Mey.” He growled, tossing the glass shards in a small bag “And don't let me catch ye breaking anything else!”
Finny was now stuck way up high watching the endless turquoise blue sky while Mey made her way down to the main deck. From the look on the boy’s face, she knew he was upset over angering Bard but It figured that he would place his ward somewhere safe and out of reach for his own safety as well as the crew’s.
Mey felt the fatigue of the long night weigh down her body and desperately wanted for her bed. She swore only the soft down stuffed mattress was going to be her immediate destination but she caught sight of Ciel and quickly changed her mind.
The boy, who appeared lost and forlorn, stood by the entrance of the forecastle where most of the crew had living quarters. He wore dark brown pants hemmed at mid calf and a grey Henley shirt with the sleeves rolled up just past his elbows. Barefoot and shivering, he held a rather large and heavy handled mop in one hand and a wooden bucket in the other. His slate grey hair was tousled and mussed but it caught the sunlight in such a way that the bluish hues wrapped within the deep dark tresses shone brilliantly. He was almost ethereal, almost angelic, with ivory skin and tulip glossed lips; Mey had never seen anyone so almost perfect. Even the worn square shaped black patch secured over his eye could not remove his naturally innocent appearance.
The watchman smoothed down her cherry stained hair with the flat of her hands and adjusted her shirt and britches to appear more presentable. Her thick round spectacles were slightly crooked but it added a bit of charm to her loveliness. She wore soft soled woolen boots which made her steps almost undetectable since she boasted a light and stealthy step which made it almost impossible for anyone to sense her arrival. Crossing over to his side, she padded up behind him and tapped his shoulder with a lone finger.
“Good morning, love!” She happily greeted him, causing Ciel to jump at the sound of her voice and nearly dropping the mop. Amused by his reaction, she tipped her head and extended her hand out to him “Welcome to our crew!”
Ciel returned the smile uneasily, but lowered the water filled bucket to the ground and shook her hand “Thank you, I suppose.” He muttered, casting his eye down to his feet “As a prisoner I am hardly welcomed here, but who may you be?” He asked.
“My name is Mey Rin, I hail from Stratford Upon Avon.” She introduced herself. Her large eyes studied Ciel closely, scrutinizing his build, the pallor of his skin, the impossibly blue eye, even his fine row of well kept white teeth. He was an impressive young man to behold, she deduced.
“Your name is Ciel, am I correct?”
Feeling the weight of her gaze, Ciel shifted his feet unsteadily and leaned against the mop handle for support “Yes, yes I am.” He responded quietly. Her brash and heavy accent had taken him by surprise. Echoes of his native home resonated loudly within the garbled and often clumsy uttering of the local countryside people, but he had loved listening to the Cockney speech of the working class East Londoners, the Estuary accents of SouthEast Britain, and Welsh dialects when he was a child. They all had been welcomed relief from the stale and proper King’s English of the wealthy upper class. Sadly now, a new painful longing tugged at his heart.
“So I see your first day on the deck and they've got you swabbing it?!” She laughed merrily, delivering a good natured slap against the side of his arm “Lucky you this here is a ship with no labels!”
Ciel frowned, rubbing his arm where Mey had struck it. “Labels?” He asked.
“Everyone does their share of grunt work.” She informed him, pointing at the mop “Swabbies on a ship are the lowest rank job, but not here. I man the crow's nest most times, but the Captain has me mopping up when it's my turn. No one here is above anyone else, except the Captain and Tanaka.”
“Tanaka? The slant eyed gentlemen?” Ciel clacked his teeth contemptuously “He seems more like that overgrown child's milkmaid!”
Mey was startled by Ciel's spiteful remark. She looked around to make sure that no one was within earshot and leaned in until her face was a mere inch away from Ciel’s “Tanaka’s a fine man, a good and righteous person. He is the captain’s manservant and closest friend and you best understand that if you cross Tanaka or speak disrespectfully to him, you will most surely die.” She warned.
Ciel sucked in his breath and swallowed hard. “Noted.” He croaked, squeezing the handle of the mop until his knuckles went bone white.
“But other than him, everyone else is fair game for some ribbing!” She waved towards the incoming morning crew coming up from below deck, offering her greetings as they ambled past the pair “Although there are some of us who consider themselves a bit more valuable than others, for the most part, this is here is a steadfast crew.” She added.
Mey jerked her head in the direction of Alois who was pulling Snake by the arm along with him while they headed towards the quarterdeck “Mind your ways with The Tongue Twister.” She counseled “The captain doesn't say it, but he's mightily favored as well.”
Ciel bristled at the sight of his nemesis “Favored as what?”
“I don't know, just...favored, I suppose.” She shrugged, “The Captain seems rather sweet on him, and Ali follows him about like a lovey puppy.”
“What are you implying?” He gasped, his face stricken with disbelief, “That beastly blonde haired ruffian who spoke those languages to me is the captain's lover?”
“Not sure.” She replied simply, “But it doesn't matter, Captain Michaelis treats us all equally.”
“No ranks?”
“Exactly!” Mey beamed “The captain has no quartermaster, no boatswain, no cabin boys, no regular titles for us. Everyone has a duty and everyone works together. I've known him since I'm a young lass and he's never been any different.”
“How is that possible?” Ciel retorted “A ship must be run according to set rules and positions!”
“Our positions reflect our talents! And whatever the captain says is absolute. Behave and obey, it is all that he asks from us.” She was pleased with her explanation, scratching at a dry patch on the back of her hand “Captain Michaelis is the only man I trust wholeheartedly and I'll follow him to the bottom of the sea if I must!”
Ciel was taken aback by the bold declaration “But why? He's obviously a brute, a bully, a scoundrel who kills without reason-!”
Flicking some dry sky flakes from her wrist, Mey looked up from her hands “He is fair and powerful, generous and brilliant.” She defended firmly “When we are in line, handling our chores and following his orders, we gain great fortunes while being protected and safe from this savage world. Ciel, look at us, we don't belong anywhere, at least anywhere normal, and here we are accepted as such.”
“As long as you behave and obey.” He replied bitterly.
Mey heartedly slapped Ciel's other arm “That's it! There see? You catch on pretty quick” she chuckled.
“By our Lady!” Ciel grunted, now rubbing the other arm at the stinging blow “Must you be so rough?”
Mey doubled over, laughing so hard that she had to wipe tears from her eyes “All skin and no bones!” She cackled, squinting as she tried to control herself “You poor pretty thing! How are you going to survive if you can't even take a hit from a sweet girl like me?!”
“I am a gentleman and an aristocrat, I need not tussle with ladies aboard a ship!” Ciel spat. Grabbing the mop now with both hands, he abruptly turned away from Mry and resumed diligently mopping the puddled deck “And I refuse to behave as a lowly pirate and I refuse to obey a man of zero repute and moral character!” He added proudly.
Mey halted her laughter and straightened up, studying the irate boy and his actions. He was so prideful, so unbearingly adorable with his ears and neck flushed red with furious indignation. The red headed girl felt entertained and a sense of relief that a new face with new stories and adventures had joined their misfit crew. True he supposedly hailed from a “normal” family, but Captain Michaelis had a knack for collecting oddities and rare items and she was sure that Ciel was just like her and the rest of El Cuervo Negro crew.
“No one understand why we are the way we are.” She began softly, placing a warm hand against the small of Ciel's back and rubbing gentle circles where she knew his muscles must have ached. He stopped mopping and stood still, waiting for her to continue “Alois can speak and understand any human language spoken, Finny is the strongest man I know, Bard can pull together tactical plans quick as a spit, and Snake commands those slithery creatures he's always got on his person. There are plenty more of us on this ship that you haven't met yet and It makes no sense, none at all. Even my eyes.” She chuckled wryly “The way I can see in the darkest of nights and far away. These are odd gifts, Ciel. Strange talents, but useful nonetheless.”
“I wonder why I must be useful during this misery?” He sniffed “I have nothing to be applauded for and yet my life is not mine own anymore. I am nothing but a pawn, a piece in a game I do not wish to play!”
“There's something very special about you, my boy. I can feel it.” Mey slid her hand up his spine and rested it atop his shoulder “ Something very special you're not even aware of.”
“I doubt it, Miss Rin-”
“Call me Mey.”
“Mey, I don't have anything left to me except my family name and title.” Ciel turned around and bit his lower lip, large tears collected at the corners of his eyes “ Useful they may be amongst the social classes of Great Britain, but here in this setting, as a hand on this deck, I am no more valuable than a rusty nail.”
Mey wiped a stray tear away with her thumb and winked “Aye but for me, rusty nails make good weapons.”
“Is that so?” Ciel crooked a small smile and blushed “You have an interesting way of looking to things.”
“I see things unlike others do.“ Mey brushed another rolling tear away from Ciel's cheek “I don't think the captain plans on ending you. If he did, truth be told, he would have scaled you by now.”
“He won't kill me?” Ciel asked incredulously, his dark blue eye widening “Are you sure about that?”
“Very much! Michaelis has no patience for dust collecting baubles and nonsense so I'm in the mind that you are someone of tremendous value.” She raised her hand and gave Ciel a sharp smack against the side of his head, causing him to yelp “Now I'm off to bed, swab the deck before you miss out on breakfast!”
“Heavy handed woman!” Ciel grumbled underneath his breath. He rubbed the side of his head and watched as Mey walked briskly through the other pirates. She could be a friend, or a foe, he thought to himself, but she did give him some assurance that he would live through this voyage.
“Such an enticing view so early in the morning! A pretty young lad swabbing the deck in damp britches, amusing!”
Ciel felt the bile in his stomach suddenly churn and bubble the second he heard the rich baritone voice of his captor. Turning slowly while firmly gripping the mop handle for support, Ciel gritted his teeth at the the sight of a sniggering Captain Michaelis standing behind him. His hair was tied in a long tight braid and slung over his shoulder,hanging over the left side of his chest and he worked his usual black on black attire. Scarlet eyes gleamed with a bemused light as they studied the young man before them. Sebastian had his hands resting against his hips and he his stance was casual and relaxed, and he stared at Ciel as a spoilt child would eyeball a delectable piece of chocolate cake.
Tossing aside the fact that his captor was even more handsome when he smiled, Ciel wanted to choke the smug grin right off of Sebastian’s face “Your morning greeting is despicable, Captain.” He huffed, vigorously mopping the planks side to side while glaring daggers at him “Have you no sense of decency?!”
“You were so cute until you opened your mouth” Sebastian snorted, displeased with the snarky remark Suddenly his eyes alighted with a thought and he snapped his fingers “I've an idea!” He chirped “Continue swabbing the deck whilst I position myself behind you and observe your---progress.”
