#famILY in the snow au
vanillaearwig · 7 months
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I wanted to give Winter Betty a little army of snow babies to dote on ❄💙⛄
Also the first one is a lie. Winter King isn't arguing with anything his wife asks of him, he's doing Anything for Her
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maysrinn · 3 months
Deep in the Meadow 🥀
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The songbird and her two little fledglings, its just gonna be the two of them for quite some time ✨🐦‍⬛
Lucy Gray is making each day at the edge of dawn strolls with both her gremlins through the meadow while singing soft lullabies. While Janus is off in minutes it takes longer for Clementine to fall asleep simply because she doesn’t wanna. She wants to stay up and chase the glowing bugs! and eat them
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praxidikegal · 5 months
So in this AU, where Snow decided to fight against the Capitol. How did that happen? What happened to him that had him go "Wait...maybe this isn't the way to go. We should leave for now."
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I'm so sorry for not answering sooner.
You see, in this au the ending never happened, Coryo never lied and Lucy Gray accepted him yada yada they travelled and ended up in 13. When they were found they presented themselves to 13 as runaways (himself a trained peacekeeper assigned to district 12 from district 2) Though, they were relatively safe and stable and he was able to climb to power and took back what was "stolen" from his family, Coryo does not want to stay down there forever. He hates the lack of opulence, luxury and life. He also holds a grudge against the Capitol for his "downfall".
In 13, he holds a different name along with Lucy Gray and he wants his name back and his family name's old glory back and of course he wants to get back to Tigris and Grandma'am (tho, grandma'am croaked before they meet again). He hates that he is in hiding, he hates that he is hidden and as president there, He cares little about the people in 13 but Lucy Gray does so he does his best to make the place better for her and his kids (of course himself, he is ambitious and wants some kind of privilege no matter how small in 13) so he's in semi-in contact with the rebels and the Capitol themselves, exchanging goods with them and accepts refugees due to 13's little supplies and population. Then the pox outbreak happens and it was when his son, Orpheus Sage, almost died that he can no longer bear it and so he had 13 join the rebellion fully. After the war was won, he was elected as president of Panem (and all the things it entails) and moved his family to the Capitol.
I hope this sound coherent and not a bumbling mess
Aidoneus Thorne, president of district 13 A.K.A. Coriolanus I'm-only-nice-to-my-family-Snow.
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The Blue family tree as of the end of Fire and Ice! (couldn't fit in Crooked's side without going insane) omitted: Sand and Gray's dead siblings; some secret mates
★ = in StarClan ☆ = other afterlife ♥ = romantic partnership ♡ = platonic partnership crossed out = formerly
Lion's Heart and Frost Shine tree Black Leopard (and Tiger's Claw) tree
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westerosiladies · 7 months
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Starklings Modern AU
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rowaelinprompts · 2 years
Winter Prompt List!!!
A compiled list of winter/wintry prompts! Feel free to share and use these for anything that comes to mind! :)
Fair warning--there is almost no organization to this list, enter at your own peril haha
First snowfall
Building snow people or sculptures
Snow angels
Shoveling snow
Snow down the back of the neck
Dog sledding/husky sledding
Ice skating
Catching snowflakes on your tongue
Taking pictures in the snow
Sleigh ride
Writing letters to Santa--with or without kids involved
Building a gingerbread house
Secret Santa or other gift exchange
White Elephant gift exchange
Giving gifts
Receiving gifts
Family heirloom given as a holiday gift
The Nutcracker--watching or performing
Singing Christmas carols
Cooking holiday foods we only make this time of year
White Christmas (or insert any holiday)
Hot drinks on a cold day
Snuggling by the fireplace
Watching cliché winter movies together
A holiday disaster
First family Christmas/other holiday
Tongue got stuck to a metal pole
The first snowfall always brings back the memory of...
Getting snowed in
We're stuck together in this cabin until the storm passes
We broke up but we're still going on this trip because money is money
We broke up and I'm asking someone else to go home with me for the holidays because I know my ex will be there with someone
Fake dating for the holidays because [ex] will be there
Our friends set us up under the mistletoe
Having a drinking game at a party
My family invited an old friend for the holidays and they're my first love
I hate singing carols but I will sing for you
You gifted me a family heirloom
My family invited someone I hate for the holidays
Accidentally slipping on ice and pulling the other down
Holidays in the hospital
You were coming home to me for the holidays, but...
Dreaming of the perfect Christmas/other holiday
I wrote you a Christmas card 15 years ago confessing my feelings. Now it's time to send it.
Making it "snow" in a tropical country because you're from a place where it snows every winter
My flight was canceled and I went home to find my ex cheating on me, so now I'm at this pub
"I'll be home for Christmas, no matter what."
"You're the only gift I want to unwrap."
"I know who has a full stocking..."
"Skip Santa, we're both on the naughty list anyway."
"Look! A snowflake!"
"It's going to snow this year, I know it!"
"There's nothing to do!" // "Oh, really?"
"It's tradition!"
"Put your boots on!" // "I don't need boots!" // "There's two feet of snow!" // "My shoes are waterproof!" (actual words overheard at my college)
"Who needs a sleigh when I can just ride you?"
"Someone spiked the eggnog!"
"You gave me WHAT?!" / "They gave you WHAT?!"
"Happy holidays, baby."
"I'm not drunk!" // "Oh yeah? Then why are your eyes crossed?"
"Turn on the heat." // "Oh, I will." // "No, I literally mean the heat! It's like ten degrees in here!"
"Have you been on the nice list this year?"
"I know what you're getting for Christmas..."
"It's just a wish, I know wishes don't come true." // "Who told you that?"
"Yeah, yeah, I know. You hate Christmas."
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via-the-cryptid · 8 months
Fun idea:
While living in the Treehouse, Snow Queen starts to mom Finn (And probably calls him Gunther? Who knows) because he is a kid, and she and Simon live there so obviously he has to be their son right? Now they are a family and Simon its never going to leave again.
Also Simon unwittingly starts to dad Finn around because he is Simon and he cant go around wthout adopting a child.
Finn feels a little weird because, while he already had Joshua and Margaret, these two are humans (Or in case of Betty, mostly human) and he doesnt know how to feel about it. His relationship with Simon could be extra awkward depending if the events of The Citadel already happened and Martin is already going around.
sir ma’am or mx you are a genius.
