#fem canadian
beautifulfaaces · 2 years
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Zenia Marshall
May 31, 1999
Canadian actress
Keely [One of Us Is Lying: 2021]
Mirabel [Date My Dad: 2017]
Ashley [Summer of Dreams: 2016]
brown eyes
playable: teenager, young adult
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comfy-pink-666 · 6 months
Her name is now Page
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felidaefatigue · 7 months
femme adjacent of anykind people with lower or rumbly, like just deeper in your chest relaxed voices make me so warm n fuzzy bless each and every one.
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Honestly, although i didn't get any request (i expected it so I'm not that bummed) I've been having so much fun making quick silly icons!
I had no idea i would have fun with this but making that pearl one made me so happy!! Very enjoyable 100% recommend
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(the offer is still up tenfold now btw, not only is Etho losing hard but Cleo's race is way too damn close!! If you voted for them hit me up!)
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voiceemporium · 2 years
Beatrice in OTGW voiced by Melanie Lynskey
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tinmunky · 2 years
About Last Night
Found on AO3 here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/1086437/chapters/2185605
No Galaxy for Old Men Series - Part One - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four
Characters & Pairings: Zaeed Massani/Fem!Shep, James Vega (if you squint), Aria T’Loak, Grizz
Summary: Shepard has some unhealthy coping mechanisms and the next morning leaves some surprising results.
Rating: Mature for violence, language and innuendo - 4,183 words
Tags: Sexual tension, drinking problems, friendship, banter, canon typical violence
Audio Parings: The Black Keys - Howlin’ For You
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Commander Shepard needed a fucking drink and every bill comes due.
Chapter One - One Night on Omega
It had been three weeks since Horizon and Shepard’s mood had steadily darkened only to reach a crescendo of absolute rage when Kaidan had the nerve to write that joke of a non-apology letter. She had fucking died for god’s sake. A Letter! Everyone else seemed to be able to find her vid com if they wanted something, yet he couldn’t even apologize properly. God. Damned. Asshole.
Shepard was pretty sure this was some sort of galactic joke. How many plot twists could a girl take before cracking. Apparently three. Death, Cerberus and one betrayal. On a purely rational level, she got it. It had been two years for him, and two months for her. Everything was still pretty raw for her and he had calloused over.
Garrus was on eggshells, Chakwas hadn’t left the infirmary since Horizon and Joker was using his high pitched “everything’s fine” voice. He was probably terrified that the massive rage brewing in Shepard’s biotics were going to short the inertial dampeners or some equally ridiculous sciencey bit. The only person who seemed unfazed was Massani.
It was shortly after Horizon Joker started hounding Shepard to put in at the maintenance dock on Omega for “routine maintenance,” Shepard had heard “unstoppable paranoia”, narrowed her eyes and decided to forge on. Joker wasn’t exactly good at subterfuge. Though, after Joker’s 50th request and that piece of shit Alenko’s letter, she had relented. Omega might be exactly what she needed after the whole Alenko debacle.
So, here she was, waiting for the airlock of the Normandy to release her onto Omega so she could do some nice, healthy damage to her liver. Work out some of that aggression and get back on track to saving a galaxy that didn’t give a shit that it was in danger.
This was probably the only place in known space that could handle her mood right now. The deep thrum of the ship eased as the last dock clamp clanged into place and the main engines powered down to reserve levels. The airlock eased upwards and the atmospheres met in a hiss of vapor as Shepard took her first step out the door and towards a big ass drink.
“Commander Shepard.” A voice as sweet as a babbling brook and about as deep slashed into her little storm cloud. Shepard took a breath, her eyes fluttering closed in exasperation, and counted to ten before turning.
“Yeoman Chambers.” She hoped she put enough disdain into the title to head any friendliness off at the pass. Joker may not trust EDI, and Miranda and Jacob seemed like the obvious loyalists, but the real spy threat came from Chambers as far as Shepard was concerned. A Cerberus lackey through and through, she had drunk the Kool-Aid to the last drop. Chambers had dossiers on all crew members, knew their dirty little psych profile secrets and Shepard would bet dollars to donuts, reported everything down to the last deuce to The Illusive Man. She was not a fan.
“Commander Shepard, are you going ashore?” Chambers tapped at her data pad. Shepard looked at her dumbfounded. Looked at her armored feet on the dock. Looked back at Chambers still in the lock.
“Well Chambers. It appears that I am outside of the ship. And I am on shore. So suffice to say, yes. Yes, I am going ashore.”
“Cerberus regulations state that any shore party must consist of a commanding officer and two squad members! This really is against policy.” Chambers huffed.
If Shep wasn’t already at the homicidal rage point of her day, she probably would have laughed.
“Chambers” She spoke slowly “Do I look like I give a shit about Cerberus regulations and/or policy?” Folding her arms across her armored chest. The polycarbonate clicking against each other as a satisfying bookend to her crisp tone.
Chambers looked Shepard up and down. At 6ft tall, face scarred and armed to the teeth, she didn’t look like she gave a shit about much, other than her own objectives.
“Well, no. No I suppose you don’t.” Chambers’ brow furrowed and then quickly cleared. “Shall I inform XO Lawson of your absence?”
“You can inform Ms. Lawson of any goddamn thing you please Chambers. I am going to the bar.”
Shepard climbed the stairs to Afterlife a woman on a mission. She strode straight through the door, passing the Elcor bodyguard without stopping. An outraged snarl made it above the ambient din.
“What the fuck! She wasn’t even in line!”
“With barely contained disdain, she is on the list. You are not.”
Shepard never slowed her pace until she pulled up to the bar and hailed a passing Salarian bartender.
“Commander Shepard! Shall I make Ms. T’Loak aware of your arrival.” Solicitous as only Salarians can be.
“No need to bother her majesty, I’m here for a drink only.”
Afterlife had the charm of that special circle of hell that religion threatened you with if you had too much fun in life. The pulsing music, the beautiful creatures that moved across the dance floor, the high potential for bloodshed. All pleasant distractions for her simmering anger. She had been here many times on business. Most of the upper management knew her on sight. The rest, by reputation. Shepard had paid homage early on with Aria T’Loak. Trading information, doing favors, taking Massani off her base. With a bit of tit for tat, Aria forged a grudging respect for Shepard, offering her an open door, but not an open tab.
“Oh uh, well then. What will you be having?” he folded his hands happily.
“Do you happen to have anything from Earth?” Shepard sat down for the long haul.
“As a matter of fact... ah yes! I have a lovely bottle of, what I am told, is a human delicacy.” The Salarian placed a square edged green bottle in front of Shepard.
“Ugh, licorice schnapps? Really? It tastes horrible.”
“The Krogan seem to like it.” The Salarian shrugged.
“Whiskey. I’ll just take whiskey. If you have it.”
“Thessian or Sol distilleries? I have a Canadian brand…” The Salarian chortled happily as he bustled under the bar for a glass.
“No, no! No Canadian.” Shepard waved her hands frantically.
Aria commanded quite the view from her loft. Nothing of interest passed unnoticed from the comfort of her couch. She knew she would see Shepard in her dominion the second she had heard that the Normandy had entered Omega space. Her network had informed her that Shepard had some Alliance trouble on Horizon and had expected her to slink in sooner this being one of the few places Shepard would be safe from Alliance and Council reach. The Commander was becoming quite the regular and Aria found each visit more intriguing than the last. She ventured she actually was beginning to like the human. Shepard had cured the plague in the lower levels and relieved Aria of a particularly irritating vigilante and another rather expensive mercenary. Shepard was a heavy hitter, and a wild card. Too noble by far, but her gray area was unpredictable. One minute a paragon of virtue and the next leaving a trail of bodies. She was never boring.
So when Shepard turned up on Omega’s doorstep in the wake of, if the gossip could be trusted, a lover’s quarrel, Aria expected at least some cheap entertainment. What she got was a mopey Cerberus agent dead set on getting shit faced. If the Commander yacked on the bar, it would cost her. Aria had sighed in disappointment and went back to regular business.
The Patriach had already come and lumbered off, polishing off that nasty piece of work in a green square bottle. Old Krogan couldn’t hold his liquor.
“Hey Teddy!” Shepard half climbed over the bar flagging down the passing bartender.
“I’m out of scotch, please don’t kill me.” The Salarian weaseled up to his side of her bar with a wince and a groan.
“I only killed that last guy ‘cause he tried to poison me.” Shepard scoffed, offended “Now Teddy,”
“Yeah, yeah, Teddy.” Shepard leaned against the bar and peered into her empty glass. “I need something a bit stronger. These implants make it a bear to get a buzz nowadays.”
“That so,” he tapped his nonexistent lips in contemplation, “You ever have alcohol from Kahje ma’am?”
Her ears perked up. She had come to Omega to see the sights, smell the horrible Omega smells, and drink the good stuff.
“Now you’re talking my language Teddy.” Barked out a laugh as she felt someone take the seat at the bar next to her. She spins her empty glass, sliding half a look to her left. Tall, human, dark hair and honeyed skin. He’s out of place here. She pointedly ignores him.
“‘Evening ma’am. What brings an Alliance officer like you to a shit hole like Omega?” He asks with a confidence left only to the stupid and young.
Shepard slides the rest of her look his way as she shifts in her chair. Taking in the whole picture of the man so lacking in self preservation that he’d take the empty seat next to her. Handsome and practically a baby for all his bulking muscles and crisp ink. He was at least 10 years her junior, dark hair shorn tight to his head. Alliance jarhead right out of the mold. Too green to be sent here hunting her. Maybe a chance encounter? She smiles all teeth and bad intentions.
“Lemme buy you a drink kid, and don’t ever call me ma’am again. Two Kahje specials Teddy.”
The Salarian groaned again. Handing over the verdant liquid. A evil glint in his massive eyes. “Good luck, Commander.”
The jarhead next her snorted into his glass. Clearly picking up what the turd behind the counter was putting down. She shot Tedelonis a withering glare. He was getting a bit big for his Salarian britches.
