#dont get me wrong i loved the mcu but like
marsystars · 11 months
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One Batman villain's silliness is worth 1000 mcu villians
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kitts-corner · 2 months
hey uh... quick. quick question. why does the sam wilson tag have almost no posts about exclusively sam ?? dare i say it... might this be *sniffs* racism ????
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tendercoretroglodyke · 10 months
the incredible divide between how people rank the seasons of daredevil based on whether or not they know that foggy (and more importantly, foggy's smile) is by far the best thing to happen to the MCU or if they simply hate fun and love
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felixcisempra · 2 years
I feel like so much could have been avoided if Namor just had better diplomacy skills. Like?? Don't corner the queen and princess of the nation you wish to make allies of and deliver an ultimatum while threatening to wage war on their nation if they don't comply with your wishes? Don't infiltrate and illegally enter their nation? Don't allow for them to take the blame for the deaths and actions taken on YOUR part? I know that Talokan is a hidden nation and that they probably don't have many interactions with the surface world because of that, but I feel like these were obvious things that the king of a nation that wishes to keep his people safe should not do. I very much wish to knock Namor over the head and hope that that gives him a nugget of common sense. Like holy shit dude, you are kinda trash at this diplomacy thing. And it makes total sense in canon for him to be this way, don't get me wrong, but still. Alternatively, Namor could have gathered up a delegation to approach Wakanda diplomatically. He could still do the "sneak into Wakanda in the dead of night and approach their royal family in private" thing, but I feel like it would have added credibility and lessened tensions if he used this opportunity to request for an audience and privacy regarding the existence of their nation and people. They could have had a diplomatic meeting where Talokan explained their situation and fears for surface nations plundering them of their vibranium, and I'm sure that Wakanda would have been happy to offer their support and protection. They could have talked it out and offered alternate solutions aside from warring with the whole surface world. They could have been powerful allies from the start, and with Wakanda as their ally and support, other nations would be more wary of attempting to steal Talokan's resources. So much could have been avoided if Namor just. had better diplomacy skills (and also wasn't mildly vengeance-driven).
Also ngl I kept groaning whenever the white people side plot got a scene, idgaf about this ross guy and his ex-wife bring me back to whatever Shuri's doing pls like i know it's relevant to the main plot but G O S H did it bore me
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skyofdarkmatter42 · 6 months
Ugh I knew they would do this
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mx-paint · 1 year
#honestly the way some people talk about the comic v show is. strange#like they say that some things ripped from the comic wont make sense bc 'theyre trying to make him more human'#when. comparing them it Does?????#like the show does actually go into it but just seeing a scene and going 'not from comic so doesnt make sense' like.#its not even just about 'not wanting to be cancelled for not/for doing x'#its more of some things actually Cant be shown#not just for horror reactions but somethings cant be shown like it is in comic. even in a movie#like claiming that theyre putting his ex lover in a worse position to make him justified when its. actually to the comic#like. lets be clear. he was fucked up for what he did#the falling in love part was his sibling trying to get him destroyed#and i dont think he would fall in love with someone that young on his own (or anyone at all That Fast)#esp since shes the youngest out of all of his lovers and the one to be sentenced in such a way#for his own pride#and claiming that he isnt at fault when he obviously is. is taking more than just a wrong message if everybody else can understand it#like it just seems like youre complaining that ots straight up not the comic#dont get me wrong the mcu and dcu suck and are literally Made by people that hate the comics#but this aint it and was worked on by the actual writer#my point is idk what theyre talking about when they say its not. making sense#when hes still in the wrong#like i love him and i know the story thats first told about them isnt completely accurate#but hes in the wrong. his siblings know it. he knows it.#but looking at a scene that Is from the comic in show as evidence that its. not. doesnt make sense#like he is sweeter in show but. yall aint. proving shit lmao
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strangestcase · 7 months
tomblr discourse in the monster high universe must be something else.
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💝​ lalalala Follow
What would I do without cherry smoothies... probably die again 💔​
🟥​ b3lfrypr3pz-deactivated09182022
Of freaking course the frilly daywalker is a vegan 😒​ bet you do witchcraft too you dirty hippie
💝​ lalalala Follow
🟥​ b3lfrypr3pz-deactivated09182022
WTF is that lol
🟥​ b3lfrypr3pz-deactivated09182022
i t burns. wh at did you do to me .