I’m thinking the Sugar Snow War takes place before Finn goes on his dad quest, so at this point he’s still under the impression that he’s the only human around… except for Simon, who they pulled out of an icicle a while ago and who they haven’t seen much of since he went to the Candy Kingdom. he used to visit a lot when he was in Wizard City, but after that he sort of went quiet. now he’s back, with the Snow Queen who’s utterly doting on him and seems very clingy, and with Marceline, who’s a mix of happy that her adoptive mom got her beloved back, and absolutely pissed that her ex tried to imprison said beloved for blackmail purposes and then went on to destroy her mom’s entire kingdom. Marceline leaves shortly after making sure that SQ and Simon will be good to stay at the treehouse (Jake said yes and what Jake says goes), but that just leaves them with Snow Queen, Simon, Finn, Jake, BMO, Shelby in the walls, and also Gunther, who keeps disappearing randomly (presumably to also be in the walls).
and then Finn comes down from i go stroom for breakfast the next morning, and Snow Queen has already set a place at the table for him next to the penguin and Simon is making pancakes, which is Weird, and Jake is already eating the pancakes, which isn’t as weird but it is a little odd that he’s not the one making them. apparently these two want to contribute to the household or something? Finn doesn’t really mind, the pancakes are good and Snow Queen is being pretty civil.
then it starts to get a little weirder.
she put snacks and a couple ice knives in his backpack before he went adventuring, ‘just in case’? she asked if he remembered his sword and said to have fun in the dungeon? she’s offering him life advice that is probably very illegal but not actually that bad? y’know what, maybe he will beset a wizard with penguins the next time they try to take his stuff. Magic Man has it coming, anyways.
it sort of reminds him of his mom — Jake’s mom first, but Finn’s mom, too. she’d done this sort of thing with a little less crazy and a little more sensibleness, but it’s the same gist anyways. it’s only when Snow Queen tries to fix his hair before putting his hat on him and calls him Gunther that he realises she’s trying to parent him.
and honestly, he doesn’t know that he’s really that opposed to it. sure, it’s kinda weird, but she’s not actually hurting anything. Simon’s been following her example to some degree, helping Finn with puzzles and artifacts, telling him about human stuff from the past, suggesting new tricks and games to try, but it doesn’t really feel like Joshua’s ‘tough love’. it’s something different, something Finn doesn’t really remember experiencing before — the closest thing he’s had to this is Jake, who’s definitely never been quite so parental about his worrying.
honestly, his only questions at this point are whether it would make Marceline his older sister if Snow Queen and Simon tried to adopt him (it would), and whether Jake is getting adopted too (he is).
(side note — Finn isn’t quite so messed up about Martin in this au because as soon as the events of the Citadel have played out, he walks himself straight over to the Snow Kingdom and lays on the floor until someone asks him what’s wrong, and then he gets to have Family Therapy with his third set of parents, since the first are half-unavailable and half-terrible, and the second are no longer around. He also gets to hold a penguin the entire time which is very therapeutic and does not leave him with the desire to rip Martin’s arm off.)
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mikka-minns · 9 months
Kenshi: love is not dead. It never existed. It is a fake concept people made up to make their lives more complicated.
Noob: Not even i am that edgy. Are you good, kid?
Kuai: Did you dab when Ermac said hi to you?
Kenshi: how did you know?
Kuai: Just uh...im good at guessing
(Hanzo did the same thing once)
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 10 months
Hello, Me again... this is a stupid ask for the "Big Cats AU" and I'm not expecting a blurb, just your thoughts. Cougars, while they can't "Roar" are known for their "Scream". While is supposed to sound like a woman in distress. So anyway the question is... has Jaune discovered this ability and has he ever used it to either prank the other Big Cats, or more in line to his character... used it to startle people away from the enclosures when they seem to be distressing the others (maybe in particular Lion!Pyrrha)
Like I said, stupid ask, that just popped into my head. Keep up the excellent work.
This actually helped me think of something to write, so I'll add a blurb here. Jaune doesnt' exactly have full control of his scream.
Cheetah!Ruby: WHOA!!! Where did all these cougars come from?!?!?!
Field Trip full of kids pass through with a ton of mom chaparones.
Cheetah!Ruby: Oh, and the pumas too.
Lion!Pyrrha: Apparently the seven adults are Jaune's sisters, and all forty-three cubs are his nieces.
Tiger!Yang: FORTY-THREE?????!!!?!?!?!?!?!?
Panther!Blake & SL!Weiss: (balk and ears and tails go limp)
Lion!Pyrrha: Something about a family reunion.
Cougar!Jaune: (running away in fear) NOOOOOO!!! I DIDN'T SIGN UP FOR THIS!!!! LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!
43 Cubs: (various ages and chasing C!J) Uncle Jaune! Come play with us! We need to practice our hunting skills!
Cougar!Jaune: WHY DO YOU HAVE TO PRACTICE THEM ON ME?!?!?!?! (climbs a tree to get away from the sea of cubs) Pyrrha! Help me! Bianca! Olivia! Rosmary! Karen! Aqua! Jade! Saphron! Control your cubs!!!
Tree: (bark gives way, trapping C!Jaune's claws as he plummets to the ground)
Cougar!Jaune: (does a cougar scream as he falls and slams into the ground)
RWBY: (wince as they watch the dust settle and the sea of cubs bum rush C!J)
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maysrinn · 6 months
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Coriolanus figured out really quickly that he didn’t liked the cries of infants declaring it the most unpleasant sound he ever heard next to Grandma’ams attempts to be a songbird in his own childhood, while Lucy Gray is just happy that her little Janus is alive and well.
Even if Janus is only 2 months old, There ain’t no crying in this household- 🐍🌹
I’m playing with two very different parenting styles of Coryo and Lucy gray. While Coriolanus is good old capitol he wishes nothing more then his kids being the best they can be, be it future academic or in manners which means almost silent well behaved. His little own protégé, he justifies this with if people have nothing to gossip about, his family has one thing less to endure while he and his “district” wife come out victorious. Well at least in his point of view
Lucy Gray obviously wants them to actually have a childhood, she condones screaming, fighting, loud laughter and crying, everything that makes a human child out of them and not some of well trained silenced doll. Which sometimes or oftentimes leads to arguments between the two, lucky for Sejanus, Xanthos and Roselyn their mother is their primary caretaker ever since their father is working and Lucy Gray doesn’t want avoxes or nannys to be around them unless its necessary.
