#everyone sounds so good but especially kirstie
oureyesclosed · 2 years
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Please Consider This...
I'm not sure users understand why it really matters that Schemes kept her account so I wanted to write this. This isn't an attack on Schemes. Like someone else said, I hope you will read this simply as a criticism of the decision made by other staff to let her stay on that account. 
We know Schemes cheated in tu/pets/items/etc. Logically, those illicit goods did not stay isolated on her account. 
So let's imagine Schemes bought a name for 1 bil with tu she cheated in. In order for staff to correct the situation they would have to go to the user who sold the name and explain that Schemes cheated, give the name back, and reclaim the illicit 1 bil tu. This is just ONE transaction, but it creates a whole web of problems. First of all, contacting the other user exposes Schemes cheating. Secondly, what if the other user has already spent some or all of that tu? Staff would have to then go to the next person who recieved the illicit tu, and undo that transaction as well. Consider the same for any pets/eggs/items she cheated and bartered with as well. Are they going to track down every subsequent transaction attached to that illicit tu, and is that logically even possible? Probably not. Not only is it a massive amount of work for staff but it would also upset a lot of users. 
So when she was caught, staff took pets, tu and items that she had spawned off of her account - but that's just what was still located on her account. What about the names, pets, and more that she obtained in exchange for her cheated goods and then traded/sold and so on? The wealth she obtained as a result is still at her disposal, on her account, and we can never know just how much she is still benefitting. Even staff don't really know. If nothing else, she had recently (before the ban) obtained high value names. Those names will continue to increase in value and she will be able to sell/trade them in the future. Staff didn't remove those names or send them back to their previous owners because, again, that would expose what she had been doing and create more problems. 
If you're still skeptical that staff can't correct these transactions, please have a look at Kirtsi being hacked a few years ago. Staff caught the hacker and returned Kirsti's account to her, but staff told her it would be extremely difficult to try to get her things back (which is logically true). The hacker had been on her account for months - selling, buying and trading; doing quests, participating in events, hatching eggs, and so on. To undo it ALL they would have to contact every user who had interacted with this account. Including merchant, egg market and rancher sales, auctions and trades, private sales - and so much more. What a nightmare. Staff were right to say this couldn't reasonably be corrected. (I don't know who was on staff back then, I'm just saying it sounds like that was a fair decision). Now consider the same issues arise when trying to undo Schemes playing for an unknown amount of time with cheated tu/eggs/etc. Staff simply can not undo it all, especially not without admitting publicly that she was cheating and taking things back from users (which would be upsetting for everyone who unwittingly interacted with her illicit stuff).  
So let's talk about why this is a situation that doesn't make sense to "forgive" with leniency. The new statement on bans asserts that users have been forgiven and allowed their account back if they show sufficient remorse for their actions. They weren't lying when they said this has happened in the past. In the case of a user who says something inappropriate or hostile, or perhaps a user who had a second account and managed to get 3 extra hatches per day, this may seem reasonable if that user understands they did something wrong and agrees to not repeat the behavior. The damage would be minimal and other rule-abiding users may be more inclined to see it as understandable. In the case of Schemes, you have damage done to the economy of the site (which is already in question and struggling) and a userbase who realize they've been cheated and now question the value of everything in the game. It gives them further reason to question other certain staff who seem to be doing remarkably better than any normal user could do. And above all else, as I demonstrated above, it fails to correct the problem at all. 
Users know that any transaction they make with Schemes/Khione going forward should be viewed in a different light. When Khione asks for a fair price for something they're selling, the rest of us will wonder, "Am I now paying her my tu/etc that I had to work to earn fairly, for something that she (directly or indirectly) obtained through cheating?" And when they see her on an event leaderboard, or out-bid them in an auction, or buy a pet they can't afford - of course they will be bitter. 
There's about 30 other reasons staff who cheat shouldn't be allowed to keep their account, but honestly it shouldn't be necessary to explain them, especially not to the staff members who made this decision.  
I realize the hour grows late on this issue, and the more time that passes the less likely support staff are to decide to ban her account. But maybe laying it out like this will help other staff to realize how problematic this is and encourage them to speak up on behalf of the site.
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campmurderparty · 4 months
heidi & oliver.
Give the nice guy a chance, heidi, you’re not getting any younger. God, that wasn’t a fair thought on two parts: first, there was nothing wrong with oliver, and she hadn’t exactly come into the date with an open mind. Second, heidi knew she was just as attractive as she was back in her twenties, and it was some societal lie that women degraded with age and men only got better, damn it! Her time was not running out and she needed to be more positive.
His explanation sounded very clinical. She could only nod in response. Heidi never gave much thought to intelligence and creativity, so she wasn’t sure how to add on. She was an incredibly driven woman, but that was in regards to her work. There was nothing she was truly passionate about outside of that, unlike her little sister kirsty and her useless (in heidi’s opinion) film school studies.
Heidi grabbed for her wine glass, trying to think up an answer to his question that wouldn’t make her seem like a total asshole. Normally, she could wax poetic about her career for hours, but she was trying to make a good impression. Even if she wasn’t enthused about her date, it was a date.
“Well, that’s a bit hard to answer because I do love my job, my life’s work and all, but it’s not exactly… fun. Especially earlier in my career when I had to get up at two in the morning to make it to the studio at four am, but I'm at a better spot now with the daytime broadcast. I have a bit more control over my scripts now than I did when I started out and I get along with most of the reporters and anchors. It can just be a little, uh, repetitive I guess? Like, I wonder how many times I'll have to say ‘sunshine expected throughout the weekend’ before I die." she cringed as she finished speaking. Heidi tried to play it off like a joke, but it didn’t work very well. She didn’t know why she was being so honest with him when she was so fake with everyone else. First date jitters, maybe. She tried to course correct with a coy flutter of her lashes. “Have you ever seen me on the morning news, Oliver?”
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unironicduncanstan · 3 years
Total Drama Music Camp AU - playlist / performance ideas
here she is,,,, the cursed secret texts,,,,, the total drama music camp playlist , along with some short explanations below, cringe city bitch (most of these are just covers that i feel are the closest to the performance Style id imagine for these characters and not necessarily the exact sound but u feel me) also i went back and tagged my previous posts abt this concept with “td music camp au” so if you dont know what the helling fuck im talking abt plz have a gander xoxo
link: youtube .com/playlist?list=PL-bPcaq3ZK2L682RHPauxrsFIPvGJdsiM (space is there so tumblr hopefully doesnt nerf me from the tag 🥺 )
Some Nights - ok so first weeks challenge. i feel like chris would just want them to all collab together on one huge group performance. kinda like on the first day of school when they make you do the ‘get to know you’ tests. idk exactly who would sing what parts tho bc there are so many so let your imagination run wild !!
Hand crushed by a mallet - ok. OKYAY. im a home of sexual. but this is a Cody, Trent, Tyler, Harold and Izzy song. Cody is on vocals (especially the rap in this version shdofsgjsk), Trent is on guitar and some vocals (does some back and forth with him during the rap), Tyler is on drums (and does that one tiny background screamy bit towards the end), Izzy and Harold are joined up on creating the background track and DJing the whole thing. the distortion/choppy part at the end is izzy LIVE going ape on the audio level sliders. its one of the most energetic performances of the whole series and surprises everyone including the group themselves
Misery Business - Duncan on vocals and guitar, Geoff on drums, Trent also on guitar and maybe some backup vocals. you all know i chose that bc i love associating mgk with duncan but. i rly like this idea actually ;;
Paparazzi - ezekiel. idk who the fuck else except maybe justin bc he’d dance that shit to death. i will not apologize thats Him and its fire but you may write and send any formal complaints to my po box. ill roll a blunt with them,
Pom Pom - Lindsay, Heather, Sadie+Katie, and Izzy. Lindsay and Heather are on vocals, sharing the chorus and each getting a solo verse, and ofc izzy does the weird rap part towards the end, and most of the background track. they all thought they were stuck with izzy but izzy is stuck with these preps. Sadie and Katie are on backup vocals, but their role in this one is mostly dancing and adding ✨ stage presence. 
Maps - Trent is on the guitar and male vocals while Courtney is on the female vocals (the ~top two performers~ gotta have a song together eventually right), DJ on drums, Bridgette on piano. Heather, Lindsay, Justin, and Leshawna are dancers bc lbr the dance from the video is pretty good for a group number
CREEPER? AW MAN - ok this one. is kind of a joke but wouldnt it be rly hilarious if cody, ezekiel, and harold did this one mostly for fun and the whole second part with the existential breakdown was just. used with on stage satire to make fun of chris for being old or smth. like would they suffer that week, yes, would it be worth it, Y E S, 
Shatter me - Eva, Courtney, Gwen, Beth. QwQ Eva’s on vocals for the first time and rocks it, Courtney is on violin, Gwen on drums, and Beth uses her instruments to make a background track before the performance so she can do stage tech/DJ stuff. oh also justin should be on this one bc i want. those costumes from t he vi deo, 
Chop suey - Lindsay and Courtney on vocals (LMAOSJFkSF listen. we love contrast queens that stun the crowd), Duncan on guitar, Eva on drums (and a lot of background screaming to help the Vibe Tee Em)
Unwritten - Leshawna and Trent? ik its a weird combo but i think they’d kill this
White Winter Hymnal - Lindsay as Kirstie, Noah probably as Avi even tho we all know he can’t sing that fuckgin low. and idk my other 3 bros as Cody, Tyler and Ezekiel. truly iconique group
Forget me too - QWQ DUNCAN AND COURTNEY ,,,,,,,,,,,, i dont apoloigze for the second mgk = duncan pick, anyways duncans also on guitar, gwen on drums (there is no love triangle in this au btw. the only reason theyre singing this song is bc of the regular ~tension~ that u see in like tdi but its just for the stage mostly. as soon as the songs over they would hug and cheer abt it)
Simple and Clean - Bridgette on singing, Gwen on piano, DJ on drums, Beth on general stage stuff + creates the backtrack with Bridgette's harmonies overlayed
Mr. Brightside - OWEN ON THE BRASS YES BBY ITS HIS TIME 2 FUCKIENG SHINE, Geoff on drums, Gwen begrudgingly on piano, Noah is on vocals and they have to literally bribe him with everything they HAVE to get him to try and sing this way. and he does it and it aint too shabby but he will never do it again
Domino - Leshawna on vocals (again these choices are all, based on general vibe and style and not necessarily voice, this is a tiny white girl singing,), Tyler on drums, Duncan on guitar. energy to the max babey the speakers are gonna blow the fuck out on this one
Starships - KATIE AND SADIE GET TO BE A MAIN DUO !!! they alternate lines , with courtney on violin, izzy on that synthy backtrack, and justin is involved in this one bc id change just a couple of things abt the music video costumes for these characters but like. [grabby hands] gimme
Bulletproof - ezekiel vibes.....? izzy and harold get to team up again for the backtrack. weird kids only karaoke night
The Wolves And The Ravens - 🥺 a geoff and bridgette songk,,,,, 
Never Enough Praying (Mashup) - Courtney on Praying, Heather on Never Enough, Beth and Izzy end up together on the background stuff and make a rly nice track actually
Gasoline - bitch. you know what im gonna say but duncans on vocals, Tyler on guitar, Geoff on drums, Ezekiels on track
Better not wake the baby - Noah gets to sing a song that actually matches his style a tiny bit better lol, DJ on drums, Trent on guitar, and i feel like beth is the only one with any hope of figuring out the accordion keyboard thing thats in the background
This is Gospel - Gwen on piano and Trent on vocals. really the music video is the most important part for me bc i think a challenge where oyu have to sing a really intense emotional song while chris gets to dump shit down on your head from the ceiling of the stage. sounds perfect,
Wildest Dreams - codys on vocals bc god i am Obsessed with this cover being a bisexuality / coming out song . everybody thinks hes just regular simping and being his usual fuccboi self when he chooses this song till he gets to those Very Intentionally Unchanged Pronouns that he sings a little too enthusiastically hhhshHDSHHHSDH , also DJ on drums and Tyler on guitar
Happier - Bridgette solo ! 
Stay - Courtney on guitar and vocals, Dj and Harold are on the hand drum shit. once again i live for the ‘unlikely group actually works together and rocks it’ stuff. courtney as always has talent and enjoys what she does but harold and dj kind of steal the show with how in sync and energetic they are abt it lmfaodghd
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kirstinmaldonado · 4 years
Chapter Four 2.0
Is it just me or are the alarming numbers of posts about weight gain or weight loss in this time freaking everyone out? I know I’m not innocent; I’ve definitely joked about my personal quarantine-15 as well, blindingly attempting to hide my own insecurities with it through humor.
But if I see another “Carbie” or changed photo online insinuating weight gain, I might cry.
It’s hard enough trying to “make the most” of your time, even if you’re riddled with it. If you read my last post, you’d think by now I’d be the fit, Spanish-speaking, piano-playing, singer-songwriter that Week 1 Kwarantine Kirstie dreamed of. As we know, I’ve “fallen off.”
But have I? Is this really the age we’re in? Where in a global pandemic we still feel the urge to get a thousand things done in the mere 24 hours we get a day? 
That societal pressures are so prominent that we all joke together about how much weight we’ll gain? And where posts scream at you with side by side pictures of extreme weight loss, expecting you to not only have your life together but lose weight with all this “extra time?”
I digress. I can’t do it all and keep my mental health in check.
People are either finding new or returning to hobbies to distract themselves from what is going on right now, and that’s great. If yours is that home workout, I applaud you!! Keep at it! It’s so good for your mental and physical health, I know I need to be more on top of it! 
If it’s reading a little, spring cleaning, whatever it is that you are able to accomplish, I am proud of you! If you’ve been able to dig in and uncover a goal you’d not been able to achieve before, don’t let this or anything hold you back! I hope to get to that mindset and I feel I am on my way!
But in the meantime, I’ve been baking, and since there’s only two people in the house it’s, y’know, not ideal for the waistline.
But here’s my deal. I’m coping. When I went to the grocery store a few weeks ago and saw empty shelves, I cried and went to the baking aisle to get decorations and proper ingredients for the baking I was planning on doing. My hands have been stained with food color more often than not within just this last week, as I baked for friends’ birthdays in quarantine and for Easter.
And that’s okay! I am adapting.
You know why I stopped baking so much in the first place? I ran out of time. When I’d be home from tour I wanted to relax more than work all night in the kitchen. I wanted to spend quality time enjoying others’ company rather than cleaning pots and pans all night. But I’ve realized now more than ever that baking just brings me this sense of happiness, like I’m sure other things do for you guys.
There’s a rhythm to baking, how you mix it. You can’t rush the process, ‘cause the icing will melt if your treat hasn’t cooled. There’s a sense of calm patience I enjoy that is hard to replicate. And then the decorating taps in to my artistic side, and depending on how I’m feeling I’m either slathering that icing on freely or delicately decorating with pearl accents and made-from-chocolate flourish!
Baking brings me back to Nana’s and Grandma’s kitchens. My favorite thing was baking with them, rolling dough, watching them and learning! As I grew older, got my own place, that feeling of baking and care-taking made me happy. Baked goods always have a lot of love in them, I feel, and is this not a time to put a smile on peoples’ faces? Why not do what I love on Easter and bake a whole cake, a hobby that reminds me of my family that I miss so much and can’t be with?
I don’t want all this to sound like an explanation for my recent eating choices. You’re not my food journal. And even though I’ve dipped away from my goals and feel a little disappointment, I know I was cathartic baking and so accept the consequences of my actions. The point is to recognize and move forward.
I also don’t want this to be like every “how/why not to gain weight in quarantine” post, because I don’t know how to do that.
