#exasperation) i have to do everything for you. hes so funny he loves his brother
dirt-str1der · 1 month
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#and its the only listed entry for his relationships ?#does he not talk or interact with anyone else in the series ?#Trigun loveblog#he loves vash#damien do nooootttt read this this is spoilersd#it makes me smile so much that the entry is written like this because they could easily have said something like ...#'theyre siblings with an intense rivalry stemming from their difference in ideology' but no its straight to the point#like yeah knives really did make that face when he saw the scars. and yeah he did scream in rage and grief when vash was slowly dying#and yeah vash was the one who gave him the will to live again and yeah knives is the reason vash is alive#like seriously whatever#i mean of course vash is the reason knives lost everything and knives is the reason vash is constantly putting his life in danger#this and the way knives gently hands vash a gun and tells him to shoot someone in stampede is so funny#hes like whats wrong ? (gentle) go on and do it (reassuring) and when vash is shaking too much and lowers the gun hes like (fond sigh of#exasperation) i have to do everything for you. hes so funny he loves his brother#and what right does knives have to be calling vash his little brother in the manga. you two were conceived in the same instant chill ...#im just very glad that loving vash is one of knives core personality traits and the other is being evil. its not trigun if your brother#isnt about to burn the whole world down just to create paradise for the two of you. and i cannot get enough of how one sided it is at the#start like the first thing knives does after they crash land is to attempt to help vash stand. the second thing he does is beat the hell out#of vash because hes annoying and whiny. and vash has tried to kill knives so many times but in the end he just cant do it#knives has been on the other side of his barrel so many times and so many times vash would get mad at him and then fail to pull the trigger#its so cutee theyre beautiful twin boys ... exactly the same height ... sorry im just happy again that tessla is in stampede
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would you like to find out pt. 2 (diabolik lovers modern college au)
pairing: ayato sakamaki x yui komori (feat. kanato and laito)
summary: everything started with a reckless, "I wanna know how it feels like to date."
themes: mostly humor with mentions of nsfw
note: part 1 here
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Ayato absentmindedly playing and picking on his food was a rare sight, and it irritated Kanato as it ruins his appetite first thing in the morning. He had been doing it since the whole blonde-dream-girl-he-met-at-a-party-run-off-from-him-the-next-day-after-they-had-sex fiasco. Of course, he endured his brothers teasing him to no end, saying how he got dumped for the first time after a one-night stand (because it was rare; like hello, Ayato Sakamaki, the IT boy of Ryoutei University, the infamous college basketball champion.) It wasn't until the jokes don't sound funny anymore and Ayato wasn't eating takoyaki that Kanato and Laito believed this girl must be some serious shit.
And Kanato, being the prick he is, decided to stab his bacon and eggs so loudly in the morning, uncaring if Laito was staring between his older brothers awkwardly. While the concern was there, Kanato can't help but get irritated at Ayato's constant wistful and hopeless romantic longing.
Ugh. Love and all the neuro-shit.
"U-Umm..." Laito started, feeling Kanato's patience slip away, "Ayato-kun, aren't you going to eat-"
"Let him starve himself over some girl who dumped him," Kanato cut in, the stabbing motions not ceasing anytime soon. How dare he anger him? If that's what he wants, then that's what he'll get.
But Ayato was stubborn. Laito gulped nervously at that.
Oh, no.
Kanato slammed his fists on the table. "Okay, what do you want? Just say anything because I am getting sick and tired of your endless moping."
Ayato sighed again, stopping from his usual ministrations. "You can't help me. You don't know her."
Kanato huffed. "Bullshit. We already saw her leave the day after, remember."
"But you don't know where to find her," Ayato countered to which Laito found himself agreeing with.
To be fair, they don't know anything about this mysterious Yui Komori girl. But if they were to have first impression guesses, the girl seemed the honest yet clueless type. She also has the good girl type, the obedient one who always follows her parents' bidding because she is good like that.
However, the girl attended the party in their house and spent that one night with Ayato. That new information doesn't match their impression. Nonetheless, this Yui Komori can quite be a breath of fresh air. After all, this would be the first time Ayato flirted with a girl from the university since all his exes came from different schools.
"So this Bitch-chan has the curiosity of a cat, after all," Laito mused teasingly. "Not a goody two shoes, I see."
"I've asked random people from my course if they know someone called Yui Komori, but they don't seem to recognize one," Ayato said bitterly.
"Hmm... Ayato-kun, what if she's not really studying in Ryoutei University?"
"Nah, that's impossible." The redhead frowned. There's no way Yui would lie to him about studying in Ryoutei. Besides, the only ones invited to their party were people from the university.
"Well, I guess we could just help you look for this Yui Komori," Laito offered with a beaming smile because if this is what it takes for Ayato to stop his endless sighing over hopeless longings, then so be it. Then he turned to Kanato, giving him the "help me out here or else I'll do something despicable to your belongings" look.
Kanato only sighed in exasperation.
What a drag.
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It took four days before Laito informed Ayato something about Yui Komori. It happened one day while he was seeing this one random girl he hooked up with from the Philosophy Department. After their intense sex, she mentioned something along the lines of: "I know that girl. She never skips all the classes. But Laito-kun, she's a bit boring, though? Are you sure you're looking for the right girl?"
And another fun fact: Laito had the same class with the Komori girl at 3pm every Tuesdays.
So Ayato became Laito's substitute, sitting in an unfamiliar class with brand new faces. He looked around for any sign of pale blonde hair and flower hairpins and pink until he spotted her. She was careless and lively, giggling at something her classmates said. Afterwards, the class started, the professor making his usual roll call.
"Sakamaki Laito?"
Ayato raised his hand. "Here."
The professor didn't care, but some of the students whispered, "Eh? But that's not Laito, though. It's the Ayato one."
At the mention of his name, Yui whipped her head back and saw Ayato, sitting five rows away from her. She immediately turned away and tried to shrink from his presence.
What's he doing here?
Once classes ended, Yui quickly got out of her seat and rushed towards the door, letting the crowd of students from the hallway take her until Ayato couldn't see her anymore. Ayato sighed in defeat. It was a one-time chance, and yet he failed.
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"So what now?" Laito asked, munching on his salted caramel popcorn as he watched this new movie he rented with Kanato at their living room. "You'll have to wait for Tuesday to see her again."
"I don't have time for that," Ayato countered. "My practice schedule has been moved to Tuesday next week."
Kanato buried his face into Teddy's head, hugging the stuffed bear closer. "We could ask Reiji to give us a copy of her schedule. He's doing an assistant teacher job until next month," he suggested, then he remembered, "Nah. It's a bad idea. As if Reiji would let us know someone's class schedule. He abides by the rule."
"Looks like there goes your hopes and dreams, Ayato-kun," Laito remarked in despair.
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Or so they thought.
Why? Because Kanato passed by Yui Komori in the hallway on Thursday. What's more? Her class is held at room 403 from 1pm to 5pm.
He knew because he skipped one of his minor classes and see where this blonde girl will move. He even approached one of her classmates and pretended he was quite interested, making some nonsensical flirtatous remarks on her because the girl looked so easy.
"O-O-Oh that?" the poor girl tucked her hair behind her ear and shyly handed out her class schedule. "Y-You can check it; I don't mind. As long as we see each other after this."
As if Kanato will let that happen.
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Ayato was chugging on one of his water bottles in the kitchen when Kanato approached him and said, "I saw your dream girl today."
The redhead stopped at that, turning all his focus on the middle triplet. "Where?"
Suddenly, Kanato whipped out his phone and typed something. Afterwards, Ayato's phone beeped and when he opened it, he received a picture of a class schedule.
"I met a girl who goes to all same classes with that Yui Komori," Kanato informed. "Make sure to use it wisely or else." Because I am so tired of you being so lovesick as hell.
"O-Oh," Ayato was glad. Finally, he could see her again. "Thanks, Kanato."
"Just buy me two pints of ice cream."
"I want the new biscoff one and the chocolate chip cookie."
"Yeah, yeah. Whatever."
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Yui was bored. Apparently their professor for their 4-hour class this Friday afternoon was absent due to sudden cold. She sighed in her seat, contemplating where she could go since her next class would be for 6 pm onwards.
"U-Umm... Komori-san!" a female classmate called.
"Y-Your boyfriend's calling out for you."
"Eh? Boyfriend?"
Then she saw some of her classmates whispering to each other, glancing briefly at her before going back to their own businesses. Yui decided she should find ot who this mystery boyfriend, although there's only one person that comes to mind.
I hope he's not who I'm thinking.
"Yo, Chichinashi," Ayato greeted, the familiar smirk flashing on him. "It's been a while."
Yui blushed at the familiar nickname, the whispers behind her getting louder.
This was the start of a roller coaster story.
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gracev0609 · 2 months
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I Was Born to Love You - Jake's Version Pt. 3
A gracev0609 / @losfacedevil Collaboration.
A short 3rd chapter to wrap up Jake's Version.
Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, although there isn't anything explicit in this chapter this story is not for anyone under 18, bare torsos.
The house was quiet besides the low hum coming from the tv, Sevda has her legs draped over Jake's lap with Emma in her arms. Jake quietly rubbed Sevda's feet while she fed her her morning bottle.
His gaze fell from Sevda's face to his baby's,”She really is perfect Sevvie. You did so well, baby. I love her so much.”
His fingers danced up her legs, massaging her calf muscles,she sighs and smiles,” I couldn't have done it without you.”
Comfortable silence fell between the two of them and Jake peers at the clock on the wall,” What time is your mom bringing Jade back?”
“Probably around noon, they're only getting breakfast and going to the park. Your brothers are getting here at One?”
“Yeah, they are. I'm excited for her uncles to meet her. I'm doing it the right way this time.”
Sevda chuckles gently as she moves Emma in her arms to burp her against the cloth on her shoulder. Jake watches in awe as she maneuvers gracefully like it's second nature. She catches his stare,”What?”
“Nothing, you just look good like that. You're a great Momma Sev.”
She blushes, the apples of her cheeks reddening,” Do you wanna be a good Dad and change her for me?”
Nerves erupt in his stomach, he hasn't quite gotten this step down yet and he doesn't want to mess up.
“Can you help me? I don't want to do it wrong.”
“Of course I can help you.” She hands him his little pink baby, to which he cradles her to his chest. He offers her a hand to help her up from the couch, her body still sore. She leads him to the changing table and gets out wipes and a new diaper. He still can't get over how tiny everything is, her diapers look more like they could fit a doll versus his daughter. Gently, as if she's made of glass he places her down on the table, and unfastens the sides of her soiled diaper.
Sev hands him a wipe and instructs him what to do. As he's cleaning her, Sevda starts to giggle.
“What could possibly be so funny right now? I'm literally cleaning baby shit.”
“Check your stank face Dad, it's not that bad!”
He realizes he's subconsciously clenching his jaw and scrunching his nose.
“It's pretty bad Sev. I wasn't exactly looking forward to wiping butts.”
She shakes her head, continuing to laugh at him. She helps him get her clean and dry, wrapping her up in a new diaper.
“See! You can do it! A couple more times and it'll be routine.”
He fixes her onesie before picking her back up, placing a few kisses to her little head.
“Daddy's got ya, right Emma? We'll figure it all out with Momma's help.”
A knock at the door retrieves them from their little bubble they've been in since Jade got home. He gets up and starts towards the door, looking back at the couch where Sevda is holding Emma with Jade gently petting her head. Once he opens the door he's met with Josh and his family, Sam and Danny, everyone arriving at the same time.
“Come in! Come in, she's still awake.”
One by one Jake's family makes their way into his home, not before giving him a bone crushing hug as they cross the threshold.
The group is led into the living room, where Jade scrambles from the couch excited to see everyone,”Come on! Come meet Emma Mae! She's my sister!”
Jake picks at his fingernail,”Sammy should go first, don't ya think?”
A somewhat smug grin forms on Sam's lips,” Oh? So I'm good enough to meet this baby before she turns five?”
