#ffxv hc
amarabliss · 1 year
Thank you @wombywoo for bringing my HC King Nyx Ulric to life. It's wonderful! <3
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goth-deidara · 1 year
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So skeptical of love,
But still. I want it more, more more 
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verseleth · 2 months
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“A hand, Highness?”
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“No? What about this hand instead?”
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“Still no? Very well, I shall give you both hands then~”
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rosemary-morgan · 1 year
HC’s - You had a bad day at work and the boys cheer you up
Hi everyone (✿◡‿◡)
This is for all of you who are constantly confronted with people/customers in your job who can ruin your day. We always wish for a little cheering up in such situations, right?
So, how about the guys from Final Fantasy? 🖤
I hope you’ll enjoy my HC’s  🖤 A big thank you to my dear friend @fangirl-ramblings​ 🖤 she has been beta reading for me 🌹
Characters: Prompto, Ignis, Nyx Ulric, Cor Leonis
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The first thing Prompto always does when you come home is to greet you with joy and to kiss you.
He does this today as well,  and his kind and caring nature makes you burst into tears all at once. Oh, you really needed that after that hard day at work. 
You immediately snuggle into your boyfriend's comforting arms and he embraces you. "Y/N? My love, what's wrong?" Prompto is all worried about you and wonders what has you so upset. You don't say anything because your tears won't allow it. Your words are stuck in your throat.
"Did something happen at work?" You nod and Prompto sighs sadly, because he knows you don't have an easy job. Often you come home very sad and exhausted. Loving as he is, he gently strokes through your hair. He stays here with you until you slowly calm down.
He looks down at you with a warm gaze, brushes the tears from your face and gives you a gentle kiss on your forehead. Your cheeks are all flushed, but he thinks that's totally sweet. "Thank you, Prompto. I'm so glad to have you," you whisper as you lean into his hand, which is currently stroking your cheek.
"Come on, Y/N. Let's go for a walk and enjoy the sunset. What do you think?" Prompto knows how good you feel after a walk. And nature especially helps you to calm down. "And after that, we could get some hot dogs? Some fries too? Huh? How does that sound, hon?" His gentle laugh and the soft expression in his eyes is all that makes your heart beat faster. 
It was quickly decided and the two of you head out into nature, walking hand in hand towards the sunset. It is quiet around you. No one to annoy you, no one to be mean and vicious towards you for no reason. Prompto was your angel who knew exactly how to make your heart laugh again.
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As you enter the apartment, sighing and dejected, you think about your terrible day at work, which has robbed you of every nerve. But the very next moment you forget everything when you see the many flowers and candles that have been placed in your apartment. Your eyes become wide and you immediately know who has gone to so much effort.
With a gentle smile on your lips, all frustration suddenly falls away from you. The roses are shining in bright red, the candlelight is shimmering so wonderfully. And now, you also notice the fragrance coming from the kitchen. 
"Good evening, my love." Ignis comes to meet you. With a tender smile on his face, and his eyes were filled with love. Love that was meant for you alone. "Iggy. Wow..." 
Gently, he reaches for your left hand as his left hand places itself on your right hip and he gently sways you. As if he wanted to dance. It was meant more as a loving gesture, but you move along in a slow rhythm as you gaze longingly into his eyes.
"This is so beautiful, Iggy. The flowers, the candles... everything. "I wanted to do something special for you." Ignis cooks for you every night, pampers you where he can, but lately you've been so stressed and down that he wanted to spoil you with a special evening.
You kiss him, whispering how grateful you are for his attention. Sometimes you wonder if Ignis is just a beautiful dream. But every time he kisses you, caresses you and touches you, you know he is not a dream.
Cuddling against his chest, you close your eyes and take in his scent. He smells like home, like your personal oasis of well-being. "I love you, Iggy." "Love you too, my love, With all my heart."
This night you enjoy your togetherness. Your home was filled with sweet words and tender kisses...
Nyx Ulric
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Sighing comfortably, you snuggle up against the chest of the king's servant. There is no better feeling for you than to lie in Nyx Ulric's arms. You feel safe and secure.
You've both decided to spend the night on the couch watching movies. After the busy day you both had at work, you don't want to do anything. And it feels damn good to just lay around and enjoy the togetherness.
Your snacks are on the table in front of the couch; now laid out in a totally messed up way, it looks like raccoons have been at work, but that doesn't bother you at all. A little mess never hurt anyone.
