#editing took a while because I was laughing waaaay too much
So I’ve been thinking about your videos on you reading your comic (which is very fun btw) and you keep mentioning on how small and round Link was compared to how he is now, and I have a very stupid scientific reason on why he went from round to lanky
In the beginning of the comic when link is a squishy little thing, it is winter time, to put it simply, he was more round and compact in order to conserve body heat. Obviously. And he gets more lanky as the comic goes on in order to cool off since it’s getting warmer. Link’s just do that naturally.
😂😂😂 I love this so much! It's just nature taking its course. Logical.
An alternative naturalistic approach would be the travails of adolescence hitting him hard and fast, kind of like a bird, forcing him to go from this:
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To this:
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(The guy with the orange slacks is obviously Gan)
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ma12s · 4 years
Phases/Interests the Arcana characters would have had if they were Gen  Z
Naturally, when he was young he’d have a phase for Harry Potter, only the books though, and as he got older he’d re-read them and laugh at the magical inconsistencies.
TAZ. He probably simped at some point for Taako. Perhaps just dnd in general, and he either played a Magick user of some kind or a bard depending on his level of intoxication.
*inhales* PERCY JACKSON. that's it that's the point. He even got the unfulfilling Best Years Of Your Life Depression(tm) from reading exciting, romanticised accounts of teenagehood, only for it to not live up because how could it? its chill though, he finds his own little ways to be adventurous like making pasta in the late dead of night/early void hours of the morning, and eating on the floor. Faust helps him. 
Listens to sleeping at last just to feel again and Saturn is his favourite and he will dance sensually and soulfully to it, somehow.
He watches Midnight gospel because he just loves the concept of podcasts but can sometimes struggle listening when its just audio bc he will vibe himself into a mediative state and have no idea what half the episode was about, so the visuals ironically keep him pretty grounded while he watches it. (He does meditate afterwards, though)
This man DID have a fnaf phase and he IS the MAN behind THE SLAUGHTER. (He also gets a kick outta die in a fire (obviously) but it sends him absolutely, irrevocably feral)
He 100% had an emo phase too, but in a gay way that slowly transitioned into a weird taste for aspects of cottage core but like a Seaside cottage, and jams it to bear ghost now. 
I bet he also got into true crime and has many pieces of paraphernalia with the slogan “Be GAY Do CRIME”. He also knows waaaay too much about how to dispose of bodies from that one reddit thread and worries everyone by bringing it up just a little bit too often. Also! out of morbid curiosity, he's the kinda bitch that would watch autopsy videos at 3:27am and is subscribed to ask a mortician and definitely participates in vulture culture.
Ngl he probably also got roped into a SuperWhoLock phase by Asra and it just added to his trust issues and permanently damaged his Gaydar.
Probably haunted by April 13...
He can't tell whether he wants to BE hozier or if he wants to FUCK him but tbh he's not fussy. He sings his heart out to From Eden, and bops hard to cheer wine (his favourite is the live version) and you better bet he listens to the 8d audios of Hozier but its.... and his YT history is full of them.
She's a bad bitch, but probably didn't get into anything too obscure. She probably has liked something and tried desperately to hide it from her elder sisters, only for them to get into it too. she’d be alright about it at first, but when Nasmira starts getting way more likes on her fandom content, Nadia starts feeling a bit put down and quits the fandom. 
She’s is or has been at some point been knee deep in showtunes. She liked Hamilton but isn't quite trash for it, but will wipe the floor with your ass if Dead Girl Walking comes on.
Probably had a ‘not like other girls phase’ but instead of giving her a weird, kinda toxic relationship with womanhood, she got over it and accepts her femininity and will defend within an inch of her life women's rights and choices. 
She's a proud Barb and would absolutely let Doja cat step on her. She hypes up girls on their OnlyFans and will actively murder people who tries to disrespect sex workers, as she too, respects the grind. 
Also likes Greek and Egytian mythology, and stans Medusa as a victim of Men aint being shit. She also can't decide whether she stans Persephone or Aphrodite more and it is a constant ongoing debate in her head. She probably supports Lore Olympus on patreon.
MLP but he wouldn't ever admit it, and protects Fluttershy from creeps with his liFE. he also actually felt pretty bad for Discord, and kinda related to him. (Legend has it that on cursed, cursed nights of solitude, you can hear the sounds of DiSCOrddd iM hOWLin’ aT ThE MooN~~ drift in the air, accompanied by an actually really good rendition of the lyrics).
Lucio also liked heathers and he and Nadia bond over belting it out together, but his favourite is candy store (but will occasionally bop it to Big Fun).
His experience of Gay Culture was just binge watching drag race while he was still trying to accept his mlm-ness, and gatekeeped it until he learnt eventually how its supposed to be a place of tolerance and support and will now actively encourage All drag monarchs to work it. (He realises belatedly why it felt kinda wrong when RuPaul/the show did the queens dirty and the lack of diverse identites etc). He’s a little off with some things but with a little guidance from a very hesitant Asra, he's slowly getting Woke. (Neither will admit that they bond over these little lessons by the end of it, but everyone knows it and wish they’d just chill abt it)
Liked Voltron, stanned Lotor and his redemption arc and just... does Not want to talk about it.
Felt *weird*~~ when he watched that [one] scene with Levi from attack one titan and it took him a while but Now He Knows...
Got into Buzzfeed Unsolved and is mildly ashamed of himself but he finds Shane and Ryans dynamic really funny so he keeps watching it anyways. For some ~~mysterious~~ reason, he has had mad respect for Shane after the Goatman’s bridge episode, and immediately went to send it to everyone else, but got scared. 
He likes to watch documentaries on cryptids (sometimes with Asra, or with Julian depending on how creepy the cryptid is)
His life was changed on the fateful day of 11/11/11. He has the highest logged hours on steam out of everyone ever and ProtectOrcs2020 could basically be his tagline at this point. He always adopts the kids and makes them the Best House with the hearthfire DLC. He always goes with the stormcloaks and probably simps for at least 5 of the companions.
He got into the Witcher through the Netflix series and started out being a Geralt stan, but jaskier slowly snook his way into his heart and he highkey ships them and Siri IS their child. (he would convince Nadia to cosplay as Yennefer, if he had more confidence). 
She liked dan and Phil but wasn't creepy abt it. She swore she could never pick a side but she secretly enjoyed Phil’s content more bc existentialism gives her anxiety. She did ship them but has since learnt quick that irl people ships aren't cute. She probably stays Thomas Sanders too
IF you're looking for a bitch with the nicest island on animal crossing, portia is 100% your bitch. She has Lillies of the valley for days and absolutely died when the special edition AC switch sold out before she could buy one, and compensates by copious amounts of Isabelle and the able sister stickers. Her favourite villagers are Fauna, Goldie, and Nate. 
Portia is also a queen of Stardew and often passes out before she can get to bed because she just wants to get ON with her beautiful FarM dammit! She can never make her mind up what villager she wants to romance and switches faves like every week.
Listens to girl in red to drown her sorrows after 🎨🎻👩🏼‍🤝‍👩🏻🔥.
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smolbeandrabbles · 5 years
Dear Life - Tom McLaren x Reader (Vertical Limit)
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Author’s Note: This One Is For The Nicholas Lea Fans! ...And like the one person I know might read this 🤣 Better believe I will be upping the ante on him somewhat over the next few months!  Dear Life - High Valley  - Now I haven’t used this or any High Valley music yet - God knows why. Time to rectify! 
Disclaimer: Okay, I know next to nothing about climbing, so my references are like... this movie... / Vertical Limit character’s aren’t mine (Again, or we’d have thrown Elliot off a cliff) / lyrics not mine. But this song really hurts for this. to be honest.
Premise: You’re 2 months away from becoming Mrs.Tom McLaren, and as you sit here and reminisce your relationship, Tom begins getting ready for his final trip before the wedding, to K2 with Elliot Vaughn... 
Words: 3599
Warnings: Nada
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______ Dear Life, I hope you know I've loved you every mile down this road Had my share of hits and misses Tryin' to keep between the ditches Dear Life, I hope you know Dear Life, what's your plan Is where I'm suppose to be, right where I am If it is, then I ain’t leavin' If it ain't, then I'll keep on dreamin' Dear Life, what's your plan Now you're flying by too fast I'll fight to make you last Beggin' won’t you please, just slow down You're scaring me to death I'm tryin' to catch my breath Don't wanna let you go I'm hangin' on for dear life I wanna leave my mark Love til it breaks my heart Live so loud that my forever Echoes in the dark ---
Tom always carried a video camera. He said it wasn't to detail every stupid little mistake you made climbing - but you knew in truth it really was. He was the real mountain climber - at least high-altitude, in snow, hiking and climbing. You could hike with the best of them - but your speciality was free climbing over drier terrain and rocks, not snow and ice. You used to tell him the only reason that you would ever climb up snow was to ski back down - and he would laugh at you for that. But whenever you got back home he'd spend a painstaking amount of time editing together compilation videos. That you never got to see, but knew existed. "One day you're gonna have to show me!" "Aw, nah! None are finished Y/N! I can't show you something that's not done!"
 He could say that all he wanted - but as you sat in your apartment today leafing through your wedding planner again and sticking things into place, you couldn't help but notice how many video stills had ended up on the walls. Usually they were of him making funny faces at the way you were climbing or just genuine concern. Your favourite was one of the ones he had to sharply angle against the cliff face - you miles ahead of him, and the number of cams in the wall waaaay less than you should have put - at least to support both of you - to which he'd hand written the caption 'People I Should Never Trust With My Life On A Mountain: My Girlfriend." It wasn’t like you didn’t have the same kind of humour though. What about the one he’d had framed in his office? A picture of you with your head in your hands waiting for him to take an ungodly amount of time to decide on the correct number of cams to stick in the wall to take your weight, to continue climbing along. Captioned: “How it Feels to Be (Literally) Tied to Your Boyfriend For 24 Hours.” That summed you both up – you wanted the least amount of equipment for a light and fast ascent. Tom was all about safety, especially if you were there with him.
So you wondered what he might say in all of them... Only you might get your wish, because on occasion you'd filmed other adventures of yours that were less perilous. Like waiting for him at the end of a 5K run, chiding him for taking 15 minutes longer than you, and him protesting that a 5K was not a mountain hike - and he didn't need to continuously run on those! Or paragliding in a much more tropical climate than either of you were really used to. You weren't sure what he was planning, but he had a good friend that was a better videographer that he had taken up more than a few mountains as a guide for documentary shooting; and Tom had asked you for a few of the videos you'd taken. You trusted him enough to surprise you with that, because you had many surprises for him too.
 You leant your head on your hand for a moment and really turned your attention to those photographs. Decorating your home together had been a lot of fun; and you'd both taken a lot of thought and care into colour schemes and themes. At first only a few frames hung on the wall - but now each room showed like a timeline for your relationship. Only it wasn't in the kind of cute photographs couples usually took and there wasn't an anniversary one in sight.
No, these photographs were taken at the summit of every climb you'd ever ascended together. And as the more creative one, you'd made them into pretty collages. Frames weren't often wood or metal anymore - but whatever rope had frayed the most or was the oldest – he’d give you any worn out equipment to help with your endeavour… or sometimes you'd find an interesting stone, or you'd get post cards. You always put the place, height and time it had taken you to climb at the bottom too - sometimes handwritten in yours or his neat script. They became good talking points in themselves... And the first one had only been a birthday gift for him. But Tom had liked it so much he wanted to display it in your hallway instead of his office. "But Tommy then you can look at it when you work!" "Yeah but... When I'm not there who is gonna see it? It deserves to be seen - you put so much effort into this babe...!" And so on proud display it stayed - now joined by so many others.
When Tom wasn't half way around the world leading explorations up one of these peaks he was here with you. He had a number of guides under his expert tuition - and his company was all run out of his office. He liked to make sure that he had at least one employee in every far-reaching corner of the world that intrepid explorers would like to try and conquer... But if you wanted the best of the best, then Tom McLaren would fly out himself. He lived half his life out on mountains, and occasionally you were right there beside him. He liked you coming along for respite. So he could mutter to someone about some of the amateurs he had to escort up; "I dunno Y/N... Makes me feel I should only make the trip for experienced climbers only..." "You got me." And he would smile his best smile "Or I'd go INSANE!" "You're getting paid well for this though, right?" "AH. Yeah, I've always been about the money..." You could only laugh at that look on his face; "Well. Just be about it for this one!"
 You heard the front door open and close and knew he was back. Somehow, there was nothing like the sound of knowing he was home - and your heart skipped a beat. He wandered through into the living room - claret baggy gym shirt, and navy tracks...to go with his navy trainers with questionable tangerine shoe laces. It still made you raise an eyebrow, but Tommy was all about the pop of colour. "...Hey!" He still sounded a little out of breath, despite the fact he would have driven home. "Hey!" You smiled, heart still racing like you were in the presence of a high-school crush. He dropped his gym back by the kitchen and wandered over; you accepted a kiss on the cheek and he leant on the table and tapped the book; "How are we doing?" "Good - thank you! Almost completely ready." "Ah! Thank God for that!" "Aw, and I thought you were the meticulous planner here." "Babe, I am - but this... This is..." He looked a little overwhelmed for a minute, "Something else!" "We got this - you know that right...?" "Oh I know..." Tom breathed, and this time when he lent in you wanted his lips on yours.  "I just... It's so close now I..." He laughed "I guess I'm a little nervous." "More nervous than your next climb? Ah-! Speaking of, you have a meeting with Vaughn at 2..." "I know, but thank you..." He glanced to the clock "I got enough time to get prepped." "Better have..." You weren't his assistant, but you knew Tom's diary down to the minute - mostly because he'd synced your calendars. But when he was so far away from you for so long, you needed to know exactly where he was supposed to be and when. And how long he was expected to be out of signal range. You could deal with not hearing from him for a while; that was the nature of the job, but you still liked to know what days he was climbing, and when he was supposed to be in base camp, so you knew when you really had to worry about him. He gave you one more kiss before moving into the bedroom "One more climb and I marry you!!!" "It's a big one! One thing at a time!" "Like you aren't waiting to be Mrs. Tom McLaren!" "Oh! Only my entire life!" You put a marker in your planner and followed him.
It was still like having a school girl crush. By now he was out of his shirt and going through his wardrobe for something comfortable to wear. His meeting was only over the phone... Of course he caught you staring at him - with his shirt off you could see his tattoo and that strangely shaped scar on his left-hand side. "You okay?" He raised an eyebrow and turned to you, making you shake your head "If you could feel my heart right now..." His laugh was a little bashful and his look to the floor almost shy; "Why?" "I dunno. It's like having a crush on you all over again. I guess I'm just excited..." He looked down at himself with a cheeky grin; "Please clarify!" You scoffed, but knew pink was crossing your cheeks; "Shut up!" He nodded to the bathroom; "I'ma take a shower but-" "OH God! Don't even tempt me!" Tom laughed again; "And now I really feel like I should!" He folded his arms; and there was a familiar chink of metal as the pendant around his neck moved. As far as you knew he'd never taken it off, and he'd never really talked about it much, only to whisper that it was good luck. The twist of tarnished silver was strange in itself; you couldn't quite fathom what it was either. But anything important to Tommy was important to you. (Except it was rough and sharp in places and often stabbed into you at fairly inconvenient times.) It was silly to trust his necklace to keep him safe when you knew his skills would do that on their own. But sometimes the night before he was due to go, and you couldn't sleep (because you never could when those evenings rolled around) you found yourself glaring at it and always thinking the same thing; You better bring him back to me!
