#extraterrestrial characters
carlosalpalacios · 4 months
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So, DreamWorks Animation is working with Peacock to make more installments in Megamind's franchise after all! Terrific! Just one question though: After seeing the official trailer myself, would it really kill them to make the animation just a biiit better? 🤏🏼
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jue-jack · 3 months
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it crispy
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zal-cryptid · 5 months
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DC characters - Jarro
First DC character of the new year, and final Robin
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edledamianfan · 6 days
What if jon and damian got lost in space just like jon did
But they weren't captured or anythign they're literally just lost at space with no way back. They were just thrown into some dimension
At first Jon was alright but then he started to panic after a few days. Damian too, is anxiety by the situation
No one knows they were missing
Well maybe they knew but they just couldn't find them. Even the space cops couldn't. They were just yeha gone for a period of time. Maybe somrthing like the age up jon idk but i prefer it was technically like 1 year to 4 years ratio rather than 1 month to 6 years ratio 💀
So fast foward into the future its just them in a ship in a guardian of the galaxy kinda adventure trying to find themselves back to their planet.
Damian is just peter-quilling, playing musics to calm himself down, got some weird ass pets and cool alien gadgets he tinkers around and use on his fights. He's on edge 100% of the time because of what could happen to them, follows a schedule so that he doesn't slacks of but he's getting tired.
Then Jon is just there, agitated and overstimulated by the entire thing but he tries to cheer himself up. Always smiles and everything but internally its not okay. His eyes are just as wide as a traumatized soldier. He's a lot more controlling in a way becuase he doesn't wanna lose anyone but he never lost his kindness and hope for others.
Damian probably uses a laser gun but he found a lightsaber on the way so now he's just using that one lol. He hoards a lot of weapon, big and small, that could probably blow up a planet. Jon just bashes things up, i mean he's a kryptonian he can fly unlike Dame who needs a lot of equipment sadly. Their suits are also cyberpunk-ish, different parts and upgrades here and there. Damian still wears a robin symbol on the front and there is this bat symbol on his back across his shoulders. Jon also wears the house of El symbol on the front like his dad did. The suits lean on the more pratical ssid so its a bit dull.
Him and Damian ironically ends up saving planets and stuff. Both are definitely homesick but they always find stuff to cheers each other up. Going into places malls and everything. Fight space crimes errg. Just chilling together in the spaceship, comforting themselves. Entertaining themselves by dancing to music, solving crimes, or figure out different games and study on cultures of a planet together.
And then they get back to their world as a grown ass man (no theyre probably like 18 21) and they definitely look like different person, even their combat styles are different but they still do have their main qualities.
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cultofgalaxy · 1 day
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Been working on the N.E.X - specifically the 'Alienpedia' which we have renamed to the Codex.
How it works is like this: the species you've scanned will be registered into the N.E.X. It works like a Pokedex but instead of automatically registering creatures when you encounter them for the first time, you have to manually scan them. I'll explain some of the functions Hovering over a registered alien will give a brief description, a name and their image. if you click on it, it will take you to a more detailed page about that alien, showing details such as what planet they are found on, their diet, the biomes they are found in etc. If you have not registered an alien and hover one of the ? ? ?, no info will appear.
The 4 icons at the bottom seem trivial but can be helpful during your travels. Eggs are planned to be a collectable in our game, so finding the eggs of each species will also be registered into the N.E.X. Diet is just a trivial lore, but abilities can tell you more about that alien's powers/characteristics. For example, if you scanned the starsprites and then hover the starsprite's ability, a pop up will show about their powers, in this case, the starsprites ability will be 'enchantment'. The last of the 4 icons is called 'guide' and this is the one we're most excited about.
If you ever played Super Smash Brothers or Kid Icarus uprising then you might be familiar with this mechanic. During gameplay your character will often have a conversation with the npcs which usually has some fun dialogue and tells you more about whatever you're doing during that part of the game. In this case we plan to make it so Melodia and Kinoko have a conversation about the species they scanned. Melodia will often educate Kinoko about the species or if its an aggressive mob, will teach you how to counter it.
We're always interested in feedback as we want to make this as good as it can be, so if you have any thoughts on these interface designs, let us know!
(keep in mind that the images are just placeholders.)
