#exceptional for older adults not on tumblr I mean
I remember fics booming during long Sherlock hiatuses back in the day.
True, but tumblr was still extremely popular at this point. Not saying it's dead now, but the porn ban definitely had an impact. I also think the outrage at the writers (insane and idiotic as it was) kept it in the mainstream. Back in the 2010s my mom knew about the drama surrounding Moffatt/Gatiss and the queerbaiting allegations. She didn't even watch the show, she heard about it on Pinterest of all things. Hell, the only reason I watched the show was bc I saw a thread here in like 2013.
We have a few people who are mad at the ending of go2, but it's nothing compared to the hubbub around things like Sherlock or SPN. The internet thrives on discourse, so it's not as interesting to others outside the fandom.
There's also the matter of internet etiquette and how, over the years, fans have come to expect consistent content and pay authors little to no mind. But that is a whole 'nother can of worms. I expect the go2 fics will become more popular over time, and I hope the lack of engagement isn't too discouraging bc I do really enjoy what I've read so far.
Hmmm. Yeah, this reminds me of what I talked about like last week or so with all of the tumblr polls I've seen asking how long people have been on here saying that the vast majority of users have been here for at least a decade. Sherlock's prime definitely lined up with tumblr's prime (I only watched it because an irl friend was blogging about it on here lol). I didn't come here until 2013 and was pretty blissfully unaware of the discourse for about a year, but I have heard from other fans that the online fan situation around that show started to get nuts right after s2 in 2012. Outrage does drive engagement, whatever that may look like. I think the ending of Sherlock s2 was perfect material for fanfiction with everyone wanting to know how Sherlock survived the Fall and how John would react upon his return, too. There were soooo many Post-Reichenbach fics, it was an entire genre. And then with s3, there was a flood of fix-it fics with people's anger over Mary, and exploration of her villainy.
You're right, gomens s2 doesn't have that same effect because it's pretty obvious that this is being written like a classic love story and everything is going to be resolved in the third act. There's no mainstream backlash. The only people who are angry about it, from what I've seen, are people who apparently don't know how basic storytelling works and are really pissed at Aziraphale (that's another reason why people might not be reading fics tbh), and those big mad over the kiss because, "it's ruins ace rep" and blah blah blah. But those people are in the clear minority. Some people may not feel the need to read fic because they trust all will be well in the next season and they just have to wait. Basically, the source material satisfies them enough that they're not seeking out fic in the same way they were after s1's homoerotic ambiguity.
You're totally right that fans have gotten worse to content creators in recent years. They want a constant stream of free fic and art without having to, god forbid, hit a heart button or kudos button. I've been in fandom spaces for a long time and that's definitely worsened over time, although I'm lucky that some fans have been nice enough about my gomens fics to make art/translations/etc. But that's for my s1 stuff and I know that's certainly not the case for everyone's fics. I hope the lack of engagement isn't too discouraging, too, but I completely understand if it is for some people.
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just-antithings · 8 days
This might be a weird beef, and my 'evidence' is also most probably anecdotal, but I swear this happens so often I could conduct a social study, so I thought I'd share!
So I casually keep engaging with fandom on twitter and tumblr, and of course I come across all kinds of people, pros and antis and secret third things too.
I mostly try to stay in the 'normal person who doesn't hurt anyone' space, cultivating my internet experience, as you do, no matter what I do though, there be antis in the replies and quotes with the usual brain dead takes, and they always yell at people like "shut up weirdo!! you're weird!!! you're Weirdy McWeirderton!!!"
But that's not the surprising part. The surprising part is that 90% of the time if I check such a person's profile... they're a furry. Their account is months, years of sharing or making furry art or cosplaying such themes, sfw and nsfw too.
Now, listen - I would be spitting in my own eye if I had anything against them enjoying what they enjoy, so this is not about that. We have different tastes, and that's perfectly fine.
But OBJECTIVELY SPEAKING. My guy. My dude. In the eyes of majority society. Or imagine like, in the eyes of my Eastern European grandma who is 72 and watches soap operas.
"WEIRD" starts with... you. It's you! It's not a 15 year old and a 17 year old kid dating. (Fictional, no less...) Childhood friends becoming lovers is not incestuous, and it's super insulting to say so. I don't pretend to know what sheltered life antis live where you never have crushes on classmates or never meet anyone on the beach or at guitar practice, but these are literally the most common things in real life! What ISN'T common though - in "normie" circles, on the 'adult with a job' pane of existence - is liking anthropomorphic animals after you've turned older than 12.
Again, I have nothing against if you do. I genuinely mean that.
I genuinely believe we ALL deserve space, this is why I'd like everyone to understand that the OBJECTIVE definition of 'weird' is NOT the proshippers and whatever the hell 'illegality' antis keep accusing them of. To me this common use of "weird" as a 'gotcha' is just funny and illogical. THEIR fantasies would literally not be accepted anywhere except on the internet and its blissful options to stay anonymous, and yet they keep harrassing people for entertaining the same.
Has anyone ever noticed any other specific pattern like that?
Oh yeah it’s super common
Tumblr media
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aspd-culture · 6 months
Heya, idk if this is a valid question or is really dumb, but like, does the age at which ASPD behavior starts to show have to be strictly 15?
I have been wondering whether I should get officially diagnosed, since the media and general societal representation of it doesn’t seem as reflecting of me (with exception of a few) but I do relate extremely closely to most of the diagnosing criteria. Although??? The physical aggression thing?? Like I have those impulses and plenty of them, but I just don’t follow through with most because of convenience. That sort of thing is one of the main things that makes me doubt whether I do actually have it. (Same with impulsive behaviors etc)
But my main point/ask is the age thing. As a very young child I was pretty sweet? Ig? Like I wasn’t an aggressive child, rather pretty passive. As far as I recall, my symptoms started when I was about 15-16, when I was starting to process that mine was a traumatic situation? and earlier than that I was just an edgy teen, I guess? I sure had some of the symptons way earlier, but the main ones/ the ones that I feel are more prominent in me didn’t show up until a bit later? I’m not sure. So my question is, does it mean it can’t be ASPD?
Also your page is lifesaving. Thanks man.
Note: due to the way copy and pasting criteria works on tumblr, this post will be written exclusively in plain text, as copying and pasting it all over again would take forever, but I want this post to be accessible still.
I haaaate the way the DSM phrases criteria. Absolutely no worries, it is confusing as heck and you wouldn't be the first person at all to ask about this.
So, the symptoms of Conduct Disorder or Oppositional Defiant Disorder (DSM criteria below) need to show by or before the age of 15. (I do not know if Intermittent Explosive Disorder satisfies this criteria, but it very well may.) That means they may start when you're a toddler, or they may start when you're 14.5. Anywhere in there, you have to qualify for one of those two disorders, but you also do not have to have been diagnosed with them.
Also, having had been an "edgy teen" definitely could have been those symptoms showing themselves. The reason ASPD can't be diagnosed before 18 is because teenage edginess could either be symptoms or be normal, and the only real way to tell is if it continues past teenage and into adulthood.
The diagnostic criteria of Oppostional Defiant Disorder is as follows, quoted from the DSM-V TR:
A. A pattern of angry/iritable mood, argumentative/defiant behavior, or vindictiveness lasting at least 6 months as evidenced by at least four symptoms from any of the following categories, and exhibited during interaction with at least one individual who is not a sibling.