 You sprinted across the room to kiss him, which turned into kissing him multiple times, before he tried to pick you up and you shrieked, half giggling as you ran back out. His laugh was gorgeous and clear and loud; "Alright I get it! No showers-!" You peered around the door; "How many floors did you climb?" "300. It's still not K2. But it's a start." You gave a nod and a smile "I'm not gonna make you walk that to the wedding, don't worry." "I could call the venue and we could have it in the mountains...? Why bother making them the view!" "I could kill you, Tom McLaren!" "I'm sure Vaughn would fly everyone up!" He studied your unimpressed look with amusement "Ahhhh.... I believe that face is a firm no..." "Correct." "Alright, go on. Back to planning..." You continued to stare at him "What?" "I love you, babe." He grinned gently, and stepped towards the bathroom "...I love you too, Ms.McLaren." "Aw, not yet!"
 "Oh! Sweetheart...! I think he'll love it!" your mother gasped as you detailed your wedding dress idea to her. Sitting back at the table and opening your planner again surrounded by your photographs and flipping to the dress pages (the only ones Tom was forbidden from looking at) made you remember that. Because it'd been this very table over drinks that you'd told her what you were thinking. It sounded a little insane, the kind of thing nobody would really get. But he would. "...Don't you think everyone will ask me the same questions about a billion times?" "Do you have to answer? I think it's wonderful... And it's not meant for them is it, it's meant for Tom..." You'd had the idea when wandering around your apartment on the phone to other aspects of your wedding, florists... bakery... venue... Musicians... They were long detailed conversations that both you and Tom had had. He tried to help you plan as much as he could, but both of you realised it was kinda hard to plan a wedding halfway up a mountain. But he did promise, and had expertly, sorted himself and his groomsmen out - and when he wasn't preparing for his next climb, he spent all his spare time helping you. Even though you were fine and actually really enjoyed planning this. But, each of these conversations had you staring at the photographs on your wall. And you'd come to the conclusion that climbing was what had brought the two of you together, and was such a huge part of both your lives. The mountains in the background of every picture had got you thinking; even if you were actually standing on the summit of the important ones... So the idea was simple, everything you'd ever summited together - whether it be a cliff face in a national park, or it was something as phenomenal as K2, or Everest. It was making it onto your dress. The scope of work was huge and you'd realised this, so it had taken the seamstresses an age to make to your specification, but you had tried to help and provide assistance at every turn you could. So a few weeks ago you'd gone for your adjustment fitting (although it was pretty perfect once you'd tried it on), when Tom was travelling back from his last climb for a little R and R, and had almost cried when you'd seen it. The mountains had been embroidered like a secret message. Only truly visible if you looked at the detail.  Some were outlined in a blue-tone white and were a little more obvious; but the others blended so perfectly into the skirt - it had turned out more beautiful than you had imagined. And there were actual tears when you tried it on; from both you and your mom and friends.
You closed the book again as you heard him exit his office after his call and tied the ribbon back - replacing it on your shelf. "How'd it go?" "He's crazy. That's all I can say!" "You're gonna do amazing..." "It's not me I'm worried about..." He gave a shrug "I know K2 well enough." You crossed the room and placed your arms around him "...I'm gonna worry about you.." "Yeah. That's why I don't worry - you do it enough." You brushed your lips to his; "Can we go out tonight?" "For dinner...? Mmmm... Don't see why not..." Tom ran his arms around you and pulled you tight to him "What you thinking...?" "The little place on the corner..." "Why do we always go there when I'm about to leave?" "Because it's your favourite." His amusement extended into his light brown eyes as he rolled them; "No. It's because it's your favourite." You smiled, and leant up to kiss him again; "That too."
 It was the night before he left, and the corridor was full of his gear, you were allowed to go to the airport with him but no further. Part of you wanted to go on Vaughn's expedition. It sounded interesting - and if it was all being broadcast when they hit the top... But Tom wanted you back here, and you understood that too. "You don't need to get caught up in all this..." He tracked back through to the bedroom; "Besides... You don't even like him." "Millionaire who thinks he can throw money at a mountain and it'll do what he wants, so everyone gets to see this inaugural flight? No thanks." "See. You wouldn't even enjoy it!" "Guess I get to see you on TV..." "Well..." He caught you in the living room for a short kiss. Fleeting - just like his time back here always was. You wondered how much Tommy would let you curb that once you got a ring on his finger. "...Unless they cut me out of it!" You folded your arms, with a frown clearly meant for Vaughn himself; "Oh. Because you're only the man whose gonna get him up there!" "...eh, millionaires!" "Who else is going with you?" "Annie Garrett." You gasped "Annie! Aw, I love her!" "Yeah another reason you aren't going!" He laughed "We'll never get anywhere...!" You followed him and realised there was at least another suitcase and a half to go "...I rebuke that and think we could probably take you in a race to the top." He shot you a look "K2 is not about racing. It's a-" You mimicked his serious voice with a whine "-Very technical climb and the most dangerous mountain in the world-!" He narrowed his eyes slightly, making you smile; "Didn't you get over lecturing me 5 years ago, Tommy?" "Clearly not, if you're gonna make stupid comments." He turned back to his things which made you sigh. "Babe, do you want some help?" His brown eyes flicked over his shoulder again "Oh, sweetheart, would you?" You nodded eagerly with a sweet smile; "Mmmm... I like helping you pack. The only thing I don't like is watching you leave..."
 You stood holding his hands so tight in the airport, and realised how torn up you were about this. "Y/N... You are gonna have to let me go eventually, you know that right?" "Yeah but I..." You weren't looking at him, but his hands, laced with your own - the pretty cut diamond of your engagement ring glittering gently in the lights. He bent to try to get you to look at him. "But you...?" "This one is so much harder than the rest... I just... Wanna marry you now. And K2..." "Hey... Hey... C'mere..." He wrapped you in his arms, pulling your head into his chest and stroking a hand through your hair; "Sweetheart you never do this... What's wrong?" "I'm just really gonna miss you on this one. But I'll be watching that TV close, believe me." "I know you will. And I'll be counting down the days until my flight home... And then we square away the final touches... And then Mrs. Tommy McLaren will not just be a Skip joke at base camp... Huh?"
He at least got you laughing gently; but he noticed the tears too. Tom didn't stop you from crying though; your emotions were all over the place ever since he'd got down on one knee. He'd never expected that, which made him guess you'd never expected him to do it in the first place. Probably because that's all his friends did joke about. Including it being present in the original introduction of you two to one another. “Tommy this is Y/N... She's a climber too! Since it's only you two that have that in common if you don't wanna stay sad and single for your lonely lives, you just aught to get married now!” Tom pressed a kiss to your forehead; it was long, and worth every second, before he caught your lips. "Look after the company, alright?" "I will." "And look after yourself... Okay? That's more important..." "I will..." There was a few seconds pause before you threw your arms around him again; "You come back to me Tom McLaren! You kick K2’s ass and you come back to me!" He wound his arms around you again and lifted you from the floor "I'm coming back, Y/N... I don't get to marry you otherwise..." "Just. Make sure Vaughn knows who's boss." He gave a wink, and salute as he set you down; "Yes ma'm!"
You were still staring at the pictures on the wall when the sunlight faded; one more day gone. One day closer to marrying the love of your life. But one day further away from all these incredible things happening. All of these pictures captured moments you would never get back. And each one of them told a story with so many lost great conversations. Little glances or touches that were now lost to eternity.
Your eyes flicked between them all, this has all gone so fast... Even though he would be back soon, that would feel like an age. But all these years had passed like a blur. Would your married life be just the same?
You sat back for a second and took a deep breath to slow it all down. You hoped not; Tom was someone you had to savour every moment with - because in reality there were so few. And that made every second precious. You realised how much you wanted to look back on everything you'd done together and remember it all. No matter how impossible. It hit you all very suddenly. Is that why he recorded everything? So that he could watch back every memory you had a freeze frame moment of here? Because Tom McLaren wanted to relive every stupid, amazing thing that happened. As long as you were there in it. You shook your head gently as you pieced it all together; why he wanted your tapes so bad too. He was about to relive all those moments with you. But not just with you - Tom McLaren wanted everyone else to see those moments too. Everyone that was an important part of your lives and an integral part of your relationship.
And he was going to do so on your wedding day.
Oh have another GIF even though it’s not actually Tom... It still make’s me think of this fic..! Like he would 100% throw paper planes at her whilst she’s trying to work on collages and their wedding planning...
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lcgendcfzvlda · 5 years
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☆ — wait , is that ZELDA KING ? dean lockwood has been looking for them . you didn’t hear it from me but , apparently the JUNIOR might know something about the whole omega chi & kappa tau situation . while they can be BRASH & IMPULSIVE , they’re far too WELCOMING & COURAGEOUS  to be involved , right ? those who know them say they’re reminded of FLANNELS WRAPPED AROUND THE WAIST, THE CLICKING OF A CAMERA, A COMPUTER SCREEN ILLUMINATING A PITCH BLACK ROOM, THE “IT’S ALWAYS SUNNY IN PHILADELPHIA” THEME, BAGPIPES PLAYING IN THE DISTANCE whenever they’re around .  honestly , the DIGITAL MEDIA major should try to keep their head down . after the events of last semester , lockwood is out for blood . did you know that ZELDA is a member of GAMMA RHO ALPHA ? that might explain why their name is being brought up .
                                               you’re an explosion , you’re dynamite                                                   playlist. pinterest. to listen as you read.                                                like for a plotting dm on tumblr , react for a discord dm                                                rocky lynch lovebot / hylia.#0329 on discord.
WOOOO I really can’t keep myself from holding only one muse can’t I. WELL. This is Zelda , a bit more of a happy-go-lucky muse compared to Sam !! She’s both her own character mixed with a few others I have - I love her dearly , so please please please feel free to come at me for plots !! <3 HERE WE GO :
Zelda’s backstory isn’t anything special - growing up in Scotland her parents had a nice marriage , she grew up an only child , always got good grades
But she always felt... average. She never was really anyone to anybody , so Zelda had a bit of a knack for wanting attention and trying to get her voice out there. So some took this as endearing , some took it as annoying.
In high school , she was lucky enough to be selected for an exchange student program in Salem , Massachusetts - and then she’d meet the FIRST person who would make her feel special in SAGA ( Sexuality And Gender Acceptance ) Club , a cheeky blonde boy named Cyrus who had a tendency to hide in the corner of the room and not talk to many people. And they’d date for about a year , up until Zelda would have to go back to Scotland.
They had to break up when Zelda would leave , but remained extremely close and communicating daily through digital connections.
ANYWAY , that little one year romance sort of gave her more confidence to use her voice and try and light up the room - since if she could do it for one person , she could do it for multiple people. That’s what gave her the idea to pursue a career in DIGITAL MEDIA -  namely , film & video ( with digital art and photography on the side ) in the more comedic aspect. Screenplaying and the technicals behind sketch-comedy skits. Stand-up comedy , even though that was more performing.
Think like Saturday Night Live - and then think of all the technical stuff that goes into it besides the acting. The script-writing , camera angles , etc. Zelda just wanted to make people laugh.
Soooo… when she told her parents that would be what she wanted to do , her average home-life would turn sour CONSIDERING they didn’t want her to explore such risky career choices. An easier life would be to become a lawyer or a doctor - more stable. But that’s not what she wanted. So after a LENGTHY argument with her parents , Zelda would be thrown out of the house with only the money she saved ( thankfully , she’d always been the frugal one ) , and would call . . . her ex-boyfriend and his mother. Since even though they’d only been communicating digitally over the past two years , it still felt like home in Massachusetts.
Her ex’s mother would pay for a flight for her to go back to the United States , and after some time of adjusting , she’d get into Hollingsworth to pursue her career in Digital Media - staying there , but often traveling home ( being where her ex and his mom lived ) routinely.
Pledging to Gamma , her insistence for encouraging people to live their life to the fullest and readiness to include people in her free spirited antics would leave a great impression on the sorority - eventually even leading to her current position as its president.
So again !! Zelda is my trans female pansexual bby , 5’11 bc tall girls make the world go round and she is the LIVING EXAMPLE of the Halcyon label. She’s loud , carefree , optimistic - never really known to pass up an opportunity to have fun.
...that’s so basic of an intro to her personality BUT IN MY DEFENSE IT’S EARLY
BUT YEAH Zelda ?? Does not give a shit about anything. She holds no grudges towards anyone , waaaay too chill - but she flips from extremely chill and laid back to “HEY HEY LET’S GO DO THESE TEN THINGS” and it’s. Definitely a 360. But nobody’s ever seen her angry and it sort of makes people wonder if she even feels anger or if she has a secret dark side nobody knows about.
...She doesn’t. Zelda’s only habits when angry are that she’s short , to the point , and WILL call you out if you’ve done something wrong. But making her mad is extremely hard and she’ll only remotely get upset if you prove time and time after again to be a shitty person.
Which , can sort of lead her to get taken advantage of because of her chill nature - that’s how the previous issue with Gamma getting in trouble at one of their parties happened. Zelda got pissed. She knows she’s chill but she doesn’t think about how that could lead SOME people to thinking “oh I can do anything I want and she’ll be fine with it” because she doesn’t. Get angry about much.
ALSO THAT DOES MAKE HER A BIT NAIVE - just again. She’s easy to take advantage of because she believes the best in everyone and automatically assumes people will do the right thing as people. Doesn’t really understand why people will do things to hurt others and doesn’t really want to.
Also kind of jumpy like she’s a social person and definitely flips between lax and loud but it is SO easy to startle her.
AS FOR HER INTERESTS IN DIGITAL MEDIA - she is extremely talented with the entire Adobe Creative Suite , especially Premiere , Photoshop , and After Effects.
She has an Instagram dedicated to posting manips , edits , etc. she made in both PS & AE. You know those funky Insta edits you see all the time ?? Zelda makes those.
She ALSO does a lot of editing and promotion for Gamma - a lot of times they’re memey little videos or advertisements or skits that display how welcoming Gamma is , and they do a great job at leaving a good impression on possible recruits.
Her BIG thing though would be a little YouTube channel she runs where she often posts videos just around campus - think Billy On The Street , which is what she really wants to do with her digital media career.
She either wants to do that - or mockumentaries to put on Youtube ( or even documentaries in a whole that she approaches with her extremely sunny demeanor on conspiracies or the like ). She’d also like to film her own show to put on TV , either something like reality comedy , a reality show spoof , or even something like It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia or The Office or Brooklyn 99. Comedy film is her passion.
Commentary videos are ALSO something she’s considered , much like iNabber or Strange AEons , but she thinks mockumentaries , skits , and her other work
Also that person who Photoshops heads on people’s bodies and makes memes for all the group chats she’s in
She really doesn’t take herself seriously often but frankly that’s just Gamma as a whole so it WORKS.
A good portion of Zelda’s existence is a meme tbh I honestly adore her
She has a LOT of tattoos that were designed by her ex-boyfriend since he was an art major and now is a tattoo artist in Salem - I’d point you in the direction of Hannah Pixie Snowdon’s body art as a reference , just Zelda isn’t nearly as covered as she is.