They both love their kids (Coryo in his own way) he just needs to show it more- 🥀
Father of the year right? Yet Surprisingly better than his own
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Reflections and a Movie Night Dare (Snow Owl AU)
If one can recall on this blog, I had recently posted a fic based on my Snow Owl AU (Mary Grayson Alive and a Crime Fighter) called ‘Memories, Held Back Feelings, and a Vow’; well, the following is a sort of alternate take on the same plot and premise presented there, only taken in a less dramatic fashion and tone. What happened was basically a friend and I looking over this story and deciding on taking a less fluffy and soft direction plant was written during a period I still grasping what was actually in character for Dick and Mary even under alternate circumstances so if it seems out of character for them, just a small heads up. So in a way, this is this story in a more unabridged version.
Anyways the following is dedicated to my good friends @confusedhummingbird @spider-jaysart @camo-wolf @theredheaded-stuff @lightdusk96 @nightglider124 @starlightbelle @adalineozie @sbd-laytall @bluegarners @celaenaeiln @pin-crusher2000 @acediscowlng @faesystem @mothnem @sillymanwithocs and many others
The following and characters and concepts are owned by DC Comics, part of DC Entertainment, a subsidiary of Warner Bros Discovery
And now, on with the show…..
As nighttime produced a clear and starry night that draped over the city of Bludhaven, its two protectors had just barely wrapped up with patrol and stopped any plots and schemes from the superstitious cowardly lot that created chaos in the streets. With the tight and combined efforts, the streets were safe, their job and their vow to protect innocents in pursuit of justice had prevailed, at least for the night. Thankfully, the upcoming morning was a lazy Saturday so they can sleep in after such a wonderfully exhilarating night.
Both protectors, Mother and Son, reach the staircase right outside the master bedroom's window, landing with the most graceful of ease without making any clanking noise on said stars. As Mother and Son reel in their grapple lines into their respective escrima sticks, the younger one of them, clad in a red vest, a green scaly pair of pants, black domino cape with a solid yellow cape, with a yellow utility belt and green pixies boots; he takes out the key in said belt to unlock the window and allow them both in. It was long yet another success for the Dynamic Duo of Bludhaven, Snow Owl and Robin, the Boy Wonder.
Finally, the window locks click with a turn from Robin's key, indicating that they are now ready to open. As they do so and both crime fighters lightly begin stepping into the master bedroom, both Snow Owl and Robin slip off their respective boots before taking steps onto the bed right next to the window. Rather than stepping onto the beige carpeting in this bedroom right away, the Boy Wonder proceeds to extend his arms and playfully flop back first on said bed and goofily stick his tongue to the side of his mouth. This display of silliness earns a giggle from his mother as she steps onto the bed and closes the windows, making sure the extra locks are secured in place as per post patrol tradition.
She looks to her son, still laying on the bed with his tongue still to the side of his mouth, his eyes peacefully shut, and panting happily after such a long night of crime fighting and swinging from one rooftop to the other. That patrol wiped Robin out since he was intentionally badly playing dead.
Even more confirmed by him breathing out with an exhausted yet cheerful tone, “Golly, I think I died right now, Snow Owl.”
His mother snickers sweetly at that bold claim as she proceeds to sit on the bed cross legged, and stretch her arms behind her back, popping a few sore joints.
“Well, last time I checked, dead bodies usually don’t say out loud they’re dead, unless they’re zombies of course”, Snow Owl lightheartedly snarks as she then climbs off the bed and makes her way to both her dresser. From there, she takes out a light blue t shirt and black sweatpants, meant to change into them once she showers off the dried up sweat and even grime, they both got throughout this night. As she returns to her bedroom, she can see Robin just lying there on her bed in the same position as she left him in.
Robin peeks one open seeing Snow Owl with a clean laundry set in her arms, knowing he best do the same. He happily yet tiredly swings his legs off the bed, standing up on the carpeted floor and starts taking steps on his way to first his own bedroom for his own clothes to change into before heading for the bathroom.
“Don’t forget to make sure to get every single part washed up”, Snow Owl reminded her son while slipping off her domino mask and gloves, “you never know where any dirt or other stuff might be left on you...”
“Oh relax, Mom, I got it”, Robin says with confidence and a firm understanding. “Oh, I'll make sure not to take too long. We gotta make sure the water bill doesn’t go up too high in how much we pay for it, right?”
Snow Owl nods. She remembers their last bill having an additional zero then their usual ones. She gives her son a thumbs up. “You got that right; I’ll make sure not to take too long as well. Good thinking.”
With a simple thumbs up to his mother, Robin also takes off his own mask and continues on his way. However, as he does so, there’s something about him, Snow Owl notices. For a briefest of seconds there, she thought she was looking at…someone else. Snow Owl cannot help herself from feeling a sort of…. feeling. Her love for her son allows her to see something in him. She cannot help but see…. her husband, the boy’s father in that smile, that confidence he exudes, just this sort of, spirit present within him that reminds her of the man whose unfortunate tragedy those years ago molded the both of them into the crime fighters they are today.
She closes her unmasked blue eyes as a sort of burning sensation starts slowly igniting in them. A sudden heaviness weighs upon her ability to stand up. That ability very lightly starts slipping away and her breathing picks up. Grief, sorrow and loss. In trying to remember the good times and happy life she had with her husband, those emotions accompany them.
It’s a part of her that’s getting better every day but even after all this passed time, it’s still not easy to completely let go off. What does matter though are as such; in her and her son’s hearts and memories, her husband lives on, they both have brought in the criminals responsible for that loss to justice and above all else, they have each other. It’s those facts that help Snow Owl overcome her grief numerous times before as it does now. She takes a deep breath in clearing her thoughts. Those thoughts might come back another day but she’ll be a tad bit more prepared in dealing with them when the time comes. In the meantime, gently holding her domino mask in her hand and regaining her composure, Snow Owl fixes up her bed after the landing both Robin and her made on it and makes her way to the living room.
Once there, she takes note of the pillows, notebooks and pencils littered on the carpeted floor right in front of the couches. No doubt, her son was in the middle of homework duties before immediately jumping at the chance to join her on patrol. She cannot help but have a chuckle as she picks up the notebook and pencils, placing them on a nightstand next to said couches and the pillows back to where they go. In spite of being one smart cookie, her son was never really the biggest fan of doing homework. But hey, at least he knows better than flunk it completely, lest he face her wrath. As she prepares to take her seat on the couch, finally giving her legs a break from their use throughout the entire day…. that feeling suddenly comes back to her. Next thing she knows, as her back lays down on the softness and smooth surface of the leather couch cushions, her mind has painted something else entirely for her eyes to see.
As she opens them, Snow Owl’s see…him. But wait is that…her son?