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trailerparkdad · 22 days
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welcome to the life of a quiet lab technician
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Me: Y’know sometimes it’s really fun to just go back to basics, half human half alien person who has just. a big fluffy tail. cause the alien species is cat-like, and they look cute
Brain: And, hear me out, the cat aliens look very cat-like, so a half-alien kid who looks mostly Human and only has the tail part and kinda pointy ears is hideous to them because of how un-cat-like they look
Brain: And at some point, once they’re an adult, working on a spaceship with other Humans and many different aliens, their friend finds the half-Human’s baby pics and coos over how adorable they are and the half-Human just starts sobbing because that’s the first time anyone’s ever said anything positive about their appearance
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boog-how · 4 months
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👽𝗛𝗮𝘂𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗛𝗼𝗼𝗸𝘂𝗽𝘀 (𝗡𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝟮𝟰): Alien👽
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Bonus spicy🔥 alt
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mizuki-t-a--art · 1 year
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Fanart of Mefilas from the movie Shin-Ultraman. Drawn with colored pencils, alcohol ink markers on paper.
" My name is Mefilas - the 0th extraterrestrial who came to bring the evangel to the earth. "
This fanart was inspired by the first contact scene of Mefilas and earthlings in the movie. His mysterious first appearance left a big impression in my mind. I also love this background music "L'invasion du silence" behind that scene- Just like its title, it's silent, and contains an eerie and unknown threat from this mysterious extraterrestrial Mefilas.
Mefilas loves such a beautiful planet Earth, and wants to preserve it under his control. So he asked the legal right of dominating humans. Probably in his head, there is a plan about how to use such a biological resource humans effectively. And perhaps it may work helpful for the earth. However, as he may not understand nor respect humanity in a truly deep way, it may invade human dignity.
Ironically I can relate Mefilas's act to our recent society, about how new technology invades our livelihood. Too bad it's done by humans ourselves, unlike by such a hot extraterrestrial as Mefilas, though!
About a drawing itself, I tried to put various colors in the building lights. The buildings in dark tend to be plain, but I hoped those colors to give them some fun uniqueness! And Mefilas's name card is drawn as silver here, unlike a black name card in the movie. It's because for making a contrast between darkness in background, and for relating to the new technology he brings: Beta Box. In general, silver fits Mefilas well.
I love Mefilas so much. <333
* Don't steal / trace / copy / edit / use my artworks. Thanks for reading! *
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black-suns-rim · 8 months
The Loreirrans - regional appearance and subspecies
it is time that i finally make a big post about my original alien species, the Loreirrans! keep in mind that i have been world-building about them for about 5 years now, so i have so much information about them that i'll need to post in sections. This post will focus on the diverse appearances the Loreirrans take and a couple of the subspecies that exist.
General Physical Appearance
Appearance of the Loreirrans
The Loreirrans are a captivating and ancient species, distinguished by their unique physical characteristics. These highly intelligent, bipedal humanoids possess a striking appearance, and their attributes vary depending on their age, environment, and reproductive state.
Height and Physique: Loreirrans exhibit a remarkable range in height, typically standing between 8 to 12 feet tall. In rare instances, some Loreirrans can grow even taller, reaching heights of 15 feet or more. Their body types, from slender to robust, are influenced by the environmental conditions of their habitat, and their fur varies from short peach fuzz to long and lush, offering insulation and camouflage.
Coloration: The coloration of Loreirrans is predominantly dark, serving as effective natural camouflage. However, their bodies are adorned with vibrant neon patches that appear on their joints, backs, and the undersides of their feet and hands. These bright accents contrast beautifully with their dark base color and are influenced by their specific environment.
Limbs and Digits: Loreirrans possess five fingers on each hand and two toes on each foot, except for those residing in the swamp and jungle regions, who boast a unique third toe, functioning like a dew claw. Their hands and feet are highly dexterous, facilitating complex tasks.
Sensory Adaptations: Intriguingly, Loreirrans lack visible ears and noses. Instead, they rely on sensory input from small openings located behind their jawlines for auditory perception. They have sharp front teeth reminiscent of canines, and their back teeth are adapted for grinding. A retractable tongue, capable of extending up to 3 feet, aids in various tasks.
Sensory Organs: Loreirrans possess unique sensory adaptations. They lack conventional eyes but perceive the world through infrared and electromagnetic fields, providing them with a distinct and comprehensive view of their surroundings. Adults boast sensory organs on their backs and shoulders, visible as neon-colored patches, which enhance their perception further.
