#famous occultists
Is Albertus Magnus just an antique way of saying Fat Albert?
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Aleister Crowley - Moonchild - Avon - 1971
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cryptotheism · 8 months
From a lay perspective of the time, would wizards be considered the nuclear scientists and computer programmers of their day?
No not even slightly. Yes we got Newton, and Parsons, but the vast, vast majority of historical occultists were closer to John Harvey Kellogg. They were generally highly intelligent people, who were to some degree famous for being cripplingly weird.
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skaldish · 5 months
The archetype of the viking warrior was inspired by real vikings the same way as the archetype of the spellcasting wizard was inspired by real occultists.
And like wizards, it's a fantasy trope.
Yes, vikings existed in the sense that sea-rading Norsemen existed. But the image of vikings as these ruthless, long-haired, intimidating, ax-weilding warriors bound by oath and noble cause, actually comes from the Varangian Guard: the personal bodyguards of the Byzantine Emperor.
The members of the Varangian Guard were extremely formidable warriors and famous for their loyalty. They also consisted almost exclusively of Norseman for many centuries (due to their size, I bet). And though the Varangians would fight to the death for their loyalties, their loyalties were not with their country or gods like we envision with the trope of the viking warrior: It was with the Christian Emperor of Constantinople.
Unlike the vikings, the Varangian Guard was also a true warrior class. The vikings were pirates first and foremost, and while fightinf skills benefited their expeditions, equating them to the Varangian Guard is a bit like equating bandits to the marines.
I think the "warrior" aspect got tied to vikings due to the fact they're often portrayed as defenders of the Old Ways, standing their ground against the rise of Christianity. While this is certainly romantic, this is yet another fantasy trope.
The idea that vikings pillaged out of hatred for Christianity has its roots in the famous sacking of Lindisfarne monastery in 793. The monks painted this incident as a hate crime against Christianity, but it's far more likely that the vikings raided the monastery because it was undefended and filled with treasure. Either way, this is likely where their reputation of being blatantly anti-Christian came from.
This switched from being a vile thing to a noble one more than a millenium later, starting when the German Romantics reimagined the vikings as warriors. No longer where they antagonistic invaders, but a people defending their way of life from the chaos of a changing world.
The viking warrior exists in the sense that the trope exists. What makes it feel real is the fact that the trope is a shared cultural experience; we all agree that this is what "a viking" looks like. But the fact we all know and recognize this archetype doesn't mean the archetype was ever a real-life thing.
It's like how we all know "the history of King Arthur" even though he was never a real person.
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i--see--everything · 1 month
Lesser-known historical figures that would be avatars in TMA
Ernest Shackleton - Explorer who tried to cross the Antarctic, almost died but him and his crew managed to survive out of puré stubbornes. Imagine if Peter was an avatar of the Vast instead of the Lonely.
Miyamoto Musashi - XV century Japanese samurai that loved nothing more than winning duels to the death, being obnoxiously rude, and painting. Running around Japan to this day as an avatar of the Slaughter.
Mary Mallon (Typhoid Mary) - Cook believed to have spread typhoid fever to dozens of families she worked for, even though she was asymptomatic. Unwilling Corruption avatar.
Philip Zimbardo - Director of the Standford Prison Experiment. Avatar of the Web and maked by the Eye.
Edward Hopper - Painter of Nighthawks. His entire work is about the loneliness and isolation of urban life. Lonely avatar who vanishes you into his paintings.
John Jones - Guy who died at the Nutty Putty Caves after being stuck upside down for 27 hours. Guess which entity he would serve.
Niccolò Paganini - Famous violinist rumoured to have made a deal with the devil in exchange for talent. Same deal as Grifters Bone.
Jack Parsons - Californian occultist, sex fanatic and inventor of rocket science who died of an explosion of his own creation, after becoming an avatar of the Eye.
Simo Häyhä- Slaughter avatar nicknamed the White Death, he's considered one of the best snipers in history with 505 confirmed kills.
Frederick Taylor - He developed the theory of Taylorism, a method of managing industrial production through science and one of the many reasons work is so awful nowadays. Probably is the Buried's special little boy.
