#the only nice thing about my timezone is that i wake up to the album announcement and get to hear the new release before i go to sleep
oureyesclosed · 2 years
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louistomlinsonyear · 4 years
shawn self title album x niall
months ago i shared with my friends why i thought some of the songs in shawns self title album, from 2018, were to/about niall. obviously, nothing alarming, but heres some lyrics that made me go ??? whats going on boy???  things to notice: 1. most of his album is gender neutral (i counted 4 songs, one in which he says someone he wants is off with someone he cant be, so he might as well just find himself a new girl, and queen in which he doesnt use a noun except for "queen") 2. most of the songs talk about a relationship based on different places/one constantly going off (not necessarily him, by the way) 3. whatever happened, was only meant to be a one night only thing, which he then craved more 4. him changing as a person, finding some new - not just a new love, a new shawn
In My Blood: I'm overwhelmed and insecure, give me something I could take to ease my mind slowly Just have a drink and you'll feel better Just take her home and you'll feel better (with hailee recently announcing her new single, wrong direction, we kinda know who he's talking about here) Afraid to be alone again, I hate this No medicine is strong enough (this gives me alive vibes) Fallin All in You: 'Cause this was only ever meant to be for one night Still, we're changing our minds here Be yours, be my dear I can't see one thing wrong Between the both of us You know I've been alone for quite a while haven't I? I thought I knew it all, found love but I was wrong More times than enough But since you came along I'm thinking baby You are bringing out a different kind of me There's no safety net that's underneath, I'm free Where were you in the morning?  You said, "I wanna get to know ya" Why you gotta get my hopes up? You said that you were staying over But then I woke up to the cold air (someone had to jet off to work? maybe?)  Nervous: I saw you on a Sunday in a café And all you did was look my way And my heart started to race And my hands started to shake, yeah I heard you asked about me through a friend (i mean do i even have to??)  My adrenaline kicked in 'Cause I've been askin' 'bout you too And now we're out here in this room You got me acting like I've never done this before (shawns "DMing super flirtsy")  I promise I'll be ready when I walk through the door Like To Be You: I'm so sorry (an argument??)  Though we're still stuck in the middle Tell me what's inside of your head I don't know what it's like to be you I don't know what it's like but I'm dying to If I could put myself in your shoes No matter what you say I won't love you less And I'd be lying if I said that I do Lost In Japan: (our well known japan, where everyone jets off to) I could feel the tension (???? what tension my guy) We could cut it with a knife I know it's more than just a friendship I can hear you thinking 'bout it, yeah Do I gotta convince you? That you shouldn't fall asleep? It'll only be a couple hours And I'm about to leave Particular Taste: (shes about nialls witty sarcasm personality)  Never pickin' up her phone 'less it rings twice (i doubt niall EVER picks up on the first ring. even more so if golf's on) Only answers with a question, mhh And if I try to play it cool, it never goes right Got me drownin', drownin', uh Because I Had You: (boy...) I think it's time that I be honest Should've told you not to go Thought I knew just what I wanted I didn't know myself at all You're with somebody I can't be, yeah (????????? my guy??????????) But I can tell that you're happy Hey, remember when I told you That you and I, we'd go down in history together, yeah It's time for me to finally meet somebody new Take her to all the places that I took us to And she might help me forget, but loving her is something I could never do Why: (haters to lovers on ao3) When people ask about us, now, we just brush it off I don't know why we act like it means nothing at all I wish that I could tell you that you're all that I want, yeah When I hear you sing, it gets hard to breathe Can't help but think every song's about me And every line, every word that I write You are the muse in the back of my mind, oh (neutral) Youth: (i feel like a rebellion song) You hit me with words I never heard Come out your mouth To be honest I don't want it, no You can't take my youth away This soul of mine will never break As long as I wake up today You can't take my youth away Queen: (homeboy just came for mrs hailees neck) It's hard to believe you don't remember me at all Am I hard to recognize? You say, "nice to meet you" every time Guess I shouldn't be surprised You say, "nice to meet you" every time I know we got a lot of mutual friends Don't say my name, don't come up in your conversations You treat me like I got nothing on you I don't understand why everybody thinks you're sweet 'Cause I see the opposite No, you're not so innocent Perfectly Wrong: Me and you, we were made to break (yeah? why?) I know that's true, but it's much too late You're perfectly wrong for me And that's why it's so hard to leave Mutual: I need to know If this is mutual Before I go And get way too involved I want you bad Can you reciprocate? No, I don't want to have to leave But half of you is not enough for me (homeguy why half?) When You're Ready: What if my dad is right When he says that you're the one No, I can't even argue I won't even fight him on it Call you when it's late And I know that you're in bed 'Cause I'm three hours back  Seems like you're always six ahead (listen, the timezone difference from toronto do london/dublin is 5 hours, take of that what you will) obviously i got nothing more than shawns sappy-in-love eyes to back up any of this ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
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lagroupie · 4 years
Interview: The Velveteers
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The Velveteers after their show at The Shacklewell Arms in London in September 2019, through my Olympus Trip.