“Remember what I did to the last guy that poisoned me Teddy.”
The Alliance kid didn’t seem to notice her thinly veiled threat and plowed forward.
“We tend to know our own don’t we.” He sipped and winced. “We get that ‘been out a space a while’ look and no matter where you are or what you do, you’re Alliance ‘till you die.” He smiled like he shared her secret.
Maybe it was the alcohol, but she felt like her heart finished breaking. She did NOT want to be seen right now, but he knew. Maybe not her, or her circumstance, but he knew what it was like to be cast adrift. To be dropped.
“Huh.” She huffs into her glass “ Annoyingly astute. I’m just going to have to work on my covert abilities then. You got a name marine?” She poked.
James picked up his glass with a slow spreading smile.
“James. You got a name Commander?” He poked back apparently. At least he wasn’t a chickenshit like others she could name.
“Nice to meet you Jimmy.” Shepard sipped her drink, eyeing him across the lip of the glass and licked her lips. Jesus, they were already going numb. Apparently she had just hit the drinking big leagues. For the first time since her resurrection she might actually be able to dull the edge of whatever the fuck this was.
“Logan.” What possessed her to give her given name she would never know.
“Pretty name.” He smiled.
“Bad pickup line.” She frowned.
“Am I that obvious?”
“I’m that good at reading people.” She set her drink down with a click and looked him up and down. “Listen Jimmy, physique like that shouldn’t have too much of a problem finding a date in a place like this. You may be rusty on your one liners, but I’m definitely not the girl you should be talking to here. ”
“How you figure that?” He asked.
”Because, I figure you know who I am, and what I can do, and what I’m about.” Shepard stood, omni tool at the ready to shoot Teddy her tab and beat feet to an even seedier bar if she could find one. This one was too friendly.
“How about this,” James sighed. “I’ll pretend I don’t know who you are, and you pretend that you’re a normal person having a normal conversation keeping me out of trouble while I wait for the private transport I hitched a ride on to make repairs. Humor me, and if I can make you laugh, you’ll let me buy the savior of the Citadel a drink.”
“You’re asking a lot here kid.” Shepard warned. “I was in a right fucking mood when you came up.”
”Challenge accepted.
After a couple of hours of her sad sack drinking, Aria ceased to check on Shepard herself. She had delegated Grizz to update her of any change in Shepard’s activities and went about her usual business.
“Hey boss. Uh, your pet human is talking to another human. Thought that would qualify as a change.” Grizz leaned in to whisper.
“What are they doing Grizz?” Aria sifted through entries on her data pad.
“Uh, well it looks like talking. And Shepard’s laughing,” Aria laser focused on Grizz. “A lot.”
“Laughing?” Aria was incredulous. She must have drank more than Aria thought.
“Laughing boss. “
“Well now. Maybe she’s not actually the ice princess I thought. Let me know if something really interesting happens.” Aria dismissed him with a wave. Grizz remained in place, his subvocals clearing uncomfortably.
Aria huffed and looked up.
”You’re still here Grizz.” Annoyance seeping into her tone.
“On an unrelated front, the front door would like to inform you that a certain Batarian that shall not be named, has resurfaced. “
“Gorzic?” Aria looked up. “That varren fucker. He’s got quads on him to show his face.”
“One and the same boss, and it appears he’s approaching Commander Shepard.”
“You have got to be shitting me.” Aria leaned out over her loft to see for herself. Gorzic was approaching the Commander. She’d clearly caught his eye as his lackeys slapped each other in their excitement. Shepard was no companion or dancer, but she definitely would catch anyone’s eye. This halfwit had no idea what he was getting into.
“Do you want us to detain him?” Grizz asked, his omni glowing, ready to send the order.
Shepard and her companion clinking glasses in that strange human custom before tossing back the drinks in hand. Shepard stood with her back to the sauntering warlord and leaned across the bar to grab Tedelonis in passing. Her hips pressed against the bar edge as she reached. Aria could hear her booming laughter over the din of the music. Well, this should be interesting.
“No, not yet. I want to see how this plays out. Inform Bray he may have to order up a cleaning crew.”
Shepard is in animated discussion with Teddy and her human companion only to be cut off mid sentence as Gorzic’s meaty hand lands flat and hard against the armor weave of the Commander’s left ass cheek.
Aria’s hands fly to her mouth in shocked glee.
Chapter Two - Every Bill Comes Due
Unnnnnngh. God.” Shepard rolled onto her side and cracked a gummy eyelid with an audible click, looking for the bedside clock. Oh ow. What the hell?
0400 ship’s time. She had left for Afterlife at 0100. So either she’d had a really rough three hours or almost twenty four had passed. Gingerly she rolled to her back slowly taking stock of the situation. Okay, fact one, she was in her cabin on the Normandy. The ceiling observation window exposing the gnarly twists and turns of Omega’s infrastructure. Shepard threw her arm over her eyes to block the glare. Fact two, she seemed to have all of her appendages intact, if a little worse for wear. Somehow she’d stripped down to her black Cerberus issue skivvies, hopefully she came home with her armor.
Shepard let out a groan, followed by a gravelly snore. Wait, what?
In a move that would have done any scream queen proud, she turned her head ever so slowly to the opposite bedside, terror building as her mind raced with what she might find.
“AIEEEEE!” she squealed shrilly. Placing both hands and feet into the back of Zaeed Massani, Shepard shoved him clean across the bed and off the other side.
“Christ woman!” His sleep rasped roar followed his resounding thud.
“What the fuck are you doing in my bed?!” Shepard’s words high with panic as she leapt to the other side. She put a healthy distance of one queen sized bed between them.
“What the fuck are you doing shoving me out of it? I was comfortable.” Zaeed slowly rose from the floor. Naked to the waist and clothed only in tattoos, black sleep pants and a bad attitude.
Shepard swallowed thickly and pulled herself together as the adrenaline spike wore off and the hangover rolled back in.
“I asked first.” Her voice dropping an octave.
Zaeed casually fluffed the pillows and laid back into them without so much as a by your leave. Arms folded behind his head, feet crossed at the ankles and a smirk upon his dichotomous face.
“Well about last night…would you believe keeping you from drowning in your own vomit?”
“I hardly believe you’d be so selfless.” Shepard retorted. The acid back in her tone, or was that just bile, ugh she hadn’t felt this vile since waking up dead.
“How bout I had the opportunity for a good night’s sleep in a soft, sweet smellin’ bed, and I would be protecting my paycheck from drowning in her own vomit.”
Shepard looked at him pointedly for a heartbeat longer than the average person would deem comfortable. He obviously had no intention of moving and her internal struggle to stomp the nausea down overrode her social awkwardness from waking next to one of her more tense working relationships. She gingerly settled back into her spot and resumed to nurse the mother of all hangovers. She’d be damned if she would be the one to leave her own bed.
“So then, care to explain our current situation?” Shepard casually waved her hand in an all-encompassing gesture.
“Well lessee.” His tongue darted out to wet his lips “What do you remember last?
Afterlife. Yeah, that sounds about right.
“Last thing I remember is drinking some kind of Hanar juice at Afterlife and…” She was cut off as Zaeed laughed. He laughed much harder than warranted.
“Is it really necessary to laugh so.. loudly?”
“Hanar juice… Honestly, Shepard, for the savior of the galaxy you’re pretty goddam thick. Ever hear the phrase, drinks like a fish? That should be, drinks like a jellyfish. The Hanar distill venom for Christ’s sake. I’m amazed you can string two words together right now.” He turned to look her. Blue eyes narrowed to mismatched ones.
“Do you want to hear the fucking story or not?” Shepard snapped.
“No, no sweetheart, don’t mind me.” Zaeed raised his hands in submission.
Shepard paused… and paused some more.
“And I don’t remember much more than that.”
“Well sweetheart, let me fill some gaps for you. Zaeed purred with amusement.
“Ugh, spare me.”
“Do you want to hear the fucking story or not?” Zaeed threw her words back at her, his smirk playing at the ruined side of his face.
“By all means…” Shepard sunk deeper into the pillows throwing her arm across her face.
“So last night you left the Normandy in a fine fit of rage and looking for trouble. Naturally all proper young ladies looking for a bar fight end up at Afterlife, drunk as a skunk I might add, and apparently you found trouble… does any of this ring a bell?”
“Aside from this being pretty characteristic of an alcoholic, no, it’s not exactly,” Shepard air quoted “Ringing Any Bells.” Before dropping her arm back over her eyes.
“Well you were gone for about ten hours, and in that time you drank 1,000 chits worth of booze," Shepard groaned, "and did 20,000 chits worth of damage to Aria’s bar.” She cringed. “I know this because Aria delivered a bill with your laughing, drunk ass.” He cast her a sideways glance.
“Laughing you say?” she peeked at him from under her arm.
“Still conscious I say! Girl you drank the Patriarch under the table, got your ass slapped by a Batarian warlord and then proceeded to rip his arm off and beat him to death with it. What I wouldn’t have given to see his face! Fucking Batarians!” Approval laced his voice as he ran his hand across the stubble of his check. The hair rasped attractively under his callused palm.
“Yeah, me too.” Shepard let a ghost of a smile cross her face “Though, I don’t particularly like owing Aria money.”
“Oh and you shouldn’t!” Zaeed’s raspy chuckle rolled across her frayed senses, “That’d come outta your ass 110% mark my words! But no worries sweetheart. That Batarian you beat to death was under breach of contract with Ms. T’loak. She had a hit on him for 50k. She wrote on your bill “Paid in Full.” Ha! You’re gonna run good honest bounty hunters like myself outta business if you keep your rates to reimbursement for property damage.” Shepard snorted.
“So the slate is clean?”
“As anything on Omega is.” His lopsided grimace the closest approximation to a smile he could manage.
“Lovely. So if I was such a disaster,” Zaeed chuckled low and rolled on his side facing her. She swallowed. “how’d I make it back here?”
