#extremely fucked in the head if he didn't understand that his parents did love him
horsegirlzero · 2 years
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sophokles tr. by anne carson, antigonick // hino matsuri, vampire knight // anne carson, the task of the translator of antigone
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angels-fantasy · 2 months
Hi! I really liked the Katsukis memories one, so I can suggest you make like Bakugo a few years ago got out of a really toxic relationship and he couldn’t really trust anyone because his last girlfriend or boyfriend used him for his money and fame being the no.2 hero, until he met reader. So now he’s taking them to his old childhood hood to met his parents. Mitsuki also didn’t really trust anyone to be with his baby boy, but when she saw you walk through the door, I feel like she would make a connection and had really good vibes with reader. Thank for reading!🧡💚🖤
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Perfect (Request)
Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
Details/Warnings: established relationship, mention of a toxic ex, meeting the parents
Word Count: 1.1k
thank you for your suggestion and your kind comment! this was pretty fun to write so i hope i did it justice. i liked this :)
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When someone you love treats you horribly, it's something you never forget. It scars you, and no matter how hard you try to get over it, that pain and those bad memories are always going to be there.
It takes a lot of time to heal from these kinds of things, but it's possible. For Katsuki, it took three years. His last relationship was great at first. He was happy and in love, and he thought his partner was too until they revealed their true colors.
After a year of dating they made it clear that they were only with him because of his status as a pro hero and his money. This was heart breaking of course. It hurts to find out the person you loved never loved you. Katsuki was angry and hurt, so he ended things immediately and swore to himself that he'd never date anyone again. He avoided any type of romantic relationship for the next three years while he focused on himself, until he met you.
Meeting you was unexpected, like most relationships are. He was very closed off at first and hesitant to get to know you, but you were able to crack open his shell and find him waiting on the inside.
Before you started dating, you didn't know about his past relationship but you knew something must've happened for him to be so guarded. So you made sure to let him take the lead in everything. You didn't want him to feel pressured, so you would let him make all the first moves.
When he eventually asked you to be official you were extremely happy that he trusted you enough to try dating again, since a month prior he told you about his last relationship.
Now, six months later, he wanted you to meet his parents. But they were hesitant too.
"I don't know Katsuki. Are you sure they're not like the last one?" Mitsuki asked.
Katsuki was currently at his parent's house, asking them if he could bring you over this weekend because he wanted them to meet you.
He groaned, "Yes, I'm sure. I knew them for a year before we started dating, and they're really understanding about everything that happened before."
His dad, Masaru, spoke up, "We're just worried about you son. We don't want you to get hurt like last time."
Katsuki looked down, "I know, but just trust me, okay? They're a really great person and I think you'll like them."
His parents looked at each other, then Mitsuki said "Fine. Bring them over this weekend at 5:00 pm. I'll make dinner."
Katsuki smiled.
Fast forward to the weekend, it was now the day you were meeting his parents and to say you were nervous is an understatement. Your boyfriend has mentioned before that his mom was a lot like him, so you were afraid she'd criticize you right away. He did say his dad was much calmer, but you were still afraid.
"I'm scared Katsuki. What if they don't like me?" You asked as you two parked outside of his childhood home.
He put a hand on your head, "Relax babe, I already talked to them. I know they're gonna love ya, alright? And if they don't then they can fuck off-"
"It's true. I know they're my parents but I'm with you, and if they can't respect that then I won't talk to them."
You took a deep breath and nodded, "Okay. Can you hold my hand while we walk in?"
He nodded and did exactly as you asked as you both walked up to the large doors of the house. He knocked loudly twice before opening the door, announcing his arrival.
"Hag, I'm home!" He yelled, "Hey old man." He said to a man with glasses and brown spiky hair that was sitting at the dinner table.
The man was about to speak up but was cut off by a woman yelling, "I told you to stop calling me hag, brat!" Then, a woman that looked just like Katsuki walked out of the kitchen.
"Oh-Hello there! I'm Mistuki." She said and shook your hand.
You smiled and gave her your name, "It's so nice to meet you. You have really beautiful skin."
She laughed loudly, "That's thanks to my quirk, glycerin. Keeps my skin moisturized. Now both of you come and sit down! I made dinner for everyone."
Katsuki continued holding your hand and walked you to the dining table next to the man who you were assuming was his father.
He smiled and held out a hand, "I'm Masaru, Katsuki's father. It's a pleasure to meet you. I hope you'll excuse my wife, she can be a bit, well-I'm sure you know." He said with a small laugh. You noticed he was much more soft spoken compared to his wife and son.
You continued to talk to him and Katsuki at the table until Mitsuki came and placed the dish on the table. You were able to tell right away that she had made katsu curry.
You each served yourselves, though Katsuki kept insisting he serve you.
"Stop it. I want to do it." You said pushing him lightly.
He kissed his teeth, "Just let me do it will ya?"
"No." You then bumped him with your hip and served yourself, quickly serving him as well, making him sigh.
As you two communicated in your own way, his parents smiled at your interaction. Mitsuki was a little hesitant to, but Masaru rubbed her shoulder almost to let her know he was okay.
During dinner you all talked about everyday things, mostly surrounding you and Katsuki's relationship.
"So, how did you guys meet?" Mitsuki asked.
"We actually met at the public library." You said, "It was in the romance section, coincidentally."
"Yeah and you were picking a shitty book." Katsuki spoke up.
"Hey it wasn't my fault! I didn't even know anything about it."
As dinner went on, his parents, especially his mother, realized that you really were different than his last partner. They could see the way you cared for him just by how you spoke to him and interacted with him. Even the little touches you gave him on his shoulder or arm here and there.
At the end of the night when you said your goodbyes, his parents made sure to see you both out.
Mitsuki hugged you tightly and whispered "Thanks for taking care of my boy." Pulling away, she said "Come back anytime, all right? Don't let this brat convince you I'm crazy."
Katsuki rolled his eyes while you giggled.
Once you both drove away, Masaru asked his wife "So? What do we think?"
She nodded, "I think they're perfect."
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tag list for bakugou fics: @doumadono
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neoarchipelago · 10 months
Cotton candy pacifier
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A/N: Was this scheduled? No. Did I wrote it? Yes. I have a blank page problem right now and went out to an amusement park last weekend. My own hormones have made me fantasize and throw together this shit. Please have mercy on me at this point.
Warnings: (f! Reader x Simon) ADULT CONTENT. 18+ pregancy talk, breeding kink, cursing, p in v. Oral receiving. Slight blood, biting.
Simon never wanted to be a father. Too much baggage and trauma, too much fear of never having a good role model to be a good father. You had talked about it. You had long conversations. And even if you were understanding, accepted this fate, saying that he was all you could ever wish for, words hitting him like a mix of pain and pleasure, he saw the hint of sadness behind your eyes. 
He had tried to be extremely soft, and passionate for months after those discussions, trying to show you how much he loved you. 
So here he was. Black t-shirt tight around his torso, mask on and black cargo pants. Looking at the large group of recruits in front of him. Price Laswell and another higher up beside him as the last warnings were given. 
Soldiers and their families had been offered a full day at an amusement park the military had privatized for the occasion. 
As much as he tried to remain professional, his eyes often turned to you, pretty little excitement sprawled across your face, almost jumping in place. Jeans shorts and tank top with your little backpack, hair messily tied up. Soap was a menace next to you, already giving him a headache. But you were such a lovely sight. 
When finally, the briefing was over and everyone made their merry way into the park, Price, Laswell and Ghost walked towards the group. Laswell joined her wife and so did Price, the two little munchkins jumping at the sight of their dad. You immediately rushed to Ghost's side as he wrapped his arms around your waist. Soap was practically bursting at the seams with excitement, gaz not too far behind causing Price's kids to be overexcited. Ghost sent them a warning look before everyone headed for the first attraction. 
The morning went smoothly, Soap and Gaz betting on who would handle the worst roller coasters while Price and his wife indulged in some of them, as you accepted to look over the kids during the ride time. The kids were thrilled to simply spend time with their Uncle Ghost, sometimes joined by Soap and Gaz, for small carousels or mild roller coasters. The parents were thankful and indulged in some time without taking care of the kids too much. 
It was what first started bugging him. The way you were happily cleaning up Kyle's chin as ice cream had dripped down. The look in your eyes made something burn in him. Or the way the little Lily munched on a few fries in your arms while you made sure her little hat was secured and her skin hadn't been too touched by the sun. 
He didn't mind at all John's kids. He even liked spending time and taking care of them, feeling a sense of protectiveness over the small cute beings. He sometimes grumbled that Soap and Gaz were even harder to take care of than John's well behaved kids. 
Something else bothered him. Not the little heart strings being pulled when he saw you smiled at him when he won two plushies for the kids. He was almost sure you looked at him with something between happiness, adoration and pure fucking need. He was almost taken aback by it but also by the way he absolutely adored seeing that look on your face. That same look that seemed to show up more and more through the day, as he held Kyle on his shoulders, or held Lily as she fed on her bottle.
But it vanished quite quickly. When another recruit whispered to you that the lieutenant seemed to be the perfect dad and you two would be amazing parents. He had heard. Of course he did. He was a trained soldier with years of experience and trauma. 
After that, you had avoided eye contact when he held up the kid unless it was a polite smile or kind smile. You'd turn to the child in his hold for something but ignore his gaze on you. You weren't exactly sad. Something else was laced with your new avoidance. It was growing on his nerves. That and the new intrusive thoughts of you, holding a child. The image far in his mind, a high resemblance with you and a mix of him. 
He could feel his fists clench as the images rushed through his mind. You, glowing under the sun, swollen with his child. The idea mixed with his fear. He tried to pull you closer to him as you held the little girl, wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you back against his chest as the little girl reached for his mask without an ounce of fear in her eyes. He could feel your breath hitch and the shiver that ran through you. His hand reached for the little girl's cheek, barely pinching, making the girl giggle. The soft skin against rough calloused one, hands that saw more horrors than the child would ever witness. 
"S..Simon?" You stuttered, turning your head to send a questioning look. 
He didn't answer, only dropping a kiss on your head through the mask. The idea crept in his mind, nesting there and haunting his mind. Price noticed. Of course he did. He knew Simon all too well, even through the mask. 
"Ghost. What's on your mind?" He asked, sitting on the bench next to him. 
Simon remained silent, eyes looking at you as you ate the soft cloudy pink thing in your hand. 
"If you keep looking at her like that she'll notice." He teased. 
"She wants kids." Simon blurted out. 
"And you don't.." Price deduced. Simon groaned, closing his eyes. "Simon. Talk to me." Price added. 
"I… shit." Simon felt the frustration grow. "I'll never be a good father. Fuck. I don't know what's a good father." 
"Now you're hurting my pride and feelings." Price added. 
Simon's head snapped towards the man who arbourded one of his signature smiles. 
"I didn't mean… Price, you're an amazing father." Simon caught himself. 
"I wouldn't say amazing. No one's perfect." He clarified, straightening himself. "But I try." He smirked. "Simon. It is your decision whether or not you want to have kids, and her decisions to accept it or not. But don't take that decision based on your past. You are not that man." He said, eyes locking into Simon's one. "I'd like to think, I raised you all to be better than that." He joked. 
He was right. Price was the closest thing to a father he ever had. The best role model he could think of. It didn't erase the fear of it all. But a tiny part of his brain was unlocked, one that might see himself with a baby later on. Price patted his back, smiling again before getting up to join his wife. Simon tried to look at you, falling into your pretty eyes. He frowned at the worried look on your features. He straightened himself, subtly patting his thigh. He cursed under his breath watching you obediently skip to him to sit on his lap. 
"Are you.. ok, Simon?" You asked, a low voice. 
"I'm ok baby. Are you ok love? " he asked as well. You looked away for a second, making him slightly squeeze your thigh. "Talk to me Y/N." He insisted. 
You bit your lip before looking up at him with your pretty soft eyes. 
"I'm sorry…" you whispered. 
"You're sorry baby?" He frowned. "Tell me why." 
"For.. I mean.. I've been with the kids all day so far.." you stumbled on your explanation. 
"Yes. You have, why are you apologizing about that?" He was confused. 
"I know… you don't want kids… we've talked about it. I don't want to annoy you by playing mama-" 
He groaned, eyes shutting closed. Images of you playing 'mama' making his cock twitch in his pants. Now where did this new attraction come from? 
"I'm sorry Simon!" You whined. His eyes snapped open.
"No baby. I'm not mad. I'm not annoyed.. don't think that." He reassured, his hand leaving your thigh to softly caress your cheek. 
"You're… not?" You asked, a slight hint of relief in your voice. 
"Of course not baby. Shit… you've been.. beautiful, playing mama.." he hissed. 
He watched you blink, with a little shocked expression on your face. You tilted your head slightly. 
"What..?" You asked. 