With all the stress on how this would progress, I don’t blame myself or anyone for freaking out when they saw empty shelves and grabbing the closest thing they could find that has a decent shelf-life (Kraft Mac n Cheese…). The real hurdle here, my point, is just making sure you’re being healthy to yourself.
If you want some red wine, go for it. If you want to treat yourself, okay! These things are all fine in doses as long as you don’t transform your habits from healthy to unhealthy.
I have binged before. I have purged before. I have had the most unhealthy views of my body before. I still battle with it. But within this last year I have gained so much knowledge about how my body operates. I have fed it cleaner food and seen how it’s transformed my mind, body, and spirit. I have worked SO hard and done two a days. It’s not always the easiest, but I spent quality time taking care of myself.
All that to say, my initial 2020 goals were to remain on track and healthy to myself. This is THE year, I thought.
Coronavirus put a…twist on my goals. I haven’t been fussing about the wine I’ve had, or the goodies I’ve made, as I focused more on my mental health. I am glad I let myself just be. It really helped. But it’s mid week five and we have five more weeks ahead of us at least. And as I started looking at myself in the mirror, or flipping through Instagram, I could feel my anxiety creep up again. So I made that dreaded trip to the scale and got out my measuring tape which I’d used before to track progress.
And you know what? I gained inches. I gained weight. 
Did it make me…kinda sad? Yes. I felt disappointed as if all my hard work last year was for naught.
But…I gained weight in a global pandemic.
In the big picture of things, how fortunate am I to have the resources to feed myself. To gain weight. 
All these ads, all the modified pictures which are ACTUALLY kinda fat-shaming, all this panic of gaining weight is so triggering while everyone is just trying to keep relatively afloat. It feels insensitive. I can’t flip through Instagram without seeing people capitalizing on the situation. “Lost 20lbs with this amazing home workout plan and tea” or diets to take care of the “stubborn fat you’ll have” when this ends. It’s toxic for those that battle with eating disorders or body dysmorphia. It’s toxic for those that are just able to get what they can. There’s enough stress already! We are staying inside and at home for a REASON. If you have the luxury to gain a few pounds while you’re safer at home, good for you. Don’t be so hard on yourself as you try to mitigate a PANDEMIC.
I am trying not to be. I am re-adjusting how I’m working out so it fits more in line with my aesthetic goals. We are almost done eating the carrot cake from Easter (yikes, I know, already, it was too good). 
All I hope for myself, and for you all, is that you don’t fall in to unhealthy ways, mentally or physically. It’s a battle, especially in this time, I know! I’ll be the first to say I haven’t been my best. Gaining some pounds isn’t unhealthy itself, but can manifest into bad habits in this isolation like binging or an overall sedentary, unmotivated lifestyle.
If you’re moving, you’re getting a little sun, and you are staying safe and healthy, you’re gonna be okay. Don’t let little personal fluctuations alarm you and derail who you are and what you’ve worked for. The world is fluctuating with you, so you are constantly having to adapt!
I’m going to make a better effort to not coop myself inside, be aware if I’m overdoing the emotionally eating, and feed my body in all the right ways. Mind. Body. Spirit. Besides that, it’s just taking one day at a time.
I hope you all are safe and healthy. I hope you all are still believing and trying your best. <3
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nerdy-bookworm-1998 · 4 years
Happy Birthday, Sweetheart
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader Summary: It’s reader’s birthday, which she spends just relaxing with the team since her original plans had to be postponed. Words: 782 Warnings: Fluff A/N: This was written as a birthday gift for @bookscoffeeandracoons, happy birthday bestie! Please leave feedback/reblogs and if you want to be tagged in future works please send me an ask.
It's a quiet morning at the Avengers Compound in upstate New York. The sun is slowly rising, painting the room in soft golden light as the occupants inside stirred. Bucky tightened his arm around his girlfriend's waist infinitesimally as he snuggled as close as humanly possible while placing soft, slow kisses along her neck and shoulder.
"Good morning, beautiful," he murmured, his voice still thick with sleep.
"Good morning, handsome," y/n murmurs with a sleepy smile before turning around to burrow into his chest. "Can we just stay in bed all day?" she asks with her face hidden in Bucky's shirt.
"Unfortunately not, doll. We have your birthday to celebrate," he chuckles then lands a quick kiss on the top of her head before slowly getting out of bed. "I'll go run you a hot bath so you can soak while I get breakfast going, how does that sound?"
"Sounds good, thanks, Buck," she agrees, albeit hesitantly. Buck merely grins as he heads towards the ensuite to get the water going.
After a long, hot bath filled with fragrant bubbles, y/n emerges from the bedroom dressed in her favorite pair of leggings, fluffy socks, and Bucky's blue henley. She is shocked to see the whole team seated around the dining table, which is piled high with platters of eggs, toast, bacon, hash browns, mini pork sausages, fried tomatoes, fruit, yogurt, and Belgian waffles. There are also large pots of freshly brewed coffee and mimosas. "Happy birthday!" they all cheer when they spot her, Nat and Wanda coming over to give her hugs and leading her to sit between them at the table.
"You guys, this really wasn't necessary," y/n smiles at her family shyly.
"Of course it was!" Tony exclaims from the head of the table. "It's only your birthday once a year, and after your plans for the theme park had to be postponed until goodness knows when it's only right that you get to spend the day relaxing with people who love you. So eat up, we have a full day of relaxing get done.!"
Having nothing to say in return, y/n loads up her plate and grabs a large, steaming mug of coffee before digging in on the delicious food. The rest of breakfast is a lively event, where the team playfully bicker on what they should watch first.
Once all the plates had been cleared and packed into the dishwasher, everyone drifts into the theatre room. There are large, fluffy blankets and even fluffier pillows strewn on the couches for everyone to snuggle under, as well as a mini concession-stand stocked to the brim with snacks and drinks.
Y/N and Bucky snuggle together under a blanket on one of the couches. Clint perches on the back of the couch Nat and Steve had claimed. Sam sits in front of them with his head resting against Steve's knees. Bruce sits curled up in one armchair while Tony and Pepper cuddle on the other. And Peter and Shuri, who was visiting the Wakandan Outreach Centre in Brooklyn, lay sprawled across the floor on a nest of pillows and blankets.
Once everyone is settled in their seats with snacks, Friday dims the lights and a very familiar tune starts playing through the speakers. Y/N, Peter, Shuri, and Wanda let out excited squeals before they start humming along to the theme song of their favorite movie while the rest just smile fondly.
That evening, after numerous movies, Steve and Wanda briefly disappear before coming back with a large, decadent chocolate cake decorated with raspberry buttercream in varying degrees of intensity and filled with stracciatella creme and strawberries. They had placed candles reflecting her age and a bunch of sparklers on top before lighting them. As everyone joined in on their rendition of the "Happy Birthday" song, y/n couldn't help the large, fond smile overtaking her features as her heart swelled with love for her found-family.
Later that night, as y/n and Bucky lay snuggled together under the covers of their bed while Bucky rubs slow, soothing circles into her back he quietly asks, "Did you enjoy your birthday, doll? I know it wasn't exactly what you had in mind for today."
"I really enjoyed my birthday, Buck. Yeah, it wasn't what we planned, but somehow it ended up being even better. Especially since we still got to spend the day together," she smiles lovingly up at him before giving him a soft kiss. "Good night, Buck. I love you."
"Good night, doll. I love you too," he smiles, placing one final kiss on her forehead before snuggling further into the blankets and pulling his girl close against his chest. "Happy birthday, sweetheart."
@mcdesij @spiderrrling @arrow-guy @interestedbystanderwrites @murdocksmartinis @gwendelerynan @here2have-fun @bookscoffeeandracoons @bambamwolf87 @loricameback @rockrchick51 @love-nakamura @baebeepeach @timelordy-fangirl2 @jewelofwinter @caramell0w @jewels2876 @ladysergeantbarnes @notawritergettingtherethough @patzammit @fanfictionjunkie1112 @lumar014 @kirstie-evans-writes @robertdowneyhiddleston @lil-lex1 @dragonrosegardens @bookgirlunicorn @shadymidge @kaithezaftig @that-place-called-middle-earth @marshyrebelcloud
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katefiction · 4 years
Second Chances - Part I
by mrandmrswales (Emily) / August 23. 2013
This is slightly different to what I normally write but I’m quite proud of it so far! There should be another part to it, as its quite a long fanfiction. Thank you to the lovely Maria for helping me with the title, I was stuck about this but I think it fits nicely. Anyway, don’t forget to give me feedback and I hope you like reading it! (This is all fiction)
The first thing that 19 year old Catherine Middleton saw when her lids fluttered open that first morning was the sight of rain pouring down outside the thin glass window. The trees swayed vulnerably under the force of the cruel wind. Kate let out an inaudible groan and squeezed her eyes shut again, imagining that the rain and wind were nothing but the soundtrack to a typical morning at home. The previous night had been a haze of plane flights and driving through rocky terrain until a cluster of cabins had loomed out of the night. Kate and about 20 others had been herded from a car and split into one of the many cabins, males one way and females the other. By that point, everyone’s eyelids had been drooping and sleep had been a welcome relief.
‘All right everyone up!’
A shrill voice echoed through the hut and several loud groans echoed across the room. Kate grinned at the sound, remembering the fuss that would occur in the mornings at boarding school. She pulled herself up off the floor, her back protesting at the night slept on the floor. Her body would have to get used to it, she had 10 weeks left of this.
Half an hour later, the women were herded out of the hut, across the wet, cold yard and into a small kitchen. A huge vat of porridge bubbled on the small cooker and roughly 10 boys sat bleary eyed at a long bench while many more were gathered in a parallel room to be briefed by the other guides. A couple of hushed whispers and giggles erupted from behind Kate and she turned back to see the source.
‘Oh my god!’
‘I can’t believe it’s really him!’
Kate rolled her eyes and turned to sweep her gaze across the bench, her eyes eventually settling on a young man with familiar eyes and a mob of blonde hair. It was no other than Prince William.
‘Hi I’m Will.’
‘Kate. Pleased to meet you.’ William met her gaze from under his blonde mop of hair and smiled bashfully. Kate turned to the sink to hide the sudden blush creeping up her neck.
‘Shall we get started?’
‘Yep. What needs to be done?’
‘I think the dishes and then the cutlery.’ Kate said, her gaze sweeping over the pile of dirty plates beside the two tiny sinks. Outside the window, the sun swept its golden rays from over the distant hills and the sound of their friends laughing and chatting filled their ears. ‘Let’s get it done shall we?’ Kate said at the envious look on William’s face.
‘So…um, where abouts do you live?’ William asked racking his brain for conversation starters. Kate smiled.
‘I live in a village called Bucklebury in Berkshire.’ She replied softly. ‘You live in London I suppose?’
William shrugged, ‘Yeah, but I also live in Scotland I guess. I go there quite a lot.’
‘Ah nice. I love Scotland.’ Kate replied with a reassuring smile.
William grinned, happy to have a mutual interest at last. ‘Yeah. It’s always been my sanctuary because the paps can’t get to us there.’ He replied casually and Kate shot him a glance. The idea of being chased around by strange men seemed absurd, but to him it was presumably normal.
‘What’s it like being royal?’ She asked suddenly, blushing furiously at his amused look. ‘Sorry..I..that was an odd question.’ She muttered, but William shook his head, turning back to the dish he was drying.
‘It’s just something that I’ve always been aware of. Mum always kept Harry and I grounded but the idea of being King always hung over me. I’m different, but I have always resented being so. The paparazzi make it harder of course because nothing is ever private to them.’ Kate smiled sympathetically.
‘I can’t pretend to know what it feels like to have old men chasing you around but I can guess. It must be really ghastly.’
‘Yeah it’s pretty bad. It makes finding girlfriends or making friends hard because they’re never afraid to hunt them down and find every last detail about them.’ William sighed and moved onto the next plate. Kate tutted and did the same, shooting glances at his hunched frame and floppy blonde hair. The idea of having a casual conversation with the future King of England at a sink in Chile seemed almost dream-like and unimaginable, but to her surprise it was so normal. He was just like any other 19 year old boy except slightly more experienced in life’s hardships.
‘So what university are you going to go to after the summer?’ She asked flippantly. William grimaced and opened his mouth to speak.
‘Oh I’m-’
‘KATE?!!! CAN YOU COME HERE PLEASE? MARK HAS SPILT WATER ON YOUR JUMPER!’ William was interrupted and Kate groaned.
‘Excuse me.’ She said and rushed from the room, William shooting an amused glance at her as she hurried from the room.
It was a crisp, cool morning as Kate left the cabins to make her way down to the woods where she was to chop wood with William. Dew shone like diamonds over the springy grass and the mist hung over the trees, cloaking the area in grey. The hill was steep and wet as Kate tentatively made her way down towards where William stood, already chopping wood. He looked up as she approached
‘Hello again, you and I always seem to be together!’ He grinned ‘Come to check I’m chopping right?!’
‘Yeah, Kirsty said she didn’t trust you not to accidentally chop your arm off’ Kate replied with a chuckle. William’s face twisted into mock hurt and he handed her an axe.
The two began chopping in contented silence, the sound of birds chirping joyfully and wood splitting under the blow of metal being the only noises that filled the valley. Kate looked up through her fringe at William, admiring the concentration on his young face, every now and again reaching to sweep a lock of golden hair away from his face. He looked at her suddenly and she blushed.
‘Admiring my talent at chopping wood?!’ He teased and Kate laughed.
‘Most definitely. One might even think you did it as a professional’ William tutted but smiled all the same.
‘So tell me about yourself. Do you have any brothers or sisters?’
‘I have a younger sister and brother called Pippa and James. Pippa and I are very close because were quite close in age, whereas James is quite a bit younger than me. I love him very much though, although he does drive me mad sometimes! Although, Pippa drives me more mad! She knows how to wind me up better than anything.’
William smiled ‘Care to share how?’
‘That would be telling!’ The two’s eyes held each other’s for a moment and Kate felt a small blush creeping up her neck.
‘So.’ She said suddenly, shaking her head free from thoughts of drowning in his clear blue eyes. ‘You just have Harry? You get on well?’
‘Oh yes, Harry is one of my best friend. He, like your sister loves to wind me up though. Especially in public when I can’t do anything about it! Ever since Mum…died. We’ve been very close. I was the one that…told him.’ William’s eyes shadowed over and his face became sad, almost vulnerable. Kate said nothing, averting her eyes so as to give him a moment. She had never dreamt that she would ever hear William talking so openly to her of all people about his mother, one of the most famous women who ever roamed the earth and was so dear to him.
Before she could stop herself she blurted out ‘I can’t even imagine how hard that must have been.’
William looked at her and she saw his eyes soften slightly as they roamed over her. ‘It was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. It tore him apart, and even to this day I’m the only one who ever truly knows how badly it did. You don’t recover from something like that.’
‘No.’ Kate said softly and stepped forward so she was level to him.
‘I miss her so much’ He whispered, his eyes locking with hers.
‘Your mother would be so proud of everything you’ve done. You’ve been a fantastic brother to Harry and you’ve held yourself together. That’s more than some people could do. She replied softly.
He looked at her for a moment ‘You’re a special girl Kate.’
‘I like to think so.’ Kate replied jokingly and he grinned, the sadness broken.
‘Shall we play a game?’
‘A game?’
‘Yeah. How about 21 questions? So I can really get to know you.’
Kate laughed ‘Go on then, but I can assure you I’m a very boring person.’
‘No more boring than me. Right, first question: How old were you when you had your first kiss?’
What’s your favourite food?