It can’t be right, his jawline looks a bit too firm, and the pupils in his eyes are a dark shade of green, almost emerald.
“Mary? Dear?”
That baritone in his voice and that nickname.
Suddenly the memory in her memory begins to play. She’s not in full control of her past self. She’s at that moment not Snow Owl, defender and hero for the downtrodden of the city of Bludhaven. She was Mary Elizabeth Lloyd-Grayson, wife of John ‘The Flying’ Grayson and mother of her son Richard, you can call him ‘Dick’ for short. At the moment she’s not in the well-kept, simple and modern apartment within the smaller urban neighborhoods next to the gym she calls her job sight, she looks within her memories, finding herself at the small, thin steel made trailer, a bit more cramped in spacing but with also similar beige wall to wall carpeting. This wasn’t just a dream; this was her life.
She finally answers her husband who calls for her attention. “Yes John?”
John flashed a content smile as he heard his wife’s reply, “You know that I love ya, don’t ya?”
She nods with a peaceful and all too real smile on face. She doesn't even have to say a single word to let him know. John then leans to press a small yet all too loving kiss on his wife’s cheek.
“Well, it’s always good just to double check,” John says as he lifts himself off his seat and offers a hand for his wife to help her off her own like the gentleman he can be. She takes it and right on cue, both of them hear a familiar small voice call out from the entrance to the front door.
“Hey, guys! C’mon, we’re gonna be late for practice!”
Both parents chuckle at their seven-year old’s impatience since he was so excited to show them his newest tricks on the ropes. She cannot but smile upon seeing her little boy bounce on his two legs right in front of the trailer door with a pouty look on his face. His father proceeds to lay a firm hand on his jet-black hair and slightly ruffle his fingers across it.
“All right, Little Man. We’ll be on the way”, John tells his boy with a firm smile. With her son excitedly leading the way and her husband by her side, she reaches for the handle of the door, turns it, and slowly opens the door, stepping out into the bright day ahead of them.
“Hey, Mom?”
A voice that belonged to her son but now very slightly older sounding snaps Snow Owl out of her memory. Her unmasked blue eyes open to see another smaller pair of blue eyes that belonged to her partner, her son. Instead of Robin the Boy Wonder, he was now Dick Grayson, clad in a blue cotton T shirt with an all too familiar red and yellow S shield that symbolizes Metropolis’ own resident hero, black sweatpants not dissimilar from his mother’s, his feet bare and digging into the carpeting and in his hands his Robin outfit as he was taking the red, green and yellow modified acrobat suit to the laundry machine.
Upon bringing her senses back to the present, Snow Owl stands back up, remembering about her own clothes back at her bedroom and gives her a small smile.
“Sorry about that”, she says as she makes her way to said bedroom, “just was...,” she had to stop herself since usually, whether it was good memories or bad ones, any reminder of the life she had with John before it got so cruelly taken away always was a bit of a sore spot for her soul. She couldn’t bear having her son see it if she could help it. He doesn’t need to see his mother in grief, he already has enough on his plate, especially his own reminders about the father he lost. Before even a sign of impending tears can make their way to her eyes, Snow Owl takes a deep yet quiet breath so that her curious son wouldn’t hopefully notice and collects herself before continuing on her way to her bedroom...
“Were you thinking about Dad”, Dick asks just as Snow Owl reaches the hallway. She turns around with a surprised look on her face to see Dick’s own, which had a mix of curiosity but also...shame and guilt.
Unable to withhold her answer, Snow Owl sighs and looks at her boy with her head a bit down as she tries maintaining her composure. “Y-yes, Dick. I was”, she finally answers. Then it was her turn to ask something, “but, how do you know?”
Dick’s face scrunched up a bit upon hearing that, which immediately got her mother’s worry since she might have a suspicion about just how long he knew about her own grief despite herself trying to be strong as he is for her. Finally, Dick sighs sadly and looks up to his mother with his eyes having a guilty look on them before he finally opens his mouth to say what he has been meaning to for quite a bit.
“I... I kinda knew ever since at least... when we first moved in here”, Dick says with his voice beginning a hint of crack before taking a deep breath to collect himself before continuing with his answer. “It’s just... I sometimes hear you cry some nights when you can’t sleep, usually after you had a dream about what happened to Dad and well.... the fact he’s.... not here anymore. Is that true?”
Snow Owl stood there almost at a loss for words on how much her son knew about it all. Unable to come up with any counter at that moment, only able to nod slightly at her son’s inquiry.
Dick once more sighed sadly in guilt as he put his Robin outfit on top of a seat on the couch while taking a seat. “I just wanted to say.... I’m sorry.”
This got Snow Owl’s attention like something else, she was kinda bit expecting it but nonetheless found herself surprised. “w-Why would you be sorry?”
“b-Because....”, Dick once more had to breathe out before stating his answer, “because...I-I know I know shouldn’t worry about it since it’s your business, your own thing and all. I shouldn’t spy on you like that and….” Before Dick can go on, an ungloved hand rests upon his shoulders. He looks up to see his mother with a sympathetic look on her face.
“Dick”, Snow Owl says with an equally understanding tone, “you miss your dad as well?”
Once her question reaches his ears, Dick silently buries his face into his hands. He nods a ‘yes’ while his breathing starts getting a bit more ragged. He was trying best not to lose control of any impending tears himself.
“Dick,” Snow Owl calls with a concerned and worried tone to him, “Just breathe. Nice and easy, okay?”
Dick once more silently nods as he struggles to keep his breathing under control. After some effort and time put into it, Dick is able to collect himself just enough to speak coherent words again. He puts those words to the forefront with taking his face in his hands and looking up at his worried mother, tears seemingly wanting to be free from eyes but through sheer will of his own, he’s able to keep them in.
“Yeah,” Dick croaks out as he looks up to his mother’s worried face, “I miss Dad too.”
Snow Owl nods in understanding and sympathy. She now has an understanding of what goes through her son’s head with only a few words. They are both in the same boat regarding how that loss impacted them to this day more so than she thought. She does wonder something though before taking a seat next to him. “Well,you can always be more open about that with me.”
Dick remained silent rather than immediately open up. Snow Owl knows for certain that when he is silent, her son can only be holding back something he wants to say yet something in him tells him not to. Maybe she can say something to help with that.
“I mean….it’s perfectly okay if you do miss him. It’s not like you don’t care about….”
At that, Dick’s head snapped forward before she finished, his tear filled eyes ablaze with shock and disbelief. “Don’t care?”, he growls while his breath picks up and his teeth grind, “Don’t….care?”