Angry/lrritable Mood
1. Often loses temper
2. Is often touchy or easily annoyed
3. Is often angry and resentful.
Argumentative/Defiant Behavior
4. Often argues with authority figures or, for children and adolescents, with adults.
5. Often actively defies or refuses to comply with requests from authority figures or with rules
6. Often deliberately annoys others
7. Often blames others for his or her mistakes or misbehavior.
8. Has been spiteful or vindictive at least twice within the past 6 months
Note: The persistence and frequency of these behaviors should be used to distinguish a behavior that is within normal limits from a behavior that is symptomatic. For children younger than 5 years, the behavior should occur on most days for a period of at least 6 months unless otherwise noted (Criterion A8). For individuals 5 years or older, the behavior should occur at least once per week for at least 6 months, unless otherwise noted (Criterion A8). While these frequency criteria provide guidance on a minimal level of frequency to define symptoms, other factors should also be considered, such as whether the frequency and intensity of the behaviors are outside a range that is normative for the individual's developmental level, gender, and culture.
B. The disturbance in behavior is associated with distress in the individual or others in his or her immediate social context (e.g., family, peer group, work colleagues), or it impacts negatively on social, educational, occupational, or other important areas of functioning
C. The behaviors do not occur exclusively during the course of a psychotic substance use, depressive, or bipolar disorder. Also, the criteria are not met for disruptive mood dysregulation disorder.
[End quote]
Conduct disorder's criteria more clearly shows the lead-in to ASPD.
The diagnostic criteria for Conduct Disorder is as follows, quoted from the DSM-V TR:
A. A repetitive and persistent pattern of behavior in which the basic rights of others or major age-appropriate societal norms or rules are violated, as manifested by the presence of at least three of the following 15 criteria in the past 12 months from any of the categories below, with at least one criterion present in the past 6 months:
Aggression to People and Animals
1. Often bullies, threatens, or intimidates others.
2. Often initiates physical fights.
3. Has used a weapon that can cause serious physical harm to others (e.g., a bat, brick, broken bottle, knife, gun)
4. Has been physically cruel to people
5. Has been physically cruel to animals
6. Has stolen while confronting a victim (e.g., mugging, purse snatching, extortion, armed robbery)
7. Has forced someone into sexual activity
Destruction of Property
8. Has deliberately engaged in fire setting with the intention of causing serious damage.
9. Has deliberately destroyed others' property (other than by fire setting).
Deceitfulness or Theft
10. Has broken into someone else's house, building, or car.
11. Often lies to obtain goods or favors or to avoid obligations (i.e., "cons' others).
12. Has stolen items of nontrivial value without confronting a victim (e.g. shoplifting, but without breaking and entering; forgery)
Serious Violations of Rules
13. Often stays out at night despite parental prohibitions, beginning before age 13 years.
14. Has run away from home overnight at least twice while living in the parental or parental surrogate home, or once without returning for a lengthy period
15. Is often truant from school, beginning before age 13 years
B. The disturbance in behavior causes clinically significant impairment in social, academic, or occupational functioning
C. If the individual is age 18 years or older, criteria are not met for antisocial personality disorder.
[Skipping a bit of the quote which specifies codes for the various ages CD can present. It is worth noting that these are *not* criteria, they are specifications to be noted in the file of the person being diagnosed with conduct disorder to accurately describe their experience. As you'll see, these specifications are flags as to whether a child/teen with conduct disorder should be evaluated for ASPD upon reaching adulthood.]
Specify if:
With limited prosocial emotions: To qualify for this specifier, an individual must have displayed at least two of the following characteristics persistently over at least 12 months and in multiple relationships and settings. These characteristics reflect the individual's typical pattern of interpersonal and emotional functioning over this period and not just occasional occurrences in some situations. Thus, to assess the criteria for the specifier, multiple information sources are necessary. In addition to the individual's self-report, it is necessary to consider reports by others who have known the individual for extended periods of time (e.g., parents, teachers, co-workers, extended family members, peers).
Lack of remorse or guilt: Does not feel bad or guilty when he or she does something wrong (exclude remorse when expressed only when caught and/or facing punishment). The individual shows a general lack of concern about the negative consequences of his or her actions. For example, the individual is not remorseful after hurting someone or does not care about the consequences of breaking rules.
Callous-lack of empathy: Disregards and is unconcerned about the feelings of others. The individual is described as cold and uncaring. The individual appears more concerned about the effects of his or her actions on himself or herself, rather than their effects on others, even when they result in substantial harm to others.
Unconcerned about performance: Does not show concern about poor/problematic performance at school, at work, or in other important activities. The individual does not put forth the effort necessary to perform well, even when expectations are clear, and typically blames others for his or her poor performance.
Shallow or deficient affect: Does not express feelings or show emotions to others, except in ways that seem shallow, insincere, or superficial (e.g. actions contradict the emotion displayed; can turn emotions "on" or "off" quickly) or when emotional expressions are used for gain (e.g., emotions displayed to manipulate or intimidate others).
Specify current severity:
Mild: Few if any conduct problems in excess of those required to make the diagnosis are present, and conduct problems cause relatively minor harm to others (e.g., lying, truancy, staying out after dark without permission, other rule breaking)
Moderate: The number of conduct problems and the effect on others are intermediate between those specified in "mild" and those in "severe" (e.g. stealing without confronting a victim, vandalism)
Severe: Many conduct problems in excess of those required to make the diagnosis are present, or conduct problems cause considerable harm to others (e.g., forced sex, physical cruelty, use of a weapon, stealing while confronting a victim, breaking and entering).
[End of Quote]
As you can see, the criteria required before age 15 is not as intense as many professionals describe it. Remember that you are only required to have shown 3 out of the total 15 criteria in there. There is even a whole specifier for Conduct Disorder that is mild and only includes things like lying, basic rule-breaking, and/or staying out past curfew.
Acts of physical aggression are not actually required for ASPD at all, it's just that many prosocials see that being one of the possible symptoms and fixate on it, thus pushing everyone with ASPD into the box of physical aggresion. You absolutely can have ASPD and never act on any violent thoughts or urges.
I was also a very sweet and passive child, developing most of my externalized ASPD symptoms (rule breaking, disrespectful behavior/actions, challenging authority, etc) around age 13. However, the internal symptoms were there for me much younger - easily bored with poor handling of boredom, lack of empathetic reactions, difficulty apologizing/showing remorse due to not really feeling it, becoming very angry but not showing it, resulting for me in self destructive behaviors like cheek biting or controlled destructive behaviors like breaking something that wouldn't be missed (pencils and pens mostly for me).
Regardless of what symptoms were shown when, symptoms are still symptoms, and if you had enough for Conduct Disorder or Oppositional Defiant Disorder before your 16th birthday, you are well within possibility of having ASPD. Keep in mind that the lying, manipulation, etc that can qualify for Conduct Disorder doesn't have to be grandiose or destructive except where it is explicitly stated in the criteria that it does (such as fire setting only counting for the destruction of property criteria if you meant to damage something with said fire).
It's so easy to count yourself out of ASPD because you don't fit the stereotypes or public perception of ASPD, but I assure you that there are many, many ways something as complex as a personality disorder can show itself.
It is absolutely a great thing, however, that you are covering your bases and making sure to do the research to see if this is what you have. That is the basis of an informed self-dx, should you come to the conclusion that you have ASPD.
