#first hcs since healed
a-library-of-old · 1 year
Weirdly specific request alert
Could we get Jack horner with an S/O who is obsessed with bugs, like entomologist. As a bug person Jack strikes me at the type of guy to like beetles and stick bugs. I have no reason behind this
Ooooo makin me do some research for this one anon!
Just gonna start with the fact Jack seems okay with bugs at least of the magical variety. Ex: Gemini he even held the lil guy before he knew he was more then a 'normal' bug
Plus if you collect em (dead or alive doesn't mattet) he'll be so supportive cause he collects stuff to!!!!! It's just another thing to bond over!
Loves to sit in silence with you doing his own thing while your tending to your bugs/reading a book about bugs/anything at all bug related
He'll even give you gifts to help your hobby grow! Not to mention listen to anything you have to say about them AND even do some research of his own! So then you two can talk about bugs more together!!!!
Now with all this support there is a single bug Jack has to hard stop at. No owning it, talking about it, and if it gets in the house it's to be killed on sight. No catch and release, or adding to your collection in anyway, nah it's on sight!
What's the bug you may be asking? Rolly pollys. Why? Who knows but he and that bug type? Mortal enemies. Doesn't matter if you try another name like pill bug, armadillidiidae, or some other nickname besides roli poli. He aaaaallways knows and always nopes out
Now those two bugs you mentioned him liking? Beetles I can definitely agree to! All those types that are so big and diffrent types having different advantages? Definitely enjoys em
Stick bugs tho? Honestly I'm not gonna say he doesn't but I'm not seein much for why he would either soooo your hc? Cannon. Plus apperantly stick bugs can be called 'Devil's darning needles' so do that with what you will 🤷‍♂️
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kanene-yaaay · 3 months
Look. Look.
I need to get it out of my system, okay? I just need to. Immediately
Himmel + cheer up tickles
The reason?
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I rest my case. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk I am slowing descending into madness here
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midnightwriter21 · 1 year
demon slayer hcs: the hashira men having a demon!SO that’s immune to sunlight pt.1
characters: fem!reader x rengoku, giyuu
PT 2 with Sanemi HERE
AN: the long awaited request is finally here!! sorry for the delay! im in college and finals week was crazy! but the semester is over and i'm ready to get back to it with a bunch of new content for you guys! <3
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when he comes home from a mission to find the house completely trashed and a trail of blood leading to the bedroom he freezes
his first thought is that you're dead
someone or something has broken in
and he wasn't here to protect you
immediately blames himself
and poor kyo just can't force himself to walk in the bedroom only to discover your broken bleeding body
his heart couldn't take it
its not until he hears movement and small noises of pain that he pushes the bedroom door open
only to discover you hiding in the corner of the room covered with a blanket
until he pulls the blanket from your head to see what you've turned into
he doesn't react
doesn't talk
doesn't move
doesn't even breathe
just stares at you
until you manage to croak out his name
this snaps his mind into high gear
immediately thoughts of the young Kamado girl are running through his head
she has never hurt a human and seems to do just fine
and if you were going to harm him you would have done it already
quickly pulls you into his arms, making sure to avoid the sunlight peaking through the curtains and carries you to the bed to set you down
scribbles a note to the head of the corps to inform him of your condition
and spends the rest of the day and that night comforting and reassuring you because of what had to have been a traumatic night
a week or so passes
you fall back into your old routine of caring for the house
and its quite obvious that you're becoming depressed
no longer able to enjoy the warmth of the sun and being cooped up in the house for your own safety
it isnt until a young man wearing the head of a boar bursts headfirst through the window
breaking the glass, ripping down the curtains
with a "comin through!"
that you realize the sunlight doesn't harm you like it does to other demons
leave it to inosuke lmao
when kyo returns home from another mission around noon
imagine his surprise when his demon SO bursts through the front door into the sun
and into his arms
takes a minute for him to process that you're not burning up
"oh my god we have to get you inside NOW"
the poor man is having a heartattack
but then he sees your smile and hears your laugh for the first time since the attack
finally he's able to realize that the sun has no effect on you
and he's picking you up and swinging you around in a giant hug
i just know he gives the best hugs
i'd let him crush me to death in one
of course kyo is still sometimes crushed with guilt
he blames himself for your transformation in the first place
but the most important thing is that you're safe and happy again
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why can't this man ever just be happy
when you don't show up at your usual meeting place with Giyuu in between missions he knows somethings up
he rushes to your home
and there you are
sitting on the steps in front of your house
covered in blood and in tears
it isn't until he gets closer that he realizes what has happened
he has no words
everyone that giyuu has ever loved has been taken from him
and he allowed himself to love you
thats why this has happened
blames himself even though it obviously not his fault
still not speaking he looks at the sky to see the sun
and then back at you
a demon
who isn't affected by the sunlight in the slightest
and isn't attacking him
and then he disappears
when he returns several hours later it's dark outside
and with him he's brought Shinobu and the Kamado siblings
one of which is a demon
Shinobu checks you over and determines that the blood you are covered in is indeed yours
but any wounds you had have already healed
Nezuko senses what you are but seems to know that you're docile and snuggles up to your side as a comfort
and Giyuu just watches quietly
when Nezuko has fallen asleep her brother picks her up giving you a sad smile before he leaves
Giyuu helps you stand and brings you inside
he runs a bath so you can clean urself off
and goes about cleaning the house which was destroyed during your attack
it isn't until you're in bed that Giyuu lays behind you, tugs you close to him, and speaks to you for the first time
"i am staying with you. and i WILL turn you back."
and those two sentences bring you all the comfort in the world
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xiao-come-home · 30 days
I love reading your random Boothill thoughts 🥲. Especially the one where he is a dad. Do you think he is a girl dad or boy dad?
Ahhh thank you! Ik you sent it before his story was leaked but man was this spot on 🫠 here’s some dad!boothill hc with reader because im starving
Warning: mentions of pregnant reader and all that jazz, SPOILERS FOR BOOTHILLS STORY.
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I FELT IN MY BONES he was a girl dad before it was revealed to be canon! Boothill gives so much girl dad vibes it’s immaculate. He’d love to pick out pink clothes for his daughter, pink shoes, ponies and other plushies! Or rather, he loved.
That’s until you happened to get pregnant shortly before he left for his surgery. He came back a few weeks later with his new body, but no one was home. A small gift bag sat on the table, waiting for him; Boothill opened the bag and grabbed a piece of long paper, a black and white picture. A small bean present in the middle; the back of the picture held a tiny caption, that read: “I’m only a few weeks old. I can’t wait to meet you, daddy.”
Even though the wound was still fresh and open, since not long has passed since the incident on his planet - Boothill began to feel bitter determination to give his baby the best life they could ever have; this time, a life that wouldn’t see its end so fast.
Boothill is very interested in your pregnancy! He’s sometimes unable to go to every appointment (whether be it the ipc who are hunting him, or the opposite), but he knows he can’t mess it up. Not again. He’s always holding your hand when you have an ultrasound scan, glaring at the doctor and making sure they don’t hurt you or the baby, and giving your tummy so. many. kisses. He assists you in the bath, just talking to you can keeping you company, since water, cords and a pregnant human aren’t a good combo. He wants you to tell him everything.