A hot blush erupted across Ciel’s cheeks, his shame deeply painted upon his face. Without a second thought, he swung the mop head harshly to his left, knocked it against the side of the bucket, and tipped it over where a splash of dirt soapy water spilled onto the floor and splashed across Sebastian’s glossy black leather boots.
The captain jumped back, grimacing at the sludge dripping down his once clean boots “Why you stupid, clumsy, loathsome creature!” He raged, shaking his legs in an attempt to remove the now coagulating muddy liquid “You've soiled my boots!”
Ciel bent over to place the bucket right side up, a mischievous little grin playing at the corners of his mouth “My apologies, Captain.” He feigned an apologetic tone “ For certain you had those fine shoes brushed and shined just recently.”
Sebastian clenched his jaw, lifted his booted foot and kicked the bucket in one smooth movement, sending the remaining mop water splashing all over the front of Ciel’s pants. The shocked lad yelped and stumbled backwards, losing his balance and landing squarely on his bottom with a loud splash and thump. The crew in that general area stopped working and watched with morbid curiosity at the strange interactions between their captain and the new prisoner.
Sebastian chuckled “My apologies, Earl.” He taunted, looping one arm around the front of his waist and bowing in an exaggerated manner (which infuriated Ciel even further) “For certain that was your only dry pair of pants!”. He chuckled, straightening up and eyeing the humiliating scene before him.
The young man stared murderously at the chortling man and hurriedly hopped back up on his feet, peeling the front material of his pants off of his drenched thighs with his fingertips. The water smelled terribly of rotten fish and stagnant moldy water and it was ice cold but he refused to allow the captain this victory “No Captain,” He replied evenly “Ms.Hopkins gifted me with three pairs of pants, I'll be changing into them soon enough.”
Did he hear right? Sebastian abruptly ceased his laughter and glared disbelievingly at Ciel “Three--three pairs?!” He stammered.
Realizing he had hit upon a nerve, Ciel smirked; nonchalantly wringing excess water from the front of his shirt “She took a fascination with my frame, lauding it as the most delicately boned human male she had ever the good graces to work upon. It took her all night, but the lady made me four all together, plus four shirts to match.”
“Four--.four shirts?!?”
“Yes, Captain. All made of brushed linen.”
“And a fine pair of leather and suede boots for land walking.”
“Leather--and suede boots?!”
Ciel frowned “Must you repeat everything I say?” He scowled “What are you? A parrot?”
Red faced and irate, Sebastian turned away, muttering angrily to himself “I'll have her chained and quartered, that miserable wretch!” He swore venomously. Whirling around, he snapped a shaking finger at Ciel “And as for you, cheeky little bastard, clear this mess! Refill that damned bucket and remain in those clothes! Hopefully you shall catch a cold and die an unseemly death!”
Although he was annoyed by the name calling and his current physical discomfort, Ciel was feeling a great deal of satisfaction over sending the captain into a rage. “Oh, but Captain!!” He spoke in a sickly sweet voice “What good would a corpse serve you?”
“Stupid git! Do not dare mock me!” Sebastian seethed “I fear no retribution, no man, no nation, nor force of God, do not tempt me to unhinge your arms and legs and leave you a stump with a cocky mouth!”
Ciel opened his mouth to serve the fuming captain a sarcastic rebuttal but found himself instead gasping for air. Sebastian had the fingers of his right hand encircled around Ciel's thin throat and he squeezed it slowly until Ciel could neither exhale nor inhale. His tongue lolled out of the side of his mouth as he struggled to breath, clawing at Sebastian's hands with his nails.
Drawing their faces close together, Sebastian stared directly into Ciel’s bulging eye “Behave and obey.” He growled menacingly, giving the boy a firm shake until Ciel’s teeth rattled and his body flailed like a rag doll hanging in the air “Behave and obey, it is all that I bloody ask!”
“I-I rath-ther d-die!!” Ciel choked out, kicking his feet out in an attempt at catching Sebastian in the knees, or better still, the groin “B-Bas-tard! Ack!”
“It is most certain that I am!” Sebastian roared, lifting Ciel clear off from the ground and then hurling him back down with all of his might.
Then the darkness came.
“You've sent word to your brother?” Hannah crooked her neck and looked over her shoulder as she arranged a bouquet of blue flowers in an hour glass crystal vase “Whatever for?”
Seated behind a white marble desk, Claude raised his eyes from the papers he had been studying and peered over the top rim of his glasses at his curvaceous servant “I wished to inform him of our most recent visitors and how desperately I desire his return.” He replied curtly, resuming his reading and scribbling away in a notebook with a feathered pen “If possible, less than a month's time would suffice.”
Hannah finished with the flowers, wiped her hands against her white apron and walked over to the man, taking a stand next to his desk and folding her hands in front of her “You sound upset.” She noted quietly.
Claude laid his pen down and sat back with a huff, interlocking his fingers and resting his chin upon them. “I am.” He admitted tiredly “Mother refuses to take heed to any of my requests in regards to relinquishing my betrothal to The Countess. I am at my limit with her unreasonable expectations of me, especially since she claims that only I, her prodigal son, am able to bring honor back to our familial name.”
“Indeed, my lady is resolute in that subject.” She sighed, twisting the apron between her hands. Her silvery hair slipped down her shoulder and she twirled the ends nervously.”The betrothal between the Durless and the Faustus clans promises great wealth and power for all involved.”
“But that whore has her interests solely in acquiring my brother! I am merely a stepping stone for her.” Claude hissed angrily. “She will expunge my existence the moment she has him.”
“She is a detestable creature.” Hannah agreed.
Claude perched his chin atop a balled up fist and stared vacantly at the far end of his office. It was a spacious area, the walls were aligned with white washed wooden bookcases and adorned with numerous pieces of fine art imported from Italy. The cathedral ceilings and elegantly grey and white marbled floors brought light and airiness to the environment while three arched French glass windows allowed sunlight to bathe the room in a golden aura.
His golden eyes caught sight of an empty and elaborately gilded wire cage which hung from a single golden chain from the ceiling. It was a birds cage without a bird.
And it broke his heart.
Hannah followed the sad trail of his sight and immediately took to changing the mood “Your brother will come as the shadows of the night, sleek and silent without detection, and he promised you a bit of happiness, did he not?” She pressed hopefully, laying her cool hand against his arm “Perhaps The Countess will tire of waiting for him and find herself another hapless victim.” She teased.
Claude took hold of Hannah's hand and lightly kissed her knuckles “I should be so lucky.” He smiled, his eyes never leaving the birdcage “We should all be so lucky.”
Ciel saw only darkness.
His body felt as if it moved in undulating motion; fluidly and light as air. He neither cared what limbo type realm he was existing in, if it were death he would surely have welcomed it. He could see nothing, hear nothing, taste nor smell nor feel nothing but his body rolling like oceanic waves…..
“Wakey, wakey pretty boy!”
The snarky high pitched voice sounded far away but it was unfortunately evident who it belonged to. Ciel felt a heaviness about his head, a sort of throbbing pain behind his eyes as the darkness began to slowly lift away. His left eye fluttered open to reveal what appeared to be blurred faces.
“Alois.” He mumbled, closing his eye and rolling over to his side.
A swift kick to the small of his back sent a lightning bolt of pain up Ciel’s spine and he arched his body, clenching his jaw in order not to cry out. “Wh--what--” Ciel coughed, shaking off the assault and instead, bringing his hand up to his neck, furiously rubbing his skin “What happened? Why--does my throat burn?”
Alois rolled his eyes “You got choked, idiot.” He snapped, “Been passed out clean for a couple of hours!”
Ciel’s eye popped even wider and the faces immediately became sharp and clear. He was looking up at Alois and Sebastian. Both men were hovering over him with Alois squatting next to him and the captain standing straight and tall.
Sebastian crossed his arms at his chest and glowered at the squirming prisoner “Have you settled that sharp tongue of yours, child?” He barked.
Ciel felt his hatred for the man grow ten times more “Not only are you stupid, you are blind.” He rasped, propping himself up on his elbows.”Clearly, I am a man.”
Sebastian curled his lip disdainfully at the boy’s tenacity. “Stupid would be the prisoner who knows not when to stifle their saucy mouth!” He snarled.
“Had you not made me your prisoner I would not be here administering saucy remarks to you!”
“I've a mind to make you a permanent mute!”
“You have a mind? And here I thought you were nothing more than a noisy head on a stick.”
“Continue this verbal assault upon my honor and I shall shove my stick up your-!”
The trio froze at the biting tone of Tanaka who had suddenly appeared before them. The Asian man wore a rigid face lined by weariness and disapproval which in turn, made Sebastian halt his verbal scuffle with Ciel. The captain lowered his head just a bit while Tanaka studied the strange scene.
Alois had an immense dislike for how his captain cow towed to the elderly servant; his captain never once crossed the grey haired man and he always took his side in any argument.
“Good afternoon, Tanaka.” Sebastian greeted the servant pleasantly.
Tanaka raised one brow and tilted his chin up, fixing his adult ward with a discerning eye “If you are unfettered at the moment, please accompany me to your offices. I've a message from your brother.” He informed him.
Sebastian’s face glowed with excitement “Another message? When did it arrive?” He asked.
“Just now, if you please come with me.”
“Alois, come.” The captain patted the blonde’s crown and beckoned him to rise to his feet and join his side. Before he walked past Ciel, he looked down at him and pointed a wagging finger at him “Do not think I will forget your impudence. We shall continue later.” He warned lowly.
They walked away, leaving Ciel to fend for himself. Alois dutifully followed his master, but before they rounded the corner towards the Captain's Quarters, Alois chanced a quick glance over his shoulder. He watched as Ciel eased himself up from the floor, shook his head, and headed towards the entrance to the lower cabins. The boat had hit some choppy waters in the last half hour and the bucket from the morning’s swabbing rolling back and forth on its side.
Perhaps it escaped the attention of Captain Michaelis and the others, but Alois caught on immediately.
Ciel Phantomhive had sea legs.
Sea legs.
Now, to the common land lubber, that may not have seemed like a big deal, but to a seasoned crewman it made a world of difference. Sea legs never wobbled, never stumbled, and never leaned more to the right nor the left; it was a stable frame and strong core which kept a sailor able to deftly move throughout the ship. Sea legs took years to develop and mature, months on a ship and countless voyages and so most young men who had sea legs started out their childhood on the deck more than on land. To his surprise, Alois could tell that Ciel was most certainly built to maneuver like an old sea dog in and out of a ship.
But how was this possible?
Frowning to himself, Alois resolved to figure out this mystery on his own.