Now, as for actually getting diagnosed, your mileage may vary with professionals. Many have bias against pwASPD ingrained into their practice, and won't diagnose you with it even though you have it if you aren't/weren't violent, law-breaking, or if they just think you "seem far too kind to have ASPD" (a real quote a former professional said to me a few months before I was diagnosed by my long-time psychiatrist). This doesn't mean you don't have ASPD. If they can't give you other explanations that make sense, and if their reasons for denying you that diagnosis are based in stigma or anything other than actual criteria, then you are well within your rights to continue being self-dx.
A professional should be able to explain, using criteria, why you don't have a disorder you think you may have. If they're doing their job, they should be willing to explain to you what their reasons are and point you in the direction they think may be causing the symptoms. And no, "just acting like a teenager" isn't good enough if enough symptoms have persisted into adulthood for you to meet the criteria for ASPD.
I hope this helps, apologies for it being so long.
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fifteenth-entity · 11 months
I’m aware that, especially on tumblr, a lot of these fans are on the younger side. It’s honestly so nice to see tumblr youngins be as mature as need be in these situations, with fact-checking and everything. However, I feel the need to remind y’all that since Hobie’s age is up for interpretation, that means that people are gonna HC him as adults. WHICH IS FINE, BTW. A lot of us HC Hobie and other characters as adults from experience, seeing as we’ve met many people on the older side who act more like Pav and Hobie than Gwen and Miles. Please don’t harass anyone who sees Hobie as an adult regardless of what has been confirmed or not.
Original post under the cut
i just gotta get this off my chest/mind and put it out into the world
yeah, a director “confirmed” hobie’s age to be 19-20 yrs old
but this movie is all about “fuck canon” LMAOOO
SO WHO CARES how old he is? I personally see him as a 19 yr old, and i see pavitr as 18 and in his last grade of highschool, which is why i ship them to begin with
I UNDERSTAND punkflower shippers who see hobie as underage, that’s totally fine! we’re already fucking up “canon” which, lets be fr, for “underground” spidermen isnt really sturdy canon now is it
that’s it, that’s all, this debate is gonna get headachy very fast
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animentality · 6 months
I had people expressing total shock that I have a job yesterday, and it's like bros, gals, folks, this isn't fucking Instagram or TikTok.
My job is not influencer.
My job is not Tumblr.
I work for a living like everyone else.
Now if you're a teenager shocked that I have a job because you assume that means I'm an adult, I hate to tell you this.
But unless you die like right now...eventually, you will grow older and become an adult, with a job, and you'll probably still be on Tumblr.
This may shock you, but...we do all age.
Except for those of us who die young.
And I still have time to do that.
But no, I'm not in high school. I never said I was.
And thank god for that.
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matan4il · 6 months
what makes me saddest is that almost everyone speaking up and condemning the global pogrom is jewish or has jewish or israeli heritage. jews in far away countries who have never even set foot in israel are being othered and attacked simply for being jewish. and their countrymen are mostly silent or worse - actively cheering it. (there are exceptions of course for which im grateful. but yeah.)
especially upsetting is that of the non jews who are condemning this it's mostly middle age to older adults. the younger generation is overhwhelmingly silent or actively supportive of the hate. that's my generation and those younger than me. and it scares me about what happens as that generation becomes the majority.
Hi Nonnie! I feel you and am sending lotsa hugs! I do wanna acknowledge the exceptions, the non-Jews who ARE speaking up for Jews and for Israelis. They're so important. There's some here, online! And there have been some non-Jewish celebs who have done the same, stood up with the Jewish people. Take this American actress, for example, who posted this incredibly succinct message:
Tumblr media
But you are right that it's a minority in comparison to the majority of those who have spoken up for Israel and the Jewish people. To a degree, I can understand it. Even as a Jew, feeling compelled to speak up for my people, this has felt scary, and I have been repeatedly attacked and sent the vilest of messages, even when all I did was just post the daily updates with info. Just... informative posts and that's it, no commentary, and my humanity was immediately denied. And that was one of the kinder messages I had gotten. If Jews are scared to fight this fight, why wouldn't non-Jews be scared to do it?
I thought in 2023, it wouldn't be this hard to be the non-Jewish person doing the right thing, standing by Jews, as the Righteous Among the Nations did during the Holocaust. They risked their lives to save Jews by hiding and saving them. Surely it would be easier in 2023 to just speak up for the Jewish community, right? But it seems like it isn't. In a sense, it makes me appreciate those who stand with us even more. So I guess I just wanna take a second to applaud the people who do this. You're amazing. And you matter so much!
As for the generational gap you've noticed... I hope someone does a poll on this at some point. And if it turns out to be true, then I hope someone also tries to figure out how the generation that's supposedly the most in tune with human rights, turned out to be the same one that fails to see that ANY massacre is a gross violation of that. That there is NO justification for the beheading of babies, or for raping people so brutally, that their bones break.
If I try to hypothesize why that might be, all I can come up with is that there is some severe failure of empathy at work here, where empathy has been abandoned in favor of righteous rage, and the sense of moral superiority it brings with it. Really, if in the past people used to tap into a sense of superiority by being of the right race, religion, nationality sexual orientation or such, now they're tapping into a sense of superiority by holding the right (meaning socially sanctioned on Tumblr and Tiktok) political opinions. They won't let facts get in the way of that. If the conflict is more complicated than what Tiktok and Twitter have told them, they're not interested in learning about it.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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tss-storytime · 5 months
2024 TSS Storytime Big Bang FAQ
If you’re already familiar with the Big Bang, jump down to the Word Count and Communication and Check-ins sections for this year’s changes.
The Basics of the Bang
What is a Big Bang?
A Big Bang is a challenge that encourages writers to create long stories (25k minimum) within a certain time frame and artists to create works to pair with those stories. Basically, the fandom gets a lot of long stories and awesome art all at the same time! Every writer gets fanart, every artist gets inspiration, and everyone gets to enjoy the final product. 
Is this Big Bang limited to a certain pairing, genre, or rating?
No. Most ships (except incest) and gen stories are welcome. Likewise, AUs, crossovers and fusions, all genres and all ratings are also welcome, including NSFW fic and art.
Only adults (18 or older) may work on M+ or unrated works. NSFW works must be clearly indicated as such so that no one ends up partnered with someone whose work will make them uncomfortable) So long as the primary focus of your story is Thomas Sanders and/or the Sanders Sides, you are good to go!
How do I sign up? Will there be an email or a message so that I’ll know that I’ve actually gotten through?
You can sign up via the Google Form linked at the bottom of the pinned post! It’s via google forms so you should receive a confirmation message on the site once you hit submit. We’ll also post a list of everyone who has signed up about a week before sign-ups close.
I am both a writer and an artist, would I be able to sign up for both or should I just sign up for the one I’m more interested in? 
You can absolutely sign up for both if you think you can finish both! You can even sign up for more than one story as a writer if you think you can finish more than one.
Can I sign up as both an artist and a beta? 
Absolutely! You can sign up for all three things if you think you can manage them!
I want to participate but am not a writer or an artist. What can I do?
Please consider signing up as a beta or offering to cheerlead creators you follow. Writers and artists need and appreciate all the support they can get!
Writing Requirements
What’s the minimum word count? (Updated for 2024)
25,000 words.
This is a six-month challenge, from Feb 1st to August 1st, and you should use all the time available to you. So start writing as soon as you sign up, and make the most of all the time you have!