That’s when you finally tell Boothill that you’ll have a baby girl - his mechanic heart shatters and swells with love at the same time; it’s such a strange feeling, that makes the cowboy feel a little guilty. Both of you fall silent, until Boothill makes a move and closes the distance between you, smiling sadly at you and softly caressing your stomach with his hand, “I’ll treasure her forever.”
There are days when Boothill truly feels like the hole in his heart cannot be healed after your first daughter, but he knows she’d love to have a little sister. Yet he’s here, now a cyborg and the only memory of her is just one, lonely picture. He makes sure to never let her existence fade away by telling your round tummy that he’ll love them both until the end.
On a happier note, Boothill is just. Such a good dad, but also a chaotic one sometimes, especially if your daughter inherits her dad’s personality. They’re doing everything together - if she wants to have her hair braided, he does so, and lets her braid his (even if his hair gets so tangled at first, to the point he has to cut it 😭), good god! He loves her so much and always hugs her so tightly when she runs up to him after she notices her dad is back home.
Boothill just loves hearing her little giggles and always makes her laugh! Sometimes he tickles her so much she throws her plushies at him.
Boothill wants all her milestones to be forever preserved. He has tons of pictures of her, a few photo albums - it’s never enough. He’s so proud when she says her first word, when she takes her first steps by herself, her first drawing for him (even if she drew it on the fridge with a black marker), her first birthday. He wants to give her everything she could ever have.
Boothill might've cried the night when his little baby drew him a family portrait - with you, herself, her daddy and older sister. He's injected in her every possible good memory about her, and she never fails to appreciate her older sister even if she isn't there, knowing her dad still loves her just as much.
When Boothill’s little princess cancels the weekly tea party he’s always attended, it’s HIM who feels sad about and pouty about it.
Boothill buys his daughter tons of different hats! They’re always carefully picked and he makes sure she likes them waiting for her approval, but most of the time she wants to just wear his. She doesn’t care she’s drowning in it, it’s the best because it’s Boothill’s hat.
Even though Boothill never mentioned her anything about playing guitar, one day she started to play him a tiny bit of song she learned at school - although clumsily and due to stress, Boothill listened to her and threw her in the air in happiness when she finished - he knew it was your job and couldn’t be more thankful. Once again, he made yet another guitar in his life - this time to finally listen to his little one’s music and teach her many, many other songs they’d later play and sing together.
Oh god, when Boothill’s daughter announced her “boyfriend” she met at daycare, he just stared at her with wide eyes. This is also an instance where he cried that night and you had to calm him down. Later on he insisted to be the one to take her to daycare, and gently threatened the said toddler, “look, stinker. Don’t ya dare GET NEAR ma lil’ angel, or else.” This was his last visit without your supervision. And also, your daughter just laughed at him and left… so yeah, plan failed successfully, I guess?
Mandatory naps with daddy after daycare. Well, Boothill only pretends to sleep when she looks at him - but once she falls asleep on his chest, he looks at her with so much love, gently resting on his chest and stroking her hair, that was just like his and adoring her tiny face, that he thought was the most perfect mix of you and him. Boothill shushes you with his finger quietly, when you ungraciously enter your home. A content smile appears on his lips when you give him and your daughter an apologetic kiss on their foreheads, still hearing her snoozing tenderly.
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cherryredstars · 9 months
Hey Cherry🖤
could I get some sfw + nsfw hc's of Miguel with a curvy F!Reader??
please and thank you 💋
if body descriptions and gender aren't something you're comfortable adding then it's totally cool.
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Pairing: Miguel O’Hara x Curvy!Fem!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, Body Descriptions, Body Image/Insecurity, Labeled NSFW, 18+, 
Summary: Miguel with a curvy girlfriend!
A/N: You can have anything you want, lovely anon! (Be warned I am not curvy so!! Not talking from experienced guys!!)
Word Count: 1.4K (Edited)
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First and foremost, this man is setting a boundary with you. He always wants to make you feel confident with your body, and he doesn’t want to be the reason you aren’t. Is there any part of your body that you don’t want me to make comments about? How can I make you feel better when you don’t feel good about yourself? Are there certain ways you don’t want me to touch you? What type of compliments do you want to hear? What’s the difference between a compliment and an insult to you? He’s bombarding you with questions and writing down notes so he knows the best way to love you. Nothing is too much when he loves you. He just wants to make his pretty girlfriend the confident and happy woman she deserves to be.
Okay, tone shift: This man SMACKS your ass when he walks by. I don’t mean a small little tap. I mean this man is revving his arm up and when he finally makes contact, the sound is so unbelievably loud that it scares the both of you. And Miguel just laughs about it!! Like, he’s giggling and running away, looking over his shoulder with the biggest smile as you chase after him threatening to hit him with something. It’s like a little game for him and he just loves the way it bounces when he does it, so don’t expect it to stop anytime soon. 
He likes to bite the folds on your tummy or just anywhere you have them. If he’s lying in bed with you or on the couch, he simply lifts up your shirt and just sucks them into his mouth. If you get ‘mad’ at him and ask him what he’s doing, he just looks up at you with the fakest innocent eyes and just shrugs. If you keep staring at him and tell him to stop, he’ll very slowly let go of your skin like a dog who was told to let go of something. He’ll be pouting the rest of the day right after you tell him to stop. 
He’s constantly watching you. If he’s on a call or mid-conversation with someone and you walk by, he loses his train of thought and his eyes just follow you. He’s drinking in everything he can. He’s staring at the way your curves move as you walk, the way your clothes look on your body, just everything and anything. You have to hide your giggle by biting your lip when you spot him wipe his mouth. Miguel’s always paranoid that he’s actually drooling when he sees you. 
He hates when you experience chafing just as much as you do. But he’s always there to help you with the healing process. If it’s between your thighs, he’s telling you to lay in bed or on the couch all day so it doesn’t get more irritated or get worse. He’s running around the house, getting you everything you need and doing your day to day tasks for you. His pretty girl always gets the princess treatment! Every few hours, he’ll make sure to rub in your ointments and jellies over the affected skin, pressing a small kiss right next to it. 
If you experience back pain or sore boobs, he’ll always be available for massages. And it’s not even in a sexual way. He’ll tell you to lay down and he’ll massage any sore spots on your body, rubbing in your favorite lotion and kissing the skin until it feels better. He’s holding up and kneading your boobs for you when they get too heavy as you walk around the house. He’s always cooing in your ear how bad he feels that you don’t feel good and he’s asking you if there is anything more he can do for you. He’ll even suggest you take a break and he’ll finish up whatever it is you were doing. 
No one, and I mean NO ONE, makes comments about you out in public. Not since you’ve started dating Miguel. Whenever you’re out in public, Miguel stares down anyone who walks towards you and starts opening their mouth. If the group of white old ladies start whispering while pointing at you while you’re looking through racks of clothing, he’s telling you he needs to go to the bathroom before walking over to the group of ladies who instantly disappear with widened eyes. When you raise your brow and ask him why he’s back so quickly, he just shrugs and replies, “It’s out of order. And you know I can’t stay away from my gorgeous girl.” He knows he can’t protect you from every rude remark someone makes about your body, be he sure as hell will try. 