“Why must I have the misfortune of this beastly company?” Ciel grumbled under his breath. The area where Alois had kicked him stung terribly and he pressed his fingers deep into the skin to try to alleviate the discomfort. The horrors he had endured when his parents were murdered and his eye blinded were fragmented memories barely existing in his mind. He could not recall the pain, could not register the fear which he must have experienced under such terrifying circumstances. As a result, his worst physical and emotional trauma was currently happening on El Cuervo Negro.
He had never been beaten, never had such rough handling, such abusive words thrown at him. His entire life up until the tragedy which struck his family had been filled with adoration and gentleness. His mother's long and elegant fingers combing his hair, the smell of coconut oil and the tartness of guinep and comforting flavor of breadfruit, the impossibly soft sands beneath his feet during sundown walks on the beach with his father. Their tender and loving voices sifting through the carefree years of childhood, evolving into advising and conscientious tones supporting him during the prodigious years of young adulthood. Never had Ciel known hunger, terror, suffering, loss, hatred, despair, and hopelessness.
All he understood was love and being loved.
“I've never met anyone who speaks to the Captain in such a fashion and lives to tell about it.”
Ciel jerked his head around and nearly tripped over his own feet at the airy sounding voice. Dressed in a white long sleeved undershirt paired with white trousers and barefoot stood a young girl as thin boned and dainty as Ciel himself. She was around his height, smiling and pulling at her messy head of brown shoulder length hair, and seemed to be near or around his age.
Ciel righted himself and studied the girl’s face, noting the path of scattered freckles across her cheeks and nose, and how she sported one blue eye while the other was hidden behind a thick curtain of bangs. She was pretty in a child like way; an honest face with honest intentions.
“I hardly consider surviving that brutish attack something to be fascinated about.” He retorted.
The girl shrugged “I'm sorry, just seemed like he went easy on you!” She replied.
“You're alive and not floating to the bottom of the sea.” She giggled, he white teeth like pearl droplets glistening with delight “ I thinks that's real easy.”
Ciel sighed loudly “I assume my days are numbered with that bloke. Either I am to be sold off to someone else, or else he intends to tame me and break my spirit, or my neck, for sport”
“The Captain does nothing idle nor simple.” She informed, stepping towards him slowly “He has a method for all he does.”
“I see.” Ciel felt the girl’s eyes all over him and he stepped back as an awkward feeling arose within his gut “And….whom may you be?” He inquired.
“They call me Doll, pleased to meetcha!” She chirped, snatching up Ciel’s hand and shaking it vigorously “I'm the youngest pirate on this ship!”
Ciel wrenched his hand away from Doll. “I am Ciel, Ciel Phantomhive.” He was none too fond of her familiarity with him but he was quickly learning that the ship was indeed filled with oddities. “Pardon my rudeness, but how may someone such as yourself fit into this motley arrangement? You do not appear as a pirate.” He observed.
“On this ship-” Doll slipped her hand underneath her hair and lifted up the bangs, startling Ciel into a muted state. Revealed to the young Earl was a crinkled path of burnt and scarred skin which traveled from the perimeter of Doll’s eyebrow down to the base of her cheek bone. A dead white eye stared back at him, lifeless and blind, and nestled in folds of marred flesh “-nothing is really what it seems.” She whispered.
Before Ciel could respond, the fairy like girl turned on her heel and leapt with effortless ease onto a barrel. Her footing was airy and light and she sprung from the barrel to the top of a mast pole with cat like agility. From one rigging to another, lightning quick, Doll gracefully bounced from pole to pole. Her giggling voice twittered like a songbird's and Ciel watched in awe as she swung between the sails masterfully.
“Impossible!” He breathed.
Chapter 10
Thanks so much for the delicious reviews and comments!
I can't believe we are already at chapter 10! This story will be quite lengthy because of the incredible adventure laid out for our favorite couple ❤️ But you won't have to wait long for the smexy scenes, it's coming and it's coming soon!
A big THANK YOU to Yaoi A Go Go on FB! They featured my fic "Simply Meant to Be" and I am thrilled! Over a thousand Likes and 70+ shares, YESH!
And a great big shout out to my love, AnimeCujo, who is my girl, my baby, and will be updating The Ninth Life very very soon. Show some love and check out her work!
Love you all!
Chapter Text
Upon arrival to his office/quarters, Sebastian removed his jacket and tossed it onto the chaise lounge near his desk. He was exhausted, not so much physically, but his nerves were fraught with anger over Ciel’s stubborn refusal to yield to him. Sighing deeply, Sebastian earned a concerned glance from Alois who seated himself quietly at the end of the chaise, folding his hands neatly atop his thighs.
“The message, Tanaka.” Sebastian spoke tiredly, easing himself into his elaborately cushioned chair. His ruby eyes wore his impatience and he silently hoped that all boded well for his beloved little brother. Reaching out his hand and wiggling his fingers, he wordlessly beckoned his servant to hand over the paper.
Tanaka frowned at the childish behavior, picking up a small brown sack from the desk. “My deepest apologies,” he bemoaned, removing a letter from the bag which was filled with something solid and larger. “Once again, Finny was the first to commandeer the pigeon.”
“Dim-witted oaf.” Alois snipped.
Shaking his head sadly, Sebastian eyed the limp bundle which held the feathered victim. “Unbelievable bad luck for these poor creatures.” He muttered.”Finny has no gauge when it matters upon his strength.”
Tanaka shook his head in dismay. “Claude would weep if he knew.”
The elderly man unrolled the yellow parchment note which had been delivered by the hapless bird and returned the sack to the surface of the desk. A thought suddenly popped into his head. “It would be lovely for you to purchase a cluster of yellow canaries before arrival in Spain.” He suggested. “It would please your brother.”
An indulgent smirk swept across Sebastian's face,,“Yes, yes he would most certainly enjoy that.” He chuckled. “Out of all of his avian collections, the canaries are his most favorite.”
A coy smile twitched at the corners of Alois’ mouth.
Tanaka strode over to the Captain and handed him the scroll who in turn took it, unraveled the worn red ribbon and scanned the contents. After a few seconds, a deep scowl nestled within the folds of his brows.
Tanaka did not like the look on his ward’s face. “What of the letter?” He inquired seriously.
“I see.” Sebastian murmured, leaning his head against a balled up fist and fanning himself with the paper. He contemplated the information, mulling over the state of his brother’s affairs. “It would appear that the Countess insists upon my return to San Isidro with the expectation that I am to marry her and denounce my rogue lifestyle.” He duly informed the pair. Sebastian’s lips formed a thin tight line and Tanaka could tell that the man was trying to mollify his own rising rage.
Alois swallowed hard, intently watching his captain’s reactions to the letter. Every time news came in about the infamous Countess, Madame Red, Sebastian’s mood would shift and warp into something ugly and bitter.
Tanaka stepped back and towards the fireplace which had been lit earlier; the kettle was full and waiting to be hooked above the low burning flame. Perhaps tea would be best, Tanaka reasoned, feeling it best to quell his master’s choleric mood. “Madam Red is a woman of grand resolve.” He admitted “She is quite a persistent lady.”
Sebastian snorted his contempt “Such a gentle term for that big breasted cunt!”
Aghast at the acidic term, Tanaka nearly dropped the fine china tea cup and saucer he held in his hands “Your language, Sebastian!” He chided.
“When I speak of trash I shall use the language of trash!” He scowled. “How long must Claude endure her noxious presence? She neither loves me nor understands who I am! Her desires are based solely upon my family fortunes and my loins!”
“I refuse to return to her arms!” Sebastian stood abruptly from his chair and began pacing from one end of his room to the other. His long legs stomped noisily and his braided hair swung like an angry panther’s tail. “It galls me that I ever touched her! Bah! I could retch last night's dinner just recalling her bony arms embracing me!” he shuddered.
“We cannot live in the past.” Tanaka professed. He removed the lid from a tin box filled with tea leaves and scooped the aromatic herbs into a palm sized mesh sieve.”Mistakes, much like the dead, should lay buried.”
“I would desire to bury that miserable bitch.” Sebastian hissed, continuing his lengthy strideback and forth.“She is steeped in the past. Her own family has engendered this ridiculous betrothal and I haven't the slightest idea why they continue to value me as an asset! I abandoned that damned castle years ago, tainted my name with blood and misdeeds, brought shame upon my father’s name to the point which my own brother was forced to claim our mother’s maiden name! And yet she pesters him for marriage under this false pretense!”
Tanaka removed the kettle from the fire and poured the simmering hot water through the sieve. “Prosperity, property, and power. Dear lad, these are but the Holy Trinity for her clan.” He declared.
Halting his steps, Sebastian stood still with his hands clasped at the small of his back. His gaze had been caught by an empty birdcage hung at the corner of his room. It was rusted and bronze and inexplicably empty.“There is no shame. Investigating my where abouts.” He complained. “She goads Claude into locating my position, hoping she might catch me. By truth, It pains me to receive this letter from him.”
Tanaka looked up from the steeping concoction and frowned. “How so?” He questioned.
Turning away from the line of the cage, Sebastian rested his sight upon one of the porthole windows. “He begs for my return.” He said, “Begs for me to come home and forsake that blasted woman and her advances.”
“Impossible!” Tanaka sputtered.”if you remain in that castle, you must accept the contract with the Countess’ family!”
Emitting a dry and humorless laugh, Sebastian turned to smile at the elderly man.“I'd rather cut mine own throat.” He declared boldly.
“You sound like the young Earl.” Tanaka chuckled.
Alois clicked his teeth and glowered at the manservant.
“That tiny terror will be just I need to procure a safe return to Spain.” Sebastian walked back to his chair, sat down, and crossed one leg over the other as he settled back into the crimson cushions.”Once I cross the borders of Isidro, I will exercise a most surreptitious entrance.”
Adding a dollop of honey to the cup of tea, Tanaka hummed his approval, “Claude will be very pleased with that.”
Grimacing at the scent of sweet honey, Sebastian held out his hand and graciously, if not begrudgingly, accepted his hot drink. “He has taken much for my sake.” He lamented, feeling guilty over Claude’s involvement in the matter,” The insults upon our honor, the rumors and ill spoken words thrown as daggers at his meek heart have caused him great suffering.”
“Claude may be meek, but he is resilient.” Tanaka assured the captain.
Sebastian balled up his fist and slammed it down on the arm of the chair, nearly spilling his tea.“I shall repay my dear brother ten fold for his loyalty to me.” He boldly declared.
The Asian man nodded, his grey eyes twinkling with a hint of mirth. “With canaries?” He teased.