‘Aw that’s a hard one. Umm… I’m going to go with my mum’s spaghetti bolognaise.’
‘Good answer. What’s one of your most embarrassing moments?’
‘The time I accidentally flashed my ‘behind’ at my housemistress. We used to do it at the boys and she walked in one time. Oh God it was so embarrassing.’
William laughed ‘Right, question number four: What is it of me that you like the most?’
‘Your eyes.’
William raised his eyebrows ‘anything else while we’re at it?’
‘Shut up and ask me the next question!’
‘All right! Favourite sport?’
‘Favourite item of clothing?’
‘My little black dress.’
‘What do you want to be when your older?’
‘I still don’t know. Something to do with fashion I think.’
‘Favourite colour?’
‘Favourite movie?’
‘Ummm. Probably-’
Kate jumped and William turned around. Kirsty, their activities leader stood at the top of the hill. ‘YOUR NEEDED UP HERE PLEASE! IS THE WOOD ALL CHOPPED?’
‘YES! JUST COMING’ Kate shouted back and began to gather her wood together. ‘Guess we’ll have to finish this another time.’
‘Guess so. Well see you later, I’ve just got a bit to go.’
‘Okay.’ Kate smiled and tore herself away, reluctantly heading back to camp, cursing whoever it was that needed her.
‘Good Morning everyone, today is the day when you meet the children at the nursery for the first time! Now you all have had training the last few days so you know what you’re doing. Just have fun and be gentle with them, particularly you lot!’ Kirsty their trainer said with a laugh, pointing at the men who were listening to her with huge grins on their faces.
Kirsty continued,  Kate and the others listening intently to their team leader as she ran them through the details of the school day. Kate had been looking forward to doing this rather than just doing activities at the camp as she loved children. From across the circle of people, she caught William’s eye and he grinned cheekily at her. The two had grown close as they were often thrown together in activities such as hunting, chopping wood or just washing up. She had even heard William say he preferred her company to some of the other girls who did nothing but ogle him or giggle when he spoke. All in all however, they all got on well and had become fast friends. Kate had grown close to many of the women and men, some older, some younger. William had become her closest confidant and the longer she spent in his company, the more Kate was beginning to fall for him. She had tried not to, especially as she knew he wouldn’t like her back like that. However, unfortunately when it came to love, logic never came into it. Kate stuck her tongue out at him and turned back to listening to Kirsty, trying to ignore the tingly feeling in her stomach from his smile.
Kate watched with a huge grin on her face as Will and Mark Turner careered around the patio with two 3 year old boys on their shoulders. A huge amount of noise was coming from all four and Kate and the other volunteers were all watching and laughing as the boys screeched with joy. The last two hours had been spent teaching the children to read and spell, with time imbetween for playing. The children were all very sweet and Kate had started to fall in love with several of the little girls who insisted on playing hairdressers with her long hair. Kate was about to turn back into the classroom to continue the English lesson she was teaching when William glanced up and grinned at her from underneath a lock of blonde hair. Immediately, a shiver ran down her spine and she smiled dreamily back. Beside her, her friend Ellie looked suspiciously at her. Kate caught her eye and blushed.
‘You’re not falling for him are you?’ She whispered back, concern mingling with amusement.
‘What? No of course not. He’s like my best friend!’
‘Yeah, but that look you just gave him was hardly platonic.’
‘Oh come on Ellie, he’s good looking but I don’t like him like that.’
‘Me thinks the lady doth protest too much’
Kate tutted and turned away, not wanting Ellie to figure out the truth from the blush on her cheeks. She knew it was ridiculous and she would get over him but in all honesty, she knew that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon. She just hoped he would realise or even return her feelings.
‘Perhaps tonight at the salsa dancing he will whisk you onto the dance floor and kiss you passionately!’ Ellie whispered again. Kate snorted and returned her eyes back to where William was now cuddling several youngsters, however Ellie’s words niggled in her head. Maybe tonight was the night.
Kate shivered and warmed her hands over the roaring bonfire, captivated by the different colours dancing together in harmony. Beyond it, shadows of her friends illuminated against the night sky by the flames showed their bodies, dancing in harmony to the music that roared through the village. Laughter filled the air, partly to do with the alcohol supplied to them by the villagers and partly to do with the Salsa dancing, many partook in. Turning her head to the left slightly, she caught sight of William, leaning against the wall of a little hut, casually holding a glass of local beer. His deep laughter sent a shiver down her spine which she revelled in momentarily before chastising herself for allowing him to have that effect over her. Standing in front of him in a casual stance, stood Hilary Castle; her blonde hair glowing in the light of the fire and her lithe body leaning into him. She watched with jealousy as he dipped his head closer to her to hear what she was saying before laughing again, throwing his head back in mirth while his blue eyes twinkled. Unable to watch any longer, Kate stood up and wandered over to where the salsa dancing was taking place. Within minutes she was thrust into the arms of a slightly drunk village boy, the music running through her as she allowed her inhibitions to leave her.
It took one glance over to ruin the evening for Kate. All of a sudden, the warm tingly feeling from the dancing and the alcohol and the laughter left her. She felt numb, her eyes unable to tear themselves away from the sight of his lips moving over hers, their bodies pressed against the wall in eagerness and the glass of beer abandoned on the floor at their feet, its contents leaking over the grass. The shrieks of laughter from her drunk companions only reminded her that what alcohol she had consumed was not enough to numb the pain of him kissing someone else. Extracting herself from her partner’s iron grip, she hurried over to the bar and grabbed a glass of something.
‘You okay?’ Kate jumped and whirled around to face a young local. He had large brown eyes and floppy hair. He grinned at her ‘I’m Marcos’, holding out his hand to shake hers. Then, he pointed to the large glass she was about to knock back. ‘Do you just want to get really drunk or is there something wrong?!’ He asked, sounding amused. ‘That stuff is strong.’
‘Oh. Well…I just. Um.’ Kate stuttered, her brain refusing to form coherent thoughts. Then, on seeing his kind expression, sunk into the chair next to him and buried her head in her hand. ‘To be honest, I just want to block out the image of the guy I like snogging the face off someone else.’
‘Ahh.’ He replied, and took a measured sip of his drink. ‘Guy troubles.’ Kate nodded and gave a muffled sniff. ‘Well I know the perfect way of clearing your head.’ Kate looked up at him and raised an eyebrow.
‘What would that be? And don’t say Salsa dancing, I’m really not in the mood.’
He chuckled. ‘Salsa dancing, when done with a professional, is very sexy. It looks fantastic and is perfect for getting back at him. You don’t have to do much, leave it up to me. All you have to do is look interested in me, laugh and smile and he will be fuming.’ He replied, puffing out his chest proudly. ‘Come on!’
Kate hesitated. She didn’t want to be petty, but it did sound perfect at showing him she didn’t care. Plus it would save her from disgracing herself tonight and ending up with a colossal hangover in the morning. Giving him her hand, she allowed herself to be pulled from the chair and into the open, next to the roaring fire.
Kate was vaguely aware of the noise surrounding her as they cheered her and Marcos on. The music fired through her veins, stronger than what alcohol could have done. His arms around her were like an iron vice, but were gentle at the same time. Their hips moved in unison and his eyes bored into hers. If she didn’t know that the look on his usual cheeky face was for effect, she would think that he was a passionate lover. He spun her around, flipped her upside down and lifted her to the sky, all the while; never leaving her eyes. She played her part, laughing and smiling, although it didn’t take long for it to become natural rather than forced. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw William, watching. His features knitted together in a conflicted expression while Hilary stood beside him, cheering them on like the rest of the blurred faces around the campfire as she passed them. Marcos let out a small smile every time he saw her eyes dart away from his to see William.
‘It’s working’ He murmured, flipping her down again suddenly, a shriek of laughter escaping her lips as he did so.
The evening ended with them all singing around the fire, most very drunk by now. Kate herself was feeling a bit woozy, having had a few drinks with Marcos afterwards. She had caught William watching her, even so with his arm draped around Hilary, a woozy smile on his face and his usually clear blue eyes hazy. She ignored him, hoping that maybe he would see how much he had hurt her. Surely he knew that she liked him? Perhaps he didn’t. Kate had pushed that thought out of her head. Practically everyone else knew she liked him, surely he did too?
Kate collapsed into bed that night feeling happier than she had in days. Slowly the sounds of singing quietened down, and one by one, everyone had fallen into a contented sleep. Kate slept soundly, a small smile still playing on her lips. William however, lying next door, lay awake, the images of Kate pressed against another man with a huge smile on her face flashing through his mind, mingling with the ones of his lips pressed against Hillary’s. Confliction ran through him, was it possible he liked Kate? She was his best friend…but what about Hilary? He knew he liked Hilary also. Kate couldn’t possibly like him, he thought. Eventually William fell into a troubled sleep, alcohol numbing his thoughts.
Kate let out a huge yawn as she made her way to the kitchen the following morning for breakfast. Truth be told she had a little headache, but nothing compared to what it could have been if Marcos hadn’t stepped in when he did. Wondering if there was some porridge, she opened the door and entered the small, messy kitchen. Her heart sank as she saw the one person she really didn’t want to see sat at the large table in the middle. He looked tired and was gulping down a cup of coffee. He looked up as she entered and smiled nervously.
‘Morning Kate’
‘Morning’ she replied, ‘Is there any porridge going?’
‘Yeah it’s on the stove’
Kate helped herself, trying to ignore the tense silence that passed between them. It made her sad, she didn’t want their friendship compromised. She smiled at him as she took a seat opposite him.
‘You look tired’ She commented as he knocked back the dredges of coffee from his mug. He shrugged.
’Yeah. Last night was quite wild.’
Kate nodded, her lips set in a tight line before she began to eat her porridge.
William lifted his head up from where they had previously been staring into his coffee cup and his blue eyes held hers for a few magical seconds.
‘What do you think of Hilary? Is she as nice as I think she is?’ He asked, trying to make light of the awkward situation.
‘Yeah, she’s lovely. Had a crush on you for ages. She wouldn’t shut up last night!’ Kate chuckled, but it sounded hollow and empty, a shell of its previous self.
William nodded nervously and opened his mouth to speak when the door flew open and William was interrupted. Hilary entered, in all her shining glory, her blonde hair done in a French plait and a tight white top highlighting her curves.
‘Morning!’ She chirruped loudly, settling herself next to William ‘How did you sleep Wills? Hope you spent all night dreaming about me like I did!’ Kate struggled to hold in a wince as she laughed loudly, flipping her hair back and thrusting her chest out.
William smiled, ‘Of course. Who could forget about you?’ Kate’s wince was even more obvious than before and Hilary turned to her, her eyes narrowed
‘Is something the matter? Your ruining the atmosphere between me and my boyfriend’ She announced to which Kate laughed hollowly.
‘Boyfriend? So shoving your tongue down a practical stranger’s throat one evening suddenly means you’re together does it?’ Kate stood up suddenly, picked her bowl up and dumped it loudly in the sink. ‘I’ll be in the village if you need me’ and swept out, leaving William and Hilary staring in astonishment after her.
Hi Kate,
Pippa here! I miss you lots but I’m sure you’re really enjoying yourself out in Chile! I can’t believe that Prince William is in the same place as you!! You will have to tell me ALL the gossip when you get back! My friends and I are seriously jealous of you! A-Levels are as tiring as always, even more so without you to help me! I broke up with Louis and I really wish you were here to give me advice. It sucks but I’ll get over it. I felt it best as he’s leaving for Australia in a few weeks. Do you have your eye on someone? I bet you do! Anyway, Mum wants to add a note on so I’d better finish! Write back soon okay?
Lots of Love
Pippa. Xxx
Darling Kate,
I hope you’re doing well, I’ve been checking the weather forecast every day to see that you will be okay. You’re in for a bit of nice weather for a while so that will be nice. Thank you for the lovely letter you sent a few weeks ago, it sounds lovely out there. We miss you so much, James and Daddy send their love. James is in the middle of his exams so high tension running through the house on weekends! Pippa tells him to stop worrying but you know how hard it is for him! I miss being able to talk to you about things darling but I suppose I’d better get used to it since you will be off to University soon! Must end now darling as I’m running out of space. All my love and kisses
Mummy xxx
Kate smiled in amusement at her sister’s chatty expressions as she wandered away from the tiny post office in the village. Some of her anger and upset had cleared on receiving her letter and the sun shining made her feel brighter.
‘Hello again’ Came a familiar voice behind her and she spun around to face Marcos, his dark eyes dancing and his hair messy. ‘How’s your head?!’
Kate grinned despite herself, his smile was infectious. ‘Not too bad. Although watching Hilary and William snog over breakfast didn’t help my mood.’ Marcos frowned sympathetically
‘Not even the sexy salsa with a dashing signor helped?’
‘No.’ Kate sighed and began to walk, him trotting beside her as they made their way to the local crafts shop.
‘He’s an idiot then.’
‘No he’s not’ Kate replied before she could stop herself.
‘So are you.’ He said, rolling his eyes. ‘Come on’ and he grabbed her arm and herded her into the shop.
Half an hour later, Kate and Marcos came out of the shop, giggling happily about nothing. Kate felt considerably brighter than she had since she woke up and having bought a few goods for her family had cheered her up.
‘Don’t look now.’ Came Marcos’ voice suddenly, breaking into her thoughts as they made their way back through the village towards the cabins. Kate lifted her head and her eyes scanned the area, falling on the sight of two lovers kissing against a tree. She giggled,
‘Why? It’s cute, they’re just kissing!’                                              
‘No really. Don’t look Kate. It’s William and little miss leave-me-alone-to-snog-my-stranger-boyfriend.’ Kate’s heart plummeted into her stomach and she averted her eyes.
‘Lets go the other way’ She mumbled, but Marcos grabbed her arm and looked at her, his eyes blazing.
‘No. were going to walk right on past.’
‘Oh do we have to?’
‘Yes.’ And with that, he began to drag her up the path towards where they stood, arms entwined and heads bent.
She thought she’d made it past without either noticing, the cabins were so close and she was nearly there-
‘-Kate?’ She winced and turned apprehensively around
William was looking up at her, his hair messy and a guilty look on his face. Hilary stood beside him, also slightly rumpled and her lips swollen. William stepped forward
‘Are you okay? You seemed a bit upset this morning.’
‘Oh yes I’m fine! Absolutely smashing.’ She said cheerfully, desperately trying to keep sarcasm out of her tone. “There’s nothing like watching the guy I’m in love with snogging the face of someone else three times in the space of 24 hours” She thought.
William didn’t look convinced and opened his mouth to speak when Hilary stepped forward. She looked a little put out.
‘William. I know she’s your best friend but is there really any need to waste any more of our time together worrying about her? I mean she looks fine to me! Excuse us Kate, my boyfriend and I have some business to attend to.’ She said, a smug look on her face as she finished. She grabbed William’s arm at which he suddenly looked very irritated. Kate ground her teeth together and turned to leave
‘Come on Marcos. Let’s get a drink.’