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mommyashtoreth · 7 days
I KNOW I've posted abt au names already but people are also bad at "swap au" names. The thing about gomens is that Aziraphale and Crowley are not and are not meant to be analogues for real-life theological figures. Within a swap au, there's no reason for Aziraphale to be named after a "real" demon or Crowley to be named after a "real" angel. "Aziraphale" is a made-up name that Gaiman and Pratchett thought "sounded angel-like" and "Crowley" is the name of a real occultist who became quite famous in British pop culture, especially with the misconception that he was a Satanist. Therefore, angel!Crowley needs to be named like a white Evangelical baby and demon!Aziraphale needs to be named, like, Blavatsky or something
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bird-slayer-brainrot · 3 months
Soldier On, Come Down - Chpt. 2. - - Ineffable Husbands WW2 au human!Crowley angel!Aziraphale angst multi-chapter
There was a knock on the door of the bookshop.
Azirphale looked up from his novel, sighing, and rose from his comfortable chair to answer it. Through the small window in the door, Aziraphale spotted a young, bespectacled woman frowning as she raised her fist to rap on the door again. Aziraphale hastily opened it. Aziraphale was about to tell her that the bookshop was not open, and to come again another time, before she pushed the door open, crowding Aziraphale, and marched uninvited into the bookshop.
Aziraphale watched in shock as the young woman crossed her arms.
“What are you?” she said in an American accent. She was looking at Aziraphale with a cross expression on her face and Aziraphale, who had no idea what was happening or why this strange, bossy, brightly dressed American was in his closed bookshop, just stared at her. Azirphale would have laughed if he wasn’t so confused. Out of all the things she had been expecting him to say, it wasn’t that. She was a human.
“I’m sorry.” Aziraphale said in his politest customer-service tone. The young girl looked like she was having none of it. “Whatever do you mean?”
“I can sense it.” She scrunched up her nose, and gestured around the place with her hands. ”You don’t feel human.”
The gravity of the situation finally seemed to set in. It was possible for the girl to have minor psychic capabilities. Possible, and highly, highly inconvenient. “My, dear,” Aziraphale tried to interrupt her. This was not how he had expected his day to go.
“I saw you. You healed my uncle and then you left. I saw the entire thing.”
Aziraphale froze.
“Don’t even think about it.” She stated firmly. Aziraphale, who had been thinking about erasing this whole encounter and the events before (especially that part) from her mind and setting her on her way, immediately stopped considering the possibility of getting out of this easily.
He also, admittedly, was slightly impressed. The human was bold, demanding Aziraphale to pay attention. She stood in her bright red dress, frowning, looking wholly out of place in Aziraphale’s beige and brown bookshop.
“So are you going to explain?”
Aziraphale sighed.
Her name was Anathema Device. Annie, she had insisted, for short. She wanted to know everything. This strange human girl had somehow managed not only to figure out that her uncle’s recovery was… divinely inspired. Not only that, but she had also somehow tracked Aziraphale back to his bookshop, despite the numerous miracles in place that should have made that impossible. Should have.
“It wasn’t easy.” She admitted over a second cup of tea. “I almost had trouble trying to re-locate it again today.”
Aziraphale nodded with understanding. Annie was indeed a human, and a self-proclaimed ‘occultist’. She was definitely a character.
She seemed to understand that the half-explanations Aziraphale offered were all she could reasonably expect to get out of the bookseller. What she really wanted to know was if there would be any lasting effects on her uncle – whose name was Crowley – and seemed pleased to know that he would be fine.
Aziraphale smiled as the young woman shrugged on her coat. By now, he figured erasing her mind would be a pointless endeavour. She waved at him as she exited the bookshop, and Aziraphale’s heart stopped when he saw a flash of red-hair on the pavement outside his bookshop.
Anathema watched as the white-haired man crouched down. It was hard to miss it, he stuck out like a sore thumb.
She had been running late to meet Crowley. Her conversation with Newt had drawn out. They had been arguing about the affluence of the Bronte sisters in America, in which Newt had insisted that, in his semester abroad in America (New York), he had heard not one person mention the famous literary sisters. Anathema had argued that Newt likely wasn’t hanging around interesting enough people, which seemed to shut him up about the whole thing.
She had hurried to The Dirty Donkey, which had fortunately not been too far from where she’d met Newt. She hoped Crowley hadn’t been waiting too long for her.