Metamorphosis and Reproduction: Loreirrans undergo a metamorphosis-like transition from youth to adulthood. Prepubescent and young Loreirrans lack certain adult traits, including the neon patches, extra arms, antennae, and a spiny ridge extending from head to tail, lacking a tail as well. Young Loreirrans have a more humanoid appearance with four antennae. Upon completing this transformation, Loreirrans are considered adults, achieving sexual maturity and the potential to produce offspring. Most Loreirrans are hermaphrodites, capable of both male and female reproduction, although exceptions exist with distinct male or female sexes.
Regional Appearances
Appearance of Tundra Regional Loreirrans (Tundrans)
Fur and Palms: Tundra regional Loreirrans, affectionately known as Tundrans, exhibit distinctive physical traits uniquely adapted to their frigid environment. Their fur is notably thick, covering their entire body in a pristine white coat. While their body fur is plush and soft, their palms boast a shorter but denser fur, providing extra insulation against the cold. This specialized fur texture ensures warmth and comfort in the harsh tundra conditions.
Antennae: The Tundrans' antennae are shorter than those of Loreirrans from other regions, and they share the same fur texture as their palms. These shorter antennae are perfectly suited to their environment and contribute to their streamlined appearance.
Size: Tundrans are comparatively smaller in stature, standing at an average height of 7 to 8 feet tall. This smaller size allows them to navigate their icy surroundings with agility and efficiency.
Color Variations: While Tundrans predominantly sport a pristine white fur coat, some individuals may exhibit patches of alternative colors, such as browns or grays. However, it's important to note that Tundrans never possess bright neon colors on their fur. Instead, their dark and neon colorations are concealed beneath their fur, remaining unseen unless a Tundran undergoes shaving.
Appearance of Water Regional Loreirrans (Watorrians)
Skin and Gills: Watorrians are uniquely adapted to their aquatic habitat, featuring smooth, water-resistant skin that allows for effortless gliding through the water. Distinctively, they possess three rows of gills situated beneath their jawline. These gills play a crucial role in respiration and appear to connect to their infrared sensing organs, granting them unparalleled underwater perception.
Webbed Adaptations: Watorrians are streamlined swimmers, thanks to their extensive webbing. This webbing extends across various parts of their bodies, facilitating swift and graceful movement in the aquatic realm. Notably, their fingers, toes, antennae base, and tail base are adorned with webbed structures, optimizing their hydrodynamic efficiency.
Spiny Ridge and Sensory Fins: The spiny ridge of Watorrians is elongated and exceptionally smooth, contributing to their streamlined form. Along the bottom of their tail and stomach, they possess small sensory fins that serve as sensitive detectors, allowing them to perceive even the slightest changes in water conditions, such as sudden movements or currents.
Colorations: Watorrians exhibit a color palette that leans toward shades of blues and greens, mirroring the hues of their underwater world. However, some individuals may display variations in color, including purples and reds. These colorations add to their visual diversity and blend harmoniously with their aquatic surroundings.
Size: Standing at a height of 8 to 9 feet when on land, Watorrians are equally formidable underwater, where their total length, from head to tail, spans an impressive 18 to 20 feet. These dimensions are finely tuned for their adept navigation and survival in the water.
Appearance of Desert Regional Loreirrans (Desertorrians)
Plentiful Representatives: Among all regional Loreirrans, Desertorrians are the most abundant and serve as the primary physical representation of the Loreirran species.
Fur and Coverage: Desertorrians possess a distinct covering of thin peach fuzz that envelops their entire body, with notable exceptions. This fine fur provides insulation and protection from the desert environment. Notably, their spiny ridge, the soles of their feet, and the palms of their hands remain devoid of fur.
Cranial Features: One distinguishing feature of Desertorrians is the slight elongation of the back of their heads compared to Loreirrans from other regions. This subtle cranial adaptation is a hallmark of their regional identity.
Size and Stature: Desertorrians stand as the largest of all Loreirrans, with heights ranging from an impressive 10 to 12 feet. Their imposing stature reflects their adaptability and resilience in the challenging desert landscape.
Coloration Variations: The coloration of Desertorrians typically leans towards darker shades, aligning with the arid, sun-soaked environment they call home. However, rare instances reveal Desertorrians adorned in warm pastel hues or even completely black, showcasing the intriguing diversity within their regional population.