Marcos nodded obediently and hurried after her, concern etched on his tanned face as she stormed off, all the while William staid rooted to the spot, watching her leave.
to be continued…
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sense8screencaps · 4 years
If you feel like putting into words everything that went wrong/made you dislike the finale, I'd love to hear it
plotwise, it’s under the read more below! and it’s more of a rambling i had 2 years ago + what i remember 2 years later now lmao. logistically, what went wrong i think i’ve answered before. basically if netflix didn’t give the show a tight timeline for filming the finale, i think things would have turned out smoother. if it took an extra year or two to release the finale, i think it would have turned out with much higher quality and more consideration with regards to like everything really
act 1: the plan
planning and subsequent rescuing of wolfgang in the first 30-40 minutes instead of the whole thing taking an entire goddamn hour. cut out wolfgang trying to kill himself. a waste of 5 minutes that should have directly introduced the chairman.
cut out lito’s meltdown and don’t have rajan show up at all. it was a lazy plot device to help jonas escape and a waste of 7 minutes
will and riley meet up with felix and bug instead of that French lady riley like can we get some more lito and kala instead
will fighting bodhi was absolutely pointless??? An excuse to have a fight for no reason like it wouldn’t have made bodhi trying to stab whispers in the club any different (it would’ve made it better imo coming out of nowhere)
the dani and amanita scene was good but a serious continuity error since the show is supposed to be from the perspective of one of the 8
river el-sadaawi was a completely useless character to introduce like it should’ve just been hoy and yrsa talking with riley
convo between hoy, Riley and kirsty was a solid waste of 3 minutes
act 2: the exchange
rajan should not have been part of the exchange lol just swap him out for Felix and it’s all good
Considering Whispers does nothing in this finale other than being a hot potato passed around by people if he died in the club when Bodhi stabbed him it would’ve made an interesting turn of events
hot take: mun shouldn’t have shown up and a more creative resolution to sun’s story could have been written better
I feel like puck should have been part of this scene somehow
everything else pretty much okay
act 3: the lacuna
instead of staying at rajan’s random friend’s place just say it’s riley’s friend? literally makes more sense that way
no lacuna or bodhi shit. it was all deux ex machina like something could’ve been written better by strictly having old man of hoy and yrsa without needing to introduce new mythology
The lacuna concept felt cheap and removed a lot of what I thought kept the sense8 universe grounded in reality.
The mother was pointless to introduce like they could have gotten yrsa or some shit to get them the info on lila being in naples with whispers or just simply have his damn blockers wear off momentarily for will and wolfgang to figure out where he is instead of some weird old lady telling them her son’s backstory and somehow omniscient power of knowing whispers’ location
If Bodhi really didn’t want to be complacent with her stance on Milton and BPO why only NOW did she bother to take action? Why did the Mother only contact them now when God knows how long this weird zombie shit has been happening?
Also why the fuck did Bodhi not even bother to go with them to Naples to kill Milton? She didn’t want to remain complacent and yet she remained so throughout.
act 4: naples
another hot take: they all should’ve sang “rather be” by clean bandit instead on their way to naples. also diego didnt need to show up lol
capheus, felix, wolfgang, kala in the car. rest is the same
this scene should have happened halfway through at the ~90 minute mark
exposition of talking with lila could have been more elaborate. i don’t like that they cut out lila interrupting their pizza party
The transition to Sun and Riley meeting Alphonse and Sutra was messy and badly edited. Everyone in the cluster suddenly is there too? Like at least give some sort of indication they all went to meet Puck
trojan horse/forcella was good but not written or executed well
Kala should have been with Felix and Wolfgang while infiltrating the Forcella. Capheus should have been driving Nomi, Bug, and Amanita and picking up the rest of the cluster along the way/during infiltration of the Forcella.
“My wife... you’re a killer! Teach me!” seriously uncomfortable with Rajan saying that as if he didn’t sound like some kind of sociopath
Kala shouldn’t have gotten shot anyways it was literally 5 minutes of screen time that could have been allotted to a more satisfying confrontation between Lila, Milton, The Chairman, and our Cluster rather than an attempt to get an emotional response from a shock moment.
Jonas’ last monologue went on for too long; for some reason he really had to explain things instead of just “showing” and letting the audience infer to figure it out (particularly the psychic ligature/psycranium stuff)
the bad guys died in literally the most emotionally unsatisfying way. i didn’t need the chairman in this. say shit about whispers manipulating everyone from the top. the chairman being the zombie of like whispers or lila would’ve been way more elaborate. seemed like the writers somehow wrote themselves into a pit where they couldn’t think of anything better. Will and Wolfgang not confronting Whispers for a final time detracted from the emotional and psychological impact Whispers had on their well-beings.
Also like the bloodbath overall was a bit unsettling considering we saw pretty much everyone we know from the show kill bad guys which wasn’t really justified? Like Sun and Mun just knocked people out and killed maybe 4 or 5 people but damn the rest of them not even the slightest hint of trauma? Idk it was weird and I didn’t like it
my queen lila shouldn’t have died
there was so much bad editing here especially with trying to make it look like miguel/lito wasn’t absent
act 5: wedding
if they just cut out a bunch of the bullshit i mentioned earlier we could have gotten a montage or at least some sequence of the sun, lito, kala, and capheus’ stories getting resolved. maybe even some shit with nomi and the guy.
Cutscene to talking about a penis joke with rajan and kala instead of updating us on Cepheus or lito’s lives? Yeah totally makes sense
Hernando should’ve officiated the wedding
Transphobia curing weed brownie? No thanks
rajalagang... cool motive but terrible execution for the most part? idk i needed more rajan and wolfgang being gayer with each other. but then again if rajan wasnt in all of this it wouldve not really made any difference other than probably having just kala and wolfgang kiss 
the orgy should have strictly been the 8 + hernando + amanita + mun + zakia. no one else.
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kinetic-elaboration · 3 years
December 29: The Wrath of Khan
Today’s movie watching was Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.
My overall impression versus TMP is that this is clearly a smoother and more consistently entertaining film. It has a definite story with very little filler, good pacing, a lot of great little dialogue and character moments, and a strong conflict at its center.
But its sci fi bona fides are much weaker. Like by a lot.
Mom and I are talking a bit about Genesis and the more we talk, the weaker it appears to me. First, it’s not really as believable, imo, as a lot of Star Trek. Maybe it’s because it’s not alien based, but I just have a harder time suspending disbelief to think this is possible. Second, it’s not clear why anyone thought this was a good idea. I mean, as McCoy immediately pointed out, it just seems so CLEARLY dangerous: an object meant to foster creation that could so easily be the worst weapon the universe has ever known--nothing could go awry there! Third, the reason for creating such a device isn’t obvious at all. Carol mentions the “growing population” and “food scarcity” but nothing we’ve ever seen of the Federation implies they’re running out of space. Or, frankly (Tarsus IV aside), food. And fourth, there really isn’t any point to Genesis in all its particulars in this film. Like, obviously, its actual purpose is a plot device to resurrect Spock. Within just this film, it doesn’t do anything. Khan wants it, for some reason I’ve already forgotten even though I just saw the film, and he gets it, but I didn’t even notice that happening, because it was so unimportant. His REAL mission is his single minded revenge fantasy on Kirk. Genesis is just a McGuffin/space filler/plot device for the next film.
And honestly that’s not such a big deal, except that when you compare it to TMP, ,and its central idea of a human made probe that gained so much knowledge, doing what we taught it to do, that it became sentient and then started searching for the meaning of life, and how this relates to the search for meaning experienced by the main alien lead, and how his search, in that film and throughout the series, is a mirror for humans and OUR need for purpose... well it just seems really weak. “We made this really dangerous and unrealistic thing for no reason whoops!”
Mom is now criticizing Kirk for being too slow on the uptake when he first encounters the Reliant, which is fair. That’s pretty OOC of him. The idea that he’s too old for space is both one that I must personally disregard, and one that the film would have you discard, since we’ve already heard from TWO characters, the people who know him best, that his best destiny is as a starship captain, and command is his proper role. And that he might be a little rusty is also not a great explanation imo, because the rust was supposed to have come off in TMP. So, plot hole probably.
We were trying to do some math--TMP is at least 2 years post 5YM and TWOK is at least 10 years post TMP, so at least 8 years post TMP. I can understand more rust growing but like... he was already an Admiral in TMP and the idea that he was out of practice with actual command was a big part of his arc there. So it doesn’t seem warranted to do that again.
Also, the way he was commanding poorly in TMP was very IC: he was pushing too hard, trying too much, caring too much about the mission and not enough about...the laws of physics. That’s very Kirk. Being slow on the uptake, caught with his britches down--that’s not Kirk. Plus, with no one to call him out on it, like Decker did in TMP, his poor command doesn’t seem like a big character obstacle to overcome but just like...sloppiness all around.
I thought Khan was over all... just not that interesting. I guess I’m just not into the obsession/revenge plot. Also...idk man he didn’t seem that super to me. He outsmarted Kirk, like, once, and Kirk outsmarted him like 4 times. He tortured some people--but regular humans can do that. He used those sandworm thingies, which is also something humans could do. Overall, he didn’t seem to have any particularly special skills. The only time he really seemed like a worthy adversary for Kirk was when Kirk wasn’t really being IC himself.
I’m also not into the fridging of his wife. Think how much cooler it would have been if she’d still been alive! The only non-super human in the bunch and she’s still there! Ex-Starfleet and bitter!
The K/S in this film is very soothing. Imo they are clearly together here, and the whole film is better if you assume they’re boyfriends and everyone knows. That Vulcan convo that Spock and Saavik have? Waaaaay funnier if you think she’s talking about his boyfriend (”not what I expected....very human” “Well no one’s perfect”). Every time they call each other ‘friend’ like ““friend”“? All the Looks? The birthday gift?
Also the “I have been and always shall be your [friend]” scene is a wedding I will not be taking criticism on this opinion. Could it have been written more like a vow? I think not. It’s not quite This Simple Feeling but it’s the best this film has in that regard.
I liked Saavik and I do think she’s one of the better later-movie additions (though I only like her, as far as I can remember, when played by Kirstie Alley). She didn’t necessarily strike me as super alien, though, at least not at first... But I appreciated how persistent she was about the stupid test, and her regulation quoting. I enjoyed her. I also liked how she was obviously Spock’s protege, which makes her Kirk’s step-protege, and they had just a little bit of that awkward dynamic going on. (”Did you change your hair?”)
The Bones and Kirk relationship was great in this film. You can really feel their friendship and their history with each other. Bones knows him so well and can be honest with him, just when Kirk needs it most.
I also love how Kirk has the SAME conversation with both Bones and Spock (re: being a captain again) but with Spock it’s sooooo much flirtier. In case you weren’t sure what the difference in these two relationships is.
Bonus: this bit of dialogue: Spock: “Be careful, Jim.” / Bones: “WE will.” Lol Spock people who aren’t your boyfriend do exist.
Obviously, I cried during THAT scene. Honestly AOS should have taken note about how to do emotional scenes like that: they come after the main action is over and the villain is defeated. Then they hit at the right time and to the right degree. Kirk just slumping down after Spock dies....like he’s boneless...like he doesn’t know what to do... I CANNOT.
I feel so bad for him that I’ll even forgive him that awful eulogy. Spock died for Genesis? Uh, no, he died for the Enterprise, and for YOU. Spock is the “most human”? You shut your whoreson mouth
I remember hating both Carol and David but I actually hated them less this time, Carol especially. My mom is being really harsh about her, though, which makes me feel less confident in my assessment. I mean first off, she’s the inventor of Genesis, which is a pretty big strike against her. Second...pretty lame to keep Kirk from David. Although I did some vague math and Kirk would only have been about 21, still in the Academy, when David was born, so you can see how that would work out. Also, she distinctly says “Were we together?” which means they were not--this was a fuck buddy arrangement for sure. More complicated. But it still feels weird to retcon that, like, he’s known THIS WHOLE TIME that he’s a dad and we’re only learning about it now, as an audience.
Anyway I’m getting off track. Carol. What to make of her? Is she unstable? Is she still mad at Kirk? My mom points out that she just decided on her own that David would want to join Starfleet if he knew Kirk was his father--whereas what seems to have happened instead is he didn’t just become a civilian scientist like his mom but became her specific protege--working on a project where everyone was probably handpicked by her? I would assume? Also..he hates Starfleet. Not to put everything on the mom, but how did that happen?
Also...going down the rabbit hole of this and feeling awkward about it... but David KNEW Kirk. As “that guy you hung around with.” That means Kirk was in his life for quite a while, long enough for him to have memories, and long enough for those memories to still be with him even into his 20s. But he was never allowed to know who Kirk was. That means Carol’s rule must have been “You can see your son but you can’t tell him who you are” which in some way seems meaner to me than just “please don’t contact us again.” If he was already on his way into space, that could even make sense--”I know you’re not going to be able to be a family with us, so let’s not pretend, let’s make a clean break now.” But that wasn’t what happened!
Anyway whatever not to be HAICG!Kirk about this or anything lol
David is mostly annoying because he’s so anti-Kirk lol. I found him least annoying when he came around to Kirk at the end. Another big strike against him: he wore his sweater tied over his shoulders in such a Preppy manner. I honestly don’t see what about him is supposed to be reminiscent of Kirk.
David/Saavik was definitely happening lol. I wish I could have heard that conversation. It sounds like she told him a lot!!! Not sure why she attached herself to this particular annoying human so fast but I guess she did.
....I think that might be all. The uniforms and general styling were much better than TMP (though less funny/entertaining), and it was certainly an enjoyable overall yarn. A lot to pick apart and critique but in a fun way. Will probably watch The Search for Spock soon.
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rosmarinys · 4 years
breathe in, breathe out, let the human in
read on ao3 / dedicated to @ashpanesars bc ellie wrote a dotty fic and it is EXCELLENT pls read it
Dotty values grief the same way she values anything else, taken with a bitter smile and a sharp comment. (This is a lie.)
Dotty hates her father and never spares him a sentimental thought. (This is a lie.)
Dotty grieves her father the same way she grieves for herself, a hole in her chest filled with lost opportunities and dead love. (This is true.)
Dotty curls up in her bed (It’s not her bed, not really. Sonia told her that Nick used to sleep in here and now she lies awake at night wondering if she’s lying in the exact position he used to lay in, if he was just a man in those little hours of the night or if he schemed even then, more monster than ever. She runs through her concealer trying to cover up the dark shadows under her eyes these days.) and imagines other versions of herself.
One version of herself grew up in this house with Nick and Dot but Nick was kind and Dot loved them both dearly and they had tea everyday together and laughed and all the walls had Dot’s old wallpaper on it and it was nice. (Nick’s face is blurry in these fantasies, like a phantom, a ghost of someone who never existed. Dotty doesn’t linger on these dreams too much, she’s not one for dreaming of impossibilities.)
Another version of her is one where everything happens the way it did – Nick, pills, Dot, Wales – but Dotty comes back different. Dotty comes back with soft smiles and flowery dresses and apologies and everyone loves her, and she gives her own love out freely. (Platitudes have always tasted like falsities on her tongue; this fantasy isn’t her, it’s another phantom, one of a girl who died the moment she met her father.)
Most nights she just turns over and tries to sleep. No time to dream about things that will never happen.
Bex is nice in a way she doesn’t expect. Dotty expects judgemental looks and self-righteous frowns, for Bex to think she’s a better person and to let Dotty know whenever she could. But Bex is just tired, the bags under her eyes are bigger than Dotty’s and she smiles at Dotty, soft, like she’s actually her friend. (She is, Dotty thinks, she is. Nick’s voice is especially sharp whenever someone is kind and it feels like twisting a limb whenever she ignores him.)
They both stay up late some nights, hunched over cooling cups of tea with the only light being a few candles they found beneath the sink, Dot’s probably, and Bex tells her all sorts of things. Usually what drama had gone on while she was in Wales – Did you really not know that Callum was engaged to Whitney? – but sometimes it’s quiet confessions with dramatic shadows waving across their faces – Sometimes I just feel…empty, y’know?
There are never any confessions from Dotty, though she does consider it. She imagines opening her mouth, feel the words press against her teeth – There are times where I’m not sure if it was all Nick or I was responsible for everything I did, I’m not sure if I can be good because my blood is bad, it’s sour in my veins, I hear Nick’s voice in my head sometimes and it shouldn’t be so hard to ignore him but it is, does that mean I am a bad person, am I a bad person, am I - ?