This would be the best reference I can think of rn , lots of pretty designs and some animals, maybe some symbols and references from stuff. 
Olivia doesn’t have any tattoos but WE CAN CERTAINLY PRETEND
A lot of her spare money is made doing either graphics commissions or even photography from whoever needs her services !! The majority of her stuff has been done for cosplayers , budding models , budding actors and actresses , and even for other fraternities and sororities around campus. Zelda knows no rivalries when it comes to these things.
She’s also 100% that person who keeps around a polaroid camera so she can hang up pictures she takes she’s just That Person
Decorates the Gamma house with a lot of polaroids she’s taken and memey edits she’s done in Photoshop
She also plays guitar and is fairly good at it but doesn’t have a band or anything rn bc she’s just someone who does it bc she wants to look cool ( and also bc the guitar’s a neato instrument but yeah she started it out just bc she wanted to play SOME kind of instrument at least )
,,,but she also knows how to play the bagpipes
and she owns a pair.
they’re in the gamma house. zelda plays them at meetings.
Also I can’t 100% guarantee she didn’t get her name from the Legend of Zelda series if y’all know me u know how much I adore that series so yeah
GIVE ME A COMEDY SQUAD PLEEEEEEEEASE maybe even ppl she works to make a webseries or something with ?? give me people who work constantly just to make other people laugh
People she routinely takes photographs of !!
Whether they pay her or she uses as a muse for whatever
Maybe they think she’s too chill. Maybe they think she’s hiding something. Maybe they don’t like how she’s running Gamma but for whatever reason they just DON’T LIKE HER and I want enemies so fucking give me enemies
This is so general but more Gamma sisters would be lovely Zelda’s so eager to bring in more people to make their sorority feel like home
Give me crushes Zelda pines over !! Crushes that pine over Zelda !! Gimme that skinny love shit bc my god it gets me going !!
Hookup plots are also 100% acceptable bc again Zelda’s a carefree spirit and gives No Fucks
Also 100% down 4 cute romantic plots too - Zelda is ur regular poly pan babe w/ room in her heart for 12000 suns
it’s very on brand of me to place the romance/sex plots right smack in the middle as I’m thinking of what to put down
Okay when I was in high school we had majors and I was a Digital Art major and all the Visual Art majors had this bond with us for no reason so I’d really love some Vis. Art buddies that Zelda gets along with much like the bond she has with her ex-boyfriend now
Memey group chat pls
THATS ALL I CAN THINK OF FOR NOW maybe i’ll do a more detailed / organized list soon but yeah !! Come at me !!!
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imagines-dreams · 5 years
Endgame Fix It 2.0
Rating: PG-13, for you know, Endgame... spoilers
Warnings: Endgame Spoilers!!!!
Notes: Uh, yeah, I already wrote one of these, but I wanted to add waaaay more to it. So this is editted and has additional scenes! Oh, also this is very long, more than 6k words.
When Captain Marvel slashed through the ship in less than ten seconds, the tide of the battle changed immediately. She held Thanos’s hand open, and he couldn’t snap his damned fingers again. Thanos may have hit her with the Power Stone, but Captain Marvel had seen worse. She got back up and got him in a headlock easily, and before he could shake her off again, Thor was back on his feet again, and he held back his gloved hand. Thanos reached to remove him or her or anyone, but Tony and Steve got back up and held back his other arm.
For a few seconds, Thanos was subdued, but what now? They couldn’t hold him forever. Sure, Captain Marvel was very powerful, and sure, Captain America held back his hand with his own for a while, and ok, Tony made the Titan bleed, and yeah, Thor hit him hard and killed him once, but still, this was taking a toll on all of them, and they couldn’t hold him back much longer.
But it wasn’t them who decided what to do next.
It was his daughter. Thanos smiled a little. “You’ve come back.”
Nebula tilted her head and smirked ever so slightly. “Not for you.” She sauntered over to Thor and took the infinity stones in her marred hand.
Thor stared at her, but he said nothing.
Tony grunted. “Nebula, no.”
“No.” She carefully placed each stone on her opposite hand with such delicate care. “No, you used me as a weapon, so now” -the stones were all on her hand now and she smiled up at her father- “I’m a weapon.”
“Our plan,” Thanos begged, as his daughter’s mercy, “it’s inevitable. It’s-”
“No.” She spoke so softly compared to the Titan, but her words held more weight, and it silenced him. “No, for once, I get to decide what I do. And I decide that you lose.”
Tony screamed his head off, nearly letting go of Thanos��s hand. Steve faltered, but he stood strong, and Thor closed his eyes and thanked her in his mind. Carol watched and smiled at the strong woman in front of her. She deserved this, an honorable death and vengeance against her father.
The army faded to dust. One by one, they fell and disappeared, and Thanos, too, turned to dust, not sparing a glance at his daughter.
“Nebula!” Gamora leaned over her sister and pulled her into her lap.
Nebula turned her neck, so slowly, so mechanically, and said, “Hello, sister.” Her arm, the one with the infinity stones, was gone, completely disintegrated, and the parts of her arm and shoulder that were left weren’t pretty to look at. Part of her head was exposed, with wires and blue blood. Still, Nebula didn’t show any signs of pain or distress. She just looked at her sister.
Tony rushed to her side and observed the damage. Friday calculated and assessed and in less than a second, he smiled, “You can be fixed. You have time.” The damage her arm sustained from the stones was fixable and replaceable. The part of her face that was marred and burned was mostly mechanical, and the part that wasn’t… It was beyond him. But not beyond some.
“T’Challa” Tony yelled. “Where’s T’Challa? He can help.”
Dr. Strange created a portal, and T’Challa walked through with two other women. “What do you need?”
Tony clarified, “I’ve read about your tech. Vibranium-based medicine.”
The younger girl tilted her head and approached Nebula.
“Do you have any on you? Can you help her?”
T’Challa just smiled. “I can’t help you.” He looked to his sister. “But she can.”
Shuri was already getting to work. Her mind filled with everything that needed to be done and the amazing technological advances she hadn’t thought of before. “This is amazing. Organic life with mechanical implements, beyond prosthetic.” She gulped as realization set in as to what the woman had to go through to become what she was. “Could be smoother,” Shuri commented, “Less painful.” She reached out, but Gamora flinched and held her sister closer.
Shuri just smiled. “I can help her. I’ve fixed people before.”
Gamora stared at all the new faces around her, still not sure what was going on and who these people were to her future self or to Nebula, but her sister convinced her. With one look and the word, “Sister,” Gamora understood. She let the girl look over Nebula.
Shuri smiled and took out a metal ball. She placed it on Nebula’s head, where the scarred, organic skin met scarred metal. The metal ball transformed into liquid when it touched her head and wrapped itself around the wounded area. “You will need more medical attention. I can provide that back home.”
Nebula looked to her sister.
“She can come, too.”
“Me, too.” Tony raised his hand.
Shuri stared at him and his suit. Nanotech. Not bad. Not bad at all.
Tony shook his head. “You need an extra hand.”
Shuri beamed. “Exactly.”
T’Challa turned to Dr. Strange. “May we?”
“Of course.” Dr. Strange created a portal, and they went to Wakanda. Tony said asked his wife how Morgan was, and after hearing Happy was watching over her, he kissed her and told her that he’d see her soon. Then, just before Tony left, he requested, “Hey, Strange, can you make sure the kid gets home?”
Dr. Strange stared at said kid, who was currently right behind Tony, probably planning on sneaking into Wakanda.
Peter gasped. “Wait, but it’s Wakanda!”
“Yeah, I can bring him home.”
“No, buts, kid.” Tony put his hand on Peter’s shoulder and reminded him, “I’m sure your aunt would be happy to see you.”
Peter immediately nodded. “See you soon, sir.”
“Yeah, kid.” Then, he was gone.
Dr. Strange patted Peter’s back. “Come on, Peter.”
Suddenly, a blue smoke puffed in front of them. Everyone still remaining got back into fight position. Peter got his mask back on. Captain America groaned and put up his fists. Captain Marvel just crossed her arms and waited.
“I’ve returned! Prepare to…” The man blinked a few times. “Did I miss it?” He stared at his wrist, a very much broken contraption on it. “This blasted thing. Curse that man in iron, he said it was-”
“Yes, what is it? I’m busy here.” The man tapped his wrist thing furiously.
Thor stared at him. Then, he picked up a rock and threw it at the man’s face.
The man caught it and scoffed. “Really, was that necessary?”
Thor lit up, not with lightning, but with pure joy. “Loki!” He jumped right onto his brother, and the two nearly fell because of him. “You’re back! I thought you’d died. Thanos-”
“Is an idiotic titan who needed stones to defeat people.” Loki rolled his eyes. “Honestly, you thought he could kill me?”
Thor’s eyes narrowed. Then, he threw another rock at Loki, which he caught. “Honestly, Thor-”
“You faked your death again?!” Thor screamed and threw another rock. Then another. And another.
“Stop it.” Loki dodged the first two, but the third hit his shoulder. “Stop that!”
The two brothers continued throwing rocks at each other, and everyone else just stared confused.
Peter whispered, “Isn’t Loki, you know, evil?”
“Apparently not?” Steve said, unsure of himself. So far, however, the god of mischief wasn’t doing anything bad. Except for making duplicates of himself for Thor to hit and scream at.
Valkyrie dismounted her pegasus. “Evil, kinda. A pain in our ass, definitely.” She smiled at the two. “But, I’ll keep them in line for you guys.” And so, when Valkyrie and her pegasus walked over to the two brothers and started yelling at both of them, no one questioned it.
Steve smiled at himself as he picked up the hammer again. Seriously, he had a sliver of hope that he could, but he never thought it could be true. He’d have to return that first. Then the rest of the stones.
And after, maybe visit someone.
Someone he really wanted to see.
Her name changed though. Peggy Carter was now Peggy Carter-Sousa. She was married to Daniel Soussa, and both of them still actively worked for Peggy’s organization, SHIELD, which was with no doubt named after him.
Steve found them at a restaurant, rings on their fingers, and the first emotion Steve felt was happiness. Happiness for her. Because he knew she moved on, that she would become an amazing wife, mother, and leader. But seeing it was different.
She smiled so brightly with Daniel.
The soldier took a deep breath. He thought that he would want to talk to her. That when he saw her, he wouldn’t be able to help himself and rush to her and hug her and catch up. He didn’t know what would happen after, but he just thought… Honestly, he didn’t know what he thought anymore.
What mattered was she was happy. She had a life, just like he did. She was going to be ok, and so was he.
Then, her eyes caught his, and before he could escape, Peggy Carter was in front of him, eyes wide and expression unsure. She gulped, and it only took her a few seconds before she narrowed her eyes and said with certainty, “You’re not my Steve.”
Steve felt like he should’ve cried, but he didn’t. He did miss her voice, though. The soldier nodded.
Peggy crossed her arms. “And what are you doing here?”
“Honestly, I couldn’t tell you. Even if I tried.” He smiled a little. “I’m happy for you.”
The woman blushed and glanced back at the table inside where her husband was waiting patiently. She told him who was out here with her, and he knew it was better to stay out of it. The woman sighed. “And your family?”
Steve laughed a little. “They’re waiting for me.”
“Well,” Peggy smiled, “you shouldn’t be late.”
“You’re right.” Steve smiled even wider, because even though a part of him will love her, and a part of her will love him, they were different. They had different lives, and they shouldn’t waste it.
She kissed his cheek. “Go home.”
Steve sat next to Sam and sighed. “I think I’m done,” he said. “I’ve been a soldier all my life, and I don’t want to die a soldier.”
“So, what are you going to do, then?”
Steve smiled at Bucky, his oldest friend and maybe something more, and sighed. “Well, T’Challa offered me a place.”
Sam looked back at Bucky and smirked. “I see.”
Steve sighed. “I will always be there if you need me, but for now, I need some peace of my own.” And with that, Steve set his shield down and set it between them. “Try it on.”
Sam’s eyes widened. He had his title. Falcon and Captain America’s best friend. He stared at the shield, then at Steve, then at Bucky, and when nothing responded, he gingerly picked it up. It was a tad big on him.
“How does it feel?”
Sam tightened the strap on his arm. “Like it’s someone else’s.”
“It isn’t.”
He smiled at his friend, his role model, and said, “Thank you. I’ll try my best.”
Steve nodded. “And that’s why it’s yours.” He patted Sam on the back. “Now, if you don’t mind, I’m retiring.”
Sam laughed.
Steve nodded at Bruce, then he turned to Bucky and smiled.
“You saw her?” Bucky asked.
Steve nodded.
Bucky stared off into the distance. “I kinda thought you’d stay there.”
“No.” Steve shook his head. “I can’t do that when I have family here.”
Bucky smiled, just a bit.
The retired captain nudged his friend. “Hey.” And when Bucky’s eyes met his, Steve said, like he had said so many time before, “I’m with you til the end of the line.”
Bucky just shook his head, and with tears in his eyes, he managed to say, “Punk.”
Nebula stretched out her new arm, and her lips curved ever so slightly into a small smile. It was funny in a way. Since childhood, she had been part machine, and she lived with pain. Every time she swung a weapon. Every time she sought a memory to play. Every time she walked.
It was… different. No more pain.
“How does it feel?” Shuri asked. “There was a lot to fix, but I got them all. Although, I must say, alien technology is so complex, and it’s fascinating to study. If you ever need-”
“It feels different,” Nebula admitted. She got off the table.
“Your sister, she-”
“Left,” Nebula finished for her. “I know.”
“She’ll come back.”
Nebula shrugged. “Not anytime soon.”
The girl bit her lip and chose not to change the subject. “Mr. Stark has some stuff for you when you go back to space.”
“Thank you.” Nebula bowed her head and met with Tony outside. Mr. Stark handed her a bag, full of extra parts and tools, and patted her back. “Take care out there. When you get back, you owe me another game of football.”
“No,” Nebula said. “I won.” She walked past him.
She didn’t see Tony smile and whisper to himself as he adjusted his outfit, “Damn right she did.”
She approached her team, but her sister’s old partner wasn’t there. “Where is he?”
Rocket scoffed. “Where do you think?”
Nebula rolled her eyes and stomped onto the ship, the rest of the team following her lead. With eyes on her target, she stalked towards him. He was searching for Gamora, and Nebula thought he was smarter than that. At least slightly smarter. Apparently, she was wrong. SHe really should stop overestimating him.
She dropped her bag with a thud.
Peter Quill scrambled to take down the screens and sit in a way he thought was casual. When his eyes found Nebula, he gasped. “Nebula, why in the world-”
“She’s not coming.”
“She?” Peter scoffed. “Who’s she? I have no clue who you’re talking about.”
Nebula sighed. “Gamora’s not going to be found.” She sat down and stared at the sky. “She’ll find us.”
There was silence on the ship as the guardians filed into their seats and buckled their seatbelts.
Rocket looked at everyone. “Ok, is anyone gonna mention how the blue one defeated Thanos? As in a titan with five infinity stones! I thought it was going to be Thor.”
“She defeated him with the infinity stones,” Drax corrected. “Thanos didn’t have the infinity stones.”
“I am Groot.”
“Hey, you do not talk to me like that!” Rocket screamed
Mantis piped up, “I believe Groot is still upset from the recent events.”
“All of us went through those events,” Drax pointed out.
“Can we all just be quiet during launch, for once?” Peter begged.