"So fucking pretty… with Lily at your hip.." Simon groaned again, face burying in your neck, his pants getting uncomfortable. You shivered slightly. 
"S-simon…" you whined a bit. "There's… people…" 
As if on cue with your words, his hand caressed your thighs, featherlight fingers up and down your skin, sometimes too close to the burning heat growing in between your legs. He was supposed to behave. Just like he had instructed the recruits this morning at the briefing. But you looked tempting. And the new images in his head, him fucking his seed deep in you, with the slight possibility of watching you later on with your own baby. He was a pleaser after all. Your hands squeezed slightly his shoulders, trying to squirm nearer to him. 
"Fuck.." he cursed against your neck. "Need you baby.." he growled against your ear. 
"We… the car.." you tried, making him grin at your already hazy mind, just from the thought of him fucking you. 
"No. Too long." He shook his head. He tapped your thigh lightly to make you stand, as you looked at him with a questioning look. He intertwined the tip of your fingers with his, barely pulling you forwards in front of him, your obvious compliance making him eager. He made you walk, sending a last glance to the group as Price caught his eye, shaking his head playfully at him. 
His hand on the small of your back as he guided you towards the nearest 'staff only' door. 
"S..sir, you can't-" 
Simon threw a death glare to the poor employee who simply walked away, pretending not to have seen anything. You were softly pushed inside, the door closing behind the both of you.
He had already lifted his mask above his nose, hands cupping your cheeks as he kissed your lips softly. A sigh escaped him, as if he finally felt the tension release from his muscles. You stepped closer to him, hands on his chest, a burning touch that made him crave more. Perhaps you were the sun, burning brightly for him, and he was Icarus, with the only goal to fly to you, no matter if you burn down his wings. He made sure to wrap his arm around your waist, the other hand cupping the back of your head as he pushed you back against the wall. Once he was sure you were safely against the wall, his hands now caressed your body freely, pushing and pulling at your clothes, only aching to feel your skin against his. 
You were already whimpering, your hands slipping under his shirt, nails softly scratching his lower back giving him goosebumps. He ached for more. Needed to feel you. His hand pulled on your top with a rougher pull, freeing your perky breast. 
"Simon! Someone could… walk in-" your complaints turned into a moan as his mouth found your sensitive nipple. You pushed forward your chest, giving him more access. 
"So willing for me princess…" he groaned against your skin. You whined, hand at the back of his neck, trying your best to stifle your moan. His cock was painfully hard, images of you pregnant with his child only bringing him over the edge of control. He kneeled suddenly as you gasped, his hands undoing your short's button and zipper with expertise before pulling them down with your panties. He lifted one of your legs making you grab onto his shoulders to keep balance. 
"Need to taste you.." 
His hands hooked under your legs, wrapping around your ass before he planted a soft kiss on your naked lips. He could almost make such a sinful act look like the purest of them all. His eyes looked up at you, the sight of him down on his knees, mouth against your already soaked pussy made you whine pornographicly. His eyes were firmly planted into yours as his tongue slowly darted out, almost lazily, licking a stripe across your folds, not dipping in. You whimpered at the sight, your hands meeting the side of his face as you looked down at him lovingly, abandon written all over your gaze. 
He groaned, closing his eyes, feeling unworthy of such dedication. His tongue pushed past your lips, tasting you as he groaned, feeling the wetness of his boxers as his cock leaked precum. He swirled the tip of his tongue on your puffy clit a few times, delicately before losing once again all control. He ate you like his life depended on it, his hips thrusting forwards slightly at a higher moan from you. 
"Simon!" You hissed, scolding him from making you be so loud. 
You weren't truly mad. How could you when his tongue was dragging you to the pits of hell where he sat on his throne ready to fuck you just like you like it. He was your devil, your beast, the one you'd happily sin for, give in your soul and life to. You shut your eyes, feeling the familiar high approaching. You whined his name, but he knew. Of course he knew. One would say you were an open book to him. He'd say you were a holy scripture. You'd say that he was the only one able to decipher you. 
When you felt your body shake, stars behind your eyelids from pleasure and your hand hitting the wall behind, Simon's grip tightened on you, making sure to hold you up. You were panting when he pulled back, licking his lips greedily. He let his forehead fall against your stomach as his fingers traced down lazily to your still pulsating pussy. Two fingers at your entrance, toying with you before slowly pushing inside. 
"Simon… ah.. please.." you moaned, unable to keep your level down. 
He thrusted slowly, making sure to stretch you slightly, preparing your tightness to him. The impatience was killing him. Now was too much. His fingers left your heat, his tongue lapping at his fingers as he moaned against them. He got up, kissing you again, tongue demanding and dominating. His hand flew to his belt unbuckling it single handedly without breaking the kiss. Your breath hitched at the sound of it. 
"Need to have you now… need to fuck you.." he said, his voice deeper and tone darker. The heavy contrast with the screams and laughter from outside of the door. Yes. Your devil. 
But as he lifted you up, hands hooking underneath your knees, his tip at your entrance- when did he even?!- you snapped into reality. 
"Simon wait! We don't have any condoms!" You yelped. 
Condoms? Ah yes… you had stopped the pill two months ago for some hormonal problem. Shit… his mind went blank, neurons gone to play cards or something while the little naughty thoughts of his newly found kinks spurred his nerves. He bottomed out in one thrust, your wetness helping but the stretch and burn still present as you yelped. 
"Si.." you tried to shake him out of his trance. 
"Shh.. baby, let go… it's ok…" he shushed, hips thrusting up into slow movements, easing the burn and letting his fat cock rub against your walls the way he knows you like it. You were trying to keep a stern face, trying to scold him, but you'd lie if you'd say his behavior didn't truly turn you on. The position only helped him grind your clit, sending little electricity waves up your spine. When he finally had your brain into a cockdrunk mush, he grinned, picking up the pace. Your hands holding on to dear life around his shoulders as you whined and moaned loudly, eyes glossy and brows furrowed in a little pout. 
"That's it baby… good girl… god you look so pretty, fuck, look so pretty taking this fat cock…" he groaned, making you squeeze around him, second orgasm way too close already. How did he even get you there so fast? He was damned skilled but shit… the way he looked at you. Logic gone, pupils dilated, muscles flexing underneath your palms. He looked ready to devour you… or devote himself to you. At this point you were sure both were knotted into a messy curse. What had happened to have him completely lose himself? Risk it all for a wild fuck? 
A ping sadness coursed through you, probably flashing through your eyes as he thrusted deeper once to grab your attention. 
"What's wrong baby?" He panted, slowing down his pace to slow, longing thrusts. 
"You're… ah…Si… you're risking.. a lot…" you whined, trying to focus through the pleasure. He was. He definitely was. And he loved it. Loved the idea to fill you up with his seed and pump you full until he was sure to see you round with his- 
"God.. fuck." He cursed loudly, craving giving him goosebumps as he slammed roughly into you. His mind was dirty talking him into a mess. "Yes. Shit. I'm risking it. I want it. Fuck. I need it." He chanted. 
The heat rose to your cheeks, you didn't know if his words did something, but you came hard, unable to keep the loud moan echoing through the room. 
"Wh..what..? Simon!" You tried to gather your thoughts. 
A little tsk escaped him. Now that wouldn't do. He needed to up his game. You were thinking too much. His face was close to yours. Eyes boring into your very soul that you knew he had a chokehold on. 
"Did I fucking stutter? You've been so pretty today…" he growled. "Acting like a mama with the kids… shit… been trying to stop myself from bending you over the, fuuuck… nearest surface just to breed this pretty little cunt.." you were going to talk. Say something but he cut you off. "We'll talk… not now… focus on me. Let me make you feel good… enjoy the feeling… the idea of me stuffing you full of my cum.." he rasped against the skin of your neck. 
A curse, a jinx. Perhaps a devil but also some old god that came to ensnare you. You obeyed. Willingly give in. Entrusting him. The idea blooming in your mind, his eyes trapping you in that familiar feeling of no one else in the world but the two of you. No more laughs and screaming from outside. Nothing more but the two of you, the feeling of his length splitting you open at a reckless pace. 
"Good girl… there you go.." he praised, feeling you relax in his arms, finally unable to think of anything else but him. Your legs were shaking from the overstimulation, the grinding of your clit making you jolt slightly, tears overwhelming you. 
"S'good.. so… good…" you whined, tears running down your cheeks now. 
"Yes baby… shit, so fucking good… you're doing good." His thrusts were sloppier, the sound of skin slapping and the sound of wetness filled the air. You were going to cum again, that one would wreck you. But wasn't this Simon's favorite pastime? Wreck you. Ruin you until the only thing on your mind is him. 
"Si-" you moaned hiding in his neck. 
"I know baby… I know… me too… s'close.." he moaned as he let his head back, giving you access to his neck. You nudged the fabric of the mask with your nose, just enough to show skin you could sink your teeth into as he made you bounce on his cock like you weighed nothing. 
"You gonna cum for me? Milk my cock deep in you?" You moaned pitifully as an answer. "Yes you are mama… make me so proud of how well you're taking me…" 
His new found nickname he found for you made something in you snap. You sank your teeth into his neck, the pain making him groan and jolt his hips up, hitting that sweet spot of yours. Now he was focused. Had a goal. His hips slamming into you at the perfect angle to make you crumble. And you were going to. He could feel it. His own high dangerously close. 
"Cum with me mama… milk daddy and keep it all inside baby…" he cooed with a hiss as you bit another spot on his neck. 
You shuddered around him, hips trembling trying to meet his thrusts, not that you needed it. The next wave of pleasure was blinding, your whines lost in sobs, nails digging into his back through the shirt, teeth drawing tiny droplets of blood on his neck. The loud curse, followed by moans as his sticky warm cum filled you up so deeply made your mind dizzy, your hearing gone for a few seconds. 
He remained like this as you both tried to breathe the same air. His cock deep in you, plugging you full.
"Simon.." you sobbed. 
He shushed you, lulled you in his arms, rocking left and right. 
"Did so good baby… proud of you." He kissed your hair, slipping out of you before quickly putting you down on your feet, helping you stand before kneeling to help you slip back your panties and shorts back on. He zipped them up and buttoned the jean fabric. 
"Darling… I'm still dripping with your cum…" you whined through a hiccup. 
He let you slowly back against the wall just enough to shove his cock back in his briefs, closing his cargo pants. He immediately wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close. He looked around the room, now taking in your surroundings, some kind of storage rooms for props. An old couch in a fairy tale against a wall. He picked you up bridal style, walking to the piece of furniture before sitting down, cradling you in his lap. He hugged you tight, praises kissing your skin. 
"Simon… where did that come from…" you tried making him look at you. 
"I…" he tried, clearing his voice. The reality of what he did hit him. "I've been watching you with the kids all day… don't know, what came over me…" he said, in some sort of apology. 
"It's.. I'll get a plan B…" you mumbled. 
"No-" he hurried. You looked at him in shock. "Listen… we'll talk about this… I, need to talk about this again. I don't know if I changed my mind, but I definitely… like, the idea of you bearing my child." He spoke, voice strained, unsure of his own words, feelings running across his mind at full speed. 
"We'll talk about it then… but.. this" you blushed, squeezing your thighs together, feeling the way your panties were soaked with a mix of the both of you. "It happened…" 
"Yeah… it did. I think… we still have a bit of time to think about it… doesn't have to be now. We'll talk at home. Just.. sorry I lost my shit." He apologized. 
"I like it…" you whispered. His heart jumped. 
"Oh mama… don't make me bend you over the couch…" he warned. 
You giggled. He kissed your lips, your cheeks, your nose, nuzzled against your neck. Yes. You'd talk about it. You had to. He had to face every possible consequence of his actions. And make up his mind. He kept you in his arms for a long half an hour, making you giggle and cuddling you close to him. When he finally stood up with you, watching close your eyes and bite your lip, probably at the sensation of his seed dripping into your panties, he fought the need to simply fuck you again, or put you in his car and drive home to keep you in bed for the rest of the weekend. 
"Simon! No!" You scolded. 
You had seen his gaze. You knew that burning gaze. He smirked before pulling down his mask, walking to the door with you. The sun was blinding, the noise of the park bringing you back to the real world. Simon glared again at the poor employee who immediately looked away. He held your hand as you both walked through the park, looking for the rest of the group. Soap was the first one to notice you, loudly calling you, bringing your attention to the group. 
"Hey! Where have you guys been?! Ghost you gotta ride that roller coaster with me!" He excitedly blurted out. Ghost sighed, making Soap roll his eyes with an overdramatic groan. 
"Come on Y/N! You're coming then! You splash in the water after" He smirked at you. 
Ghost tightened his hold on you, hand swiftly wrapping around your waist. 
"I think Y/N needs a moment of rest. I think she's wet enough…" John's wife said, a teasing look towards you, making you blush madly. 