An exasperated sigh blows from Jake's mouth and Sam laughs,”You know I had to put that out there!’
Jake locks eyes with Sam as he subtly scratches his nose with his middle finger, secretly giving him a ‘fuck you’ without giving Jade any ideas.
Sevda calls,”Come here Sammy, come sit with us.”
As he rounds the corner she watches him melt taking in the tiny form of his big brothers baby.
His voice is so soft as he sits down,” Hi Em… She's so beautiful Sevda,” His smile stretches from ear to ear,” I'm your Uncle Sammy.”
The rest of them take up space in the surrounding couches watching as Sevda deposits Emma into Sam's arms. He looks up at her with wide eyes, almost surprised she's letting him hold her tiny baby. She pets his hair back,” You've got her Sam, I trust you, nothing is going to happen.”
He looks down at the bundle in his arms,” She's so small, Halina wasn't this small.”
“Halina was a few weeks older when you met her. They grow pretty fast.”
He looks down at the little pink baby swaddled in his arms, his eyes tracing her features. The soft brown baby hairs on her head, her little eyebrows, and her button nose. He commits the image of Jake's baby girl to his memory.
After a little while Josh gets impatient, eager for his turn. Josh picks up the baby from Sam's arms, switching places on the couch.
“Hi sweetheart. You're looking a bit different than the last time I saw you! Not so goopy.”
Sev places her head in her palm,” Ew, Josh. Please.”
She laughs as she sees Sam and Danny's faces curl up in disgust,” You're scaring the poor boys!”
One by one, Emma's aunt and all of her uncles got a chance to hold and meet her. Jake couldn't recall another time where his heart felt quite this full, this is how it was supposed to be, his family and his girls.
“Alright! I'm all ready in here!,” Sam called from the doorway of the den. He had claimed this was the room with the best lighting for the photos, so they cleared Jade's toys away and helped him set up.
Jade came zooming in first, her cream colored dress fluttering behind her,” I'm ready for my photoshoot Uncle Sammy!”
He laughs at her excitement. Jake and Sevda enter the room, also dressed in cream. Her dress is low cut and flowy, and Jake's in his signature button down and linen pants.
Sam exclaims,” Jake! You didn't even dress up!”
He runs his hand down the front of his shirt,” Hey, it's not my fault I already had this when Sev said what colors she wanted us to wear.”
Sam shakes his head and goes back to his camera, adjusting the settings,” Okay so. Sev texted me that we're doing group shots first, and then she wants skin to skin shots for the both of you.”
“Yup that's perfect Sam!” Sevda says, fixing the little bow on the front of Jade's dress.
After numerous poses and some candid shots they were ready to move on to the skin to skin shots. He already had enough pictures to fill a small album, but he knew the next shoot was going to be something special for Jake and Sevda. He needed to do the moment justice. Sevda leaned back against the chaise lounge they had brought in for the pictures. Gingerly she unwraps her baby's cream colored cloth diaper she had put her in and slides down the straps of her dress, one by one taking her arms out.
Jake furrows his brow,” What are you doing Sev?”
She makes a face,sliding her top down to her waist exposing her chest,”Doing the skin to skin pictures?”
“But Sam-”
“Oh come on Jake, it's nothing scandalous! Sam has surely seen tits before. And besides, you've seen more of Y/N!”
Sam whips his head around, looking to Jake,” What do you mean, has seen more of Y/N?!”
“Wait! Do I want to know?”
“Oh my god Sam it's nothing weird! She said I've seen more of her because I was the one who helped her have Halina. Josh was about to pass out and I was back up.”
Sam shakes his head laughing and brings the camera back up to his face capturing a few shots. After a dozen or so he pulls the camera away from his face, flipping out the screen so Jake can see his work.
He looks at the LCD screen, the beauty that was his newborn laying on her mother's chest was artfully captured. The curves and valleys of Sevda's soft chest complimenting the softness of his baby's skin was one of the most beautiful things he's ever seen. Sam has captured them in a way that was truly breathtaking.
“I- I love it… Thank you.”
Satisfied with his answer Sam goes over to Sevda, showing her the outcome of the pictures.
“Sam! That's so beautiful! You made us look so pretty.”
He instructs them to switch, so Jake takes off his shirt, sitting down in the same spot Sev had just inhabited. Sevvie placed Emma down on Jake's smooth, softly sculpted chest and he looks down at her, his hair falling forward.
“Here, let me put your hair back.” She ties his long locks back into a bun at the base of his neck.
After a few clicks of his camera Sam asks if Jake can slide her down a little further so she can rest on his stomach. Emma's warm chubby cheek pressed against Jake's tummy was the focal point of Sam's pictures. He took a few, some close, and some far enough away that he could capture Jake's side profile as he looked at his baby with love in his eyes.
Once finished Sam straightens back up and shows Sevda what he has captured for her.
“Oh! That's perfect!” She points her finger at the screen,” That's the one I'm going to get put on a canvas for the living room. It's gorgeous!”
She cradles the baby into her side, and grasps Jake's hand with the other leading him into the living room.
She drops his hand pointing to the space above the fireplace,”Here would be a perfect spot!”
The smile on his face grows and Sevda continues talking about their pictures and where she wants to put them and all he can think is this is what I've always wanted.
Tag List 🩷 @lipstickitty @joshsindigostreak @myownparadise96 @stayinginthesun @vanfleeter @lyndz2names @takenbythemadness @sinarainbows
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jjkamochoso · 2 months
hii I love your choso stories!
if you haven’t done a story like this already and your requests are open, could you do something about dancing in the kitchen with choso for the first time? I imagine it to be full of giggles because they’re both nervous but in love ahh 🥹
and if you don’t want to, I totally understand! 💖
Hi oh my gosh thank youuuu!!! You’re so sweet🥺❤️🫶 this is such an adorable idea, I hope I do it justice with this! Enjoy :)
Half Curse, Half Human, Whole Lotta Dancing
Choso x gn!reader
Warnings: none
Choso was running late.
He could’ve sworn he planned this better in his head but everything had gotten out of hand.
“Yuji! I need you on cooking duty! I have to shower!”
Choso had a great, lowkey date planned for you and him. He was making dinner, your favorite food you had mentioned on your previous date, but his timing had been off all day. He was tied up earlier helping take down a special grade curse, then all the grocery stores in the area were out of a specific ingredient needed in the dish he was making. When he finally got home to his apartment, it was hours later than he had given himself to start preparing. You were supposed to be over in 20 minutes and he was almost out of time.
“I’m coming, I’m coming! Geez.”
Yuji emerged from the other room, texting with one hand and grabbing the spatula from Choso’s hand with the other.
“I got this, Choso. You go… do whatever you need to do to stop freaking out.”
“Thank you!” the elder brother yelled, hurrying to get ready.
When he was all washed up and dressed, he checked the time. He had 2 minutes left before you were supposed to get there and he breathed a sigh of relief. He really liked you and didn’t want to make a fool of himself, especially so early on in your relationship.
“Food’s good to go. I’m hanging out with Fushiguro and Kugisaki until you’re done. So I might be sleeping over with them if you’re sleeping over with y/n,” Yuji said, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. Choso reached over to punch him, but Yuji was too fast and moved out of the way. Before anything else transpired, they heard a knock at the door.
“Y/n’s here and you need not to be,” Choso said, guiding Yuji to the door and opening it.
“Hey y/n!” Yuji greeted you, “I’d like to stay and talk but my mean older brother is kicking me out.” He extended his lower lip into a pout and you fake scoffed at Choso who was standing in the doorway.
“Big meanie Choso, huh? Don’t worry Yuji, I’ll talk to him for you. Knock some sense into the guy,” you said, ruffling Yuji’s hair.
“Both of you ganging up on me? I should’ve seen this coming,” he said, exasperated, as you and Yuji laughed. The younger brother bid you goodbye as you entered the apartment complex, giving Choso a big hug.
“Mmm! Something smells delicious in here!” you exclaimed, following your nose into the kitchen. Your date trailed behind you, timid about his attempts to woo you with your favorite food.
“I made your favorite,” he said, getting plates together, and your eyes widened in excitement.
“Choso! You shouldn’t have! Thank you so much, this means so much to me!” You gave him another big hug and even though he hadn’t ate yet, he felt full.
“Please, take a seat.” He pulled a chair out for you at the table. “I’ll serve you.”
When he set the plate in front of you, your mouth immediately watered. Tasting it was even better. Dinner was absolutely incredible and you two fell into easy conversation while eating. You spoke about what had happened since the last time you went out, how today was, and swapped funny anecdotes. When dinner was over and dessert was finished, it was time to do dishes.
“Since you cooked such a delicious meal and worked so hard, I’ll do the dishes,” you said, trying to take his plate, but he wouldn’t let you.
“Uh, no way. We’re on a date, it’s only right that I do it all for you. You deserve to rest,” Choso argued.
“You deserve to rest, too! You did all the hard work earlier. Besides, it sounds like today wiped you out. I’d like to help out in any way I can.”
You admired his selflessness and stubborn nature, but sometimes he did too much for other people and not enough for himself.
“Alright. We’ll both do them. I wash, you dry.”
“I wash, you dry, then we have a deal,” you countered. Choso could tell you weren’t backing down and he secretly appreciated your willingness to help him, even if it was something so insignificant as washing dishes. While he cleared the table, you put on some music to help make the chore go by faster. Rolling up your sleeves, you got straight to work. Pan after pan, fork after spoon, you scrubbed away, absentmindedly humming along to whatever song was playing and moving a bit to the beat. You didn’t notice Choso was staring you during all of this. You had put him in an almost trance-like state; he couldn’t get enough of you and the way you moved your body to the music. His heart was pounding in his chest as he thought about the kindness in your gesture of helping him clean up and he wished he could cook for you and wash dishes with you every day for the rest of his life. All of a sudden, he realized he was jealous of the way you, looking so effortlessly attractive and purely bewitching, were holding cutlery instead of him so he decided to do something about it.
“Dance with me,” Choso blurted out, startling you from your task at hand.
“What?” you asked incredulously. Choso was a man of few words, but the ones he chose to use, he spoke with such conviction and earnestness that no one in their right minds could turn him down. You especially, because in this moment, with soap bubbles flying around him and the kitchen light flickering ever so slightly, casting an ethereal glow over him, Choso had never looked more beautiful.
“Dance with me. Please?” His voice wavered on the second request but you had never been more sure of something in your life.
“I would love to.”
Choso took the soapy cutlery out of your hands to be dealt with later while you grabbed hold of both ends of the towel he had around his neck and pulled him in closer to you, smiles lighting up both of your faces. He placed his hands on your waist and you inadvertently jumped at the feeling of his still-wet skin, water slowly trickling down your sides.
“I’m sorry! I forgot to wipe them off,” he confessed sheepishly, pink tinging his cheeks while he anxiously used the dish towel that lay around his shoulders. You smirked deviously.
“I’m so getting you back for that!” In a flash, you reached behind him to scoop some leftover bubbles from the sink. The iridescent spheres now had a new home on the slope of his nose. All of a sudden, you both started giggling at the absurdity of it all as Choso took you back in his arms to sway to the music. He hadn’t had much experience dancing, much less with someone else, but thankfully, watching all those romantic comedies with Yuji had finally paid off as he had learned the basics of what to do. You were a mix of emotions as Choso gently indicated for you to do a little spin—nervousness, of course, was something you felt, but at the same time, you had never been more comfortable in your life. He had such a way of making butterflies appear in your stomach but an instant later it was like they were freed, flying far away and leaving no indication that they were ever there in the first place. As you spun back in and felt his gentle grip return to your body, you noticed that neither of you could help the big grins that wouldn’t fade from your faces.
“God, we’re so cheesy, aren’t we?” you laughed, “it’s like we’re in a movie or something.”
“If this was a movie, I’d give it a 5 star review on Letterboxd.”
You raised your eyebrow at him.
“You know about Letterboxd? You’ve been hanging out with Yuji too much.”