💝​ lalalala Follow
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🧠​ msdeadfast Follow
Ok but Dead Fast: Night of the Living (2002) has no business being considered the worst Dead Fast movie when the MCU (Murder Cinematic Universe) not only retconned his origin story to make him a virus zombie rather than a curse zombie (which throws off his entire arc about being something more than his deeds!) AND made him be allied with B.L.I.G.H.T. of all organizations because Like say what you will about NOTL and the forced heterosexual romantic plot but at least 1) it gets what makes Dead Fast a hero and 2) GIVES HIS LOVE INTEREST A PERSONALITY AND SOMETHING TO DO
🕷️ 8legscomix Follow
Also they made the villain Dr. Igorable's motivations so laughable like..... so his wife got turned into a zombie and he wants to cure her? Ok? Did she ask for it? She doesn't even have any groaning lines. Im not even a zombie but that was offensive as hell. Like in the original comics he wants to straight up undo all forms of zombism forever
🧠​ msdeadfast Follow
NO FR LIKE....... so suddenly the eugenics obsessed human is tragic because being a zombie must be such a tragedy you guyyyysssss -_- and wanting to get rid of an entire monster type is ok. I swear that movie has turned monster attitudes towards zombies back into the 80s
⚠️ mentalhealth-hazard Follow
I am not sure if I'm overstepping here but, furthermore, the addition of Pendulum to the movie was unnecesary. Stereotyping shapeshifters as untrustworthy and traitorous is something of a past era. Either leave the character behind, or change it entirely.
🧠​ msdeadfast Follow
Jackson I love you and I love your takes. but you type like a Victorian in his deathbed ;-;
⚠️ mentalhealth-hazard Follow
The MCU is so dreadful, it's irrevocably turned me into one.
#It has also substracted years off my lives.
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🌊​ lacriatura Follow
^ aquarium!
#lagoona's originals #ocean #sealife #ah-! so refreshing <- aesth tag
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🔥 666firepit666 Follow
Not to vague anyone but some of you have to shut the freak up about the ocean. You don't see me making little dioramas of the Malebolge because I'm not a little cringelet like you lmao
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🌊​ lacriatura Follow
If you don't freaking love the ocean don't follow the ocean tag. Yes that goes for @666firepit666, square up and fight me if you're so brave Heath!!!!
#lagoona's originals #personal #more skulls for my skull collection!!!
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🌙​ wolf-in-chic-clothing Follow
Day 1 no toxic doomed yuri
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🌙​ wolf-in-chic-clothing Follow
#stop reblogging this
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🔩​ stitchez Follow
Got a new arm! Can't wait to try it out!
🐯 ninelives Follow
try it out how 🤨​
🔩​ stitchez Follow
Building a wretched creature out of corpses, of course!
🔩​ stitchez Follow
OH that was a double entendre! You should be ashamed of yourself!
🔩​ stitchez Follow
I would never use my arms for violent purposes!
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🔥 666firepit666 Follow
Lagoona dragged me into the pool and now my hair is out 😡​
🌙​ wolf-in-chic-clothing Follow
Skull issue.
🧠​ msdeadfast Follow
skull issue
👻​ ghostlygossip01 Follow
Skull issue. Take the L
💝​ lalalala Follow
Skull issue ^-^
🐯 ninelives Follow
skull issue lmao
🔩​ stitchez Follow
Skull issue! I dont know what that means but I'm sure it relates to your experience!
🎸​ innerdemon Follow
🔥 666firepit666 Follow
Your own cousin 🥲​
🎸​ innerdemon Follow
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💎​ scarab-g1rl Follow
Alright, who stole my sinister amulet?
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fagpietro · 2 days
okay saying this once and once only , mcu quicksilver likers are on very very thin ice. especially you fucking evan peter simps. yall r weird.
idgaf ill block you if i see one fucking fanfiction of mcu quicksilver. 😭please just do research on pietros character that isnt just “peter” maximoff.
dont get me wrong, evan is a great actor and i love him in ahs. but rvan peter FANS? weird. i dont like most of yall especially since all you guys do is sexualize any character he plays, and quicksilver is not an exception.
like i said, if youre my mutual / close friend then idrm, but i will block you if you are an mcu quicksilver fan.