"I could get used to this," you mumble as you look at the TV, snuggling up against Nyx's chest. Against his bare, warm chest. Nyx strokes your hair as he quietly agrees. It was more of a low hum, for he was a bit tired himself already.
"Thanks, hon. Movie night was a good idea of yours." Nyx just knew what helped you switch off and leave the daily grind behind. Nyx answered you with a tender kiss. You looked deep into his eyes as your lips slowly parted. Quickly, the movie was forgotten as Nyx gently strokes through your hair again and again, keeping his arm around your shoulder to have you close to him.
"I want you to be okay, Y/N," he whispers before kissing you softly again. You're on cloud nine, Nyx was a very special man to you after all. You love everything about this man. His character, his looks, the way he treats you. You couldn't be happier.
You have a simple life, but the most important thing for you was to find each other at the end of the day, to enjoy your young love and to live it to the fullest. 
His kiss deepens, accompanied by a comforting sigh. "What about the movie, Nyx?" You grin against his lips as you say this, knowing Nyx had something else in mind. "Fuck it. You're way more important right now!" Chuckling softly, you pull yourself onto his lap and this time it was you who gave him a passionate kiss...
Cor Leonis
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You are pissed off! Pissed off and frustrated! What do people actually allow themselves? Why are customers so eager to ruin your day? You throw the store key into your handbag after locking the door and hope that you won't have to see anyone else today! After this horrible day, you need a week off to calm your nerves!
Sighing, you run a hand through your hair as you make your way home. You really felt like crying at the moment, because it seems like people have lost all respect.
Cor certainly wasn't home yet and that frustrated you even more. There would be nothing better right now than to enjoy the evening with him. Unfortunately, his work often doesn't allow that. But you knew what was in store for you when you married him. Nevertheless, you made a conscious decision to marry Cor Leonis and you still don't regret it.
When you think of Cor, you instantly smile. You don't care about the customers, because in the end they are not a permanent part of your life. But Cor is part of your life and no matter how shitty a day could be, the thought of being in Cor's arms always made your heart smile.
Just as you thought of him, Cor was standing not three meters in front of you. You were so deep in thought that you didn't even notice him at first. He was leaning against his black car, a bouquet of red roses in his hand. "Hey, sweetheart." You love it when he calls you that. Immediately your mood rises and you smile. "Cor!" You rush to him, Cor's gentle smile makes your heart beat faster.
His tender kiss makes you melt away, your knees instantly go all weak. It's a long and tender kiss. "How are you, Y/N? Are you okay?" he asks as he strokes your cheek tenderly. "Now that you're here, I'm doing wonderful." The roses he brought you are beautiful and you can't wait to have them bloom in your home.
You didn't know Cor had another surprise for you. He doesn't drive the usual route to get home, but instead drives in the opposite direction. When you see the car stop in front of a very classy restaurant, you look at Cor with wide eyes. "But... I  look terrible. My hair and my clothes..." But Cor just smirks back at you, leans out to you and kisses you deeply. You instantly fall silent, returning the kiss of the man you so desire.
"You are beautiful and desirable, Y/N." He leans forward a little so that you're pressed into the seat, and you bite your lips in anticipation, knowing how this evening will end. "And if we weren't in a public place, I'd take you right here and now in my car..." "Is that so?"
You both laugh as a last, intense kiss takes place between you before you end the evening together with a romantic dinner...
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a-world-in-grey · 2 years
Do you think that, hypothetically, it would be possible for the oracle line to do similar to the the LC where they share their magic? Or do you think it is something that is specifically just an LC thing because of the different things the LC magic can do?
Honestly, I have no idea.
My hc is that Bahamut's Blessing is Light, Life, War, and Steel. Unlike the other Astrals, Bahamut split his Blessing into two separate ones. So the LCs predominantly get the War and Steel while the Oracles get the Light and Life. Not that there isn't some crossover - I hc that both lines have armigers, and that the LCs ability to make potions and other curatives are a watered down form of Oracle healing. And in the end, the base for the armiger and warping is all based on Bahamut's domain of Light.
LCs share magic by creating a bond between them and the person they are sharing their magic with. A link between souls, in other words.
That said, Bahamut's domain has nothing to do with souls.
Which begs the question of why Lucis Caelums can share their magic.