He knows the struggles in finding correctly fitting clothes. I mean, he’s 6’9 after all! So, it’s not a surprise when he comes home with a little box for you when you found something you really wanted, but they didn’t have it in your size or it didn’t fit correctly. It’s always an almost exact replica of what you wanted. Whenever you ask him where he got it, he tells you he got it custom made or he made it himself. I mean, if this man can make his own technologically advanced spider-suit, why wouldn’t he use those skills to make sure his girlfriend is dressed however she wants? 
Miguel hates it when you think you can’t do something because of your body type. Whenever you say you want to do or try something and then say, “But I can’t because..” and motion towards your body, frustration builds in his chest. Not at you, never at you, but at everyone that ever told you your body type means you can’t try certain things. He’s always encouraging you to try it and he’s more than happy to do it with you to make you more comfortable. 
If you’re having one of those days were you hate your body, Miguel is holding your face still as he fucks you in front of a mirror. He’s pounding your pretty little pussy, making you watch every second of it. He’s leaning forward, whispering how pretty your body looks recoiling and taking him. “Such a pretty fucking girl, taking my cock so well. You think anyone else would be able to take me so well? Got the perfect fucking body for me, hermosa.”
Whenever he’s having sex with you, he marvels at how your boobs overflow in his mouth and how your ass spills from his large hands. His mouth is always gravitating towards your nipples and his hands constantly squeeze and slap your ass.
He likes having you on top of him. He loves watching you ride his cock, holding your ass in his hands as your boobs bounce every time you move. He’s completely mesmerized, moaning and grunting under you as he grabs your body. 
Your body is always littered with hickeys and bite marks. Especially on the areas you feel insecure about. Each bruise and mark represents an affirmation Miguel made towards your body, hoping you’d love your body as much as he does. 
Miguel is completely fine with fucking your thighs or tits. He loves the way they completely surround his cock. He’s growling out how fucking hot it is and he’s staining your skin with his cum in minutes. 
He wants you to suffocate him. He’s pleading for you to sit on his face. He 100% has gotten on his knees asking for you to. And he doesn’t mean any of that hovering bullshit. If you even attempt that, he’s growling and pulling you completely onto his face. He’s happily lapping up your sweet juices from your tight cunt, the most lust filled eyes staring up at you in ecstasy. He’s a desperate, moaning mess whenever you ride his face, one of his hands leaving your waist to jerk himself off at the sight of you. When you finally cum and get off of him, he has a wide, dazed smile on his face as he tries to catch his breath.
Whenever that man masturbates, he’s pumping his cock to images of your body. Plays scenarios in his head with your body on full display for him, begging him to make you feel good. He’s moaning and cursing at the pretty little stretchmarks that cover your skin, wishing he could lick them. He wishes his hands were holding onto your body and not on his cock. He’s mumbling your name and moaning about how perfect your body is. When he explodes, he sits there panting and letting out an annoyed groan. Now he misses his pretty girl :(
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I hope these are okay and I didn’t say anything that was offensive or uncomfortable for all my lovely, curvy girlies!!!
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salamivx · 2 months
Other masterlists
School Bus Graveyard x F! Reader
warning. it may be female reader but it can also be read as gn reader, these r just short hcs, minor cussing, Ben and Logan aren’t in this one sorry, mild spoilers in Tylers about s1 finale.
(Not proofread)
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- Ashlyn instantly knows she likes you, the way her heart beats around you, the way her face and body heats up when your hand brushes against hers, she literally head over heals for you but she’s good at hiding it like insanely good. When you guys are in the phantom world she makes sure your close to her or within arms reach just so she could protect you, if you get injured she try’s not to panic a lot but she’s panicky a lot on the inside, when Ben is taking care of your wound shes gonna be sitting beside you holding your hand tightly wishing she could’ve Procter you in time. But when you guys aren’t in the phantom world shes going to share her earbuds with you on the bus while also trying to ignore Aiden’s yelling in her other ear, she also shares her food with you if you forgot to bring lunch money that day.
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- Aiden oh boy, having him as a friend is already chaos, but him having a crush on you? Man you better be strong to put up with him and his random ass shit, he literally drags you into trouble while in the phantom work but y’know still protecting you he obviously doesn’t want to get you hurt, but if you do get injured he’s going ham with the phantom(s) that hurt you. Now when you guys aren’t in the phantom realm he’s all over you, when he sees food that you might like he buys so many of them, he’s rich so it’s ok it doesn’t hurt his bank account, he buys so many things for you, probably forced you to show him your wish list so he can buy it for you.
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- Tyler doesn’t know how to properly express that he loves you without you figuring out you like him, probably asks Taylor for advice but then he gets teased. When you guys are in the phantom world he’s scared you and Taylor will get hurt just like he did, if you guys ever get cornered by phantoms he makes sure you behind him and makes sure you not injured, if you are injured he’s gonna beat himself up for it and Taylor will need to comfort him. Now when you guys aren’t in the phantom world he keeps an eyes on you making sure Barron and his goons don’t get close to you and he always check in on you.
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
- Taylor is also head over heals with you, she loves you so much even if it’s just a crush it’s quite obvious she likes you but your oblivious to it (teehee) she’s probably asked her mom and Ashlyn for advice, when you guys are in the phantom world she try’s not to worry about you because she knows you can handle yourself, now if your injured she assisting Ben in healing your injury, and she sweating a lot, so when you guys wake up she’s texting you first making sure your ok. Now since you guys are back in the normal/human? World she definitely wants to match with you which makes Tyler jealous but not jealous y’know?
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩
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Would you mind writing a Fic about daughter of Selene and son of Poseidon, Percy? And their Relationship is sort off based off how the moon affects the ocean tides?
⋆⭒˚.⋆ percy jackson x daughter of selene! reader hcs
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content: percy jackson x daughter of selene! reader hcs warning: language as per usual author's note: i made it hcs bc i didn't feel like i had enough plot to make a fic and a blurb wouldn't do this fun prompt justice so this is what we get folks!!!
bro is quite literally drawn to you
can't stay away
you just keep pulling him in
if you have a good day, he has a good day
if you have a bad day, he has a bad day
you affect this dude in ways you don’t even know
what can he say, he's an empath
just for you tho
listens to 'moon song' by phoebe bridgers and crys bc he thinks of you
oh, and 'moon river' by frank ocean
oh and basically any other song that mentions the moon
will def send you constants texts like,
'you look just like your momma. beautiful.'
this is followed by the most beautiful picture of the moon you've ever seen
this bitch got you in yo feels
also sally is adopting you without a doubt
you are now her precious moon child, no arguing or stopping it now
you both get into some crazy shit at night
like, no, officer, we did not break into sea world and free the sharks, sir, why would we do that???
actively wearing sea world shirts that still have the tags on
sally and paul laughed the whole time bailing you guys out of jail
also, i like to imagine you're more active at night, so that makes you a sleepy girl during the day and percy is just your walking pillow
you can take a nap nearly anywhere and that includes percy's shoulder as he's trying to pay attention to whatever will is trying to teach them about healing but he can't focus with your breath puffing out against his neck
and then even when the class is over, he refuses to move and wake you up
would actually rather die than wake you up
also i like to image that you glow at night similarly to apollo kids but in silver tones
which is why your name in percy's phone is glowstick
he finds it amusing
you, not so much
also percy has grown very fond of night swims since getting with you
just you and him, floating somewhere in the lake and letting the only light being from the moon
he finds it calming and so do you
this, upon a joking dare, would turn into skinny dipping one night but thats a story for another day fr
let's just say you two also accidently became streakers that night too
chiron was not happy
the hermes cabin thought it was very amusing, seeing as they were the ones who stole your clothes in the first place.