Heat radiated off of his body, soothing her wretched consciousness. His eyes looking her over. God woman, play it cool. Cool. You’re just jacked up on whatever those stupid jellyfish drink. She closed her eyes in a supreme effort of serenity.
“Eh? Some punk with face scars and neck tattoos shows up at the airlock with you slung over his shoulder, armor and all, giggling like a drunken idiot.” Shepard cracked a lid to look him in the opaque eye. The irony not lost on her. He pointedly ignored her pointed look.
“Giggling, Shepard. Like you were some kinda girl. Honestly, I think it scarred me emotionally.” He leered.
“Jealous Massani?”
“Me? Of some fluffed up Omega brat? No, darling. I’m not worried about some young buck. Skills and talent will take you only so far without the refinement of time.”
Shepard shifted uncomfortably. Her clammy skin had warmed from his proximity. Zaeed was definitely one smug piece of shit.
“So. What did I do next?”
“Well, EDI wouldn’t let him on, so she had him leave you in the airlock. Which he was none too pleased about. The Cheerleader woke me out of a lovely sleep, dreaming about the good ole days with my Jessie, on my hard, narrow cot I might add, and had me hoist your ass into your cabin shower. And let me say, you weigh more than some slip of a girl should.”
“I’m 6ft tall Zaeed.”
“And dense as fuck. Anyway, you were still laughing up a storm when Lawson started to hose the Batarian off of you, armor and all. I think it’s still in there, may want to look to that. We put you to bed, don’t worry I looked the other way when she dressed you. Now her you might owe.” Zaeed’s sly smile curled the corner of one lip. He looked away EDI’s shiny metal ass.
“So how did you end up here?” So nonchalant Shepard she thought. Zaeed smiled. Shepard sat up in the bed much more casually than she felt. Making her next question even blander than Kelly Chambers.
“So. Um. Did we…?”
Zaeed barked a laugh, but shifted uncomfortably. Shepard released a breath she hadn’t realize she was holding. It wasn’t like Zaeed wasn’t attractive, especially considering his current arrangement, but Shepard had more post death, my Alliance boyfriend broke up with me because I was resurrected by the space devil, oh and I’m all that stands between everyone and galactic annihilation baggage than a one night stand with a surly merc she had to work with on a professional level could handle.
“No. I’m not going to ruin the one friendship I’ve managed in 20 years by sleeping with you. I prefer my women only slightly more cognizant” Shepard smiled “…and unlike to vomit on me.” And the moment was gone.
“Besides, and no offense Shepard, but I’ve seen you dance.”
Ah, his acerbic wit. Like a cold shower dousing any innuendo he had left to smolder. She wasn’t quite sure if she appreciated the gesture or not.
“Wow, thanks for kicking me when I’m down Massani.”
Zaeed tipped his imaginary hat.
“Not a problem sweetheart. Do you still need your puke bucket? I’m sure Gardner would like his pot back.”
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dapht-punk-420 · 1 year
When hell freezes over, the dead shall walk the earth.
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beautifulfaaces · 2 years
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Jennifer Tong
January 2, 1996
Canadian actress
Rebecca [Fakes: 2022]
Lila [John from Home: 2021]
Su [Grand Army: 2020]
Tracy [Sacred Lies: 2018]
Wadaka [The Magician: 2017]
Dorcas [Plot Hole: 2016]
black hair
brown eyes
playable: young adult
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sc0tters · 8 months
Game Night | Quinn Hughes
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summary: when you and Quinn have the lake house to yourself he comes up with the perfect way to turn pool into an interesting game.
request: yes/no
warnings: mature themes, p in v, unprotected sex, swearing, oral (fem receiving!), semi-proof read.
word count: 3.48k
authors note: from the moment I got this request I knew I had to write it cause I had been thinking about it the all day… low-key edited your request but that’s only because once I thought about strip pool it was the only thing I could think of. I know I got the whole two shot rule wrong but let’s be real here, you aren’t reading this to learn about pool.
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This was meant to be the weekend before the storm hit.
Quinn had convinced you to join him at the lake house days before the rest of the boys joined you two.
The lake house wasn’t uncharted territory for you. Quinn met you the day he moved to Vancouver, the interaction was short at first but when you ended it reminding him that he was always welcome over so you could show him your favourite takeaway places in the city.
It didn’t take long for you two to become friends but once it happened you were quickly sent into a spiral that catapulted the friendship to the best friend category. Ellen met you during one of her many trips to the Canadian city when she was checking up on her son, it made her smile how you were the only thing that Quinn would talk about.
When she encouraged him to bring you back to the lake house it made Quinn feel at ease how you seemed to slip right into the family dynamics, by the third day of you being the Jim even let you be his second chef at the barbecue, something he didn’t even let his own wife do.
Somehow throughout all of the years of friendship you two never crossed the line that went over to the romantic side of things. Sure people swore you did, the way his hand always found its way around your lap or how your favourite seat seemed to be his lap. But you two swore that it was always friendly, now that didn’t mean that the thought of Quinn’s head between your legs didn’t cross your mind during those lonely night when you had nothing more than the help of your vibrator. Yet you managed to keep Quinn unaware of the fact that he was your new favourite thought to get off to “you good?” He snapped his fingers in front of your face as you zoned out.
You were quick to shake your head as a crimson coat spread across your cheeks “I-I’m great.” You stuttered as you nodded quickly getting up to get yourself another drink.
Unaware of the arousal that formed between your thighs, Quinn followed you “I was thinking we should play some pool to end the night?” He proposed as he leaned against the frame of the door flexing his biceps as he crossed his arms.
You took a gulp of your seltzer letting the fruity liquid hit the back of your throat “you seriously want to play? You furrowed your eyebrows knowing that when the boys arrived pool and table tennis would be two of the only activities you’d do as a group inside.
It made him chuckle “thought we could play with a twist.” Quinn shrugged with a devilish smirk that spread across his face.
Something told you to hear him out as curiosity got the best of you “I’m listening,” you batted your eyelashes as you looked up at him “remember strip poker?”
That was a time of your life when you brought Quinn along to the last college party you went to as the frat boys thought it was a smart idea to play strip poker “I’m going to stop you right there.” You cut him off drawing a groan from his lips.
The Canucks player as he thought it was a good way to spice the evening up “you think you’re gonna lose?” Quinn teased knowing that he was pressing your competitive buttons.
A scoff left your lips “you’re on Hughesy.” You pointed your finger at him before you pushed past him making sure that you were in the pool room first.
Whilst Quinn had lost his hat and shoes you had lost your socks and both your bracelet and necklace to the game. Meaning that each of you were going to have to start removing actual clothes for the next balls “what are you thinking of going with?” Quinn smirked as he looked up to you once he potted in his fifth ball into the hole that was in front of you.
You rolled your eyes as you let your pool stick rest against the wall “don’t act like this isn’t what you wanted me to take off first.” You mumbled to yourself as you pulled your shirt over your head revealing the sky blue bra that you were wearing.
He didn’t mean to stare, truly that wasn’t his plan. But it felt wrong to Quinn to let you show off such a stunning bra that made your boobs look like they were the only things in this world to not have them be appreciated.
Your hair was tucked behind your ears letting him truly get the perfect view of them when you reached forward for your stick “I’ll be nice and let you pick which one I should pot next.” You proposed as you placed your other hand on your hip “orange,” he pointed to the easiest ball for you to get in as it was right in front of the hole.
It made you laugh “something tells me that you want me to see you all shirtless,” you raised your eyebrows as he nodded.
The grin he sent you was toothy “been told that my chest is my best feature,” your face scrunched at the thought of the time you had seen him after an adventurous night with a girl. His chest looked like it had stripes for a week “better get stripping then.” You smirked as you got the ball in with ease.
This was how the game continued on with the clearly flirtatious banter until you were each left in nothing more than your underwear or at least that was until Quinn got the last of his regular balls in “no wolf whistles,” you joked as you reached behind your back to unclimbed your bra.
Quinn swore he forgot how to breathe as he watched the blue straps fall from your arms letting him get the perfect view of your perky breasts. What truly surprised him though was the titanium bar you had pierced through one of your nipples “could have counted that as a piece of jewellery.” He pointed out as he motioned to it attempting to ignore the way his mouth watered at the thought of tasting it.
You smiled as you placed your hand on your chest by your collar bones “where would the fun be in that?” You asked as your tongue darted over your lips watching him get the first double turn of the game as it seemed to be a stupid rule that the Hughes family played with.
He had to admit that it was hard trying to focus on the ball whilst you were stood there running your fingers over the side of your waist in nothing more than some little white thong that looked like it shouldn’t have even been described as underwear there was so little fabric.
In that moment he swore that the universe was on his side as he had hit the wrong side of the ball but the black ball still dropped into a pot with the white ball hanging dangerously close to the edge with it stopped. You took your loss like a champ hooking your fingers into the sides of your panties “I wanna get my prize myself.” The beer in Quinn gave him that boost of confidence “come and get it then,” you smirked crossing your arms just below your breasts as you pushed them up.
It didn’t take him long as his strides were large “you better not be fucking with me,” he warned when his hands replaced yours in the waistband of your thong.
The air between you two was heavy as even a knife wouldn’t have been able to cut this “it’s all for your taking Quinny.” The mumble of your voiced sounded like heaven to him as Quinn helped you out of the white undergarment groaning when his eyes landed on the wet patch that had formed where your core sat “you seeing how much I enjoyed that?” You asked as he looked back up at you.
Your thong was quickly thrown onto the ground so that his hands could go to your waist “cause it looks like you felt the same.” Your hand moved between the two of you so that you could cup his balls as you began to palm his bones through his boxers.
Quinn’s head landed on your shoulder as he thought his legs were going to give out “fuck don’t stop,” he begged as you clicked your tongue “gonna need to get that final ball in to remove those boxers.” You teased with a grin evident on your face.