The two theories I'm juggling are that a) the Crystal is what enables Lucis Caelums to link their souls, which then begs the question of how the Crystal does that and if enables the ability for all Lucis Caelums or only those that grow up in close enough proximity or some other mechanism, but means that only Lucis Caelums can share their magic, or b) it's magic itself that allows people to create such bonds, and it's only the Lucis Caelums that know how to do it in the current day/have the magic to do so, which would enable the Oracles to share their magic so long as they know how to do so.
@secret-engima any thoughts on this?
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andywinter16 · 11 months
Touch starved glaives with S/O HC part 4
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Our redhead Tredd drives me up against a wall Furia! Tredd is difficult guy, that´s for sure. He´s the type who would snatch you over his shoulder to somewhere private. I should warn you, he probably thinks his touch starvesness can be solved by hand to hand combat or by sex. Tredd and gentle touches are foreign contept, kind of. Because it´s big deal for him! Super intimate and all that jazz with his dear S/O. Tredd is capable of sweeter touches, but he has to get used to them first. (for few times was stiff and unsure how to proceed, and ... you know, he´s more one night stand guy. So dating someone seriously is mindblowing ) Treddie will never tell no though to your touches and kisses. You will get teased by him a lot about that. “ Can´t get enough of Tredd, eh?” (Be mindfull of his scar please, boy has some insecurities about it) Even though it looks awesome, but dont tell him I said that.
You will need to get him out of trouble. Tredd would be much likely taughting everyone to fight him. Grab him by the ear and drag away to some secluded place or he won´t stop. (If you do that he kinda stops being “macho Tredd” and more subdued tame Tredd) Like I can see him in that secluded office talking bullshit to you, and you just grab him by the belt and you press him to your body. “Shut up, Tredd!”  while you scratch his scalp. And if you manage to softly blow behind is ears or neck, then Tredd will shudder and those pretty brown eyes will be wide and dark with want. Strandle his lap my good S/O, so he wont go causing trouble again. And what can I say more, Tredd will definitively suprise you with how touchy he can get when you do that. 😉
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He/him lesbian prompto.......
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secret-engima · 2 years
Yo this is amazing! I have had thoughts on this for so freaking long but someone finally put it in words! The world building in Naruto is a mess and a half and i’m so happy to read more  callouts on it. btw btw How okay would you be with people using this in a fic with credit?
Me: hi! I’m glad you liked it. As a general rule, I am okay with ppl using my HCs in their fics as long as they credit me and the HCs are:
1. General worldbuilding HCs for that world/culture, such as the ninja economics rant
2. General HCs for canon characters that aren’t heavily AU specific (like my HCs about why Lee and Gai are Like That and my general Uchiha culture posts).
For specific/AU-centric HCs, OCs, or OG clans (like my Bestia clan in FFXV) pls feel free to ask on a case by case basis. :D. Just don’t be surprised or have hurt feelings if I say no (I’m very protective of my OC blorbos ^^;).
So yea feel free to use the ninja economics in a fic, and if the fic is posted on tumblr or Ao3, feel free to tag me so I can come admire it!
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altrxisme · 1 year
@generalorcaptain sent “You stopped breathing.”
‘Something's Wrong’ Sentence Starters // accepting!!
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Johanne simply grunted in pain and turned to her side, coughing up another round of water. One of the mages by her side gently rubbed her back and she was grateful for that. The body of water she'd fallen into after summoning a Blizzard wasn't deep, but having been unconscious when she fell in still got her deep enough to have almost drowned again.
"Well, that tends to happen... when you can't move... in deep water." Ice still flaked her gloved hands, her body doing its best to tremble warmth back into her body from the Ice and entire form being soaked. Johanne thought they'd have learned from the last time no one had caught her.
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gummysungshine · 10 months
Loqi @ Aranea:
"Keep making fun of my height, and your life will be just as short as I am."
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dbphantom · 2 years
Ignis watching people walk across the pipe like (◕_◕)
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mooglecharm · 2 years
Post-lunch coffee thoughts: Ignis and his cat (Happy International Cat Day!)
Ignis first met Noctis when he was six years old. But he was already promised to the crown as soon as he was born.
When he was five years old, King Regis, whom he had never met, had a task for him:
He was to take care of a 12-week-old kitten.
It was a pure black kitten, with the brightest blue eyes. Ignis fell in love with it from the start.
And it seemed it fell in love with him, too. It rubbed against his legs, mewed softly at him, and did not struggle when he picked it up to cuddle it.
Ignis was not allowed to name it; only the king had that privilege.