Writers must have a minimum of 1k words by April 1st. We recommend writers have at least 5k by the time artists begin to sign up in May.
Can I write more than one story?
You may, but please note that the deadlines and word counts hold for each story you submit.
Does my story have to be completed by the end of the Big Bang? Is it okay if I get past the 25k mark but by the time August rolls around it’s still going?
The story you upload in August should be complete on its own. You can definitely write a sequel and continue to explore the characters and the setting in future stories, but the one uploaded for the challenge should have a beginning, middle, and end and have its main plot threads resolved.
I’ve started a fic that I’d like to turn into a submission. Can I do that?
All works should be created specifically for this challenge. However, if you are working on a prequel/sequel piece to something you have already written, that is acceptable, as long as you link to the piece it comes before/after in your submission and it can be read and understood on its own. 
That said, so long as you have not posted any of your fic, you may use it for the challenge (this means don’t post chapters or large portions on your tumblr/AO3/etc. until your posting date. You can use your usual feedback methods so long as it’s not open to people you’re not personally conversing with).
Can the work be chaptered, or does it necessarily have to be a very very long oneshot?
We strongly recommend you chapter your work, however you will not be disqualified if you prefer to keep it as a oneshot. Be sure to meet the word minimum and have the fic complete and posted in its entirety by your posting date.
Does the work need to be a 25k words chaptered story or can it be several short stories set in the same universe following a loose timeline? Or just oneshots unrelated to each other but with something in common for each one shot? 
It should, if possible, be one story. Several snapshots from the same universe that have a unifying theme and follow a timeline would qualify under that—it’s all part of the same life story - but unrelated oneshots would not.
Does my story have to be beta read?
It’s highly encouraged, but not a necessity. However, there will be a list of betas you can ask to beta your fic and we will include any beta readers you are working with in your team channel on the event Discord server.
Art Requirements
I’m an artist, not a writer. How do I participate?
In May, artists will get to choose among anonymous summaries the writers submit. They will be posted about halfway through the challenge and artists will be given time to read through these and submit their top three choices. Once they have their assignment, they should work with their writer so that the finished product is something they both love.
Does the art for the project have to be digital or regular? And how massive of a piece is it?
The piece of art does not have to be digital or traditional - so long as you can get traditional art scanned, you can definitely use pencil/pens/markers/paint/etc.
As for how massive, you should expect to do one or more illustrations for the story you end up with. If you’re creating a large full color painting - either digital or traditional - you’d only really be expected to do one. If you’re going to create uncolored lineart, maybe two or three, etc.
The art should be commensurate with the level of effort the writer is putting into the event.
You’ll also be working with your writer directly, so you can coordinate with them once you’ve been assigned to each other to see what will work best for both of you!
What exactly do they make for the story? Can it be anything, like for example a comic of a scene in the story, or like a ‘cover art’ for the fic? 
Basically, yes. You’ll work directly with your writer, as they’ll need to give you access to their rough draft and plans so you can gain inspiration, so the two of you can work together to see what would fit best and is most exciting for both of you. But you can do any of those things. A comic, cover art, a single scene illustration, chapter headings, character portraits, whatever most inspires you and moves you!
The artist sign-ups are for drawings, paintings, and likely more if you can make a convincing argument to us and your writer! Writers are also indicating if there’s any kind of art they don’t want to receive you can be certain the person you’re paired with is more than happy to get your type of art for their story!
Are beta readers assigned to writers, or would the writer have to reach out to them? 
There will be a list of people who offered to beta with details of their preferences so you can contact them directly or ask for someone in the discord. If you’re having trouble finding someone, you can reach out to us and we’ll do our best to match you. However, we do want to avoid matching up everyone individually.
Do beta readers work exclusively with one writer or are they expected to beta multiple works if multiple writers reach out to them? 
That’s up to the individual beta! If you wish to work with only one person, you can let us know once you have arranged things with them and we’ll take you off the list. If you wish to work with multiple people, you can do that, too. Just remember not to stretch yourself too thin!
Can we have our friends edit and look at our story if they are not a part of the Big Bang? 
Absolutely! You can use any beta/editor/cheerleader you’d like. Just be sure the story itself isn’t up for general viewing until your posting date. But someone doesn’t have to sign up to be an event beta to help you edit. The beta sign-ups are to help writers who don’t already have someone to look over their work. It’s also a great way to make new friends :D
Communication and Check-ins
Communication: Discord and Tumblr
All announcements will be made on Discord first. We will cross post to Tumblr, but Discord is the place to be for the latest information. After you have signed up as a writer, artist, beta readers, or a pinch-hitter, you’ll get the link to the Discord.
We ask that all participants join the event Discord server.
What does check-in mean?
Since the sign-up period is quite long, there will be regular check-ins to be sure anyone who signed up way back on Feb 1st both still remembers signing up and is still interested in participating. This is a long challenge and people do move fandoms/have life things happen.
What if I’m not available/busy during a check-in?
With the exception of the minimum 1k word count in April and the 5k word count by the end of artist sign-ups, you don’t have to have a particular amount done by a check-in. It’s simply to let us know you’re still working on it. We’ll also create a post and send out messages/asks about a week before the check-in date as a reminder—both on tumblr and on discord - so as long as you’ll be able to shoot a quick “yes, still working!”, you’re good! 
You can also check in early, it’ll be done in the same manner as the sign up—via google forms that are posted about a week in advance of when the check-in is due.
What if there was an uneven number of participants like 40 artists signed up but 80 writers. What would happen then? 
Initially there will be more writers signed up than artists but by the second check-in some of those writers will duck out (quack) which usually evens things out a bit.
That said, in some years, several artists have volunteered to create art for more than one story, and we will put out requests for more if it’s incredibly unbalanced. There will also be pinch hitters to jump in in case we need to replace an artist later into the event.
Alternatively, if we have many more artists than writers, multiple artists will be assigned to the same story. No matter what, every writer who finishes will receive art!
What’s a pinch hitter? 
An angel. 😇
Someone who is willing to jump in to create something they otherwise wouldn’t have because someone else backed out. In a Secret Santa, these will usually be people willing to write a story if one of the participants doesn’t, for example. In this case, we will likely ask for people who would be willing to be ready to jump in as artists if a writer’s partner isn’t going to finish, or disappears, or something like that. Hopefully they won’t be needed, but their willingness to step up makes a challenge of any kind run much more smoothly!
How much should you share with your partner?
You’ll share your draft with your artist and your beta reader, but not with anyone else. You should be ready to show them everything you have once they get assigned to you, and to send them updates—that way they’ll be able to gain inspiration from all parts of the story. Many teams use Google Docs and Drive to make it easier to collaborate.
In May, we’ll post the summaries writers supply for the artists to choose among, but those should just be two or three paragraphs at most, basically what you’d read on the back of a book to get you to buy it.
Is a title required for the summaries that will get posted for the artists?
Nope! If you have one, it will be posted with the summary, but no worries if you don’t - and no worries if it changes between then and posting!
How will the works be posted? 
There will be a schedule for the month of august for when which works will be posted so that all works are spread out and get the attention they deserve without overwhelming people. Works can be posted on AO3, on your own tumblr, or wherever you feel most comfortable. The work should be posted in full somewhere. If it’s on tumblr, just @ this blog on your post(s) so we can reblog it here, if it’s exclusively somewhere else just @ this blog on the post with the link.
