#dungeons and dragons questions
thatonefatgumsimp · 5 months
I NEED HELP (DND Stuff, might be a dumb question idk-)
So genuine question for DND side of tumblr, but- I've been thinking recently...
And are the things next to the dragonborn colors in the player handbook, like, types of damage that are less effective, their magical girl power, or both?
Cuz I never really thought about that before and I have absolutely no idea-
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injuries-in-dust · 2 years
DND Tumblr, I have a question.
With the new Spelljammer book, we get two new backgrounds for our characters, Astral Drifter and Wildspacer.
Yet, I don't see any options for Personality traits, Ideals, Bonds and Flaws, that were present in other backgrounds you find in previous books.
Have these been dropped and are unimportant, for now, until ONE DND is released? IIRC backgrounds are supposed to be important there. Or am I supposed to pick and choose whatever personality I want from the existing pool across the other backgrounds found -mainly- in the player's handbook?
I've only skimmed the Spelljammer book, but I can't find any answer.
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tea-with-eleni · 7 months
This week on Curse of Strahd:
The party actually juiced up the Sunsword. For lack of a better plan, Ireena is wielding it. It might get handed off to the rogue or something later.
The party also acquired a bard, because a coworker heard about college of tragedy while we were trying not to freeze to death in our over-air conditioned Tinkering Studio and decided he was All About That Life.
The bard has 5 int and 20 cha.
The bard genuinely does not seem to know where he's from.... where he is.... how long he's been in Barovia.... what the deal was with the Festival of the Blazing Sun from a week or so ago.... who the "pretty lady" was who dumped him on the party (Anastraya, who thought he might be a bit of a hindrance to the party)....
It's fine. He's fine. The party does not trust him since he is clearly very, extremely, dare I say tragically stupid.
Sadly that does mean he is no longer available to play Rahadin. Oh well.
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puppetmaster13u · 4 months
Prompt 212
“Did we just pull an Isekai?” 
“I mean, does it count if it’s practically just Ghostwriter’s usual shit, just more chaotic?” 
“Sam, this is like a game, look, we even have inventory overlays!” 
“Yeah but Tuck, I died so therefor I pulled an isekai, right?” 
“Shit, why does that make sense?” 
“Boys, perhaps actually look into your overlay there? Perhaps look at the map as well?” 
“... oh my Ancients, guys, we’re not the players, we’re going to be the bosses of this game.”
. . . 
“This is going to be so much fun guys.” 
The JL Jr team would really like it to be known that they are in fact done with Klarions shenanigans. This is literally the first day school is out for the summer for them! Who even showed him DnD and anime anyway?!
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the-nothing-maker · 6 months
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Home is where the heart is
(Alastiel is a vampire lord NPC from @luposlipaphobya's D&D campaign, Une Cour de Chair et de Charme!)
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grumpygryphon · 11 months
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Do you think dragons sometimes go to pick up their kobolds and then they do that looooooong cat thing?
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clonerightsagenda · 12 days
I noticed in the Adventurer's Bible that Laios dislikes ghosts and assumed it was because they're just dead humans, hardly monsters at all, but the anime reminded me that it was his idea to visit the graveyard because there was a ghost there. I guess the possession made him dislike ghosts, the same way he was afraid of living armor for a while. Shame he can't overcome this by eating a ghost. Guess sorbet just won't cut it.
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critter-wizard · 8 months
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dismas-n-dismay · 2 months
Please I need to see the ship kids? Is Laios a good uncle? Do they have scales/feathers or sharp teeth? Horns? Claws? (This series has me in a chokehold rn)
I had to put everything under the cut because this is a hella long post so everyone else just look at these cute farcille babies and rock on
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HI HOWDY!! Laios is obsessed with these little freaks (he would never call them that though cause he would literally die for them if needed) He’s essentially been right by Falin and Marcille’s side since day one when it came to the babies! He’s a surprisingly good uncle but definitely that one where he gives the kids gifts that the parents are like “YEAH NO- he’s 8 he doesn’t need a crossbow”
He definitely gives the kids little trinkets he gets from foreign dignitaries since I don’t picture Laios really liking all the gifts and gold and money people will give him to butter him up when he catches onto it. The cool monster stuff stays with him though, but he’ll let the kids look at anything cool he gets that he decides to keep for his personal collection. I like to imagine that when he holds them he always keeps them to the side of his hip, real mom type stance when he’s holding them.
Secondly, GREAT QUESTION!! They have a little bit of both! Haru (the cream colored baby) has feathery down covering his ears, chest, and wings as well as basically anywhere else that he isn’t scaly or covered in soon to be thought flesh. He’s more of a dragon from the waist down but bird from the waist up like Falin was.
His sister Haize (the apple red one) has the most scales! (But the least feathers out of the pair) Haize has more of that traditional dragon look and unlike Haru, she’s dragon basically to the neck up. She has scrawny little forearms that aren’t quite attuned to walking yet but once she grows they’ll become a lot more useful for the crawling around stage of her infancy! Haru will often try to climb on her back because he wants to be fast too- he’s only a little guy but he still hates that she got the extra limb genes where he didn’t.