“You’re right, I have been. I’d like to spend more of my time with you, if you’ll have me.”
You broke his gaze, looking away shyly while exploding internally. Nervous Choso was adorable, sure, but this smooth version of him was certainly a force to be reckoned with. The upbeat tempo of the current song faded out and was replaced by a slow melody. Both of you tensed up, unsure of how the other was feeling.
“Do you… want to keep dancing? I know I do.” You hated how meek your voice sounded but you were so desperate to continue your romantic evening with Choso. Luckily for you, it seemed he had run out of suave comebacks— he was absolutely craving the chance to keep you so close to him so he nodded eagerly to your question.
“Y-yeah, I do too.”
You shuffled in closer to him as you two settled into a slow, steady rhythm. If your face felt warm, rest assured, his was BLAZING hot. Choso had dreamt of the moment he could slow dance with someone near and dear to his heart and now that it was finally here, he couldn’t wait to savor the experience. He wished he could bottle his memory of this dance, how radiant you looked, your e/c eyes filled with adoration as they found solace in his own deep brown eyes. If he died tomorrow, he’d die as the luckiest man in the world for having shared this dance with you. Your thoughts were mirroring his as well. There was nothing that could’ve made this night any better. Feeling Choso’s loving embrace, seeing him look upon you with such fondness— it was better than anything you had dreamt up all those nights thinking about him. As the song came to an end and the playlist was over, you two barely noticed, too enraptured in each other, love and yearning practically oozing out of you both. You noticed yourselves leaning in even closer, noses grazing and gazes never faltering until Choso’s eyes flickered to your lips and back up as yours did the same.
“May I kiss you?” he practically whispered, not wanting to ruin the tender moment.
“Please do,” you mumbled, equally as quiet, and Choso wasted no time placing his plush lips on yours. It took all of your strength and willpower not to have your knees buckle and melt into a puddle on the kitchen floor as he expertly slotted his mouth onto your own. Your hands moved into his hair, tugging slightly, but not ruining his perfectly placed buns, and he let out a content groan. In return, his hands found their way up your back as he held you tight, leaving a trail of goosebumps in his wake. When you eventually broke out of your loving embrace for air, you both felt flushed and out of breath, almost panting from your now swollen lips. Feeling giddy, you and Choso started giggling again, grateful to have shared such an intense yet gentle natured kiss. As you were catching your breath, you lifted your fingertips to softly trace Choso’s mark on his face, his eyes fluttering shut once more, relishing your touch.
“You’re so beautiful,” you muttered, really taking in all of his features as you admired him up close. He had surprisingly long eyelashes that rested on his pale skin. The dark circles around his eyes were prominent and ever so enticing. If you could only choose one thing to remember for the rest of your life, you think it would have to be what you’re experiencing right now because it truly felt like heaven on earth. It didn’t matter if you were in an apartment kitchen with layers of peeling paint around you or if you were in the Palace of Versailles—Choso was the most exquisite thing you could’ve ever laid your sight on.
“You stole my line,” he replied cheekily, a kind smile seemingly permanently etched into his features. You gave him a playful tap on the chest, rolling your eyes.
“Fine. I’ll be beautiful, you’ll be irresistible. Deal?”
“That hardly seems fair to you, darling, but it’ll do for now.” He shot you a wink and you could’ve sworn your heart stopped then and there.
“Dancing with you was fun, we should take a class for our next date! Maybe salsa?” he suggested.
The only salsa you were interested in was the one that goes on chips, but there was no way you could turn down his big puppy eyes. You just hoped he would buy sturdy shoes with a solid toe—you were going to be stepping on them a lot next time you hung out!
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softboynick · 5 months
word count: 1055 | firstprince, fluff, post-rwrb
Making History
#meetcute #love #romance #relationships #brooklyn #couplegoals #streetinterview
“Excuse me. Excuse me. Sorry. Are you two a couple?”
They’ve been living in New York long enough that people have stopped ogling them on the street. A former prince and the son of a U.S. president, they blended into the city seamlessly, like they had always belonged there. New York was home. The brownstone tucked away in Brooklyn was home. The nightly walks with their dear David were home. They were home . They nearly ignore the man and keep on walking—weirder things have happened in New York—but the question does intrigue them and stop them in their tracks. 
“Uh, yes,” Alex answers with a grin. He glances over at Henry, who sends him a questioning look as if asking him why they had stopped. Alex simply shrugs in reply - he can’t help it, and they don’t have anywhere else to be soon. He turns back to the stranger holding the phone. “Yes, yes. We’re together. Wait- I know you guys. I love you guys.” He laughs and the man joins in with a quick ‘thank you.’ “Baby, this is the guy who runs the Instagram account I was telling you about the other day. Meet Cutes NYC.” 
“Yes, that’s us. Would you mind telling me a quick story of how you two first met?”
The question sparks a moment of laughter between the two men. As bizarre as it is, being asked by a complete stranger about how they met, it leaves them giddy because of course they would want to share their love to the whole wide world. And if they had to do it through someone else’s Internet content, so be it.
“Uh, sure.”
They stumble over each other, causing another fit of giggles to erupt between them. 
“It all started with a cake,” Alex says.
“And the rest is history,” Henry finishes.
Alex smirks. “History, huh?” 
Henry shakes his head, a wide smile brightening his face, and turns back to the man, who was still happily recording them. “There was cake involved, but it really started back at this climate conference in Australia. It’s funny.” He chuckles. “Back then, we hated each other. Or at least, this one-” He gives Alex a gentle nudge with his elbow. “-hated me.”
“It’s not my fault I thought you wanted to get rid of me,” Alex interjects with a laugh, which causes Henry to roll his eyes.
“I never said-” Henry starts in fond exasperation. It was clear that they’ve had this argument many times, but the years spent together had softened the hard edges into something they could joke about. “I told Shaan I needed to get out of there, which had nothing to do with you, love. You see, I was going through a, let’s just say, a difficult time with my family, and I was being a right prick to everyone, so you could probably see how that played out when I first met him.” 
“He looked at me like I was a piece of gum stuck on the bottom of his shoe, and I swore to never speak with him again.”
“Always with the dramatics, darling.”
“You know you love it, sweetheart.”
“I was already halfway in love with him. I mean, how could I not be? But past circumstances had made it, er, quite difficult to let him know how I felt, but as you can see,” Henry holds up their intertwined hands, “we’ve cleared the air since then. Got our heads out of our arses. Though, we did nearly cause an entire international incident to happen in the process.” 
“And that is where the cake comes in,” Alex adds, rather unhelpfully. 
“Yes, yes. The cake. At my brother’s wedding. He was rightfully pissed.” Henry laughs. “What was everyone calling it back then?” 
“Ah, yes. A scandal for the ages.” 
“And a very sticky one at that.” 
“What’s your favorite thing about each other?”
“Do you want to take this one first, baby?” 
Henry’s grin turns a bit wistful as he looks down at their hands, the glint of gold peeking through their fingers. “My favorite thing about him is his selflessness. He’s so loving and caring, and he just puts his all into everything that he does. He’s such an amazing person, and I- I just love how he loves and accepts me for who I am. We’ve come a long way to get to the place where we are now, and I’m just so glad that he’s been with me through all of it.” 
Alex is a little teary-eyed when Henry looks at him. “Oh, god. How am I supposed to compete with that?” He laughs. “I love his smile, his laugh, his dry sense of humor, and how my entire world just stops when he enters a room, but I think my favorite thing about is just how brave he is. He has such a big, kind, beautiful heart. He always stands up for what is right, and it just inspires me to do better and be better. He makes me a better person.” 
“What’s your biggest pet peeve?”
“His cold feet,” Alex smirks. 
Henry rolls his eyes. “He always likes to play lawyer with me to get out of things, like doing the dishes.”
“What are you both excited about for the future?”
They share a look with each other, smiles growing soft even though there are years of love lighting up in their eyes. 
“Spending the rest of my life loving him, and just to keep loving one another. We just got married a couple months ago, so we have an entire lifetime of adventures to spend together,” Alex says, releasing Henry’s hand to curl an arm around him instead. He rests his hand in the divot of his waist like a puzzle piece slotting into place and presses a quick kiss to the corner of his mouth. It’s a struggle to contain his smile. “And I can’t wait.” 
“Oh! Congratulations.”
“Thank you,” Henry smiles, leaning into Alex’s embrace. “As for me, I’m excited to hear his laughter every day and see his smile in the morning every time I wake up. We only have this one life, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of it with him.” 
“And lastly, what are your names?”
“I’m Henry.”
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beedlemania · 4 months
do you have any thoughts on mike and the other boys taking care of davy when he’s all baby?
Of course I do!
Taking care of Davy makes Mike feel needed. As exasperated as he is when the guys get into trouble, he loves being their leader and helping them because it gives him a sense of purpose. As the older brother of many (according to monkee mother), Mike always finds himself doting on the others. They obviously look to him when they’re in trouble but for the little things, Peter just lets it happen but Micky always protests because ‘I am a legal adult, Mike’. Davy on the other hand, is like the holy grail for Mike because Davy needs doting on. He’ll help him do all the little things like brush his teeth and button his shirt. At first Davy pretends he’s going along with it for Mikes sake but he finds himself relying on Mike when he goes baby. Davy’s always clinging to Mike, holding his hand, attaching himself to his leg, getting a piggyback ride, or grabbing onto his arm. It helps Mike feel grounded and he gets less negative thoughts when Davy’s hanging out of him because he’s physical proof Mike is wanted and needed.
The Monkees have a plethora of bath toys but… no bath. Whenever Mike thinks Davy needs some sensory play he’ll get out a big bowl and fill it with water and bubbles and put the toys in and let Davy play. They sometimes do this out on the beach with a hole of seawater Micky digs but it gets them a few odd looks. Davy loves playing with water the same way he loves playing with sand (like that one scene that I’m pretty sure made it into the season one theme where he’s just running sand through his hands).
The little kid costumes (Monkees mind their manor, monkee vs machine, captain crocodile, Goldilocks sometimes) are clothes that Davy just wears sometimes. When he’s all baby one of the other guys will pick out his outfit and help him get dressed. Davy can do it by himself but he likes the others pampering him. He also puts up a fuss and refuses to put his arms through the holes because he thinks it’s funny.
Like @androcola ‘s posts (that I think were based off an ask by @scoobydoomidnightblue ), the Monkees have communal naptimes. I think this mainly stemmed from Davy needing a nap but refusing so the others had to pretend it was for their own benefit as well (they do love it though). I think even when he’s all baby, Davy’s still stubborn as ever so he’ll protest all kinds of care but love it really. He’ll enter a room silently, all ready in his jammies with his blanket in his hands, and the other guys are like ‘nap time!! Everyone down!’ And they all cuddle and fall asleep.
Peter takes care of Davy a lot more than the others expect him to. Peter loves taking care of Davy because 1) he loves Davy, simple as and 2) it makes him feel responsible. Since they share a room in S1, Davy always crawls into peters bed after a nightmare or just when he’s feeling extra soft and snuggly. Peter sings him to sleep and plays with his hair. He sometimes braids Davy’s hair and that’s why his hair is left so long. Peter also has no concept of money so whenever he has some, the fridge may be empty but Davy always has a new comic or something to play with.
Davy always gets too distracted to eat. The cereal boxes on the table get his full attention during meals and he’ll always be doing the crossword or whatever game is on them. Because of this, Mike has to spoon feed him. He’ll tuck a towel or napkin into Davy’s shirt as a bib because when Davy’s not paying attention he forgets to open his mouth and spills some milk and they do not have the cash to keep going to the laundromat. (Micky always gets up early to find whatever toy is in the box, then puts it back for Davy to find.)
Sometimes Davy goes full baby and the others drop everything to take care of him. Davy will go mute and communicate through pouts until he gets what he wants. The others bundle him up and cuddle with him and Mike will read to them, or Micky will tell/act out an animated story. Like irl Davy, Davy needs to be close/touching someone to sleep so he always makes sure he has a point of contact with all three of them before he settles down.