"What are you talking about? She's totally dry…" Soap argued with a frown, looking at her and then at you and your blushing face. His eyes widened when his mind snapped things together. He stepped back, widening his stance to point a finger at Ghost. 
"You naughty rascal! In an amusement park?! After telling us to behave?!" He almost yelled. 
You hid your face in your hands. Little Kyle turned his attention to Soap while Lily giggled in her mom's arms. 
"Soap…" Ghost warned. 
"You're an animal." Soap shook his head, emphasizing the last word. 
Ghost smirked underneath his mask. Lily leaned forward, grabby hands towards Ghost. His eyes softened picking up the girl in his arms, slowly rocking her. Soap had gone from his rant to being scolded by Price for being so loud as Gaz laughed and John's wife tended to her son. Simon looked down at you, freezing on the spot. The look of lust, craving and desire in your eyes. Perhaps… This was getting interesting. 
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lionheartedmusings · 10 months
i've seen a lot of people talk about pomme being mischaracterised by the fandom, especially when it comes to her design (this one particularly was on the subreddit) and how she's usually depicted as this sweet little girl, which doesn't match up with her warrior side.
i actually… hate this take? now, i totally get that pomme does get mischaracterised by people who aren't usually privy to her for long periods of time, but why is her femininity out of character? how is portraying her as girly and sweet and kind somehow in detriment of her personality in any way?
pomme is kind. she's kind to an extreme, she's communicative and loving, and deeply emotionally intelligent. she's by far one of the genuinely kindest eggs, and deeply understanding of other people and their actions. she's sweet, and caring, and careful of the people around her — she feels horrible about killing foolish, and dislikes being teased about it because it was an accident and she didn't mean it. she'll take other people into account every time, and try her best to have healthy communication at every turn (i.e. her letter to tallulah yesterday).
she's also a warrior, one with the best pvp and pve skills of the eggs, well trained and deadly if need be. i don't think i've ever seen her be downed under any circumstance other than the code, and let me tell you girlie's been in some tough positions where being downed would've been normal. she's loving, but she's not an idiot and she's certainly going to kill instead of being killed.
she's also deeply wounded and paranoid, with her potions and quick switch armor, and reflexes that are frankly only rivalled by bad's. when richas went down, it took bad around 20 seconds to get to him (yes, felps was there but bad didn't know and better safe than sorry) but it wasn't bad who got him up — when pomme realised what was happening, she instantly went to his room. by the time bad arrived, richas was one second from being up. when she needs to tp the eggs, pomme is almost always faster than the parents, because she knows being fast is the difference between a scare and a dead sibling.
she wants elquackity dead. she named her scythe "revenge" because she wants him to pay for what he did to dapper. she's not scared of elquackity for herself, she's pissed the fuck off because no one touches her brother and lives. and this isn't bad's influence on her, mind you, this is pomme being pomme. the only thing that's more important than kindness and survivability is revenge when people harm those she loves — richas canonically had to hold her down in ninho the day dapper was kidnapped, because she wanted to go help the adults.
yes, pomme's the baby, but she's by far one of the most capable eggs in just about any regard. she's traumatised and wounded, but she knows when to put her own emotions aside and focus on the task at hand. she'll dig holes to whine about being called the french assassin, but she wants elquackity's head on a spike. she's gentle and caring and not afraid to talk about her emotions, but she's also cold as ice when need be.
my point being, pomme is a well developed character with a lot of nuance but that doesn't mean portraying her as a sweet little girl is wrong — that's still who she is. there's just layers to her, and i kind of feel iffy on the idea that portraying her in a very feminine way is somehow wrong or betraying who she is. she's the epitome of "don't mistake my kindness for weakness", all in a cute beret and pigtails.
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beanghostprincess · 5 months
Rayleigh and Buggy reunion, but Rayleigh is being over the top judgemental about everything, like idk if u are familiar with crazy ex girlfriend the TV show but Rayleigh shows up and acts exactly like Rebecca's mom does. Overcritical of his life choices and dismissive of what he perceives as excuses coming from Buggy, because he knows Buggy's true potential and is annoyed with Buggy not living up to it. He gives Crocodile a once over and goes "is that what you found to replace Shanks with" and moves on and Crocodile doesn't even have a moment to compute the way he was just insulted because Rayleigh has moved on to criticising Mihawk's cooking instead. Worst part is, this all comes from a genuine place of love and care, Rayleigh is legitimately worried sick about his baby clown son of 39 years, but he cannot express that worry without being extremely invasive about everything. Buggy isn't even responding, he just shoots ppl apologetic looks and rolls his eyes when Rayleigh isn't looking because of course he does this obviously Buggy is never good enough for him and Shanks had always been the favourite (you ask Shanks or any other Roger pirate and they will tell you that Buggy is Rayleigh's baby boy and absolute favourite with utmost confidence, too bad the emotional constipation runs in the crew). Dinner is awkward as fuck, because Rayleigh makes attempts at being easygoing but his motherhenning nature irt Buggy shines through, his conviction that Buggy would be happier with Shanks by his side is making him be overcritical of everyone in that dinner and he keeps discussing the good old days and subtly hinting at Buggy that there is still time for him to go back to Shanks....and Buggy looks close to frustrated tears (and everyone agrees, Crocodile has snapped 5 cigars in half with his teeth and Mihawk is 5 seconds away from banging his head on the table).
Just overbearing father Rayleigh being stifling and trying to overcompensate for his shit parenting choices during Buggy's childhood and Buggy having his daddy issues expanded upon (and Crocodile and Mihawk gaining insight to Buggy's entire deal)
"Idk if u are familiar with crazy ex girlfriend the TV sho-" My therapist literally told me to stop watching it so much because it was affecting my mental health. So. Yes. I know the show. It's one of my favorite shows EVER. Rebecca is just like me fr my beloved. All of them my beloveds. The songs my beloveds. Don't make me go into CEG x OP because I won't finish. And as you can see, I did not listen to my therapist.
Even though I've always seen Rayleigh as the one who understands Buggy the most (Roger and him love Shanks and Buggy equally but it is quite obvious they put more pressure on Shanks to be more like Roger and that only made things worse by making Buggy's inferiority complex exist) and the one who stands up more for him and comforts him when needed, it is true that he might be more judgemental and he'd be worried for Buggy. Like. Think about it. Roger died and the kids (their kids) ended up alone and going their own separate ways. For Rayleigh, finding out Shanks and Buggy aren't together is just?? So weird?? Because they've always been together. Birds of a feather (if somebody mentions the song 'Two Birds' I am punching them because I can't handle that song today please). And it's just... Well, surprising. 'But as long as they're okay' but they're obviously not okay!!! And it's not that Rayleigh is judging Buggy. In fact, I think he would do the same with Shanks. The second Rayleigh sees Shanks he's already saying he drinks too much (even for a pirate) and that he's been acting recklessly and "What the fuck are you doing without Buggy? Is this because of Buggy?" / "I do not drink because of him. It's- It's not about him. He left-" / "HE LEFT AND YOU DIDN'T DO ANYTHING?????" / "I hate it when you get like this" / "Like what?" / "Like you want to still do something about my life. I'm an adult, thank you very much-" / "No, you're not if you keep acting this way". And I personally think Rayleigh would just be worried for the both of them and also feel extremely guilty because he wasn't there to fix things when they fought, the way he always did. "The second I left you alone you two start a fight that lasts two decades?" and he would say this to both of them and they would hate it.
But yeah, going back to Buggy I think he'd be worried because. Well. Have you seen Crocodile and Mihawk? I mean. They're kind of on good terms with Buggy now (more or... More or less. Kind of. They're not equals but they're some sort of weird thing and they respect and care for each other. More or less. It's- It's complicated. Don't ask) but they're still them. And Rayleigh can't help but see the situation and be like "I'm proud you made a name of yourself, kid, but you don't have to do this if you don't want to" (meaning: You could go back to Shanks any time you wanted) and Buggy takes it as an "You could go back to Shanks any time you wanted because you'd be safer with him" instead of the real "You could go back to Shanks any time you wanted because you'd be happier with him and this war of pride and hearts you have going on is dumb". And he understands Buggy needs to be away from Shanks to grow, but it's just so, so sad to see them like this when they used to love each other so damn much.
Also, I think Buggy would be going through the worst moment of his life and Crocodile and Mihawk would be so done for different reasons. First, they don't give a fuck about all of this drama. And second, they are starting to see Buggy more like a person and understand why he is the way he is, and the things Rayleigh is saying are bothering them a lot. They've been trying to make the clown move on from his past so he's useful for once (because when he believes in himself he's actually not a burden and more interesting) and now this guy (that they respect because it's Silvers Fucking Rayleigh) comes and tries to change things around here? Nope. Not happening.
So basically, what you're trying to tell me is that Rayleigh regrets raising the boys that way and now he's overcompensating and it's overwhelming for everyone, right? I- I love it. Great plot. 10/10. In character. Perfect. It makes me go insane. I love their daddy issues.
(Also, can we talk about how "This Was a Shit Show" and "What'll it be" are extremely Buggy songs??? Because- Because now I want to-)
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strawberrychainsawz · 11 months
I have a little story thing! My first time so please be gentle and nice
This is a part 1 to a story I'll try to continue!
● synopsis. You are an innocent girl from a powerful family with parents that have arranged a marriage for you to a mysterious cult leader named Douma.
Rainbow colored eyes, Nervous eyes.
Marriage. What a weird thing. Obove all, your parents who were well known very powerful people in the area arraigned a marriage for you to a cult leader named Douma who you have never even met. They thought this marriage would gain them more fame, money whatever insane adults care about.
The day finally came. You met him. This stranger was very well known to be an extreme womanizer. That's really all you knew about this strange man. But what made you so nervous was how innocent you were. A nervous virgin to be straight to the point. Young, soft and so delicate. So sheltered. So weak.
After the wedding with so many of his followers giving him praises, the sounds of music slowly leaving, people leaving it was time. You're so nervous but you know what you'll have to do to please him. Your parents definitely drilled it into your head "please, make him happy"
After everything had settled down, he gives you this look. Almost hungry, as If he could eat you while also looking so charming and kind. He grabs your hand.
"I know this must be so confusing to you, it definitely is to me. I didn't ask for this to happen either, I've spent my whole life trying to do whatever my parents bid me to do." He gently cups your face.
"I promise to try to make you the most happiest bride, you will want for nothing, understand me?" You couldn't even look him in his beautiful pastel colored eyes. You were a nervous girl to begin with but him? Just his calming voice, eyes made it feel like your heart could come out of your throat anytime.
He softly grabs your hand and leads you both to your wedding night room. It's dark but there's candles. You smell the scent of floral. There's beautiful lotus decorations. It almost looks unreal to you.
"Do you like what I've done here? I did this all for you my sweet rosebud. Nothing but the best for you" he said this in this warm almost childlike tone with such enthusiasm.
He sat himself on the end of the bed, placing his hand right beside in a empty space. Gesturing you to sit beside him. You did as you were asked, slowly approaching him. You comfortably sit down beside him.
His eyes meet yours. Those beautiful fucking eyes that hold so much mystery in them.
He scoots a little closer to you, inhaling your sweet swent. He buries his face into your neck, giving it deep kisses and soft ones too. Trailing them back to your face. God you're so nervous. Worried how you'll please this man although knowing nothing about sex, or even how to please a man but you remember this from your parents, the heavy selfish words of your parents. Using their only daughter as some pawn.
"Please, make this man happy, give him whatever he wants just keep him happy and please. This is for the good of the family!"
You honestly didn't want to. You didn't want your first time being with a man you hardly knew. Even if he looks like he was carved from Gods
But you knew you had to.
"Are you okay, my love? You seem so tense"
You shook your head nervously.
He continued kissing you. Every part of your face was being met by his lips.
"Is it okay If...I undo this?
It was the strap to your kimono, you nervously said under your breath "y-yes"
He slowly pulled it of, making the dress loose around your shoulders but not exposing your breast. He continued feasting his lips up against your neck, his breath hot and heavy. He lowered a bit with his hands on your shoulders, laying even deeper kisses on your chest. He could feel your body vibrating with fear. With shyness.
He plants one more kiss on your neck, and another on your mouth. He softly pressed his forehead against yours.
"I'm so sorry my love but I just can't. I know you're nervous as you have every right to be! It's not that I don't want to, I could believe me. I'd love nothing more than to rip that dress off you and show you things, teach you things. But tonight is just not the night for that. Okay?
The relief you felt was immense. You deep down wanted to but you wanted to build more of a connection to him. Or try your best to. Learn more about this charismatic man.
He embraces you in a soft hug, his fingers twirling with a piece of hair laying down at the side of your face
"My love, we have all the time in the world to explore these things" he helps you pull up your dress from your chest so you're not as covered. Plants one more kiss on you and pulls you into bed with him the night, gently stroking your hair until the both of you are asleep so gently.