Nebula just smirked. Gamora was right. These people were the biggest idiots in the galaxy.
Tony opened the door and was met with a high-pitched scream. It wasn’t of his wife or his daughter. No, instead it was one of his other, well, kids.
Harley, now nearing twenty-one, screamed and as he tried to hide his hand from Tony, Tony easily saw the poorly hidden hand, which was covered in metal. Like his own Iron Man gauntlet.
His wife, who was across the table from Harley, smiled politely. “Well, I’ll leave the two of you to talk. I’ll go check on Morgan.” She kissed his cheek and left.
Harley smiled brightly, one of his hands still behind his back. “Hi, Mr. Stark.”
“Mhm.” Tony leaned over, trying to get a glimpse at what Harley had. “And that is?”
The boy held up both his hands, and sure enough, there was nothing on his hands. “See. Nothing to see here, Mr. Stark.”
Tony eyed Harley’s wrists. Two Stark Industries issued watches, one on each wrist. “Right.” Tony nodded and grabbed Harley’s right hand. It was the second to the newest model, not the newest model that Tony had given him two years prior. And the condition was very worn down for a two-year-old watch. Too many scratches. That, and there were a few noticeable changes only its creator would recognize. An extra dent here, a bit too light.
Harley gulped.
“Show me,” Tony said, stepping away.
Harley scoffed. “Show you what.”
“Come on, kid. You really think you can lie to me?”
The boy sighed. “Don’t be mad,” he reminded his mentor. Then, Harley inhaled deeply and swiped a finger across his right wristwatch. A hologram appeared above it, and with a few touches and clicks and drags of metal across skin, Harley’s hand was encased in metal, and in his palm sat a repulsor.
Tony opened the front door and pointed at a nearby tree. “There.”
“Mr. Stark?”
The mechanic grabbed a pack of trail mix. While eating, he pointed at the tree again. “Go on.”
Harley blinked, but still, he aimed and fired. A bright blue beam shot out of his hand and struck the tree. It wasn’t perfectly centered, but it was close.
“Not bad.” Tony sighed. “But no.” He walked past Harley to his office.
“No?” Harley followed him. “Wha-”
“I mean, no, you’re not becoming Iron Man.” Tony approached his desk, and the tabletop came to life with holograms and files. “That’s why you came here, right?”
“I mean… kinda?” Harley sighed. “It’s not just that, Mr. Stark. I wasn’t there for anything. I wasn’t there when the Avengers split up or when Thanos first arrived. I was on the sidelines. I can’t do that if something bad happens again.”
“Have you thought it through?”
The boy tilted his head. “Thought what through?”
“Thought all of this through.” Tony spread his arms and files upon files of his own superhero career appeared. From the rumors before he announced Iron Man to clips of his more traumatizing moments to files of the deceased. Yinsen, Phil Coulson, Pietro Maximoff, Natasha Romanoff and so much more.
Harley stared at those files and flipped through them. He stared at Natasha’s file. He missed her. He met her before, a few times, and she was remarkable. He bowed his head. “I have.”
Tony nodded. “What about them?” Tony swiped his arm, and files appeared in front of Harley. His mom and his sister.
Harley smiled. He pulled his sister’s file. “Rosa’s in college now, studying art, and Mom?” Harley picked up her file. “Mom’s fine on her own, and I know she still needs me, but…” He sighed. “Mr. Stark, I need to be out there. I can’t let other people fight my battles. Not when I’m qualified to do the same.”
Tony nodded. “Show me all of it.”
Harley smiled. He really couldn’t hide anything from him. So, he excitedly swiped and tapped and clicked and dragged, and the metal transformed and covered his hands. It spread to his arms and his chest, to his head and to his legs, and the familiar whir of a suit almost made Tony smile.
Soon, Harley was protected by his own suit, silver and red accents and a pale blue arc reactor in the center of his chest. His mask flipped up and revealed a brilliant smile. “How does it look?”
Tony saw the tiny details. The color change and the different arc reactor. The way the metal hugged Harley in a way his first suit couldn’t. He knew Harley was smart, but, shit, he never realized how hard this kid worked.
“Looks pretty good, kid. Pretty good.”
Harley smiled and packed his suit back into his watches. “So, am I an Avenger now?”
Tony took his time to chew and swallow his trail mix. “No.”
“No, because” -Tony pressed a few buttons on the holograms and suddenly a building appeared between the two men- “you will train here first.” Tony pulled up some files and presented them in front of Harley. “Sam’s leading the training, with Wanda and Clint. Rhodey might drop by, too. Got some good names here. Peter, Shuri, Cassie, Lila.” Tony nodded. The four kid’s profiles were in front of him, and it looked good. Especially with Harley smiling with them.
“And you, Mr. Stark?”
Tony shrugged. “I’ve wanted to hang up the suit a long time ago, Harley. I thought I’d never be able to sit around just watch, but with the new Captain America and you guys taking care of the world.” He smiled up at the profiles. “I think I can at least take a little break.”
“So no interfering?”
“I never said that.” Tony returned all the files to the table and turned it off. “I’ll come in when I get worried. But for now,” he smiled fondly, “I’m going to take care of my girls.” Before Tony could get more emotional, I mean the kid already saw him have a panic attack, Tony clicked his tongue. “Come on. I’ll drive.”
Harley grabbed his bag and got in Tony’s car. He couldn’t wait to tell Peter. Speaking of... “You know, Peter’s younger, and he technically is an Avenger.” Harley paused and looked at Tony. “So maybe-”
“Harley, I know what you’re doing.”
“I’m not doing anything.”
“You mean guilt tripping?”
Harley groaned and leaned back into his seat. “It was worth a shot.”
Loki, Thor, and Valkyrie stood over New Asgard as Asgardians rejoiced with lost loved ones. Loki raised his eyebrow. “So, this is what’s become of Asgard?”
Thor smiled. “Not bad, huh?”
Loki gave Valkyrie a look, but the warrior just shrugged.
“But you did better.”
Loki blinked a few times. Did he hear that correctly? Did his brother just say that?
Thor continued, nonetheless, “I left our people in their greatest time of need. I did nothing, and I must atone for that.”
The younger brother laughed. “If you must atone, what more of me?”
“Atone by leading them.”
The god of mischief blinked a few times. He turned to his brother. “You realize what you’re saying? Are you drunk again, brother?”
“No, I’m not.” Thor smiled at him and put his hand on Loki’s shoulder. “You were a good king. A false one, yes, but our people thrived under your disguised rule.” Thor paused. “You could do without the theatrics.”
“I can’t promise that.”
Thor laughed. “I know, brother.” He faced Valkyrie. “Can I trust you to keep him in line?”
Valkyrie smiled. “I am growing fond of this place. Might as well stay.”
“Then, it’s settled!” Thor clapped his hands together, and the sound boomed. “Loki Odinson,” he smiled, “you are the ruler of New Asgard, and Valkyrie shall be the right-hand woman.”
Loki laughed, still shocked from this announcement. “Alright, and if that is so, what you are you going to do, brother?”
“My best.” Thor scoffed. “Obviously.” He walked away from them.
Valkyrie and Loki looked at each other. Valkyries The god turned around and shouted at his brother, “That doesn’t make any sense!” When Thor didn’t respond, Loki followed him. “Wait! As New Asgard’s king, I demand an answer!” Still no response. “Brother!”
Carol put her hands on her hips. “You think you can follow me to space?”
“I am the god of thunder.” Thor shrugged.
Carol raised her eyebrow.
Thor sighed. “I couldn’t help my people when they needed me. I can’t fix what’s already down, but maybe I could learn. From you.”
The captain narrowed her eyes. “I’m not sure if you can keep up with me.”
“Neither am I.”
Carol smiled. “Ok. I’ll fly slower.”
A week later, there was a funeral for Natasha and Vision. Everyone was there. Their family. They set off memorials in the river and watched as they floated away. They would forever be remembered.
Clint was standing by the river the longest. Most of the team had retreated to the benches and tables for food, but Clint just couldn’t find it in himself to do so.
“She was a worthy opponent.”
Clint laughed. “Thanks, Buck.”
The ex-assassin just shrugged. “She was the hardest to beat.”
“Besides Steve?”
“Yeah.” Bucky peeked at the archer, the swordsman?, and sighed. “I have to ask.”
Clint sighed. “I’m stopping.”
Bucky hid his joy. He didn’t want anyone else becoming like him. So, he just looked ahead with a small smile.
“I’ve got a family to look over. I want to dedicate my life to that,” Clint said. He glanced at Bucky, and he noticed a glimmer of a smile on him. Not from what Clint just vowed, but from something else. “You have some good plans?” Clint asked.
Bucky shrugged. “It’s a work in progress.”
Clint peeked behind him to look at Steve and nodded. “Good.”
Thor, Steve, Bruce, and Clint stared at the holograms Tony and Pepper laid out for them. Bruce was smiling at all the plans, trying to hide all his excitement, while Clint was stoic, trying to take in all this information. After all, when Stark did something, he always went big.
“I thought you guys would like this,” Tony said. “I mean I like it, but I think you guys should have the final say.”
Bruce nodded. “I love it. This can do a lot of good.”
Clint nodded and stepped up to the building design. He pointed at the sign at the front. “Should be named Black Widow Foundation.”
Tony walked to where Clint was and stared at the sign. Romanoff Foundation. Tony nodded. “You’re right.”
“You’re wrong,” Pepper corrected.
“I never said that,” Tony said. With a few clicks and drags, the sign was changed. All caps. Simple font.
Black widow foundation
An organization dedicated to sheltering, guiding, and avenging victims of domestic and child abuse.
Clint smiled. “That’s better.”
The foundation opened a few years later. All of the team is there to celebrate and remember the agent who gave her life for them.
Well, all of them, plus one.
Steve and Bucky were happy to announce and reveal a secret they’ve been keeping. Because after the ribbon was cut and the drinks were passed out, T’Challa came in, fashionably late, with a little baby girl in his arms.
Bucky took her in his embrace, brushed her red hair back, and kissed her forehead.
Steve smiled. “Guys, I’d like you all to meet Natalie.”
Everyone cooed over her, and when Clint held her, he cried. Bucky and Steve let Clint hold her for most of the reception.
Afterward, they went their separate ways with promises of reunions, parties, and celebrations.
After defeating Thanos, Bruce wasn’t really sure what to do. Hulk and he were on ok terms. They weren’t the same anymore, and that was ok. He took up Rhodey’s offer on therapy.
It was a start.
As for where to live, he got many offers. Loki and Valkyrie offered him a place in New Asgard. Sam said there was a room always open at the Avengers Compound. Tony said he could easily build a house near his own. Even Shuri offered him a place in Wakanda.
In the end, he decided the only real home he had was at the Stark Tower, the old Avengers hideout. He missed it.
Tony was ecstatic. He was so happy that he even restructured the tower so the floor below Bruce’s was a lab.
The first thing he did back home was set up pictures everywhere. He set a picture of the original six by his bedside. For the first month or two, he avoided looking at it, just because he knew that if he saw her and her smile, his body would ache in pain. Soon, though, he was able to look at it every day and smile.
He and Nat were close. During Ultron, when so many things were happening and had happened and will happen, they thought they could be together, but it just wasn’t right. They were friends, close friends. She reminded him that it was ok to be sharp and calculated, and he reminded her that it was ok to soft, even for a little while.
With her gone, he’d have to try by himself. But, he’d learn. For her sake.
Loki enjoyed being king. Really, he did. I mean, he fought for his birthright since he could remember. He even made a deal with Thanos just to rule something.
But, he didn’t realize that ruling Asgardians on Earth was going to be so difficult. Everyone had questions on things he didn’t have the answers to. What was the best substitute for Asgardian meat? Why do pastel lights float in the sky sometimes? And why do Asgardian children want twinkies? What were twinkies?
“You know,” Valkyrie said, “if you want to know the answers, you might wanna ask a human.”
Loki grimaced. “I’d rather die again.”
“Not true.”
The god of mischief just groaned. “Humans aren’t exactly fond of me.”
She shrugged. “Not all of them feel that way.”
Loki smiled. “You’re right.” He nodded. “I’ll be leaving for the day, maybe two.”
“I’ll be back!”
With a spell and a smirk, Loki transported himself to New York. He also changed his clothes and appearance. Just in case. He looked around and at his form. He hated it. So, he changed it to something else before smiling and adjusting his shirt.
“Captain America?” the receptionist gasped.
Loki laughed heartily. “Yes, that’s me. Would you mind telling me where the big guy is?”
“Uh,” the receptionist smiled, “you mean Thor?”
Loki groaned. “No, I mean, the green guy, you know? Smashes everything, also a doctor or something on the side.”
“Oh, you’re here to see Dr. Banner.”He pointed to a hidden elevator. “You can take that to the eighty-sixth floor, and you should be able to see Dr. Banner.”
“Thank you,” Loki saluted, “kind citizen.”
He really liked this form. After stepping out of the elevator, he shouted, “Big guy! Where are you? I have some questions!”
Bruce’s voice echoed from somewhere, “Steve?” Bruce appeared and squinted at Loki’s disguised form. It took him a second. “Loki?”
Loki detransformed and smiled. “The one and only.”
Bruce raised his eyebrow. “Ok, and why ask me?”
The god lounged on the couch. “Well, you’re the only mortal who won’t scream or try to fight me, and even though I would enjoy the fight, I’m much too busy with New Asgard to have that luxury. “
Bruce laughed. “Ok.” He sat down across from him. “What are you unsure about?”
The man with multiple degrees blinked. “Twinkies?”
“Yes!” Loki sat up. “The Asgardian children keep asking me if I can get them any, but I have no clue what they are.” Loki scoffed. “I mean I can do transform into any creature they so desire, but no, they want whatever twinkies are.”
Bruce smiled. “Ok, I can bring you some twinkies.” He looked up to the ceiling. “Friday, do we have and twinkies in the tower?”
“Yes, we do, Dr. Banner. I will send someone up with the treats.”
“Thank you, Friday.”
Loki leaned forward and joined his hands. “They’re treats.”
“Some people really like them.” Bruce shrugged. “I’m not that big of a fan.”
Soon, they had a box of twinkies between them. Bruce pointed at them. “Go on, try one.”
Loki stared at the many packages. “They’re not poisonous, are they?”
“I wouldn’t poison you, Loki.”
“Right. You heroes and moral code.” He plucked one of the packages and unwrapped it. Then, he took a bit. Immediately, Loki recoiled. “What is this?” He spat it out. “Why would children want this? It’s so full of fat and air.” Loki dropped the rest of the snack on the table, his face full of disgust. “No wonder humans have such a short lifespan.”
Bruce laughed. “Children tend to like things with fat in them.”
Loki sighed. “Well, Asgardian children want to try it, so I guess it can’t hurt.”
The scientist laughed. “What about other questions?”
“I have a list!” Loki proclaimed.
Loki wasn’t the only frequent visitor to the Avengers Tower.
“Hello, Dr. Banner!”
“Shuri!” Bruce removed his goggles and hung up his lab coat. “How are you?”
“Well.” The genius hugged the doctor. “I need someone to bounce ideas off of.”
Bruce laughed. “What insane project do you have in mind now?”
“I prefer new and innovative, Doctor.” She put her case on the table and opened it. A hologram appeared, of compact files and a model Bruce didn’t recognize. “I have a few new ideas for Harley’s suit.”