The other adults around also know about Davy, so when Davy’s feeling baby and Babbitt comes over, Mike will warn him and Babbitt will take Mike into another room and wont raise his voice. The older ladies next door will bring him treats or old kid stuff they found in their attics (toys, teddies, books, etc). Their neighbours don’t find it weird because 1) its one of the least weird things about those monkee kids and 2) one look at Davy with his pouty lips and big eyes make them all coo so they get it. Micky also gets very protective over him and though he is canonically a weakling, he’ll threaten anyone that says anything bad about Davy.
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satancopilotsmytardis · 5 months
Ooooh, I really liked the explaination as to why the transformation quirk stuck! And the thought of Dabi's hormones getting confused is so funny-
Poor Toga, had to smell all of that for the entire meeting.
Shigaraki going from amused to worried is also very important to me. He's really sweet about everything and trying his best to help, and Dabiis so embarassed about it!
I wonder if being turned into a heteromorph affects Dabi's reveal?
I have to justify my bullshit or it Haunts me, so I'm glad that it seemed reasonable!
Poor Toga was Suffering™️, and have we not all at some point in our lives heard about a loved one's dilemma and thought it was funny until we realized they were genuinely distressed over it? It's so important for me to put those humanizing moments into everything (except you, Dog Teeth)!
And oh, I imagine as soon as Dabi starts doing his speel things get out of hand.
Shoto raising his hand.
Dabi, in the middle of his speech: i-- what the fuck are you doing kid? This is not school, put your fucking hand down.
Shoto: my brother wasn't a heteromorph.
Dabi: yeah, no, the cat thing is new-- That's not the point!! I'm Toya Todoroki!
Shoto, visibly struggling not to raise his hand again: It's just that you were not a cat the last time I saw you, and I cannot help being confused over how this happened.
Dabi, exasperated: Does it matter? I didn't have my skin stapled on the last time you saw me either!
Shoto: I was referring to Kamino Ward, but I can understand why you would need those given how badly burned the mountain was. I don't understand how you became a cat.
And on and on until Dabi admits that he got kidnapped and experimented on for years and how when he went home, he found Shoto had replaced him and saw how Enji was "training" him in the exact same way. And then Sho gets quiet and says that he wishes that Dabi would have talked to any of them before he left, because they never replaced him, they always remembered him and Natsuo, mom, and Fuyumi missed him so much.
At this point, Dabi's big reveal is ruined, and sensing his boyfriend is in emotional distress and is about to cry and ruin his own image in a way he would be very upset about later, Tomura shakes AFO's influence, wakes the fuck back up and gets the League and Dabi the fuck out of dodge to deal with all of that later.
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kirislovelygf · 1 year
i need a part two of that tsireya fic🥲they don’t end up together or anything but tsireya find out about y/n’s feelings for her
Tumblr media
happy ending (tsireya x omaticayan fem! reader)
contents: fluff, happy ending, confessions, lo’ak being a nice brother, wlw relationship, kiss, ao’nung being a hood brother too
wrd count: 1.9k
a/n: UGGHH FINEEE i wanted this to be an angsty one part but ugh, i love ya’ll too much <3 here’s your happy ending !!
part one here !!
tsireya’s pov:
i like lo’ak so much. he’s kind, funny, and handsome. he’s the best and only boyfriend i’ve ever had.
the only problem is my father doesn’t completely approve of him. he says he wants me to be happy but he scowls at lo’ak every time he sees us together.
i guess It’s okay. but i’m not as happy as i thought i’d be.
y/n hasn’t talked to me in days. it’s like she’s pretending i don’t exist.
and how can i be happy with lo’ak if i can’t be happy with my best friend?
it’s the morning, and about a week passed since lo’ak and i have officially started dating.
i wanted to talk to her because the ignoring and the avoidance was getting to be too much.
i care about my friends and i don’t like getting into arguments or.. whatever, situations like the one i’m in.
i walked to her marui where her family was cleaning up and getting ready for the day.
i didn’t spot y/n with her family and asked her parents where she was.
they said she went swimming a while ago and went to look for her on the beach.
i nodded and went to look for her.
after looking all over the beaches of the island and finding no one, i finally found her sitting on boulders with a girl i know.
i used to be jealous of her. not anymore.
the two girls laugh and the girl y/n was with threw her head back and gently flipped her gorgeous, perfectly curly hair back.
hmm, maybe I’m still a little jealous.
i went over to them and they heard the sand move under my feet because they both looked at me when i got closer.
“hi. where’s lo’ak?” y/n asked me, in a confused tone.
“lo’ak? uh, in his marui with your family. i actually wanted to talk to you.” i said.
the girl looks at y/n before hopping off the boulder. “i’ll give you both some privacy.”
she walks away and a part of me wishes she tripped in the sand but i quickly push that thought away after feeling guilty.
i wait for her to be away completely and walk over to y/n. she had her arms folded and looked sad.
“everything okay?” she asked me. i hopped up on the boulder next to her.
“no. not with us. why are you angry with me? did i so or say something to make you unhappy with me?” i asked her.
she shrugs her shoulders and looks everywhere but my eyes.
“no. it’s nothing. we’re fine.” she said simply.
“please, tell me. if i did something, i want to fix it.” i place my hand on her shoulder and she looks at it for a moment.
i take it off in fear of offending her or something. she sighed and looked up at me finally.
“i don’t like.. that you and lo’ak are together. at all.” she confessed.
“oh. okay. but why not?” i ask.
“he doesn’t deserve you. lo’ak is an idiot who doesn’t know how to be in a relationship.”
“and you don’t need that. you deserve someone who cares about your well-being. someone who lobes to just be there with you. i cannot bear to see you with lo’ak because he is not capable of either those things.” she continued.
she spewed all the reasons she had for me not to be with her brother as if she were holding them in all her life.
“well.. what do you expect me to do? stay single my entire life? are none of the boys on the island enough for you?”
“no, they’re not. none of the boys deserve to even be friends with you.” she said.
why did that make my heart face? why did that sentence make my cheeks heat up? why did my ears perk all the way up? what’s wrong with me?
“so i just stay by myself my entire life?”
“no, of course not. but..”
“but what? what are you not telling me?” i asked, exasperated. tired of all the feelings she’s hiding from me.
she hesitated for a moment while staring at me.
“i like you, tsireya.”
those words shook me. my eyes widened a bit and i stayed frozen in my spot.
“and when you told me you liked lo’ak, i was so angry with you both. even though it wasn’t really your fault.” she continued.
“i couldn’t bear seeing you together knowing how much i like you. i know you don’t like me and that’s okay. but that’s the reason i’ve been avoiding you.”
she sighs and we stare at each other for a moment before she swiped her hands under her eyes. she then picked herself up and hopped off the boulder.
i wanted to say something. to tell her to come back but i couldn’t move.
i sighed and pulled my knees up to my chest and held my legs while staring out onto the ocean.
i was stuck in my thoughts until later in the day. and my brother came to find me.
“hey.” he muttered as he walked over to me.
“hi.” i muttered back sadly.
he sighs and goes to sit next to me. “everyone’s looking for you. we were about to eat and they sent me to look for you.” he said.
“what happened?”
i sighed and lifted my head up to look at him.
“y/n.. just told me she likes me.” i said, flat out.
“oh! okay.” he was definitely surprised and he stuttered looking for something else to say.
“and uh.. what did you tell her?” he asked.
“nothing. i literally- i froze when she said that. i didn’t know what to say.” i said worriedly.
“okay, okay, calm down. it’s okay.” he pats my shoulder but i groaned in annoyance.
“no, it’s not okay. now i’m all confused.” i said to him.
“why? you don’t like her, so why are you freaking out?” he said.
.. ohhhh
ao’nung looked at me suspiciously.
“you don’t like her. right?”
“maybe.. i think i do?” i winced.
i turn my body to face him, ready to explain myself to him, because this is a shock to him more than it is to me.
“i don’t know! i don’t think i ever liked girls until y/n came here! i just thought she was my best friend and that’s why i cared so much about her! but now i’m lo’ak and i don’t know what to do.” i said to him.
“okay.. so what will you do? you can’t just cheat on lo’ak to be with his sister. don’t you know the chaos that would cause?” he said.
“no, i don’t ao’nung.” he answered sarcastically.
he rolls his eyes at me. “alright, then. what will you do?”
i sighed again. i have absolutely no idea.
“i’m not sure if even like lo’ak all that much. and it’s not because of what y/n just told me.” i said to him.
“then what is it? i mean, don’t get me wrong. lo’ak’s super annoying but i thought you two were good together.” he added.
“i did too. but it’s like.. okay, every time we sold hug or kiss or hold hands-“
“ew, tsireya. i don't wanna hear about all that.” he groaned.
“hey! i don’t have any sisters to talk to about this. ask bear with it and listen.” i snapped.
“what about kiri-“
“shush! anyways, whenever we do, i feel nothing. no excitement, no happiness, just bored. but i have to smile so he doesn’t know that. it is like i am constantly faking.” i said.
he nods along with what i’m saying.
“but when i’m with y/n, it’s different. i look forward to spending time with her everyday. every time she touches me or even looks at me, i’m happy and i get excited. i just thought it was because i finally had an actual girl friend.” i said.
“oh yeah. you definitely like her.” ao’nung nodded.
“i haven’t even finished-“
“not even like. you love her.” he said.
“don’t be ridiculous! how can i love someone i’ve only known for a couple months?” i groaned.
“i don’t know but hats what it is with you.” he shrugged.
i sighed and turned to face the ocean again, ing my legs up to my chest. i rested my chin on my folder arms as ao’nung patted my shoulder softly.
“i think i have to break up with lo’ak. this isn’t fair to him.” i said softly.
“yeah, i think that’s the best option.”
“and then ask y/n out on a date.”
“yes, i think- wait, what?!”
i look up at him. “seriously? if my girlfriend broke up with me to be with my brother or sister, i would be furious.” he said.
“we’ll.. i like her and she likes me. so now what? we just wait until we have lo’ak’s blessing?”
“or until he dies.” he shrugged.
i raise my hand and slapped the back of his head. “ow!”
“don’t be stupid.” i grumbled.
“i’m serious.”
i pout and my chin falls on my arms again.
we went. A. Go the village and y/n hasn’t left my mind. i managed to get lo’ak alone and told him how i was feeling.
about y/n and about him and he was thankfully, very understanding. i know he was upset though.
and despite what ao’nung said, lo’ak told me to go for it and ask y/n out on a date. he even took me to his marui.
i asked y/n to take a walk with me on the beach with jake and neytiri’s permission first.
once they agreed, it was an awkward couple of minutes of us walking down the beach with small talk being made every couple seconds.
i finally gathered the courage to tell her how i was feeling.
“y/n.” i started.
she looks up at me and her eyes light up.
“i’m sorry for hurting you before.” i started.
“no. no, tsireya. that wasn’t your fault.”
“and i didn’t realize it until i talked to my brother but i realized uh..”
“yes?” she was now standing in front of me, her hands held neatly behind her back while I was fiddling with mines in front of me.
“uh.. i thought about it and i think i like you too. maybe. i’m not sure.” i shrugged.
“oh..” she nodded. how did i never notice how good she looked in this moonlight?
“and i broke up with lo’ak. and he even said it’s okay if we wanted go be together.” i said.
“of course, if that is what you want. because that’s what i want.” i told her.
she smiled softly and chuckled.
“yeah. i would like that.” she nodded.
i smiled brighter than i thought i would and quickly tried to stop in fear of looking crazy.
“okay! okay, uh great.” i laughed.
i wanted to kiss her or something and just as i was about to lean in, a horn sounded.
a horn to let us teenagers know it was time to go home.
y/n and i walked back to her marui and thankfully there wasn’t anyone around.
“would you like to spend time together tomorrow?” she asked bashfully.