She takes a step back as Dick leaps out of his seat, planting his two feet on the carpeted floor with a vengeance, his breath shaky and his fists are clenched to his sides. “I…I do care….it’s why I didn’t want to say anything about it too much. You get it?”, by now, his voice was starting to rise, his anger was starting to creep in.
“ Of course, I miss him, I just do, I miss home, I miss my old friends, I miss Mr Haly, I….I just do…but…but I can’t just say it out loud all the time. Because it’ll just make it worse. I have to get used to being here, I have to make sure those bullies back at school don’t get to me when they keep…bringing….it…up all the dang time!” Dick looked up towards Snow Owl, still refusing to let those tears fall best he can but all those eyes had anyways was a blend of sadness and fury.
“Those cretins keep saying all sorts of total baloney and bull like ‘It’s what he deserved because he was cursed by marrying you, A...G word’ or ‘I was too stupid not to help him’ when you or me didn’t do anything or even know about it until it was too late! It was Zucco’s fault! Why can’t they just freaking understand that?! Even you can understand that better than they can! But I just….” Dick was starting to struggle finding the words by now.
What was racing through Snow Owl’s mind though wasn’t so much what he still has to say but rather what was said. She should’ve known it was bad, but not this bad. How? How did her little boy hold all this back for so long? Furthermore, why? Why hold this back for so long? She was deep down and rightfully afraid something like this would happen.
Dick was about to keep going, though she doesn’t know if he should. His body was trembling with so much and no doubt his eyes are at a boiling point with those tears who still refuse to fall, just out of sheer willpower alone from the looks of it. She couldn’t see him like this anymore. She kicked a hornet’s nest which was her son’s grief and anger, but she had to do something about that nest before the stings started coming in.
As Dick takes another breath now that he found something to say, Snow takes a step forward with a face that tries looking as stern as possible.
“Richard John Grayson, I’m sorry but that’s enough. You are going to hurt yourself like this.”
Just that alone was enough to snap Dick out of his thoughts. Within almost an instant, that firm and steel tone in his mother’s voice put a complete stop to whatever was racing through his mind. She was being serious, and the whole world slows down the instant she is serious. But there was something else within that firm time in her voice, something wrong, it sounded a bit cracked. Looking up to meet her face, Dick quickly found out why.
In Snow Owl’s own eyes, they were glistening with some wetness. Despite the firm stare she gives him, one single tear begins to roll down her cheek, probably one she doesn’t even notice. But he does. The moment he does, his heart accelerates once more, not from his grief and anger but guilt and horror. He thought to himself ‘What have I done?!’ Far as he was concerned, rightfully so.
Dick takes a major step forward with panic and worry in his eyes, much to his mother’s shock, making another tear fall from her eyes. “M….mom, p…please don’t cry! I-I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to say all that! I…I….I just had so much in my mind and stuff, I just had to say it! I’m trying to be strong! I swear I’m trying but…but…I can’t! I just can’t! I’m sorry….I’m sorry….” By now, Dick had two tear streaks, one for each eye on his face. His speech was starting to break down a mumbling of both English and Romanes Chib. At that point, he collapses on his knees and buries his face in his left hand as he struggles to regain control, pounding the carpet floor with his right.
Snow Owl cannot help but stand there, one tear or two per eye and both eyes look down at the broken boy who was on his knees, trying to pull himself together. She had truly done it now. What kind of a mother was she? She hurt him, she made her 10 1/2 year old boy break down into tears and grief. She said the wrong thing twice by now. But the thing is….he’s her Little Robin. She can’t just leave him. She can’t let her own tears stop her from
Doing at least something…anything! She can’t afford to screw this one up this time.
After about half of a minute of trying to think of something, she might have a decent idea. Wiping away the tear streaks from her own eyes and taking a deep breath to collect herself, she crouches down to where her son and her can be face to face. She gently and very cautiously reaches out her right hand, ever so slowly and making sure Dick doesn’t immediately perk up and she doesn’t spook him off. After what seems like forever, her hand reaches his shaking and trembling shoulder and lays down upon it. Much to her internal relief, Dick doesn’t perk himself up in fear. Instead he merely utters, “It….it’s not your fault. None of this was your fault, Mom. It…it’s mine, I just thought I can handle losing Dad and what those bullies said about him better than I actually can….I didn’t mean to make you cry….I didn’t….”
Before he can continue Snow Owl gives her son a quiet and easy ‘Shush’ before her hand on his shaking shoulder tightens very nicely and easily. “It’s not your fault at all either, Little Robin.”
Dick takes a deep breath and clears his throat before looking back at his mother, hopefully for him, the tears in his eyes being all dried up. While the tears had certainly faded out, they left a sign via redness in Dick’s eyes. Nonetheless, he pushed himself onward with his answer. “It’s just that,” He briefly pauses to clear his throat before proceeding, “you go through enough. Some nights.... I....I can hear you cry yourself to sleep. Especially on Dad’s birthday...or yours.”
Snow Owl tries to reach a hand but her son then continues with what he needed to say.
“I mean...you have enough to worry about already. With your jobs, both at the gym and when you’re called up to protect Mrs. Drake, trying to keep our house clean,” Dick feels something in his voice start cracking very lightly before continuing, “me. It’s a lot, Mom and I can’t just make it worse and harder for you by bringing up Dad and how much I miss all the time. Because...well, you miss him too.” Dick finally finishes, taking a deep breath to collect himself now that he has said what he needed. Now it was just a matter of his mother’s reaction to it.
Snow Owl closed her eyes and pondered what her son had said. He certainly has a point; she has a lot on her plate especially as of late. All of it to make sure the two have livelihoods in this city, merely only a few years after having no other choice but to leave the brightly colored and lively tents and trailers they called home, for most of her entire life. She cannot help but feel a bit grateful that her boy puts a lot of consideration and care into her wellbeing like he did. He has a caring heart and she can see it in him.
But therein lies a problem, he can be too caring to the point it harms him. It’s not just in this case; every now and again during their cases and capers, her partner would be the first one to charge in on a gang of thugs and henchmen should she find herself surrounded despite even orders to hold back. Oftentimes this leads to the two of them clearing out said thugs and henchmen, the bad guy stopped and the day saved, which is what Snow Owl and Robin should be all about. Though this still can lead to her son putting himself at unnecessary risks even if it means her safety, something that’s been at the back of her mind probably ever since he aided her in arresting the men responsible for the accident that claimed her husband in the first place. But she can sense something else regarding this; he doesn’t need Robin taken away from him even if for a brief time, that’ll make things right now dour than they are. Her boy needs something else than that, he needs her to let him know.