The stranger was crouched over a body. He seemed to flutter his hands suddenly, which Anathema found strange. Then, she felt it.
When he left, walking quickly, quietly down the not-empty street, Anathema hurried over to where the man had been. Her heart nearly stopped when she saw an unconscious Crowley,
Aziraphale couldn’t help the need that seized over him to make sure Crowley was alright. He was an angel, and it was his duty to guide and to help humankind. Checking in on the gentlemen from the alley was only polite. His duty, it was his duty.
Aziraphale decided to walk the mile to the bar he knew the human frequented from his conversation with his niece. Turns out, they lived near the bar, and were meant to have dinner the night Crowley was attacked.
As Aziraphale approached the bar, he paused, suddenly embarrassed with what he was doing. In all likelihood, he wasn’t even there and Aziraphale was just being foolish for hoping he’d see him there. 
Aziraphale willed his legs to work, and entered the bar
His long legs crowded below the low and worn bar table. He seemed to be waiting for someone, probably Anathema.
“Hello.” Aziraphale greeted him nervously. He had stopped a foot short of the table, not wanting to intrude just in case suspected person suddenly showed up.
Crowley looked up at the sound of a voice. The glimmer of recognition clear in his eyes.
“It’s you.” He stated. Aziraphale nodded. So much for the checking up on him, he could barely formulate a sentence.
“Please, sit.” Crowley announced. Aziraphale’s eyes widened at him, but the human man gestured to the seat opposite him. Wordlessly, Aziraphale obliged.
He was back to wearing his glasses, and they did well to hiding some of the deep purple bruise Crowley was sporting. He looked, for the most part, unaffected by what had occurred the night before. This was good, excellent. Aziraphale had come here. He had done what he had meant to do.
Crowley was watching him. Aziraphale suddenly wished for the privacy sunglasses would afford him. Crowley made a gesture to the worker, and, after asking what Aziraphale wanted (“Wine. Red.” Aziraphale had finally given in when Crowley insisted he buy his companion a drink.) ordered. When the barmaid left, he turned back to Aziraphale, and spoke.
Crowley had woken at midday to what was possibly the worst hangover he had ever had the misfortune to experience.
There was a noise from beside him. Crowley pulled himself up slowly, his arms weak with sleep. Anathema was there in a moment. She was saying something, but his head was pounding relentlessly. A cold glass of water was thrust in his hand. Crowley drank from it.
“Are you feeling better?” she asked softly. Crowley made a sound, and handed her back the empty glass. She was still watching him nervously. He would ask later what happened, but he needed to sleep.
Crowley heard the whole strange tale, trying his best not to interrupts. Anathema was almost bouncing with excitement.
But when she had told her uncle in no uncertain terms to expect the blond gentlemen at the bar that evening (her intuition, she told him), he argued. It was ridiculous, all of it. Crowley had known Anathema had a power of sorts, though he did not fully understand the scope of it, and she was desperate to have the answers. Crowley was her unwilling accomplice.
(Though it wasn’t a small part of him that was curious. Besides, it was only good manners to thank the man who had saved your life.)
 So Anathema had insisted on it, and Crowley found himself that evening sitting across from the most intriguing gentlemen he had ever seen.
“I was telling Anathema about this book of prophecies I’ve been trying to locate for the best part of fifteen years, and Anathema looks me straight in the eye and tells me she has a copy!”
Crowley snorted out a laugh that was probably too loud, as Aziraphale chuckled at the tale.
They had been sitting at the table for a while, by this point, and were multiple wine bottles deep into their discussion. Crowley had learnt that the man, whose name was Aziraphale, loved books. Crowley admittedly knew little about books, or prophecies, but found himself rapt by Aziraphale’s musings.
He had done this for Anathema, meeting with the gentlemen. But Crowley found himself actually enjoying the conversation, and Aziraphale hardly seemed deterred by Crowley’s stoic manner. It was nice, having a conversation with someone who made it feel like talking to him was the most natural thing in the world. Even if Aziraphale lead the conversation, Crowley hardly wanted to leave the conversation. He couldn’t remember the last time talking was nice.  