“of course! i’d love to.” i nodded.
she smiled. she looked back into her marui for a moment before taking a step forward in front of me.
she looked up and kissed me quickly. even if it lasted for a second, i knew.
this is was different. so, so much more different than every time i kissed lo’ak.
or any other boy in my life.
she pulled away and smiled once more before walking into her home.
i squealed quietly before rushing home to tell ao’nung about everything that just happened.
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lidiasloca · 1 year
Can you ps write a Jurdan based on that TikTok lipstick trend. Like Jude and Cardan on the floor, and Jude fixing her lipstick while Cardan is next to her looking at her while having lipstick stain on his lips, his cheeks, and neck. Also can you make it in Viví or one the court of shadows member pov. Thx <33
makeup when drunk (jurdan fic)
Post QoN
Oak reaches for the sleeve of my shirt and makes me lean to him by pushing it down almost aggressively. “I think I saw them walking inside that door,” he whispers while grinning mischievously, as if he was the one making trouble. 
Well, let’s not get it wrong, he is one troublemaker, but at least right now, he’s not the one hassling. 
“Okay, we’re going in,” I murmur back.
Closer to the door, we hear Cardan and Jude laughing, and we share a knowing look, Oak and I. My little brother gasps in disbelief and places his hand over his mouth like the drama prince he is.
“Jude?” He says out loud before I can stop him. The laughter on the other side of the door stops, but only a second later, it begins again, more hysterical now even. “Oh my god,” I say exasperated. This is not going to be easy, I’m guessing.
“Should we?” Oak asks me as he moves his hand to the handle. I nod and start walking when he opens the door. And just when I enter I can’t help but to laugh, and the toddler next to me seems to be judging me for joining this drunk laughing royal cult thing. He must not be seeing what I am. 
The High Queen and King of Elfhame on the floor, drunkenly attempting to do their makeup. It’s all more fun when I pay careful attention. Jude is looking funnily guilty while Cardan is attempting a blank expression, and I realize it’s because his wife is pinching him on the thigh to keep him from laughing. 
Not to mention the subtle detail that is that Cardan is covered in red lipstick. His neck, his cheek, his nose, his temple, everything. It doesn’t take one too smart to guess the doer.
“Oak.” I try not to laugh. “Maybe you should get going downstairs with Taryn.” He doesn't move his gaze from her sister as he walks backwards out of the room. He’s watching her with utter shock, which is funny enough to make me chuckle. 
When he’s gone, I turn to them and attempt seriousness.
“Okay, I have to get the Queen and King of Elfhame downstairs in a matter of minutes. So, whether it is with a few slaps or with a bucket of water -you decide-, I need you to become those serious monarchs again, for the sake of Elfhame and the Courts’ representatives you’ve made come to this important revel.” 
I’m only proud of how well I’ve recited this speech for a brief moment, just before they start laughing at me, then I'm only embarrassed. 
This shouldn’t be like this, Jude is the serious one, I’m not. I think I do hate Cardan’s influence. “It was Randalin’s speech. He made me say it,” I explain, ashamed. 
They keep laughing, so I threaten them. “Well, I guess it’s the bucket of water, then.” And I pretend to go get it. 
“Wait! No!” It is surprisingly Cardan who’s able to reason and talk.
“So you’ll get ready for the party now?” I ask in what I hope to be an authoritative tone. “Both of you?” I glare at Jude, who is now watching Cardan without his noticing, and her admiring eyes and open mouth as if in awe distract me. But not for too long. 
“Guys, c’mon! I’m responsible for the two of you being in the party as lucidly as you are supposed to. And you are not cooperating. I hate this.”
It feels like I’m talking to myself at this point, because when I look at them, Jude is only focused on carefully climbing on Cardan as if, if she fell from him, it’d be like falling from a mountain. 
“Jude, are you listening to me?” I ask her. Then Cardan, who’s seated on the floor, seems to acknowledge the dangerous height that he is, and takes Jude in his arms as he gasps. “Love, be careful.” Elfhame has it bad.
“Cardan! There is literally the floor under you.” They finally look at me, their brows furrowed like if I was the one acting dumb. But then their gazes move to the floor and they share a look. “Yes.” Cardan tells me, his eyes still on Jude. “The floor is down here. Great share.”
Jude grins at him. I can’t believe they think I’m stupid. They’ve reached quite a level of intoxication. And then I see the bottles of wine behind them. All of them empty. Wow-
“Okay. Enough.” I kneel to Jude and take her by her shoulders. “Come with me, you have to get changed.” 
Cardan hugs her tighter and says, “She will not. I still have to fix her makeup.” He turns to her and asks, “Right?” She nods quickly, alarmed due to his preoccupation.
“So you are to go to the revel like this?” I gesture to her clothes, Cardan’s clothes, actually. She’s wearing a purple blouse under a wine red vest, it’s horrific. She looks like she had decided to wear a costume to the party and had found Cardan’s part of the dresser.
“What? Don’t you like it?” Jude whispers to me as if hurt. “I love it.” Cardan responds before I can, which makes her smile while she puts her arms on his shoulders to hug him. 
I sigh yet again.
Then… Maybe this could work. “I have wine.” They turn to me. They listen to me. 
“Where?” Jude asks, all seriousness.
I’m happiness itself as I realize I’m convincing them, I’m making this work. “The revel. Downstairs. In five minutes.”
“Where is exactly five minutes?” Cardan asks cautiously. “You wouldn’t dare lie to the crown about this subject, would you?
I suppress a laugh. “No, no. I would never dare to do such a thing.” I stand up and expect them to do the same. “I meant that you, your majesties, ought to be there in about five minutes.”
“Oh.” Jude says and stands up, letting go of Cardan’s arms. When she’s finally up, she kneels again to Cardan and takes his hands.” “We should go.”
Cardan nods and lets himself stand with Jude’s help. They start walking towards the door, ignoring my presence there. “Hey, wait! You have to get changed.”
They look at me, then at each other. I see them grinning, and I don’t have time enough to realize their plan before they take off running out of the room.
-characters by Holly Black
Thank you so much for the request, I hope it is what you had in mind. and sorry it took me so long, i feel like i first read the message an eternety ago. oh, and in honor of the stolen heir, I ofc had to put baby Oak in this. shame on me, though: i still haven't read it.
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im-a-matt-girl · 1 year
You come into the room pushing back your hair and letting out a big sigh.
"What's wrong?" I ask you, looking up from my phone.
You shake your head. "I don't wanna go grocery shopping today," you say in an exasperated tone of voice.
"I can go for you," I shrug.
"No, it's okay," you say, reaching for your keys. You sound unenthusiastic, to say the least.
"But I like going grocery shopping," I tell you.
"Really?" you ask me.
"Yeah, I'm being for real," I smile at you. "I really don't mind at all. I'll take my car."
You sigh again, but this time it's in relief. "Thanks," you tell me, putting your keys back down. "I just really don't feel like going out and getting recognized today."
It's been one of those days for you, I can tell. "I get it," I nod. "It's okay. I got you."
"Here's the card," you say, handing me the card you use to buy food with. "The list is on the fridge."
"Okay," I say, putting the card in my pocket. "I'll be back in a little bit."
"Hey," you say softly, reaching for my hand as I try to walk out your door.
"Hm?" I turn around.
You give me the gentlest of kisses on the cheek. "Be safe," you tell me, just above a whisper.
"I will," I whisper back at you, smiling.
The grocery store is packed, but that doesn't deter me. No one knows who I am, so I won't get stopped and distracted from my goal of getting everything on this list. I'm glad for that.
I look at the list, and it makes me smile whenever I see an item that I know you put on it, as opposed to one of your brothers. I just hope the store has exactly what you want in stock.
When I get home, Nick opens the door for me. He looks appalled. "Matt, why is she the one carrying all the groceries!?" he calls upstairs to you.
You come running down the stairs to help me. "Sorry," you apologize. I don't know if you're apologizing to me or to Nick, so I just smile and say nothing.
Nick purses his lips at you, annoyed. "What is wrong with you?" he growls between his teeth.
"What? She offered!" you explain to him, motioning to me.
"It's true, I did," I admit. "I actually like grocery shopping."
Nick quickly shakes his head in bewilderment. "Okay, whatever," he says. "That's between you two, I guess." Then he turns toward the stairs again. "Chris! Come help!"
"Why don't you help?" you ask Nick as you walk up the stairs with bags of groceries.
"Oh, haha, very funny," he says facetiously. "I helped by opening the door for her. This is your job."
Chris comes downstairs and takes the remaining bags. "I got it," he says.
"Thank you," I tell him. "And thank you, Nick, for opening the door for me."
"Of course," he nods, closing the door behind me. "It's the least I could do."
"The very least," you say from the top of the stairs.
Nick rolls his eyes. "Matt, shut up!"
I chuckle quietly to myself. I have two sisters who are very close in age to me, and we bicker all of the time. I love the dynamic between you and your brothers.
We put the groceries away together, and every time you see something in one of the bags that I got for you, you take it out and smile at it before putting it where it belongs. I love seeing you happy; that's all the validation I need.
When we're all done, you wrap your arms around me and give me a big, long, tender hug. "Thank you," you whisper into my ear.
I close my eyes and hold you in my arms. "It's my pleasure," I whisper back to you. And it truly is.
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rynekins · 5 months
Welcome, friends, to the Sideshow Bob Awards! Recently I did a few polls about certain elements of Sideshow Bob episodes, and now I shall give some commentary over the results!
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Why did I do this? Eh, funsies, but I’ll always look for an excuse to ramble about Sideshow Bob.
First up is the Award for Humor. Which Sideshow Bob episode is the funniest? Black Widower makes Honorable Mention. While an important episode with a lot of notable moments, I might not personally rank it amongst the funniest. Though Bob’s dry wit (as always) wins me over, and Bart explaining Bob’s plan to Homer, worthy of a chuckle.
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This overall ranking, out of all of the polls, I agree with the most. Sideshow Bob’s Last Gleaming has some stellar Bob moments: Bob on helium, mimicking the Colonel, his pathetic attempt to kill Krusty, and who could possibly forget the Air Show Rant.
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“Air Show? Buzzzzzz-cut Alabamians spewing colored smoke from their whiz jets to the strains of Rock You Like a Hurricane? What kind of country-fried rube’s still impressed by that?!” As for the Air Show Rant, I am also giving it the Award for Best Quote. Unfortunately, this poll did not have much engagement. I expected people to be shy, and I suppose I should have made it a normal poll for people to vote on instead of asking for more direct input, but there are simply too many good Bob quotes to narrow it down! How could I possibly? I had not the strength. His exasperation with his peers, mocking elitist tone, the venom, the sass, the hip swaying and crossing of his feet, going wall eyed and throwing his arms out cuz he always gotta be extra, if there is a perfect Sideshow Bob quote that exemplifies his character it would be this one.
Aside from that, mocking the military and garbage television, this episode offers a ton of laughs, worthy of at least Third place.
Brother From Another Series takes Second, and has a different brand of humor, but the kind that always gets me. It’s supposedly written like an episode of Frasier, which means the script is chock full of one liners from two guys too smart for their own good, constantly trying to one-up eachother. You wonder how both Bob and Cecil could ever end up in Springfield, an environment of pure dumbassery, and it clearly has had an effect on them (they must have drunk the water). Personal favorite moments are the boys with the slack-jawed locals, “especially Lisa, but ESPECIALLY Bart”, and “utterly hopeless”.
To no one’s surprise Cape Feare takes the crown. It often makes top 10 lists for its humor alone, and with good reason. This episode is packed with jokes, funny drawings, and goofiness, with running gags so memorable and powerful that they would get callbacks even 30 years later. The idiocy is at an all time high, both with Homer and Bob, which frankly is necessary to balance out the more sinister and rather tense scenes. Homer scaring Bart, the rakes, the drive through the cactus patch, The Rakes, “Hello Mr Thompson”, THE RAKES. This episode is iconic, and I completely understand why.