Appearance of Forest Regional Loreirrans (Forestorrians)
Size and Stature: Forestorrians, as inhabitants of the lush forest region, are slightly smaller in stature compared to the Desertorrians. They typically stand at heights ranging from 10 to 11 feet, making them imposing yet agile within the forest canopy.
Coloration Palette: One of the most distinctive features of Forestorrians is their neon coloration, which leans heavily towards earthy and natural tones. These hues include varying shades of greens, browns, and blues, perfectly suited for blending into their forest environment.
Prehensile Tails: Unlike Loreirrans from other regions, Forestorrians boast prehensile tails that are notably thinner at the base. This unique adaptation allows them to grasp and manipulate objects with precision, aiding in their arboreal lifestyle.
Limbs and Digits: Forestorrians' limbs and digits are characterized by their slightly greater length and slenderness. These features enhance their agility in navigating the dense foliage and intricate terrain of the forest region.
Spiny Ridges and Claws/Talons: In contrast to their Desert counterparts, Forestorrians exhibit shorter spiny ridges along their backs. Additionally, their claws or talons are notably thicker, providing them with superior grip and dexterity when climbing trees and navigating the forest environment.
Additional Notes:
Forestorrians' neon coloration, while vibrant, remains subtle and harmonious with the forest surroundings.
Their adaptability to the forest ecosystem makes them exceptional climbers and agile explorers of their habitat.
Appearance of Jungle/Swamp Regional Loreirrans (Surglans)
Distinct Regional Similarities: Surglans, the inhabitants of both the Swamp and Jungle regions, share a strikingly similar appearance. They stand out as the least abundant among all regional Loreirrans.
Spiny Ridges and Antennae: One of the defining features of Surglans is their elongated spiny ridges, which extend along their backs, providing them with a unique and striking appearance. Additionally, Surglans have longer antennae compared to other regional Loreirrans, enhancing their sensory perception in their lush and vibrant environments.
Coloration Spectrum: Surglans exhibit an impressive array of colorations that mirror the vibrant hues of the swamp and jungle ecosystems. These colors include varying shades of reds, oranges, yellows, greens, and on occasion, blues. This diverse palette helps them blend seamlessly into their surroundings and offers a stunning display of regional diversity.
Claws/Talons and Third Toe: Surglans possess longer and thicker claws or talons, granting them superior dexterity when navigating the dense undergrowth and moist terrain of their regions. What sets them apart further is the presence of a third toe, which resembles a dew claw. This additional appendage enhances their agility and grip, making Surglans adept climbers and hunters in their challenging environments.
Size and Stature: Surglans typically range from 9 to 10 feet in height, reflecting their adaptability to the dynamic and intricate landscapes of the Swamp and Jungle regions.
Additional Notes:
Surglans' longer spiny ridges and antennae serve both aesthetic and practical purposes, aiding in sensory perception and maintaining balance in their lush habitats.
Their vibrant colorations are a testament to the rich biodiversity and unique flora and fauna of their regions.
Loreirran Subspecies
Off-planet Loreirrans
Physical Characteristics: Off-planet Loreirrans display a set of distinct physical traits that set them apart from their counterparts on Icera-5. These differences are primarily adaptations to their environment in outer space.
Stature and Size: Off-planet Loreirrans are notably shorter in height, typically ranging from 5 to 6 feet tall. This diminutive stature is a result of their adaptation to living in environments with weaker gravity compared to their home-world.
Coloration: Their coloration differs significantly from their terrestrial counterparts. Off-planet Loreirrans are lighter in color, reflecting the muted tones of their artificial habitats in space.
Antennae: In contrast to the longer antennae seen in Loreirrans on Icera-5, Off-planet Loreirrans have shorter antennae. This adaptation likely aids in maneuvering within the confines of their space stations and artificial planets.
Body Patterns: The body patterns of Off-planet Loreirrans are limited to complex stripes and spots. These patterns may serve as a form of camouflage within the artificial structures of their space habitats.
Environment and Lifestyle: Off-planet Loreirrans call space stations and artificial planets their home. They inhabit environments with weaker gravity compared to Icera-5. This unique habitat has led to specific adaptations that enable them to thrive in space.
Life Span and Development: Despite their adaptations, Off-planet Loreirrans tend to have shorter life spans compared to their counterparts on Icera-5. Their bodies are adapted for faster development during childhood, likely as an advantage in the confined and resource-limited space environments they inhabit.