Last year when visiting my friends from Something Leather in Brighton, they took me out for a concert in London. The Pearl Harts and the Velveteers were playing at the Shacklewell Arms. I was blown away, and although we had to leave shortly after the concert I managed to quickly snap a portrait of the Velveteers, who were very friendly. I really wanted to interview them and I always kept the idea at the back of my mind. Months later, we had a little video chat over Instagram with Demi and Adrian. I am very happy we managed to schedule it despite an 8-hour timezone difference!
Join us as we talk about their lives in Colorado, squatting in a flat in Shoreditch, making music when you’re an introvert, being a Bad Seed, and a lot more.
Many thanks to Demi and Adrian for virtually hanging out with me!
Can you tell me more about your life in Colorado when you’re not touring?
Demi Demitro: Well, our life in Colorado is pretty calm. Usually, we wake up and just make music and art. I wake up and listen to some records. I’m really into collaging and making artwork in general. Today, Adrian and I both made a collage which was fun. (ndlr: they show it to me)
Nice!! Looks like the next album cover!
Adrian Pottersmith: We wanted to use that one for a poster, for some DIY shows that we’re playing in Colorado this month.
Demi: So we usually wake up and do some sort of artwork while listening to music. That’s like our meditation to get the day started. And after that we get to writing, practicing and making demos. I think that’s the majority of what we do!
Adrian: Yeah, we don’t go out that much. And when we do, we instantly regret it! I think we’re too introverted in a weird way, even though we play shows for a living (laughs).
It’s interesting that you say that! Sometimes when I find myself going out to a concert and not taking pictures for example, I feel a bit frustrated. As if I had wasted that evening not doing anything.
Adrian: I totally feel that! I feel so strange when I go to a concert that I’m not playing. But when I’m playing a show and I’m having something to do I feel really good, like I’m in the right place.
Demi: When you want to do something – regardless if you are scared or if you have social anxiety – you just go into it because you know it’s important to you. That’s how it is for me, because I’m a very shy and introverted person, and I spend a lot of time by myself making art. So when I’m at a show, it’s a completely different environment. In order for me to do that, I have to have the space to prepare to be with a bunch of other people.
When we met in England, you were doing a UK tour. I did a bit of research, and it seems that you stayed in England for a while?
Demi: Yeah, let’s see… I think that on this tour we maybe had a week where we weren’t touring and could relax, and then we flew back to America. This was a two-and-a-half-week tour. But last year we did a tour to the UK and we were there for a month. We toured for two-and-a-half weeks, and then we had two weeks where we were just hanging out in London!
Adrian: We were using our minds for being there for two weeks, because it’s a cool place but we didn’t really have that much to do once the tour was over.
Demi: And we didn’t really have that much money, and everything in the UK is expensive. But we were squatting in this flat in Shoreditch for two weeks, just going insane! It was very interesting, because the flat was in the heart of Shoreditch and there was this famous bagel shop just outside our window. People would be up all night long, and it was like watching a reality TV show. Drug deals going on constantly… it was an interesting two weeks.
Adrian: We don’t want to assume anything, but from many hours looking out at the people, there was this one person who seemed to be homeless and asking for change. After a while, we started noticing that there would be people coming and giving them this bag… so the homeless person would take the bag, go into the bagel shop and exchange it for something. And then they would come back out and give the person who gave the bag another bag. It was probably a harmless thing, but…
Demi: No, it seemed like a drug deal! (laughs)
Oh my God! (laughs) I also wanted to talk about the fact that you chose to play as a two-drummers, one-guitarist band. How did it happen?
Demi: We started off as a two-piece, and over the years we would get a lot of comments that would compare us to other two-piece bands like the Black Keys or the White Stripes. It was something that we were thinking about for a while. The idea of the two-piece band felt like a loophole, except taking that loophole and extending it, making it something that hasn’t fully been done before with just a person on guitar and two drummers. And then we had the opportunity to try it out, and it was something that just felt like the thing we were looking for all along. It added lots of new elements to expand our music.
Adrian: The funny thing is, before we even go on and our instruments are just on the stage, we can see that the people in the crowd are just so perplexed by our setup! Because it’s very strange, it looks like one drum kit but it doesn’t, and there’s just one guitar with two amps… It doesn’t make any sense until we get up there. And it still doesn’t make completely sense until the end of the show!
Demi: To me, the way the drum kit is set up looks like a spaceship! I like the idea of people thinking “What is that? Are they really sharing a drumkit?” (laughs)
Could you tell me more about your song Bad Seed? What does Bad Seed mean exactly? I’m also asking as a non-native English speaker haha.
Demi: For me, Bad Seed means someone who is like a rebel, but also someone you would consider as a bad person. Most seeds sprout, grow into flowers and bloom. And then, some seeds grow into something else, a little more dark. So I would think a bad seed is someone out of the ordinary, like a black sheep.
Let’s imagine you find a magic box with three super-powers in it: super speed, super strength and flying. You can only choose one. Which band member has which?
Adrian: I would say super strength for you, I want the flying one for me, and the speed one for John.
Demi: For me, I would do super flying, you would do super strength, and John would do super speed!
What can we expect from the Velveteers in the future?
Demi: Well, I think 2020 is going to be a really exciting year. We’re excited to get more music out into the world. We have a lot of stuff that we’ve been working on. Lots of new music coming!
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