Bruce laughed. “Isn’t already Tony’s nanotech with your innovations?”
“Well, it’s about to me even more of my innovations!” Shuri put her fists together and flung them apart. The blue holograms spread out, and Bruce, even though this happened on a weekly basis, was still astounded. This girl was smarter than he and Tony combined, and she was still a teenager. How lucky he was to live in the same time period as Shuri.
Bruce laughed. “This looks amazing, Shuri.”
“Thank you.”
Shuri babbled about all her new ideas, and Bruce mostly just nodded and gave her a design idea or two.
“That helped me so much, Dr. Banner.” Shuri packed up her case. “See you later!”
“Of course.”
“And drop by the Young Avengers Compound some time?”
Bruce tilted his head. “It’s still the Avengers Compound, Shuri.”
“Not anymore!”
Bruce’s eyes widened. “What did you guys do?” He followed Shuri’s voice to the elevator. “Shuri!”
She waved goodbye just as the elevator doors closed.
The Young Avengers train and pick up kids who were qualified, had good heads on their shoulders, and a good heart.
Riri Williams was a scholarship student, with an intellect that matched Shuri’s, and when she arrived at the compound with Tony as an escort, Sam laughed. “Don’t you have enough kids?” She goes by Ironheart and constantly updates her suit and Harley’s. Teddy Altman was found by Captain Marvel, and though his powers’ origins were unknown, Carol and Bruce took him under their wing. He trains under the name Hulkling. Wanda found Billy Kaplan, a boy with powers similar to hers, and with her help, Billy becomes the formidable hero, Wiccan. Kamala Khan was found by SHIELD, of all things, with powers she couldn’t understand or control. Sam took her under his wing and even introduced her to her first role model, Carol Danvers. Kamala even trained under her name, Ms. Marvel.
The new Captain America trained them well. They made names for themselves. Not only did Spider-Man protect New York, but he also became an expert on the multiverse. (Though, Miles tends to disagree with that. Gwen says their both experts.) Shuri goes back to Wakanda every now and then, but focuses most of her energy advancing technology and on training to become better and stronger. Lila becomes an amazing archer just like her father and never misses a shot. Cassie comes in when she’s needed, finding more interest in engineering than superheroing, but she loves her team. Harley soon becomes their leader, helped by Peter, and his name… Well.
“Iron Lad!”
Harley tilted his head. “What was that, Morgan?”
Peter tried to hide his laughter, but he failed miserably. “I think she gave you a superhero name.”
The girl giggled, stepped out of Peter’s hug, and pointed at Harley’s arc reactor. “Iron Lad.”
“Not the name I was looking for.” Harley laughed, brushed her hair back, and kissed her forehead. “But, in your honor.” He put his hands on his hips and put on his suit. “Iron Lad.”
Peter beamed. “That is so cool.”
“I know, right!” Harley patted his chest, and the suit packed itself into his watches.
Morgan squealed and attached herself to her brother’s leg. “Iron Lad, Iron Lad!”
“What about me, huh?” Peter complained.
She laughed. “Nothing!”
Peter exaggerated a gasp. “Morgan!” He took her off Harley’s leg and spun her around before tickling her. “Is that how you talk to your brother, huh?”
Morgan giggled and escaped Peter’s grip, only to have both of her brothers chase her around the house. Harley finally caught her, scooped her up in his arms, and attacked her with kisses. Peter followed suit, tickling her and cooing over her. When she was all laughed out, Morgan sighed and whispered, “I love you.”
“3000?” Peter asked.
Harley laughed, “Morgan, do you love us 3000?”
“I love both of you, 3000!” Morgan admitted. “3000! 3000! 3000!”
Guys.... I might edit this more???? But idk. Any ideas? Maybe even oneshots
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reddie-prompts · 7 years
Playing around in leaves maybe?
Eddie stood up, and adjusted his coat before looking up at Richie. “Ready to go?” He asked, shoving his hands into the deep pockets of his coat. Richie smiled at his boyfriend, and leaned down, kissing his nose. “Yeah, let’s get this over with.” Eddie rolled his eyes, pulled one of his hands out of this pockets, and held it out to Richie, who gladly took it. Eddie opened the door, and they walked out, Richie shutting the door behind them. Immediately, both their faces were hit with the bitter November air. Eddie shivered and pressed his side into Richie. “It’s November and it feels like it’s December.” Eddie complained. Richie squeezed his hand. “C’mon Eds, you said you wanted to do this while it’s still light. You know the sun will be set by 5, and it’s waaaay colder when it’s dark.” Eddie sighed and continued walking. It was cold, but they were letting Ben borrow their car while his was being repaired. 
The walk was quiet, sometimes Eddie would comment on how pretty the leaves looked, or would complain about the cold, and Richie would chuckle, but other than that, it was a peaceful silence. By the time they’d walked to the business community part of town, and even though Eddie’s hands were cold, Richie’s hands had began to sweat, so he pulled his hand away and wiped them on his coat. In the short time he did that, Eddie has wandered off to left a bit, walking off the sidewalk into the grass and leaves, which crunched under his feet. He seemed to be unconsciously walking into every small pile of leaves. Richie smiled. “Hey Eds, the sidewalk is over here.” He said, gesturing towards where he was standing. Eddie looked over at Richie, not even realizing he had strayed off from his boyfriend. “Oh, sorry,” he said, walking back over to him, connecting their hands again. “It’s alright.” Richie said, chuckling. 
They visited at the three shops they needed to go to, plus a candle shop, because Eddie had seen an ad in the window, and had whined about how he needed it, because it was limited edition for the season. So they went in and bought about 20 candles. Richie’s senses got overwhelmed in the shop, all the bright colors, all the smells, and workers asking “Can I help you sir?”. He was glad when Eddie finally decided that was enough. 
The walked home, hand in hand, Richie pushing them a bit to the side, though, so Eddie could walk through the leaves.
Eddie smiled as he lit the last candle. He’d spent most of his afternoon setting up the candles in various room, instead of doing any of this actual chores. Each room had it’s own specific scent, which Eddie had, of course, planned out very carefully. He had asked Richie for his opinion, but he just shrugged, which wasn’t surprising. Richie had, instead, told Eddie he’d rather do lawn work while the sun was still up, then plan out where candles went in the house. “It’s hard work.” Eddie had told him. “Right, and so is raking all the leaves from out thousands of trees in the back yard.” “We don’t have thousands of trees, Richie. We have three, and there’s not that many leaves.” Eddie shot back. “Would you like to rake them, then?” Richie asked, leaning against the rake. With that, Eddie shut up, went back inside, and that was the end of that argument. 
Eddie’s task, which should’ve only taken a few minutes, tops, took him about two hours, but he finished, proud and strong. He stepped back from the candle he was lighting, and took a deep breath. It wasn’t as sweet smelling as the other ones he had bought, and he was sure Richie would’ve made fun of him when he bought it, but to  his surprise, he just complimented his choice. It smelled like fall leaves, which was a scent Eddie absolutely adored. He loved fall because he’d be able to smell it all throughout the season, but he wanted the candle for even after. He couldn’t quite put his finger on why he loved the smell so much, but maybe it was just because he loved fall leaves in general. Sometimes he’d find himself crunching through them while he walked down the sidewalk. It was just a habit he could never seem to break, and he was a bit embarrassed by it, but he enjoyed the crunch and the smell of the leaves, so he continued to do it, regardless. 
Thinking about it reminded him of Richie, who was still in the back yard, raking. He shook his head, chuckling to himself about their earlier argument. Slipping on his coat, he padded through the house to the back door, and the stepped out onto the back porch. Richie was in the lawn, leaning on the rake, admiring his work. About five feet away from him was his work, a giant pile of leaves, which honestly made it seem like they did have a thousand trees in their yard. Eddie walked off the porch, almost immediately regretting not putting shoes on. He walked over to Richie and wrapped his arms around his waist, standing on his tip toes so he could rest his chin on Richie’s shoulder. “Maybe we do have a thousand trees.” He said, giggling. Richie turned around, wrapping his arms around Eddie’s waist. “I told you we did.” He said, grinning. Eddie laughed, burying his face into Richie’s chest. “Yeah, yeah. You’re right again, I get it.” Richie chuckled, gently running his hands through Eddie’s hair. 
“Hey Eds?” Richie said, obviously trying not to laugh about something. Eddie pulled back a bit and looked up at him. “Hm?” In a split second, Richie had lifted him up, spun around and thrown him, sending him into the massive pile of leaves. Eddie landed with a quiet ‘thump’, and was instantly covered in leaves. After a few seconds of taking in what had just happened, he began to laugh, and sat up. “Oh, you’re an asshole!” He laughed a Richie, who had doubled over with laughter. He stood up a bit, holding out his hand to help Eddie up. A devilish grin spread across Eddie’s lips as he grabbed Richie’s hand, and Richie’s face fell, almost in fear. Eddie quickly pulled Richie into the pile next to him, laughing as he fell face first into the leaves. 
Almost as soon as Richie hit the leaves, he was up on his knees again, pulling Eddie on top of him, and then rolling them both over, so Eddie was now on the ground underneath him. Richie laughed and grabbed a handful of leaves, then threw them into Eddie’s face. Eddie giggled and shoved Richie off of him, and pushed some leaves onto his chest and face. He quickly scrambled to his feet, and kicked leaves at him. Richie swatted them away violently, missing most of them, making Eddie laugh harder. He took the moment Eddie was off guard, and grabbed his leg, pulling him back into the pile. Eddie fell next to him, his laughter dying down a bit, as he held his stomach. Richie sat up on his knees, his hands full of leaves, threatening to drop them on Eddie. “Okay, okay, you win, stop it.” Eddie wheezed, pushing Richie’s hands away. Richie dropped the leaves grinning. He laid down next to Eddie and grabbed his hand. Eddie turned his head to look at him. Richie was just staring at him, a dumb grin plastered on his face. “What?” Eddie asked, giggling. “Y’know, you’re still just a little kid, y’know, Eds?” Richie said, squeezing Eddie’s hand. “You think so?” Eddie asked, propping his head up with his shoulder. “Yeah.” Richie said, closing his eyes. There was a peacefulness to his tone that Eddie couldn’t help but to smile at. He seemed so at ease, so happy. “I love you.” Eddie said softly, pressing his forehead against Richie. Richie smiled, and quickly kissed him. “I love you, too.” 
AAAAAAAAAAA for this being the first story on this blog I’m sorry it’s so long, but I had a ton of fun writing it!
- Jordan
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bright-molina · 6 years
(This is all cause of your insta edits cause I didn’t know you loved miss queens ocs!) Who’s your favorite of her ocs/oc ships? (And why, if you want to say why) And how do you think your ocs and hers would get along and everything? Side note I LOVE YOUR OCS THEYRE AMAZING AND KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK WITH THEM, WRITING, AND EDITS LOVE YOU BYE
AHH I LOVE YOU TOO I’M SO GLAD YOU LIKED THEM! (also sorry this took forever!) 
I spent probably way too much time on this but here it is. Also I read through like everything on miss queen’s OC masterlist to try to get this as in character as possible don’t mind me 
Okay so I love all of @queendohertyplayfair ‘s OC’s but I must admit, I have a soft spot for Alec. He’s so precious and deserves all the love in the world! My favorite ship is probably Regina and the Sea Three because they are legitimate GOALS. I love their relationship so much and just the way they all complement each other, it’s so perfect! 
This ended up being way longer than I thought sorry about that
Also sorry about my terribly made gif which I made in like two minutes and is essentially just a bunch of pictures 😅
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I think for the most part they’d get along pretty well.
-Jasin would react a lot like he did with everyone else.
-He’d get along with Regina instantly and would have no problem using her title of princess because in his mind, VK or not, she is a real princess.
-He’d watch the others from a distance at the beginning just as he did with all the other AK’s.
-He’d make conversation with Alec first. They’d both be sitting at the edge of the room away from everyone else while everyone’s together and Jasin would crack a joke or something and be content with the smile that flashed on his face even if it was for just a second.
-He’d talk to Dawn next because honestly he had no clue she was Rapunzel and Eugene’s daughter. It puts him at ease a little to know that she’s a princess but also rebellious as hell.  
-Jasin would get along amazingly well with Melina and Amaria too, they’d all bond over their love of the sea. It’s one of the only times you’d ever see Jasin completely in awe by someone and it’s all because of Amaria telling him about Atlantica.
-Kellan is Kellan and he’d try his hardest and get along with everyone the best they’d let him. He’d greet everyone with a comment that lowkey kinda flirty but he says it so casually that no one thinks twice about it “Look at you guy’s, cute little things”
-I think he’d probably get along with Melina the best. “You’re a lot different than other mermaids I’ve met. The other ones are always really mean. Actually now that I think about it they were probably sirens” They’d bond quickly over their shared love of not only swimming but also ROAR. The two of them are a lot like their parents but also a lot different.
-He’d really like Regina because she reminds him of Lana a little bit. He wouldn’t underestimate her but she can still get away with things around him cause Kellan’s not the quickest to catch on all the time
-He’d be really entertained by Dawn’s entire persona and every time she manages to steal something from him he laughs in amusement and gives her props for doing so.
-Kellan’s known Jasin as long as he’s known Eva so he’d know exactly how to try to get to know Alec better. He’d completely ignore the fact that Alec seems really unamused and do all the talking. Every time he does say something to him Kellan will definitely smile like a madman.
-He’d love Amaria. He’d love the fact that she’s so nice and caring but also really fun. He loves talking to her and can do so for ages
-Eva, like with everyone, took a little while to open up but still did so rather quickly
-She gets along really well with Dawn. They’re both a lot more like their fathers than their mothers. The two of them have a tendency to cause a lot of trouble but always get out of it without a problem
-She also gets along pretty well with Regina. They have a playful rivalry going on, nothing too serious though. They’re both a little wild and yet so caring towards the people they love, it’s an odd contrast but one that they actually really like in each other
-Most of the time she just kinda lets Alec be. If they had a class together or something she’d make sarcastic comments under her breath and he’d be the only one who hears them and occasionally chime in
-She gets along well with Amaria too. Eva will always go to her for advice, especially when it comes to ruling a kingdom. Eva, unlike a lot of others, won’t get crowned until she turns of age at 21 so she always looks to her as a model of how to act as a Queen. They love goofing off together too
-Eva and Melina would have such a fun relationship. Eva taught her to ice skate and Melina always takes her swimming with her. Their conversations will always undoubtedly be filled with sass and sarcastic comments
-Lana was a surprise to everyone. She’s quite literally the offspring of death but she’s so nice right off the bat
-She and Dawn would be a force to reckoned with, an unlikely duo who can laugh about the randomest things for ages. They’re both so confident in themselves and they’d constantly be making flirty comments to anyone who’ll listen like there’s no tomorrow just for fun
-I don’t think Lana and Regina would have known each other on the Isle only because they kind of ran on opposite sides of the island, Regina with her mother in the castle and Lana in the Underworld with her father
-When they did meet though oh my god. Good luck trying to get them to settle down. They’re so alike yet so different. They both have the advantage of looking really kind but being able to knock you down in a split second. They’d get along amazingly well and cause trouble all over the place
-Melina would finally get Lana to go down to the water with her by bribing her with dogs and candy, their shared loves. Lana doesn’t particularly love the water though so she’d always watch from the shore
-That’s how she started talking to Alec. At first they just sat in silence and eventually one of them would say something every so often since all their friends would be in the water. Lowkey Lana would make him clothes in various shades of pink and green just to see him smile
-She and Amaria can talk about anything and everything. Lana would definitely have a tendency to go to her if she ever needs help. They goof off all the time which is always really amusing
-Also good luck if you ever have the two of them mad at you at the same time because there’d be a 98% chance they’d destroy you
-Adelaide would love love love Amaria. They’d get along so well due to the fact that they both know what it’s like to have everything you do watched and examined. They’d disappear every now and then either to the beach (Amaria’s pick) or to the mountains (Adelaide’s pick) and just relax and talk and occasionally read together
-She’d definitely know how Alec feels and relate to it so much. He’d never really felt like he belonged in his family and Adelaide was always pushed to the side by hers, her parents never really paying her much attention once her and Ben got older
-Adelaide and Dawn’s favorite thing to do would be looking at the stars. On more than one occasion they’d be found passed out on the roof of the school since they spent most of the night talking and stargazing
-She and Melina would swap book recommendations all the time, it’ll be late at night/early morning and one of them would get a text from the other telling them all about the book they just finished.