Both have wings though the down that Haru has makes it a bit difficult for him to fly, though he really grows to enjoy flapping and the flutter of his wings! Haize has more sleek featherless dragon wings which make her flight process a bit easier, though her longer body means that her flying is quite silly (it’s like when you pick a cat up by their middle and they just dangle, imagine that but with flight and her trying to tuck her limbs in to have less weight pulling her down). Both have claws on their dragon halves as well as spikes/spines on their backs though only Haize has been born with the making for clawed hands, Haru grows into his later in life!
Really Falin and Marcille are glad that the kids are in relative captivity, Haru’s inherited the “head empty, no thoughts, tee hee” touden genes and they’re like 75 percent certain that he would get eaten if natural selection had its way - assuming Haize didn’t protect him ofc. Haru is very sleepy as a baby while Haize is very cranky. She likes to sleep on her back but her itty bitty dragon wings get cramped when she does and sleeping on her side isn’t as a comfy. Aside from that she just likes attention and being with her parents which is tough due to their jobs.
Haru has colic due to the light magic that manifests in his stomach pouch organ! He was born with an organ similar to the one red dragons have that allows them to breathe fire! It allows him to conjure and manifest light and can be weaponized if a dragon knows what they’re doing. Really it’s much more useful as bioluminescence for dragons who dwell in darker dungeons as it allows them to lure in prey and the pouch’s brightness grows as a dragon approaches somewhere stacked with mana and magic which is an easy way to find enemies or food! Typically light dragons are very powerful but a rare find as they’re often incredibly soft and unable to protect themselves as babies as well as their newly born pouches which let off a lot of glow due to basically incubating for a year or so and refuse to dampen until they learn to properly dispel their magic via spells. Not to mention how easy of a target it is for their obvious weak spot, one bad slash to the tummy and ur done.
Most dragon babies learn early as having that much magic in you hurts a LOT but Haru takes a lot while to learn it, though Falin soon learns that pressing on his stomach and conjuring her own light magic to siphon Haru’s own eases a lot of his tummy aches and pains.
(I got way more facts about these guys so if you wanna know more just send another ask!! :]!! /gen)
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vintagerpg · 5 months
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This is Question of Gravity (1982). So, Role Aids is sort of cynical in a lot of ways. Its kind of a calculated cash-in, aimed at capitalizing on the popularity of D&D and, because of that, a lot of the material is sub-par. But there are modules like this one, which is so wild and unlike anything in the land of official D&D that it justifies the entire line, even the schlockiest stuff.
There is a lot of unnecessary material in this one, too. There’s all this plot that frames out how the central macguffin was made, reasons for investigating it, a nearby village, blah blah blah. None of that stuff interests me much, nor does it really matter. What matters is that there is a mysterious cube, 1,000 feet long on each side, surrounded by patrols of monsters and demons. A tunnel leads inside, where gravity is relative to position, so, Escher-like, players can walk along all the interior walls and ceiling as if they are the ground. And they are, I guess.
The whole thing is a nest of stairs, ledges, ramps and platforms of varying heights and distances. Look at those maps! How on earth did the cartographer, Jim Clouse, drawn them? How am I supposed to parse them?! Frankly, the scenario doesn’t even come close to living up to the potential of the space. I am not sure any scenario really could, honestly, but this mélange of evil humanoids and demons herding visitors to the cube into a central temple for sacrifice to the dark powers seems particularly flat for such a bizarre venue. The resolution is a simple battle — kill the sorcerer, seize his evil staff, problem solved.
Still, holy wow, this dungeon. Someone make an adventure worth of it, please!
Cover is by Janny Wurts, the interiors are by Gerald O’Malley. The package feels charmingly old school.
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Wizard: Imagine if you came home one night and everyone was like, quietly reading. Paladin: I would be suspicious.
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iffeelscouldkill · 1 year
After rewatching Honor Among Thieves I couldn't help but notice that Kira is still warm and affectionate towards Holga while thinking that her dad abandoned her for riches. But they were both on the heist, and both were gone from her life for two years while locked up in jail, so why does her dad get the brunt of the bitter emotions?
You could theorise that Kira and Holga had a stronger bond to begin with that it was harder for her absence to dent, but Forge also had two years to turn Kira against both of her parental figures, and yet it seems like he only bothered to lie about Edgin. Why? Did he position Holga as collateral damage in Edgin's terrible plan, and that's why Kira doesn't see her as culpable? Did he bother to mention her at all?
When Edgin accuses Forge of setting a trap for him and Holga, Forge corrects him by saying that the trap was for him and Simon. So did he not see Holga as a threat?
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ghoulgeists · 8 months
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sometimes you have to draw your gay little victorian dnd character showing a bit of skin at thats ok, thats healing. anyway dont look at me
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tea-with-eleni · 2 years
Dangerous Spell Combinations
Let’s suppose you’re a wizard in an adventuring party. The party bought food before leaving the town, but you’ve been on the road for a while. Several weeks, in fact. You have not had the opportunity to replenish your food stores, but the cleric has been taking Create Food and Water so nobody’s starving to death either. 
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You’re effectively surviving off of Summoned Holy Oatmeal.
You, being a wizard and prone to fits of hubris, resolve to do something about this.
Specifically, you resolve to prestidigitate your meals to taste better. Or at least.... taste like anything.
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What I ask you, gentle reader, is this: 
What’s the absolute WORST thing you could make your Summoned Holy Oatmeal taste like? 
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blujaydoodles · 8 months
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when in doubt, meme your blorbos
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worstcompanylive · 1 year
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