You thought to yourself as you tried to sleep.
"Maybe..he's not as bad as I thought. Maybe I can learn to love this man. To actually know him"
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Imagine Chibs, your ex, seeing you after you moved away 7 years ago because your family didn’t want you having relations with a biker older than you...
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'The turning of his head made you feel like your heart was going to fly out of your mouth. He was going to look at you, see you.'
It had been 7 years since you moved away; under your parents rules. They didn't want their 'little girl' being with a biker, never mind one older than you. (Quite a bit older) They thought it would be best for you. But they didn't know you, they just tried to control you. They always had. You were still living with them when you decided to pack a bag and leave to come back to Charming. You were terrified what you were going to be greeted with.
A lot can change in 7 years. What if he is married with kids now? Happier now than when he was with you?
They weren't expecting you - no one knew you were coming back.
You were here. Looking up at the 'Teller Morrow' sign that filled you with so many emotions and memories.
The Sons were scattered around the garage and yard. Some on benches, some under cars. You could see the scot, he was there dragging a cigarette from between his tender lips. His back was facing you but Tig and Jax's weren't.
Jax locks eyes with you. They grew so fucking wide. Nudging Tig. They both stood staring in shock.
"Oh shit." You thought and heard Tig say.
Chibs looked at them, then over his shoulder at you. He was looking at you. The stare you adored 7 years ago and everyday since.
"...im so sorry..." you said in the tiniest, most terrified voice. You dropped your bag and covered your mouth with your hands as you couldn't control your emotions.
Chibs didn't speak. He didn't move. The ash fell from his cigarette.
A few moments later. He spoke, "What the fuck?".
You had never been so scared in your life than you were right now in this moment.
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He stood from the bench, he looked just like the day he did when you left. His features were perfect. You missed him so fucking much. His eyes filled with questions.
"Y/N, what the fuck do you want? Where the fuck did you go? Why did you leave me?"
"It wasn't my choice, they made me." you quickly spat out.
Instantly, you burst into tears. "Honestly Chibs, you have to believe I never wanted to hurt you! "
"I need a bit more than that lass. One day 7 years ago you just up and leave out of my life - when you were my everything. You ripped my heart out Y/N...." tears ran down his face.
Raising your hands to wipe them away from him, you stopped yourself remembering he wasn't yours to touch now. This was killing you.
Your words stumbled as you cried hard. But you carried on...
"I tried to leave and come back sooner but my parents.. they didn't approve of us which, you knew. You also know how insane they are. So, they went to the extreme length of taking me across the country one day without my knowledge, rid of my phone and the rest. I was so scared for years. Now I've up and left - please.. please try and understand. I've thought about you everyday since I left. Chibs - I love you. Sorry if it seems too soon but nothings changed for me. I don't know if you've moved on which is understandable."
He blinked. Tears drying on his face.
"Moved on?" he scoffed.
"I don't think you can move on from the love of your life."
"Also, you might want to give your parents a bit more credit. You all managed to disappear off the face of the earth. I tried to track you down for such a long time. Everyone helped to find you. The day we finally decided to stop looking, my world shattered. My fears had come true - you had been taken away from me. I want nothing more than to bring you into my arms and cherish every inch of you. But I am absolutely terrified if I do, you could leave.
I CANNOT do that AGAIN!"
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You both pause looking into one another's eyes. You never thought this would happen again, honestly.
"Filip Telford, I am going nowhere, apart from with you if you'll take me..." you maintained his eye contact - proving you were certain.
Still scared you watched as Chibs began to speak again.
"fuck, I've missed you lass."
You run into his arms hugging him so tightly wanting to never let him go.
{Credit to gif & image owners}
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Hi I was wondering if you could do a Victor creed x female reader where reader is a mutant just like Victor but she has the same type of abilities as he does and this is like a love story filled with fluff and smut and Victor and reader both get married after dating and have six kids three boys and three girls and they end up having mutant abilities just like their parents if this isn't too troubling for you I understand 🥰 thank you and have a wonderful day
5 Times In Time
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→pairing: Victor Creed x fem!reader
→warnings: 18+ SMUT at the end, some swear words
→notes: I took a different turn with the stories but stillllll, i didn't think it would be this long, enjoy
1 Meeting him
The battlefield was scattered throughout the country. No man, woman, child, or mutant was saved from the extreme pain the villains brought upon the doomed world, even without their help. The fire rained upon Y/N skin, burning like a slight ticket to the mutant skin capable of healing every would that touched her skin. Her nails extend far beyond imagined for the average human as she runs, jumps, and kicks her enemies while leaving no head attached to the shoulders. Her eyes landed on the famous cyclops and his partner as they huddled to talk about a newly formed plan which Y/N did not know yet. 'Y/N, there's new help coming in.' Cycopls said while his red-glasses covered eyes scanned the enemies' how many?!' she waited impatiently for the answer, his pointer and middle finger shooting up '2.' he replied, 'what?! There's no way only two people will help with hoards and hoards of monsters?!' 'believe me, those two will.' behind them, the now well-known Wolverine ran towards them, followed by a black-coated figure, his claws bouncing off the red glow of the fiery skin. 'who the fuck is that?!' Y/N shouts, her anger raging. The two muscled men stop their huffs loud and heavy. 'the names Victor darlin. don't use it too much now.' with an unmistakable glimmer in his eyes, Y/N felt the same glimmer glaze in her eyes.
2 Kiss kiss
'Victor…Victor…Victor…Victor…Victor…Victor!!!' Y/N shouted in the mansion, looking for the clawed fella. Her steps throttled on the expensive white marble, her eyes locking onto the most miniature scene of a black coat disappearing into the nearest hallway. Her feet took a strong left into the hallway seeing the cool-as-ice mutant leaning on the wall, one foot up on the wall, arms crossed, and his gaze on her. 'why didn't you respond to my calling?' she huffed, inching closer within arm's reach. 'I wanted to hear you use my name, little cat.' his tongue stayed longer on the cat, making it a strong 'tt' sound, irritating her ears. 'I told you don't call me that.' 'But you have no hero name, little cat. What should I call you then.' 'My name…Y/N.' she paused, feeling his hand grab hers, gently pulling her closer to him. 'You are cute when you huff and puff, similar to the wolf from little red riding hood.' Victor whispered, his lips staying on her right ear 'the wolf ate the grandma and little red. I did not eat anyone.' she responded, her hands staying on his muscular chest, feeling his heart beating steadily. 'Can I eat you?' he pulls back his lips in a wickedly naughty smile uncovering his white beastly teeth. 'We can make a deal. We are both reasonable, right?' y/n answered with a question, feeling a strong urge to kiss his lips. inching closer and closer their lips…'No kissing!' a voice erupted. The pair turned to see a small, mean student looking at them both. Victor turns to his girl and says loud enough. 'Y/N, what's the time?' ' 1 pm. Why?' looking back at the kid, he answers, 'Lunchtime.' The child's eyes open in shock, running to get cover and leaving the couple alone again as they continue their interrupted moment.
3 I wanna make it pop, pop
'Vic, come on, we are late. We will miss it.' y/n shouted at the mutant as she stood at the top of the hill, waiting for her protector to catch up with her. 'Darlin, you may be younger, but I am over 134 years old. I am an old man. Give me a break!' he retorted as he finally reached her. huffing out, Y/N sits on the blanket, pulls the man down, and sits next to each other 'If we missed it, you are sleeping on the couch for the next five weeks, no negotiation.' 'it's just fireworks!' 'Yeah, but it's only once a year, and I haven't seen it live yet. I want to see it with you.' Victor leans on her, his hands caressing her tight 'Is that so?' 'Not going to work, Creed. Now stop. It's starting.' The frameworks sound first and pop off the explosion of colors, sizes, and shapes. The midnight sky colors itself with the iridescent light sparks letting the people and mutants below enjoy the view that was present once a year. Victor stops to gaze at the sky and looks at his love, her eyes mirroring the scene unfolding between them, his heart rumbling and talking to him in the form of a robust crescendo-like heartbeat rhythm. His hands find the back pocket, and he presents it to her. She looks down for a wink and witnesses a ring. she looks at him, her gaze holding thousands of questions. 'I wanted to pop this question from the moment I kissed you. What do you say, little cat? Can I call you my wife?' 'Only if I can call you daddy in 9 months.' she pulls his hand, letting it rest on her stomach. 'You just made me the happiest in all my lifetime.'
4 2+1=4?
'I am not popping any more kids for you, Creed. The twins are more than enough!' Victor laughed at his wife's statement walking closer to her and pecking her expecting lips. 'However, will I change your mind, my little cat?' Punching his chest, she answers, 'By stopping calling me little cat, I am your wife, call me appropriately.' 'You have a punch…wife. But still, the twins are now 3, and we might as well have at least one more kid so they can have each other to lean on.' 'Are you talking about your kids? the same ones that ate sand yesterday! Those are your stupid gens. I will die happily enough knowing that they will learn how to use scissors not and adequately stab each other. Plus, I was delivering them for …' '12 hours. I know I was there with you every second of it. I messaged your stomach, was there when you had contractions, and fed you.' He cut her off, holding his stance towards his love. 'Congrats, you did the bare minimum while I was doing the most brutal stuff ever.' 'You really are something, wife. So feisty and stubborn.' he leans down to kiss her forehead, his hands caressing her back. 'I do love that. Especially in the bedroom.' his voice purred, and Y/N felt her knees go weak at the sounds. 'Well, I guess… maybe one more could be good…' she whispered, her cheek heating up.
5 Home Run
The bed creaked, and the sound of harsh skin slapping was heard. Y/n's head was on the pillow, her teeth biting the plush material, her hands holding onto the sheets as her mate rutted in her. His hips snapped back and forward, his pace slowly getting sloppier and slower, finishing in her. Victor looks at his woman, her skin, her eyes watering, and her lisp so damn kissable. Leaning down, he steals kisses from her, his tongue playing with hers as he massages her stomach, pulling slowly out. 'You think this is it?' he hushed; Y/N chuckled. 'Well, even if it didn't, I would mind repeating this. You always get so possessive when you want to breed me.' 'Have you seen yourself, pretty girl? That's the effect you have on me, and there is no medicine for it but just to fuck you and breed you.' Y/N looked at her big bad wolf, kissing his lips, her hands trailing all over his chest and arms, stopping at his left hand on the wedding band. 'You promised, remember?' 'You think I would break my promise to you? Never, I will kiss, lick, protect and fuck you until the end, sweetheart.' 'Damn right.'
If you like it, let me know.
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gerec · 1 year
i’ve had a shitty week so i was just wondering if you could recommend your favorite fluffy cherik fics 😭 i don’t care what they’re about i just need fluff
I'm sorry you've had a rough week Anon and I'm happy to help. I don't really read straight fluff but these are my favorite Cherik fics to read when I want a pick me up and I hope you like them!
One Hundred One Night Stands. by Sophia_Bee
Charles has a rule. Never fuck the same guy twice. When he refuses to see Erik again after a one night stand, Erik goes about trying to get Charles to violate that rule using accents and disguises.
Erik Lehnsherr's Guide to Parenting by keire_ke
Alex disapproves of school car washes, despite the abundance of wet bikinis on pretty girls. Erik doesn’t approve of his son shirking money-making duties.
Humane Society by smilebackwards
Once Erik finally allows himself to decide that Charles is pretty much the best thing since sliced bread, he spends the next week being incredibly bitter that he's Charles' cat and not his boyfriend.
Protect, Serve, Troll by keire_ke
Erik's fire department has a special relationship with the local university. They visit often. Sometimes, there even is a fire.
Not So Much the Teacup by thehoyden
“Charles is basically the bride whisperer. It’s like he can read their minds.” (wedding planner AU)
645 Riverside Drive by smilebackwards
Azazel clearly has yet to understand the shattering power of Charles' disappointment, so Erik takes one for the team, grabbing the cup and downing the remnants of the cappuccino like a shot while Azazel watches with morbid fascination.
Good manners (will get you far) by ximeria
Charles had been looking forward to the performance at the Met for ages. Little did he know, things would not go according to plan.
Oysters and Champagne by listerinezero
Erik is the extremely talented, extremely scary chef at one of the top restaurants in New York, and Charles, the head waiter, is the only person with the balls to stand up to him. Their fights are the stuff of legend, and their argument over the Valentine's Day menu turns into one for the history books.
'tis a far far better thing doing stuff for other people by whichisgolden
The X-Men: First Class Clueless AU that you didn't know you always wanted. Charles is a spoiled Beverly Hills telepath, Erik is his pretentious ex-step-brother, Emma is his best friend because they both know what it feels like for people to be jealous of them, etc.
Other Life Challenges by professor
“Why am I here again?” Erik groans.