Chuckling deeply, Sebastian winked while he sipped his drink. “Not quite. But I've a pretty singing bird who will woo him back from the depths of despair.”
Aquatic blue eyes lit up briefly.
“There is no sibling more considerate than you, my master.” Tanaka crowed, proudly puffing his own slight chest out over what he perceived as his own success in raising Sebastian to be a good brother to Claude.”it is no wonder that young man minds your word as if it were the holy scriptured Word of God.”
“Thank you, Tanaka, for your kind words.” Sebastian took another sip, smacking his lips in an attempt to dissipate the swirls of honey on his palate. The captain gave his caretaker a reproachful look,”And a most gracious thank you for my tea which is bathed in that noxious syrup you claim aids in my good health.” He added sarcastically.
Tanaka grinned,“It most certainly does.” He bowed.
“Now, if you please, make preparations after dinner for that brat to have words with me.” Sebastian settled the saucer and cup upon a small round cast iron table which was bolted to the floor on the side of his chair.”It would be most uncouth for me,” He continued with a sly glint in his eyes, “to educate a young lad who hath an empty stomach.”
Tanaka shook his head in disapproval “Why must you insist in your abusive behavior towards the Earl?”
“Abusive? You have me pegged as a monster whilst he exhibits behavior unfit for his title.” Sebastian defended.
Tanaka snorted with contempt. “If there is one who exhibits such behavior, I dare say, it would be you.” He pointed out.
“He is neither your enemy nor the root of your misery and yet the boy hath withstood your beastial demeanor and heavy handedness for want of nothing!” He snapped.
Sebastian rolled his eyes. “I only struck him twice.” He muttered.
“Why strike him at all?” Tanaka looked at him with disbelief. “He is diminutive compared to your large stature-”
“I am not large.” He snarled.
“You are a giant to that ant of a man and you struck him!” The steward accused heatedly.
“His attitude is in dire need of realignment.” Sebastian replied pointedly, crossing his arms in a blatant refusal to give in.”it is my right to deliver punishment to those who disobey my orders.”
Moments such as these, when the grown man before him turned childlike and unreasonable, sent the elegant man into the nether realm of his patience and nerves.
“Oroka na ko!” He chided loudly, shaking his gloved finger in Sebastian's face. “He is a mirror you wish to shatter!”
Startled by the rise in his voice, Sebastian stared dumbly at Tanaka. It had been quite a while since the last Tanaka had chided him in his native Japanese and warning bells chimed urgently within the black haired man's head. “What mean you by that?” He ventured cautiously, carefully keeping his own voice calm and respectful.
Unfortunately for Sebastian, it had come to the point in which Tanaka’s anger could not be quelled simply by a change in his tone. “Proud, arrogant, strong willed, stubborn, beautiful in face and form, brave in the most admirable and yet dense of ways!” He raged, his slender body trembling with every word he sputtered out.”Rebellious and determined to push limitations aside and defy authority-!”
“Why am I the topic?” Sebastian interrupted “I thought we were speaking of that miniature malignancy?”
“Baka! I speak of him! Of course I do!” Tanaka wrung his fists in the air, his eyes alit with poorly restrained aggravation.”He is your exact replica! You will not break that spirit as yours cannot be broken as well! I recall you well at that age, it marks the time of your self imposed exile! Have you forgotten yourself?” He challenged Sebastian, “If you insist upon breaking him, you shall be sorely disappointed with the outcome!”
What followed was stunned silence.
Alois fidgeted in his seat, his fingers twirling stray threads at the hem of his long sleeved shirt. His eyes lowered and glued themselves to his booted feet and he dared not to chance a glance at the showdown between his captain and the steward.
Now, more than ever, he despised Ciel, for he blamed him in sending Sebastian into this foul mood.
Pursing his lips, Sebastian studied Tanaka’s red face and tense appearance. He wished not to further upset his servant who was more family than anything else. His years of successful piracy would not have been possible had Tanaka not been by his side. “Please forgive me Tanaka. It is not that I insist on breaking him.” He spoke apologetically, uncrossing his arms so as not to appear on the defensive.. “I am most grateful for your guidance and I am most aggrieved in having upset you for it was not my intention.”
Tanaka eyed him coldly, clearing his throat as he studied the man before him.”Apologize properly.” He ordered.
Alois bit his bottom lip and willed himself not to violently hurl himself at the servant.
Sebastian lowered his head in respectful repose.”Yurushite.” He murmured. Only when he wished to appease his beloved caretaker would Sebastian relent and speak to Tanaka in the elder’s long lost native tongue. Years of practice had given him a rudimentary level in Japanese, but it always sufficed. “Sumimasen watashi no sensei.” He added.
For a brief second, Tanaka felt a pull in his heart to gather up his ward and assure him that he was no longer cross with him. The little boy he had always doted upon had grown into a handsome, devilish eyed, dark hearted criminal who was feared throughout the sailing world. But Tanaka knew the real Sebastian hidden underneath the shadows of desperation and survival. There were still notes of kindness, generosity, and a hunger for acceptance and love.
“But why in bloody Hell must he spit in my face?!” Sebastian complained, gnashing his teeth with rage. “One would expect him to be coy and lively, sweet and innocent! Soft spoken and demure in the company of one such as myself! Am I not handsome of face? Am I not intimidating? Why must he be so damned tenacious!? I plucked that flower from a bed of snakes and wolves, and he snarls at me!”
Tanaka nearly fell over.
By Our Lord, he thought to himself, he's got a swelled head!
“Sebastian, allow yourself a moment to perceive the young man’s condition.” Tanaka advised calmly, easing himself away from the anger he had been feeling. “It is understood you procured Ciel Phantomhive to meet your own ends, however, I have never known you to be this twisted about by a prisoner. I beg you, do reconsider this mission.”
Sebastian shook his head, “It is impossible, Tanaka. My word is my life. I swore to Claude that I would relieve him of his burdens and I mean to honor that promise”
Resignation ghosted over the elderly man's face and he gave a sad nod before releasing a long sigh, “Very well, Master.” He responded lowly.
Pointing towards the unmoving bundle on Sebastian's desk, Tanaka made a writing motion with his hand. “Shall I pen another message for your brother?” He asked.
Standing up from his chair, Sebastian made his way over to Alois. “Yes, do so. Assuage his worries and assure him of my arrival in a month's time.” He commanded. Tapping the young first mate on the tip of his nose with his pointer finger, Sebastian motioned for him to stand as well. “But this time, tell him to prepare the secret chamber for me.”
“Understood.” Tanaka nodded.
Turning his attention back to Alois, Sebastian brushed some stray bangs away from the boy’s forehead,”You will need to cut this hair soon, it has grown far too long.” He observed.
Alois blushed, tugging at the ends of his tousled blonde hair. “Aye, capitan” he chirped.
“And you shall dine with me tonight.” Sebastian informed him, turning around and walking over to his bed. He grabbed the thick maroon tinted duvet and rolled it back, revealing ivory and cream woven sheets,“Prepare for your lessons.” He glanced over his shoulder and smirked at the nervous boy.”We move on to the next level tonight.”
Cherry red stains burned deeper against Alois’ cheeks and he looked away, unable to meet his captain's amused gaze.
“Aye, capitan.”
The hour for supper was signaled to the crew by the chiming of a brass bell hanging by the entrance to the mess hall below deck. Bard stood at the entrance wearing a stained yellowed apron over his pants and Henley shirt, ringing the clamorous bell and chewing on an unlit cigarette.
“Grub’s on!” He called out gruffly.
The thunderous stampede of hungry sailors rippled throughout the ship and Ciel nearly dropped his mop handle again out of pure fear. The noise startled him, reminding him of his time in the secret room behind Randall's desk when he heard the thudding of boots all around him just before Abberline left him alone. Determined to move beyond the past and remain strong, he swallowed the lump in his throat and continued mopping the deck, purposely ignoring the calls for dinner. The decision to call on a hunger strike had come upon him when he realized he had not eaten in at least two straight days. Although the cramps in his abdomen were painful and bothersome,he figured he would take his revenge on the arrogant captain but causing him worry and fret.
If he was meant for death, he would be dead by now, Ciel reasoned, this meant that he was being held for either a favor or for bartering. The blue eyed boy was not going to allow himself to be easily victimized and so he would make a fuss over his decision to deny himself food until Sebastian told him the truth behind his capture.
What good would a corpse serve you?
“Ciel! Come on with me!” Doll swooshed in like a stealthy shadow from above, landing on soft cat like feet in right front of Ciel. She had been hooking the ropes to the rings along the masts in order to roll them up for the night. It was calm and breezes and so the currents would carry them to their destination. The young man nearly toppled backwards from fright at the wild eyed and beaming girl who dropped straight out from the sky to surprise him.
”If you don't eat now, you won't be getting nothing else to eat till morning!” She screeched, playfully pulling at his sleeve.
Annoyed with her abruptness and loud entrance, Ciel slapped her hand away from his sleeve.”Please do refrain from touching me in such a familiar way!” He snapped,”I'm not hungry!”
“You haven't eaten nothing all day! I know you're hungry!” She insisted.
“No I am not!” Ciel denied vehemently but a high pitched whine, followed by a gurgling grumble, tumbled out shamelessly from the pit of his stomach. Doll stared in amazement and after a few seconds of quiet awe, let loose peals of laughter, pointing at Ciel’s stomach with glee. The young noble was aghast at his body's betrayal of his true physical state and he clutched his midsection, cursing inwardly at his weak bowels.
“Come on, come on! You have to eat!” Doll cried gaily, grabbing his hand and forcibly dragging him along with her.”You can sit with me, I'll share my food with you!” She promised, cackling some more at the silliness one who would refuse to eat.
“I say! Unhand me!”
“No! You gotta eat!”
“I am not hungry!”
“Yes you are! Your gut said so!”
Ciel was embarrassed and incensed over his stomach’s outburst, but even more so at how Doll was completely ignoring his protests. How could he go on a hunger strike if the strange girl was going to make him eat?! He nearly stumbled over his own feet trying to free himself from her hold, but she was solid and strong and hell bent on getting Ciel to dine with her.
Upon entering the dining area, Ciel quickly discovered that “Dining” was far too strong of a word to describe the scene before him
There were several long thick wooden planked tables, all rectangular shaped, and positioned in neat rows. Benches were filled with seated pirates, yammering away at each other whole shoveling food into their mouths. The air was filled with chattering voices, laughter, and the occasional argument and there was a definitive comradely among the strange assortment of persons.
Each bench had a shallow groove every few inches which the sailors sat in; the worn surfaces of the benches were smooth and glossy and cups were filled to the rim with either freshwater or rum mixed with water. Numerous sconces illuminated the room, but it was still dimly lit and Ciel felt instantly choked by the gloominess of his surroundings.