Little Ignis was told that the kitten was special to the king, but wasn't told why. perhaps it was going to be a companion to the young prince, like Ignis was. perhaps it was going to be the king's own pet.
Whatever the case, Ignis needed to show that he could take care of it.
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It wasn't easy. Ignis was still learning his own strengths and limits. Sometimes he would pet it too harshly, and it would run away from him. Sometimes, when playing or reading books more advanced for his age, he forgot it was time to feed it. Sometimes, he took his eyes off it for one second - and it was gone.
There were times when he couldn't find it no matter how hard he looked. On those days, little Ignis would find a corner and cry.
He didn't want any of the adults seeing him cry; it would mean he was weak. Too weak to be made a companion to the Lucian prince.
But no matter where Ignis was hiding, the kitten found him. It would rub up against him with comforting purrs, and mew as if calling him by name.
Ignis' face would brighten up, and he would take the kitten home, feed it (he would prepare the food himself, of course), then play with it until they both fell asleep exhausted.
Ignis truly loved the kitten. He swore he would take care of it for as long as it lived.
But one day, a few months before he was to enter palace employ, Ignis woke up to find the kitten gone. He searched everywhere, but couldn't find it.
Eventually, his elders told him that the king had ordered the kitten removed. Ignis had taken good care of it, he said, and his duty was done.
He asked his elders if he could see the kitten in the Citadel. He was told no. It was not in the citadel. He asked where it was. But nobody knew.
Ignis searched up and down Insomnia in distress. He wouldn't eat, or sleep, and insisted on going around the city on his own, at 5 years old, to look for the missing kitten.
Finally he came home, tired and sad and angry. His uncle, who worked for the citadel, went to him.
"Ignis," he said, "come here."
He said the King had a message for Ignis. He said, the King had given Ignis the kitten to teach him a lesson: how to let go of something he was meant to love, but was not meant to keep.
It was a hard lesson for a very young child to learn, but the King said Ignis had to learn it, more than anyone. He did not explain why. His uncle did not know why, either.
"You must trust in the King's wisdom, as we all do," his uncle instructed. "His wisdom is the gods'."
"Can't I even know where it is?" Ignis miserably asked, still wiping tears from his eyes. "I want to see it."
"I'm not allowed to tell you," his uncle said with genuine regret. "But i can tell you this: it's safe. It's loved. It's happy. Maybe not as happy as it had been with you, but happy enough."
Hearing this gave Ignis hope and strength. It was safe. It was loved. It was happy. Just not with him.
And maybe one day, on a fated day, far into the future, they would meet. And they would be happy again.
But little Ignis swore to himself that he would never be so attached again. at any time, anything he was tasked to take care of, could suddenly be taken away.
This was the lesson the King had wanted him to learn, and he learned it well.
So when he faced the crown at age 6, ready to take on his new role as companion to the prince, he felt his little heart was hardened. He was stronger now. He was ready.
But then the young prince peeked out at Ignis from behind his father's legs. His wide eyes were the brightest blue.
When Ignis extended his hand, the prince took it with both hands and smiled brightly at him.
And Ignis fell in love from the start.
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
hi hello okay i’m back because i just heard that FINAL FANTASY 16 IS COMING OUT AND IM SUPER PUMPED BC LIKE AHHHHHHHH! but with that being said, can you write hcs for the chocobo boys (if not just prompto is fine💕) with a medic s/o? they are kinda witchy but love cooking and handling animals but they also are the medic for the team bc the squad can’t all rely on noct😭😭 gaaahh tysm and BIG CONGRATS ON THE MAGAZINE THATS SO FRIGGIN COOL!!!💕💕
Chocobros with a medic s/o
notes - I HAD TO GET TO THIS ONE BECAUSE IVE HAD A SECRET FFXV BRAINROT AHHHH. And omg I am also super excited for FFXVI!!!! <33333 I just love this idea too so thank you so so so so much for sending it in <333 AND OMFG THANK YOU FOR THE CONGRATS IT MEANS THE WORLD I AM SO EXCITED TO SHOW YOU GUYS!!!