Can you post all of your fic on one site, but post it at different dates for another? For example, could I post the whole thing on AO3, but then post daily chapters on Tumblr?
Sure! As long as the full fic is available online on your posting date and not before, you can post it in another place however you like!
As writers, are we allowed to post teasers of our stories on our blogs to let our followers know what we’re working on, or do we have to hold all the content until the very end? 
So long as it’s just a teaser and doesn’t go up until after the summaries have been claimed and artists assigned, yes. Summary claiming is anonymous to be sure everyone’s story gets the same chance among all the artists so please don’t indicate which summaries is yours/what you’re working on in detail before that publicly.
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tdp-fandom · 11 months
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🔴CLICK HERE TO VOTE🔴 (Please share for more accurate results)
Hello and welcome to the second TDP Shipping Poll! It’s an online survey that will help us understand the shipping preferences of our fandom. I ran the first poll in 2020 after season 3 and now that season 5 is approaching, I decided it was time to run a new one. Two new ones, actually, as I would like to run one poll before and one - after the upcoming and later compare the results. 
So let’s start with this one. The poll will run from June 1st to July 1st. I’m leaving the exact hours vague because I might need an extra hour or two to finish things up. I also leave myself the right to extend the poll if such need arises (e.g. I am physically unable to close the poll or the number of votes is very low)
More information is on the poll itself and under cut
How does this work?
The poll consists of three main parts: general questions, opinions about specific ships and the final wrap up. The general section covers basic demographic information as well as your shipping preferences. The questions about specific ships are divided into 6 categories to make the lists more manageable. Please note that the 6th category is dedicated to controversial ships - adult/minor, incest and ships with animals. This category will be hidden and you will be able to see it if you choose to.
Which ships are included?
Basically, all ships I've encountered online as well as the ships that people asked me to add, with the only exception being ships with the characters from Tales of Xadia (at least for now). If a ship you like wasn't included, you can submit it manually at the end of the poll and I will include it in the next poll.
Why were problematic ships included?
They are part of our fandom's shipping preferences and without them the picture would be incomplete. As mentioned before, they are hidden and you won't accidentally see them.
However, it is worth pointing out that I only consider adult/minor, incest and animal ships to be problematic. The following may not be everyone's cup of tea, but they're perfectly normal ships: - young adult x late teen ships where the age difference between the young adult and the teen is 5 years or less;
- older adult x young adult ships no matter the age gap. Both characters are adults;
- human/dragon or elf/dragon ships when both characters are adults.
Please remember that just because something squicks you out, doesn't mean it's inherently problematic.
Where will the results be posted?
The results will be published on twitter, tumblr, TDP subreddit and dreamwidth. I will publish the results bit by bit, because there are a lot of different categories to work through.
Have any questions?
Feel free to DM me on the mentioned platforms. I also accept constructive criticism!
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davekat-sucks · 23 days
Hello monsieur davekatsucks. Sorry if this is a lot but your cherub talk reminded me. I am thinking about how hypocritically sexualized all the friendsim trolls were. You know, on the planet whose society's whole deal is that *only kids live there*... and then one of the authors said Chahut would be over 18 earth years of age like that matters? It's a whole different society man, they aren't considered adults until they go off planet, they would think you're a sicko, it's just another "erm she's actually technically 30 she's just a species that ages slower" argument (mixed with a fun flipped sprinkling of "erm actually the age of consent in some places is xyz"!) except all of the antis bought it this time because they personally thought the character was hot and that justifies as many loopholes in their logic as need be to make them not feel icky or ever have to think about their own capacity to do bad things. It's almost like the randomly generated number they stick on the wiki page for a character doesn't matter at all in comparison to how mature they look and act! You're so close to getting it!!!! Idk I'm tired. And randomly paranoid that tumblr won't keep me anon for this ask, if it's not then kmn ig
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It doesn't help as well that Chaut also tells Amisia that she knows trolls YOUNGER than her that have already in quadrants. So that implies someone as young as say 3-4 years old, would have a boyfriend or girlfriend. Maybe she doesn't imply outright sex or do pailing, but it shows that trolls in Alternia are aware of how their species reproduce and the consequences if they contribute for the Mother Grub. Just try to comprehend someone as young as that would have to know about sex and said child is told if they don't contribute to sex, they will DIE. By that logic, if someone as young as that could start a quadrant, then that means age gap would be NOTHING since they are all kids and they need to fuck with someone else to make future troll babies. If Alternia is not just a dangerously environmental planet that grooms aliens about racism and violence, it's also a breeding ground for the young. The other time WhatPumpkin backed down on the Hiveswap Trolls being older than the humans was with Hiveswap Act 2 where Elwurd would flirt with Joey. It has been implied in Elwurd's route in Hiveswap Friendsim that she is or close to an age of adulthood that she would have to leave the planet when she tells MSPA Reader that she and her ex (Bronya) wanted to request combat assignments on the same ship so they won't be separated.
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Nobody was sure how old Joey was and people think she is 12 or 13. It wasn't until Homestuck Team in a Curious Cat question that they clarify that Joey is 14 years old since she was born in the year 1980, that Elwurd was 16 and Bronya was 17. But that raises the question on what can be considered adulthood at this point if someone like Elwurd and Bronya could request early to be on the same group before they can leave the planet for good. And knowing that most Jadebloods would have be sent to isolation upon adulthood, a request for a cerulean and jade to be together might be rare, but could be possible if planned ahead of time. So would the years of 16-18 are considered the early stages of young adulthood before becoming legal adults? So wouldn't that mean Elwurd will still be older than Joey in that regard because in Elwurd's POV and stance within Alternian society, she is already an adult at that point. And yeah, the trolls in Friendsim are kind of sexualized. At least by the end in Lanque's route where Ardata reminds you that the Hiveswap Friendsim game is for MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY. And the Bad End in Lanque's route if you confirm you are an adult, is him and MSPA Reader (You) having a ONE NIGHT SEX STAND. Sure it fades out to black, but they don't beat around the bush that the two of them FUCKED. Lanque is stated in that same CuriousCat question that he is 18. So if the person playing the game was like 13 when they first played this game and would think MSPA Reader is the same age as them.... then yeah, that makes it all worse because of that 5 year age gap.
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lovesickfolly · 9 months
tagged by @aleng-neng. What are my fave top 9 shows in no particular order. (All of these I have at 10/10.) I'll only pick recent shows, as they're the ones I have listed on MyDramaList and thus have a ranking for. XD This means it's mostly bls and cdramas. 1. Moonlight Chicken.
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One of my feelgood shows, even though it's still new. It feels comfortable and adult and grounded, with a bunch of amazing actors who are clearly comfortable with each other. As an 'older queer' it resonates with me a lot and I didn't dislike a single thing about it.
2. The Blood of Youth.
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A really fun show with gorgeous, engaging characters and the right mix of beautiful scenery, beautiful people, and creative storytelling that I like. Sprinkle in some excellent fight scenes and a bunch of my favourite actors and I'm sold!
3. Old Fashion Cupcake.
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I talked about mature stories earlier and this is another one of those. I could see myself in the main lead just a bit too much for me not to love this. Nozue recognizes that he's maybe stuck in a rut and complacent when he doesn't have to be. And, maybe, that handsome junior at the firm could help him get out of it (and make him recognize he's not straight).