Doll was successful in grabbing two plates and rushing to the line where a few pirates still stood waiting for Bard and a tall dark skinned man to serve their share. While Bard exchanged pleasantries with the members of the crew, his silver haired partner busily doled out rations of food. To Ciel’s surprise, the bowls of fare available to the men and women were fresh and quite appetizing to the eye.
There were bowls of grapes, sliced portions of apples, star fruit, tangerines and lemons; piled high small towers of dark grain bread, a steaming bowl of sauerkraut mixed with pieces of sausage and slabs of thinly sliced meat. The savory smell of spices and warm buttery scent of the rolls made Ciel’s mouth instantly water with hunger. Reminding himself of his hunger strike, he swallowed hard and bit the inside of his cheek in order to subdue the gnawing feeling of hollowness in his stomach.
“You've got a bit of drool hanging off yer lip.” Doll whispered in his ear. Ciel blinked his eye several times and quickly wiped his lips with the back of his hand.
“How is it the food here is so fresh and plentiful?” He asked her, amazement written clearly on his face,”I do not recall having this much to eat on my ship!” Abberline had tried to give him plenty to eat, but all he had in abundance were the salted strips of dried meat and slices of lemons.
“Well, we just looted your ship and a previous ship about a week earlier.” She stated matter-of-factly.”When we plunder on sea or land, our reserves get filled up and the supplies are really nice for a while until we hit land again, or another ship.”
“Pass the bread, Dolly! I see ye hoarding the rolls!” Bard called out, waving a greasy ladle in her direction.”Yer holding up the line!”
“I wasn't hoarding nothing!” She cried, jerking her head at Ciel,”The other plate’s for the new boy!”
“I am no boy!” Ciel hissed behind her, keeping his head down and eyes glued to his feet. He really didn't want to keep looking at the tempting food.
“Don't get yer knickers twisted, son!” Bard laughed heartedly. He leaned forward and plopped a steaming pile of creamed potatoes on each plate.”Want some bangers with that, Doll? Agni made them this afternoon.”
The dark man working alongside Bard tipped his head at the girl and smiled.
“Yes, please!” She beamed, watching intently while the cook speared several links of sausages from a cast iron pan and evenly distributed them to the pair. The crispy skin of the meat sizzled and crackled, sending a most delectable wafting through the thick air.”Agni makes the best bangers!”
Doll went on without Ciel and gave her greetings to Agni. As soon as Ciel was within range, Bard poked at his shoulder with the ladle, and made him look up. “Now mind yerself with Doll, ye hear me?” Bard warned Ciel, giving the young man a menacing grimace.”She's the youngest of the lot and real gullible, got it?”
Ciel’s eye widened.”Mind her? Have you gone mad? She nearly tore my arm off dragging me here against my will!” He shuddered.
A smile crawled across the older man's face.”She's taken a liking to ye, eh? Well, then the warning’s off. Mind your own limbs then.” He tossed his head back and cackled loudly, the unlit cigarette tumbled out of his mouth and dropped straight into a bowl of kiwis.
Ciel rolled his eyes (making sure to pass on the kiwis) and kept moving down the line while the young girl piled on food for both dishes. Doll refused to allow him his plate and he felt like a chick following his mother hen to the dinner table. The entire situation galled him, how was he supposed to get through this awful experience without losing his pride and dignity?
Doll skipped merrily towards a table filled with several familiar faces. Ciel narrowed his eyes and carefully surveilled the noshing crew. He recognized Mey immediately by her wild scarlet hair and round spectacles; seated next to her was the pale faced man with the wheat colored hair who fancied snakes around his neck. Across from them sat two more people, miniature in stature and almost childlike in appearance; Ciel scrunched up his face and wondered if they were indeed no more than 10 years of age.
“Argh, my bloody dogs ache somethin’ awful!” The younger looking boy complained loudly, putting his fork down and rubbing his left foot from under the table,”Blasted Jumbo stepped on both of ‘em while we were hauling the crates from below!”
The little girl to his right patted his shoulder, “Ask Bard for a pot of hot water, soak them properly.” She advised gently.”He’ll add some salt for good measure.”
“Think it'll do me good?” He asked.
She shrugged, “Can't hurt.” and returned to her eating while the boy continued kneading his foot.
Doll made her way to their table and plopped down next to Mey. The older woman smiled and pointed at the two plates with her spoon,”Hungry tonight, little sis?” She chuckled.
“It ain't all for me!” Doll cried. She waved at Ciel who was frozen in his place by the line.”Oi! Ciel, come here!”
Ciel shook his head, nervously fisting the front of his shirt.
Mey wiped her mouth with her napkin and beckoned for him to sit between her and Doll “Ciel! Come sit with us!” She called out,”Don't make me drag you here!”
Numerous pairs of curious eyes followed the waifish man as he stepped slowly towards the table. It was so obvious how anxious he was but no one could blame the captured Earl for his doubting stance. He was, after all, a prisoner of their powerful Captain.
“Th-Thank you.” He murmured, settling into the bench. Doll passed his filled plate to him and he kept his head slightly bowed, eyes averting the heap of food she had collected for him. Even though he did not want to eat, it was still so very kind of her.
This is something my mother would have done, he thought sadly.
In an instant, his eye collected a sliver of tears.
Three tables away, two lone men chatted amiably over mugs of rum and water while they studied Ciel from across the room. “Oi, there's the new lad! Pretty faced, ain't he?” A youth with wide and friendly sea green eyes smiled widely as he observed the scene.”Wonder if he's made any friends yet?”.
His companion, a behemoth with a shiny bald head and small gentle eyes craned his neck to have a look at the newest member on board. “Mind yourself, Dagger. He's the Captain’s new boy.” He whispered.
Dagger snorted, covering his mouth with his hand. “Ye be meaning “toy” am I right, Jumbo?” He sniggered. “The cap’s got fine tastes when it comes to his lads!”
“Stuff yer gob lest he hears ye!” Jumbo shushed, repositioning himself in front of his drink again, “The captain’s never laid a dirty hand upon us.”
The pirate giggled and resumed to drinking, his bleached blonde hair with a splash of black in the front certainly marked him as a bit “odd”, but he meant no harm in his joking.”I was only foolin’ around.” He declared.
Jumbo reached out and patted the young man on his head,”I know ye were jus’ joshing,” he replied gently. They resumed their banter, each taking turns watching the new prisoner with great curiosity.
“Ciel?” Doll passed her fingers underneath his eye and caught a trickle of tears before it rolled down his cheek.”Are you feeling ill?”
“You seasick?” The boy snapped irritably,”I'll box your stupid face if you toss your fillings all over the table!”
“Peter! That's not nice!” The girl next to him admonished sternly,”We don't even know his name!”
“Wendy and Pete, this is Ciel.” Mey introduced, wiping the corner of her mouth with the tip of her finger as she finished up her meal.”He is our honored guest, so be kind and show some hospitality.”
“Fer feck’s sake, why should I do that?” Peter growled,”He's a prisoner!”
“My brother is sharp but he's a good man.” Wendy hurriedly explained, gripping Peter's shoulder with her petite hand.”Please don't mind him.”
Ciel arched his brow and scrutinized the pint sized pirate seated across from him. .”Man?” He questioned,”You look no more than a boy of 9 or 10 years!”
Peter's eyes nearly bulged out,“Why you little shit-!”
“Wendy and Peter are a unique and spectacular sort.” Mey explained hastily,”Their forms never grew past a certain age, but believe you me, no one can best them when it comes to fighting and pilfering the bejeezus out of a galleon!”
Appeased by the compliment, Peter puffed out his chest, his face nearly cracked in half from his pleased smile.”Thank ya, sis!” He crowed proudly.”I've got a bevy of dead men to lay claim by these hands, and so does my Wendy!”
Ciel stared in wonderment at the delicate faced pair. Twin faces unblemished by age, forever youthful and innocent in appearance, their large brown eyes and light auburn hair made it almost impossible for Ciel to imagine them spilling blood and thieving. But Doll had told him that nothing on the ship was what it actually seemed and sure to her word, he was learning that quickly.
“Now Let us welcome the newest member of our ship!" Bard placed a tray of mugs filled to the brim with rum swirled water. He sat himself in the space beside Wendy and served each person a cup, helping himself to one as well.
“To our own noble pirate, Ciel Phantomhive!” Bard toasted, lifting his cup high in the air,”Cheers!”
“Cheers, matey!” They chimed in unison, cups clacking against one another.
“I-I'm no pirate!” Ciel protested, gripping his own cup with trembling hands, he had never had rum before and was hesitant to try the strange smelling concoction.
“None of us were pirates until we came here" Bard smacked his lips happily, reveling in the syrupy smooth taste,”Lost we all were in the sea, the dark waters of life, but then we communed here and found our home.”
“Everyone here was a desperate soul just wandering the world with nowhere to go.” Mey sipped her drink slowly,”I'd say we would all be dead by now if The Captain hadn't picked us up.”
“Some of us were treated harshly by our families.” Doll’s hand briefly passed along the scarred and wrinkled skin on the side of her face where her dead eye stared dully out behind wisps of loose bangs.”And then tossed away like garbage.”
“Some of us never had any family at all, says Emily.” Snake whispered in a breathy voice.
Bard nodded, “Some of us were abandoned by our countries.” He grunted, kicking back the rest of his drink and then slamming the empty cup down.”Left to fend for ourselves against sharks and scavengers!”
“Double crossed and back stabbed by the most noble of the lot!” Peter seethed between clenched teeth, his eyes blazing furiously,”Bastards kept us like fecking toys-!”
“Calm down, brother!” Wendy looked worriedly at her sibling, rubbing his arm as she tried to soothe his rising anger,”It doesn't matter anymore!” She insisted.”Our family is here now!”
Peter let out a long breath, and rubbed his face with both hands.”You're right.” He relented, picking up his fork from the table.”Keep eating, Wendy. Your food’s getting cold.”
“Yes, brother.” Wendy was relieved that his outburst never came to fruition and she gladly returned to finishing her dinner.
Ciel now saw something that had been unnoticeable before in the twins, something which revealed a hint to their past. Each one had elegant movements to their manners. Even with his acidic tone and attitude and her meekness, Peter and Wendy ate with utmost care, patting their lips with their napkins after each bite and then spreading the cloth carefully across their laps. Elbows off the table and mouths closed with thorough and neat chewing, it was obvious that they were accustomed to finery in their fluid movements and handling of the forks and knives. He reasoned that the halted duo must have been raised amongst upper class families and were thrown away once the strangeness of their physical state had been discovered. Dressed in simply fashion, like the rest of the crew, the siblings sat with such perfect posture that the drab uniforms they wore appeared finer than the other pirates’.