Instead she swallows them down with cold tea and smiles at Bex, all teeth, and asks if she wants another cup.
(And now Sonia’s stolen money from Dot and Bex is gone, moved out and Dotty sits up, alone, with an empty mug and whispers her secrets into it, just for her and the candles)
Walford is different now but she’s not sure what she expected. Everything still looks the same on the surface but then the bustle starts, and the people come out, most of them on school runs, the chatter loud and insistent, and Dotty doesn’t recognises most of them.
In some ways it’s comforting, the feeling must be a two-way street, and so these people must look at her and think she’s just Dot’s granddaughter, easy on the eyes with a penchant for mesh tops and boots. (Other times it makes her want to scream, scream that she’s awful and evil and she tried to kill Dot and she tried to kill Nick and her blood is festering beneath her skin, look, look at the rot, look at the filth. But – but, most of the time, she’s just grateful)
The ones who do know make her spine stiffen, ready for a barbed comment about her father, the name Nick Cotton thrown like a bomb with shrapnel that digs into her flesh. They think she’s just as bad, she can tell. They’re waiting for someone to turn up dead so they can nod their heads, self-satisfied, all I knew it, I told you, didn’t I? Bad to the bone, just like her father. (Dotty usually jumps in before them, poison dripping from her tongue, she can’t feel their barbs if she cuts them first, right?)
So, yes. Walford is different. But nothing’s changed, not really. Affairs, mysterious disappearances and Dotty, taller with boobs now but still Nick Cotton’s daughter.
Bobby is sweet in a way she thinks she could have been. He looks haunted at times and when he doesn’t, his face is soft and childlike, big eyes peering at Dotty as though he is wondering who she is. He must like what he sees because he smiles at her a lot, no teeth, and when he speaks to her, his voice is quiet, his face soft with a blush.
He invites her around for dinner sometimes and she never goes but he doesn’t seem to hold it against her, just blinks and invites her around again. One time, she feels bad enough that she stands outside his back door for an hour, frozen, listening to the sound of his family eating and laughing together. There’s an ache in her chest, a cavern that wants to be filled but her father’s voice tells her to cut it bigger, to let it engulf her until she’s a blackhole, a whirlpool that destroys everything in her path.
Bobby opens the door just as she’s about to leave, face wide with surprise, a bag filled with rubbish clutched in his hand. She opens her mouth to – what? Apologise? She’s not sure if she can, and feels bile rise in her throat – but Bobby just shuts the door behind him and steps around her, shoves the bag in the bin – fails for a second, there’s so much rubbish piled into it, and he smiles at her sheepishly, like they’re friends, like they’ve never not been friends – and then sits on his backstep and looks up at her, face illuminated by the moonlight.
(She sits next to him and she doesn’t say anything, acid is at the back of her tongue and she doesn’t want to be mean to Bobby, so many people are and she, selfishly, wants to be someone he likes, someone he turns to when others cruel and he needs someone to be kind. Kindness isn’t exactly Dotty’s forte but she can do this, she can sit and listen to him murmur about things that don’t really matter – how his dinner was, what Ian has done to annoy everyone this week, a joke Habiba told him yesterday – and when he reaches over and wraps his fingers around her wrist and presses to feel her pulse thrum, she doesn’t flinch away so he can smile.)
Bobby looks at her like he gets what it feels like to be less person and more story and so she sits on his backstep and bares her teeth when people stare too long at him. (It feels nice, looking out for someone, makes her feel big, like someone to be proud of. And Bobby and Bex both grin at her when she visits so she must be doing something right.)
Dot is how she remembers her – sharp-tongued and kind in the way that only hard-assed old women can be – but now she’s frailer, her fingers are all sharp now and she seems tired in a way that someone is when they’ve lived a hard life for so long. (Dotty wonders if there’s a pattern in the people she surrounds herself with, if she’s drawn to those with extra weight attached to their limbs.)
She calls her Kirsty sometimes and it feels like a wall between them. Dotty knows it’s her name, her real name not a scheme, but when Dot says it, it feels like an acknowledge of the history between them, of the ghost of a man who stands in the corner of every room she’s in. But mostly Dot calls her Dotty and it makes them both smile and Dotty hands her a cup of tea and there’s no hesitation when she takes a sip and it makes her heart warm.
Dot is starting to forget things, though. Small things like where she left her purse and what day of the week it is, and Dotty feels every thing forgotten like a needle in her side, tiny pricks that bring her back to reality, a reality in which Dot is old and frail and not the Gran who once threw her over her lap and smacked her bum.
Dotty looks at her grandmother and wants to apologise for everything Nick did, for the lies she told when she was younger, for all the trouble they both caused. She says none of it, but Dot seems to know anyway, and presses a kiss to her forehead when she says goodnight, her lips cool and Dotty thinks the crick she gets in her neck is worth it.
There are so many things that Dotty won’t say, because she’s not sure how much of it is true and how much of it is what she just feels like she should be feeling.
Some things are better kept quiet because they’re too awful to be heard. (Like how Dotty hates her father for killing any version of them both that could’ve been nice and soft, but she also misses him like a limb at times. He was the monster who used to hide under her bed but now hides inside her head and gives her sleepless nights, but she used to hold his hand and it was just a firm grip with worn callouses. How evil could he have been? She had held his hand.)
She pricked her finger the other day and looked at how red the blood was. Am I a bad person? She’d asked. The blood hadn’t answered but it had stained the carpet. That was answer enough she supposed and felt Nick Cotton smile as she thinks about how Sonia had stolen money, and how much better Dotty could have done it.
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taronfanfic · 4 years
Fast Forward
Chapter 17
Gemma had been spot on; the light from the hallway had woken you up in the early hours of Monday morning. Taron was creeping in and out of your bedroom, rummaging through your wardrobe in the dark as he tried to secretly pack your bags. You wanted to stop him, to call him back to bed and tell him not to worry because you could pack in the morning, but you knew he’d get annoyed if you got in the way of his plans. You’d bought a new dress to wear, presuming there’d be a nice meal at some point during the trip, and you’d also bought Taron a watch for his anniversary present. A mental note was made to sneak them into the bags in the morning; and instead you lay there hoping for the best as Taron continued to pack in as little light as he thought he could get away with.
It seemed like all of 5 minutes after Taron had settled back into bed before the alarm was sounding out and waking you both back up again.
“Morning gorgeous.” Taron muted his alarm before rolling over in bed to face you with a grin of pure excitement. “Happy anniversary.” He kissed you eagerly as you sleepily accepted his affection.
“One whole year with my favourite person.” You smiled back. “I love you.”
“Love you too. Now you go and jump in the shower and get ready because we’ve got a busy day ahead!”
“Can I know where we’re going now?”
“Nope. You’ll find out when we get there!”
“So how do I know what I need to wear?”
“Don’t worry about that. I’ll find you something suitable.”
“Suitable?” You questioned as you climbed out of bed. “This is getting weird already… It’s a good job I trust you, T!”
You racked your brain for clues whilst you were in the shower. As far as you remembered Taron hadn’t got your passports in the middle of the night so you were pretty sure you weren’t leaving the country. It was also only one night away so in theory you shouldn’t need much stuff but there were two large weekend bags at the end of the bed so that didn’t add up. By the time you returned from the bathroom Taron was dressed and ready to go. He was leaning on the smarter side of casual, wearing your favourite jacket over a white tshirt, black skinny jeans and his winter Timberland boots. The outfit he’d picked for you wasn’t far off his; layering up a striped tshirt, grey hoodie and denim jacket with your tightest jeans and black leather Converse.
“This doesn’t give much away.” You gestured out to the clothes on the end of the bed as you stood with just your towel wrapped around you.
“Good.” Taron grinned back as he sat at the top of the bed, watching and waiting for you to drop your towel to the floor. It would have been too easy to give him what he wanted. Instead you opened the wardrobe door and pulled out the new dress you’d bought.
“Is there room for this in the bags? I bought it especially.”
“I’m sure I can find space. In a minute.” He looked you up and down deliberately slowly as you took a step back towards the bags and let your upper thigh slide free from the towel.
“It’s alright I can do it, got to get your present in there too.”
“I don’t think so!” He was quick off the bed. “You’re not looking in them until we’ve arrived. Might give the game away, so hand the dress over and I’ll pack it.”
“What about your present?”
“Could always have it now?” He suggested cheekily and you considered dropping your towel to distract him, but decided that maybe handing it over wasn’t such a bad idea. It would start the trip off with something special and save having to find the right time later.
“Go on then.” You pulled the wrapped box from your bedside drawer and perched on the side of the bed as Taron sat eagerly with his legs crossed in the centre.
“I never thought you’d agree to that!”
“You have no idea how difficult it is to say no to you sometimes.”
“I wish that was the case last week,” he scoffed “sorry, that was low. I didn’t mean that.”
“Shut it.” You teased as you cupped his face with one hand and placed the box into his palm with the other before kissing him tenderly. “This is for you.”
An adorably boyish smile filled his face as he looked down and tore the paper off the box, his eyes widening as he saw the gold embossed brand on the lid, and widening further as he lifted the lid to reveal the watch he’d had his eye on for months.
“Oh wow. Y/N you shouldn’t have. This is perfect, more than perfect!” He ran his finger around the edge of the watch face before lifting it up carefully and placing it over his wrist. “You shouldn’t have spent this much on me.”
“Says the one about to whisk me away from here for a couple of days!”
“Mmm, but that’s different. You deserve this break.”
“And you deserve to be spoilt too, so shhh.” Taron kept his silence as he buckled the watch around his wrist and sat admiring it. “Can I be cheesy?” You asked, bringing his attention back up to your eyes.
“It’s our anniversary, this is the day to be cheesy!”
“True… so this present, it’s to remind you of the good times we’ve had, the even better times to come… that time spent with you is my favourite time of all, and that we’re the lucky ones because we have time on our side.”
“God, I love you.” He shook his head with a slight awe before leaning in to kiss you his thanks, two, then three times. “You don’t even need to drop your towel for me now, I’m so happy already.”
“I can always do that too….” You teased as you stood up from the bed and deliberately left your towel behind.
“Fuck, I wish we had time for morning sex.” He moaned as he collapsed back, spreading his arms and legs wide with frustration. “Right, I’m taking the bags down to the car and then grabbing a takeaway breakfast from Kirsty’s so I’ll see you down there in 15?”
“Do I need anything else?”
“Phone, keys and that perfect little bum in the passenger seat on time, please?”
Bang on time you pulled open the car door and picked up the bacon roll from the passenger seat before joining Taron in the front of the car. He was finishing off the last mouthful of his breakfast and then took a long drink of his coffee.
“Ready! I’ve made you a playlist for the journey and everything. See what happens when you leave me on my own for too long!” Taron grinned as he started the engine and pulled out of the car park.
“You become the perfect boyfriend?... maybe I should go away more often!”
“It’s kinda true though, not that I went away as a test, but it did cross my mind that it would either make everything ten times better, or ten times worse between us.”
“Things were never bad though, were they?” Taron frowned as he pulled up at the traffic lights and waited for you to calm his sudden worries.
“No, not bad. Just… tense I guess. Or pressured? I don’t know how to describe it. There was an atmosphere that made us bicker and take things the wrong way. I definitely needed a break from that.” You placed your hand over his on the gear stick as an extra sign of comfort and watched as Taron thought back to that time and finally nodded in agreement.
“I don’t want it to go back to that. That’s not us, it’s not how we’re meant to be. We’re the easy going, chilled couple, who are always up for a laugh and a bit of drunken mischief.”
“It was me who messed it up. I got stressed and anxious and couldn’t handle it very well so I’m sorry.”
“It was never your fault. Everyone would be stressed and anxious if they thought their Dad had cancer! Don’t blame yourself, because I’m not blaming you.” He lifted your hand with his and left a kiss to the back of it before continuing the drive out of the city and towards the motorway. You had to look away and out of the window as the thoughts of your Dad entered your mind for the first time that day. He’d be waking up feeling so scared; trying to put on a brave face for your Mum but dreading what was to come. The chemo was still more of a precautionary measure than a necessity, hopefully killing off any last traces of cancer that weren’t removed in the operation, but cancer wasn’t something to be treated lightly. It carried its own weight and that morning it lay firmly on your Dad’s shoulders. As you ate your breakfast quietly, spotting the road signs overhead directing you towards Heathrow, you couldn’t help but feel guilty for leaving your parents in their time of need. You couldn’t help feeling like wherever Taron was taking you wasn’t where you needed to be.
Taglist: @egerton-sweetie  @amanda-tallmadge @lizziespidiepridie @leanimal90 @anantheminmyheart22 @aynsleywalker​ @bohemianrhapsody86​ @butterfliesslugswormsandothershi @manners-maketh-taron @livingincompletesilence@marvelmakeuplover @ohsosmutty@misspygmypie  @manners-maketh-a-kingsman@courtmr @baileythepenguin@thomaslefteyebrow @witchymarvelspacecase @samanthasmileys@nellietara @i-cant-remember-my-old-login @wheresmylightinthedark@kurtis-conner@hoe4dior @toky-9101 @mayaslifeinabox@fluentlyspeakingtreason @yallyallblanchett @whiskeylipsx@emmaelizabeth2014​ @primaba11erina @fightuntilyoucan @carlita2025 @rocknrollmadden@walking-stressed-mess @dogmom2014 @aberystwythboy
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smolbeandrabbles · 5 years
Yellin’ From The Rooftop - Malcolm Bench x Reader (Vertical Limit)
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Author’s Note: Okay, stop complaining at me, Mal, now you really ARE the last Mendo.  I suppose just because of what I’m talking about half the time, it’s a Modern!AU?  (like you couldn’t do this until 2012...) Also you might need to know a little bit about Up At The O2. I literally was half way up when I got this idea...