4. KinnPorsche.
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Look, I know it has its issues. I know. And I know people have an issue with some of the fandom. I get it and for the most part I agree. However, this was the first BL in a long time that I had the urge to write fic for. I enjoyed the complexity of the universe and the characters that much. (Even if some of it didn't make sense. but that's half the fun!) And that's why I like it. It got my brain involved. (And I just adore Tankhun, okay.)
5. Word of Honor.
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Years ago I watched a few cdramas and then...somehow forgot about them? (I don't know how I did that.) However, back in 2019 I got back into them and eventually stumbled upon The Untamed. 'This is the pinnacle of cdrama for me and my tastes!' I thought. But then Word of Honor showed up. Look, everything about this show is stunning. The story, the characters, the setting, the clear and unadulterated love between the two main characters. Everything and everyone is beautiful and I've never gone through a cdrama as fast as I did this one. It's beautiful in ever sense of the word. And so, so queer. Don't believe me? Just search 'word of honor cdrama' in the gif section on tumblr and marvel at the art.
6. A Tale of Thousand Stars.
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This is not the first Thai BL I watched, but it almost feels like it? Because ATOTS is the first one I remember going crazy about (and it set me on the road to basically loving everything EarthMix are in together). I was super invested and wanted to draw art and everything. It's just such a nice, soft, romantic story and the characters are so fun. This is probably the one I've rewatched the most.
7. Semantic Error.
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As you can tell, I generally like stories that feel far away from home. I like magic and fantasy and settings that aren't typical. However, this is one of the few exceptions. I think it's the characters and their journey and the perfect execution of tropes that would have felt stale in any other show. It's a fun story with excellent characters and I get why it's so popular.
8. Mysterious Lotus Casebook.
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Technically, I can't say this show is 10/10 yet because it still has a bunch of episodes to go. However, I can tell it's going to get close at least. (And will probably get to 10.) I keep comparing it to a perfect blend of The Blood of Youth and A League of Nobleman, in that it's a fantasy world with a master swordsman who's dying (and begrudgingly adopts a cute puppy who loves him) and a bunch of cases that need solving (to unravel the overarching plot). It's so much fun and the settings + characters are so beautiful. (And I may or may not heavily ship the loyal, eager puppy with the stoic, lying dying man who tries to push him away (and literally abandon him) in an attempt to keep him safe (from harm and heartache).) The hurt/comfort and love against all odds is strong in this one! He gave up his lifelong dream to protect a man who's been lying to him ever since they met and whom is at that point a wanted fugitive!! Because he trusts and loves him so. Also, it has a bunch of very handsome and gorgeous actors/characters in it, whom I love (and who suffer beautifully).
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9. ??? I only have 8 shows that I've given 10/10 to (or a prospective 10/10, lol), so I'll just leave you with some other recommended shows that came close! Bad Buddy
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Between Us
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Choco Milk Shake
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Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms
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My Only 12%
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Ancient Love Poetry
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That's it! I invested way too much effort into this, but...it was fun? Sorry for clogging up your timelines with this, though!
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gildinbainas · 1 month
Life Update
Nothing bad.
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Basically I start grad school this summer and I work at a school. We're about 39 days until school gets out for the summer except I'll still be working / studying. That means activity will be as shady as ever although I'm still willing to write with my mains whenever time permits. I prefer tumblr. However, there's a few of you if interested, may write with me on discord. I won't apologize for not putting tumblr first. I saw some posts where some folk were salty that their partners can't be around all the time and hey, it happens. But note we're all adults here, some of us older than others. This place is not what it used to be anyway so respect the fact that those of us that built the site years ago are all older now.
That said, if you're still willing to write when time permits or don't mind me sending you things, you can def let me know so I don't feel awkward sending you stuff sporadically. There's a few of you that I know we always gone be good. Others, well, not so much it seems.
But I'm really excited. This is a chance to make up for shenanigans that occurred the first time I was in school. Life really lifed but I'm making the most of this chance at upgrading my pay ( hopefully ).
I'll be around most of today and tomorrow. I'll blog some memes, post some opens and probably post random shit about stuff im reading, watching and playing on Steam.
I'll blog this a few times so folks can see o/
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bendydudeinc · 1 year
Edited 10/26/23 cause I’m starting over with my style and I’m going to be way more laid back with my writing format yippee!
Hi. Just call me by my user not going by my name and don’t have a nickname that fits me lol He/him/her/it 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ I’m 19, queer, and horny. Anyway I still really don’t expect this account to get anywhere, but I’m a creative writer who needs practice and I have so many ideas to share with others! …mostly smut sorry. That being said, all characters I write for will be 18 or older. This is a safe place and any form of homophobia, transphobia, racism, sexism, etc will NOT be tolerated to any degree. Thank you!
hey, calm down bro.
(I don’t write for requests. This account is almost fully self indulgent, I just write whatever comes to mind so this is just a guide on what you may see on my acc.)
HOWEVER YOU CAN send me requests. This just means if I don’t feel like writing it, I simply, won’t. I won’t have any obligation. But, I could be inspired by your request and decide to write it or something similar so, don’t be afraid to give me ideas! It may just take me a little while longer to get to.
NSFW- literally everything under the rainbow except heavy blood kinks
dark content- I have a thing for men who get obsessive to the point of mental manipulation and stalking so
fluff/comfort- ALL OF IT <33
angst/hurt- I’m sorry, I don’t do it I’m sensitive
Characters I write for
(I’m gay btw that’s why they’re all dudes)
BSD- Chūya, Dazai, Ango, Rampo, Kunikida, Fyodor, Nikolai, Akutagawa
Rick and Morty- Rick, toxic Rick, all kinds of Rick babbyyyyy (I have issues)
Angels of Death- Zack Zack Zack Zack and Isaac foster.
Black Clover- Nozel, Zora, Julius maybe idk if I randomly feel like it
This is controversial for some reason but it’s dumb to try to stop minors from thirsting after anime characters, I don’t think minors reading smut is abnormal or can seriously be prevented. I sure know I read smut as a minor and so did most y’all. So I’ll just say it once. Just- read responsibly. I will be writing mature content intended for adults. You have been warned, and i suggest you consider scrolling if under 18.
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keibea · 10 months
Get to Know Me - Sims Style
i was tagged by @amuhav because she loves me and knows i love doing these things
what's your favourite sims death?
ngl i dont actually have one, im terrified of any of my babies dying so they never do...but i guess old age maybe? because that means theyve lived a long life and ive played with them for a long time?
alpha cc or mm?
alpha HANDS DOWN...i dont hate mm by any means dont get me wrong, but ill always be an alpha girl at heart. its the alpha hairs, they always get me.
do you cheat your sims weight?
only if it fits their character i guess? not usually in gameplay.
do you move objects
i move objects every single day.
fave mod?
ooofff i mean out of necessity? nraas. but just the one i love? hands down pose player. mostly because i was so excited when i finally got it to work (i was like 13 or something and before then i could not figure out how to get mods to work) so a lot of happy memories from finally getting my sims to pose.
first expansion/game pack/stuff pack?
my first ever was sims 2 glamour life stuff pack when i was a kid. if we're talking sims 3, i believe the first pack i got was generations, which is still my favourite sims pack ever.
do you pronounce live mode like aLIVE or LIVing?
i pronounce it LIVE, always have as far as i know.
who's your favourite sim that you've made?
well, its gotta be elodie honestly. she and eli are the longest sims i have ever had and i love them both dearly. in the sims 4, its gotta be my girl pippa. before tumblr? i had this family called the moretti's, i miss them and i think about them way too often. i loved them all.
have you made a simself?
oh yeah. loads of times. i think ive shared my sims 3 and sims 4 variations on tumblr (but they look really weird tbh). i love making myself, cause then i can wear all these clothes i cant afford in real life.
favourite ea hair
im with aimee on this one.