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this man is so grateful to you
like you are his saving grace
we all know this little dummy will find his way to fall in a ditch and hurt his arm by accident
without you, he'd probably be dead LMFAO
he will always walk up to you and in the cutest little voice be like... "y/n, I hurt my arm again"
and you'll just jokingly sigh and fix him right up
he always asks you about how you do it and all that and finds it really cool that you are able to fix him up with herbs and stuff
and when you cook for him??? he would never tell iggy, but he loves your cooking more ;)
also the fact that you're good with animals makes chocobos love you which means they are always just around you and that makes prompto love you more <3
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you two definitely were the enemies to lovers troupe
like you were competing
you both could cook and take care of the others so it was immediate competition
you were always pushing each other around in a kitchen or whatever
but then you realized it was easier for you to deal with stuff as a team
and ofc you fell in love <3
he thinks you are very talented and honestly, when he's hurt, he will come to you and always feel bad lol
like he will feel like a burdan
please remind him that he isnt <3
he will love to learn how you use your herbs and stuff <3
overall, he just loves how amazing and talented you are and is so thankful about how you help the rest of the group
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this man trusts you with his life
he is always getting beat up and needs you there by his side to help
he appreciates it a bunch
and you'll always call him a big dummy when he gets hurt and then get straight to working on him, but that always makes him blush
make him ramen
like homemade stuff
please stop this man from eating cup noodles
but yeah, he is always getting hurt so to watch you work on him and help him out means the world to him
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this man gets too embarrassed to tell you he's hurt, so you always have to spot it
omg what a child
you will always get on his ass about that and he'll just be blushing as you work on him
ignis gets mad because you are super nice about Noct being picky and will make him food he enjoys instead of trying to make him something he doesnt like lol
you will baby him a bit because he is the king and he needs to be protected <3
he gets blushy when you do and act like he doesnt like it, but we all know he does <3
final fantasy masterlist | pinned post
2023 @tonberry-yoda – do not repost or claim ANY of my work as your own! likes, reblogs, and comments are not only welcome, but appreciated
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rosemary-morgan · 1 year
FFXV - HC’s about your pregnancy and how the boys would take care of you
Female Reader
I have some cute ideas in mind 🖤 Let your dearest boy take care of you 💋 I want to thank everyone who read and support my stuff.
A big thank you to my dear friend @fangirl-ramblings​ 🖤 she has been beta reading for me 🌹
(Pictures/GIF are not mine! Found on Pinterest/Google/tumblr)  
Characters: Prompto, Nyx Ulric, Cor Leonis, Gladio and Ignis
Warning: Pregnant reader, some argument, mention of love making
A little reminder: Requests are open 😋
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⦁When you tell Prompto about your pregnancy, he is overjoyed! He can't stop kissing you, he even cries because he is so happy! And you cry with him.
⦁He immediately tells the good news to his friends and they of course rejoice with him. It will not be easy to choose a godfather for the child.
⦁He thinks you are the most beautiful woman in the world. Seeing you like this, with your beautiful round belly, makes him very happy. A part of him lives in you now.
⦁Prompto is so excited! He is already buying so many things for the unborn child. Clothes, toys and books of fairy tales, so he can read them to his child every night.
⦁Prompto gets you everything you feel like. No matter how crazy your cravings are, he would willingly drive hundreds of miles to see you happy. Even in the middle of the night he will get you your favorite ice cream if you ask for it.
⦁He will protect you and the little one with his life.
⦁When fears and worries rob you of your sleep, Prompto will tell you with that sweet voice of his, that everything will be fine. You will hear words full of love that will make your heart laugh again.
⦁He will probably freak out if you get hurt or catch some illness. He will take good care of you, but overacting sometimes.
⦁On the nights when you are in his arms, he is even more tender and loving than he already is. He loves you and the little one in your belly. Sometimes he sings to his child. Softly and in a gentle voice, while he lovingly looks at you and caressing your belly.
Nyx Ulric:
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⦁ Your pregnancy is not planned at all and you are afraid to tell him that you are expecting a his child.
⦁ Nyx is speechless at first and just stares at you with wide eyes. You don't know what's going on in his head and what he's thinking about, and that makes you very nervous. Does he want this child? Is he going to freak out now?
⦁ Your anxiety grows as no reaction comes from Nyx. But when he sees your tears and the sad expression on your face, he wakes up from his trance. He can't stand to see you so sad and immediately wraps you in his arms "Hey, hey... it's alright. It's okay."
⦁ Nyx is very loving and also understanding. He loves you more than anything. As time goes by, Nyx becomes more and more excited that you are expecting a child from him. A little being that grows inside you. A greater gift you could not offer him.
⦁ However, he is concerned about whether he can provide you and the baby with the life you deserve. He will do anything to make you happy.