Disclaimer: Vertical Limit / Characters / Lyrics not mine (Because if it was, we would have pushed Elliot Vaughn off a freakin’ cliff...) Premise: Malcolm is back from K2 base camp, and you figured you can give him a similar Summiting experience closer to home... with mixed results! Words: 2425 Warnings: Swearing / Sexual Connotations
It's something that I never felt And I can't keep it to myself You got me yellin' from the rooftop, so everybody knows I'm falling for you baby, Never letting you go I'm screaming from the mountain, gonna sing it everywhere Yeah, you can call me crazy, baby I don't care Can you hear me, hear me Yellin' from the rooftop Tellin' the whole world... You can call me lady lucky, I know I've been blessed Your kissin' got my heart beatin' out of my chest It's easy like breathin', you make me come alive But it's a whole lot more than just a feeling inside It's love, no shadow of doubt So true I gotta let it out
Is the end of all the endings? My broken bones are mending With all these nights we're spending Up on the roof with a school girl crush Drinking beer out of plastic cups Say you fancy me, not fancy stuff Baby, all at once, this is enough  ---
!Welcome Malcolm to the Australian Bois with London Girlfriends club! On a rare break from consistently summiting K2, whether it be with his brother or as a guide, Malcolm was flying home. Although really he wasn’t even flying home. He was flying to you. In London. As expected, you had met him on one such K2 excursion years back and you’d kept in touch. And keeping in touch led to other things and now you’d been back to K2 innumerable times. And the two of you were certainly together. Malcolm liked London, on the few occasions he’d been. Only this time you had a surprise for him you thought he might enjoy, as a mountaineer. Sure, you could drive him to summit something a little smaller elsewhere in the UK but, there was something right here in London that you thought would be just as good.  But maybe you’d thought too much or got to excited or thought he might enjoy it a little too much. Because you were met with a blank stare and a fairly grumpy face; “What?!” Your question was innocent enough “We’re doing what?!” “Climbing the O2!” “...The venue...?” He blinked slowly and raised an eyebrow, “Why would we wanna do that...?” “It’ll be fun!” You tried not to sound so disheartened “...Fun?” He places his hands in his pockets and rocked back on his heels; “I climb stuff every day...” None the less your enthusiasm allowed you to drag him across London. “Mal! You’ll see the sky line from up there!” He indicated to the high-rise window of your apartment; “I can see it from here!” “But you’ll be outside in the middle of it all in climbing gear...!”  Malcolm sighed gently and gave a kiss to your forehead, trying not to roll those pretty brown eyes of his again. And fought the urge to tell you that if he wanted to climb and see skylines, he wouldn’t be at K2 all the time. *** So here you were, day of, and really excited. And Malcolm trying his best to (obviously) fake it didn’t even deter your spirits. Sure, you had also done K2 before but you didn’t live there all climbing season like he did. It wasn’t your life’s work. Most of the time you had a normal city job, climbing was more of a hobby to you.  You spent a lot of the short briefing watching his face. And you could see him fluctuating between bored out of his mind and dying to ask which mountains your guide had climbed before to be such an expert at this. Like Malcolm didn’t just get up in the morning, put his stuff on and decided to take a leisurely stroll somewhere across K2. Especially as K2 was so technical. This would be easier than a walk in the park for him and both of you knew it. He was incredibly silent as he got ready. In about 5 seconds. And left you playing catch up. Alright show off, why don’t you lead the expedition!? You knew the only reason he wasn’t mouthing off was because of you; which you supposed was at least a little endearing. Still, it got him noticed, and you watched the guide, Kirsty, pull him aside: “Gotta say that was quick! You done this before?!” Malcolm gave a laugh “Uh, similar...” “Oh really?! Like what-!?” “I, uh...” He looked back to you like he needed permission to show off. Clipped into place you were the second person done; you gave him a gentle nod, to which you received a grin. You supposed he’d agreed to come after all that whining, so he deserved to brag a little bit;  “...I spend a portion of my year up at K2 base camp with my brother...!” “Sh—oot! Really!?” “Mm hmm...!” Though it was obvious that Malcolm was going to bask in the glory of this. “Gotta say I’m impressed. Everest is the tall one but K2 is the harder right?” “Yeah. K2 is my favourite...though she might hit me if I say otherwise...!” You eyed him at that; here he goes again, curse me for letting him!! “She also a mountaineer?” “Nah-! But I did meet here there!” “NAH-!?” You repeated, walking over and smacking his arm, “Nah-!?” “Uh... that’s... not exactly your job is it!” You raised an eyebrow at him, he could talk considering him and his brothers antics; “It’s laughable you call it a job.” “I’ll have you know-!” “Okayyy!” Kirsty laughed, “I don’t want to be responsible for a /break/ up at the O2!” You and Malcolm both made the same painful sound before laughing. Which made her smile; at least you were both fans of terrible puns!   ***  “So who wants to lead?” There was silence as any nerves set in for those around you; and Malcolm blew a breath out.   “I’ll do it.” Well, now he just looked like the loud-mouth flaunty Australian; but he didn’t care. Still he didn’t manage to escape you giving him a look. He probably wanted to get this over as soon as possible, you weren’t sure you’d forgive him for that one easily. “Oh...” Kirsty laughed, “I guess that makes sense!” She latched him onto the cabling and folded her arms; “You know if you lead you’re also responsible for getting people off at the end, right?” You knew that was the wrong choice of words by the way he tried and failed to hold back a smirk. “Darlin’, I’m a mountaineer... I think I got this...” but then he playfully nudged you, “responsible for gettin’ people off... Y/N!” You scoffed; “Ha! Getting people off, my ass.” “You fu-” You placed your hand over his mouth, knowing what was coming from the glint in his brown eyes; “You don’t have to tell everyone in London Town Malcolm!!” He gave a shrug, turning to look up to the minuscule summit as if it was K2 all over again; “I reckon you’re pretty loud enough to tell everyone in base camp...” “MALCOLM!” Your embarrassed exclamation only served to have him laugh loudly, which drew more attention to the two of you. “Don’t worry babe...” he turned with a wink “I’m pretty loud too!” Oh yeah like that helped. As expected from an experienced mountain climber, and you determined to stay hot on his heels after that initial she’s not a mountaineer comment, you and Malcolm were half way up in barely any time at all. He stopped and turned around, fixing you with his brown eyes; “What?!” “F**king look at this-! This is what you’ve made me a part of...!” You turned, realising how far back the rest of the group were. “Oh.” “Yeah f**king oh - this is unbelievable! I could do this eyes closed and backwards..!” You folded your arms; “Why don’t you then?!” He squinted at you, you’d watched that safety video too, right? “Thems the rules sweetheart.” “Oh!” There was surprise in your sarcasm; “I didn’t realise you played by the rules!” “Oh, don’t you start on me!” “I always start on you.” He tipped his head and frowned in agreement. “Eh. True.” You waited against the wire support for everyone to at least catch up a little. Malcolm muttering to himself about how he’d be at the top of K2 by now, and you every so often jabbing his side because you were a little sick of his complaining. As soon as everyone was within a few feet of you again he was off, without a care in the world. And you had to roll your eyes; I swear to god Malcolm Bench... Once you got to the top Kirsty decided she’d come up and help you out.  “...Now at the climax of your journey.” Malcolm raised an eyebrow at her, with that same smirk. And even you hid your snort behind your hand. “Well now you’re just doing it on f**king purpose.” She gave a little shrug; “Who can say...” Undoing the chain to the platform and uncoupling him from the bars, she gave him a smile. “You’re free, mountaineer!” “Uh-! I thought I was supposed to be getting everyone off-!” You leant on the rail yourself, smirking at the perfect opportunity presenting itself; “Aw, c’mon Mal, you can’t have all the fun now...” Kirsty couldn’t help but laugh loudly at your comment, and he looked between the two of you. Trying to remain unimpressed; “Oh I see, you two are out to get me.” “Got that right...” She pushed him onto the platform without a second thought and turned to you; “You’re a saint.” “Oh. I know...” you stepped up and let her uncouple you; “Think you’re getting me off better than he would.” Malcolm folded his arms, but he was grinning; “You’re f**king unbelievable! Both of you!” ***  You knew he was trying not to say it was impressive. But the way he swivelled around the little platform let you know that he was. Holding a plastic glass of champagne in his hands made him look the part - but also so out of place - and you couldn’t help almost crack up. Once he was satisfied he’d taken in the Skyline view, he turned his attention to a better one and strolled over to you. “Well, now I feel like a Champagne connoisseur...” “Oh yeah, and look like one.” He pushed you gently with his elbow, “Sarcasm?! Now that’s not very nice is it!” Malcolm cleared his throat “...Here I am on my roof top, exclusive and private... looking out over London Town... thinking about where my private jet might be taking me next.” “Back to K2?” “Was that a question? you wanna go... or just a suggestion.” “Would you take me back?” “Hell yeah!!” Those brown eyes brightened considerably, “... Question is are we leaving Cyril at base camp?” “That’s...” you tried not to smile at the look on his face, “...uh. Mean!” “I think he’d rather not be there, don’t you!?” “I dunno! He’s alright, I like him.” “Look, just f**king agree to come!” A second smile threatened, “Mmmmm... What exactly are you asking me to agree to?” If you could take a snap shot of his picture-perfect realisation, and wicked grin, then you would; “F**k me...! Bad girl...” he took a sip of champagne, “Later...” “That’s the idea...” That caused Malcolm to almost choke, and he glared at you with that smirk on your face “... Yes, I’ll climb K2 with you again, babe.” He clinked his plastic glass against yours “I’ll drink to that... babe.” You watched him wander around the platform with his phone, taking pictures and couldn't help but follow his footsteps giggling. "What's so funny?!" "You and whatever you're doing!" "I'm sending photographed to my brother!!" "Oh - uh huh?" You folded your arms, "Can't be that bad if you're giving Cyril the ’Look Where I Am’ treatment." Malcolm opened his mouth to somewhat agree with you, realised that was a bad move and narrowed his eyes, pointing at you instead; "Not that I would ever concede that point!" You shook your head with a small smile at his defiance. Oh Malcolm. Your mistake is thinking you can only concede verbally...  ***  After being hooked back to the climbing apparatus, Malcolm was surprisingly quiet for most of the way down. Kirsty (for some reason) trusted him enough to make his own way with you; and now he had a lot to think about. He would be going back to base camp in a few weeks - could he get you out before the season was over? He sure hoped so; but then how much planning and logistics would that take? Suddenly he stopped, realising that he should be enjoying the moment with you rather than pondering what happens next, and you almost crashed into him. "Mal-! Think before you stop babe!!" He raised an eyebrow as he turned, at the irony of that sentence. "I was thinking..." "Oh..." He realised he'd played right into it, when you smirked and responded with "Makes a nice change..." Malcolm wasn't even going to give you the satisfaction of a smile at that, and instead held his hand out "Come on... Let me help you down..." You were hesitant for the notion of him trying to throw you off the side, or trip you up on purpose - but you realised why he was asking for your hand. He'd done the same thing on your first ascent of K2 together. "That's sweet of you..." You took his offer, threading your fingers with his; "...I could really use some help getting down... I'm glad I found a guide just in time." That one was clearly for his Ego, and it worked by the smile on his face, but he remained quiet. He wouldn't tell you to shut up just yet... When you got to the bottom, he nigh on made you run the steepest section. And slowed up to free himself. "Thank GOD that's over!!!" He said loud enough to hope Kirsty also heard it, and beckoned you towards him. There was a threatening look on your face and he thought he might get hit again, mercifully you decided against that.  He released you gently but kept ahold of your harness for his punchline; "See, I'm a good guy. I get my girlfriend off first!" You tried not to laugh at that, but then hit him for making you laugh so he was no better off; only this time he laughed along.  "She better be the only one you get off!!" "Ahhhh---! I mean, no promises! That is my job..." He let you go, "But I mean, yeah... I'm pretty sure you promised me later." "How the hell does anyone ever get you to shut up?" Malcolm tipped his head, with a grin and a laugh "hmmm... Get me off, maybe?" "Oh, for God’s sake!" You leant forward and kissed him. "...Oh yeah..." Now his voice was quiet "...that... might work..." You both stepped away for a minute, and he took your hand back in his as you raised your eyes back to the 'summit.' "Another mountain to check of the list... Mal." "Oh for sure, and as difficult as any other..." He gave a smile and pulled you closer into him; "...K2 next...?" "Oh... It'll be a walk in the park after this one..." You both laughed, but he nudged you gently "I dunno... Some stuff’s just easier with you around, ain't it..." You shot him a look "Don't you start..." He grinned, looking back to that brilliant London skyline; "... What, would you rather I was joking?" ---
@dennismitchell @happyskywhale @wltz-bby #MendoTagSquad.
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murasaki-murasame · 4 years
I’m still a little salty about how few units actually got mana spirals this month, but the ones we did get were surprisingly powerful, and the new banner also introduced some surprisingly meta-changing units, like the sentient potato who just wants to be vored.
There’s a lot to talk about so I’m gonna put my rambling under a cut, lol.
OK so first of all. Pipple. This fuckin’ non-limited 4-star water wand built with defense and energy buff skills, who is LITERALLY A TALKING VEGETABLE, is somehow the actual meta-changing start of this banner. After waiting more than an entire goddamn year for our first 5-star water blade, he ends up getting overshadowed by a goddamn potato. And as much as I love Valerio as well, I wouldn’t have it any other way, lmao.
It feels insane to even say it, but with the way his kit works, he honestly feels like a lite version of Gala Cleo. He can probably do just fine on his own in a normal water team, but if you get four Pipples together and give them something like Odd Sparows, they become a group of tanks who can deal surprisingly high damage, while sustaining themselves with healing doublebuff.
When I first saw his skills I thought that he was basically just a slightly better version of Pia, and that he’d basically just be a meme character, but honestly his passive abilities are enough to make him genuinely great. They give him a really unique play-style, especially with how he approaches energy.
I wasn’t sure what to make of his first ability at first since it’s description is super vague, but apparently it makes it so that his basic combos are 120% or so better than those of a normal wand unit. Which is pretty insane on it’s own. But then you have his third ability, which is basically just the one Yaten already has, where he gets buffs along with his energy level, up to a maximum of 40% strength and 15% crit rate when he’s energized. But unlike basically any other unit in the game, who wants to dump their energy stacks into an attack skill or a heal, Pipple doesn’t do that at all. He doesn’t even have any attack skills or heals, so if you ignore weapon skills and dragon skills, he doesn’t have anything to use energy on like that. Instead, he’s meant to basically stay permanently energized so that he doesn’t lose the buff that comes along with it. So once you get him energized, it basically means that he has a 40% strength and 15% crit rate buff for the entire rest of the fight. Plus he can trigger strength doublebuff with his S1 to give him even more strength.
I don’t think the DPS charts do justice to his true potential because of how weird and indirect his kit is, but I think he’s genuinely really strong. He’ll probably work really well with the eventual water element 6-star weapons, since the skills on those are just buffs, so he can use it without losing his energy buffs.
People have already cleared expert and master HBH with 4 Pipple teams, and apparently it’s not very difficult at all, and it’s basically impossible to get killed with that comp. It’s probably slower than other water team comps, but it seems very tanky.
I think he does enough damage on his own to be very good in a team with other units, but I’m not as sure about that. You’d probably end up designing a team around him like you do with Patia, to make full use of strength/healing doublebuffs.
At the very least I think he’s immediately better than Lily. Which probably isn’t a huge achievement, but still, lol. If he ends up being good for regular teams and not just 4-Pipple teams, I think he’ll help let Gala Elly run without Chocolatiers, which could be nice.
I was thinking that, until Thaniel eventually gets a buff, I might use Xainfried for HBH now that he’s gotten his own mana spiral, but once I get a HDT1 water wand, I’m kinda tempted to just play Pipple instead, lmao.
In general i really like units like this who have weird and unique play-styles, and it’s really fun to get some silly and non-human adventurers like this. And since he’s a non-limited 4-star, it’s not a bad thing if he ends up being really meta-defining. Overall his existence is just a net positive for the game and I’m wuv him :) I’ve been kinda bitter lately about how the non-limited water roster as a whole just doesn’t stack up well against limited water units like Gala Elly and MH Sarisse, but Pipple [and Xainfried getting his mana spiral] really helps with that. I feel like Pipple might end up being a popular budget entry point into HBH.
He also might be basically the only unit in the game to make good use of The Petal Queen in order to immediately energize himself, which is fun. I like how these sorts of units who don’t use attacking skills end up benefiting from some weird and niche wyrmprints that you usually don’t use otherwise. It seems like Chocolatiers is better for HBH, but for basically any other fight I think The Petal Queen would probably be better, since the immediate jumpstart on his offensive buffs would probably be better than the immediate defense buff.
And on the topic of the mana spirals we got, I’m still super salty that Norwin didn’t get one, or even any of the other gacha 4-star shadow units, but at least the three mana spirals we got were really great.