the night swims ended after that, in fear of another streaking incident
everytime percy's back home for school, he fr goes out on the balcony and plays 'talking to the moon' by bruno mars (cheesy mfer)
and cries bc he misses you
and i just know your mommas laughing at him from her spot at the moon
the boy who's lovesick for her baby girl
the boy who reminds her of his father's waves
drawn in and away but always back in again
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scarletevening · 11 months
innocuous [ könig ]
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saying im obsessed with this man is an undersatement.
cw: suggestive [ some are a little up front... ], foul language, age difference? [ i mean he is a colonel... ], might be toxic [ idk tho too many hearts in my eyes ], also kinda fem! reader but can be read as gn! reader
Older bf! König, whos not a man you can read, far too experienced with life to let you get in his thoughts, but that doesn’t mean that he could keep himself out of yours. 
OlderBf! König, who basically entranced you with his intelligence, guiding you like a gentle wing, keeping you close and safe from unfamiliarity, because he was familiar with all of it.
OlderBf! König, would let you make mistakes so he could help you learn, hold your hand and reward you for every little thing you accomplished, even as small as finding the breaker, talking you through it, even for something as big as every time he makes you squirt.
OlderBf! König, even in things you might have experience in, he’ll baby you. he’ll baby you when you first kiss him, gently pressing his scarred lips against your plush, glossy ones, carefully holding your chin, guiding you even if you knew what you were doing. but god did it make you nervous when he did that, nervous enough to make the hand on your chin more than helpful. 
OlderBf! König, who is a total tease, but refuses to admit it. He knows how to get your pretty little head all riled up, and with his deep voice, his vocabulary more extensive than yours, even as his foreign language, in english, he speaks like a poet. even when he talks about the ways he would fuck you in his office. 
OlderBf! König, who wears sexy rectangle glasses every night as he closes his day with a chapter from a mystery book. he knows you look- stare at him, the way the glasses sit at the tip of his large, hooked nose, slightly crooked from a long-since healed break. a nose you have very lewdly felt between your legs.  
OlderBf! König, lets you babble to him about your day, responding in short hums as you chatter, taking no particular interest in your words because he’s too focused on your plump, glossy lips. doesn’t matter if your yelling, screaming, whining, crying, just plain talking, he loves the blush of your lips.
OlderBf! König, who doesn’t get jealous because he knows you’re all his. who enjoys the way you pout when you purposefully try to make him jealous, giggling and laughing with McTavish. but why can’t he just share his good little girl? knowing you’d probably like that too.
OlderBf! König, who can make you melt with just his eyes. not just his adorable puppy eyes that any man would bend for, but the way he looks down at[on] you, his towering height forcing you to deflate under his orders, piercing gaze making words out of stares. he isn’t a colonel for no reason, its hard to do anything but listen, especially when he whispers in your ear how to move your hips. 
OlderBf! König, who loves to mock the way you moaned the morning after. chuckling as he caresses your faces, using poetry to describe the way tears so beautifully filled your eyes, just as he filled you. 
i am a whole different person when hes mentioned
idk if i should do hcs again i’m more of a rambler yk?
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polakina · 4 months
how they react to you getting hurt on a mission
call of duty headcanons #3
hc masterlist // masterlist
anyone else feel like there's not enough alex keller fics about? if you've got recommendations, send them my way pls <3
rating: explicit
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heard it over comms while the 141 were raiding an enemy safehouse
you had confirmed intel that they were hiding out after an attack on the local town, so moved in to take them out
you were making your way through the upper sections of the building, whispering into comms as you cleared each room
but as you moved further down the corridor, one of the terrorists barged out of the last door on the left, firing all bullets in your direction
you managed to dodge out of the way for most of them, sending bullets through his skin and taking him down, but not before a bullet lodged itself in your shoulder
price was practically shouting in your ear as he heard the gunshots from above and through his earpiece
he made it to you first, checking over you with worried glances, pulling the collar of your shirt aside to assess the damage
cursed out of sheer panic, grabbing you by the waist and hoisting you up, calling in for evac and medics
did not leave your side the whole flight back to base, constantly asking if you were okay
reaching the medic tent at base, he kept a stern eye on the medics, barking orders to be careful with you
but he was scared
scared he could have lost you
his fear always turned to anger, it was an emotional side of him you'd noticed since working together
he stayed with you the whole time
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so fucking angry
not at you, of course
but at literally everyone else
saw you get knocked up against the wall, pinned by your throat with a knife pointing into your stomach, hearing your cry of pain
he saw red
momentarily blacked out as he shot the guy hurting you at least 6 times
a little overkill but deemed it necessary
was immediately by your side. knocked your hand out of the way when you tried to cover it, and shushed you fiercely when you tried to tell him you were okay
did not leave any room for negotiation before picking you up bridal style and hauling ass out of there
didn't trust any medic to patch you up
did everything himself
turned super super quiet as he saw the wound fully, the blood pooling out of the gash. his face turned almost white
wouldn't speak as he cleaned and stitched the wound
it was only when he finally met your eye that his gaze softened. the apologies started uncontrollably spilling out
he apologised for literally an hour; about how he could have stopped the guy, how he could have gotten there sooner
you had to calm him down the whole night
never let you lift a finger until you were fully healed, and even after that he was hesitant to let you do anything strenuous
you caught him looking at your bandages every so often, even during training
one you even caught him in the act while he thought you were sleeping. he lifted your shirt to check you hadn't pulled any stitches, and you scared the shit out of him when you asked what he was doing
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the two of you were climbing to reach a higher vantage point as appointed snipers
your rope snapped and you fell to the rocks below
he damn near snapped his neck trying to repel back down to you
saw your dislocated shoulder and couldn't hide his disgust until you pointed it out
nobody was able to reach you, the two of you were alone
said it'd click back into place on its own, and you weren't sure if he was trying to reassure you or convince himself
but when you explained he needed to knock it back into its socket, he shook his head
flat out just said no
the man can deal with blood and bullets and knives. broken bones or dislocations were not his strong suit
his stomach did that weird flip thing when he saw body parts out of place
you scolded him for being a baby and he pouted at you
had to psych himself up to do it
"its just a stupid shoulder, get it together" "don't be a baby, it'll take two seconds" "god that's so disgusting, why does it look that gross"
your eyes nearly rolled out of your head and the initial pain had basically subsided by the time he actually did it
nearly threw up when he felt your shoulder pop back into its socket
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was riding alongside you in the truck when it flipped over from an enemy missile
the whole vehicle launched topside and rolled upside down
his first port of call was to turn and check on you, rushing to panic when he saw the blood on your face
after pulling himself out of the vehicle, he ran around and yanked over the driver side door, unclipping your belt and pulling you onto the pavement
saw your broken leg and almost passed out
literally forgot all his medic training in that one moment and only ended up calling for an evac when you told him to
was at your every beck and call while you recovered
you had to be wheelchair bound during your recovery, and as the base trainer, you were able to do your job from your chair
made jokes about you now having to be on wheels
did anything to lift your spirits
helped you with absolutely anything you needed, and secretly kind of liked that he had to take care of you
fell into the male housewife role really quick. scarily quickly
wheels you around base, and more often than not rolls over somebody's toes when he passes them. doesn't have the best spatial awareness capacity
always there to change your bandages, check your wounds
whenever your leg hurts, he's like a professional masseuse
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bwabys-scenarios · 5 months
Dating the Phantom Troupe SFW/NSFW HCs
warnings: group sex, breeding kink, scissoring, toy use, fem reader, creampie
taglist: @desiray562 @lovelyxkazuha @ashdownunderscorebeloved @stygianoir @lightshowerrr @highbats69
‼️If you want to be added to the taglist, please check out the taglist information then comment what you want to be added to! Make sure you have your age in your bio and that your blog can be tagged/mentioned!‼️
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-You’re the sweetheart of the Phantom Troupe, healing others with physical touch/affection. You were picked out by chrollo to be a medic of sorts due to your charitable work in meteor city
-you’re pretty pampered, once you get to know everyone they all fall for you pretty quick. the first was Shalnark. it was a puppy crush at first, but soon he was head over heels.