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im mostly joking, but usually sims 3 hairs are a no go for me, except for some store ones and the hairs that are pulled back into buns always look really nice. for sims 4, only the newer ones. the older ones are not for me.
favourite life stage?
young adult. i feel like you can always do more with young adult sims and you have so much more time (except in sims 1 i believe?and sims 2 only if u went to uni?? idk). 90% of my sims are forever young adults because i love that life stage so much.
are you a builder or are you in it for the gameplay?
mate ive been trying to build for donkeys years to no avail. so im almost always in it for the gameplay.
are you a cc creator?
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA BAHAHAHA HA once upon a time bro maybe. your girl tries to be, but uni is a pain in my bottom, and sims 3 loves making my life difficult.
do you have any simblr friends or a sim squad?
somehow i do?? more friends then irl anyway. the girl gang is @thesimperiuscurse , @lazysunjade & @amuhav these 3 have put up with me despite my crazy personality for an incredibly amount of time and i love them all dearly. but i have so many friends on here its crazy (more than 3 people its incredible!). obviously they havent seen my real personality yet. besties include: @catharsim , @plumbobem , @johziii , @rollo-rolls , @moonsonnet , oh gosh im forgetting people I AM SO SORRY I LOVE U ALL SO MUCH
do you have any sims merch?
bro i wish, but no money. spent it all on anno 1800. no regrets.
do you have a youtube for sims?
i believe formally i do, but i dont post anything. i do have some ideas if i ever wanted to, but my adhd brain couldnt cope being consistent so i probably never will.
how has your "sims style" changed throughout your years of playing?
as in sims or gameplay? idk ill talk about both. gameplay wise, not much, except im weirdly a lot more controlling then i was over my sims WHOOPS. but i still cant get passed gen 2 so that hasn't changed. but i still prefer family gameplay, probably always will. and challenges, always challenges. sims wise? a lot.
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this is one of the earliest sims i have photo evidence of. this was in 2018 i believe?
whose your favourite cc creator?
the people that are the cause of most of my cc obsession are @kerriganhouse , @rollo-rolls , @johziii , @joojconverts & @martassimsbookcc and probably a few more but mind blank
how long have u had simblr?
since 2020. one of the longest things ive ever committed to.
how do you edit your pictures?
with my blood, sweat and tears. im not joking, a lot of sweat and tears goes on when im editing.
what expansion/gamepack is your faveourite?
of all time? generations, no doubt in my mind. i never had any sims 1 or sims 2 expansions, so i never got to experience those unfortunately. generations was perfection though. i mean, boarding school? lifesaver. also led to the best sims series of all time: lifesimmer's generations. for sims 4 though? probably get together, purely because of the world.
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kyistell · 2 months
Headcanon time because my tag paragraphs get shorted to nada and I didn't realize
Okay I'm a dumbass and didn't ever realize or notice that tumblr has a tag cap, because at least to my knowledge it does not tell you that you've hit a limit. So I shall rant about a kinda dumb headcanon I have for the states.
Warning: This bitch is longer than I thought it would be, you have been warned!!
ALRIGHT SO. The way I tend to draw the height for states is based off of two things, their state size and vibes, this is however excluded for the OG13 and then some.
This rule-ish not applying to them is because they all have actual families. Now you may be thinking "What the hell does that mean" and I am so glad you asked.
I haven't really talked about outside of the headcanon things but both New Jersey and New York have families, NJ his moms and technically the devil from the bible, NY his grandparents.
This also goes for the rest of the OG13, they all have families that while those who raised them aren't around anymore that family line still is. This is to the exception of Maryland because he is somehow even farther from being human than states normally are.
Anyway because of this, the OG13 heights are not based in state size, instead it is technically a strange mix between family genes and land size, only technically because those like Mass and Virginia are both taller(mass) and shorter(ginny) than one would assume based on state size. It's basically a ruelette on whether or not you get genes over state size and somehow Rhode STILL managed to be short as hell, bro rolled wrong TWICE XD.
Now it should be interesting to note that it's pretty much only the OG13 that have weird height despite the few other states who have family are locked to their state size. This would include Texas, Louisiana, both the Dakotas, Utah, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Alabama, and Minnesota Wisconsin and Michigan- I see these three at least somewhat related in some way shape or form so thats why they are together like that.
So despite states out side of the OG13 having actual human families they are related to, it's only the OG13 that aren't state size locked and there could be some reasons for this.
For one it could be that colonies more or less aren't locked to their size, mainly because colonies can mix and it's shown quite a lot in history that there were no firm lines between colonies. So it would make sense that when the states (then colonies) were growing up they weren't locked to the size of the colony and rather just their family genes.
It could also be that because they were already adult age (or close to it) it was too far for weird border magic to effect them since they were too old and such. This would make sense and work well with this idea that the other states with families outside of the OG13 are sized locked because their borders were a lot clearer by the time they were older.
Another reason could be because they all have families, which yes doesn't make much sense but here me out. All of them excluding NJ and Maryland had normal human families, it could be that because they had families they were only labeled as personified states once the country became a country. This doesn't mean that they weren't already personifications, just that you have to be labeled a state for border size to take effect, however once again since they were all already adults or almost adults, it wouldn't take effect.
And the final reason I can think of could just be that they were a special case, considering the fact that (if I'm remembering correctly) there aren't personification of the Canadian provinces in canon. It very well could be that yes normally states whether they have family or not are state sized locked, but since they would have been a special case in that there weren't personification like them before that the magic creating state personifications was newly born and didn't have rules yet. This would also explain why they would have families to begin with, the magic had to pick those who lived there to be those personifications, meaning they originally human. The only real problem with this one is the fact that states outside of them have families, however this could be explained, it could have been a lack of people in the area to build a personification from, it also could have been in the southern states case that because family is pretty important there, it made sense to chose those from families instead while still keeping the rules in place.
Now this is a whole lot and it kind of sounds like I've gone insane thinking about this but honestly this is mainly just me typing before I think lol. Is it clear that I needed a reason as to why some states are not close to their state size, because I feel like it is.
I do want to say that the states do have some control over their height, Texas could get taller but it would feel wrong and that goes for most already tall states, it's vice versa for the smaller states who may already be at their height cap by default. I'm not super sure if the OG13 should be able to change their height slightly, mainly because they are all more human to an extent than the other states, of course ignoring whatever the hell Mary is and the fact that NJ is related to the devil from the bible because lord knows those two are not as close (or close at all in Mary's case) to being human like their fellow states with families.
Now height isn't super important but I feel it can explain some dynamics people may have. If you have a tall friend and a short friend, theres gonna be a lot of short jokes. Two short friends and it's a whole lot of complaining about not being able to reach anything. Two tall friends and it's either complaining about feeling claustrophobic in lower ceilings or feeling like your god because your taller than everyone. Two friends of the exact same height and it will always be a competition to see who is truly taller (it's neither but their in denial).
You have to think about these things when making characters because it can effect the dynamic, obviously not by much but still, it's important to know. So while this might seem like far to much thinking when it's literally just a funny internet series that was the only way you knew the news during covid, I find it important. Sure I may never actually write a proper fic and I will probably really only stick to my funny lil drawings, it feels important.