-As much as Melina tried no one could convince Adelaide to get into sports, she’d be supportive as hell though. Once Adelaide had convinced Fairy Godmother to approve the girls ROAR team she’d be their number one supporter and be there every practice and every tournament
-Adelaide and Regina are the smol™ ones but they will fight anyone who points it out (the phrase ‘tiny but might’ comes to mind)
-She was the very first one to greet Regina as a princess and will never admit how much that meant. Every time Regina finds a new book in her room she knows without a doubt that Adelaide is the one who put it there
-Adelaide is the kind of person who doesn’t take shit from anyone so you can bet she’ll be expertly reprimanding whoever dares to say anything against not only Regina but anybody (Regina finds it so amusing and will just smirk wildly the entire time)
Like I said this ended up being waaaay longer than I originally thought but it was so much fun to do! @queendohertyplayfair I hope I did your OC’s justice! 
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Safe Place
@queen-of-deans-booty requested “Can you do a DeanxReader where Dean gets turned into a toddler and he always goes to the reader since he feels safe with her and she takes care of him until he’s back to normal and then after, he confesses his feelings?”
A/n- I had waaaay too much fun writing this! This is all unbeta’d and written mostly at 12-3 am, so any and all mistakes are mine. I hope y’all get a couple good laughs out of this!
Edit: I fixed the "Keep Reading" option. Again, I'm so sorry this monster was clogging up your dashes!
Word count: 4,366 (sorry not sorry)
Warnings: Swearing, typical Supernatural violence, witches putting spells on people, toddler!Dean (Yes, that is a warning), Sammy is kind of an asshole in the beginning. So is Dean. But just for a hot minute.
As soon as Sam found this hunt, you had a pit in your stomach. You knew something was off from the moment he started explaining it in the Impala. People were turning up dead in their homes, with no sign of forced entry. They were all young adults, 18-25, and Sam thought it may have been a shtriga.
“But it’s not feeding on kids, Sam,” you argued.
“Yeah but it’s a college town. Not a whole lot of kids around, Y/N. 18 is still really young. We need to take a look around and check it out.”
“I’m telling you guys, this screams ‘witch’ to me… Why can you never believe me?”
Sam turned around to look at you with his bitch face. “Because the last time you insisted it was something else, we went in prepared for a werewolf and almost got our hearts ripped out by a damn ghost!”
“That was two fucking years ago, Sam. I’m real tired of you holding that over my head! Even Dean thought that was a werewolf! You-”
Then Dean lost it. “Alright, that’s enough! I’m sick of the two of you at each other’s throats all the god damn time. Sam, you work the angle you want, Y/N and I will work the other. Then we’ll pool our findings and find the solution. Now knock it off!”
Sam rolled his eyes with an aggravated sigh and turned to face the window to pout. You leaned forward to give Dean a peck on the cheek. “Thanks, De.”
“Look here princess, I’m not taking sides. I’m just shutting this shit down. If it is a shtriga, Sam is safe by himself in the day. If it is a witch, you would not be safe by yourself during the daytime. That’s why I’m going with you. I want you safe. So keep your head out of the clouds, alright?”
You shrank back into your seat at his harsh tone. You had been harboring a crush on Dean for a long time now, but every advance you made in the past had been futile. You were convinced he would never care for you the way you did him, and you pushed your feelings aside to continue hunting. But every now and then, they would peek through the lock box you had them in and it always put you in a sour mood.
The rest of the car ride was silent. Dean found a motel and you booked a room for the three of you. You all got settled in and changed into your fed suits before heading out. The most recent vic’s house was only a few blocks away, so Sam announced that he wanted to do a little more research before he headed that direction and would call you when he found anything. You and Dean got back in the Impala and drove across town to go visit the few other crime scenes. You were still brooding, so you stayed quiet on the way there.
What you don’t know is what Dean is brooding about. He hates it when you’re like this, and he hates knowing that he’s the one who made you that way. But pushing you away is easier and better than trying to tell you how he really feels. There’s no way you could feel the same for him, so holding you at arm’s length is better than not holding you at all. You’re his safe place. The person he can let his guard down in front of. The one he can curl into and cry on at night when he has nightmares or after a bad hunt. You hold him together in more ways than one, and he honestly doesn’t know if he would survive without you. So he keeps his feelings in check, just like you do.
As you moved to get out of the car, Dean grabbed your hand.
“Y/N wait. I’m sorry I snapped at you earlier. I didn’t mean to. I was just angry that Sam talked to you that way. I lost my cool, and I’m sorry I took it out on you. Forgive me? Please?”
You sighed and squeezed his hand with yours. “Of course. Always, Dean. You know that.” You gave him a small smile.
He smiled back and let out a sigh of relief. “Good. You’re my best friend, Y/N, and I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you.”
His words made your heart pang with sadness, but you didn’t let it show. Of course he only thinks of you as a friend. How could he see you as anything more? You’re practically his sister! “I’m not going anywhere Winchester.”
With that, you pulled your hand away and stepped out of the Impala and walked up the short sidewalk to the front porch. Stepping under the police tape, you noticed a brick that was loose near the threshold of the front door. “Hey Dean! Come look at this!” As you stooped lower to get a better look at it, you noticed an insignia etched into the front face. Dean looked over your shoulder and watched as you pulled out your pocket knife to pull the brick out. As it fell, half a dozen roaches scattered up the wall and you jumped back shrieking, almost knocking Dean over in the process. You immediately started scratching your scalp, feeling like they were crawling all over you.
Dean rushed over to you and grabbed your shoulders to wrap you in a hug. “You’re alright, I got you. They’re not on you I promise. It’s okay.”
“God damn fucking demon bugs! I hate fucking roaches!”
“I know you do princess. It’s alright. They’re gone. You want me to check the hole while you hang back?”
You nodded your head and Dean moved back to look in the small hole.
“Well would you look at that! You were right Y/N. It’s a friggin’ witch!” he exclaimed as he pulled a small hex bag out.
You felt your face almost split in a grin as you jumped up with a fist pump. “YES! I knew it was a witch! Suck it Samuel!”
Dean just laughed. “Alright Judd Nelson, take it easy. We still gotta go check out the inside.”
Dean opened the front door of the house and it let out a loud creak, making both of you cringe.
“Well, if there is anything in here, they know we’re here now,” you whispered to him.
You both had your guns drawn, loaded with witch killing bullets, as you moved through the house one room at a time. Dean opened a door in the kitchen that led to a basement. He groaned.
“Why is it always a basement? Why can’t it be a nice garden with flowers and rose bushes? But nooo. It’s always gotta be a damn basement!” he whined.
“Can you handle that by yourself? I’m gonna go check out the upstairs.”
He looked at you warily before you rolled your eyes. “I’m a big girl, Dean. I can handle myself.”
“Alright. But you see anything, you shoot first, ask questions later! Got it princess?”
“Yes Dad. I think I can handle one little witch.”
He started down the stairs as you made your way to the second set of stairs leading up. You cleared each of the 3 bedrooms and their closets before you made it to the bathroom. As you opened the door a figure flew past you, knocking you over in the process.
“HEY!” You cocked your gun. “Freeze, bitch.”
The witch stopped in her tracks and turned around with a wicked grin on her face. “You can kill me if you want, but it won’t save your little boyfriend down there. My sister is waiting on him right now. We knew who you were before you even walked in the door, Y/N.” She sneered your name, and it sent shivers down your spine. “You and those Winchester boys are as good as dead. So go ahead, shoot me if you want, but it won’t stop-”
The witch dropped dead and you took off running down the stairs and into the basement, where you found an unconscious Dean with another witch standing over him dropping a fluorescent green powder on his body. You didn’t hesitate to drop that one too. As the bitch hit the ground, there was a blinding light coming from Dean’s body.
“Dean!” you cried out to him as you shielded your eyes. As soon as it dissipated, you turned to run to him but stopped short in your tracks. Where Dean had just been lying, there was now a toddler sitting in his spot staring at you.
“Dean?” you hesitantly asked.
“I hate fweakin’ witches Y/N. Fix dis! I can’t even speak wight! I can’t wet Sammy see me wike dis! Pwease Y/N, don’t wet him see me.” The little boy cried as he wrapped his arms around your legs.
You stooped down to pick him, trying to contain your laughter. “Honey it’ll be okay. We’re going to need his help changing you back though. You know I’m no good with this magic stuff. If you make me do it myself, I could turn you into a toad for all we know!”
Dean’s eyes went wide at that statement. “Awight fine. But he better not waugh at me! I’m gonna kick his sowwy ass if he does!”
You couldn’t hold back your laughter any longer. “Oh Dean, I’m sorry! I just can’t help it! You’re so tiny and adorable and your little toddler speak is just so god damn funny!” He glared at you as you wiped at the tears streaming down your face.
“Are you done yet? Can we go find Sammy now, pweeeeease?”
With one more small outburst of laughter, you nodded your head. You went to grab the keys to the Impala off the basement floor when your phone started ringing. You grinned when you saw Sam’s name pop up on the caller ID.
“Heya Sammy. So, is it a shtriga?”
“No. I didn’t see any rotten handprints outside the windows. You still think this is a witch?”
“Oh yeah. Two witches, actually. But don’t worry, I took them both out. It was pretty easy actually. You ready to say sorry?”
“Oh shut it. Where is Dean? Put him on the phone.”
Dean vehemently shook his head. “He’s…ahh…not able to talk right now Sam.”
Sam groaned. “He got hit, didn’t he?”
You giggled. “Yeah, he did. But it’s really not that bad!”
“Ugh. Just get back to the motel so we can pack up and get back to the bunker. I’ll fix…whatever is wrong with him when we get there. Why is it always his dumbass that gets hit with the spells? He gets so whiny and childish when it happens.”
You chuckled again. “Oh Sammy, you have no idea. We’ll see you soon.”
You hung up on Sam and wrapped Dean in your arms once more, carrying him out to the Impala. You definitely didn’t miss the way his little toddler hands clung to your shirt and how his head nestled into the crook of your neck. You smiled to yourself, knowing that even in his current state he still sought out comfort in you; and this time it was literally in your arms.
By the time you made it back to the motel, Sam was already packed and ready to go. You walked up to the door and put dean on the ground just out of sight. Crouching down to his level once more, you whispered, “wait here for just a second, okay? I’m gonna try to ease him into this and try to get him not to laugh at you. I know this is hard, but we’ll be home and you’ll be back to your macho, manly self in no time.” You kissed his forehead and as you pulled away, you could have sworn you heard a little whimper come from the tiny boy. He grabbed your hand as you opened the door.
“Sam!” you called out to the giant.
“Hey. Where’s Dean? I need to know what kind of spell he was hit with so I can start doing research. I should have all the ingredients I need for the counterspell back at the bunker, but I just need to make sure. So what is it this time? Is he blind again? Or deaf this time? Or maybe he was turned into an animal! Ahahaha that would be great. What-”
“SAM!” you finally yelled, and you felt Dean shrink back just a hair. You whispered “I’m sorry,” to him and gave his hand a little squeeze to comfort him. “It’s none of those. He hasn’t been turned into an animal either. He’s been turned into…well…he’s still Dean, just…smaller?”
Sam gave you a confused look.
“Ugh. Just, don’t laugh, alright? The poor thing is already terrified and that’s enough. One of the witches knocked him out, and by the time I got back to him, the bitch was sprinkling this really bright green powder on him and I was too late to stop the spell. I ganked her, but it didn’t reverse it. It’s not his fault. I shouldn’t have left him alone… Just wait here for two seconds.” You turned back to Dean outside. “You ready?” you asked him. He gave you a small nod and you could tell he was trying to hold back tears.
This wasn’t easy for him, especially with Sam here. He was always protecting you and Sam, and being this little, he was helpless really. That was a new feeling for him, and it wasn’t lost on you. You felt horrible for him. You picked him up the way a mother would her own children and pressed his face against your neck.
“Shhh, sweetheart. It’s gonna be okay. I’m right here, and I won’t let you go, okay? I’ll be right here the whole time.”
He nodded and you felt a few tears wet the skin of your neck, and your heart broke for him. He deserves so much better than this.
“Sam if you laugh at him, I’ll string you up myself. He’s been through enough, alright?” you said as you poked your head in through the door.
“Scouts honor. Is he alright? Is he injured?”
You sighed and gave the toddler one final squeeze as you stepped over the threshold, letting the door click shut behind you. As the door shut, Dean let out the tiniest of whimpers. That one you heard. You ran a hand soothingly up and down his back as Sam slapped a hand over his mouth and his eyes went wide. You gave him a glare as a warning. Slowly, Sam composed himself enough to speak.
“Dean? You alright dude?” he asked softly.
“I’m good, Sammy. Pwease just fix me. I don’t wanna be wike dis anymore…”
Sam’s eyes went wide again, but this time it was in shock. Dean sounded wrecked, and it took everything you had not to sob against his little shoulder. Sam looked at you and saw the tears in your eyes, and gave you a curt nod.
“I’ll fix this man, as soon as we get home. I think I know what I need, but if I’m right it may take another day. The potion has to sit for 24 hours in order to turn you back to the right age. Otherwise, it could backfire and have some serious consequences.” Sam grinned. “Don’t worry, Jerk.”
You felt Dean perk up a little at Sam’s addition. “Shut up, Bitch,” he mumbled against your neck, and all three of you gave a little laugh.
Dean asked you to drive, but Sam grumbled about his legs being crushed if the seat was moved up that far. After a few minutes of the two of you arguing with a toddler in the parking lot, and a handful of very strange looks from people passing by, you had finally come to an agreement. You would sit in the back with Dean while Sam drove you all home. Dean wasn’t happy because he wasn’t the one driving, but seeing as his legs were only a foot long, it was impossible for him to do so.
Dean curled up against your side and fell asleep about 30 minutes into the trip. You felt your eyes grow heavy not long after, so you let Sam know you were gonna take a nap as well. You carefully picked Dean up and scooted down the seat so you could lie across the length of it. Pressing him to your chest, you rolled the both of you onto your sides with his back to the back of the leather seats, and his face resting against your chest. His little hand came up to rest on your cheek and he let out a small sigh. Just before you fell asleep, you could have sworn you heard Dean whisper, “I wuv you Y/N.”