-it goes like this: first Shalnark falls for you, then it’s Chrollo, Machi, Nobunaga, Uvogin, Phinks, Pakunoda, Shizuku, then finally Feitan.
-Pakunoda and Chrollo are guilty of spoiling you way too much with gifts, while Shalnark and Uvogin pamper you with lots of attention and affection. Machi and Feitan struggle with opening up to you and confessing, while Shizuku and Phinks were pretty open with their feelings once asked. Nobunaga is overly affectionate and clingy 😭
-the relationship between you and the others is far from normal, bordering on yandere. they won’t keep you prisoner or force you into anything you dislike though, they’re just a bit possessive and protective. since they’re all good friends, they’re able to MOSTLY share you without any hiccups…
-though the two most possessive members(Machi and Nobunaga) get into fights with the others at times
-so, the troupe usually allow Chrollo to have you first.
He doesn't demand this, in fact he tries to insist on drawing straws, but the others respect him enough to let him have you first.
-Chrollo is very gentle with you, making love rather than fucking you. He usually prefers to have you away from the others in a separate room, but will fuck you in front of the others if he's feeling naughty
-everyone gets 30 mins a piece to make it a bit easier on your body(there's 8 of them after all) and all of them always end up cumming <3 some a bit quicker than others(cough Phinks and Shizuku cough)
-The rest draw straws/arm wrestle/or decide by little games who gets to go next.
-Uvogin almost always volunteers to go last because of how big he is. You need time to be stretched out and lubed up before you can take him
-Nobunaga is so quick to cum it’s almost pathetic. He feels bad and will keep going, but soon your thighs and tummy are just covered in his seed!
-Shalnark actually loves an audience!! He shows off how good he can make you feel with pride. Though the others get a bit jealous at his talent at making you cum over and over again
-usually, Shizuku, Pakunoda, and Machi prefer to share you amongst themselves. Lots of scissoring and toy use >< Machi is shy and usually won't join unless it's in private with just the four of you. Pakunoda definitely has a custom made strap she uses to fuck into you
-Phinks is super vocal and ends up cumming inside of you over and over. He can't help it, it's hard to pull out when you're giving him those eyes and whining like that…
-Feitan is surprisingly clingy during sex, wanting to be close. He's another one that prefers privacy due to being a bit shy preforming in front of others
-when uvogin finally gets his turn, you're so spent and wet that he nearly slides in without issue... but he can never truly fuck you without a bit of prep of his own. He'll fuck you with his big, thick fingers before thrusting in :3
-orgies with all the members don’t happen, most of them just aren’t attracted to each other/see each other as family
-though… a few of them fucking you at once is common place. you’re just too cute that some of them can’t take the wait and end up slipping into one of your other holes. if your uncomfy with anal, they’ll use your mouth or hands!
-some of the men are in a competition to see who can get you pregnant first(Shalnark, Uvogin, and Phinks) while the others are just happy with whatever happens(Chrollo) and Feitan… he doesn’t want a kid but can’t resist cumming inside very time so… if it happens it happens.
-they’ve all already agreed to let the father and you decide how the baby is raised(whether the two get into a serious relationship or they all raise the baby together)
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hiraya-rawr · 2 years
lover from another nation ~ hcs .
characters !! all the genshin men i could think of rn...
note !! it's been a while since i've written hcs for a lot! aaaah just some thoughts i had today (i had a few culture shocks here and there when i met up with new friends hahahah)
~ m o n d s t a d t ~
grabbing zhongli by the hand to dance and sing in the middle of the square because mondstadters live for the festivities! he quickly learns to freestyle dance along with you, moving with the crowd and cheers and wine. (remember that Tangled scene? yes)
kaveh wasn't sure how to react the day you ordered hard liquor on your first date. sure, your freedom and love for a good drink is one of the things which made him fall for you but wow– are you really gonna down that many glasses on a date? what do you mean you're still sober?
ayato finds himself in love with the way you sing. it doesn't follow the rules of inazuman opera at all; it's much more freeing (much like how his house help sings as he does chores) and you'd tell him stories and the history of your homeland in the form of songs. no mondstadter could ever forget the songs they grew up listening to!
heizou being almost appalled by your rather... robust and reckless nature. you don't have any backup plans whenever a situation goes south, you simply hold his hand, smile, and say "we go where the wind blows!"
~ l i y u e ~
diluc having chopsticks as part of your dining utensils because sometimes, you're more comfortable eating with it (let's not forget often having rice on the table! he must learn the joys of garlic rice with his steak <3)
dainsleif stays by your side as you offer incense and fruits to your ancestors. he whispers quiet prayers, bows when you do, and helps you clean their altars. he finds solace in the familial piety of liyuens– it makes him wish he could honor his ancestors with the same kind of peace as you do.
kazuha getting tongue tied over the language being so similar to inazuman but also so different– why are some of the characters the same? why are the meanings different? there's a bit of miscommunication in the start, but you both find your own ways to understand each other when words fail.
we all know gorou has always wanted to climb the mountains of liyue and you made it possible! meeting him by the docks and touring him around your home nation, you made sure to pick hiking routes with the most scenic spots, even managing to tour him around the jade palace and the floating lone island.
~ i n a z u m a ~
kaeya has no idea how you sit on the floor while being comfortable. you've made him sit with you once while reading a book, after that, his bones ached for days! shaking every time he stood back up!
albedo met you in the irodori festival- he painted you for practice and spark between you started. the long distance was difficult at first, but his long letters always had a little drawing of you and you'd send back the scent of cherry blossoms. klee would also send you letters, asking you to come visit soon!
childe loves a new fighting style; like most sword users in inazuma, you followed the raiden shogun's teachings– swift, efficient, and at one with the sword. he loves how you fight and it's often how you end your dates!
cyno was almost confident that you were playing a prank the day you said you'll make him your specialty and you showed him a platter of raw seafood. it's "sashimi and ngiri" you say, and he waited for you to explain the pun of your joke. it wasn't a joke.