Next up we have the Award for Animation. For our Honorable Mention, we have Bob’s official debut, Krusty Gets Busted. I’m glad to see some love for season 1, when everything was experimental especially with the animation. The linework, expressions, poses, models, colors, everything seems off by today’s standards, but you can see the effort and love put into it. There’s something beautiful about how rough it looks because you know what a struggle it was to make it work. And it does work. But I’m biased toward things that are hand drawn.
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In Third for this category, the award goes to Gone Boy, the complete opposite of Krusty Gets Busted. We have the modern era, the clean colors, the characters staying on model, a lot of the stiffness that a lot of people don’t care for. However, there are moments that feel like a return to form in this episode. My eyes lit up when I saw Bob’s face as he encountered Milhouse. Then the dance he does as he sings is song-o. The wintery environment, a few ambitious angles, some great character acting. It’s proof that newer episodes have their beauty too. I only wish that the hallucination sequences went harder. Imagine, if you will, they suddenly went Courage the Cowardly Dog mode on you and changed mediums, turned into something more experimental and maybe truly nightmarish. This episode was great, but it could have been legendary. I am grateful for the feast we got. In Second, Black Widower returns, which dare I say has been robbed. Yes, I think it should have been First. This episode is gorgeous, but as I have established, I liked the earlier, rougher animation.
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Every single frame of Bob’s rant on MacGyver is absolutely wild, as is the skipping through the flowers. The colors in the night scenes. The glow from the explosion. There’s so much character here, so many expressions and extra motions with hands in scenes, even when no one is talking. The weight in Bob’s hair when he throws back his head for a maniacal laugh. What this episode’s got is flair. Once again, Cape Feare takes First. I can see why, because it is a very good looking episode. One of the best. Oh, how I wish the show still looked like this (the latest Treehouse Ei8ht made me crave what we have lost). But I must wonder if it might be taking the number one spot because of how memorable it is with other factors. No doubt it’s funny, with a lot of well done and imaginative scenes. Bob’s lil dance during his work out comes out of nowhere and is hysterical. You think for a minute that the episode is going to cheat you when the elephants are trampling him off-screen then it pans down to show you the exact moment one steps on and off his skull. The increasingly elaborate set and costume designs for Bob’s theatrical performance. There is a lot of artistry to appreciate here. It’s cinematic even. Then again, a lot of the cinematic moments can be attributed to its source material: the 1991 movie Cape Fear, some moments directly inspired. Not to say that all of the work was done for them, certainly not. They put their own spin on things.
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Perhaps the placement is deserved. The shot that goes from Bart’s window, flying over all of Springfield, to Bob’s prison is particularly impressive. There’s a lot of juicy saturation and shifts in color reminiscent of shots from Krusty Gets Busted and Black Widower. It’s safe to assume that I’m drawn more towards character details, and little things like all the lower angles we get from Bob work well in conveying menace, as if we, the audience, are in danger
This concludes Part One of the Sideshow Bob Awards, In Part Two I will cover Best Song and Best Mystery. As for intermission, picture THE RAKES!!!
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thelunarfairy · 5 months
Isn't it funny how Amane doesn't even try to cover his wounds?
He doesn't even cover them with his school jacket (maybe it was too hot, maybe he was asked not to cover them, but then, we have the thought that it's Tsukasa who does it, and personally, I feel like 'asking not covering them' does not match the fragments of his personality that he has given us [at least in a supernatural state and the Perfect Painting arc, we still don't know what the twins were like before they were what they are now].
(And, if I'm being honest, I think that asking not to cover marks made by oneself is consistent with amane. His possessiveness, his jealousy, his annoyance at seeing that someone he loves has his attention on something else. Like a dog, you have to mark territory ( in a joke, by the way, it's fun to see hanako upset because black cannon steals yashiro's dreams)
Does it bother him that Tsuchigomori meddles in his affairs or does it bother him that he covers and heals his wounds?
It's as if he were showing them, displaying them before everyone's eyes. He forgives those who provoke him, but why? What did he do to deserve it? or what he didn't do.
I repeat, he doesn't cover them at all, he doesn't wear bandages until tsuchigomori does it and it's almost reluctantly. Adding that, when moving from his seat, the bandages loosen: did Amane loosen them by playing with them or did Tsuchigomori not tighten them correctly (he is a ghost, maybe he is not used to cleaning and covering wounds, he is a teacher not a nurse)?
Anyway, when do you think the wounds start? Correct me if I'm wrong but in the little memories we have of Amane and the Great Clock I don't see Amane with injuries. Does that mean they started after the Festival? Does the accident at the Festival have to do with her injuries? Are they a consequence of what happened or is it just a coincidence?
Perhaps that is why he forgives the author of the wounds, because he believes that he deserves it. Maybe they bullied him at school and blamed him for what happened at the Festival. Maybe that's why he doesn't cover them, because he believes he deserves it.
Or maybe he discovered or suspected what was inside his brother and Tsukasa stopped hiding (in case he did, in case Amane never knew until they grew up) the thing inside him and started showing more of it. deep down the consequences of allowing something non-human to live in your body, as you mentioned, hunger.
When Nene finds him hiding in the closet, Amane looks dejected, scared, afraid. He seemed terrified that they'd found him, even though it's clearly not his attacker who did it, but they found his hideout so he runs away (home? To a new part of the academy?)
I also think so much about how he stayed late at school, it was already night, the moon was already set and very visible. Was the danger at home? So maybe Tsukasa was the author of his injuries.
And his parents, who as children were attentive to them and loving, what happened? Dad wasn't home as much anymore and Mom wasn't paying attention? Either they were both ignoring their son's injuries or not paying proper attention.
They are more ramblings than anything specific but it occurred to me suddenly and I am interested in your point of view, I loved your post about his brother's injuries and the hunger of the supernatural.
This is too much for me to think about this, even more deeply. It's not that it's uncomfortable for me, to a point yes, but it gives me more chills than anything.
I love how Aidairo doesn't tell us anything about the twins, only fragments navigate the story along with the plot, something is only revealed to us when necessary. Everything is up to interpretation and we are left with doubts. It exasperates me anyway, but I feel better to see that I am not the only one (better accompanied than alone).
happy new year anyway, and I hope you have a good year and a good start >.<
You mentioned a very interesting point, the fact that Amane did not want to hide his injuries. This is quite curious, isn't it? Especially if we consider what you said about "marking territory", it makes a lot of sense.
Part of the answer to your question is in this post, take a look :3
Apparently, Amane started to have these injuries shortly before the festival, there's a post I made explaining the period in which it happened, but I haven't found it yet ;-; As your question has been unanswered for a few days, I decided to respond and if I find this post I'll put the link here and reblog it.
This was probably the only period in which Amane was without these injuries, considering what Tsuchigomori said about him being injured like this from the beginning. And if the injuries happened before the festival, then just before their death.
Now, who is responsible… In some posts I point to Tsukasa because FOR NOW, he is still the one most likely to be responsible for the injuries.
Amane isn't one to care about random people, for him to forgive being hurt like this it has to be someone he loves. The target is the four of them, his parents, Tsukasa and himself, yes, we have to consider Amane.
As for the parents, we have no clue as to how they started to treat the boys after Tsukasa returned, we cannot draw concrete conclusions yet.
Would Amane forgive himself for getting hurt?
Only Tsukasa remains.
These injuries are so mysterious, they are made in suggestive places too, even his mouth has injuries…
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and when you talked about "marking territory" it made me create a fanfic in my head hahahaha
You mentioned something I hadn't noticed, THANK YOU!!! This manga has so many details…. Amane doesn't mind people seeing it…. interesting….
Happy New Year to you too!!!!
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popcorn1989 · 1 year
Hi for a request if it still open. One with finan with 15 ( I will always love you) angst with a happy ending. Maybe reader got jealous??? If you do write NSFW. Maybe a bit of it but if you dont I will be happy with the first ❤❤
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Notes: Hiiii @biancathecool so I don't write NSFW, but I put in a jealous reader and a happy ending. Hope it's ok :) //// Hiiii, @bbyaemond this request has already come in, so I tried to connect your request to the first one. Hope you like it :) //// Thank you both
Pairing: Finan x Osferth x Reader
Warning: Reader will be hurt
Summary: Finan, Osferth and you are on the way home. You're in a bad mood, because Finan behaved really badly the day before, Osferth your brother tried not to interfere, but his attempts to calm you down went rather in the wrong direction. Men are just like that, what he said was wrong and made everything worse.
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"So you're still mad at me?" Finan asked you. "You know I love you, don't you?" You let an exasperated sound out of you. Whenever you were mad at Finan, he came up with I love you...
"Did you tell Erica that too?", the woman Finan had flirted with extensively yesterday. You sat next to him, but it seemed more like he was your brother and not Osferth.
You were seriously angry, but also jealous that Erica got his attention yesterday. "Who is Erica?" he asked, you didn't see how he looked questioningly at Osferth, who just raised an eyebrow that said something like, Seriously now?
He raised his hands to show Finan to keep him out of this. "You know exactly who I mean" you said between your teeth. "I wonder who you spend your time with when I'm not around"
You turn around and put your hands on your hips. Finan looked at you in shock, "Nobody... With nobody!" He looked again at Osferth, who was slowly walking on, he tightened his lips when you gave him a warning look.
"Say I'm not dating anyone, Osferth," Finan yelled after him. You turn to your brother, he was standing with his back to you both, plucking leaves from a bush.
For him, you two weren't even there.
"I'm telling you, if I see you again with one like that, I'll pull her hair and show her who you belong to" - "I didn't do anything, she sat on my lap, I tried everything to stop her" Finan tried to fight back
"Certainly by holding her waist, so she doesn't fall off? With...that you made eyes at her? With that ... you didn't tell her we were together?"
"I... I..." he looked at Osferth, you turn to him as well, he had his eyebrows raised high, and he turned away when you looked at him. His posture told you he was visibly uncomfortable.
You take a deep breath, wanted to let this topic rest until you were alone with Finan. "Let's go" you said grumpily and continued on your way. The two men were quiet, too quiet, neither of them wanted to say a word for fear of angering you.
The trees were thick, but the path was clear, formed by feet and hooves into a broad sandy path. It wasn't far from village to village, you handed in Uhtred's letter and stayed the night. You're starting to regret that you didn't run home that night.
In silence, you walked in front of the two. Nobody spoke, but sometimes you hear the two behind you whispering. Somehow, it was a satisfaction for you to see Finan so helpless, asking your brother what he had done wrong.
A smile crossed your lips as you walked down the small hill, careful not to fall, you didn't see who was waiting for you down there. You jumped onto the last piece and looked up, four men smiled at you, one of them standing there with a knife in his hand and beckoning you closer.
You wanted to turn and run back up the hill, but you were grabbed by a fifth man. "Look what we have here" said the man with the knife.
"Who are you, should I know you?" you spoke aloud, hoping that Finan and Osferth would realize that you were no longer alone. "My name is Bresal, you don't know me, not yet"
The man comes closer to you and examines you like a piece of meat. "But I know you, funny how Uhtred would let someone walk alone through the woods," he said, and you could see something evil glinting in his eyes.
"Why shouldn't it be allowed?" you asked him. The man started laughing and looked at his friends. "Because it's stupid, there are so many bad people out here" he said and came even closer, you could feel his breath on your ear.
"Because there are men who are not on Uhtred's side". He stroked your stomach with the knife, you had no armor on, for you were not a warrior. The two that were, were safe, you hoped.
But right at that moment a stone flew and hit one of the men on the head, blood splattered on another's face, and he immediately wanted to start running. "NO", screamed Bresal, "They just want us to split up" He looked around angrily, but the trees and bushes didn't allow him to get an overview.
"How many are out there?" he asked you angrily. You rock your head back and forth "30 maybe just 27, didn't count" You saw the man clench his teeth angrily.
He didn't believe a word you said, but it seemed like he didn't want to risk it either. "Tell Uhtred this is just a warning" he said and without another word he stabbed you in the stomach. He let the knife pull out, cut your skin, and ran with his man as fast as he could.