On the other hand it made Quinn annoyed “happy?” He asked as he dropped your blue ball into the pot next to him “ecstatic,” you leaned forward to kiss him.
His beer mixed with the taste of your berry seltzer as you moaned when Quinn pushed you against pool table letting your ass met the cool wood.
He loved how you tasted, sure you had never crossed this line but that didn’t mean that the thought never crossed his mind “fuck you’re so hot,” Quinn confessed as he pulled away feeling your fingers crawl under the waist band on his boxers.
A giggle left your lips “thinking you enjoyed this more than me.” You teased pointed down to what now looked like a painfully hard boner “could see you like this all the time.” Quinn announced as his lips moved down to your neck so he could nip that the parts of your body continuing to show that part of your chest love until he got to your pierced nipple “saw how much you liked this.” Your voice was soft as you felt vulnerable watching him stare at the piece of jewellery.
When his lips wrapped around it you seriously thought you were going to fall onto the table behind you “dear god,” your nails went to the nape of his neck when Quinn brought his hand to your other nipple so it wouldn’t feel left out.
The round texture of the balls that were attached to the bar made Quinn groan as each whimper than left your lips every time he hit it went straight to his cock “I need more Quinny, please.” It was now your turn to beg as you didn’t think that you were about to last much longer.
It made him smirk as he removed his lips from your nipple with a pop “so fucking pretty for me baby,” Quinn mumbled as he cupped your face with his hands when he pulled you into a kiss.
Now your back hit the fabric of the table as your arms wrapped around his neck bringing him down with you “my needy little baby,” he groaned as you began to grind your clit against his boxers.
A smile formed on your face as you felt his hands hook under your knees “I gotta taste you,” Quinn confessed as you nodded letting out little pleads as he moved his lips down your body “looking so fucking good from down here.” His voice made your body shake with anticipation as you felt his hands run down your legs.
The hockey player leaned down so that he was eye level with your core “you been waiting for this haven’t you?” Quinn smirked as he placed sloppy kisses against your thigh moving closer to your pussy.
But rather than stopping where you wanted him to he instead moved to your other thigh repeating his previous actions “please Quinn,” your voice came out shaky as you watched him come to a standstill with your pussy in front of him “seen the way you look at me.” Quinn clicked his tongue as he used two fingers to rub your clit nicely wetting it with your juices.
Your hands cupped your nipples teasing them both “needed you for so long,” you gasped as you felt those two fingers thrust inside of you.
He smiled hearing your confession “all you had to do was tell me you wanted this baby.” The Canucks player mumbled as he placed a kiss against your clit “could have all been yours years ago.” There was a sparkle in his eyes as he wrapped his lips around your clit letting his tongue run over the nub whilst his fingers didn’t let up their thrusts.
It was a good thing that nobody was in the house as you swore the neighbours could hear you “god don’t stop.” Your fingers locked into his growing hair making you grateful that he hadn’t cut it yet.
Quinn watched on in awe as your eyes were screwed shut and your face went scrunched as you clenched around him “god ain’t here with us baby.” His voice made you groan as he spoke with his mouth still against your clit.
Your chest began to rise and fall at a quicker rate “just like that Quinn,” you mumbled as you dug your head further into the table trying to push your hips closer to him.
Throughout the rest of the house your moans bounced off of the walls “what do you want baby?” Quinn asked as he used his thumb to rub your clit “tell me and I promise I’ll give it to you.” He added letting his mouth go back to what it was doing.
Brain fog seemed to hit you hard as your eyes stirred, remaining silent until you felt his hand pinch at your waist “please let me come.” You begged letting your lips form a pout “need it. Need it so bad.” Your whines went straight to his boxers making him realise that he was going to have to pull his boxers off the second he was done with you.
Quinn smiled “not gonna make you beg baby, want to make you come.” He cooed increasing the pace of his fingers as you gasped.
That was all you needed to hear from him as it pushed you over the edge “s-shit shit.” Your body shuddered as the boy made sure to help you through your orgasm as he didn’t let up on his actions “Quinny,” you whined as you tried to pull away from him but remained unsuccessful.
When you tugged at his hair Quinn got the hint as he moved back up to your face “feeling good baby?” Quinn asked as he kissed your lips letting you taste your release on his tongue.
With the little energy that you had left you pushed yourself forward “so good,” your hips clenched at the feeling of the pool table wall against your bum.
It made you feel bad when you saw how painful his boner looked “wanna fuck you,” you confessed as you palmed his cock over his boxers.
Quinn didn’t waste any time letting out a groan as the feeling of your fingers made him weak in the knees. The hockey player didn’t stop you when you got off of the table and hooked your fingers in his waist band so that could do a slut drop when you pulled his boxers down “don’t even think about it.” Quinn warned seeing you lick your lips as you were met with his cock.
A pout formed on your lips as that clearly wasn’t what you wanted to hear “I’m not gonna last long and I need to come inside of you.” He explained hooking his fingers under your jaw helping you back up.
It made you giggle “fuck me like you know you can Quinn,” you mumbled as you pecked his lips.
His hands gave your ass a squeeze “wanted this for years.” Just because you two acted like friends didn’t mean that all of the thoughts that ran through your heads were all platonic.
You let your hand run over his cock “want to feel every inch of you.” Your confession combined with the kiss you placed on his earlobe made his eyes almost roll back “what are you waiting for them?” He asked spinning you around as your hands handed in the table.
Unintentionally your core clenched around nothing as the anticipation for the best of you “my cock hungry little girl,” Quinn mumbled into your ear as he kissed your temple before he grabbed his cock letting it run over your clit twice before he slowly pushed himself inside of your pussy.
Your head fell back onto his shoulder “fuck Quinn!” You slapped your hand over your mouth as you adjusted to his size.
It made him laugh as his fingers dug into your hips sure to leave bruises tomorrow “enjoying it princess?” He asked as he kissed your shoulder letting his teeth sink in just hard enough to leave a bruise tomorrow.
All you could do was nod as you felt him hit your g-spot making you grateful that you weren’t on the table “don’t stop,” you blurted out enjoying how good it felt as he continued to fuck you.
The sound of skin slapping was blissful as you both only had one thing in mind, to come. Quinn felt like he was the weaker person in this battle as your pussy squeezed him in all the right ways “this pussy was made for me,” the boy announced as his hand reached in front of you to rub your clit.
When you didn’t respond it made the boy smile as your eyes began to roll back “just for you,” you cooed unaware of the grunt the boy released “all for you baby.” You added using all of your energy to face him as he brought his lips down to yours, the salty taste of your real ease still clear on his tongue.
Each time he thrusted forward your hips went back to meet his resulting in moans and whimpers coming from both of you “you want me to last much longer then you gotta stop doing that.” Quinn warned as he watched you bring your hand up when you wrapped it behind his neck making sure that he stayed close to you.
That statement acted like encouragement for you to do it again as you smiled “don’t tease me baby.” The boy grumbled as he brought his hand to your ass giving it a slap.
Instead of giving you a moment to respond his fingers that hadn’t left your clit now began to rub faster “please Quinn.” You begged feeling your toes wanting to scrunch up as you were teetering ever so closer to your high.
The hockey player wasn’t far behind you “take it baby.” Quinn groaned as his fingers dug harder into your hips “that it all.” He added as held increased his thrusts too.
It wasn’t any surprise that your second orgasm of the night quickly came over you “holy fuck!” Almost all of your body went limp besides for your pussy that clenched around Quinn’s cock spurring on his own orgasm “so good baby.” He cooed letting his cock flop out of you when he let out a gasp.
Your release trickled down your legs “that’s never happened before.” You announced growing red with embarrassment.
The boy didn’t let you feel that way for long “that was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.” He confessed as Quinn tilted your head up to his so that he could kiss you.
A smile formed on your lips “want to join me in the bath?” You asked letting your fingers trace up his arm “lead the way princess.” Quinn nodded letting his hands leave your sides when you eventually were able to make your way to the staircase.
four days later
The boys were having a blast being back together under the same roof. They loved getting to do all of the things that the lake house let them, from the boat rides to the long games of pool and table tennis.
Quinn had to admit that he was enjoying where things were with you. It was easy with the lack of expectations but the Canucks player definitely planned on taking you on a boat ride just the two of you do that he could ask you out.
But for now he was going to have to wait as a game of pool called his name “this table looks off,” Jack announced as he furrowed his eyebrows.
Both yours and Quinn’s eyes went wide “what do you mean?” You asked as you stood next to the younger boy.
The devils player motioned to the marks on the carpet that showed that it had definitively been knocked “see,” Jack pointed out as he pushed the table back to its original position totally unaware of the looks of relief that ran over your and Quinn’s faces.
This was going to stay your little secret for now.
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haknom · 4 months
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∿ 🎮 MATCH QUESTS ⌖ Dying in Fortnite and being emoted on shouldn’t be as aggravating as it was. Of course, you had to rant about it on twitter—it never happened to you before. But what should you do when the face behind ‘BISCOTHEREAL1927’—the culprit—finds out about your tweet? Challenge them to a 1v1, of course, without knowing that this could build a possible bond.
∿ BOUNTY HAS BEEN ACCEPTED : PLEASE ELIMINATE SAID PLAYERS ⊱ gamer!niki x fem!reader (ft. enhypen, sohee from riize, gyuvin from zb1, sakura from le sserafim, wonyoung from ive, minji from new jeans, and soobin from txt) 🎯
∿ INVENTORY 🎒 gamer au, nonidol au, enemies to lovers, highschool au, clubs au, fluff, angst, and crack.
∿ 🖥️ THIS GAME CONTAINS ⌑ profanity, random timestamps, fortnite losers, lots of raging, joking threats, kys/kms jokes, all enha members are the same age, they’re canadian, dating, lying, mentions of manipulating and gaslighting, more will be added.
∿ THE BATTLE PASS IS 𖦹 ongoing! (updates will be whenever)
∿ GAME CREATOR’S NOTE! hi guys i think short smaus are def my thing cs they’re sooo easy to make??????? i rlly enjoyed writing acs and i love playing fortnite with my friends… so enjoy another one!!!!