“I need you to lift things and glower at people over my shoulder when I tell people that it’s not ‘politically correct’ or a ‘war on Christmas’ to have a non-denominational winter holiday festival,” says Theresa Pryde.
Well, at least those are two things he’s good at.
Making perfect by aesc 
As is the case with most trials in Erik's life, this one starts with Charles gazing beseechingly at him and asking him for a favor. Not that their going-on-three years relationship is a trial, even though it started with Charles giving Erik the full benefit of sad blue eyes and asking him if he wouldn't mind opening his car door since he'd locked his keys inside, but still.
love like toy trucks crashing by midrashic
Charles Xavier may be young, but he knows what it means to love.
soul of my soul by ikeracity
You can imprint on your soulmate anywhere — school, work, on the street, in a restaurant, on the subway.
Charles and Erik imprint on each other just in time for the holidays.
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loganscyangutspill · 9 months
Just gotta say, love your fic and love your art 💞 Sooo what do you think about Michael being shy about his face without a mask?🫣
Thank you! And I do have some headcanons about that!
The short version is that I think Michael is not as much shy about his face but more so he feels exposed with nothing obscuring it.
The longer version...
You could call Michael shy about his face but he is well aware that look wise he has nothing to be embarrassed about. His dislike in showing his face comes more from not liking to show his emotions to others.
(And yes I think Michael does express and experience emotions a fair bit! But due to his life experience he doesn't like to admit and show that to others.)
I believe it began early in his childhood and was only re-enforced by dr. Loomis later on. Michael is not very expressive by nature overall and from early on he could be considered very emotionless child. The little reactions that he did show were quickly pointed out by family and friends and those situations made him feel somewhat exposed and only made him shut in himself more.
(You know how parents can be annoying sometimes saying things like: "Look who decided to join us for dinner! Look who finally got out of their room!" and how that only makes kids want to isolate themselves even more...)
After him killing his sister and ending up at Loomis's care, the doctor was no better than his family. He was taking even the slightest glimpse of Michael's "humanity" as something worth documenting and paying close attention to. That only made Michael's actually really normal expression of emotions feel like something unwanted. Getting any reaction out of Michael was an achievement for Loomis and he made it show, unknowingly only discouraging Michael in the process.
And Micheal was like... fuck that dude. No satisfaction for you. You are not getting anything form me, dipshit. >: I
(I'm a big fan of Loomis doing more bad than good in his time of caring for Michael and only screwing him up more lol)
All of that made Michael instinctively feel like showing any expressions was letting other people win somehow. Like it showed some kind of weeknes that he didn't know how to use but others knew... All of that extended to talking too. He could stab them, make them bleed, screem and die... but they had words sharper than knifes that he didn't know how to properly use. His silence and stoicism was his shield and he held onto it tight.
And over the years he stopped really caring about this stuff as much. People around him were still annoying but It all became a buzz in his head and his expressionless way of being just became part of him. He was no longer forcing himself in any way and no longer had to hide his emotions as he stopped feeling much of them anymore.
And so the already quite expressionless kid became almost completely emotionless adult...
And I say almost because he is like that without a mask but... Having it on gives him comfort of not having to pay any mind if someone is looking or not. If his face is showing something or not. And so he lets loose. And please mind that even if he is more relaxed with his mask on and does show some emotions under it... they are at this point still very subtle and almost unnoticeable in most cases... He is naturally less expensive, just his experience pushed it to the extreme and some actual evil shit also added to it. (There is some evil within that boy after all)
And like come on... I know that in the movies they say Michael is completely expressionless but in that scene as a kid he looks fucking scared??? And when Laurie gets his mask off he looked so shocked??? Like it only makes sense to me that he hides his face because he is embarrassed in a way of showing that he might feel anything and he doesn't want to give other people the satisfaction of seeing that part of him... I didn't understand the whole Loomis talk about finding a kid with no expression in his eyes like... did we all see the same scene? The kid was in shock istg 😭
Anyway... sorry for ranting. I don't know if I put my thoughts in coherent enough words but I hope it was at least an interesting read~
It's really one of my main interpretation of the reasons for him wearing the mask but all the others I had a chance to read were also really cool! Like after all its just a personal headcanon and everyone has their own uwu
Also have a little pretty boy Michael as a reward for getting to the end of this post!
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saintsir4n · 2 months
make sure to vote and comment!
"CHRISTOPHER is the oldest. He's a third, can you imagine that? I know my family is a bit extra but hearing my name across three generations would be a bit unoriginal. He's a nice bloke CJ — what everyone used to call him, almost thirty now." Felix breathed out, lying on his dorm room floor with the cascading rays of golden light spread across his bare chest. "Then there's Charles or Charlie. Irish twins, him and CJ, because they were born less than a year apart. Mum says it was because Christopher the Second wanted to trap Desdemona. I mean I've seen her and I understand."
"Is that your plan then? To trap Cali?" Oliver dared to ask, rather reluctantly, with his shadow looming over Felix.
Felix halfheartedly laughed at the question he didn't deny, instead, he continued listing the Danforth's.
"Then there's Camden: the wild one. Farleigh used to be obsessed with him before he got engaged. But then again, it's obvious they still shag from time to time," his amusement faltered when he moved on to one of the younger brothers, "Then there's Colton."
"Who's with Monika?" Oliver shifted on the window seal, intrigued by the shift in tone.
Felix chuckled, "She's not with him, mate. And that guy doesn't care who he's with."
"Did you two used to be friends?" Oliver wondered although it was clear.
Felix took a drag of his cigarette, pondering his response.
"Yeah, something like that. Just like the twins. Cade and Caspian. The youngest brothers, twenty-two now, were a racket. They all are at times, that and extremely handsome. Some went to Exeter, and the rest just live off their dad, understandable because investment property makes a ton. And Sanguine houses; their business is real estate and that's where new money is at or has been I don't fucking know. I mean Olly you should see the houses they own in this country and all the others. Huge, fat houses."
Oliver pressed, "Sounds like a treat, but why aren't you close to the twins?"
Felix frowned, "Just fell out over something stupid that's all."
"Where are they now?"
"Stretched across the globe imagine, they all like to shift like tectonic plates. One Danforth for every continent," and Cali's here with me. "Cali's parents are here, in their estate, all loved up, it's sickening but cute I suppose."
Oliver hummed, "Must be nice for Cal."
"You'd think that. But they don't give her any attention, make her feel like shit. It's horrible, all that love and they can't share it with their children especially not the only girl."
"Well, now it makes sense," Oliver decided to say, confusing Felix who angled his head up.
"What does?"
"The way she acts. She clings to you like she needs your attention," Oliver explained, earning a look of confusion.
"I wouldn't say that."
"I thought that was obvious, seems like a performance, a show that she puts on just to get something out of you, that she can't get from her mum and dad,"
Felix sat up, scrunching his face in contempt, "Don't be a prick," his reaction stunned Oliver, "Have some compassion, Olly."
"I-I do, I was just making a connection," Oliver stammered.
"We have a tight bond. That's all it is," Felix exclaimed, voice strained by the tainted view of Calypso.
It was wrong in his opinion, she didn't cling to him, no, she's a part of him.
Oliver gulped, "Come on mate, you know that's not true."
Felix remained silent, choosing not to feed Oliver's curiosity and continued smoking in the excruciating heat. Summer in England wasn't lovely, it was thick and inescapable, like Oliver Quick, or so Farleigh said.
Oliver itched to say something else, redeem himself but he didn't know how to play it, instead, his mind drifted to Calyspo.
Calypso fucking Danforth.
Oliver remembered the touch of her lips against his skin. The blush that kissed his cheeks, how his heart skipped when she neared him, the warmth of her essence spread to him like the heatwave they were in now. The Calypso impact wasn't a myth, it was real and he felt it. And yet he couldn't stand how much Felix took it for granted. The kiss of a goddess was fruitless to a guy like Felix. And until he saw them together he wouldn't believe they were made for each other like Farleigh hammered into his head. And if Calypso was so adamant about being with other blokes, she didn't deserve Felix's love or protection, not like him.
"So fucking hot," Felix murmured as the smoke escaped his lips.
Oliver's eyes darted over Felix, "I know."
He knew not to press Felix about Calypso, not right now, instead, he was too disgusted by the stench of the dorm room.
He sniffed, "What's that smell?"
"Erm... I don't know," Felix blinked.
Oliver groaned in disgust, "No. No, no, no."
"What? What are you on about?" Felix sat up once again frustrated by him.
"It's disgusting, Felix," Oliver got off the window ledge and decided, "Right, I'm cleaning up."
Felix's frown didn't leave his face, "It's fine."
"Only rich people can afford to be this filthy," Oliver remarked, picking up a bin and darting around the messy dorm room.
Felix gently scoffed, "Fuck off."
"I mean, you've got fucking pizza on the floor," Oliver walked over his legs, picking up more things to shove in the bin.
"Mate, stop it. I'll do it later. It's fine."
"No, you won't, mate. No, you fucking won't," Oliver let out a condescending laugh, "You'll never do it."
"Yes, I will."
"No, you won't."
"Ollie, yes, I will. I said I'd do it later." Felix tried suppressing his temper, feeling small despite himself.
"No, you won't," Oliver repeated with a scoff.
"Ollie, fucking stop! I'm not a fucking child!" Felix snapped finally, darting up from the floor to snatch the bin from him. Oliver looked quite shaken, but that didn't matter. "I can do it myself!" Felix felt pressured to pick up a few things. "I'm just... I'm just... I'm just hot. It's fucking boiling in these rooms. They'd rather we all die of heatstroke than ruin the fucking wood fucking panelling by putting in air conditioning."
Oliver stumbled back, "Stressing about the exams?"
Felix huffed out a chuckle, "I'm not stressed about the exams, Ol," he shot him a look, rolling his eyes, "You're driving me fucking..." he trailed off, realising why so many of his friends might have been right. He sighed, putting down the bin. "I've got some revising to do. I think I might, er...I might catch you later, yeah?
"King's Arms later?" Oliver tentatively proposed, pained by how the conversation descended.
Felix avoided looking at Oliver as he sat down at his cluttered desk, "Yeah. Yeah, maybe. Erm..."
Oliver shuffled back towards the door, "I'll text you, yeah?"
"Okay," Felix looked down, sending a glance when the door was about to shut. "Of course."
When he was alone he let out a deep breath and picked up his phone to call the one person on his mind.
"Why can't I come and visit America with you Cam? Because of your fiancé? He's the worst and you don't like him," Calypso spoke into her phone, lying across her bed, holding up a battery-charged fan.
She didn't want to come across as needy or desperate, fuck no. but the boiling temperature made it so she didn't have much of an emotional filter. The window had been open but all she got in return was hot air so she shut it.
She heard her older brother laugh, "So?"
"So you want me to be alone again for the summer? You all came by and didn't talk to me," she huffed.
"So why do you want to come to Los Angeles with me and the fiancé you fucking hate?"
"You hate him as well you just said. Look, being in Upton is dull, getting off with the same people is shite," she expressed, bringing the fan closer to her face.
"Why do you think we all hate coming back?" Camden groaned.
"Fine. Never mind, I'll just figure it out. Look have you said happy birthday to the twins?" it was their birthday today and Calyspo was checking in with all her siblings, despite them never doing the same to her.
"Cade's in China."
"Japan," Calypso corrected, sitting up.
"And Caspian told me he's back in England."
He didn't mention that to her. "Oh."
"Didn't like foreign air. So he's back."
"Right, but –" she heard a knock at her door.
"You sound busy. Bye Callo." he hung up.
She didn't get to respond, the knocking grew louder, "Come in. Fuck."
Felix calmly pushed open the door, now wearing a white vest in the thick heat, he smiled when he walked in, breath hitching when she was only wearing one of his shirts and a thong. Her hair was slicked back into two space buns. Fuck, she was beautiful.
"Lix, were you trying to break down the door?" she joked, mustering up a beaming smile when she ushered him into her neat dorm room.
Everything was tucked away, only her revision notes for the end-of-year exams were out on her desk and a few hair products were sitting at the foot of her bed. Posters of various film stars clung to the walls: Pam Grier, Pamala Anderson and Lucy Liu, as well as singers like Amy Winehouse, Corinne Bailey Rae and Lily Allen. A few plants were over in the corner with drying roots that had to be watered. There was a smell of fresh fruits and cigarettes in the air but overall the dorm was immaculate.
Just like Calypso.
Oliver would love it in here, Felix concluded and fought the urge to lash out at the idea.
"You didn't answer your phone," Felix mumbled, bringing her in for a hug and she happily wrapped her arms around him.
Sweat clung to them but they needed each other.
"Sorry, I was chatting to Cam," she spoke into his sculptured chest, "It's the twin's birthday and no one seems to care."