Mixed ancestory
Compatibility and Rarity: It is exceptionally rare for any species to be compatible with Loreirrans, and this subspecies represents a fascinating exception. They share a unique ancestral connection with a species that has been extinct for centuries, leaving behind only mixed Loreirrans and a rich cultural legacy.
Distinct Characteristics: These unique Loreirrans do not undergo the customary second metamorphosis that other Loreirrans experience. As a result, their physical characteristics are distinct and reflective of their ancestral lineage.
Stature and Size: Loreirrans with extinct ancestry typically stand at heights ranging from 7 to 8 feet. This falls within the range of their Loreirran counterparts, allowing them to somewhat blend within Loreirran communities.
Feathered Appearance: One of the most striking features of this subspecies is their feathered appearance. They are covered in small feathers that adorn their entire body. These feathers give them a unique and childlike appearance, setting them apart from typical Loreirrans.
Tail Feathers: These unique Loreirrans possess tail feathers, although they are functionally useless. These feathers are a vestige of their ancestral heritage and contribute to their distinctive appearance.
Non-Shape Shifting: Unlike some Loreirrans, this subspecies does not possess the ability to shape-shift. Their physical form remains consistent throughout their lives.
Ancient Loreirrans
Distinctive Characteristics: The first Loreirrans, in ancient times, bore a striking contrast to their modern counterparts. Their physical attributes were distinct and set them apart in Loreirran history.
Physical Features:
Eyes: Unlike the contemporary Loreirrans who lack visible eyes, the ancient Loreirrans possessed eyes, allowing them to perceive the world visually.
Limbs: They had two arms, which was different from the current Loreirrans with four arms.
Fur Resembling Hair: Their heads were adorned with fur that closely resembled the appearance of hair, another departure from the modern Loreirrans.
Nose Similar to Earth Bunnies: Their noses bore a striking resemblance to the noses of Earth bunnies, providing a unique feature in their appearance.
Antennae: While they retained the characteristic antennae of Loreirrans, they had only two antennae on their heads.
Sensory Perception: It remains a mystery what spectrum of light the ancient Loreirrans saw in. However, archaeological evidence suggests that their vision might have been akin to that of humans, as evidenced by colored art found in deep caverns.
Unique Markings and Appearance: Art depictions of the ancient Loreirrans reveal a distinctive appearance characterized by:
Dark skin or fur, setting them apart from the neon complexion of modern Loreirrans.
Intricate and unique markings covering their bodies, akin to the patterns seen on tigers or leopards.
Extinction: Unfortunately, the subspecies of ancient Loreirrans is now extinct. Their unique physical characteristics and visual perceptions have been lost to history, with only remnants of their existence preserved in ancient art and records.
i'll share some art of each regional loreirran and their repected subspecies sometime soon.
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firewolf-pyro · 3 months
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jue-jack · 4 months
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grey and green aliens 👽
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zal-cryptid · 5 months
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DC characters - Martian Manhunter
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kodoukat · 1 month
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Some cute Tea and Coffee CozyAlien art ^w^ (To be paired with Tea)
Interested in a commission?
Check out my Com page!!
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cultofgalaxy · 9 months
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Quite on old comic
I don’t normally do personal stuff, but this comic is directly based on experiences that I’ve been wanting to talk about for a while now. The message here is that you shouldn’t ever feel like you need to excuse your family’s behaviour – whatever that behaviour might be – just because they’re your biological family. There are people in the world who will treat you with the love and respect you deserve, even if your own family won’t. You CAN choose your family, and they don’t have to be biological. Cutting ties with those who are toxic and finding your own ‘tribe’, like Kinoko here, can be a devastating experience, but trust me. You don’t owe anyone a thing just because ‘they’re family’, and you don’t have to put up with abuse, no matter who it’s coming from.
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"Fallen Angel or Falling Star; either way, a Creature that burns bright and vile and true..."
Working out a backstory for this one, my concept was basically "Hellblazer meets Blue Submarine No. 6", a world twenty-five years on from the appearance of supernatural creatures. "Angels" fell out of space, unaging and mostly mute, save for "Messengers" who can converse in human languages but remain cryptic regarding the nature of their siblings. They like nesting in places of worship, but traditional religious authorities insist on calling them "harpies" or simply grouping them in with other demons.
This one is named Lucy. His human companions are a deserter from an Military Occult Unit and a "Nephilim" born from experiments injecting fetuses with supernatural stem cells.
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