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vicontheinternet · 13 days
Fandoms you couldn’t pay me to join even though I either really do like the show, did once or have been interested but for whatever reasons have been turned off by its fandom in no order
9-1-1 (did watch but fell off vapid fandom)
Buddie (no)
Bridgertom (was interested vapid racist fandom I find shonda Rimes to be very...)
Greys anatomy (did watch fell off vapid fandom with hints of racism)
Japril (I hate this ship with a passion mostly because their stans are annoying and turned me off)
Atla cartoon (comfort show vapid vapid fandom)
Anti legend of korra ( I have a love hate relationship with this show)
Driven (I do like them on a surface level but some of their fans can be intense) you will never get me to interact with driven content one I’ve seen multiple post attacking musa for being with riven or or calling musa ugly (she’s a cartoon character) or calling Darcy’s “spell” a dubbing issue while that might be true atp I’m over driven
Klaroline (jesus fucking christ sorry for using your in vain but this ship stans I once saw a fanfic that made caroline a original heretic and she was in the box instead of ester I'll give the points for originality but if they were to do a heretic bonnie was right there you know the wich that already had powers
Anti jegulus ( im not entering a fandom where the couple is written ooc to be together atp they are whole different characters) not trying to yuck someone yum
Sterek (these are some of the most annoying fanbase they don't even like these characters fr because rewrite them to make them so ooc that they are new characters. Why would stiles be in derek pack)
Stiles (I'm not going to lie I used to like stiles but his stans ruined him for me they were insuffible he could do no wrong in their eyes. All because he's a white snarky/sarcastic boy. Dont let write a crossover then they'll make him the most powerful being in the universe. Crossover with tvd/to he's loss mikealson crossover with supernatural hes either a Winchester that has demon blood also or an angel. They think that stile would be a better werewolf then Scott when everything in the show has told us that if he was the that had been the that had been bit his eyes would been blue by the end of season 1. And don't get me started on the friend subject)
The mcu (I used to love the mcu and watch every release but it became quantity over quality and its downfall for me was very sad)
Wanda maximoff and wandavision (I could make a whole video on the whole rollercoaster of thoughts I had on wanda and wandavision because like the mcu I liked both then I didn't. The decent of wandavision was more gradual with wandavision it was episodic to me it was a let down and didn't make sense while I thought Elizabeth Olsen acting was good the writing was not it find out that the writers were swayed not to look at the source material for the show because kevin fegie didn't want them to be influenced although that's the whole point because you're making a supposed comic book adaptation then there's the alleged part reshoot that happened because ppl guessed the ending and let's not forget the whitewashing of Wanda and peitro maximoff who are canonically romani and the mcu deliberately changed it to a made up country somewhere remotely European and made wanda a knock off Jean grey (red hair, pale skin, mind powers) for over ten years so bad that it started to influence the comics
Tony stark (hes a war profiteer, his fans infantilize him. They recognize his PTSD and mental problems only. His side of civil war was dead wrong and ppl to this day will not accept that even if you explain it to then like they are 2. Come onguys the un is useless even iron man knew he was wrong he broke the accords three times in the movie and kidnapped a child to fight adult that he had no business fighting. Also his fans are insane)
Specifically black arianitors that excuse everything thing that grow women does (now I don't dislike her or hate her but man her fanbase is annoying as hell especially the black ones it's like the one non black person who does problematic shit but has a lot black ppl in their corner rooting for them so when they do something out of pocket they don't even have to say anything they're black friends do it for them)
Taylor swift (need I could say more mind you I like some of her songs)
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imposterogers · 1 year
The thing that always gets me about mcu spiderman is the fact that they just completely removed uncle ben in his entirety from this spiderman. The arguably single most important man in the spiderman mythos and they just removed him, not even a mention of him or anything. Going as far as attempting to replace tony fucking stark as the “uncle” figure for peter, and giving Aunt May the essential responsibility line.
Now dont get me wrong I like Aunt May, she is just as important and essential to spiderman’s mythos as Uncle Ben is but for different reasons! Trying to mix her into being both the dead uncle and living aunt roles in one is a disservice to both of them in the story.
ppl love to argue “we don’t want to keep seeing the same story over and over we want something fresh and different” ok then don’t show it! show peter at a different part of his life! we don’t need to watch ben die again. but taking ben completely out of the equation completely & barely mentioning him was so perplexing. if you want a different story then pick a different character.