Once more, Snow Owl reaches out a gentle hand and this time with a beat of easing in, lays it on his shoulder and the two are able to see eye to eye. “I understand”, she says with a sympathetic and motherly tone. Finally, she has something to say to maybe put them both at ease.
“But you know what?”
“What”, Dick asks in response.
Snow Owl finally is able to gently bring up a small smile, assured of her answer. “At least, we both know your dad isn’t gone entirely and not just nothing. Because he's here...with us. Not right in front, but in our memories, and... with you and me, together.”
Dick asks, “Like a, in spirit, type of way or something? Even after.... I couldn’t be able to”
Snow Owl nods accordingly, “Like that. We might not hear or see him right here and right now. But the fact we’re talking about him right now and we have those memories and good times with him should be a sign of that. I truly thank you for thinking about my feelings and what I go through, Little Robin. I’m sure even your dad would do the same for me.”
Dick looked at his mother curiously, “You think so? I mean, that’ll mean then that...”
Mary quickly realizes where this might go and clears her throat to help them stay on topic, “Point being; you have a good heart, Dick. You care and you show it with your actions. That’s more than enough, you don’t need to make yourself emotionally hurt by holding it back from me. Though in fairness”, she pauses, realizing it should be advice for herself as well, “I shouldn’t probably be entirely holding it all in as well.”
“Does this mean we both might need to see those.... couch doctor guys you talk to,” Dick asks while struggling to think up the right word for it. Snow Owl is aware and more than happy to answer it for him.
“Therapists, Dick”, Snow Owl nods, “therapists. If only need be and our habit of holding back what’s in our minds gets too much for even the both of us. But at least for now, it looks like it’s just the both of us we need to talk to about it. So,” Snow Owl stands up from her seat, taking her clean laundry back in her hands, “maybe once every one or two weeks, maybe we can talk it out. Like just you and me about what we’re going through.” She leans in gently and closely to her son, with a motherly smile to it, “You think we can try that?”
Dick is silent for a bit, pondering in his head about his mother’s suggestion. She has a point; it’s something they both need to do unless they want to end up with another awkward conversation like this all over again. She doesn’t need that and neither does he. It will be something that can help him as much as it does for her. With that in mind, he in turn asks something to her.
“Maybe we can try either tomorrow or even this upcoming Sunday?” He asks her with hopeful and determined eyes.
Snow Owl’s unmasked blue eyes beam with happiness and pride for her son. Giving him a quick side hug before standing upright. At that moment, Dick has a small smile grace his face. Her words and actions had reached him and he was starting to feel better. Her son then perked up all the sudden with a now wider smile on his face. It’s like he just remembered something that he would like to remember.
He then hops out of his seat on the couch and his feet pad across the carpet floor to the cabinet holding up the TV and opens the drawer containing the remotes.
Snow Owl then remembers as well much to her joy. It was Saturday, the beginning of the weekend meaning the next day, the two would have the apartment to themselves. Sure, Dick does have some homework to work on if he has too but it’s not due until next Monday. The two can sleep in for tomorrow morning but tonight is truly something else for them. Sure enough, Dick, being the acrobat he is, does a quick front flip that he lands safely on the couch with those remotes in hand. From there, he flips on both the TV and the streaming device, immediately scrolling his way to the comedies.... the PG 13 to R Rated comedies.
Dick looks up to his mother with the remotes in hand as they continue their scrolling for their film for tonight. They have a sort of mischief and fun to them that Snow Owl notices.
“So.... what do you have in mind for tonight, Dick?”
Now it was his turn to answer all too happily; “Well.... I was kinda thinking.... how about we watch those.... you know films that have that guy with the nerdy glasses, scruffy beard and that weird laugh? Maybe like three of them.”
Oh yes, that guy. The two always have a riot of pure unbridled laughter and just a great time every time his films are playing for their movie nights. But three for one night? Her son was up to something; he was making their movie night a Dare, a Dare they’ve played before. So why not play it for tonight after all?
With a sly and confident smirk, Snow Owl replies thusly, “The usual wager? For the one to burst out laughing with each film first has to make the winner a bowl of their favorite ice cream?”
Dick’s eyes beamed expectedly yet joyful. She basically read his mind. “Remember, my flavor is Mint Chocolate Chip, right?”
With a chuckle, Snow Owl beams as well. “Yep, and I hope you remember mine would be Cookies N Cream.”
Dick smirks with confidence and a tiny healthy bit of hubris. “I know, Mom. But yeah, I’m getting my ice cream first. I got this all handled.”
“You’re on, just as soon as I get out of my shower”, Snow Owl gives Dick a prideful thumbs up before finally, with her clean laundry in hand, makes her way to the bathroom for her clean up. Before going in, she does remember to keep it quick since they don’t want a big water bill by the end of the month.
Fifteen Minutes Later......
Emerging from the bathroom Snow Owl entered, out came Mary Grayson, clad in her light blue Tee and similarly black sweatpants, finishing drying her untied dark red hair with a towel and her bare feet taking steps in the carpet floor. Once able to dry as much of her hair as she could and placing the towel on the rack in the bathroom, Mary makes her way back to the living room. The TV is left on with one particular film, ‘The Meeting’, the one about those nerdy glasses wearing, scruffy bearded, weird laugh having guy and a friend of his have an interview with an infamous dictator. This ought to be good; now it was just a matter of making sure she can hold back the laughter she knows she’ll get watching this film long enough until Dick does so first.
Speaking of whom, Dick was barely finishing up pouring the heated-up popcorn into two big bowls, one for him and one for his mother, and was making his way back to the living room where Mary was taking a seat on the couch, her feet propped up on a cushion in front of said seat, leaning her back onto the cushion behind her, letting herself relax and waiting for her bowl. She didn’t wait too long before Dick arrives with her white plastic bowl being offered, to which she happily takes and puts on her laps.
With his own blue bowl, Dick takes his own seat, sitting cross legged and his hand on the remote.
Just before he presses ‘Play’, Mary turns to him, she has something small to say. “Just to let you know, Dick. I’m very proud of your work, both at school and out there when we crime fight no matter what. I’m also proud of you being responsible for this house with all you do. So, if there’s times where I.... well seem a bit distant.... not being as directly there all the time.... letting you do your thing.... I just wanted to let you know that I am available if you need me for whatever reason...... and that you always have me to back you up. So, anything that might seem is between us is just simply something we can and will work out and not something so....”