“Oh dear, I’ve held you too long.” Aziraphale suddenly exclaimed. It was true. Crowley looked around, just noticing the empty chairs and tables. Aziraphale moved to stand clumsily. Crowley suddenly felt the urge to ask him to stay.
“Thank you, again.” Was what he said instead. Aziraphale looked at him anxiously, and gave him a small smile before hurrying out the door.
It was strange, but Crowley had done his duty and thanked the man. He picked up his hat, and stood up to go.
(Chapter two! I wanted to do more this chapter but the past week has been full with uni kicking in (ahhhhh), my birthday (19, i feel old) and me suddenly getting sick today which has led to me being bedridden. Either way, I'll aim to have chapter three up earlier on Friday next week. Stay hydrated xX)
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haveyoureadthisfanfic · 2 months
Summary: After Addison, Arthur and John didn't go to New York - they just went home, and set up shop in as PIs in Arkham. Now several months later, having completed work for a wealthy client, they find themselves invited to a fancy dinner party with New England's elite occultists. But among the rich and famous diners are two unexpected guests: "Andrew" Larson, Arthur's one time nemesis, and Peter Yang, back from the dead but not quite right. After an awkward dinner, and an introduction to a mysterious supernatural artifact, a corpse is discovered. It's up to Arthur and John to solve the murder and stop the artifact before it unleashes its eldritch magic on them all.
Author: @croik
Author: THIS IS A CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE FANFIC. How cool is that?? I've seen a few of these before but this one is especially fun and I loved going back to chapters I already read after discovering new parts of the overall mystery.
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zahramorningstar · 5 months
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✨️Mari Lucifer✨️
In his book 'The Gnostics and Their Remains', Charles King equates the Gnostic Sophia with Venus Anadyomene (Venus Rising from the Sea) which appears on ancient magical gem stones as a naked damsel.
Manly Hall explains that Venus and Isis were names for Lucifer, telling us: "Being visible in the sky at sunset it was called Vesper, and as it rose before the Sun, it was called the Star of the Morning or Lucifer, meaning Light Bearer. Because of this relation to the Sun, the planet was also called Venus, Astarte, Aphrodite, Isis, and The Mother of the Gods".(The Secret Teachings of All Ages').
Magdalene is assumed by some to be interchangable with goddesses like Sophia, Isis, and Inanna. In his book 'Mary Magdalene The Illuminator', popular author William Henry tells us: 'Plutarch states that Isis was called Sophia.
She's also called Astarte, the goddess worshipped by Solomon. Each of these goddesses, in turn is the Babylonian goddess Inanna. Schonfield concludes that there is no doubt that the beautiful woman's head of the Templars represents Sophia in her female and Isis aspect -- and she was linked with Mary Magdalene in the Christian interpretation"..
The most famous occultist of the 20th - century Manly Hall, explains in his book 'The Secret Teachings of All Ages' that Isis "metamorphized' into the Virgin Mary.
Some scholars have tied the Virgin Mary to Magdalene. Theologian Cyril of Jerusalem held that the Virgin Mary was one and the same as Magdalene. In their book 'Jesus and
the Lost Goddess', Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy assert that the Virgin Mary and Magdalene in the Gospel accounts represent -- respectively, the higher Sophia and the fallen Sophia - aspects of the same character in the Sophianic myth.
Like Sophia, Magdalene was also associated with Venus. Rachel Geschwind (a professor in the Art History department at Youngstown State University) observes that in the 16th - century, paintings like Rossiglio's 'Conversion of the Magdalene' began to give Venus-like characteristics to Magdalene.
The explicit links between Magdalene and Venus perhaps point to Mary's true identity. When observed From Earth, Venus traces a perfect pentagram across the sky every eight years making a pattern of a rose.
This is known as the "Rose of Venus" or The "Pentagram of Venus". Magdalene is sometimes referred to as "The Rose" and those who diligently followed the Magdalene Mysteries were known as the "Initiates of the Rose Line".
In Southern France, Magdalene was known as Mary-Lucifera, connecting her to Lucifer. Isis and Diana were also known as Lucifera (see the book Magdalene Mysteries', by Seren Bertrand). As Author DeAnna Emerson tells us: "Inanna's name was altered to suit new languages. She was called Ishtar, Isis, Astarte, Diana, Venus, Magdalene -- one goddess with many names"
In his book The Templar Revelation', popular author Clive Prince tells us:
"As Nancy Qualls-Corbett and other recent commentators have pointed out, the depiction of Mary Magdalene in the Gnostic Gospels is that of illuminatrix and illuminator or Mary Lucifer, the Light-bringer -- the bestower of wisdom and enlightenment".