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fortnite (lewsers edition)!!! | bisco fanclub 😁
001 — hop onto fortnite xd (0.9k)
003 — you’re so annoying
004 — like park haewon???
005 — undercover mission
006 — public acc tag (0.4k words)
007 — oh that is one ugly dog…
008 — sassy pants (0.7k words)
009 — GC NOW
010 — yes dipshit who else
011 — who am i kidding
012 — would u miss ur face
013 — thank you btw :)
014 — chapter ten????
015 — not yet*** u mean
016 — you’re silly and cute
017 — bf appreciation 😊
018 — 4 months…
019 — OH MY GOOD
020 — U gotta stay loyal
021 — r-r-riki… (0.7k words)
022 — i love her guys
023 — i’m kms!
025 — oh! 😆
026 — who was she???
027 — THE F BOMB
028 — Wanna make out? 😎
029 — gf of the month
030 — i’m so single
031 — hometown mention 🙏🙏
032 — but what if
033 — one day left
034 — i have something to tell you (0.0k words)
Ξ © HAKNOM, 2024
904 notes · View notes
kestisvrse · 3 months
good luck charm
part i, part ii
pairing ⋆ hockey player!luke castellan x fem!reader au. fluff.
synopsis ⋆ the rivalry between you and luke had ended, revealing feelings that were buried and how badly he wanted to call you his.
warnings ⋆ i know nothing abt hockey i’m just canadian let me live, swearing, fast paced sorry😭 | wc: 1.3k
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♫ - nervous by the neighbourhood
life recently felt like a parallel universe, it felt almost wrong to wake up every morning with a good morning text from luke castellan.
you weren’t exactly close, but you had gotten to the point where you could talk and you didn’t insult him the entire time, and even found yourself cheering for him at his games.
your brother nagged at you for details about what happened that day, as you responded with nothing other than you apologized for being rude to him. he wasn’t buying it all, he had yet to see the fact that you texted luke daily, he only noticed the lack of comments you would make towards him and the fact that you would smile towards luke, something he thought was physically impossible.
you had realized pretty quickly after that day that despite ‘hating’ luke, it was to get rid of the butterflies you felt everytime you saw his curly black hair in a room, or heard his raspy voice with the smirk he always wore. it embarrassed you to think about, to think like this over a boy, but you couldn’t help it.
luckily, it was obvious he likes you, it was obvious from the first day you met him and how often he would be distracted from his tasks by you, but now that you were friends? some people could consider it insufferable how he would act with you, one of your friends called him ‘lovesick’.
which he was, it was such an odd realization, going from hating the boy to secretly liking him while he acted like your boyfriend, constantly texting you, sending you videos of how it reminded him of you or that you two should do a tik tok trend that was obviously made for couples.
he wasn’t embarrassed, he wanted you to know from the start how he felt, but the walls you built hid you from the truth until he broke them down.
despite how it all felt to you, rushed and weird, you found yourself sitting in his car, looking over the ocean as the sun set.
you couldn’t help but overthink everything, after all you said to him, here he sat, admiring your face unable to tear away, like you were a mirage he didn’t want to fade away.
“you’re staring, castellan.” you broke the silence between you two.
“thank you so much, captain obvious.” you could hear the smirk that formed as he said his clever response, earning an eye roll from you, but your own smile creeping up, “you coming to the game tomorrow?”
“yeah, why?” you ask
“great, i want you to wear this.” he reaches into his backseat before returning with his jersey, his eyes full of joy as he offers it to you.
“luke..” you stared at the jersey in your hands, “are you sure? i mean people will probably think i’m your girlfriend.”
“that was the plan, yes.” he says, “just, try it on.” he motions to you, you shrug it over your hoodie looking for his reaction.
to say he was in awe was an understatement, he was stuck in a trance at the sight of you wearing his number, like a deer in headlights he stared at you.
“luke…?” you spoke up, he snapped his head up to make eye contact with you.
“please wear it to the game.” he stuttered, his cheeks flushed red and suddenly his car felt very hot.
“okay, i will.” you whisper.
the freezing air against your face from the rink was so familiar it barely bothered you anymore, you had yet to see your brother and you wondered just what would go through his head at the sight of you, a hoodie on with an extra layer of the team’s colours, sporting luke castellan's number.
you didn’t even think of luke’s reaction, something about really seeing you with it on at the rink, he knew he was done for. when he exited the dressing room he immediately froze at the sight of you, and your smile that you reserved just for him, he was bright red at this point.
“luke!” you blurted, running up to him.
“hey.” he breathed out, unable to take his eyes off you.
“goodluck, you’ll do great.” you praised him, biting back a smile as you stared up at him.
“i have a good luck charm today, i think we can win.” he told you, a cheeky grin appearing, you tilt your head asking what it was, “you.”
before you could answer he was dragged off to the ice, you could feel your own blush rise up at his words. quickly rushing to your seat, your brother spots you and mid smile his jaw drops.
you sent him a sheepish wave, as luke grinned at the sight of him.
and then the game started.
as per usual, luke whipped around the ice. easily dodging and weaving his opponents as if they were made of air. it was mesmerizing to watch the way he moved, he seemed so focused on the task at hand, and yet even while he skated down the rink with the puck at the end of his stick, he still found the opportunity to look at you.
he was bound to get player of the game you thought to yourself, the way he boosted his teammates up, making sure everyone got the chance to make an impressive move even if that was the complete opposite point of the sport.
as the final buzzer rang, you jumped from your seat, the crowd watching erupted into cheers at the teams win as they watched the boys tackle each other into hugs.
you quickly dodged and ran through the stands to get to the entrance to the rink, to congratulate the team, as luke watched you make your way to him, he threw his helmet to the side to grab you and bring you into his arms.
“you won! you fucking won the tournament castellan!” you squealed into his neck.
he stopped spinning you and placed you onto the ground, and the way he looked into your eyes made everyone in the rink disappear. the cold air that previously nipped at you was replaced with a warm cozy feeling as you stared into his eyes.
he went to ask you the question, but his words wouldn’t come out, he felt his team stop and stare at the two of you, as you nodded towards him just from the expression in his eyes.
the expression was him asking if he could kiss you.
you swore you heard fireworks when he lent down to meet your lips, his gloves discarded so he could put his sweaty hands on your face, the feeling of his chapped lips against yours was enough to make you completely ignore how sweaty he was from the game.
he pulled away from your lips, as badly as he wanted to stay there forever.
“been wanting to do that for awhile.” he breathes, awestruck as he stares at you, as if you were the most extraordinary thing in the world.
“i knew it!” your brother's voice called out, distracting you from answering, “i knew you were sneaking out to see him!” your brother's jaw was on the ground.
“uh… sorry?” you muttered
your brother gave luke the iconic ‘you hurt her, i kill you.’ look before wandering into the dressing room.
luke just turns to you, “can i take you on a proper date tonight, good luck charm?” he asks
you snort, but begin to grin, “once you wash all this sweat off, i would love to go on a date with you.” he smirks and goes to kiss you, but you place your palm on his chest to push him back, “shower, castellan.”
despite how fast he flew down the rink, he definitely ran faster to the shower, in desperate need for another kiss from you.
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wcters · 1 month
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pairing: matt sturniolo x fem!reader
summary: you turn 20 and your friends post for your birthday
warnings/notes: established relationship, this is more of a filler/something to read while i work on the podcast imagine. i’ve just been super busy. there might be a couple more posts before the podcast one 🤍
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liked by yourusername, christophersturniolo, and 494,937 others
matthew.sturniolo my baby’s not a baby anymore! love you so much 🤍 can’t wait to put up with more of your antics
tagged @yourusername
view 3,083 comments
yourusername i love you sm 🤍🤍
user they’re too cute i can’t
↳ user i know right?
christophersturniolo happy birthday! cheers to 20 🥂
user i’m not a matt girl, i’m a y/n girl
nicolassturniolo soo cutee
↳ user 🥺🥺
user he loves her so much, you can just tell
↳ user i wish someone loved me like they love each other ‼️
nathandoe8 happy birthday! come visit boston again soon
user cutest caption ever
user crying rn 😭😭
user sobbing. laughing. on the floor.
↳ user me too
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liked by yourusername, matthew.sturniolo, and 236,072 others
nicolassturniolo it’s my best friends birthdayyy! forever thanking the world for making you move to la so we could meet. thank you for introducing me to tim hortons (the smile cookie is my fav pic) can’t wait to spend so many more birthdays together
tagged @yourusername
view 2,937 comments
yourusername nick i love you 🤍 you really outed me on this one though
↳ nicolassturniolo it’s what best friends do 🤷
user i want nick to be my best friend
naileadevora happy birthday babe!
↳ yourusername i miss you sm!
user our canadian girlie
user you know she’s going to get so drunk the next time she vists canada 💀
matthew.sturniolo spongebob fit 🔛🔝
user first pic is eatinggg
ariana_greenblatt y/n is living the world slay
↳ user toooo true
user shes so prettyyyy
user minion face masks go hard ‼️‼️
user happy birthday
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liked by yourusername, larray, and 376,982 others
christophersturniolo happy birthday y/n. praying that you get better sleep while you’re 20 so you don’t fall asleep everywhere like you do now 🙏🙏
tagged @yourusername
view 3,297 comments
yourusername this should be a crime. i don’t sleep everywhere
↳ nicolassturniolo you do though…
↳ matthew.sturniolo we have soooo many pictures
↳ yourusername jail.
larray sis really needs that sleep. anyway, happy birthday <3
↳ yourusername love you 🤍
user she’s so real for that though
user chris really said “i got proof”
tarayummy miss you pretty girl 🤍 you can always nap here and we can celebrate
↳ yourusername omw
user 🙏🙏🙏
nathandoe8 she tired of dealing with you
↳ christophersturniolo 😀😀
↳ user were you silent? or silenced?