Finan ran out of hiding with his sword drawn, as did Osferth. But it was too late, you fell hard to the ground and held your open wound "Osferth..." you cried hoarsely with pain, blood flowed from your mouth.
"No.... oh no... no" said Osferth, dropping his sword and running towards you, squeezing your wound with both hands. He could hardly hide his tears. "Don't let me die" you said, he vigorously shakes his head.
"Finan...Finan" he said softly, he looked up "Finan! I need your help!" he yelled now when he saw that he was considering following them, he hadn't realized what had happened.
As he turned to both of you. Tiredness gripped your body, and you could only faintly watch as his eyes widened as he walked towards you. His warm hand under your head, his words could hardly be heard. The last thing you saw was the tear that made its way down and hid in his beard.
You wake up in pain, your vision was foggy, but you clearly saw your brother's smiling face. "You didn't let me die" he shook his head "Of course not" he looked at you sadly "You lost a lot of blood and for a moment I thought I lost you"
You looked around, and it took you a while to realize that you were in Osferth House. "We are in Coccam? How?" you asked, your voice tired and shockingly low. "Finan carried you, we ran as fast as we could and didn't stop"
"Finan?" you asked and saw Osferth nod, putting a hand on your shoulders. "There's someone for you," he said, standing up, Finan appearing in your sight. He smiled lovingly at you. "Keep it short, rest is important" Osferth said and nodded to you before he left you both.
Finan came to you immediately, he kissed you several times before brushing your face "You are so brave" he said proudly "And so strong" he kissed you again. "We have to Uhtred...." - "We have told Uhtred everything, and you will tell him the rest when you feel better," he said.
Again you feel his soft lips on yours and you return the kiss. "I love you Finan" you spoke quickly as you felt the tiredness trying to pull you down into the dream world, but you still heard his words. "I love you too" he kissed you, "I will always love you"
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ruinedsam · 26 days
I cannot believe I forgot about the other Princes of Hell, thank you to the person who replied about him. Ramiel hasn’t been paying much attention to any of the current going-ons, he knew Lucifer was freed but none of the actual build-up and he barely paid attention to the actual events of the Apocalypse other than Lucifer was back in the Cage with Michael, so he didn’t know anything about the special children. Azazel was terrible about keeping in touch really, he’s the brother you ask if they’re coming to dinner on Sunday and they reply back two weeks later, so Ramiel knew nothing of his nephews and nieces via Azazel (and Azazel was a Lucifer fanatic and Ramiel was not so they always argued about that) (I think it’s funny if the Prince are very much siblings and argue like such, but they’re pretty much all-powerful demons so they think of nothing of committing murder like humans might play catch or trying to stab one another since it won’t actually kill any of them). However, Ramiel met Meg and Tom centuries ago. When Crowley approached Ramiel about maybe ruling, Ramiel didn’t know Sam was Azazel’s chosen heir and went “yeah, no, I’m good thanks. Think of the paperwork, really” so Crowley took over. The Winchesters meet Ramiel and Ramiel initially dismisses all of them as stupid hunters. Sam gets closer and he finally senses Azazel on him, underneath the reek of Lucifer, and is shocked as he halts his attack to turn to Sam and say, “You, you’re Azazel’s kid, my nephew. When the hell did my brother have a human child? Why are you a hunter of all things?” This is the only reason any of them aren’t killed by Ramiel, he’s more interested in getting to know his nephew and what exactly has been going on, maybe he should’ve paid more attention to the Apocalypse thing but in his defense, he didn’t think anything actually interesting would happen. And Ramiel told Crowley to leave him and the other Princes alone, so we can loosely interpret Ramiel as caring about them so he’s very curious about his new relative and how would Sam feel about killing this angel as a fun way to bond, he and Azazel used to love doing that way back when. Sam doesn’t feel that good about it and would rather they just keep talking instead of Ramiel killing anyone. Crowley still shows up and when he does, Ramiel demands why he didn’t just have his nephew take the throne after everything, there was a perfectly good heir right there; it’s essential that Ramiel refers to Sam as his nephew when he says this, to further Sam’s demonic family side, make everyone uncomfortable at the repeated mentions that Sam’s not quite human and this is something he can never rip out or scrub free, remind everyone that Sam has been viewed as Azazel’s kid since he was 6 months old and this will never ever go away, and cause Crowley to worry that Ramiel might kill him for taking his nephew’s throne even though Sam didn’t want it nor had Ramiel even known about him an hour prior. Sam isn’t sure how this is his life and can’t quite trace the path that caused them to move from fighting Ramiel to Ramiel wanting to know why Crowley didn’t just put a crown on Sam’s head. Crowley and Sam exchange a wordless look of exasperation over yet another person wanting Sam to be king instead of Crowley. I’m not sure if the timing is right and how much Mary knew of Sam-Azazel, but I want this to be the first time she hears of this so there’s a very awkward talk later for Sam, Dean, and Mary. If Meg is still alive, she shows up at the end of the conversation. Mary freaks out at a demon entering the bunker, only for Sam to tiredly say this demon isn’t here to hurt them and the wards will only allow her entry so long as she’s not there to hurt them (and these modified wards are reliant on the fact that her and Sam share Azazel’s blood); he says this is his sister and all 3 Winchesters freeze. It’s the first time he’s said it out loud, even if he stopped trying to make Meg stop calling him her brother, and this occurs right after Ramiel let them live bc Sam’s his nephew
I don't really care about Ramiel tbh but I love how your version of him takes one look at Sam and decides he wants to bond with him - very relatable :D
Mary's presence here (or her return in this world in general) is interesting to think about. As Sam is confronted with his demon nature, Mary is confronted with the consequences of her actions. However unaware she was what her deal with Azazel meant, it doesn't change the fact that Sam was irreversibly changed by it...
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paradiecircus · 11 months
~This one is called “2” and it’s another messy one! Obviously, since it’s based off the song 2 by H.E.R. Been having some fun with Bamon lately and I thought it would be funny if Bonnie was found to be a little out of character when Jeremy cheated on her with a GHOST of girlfriend’s past/passed! Of course she and Jeremy aren’t together at this point but this is the moment the Bamon scandal begins, the night after he THOUGHT he kissed Elena. I won’t spoil what’s going on here but reblog if you wanna know what happens next or if you love Bamon! Enjoy this snippet that picks up at the beginning of season 2, thanks!!!~
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Bonnie was about to lose her mind. Friday night, after a long day, and here she was with Damon Salvatore of all people. All he was doing was complaining about how Elena was in denial over her feelings for him and there was no convincing him that maybe she just loved Stefan so fully, she had no eyes for anyone else.
There was no point in telling him that Elena was human, sometimes she did have intrusive thoughts regarding Damon. It would only exacerbate his mission to prove he was the better man for her. How could he know that? He only saw how happy she was with Stefan and wanted that for himself. He couldn’t possibly be sure she’d be happy with him, considering she couldn’t stand him. Stefan made Elena happy during the darkest time in her life. Would kind of best friend would she be if she helped Damon crush that over his fixation that was borderline obsessive? And quite frankly, creepy.
Besides, Bonnie knew Elena, she’d never kiss him. If that actually happened her and Caroline would have already called an emergency girls only meeting. They told each other EVERYTHING.
“Then who’d I kiss, Bonnie?” Damon asked, sitting on the couch adjacent to her. “Those sad, brown eyes, looking up at me. The way she just thinks about all the ways she’s gonna try to let me down easy. That’s how she was looking at me. I couldn’t help it, I had to show her how I feel. I know I’m no good but for her… I love her,”
She threw her hands up. “I don’t know, maybe you were-”
“And don’t say I was drunk, I didn’t hit the bourbon until AFTER she pretended that she never let me put my lips on her,”
Bonnie stood up, exasperated. “You know what? I need a drink,”
“Now you’re thinking, Bennett,” he clicked his tongue and shot a finger gun at her.
If I had just let him burn, she thought, I wouldn’t be neck deep in this pointless debate. Like she told Stefan, it was only because Elena loved him. And Stefan could never truly hate his brother. Big of him because if Bonnie had a vampire sister who kissed her man, she’d have aneurysms until graduation. That was still a year away.
She went to the fridge to grab a beer. “Maybe, you’re just doing a little too much thinking lately. Stop mulling it over. Just look at the facts,” she listed them as she came back to the living room. “Elena is dating Stefan. Elena LOVES Stefan and she would never cheat on him, especially knowing how Katherine manipulated you both,” she grabbed his hand. “It’s time to start getting over them, Damon. Both of them,” he looked down at their clasped hands and cocked an eyebrow.
Bonnie released his hand and realized she forgot the bottle opener. “Damn, forgot the-”
She stood up again when Damon grabbed her arm suddenly. “Let me help you with that,”
Instead of getting up and heading towards the kitchen, he sunk to his knees before Bonnie, who frowned at him. “Uh, Damon? The kitchen ain’t down there,”
He ran his hands up the side of her jeans, pressing his palms into her ass, then moving towards her zipper.
“I’ll give you something better than a cold beer. Something hot,” he unbuttoned her jeans and pulled the zipper down.
Out of sheer panic and genuine shock, Bonnie conjured an aneurysm. Only nothing happened!
“Are you trying to burst the blood vessels in my brain? Tsk, tsk, Bonnie, I’m just trying to take your advice and get over Face 1 and Face 2,” he slowly slid the pair down her legs.
“But… I thought you said you loved her,” Bonnie didn’t understand why she was letting him take her pants off, much less why she was willingly stepping out of them for him. It made even less sense that he was guiding her to lie on her back on the sofa while he pulled off her underwear. And she didn’t stop him!
“Shh… no more talk about them. Focus on right here, right now,” he looked into her eyes and his pupils widened. He pushed her legs open.
He must have been compelling her! That didn’t make it okay for him to seduce her! “Damon I don’t think we should- ahh… oh! Mmmm,”
“Can I keep going?” He asked after he’d swiped his tongue right down her… RIGHT THERE! He’d licked her RIGHT THERE and now her body craved more.
He resumed what he was doing until her back was arching up off the couch, her thighs were trembling, and she couldn’t stop crying out in pure ecstasy if she wanted to. Her peak of pleasure was so impactful that it activated her magic again, bursting every lightbulb in the house.
Damon smacked his lips as he pulled away. “Mm, tasty. You’re right, I feel much better now,” he smacked her bottom and stood up. “Well, the mediocre people of Mystic Falls are safe for the night. Thanks to you, Witchy,”
She was still gasping. “G- glad I could… help… ohmm…”
“See ya,” he whistled as he left.
“Ohhhh, Damon, you BETTER not kill anyone,” she murmured as she laid there in the dark. With a wave of her hand, she magically lit the candles on the fireplace mantle.
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deluweil · 2 years
9-1-1 6x01 review - don’t read if you haven’t watched.
Okay, so it took me quite a while to walk through everything I wanted to say about last night’s episode, and tbh I’m not even halfway there lol so there will be mini metas to come after this long ass one.
I will start with Maddie and Chimney, and finish with Buddie. 
Maddie and Chimeny: 
I have to say that them making steps to getting back together is absolutely amazing, I was so happy the writers didn’t make us wait for half a season before making this right. 
And baby Jee!! My first reaction to seeing her for the first time this season was to coo very loudly, (I had to go back to hear what was said lol) She is so sweet! And so smart, her connecting Maddie to the suitcases and leaving at the end of the episode had me in tears. She is way to young to have to deal with abandonment issues. 
I do not for one second blame Maddie, but even unintentionally Maddie’s constant fugitive state created fissures first in Buck - then in both Chimney and Jee-Yan.
We can see Maddie arrive at that conclusion when she guides a kid who couldn’t find his brother in their own house, and while talking to the kid she - 1. understood why Chimney felt compelled to leave that morning and 2. help the kid find his baby brother, she is a big sister herself, by knowing her dynamics with Buck, she helped him find his own younger brother. (deeper siblings review is in the making)
Those realizations from the call helped her to reassure Chimney that she’s here to stay. And she want them to be a family. 