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Companion of a famous occultist, brave and resourceful, willing to face danger alongside Crow in their quest to uncover the secrets of the cosmos and protect humanity from malevolent forces.
Allons dire bonjour
Henri-Laurent de Marigny
Henri made by @shapter-draws
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homomenhommes · 3 months
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more … March 21
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1804 – The Code Napoléon is introduced in France, Belgium, Luxembourg, and Monaco, maintaining the "hands-off" attitude of the government toward private, consensual sexual relations.
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1901 – Gavin Arthur (d.1972) an astrologer and occultist, was born Chester Alan Arthur III, the grandson and namesake of the 21st President of the United States. He grew up in wealth, but did not pursue a career in the professions, choosing instead to join the Merchant Marines. He later panned for gold and sold newspapers.
In the 1930s he travelled widely and came to know many of the counterculture elite of his day. Among his acquaintances were pioneer sexologists Edward Carpenter, Havelock Ellis and Alfred Kinsey. He was unashamedly gay and a forerunner of gay activism. He helped Kinsey with his groundbreaking research into male sexuality.
In the 1950s he settled in San Francisco and devoted his time to astrology. He began to move in the alternative spirituality and sexuality community that first became known for its identification with beat Zen, and he became well-known as an astrological counsellor. He began to develop a perspective on astrology that, contrary to the mainstream of astrological writing, took account of homosexual and bisexual gender preferences. His ruminations culminated in 1966 with his major writing, The Circle of Sex.
Drawing on his reading of gay writers, Arthur concluded that sexuality needs to be separated from the single need to procreate.
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1903 – Vadim Kozin (d.1994) was a Russian tenor, and an openly homosexual man until 1934 when male homosexuality became a crime in USSR.
Vadim Alekseyevich Kozin was born the son of a merchant in Saint Petersburg. His mother was a gypsy and often sang in the local gypsy choir. Their house was frequently full of musicians, exposing Vadim to tradition from an early age.
He began to sing professionally in the 1920s, and gained success almost immediately. In the 1930s he moved to Moscow and began playing with the accompanist David Ashkenazi.
During World War II he served in the entertainment brigade and sang for Soviet troops.
In 1944, shortly before the birthday of Josef Stalin, the police chief Lavrenty Beria called him up and asked why his songs didn't involve Stalin. Kozin famously replied that songs about Stalin were not suited for tenor voices. In late 1944, Kozin was sentenced to five years in jail as part of the repression campaign against prominent Soviet performers and was sent to the Magadan labour camps because of his alleged homosexuality.
He was initially released in 1950 and was able to return to his singing career. Though released once again several years later, he was never officially rehabilitated and remained in exile in Magadan until his death. Speaking to journalists in 1982, he explained how he had been forced to tour the Kolyma camps: "The Politburo formed brigades which would, under surveillance, go on tours of the concentration camps and perform for the prisoners and the guards, including those of the highest rank."
In 1993, being interviewed by Theo Uittenbogaard in the TV documentary Gold – Lost in Siberia, he recalled how he was released from exile temporarily and flown into Yalta for a few hours, because Winston Churchill, unaware of Kozin's forced exile, had asked Stalin for the famous singer Vadim Kozin to perform, during a break in the Yalta Conference, held February 4–11, 1945.
His prison sentence deeply traumatized Kozin, leading to the cessation of his singing career. He even began burning his own records, to the point where his friends were forced to hide their own copies from him in order to preserve them. The Soviet government never officially rehabilitated him and his 90th birthday was celebrated in private among friends in Magadan. He died at the age of 91 in 1994.
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1961 – Greg Herren is an American writer and editor, who publishes work in a variety of genres, including mystery novels, young adult literature and erotica. He publishes work both as Greg Herren and under the pseudonym Todd Gregory.