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liked by matthew.sturniolo, nicolassturniolo, and 129,244 others
yourusername the big 20 🥂
view 2,197 comments
matthew.sturniolo happy birthday baby 🤍
↳ yourusername thank you ☺️🤍
user her and matt are sooo cute
christophersturniolo 🐐🐐
user wish i went 😔😔
nathandoe8 party was awesomee 🔥🔥
nicolassturniolo cutest girl
madisonbeer happy birthday!
ariana_greenblatt birthday girllll 🤍
user ILY
user girl really living the y/n life
↳ yourusername literally 🤭🤫
tarayummy party was so good! loved celebrating such a big day with you
↳ yourusername marry me 💍
user they are eating those pictures upp
user i don’t know if i want to be y/n or matt
401 notes · View notes
ellecdc · 3 months
elle // she:her // scorpio // 27 // canadian
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pfp, header, & masterlist pics all belong to me
(requests are currently open!) please read below for request guidelines!
A note for minors 🐚
Sirius Black Remus Lupin James Potter Regulus Black Barty Crouch Jr round up
Poly!Marauders Poly!Wolfstar Poly!Moonwater
Other Ships Extras
Something missing? Feel free to request!
can I make a request for ships not listed here?
my anons
Request Guidelines:
tips on making requests
AU's ✅
male!reader, female!reader, gn!reader ✅ (if you don't specify, I will write a fem!reader as this is what I'm most familiar with)
headcanons ✅
moodboards ✅
I will not write the following tropes: dating for a bet, dubcon/noncon, present self-harm, present eating disorder, reader age regression... ❌
I will not write a party inserting themselves into an established relationship - any new additions must be the established couple’s/relationship’s doing ❌
all angst must have a happy ending, all hurt must have comfort ⚠️
I'm not against writing grief but it cannot be the mourning of any of the ships/the ships mourning the reader ⚠️
Please note: Requests are exactly that - requests - I do not and cannot guarantee that I will be able to respond to all asks. If you have questions or follow up, please feel free to message me privately to discuss. As I receive requests, I may update this list with more guidelines, so please check back frequently!
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agendabymooner · 6 months
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summary: she could easily get away with things and when she couldn’t, he always made sure to put her back in her place
content warning: smut (minors dni!), pwp(ish?), what is context, explicit language, themes of jealousy and sugar daddy/baby relationship, degradation, dumbification, spitting, dacryphilia, impact play, brief mention of oral sex (m receiving), brat taming (dom!fernando), brief lance stroll x reader interaction, shitty smut, what’s beta reading we just rawdog our writing in here
note: i will be making a separate masterlist for this i think… lmk what you think and enjoy xx
a - n masterlist
o - z masterlist
send your 💌re:moony’s planner requests here!
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she can get away from a lot of things. she knew that. fernando knew that. 
in fact, fernando would even reward her for it. after all, she never demanded too much and all he wanted was to give her the world.
she wanted a new pair of shoes? he’d buy her the sneakers AND a pair of red bottoms. she wanted something from macy’s? fuck that; he’d have his assistant book the whole floor of harrods just so she can pick out new clothes for her closet. 
he would give her everything. even if she tends to be very playful and hilarious, he’d give her everything just to see it.
her cheekiness was a welcome distraction from his busy life as a professional racer. she’d often tease him in different ways but not once did she ever cross the lines and tested his patience and limits. she wasn’t really a brat, to say the least— she’d often give up by the time fernando would wrap his arms around her and press kisses all over her face.
and if she didn’t give up her act, he’d put her back to her place. it rarely happened, and when it did— they were rough. she would continue to act up just so he could punish her. she welcomed the pain with no hesitation and allowed him to control her like she was nothing but a body to be tossed around. 
she could get away from a lot. whenever she couldn’t, her excitement would soak through her knickers while thinking about his next move.
but right now, she wasn’t really at fault for being so bratty. her petulant attitude toward him wasn’t something that she expected from herself, but when her partner continued to ignore her throughout the party after arriving separately— the least she could do was throw his attitude right back at him. more petulantly, if you were to compare her actions to his.
she sat by the bar counter and quietly sipped on her drink, her ears ringing at the sound of his laughter from the distance alongside other men while they spoke about the happenings during the race earlier today.
she looked so pathetic like this; dressed up in the prettiest slip dress that turned to be a fabric of despair. she was the prettiest woman to have ever existed, and even the rest of the grid thought so, yet she looked so alone. she blamed fernando for this. 
all she wanted was him. she only wanted him right now. nothing more, nothing less. 
yet, in a world where he’d give her everything, he wouldn’t hand himself over to her. instead, he was laughing with lewis and carlos as they chatted about whatever the fuck it was. 
“you’d make a good renaissance painting,” her head shot up at the sound as she found lance stroll sitting next to her. the canadian beamed at her teasingly before sipping on his whiskey on the rocks. 
she scoffed, “if you want to see me naked, just say that.” 
lance laughed over the club music that continued to bust everyone’s eardrums. he then continued, “i would say that but do i really want to get my engines busted by a certain teammate before the next race?” 
her thoughts drifted back to fernando, who, from afar, had gone quiet (not that she knew that), before she rolled her eyes. “don’t be stupid,” she said, “i don’t think he’d care enough to ruin your car.” 
“you’re underestimating the man,” lance chuckled, “way too much, if anything. he could kill with just a look if anyone’s made a passing comment about you.” 
“i really should stop showing up at these stupid races,” she muttered quietly, “it’ll get worse as soon as people find out i hang out in the garages or paddock.”
“why?” lance asked, his frown an evident of concern as he said, “are you two not a…” 
“no, we’re not,” she interrupted with a huff, downing the rest of her drink as she continued, “it’s still the same arrangement. i could just stay at home and still get an allowance— i dunno why i said i’d come with him. look where i am now. he’s doing the same shit he does whenever he’s arriving at the paddock— i have to go after him so nobody knows who i am.” 
it was so obvious that she and fernando should be more than a mutually beneficial arrangement. he showed her something more than financial support and casual intimacy— yet he kept it on the down low as if she’s just a pastime. 
“damn,” lance muttered, offering her a sympathetic smile as he said, “is the money that good?”
“i don’t even care about the money anymore,” she laughed quietly, her eyes pausing from their track as she saw the obvious glare from her partner. he certainly wasn’t happy with what he was seeing.
yet she ignored his heavy scowl as she beamed, “i’m sure you’d be able to provide more if it was about it.” 
lance smirked lazily, now realizing what she was implying as he replied, “i’m sure i would’ve given it to you already if you weren’t as attached to fernando as you are now.” 
looking away from fernando, she covered her excitement and petulance with a giggle before she shoved lance lightly. “shut up.” 
sure, she could get away from a lot of things. but the way fernando stared at her coldly while she was acting all playful towards lance told her enough about the kind of treatment a spoiled brat like her would get from him. 
all she could do was squirm at the thought. 
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her mouth let out a shrill cry as fernando pulled her mouth away from his cock, saliva dribbling down her chin to her chest as she felt a sharp pain on the roots of her head. he continued to grab a handful of her hair as he looked down at her. 
his eyes showed nothing of affection. his face offered nothing but mockery and anger. not towards her— but her bratty attitude that she showed tonight. 
he never felt so jealous until he saw lance talking to her up close. and he’s never been angrier than what he felt when she let his teammate get close like that. like she could just move on after talking to the man with a flirtatious smile and get away from her crimes that easily. 
her petulance and constant refusal on the way back to the hotel led to where she was now. her thighs rubbed against each other while tears trickled down her reddening cheeks.
she was desperate for his cock and his touch. both of which she didn’t even deserve despite being his spoiled girlfriend.
she tried to be prideful and strong as she refused to listen to his orders. 
it was too bad for her because while she thought that her pride was big, fernando alonso’s pride was bigger. his ego and his desire to control were what she enjoyed most about this— and these were his tools to tame her. 
“did you think that you can get away from that, hermosa?” he spewed out, watching her as she shut her eyes tightly and shook her head. “not listening to me and letting those men get near you— you’re not very smart, are you?”
“m- fer—“ she babbled, only to be interrupted by the clicking of his tongue as his other hand gripped her chin tightly. finally letting go of her hair, he tilted her chin up to his direction without a word. 
he growled quietly, “you’re such a disobedient girl. a very ungrateful and disobedient girl. you don’t deserve my cock after all of this, hermosa.”
“n- no! please-“ she exclaimed, squirming against the hold on her chin as she pleaded with him, “‘ll be good! i’ll be a good girl, i pr- promise. jus’ wan’ your cock- please nando!” 
his breath fanned on her face as he chuckled quietly, “you don’t listen to me unless you want it, hm?”
his hand let go of the grip for a moment, only for his palm to strike her cheek as he gripped her face once more. “open.” 
her brain, feeling hazy from the impact of his slapping and being deprived of his touch and his cock, short circuited. fernando tsked, tapping her reddening cheek once more as he crooned, “look at you, amor. you’re so dumb for my cock, eh? such a stupid bratty girl— wanting my cock when she doesn’t deserve it— open your mouth, hermosa.” 
she obliged, not wanting to disobey him anymore as he grinned. his grin eventually turned into a frown before spitting in her mouth as he demanded, “you know what to do.”
closing her mouth, she swallowed without a hesitation while her glistening eyes looked up at him.
“so you listen then,” he laughed mockingly, “i thought i’ve already fucked your mouth until you turned stupid.” 
she rubbed her thighs against each other, hoping for some sort of relief as a whine escaped her throat. “what’s wrong, hermosa?” tears escaped her eyes as she continued to plead with him wordlessly. “that’s not going to get you anywhere right now— not after you pulled that shit earlier just so you can piss me off.”
she couldn’t find a way to speak, humiliation and pleasure mixed with her adrenaline as she babbled, “i- i wan’- ‘m…” 
“speak up,” he laughed once more. “you’re way too mouthy earlier— what is stopping you now?” 
she whimpered, feeling too frustrated and already feeling too fucked out. she really wasn’t going to get away with all of those things that she did just to catch his attention earlier.
she just wanted him, but she couldn’t seem to get it all out because of the immense pleasure that she received from being disciplined. 
he chuckled quietly, “you want my cock?” 
she nodded frantically, a series of murmurs escaped her mouth as she meekly cried out, “want you to fuck me, please, please, please nando~ ‘m a good girl.”