Xainfried’s probably getting overlooked by Nefaria and OG Cleo’s mana spirals, and also by Pipple being the hot new water unit everyone loves, but his mana spiral seems like it’s really helped him, and I don’t regret getting him up to around 64MC immediately. I think the DPS sims put him at around the level of Victor and Kirsty, which is a pretty big deal considering how underpowered he was before this. There’s also the fact that we don’t have a frostbite punisher wyrmprint or dragon yet, so his true damage potential probably hasn’t been reached yet. I think he’s probably going to end up being readily accepted into all levels of HBH after this, which would be great. I think he’s always been perfectly viable for HBH, but never ‘meta’. But he seems really strong now. And once we get a frostbite punisher print, he might become a really meta unit since he and Valerio are currently the only frostbite enablers in the game, though I think Mitsuba will probably get frostbite too, and they’ll probably give it to some of the existing water units through their mana spirals. He’ll probably be one of the better frostbite enablers, though.
OG Cleo getting a buff wasn’t exactly a surprise, and it mostly went the way I expected, but her getting buff dispel was a surprise. I think she’s probably the best healer for Kai Yan, but I dunno if buff dispel will be a huge deal in HJP. But since Nefaria also got buff dispel, I think S-Verica is still gonna have a space in the Kai Yan meta. People probably won’t want to run much with Heinwald in that fight, sadly, lol.
Nefaria, on the other hand, was a huge surprise, since it looked like they’d just skipped over her entirely. But she got a mana spiral out of the blue, and apparently it’s made her extremely powerful, maybe second only to Gala Cleo herself, lol. I’m still annoyed at how their approach to fixing her was just ‘slap the poison meta on her existing kit’, but oh well. It did the job with making her extremely good, I guess. I’m happy that she’s finally a good unit, even if I wish they had been a bit more creative about it.
Since they have basically the same kit, and wind also has it’s own poison meta, they’re probably just going to give Hawk the exact same buff [maybe without the buff dispel, though], and hopefully that’d also lead to him being extremely strong. 
The Kai Yan fight also came out, which is it’s own whole thing. I’m currently just grinding standard to get the materials to max out the shadow tree, but from what I can gather, both difficulties are apparently a lot easier than Volk, which is . . . kinda surprising. Maybe it’s just because the shadow roster is stupidly powerful, but it sounds like the requirements to get by in Expert aren’t very high at all. Which probably means that the meta surrounding it will probably be more accepting of a variety of units. But probably with a preference for the 70MC ones.
I was worried that they’d tune the fight too much around Gala Cleo and just make it super punishing and impenetrable, but it feels more like they just didn’t even bother putting effort into designing the fight in a way that shut her down. Which is probably a good thing in the long run, since it makes the fight more accessible. I thought they’d at least make the satellite things absorb some of Gala Cleo’s S1 hits, but apparently not, lol.
I’ll see how expert goes when I get to it, but I wonder if in the long run, it’ll be easier to break into Kai Yan and get a MUB 6-star shadow weapon to take into HJP, instead of doing HZD first to get a shadow HDT weapon. That’d be interesting.
The shadow 6-star weapons also seem to have some interesting effects. I thought that all the 6-star weapons might just get alternating strength and regen buffs, but the shadow ones have attack rate and defense. I guess it’s probably designed with each Agito fight in mind, since healing is important to Volk, while Kai Yan has more unavoidable damage.
I have no idea what they’ll do with the other element types, but one way or another I think, as I said, Pipple’s gonna really benefit from a water Agito weapon, since it won’t have an attack or a heal [hopefully] for him to waste his energy stacks on.
I kinda hope the wind one gives a crit rate buff, since wind needs more of that in general.
Oh yeah, and Valerio also exists, lmao. I still really want him, but I can live without him at this point, especially with how much I’ve come to love Pipple as a character. I do like how unique and interesting Valerio’s kit is, though, and I’m glad that he seems to be pretty strong overall. I wish they’d stop designing blade units that are dependent on high combo counts, though. It’s just not a good weapon type for that, lol.
I don’t think Nimis is particularly amazing at the moment since there’s not many water units who can reliably get high crit chance in the first place, but since Pipple can pretty easily get a more or less permanent 15% crit rate buff, Nimis might be pretty good on him. Basically water needs a unit like Ezelith to really make use of him. And thus far we don’t really have that, but I still feel like Laranoa might end up getting basically the exact same buff that Ezelith got when she gets her mana spiral, in which case she’d probably use Nimis. I wouldn’t be surprised if Mitsuba ends up being based around crits when she comes out, as well.
And on that note, the second part of the current banner should be starting in the next few days, and it’ll almost certainly give us Mitsuba as a 5-star water dagger, and Picaro as . . . some sort of 4-star. Unless they invent an entirely new dragon for the banner, I think they’ll just have Nimis on rate-up for it again, or feature an existing water dragon like Leviathan. In general I’m just not very interested in the idea of the part two banner at the moment. Mitsuba’s a fun character, but I like both Pipple and Valerio more, and in terms of burn res water daggers I think I like Orsem more, too. I also just kinda hate Picaro so I have no real interest in the idea of getting him as a playable adventurer, lol. I’m not even sure what type of unit he’ll be, honestly. I think he’ll be a flame 4-star, going by his character design, but I’ve got no clue about his weapon type. He doesn’t really seem to be holding a weapon in his art like Valerio and Mitsuba are, so it’s hard to guess. I’m also not even sure if the flame roster has any notable gaps that can be filled by a new 4-star. I guess it might be neat if he’s a sleep res healer that has sleep cleanse, but I guess we’ll see.
I still think Pipple’s gonna end up being the real star of his banner as a whole, lol.
Anyway, for the time being, I’m gonna keep grinding Kai Yan, and I’ll probably do a few runs of HMC to get Pipple his HDT water wand. After that I’ll see if that’s enough investment to let me break into eHBH with him. I’ll probably end up having to max augment Odd Sparrows first, but I’ve at least started on that already. I at least have Xainfried as a good alternative option to get into that fight, but I just really really like the idea of taking a sentient potato creature to fight a flame dragon :v
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madwomsn · 6 years
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“Music connects people.” This quote is known by almost everyone. And I am here so I can prove to you how true it really is. So @taylorswift let me introduce you to my squad: 
SUSAN: yeah that’s me. I’ve been a hardcore Swiftie since the RED era and till then I would have never thought I could find myself in a song. And guess what? I finally saw you live on June 23, 2018, in London! Still can’t believe that happened. 
NAT ( @lookwhatyoumadenatdo ): Nat rocks every single hair colour, you inspired her to start playing the guitar and she also sings! 
JOANA ( @tilljoealwyncomesalong ): She’s our sweet lovely girl from Portugal who when sings sounds suspiciously similar to you. Weird right? 
JACOB ( @bridgeofdress ): He has been a fan since forever and I find his posts so funny and adorable. AND HE MET YOU. Totally deserved it. 
KIRSTY ( @getawxyycar ): Kirsty is such a smol bean honestly. I love her accent too. 
DELANEY ( @aredreputation ): She’s been a Swiftie since she was 11 and basically grew up with you. 
RILEY ( @whenshefellshefellapart ): She is beautiful, sings gorgeously and her smile is so contagious. I wish I could give her a proper hug right now. 
PRESLEY ( @theoldpresleyisdead ): Presley aka the one with the Crayon fanbase (us haha) is also adorable and I love her voice. Your music brought her through so much and she has loved you since she was a young girl. 
BRITTANIE ( @youneedtofuckingcalmdown ): Let’s say she is fairly obsessed with her dogs hah. But we love her for that. 
LAUREN ( @it-will-leave-you-breathlesss ): Lauren is my NY girl, she is friendly and just so nice. Also, she has met so many celebrities already… but not you yet! 
EMMA ( @i-am-gorgeouss ): aka my French girl, she’s super sweet and draws insanely good. I hope we can meet up since she doesn’t live that far. And for her, you are her most faithful friend, someone who was there when nobody else was. 
MICHAEL ( @a-state-of-grace ): Michael is a Canadian Swiftie, he lives near the Niagara Falls and has been a huge fan since 2015. He has a passion for music, science, and animals (especially cats!). 
CORRIE ( @1swiftie13 ): Corrie is just so cute and her abilities to create amazing costumes take my breath away. AND YOU GOT TO MEET HER TOO! Insane right?! 
JENNA ( @taylorontheboardwalk ): Your music has been immensely impactful to her life for the last 10 years and her music has been an extremely positive influence in Jenna’s life and continues to be to this day. She is the icon and the true representation of what it is like to be a Swiftie. 
ALI ( @alilovestay ): You has helped him with so much, you learnt him to believe in himself and has become an inspiration to him.
HAILEY ( @taylorsscreamingcolor ): She is adorable and sweet. She has gone to 2 of your shows already and absolutely adores Stay Stay Stay. 
GRACE ( @grac3lovestaylor ): Grace is one of the youngest in our gc, she’s 15 and lives in Indiana. She has grown up listening to you, Taylor, since the Fearless era and as for the rest of us, you’ve become an inspiration to her. 
ROBIN ( @you-got-swift ): Robin is the newest member of our gc but that doesn’t mean we’d love her any less! She is from the Netherlands and her favourite album is RED! Now she’s moved to the US and I wish her the best of luck to pursue her dream life there. ALSO, SHE GOT TO HUG YOU TOO! 
I am personally so grateful to have them in my life and extremely excited to meet up with all of them at a giant meet up someday. And I truly believe you should get to know them better too, Taylor. :) 
(or maybe just head to our group blog @thejuniorjewelss )
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thekrazykeke · 6 years
wRoNg (Release the Beast) Part II
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Fandom(s): DCEU, Suicide Squad
Relationship(s): Joker x reader
Rating: Mature
Summary: What would you do out of love and self-preservation to protect your family? How far would you go to keep your secrets?
Warning(s):  Mind games and emotional manipulation. Mystic-y stuff.
Tagging: @ashmuck @alexisbagans143  @toxic-ink @kirsty-lou666 @coppercurlzz @snow-massacre  @suckerforsmilex @lovelylittlekittn @melaninharleyquinn @roneykuni @twilight-loveer @ms-clown-queen-of-crime @jokers-queen-of-hearts @keya168 @misspooh
Prologue Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three (Part I) Chapter Three (Part II)  Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six (Part I)
Chapter Six (Extended)
The maniac messiah, Destruction is his game. A beautiful liar, Love for him is pain. [He] punishes you with pleasure And pleasure[s] you with pain
The window wasn’t locked. Trying to get a handle on your bruised ego, half of you wondered if Bruce thought that you were so stupid that you wouldn’t attempt to run away, while the rational side of your brain sardonically pointed out that the man saw himself as a savior. 
Surely you would be happy to be free of the Joker?
The more you thought about it, the more muddled and confused your thoughts became until it all just sounded like flimsy excuses.
Bruce is the lesser evil, he's a socialite like yourself and although he was hiding behind the Batman guise to cloak the fact that he had some serious psychological issues, with the Joker, at least, you understood the rules; the basic code of conduct, to put it simply, ‘There are no rules!’
What kind of challenges and trials would Bruce try to make you complete in order to prove that you aren't a threat? What would happen if you couldn't make him understand that you are not the same as the other criminals that he fought on a nightly basis?  
No. They're both dangerous. 
Shimmying out of the windowpane, you clawed at the ground, dragging your body forward. Breathing in and out, you glanced around the manor’s wide open, expansive gardens, taking note of the cars parked in the driveway. Breathing in deeply and then exhaling, you started sprinting, at first being mindful of the flowers every a few steps, and then you just decided forget it and hoofed it, especially because the sprinklers turned on, causing you to yelp and run around in an irregular pattern, still managing to get sprayed by the time you reached the driveway. 
The thought to bust the windows of the bright, candy red sports car is at the forefront of your mind but when you pulled at the handle, mysteriously, it’s open. No alarms went off. Before the revelation that Bruce was the frickin’ Batman, you’d have written this happenstance off as coincidence, now you’re wondering whether this was a ploy or not.
Climbing into the driver’s seat, you rummage about in the glove compartment and underneath the seats until by a stroke of luck, you find the car keys. Inserting the key into the ignition, you turn it and the car purred as it came to life. Putting your foot on the gasp pedal, hands grip the steering wheel, you end up going backwards, knocking over a potted plant, and then the car jerked forward, swinging to the right hard, doing ‘doughnuts’ a bit, but after a moment of trial and error, you’re peeling down the driveway, headed straight for the fence. 
Heart pounding in your chest, you put your foot down hard on the gas, expecting to have to crash through the gate but the gate opened and you peeled out of the Wayne Mansion without fanfare, making a left and driving down the quiet streets. 
You’d been let go.
But to what end?
“Master Bruce, are you certain it is wise to let Lady Y/N leave the premises, especially with her affiliations to certain...individuals?” Alfred phrased his inquiry delicately, well aware that if he pushed too hard too fast, the other man would clam up.
“I’m letting her go for that reason exactly.” Bruce reached out and snagged a cookie off the tray that his butler sat down on the empty space next to him.
“Eh?” Hands free now, Alfred adjusted his glasses. “I beg your pardon? I don’t think I follow, young sir.” 
“Y/N can’t return home to her family. Although it’s very hush-hush and won’t be released to the public for months to come, as soon as she stepped foot out of her parents’ home, the protection that her last name brought her is gone,” Taking a bite of the treat, he chewed thoroughly before swallowing and grabbing another sweet, only this time a mini cupcake. “As she’s effectively disowned. So that leaves her with only two alternatives: to rely on the Joker or to rough it out on her own.” 
Alfred didn’t say anything. 
“It is my belief that she can break the cycle of her own volition. All it would take is to sign up for the closest women’s shelter and to wait on a bed to be available.” Using the teaspoon found on the side of the cup, he lifted the lid of the biggest container on the tray and plopped two cubes of sugar in the cup of Earl Gray, swirling the liquid around until sugar completely dissolved, then took a sip.
Clearing his throat, Alfred tilted his head to the side, “And if she decides to return to the Joker?” Bruce didn’t say anything but after so many years, the elderly fellow didn’t need a verbal answer or confirmation. 
“Ah, I see.” 
Bruce turned his attention to the Bat Cave’s computer, watching the red blip on the radar. He’d planted a tracker on Y/N during their fight and wanted to see what she got up to in the meantime. 
‘Don’t let me down, Y/N...’
“A-A-Achoo!” You sneezed. Parking the car carelessly, you slammed the door shut and walked into the store, ignoring the jingle of the bell as it signified an incoming customer.
“We’re closed.” The shop owner said in a bored tone, looking at her cellphone.
“No, you’re not.” You say, reaching out and snagging the cellular device, ignoring her outraged cry. “I just need to borrow this for a sec, Priscilla.”
“That’s not cool, Y/N. Not cool at all. Btw, what the hell happened to you?”
Tuning her out, you dialed a number from memory. ‘Pick up, pick up, pick up.’ Cheering internally when the person picked up, you paused during your perusal of the wracks of clothing, snapping your fingers and pointed out the outfit that you wanted. “Can’t talk on this phone for long, but we were set up.” Pausing, you listened to what the person said on the other end. “It’s good that Romina made it back safely, I’m glad. I’m on my way to the club. Get everyone ready.” Again, you paused to listen to the person the other end. “Playing nice didn’t pan out. So we’re going for a different approach.” Snapping the phone shut, you deleted the contact information and call history, handing Priscilla her phone and accepting the outfit that she had so thoughtfully taken off the hook for you. 
“Everything okay?”
“Mind your own business, honey.” You raised your eyebrows and smiled. “I forgot my card so you can just bill my mother.” 
Something in your face warned the shop owner from prying any further and she just nodded. “I think you remember where the back changing room is. Holler if you need any help.” 
Getting dressed was a bit of a challenge, especially since you didn’t have adrenaline pumping through your veins, making you ignore the minor to mildly serious injuries you’d sustained after the one-sided altercation with the Bat. 