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destinyc1020 · 4 months
I agree with your take on marvel and the MCU and how the focus on cameos and creating an interconnected universe while fun and makes for great event cinema but from a narrative and character development level it was also major hindrance. I personally think one problem is this spiderman felt a little unrelatable and placed more emphasis on big intergalactic set pieces and neglecting the fact that spiderman was about the neighbourhood. Like the earlier films particularly sam raimi films, peter was this dude struggling to pay rent, working multiple jobs to help is aunt, balancing school and spiderman and failing, battling with anxiety like that shit was so real and relatable. Instead of playing into a younger peter parker who has deal with high school things/ issues they kinda ignored all the things that made him so relatable and focused on tony stark mentorship of peter parker where everything was kinda given to him. NYC never became its own character like in the raimi films. Aunt may, mj were given substance none of which exist in the MCU. Peters day to day realities was sort of pushed to the side, so we can focus on him being an avenger. Peter parker is so beloved b/c of how grounded he had always been but also because it was someone with overly insane strength or superpowers but some who needed to find a balance in his lofe and find ways to overcome villans with his agility and intellegence.
Marvel really dropped the ball, those movies are fun dont get me wrong but I never really felt connected to the character despite how amazing tom is as spiderman/ peter parker
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You hit the nail on the head Anon!
I've been saying this stuff (EVERYTHING you listed) since day 1 when HOCO came out.
Don't get me wrong, I LOVED HOCO, and I love Tom's Spiderman films. But one of the things I noticed right from the outset was that we don't really get to know much about PETER in them.
There's barely any character development for him, let alone his friends.... And he's barely in NYC half the time lol.
One of the things that made the Spiderman character so great (like you mentioned) was the fact that he was the "every day hero". He wasn't wealthy at all, he was an orphan, he was self-made, he struggled, he had to find a good balance btwn his crime-fighting life and his love life, etc.
But when you have Peter being handed everything to him, thanks to Tony Stark, you don't really feel the relatable feeling towards him that most fans felt with the OG films, and the type of relatability that made the Spiderman character so beloved and GREAT! 😁
Granted, as much as I loved the Tobey/Raimi films, I'm sure fans don't want just a remake or a Raimi 2.0 film with Tom's Spiderman lol 😆, but I think in trying to make him do different from the other two Spider MEN, Marvel ended up removing so many things that actually made the Spiderman character so awesome for fans. 😩😓
That's why, when I saw those scenes at the end of NWH, and saw Peter finally in his own crappy apartment lol, with his GE books, and sewing his own Spiderman costume, I immediately felt like, "Ahhhh.... Now we can FINALLY get back to the Spiderman character I know and love, who's just an everyday man, no bells, no whistles, no Avengers, no rich Surrogate Father figure to provide him with everything lol 😆
Those few little minutes were so relatable and grounded, that I can only imagine how awesome a full movie would be with everything like that. 👍🏾
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don't wait for tumblr to give u more tags. go off about tony and steve and zola pls i am humbly requesting
As a part of my ongoing war on my ask box this is a very old post regarding a tumblr tag essay i made forever ago. i half answered this ask when it came in and then forgot to finish. without further ado:
Anon is talking about this post about Steve and Tony’s relationship. I HIGHLY recommend the original post it's great but i copied the original tags essay below since it's been so long since the ask arrived.