“Mom”, Dick interrupts with a cheerful and understanding tone, “I get it. I love you too.” He beams a soft smile in her direction. It lets her confirm what they both need to say.
Once Mary smiles back and gives her son a small yet livingly air kiss, much to his playful yet lighthearted chagrin, he presses ‘Play’.
Let the Grayson Family Movie Night shenanigans begin.
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amethystmpress · 1 year
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the black bastard & the stormborn (daredevil and elektra au) ✩
you desperately want to belong somewhere, with someone, which is the real reason why you sneak into fancy parties... you know what your problem is? you're pretty, you even work the blind thing, but you're dumb.
is it good? this uh... life as a queen. it's fantastic. but i would trade it all in for a lifetime of smelling your skin.
there is always this glorious darkness inside of you, the blood of the dragon and the wolf. that's why i took you to petyr baelish, and yes it's why i loved you, that's why you loved me too. don't deny what we have.
i want to know how you found me. i know who you are because lord bloodraven trains me in his visions. i saw you beat down the bolton bastard. i wear a mask. well, you can't mask that ass. i'd know it anywhere.
so, what if... from now on... if we make it... wherever you run, i run with you? you're not serious. i've never been more serious. this... dany, this is a part of me that i need. and you're the only one who gets it. without this, i'm not alive. i'm not. not really. i don't know what we are together, and if we have any chance in the future... but i do know that i'm free with you. like with no one else.
#daenerys targaryen#jon snow#jonerys#matt x elektra#daredevil#okay so here is the au 🫴#maester aemon adopts dany from essos after her family dies to make a home with her at the wall#the proximity to bloodraven (stick) allows him to communicate and train her for the war for the dawn#he tasks her with recruiting the one remaining targaryen in westeros and she falls in love with him while pursuing and seducing him#jump to jonny#who was blinded in an accident while saving robb when he was younger#which caused his greenseeing and warg senses to be heightened#after the death of his father catelyn sends him to the wall where he too is connected with bloodraven#dany and jon become friends at the wall#dany as aemon's steward has authority to get up to stuff and be cute at the wall#which includes roping her nephew into shenanigans sometimes shirtless#even though he is a baby nights watch recruit#the roscoe sweeny incident in this case is petyr baelish bc he was responsible for ned's death duh#but you have to suspend your disbelief for a second bc lbr#jon would have no problems killing baelish pre- or post-resurrection#dany disappears from the wall while jon proceeds with his acok timeline#during which time he adopts the vigilante identity 'the black bastard'#to search for his uncle and fight wildling rayders and keep his own men in line during the night and practice warging ghost#ik so far it seems like i've attributed matt to jon and elektra to dany entirely but realistically they're a mesh of both characters#don't think this au is as simple as 'dany dark targaryen seducing jonorable jon stark' no that is boring#aka it's jon who is the black sky (black bastard hello) who will die and be resurrected#HE is the one who will curl up in dany's bed as he regains memory of her#'the stormborn' is supposed to be a play on the electric part of elektra 😭#i love you sofi <3#my gifs
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stars-of-kyber · 5 months
Well, happy Holidays, nonny.
No 47 -“No one needs to know.”
I (won't) be home for Christmas
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By the time they slept together for the first time, Anthony Bridgerton and Kate Sharma had known each other for around 10 years and had spent a good portion of that time swearing to anyone willing to hear that they hated each other. The worst part was that they had believed it as well.
Anthony and Kate get snowed in in a cabin in the mountains on December 23rd and apparently, if the snow keeps coming like that, they won't make it home in time for Christmas. But how do they explain that to their families, who have no idea they were away together, to begin with, and who think they still very much hate each other?
This is my humble holiday gift to y'all. I hope you enjoy it!
For @harnitbee, who has been a queen and an excellent support not only for my story but for the insanity of the holidays. You are the best and I cherish you so much <3
For my friends (@mimix007, @waterlilyrose, @ladystanbury,@suspendingtime, @jeanvanjer, @alihightowers, @kateandanthonyaremyparents) I love all of you more than anything and knowing you has been a highlight of my year and one of the best things that ever happened to me in this fandom. I would have given up on my writing long ago if it wasn't for y'all and I'm so thankful for you.
For everyone who reads my story, you are EVERYTHING to me. I love all your icon faces and funny names and knowing you like what I do gives me strength to go on when things suck. Thank you all so much, I hope to keep seeing you next year.
For my followers who celebrate the holidays, Happy Christmas and Happy New Year. For those who don't... Happy Friday, I guess?
I love you all so much, hope 2024 will be our year!
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heyyallitssatan · 5 days
Todo fam headcanons
Enji isn’t a dick addition
He didn’t intentionally train any of his to be heroes, he just accepted them as they were
Touya really wanted to be a hero, but when they figured out his quirk didn’t work with his body they had to have a lot of long hard talks, they tried to find a lot of support gear but nothing could completely keep him from burning himself and they didn’t want him to risk his life
He came around to the idea eventually and ended up going to school to become a paramedic
Fuyumi didn’t get parentified and was allowed to explore what she wanted, she ended up loving art and went to an art school before apprenticing under a sculptor and then a tattoo artist, she eventually went back to sculpting and runs her own studio now
Natsuo followed in his big brothers footsteps and went to med school, he’s an er doctor
Shoto loved the skating trips his mom took him on and became a professional/Olympic figure skater and coach
Also, Rei was a snowboarder in this universe because I said so
It should be mentioned, Touya took up rock climbing as a hobby and got really into it
Fuyumi started doing mma as a stress release, she tried to get her siblings into it but it reminded Touya too much of training and the other two never enjoyed fighting
Natsuo feels like he gets plenty of physical activity between the er and his twice weekly workouts, so his hobby is playing video games,
Enji picked up crocheting after rei told him he needed a non stressful hobby to help him relax
Rei I turn felt she also needed a nonstressful hobby, and promptly chose rebuilding old cars because they have more money than god and can certainly afford it
Shoto never really made time for hobbies until fuyumi taught him how to sculpt, now he enjoys making weird little trinkets to give friends and family, and occasionally his competitors
I like to think the show still progresses normally, just with shinsou in 1A instead of shoto
The the reason we find out about the todoroki family is cause bakugou and midoriya both do their internship with Endeavor sanders he gushed about his wife and kids every chance he got
Midoriya thought shoto was the best thing ever and rei tried to set them up
She succeeded and got an adorable little son in law
Fuyumi showed up during bakugous internship with miruko to drop off some food for her wife and he freaked out cause he thinks miruko is so cool and turns out she has a badass wife too, best day ever
Touya meets both of them when he shows up at hawks agency to pick him up for their dinner date, they both lose their shit cause why are so many of them dating heroes
They meet natsuo during his internship/study program with recovery girl
Then they see rei on tv as a pro snowboarder
Now they’re wondering how many todorokis there are cause they just keep showing up everywhere
Then they find out that Touya and fuyumi are both in a heavy metal band, which segways into them finding out all of the todoroki play various instruments, and sports
When they ask how the hell they all know so much and have so many hobbies they just respond that they were homeschooled and rich, this left a lot of time and money to invest in random interests, so they all developed a ton of skills for absolutely no other reason than they got bored
Now Endeavor is number one after allmight retired, and they were competing for that spot beforehand but it was more of a friendly rivalry to encourage them to get better (maybe it started out legit but they both chilled quite a bit as they got older and eventually became friendly, though they kept up the image for the public and because it made them better heroes), but after all might was forced to retire endeavor publicly stated that this wasn’t the way he wanted their rivalry to end, but he would do his best to honour all might memory and carry on his legacy
He also encourages the new number two, his son in law hawks and every other hero to challenge him and make him keep working for his position
Now, this was cleared with hawks beforehand kind of as an announcement of his engagement to Touya, sadly the public misinterpreted that and thought that he was dating his daughter fuyumi, miruko shot that down quick and informed everyone that fuyumi was hers and hawks could fight her for it, all in good fun, and hawks clarified that he appreciates the offer cause fuyumi is great, but he’s very gay and quite in love with her brother
This was great, it was the closest to celebrity drama they’ve ever gotten from the todoroki family and it’s still super wholesome
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ksilberne · 2 years
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His siblings
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yes-i-am-happyaspie · 6 months
❄May Your Days Be Merry and Bright Series🎄
by happyaspie
All of my G rated winter and holiday themed fics in one place!