New Orleans-based writer and journalist, Greg Herren has written extensively about the homosexual lifestyle, both in fiction and nonfiction. His work has appeared in a variety of periodicals and anthologies, and his fiction includes an array of horror stories and mysteries, all featuring homosexual characters.
His novel Murder in the Rue Chartres won a Lambda Literary Award in the Gay Mystery category at the 2008 Lambda Literary Awards, and his anthology Love, Bourbon Street: Reflections of New Orleans, co-edited with Paul J. Willis, won in the anthologies category at the 2007 Lambda Literary Awards.
He was also nominated in the mystery category in 2003 for Murder in the Rue Dauphine, in 2004 for Bourbon Street Blues, in 2005 for Jackson Square Jazz, in 2007 for Mardi Gras Mambo, in 2010 for Murder in the Garden District and in 2011 for Vieux Carré Voodoo, in the anthologies category in 2005 for Shadows of the Night: Queer Tales of the Uncanny and Unusual and in the science fiction, fantasy and horror category in 2013 for the anthology Night Shadows: Queer Horror, co-edited with J.M. Redmann. As Todd Gregory, he was also nominated in the Gay Erotica category in 2010 for the anthology Rough Trade: Dangerous Gay Erotica and in 2013 for the anthology Raising Hell: Demonic Gay Erotica.
Openly gay, Herren lives in New Orleans, Louisiana, where he also works as an HIV/AIDS counselor and educator. He was also a co-founder of the Saints and Sinners Literary Festival.
While not erotic, Herren's mystery novels feature homosexual characters and cater to that audience. His choices have proven controversial on occasion. In 2005, he was invited to speak to the Gay-Straight Alliance at Manchester High School in Chesterfield County, Virginia. However, the superintendent and the school board later canceled his appearance under pressure from the Virginia Family Policy Network, which had organized an e-mail campaign claiming that Herren wrote gay pornography and would not be an appropriate speaker. Herren commented that only a small portion of his writing has erotic overtones, and that, regardless, he hadn't planned to discuss his sexual orientation during his presentation. He said: "I was planning on talking about being a professional writer.… I was not planning on talking about sex." and was defended by the American Civil Liberties Union.
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1962 – South African activist Zackie Achmat has been a pivotal figure in his country's response to AIDS. His refusal, from 1999 to 2003, to avail himself of anti-retroviral drugs until they became affordable for the poor brought him recognition from health and human rights advocates worldwide.
In a 1995 autobiographical essay, provocatively entitled "My Childhood as an Adult Molester," he describes the conditions of life for South Africa's "coloureds" during the apartheid era, when he suffered discrimination and poverty. Although of Malaysian extraction, he identified with the country's black population, who were subject to even worse treatment.
The essay also offers a rare portrait of gay male life in the colored community. By age ten, Achmat was aware of his homosexuality. An eager reader, he received a special pass to use a town library ordinarily reserved for whites. However, its restrooms were still off limits. While seeking available facilities, he discovered restroom sex with adult men and took up the life of a "moffie," South African slang for a gay man.
Achmat's political activism began with the 1976 student uprisings against apartheid. He organized youth resistance groups for the African National Congress (ANC) while it was still banned, and he was jailed several times.
In the 1990s apartheid was repealed. The ANC came to power under the charismatic leadership of Nelson Mandela in 1994. Achmat was one of the founders of the National Coalition for Gay and Lesbian Equality in 1994, which advocated for gay rights in the new constitution. In 1996 South Africa became the first nation to include protections against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation in its Bill of Rights. In 1998 all remaining local sodomy laws were declared unconstitutional.
Achmat co-founded the Treatment Action Campaign (TAC) in 1998 to address the AIDS epidemic. South Africa then had the highest number of AIDS cases in the world, a figure that would eventually grow to over 5 million. To put a human face on the crisis, Achmat publicly announced his own HIV-positive status and vowed not to take anti-retroviral drugs until they were available to all South Africans. As he later told his group, "The majority of people with HIV—they don't have a face, they don't have a political understanding. They're desperate, they're poor, they're alone . . . I can't look them in the eye when I take medicines and I know they're going to die."
Enduring frequent bouts of illness, Achmat spearheaded TAC's civil disobedience campaign to force the government to promote the use of ARVs. TAC and other groups sued the government to provide Nevirapine to curb mother-to-newborn transmission of HIV. TAC won the support of former president Mandela, who met with Achmat and declared him a national hero.