Now Chimney lol when he’s with Maddie, I love him! He’s turning into this big lump of softie, we know he loves her, we know he would have stayed with her that morning if he knew she was there to stay.
He says: “I had a one night stand with my ex, I don’t know what the rules are.” 
That statement alone meant that Chimney felt that last night’s was not something he could trust, he didn’t think Maddie would want to stay, he was terrified and, in Bobby’s words - Fled his own apartment lol
Bobby and Eddie, being the amusing voices of reason: 
“You didn’t skip the morning after conversation, you just delayed it.” Bobby did indeed have a point.
Eddie, knowing from his experience with Shannon and her showing up at the station in Merry-ExMas, elaborates - “You added a whole new complicated layer.” He looks a complicated mess of amused, supportive and in roast mode all at the same time, I love S6 Eddie more than ever. (more gushing later.)
I am happy to have Madney with baby Jee back together under the same roof and heading forward together, I wonder if we’re heading for a Madney wedding this season 👀🙏
Bathena getting ready for the cruise cracked me up! Bobby with the shirts and the ship’s itinerary and travel schedule (Buck and his clipboard anyone?😂) and Athena being exasperated and really all she wants to do is go away and have fun with her husband, rest and enjoy themselves.
I loved May roasting Bobby about the Hawaiian shirts lol was very reminiscent of Christopher roasting Buck in the beginning of the episode. (more on that later)
One awesome thing that I’ve got to point out - Athena and Hen lunch date, that is something we haven’t seen in a long time, I’ve missed those two together!!
That brings me to the whole interim captain thing, I want to know which writer I’m going to slap for giving us cringingly awkward Buck in this episode?? One scene maybe two along with the talk Buck had with the Diaz boys was acceptable funny even. But to revert him all the way back to the first seasons, was uncalled for and made me look away for most of the awkward Buck scenes. 
Hen, bless her, was the only one who saw fit to put Buck out of his misery, (tbh I thought for sure she’ll kill Buck for touching her ambulance lol) and went to Bobby to tell him to out his big boy pants and choose an interim captain so Buck can stop bending over backwards trying to prove himself.
Which btw was something I expected Bobby, at this point of the show, to know what is going on, instead all we get is “Ah so that’s what he’s been doing.” 
I mean, duh! If I could see it, so should his captain 🤦‍♂️
Now I’ll pause to say, and it may anger some people, that I don’t think Buck is ready to be captain.  I’ve been watching several firefighters shows and to this day I cannot grasp the rules of the LAFD, I mean I figured Chimney with the most seniority, probably already a lieutenant is indeed the most logical next in line - seeing from 2x17 and 2x18 that captaincy is not his forte I figured the next one will be Hen or bringing someone from outside of the same rank as Bobby to cover as captain. 
They did that in Chicago Fire, same as Station 19. I don’t know what is going on in LAFD or 118 but I’m guessing the firehouse has more than one captain or more than four people.
I don’t get why Lucy would have been Bobby’s next choice, that was the writers’ lazy way of introducing Buck’s new conflict/crisis, and tbh at this point I’m kinda over Buck’s crisis being sprouted up by women, give me something more believable, something I can relate to, some form of mature writing for god’s sake. Lucy is injured at home, let her be injured at home lol
In fact Bobby did think about asking Hen and Buck agrees with all of us that Hen will make a great captain. Hen is the best choice for captain - we see it all the time, the way she reins in everyone, being a sounding board and the voice of reason when needed, She always knew how to navigate Buck and was so sweet to Ravi when he suffered under Buck’s mentoring lol.
This brings me to Buck and Eddie, I mean that first call, I wondered at first why Bobby sent Chimney with Eddie, but Buck headed straight over to help Eddie while Chimney helped the first pilot down the aerial, and they ended up doing the risky part of the rescue together. It was beautiful! I missed them working together.
Even though very professional, we can see that Buck is worried for Eddie, as he headed up the aerial quickly, the way he says his name, the way he looks up as he helps the co-pilot down. - Always looking out.
I have to say that even though that situation was extremely dangerous Eddie walked in and got through it with ease and grace, that jump out of that blimp was beautiful!  🤩
I actually expected the blimp emergency to be bigger, something dramatic, but I found I love it just as it is! It was refreshing, not to start a season with some kind of natural disaster or another. - It hit just right in my opinion.
The scene of the video call with Lucy showed that one, the team is fond of her and second, Bobby seems to trust her very quickly, I don’t really get it, I mean she’s been with them for 6-8 months now? She may be badass but she’s worse than Buck as far as self preservation goes. So I was just as surprised as Buck at the fact that Bobby considered her as interim captain, why would the team follow her after such a short time? But Buck’s face told a whole story which Eddie picked up immediately, his face a concentrated mix of worry and trying to discern how to neutralize the situation. Chimney good naturedly tried to lighten the mood, both Hen and Eddie joining in a roasting Chimney on the way it was nice to see things pretty much go back to normal. The next scene will live rent free in my head for a looong time,  I mean Buck doesn’t have a couch, the only place to sit is on the dining table, and still Eddie and Christopher are looking right at home, and comfortable just to be in Buck’s loft, with Buck. - They are not guests in Buck’s loft either, and it makes me wonder how many hours, days weeks, did the Diaz boys spend with Buck in his loft while Eddie was in therapy, as Buck was helping both him and Christopher through their crisis. I also love love love how Eddie is getting straight to the heart of the problem, seeing right through Buck’s roundabout speech about better more qualified people to fill in for Bobby. And neither Eddie nor Christopher allow him to wallow, nor encourage whatever funk he may harboring over this one thing. For me there were two things in play here, 1- Chimney said it quite adequately - “It’s always nice being asked.” 2- Buck is a little unsure of himself, he feels like the work is the one thing he does best and if that’s not what Bobby thinks then what does it say about him.
So many little nounces here, in this talk between Eddie and Buck, it’s all hinges on many domestic features too, it’s like they’re talking about one thing when in fact it feels like they are having a different discussion entirely. “He has so many other excellent options right under his nose..” “What like you?” “it’s like he’s choosing not to see them and everything they have to offer” “What are you offering?”   You’d think Buck would list what he has to offer in terms of captaincy but Buck gives a different answer, in fact verifying of that other underlined conversation i indicated before - “Right now, Bobby’s famous lasagna.” The Diaz boys admire the lasagna - “I looks good” - “It smells good” 
- taking a pause here to share a little tidbit, I have a close friend who is bi - She loves to tell me how good I look even when I feel like the ugliest thing in the world and shallow as it may sound for me it is one of the best things you can say to me if you want to get me to smile. And she once told me when we talked that for her the highest form of complement is when people tell her she smells good. So Buck got here two of the ultimate complements (obviously there are more) it looks good and it smells good, still didn’t feel like we were talking about the lasagna lol. 
“I just want to know what these other candidates have that I don’t.”
And here comes Christopher’s famous - “Buck, you don’t even have a couch.” - Took me a while to stop laughing, Christopher roasting Buck is one of my favorite things to watch, it’s sweet and shows affection and familiarity. (like I said before, it sounds a lot like May with Bobby.) 
Buck, bless him, asks Christopher what does that has to do with the couch and Christopher answers that it’s weird. I love that kid so much!!
And Buck answers seriously, even though Chris is a kid, and in my family we usually brush our problems off with a joke - so I really admire Buck’s being honest and giving Christopher an honest answer. “My last couches came with gfs.”
Eddie shoots back “You mean your last two gfs came with couches.” - then turns serious, telling Buck that Taylor has been gone for four months, and he should have been able to get a new couch by now. And here again, it feels like we’re talking about something else entirely when Buck looks Eddie straight in the eye and answers “Maybe I don’t want to pick the wrong couch again.”
And here Eddie wraps it all up neatly - going back to that first topic - “Maybe that’s how Bobby feels about interim captain.”
The underline conversation here sounded to me a lot like, Buck not wanting to choose the wrong partner again, after everything they’ve been through together it feels like he knows who’s the right one but has yet to make a conscious decision to act on it. And same with Eddie - Eddie knowing why Bobby is hesitant about the wrong interim captain is stemming from his own unwillingness to choose the wrong person again and he’s waiting until he’s sure. - until they’re both sure.
In my opinion both Buck and Eddie know exactly where they are, it’s in every look, every smile, every word, every act. They are just threading carefully for now. So really, my guess? Oliver’s slip of the tongue (”season sex”), may not have been a slip of the tongue - or maybe just a Freudian slip who knows? lol.
The ring call should have held more significance, considering they originally thought it was a shooting, but we get Eddie being a hot paramedic and exasperated husband so I’m semi- happy with it.  The win-a-car call was sooo funny!! Eddie looked so hot, and so amused, he knew exactly how things are gonna go the moment the owner of the dealership told Bobby that rules are rules Lmao.  Buck was so enthusiastic it was so sweet, and Eddie looked so loving and amused as Buck walked past the owner with an almost inappropriate wide grin and a saw in his hands LMAO.
There was definitely silent Buddie conversation here too, that look exchange was everything. I am betting that at least 70% of that call was mostly Oliver and Ryan having fun. That last conversation with Bobby and Buck (Which had my faith restored in our good captain as far as Buck was concerned.) was so good. I missed their little moments. But here we in fact see that Buck’s issue wasn’t just about not being chosen for captain, he knows and agrees that Hen is the best choice. And we see that when Buck, sweet, innocent (sometimes) Buck, asks in the cutest funniest way ever “Is this because I don’t have a couch?” - This is a callback to his conversation with Eddie and Christopher, obviously their words are those that carry weight. Bobby’s response is a simple curious “Why don’t you have a couch?”
Buck’s answer is similar to what he tells Eddie, but it’s more revealing “I guess I’ve been having trouble picking one out, I think I’m afraid of making a mistake again.” - I mean it’s a couch, but Buck isn’t talking about the couch, he’s been through a string of unfortunate relationships and he’s been hurt, and he doesn’t want to be hurt again. Also, I always believed that if Eddie hadn’t been with ana at the time, Buck would never have started a relationship with Taylor, she was a comfort in a sea of hurt in the wake of Eddie’s injury. Eddie’s, now, ex-gf insured Buck search for comfort elsewhere. Going back to the conversation with Bobby - Bobby’s response is as usual a wise one “...You take an inventory of your life, admit your shortcomings, in hopes that one day you can look at the world straight in the eye and be alone at perfect peace and ease.” - The world here somehow signifies, for me, Eddie and Christopher for Buck, because really they are the only two people I see Buck being at peace and ease with. - Also the amount of time Buck and Eddie stared at each other straight in the eyes, I mean... all that left is the admitting part. 👀
Buck asks, but you can see the humor in his eyes, because he know the answer to be no, “You don’t think I’m at ease?” - Meaning he knows he’s not at peace. Bobby’s response made me want to hug him, really - “I think the important thing is that you answer that question for yourself, so when you are, you’ll know. And then you’ll be ready.”  - Bobby knows, anyone? 👀👀
The sequence scenes of Eddie and Christopher continuing to play Boggle (thank you @talespinner230) at home (playing “old school” like Buck suggested in Futue Tense👀😁💖) is now one of my top 5 Diaz family moments. 
And Buck, now alone in his loft, taking that single chair from the side and planting it in front of the tv. For me, it’s telling, this is buck choosing his own chair, for him, in the spot where he wants it to be. - He’s making the conscious choice to focus on himself, building his life for himself. For the first time ever he gets to dictate what he wants to do and where his life would go instead of his action being dictated by outsiders. (parents, sibling, gfs.) - He’s taking control of his life and I love it, I can’t wait to see where this is going. To sum it up, if we don’t get buddie canon this season, then I’m going to riot because really there were so many insinuations just in one episode, it isn’t funny anymore.👀🙈
If you managed this far, I thank you from the bottom of my heart, it felt like the longest review ever. - I will probably make an all about Buddie post soon with pics and gifs, but first I had to get all my thoughts out of my system. Happy new season my loves! I’ve missed you!!💖💖💖
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