“no, you’re really not, hermosa,” he grinned wickedly, “if you were you would’ve known not to flirt with those people. but i guess it was my fault that i’ve left you hanging and horny before we went, no? otherwise you wouldn’t have been that stupid to tease them like you would with me.”
she squirmed again, whimpering at his words as fernando continued, “but i’ve given you so much that you always find a way to get some more. i think that my little slut should be thankful for what she’s getting instead of acting like a spoiled brat.”
she couldn’t even find herself to protest. she was so drunk in lust and his dominance that she couldn’t find herself to fight back against his words. 
her love for him would have to wait. she was in too deep right now and if it meant that she’ll get an orgasm and maybe more then she’d do whatever it takes to please him. 
after all, she was spoiled already. working hard didn’t sound too bad. 
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cartierre · 9 months
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SOCIAL MEDIA!AU lando norris x fem!black!producer!reader (fc: alexis carrington)
side note: drake is aged up in this because i want y/n to be born around 2000/2001 but that would mean drake was 14/15 when he became a dad... so he's just a few years older here to make it more believable okay? great. side note pt2: there are so many long twitter threads used to explain the whole backstory. like, really really long. i didn't know how else to explain everything, i'm sorry.
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♡ liked by champagnepapi, mclaren, octobersveryown and 829,938 others
tagged: mclaren, octobersveryown
f1 BREAKING: October's Very Own (OVO) joins the McLaren team as their new primary sponsor for the 2023 season.
#F1 #Formula1 #McLaren
view all 5,328 comments
user1 what the fuck is drake doing here
user2 i'm actually so gagged like what is happening why is drake invested in f1 all of a sudden
user3 this is such an odd pairing? drake and zak brown together feels like a fever dream
user4 drake joining f1 as a sponsor was definitely not on my 2023 bingo card
user5 caitlyn jenner buying a whole w series team is less surprising than whatever this is
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♡ liked by yourusername, champagnepapi, danielricciardo and 187,385 others
lando.jpg adonis is teaching me how to play basketball because otherwise he "cannot accept me" i've been humbled by a 5 year old
view all 483 comments
user6 is that the girl he might or might not be dating ⤷ user7 i need to know otherwise i might die (i won't but the suspense is killing me)
user9 is this you trying to soft launch or is she just a platonic friend?
user10 "fans" going insane because they can't handle the thought of lando having female friends as well
user11 he's not even tagging anyone omg now i have to scroll through all the people he follows. lando is not making my job easy
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(private account)
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♡ liked by centralcee, jorjasmith_, landonorris and 637 others
y/n_graham why am i trending on twitter and why is everyone uncovering my childhood
view all 45 comments
landonorris i think this is my fault ⤷ y/n_graham you and your jpg ⤷ landonorris my camera lense is just so mesmerised by your beauty ⤷ y/n_graham your compliments won't get you out of trouble
centralcee i'm literally getting dms asking about you ⤷ y/n_graham i woke up to 15,000 people trying to follow me
jorjasmith_ lando's fans are literally fbi agents ⤷ y/n_graham i'm making so many backup files of my music projects because i'm scared someone will hack into my laptop now
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♡ liked by 238,273 others
f1wags Y/N Graham, daughter of Canadian rapper Drake, was photographed by a fan outside the venue in Greece where Lando Norris, her rumoured boyfriend, was playing this weekend. None of the two have confirmed nor deniend the relationship allegations that have been going around for a few months now. An inside source, which attended the party, revealed how the two behaved very intimate with each other.
view all 5,394 comments
user12 girl it's been nearly four months since the rumours started... can one of them just please either confirm or deny them?
user13 at this point i'm just over the whole drama. let them have their privacy i guess
user14 this drama is juicier than when the whole oscar-alpine-mclaren fiasco happened
user15 i'm this close to ripping my hair out why is this rumour been going on for AGES i just want a simple statement already
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♡ liked by y/n_graham, champagnepapi, danielricciardo and 374,947 others
tagged: y/n_graham, champagnepapi
lando.jpg bonding family time, got to support the father in law ;)
view all 9,294 comments
user16 EXCUSE ME WDYM FATHER IN LAW? is this a joke or real ⤷ y/n_graham we're not married, don't worry ⤷ user17 OMG Y/N MADE HER ACCOUNT PUBLIC JUST NOW
champagnepapi i like the sound of "father in law" ⤷ lando.jpeg i know you would ⤷ y/n_graham no no no
user18 okay from what i've gathered drake and lando are on good terms ⤷ user19 bet that's why drake sponsored mclaren lmao ⤷ y/n_graham no but deadass
user20 y/n fighting for her life in the comments lmaoooo ⤷ y/n_graham in the trenches
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disneyprincemuke · 3 months
basement noise * fem!driver
logan starts to feel a little left out
pairings: logan sargeant x fem!driver, sebastian vettel x fem!driver, oscar piastri x fem!driver
notes: hey surpRISE AND EARLY UPDATE WAHOOOO i'm trying to finish up her 2023 year before i start moving onto her 2024 season &lt;3
(series masterlist) | (📂 the rookie season)
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logan stares at the unanswered text message in their group chat, clicking his tongue as he glances at the time at the corner of his phone screen. it’s been an hour since he sent his text message.
he’s not saying his friends are ignoring him, but it is slowly starting to seem that way. his call time to the paddocks isn’t as early as theirs and that’s why they’ve arrived way before him.
he sighs. since the season had begun, it hasn’t been easy to integrate himself into the grid unlike his two other friends. oscar’s gotten along with lando and is doing great with his team. meanwhile she’s done exceptionally well, and even if she wasn’t, max and some of the older drivers seem to have taken quite the liking to her.
which shouldn’t be all that surprising to him. she had already found herself a new group of friends even before the season had started. from the kickstart of the pre-season testing, max had already paraded her around like he was a proud older brother.
sure, he has alex. by default. because they are teammates. but realistically, alex will always find himself preferring george’s company to his. they’re best friends, after all.
logan presses his lips together as the team car slowly comes to a stop right outside the paddocks. he glances at benny, focused on his own phone, texting his wife.
so he just keeps to himself as he alights the car. hopefully, he’s kept busy enough this weekend not to notice the distance that might go unnoticed by his friends, but is very prominent for him.
just as he walks through the gantries into the paddocks, he watches the smaller girl walk past him unknowingly, engaged in serious conversations with marta and susie. she’s turned the other way, so she doesn’t even notice him.
when he approaches the livelier areas of the paddocks, noticing oscar walking around with lando. oscar does notice him, smiling at him politely before he makes a sharp turn into the mclaren garage.
logan just sighs again, navigating his way to the williams garage with a weight in his chest.
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“i’ll see you again later before your race! i promise!” she shouts, waving her arms in the air as she leaves susie and marta. she runs through the paddocks, truthfully unaware of where she is heading.
when sebastian had asked her to meet him somewhere, it could be anywhere in the paddocks. it could very easily well be at the aston martin home where fernando is hanging out, or their own.
she feels around in her pockets for her phone, halting in the middle of the crowd. she turns around, ready to chase susie to ask if she’d left her phone in her office by chance. but she can vividly remember where she left it in her driver’s room right before she bolted out, late for a lunch date with some of the drivers from the f1 academy.
she clicks her tongue, picking up her feet to start running again. she hears max calling out for her but she’s late, from what she can tell.
if only she was better at restraining herself from staying extra minutes just to hear the latest paddock gossip over lunch. but she couldn’t help herself as she increasingly got invested, giggling in her mind about how she’s going to tell logan everything in the evening when they leave the paddocks to get ice cream.
she arrives at the aston martin home, chest heaving as she approaches the one person loitering outside the building. “lance!”
the canadian whirls around at the call of his name with wide eyes, shocked that the younger girl is calling for him. yes, he is terrified of her, but that’s a story for another time.
“has my race engineer been kidnapped by your grandpa?” she asks, hands on her hips and slightly hunched over as she tries to catch her breath.
“my,” lance takes a deep breath, “grandpa?”
“fernando. has fernando kidnapped my race engineer? he told me to meet him, but i don’t know where.”
lance presses his lips into a thin line. “have you tried texting him?”
she sighs, shaking her head. “no, i left my phone in my room. i don’t have the time to go and get it.”
“oh!” lance perks up, reaching into his back pocket and offers it to her. “here, you can use my phone.”
she mutters a soft thank you as she takes the phone into her hands, navigating lance’s contact list. she raises an eyebrow and looks at him. “you saved my number as grid princess? really?”
“we all have your number saved as that.”
“i-“ she shakes her head, finding for the number she needs. “not important.”
she presses the phone to her ear as it rings, hoping that sebastian answers his phone. hopefully he’s not as forget as her.
“you sound different, lance.”
“seb! it’s me! i left my phone in my room.”
“oh, (y/n)!” there’s a pause. “why are you using lance’s phone?”
“i can’t find you,” she mutters, shaking her head in shame as lance watches her. “tell me where you are or i’ll be even later for our meeting. was it over a cup of coffee or what?”
“coffee. come quick.”
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“come on, mate.” logan stares at alex blankly, watching the older driver tug at his hand towards the door of his room. “you’ve got to join us for a snack. george is buying food.”
“i don’t feel like eating,” logan mutters, retracting his arm immediately. he lies on the massage table of his room, moving his hand under his head. “go without me.”
“i can’t!” alex frowns. “your best friend told me to take care of you. i can’t grab food and leave you here by yourself.”
logan shrugs. “if you’re only inviting me because she told you to, i don’t wanna go.”