~ s u m e r u ~
thoma is quite used to mondstadters and inazumans, two very different cultures, then he meets you and your sumeru upbringing! you show him how to cook foods that can be eaten with hands, and your menu is often so colorful he can't help but admire it!
itto doesn't really understand the study culture of sumeru, but he totally supports whatever it is you're talking about and tries to add in comments (his comments don't exactly make sense though...)
scaramouche, in his "path of redemption and healing", unwillingly gets involved with you as you show him around the beautiful parts of sumeru! you argue that he needs a different, better outfit with a color scheme that matches his vision. he insists that the hat stays. you tell him he looks like an aranara.
~ s n e z h n a y a ~
al haitham was almost concerned the day you got a heatstroke after being in the desert for no more than a few minutes. snezhnaya has prepared you for harsh weather, but never the heat. soon enough your lover is carrying around heatstroke-first aid packs just for you.
bundling up tighnari's fluffy ears before setting foot in snezhnaya because you just know the cold would practically freeze them off. his tail also gets wrapped and bundled warm in the large coats you wear, protection from the harsh snow. he says he looks like a big lummox.
note !! alright, choose your favorite dynamic! i personally think mondstadters with liyue/inazuma would be interesting maybe because i want to force feed them the joys of rice...
// if i misinterpreted a culture then umm... just know it wasn't intentional and let's consider it a real thing in teyvats culture 🫣😎
commissions || general m.list
taglist !! @absolut-wildflower @boundedbyfate @sadlonelybagel @eissaaaa @ladycoleigh @nejibot @milkypompon @bloodreaper08 @irethepotato @x-zho @roriver @mich-cola @mxsomn @ackrylik @nicebonescomrade @starforecasts @stygianoir @yuminako @eccedentesiast-sapphic @nebulaera @nuttytani @klutzkat @stygianoir14 @shizunxie @bluriie @aestellia @abyislan08
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leovaldezluvr · 1 month
"my honeybee, come and get this pollen!"
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synopsis : hc's of leo valdez and his gf !!
pairing : leo valdez x daughter of apollo!reader
warnings : swearing / cursing, intentional lower case writing, kissing, nothing crazy tho!
requested ? yes! by the amazing @sunnitheapollokid 😚
masterlist : coming soon!
nai yapps : HI BABIES 🤭 first time writing hcs, hope ya like!! it turned out longer than expected so yeah haha, not proofread so please don't mind the grammatical errors 😭
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on the radio . . . "espresso" by sabrina carpenter
in my opinion, leo is kinda insecure (just like percy) so it took him a while to realize that you liked him back !!
in the meanwhile, he would fangirl about you to his friends
oh and trust me, they were SICK AND TIRED of that boy
"guys, did you see the way she looked at me at dinner??"
(which he told them like for the 1293858th time that week)
and don't act like you didn't do the same thing as well, because we all know damn well you did
yapping about leo to annabeth, silena and piper at the cabin 10 sleepovers is a weekly (almost daily) occurrence
like i've mentioned in the beginning, leo's probably really insecure, so he uses his flirty and cheeky personality to cover it up!
which has you giggling and kicking your feet
because that boy flirts with you more than anyone else
oh and when he found out that you work at the infirmary with will solace?
it was his most visited place other than bunker 9
leo is naturally a really clumy person (me too lmao) so he injures himself on accident quite often when working on something in bunker 9, but one way or another he'll find an excuse to come visit you there (even if he's not hurt) and say shit like
"you come here often?" or "can you kiss it better?"
with a shit-eating grin as you heal one of his injuries
since you're a child of the music god, you have AMAZING taste in music
so every once in a while you'd come over at bunker 9 and play some of your music while leo works on his projects
you'd be on his bed, painting away or even working on poems
speaking of poems!
you once wrote a poem about leo and after building up courage (with the help of your girlfriends) you read it out to leo!!
and let me tell you, that boy turned as red as a tomato
and he couldn't stop thinking about that poem FOR DAYS.
like girl you had that boy wrapped around your finger 😭 (hence the song i choose for this blog)
after that, he decided it's time to ask you to be his gf!! (screaming)
him and his friends (percy, jason and frank) have been planning and scheming on the best way leo can ask you out
since percy has a big mouth, he told the news to his girlfriend, annabeth.
your and leo's friends were pretty much one big friend group, so you guys hung out quite often
soon enough, piper and silena found out about leo's plan too
basically, the group decided to hang out at the beach is Montauk
percy yelled, all the boys racing to the sea, except for leo.
"boys." annabeth muttered, rolling her eyes, causing piper, silena and you to giggle.
you had your beach towel spread out onto the sand, your tote bag to your left and a book in your hands.
leo sat at your right hand side, applying sunscreen onto his arms and upper body as he watched the boys splash and attempt to drown each other.
"could you please apply sunscreen on my back, y/n?"
you look up from your book you're reading and place your bookmark between the pages. a smile grew on your face as you nod, signaling leo to turn so his back faces you. he obliged and did as you said, he pulled his knees closer to his chest leaned his head onto his arms. (kinda like this I'm bad at explaining haha 😭)
hours pass by, the group has all been at the sea having a splash fight, then also played volleyball. now they wanted to have some snacks and drinks
and of course the group decided to pick you and leo to go get the snacks
you, oblivious to their intentions, started putting your flip flops on. as you weren't looking, leo shot a look at the smirking teenagers he calls his friends. piper and frank were showing thumbs up for support. while jason and percy gave him a knowing look. leo saw annabeth mouthing "now or never" to him.
"lee, you ready to go?"
he put his attention back on to you and nodded, heading to the corner shop with you next to him. he glanced back to his friends one last time, seeing them look at the pair walking off and cheering for leo, but silently of course, so you wouldn't suspect anything.
after you two have bought the snacks and drinks the friendgroup wanted, you head back to the beach.
leo noticed the group playing volleyball again, and used to opportunity to confess now. He stopped walking, standing at this area.
"hey, y/n. could we talk for a sec?"
you didn't think much of it and nodded, walking closer to where leo was standing.
then, his nervousness got the best of him and that boy just started rambling.
"so i just wanted to say that Iive liked you for REALLY long time. like a i like you A LOT and I really want to be together with you but i'm not sure if you feel the same and i really don't want to ruin this friendship. but i've never felt this way about anyone and–"
then he got interrupted with kiss!! (by you of course)
he froze, definitely not expecting that. but quickly kissed you back. his hands on your waist, pulling you closer as your hands wrapped behind his neck.
you soon pulled away, both of you catching your breaths.
"i like you too, leo."
a bright smile appeared on leo's face, him leaning his forehead onto yours.