“And, as you can see, we eventually followed the Demon of the Sea in order to discover paradise.” Mey continued, breaking Ciel’s train of thought, ”None of us will ever know loneliness again.”
“Oi! Mey! Speaking of loneliness, Nina was lookin’ for ye while ye was sleepin’ in the bunks!” Bard’s eyebrows lifted as he remembered the scene in the barracks below. “She made a row when she found Finny in the crow's nest and not her girl!”
A coy smile spread across her pretty face,“She works all night just to keep with my schedule.” Mey blushed,”I woke up with her snuggled deep in my arms.”
Bard wiped his mouth with his hand and chomped down on his cigarette,“I know, I was watching.” He snickered.
Mey dropped her jaw, “Sluggard! Who told you to watch?!” She fumed.
“To see that brash female bury her face betwixt your melons,” Bard sneered, his blue eyes leering at the red faced girl,”I'd sell my soul to the devil!”
Peter burst into howling laughter, his fork dropping with a clatter on his plate, while Wendy and Snake looked away shyly, their faces tight with restrained amusement. Mey let go a barrage of curses at the cook who had to rest his forehead on the table because he was overwhelmed with gregarious chortling. Doll covered her mouth, trying unsuccessfully to muffle her own levity but soon dropped her hand onto her lap when she realized that Ciel was silently staring at his plate.
“Ciel,”She said quietly, nudging his arm with her elbow,”Please have your food.”
Ciel looked away, unwilling to respond.
“If you don't eat on your own, the captain will tell Finny to make you eat.” She whispered into his ear. Ciel felt his body tense at the very idea of Finny placing his destructive hands upon his body. The raw and brute force hidden within the anemic looking boy’s gangly frame was dangerous and if he was ordered to make Ciel eat, Finny would surely do as he was told.
It took only two minutes for Ciel to empty his plate and wipe it clean with his tongue.
Snake watched, with great interest, Ciel’s frenzied inhaling of food. A glossy black scaled snake coiled around the man's thin neck and flicked its forked tongue in the air. Peridot orbs of cautious reservation admired the balance of well-bred refinement and scrappy determination demonstrated by Ciel.
“This one is very special, says Emily.” Snake breathed in a cryptic tone, leaning in closely to Mey,”Very, very special.” He added.
Mey slid her tongue over her lower lip, offering her crewman an amused smirk,”Oh yes,” She agreed.”He is indeed.”
Chapter 11
"And love is love is love is love is love is love is love is love
cannot be killed or swept aside."
Lin-Manuel Miranda
With great love, pride, faith, prayers, and support to the victims of the Orlando massacre and the LGBT Community❤️
We will not back down,
Elise Rose
Chapter Text
“Ciel! Sweetheart, supper is ready!”
Ciel twisted his body around, knee deep in the warmed crystal blue waters of the Jamaican shoreline, and shielded his eyes with his open palms against the burnt orange setting sun. He squinted, wondering how long he could hold off from heading back to the whitewashed mansion he shared with his parents. His feet were buried deep into the soft sands and sparkling opalescent shells glistened, beckoning Ciel to collect them. Rachel had taken a liking to decorating their home with conch shells, dried starfish, and shells, so her only son decided to gift his beloved mother with these small and lovely treasures. So far, his pockets held only two moon snail shells and he had hoped to have found more desirable pieces to present to his mother.
The air was salted and heavy with the fresh smell of the beach and the song of lapping waves and occasional squawking seagull; it gave the shirtless boy a feeling of utter peace. Dressed only in linen tan pants rolled up at the knees, Ciel felt free and unburdened by the shackles of Victorian society. His daily companions were the local village children, their skin a deep earthen color so exotic and luminescent that the boy felt a great envy towards them. He wished his own blanched skin would deepen with the kiss of the sun, but the furthest his coloring would go was a whisper of gold and sometimes a blush of red from too much exposure.
Scanning the ocean bed once more, he found nothing else of great interest, sighed deeply, and headed back to the house. His lanky legs splashed easily through the water and he raised his arms to the sky, stretching his back and imagining his fingertips scraping along the indigo sky. It was becoming dark and his mother would soon be calling out for him again, perhaps sending out Abberline to search for him.
The young Royal Navy man had become a regular dinner guest in their home, constantly watching over their family in the past few weeks. Ciel did not question his father for it was none of his business, but he did enjoy the lieutenant’s company, laughing easily along with his jokes and listening intently to his stories about adventures in the high seas. Ciel especially loved listening to the tales about pirates.
Gathering up his shirt, which he had thrown haphazardly on the beach, Ciel pulled it over his head and brushed away pockets of sand from the creases. It was then that the smell of something burning caught his attention. He looked up towards the direction of his home and was shocked by what he saw.
A trail of coal black smoke rolling heavenward from the rooftop.
He was several feet away from the pathway which led to the front of his home and the thick foliage of palm trees and tall grass obstructed his view of the lower half of the two story house, but Ciel could see flickering fire licking the air along the facade and the pungent odor of burning wood assaulted his nose.
“Ciel! Hey! Ciel!” Doll tugged at Ciel's sleeve, her face pinched with worry over the dazed looking man.”What's wrong?!”
Blinking rapidly, Ciel whipped his head to the side and glared at Doll.”Don't touch me!” He bristled angrily, yanking his arm away from the girl's grasp.
The table fell silent, all eyes fixed upon the damp face of a wild eyed Ciel. Bard wiped his mouth with his hand and cleared his throat.”Give ‘im a moment, Doll.” He commanded lowly,”Leave ‘im be.”
“Me and ‘im, we've been through hell and back.” Bard leaned forward, resting himself on his elbows and staring directly at Ciel, searching the boy’s face for validation.”I know that haunted look in yer eyes, when somethin’ strikes like a match and yer mind gives ye a piece of the past ye don't want to remember.”
Muted with emotions he could not comprehend, Ciel tried desperately to swallow the last bit of his memory on the beach. A pirate had passed by with a dish filled with over cooked meat and the stench had arrested him on the spot, delivering him back into a memory he could barely recall.
In the dark corners of his hazy mind, Ciel ran up the pebbled pathway, panting heavily as the thickening smoke billowed out of his home. It appeared as if it were pouring from the snout of a raging dragon, Ciel fought to keep panic at bay. If his home was destroyed, they could always build another one, it mattered not the materials and object held within the elaborately decorated house. All he could think of was his mother, standing outside on the wrap around porch amongst the wicker chairs painted light green and beige, her long hair braided and twisted into a high bun and her tender smile as she waved for him to come in and share a meal with her and his father.
He could not recall what happened once he made it through the entrance of the wrought iron fence.
“I-I need some air.” He rasped, abruptly standing up from the bench and climbing past Doll. A sudden urge to vomit seized him and a fine sheen of sweat broke out across his forehead. His covered and dead eye ached dully, but he dared not rub it for touching it sent shivers of disgust throughout his body.
Doll made a move to follow him, but Mey caught her arm and forced her to sit back down. “Leave him, didn't you hear what Bard just said?” She spoke sternly at the girl.”That boy needs his space for now, your good intentions will only hurt him further.”
Doll pouted, crossed her arms and looked away.
“Don't ye go sulking like that, Doll.” Bard grunted, “It's unbecoming of a fine lass like yerself.”
“I just want to help him!” She cried, her large eye brimming with tears of frustration.”What's so bad about that?!”
“You need to mind your business, you stupid slag.” Peter barked at her.”Always minding other people’s affairs is what gets you in trouble!”
Wendy frowned at her brother,”Name calling isn't going to help her, Peter.” She scolded.
Mey slung her arm around Doll’s shoulders and pulled her into a hug,”Be good, little one.” She soothed, rocking the now weeping girl in her arms and gently stroking her hair.”There's a time and place for your caring heart but trust in us when we tell you these things, it's all to protect our little sister we love so much.”
Snake nibbled on a slice of bread and felt himself a foreigner to the emotions displayed before him. Everyone seemed to be caught up by their feelings and the past. He, on the other hand, never cried, never laughed, never indulged in the traumas of his own upbringing because, he reasoned, it would do him no good. Simply put, everyday was a beginning for Snake, the man with no past to look back upon and feel anything.
It was the loneliest life to be led.
Ciel stood on the deck and stared out at the sea; wordlessly suffering an anxiety so bitter and terrifying that he knew not what to do. His skin tingled with nervous energy and he could not understand why he wanted to run at full speed and fling himself overboard into the dark waters. A silvery moon painted the center of the ocean a diamond trail and the air was cool and breezy. Above his head, thousands of stars twinkled brilliantly, momentarily enthralling him with their infinite shimmer.
How could the world offer him such beauty and yet deliver such cruelty all at once?
“What happened, mother?” He whispered to himself, feeling his lips moving soundlessly.”Why were you and father taken from me?”
He thought of their loving faces, forever erased from his life, and his heart broke over and over again. He thought of Abberline and the anguished look on his face when they were separated and he covered his face with his hands and wept like a child.
“Master Ciel?”
Dropping his hands quickly, Ciel spun around and was met with Tanaka's benevolent smile.
“S-Sir?” Ciel croaked, hurriedly wiping his cheek with the back of his hand.
Tanaka pulled a kerchief from his left jacket pocket and proceeded to wipe down Ciel's face, taking care to pass the soft cotton cloth underneath his runny nose.”Dear boy, what has you in such an afflicted state?” He asked with concern. “The night air will most certainly bring you illness if you stand out here without a proper covering!”
The steward’s handling was not rough, indeed they touched his skin with such graceful care that Ciel felt at ease with the elderly man. “Thank you, sir.” He mumbled.
“My pleasure, Bocchan.” Tanaka bowed, pocketing the soiled cloth.
Ciel crinkled his nose at the strange word.”What did you address me as?” He asked.
Tanaka emitted an airy laugh, pleased with the boy's curiosity and adorable expression.”I am originally from Japan,” he replied.”In my country, I addressed you as my young master.”
“I see.” Ciel looked around and then back at Tanaka.”Where is your captain?”
“In his quarters.” Placing his hand against the side of Ciel's arm, Tanaka pulled at him to follow.”He requests your attendance, please come with me.”
Understanding that refusal would be futile and possibly painful, Ciel begrudgingly obeyed and shuffled alongside Tanaka with a heaviness in his heart.
“How lucky for me.” He grumbled.
“A little more, go on, do not be afraid.”
“Most excellent!” Now spread your legs a tad wider!”