⦁ His worries are great, but when he sees you, full of joy and also full of love, he forgets his fears. In you he has met his soul mate.
⦁ Your nights are full of love and passion. Nyx shows you how beautiful you are and how much he desires you.
⦁ Nyx and you become even closer.
⦁ Nyx will no longer risk his life so recklessly, for he has a great responsibility. He chooses his missions carefully and is highly concentrated.
⦁ He informs himself about pregnancy, gets books and guidebooks, so that he is prepared for the coming weeks and months. He supports you where he can, because he knows that pregnancy is not an easy thing.
⦁ When your baby is born, he doesn't leave your side and when he finally sees this sweet little creature, his beautiful blue eyes shimmer with tears. "I love you. Both of you", he says as he strokes your hair and kisses you full of love.
Cor Leonis:
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⦁ You have been trying to have a child for a long time, but it doesn't happen so easily for you.
⦁ The more time goes by and you don't succeed, the more unhappy you are about it. It is your greatest wish, but Cor also wishes to start a family.
⦁ You start to doubt yourself and are afraid that Cor might leave you. Even though you know deep inside that he would never do that. He loves you and wants to share his life with you.
⦁ But one day, when you think all hope is lost a small miracle happens, You can hardly believe it, but it happened!
⦁ Cor can hardly believe it when he comes home and you give him this beautiful news.
⦁ You kiss each other in tears, Cor showers you with kisses. He can't put into words how happy he is. Lovingly he embraces your face, looks at you with tears and smiles. "I love you, Y/N."
⦁ He lifts you in his arms and takes you to the bedroom where he loves you with passion. It's a long night of you making love. You lose all sense of time, because you are in your own world, forgetting everything around you...
⦁ Cor works less to be there for you.
⦁ You take many walks in nature and when you are not feeling well, he lovingly takes care of you.
⦁ You love his kisses on your belly, you like the way he looks at you; full of love and affection. You have found the man to spend the rest of your life with
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⦁ Gladio is completely shocked at first. This was not planned at all! He literally panics!
⦁ He becomes louder, asks you how this is supposed to work? Because as I said, it was not planned at all! He thinks he is completely unsuitable as a father. He has other obligations and can not also take care of a child!
⦁ His extremely negative reaction shocks you. You try to calm him down, but Gladio is much too upset.
⦁ "This shouldn't have happened! Damn it, Y/N!" He doesn't think about what he's saying "What are you doing to me, Y/N?!"
⦁ After that sentence, you can't hold back your tears and Gladio sees that too. He sees your shocked expression and immediately regrets his words. But we know how stubborn he can be and he doesn't even apologize to you at first.
⦁ He leaves the apartment, because he first needs a clear head. He must gain distance from you in order not to hurt you even more. Gladio really regrets his words, but he needs to be alone for now.
⦁ His friend Ignis manages to calm him down and give him some advice. As a result, Gladio calms down and his feelings don't take over his mind. Rational thinking is now the order of the day.
⦁ Gladio really loves you very much and he wants to be there for you.
⦁ When he comes home and finds you crying in your shared bed, it breaks his heart. He asks you for forgiveness and holds you tightly in his arms. "I am so sorry. Please, forgive me. Please, Y/N..."
⦁ He knew what an idiot he had been and deeply regrets it.
⦁ Gladio is very gentle and affectionate in dealing with you. He treats you as if you were made of glass.
⦁ And if anyone is rude or rough with you, oh, God have mercy on them! He becomes overprotective.
⦁ He shows a lot of understanding when your hormones go crazy.
⦁ Lying in his lap, he strokes your hair and is so happy about the course his life has taken.
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⦁ When you tell Ignis the happy news, he is overjoyed! You made him the proudest man in the world. His beautiful wife brings new life into the world! Who would not be happy and proud?
⦁ You both knew from the beginning that you wanted children. You didn't want to wait long to have them and now you are going to be very young parents.
⦁ Ignis takes care of you as if you were the greatest treasure on earth. Well, he did that before, but now his protective instinct has also become stronger.
⦁ Ignis cooks you meals that are healthy, but also very tasty! So no boring dishes, just really fancy things!
⦁ Ignis knows that you are going through a special time and that you need every support, and you will get it from him. He does most of the housework because he doesn’t want you to overwork yourself.
⦁ He will prepare baths for you, with fragrant oils, and petals of flowers. And while you take a bath, he admires you, caressing your belly, while he keeps looking at you gently. Full of love.