In August 2003, anticipating a victory, Achmat resumed treatment in time to reverse his declining health. In November, South Africa's Ministry of Health finally agreed to a government-funded program to provide ARVs on a wide scale. Although there have been other obstacles to effective treatment for HIV infection in South Africa, TAC has made steady progress
On 5 January 2008, Achmat married his same-sex partner and fellow activist Dalli Weyers at a ceremony in the Cape Town suburb of Lakeside. The ceremony was attended by then Mayor Helen Zille and presided over by Supreme Court of Appeal judge Edwin Cameron. The couple divorced amicably in June 2011
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1967 – Philippe Honoré is a French violinist who has been a regular recitalist in France and the United Kingdom. He was appointed Violin Professor at the Royal Academy of Music in London September 2012. He has performed widely in broadcast recitals on French radio and television.
Philippe Honoré divides his busy schedule between solo work, chamber music, as well as leading orchestras. He was a principal player with the Philharmonia Orchestra (from 2005 to 2011). After having received top honours from the Paris Conservatoire and the Royal Academy of Music in London, he was made Lauréat of the Yehudi Menuhin Foundation of France in 1992. He was awarded an Honorary Associateship by the Royal Academy of Music in 2001.
Honoré is a former member of the Vellinger Quartet and a founder member of the Mobius ensemble. As such, he has appeared in some of the most prestigious venues abroad (such as Amsterdam's Concertgebouw) and in the UK (such as the Wigmore Hall and the South Bank in London). He has appeared as a soloist performing Beethoven, Mozart, Bach and Vivaldi concerti, as well as Ravel's Tzigane.
Philippe regularly appears as guest leader with some of the UK's best orchestras. He has made numerous solo and chamber music recordings. His solo violin performances on the Decca album An Equal Music are regularly featured on both Classic FM and Radio 3. The novel of that name by the author Vikram Seth was inspired by and dedicated to him. Vikram Seth and he were at one time lovers in a ten-year relationship.
Philippe's collaboration with the composer Alec Roth over a recent four-year project earned him great critical acclaim. The performances took place at the Salisbury, Chelsea, and The Lichfield Festival. BBC Radio 3 recorded and broadcast these annual concerts, in which, in addition to the world premières of Roth's work, Philippe also played solo Bach and Ysaÿe sonatas. The Times described his account of Roth's solo work in 2007 as “magically played”. A studio recording of Alec Roth's Ponticelli for solo violin, played by Philippe, was released by Signum records in November 2011.
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1981 – Brandon Scott Sessoms, best known as B. Scott, born in Franklin, Virginia, is an American television personality, radio show host and internet celebrity who is known for his YouTube videoblogs and website LoveBScott.com. He is also a contributing editor to The Glam Network, and an Ebony Magazine advice columnist.
Scott, who is a gender non-conforming androsexual, has become a popular internet personality through his video blogging and his website, LoveBScott.com. Scott's internet presence has contributed to his ability to interview celebrities such as Mariah Carey, Ne-Yo, Chaka Khan, Aubrey O'Day and Ashanti. Following his Internet-based success, he has appeared in mainstream media, making appearances on The Tyra Banks Show, and shows on Oxygen and BET.
Scott was born to parents of African-American, Irish, Jewish and Meherrin ancestry. As a teenager Scott was selected to attend the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics (NCSSM), a two-year public residential high school.
After graduating from NCSSM in 1999, he attended University of North Carolina and came out as gay and transgender in his sophomore year. He said in a video blog that he had feelings and was questioning previously but when he was a sophomore pre-med, he got his first romantic kiss from a man and realized he was attracted to men, and that he was using the intense pre-med education to distract himself from his sexuality. He stopped efforts to become a physician from the realization that it was a self-invented distraction. Scott graduated in 2002 with a B.A. in Psychology
Scott moved to Washington, DC where he briefly practiced as a licensed realtor in the Capitol Hill area. In June 2005, Scott moved to Los Angeles, California where he continued his work in real estate and as an interior designer. It was during this time that he began his interest in the entertainment industry, while briefly working in print ads as a fashion model.