"can i be your boyfriend, y/n?"
you act like you're thinking about, rubbing your chin jokingly, but ultimately day yes.
he kisses you again, but pulled away quickly as you two heard screaming and cheering from the back.
the pair turn around to see their friendgroup being the cause of this loud noise.
piper, annabeth and silena were the ones screaming, holding each other's hands as they jump up and down like little girls. While the boys were cheering and clapping, Percy even started jumping up and down with the girls. (LMFOAOA DON'T TELL ME HE WOULDN'T DO THAT)
anyhow! that's how i imagine it'd happen
leo and you are both you clingy mfs, even before dating. but now you two are glued to the hip.
he definitely calls you cute nicknames in spanish (#latinoking)
"mi amor" , "cariño" , "mi vida" , "hermosa" , "mi corazón" , "mi sol", "mami/mamas"
he loves, and i mean LOVES when you help him with his projects (cough this fic cough)
whenever a piece of your jewelry (earrings, necklaces, ect..) breaks, you already know your boyfriend is there to fix it for you.
despite being the daughter of the sun god, your hands were always FREEZING. that's why you had your fire boy to warm you up
that boy is basically your human heater. while you two would cuddle in the summer, you would get so hot while being in his embrace, but you just suffered, because his grip is strong as steel.
your guys' dynamic is sunshine x sunshine protecter!! (the protecter being you because leo doesn't do shit to stand up for himself)
#1 princess treatment giver!!
"baby, i can get out of the car myself–"
"shh, don't worry about it mami."
wow this is getting way too long woopsie
in conclusion, leo valdez is the best boyfriend ever and you two are the power couple of chb!!!
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taglist (pls tell me if I should remove / add you!!) : @thesnshinee @graceslcver @gentlehue @ssparksflyy @coolestgirlintheworld112 @ghostlyloversworld @percyslcver @lovely-calypso @woodlandwrites @brainsofseaweed @mershellscape @hopelesslyromanticshark @canonfeminine
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brucewaynehater101 · 1 month
i keep seeing the hcs (the tim seeing bruce as his son ones) you post and had an idea
so like bruce is like,,, grieving bc sum1 died (who is your choice) and tim js goes back to the behaviors he had when bruce was grieving originally like and every1 is like tim wtf???
i can imagine tim standing off to the side (like a parent watching their kid on a like,, a playground or smth) thinking how he’s going 2 drag bruce upstairs to sleep and sum1 (again your choice) comes up and asks “tim why the fuck are you acting this it makes not sense”
tim’s like “don’t ask”
srry if was confusing
I completely understood. You're good 👍
However, let's explore the angst potential ~
Bruce and the entire Bat family is grieving the loss of their family member (extra points if it's a pivotal role like Dick or Alfred [everyone would hurt, but the family relies on these people]). Everyone is visibly having a rough time.... except for Tim.
Tim cried when the news came (or when they watched the person die). He cried when his family broke down screaming, begging, and sobbing. He cried when he watched each and every family member lose a vital part of themselves.
And then he stopped. He crammed those pieces of himself together and gathered everyone up. He got them home, and his calm facade hasn't broken since.
It's worse this time around because he knew the person who died personally. He loved Jason and was devastated when he died. However, he didn't know Jason personally. He hadn't had his hair ruffled as the individual gave him a fond smirk. He hadn't been left a steaming mug of coffee as a silent sign of support. He hadn't been pulled into a hug or found himself startled into a laugh. He had never heard his name uttered by the person who died like he did this time.
There's a piece of Tim that died when that family member stopped breathing, but it's okay. He's used to that by now. Bruce and his family need him.
So, Tim gives B sympathetic smiles before shoving him into the batmobile for the car rides that help the man fall asleep. He clicks his tongue as the man comes back with too many injuries. He invokes the sticker charts again and the spray bottle. He ruthlessly utilizes emotional manipulation and sharp words until Bruce stops destroying everything around him (both in the literal and metaphorical sense). He provides Bruce with healthier outlets for his grief.
This time, though? He checks up on the other family members as well. He ensures that no one left in his family is alone. He makes sure that everyone has someone to lean on, that they support each other, and that they don't lash out at each other.
It takes a while, between the waves of grief everyone is drowning under and struggling to find the surface of Tim's efforts get overlooked.
Eventually, when the family starts to heal just a bit more, they notice Tim standing with his hands on his hips as he glares at Bruce.
"Bruce Wayne. If you do not strip off that armor, consume your entire dinner, and get into your bed upstairs, there will be consequences. Do NOT make me count to three."
The other Bats watch as Bruce winces, sighs heavily, and then drags his weary body to the changing room.
Someone points out just how weird that is.
It's the first time in months that the family acts with the chaos it usually has.
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Labor HC (ft. Poly!Mates Bat Boys)
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Warnings: intense labor, my bsf just had her first baby and told me all the horrific things 🫠, personally i never want children, thank the cauldron for healing magic, longish? compared to my other hc, i guess labor horror? the idea of giving birth scares the ever loving shit out of me
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By the end of your pregnancy your stomach was the size of two side by side watermelons
Madja grew increasingly worried that you would not survive the labor at how big the babe inside of you had grown
you worried your child would tear itself out of your womb
indefinite bed rest for you
which you honestly didn't mind since it was getting difficult for you to move your body without getting tired
bat boys worry. you aren't illyrian. if the baby belonged to cassian or azriel, your body would not be able to allow for wings to grow. (paternity/gendering of the baby was not possible. all the results came back as inconclusive)
as it gets more cramped inside of you, every one of the baby's movements is felt by you.
Rhys neglects much of his work and favors spending every waking hour by your side.
Cassian and Azriel grow extremely considered when they hear commotion arising in the Hewn City. Az has heard that many in the Court of Nightmares wish for your demise in labor. They take each threat to your life seriously and spend their time ensuring the security and safety of you and your unborn child.
they can't protect you from the pain of labor though
Rhys and Az were asleep with you in the bed, Cassian preferring to stand guard outside your door.
You're pulled out of sleep rather abruptly, well aware of the unconscious tensing of your muscles as a stabbing pressure digs into your abdominal area. a tightening and squeeze so vicious that you try and sit up immediately but your big belly prevents you from doing so.
stomach churning fear rises in you. it was time.
you shake your mates awake as another squeezing pain that burned across your lower back and pelvis.
they've drilled for this. no really your bat boys have played out the scenario an annoying amount of times. Az leaps from the bed to alert Cassian, Rhys helping you sit up
Azriel leaves to fetch Madja since he's the fastest
the Wraiths prep everything you may need and wait in the room with you, Rhysand and Cassian until Azriel returns with the healer.
that's when things really start
you were already screaming when Madja arrived. Nuala and Cerridwen had prepped you for the labor if Madja were too late.
Azriel had your left hand, brows furrowed and wishing he can transfer the pain you were going through into his body. Even if this pain meant the birth of a child, he hated hearing your screams or the tears welling in your eyes as you push with all your might
Rhysand, who had been hold your right hand transfers it to Cassian's care as he moves to be by Madja side to watch the actual birth. His eyes keep darting from your lower half to your face.
you never knew bringing another life into the world was so painful. you yourself didn't know either of your parents. no one to warn you of what you would face in childbirth
your bat boys were there though, that was all that mattered.
time drags with each heave you give
then he was born. . .
Dagen. even with his wings tucked in tight, pushing him out damn near tore you from your v to your a. like that whole entire region was on fire
"O-Oh. . ." Madja gasped, clearly startled as she held your baby in her arms, having been about to pass him to Rhysand. Almost in fear she looks at Rhysand. "I. . .I think there is another babe coming. . ."