"You do, you always care," it was one of the things I love about you. His hands absentmindedly trailed down her neck, before she reluctantly pulled away.
"I guess. What's wrong? It's fucking hot and you've left your dorm."
"Needed to get out," he weakly answered as she guided him to sit on her bed.
He shuffled backwards until his back hit the wall, he pulled her bare legs over his lap, unintentionally putting her at an angle where he could see between her legs.
"Somethings bothering you, spill," she patted his face as she leaned backwards on her elbows, "is it Oliver?"
"How can you tell?" he sighed at the thought of the Oliver Quick. He didn't want to think about him whilst he was with Calypso, not with her looking like how she did.
"Everyone's talking about him. And my guess is that you've finally had enough," Calypso said, internally wishing he had.
"What do you think of him?" he asked, picking up the fan to blow in his face.
"Frankly, I don't think of him."
Felix pouted, "Cali."
"Not being mean. It's the truth, he's unremarkable and stares entirely too much," Calypso exhaled when Felix faced the fan towards her.
She knew he was a bootlicker like Michael Gavey stated, and he was odd, but she wouldn't judge him for clearly being from a poor family, he was just... suffocating.
His brows pinched together, "At you?"
"And others. All the girls are creeped out by him."
"I thought you liked to be looked at?" he paused, turning off the fan to examine her, "and which girls, MJ?" He, of course, knew Annabel wasn't a fan of Oliver, Farleigh despised him and the rest weren't ambiguous about their views. "And Annabel and India right? The two you've been shagging on the side."
She bit back a smirk, "Oliver told you then. Good."
Felix was doing his best to not flip out, his body stiffened when he was told about the ordeal. It was jealousy. He was jealous and he was prepared to embrace it as long as it was worth it.
"Do you care?" Calypso rebutted.
"If you swing that way?"
She gently shook her head, "I don't swing, I glide. But it was just a bit of fun."
"And you wanted me to shag them too?"
"I've heard you stopped anyway."
Felix shrugged off any of their advances for months. He was glad too. Sleeping with other people... sure it was an option, a pointless one. With every thrust, every moan, he saw her, panting underneath him drawing him closer to his release, with her name on the tip of his tongue as he moaned. And just like that, the wave of reality would come splashing over him and when he opened his eyes she wasn't there, it was someone else, he was always disappointed and the girls were too embarrassed to say something and so they didn't, silently envious of Calypso Danforth: the girl who selfishly stole Felix Catton's heart.
"I have," he found his voice, staring into her eyes it was impossible not to say anything. "You should too."
"Is that a demand Sir Felix?" he grunted at her tone of voice.
"And if it was?"
"I would listen," she pulled up her leg, tracing her foot over his thigh, to his crotch, emitting a groan from him.
Felix could barely suppress the bliss he felt, in that second.
"Then stop," he was pleading, pleading for a release, but it wasn't gonna be that easy.
She was satisfied with his answer, but moved her foot away, "Done."
Felix tossed back his head in frustration, he was so close. So fucking close.
At that moment he wasn't gentle, he couldn't be, her gasps filled his ears when she was pulled onto his lap, straddling his thighs, gripping the straps of his vest.
"Fuck..." he tugged her closer, drunk from the lust swimming in her eyes and more importantly her scent. "Are you wearing a different perfume?"
She licked her lips, "Dropped the mango scrub. Replace it with apple and change from Chanel to Beyoncé's range," she leaned in, their chests were practically kissing each other. "Do you like it?"
"I fucking love it."
Their eyes danced between their lips and everywhere else. There were no obstacles, no flings, just their clothes and the heat trapping them to her dormitory, where the sunlight shone brightly and passion soared.
But Calypso still decided to pull back, "So are you gonna tell me what Oliver said to hurt your feelings?"
He grumbled, "Let's not talk about him."
She raised a brow, "You were obsessed with him yesterday."
"I wasn't obsessed. He clings to me. Like my fucking shadow and then proceeds to treat me like a child. Says rich people don't clean up after themselves," he decided to leave out the statements he made about her.
"We don't," she deadpanned, knowing the state of Felix's room.
Felix's grip tightened on her waist, "You do."
"And? We're not all the same. But if you feel that way about him. Stay away."
"Is that a demand, Lady Calypso?"
She chuckled, heart swelling at the sentiment, "Do you want it to be?
"Then it is."
"Stay away from him Cali, too," he whispered.
She smiled, "Done."
"It's like comparing the Gruffalo to Cleopatra, Farleigh," Felix commented, making his cousin cackle as they occupied the King's Arms.
"What is?" Calypso asked, joining him with Monika who sat next to Farleigh.
India was getting off with Harry in the corner, or was it Jake? No one paid attention, Annebel's whereabouts were unknown, Alicia was asleep and they were just grateful that Oliver was absent.
"Felix was telling me about how you're staying at Saltburn for the summer. It'll be good to have someone else around to torment," Farleigh informed, covering for his cousin who snaked an arm Calyspo who was on the adjoining chair, wearing her glasses along with a suggestive outfit.
"Is that your way of saying you'd miss me if I didn't come?" Cali fluttered her lashes.
Farleigh turned up his nose, "No."
"You fucking liar, yes it is," Felix laughed, pointing in his face.
"You have a tell, Farleigh," Monika stated, leaning on her elbow, eyeing him.
Farleigh cocked his head to the side, "And what is it?"
"You don't have that normal level of American cuntiness clinging to it," Calypso answered, making them all laugh.
"Fuck you but also thank you," Farleigh winked, then sipped on his pint.
"What are you doing after exams Nika?"
"Being grateful that I didn't off myself before then and then going away to Gran Canaria. Mum wants to take me," Monika informed, combing a hand through her silky locks.
"Lucky you," Farleigh mused, catching the stiffening of Calypso's shoulders.
Felix rubbed at her neck, fingers attempting to ease the tension.
"Yes, lucky me."
"We need pictures," Calypso proposed, nodding to Monika.
"Yes pictures, dad sent me a scrapbook as if I don't have storage on my Ericcson," Monika ushered them all to lean across the table, even India and her fling who were far too incoherent to object, "But cram in."
"Say tits and teeth," Calypso said.
"Tits and teeth," they tipsily repeated.
"Class," Monika grinned at the picture on her phone she would have to print off as everyone returned to their places. "Now I say shots are on Felix."
"I agree," Calypso nodded, playfully jabbing the guy, who shrugged.
"Second that," Farleigh turned to her, "but River go and help him, or he'll drop everything."
The pair didn't hesitate to get up, leaving the others to gossip.
Farleigh tutted, "Sluts, the pair of them."
Monika nudged his shoulder, "Best way to live."
Over by the bar, Felix ordered whilst Calypso leaned against the damp counter.
"You've actually dropped your revolving door of girls," She said, surprised.
"I could say the same to you," she blinked at him rather slowly, as he took the tray of shots from the bartender. "What?"
"Just shocked, that's all," she knew Felix tended to be all too malleable if someone spoke the right combination of words.
He smirked, "You know why I did."
"Do I?"
"Prefer your company. I always do," He lowered his tone, stepping closer.
"And my face I bet, still imaging me when you were with them?"
"I was because you're so fucking' irresistible," his words almost had her knees buckling, but luckily he had a grip on her waist.
"And I have the entire summer in your grasp," she whispered.
He was elated that she couldn't slip through his fingers this time.
She lifted a shot, "Too the fucking summer."
He did the same, keeping intense eye contact.
"To the fucking summer," the glasses clinked as they threw back the shots, missing the lonely look on Oliver's face as he retreated out of the pub.
Monika called out, "Don't drink them all!"
Farleigh yelled, "Fucking greedy!"
john boyega as 𝗰𝗵𝗿𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗽𝗵𝗲𝗿 𝗱𝗮𝗻𝗳𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗵 𝗶𝗶𝗶
daniel ezra as 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗹𝗲𝘀 𝗱𝗮𝗻𝗳𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗵
ncuti gatwa as 𝗰𝗮𝗺𝗱𝗲𝗻 𝗱𝗮𝗻𝗳𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗵
malachi kirby as 𝗰𝗼𝗹𝘁𝗼𝗻 𝗱𝗮𝗻𝗳𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗵
michael ward as 𝗰𝗮𝘀𝗽𝗶𝗮𝗻 𝗱𝗮𝗻𝗳𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗵
louis cordice as 𝗰𝗮𝗱𝗲 𝗱𝗮𝗻𝗳𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗵
those are my face claims for the danforth brothers. imagine them how you like, provided that they are dark-skinned. i picked them because they're fine dark dark-skinned black brits who i adore in their projects. being dark-skinned in london, let alone england is tough especially if you go to a majority caucasian school. the danforth mens' presence weighs heavily on my girl cali's heart but she tries to not let it show, using her charm to disguise her insecurities. a fact that oliver pointed out but coming from him a "stranger" felix wouldn't want to hear it.
during the canon argument between felix and oliver, i admittedly thought it was an overaction, but the heat and the fact oliver hadn't left felix's side for months definitely contributed to that, but i added more tension to the mix by making oliver diss cali, the very girl felix puts on a pedestal.
now it's cemented that cali is off to saltburn soon, what events will transpire?
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technicallyverycowboy · 10 months
kinnporsche finale ep 14
this was fun as hell! truly cannot thank @vegaseatsass enough for getting me to watch it less than a month ago. really put in the work there, bb <3
shit i loved about episode 14:
vegas just out here wearing a silk pajamas shirt as a top like some kind of thrifty lesbian. more importantly, he warns porsche! he does care about him! (the alternate interpretation is that he's doing it for pete. honestly porque no los dos?)
the first time i watched the finale i was slightly stoned and upon seeing gun, whispered very sincerely to my wife, "that's how you can tell they're in the past. his ascot is smaller."
i'm so sorry, but the incest fake out is extremely funny to me
the audacity of korn to claim that he lost track of porsche and porchay when they are still living in their parents' house. unless he straight up forgot they existed for the last ten years, he damn well knew.
lol kim would rip chan's throat out with his teeth fiven five minutes.
my hottest take for this fandom is that i think porsche was always in the family, he just didn't know. so going from being totally in the dark at the start to being in a position where he can do something about it is strongly hopeful. gun and korn's fucking around has finally been found out, which means porsche and kinn can start their own fucking around.
my second hottest take is that i don't think it really matters which brother shot his dad. i think the years long captivity of his mom is the much worse thing.
actually it's very hot of kinn when he starts shooting at board meetings. the subtle red stripe to his suit is such a chef's kiss moment. i love that he really hasn't killed a ton of people, which makes this moment a little bit shocking.
what in the bougie ass head camp counselor fuck is this war outfit, gun?
i'm! on! your! side! and that, i think, is why korn has, at bare minimum, not totally won. yes, he is masterful at pulling the strings, but he's dealing with people not puppets and there is inherent unpredictability (and incest apparently) in that.
kinn getting in one last grope in case he dies and this is his last chance. the hug/dance/shooting sequence is a work of art.
the saddest thing about vegas is that kinn has consumed so much of his interior life and kinn doesn't really think that much about him at all. also the panic in kinn yelling "don't" is great for me personally, known enjoyer of hot men suffering.
oh shit we've come full circle and we're running through parking garages again! somewhere in the hospital where big is definitely alive he just rolled his eyes and doesn't know why.
"if i die today, could you be the one to kill me?" DERANGED (positive)
"because i'm hungry"/"are you very hungry" once again my soul exits my body and flies toward the sun. the way vegas's voice breaks on "why did you follow me?"
can you imagine what the other mafia families in the world make of this shit? korn's nephew taking power, also fucking korn's son.
it's actually very funny that most of the time kinn and porsche are fucking it's to the soundtrack of kinn's baby brother singing a song about porsche's baby brother.
i find tankhun sending that photo really fucking pointed and i love that about him
and finally, macau's response of, "i was eavesdropping obviously" is the exact little brother energy i appreciate in this family.
obvi the next step for vegas and pete is getting vegas to understand that someone can be both the most important person in the world to you and also a beloved pet.
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mchlgayser · 1 year
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🍶𓂃⭑ᜊ: FOREVER GONE ft mason mount
🍶𓂃⭑ᜊ an: I won't spoil anything but you can probably guess based on the title, not very good at writing this kind of topic but pop off, I tried. Enjoy xx
🍶𓂃⭑ᜊ content warning: heavy angst, mention of cheating, cursing, toxicity, self-harm and suicide.
🍶𓂃⭑ᜊ: @iwritesjud3's masterlist
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Numb. That is how you feel at this moment. Numb and pain. Two hours, you stand alone at the park like a fool, alone for two hours. The day you and your boyfriend are supposed to meet after his hectic weeks was you, alone, at the park waiting in the cold for him to come- but he never did.