On January 1, 2007, Scott launched LoveBScott.com which primarily focuses on pop culture: celebrity news, fashion, music, nightlife, and miscellaneous entertainment. The name lovebscott.com was selected in an effort to give his website a readily-identifiable personality with the mission of conveying a positive outlook.
In May 2007, B. Scott started incorporating YouTube videos into his website to personally connect with readers. The videos include personal observations, celebrity news, musical performances, political commentary, interviews and messages of encouragement to the audience. The videos are produced out of his Los Angeles residence. His YouTube channel has over 90,000 subscribers, and has won numerous awards for viewership and subscriptions
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1987 – Finland: Pekka Haavisto the first openly gay member of Finnish parliament, takes office. He is a Finnish politician and minister representing the Green League. He returned to the Finnish Parliament in the Finnish parliamentary election of March 2007 after an absence of 12 years and was re-elected again in 2011. In October 2013 he was appointed as the Minister for International Development after Heidi Hautala resigned from the job. He has also been a member of the Helsinki City Council.
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2018 – San Francisco renames Terminal 1 at the San Francisco International Airport after slain LGBT supervisor Harvey Milk and installs artwork memorializing the civil rights icon. The name change was first introduced in 2013 by then-Supervisor David Campos who had initially hoped to name the entire airport after Milk but the proposal met with opposition. Instead, an airport naming committee was established, which recently recommended naming SFO’s Terminal 1 after Milk.
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ketzexi · 3 months
Having a difficult time coming up with something that fits. Thoughts?
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awesomecooperlove · 1 year
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cryptotheism · 1 year
Question that has been sitting in the back of my mind for a week: which famous occultist/esotericist was a born and bred Poster before their time. Who was made for the forums
Easily Paracelsus. My man would be an INCREDIBLE poster.
Paracelsus was kinda the first person to think that a real doctor ought to actually have boots on the ground, and treat patients in person. He traveled a TON, and kept getting himself into Scenarios like getting kidnapped by cossacks and charming his way out.
He regularly says shit like "there is more wisdom in my shoelaces than the entirety of Galen, more knowledge in my beard than the whole of Avicenna." Which is the equivalent of saying "The STREETS taught me more than your "Plato" ever could." But the thing is that he was RIGHT. He was a supreme shit talker, but he completely revolutionized medicine. Meaning he talked shit with the confidence of someone who knew he was right.
Legend has it that at the university of Württemberg, they would kick off every school year with a big bonfire and a feast to "burn away the old year." And Paracelsus was such a showboat that he started burning old medical texts to demonstrate his distaste for the medical establishment. The man would just do shit.
As a poster, I think he would be an early renaissance combination of Skweezy Jibbs and Trump.
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kgdiaries · 10 months
all “female” celebrities and famous models were born male, which is why they can get so skinny. real women and girls would die of starvation before ever looking like the stick-thin MTFs on tv, because we are inherently designed differently. research and observe it for yourself. the “elite” class are androgynous occultists, satanists, and liars. nothing they present to us is normal or good. it’s evil, inverted and was intended to cause humanity harm from day one. normal people can’t look like these demons and they shouldn’t want to. free yourselves from their mental and spiritual slavery for your own good
u need more help then me love
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magical-girl-coral · 10 months
Yo that symbol in Fear and Hunger appears to be an edited/heavily simplified take on "The Great Pentacle" sigil from the Key of Solomon. It's one of the most famous texts in occult circles, and is associated with the Ars Goetia, which in turn is one of the most widely-known texts in demonology and renaissance magic (as it details summoning demons and the titles they have in Hell.) The text was known in the renaissance, but became tied with occult movements following it's publication by famous and notable occultist Aleister Crowley. So it's got a lot of like, cultural meaning specific to occult history and symbolism. The symbol seems to be a generic occult symbol based off the look of The Great Pentacle, so as to not use the actual goetic seals. I don't know anything about the game it's from though.
I know you're talking about the outer circle of the ritual, so let me make my point clearer. This is the magen david:
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These are some of the Pentacle symbols:
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This is the one symbol they chose at the end to put in the middle of a dark ritual circle:
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If a creator of any form of media has that many choices in symbolisms, and yet chooses to put the one symbol that represents Jews, I have the right to be fucking uncomfortable.
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