“Ah! Ah! Aaaaaahhhhhhh!”
“Wider, I want to see clearly-”
Mmmmmm Aaahhhhhh!”
“Well done, Alois.” Sebastian purred, licking his lower lip, “You have made me very proud.”
“Am I-I done?”
“You may dress now.” The dark pirate instructed.
“Merde!” Alois gritted his teeth, rising from Sebastian's bed and pulling his pants up to his waist. “Qui pique!” He hissed.
Sebastian chuckled, “It shall, it will, but eventually, it will fare better for you.”
A knock on the door signaled Ciel's arrival and Sebastian felt a surge of excitement overtake him. “That would be my new toy!” He grinned, waving his hand at Alois.”Quickly, pull yourself together, I shall not have him see you in this state.”
“Why ever not?” Alois snapped, snaking his belt through his belt loops.”What care I if he witnesses this?”
The smile on the handsome man's face disappeared,”You dare question me?” Sebastian growled.
Alois felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand straight up, he knew he crossed a line without meaning to do so.”Je suis désolé.” He squeaked.
Sebastian leaned back in his chair and regarded the blonde with an air of distaste,”Mind yourself with me, Alois, for as much as I value you it would be unfortunate if you were to bite the hand which feeds you.” He warned.
Alois nearly choked from fear,”Please forgive me!” He begged, scooting to the edge of the bed with his legs dangling over. He was so slight that his toes barely touched the floor.”I'll not question you again!”
As much as he would have liked to believe the plaintive declaration, Sebastian knew far better. Alois was, by nature, doubtful of his own self worth, and the boy could not help himself when it came to his fierce loyalty to his captain. Sebastian understood that Alois disliked his close relationship with Tanaka, it bordered on obsessive jealousy, but with the new acquisition of Ciel, there would be more problems for all of them if he did not pull the reigns harder on his first mate.
He prized Alois, understood that the boy was useful, dependable, and strangely gifted, but even the most cherished piece of a collection had to be securely put in its place.
“Come here.” Sebastian beckoned Alois, wiggling his fingers and then pointing at his own lap. Hopping off the bed, Alois padded over to the austere faced man and nervously settled onto his lap. Nothing out of the ordinary for the pair, but Alois could not bring himself to look up at his Captain and meet his eyes.
“Sulking like a child, how amusing.” Sebastian chuckled, embracing Alois and holding him tightly until the young man relented and eased his tense body into the cocoon of his captain's hold.”In a month's time, you will understand why I do these things with you. Be patient, be good-”
“Behave and obey.” Alois mumbled, nuzzling his nose into Sebastian's chest and inhaling the rich aroma of musk and sweat.
“Yes, that is true.” Sebastian pressed his lips against the blonde crown and playfully patted his behind.”If only others would follow your example.”
Another round of knocking reminded Sebastian that there had been people waiting to enter.
“Come forth!” He called out.
Tanaka swung the door open and ushered Ciel into the room. The elders face bore no surprise nor shock over the position Sebastian and Alois were in, but Ciel watched with utter confusion, his mind drawing a hundred questions all at once. The covers and sheets of the bed were all askewed, Alois’s clothing appeared disheveled and his hair was mussed, his face shone flushed and Sebastian looked extremely pleased with himself while he sat in his chair holding his first mate on his lap.
“Lest I forget, how does it feel?” Sebastian studied Alois’ face, closely monitoring his features while slowly rubbing the man's behind.”Does it hurt?” He asked with concern.
Alois straightened up and pressed his hands against his lower back, stretching his spine by pulling backwards.”I think I'm getting used to it.” He said, twisting his upper body at the waist from side to side.”It doesn't burn anymore!” He exclaimed.
The captain nodded,”Good lad. You've done well.” He complimented gently, earning a rare grin from the ever serious tongue twister,”Enjoy a few days respite until the next lesson.”
Offering a snappy salute, Alois jumped up from his lap,”Aye, Capitan!” He piped.
“Come, Alois, retire to your quarters.” Tanaka ordered sternly,.”The Captain wishes for a moment alone with Ciel.”
Alois, remaining silent, fixed Tanaka with a stony glare, walked slowly past the elder and forcibly slammed the door behind him.
“I do believe him to be upset with me.”Tanaka snorted with disdain.
“Do not mind him, he is just tired from our activities.” Sebastian stood from his chair, walked over to the bed and sat on it. Ciel gulped at the sight and felt his skin crawling with dread. The bed was surely used, possibly dirtied with these so called “activities” and it disgusted the Earl when he thought of how brazen the captain and Alois had been in front of him.
Smoothing down the rumpled sheets, Sebastian crooked a finger, and wordlessly beckoned for Ciel to come sit next to him.
“No.” Ciel stated firmly.
Instant rage began to boil deep within Sebastian's gut. “Do as you are told!” He demanded.
“I refuse!”
Tanaka gave the boy an imploring look, “Master Ciel-!” He began.
Standing abruptly from the bed, Sebastian whipped a pointing finger at Ciel,“He is not your master, Tanaka!” Sebastian roared,”Only I may be addressed as such!”
Ciel clacked his teeth with disgust, “You are a gormless child!”
“Shut your mouth you pillock!” Sebastian seethed.
“No! You damned codger!”
“Urchin worm!”
“Goatish lout!”
Sebastian paused, finding himself almost bested by Ciel, but he decided to hit the boy where it most surely would hurt, “Your mum was most likely a whore!” He sneered.
Ciel was nearly rendered speechless, but his pride helped him to quickly recover.“Your mum was most certain a whore!” He shot back.
“Enough!” Tanaka yelled, stomping his foot against the wood planked floor,”I say! Enough from both your persons!”
Unwilling to upset his steward again, Sebastian immediately stepped back from the volley of insults. Lowering his head, he held up his hands in surrender. “My apologies, Tanaka.” He offered.
“May I be allowed a moment to consume my supper in peace within my bed chamber,” Tanaka spoke angrily,”or must I remain here to mind the children?”
“No, no, please, Tanaka, you are relieved from your duties for the rest of the evening.” Sebastian assured him, rushing past Ciel to open the door and encourage his exhausted servant to leave,”I shall not call for you until the morning!” He promised.
Tanaka returned the bow,“Thank you, master.” He replied in a clipped tone,”Good night.”
“Konbanwa!” Sebastian cheerfully waved off his steward but once he closed the door, the pirate slowly turned around and gave the glowering prisoner a deadly look.
Undeterred by Sebastian's sour glare, Ciel raised his chin proudly and cleared his throat “What will you do with me?” He boldly asked “What plans have you for my future?”
Although he disliked his captive’s attitude, Sebastian was still impressed by his brazen spirit “Do not beset yourself with worries, for none of your fate is up to you.” He said scornfully.
Ciel balled up his fists and felt his body tremble with rage, “It is my fate, not yours!” He shouted furiously, “My life is mine and only mine! Do you think I shall allow you to be my master?”
Sebastian sat down in his chair, and rested his chin against the palm of his hand. He observed the enraged young man, noting how dark his stormy blue eye became when he was angry,“Do you not fear me?” He queried, the tight expression on his face relaxed a bit, his brows unfolding from their bothered crease,”Have you no bit of apprehension in my presence?”
Ciel rolled his eyes, and placed his hands on his hips, displeasure resonating in his manners and his voice.“I have been orphaned, scarred, removed from my beloved home, captured and maltreated. I fear only that this life will never end.” He haughtily declared.
“Have I pushed you to want for your own death?”
“You are an added demon to an already existing Hell.”
Sebastian was taken aback, but he laughed lowly and wagged his finger at Ciel, “Am I? How amusing! And yet this demon rescued you from the clutches of the Royal family!”
Ciel frowned, “Rescued me?” He echoed, “How so?”
Sebastian rose from his chair and walked over to his desk. He placed a hand atop a small locked chest, which had been given to him by Tanaka, and drummed his fingers against the metal and wood surface, “Against your wishes, you were removed from Jamaica and hidden within a secret room on a ship headed directly for London. Did any of you so called benefactors consider to ask you whether or not you wanted to go back to England?” He asked.
Ciel looked away, “No.” He mumbled.
“I see.” Pursing his lips, Sebastian proceeded to fetch a key from one of his drawers and unlock the chest, “Perhaps I am wrong to assume that those wonderful gentleman, Abberline and Randall, neglected to inform you of their reasons?”
“No, but-!”
“No? I see.” Sebastian grinned smugly while he rustled through some papers in the chest,”Now, why oh why would the beautiful young Earl Ciel Phantomhive be smuggled like a dirty little secret back to London on a Royal Navy ship?”
“I've no idea.” Ciel's voice was mouselike at this point as he lowered his head, “I supposed it were for mine own safety.”
“You were to be married off, my young lad.”
Snapping his head up, Ciel’s face was frozen with shock, “What? No, impossible” He cried,”Abberline would have-!”
“Abberline would have been ordered to remain silent about it.” Sebastian interrupted, holding out a single parchment at the astonished boy, He wordlessly insisted upon Ciel taking purchase of it,“Here, take note of this letter we confiscated from Randall's desk.”
Ciel stepped up, and with a shaking hand, snatched the paper from the pirate. Turning away to read the contents. he carefully read the letter. “It has a mark on it, the Royal Family crest so you may see that it is indeed not a forgery.” Sebastian continued,”You were fated to be married off to Elizabeth Midford, her father is a royal knight, and I do believe they had eyes on acquiring your fortune and title.”
It was written in simple fashion, straight to the point and eloquent in its manner. The acquisition of Ciel Phantomhive by the Royal Navy, the transferring of said 15 year old Earl of the House of Phantomhive to the Midford Family of the Court of Royal Knights, and the subsequent marriage to Elizabeth Midford as to procure assets of land ownership and royal title to the Midford clan. In ink-black lettering, the lot of Ciel's life was deceivingly played in the hands of strangers.
“This cannot be true!” Ciel spun around, his eyes misting with tears. The paper was crumpled between his hands and his body shook from rage,”This is a bold faced lie!” He roared, unwilling to accept the tragedy of his life.
“They paid a handsome amount to bring you back, Ciel.” Sebastian spoke mildly.
Armed with the raw and horrifying truth, Ciel was still near hysteria, “A fake! A forgery!” He frantically tore the paper in half and balled it into a tight wad,”You've served me untruths!”
“You know far better than that.” Sebastian coolly answered.
“D-Did they...did they-” Ciel wrung his hands in front of his face, tears pouring down his cheeks as grief swept through him like a storm,”Did-Did they….Did they murder my parents?” He finally wailed, miserably flinging the balled up paper at the Captain,”Did they murder my parents!?”