Call, text, there's none from him. Your lip is icy cold and blue, your neck hair standing, and goosebumps all over from being exposed to the cold for so long. You could feel your tears prickling at the corner of your eyes, they fell like endless rain, and you try to console yourself by chanting 'It's okay' like a mantra inside your head, because deep down you know, he didn't mean it, did he?
You sit on one of the benches taking your phone out to call your brother to pick you but of course, you weren't gonna let him see you like this, at least not now. Your brother has never been fond of your boyfriend, he had a fuck boy face. He said.
You waited for at least ten more minutes to parch your tears before calling him 'Hey, can you pick me up at the same place you drop me?' Your brother, Liam didn't hesitate and bother to ask a second time and hung up after humming he'll be there in around ten minutes.
'Hey, Y/n!' You ran upstairs to your room, and completely broke down, it's another day after the event with your boyfriend ditching you, you complained to him about it and he reassured you he'll make it up to you but again today, he didn't come. He told you he had a last-minute meeting with his mates whom he hasn't met in a long moment. You understand, maybe he really couldn't make it, you know Mason. He'll never lie to you but you can't help but be overwhelmed, you put on your best fit today to meet him because you really missed him.
One month, it's been one month since the whole event, and Mason still hasn't reached out, the entirety month were you dressing up just to get a text or a simple call saying that he couldn't make it? You are devastated, every day becoming excruciatingly painful and gloomy. It was hard for you to go through this, alone. Mason was never there. Always meeting others but you. Sometimes you doubt him but that could just lead you to feel extremely guilty for doubting your beloved ones like that, you know him. He loves you so much to do such a thing, right?
Two months and still no Mason, these cruel events have to lead you to feel ravaged, to him, to yourself, and to this pointless relationship but was it pointless? No, because you two love each other so much. But it didn't help the fact that you became a whole different person, you barely eat, barely go out anymore, and attend college. You rarely went out to meet your parents and brother. You cage yourself inside your room, isolating yourself from the world slightly hoping that Mason would be at your door to console you.
Self-harming, two months of living feel like a catastrophe, not seeing your boyfriend had also led you to hurt yourself, you are helpless. Like a sick person now waiting for the day God took your life and eases you from this pain but you remember Mason, he wouldn't want that right? He won't want you to hurt yourself, he'll cry a lot too.
Two months and a half, today, despite everything you still leave the house to meet your boyfriend, finally you made a move. You brought him a cake you bake yourself to surprise him. A week from now is your anniversary, of course, you remembered. You intentionally celebrated in advance just because.
You knock on the door but nobody answered. You tried again but still, so you just let yourself in by punching codes in and the door open. The house was clouded over but still neat. You tread upstairs with the cake still in hand. The door was slightly creaking open, you peep one eye but it was dark inside. You could hear his light snores making you chuckle.
You open the door, ready to surprise him but what you see next was beyond your expectation. Mason was on the bed, sleeping naked with a woman. They were both sound asleep with his arm around her, she had his head against his chest. The cake dropped to the ground alerting both parties. The woman woke up first and screamed when she sees you. Mason groans and asks her 'What's wrong princess?'
The nickname he used to call you. She pointed at you and his eyes immediately averted to you, widening twice their size seeing you, with a smothered cake splashing all over the floor. Wet tears wetting your cheeks, your head fuzzy and your eyes blurring.
You couldn't stand another minute there and dash outside. Mason ran after you holding your hand just before you could walk out. 'Y/n wait?!' You swatted his hand and a slap echoed throughout the hall.
'What?! Fucking what is it?'
'Let me explain!' Another slap echoed as your chest heaved up and down 'You lied to me, you're fucking liar and a cheater!' You punched his chest multiple times and he lets you 'God stop!' He yanked you, arms holding tight onto your forearms. You let go and sighed
'Please, why are you doing this?' Body slumping to the ground, your knees weakening, just as you remember the previous scene 'Who is she, Mase? Why? Am I not enough? Why do you have to do this?' He joined you on the ground and hugged you 'I'm sorry, I... I don't know how to say this... I'm... I'm in love with her... I'm sorry, I fell out of love. I know I shouldn't have done this I'm so fucking sorry.' You pushed him away 'Hey, what the fuck?!' The girl from earlier helped him up and you scoff 'You! You are the reason he's like this! You fucking bitch! You take him away from me, you are the filthiest slut-'
Tap. Tap. Tap
Trickles of blood on the floor, your lip scratched. Mason had just slapped you even before he knows it 'Don't. Don't you say anything like that to my girlfriend.' Another course of tears and shame fill in you.
He hurt you, for her.
You huff in disbelief 'Your girlfriend? I'm your girlfriend Mason! I was there for you ever since you started this career! This fucking career that makes you who you are right now! You... Hurt me... For her...'
He turns away from you, hands protectively around her 'You still haven't told me why, why did you do this, to me?'
He turns away from you, arm protectively around her 'Just leave Y/n, leave and never, I mean, never come back.'
A soft gasp skips your mouth 'Right, I'll leave.' No more hurtful words. If this is what he wants. You give him because... You love him.
One week, one week and you've been locking yourself inside your room. Your brother and parents had tried to break in but you warned them every time not to. You would yell at them to let you be.
Tonight. On the date of your anniversary, as a present for Mason, you will fulfill his very last wish, the words he said to you.
'Just leave Y/n, leave and never, I mean, never come back.'
You don't wanna be cliche, Mason hates when you like that so you'll do it less cliche just as he likes it. You fill the tub with hot water but make it slightly lukewarm, just like how he likes it. You angled the camera where he can see you.
You lay on the tub, a razor in hand, and you smile at the camera, at him 'Happy anniversary, Mase.' Slowly, you slit your arm, where it is near your nerve, blood gushing out reading the tub, your vision blurry and head light.
You smile at the camera one last time before unconscious eats you. A tinge of lousy noise fill your drums, it was black and empty. But you feel at ease. The pain was no longer there but instead, a tinge of curiosity. What happens next?
The house felt empty as it is. There's no more of your contagious laughter, your parents felt it but your brother sees it. You aren't there to light up the house, you aren't there to mock him and your parents won't scold him anymore for hurting you. You just aren't there and this time you ain't coming back.
The funeral ended, and your brother now is inside your room holding onto the box that holds the camera you pin to only one person. He didn't know. Of course, he didn't. Why would he.
Your brother didn't send it but instead paid someone to. No, he won't be seeing the guy anymore, that guy will bring nothing but pain to his heart. He knows if he meets him now, the guy would probably send to the hospital and he would be sent to jail for attempting murder.
Mason on the other hand has already started living with guilt, it's eating him alive. He cut contact with the woman but could no longer reach you. Not until he got the box.
The letter said to play the video on the camera. It was you doing vlog.
'First and last vlog before I die.' Your face are gloomy and bags formed in your eyes but despite that you still chuckle.
'That asshole lied to me. He cheated on me with some random woman and he hurts me. See here, I got this fucking scratch on my lip because he fucking slapped me. Two months, he lied to me making excuses just so he could ditch me and meet with her. I've been in a relationship, for two months and a half with a cheater. Do you know how sting it feels, here? Bloody hell! I feel like dying over here!' You pushed your hair back and sighed
'I was hurt. So hurt and wonder why would he do such a thing. Am I not good enough? Should I try better? I tell myself every fucking second and I can't still find an answer, a logical answer to answer that damn question. But you see, I think I might know why but I could be wrong. Maybe it's because I was so fucking ugly! So clingy, fucking cliche, a dumb and thick-skulled bitch. A woman who cannot rely on anyone else but her boyfriend and he started to get annoyed at her. A fucking bitch who knows she couldn't lives without him while he can fuck any woman he laid his eyes upon and easily forget the memories they shared. Their thick and thin, with ups and downs. It was nothing to him but it was everything to her.'
'You know he told me I should leave, and you know, I think I should!' There's a movement and it finally stopped, the camera angled on a tub filled with water.
Mason gasped almost slipping his hand out of the camera
'I'm gonna die here!' A hand pointed out at the tub, Y/nfigures reappeared and she entered the tub slowly laying down 'Hey Mase. If you see this, I hope you don't feel too bad about it. This is not something I give to you so you would feel sorry, No! I'm doing this because you asked me to. I wanted to do it as a gift. I don't want you to feel an ounce of guilty after watching this. I wanted to do this. Today is our anniversary remember?" She hit her head on the tub and sighed 'Of course, you won't. You are busy with the other woman. I'm doing this because I love you even though you don't. I want to do this so you would know just how much I love you and everything you asked me to, I'll do it gladly....' Smiling at the camera, you bring the razor near your arm 'Happy Anniversary Mase.'
He watches the video until it ends eventually. Your brother busted the door open and pull you out of the tub and the video ended. He didn't notice it but his face was soaked with tears. Did you kill yourself? Did you die? Is that why he can't any longer reach you? He wants to die but you wouldn't want that. As you mentioned you don't want him to feel an ounce of regret.
'I'm sorry Y/n. I was a fucking dick for doing this to you. I will beg for forgiveness everyday, until the day we reunited again.' A wind gushed past his body, it was chilly but he felt warm. As if someone has hugs him.
'That day, Mason left everything behind. Swore to his life that he'll redeem once he meets you, the one that forever gone.
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notes pt. 2: haha I hate this one, not really my kind of writing style but I swear I did my best. Very angsty I assume?? Feedbacks and comments are very back appreciated.
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hearts4golbach · 8 months
Light Shower. (Sal Fisher x Fem!Reader.)
part 14
"I'm screaming like a kettle on a stove.  you cranked the heat up. I was cold, my past grew mold around my heart."
yet again, my parents fought. I played on my gearboy, which was really sal's that he had accidentally forgotten at my house. it was early in the morning, and I'd still be asleep if it weren't for their loud arguments. but the yelling quickly turned into ghosts and echoes of whispers. I rushed to the stairs to eavesdrop on their conversation.
"you know I didn't mean for that to happen, for fucks sake." my dad said roughly.
"well it did and there's no changing that. more importantly, we have to tell Y/n."
my father ran his hands down his face, stretching his skin before sighing. "she's too young, she won't understand.
my mom looked as if she was about to protest, but decided against it. she turned away, mumbling profanities under her breath.
the sun had just begun to set. I was on the phone with ash as she gossiped to me about Larry.
"y/n!" she groaned. I could hear rustling on the other side of the phone. "Ben! get out of my room!"
"Hi, ben!" I called through the phone to ashes little brother.
"ben!" I sang. "come back!"
"coming!" he giggled. "hiya, y/n! when are you coming to see me again?"
"Really soon. how about tomorrow?" I offered.
I heard a squeel on the other line. "okay, yay!"
" Okay he finally left." ash groaned. " Anyway, larry has been texting me nonstop since the night at the party! I think he's been flirting too. He called me beautiful!"
"he's so into you. I can tell." I smirked, happy my friends were finally realizing their amazing chemistry.
"Ugh, y/n, don't get my hopes up." she replied, sounding extremely disappointed.
"No, I'm not trying to. this is such a romcom movie scene. I love it." I giggled.
"Shut your face." I could hear the metaphorical eyeroll in her voice.
"I'm not wrong!" I sang once more. my phone buzzed in my hand; I quickly put ash on speaker and opened the notification.
sal: 'I got ur fav snacks'
sal: 'Comes over nd watch movies w me? :)'
me: 'duh, be there in 5 babe'
"Anyway, you should definitely try to find out how Larry feels about me like really." she sighed.
" I'll go see him tomorrow. sal asked me to come over." I giggled.
"go get that dick, girl! and make sure to get me some too."
" I will, oh my God. don't worry. You're pretty little head. Bye ash."
"Bye, y/n/n!" She replied before hanging up the phone.
I picked myself up and changed into something comfortable. As well as grabbing the things I usually did when staying the night at sals. To say I ran next door was an understatement. I knocked on the door and heard sals swift but steps inside the apartment.
"Hi." he greeted, excitement in his tone.
"You know, you didn't have to bribe me to come over with snacks." I grinned as I looked up at him.
"Seemed like my best option," he replied sarcastically.
"Oh, shut up." I rolled my eyes and walked inside.
"Scream?" He offered, going through the bin of cds.
"The first one?"
"Obviously, that's the best one." He said, picking up the case and setting it on the coffee table. the coffee table had a few snacks, some of my favorites, and some of sals.
"How'd you get all of this shit?" I questioned him.
"I was bored and went to help Lisa for fun, I didn't want anything in return but she paid me."
"sal fisher cleaning for fun?" I snorted.
"you were asleep, Larry was asleep, my gearboy needs new batteries, ash was babysitting her brother, Todd and Neil were on a da-"
"okayyy, I get it." I draped a blanket over my legs. dal set a few more DVDs out before starting scream.
he jumped onto the couch next to me, stealing majority of the blanket. "hey!" I giggled as sal nuzzled into me. he adjusted the blanket to cover both of us and grabbed the bag of cool ranch doritos before taking off his prosthetic and munching. "you're in a good mood today." I mentioned.