Two babies???
you didn't believe her. until you felt another intense wave of pain start up again. dagen nearly tore you in half. you couldn't imagine pushing out another baby that potentially had wings.
"no, please no" you sob, every part of you aching.
Cassian looks scared. "You can do this." his hand was numb but he didn 't care.
"We're here." Azriel nods and gives your hand an encouraging squeeze.
Rhysand was still standing a little dumbstruck with a fresh newborn in his arms.Thankfully one of the wraith sisters nudges him, her arms ready to take the baby so he can go back to focusing on the next one.
Rian arrived quickly, smaller than dagen thanks to the lack of wings
there was five minutes of peace where Rhysand and Cerridwen showed you your boys. beautiful boys that you and your mates created
until you felt another stabbing sensation.
you screamed at rhysand, azriel and cassian. damning them to a suffering in the afterlife for putting you through this.
to you this was bullshit.
it should be impossible!! then again, so was having three destined mates
Mor had called it a miracle. you now thought of it as a curse. you never knew having three mates meant giving birth to three babies at the same time
the third baby however would prove to be the most difficult. thanks to the previous two, you were beyond exhausted and begging for someone to just rip it from you. there was no way you could push it out by yourself.
Madja made the tough call of performing a cesarean section
the wraiths took away rian and dagen as the surgery took place
they'd been in wars, seen carnage, but there your bat boys were with white faces that expressed utter horror
the last baby to be delivered was a little girl with wings. your Baila.
exhausted, you pass out soon after Madja pulls her from you.
everyone is pushed out of the room except for madja herself as she sews you back up and stops the bleeding that could possibly kill you if not treated properly.
it feels like a dream to you when you wake up.
except every part of you is still suffering from a dull pain
your bat boys introduce you to your three pretty babies
i hc that dagen is azriel's, rian is rhysand's and baila is cassian's cuz i've always thought of him as a girl dad and nothing can change that lol
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chilschuck · 2 months
i've been having. mithrun thoughts lately. can you imagine getting a dog with him? going on walks and making him food? taking care of him and slowly watching him get better? even if it's so so so so small. im dying.
`✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ OUGHGHGH SOCK……. being there for him through it all….. staying by his side every step of the way…. makes me think so hard….
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— MITHRUN: caring for him.
꒰ warnings: ꒱ none, sfw + gn!reader. <3
꒰ wc: ꒱ 396
✦ short and sweet, but i wanted to give you some mithrun hcs!!! this is the first time i’ve written for him, so it may be a little rough, haha! these ideas are SO precious…. it’s from your pov and all the lil things you do for him. <3
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✦ Since he spends most of his day laying down or sleeping, you try to do your best to make sure he doesn’t feel completely alone. Whether that be by sitting beside him reading, or resting your head at the foot of the bed and napping yourself. You feel as if it’s the least you could do.
✦ You enjoy cutting his hair for him. Since he can’t do so himself during this point in his rehabilitation, you decide to take it upon yourself to do so. Even brushing it and making sure it doesn’t have any tangles, your ministrations are so tender and caring that he doesn’t feel any discomfort. It’s another thing you always offer to do for him when you spend time together.
✦ You’re successful in convincing him to get a service dog, and the two of you care for it together. You made the suggestion to him one day, and after letting him contemplate, you both decide it’d be a great decision for him. (Thinking about the fan comic of him with a service dog after Laios suggested it. You’d definitely have to help him come up with the name.)
✦ Cooking for him was something you did often. You were sure to make his favorites, always feeding it to him after. Even as he begins to heal, you can’t help but still insist on helping him eat. There was something about it that felt domestic, especially now that you feel as if you have a little family with your dog now.
✦ Imagine walking with him, enjoying the sunshine on your skin and the cool breeze in the air. Times like those were when you felt especially thankful he was still by your side. You’d even take your dog with you, the outings something that were really beneficial for him.
✦ Taking care of him was second nature for you. Helping him get clean, making sure he was comfortable, keeping track of how he was feeling. Like stated before, you even made sure he ate and did in fact sleep, as we know how he is with making sure his own needs were met.
✦ Little changes in his rehabilitation were always celebrated. He would slowly get better over time, but big changes or accomplishments that occasionally happened never got past you. You’ll take the win no matter how small, as long as you’re there by his side. <3
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How would Jason Grace spoil you? boyfriend hcs list
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author's note: ik i have an angsty jason grace prompt in my asks and i swear im working on it! But this idea just popped up on my mind and I've been thinking about it all night yesterday omgg. Let me know if you guys want a Leo/Percy/Frank version of this, I mostly write for Jason since he's my bbg but I might actually do the others this time since the idea is so cute!
I'll start off by saying, Jason is a selfcare supporter bf.
Okay so yk how the Romans in CJ have such high standards? They literally exhibit royal/regal energy, and are super fans of luxury stuff.
Jason despite being influenced by greeks would always be a roman. Whether he likes it or not, there will always be roman blood in him. So he makes these cute/simple ideas for dates/gifts but his execution is just pure sophistication. He's SO simple yet so fancy, and Ik they're contradictions but I promise I'll explain.
like this boy would make sure to run you a nice warm roman bath after you come back from a dangerous/tiresome quest to ease your muscles. Cute and simple right? Wrong. This man would buy all sorts of expensive bath perfumes, bath bombs, fragranted petals, etc to make it extra special for you.
See so this is what I mean when I say his ideas are cute, but executed in a very fancy way.
He LOVES spoiling you with self care products, like sheet masks, lotion, cleansers, hair masks, etc. like he simply does NOT care about the money, as long as his girl is taking care of herself?? That's all that matters tbh
This is mostly because Jason, as a kid soldier, never had any time for himself, the closest thing he's ever done to "selfcare" is probably take long baths + trim his hair lol
jason was blessed with his mother's ethereal actress beauty okay. So selfcare or no self care would have zero effect on him physically bc bro would still look majestic.
ANYWAYS he feels like his inner child just kinda heals when he sees you prioritising yourself and he admires it sm :((
would be ecstatic if you rope him into self care. He would be sceptical at first but then as you're applying a face mask on him he'd be like "wait this is actually so relaxing what" and you love the way his face muscles soften at that. Like he really deserves a break and some relaxation, you'd often trick him into using your skincare products intentionally bc he deserves self care.
once he felt so soothed with the lemon facemask he was wearing that he fell asleep on your shoulder and was all zzz 🥺
and would make sure to restock all your products if they run out.
he feels that the self-care has more of a mental and emotional effect on him rather than physical
Which is what matters to him
honestly?? He supports you if you want to wear makeup. Like he'd think you look gorgeous either way but if you like wearing lipgloss? So be it. You get any lipgloss you want he's paying. He just LOVES that you love yourself too :( and would do anything to make you feel comfortable.
This man loves investing on food. Again, it's bc he never even had the time to properly eat as a legionnaire :(
So he'd love to take you out to places and just munch on tasty food and talk. New Rome has bomb food okay. Bro just never got to eat them.
Lmao he's like everyone's grandma when it comes to food. "Have you eaten? You HAVE to eat!! I'll get you food! Go back to your room!"
would spoonfeed you soup if you're sick bc nuh uh you ain't going without eating hun 😤
hes the worried anxious mother hen bf okay fight me.
Food + selfcare = Jason Grace's love language
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