Peter Parker's December Shenanigans  [1999]
A collection of related short stories that center around Winter/Christmas. Everything from Advent to New Year's Eve. [This fic is a continuation of Peter Parker's October but could also be read alone.]
The Definition of Anything  [2020]
The heater in Peter's apartment goes out on the coldest day of the year and the landlord seemed to be overrun with maintenance requests. Calling Tony to help him out seemed like the next logical solution. After all, he had told him many, many times that he should call him if he ever needed anything.  The man had never really specified what 'anything' meant but he figured that by definition, 'I'm cold and you know how to fix things.', fell into that category. Right?
Secret Sugarplum Spiderling [2020]
Peter has been taking ballet for nearly as long as he can remember and all of his hard work has finally paid off. He's been cast as the Cavelier to the Sugarplum Fairy in his Performing Arts School's production of The Nutcracker. It's a big deal and it's going to take up a good bit of time but... he's just not sure he's ready for his mentor to know about that particular hobby just yet. He's sure it'll be fine ... All he has to do is show up at the studio on time, keep his grades up, make sure to see Tony on a regular enough basis that he doesn't worry and try to squeeze in some patrolling in between. It's that simple. Right?
Holiday Traditions [2021]
When a brief misunderstanding leaves Morgan thinking that Peter doesn’t like Christmas, Peter decides that it would be fun to teach her more about Hanukkah. In order to do so, he and May invite the Starks' to share in some of their holiday traditions.[This story is part of a post-Endgame AU. However, it can easily be read on it's own!]
Well, Merry Sickmas, I Guess [2021]
Peter is sick, Christmas is right around the corner and May had no idea how to help him. Naturally they end up in Tony’s medbay. It doesn’t take long for Peter to be diagnosed with nothing more than some mild dehydration and a nasty stomach bug. However, knowing she can’t take Peter to just any hospital should things go downhill, leaves May feeling a little nervous. …And that’s how Peter and May end up spending the holiday with Tony Stark in his Penthouse apartment. [12/14] Now featuring a short and completely unplanned Bruce Banner centric chapter 2!
Merry Stitchamas  [2022]
All Peter wanted to was to cook May a really nice dinner for when she got home from her Christmas Eve shift. He'd thought it out and was excited to put it all together-- until the knife slipped and he accidentally cut his thumb. The good news is, he knows exactly who to call.
“Hey, Mr. Stark!” Peter greeted with as much enthusiasm as he could pull together given the circumstances. “I, uh, I know it’s Christmas Eve and all, but can I ask you a really quick question?”
Calm Still Night  [2022]
Just a quick fic about Tony enjoying the Penthouse's warm Christmasy atmosphere with Peter by his side.
Seeing is Believing  [2022]
Young Peter Parker, who has started doubting the existence of Christmas Magic, is given the opportunity to board a train heading for the North Pole. The entire night is one big adventure as he meets new friends, makes some spontaneous decisions, and has the best, most magical time of his life. [This fic is based on the film version of The Polar Express. However, you don't have to have seen the movie to enjoy the story!]
Snow-cation [2023]
After Tony's elaborate family winter getaway plans are grounded due to the early arrival of some snow, Peter does his best to make sure everyone still has a good time. Especially Tony, who seems more than a little put out by the disruption.
Toasty Warm  [2023]
Peter comes to the tower after a night of patrolling in the cold- with a broken heater. Tony helps him warm up, with hot cocoa and warm blankets, and a hoodie straight from the dryer.
🆕 Best Night Ever  [2023]
Peter’s been promised a night of ice skating. At first, things didn't go quite as he planned. But in a joyful turn of events, he ends up having a night filled with unexpected surprises, a walk in the snow, the promised ice skating adventure and several heartwarming moments. It all wraps up with a few holiday treats and a lot of family bonding.
✨Coming Soon! ✨
Santa Impersonator Happy [Dec. 14th 2023]
Happy walks into the F.E.A.S.T. building prepared to drop off a check and leave. Then Peter uses his big brown eyes to convince him to stay and help out. He just wished he'd asked a few more questions before agreeing.
"Santa. You want me to dress up as- Santa?
How Spidey Saved Christmas [Dedc. 20th 2023]
After rescuing a few stolen shopping bags, Spider-Man stumbles upon Santa Claus and his damaged sleigh in Central Park. With Tony's help, Peter is able to get Santa back in the air, thus saving Christmas. As an added bonus, he’s able to get Tony back the nice list as well. Santa thanks Peter by inviting him to assist in delivering some gifts Including the ones he’d saved! Together, they fly through the night, spreading holiday cheer. "Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!"
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