“what?” alex tilts his head. “no, george asked me to bring you! we’re sneaking out of the paddocks for a bit to get food! come on! the local food here is amazing.”
“i don’t want to go.”
“i’m telling james you’re locking yourself inside your room again. he won’t be happy.”
logan looks at alex without moving his head, the glare shooting daggers at the older driver. alex raises his eyebrows with a small smile, never having seen this emotion in the rookie.
“i don’t care if you tell him.”
“fine, be that way,” alex sighs dejectedly. he doesn’t want to use more names as a bargaining chip, but it seems that he will have to resort to exactly that. “i’ll just tell oscar and (y/n) you’re being like this.”
logan scoffs, dropping his phone by his head. he breathes out exasperatedly and rolls to lie on his back. “as if they’d care.”
alex, already halfway to the door, stops in his tracks and turns around. “mate,” he trails off softly, “what do you mean by that?”
“it’s so obvious,” logan sighs again, turning to face the wall. “she’s always with max or whoever. i’m alone.”
“i’m here with you right now.”
logan furrows his eyebrows. that’s not what he means. alex probably knows that too. “i just wanna be alone right now, alex. i’m sorry.”
“oh, okay. i’ll bring you something back.”
logan turns around quickly, chasing for alex’s presence. “alex, wait.”
alex turns around just as before he is able to close the door. he’s hopeful that logan would join him and george for some food — the rookie often spending time with his two best friends means that he doesn’t get many opportunities to get to know him outside of team content and meetings.
“don’t tell them i said that, okay?” he sighs before looking down to avoid the curious brown eyes. “i don’t want them knowing i feel that way.”
alex hums. sometimes he sees his younger self in the rookie. the rookie’s often introverted demeanour makes it very easy to sympathise with him, especially when he had a rough couple of years in another team all by himself. he knows what it feels like.
perhaps what logan needs is space. hopefully he opens up soon, and then alex can finally put his mind to rest with some reassurance. because it’s not like his performance is helping him out with his confidence. he’s been there, done that.
“okay,” alex nods. “your secret’s safe with me.”
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lando hums, looking around the paddocks. his eyes lands on his teammate, who is simply staring off blankly at the grandstand as he chews away on his sandwich.
“what?” oscar asks monotonously, still looking ahead with his eyes half open. he’s sunk into the small seat situated at the edge of their garage with his leg over the other. “i can feel you looking at me, mate. what is it?”
“oh,” lando says softly, chuckling to himself. he sinks into his own seat and turns away to take a bite from his own sandwich. “nothing. i was just wondering where dumb and dumber are.”
he sees oscar perk up with realisation, turning to look at him slowly. his eyebrows are furrowed at the sheer realisation of what’s been missing the entire day. he lets out a soft “ah” before he turns to look at the grandstand again. “i don’t actually know. we’ve been so busy today — i hadn’t even noticed.”
the older driver laughs, nodding along. “yeah, we only get busier from here, mate. i haven’t texted max back still. actually, i don’t even know where my phone is.”
oscar laughs, licking his lips. “neither do i. i barely even got to have a 5 minute phone call with lily this morning. i had to leave so early.”
“just one more interview and we’re free,” lando sighs, shaking his head. truthfully, he’s grown quite tired too. for someone like him, running out of energy to be talking to everyone doesn’t come often. but it feels like the day is finally getting the best of him.
he’s simply dreading the next interview they’ve got. he doesn’t know how many more fake laughs and forced smiles he’s got within himself. he doesn’t want to do small talk anymore. he just wants to head back to the hotel and get some sleep for what friday has to bring them.
“getting ice cream with the powerpuff girls tonight?”
oscar laughs with a simple nod. “of course. she’s not going to let a weekend by where we don’t try some local ice cream.”
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“alright, good meeting,” sebastian grins at her, slowly closing his laptop. “so you know what to do this weekend, kid? confident you’ll score some points?”
“of course,” she laughs with a small nod. “i’m ready to tackle the weekend.”
sebastian stands up, holding the laptop against his chest. “good! so, where are you headed to now?”
she smiles. “hopefully off to take a shower and start getting ready for my ice cream date with the boys.”
“ah! exciting,” sebastian grins. “well i’ve got one more meeting. you’ll be okay on your own?” she nods. “okay, well, if you leave before my meeting ends, let me know, alright?”
“of course!” she beams with a grin. she spots a familiar shade of blue across the paddocks, beaming when she spots logan in the crowd of williams personnel. she tries to push past sebastian, who’s now opening the door, and attempts to dart out to stop logan for a quick conversation to confirm their ice cream date that evening. before she can make it to the top of the steps, another familiar face pops up in front of her with a wide smile.
sebastian greets max before quickly excusing himself, leaving the girl with the older driver. “hi?”
“hi!” max greets her with an excited wave. “are you busy? i need your help.”
she opens her mouth, deciding her answer as she peeks over his shoulder. she answers with a soft ‘yeah’ as she watches the crowd of blue walking away and disappearing from her sight. “what is it?”
“we’re going to the uk for a vacation this summer and p’s coming along with us. i wanna plan something — she really wants to meet you.”
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logan sighs to himself, leaning up against the railing of the stairs leading up to the andretti racing home. he looks around the paddocks and then glances down at his phone for the time. everybody is late. could it be possible that plans were cancelled without him knowing?
could it be that her and oscar agreed to call raincheck without remembering to let him know? which would them simply confirm his suspicions that he is slowly losing his best friends.
but there’s no other time but tonight to get ice cream together. unless she’s planning to get it with somebody else? he huffs to himself and pushes himself off the railing to start his journey back to his hotel room for a lonely night. that was, until he hears a voice calling out to him.
“oh, logan! are you waiting for her? why don’t you come in and sit down while you wait?” sebastian smiles, letting the door close behind him. he walks down the steps, immediately noticing the sadder aura around the boy.
sure, he knows that logan is typically soft spoken by himself, but he believes that he knows logan well enough now that he is comfortable being himself. “is something wrong? the media picked you apart again today, kid?”
logan looks up and quickly shakes his head. he rubs the back of his neck and hisses softly. “no, it’s not that,” he laughs sheepishly, trying to ignore the heavy weight on his chest. “have my plans been cancelled, seb? did i not know?”
maybe he should try opening up to sebastian? if anyone knows what it’s like falling out with a friend, sebastian is definitely one of those people, right?
he watches sebastian process his words. he immediately regrets opening up to him. “ah, forget it.”
“no, no! i’m glad you’re opening up to me,” sebastian snaps out of his trance and puts a comforting hand on his shoulder. “i’m not judging you. i get it. are you feeling okay?”
logan shrugs with a soft frown. “i don’t know. just a little weird — my text in the group chat from this morning’s still unanswered.”
sebastian stares at him, trying to come up with the words to try and make him feel better. until it hits him. “oh! is that what you’re concerned about?” sebastian laughs, pulling logan into his side for a hug. “she wasn’t ignoring you! she left her phone in her driver’s room and never had the time to go back in to get it. we were riddled with interviews and meetings all day. then max hijacked her early in the evening to plan something with penelope.”
logan looks at him, skeptism written all over his face. “are you serious?”
“i’m serious, kid,” sebastian confirms with a firm nod. “and i ran into oscar and lando earlier. they were super busy too. oscar even told me he can’t wait to finally sit back and relax with you guys at the ice cream parlour.”
as if on cue, oscar pops up from the corner of the racing home with his bag lazily strung over his shoulder. “why are you guys hugging?”
sebastian frowns. “what’s wrong with that?”
oscar shakes his head, blinking rapidly. “nothing, i suppose.” he rubs his eyes and groans. “i’m just a little tired, probably. i can’t wait to get some ice cream.”
logan feels the weight slowly lifting from his chest. logan slumps his shoulders slightly with a grin. he tries to confirm sebastian’s allegations. “i haven’t seen you all day, mate. busy day?”
“busiest i’ve had in a while,” oscar yawns, covering his mouth. “i haven’t even gotten to talk to lily at all today.”
the door swings open with a loud shriek, their body suddenly knocked back by a body throwing itself against them. he looks down in shock at the smaller girl who has her arms thrown around his and oscar’s bodies. “hey!”
she hops back excitedly, hair pulled back into a new hairstyle. “ice cream?” she nods excitedly at logan and then she turns to oscar, repeating the question.
oscar throws his head back with a laugh. he wraps an arm around her shoulder, and smiles. “of course. i’ve been looking forward to ice cream with you guys all day.”
sebastian finally steps away from him with a small smile and a thumbs-up. he returns the gesture, his warm smile finally putting the older man at ease. it would be a shame to watch a friendship as genuine and great as theirs fall apart. as much as he can, he would like to make sure that their authenticity never ever leaves them.
“come on! i wanna go and walk around town after we get ice cream,” she shrieks, reaching out to pull logan along with her. she glances at sebastian. “would you like to join us, seb?”
sebastian laughs, politely declining her offers. “i just want to take a nap after the day we’ve had.”
she nods, wrapping an arm around logan’s torso as they start to walk to the exit of the paddocks. “which one of you’s driving tonight? cause it’s definitely not me.”
“i’ll drive,” logan nods willingly, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and giving her a soft squeeze. “i heard you left your phone in your room all day. how’d you survive being apart from your phone for that long?”
she throws her head back with a groan. “barely! i can’t believe i went the whole day without chatting with you guys!”
oscar scoffs. “clingy.”
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taglist: @wcnorris @treehouse-mouse @laura-naruto-fan1998 @mindless-rock @leilanixx @ironmaiden1313 @angsthology @cherry-piee @christianpulisic10 @elliegrey2803 @cashtons-wife @nikfigueiredo @darleneslane @happy-nico @namgification @sadg3 @a10vely-yutazen @mellowarcadefun @glitterf1 @megatrilss1885 @peqch-pie @gentlyweeps-world @woozarts @meadhbhcavanagh @inejismywife @2bormaybenot @love4lando
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