⦁ He often makes trips with you. Your favorite destination is Galdin Quay. There you spend passionate nights together.
⦁ Sometimes, you sit on the beach at night and look at the stars in the sky. You talk about your future. These evenings will remain in your memory for a long time, because they are very special.
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cosmic-metanoia · 5 months
A Potentially Interesting Friendship
*Spoilers for FFXV & FFXVI :)*
I couldn't help but notice that Noctis (FFXV) and Joshua (FFXVI), while different from each other in terms of motivations and personalities, have a lot in common in terms of their backstories:
*Both are the chosen ones in their respective kingdoms - Noctis as the One True King and Joshua as the future Archduke of Rosaria/the Phoenix's Dominant
*Both lose their fathers suddenly and tragically.
*Both have to deal with their own physical limits as children - Noctis with a knee/leg injury and Joshua with his overall health.
*Both live sheltered lives of royalty until their kingdoms are toppled over.
*Both of their fathers believe in them and their legacies push them to become the leaders that they were born to be.
*Both are gone for a period of time from the public eye - Noctis becomes dormant in the Crystal for 10 years while Joshua is away for 18 years while under the care of the Undying.
*Both emerge from their period of absence better than ever in their glow up era!
*Both sacrifice themselves in order to save humanity.
*Both hate carrots/vegetables (come on, you KNEW this was coming!)
*Both have dedicated retainers that take their own roles VERY seriously and would die for their masters. Ignis for Noctis and Jote for Joshua. (I have a HC where Jote and Ignis would get along and have a mutual understanding between each other regarding their duties. Maybe they'd even offer each other helpful advice on dealing with their stubborn masters, lol!)
It would be interesting to see Noctis and Joshua form a friendship based on the bonding of their mutual struggles and heavy burdens.
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darealkatastrophe · 5 months
WARNING: This is an NSFW post, please don’t read if you’re underage or don’t like this content. May have possessive, derogatory terms, and inappropriate behavior to some. These thoughts are completely random, probably not grammatically correct, and are chaotic! Please and Thank you!
Ffxv random NSFW thoughts!
If there was a kingdom of sass, Noctis would obviously be the king. Noctis being smug, and being slick with his words, makes me feel some type of way. His voice is literally my favorite! That chuckle after he gets knocked down and is in danger, is literally the best at making me super excited. For sure Noctis is a tease, and he will make his partner squirm for him until they go to the hotel or camp (He’s a freak in bed for sure). I have a HC that Noctis may not be a good flirt but since he’s a prince he’s used to saying what he wants directly, as if he said nothing at all. For instance, “So face down, ass up when we get to the hotel? JK, unless,” he purrs while pretending to put a hair behind his ear, giving you one of his famous smug smirks. Noctis would whisper the dirtiest line ever said, then blink as if he didn’t say such a thing.
However Noctis gets jealous easily, especially since his childhood was heavily guarded, even though he went to public school because King Regis wanted him to have a normal life before Noctis had to heed the prophecy’s call. Noctis watching his s/o like a hawk, not because he doesn’t trust his s/o, it’s because some men not all, tend to give unwarranted attention towards his s/o. Noctis wants to protect his s/o from creeps. When he does get jealous, his mood changes from his normal dorky behavior to a more sensual possessive manner. Noctis grabs his s/o by their arm and pull them away whoever is making him jealous. Then Noctis will do something that may think that is out of his character, just to find out that it’s not. He takes his s/o to a dead end alleyway or a closed off area where people don’t really have access to. He will asks s/o if they have feelings for the person who was “flirting” with s/o. Noctis doesn’t want to lose you, since his whole childhood was full of near experiences of death or seeing others death. Noctis deeply growls in his husky voice “ They can flirt with you all they want, but we both know you belong to me, and you love belonging to me,” as he kisses your forehead down to your neck, slowly sucking after every kiss and peck. He whispers sweet and dirty nothings as he does so. “Nobody is going to see how my good girl is such a good slut for me,” Noctis chuckles darkly in a seductive tone. “Look how my kitten mewls go well for me when I pet her here,” he smugly states, “Look how wet she is, slowly trickling down her slick to her ass and thighs,” he growls “No one could make you feel like this only me!” No matter what he is considerate with his darling, helping clean, dress and walk home from the spicy events that occurred not long before. He apologizes if he was too rough or if he hurt his s/o feelings, and will comfort them if needed be.
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