Sam was gently shaking you awake a few hours later, letting you know you had made it home. He smiled when you instinctively wrapped your arms around Dean a little tighter before your eyes shot open. He held his hands up, knowing you wake up ready to fight when you get protective like this; especially when it came to Dean. You relaxed a little when you took in your surroundings.
You tried to move off the seat without waking Dean, but your right ass cheek had fallen asleep and you lost your balance. You fell off the seat and hit the floorboard with a loud “OOMPF!” and Dean shot up like a bullet. You pulled him to you and gave him a quick hug, letting him know everything was okay.
“We’re home now sweetheart. Sammy’s already hitting the books. Why don’t we go get you cleaned up?” You offered him your hand, which he promptly took in his own, and you led him to the bathroom. You picked him up and sat him on the sink top. You grabbed a washcloth and let the water from the sink get nice and warm before soaking the water up with it. As gently as possible, you ran the washcloth over Dean’s face, trying to get all the dirt and tear streaks off him. Then you wiped his hands and feet. When he was sufficiently clean, you threw the washcloth back into the sink and placed Dean on your hip, humming some tune to yourself as you went. Dean watched you with admiration.
“You know, you’d make a good mommy,” he said as he placed his head on your shoulder once more.
You froze at his words, not knowing how to respond. Your heart clenched at thoe thought of having your own children. You leaned your head against his smaller one and let out a sigh. “I don’t really think that’s in the cards for me… I’ll just take what I can get for now.”
“What’s dat?” he hummed in response.
You knew he was falling asleep again, but you decided to take a chance anyways. “You. I like taking care of you Dean. You and Sam, you’re all I have left. So I dote on you and love you because you deserve it. And you deserve it more than anyone, Dean. You deserve to be loved and to have someone take care of you from time to time. You don’t always have to be the macho, manly man. It’s okay to need and want to be taken care of sometimes, and I want to be that person for you. So when this is all over, please, let me in. Let me love you and take care of you the way you do me and Sammy…” You trailed off, waiting for a response. “Dean?”
He was passed out on your shoulder once more. You sighed in defeat when Sam startled you from behind.
“Don’t give up, Y/N. Not yet, anyways. He loves you just like you do him, I swear. I wouldn’t tell you that if it weren’t true; you know I’m not that cruel. It’s just hard for him. I can’t even begin to imagine how hard this is for him. He hasn’t been treated like this since before mom died…”
And just like that, your heart broke all over again. This time, for both the boys. With Dean still balanced on your hip, you pulled Sam in for a hug and he let out a short sob. He wrapped his long arms around both you and the little boy and allowed himself to cry for a few moments.
Sam sniffled. “Anyways, I found the right counter-spell for him. It’s ready now.”
“I thought it had to ‘stew’?”
“No, that was for a different one. The powder the witch used was simple.”
“Alright, you go get it set up. I’ll wake little man here and let him know.”
You tried to keep the disappointment out of your voice, but when Sam shot you one of his sympathetic looks before he walked off, you knew you had failed. You held Dean to you a little tighter as you swayed and hummed your way down the hallway. You stroked Dean’s hair, trying to gently coax him awake.
“Dean baby, it’s time to wake up,” you quietly murmured against his head. “Sammy got the potion ready for you.”
“Not a baby. Wanna sleep. Dwink it in da morning.” He snuggled in closer to your neck and began softly snoring.
You let out a sigh and went to go talk to Sam. You found him in the library hovering over some foul smelling concoction.
“Does he have to drink it now? I can’t get him to wake up…”
“It takes a while to take effect, so he should really do it now. Let me see if I can wake him.”
You gave Sam a small shrug as you handed Dean to him. Sam started tickling the boy’s sides, and Dean responded by bolting upright and yelling.
“I’m awake, Bitch. Tanks for dat.”
Sam chuckled. “You’re welcome. Jerk.”
He set Dean down on top of the nearest table and handed him the potion. You watched as Dean awkwardly plugged his nose and simultaneously tipped the cup back, downing all the liquid like he would a glass of whiskey. He gagged and coughed after it was done and immediately reached for you with a whine. You picked him up once more and let him curl into your body as you moved back down the hall to his bedroom. You placed him on his bed before drawing up the blankets to cover him up, tucking him in with care. You had almost gotten out of the room when you heard his small voice.
“Y/N? Pwease stay. I don’t wanna be awone…”
You quickly moved back into the room, clicking the door shut behind you. As you got into his bed, he wrapped his little arms around your neck, and you curled your body around his. You began petting his hair and singing.
Hey Jude
Don’t make it bad
Take a sad song, and make it better
Remember to let her into your heart
Then you can start to make it better
Hey Jude
Don’t be afraid
You were made to go out and get her
The minute you let her under your skin
Then you begin to make it better
And anytime you feel the pain
Hey Jude, refrain
Don’t carry the world upon your shoulders
For well you know that it’s a fool who plays it cool
By making his world a little colder
Soon, the soft snores coming from his tiny form lulled you into sleep as well.
When you woke in the morning, you quickly realized that Dean was not tiny any longer. He was quite large, in fact, and currently smothering you with his arm slung over your neck and one of his legs on top of both your own. You gently tried to lift his arm, but he moved it suddenly and it dropped on your face, causing you to squeak in surprise.
He shot upright and looked at you for a moment before he realized he was back to his adult self. He tackled you back down onto the bed with a roaring laugh and hugged you tight. Before you could even react, his lips were on yours in a passionate kiss. As soon as he released you, you opened your mouth to say something, but he shushed you with his hand against your mouth.
“I need to say this, so please, let me get it all out, okay?”
You nodded in agreement.
“I’m so sorry. I’ve been an ass. I’m terrified of caring too much about you, Y/N, because the people I care about always leave. I’m terrified of loving you, because then you become a playing piece for some monster to use and hurt, and I can’t have that happening. But drowning myself in all that fear, I blinded myself to what was actually going on; I never meant to hurt you. I thought that I was keeping you safe by doing this, and now I know I’m not. Please tell me I’m not too late with this. I’ll understand if I am, I know I should have said all this a long time ago. I was just too much of a coward. But please, please forgive me. I need you. You-”
You cut him off with a bruising kiss. “Of course I forgive you. You could never be too late with this. I could be walking down the aisle to marry some other knucklehead and I would still come running to you. But you have to promise me that you won’t take the easy way out if things get hard with us. I know you, and because I know you, I know that if some big bad tries to hurt me to get to you, you’ll close yourself off. So don’t do that shit, ya hear?”
He nodded violently.
“Good. Now shut up and love me, Winchester.”
“Always and forever, Y/N,” he whispered as he kissed you once more.
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skeletonsinherheart · 7 years
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“I’m sorry. I’m so…sorry.”
What is it that keeps me going. Is it really just the violence? A way to bleed it out without actually doing it? Or feeling it? Because that’s what I’ve chosen. To bleed out. Yes it hurts…God does it ever. But as it seems, no matter what pain this brings me, I know you still want it. Just as much as I still want it no matter what pain it brings me. Or rather, brings us. I know this is difficult for you just as it is for me. You didn’t say much in the way of just how much this affects you, but you didn’t really have to. I saw it all behind your eyes and written across your face. The last few days alone without talking to you have been really hard, I had to stop myself from reaching out more times than I’d like to admit. From the moment you left me, up until the moment I decided to send this. But I’m sure I didn’t need to tell you that for you to know. At this point, I don’t care what you say or what blame you try to shoulder, I’ve done this to myself. But I feel that…there exists an equal amount of pain in this for me as there is life, so much life. An existence and feeling that I didn’t even realize I had been lacking until you woke me up. An awakening of connection. Of my body mind, soul. All of them yours, and only yours. You don’t just own me in a dom way, you own me as a whole. No matter what you choose. No matter where I look, at whoever I look for. And you tell me that if I only see you, I may miss another. But I don’t think you understand. 
There is nothing left for me to search for, to try to find. There is nothing for me to miss. You are everything. Everything about you fits into me, and it’s as effortless as breathing with you. Something I humorously seem to have quite a bit of trouble with when you’re around. It’s like you are me. Much as I have tried to ignore it, rationalize it away, compartmentalize it, you’ve seeped into me, deeper than any hands could ever reach. And no matter what I do from this point forward, I have absorbed you so deeply that I don’t think I could ever be rid of you. I could disappear from your life completely and never speak to you again, and all of this would still remain the same. When I look at you, when you stare back, I see universes staring back at me. All of them, all at once, spanning the entirety of infinity. When I look at you, I see you. I don’t think you understand.
Never in my life has any one person made me…FEEL…so much, so strongly, so often. Each time you have come around, your entire being has managed to demolish and level every manner of protection I ever saw fit to build. You burnt everything to the ground. Every wall, every corner marked with caution tape, every sign that read Do Not Enter. And each time, all it took was your eyes. Twice in the span of 6 months has fire been the source destruction in my life, of everything else I had left, inside and out. The real fire, which you have now seen the remains of with your own eyes, and you. And now I don’t know what it is that I’m left with. Smoldering rubble? Ash? Do I mourn the loss? Or revel in the destruction? Because destruction spawns creation. But, the question is now, the creation of what? Because I refuse to believe that your reappearance into my life is an accident. A mistake. Chance. I believe it to be creation, no matter what you think. Build. Destroy. Rebuild. Whatever this is…whatever we have, it is something that is one in a million, in every facet. Maybe one day what you said comes true. I find someone. I love them. They love me. But I would be settling for something that is second best, because I believe that my soul will always be searching for you, wherever you are. According to Greek mythology, humans were originally created with four arms, four legs and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate parts, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves. And to be completely honest, I truly believe that is what I have stumbled upon. When I once again heard my name in your mouth, the ground felt like a language I hadn’t spoken in years. I forgot everything I knew about gravity, and everything else. I’ve mentioned to you before that I want a great many things from you. Would you like to know what some of them are? I want Saturday morning cartoons with you. I want to lay my head in your lap while you watch and introduce me to Doctor Who, because it’s one of the few things I haven’t gotten into yet. I want to watch our favorite shows together at night and we talk about our love or dislike for them. I want to share more Game of Thrones theories all the way through next year until it’s bitter end, and to finish it with you, because how else are either of us supposed to cope with THAT absolutely massive loss on our own, much less with someone who understands? I want to always be there when your hair falls into your eyes so that I can push it back with my fingers. I want your relentless ball busting and sarcasm, day and night, in the morning before I’ve even really woken up, at night when I’m falling asleep with my head on your chest and you flick my ear to wake me up, pretending you didn’t do anything. I want your ridiculous jokes when we’re trying to have a serious talk, or have sex but we just crack jokes and burst out laughing because we can’t help it. (POP - It’s a boy!) I want to watch Bo’s standup with you and share things with you that you haven’t seen so I can watch you laugh, and have you be there to teach me about things I’ve never seen or heard of. I want to buy and build that ridiculous $500 lego Death Star with you, to come home and have it be a project we’re both so excited to work on together and finish. I want to go to Harry Potter world with you, just to watch your eyes light up with excitement the same exact ways that mine do, and be there to watch you get your first wand and taste how sweet and wonderful frozen butterbeer is. I want to bring you Star Wars presents that I know you will love, and I will love them just as much. I want a giant nerd man cave with those beautiful Zelda prints scattered about the walls, and a massive Master Sword and Hylian Shield displayed right along with them. I want to show you Twilight Princess and play it with you, to watch you fall in love with it in all the same ways I did, because it’s clear to me that that’s how things work between us. I want to be there in the future to experience things together for the first time, things we both love and are passionate about. Whether it be games, movies, places….anything and everything. I’d want to have beautiful nerdy little blonde haired Targaryan dragon Slytherin babies with you, a son particularly, and teach him how best to take up our mantle of taking over the world. I want all of your stupid walls and all of your stupid feelings, all the stupid sappy shit we both think are dumb. I want your anger and your pain just as fiercely as I want your happiness and laughter. I want all the parts of you that you refuse to give. Because all I’ve ever done is give people pieces of me that they didn’t deserve, and nowadays I’m never quite sure what is left of me. But whatever is left…whatever you see, I want to give it all to you. I was always okay with just being somebodies someone. But since you, I don’t want to be anyone’s, I want to be your someone. Because I truly believe with every cell in my body that you belong with me. I would do anything in the world for the chance to be the person you come home to every day. Because every time I see you, I feel like I am home. Can you blame me for fighting so hard for that? Even still? How can I not? The last time I saw you, in our finals moments of the fast approaching goodbye, you cradled my face in your hands like I was something. That I meant something. That I was someone. That I mattered. You held every piece of me in that moment. Every burnt, smoldering, bleeding piece. In that moment, I let my face fall, I removed my mask and completely dropped the facade I’ve been so desperately clinging to, and I let you see what my pain really looks like. Utterly vulnerable. Something I do not allow or grant to anyone anymore. But I figure, what else could I possibly have to lose at this point, as I have nothing else. And I know that all of this, everything I’ve written is waaaay too fucking long and I’ve probably edited and added it over 100 times by now, hence the length, as the first draft was a fuckton shorter. And reading it back to myself over and over, it’s all just stupid poetic bullshit, I didn’t say ‘fuck you’ or 'eat a dick’ once so clearly this is way too serious, and neither of us like serious. I hate serious. I hate tears, feeling, emotions. Emotions are stupid and illogical and it drives me insane. But this is what you bring out of me, and I refuse to believe it’s for nothing. If you still choose the same path…you might be able to look her in the face and still put a ring on her finger. But do you think that you will look back and wonder? Picture your life if you had chosen differently? I would. I do. I know what you still want. I know that you love her. And who am I to compete against that and 6 years of time and investment? Nothing. Because you don’t love me, at all. But I ask you to ponder this. Everything that you just read, I want you to picture that as your future. Even if for a moment. Picture the potential of all of it. Because I would take any future with you. I don’t need a big house, fancy cars, fancy anything. I could live in a cardboard box with you and I would still be happy. I wouldn’t need a ring or a stupid piece of paper to tell me anything. I could live forever happy with the simplicity of just being with you. I don’t need much. I don’t. I never have. But…if the prospect of all of that is still not enough, then I’ll have to find a way to deal with that. I don’t know how. I don’t even know if I could. I know this isn’t a fairly tale, but this is something very real. And I know it’s never made logical sense to win in this. Much as I’m never one to ever give up, I still always seem to be the one that loses in the end and I’m tired of it. But again, I’ll have to find a way to deal. I’ve done it a thousand times over, what’s one more. All I know is that it’s far too late for me, because I don’t know how to give up. I never have.
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vincentbnaughton · 7 years
That Time We Thought The Bedroom Would Simmer For A While, And Then Bam.
We mentioned some recent master bedroom movin’ & shakin’ on this week’s podcast, so we thought a post full of photos was in order for anyone wondering how it’s looking these days. Pretty much everything in our bedroom was purchased while we were living in our second house, so after moving here in 2013 stuff just kinda landed where it landed and whoop, there it was. We painted. We hung frames. We made a few sporadic dresser swaps, and then we repainted. But the anchor pieces like the rug, the bed, the armchair, and most of the other furnishings pretty much remained the same. More recently we got a super on-sale chandelier and swapped beds with the guest room and it felt like the room was nicely settling into feeling “nearly-done.” Basically, we were fully expecting to go back to ignoring this corner of the house for at least a few more years.