However, you told yourself to suck it up and now wasn’t the time to be a prissy girly girl, grateful that the new outfit didn’t squeeze or pinch in uncomfortable places and was professional enough to pull off the serious businesswoman look that you’re going for. 
What was even better is that you found the bug that Bruce had planted on you, so you left that in the trash with the old clothes.
Once you’re finished, you waved at Priscilla halfheartedly as she’s once again back on her phone, playing Candy Crush and you get back into sports car, peeling away from the curb and heading downtown where the Smile n Grin is located. 
It’s late evening by the time you reached the destination and you can already hear the music is loud and people are inside when you park the car, Leo opened the door and offered his arm, which you took.
“Two-Face flipped when he realized that you ain’t dead.” Jonny informed you, falling into step beside you. “Riddler is a no-show, but the guy’s a brainiac and hopelessly arrogant, these type of celebratory shows aren’t his thing.” 
“How many of Penguin’s and Two Face’s men are in there, what about civilians?”
“Ten each. Lots of civiies” At your raised eyebrows, Jonny shrugged. “You’re supposed to be captured or dead.”
You cock your head in a ‘fair enough’ gesture. “And how many of our guys?”
“Fifty.” As you and Jonny ascended the stone steps to the back entrance, you took note that the bouncer wasn’t wearing the get up like Two Face’s or Penguin’s men; he was one of Joker’s guys. “So, how you wanna do this...Boss?”
That’s right, you’re the Boss, right now. Which meant that you had the final say, the final word. What would Joker do, if he were here? ...Kill them all, obviously, or at the least, try. Torture and psychologically torment the civilians until the Bat showed up to stop him. Is that the type of message you wanted to send to the populace when this inevitably got out to the public? 
When your deeds circled throughout the criminal underworld? 
That you’re just as crazy as your husband?
“Divide and conquer.” You mutter. Jonny raised an eyebrow. “I want Penguin’s head mounted on my wall, Two-Face isn’t my priority right now, we’ll get him later. The civilians are distractions and unimportant. Do we have something that can smoke them out?”
And so, that’s what it was. Jonny spoke into the earpiece, informing the foot soldiers of their jobs. He handed you a few smoke grenades and you slipped them into the purse you’re carrying, nodding thankfully to the bouncer who opened the door, permitting you inside. 
Music was thumping, shaking and rattling the walls. 
People were dancing, laughing, chatting. 
It almost looked like another day in J’s club, except the King isn’t in his seat. Romina signaled, jerking her chin and you looked where she’d indicated, taking note of the fact that Two-Face had stood up and was leaving, Penguin was all alone. 
Now was the time.
Dropping the smoke bombs discreetly in a few key places, you continued unwaveringly towards your destination, which was the VIP area, ignoring how the civilians coughed and complained, running for the exit. There’s a bodyguard protecting the door, he holds a hand out in front of him, trying to tell you to stop but Romina came out of nowhere and hit him in the temple, catching him before he fell. 
Brushing the golden beads aside, you took a seat next to the tipsy, short male. 
“Hello, darling.” 
Blinking lazily, movements sluggish, Oswald reached for his gun but Leo put a heavy hand on his shoulder, jerking him backwards, tightening his hold as he made a motion to pull away. All of this which you deliberately ignored, instead grabbing a glass and a bottle of expensive alcohol, pouring a generous amount. 
“We can...work something...out...” Clearly he’d been drugged as his words are slurred and slow. Kudos to Two-Face for being so devious...yet also displaying why he couldn’t be trusted.
“I had plans to...” You quirk your fingers in air quotes, “‘Work something out’.” You shook your head. “But that’s...mm, we’re not going to be friends, darling, I’m sorry. You did the most unforgivable thing, and do you know what that is?”
He said nothing. Leo shook his shoulder, but you put a calming hand as he pulled out a gun. 
“No...no violence. Not yet. I want him completely sober, so that he can understand the magnitude of his actions. Playing nice with Batman,” You reached over and slapped his shoulder. “You sly dog, you.”
“I did...what I had to. You don’t know how this city really works!”
When Leo chose to slam his head against the table, this time, you didn’t stop him. “Actually, darling? I do. And honestly, I can understand why you did what you did. I’m actually a bit peeved that I didn’t think of it first.” Slapping your thigh, you leaned back and laughed. 
“Let me go and we can renegotiate. I won’t see this as an attack. I won’t come after you anymore, I swear!” He began to hyperventilate and Jonny handed you a gun, the weapon felt heavy in your hand. “Please! Don’t do this!”
“Fool me once, shame on you.” You took off the safety, used both hands to aim at where you wanted to shoot. “Fool me twice...”
“Holy shit.” Leo whistled, hold loosening enough so that Cobblepot could wiggle around in agony, cussing up a storm; you’d shot him in the hand. “Holy fucking shit.” He laughed.
“I’m going to kill you for this! Rip you apart and scatter the pieces!” Oswald screamed, tears streaming down his cheeks from pain and humiliation. “You have no idea who you’re dealing with, I’ll kill you...I’ll kill you all!”
“Language, darling. I’m a lady.” You chastise Leo halfheartedly. Placing your glass down, you reached forward, snagging his tie and jerking his head forward so that he hit the table face-forward, hard. “I missed, but this time...”
Dispassionately, you released the tie from your hand, holding the gun out for somebody to take after putting back on the safety. Romina took it, placing it in a bag with gloved hands. Jonny handed you a handkerchief and wiped at the blood splatter on your face.
Once that’s finished, you pick up your glass and raise it in a toast to Cobblepot’s corpse. “Thus, ends the reign of the Penguin.”
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You should be appalled by your actions, or on the verge of a breakdown. Throwing up maybe, but just like when you’d killed Marissa, you felt nothing. Taking a life comparable to fixing the sheets on the bed in the morning, routine and easy. 
“We should be getting out of here.” Leo commented. “Do you guys hear that?”
“Hear what?” Romina asked, brows furrowed. 
“Cops. The cops are coming!!” The bouncer came rushing in, out of breath. “We gotta get out of here. Right now.”
“Then let’s go.” Grabbing the tie from around Cobblepot’s neck, you also grabbed the bottle of alcohol and glass. You didn’t complain when the rest of the motley crew started cleaning up, Leo grabbed your arm and everyone was hauling ass, not wanting to go to Blackgate or Arkham. 
Although you didn’t know it then, this is the day where the start of your legacy began, not just as the Joker’s Queen, or his woman, but you own path as his equal and his opposite.
Next morning, 11:35 A.M. Arkham Asylum
“My name’s Harleen. Doctor Harleen Quinzel. Miss Y/L/N, it’s to my understanding that you wished to get a glimpse at the inner workings of the Asylum?” The blonde, blue eyed woman in the starch white coat didn’t look like much at first glance and part of you wondered where your mother had the gall to hire someone so young to deal with these psychopaths but then again, maybe there was something to her that you were overlooking.
Clearing your throat her inquisitive look, you smiled. “Actually, Doctor Quinzel, I wanted to ask you to do a teensy-tiny favor for me.” 
Eyebrows raising, she pushed her glasses up more on the bridge of her nose as they’d slid down. “And what’s that?”
You smiled slowly. 
With a bit of coercion and subtle manipulation, you’d managed to get the good doctor to do what you wanted, but she wasn’t happy about it. Actually, you could almost say that she felt too...protective of this particular patient.
So she bore watching. 
“If isn’t my naughty girl.” J smiled in that familiar, completely insane way of his. “You came to see me? Talk about a sur-prise.”
“Don’t flatter yourself. I’m not your anything.” There are cameras in here, so you had to be careful about what you said and did. “I wanted to see Gotham’s biggest headache in your natural habitat.” 
“Why don’t you come a little closer? I feel so disconnected with you sitting alllll the way over there.” There’s a daring tinge to Joker’s smile. Taunting.
“Do you think I’m scared of you?”
“Aren’t you?” 
Standing up from your seat, you walk around the table, stopping within arm’s distance of the King of Chaos. “See? I’m not s--”
J lunged at you, snapping his teeth and you jerked back, falling on your butt. The door burst open and guards rushed in, along with Quinzel who quickly pulled you out of the room. Pain seized throughout your body, almost like you’d been tazed and your legs went from out underneath you. 
“Y/N! Miss Y/L/N, are you okay?” Quinzel reached out, trying to calm you as your body locked up again, the veins sticking out on your neck prominently. “You must be having a seizure. God, why did this have to happen on my watch...” 
Joker’s eerie laughter echoed throughout the hall as the guards dragged him out the room. The two of you made eye contact and he winked, blood dribbling down his chin, a bruise forming near his eye. 
“The itsy-bitsy Batsy went up the waterspout, down came the Joker...”
“I...I’m fine.” Breathing in deep, you hugged the surprised blonde, “Thank you so much for protecting me, Doctor!” And you stealthily retrieved her keycard, slipping it underneath your shirt sleeve and mustering up tears that further distracted her as she helped you to your feet, trying to console you. Eventually, once you calmed down and were handed off to the guards, you switched the card’s position so that it’s in your purse. There was no trouble in going through the metal detector, thank goodness. 
Leo held the door open for you and you climbed inside the limo, glancing back at the gloomy building once more before Jonny pulled off after Leo got back in the car. 
Step one in getting J out of this place?
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💜 Soft Bias Tag 💜
i was tagged by the two lovelys at @bts-soccer-moms​ to do the most adorable tag ever ~ tysm this was so much fun!! 
1. Who is my bias?
my favourite muscle bunny jeon jungkook, kookie, nochu, love of my life
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2. What made you notice them?
“Dope” was my first bts mv and i swear it was legitimately love at first sight (that police uniform got me whipped from the start but shhh) i’ve never chosen a bias that quick in my life tbh i didn’t even know what a bias was back then and i already knew it was going to be him (cheesy i know) also when i started watching more bts content i fell for his honey vocals, his big sparkly eyes, his cute bunny smile, and he’s just my ideal boy you know? he’s beautiful and talented what more can i say?
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3. What’s your favourite thing about them?
i know everyone says this about their bias but honestly can you blame us? of course the answer is everything! i love everything about him, his passion and ambition for music, his big heart and love for his hyungs, his cute mannerisms, his will to strive to become the best at whatever he sets his mind to, he’s not only beautiful on the outside but he’s infinitely beautiful on the inside 
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4. Who would initiate skinship more?
i think at the beginning probably me? mostly because he's such a shy shy boy but also i think once he's more comfortable it will be pretty balanced between us
5. Who would hog the blankets more?
either neither of us or him bc i'm literally a human heater so i don't really need to hog the blankets that much plus if he just cuddles up to me he wouldn't need to hog them anyways  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
6. Who would be more clingy?
i don't think either of us are that noticeably clingy but if it's just us and not in public then perhaps me? 
7. Who would say “I love you” first?
hmmm is it cheesy if i say we happened to say it at the same moment bc it finally felt right? lolol but idk i think maybe he would to say it first cuz it takes me a while to finally admit things so yeah
8. Who easily be more flustered?
oh man i think we both tie in this one but i’d like to think that i can hide it better than him, i mean have you seen the stuttering mess kookie is when his hyungs catch him off guard poor bun bun
9. What cuddling position would you two have?
please refer to this taekook moment as a point of reference
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10. Which colours remind you of him?
two colours come to mind:
~ golden honey yellow: he's not the golden maknae for nothing, also like i've said before, his honey vocals make me melt every time and he's also the sweetest boy so of course he reminds me of honey plus he looks so precious whenever he wears yellow
~ a deep bold red: it reminds me of the fire and raw passion in his eyes as he performs, the energy he exerts when he dances, and just that alluring presence he holds when he knows he's owning the stage
tldr: kookie is 💛✨🍯 and jungkook is ❤️🔥🎤
11. What season would you like to spend with them?
summer! i want to have all the fun in the world with him without any worries or cares in the back of our minds, i want to have cute amusement park dates, ice cream at the park dates, bowling alley and arcade dates, everything and anything, we could go out to the pier, stargaze, the whole shabang 
12. Who would bake the cookies and who would steal the batter?
based on the cooking run bts episodes, i think he'd be better in the kitchen than me tbh and i'm not much of a baker but i will help if i see someone else baking but also low key so that i can sneak a bite or two
13. Which one of you would make bad puns and how would the other react?
i think both of us would crack a pun every now and then and the other person would just sigh and roll their eyes but also quietly chuckle and note to themselves to one up the other person in the future 
14. Who would want to adopt 50 cats and dogs?
i think we would alternate between one of us being like "you know what sounds like a good idea? adopting a dog. right now. let's do it." and the other one being the Reasonable One™ but then eventually one day we both end up being the one wanting the dog and attempting to enable the other and so we end up getting a cute dog child and we live happily ever after the end
15. Which one of you would nearly burn the kitchen down trying to microwave a pop tart and who would come to the rescue?
well considering kookie had said before that he has One Fear which happens to be microwaves so i'm gonna say it's him. it will be like:
him: "kirstyyyy can you make me a pop tart?"
me: "sorry kookie i'm a bit busy at the moment, can you try making it yourself?"
*smoke detector goes off in the distance* 
me: *cleans up the mess and makes him a new one* 
me: "you're an idiot" 
him: "yeah but i'm your idiot" 😉 
me: “ugh you're lucky i still think you're cute” 🙄 
him: “heheh sorry ily” 😙
16. Who likes to lean over trail railings and who pulls them back?
i think we'd both have our moments for this because we both have no fear of heights and have moments where #dangerismymiddlename but then again we are also promoters of safety so yeah 
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17. What would watching a horror movie with them be like?
it would consist of a lot of fun banter and teasing towards whoever jumps or get scared :P i really enjoy watching horror films with company because i love commentating (especially for dumb horror films where i get to yell at the characters for making dumbass decisions) but i also get a laugh whenever someone (including myself) gets a big scare so yeah, i think it would be fun to have a horror movie marathon with kookie during spooky season or something
18. Who would be the cheesy flirt and who would be the smooth flirt?
i think kookie can be 50/50 i mean have you seen this boy's duality? his dorky offstage personality vs his sensual onstage presence gives me whiplash.. me on the other hand, i think my cheesiness will outweigh my smoothness like 75/25 
19. Who would be more competitive?
we will make everything a competition, but like in a fun healthy way like "i bet i can beat you in this track in mario kart" "iS tHaT A cHaLLeNgE??!?" and whoever wins gets like a little prize each time (can be anything from food to a peck on the cheek to getting the better controller next time to picking the next movie etc.) like just simple silly competitions to keep it interesting (no sore losers or egotistic winners in this house, it's all just fun and games) and ooo bonus: we can keep a little chart over like the month or maybe the year like a "jungkook vs kirsty" and the overall winner gets a grand prize of whatever they want 
20. Who would have to be given constant reminders (to eat, sleep, drink water, etc.)
him. we all know that he works his hardest and tries to push himself past his limits so i think he would need someone to gently remind him to take care of himself from time to time :’( 
21. Who sends memes and who sends cute “i miss you” texts at 3 am?
we're talking about your resident meme king and queen here so what do you think? but then again we both have our soft hours so i think it will be a fair mix of both. something like 
"i miss you"
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"you meme a lot to me" 
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and that’s it!! this was honestly so much fun to do and i’m now feeling softer than usual for my bunny rip gonna go watch some cute compilations or something ok byeee
i tag: @wen-jun-bae, @blueberry-child, @taeyongskookie, @cyphersnamjoon, @mysticalj, @jinstaej, @min-baby-boy-yoongi, @majinstic, @madpanda69, @kochiniseokjinnie, @im-captain-of-this-ship,  @kawaii-ing, @chiantae, @dailygifihope, and anyone else who wants to do this :) 
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