"I'm glad you came over. that's why." he shook his head to remove the bangs from his eyes.
"Yeah, right. we always see each other. what's so special about today?" he shrugged. "mhm." I rolled my eyes. "You're hiding something."
"nuh uh." sal replied with a sly smirk.
I rolled my eyes. "Whatever."
"oh my god, I love billy." I muttered.
"oh em gee! yes girl! skeet Ulrich is so hot!" sal said his his gay ass voice that he loves to do. I'm sure he picked it up from Todd.
"he is! just like you." I wiggled my eyebrows at him.
"that's so cheesy." he squinted his eyes.
"you're cheesy all the time." I whispered, running my fingers through his soft cerulean hair. he hummed.
I sat, leaned against the arm rest, my legs draped to the side. sal sat comfortably behind me, one arm around me and the other on me. the fuzzy blanket, which happened to be the same one from the night my parents fought, was wrapped comfortably around the two of us.
we watched a few more movies, which resulted in losing track of time. I was nearly asleep on the couch when I felt my phone vibrate. I practically jumped out of my skin.
"Jesus fuck." sal muttered, rubbing his eye.
I opened my phone to be greeted by a message from Larry. it was in out group chat, named the 8 Faggoteirs.
lar: 'yo I'm having my bday prty early cuz of school'
lar: 'u guys wanna go 2 lazer tag next wknd?'
eventually, sals phone buzzed too.
me: 'duh'
I quickly glanced at the time. my stomach fell through my ass whenever I realized it was close to midnight. "shit." I mumbled. "sally, I gotta go- I didn't tell my mom I was staying the night or anything."
"fuck, sorry, love." sal said weakly.
"no, it's ok, babe." I slightly smiled, placing a kiss on his lips.
he pulled me back in, gripping my waist tightly. unsure of his footing, he slightly wobbled. I laughed quietly against his lips, keeping them against mine. his lips glided against mine perfectly, my arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer to me. his thumbs rubbed my sides gently as he smiled.
"stop trying to convince to stay." I smile.
"fine." he frowned, which was an extremely forced and sarcastic frown. "I really thought it'd work, though." to say he flipped his frown upside down was an understatement.
"I'll see you in the morning, okay?" I grabbed his hand. sals gaze softened.
"okay, sleep well."
"okay," I mocked. "we can text, you know."
"okay," he repeated, his brows knitted. "I didn't think about that."
"okay, well, I'll text you when I'm out of the shower."
"or ill text you while you're in the shower." sal smirked.
"you're so weird, oh my god." we walked to my apartment. there was a smiling air about us.
"I'll make sure to text you goodnight if I fall asleep before you get out." sal smiled, eyes squinting from behind his prosthetic.
"okay, babe." I grinned. "were such a- what's the word? hm, I guess a cliche movie couple. you know what I mean?"
sal laughed and placed a prosthetic kiss on my forehead. "yeah, goodnight. I love you."
"I love you too, stupid."
I walked inside. the apartment was pitch black. it felt like I was walking into something not all that great.. the dim light of the TV was the only way I could see around. from behind me, heavy breathing got progressively closer to me. a strong hand gripped my shoulder and whipped me around.
"y/n, where were you?!" my dad spat, his breath smelled strongly of alcohol.
"I was at sals." I muttered, annoyed that my father was drunk. he was dangerous when he was drinking. not as much physically, but he could mentally ruin me for weeks on end without realizing it.
"you need to fucking tell me when you're going to be out late with your boyfriend. I can't believe I raised a skank." he mumbled.
"how does staying at my boyfriends apartment a little late make me a skank?" I sassed. he mumbled something inaudible. "what'd you say?"
"y/n, shut the fuck up before I slap the shit out of you."
my face felt hot as I made my escape to my room. I shakily gathered my shit I sleep in and ran to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror with my glossy eyes, fighting back tears. I turned on the shower, making sure it was a scorching hot temperature because honestly, there's no better way to shower. I quickly undressed and stepped in, choosing to sit and sulk in the water. I felt like I didn't deserve sal, maybe I was really just a skank. the water pounded against my back as I listened to the sounds around me- the light across the room occasionally flickering which made a clicking noise, the draining of water from the neighbors house, the way my father was outside banging on the bathroom door-
"y/n! hurry your ass up! don't be in there forever!" he yelled.
"d/n! for fucks sake, leave the poor girl alone!" I heard my mom's groggy voice call from their room.
"I've been in here for like 5 minutes!" I argued, which made him grunt and walk away.
I hurriedly washed my body and hopped out. I grabbed my phone and texted sal.
sal: 'hiiiiii <3' he had sent about 7 minutes ago.
me: 'hey' I texted back with a small smile. 'ur still up, right?'
sal: 'ya wyd' I smiled, sitting down on my bed.
me: 'abt 2 lay down, u?"
sal: 'thinking about u'
me: 'omg sal lol. I'm soooo tired'
sal: 'go 2 bed luv.'
my heart fluttered. it was like I still had a huge crush on sal. I mean, of course I did. yet, I'll never get used to him flirting.
me: 'ily goodnight u get sum sleep 2"
sal: 'ilym.'
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mdhwrites · 1 year
What are your thoughts on Odalia and Alador? I was very disappointed by them.
When i first saw them, i thought they would be a fun villain couple who loved eachother and that they would represent the different types of parental abuse. Odalia being the more controlling, active abuser, and Alador being the more passive abuser.
When Reaching out came out, i was excited, because i thought it would be about Amity seeking approval from Alador because 'well he isnt as bad, so maybe i can gain his approval!' but then the message would be 'no, passive abuse is just as harmful and should not be glossed over and minimised.'
instead it turned Alador into a 'distant but caring dad', and then later, it emphasised this by making Odalia this insane idiot who didnt care about the genocide, stupidly thinking she would be exempt.
I agree! Just in general I agree! I'll first talk about Alador because honestly what was done with him was... Boring and pointless? At best, it's to give Amity resolution on at least one of her parents (which is questionable because I'd argue Reaching Out makes her goal... Murky. I don't know what she wants from her father honestly because her coven beliefs and her little speech at the end make it clear she doesn't give a single shit about his opinion or Odalia's so... *shrug* ) and maybe to give an answer against the Abomatons but neither of those ever paid off. At all. Ever. So instead you have someone who is just an extremely inconsistent character because it feels like the first three times we see him are three different versions of him and that is including Understanding Willow where he didn't give the impression to be a space cadet or not on board with what Odalia pushed. The fact that he's pushed to be incompetent also makes his writing like a lot of the guys in the show because he's hard to take seriously, Edric is similar, and he's just... there. Oh, I guess there's also the fact that he's clearly making robots instead of just golems, even to the point of mech suits, and I hate that because what the fuck is TOH's technology level? But also who cares when the writers clearly didn't? Speaking of: Odalia. Odalia is actually the worse of the two despite getting less screen time and I don't just mean because she's a worse person. Don't get me wrong: She is. She feels like some bad, animated 90s movie villain where money and personal gain is how they'll justify doing literally ANYTHING. But also Odalia is still bad at it since she thinks executing a child is a great way to sell HOME DEFENSE PRODUCTS. Because the death of their kids is definitely what you want on your customer's minds! Before I get into her real problem though: I also hate that she knows Belos' whole plan. Hunter doesn't know it. Darius, Eberwolf and Raine, all coven heads, had to sneak and steal the plans to get the information. Why the fuck, besides making her somehow even MORE evil, did Belos ever tell this bitch who probably never even asked what he was doing with the abomatons? Just... It's bad and dumb writing. But kind of like all of Odalia's writing: It still matters. Odalia is written like a one off villain while being AMITY BLIGHT'S MOM. And that is her real problem: How evil she is throws all of her children into question. The twins seem worried about their mom's retribution so why do they skip class? Why do they invite trouble that Amity, at the peak of her being busy with school, was able to notice? How do they get away with it? I made interesting and fun answers to that while the show doesn't even care about the question. And Amity is even worse. Her arc is thrown into question. How was she able to befriend Luz so easily when we know Odalia wouldn't approve of her? How was she able to throw away her old social group? How could she have been confident enough to bring Willow back as a friend? Why wasn't there ANY more worry about her mom when she knows her mom. She probably could have guessed her mom would try to kill Luz, or even Willow, if they became her friends and probably should have gotten livid at her abandoning her 'better' friends. Back when it was just Understanding Willow, one could make a case that maybe Odalia eased up on it since then. That's what I did in my story, The Power of Love. That the pressure Amity felt was at least as much in her own head as it was externally pushed on her. Things that would have been WAY more interesting than what we got. Because what we got with the Blight family as a whole is a bunch of characters who don't make sense, flip their characters on a dime and are just trash as a whole unit. And that's from the family that was BURSTING with potential at the end of S1. And I will actually go "Hey, if you want a better Blight family, check this out," because I'm still incredibly proud of how I wrote them in my monstrous first story for TOH.
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frogsare-friends · 8 months
I'm Not Built for Helping Myself
chapter index | chapter 4 (you are here)
I wake up to Laurel yelling at us.
"I told you guys! You cannot be in the same room together, let alone the same bed, with the door closed! What the hell are you guys doing?"
"Laurel, I'm sorry. It's my fault, really." I look between her and Belly. I know things between them have been getting better recently, but I also know it's still tense, still hard for Belly to forgive her.
"Yeah, I figured-" Laurel mutters, getting cut off by Belly.
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" she screams back at her. Tense it is, then.
"You know what I mean."
"No, I don't, actually. Do tell, the floor is all yours." I haven't heard her this mad at her mom since their fight last summer. I feel terrible that it's because of me.
"It's fine Bells, it doesn't matter," I try to tell Belly, because really, it is fine. I'm fine. It's not like Laurel was lying, and she's made it extremely clear over the years how she feels about my dating history.
"It does matter, Jere," she tries to tell me. But I just shake my head.
"I'm gonna go shower, yeah? I'm all sweaty and gross." I look for Belly to say something, anything, or even give a nod of approval. But, she doesn't. She just keeps glaring at Laurel.
I leave the room. I love Belly, and I understand having a complicated relationship with your parents, but I can't take any more fighting. Between her and Laurel, Conrad and Dad, and Steven and Taylor, my head might implode.
"That was fucked," Conrad tentatively said, stepping out of his room, "She shouldn't have said that."
"She's not the only one who thinks it." I'm not sure what makes me say it, but it was bitchy of me to say. It's the truth, though. It might have been a low blow, but so was him calling me a slut. I wonder if he even remembers that.
It was last summer, during the fourth. I tried to talk to him about Belly, to apologize. I had been there all week, trying to help him unpack everything. We had three more days until the Conklins arrived, and I needed to see where he was. I didn't wanna be all couple-y in front of him, I knew how much that hurts. We had gotten drunk at the beach, sitting in silence.
"I'm sorry… about everything that happened with Belly. It was fucked up. I didn't want to hurt you, and I know I did, and that this really doesn't fix anything, but I'm sorry. I know how much that shit hurts."
"You don't though," he says, looking straight ahead and more mad than I've ever seen him. "You and Belly hooked up, Jere. You guys aren't serious like me and her were."
And shit, that hurt. But I knew he was mad, that he didn't mean what he was saying.
"It was real for me. I've had feelings for her since we were kids, Conrad," I don't want to fight with him, but I need him to know it wasn't some dumb grudge. She didn't kill my ego, she broke my heart.
"Really? Doesn't seem that way." And fuck, he's always known how to get under my skin.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"You never take shit seriously, Jere. Excuse me if I don't believe you changed just for Belly."
"I take things seriously," because what does he think this is? What does he think we are? Why does he think I'm some kid when I haven't been one in a while.
"Not really, you're pretty much just a slut, man." And he sounds so calm, even if the rational part of my brain knows he isn't.
"Fuck you, Conrad. At least I didn't string a girl along her whole life, and another one for a whole summer," I say, storming off. I shouldn't have said that. I always was too good at playing the victim for stuff that's my own fault.
"Dad's coming a few days earlier, he just called me." He almost looks like he's in pain, he never knew how to talk to people. Not like I do. On him, it's charming. I wish it could be that for me too.
"Cool, what day?" I try to sound excited but I don't think I quite manage it, at least not well enough.
"Tomorrow," he blurts out. I've never heard his voice sound quite like that.
"Oh. Yeah, alright," I tell him. It always sucks, seeing our dad, but I don't hate him like Con does. I wish I could.
"He's bringing Angie." And there it is, the thing he's been wanting to say during this whole conversation.
"What the fuck." I've never heard Laurel say fuck before, and as mad as I've heard her be at my dad, I've never heard her sound hurt by him. Hurt for my mom, hurt for Conrad, hurt for me, even.
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