And then it happened. A total bedroom curveball. My friend texted me a gorgeous picture of a rug she came across in a local consignment shop. YES, A CONSIGNMENT SHOP. And I fell hard. It hit me like a ton of bricks. Rug love at first sight. I’m pretty sure you could have seen little cartoon angels flying around my head holding bow and arrows when I ran up to John with that dazed-looking cheeks-flushed expression and said “remember how we’ve always said it would be nice to have a plush wool rug in the bedroom someday!?” And thankfully, he remembered. And he agreed that it looked promising enough to go check it out in person (and smell it, because John was wondering how a consigned rug might smell).
We love a flat weave rug – and have a bunch in our house – but ever since we discovered our love of plush wool Turkish rugs, we’ve been talking about how if ever there were a spot to add one more, it’s the master bedroom. It just feels like the ultimate place for something thick and cozy underfoot. Plus, that soft green flat weave was something we bought back in 2011 for our last house’s living room, so the size wasn’t perfect for the bedroom (it wasn’t as long as the space, so it didn’t extend quite as close to the closet/bathroom door as we’d prefer). But it couldn’t have been that bad because we lived with it for nearly four years this way.
Back to the new rug. It was miraculously the perfect size (around 12 x 16′) and didn’t smell at all (hallelujah!). And because it was a one-of-a-kind find at a consignment store, we knew it wasn’t going to wait around for us. Cut to John standing there grinning with it on the dolly, ready to be loaded into our car.
And guess who muscled that giant wool beast up the stairs? That’s right. This married couple (*points to selves with thumbs*).
Once we got it into the room I pretty much did the Macarena with excitement. It might just be my favorite rug of all time. I mean LOOK AT THE DETAILS! The COLORS! The SHAPES! The SHEER AMOUNT OF CAPS LOCK I’M USING TO DESCRIBE IT!
There are tons of other rugs I love a whooooole lot in this house (I’m looking at you dining room, bonus room, and living room), but this new bedroom edition just feels extra special. So shh, don’t tell them. And don’t cry for the old rug Argentina! That green flat weave sold in less than an hour on a local buy-sell board on Facebook and is currently living her best life in a neighbor’s house.
You may also be noticing a couple of other changes in the wide shot – namely the wall behind the bed. This rug’s bolder, more colorful, and larger scale pattern made it much more of a focal point than its soft green predecessor. So when we rolled out the new rug, the frames on the wall felt kinda jumbled and crazy all of a sudden. Like Lady GaGa in a meat dress next to Bjork in a swan costume. Why? Because the frame wall used to be the focal point with a more subtle rug playing backup. But with a big bold rug in the room now, two focal points were fighting for attention.
So we took all of the frames off the wall and tried out a few “calmer” pieces instead. After buying something the instinct might be to go buy a ton of other stuff to go with the exciting new item, but one of my favorite things to do instead is just to play around with what you have. Sometimes you just have to shift a few things around the house and a few rooms end up looking and feeling fresher to the tune of zero more dollars spent.
The winner was this painting that used to hang above John’s desk in the office (we bought it right off of the wall at a ski house we rented a few years back). I may stain the frame to match some of the other woods in the room, but for now it’s doing the job of complementing – not competing with – the new rug. And from afar it looks surprisingly similar to some of the gold frames we added to the other side of the room (more on those in a sec).
And now in the office there’s a mirror we already had hanging where the pink painting used to be – which is nice because it reflects the light from the two windows across from it. There’s no better feeling than running up and down the stairs with things and trying them in other rooms until the crazy puzzle of “I need one thing for this room and another thing for that room” is solved. I’m serious. I LOVE that weird challenge feeling. It’s like Supermarket Sweep, Home Edition. Come to think of it, that would make a pretty good game show. Stop laughing. I’m serious.
And I know you were worried about where all of our family photos went (JK, nobody cares about family photos unless they’re their own family). We found a few other places around the room to hang some, and I moved some into the guest room above my sewing desk. It’s not as many as we used to have on display, but I think we’ll survive just fine without having 20+ photos of ourselves in a single room anymore.
I reframed the photos in our room in these gold frames that I already had stashed in the guest room (they’re my favorite gold ones from Target that I’ve also hoarded for the beach house). They created a nice little grid above our wood dresser – an antique hand-me-down from John’s parents that had been in the closet. We just swapped it for the white dresser that used to sit here since the wood one looks so nice with the rich new rug colors.
In rearranging our family photos, we realized we’re waaaay overdue for printing some updated ones (so many of a tiny baby boy and a toddler girl) so we sent a few new 8 x 10″ pics to Target so we can finally update these frames. It just feels like you “notice” pictures again when you change them out, so this bedroom update was a nice kick in the pants to get on that.
The other side of the room still has the gradient dresser we painted back in 2011 for our first book (yes, we have no shortage of dressers in here!). Also, can you tell John is asking Burger why he’s always walking into our pictures like he owns the place? You saw him up in the bed squishing all of our pillows a few pictures up too, right? Dude, is ALWAYS ready for his close up.
The Samantha French print above the dresser (she’s one of my favorite painters – here’s her Easy shop) is one we’ve had for years, and we FINALLY got it properly framed! It was actually a birthday gift from John, who sent it off to a framing company called Simply Framed and they made it look so much more legit and lovely with a nice chunky white frame and a perfectly sized mat. This isn’t a sponsored mention or anything (he paid for it, and we love it). It’s not as cheap as finding a ready-made frame at the store (it was about $120, with a coupon code) but it looks so expensive and well done when it comes back to you. Finally feels like the frame is doing the print justice.
It’s hard to tell in the pic, but they even emailed us to say “do you want the mat to go right up to the edge of the print or would you like it to be spaced around a quarter-inch away so the penciled title and signature are visible?” We were so glad they suggested that because that little detail that makes it feel much more professionally done and polished.
So that, my friends, is the tale of a bedroom that we thought was going back into dormancy for a few more years, but was propelled into an accidental-but-surprisingly-thrilling makeover, thanks to a rug switch and a whole lot of other free furniture and accessory swapping.
Oh, and that picture above captures one of the cooler things about the rug – see how it looks faded in a few rows? The lady who owns the consignment store said her friend who vends rugs said it’s not truly faded in those areas, it’s a different looming method and type of wool that they use for those parts so the little water-color-like effect is something they intentionally add when they make the rug. Cool, right? I love how layered and soft it looks with those strips of blurrier colors.
And yes, I totally daydream about moving those windows over so they’re centered. Except they would look wonky from the front of our balanced brick colonial, so I guess I need to leave them where they are and DEAL WITH THE FACT THAT MY ENTIRE LIFE CAN’T BE SYMMETRICAL. Maybe adding one more curtain panel on that left side and extending the rod would cheat things a little and make it less noticeable? Might give that a try sometime.
But so ends our new tour of the bedroom. I’ll leave you with this performance art piece by Burger, entitled Dog Leaves Bed.
And for anyone wondering where we got things in the room, here’s a big ol’ list for you:
bench / faux fiddle leaf fig plant / chandelier / curtains / curtain rods / night stands / swimming girl print / gold frames / similar pink painting / similar duvet / similar bedside lamps / similar dresser / similar tallboy dresser / similar chair / similar floor lamp 
You can also always find our room’s paint colors and sources for everything in them right here.
*This post contains affiliate links*
The post That Time We Thought The Bedroom Would Simmer For A While, And Then Bam. appeared first on Young House Love.
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vincentbnaughton · 7 years
That Time We Thought The Bedroom Would Simmer For A While, And Then Bam.
We mentioned some recent master bedroom movin’ & shakin’ on this week’s podcast, so we thought a post full of photos was in order for anyone wondering how it’s looking these days. Pretty much everything in our bedroom was purchased while we were living in our second house, so after moving here in 2013 stuff just kinda landed where it landed and whoop, there it was. We painted. We hung frames. We made a few sporadic dresser swaps, and then we repainted. But the anchor pieces like the rug, the bed, the armchair, and most of the other furnishings pretty much remained the same. More recently we got a super on-sale chandelier and swapped beds with the guest room and it felt like the room was nicely settling into feeling “nearly-done.” Basically, we were fully expecting to go back to ignoring this corner of the house for at least a few more years.
And then it happened. A total bedroom curveball. My friend texted me a gorgeous picture of a rug she came across in a local consignment shop. YES, A CONSIGNMENT SHOP. And I fell hard. It hit me like a ton of bricks. Rug love at first sight. I’m pretty sure you could have seen little cartoon angels flying around my head holding bow and arrows when I ran up to John with that dazed-looking cheeks-flushed expression and said “remember how we’ve always said it would be nice to have a plush wool rug in the bedroom someday!?” And thankfully, he remembered. And he agreed that it looked promising enough to go check it out in person (and smell it, because John was wondering how a consigned rug might smell).
We love a flat weave rug – and have a bunch in our house – but ever since we discovered our love of plush wool Turkish rugs, we’ve been talking about how if ever there were a spot to add one more, it’s the master bedroom. It just feels like the ultimate place for something thick and cozy underfoot. Plus, that soft green flat weave was something we bought back in 2011 for our last house’s living room, so the size wasn’t perfect for the bedroom (it wasn’t as long as the space, so it didn’t extend quite as close to the closet/bathroom door as we’d prefer). But it couldn’t have been that bad because we lived with it for nearly four years this way.
Back to the new rug. It was miraculously the perfect size (around 12 x 16′) and didn’t smell at all (hallelujah!). And because it was a one-of-a-kind find at a consignment store, we knew it wasn’t going to wait around for us. Cut to John standing there grinning with it on the dolly, ready to be loaded into our car.
And guess who muscled that giant wool beast up the stairs? That’s right. This married couple (*points to selves with thumbs*).
Once we got it into the room I pretty much did the Macarena with excitement. It might just be my favorite rug of all time. I mean LOOK AT THE DETAILS! The COLORS! The SHAPES! The SHEER AMOUNT OF CAPS LOCK I’M USING TO DESCRIBE IT!
There are tons of other rugs I love a whooooole lot in this house (I’m looking at you dining room, bonus room, and living room), but this new bedroom edition just feels extra special. So shh, don’t tell them. And don’t cry for the old rug Argentina! That green flat weave sold in less than an hour on a local buy-sell board on Facebook and is currently living her best life in a neighbor’s house.
You may also be noticing a couple of other changes in the wide shot – namely the wall behind the bed. This rug’s bolder, more colorful, and larger scale pattern made it much more of a focal point than its soft green predecessor. So when we rolled out the new rug, the frames on the wall felt kinda jumbled and crazy all of a sudden. Like Lady GaGa in a meat dress next to Bjork in a swan costume. Why? Because the frame wall used to be the focal point with a more subtle rug playing backup. But with a big bold rug in the room now, two focal points were fighting for attention.
So we took all of the frames off the wall and tried out a few “calmer” pieces instead. After buying something the instinct might be to go buy a ton of other stuff to go with the exciting new item, but one of my favorite things to do instead is just to play around with what you have. Sometimes you just have to shift a few things around the house and a few rooms end up looking and feeling fresher to the tune of zero more dollars spent.
The winner was this painting that used to hang above John’s desk in the office (we bought it right off of the wall at a ski house we rented a few years back). I may stain the frame to match some of the other woods in the room, but for now it’s doing the job of complementing – not competing with – the new rug. And from afar it looks surprisingly similar to some of the gold frames we added to the other side of the room (more on those in a sec).
And now in the office there’s a mirror we already had hanging where the pink painting used to be – which is nice because it reflects the light from the two windows across from it. There’s no better feeling than running up and down the stairs with things and trying them in other rooms until the crazy puzzle of “I need one thing for this room and another thing for that room” is solved. I’m serious. I LOVE that weird challenge feeling. It’s like Supermarket Sweep, Home Edition. Come to think of it, that would make a pretty good game show. Stop laughing. I’m serious.
And I know you were worried about where all of our family photos went (JK, nobody cares about family photos unless they’re their own family). We found a few other places around the room to hang some, and I moved some into the guest room above my sewing desk. It’s not as many as we used to have on display, but I think we’ll survive just fine without having 20+ photos of ourselves in a single room anymore.
I reframed the photos in our room in these gold frames that I already had stashed in the guest room (they’re my favorite gold ones from Target that I’ve also hoarded for the beach house). They created a nice little grid above our wood dresser – an antique hand-me-down from John’s parents that had been in the closet. We just swapped it for the white dresser that used to sit here since the wood one looks so nice with the rich new rug colors.
In rearranging our family photos, we realized we’re waaaay overdue for printing some updated ones (so many of a tiny baby boy and a toddler girl) so we sent a few new 8 x 10″ pics to Target so we can finally update these frames. It just feels like you “notice” pictures again when you change them out, so this bedroom update was a nice kick in the pants to get on that.
The other side of the room still has the gradient dresser we painted back in 2011 for our first book (yes, we have no shortage of dressers in here!). Also, can you tell John is asking Burger why he’s always walking into our pictures like he owns the place? You saw him up in the bed squishing all of our pillows a few pictures up too, right? Dude, is ALWAYS ready for his close up.
The Samantha French print above the dresser (she’s one of my favorite painters – here’s her Easy shop) is one we’ve had for years, and we FINALLY got it properly framed! It was actually a birthday gift from John, who sent it off to a framing company called Simply Framed and they made it look so much more legit and lovely with a nice chunky white frame and a perfectly sized mat. This isn’t a sponsored mention or anything (he paid for it, and we love it). It’s not as cheap as finding a ready-made frame at the store (it was about $120, with a coupon code) but it looks so expensive and well done when it comes back to you. Finally feels like the frame is doing the print justice.
It’s hard to tell in the pic, but they even emailed us to say “do you want the mat to go right up to the edge of the print or would you like it to be spaced around a quarter-inch away so the penciled title and signature are visible?” We were so glad they suggested that because that little detail that makes it feel much more professionally done and polished.
So that, my friends, is the tale of a bedroom that we thought was going back into dormancy for a few more years, but was propelled into an accidental-but-surprisingly-thrilling makeover, thanks to a rug switch and a whole lot of other free furniture and accessory swapping.
Oh, and that picture above captures one of the cooler things about the rug – see how it looks faded in a few rows? The lady who owns the consignment store said her friend who vends rugs said it’s not truly faded in those areas, it’s a different looming method and type of wool that they use for those parts so the little water-color-like effect is something they intentionally add when they make the rug. Cool, right? I love how layered and soft it looks with those strips of blurrier colors.
And yes, I totally daydream about moving those windows over so they’re centered. Except they would look wonky from the front of our balanced brick colonial, so I guess I need to leave them where they are and DEAL WITH THE FACT THAT MY ENTIRE LIFE CAN’T BE SYMMETRICAL. Maybe adding one more curtain panel on that left side and extending the rod would cheat things a little and make it less noticeable? Might give that a try sometime.
But so ends our new tour of the bedroom. I’ll leave you with this performance art piece by Burger, entitled Dog Leaves Bed.
And for anyone wondering where we got things in the room, here’s a big ol’ list for you:
bench / faux fiddle leaf fig plant / chandelier / curtains / curtain rods / night stands / swimming girl print / gold frames / similar pink painting / similar duvet / similar bedside lamps / similar dresser / similar tallboy dresser / similar chair / similar floor lamp 
You can also always find our room’s paint colors and sources for everything in them right here.
*This post contains affiliate links*
The post That Time We Thought The Bedroom Would Simmer For A While, And Then Bam. appeared first on Young House Love.
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