My drawings are like snippets to what happens in the day to day crazy-ness in either the Statehouse or just with the states, thus it is important to me that I have their heights to how I have my headcanons set up when drawing. It's small details like that, that convey a story when drawing without doing an actual comic, it brings life when I know my drawings can be a little stiff, it's about the story and maybe that's just the writer within me talking but I don't care XD.
Basically I just like having some sort of reason as to why the heights for the OG13 aren't consistent with their state size when I draw them. What can I say, I'm a dork :D.
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hollywoods-angel · 10 months
actually insane storytime
so my other account is on classic rock tumblr. there was a little discord server, but i never joined it becuz i refuse to use discord. anyways my friend sent a joke i'd made and someone just went "thats supicious...." THEY THOUGHT I WAS A GROOMER
so my other friends in the gc were like "she's literally 14" so the ppl in server said there was no shot becuz no one is that young on tumblr. then my friend got scared (she got doxxed one time by a longtime mutual so she had anxiety) and she brought up i ran a coquette blog, which they said was another red flag. i'd said i was biracial before, but they thought being biracial means you're black + white, which i'm not, i'm asian + white. so my friend told them i'd mentioned being bengali and they said there were "holes in my story"....
so she sent them my @ and most of them were following me and they were like "omg i can't believe this :(" and they made the "reveal" a whole meme in their server, got my friend to block me, and the reveal got second place on the server's poll for their most 'iconic moments.' i messaged that friend on another blog asking if i made her mad/why she blocked me and the server was like "omg girly stay safe she's obsessed with u"
i was 14 and they were all 17/18 so thats rlly fun and fresh! also i never even dmed ppl except for my friend (17) another person (20s) and another person (30s) so how tf would i be grooming someone older than me and two adults LMAO- but yeah they thought i was a middle aged man posing as a girl so that's just great
but my friend deleted her account, came back and we're all good now. but yeah- i got accused of being a creep pretending to be 14 LMFAO
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prettypleasedad · 6 days
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Hi guys, I'm back, if you were following yespleasedad, that was ME!
A bit about myself, if you care:
I just turned 18 in March! I'm Indian but my mother adopted me as a baby so I'm basically the least asian looking asian you'll ever meet. If you talk to me, normally or kinky, please do not bring up my mom, she's asexual and can't have kids so anything in that realm gets annoying, rude, and weird; quick!
I've moved around a bunch because of my mom's job. I've lived in Dubai, London, San Francisco, New York, but I recently moved to OC and I love love love it! Even though I'm on here, I do love school, I'm a huge nerd. I love gymnastics and dancing, which means I'm super flexible! I am super extroverted, I love being the center of attention! I love parties, im unfortunately a huge party girl! (I love drunk dancing and also ketamine, ecstasy, coke and Molly!!) I love shopping and I love makeup and dressing up, looking cute and slutty is a 24/7 absolute necessity! <3
The picture in my profile is me, albeit I went crazy with spray tan before my birthday lol. I think that apart from my body, my best features are my big green eyes, full lips, and dimples. I'm 4'11, have a cute pear shape (re: fat ass), and I'm 93 pounds, which means I'm super duper skinny. Between my very perfect thigh gap, I have an extremely fat pussy - if I sexted you on my last account count yourself very lucky lol. I have perky 32C boobies with small nipples that I recently got pierced! I also got my tongue pierced at the same time, and have my nose and belly pierced too! (PS, I don't wear bras and I recently switched from panties to g strings and skimpy string thongs that I can pull up and show off, plus they barely cover my pussy which is fun to flash)
‼️ I recently discovered I love taking nudes and sexting, and I do want to start making adult content in the very near future! My mom is aware, I tell her literally everything (well, except for when I’m sneaking out to party or hook up with my gf or older men lol). She’s a bit disappointed and not happy but, as long as I get my degree she said I can do whatever I want! Still, my last Tumblr that was getting very popular, got terminated, idk if it's because of my tags, my reblog, or my nudes, so idk if I can send pics or gifs of me playing with myself this time around :(
🥰I recently lost my virginity (gay and straight in the same night lol, on my birthday a month ago) and am really new to non vainilla sex and porn, please be nice!🥰
I love love love kissing!
pleasing - I'll do whatever you want me to do if it makes you proud of me
older men (28-55; I especially like salt and pepper hair and tall fit men old enough or older than my mom)
daddy/daughter // stepdad/stepdaughter
sneaking around and doing things I shouldn't
risky/public sex
exibitionism + getting caught
Having sex/being used in front of people
free use
Objectify me
Being told how much of a disappointment I am to my parents because I’m such a needy desperate slut
Cnc (maybe!)
pregnancy risk/ breeding
Being gay for male attention
light degradation + praise
Just some bonuses:
Dad >>> daddy
I know I said dk t bring up my mom, but I mean don’t talk about fucking her. It’s gross. I do however wonder how accepting she is of me wanting to make porn and be a teen mom… so you can certainly bring that up!
I love riding, I really like to bounce and grinding 🥹
I'm high-key into really BIG white cocks, but I also like Arab guys
I love an age gap, parade me around in public and then grope me in front of everyone
I love sucking dick so so much
I want to be a mom really soon. My mom knows, she's lowkey okay with it. maybe because of her family being mormon so all her sisters had kids super young(?)
I wanna cockwarm and breastfeed my dad
I’d love to be used randomly mid conversation or action with other people just minding their business in the same room (like dad’s talking to his friend and bending me over atst)
I'm not gay, but I do hook up with one of my besties a lot lol (I love scissoring what can I say lol)
I want to make NSFW content! (I recently made a video with a girl which I showed to this daddy I've been hooking up with and he really liked it!)
I really like having my nipples sucked
I want an older bf who will kinda like turn me into the ideal version of a woman. Like pick out what I wear, how I do my makeup, what I eat, how I act. I want to be sexy for dad
I can have multiple orgasms, and I get really wet pretty quickly, so I end up masturbating like twice a day, oopsie
✨ I am a princess, I do not like abusive talk or really dark degradation! I am sensitive and will freak out lol
Hard No‼️
pedos and agedly that involves anything under being a fully consenting 18+ person
my mom being brought up while we are actively role playing (that is an automatic block)
For the daddies on here:
I never had a father. My mother is a white mormon, who tries her best and I absolutely adore her. But I really need some positive male influence in my life hehe! You should defiently reach out if you want to help me with:
I'm fatherless and need a positive male role model to teach me how I deserve to be treated
I'm fatherless so I really need someone to give me 24/7 attention to make up for 18 years of not having a dad
I'm fatherless, so my daddy issues are at a thousand percent and I tend to be a brat who needs to be put in her place
I'm fatherless so I need to be spoiled with affection like a princess
I'm fatherless and a people pleaser so I'll do anything to be a good girl
I'm fatherless, and I'm indecisive so I need a daddy to make decisions for me and tell me exactly what a good girl should do
I'm fatherless so I need someone to practice all the things my mom can't help me with
I’m fatherless and need a daddy to help me practice kissing and touching, how to suck and make my daddy hard. I need a daddy to show me how my body should be worshipped/treated/used and how my unprotected pussy should be ready to take all of daddy’s cum like the best fatherless daughter ever
Also! My blog is a safe space I have no room here for:
homophobes and transphobes
Israelis and zionists
If that's a problem BYE‼️
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