Sebastian merely shrugged his shoulders, “I have no idea,” he calmly answered, “it is of no concern to me.”
Ciel gasped, his chest tightening from the painful throes of sorrow,“You merciless heartless bastard!” He shouted,”You black hearted monster!”
“It is most certain that I am.”
“What have you want with me then?” Ciel panted heavily from despair over the truth. It was too much to receive and his anguish was clawing a hole straight through his heart, “For certain you did not rescue me nor was my plight of any concern to you!” He accused.
Sebastian walked around to the front of his desk and leaned back on the edge, crossing his arms and delivering Ciel a hard look,”You are my pawn, dear boy, and you shall serve me well.”
“I shall never serve you!” He spat, wiping his face dry with the sleeve of his shirt,”Be certain of that!”
“It is fascinating, this insurgent spirit you bare so shamelessly to me!” Sebastian tilted his head to the side and smiled,”Were you a disobedient child? I am willing to believe that you were quite tiresome to your parents. Had you a governess? I would bet you drove her mad.”
“Do not speak as if you knew them!” Ciel snarled, “I was a good child for they were exceptionally kind and loving to me! Never once had they lifted a violent hand against me! Never once did they hand me over to a caretaker!”
“You are spoilt and without experience.”
“And you are rogue and without heart!”
Pushing away from his desk, Sebastian loomed over the trembling man and pinched Ciel's chin between his thumb and finger. He tilted Ciel's damp face up to meet his gaze and found the tortured face of his prisoner endearingly haunting, “As much as you grate at my nerves, you are a delight to me, Ciel.” He whispered in a husky voice,” No one dares to speak to me in the manner in which you do. For someone so slight and seemingly fragile, you have gumption. From where does this courage manifest?
Ciel gritted his teeth, “I refuse to accept your compliments” He hissed, “What care for I of how you perceive me? Lowly scavenger that you are!”
Sebastian nodded, “I see. Your perception of me is that I am a sea buzzard, yes?”
“Only the worst kind!”
“For certain I may be that man, Ciel Phantomhive,” he smirked, sweeping his thumb along the delicate base of Ciel's small chin,“But mark this well. Here I am, as plain and clear as the sun on a cloudless day! There are no secrets to what one may expect from me! I plunder loot, I share with my crew, if you behave there is a reward, if you disobey there is punishment! There are no entanglements within my speech, for what you see here is what you most surely get. I do not lie, Ciel. Unlike your dual-faced savior, your thieving countrymen, and those you entrusted your life with, I do not lie.”
A cold chill swam through Ciel's blood, “What are you saying?!” He quaked.
Sebastian leaned into the side of Ciel's face, his lips ghosting over the shell of the boy's ear,“Trust in me,” he breathed, “Place your life within my hands, I shall not betray you.”
“Have I a choice?” Ciel pulled his chin out of Sebastian's hold, turning his face further away from the man's heated breath,”Am I allowed such a thing?”
Chuckling, Sebastian straightened his back and looked down at the suddenly blushing prisoner,”“Allowing you a choice excites me, Ciel! To force you to bend to my will will only result in you eventually ending your own life. I do not care for your blood upon my hands.”
“So, what of my fate?” Ciel asked, meeting his captor’s intense gaze,”What expectations have you of me?”
Ruby blood orbs slitted into a catlike stare and arrested Ciel’s attention. He found himself unable to turn away from Sebastian's hypnotic gaze. The pirate’s eyes burned bright and captivated his young prisoner, “Follow me willingly, Ciel.” He spoke softly now,”Fight me no more.”
Chewing on his lower lip, Ciel felt confused and at a loss with his situation, suddenly, an idea came to his mind,“If I do. If I follow you willingly as you say, will I eventually be freed?” He asked hopefully.
Sebastian was fascinated by the pearl white teeth gnawing at the petal soft lip and he briefly wondered how such a delectable treat might actually taste like, “It will be interesting to discover whether you desire freedom once the time comes.” He gently teased, his mouth watering at the now slightly swollen lip.
Rolling his eyes with contempt, Ciel stepped away from his leering captor and rubbed his forehead with the tips of his fingers, “I am spent.” He said tiredly, “This day has had me wrung out like that dirty mop I've been carrying all day and you are grating at every last bit of nerve the good Lord had given me.”
“Perfect timing!” Sebastian piped, happily clapping his hands together,“i shall deliver unto you a remedy for your frayed self! Your bath awaits you, Ciel.”
Ciel lowered his hand and nervously looked at him, “Wha-What bath?” He stammered.
Sebastian placed his hands upon Ciel's shoulders and gently turned him around to face the other side of his large quarters. He motioned with an open hand towards the claw foot tub near the chaise lounge. Ciel's eye widened upon realizing that steam rose from the filled tub and several white towels were folded and placed neatly on the floor next to it's porcelain feet.
A prepared bathtub.
“It is time to cleanse yourself, my most esteemed Earl Ciel Phantomhive!”
Chapter 12
Sorry for the delay! Just started vacation and now I have free time to spare!
Aside from this fic, I am still updating Rugged Hearts and Prepare Yourself. I also have an Attack on Tutan fic Three or Nothing which will be updating soon.
A reader approached me about writing a DRAMAtical Murder fic, I am very much interested but first I will be finishing up my other fics. If anyone had any requests or if you want to appear in one of my stories then let me know!
Anywhoooooo, I hope you enjoy this chapter, lots of sexiness and plenty of nonsense from our favorite pirate duo!
Love to all!
Chapter Text
“Oi! Finny! I've come to take my place!” Mey called up to the bleary eyed youth who had been nodding off for the last half hour during his turn on the crow’s nest. As per usual, the young woman had her trusted piece at her side and a dark brown glass bottle of water mixed with rum in her hand. The moon was illuminating the entire deck with a silvery shower and the sky was star filled and clear. It was favorable conditions for manning that post and Mey was eager to begin her night shift. Socializing during dinner was all well and good, but nothing placed her at ease more than the solitude and silence of the midnight watchtower position.
“Coming Miss Mey!” Finny called down, scurrying over the side of the barrel and descending the rope ladder. He was beyond tired and wanting dinner badly.”Do ye have my supper?” He asked over his shoulder as he clumsily climbed down.
Mey shook her head, held up her bottle and waved it from side to side,”Sorry, darling, just have my drink.” She replied apologetically.
Finny sighed, hopping from the ladder and landing squarely on two feet like a green eyed cat,”Aw, pity!” He whined, rubbing his belly,”I'm so hungry!”
“Relax monkey, I've got yer meal.” Bard stepped out of the shadows holding up a steaming plate of food. He chewed at his unlit cigarette and pointed towards the crow's nest with his chin,”Get yerself up thar, Mey, no use being the falcon if yer idling on deck.” He grunted.
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neverlandnewyear · 2 years
CS Neverland New Year 2022 Roundup!
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We had such an amazing turnout this year with 21 new (and old) fics about our favorite couple falling in love in Neverland all over again! 
Here are all the fantastic contributions in case you missed any. Go and give our talented shipmates some love!
January 6th - know my name as it’s called again by @elizabeethan
January 7th - Blood in the Water by @the-darkdragonfly​
January 8th - Invisible by @killiansprincss​
January 9th - It Was Only a Kiss by @donteattheappleshook​
January 10th - Lost Girl: Found by @motherkatereloyshipper​
January 11th - A One Time Thing? by @kmomof4
January 12th - Second Galaxy to the Right by @xhookswenchx
January 13th - Neverland New Year by @jgvhfi
January 14th - Fight for Me When it Matters by @snowbellewells
January 15th - Reaching for Tomorrow by @sailtoafarawayland
January 16th - Unwilling to Repeat by @hollyethecurious
January 17th - The Jolly Matchmaker by @justanother-unluckysoul
January 18th - Going Away Means Forgetting: Jones Family Backstory by @stahlop
January 20th - Hearts Like Wildflowers by @myfearless-love
January 21st - Mokamotani by @ilovemesomekillianjones
January 22nd - Fairy Tales, Curses, and Family by @jonesfandomfanatic
January 23rd - A Gentleman Never Tells by @cosette141
January 24th - Heart of the Savior by @zaharadessert
January 25th - Art by @everything-person
January 26th - Not Broken At All by @donteattheappleshook
January 29th - Back in Neverland by @deckerstarblanche
Thank you to everyone who participated as writers, artists, betas, and cheerleaders - This was an amazing January! Thank you all for sharing your wonderful work ❤️❤️
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@elizabeethan @xhookswenchx @the-darkdragonfly @sailtoafarawayland @hollyethecurious @jrob64 @kmomof4 @justanother-unluckysoul @zaharadessert @tiganasummertree @winterbaby89 @pirateprincessofpizza @superchocovian @deckerstarblanche @stahlop @lostintheskyfaraway @whimsicallyenchantedrose @jonesfandomfanatic @ultraluckycatnd @motherkatereloyshipper @jennjenn615 @gingerpolyglot @snowbellewells @ilovemesomekillianjones
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lizacstuff · 3 years
I just wanted to say that I started following you for SCK but after seeing the Captain Swan gifs, I decided to give OUAT a try and I'm now obsessed with that ship! I wish I was here for those fandom days. What a beautiful slowburn of a story they had - super refreshing to get into during these rough Edser times haha.
Oh I love this! I’ve had many CS shipmates say that they found Edser/SCK though my posts, but this is the first I’ve heard of the reverse!
Captain Swan is EVERYTHING!  Such a beautiful, pure, timeless love story. And fandom! OH FANDOM was a trip. At times OUAT fandom could get vicious because of the giant shipwars, but CS fandom by itself was huge and just chalk full of amazing fanfic writers, jaw-droppingly talented fan artists, wonderful gif makers and insightful meta writers. Also we had fans that went to the set pretty much every day bringing us BTS content and spoilers and fangurling that was second to none.  And if you want to look back on any of it, you’re in the right place because I was, if I do say so myself, an excellent tagger (lol) and my blog is a pretty good archive of that fandom.
If nothing else, I encourage you to look through my con tags because those times were just so much fun. So many fan cons, plus nothing beat the OUAT day at San Diego Comic Con. So many photos, panels and interviews and EVERYTHING.  You can find my page of tags here.   I don’t have it updated with anything SCK yet, but if you scroll down you can find Captain Swan and if you scroll down to the “CS Fan” Section you’ll find all the con tags and can scroll through them.  I think my most favorite fandom day ever was San Diego Comic Con 2014 which was in the summer after season 3 ended, I had no idea what to expect, but it was just a nonstop barrage of amazing content from the cast, WHAT A BLAST. 
Anyway, so glad you’re enjoying it, thanks for stopping by!
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