#I feel like anyone who writes Tony stark for marvel should have to go watch bojack horseman first as like a mandatory assignment#because that show understood the premise of Tony stark better than any MCU writer ever has and it wasn’t even writing for tony stark#in sum bojack horseman follows the titular bojack who is a washed up 90s sitcom television star#bojack himself is extremely self destructive and the show follows him as his selfish and egotistical tendencies erode at his relationships#However bojack himself is an extremely sympathetic character. his harmful acts are all tied very directly to the trauma of his life#he’s a survivor of generational abuse whose own substance abuse problems stem from the fact that he was in such a neglectful environment#that he had started drinking at an INCREDIBLY young age got himself sober only to relapse due to a spiked drink after fame
#this sympathic is increased by the fact that he does geninuinely love and care for his friends and often goes to extreme lengths to show it#but what the show understands that MCU writers dont is that his tragic past doesn’t excuse the harm or pain he causes and the show goes to#LABORIOUS extents to emphasize the consequences and suffering his actions cause in his attempt towards making amends#it is FASINCATING to me that MCU just fails to grasp this because it’s really the core of Tony’s character. his story is one of redemption#and regret. but what it never seemed to get is that requires recognition of wrongs and change and his relationship with steve is a prime ex.#when they meet tony is 40+ and Steve is 23-25. steve has been awake from world war 2 for less than 2 weeks everyone he loves is dead and hes#visibly haunted by his time in the ice. his ptsd flashbacks to crashing the plane is how his character is introduced. Tony spends the time
#calling him ‘capsicle’ and talking about how much he can’t stand steve. the narrative plays it off as a gaff of little consequence but#practically speaking that’s INSANE. like can you imagine you’re a traumatized war vet who got out of a coma 2 months ago and woke up to#discover everyone you ever loved is dead and this stranger twice your age at your new work nicknames you coma boy and hates your guts bc of#his daddy issues? like Tony in avengers is borderline cruel but the narrative and the fandom never acknowledge it. it’s like removing the#laugh track on a scene from one of those old sitcoms and realizing how mean it is. and while we can fully acknowledge that Howard hurt Tony#that doesn’t make it Steve’s fault and doesn’t give Tony the license to take it out on him. like at the end of the day your healing is your#responsibility and the MCU fails to grasp that with Tony. honestly it does a disservice to the depth of his character b/c Tony should have#already grown past this by the time of Avengers. he had already gone through iron man 2 and grappled somewhat with his relationship w howard#while that doesn’t mean he’s healed yet it does mean that his character needs to learn to grow past it or he risks stagnation. mcu just#happily embraced stagnation and it made the character worse for it. Theres a scene in the comics where Tony is the first to reach out to#Steve post ice. he takes him to the air&space museum and welcomes him to the future. THATS the growth we want. Bc fundamentally even if we
#sympathize for Tony’s abuse by Howard lashing out at someone who was functionally dead at the time of ur dads mistakes is a very juvenile#mindset. /growth/ is deciding to be better than the person who hurt you and the MCUs obsession with blaming Steve for howard cut that off#CW would have been SO MUCH MORE COMPELLING if Tony had formed a relationship with Steve bc Steve would be torn between past and present but#instead Tony is saying how much he hated Steve during the fucking movie and Steve’s taking it with grace. like you’re 50 man you gotta work#past this at some point. out of tags but I have Opinions about Tony and actually zola too but we won’t get there give me more tags tumblr
Fundamentally, my issue with Tony and how he's written for the MCU is that he has the potential for one of greatest redemption arcs ever and the writers are fucking allergic to giving it to him, and his dynamic with Steve is a a prime example of it. How poorly Steve's relationship with Tony was mishandled is a pretty perfect case study as to how Tony as a character was mishandled as a whole.
As stated in the Tumblr Tags Essay above, by the time Steve came on the scene, Tony should have already grown past his hate for Steve. To be clear, that is not saying he should have gotten over Howard or any harm that he suffered as a result of his. Howard was his parent who was, to some degree, at least emotionally neglectful, if not abusive. Healing and learning helping coping mechanisms does not demand you forgive your abuser.
But Steve was never his abuser. He's a 20-something year old guy who has been trapped in a block of ice for Tony's entire life and who woke up two weeks ago to find out that everyone he ever loved is dead or suffering from alzheimer's and that his sacrifice was for nothing because he was just told the thing he drove a fucking plane into the fucking arctic over is Back Again Because We Learned Nothing.
And the thing is that the realization that "This man can hold literally no complicity in my abuser because he was frozen in the Arctic Circle the entire time" requires a level of emotional maturity you generally achieve at the age of thirteen or so. Tony is fucking fifty. Mentally, he's over twice Steve's age. At absolute best, the way Tony treats Steve from the outset is immature and more accurately it's downright cruel. Voluntarily killing himself by driving a plane into ice only to wake up and discover that he has lost everyone he ever loved is undoubtedly one of the most traumatic things that has ever happened to steve, and he just woke up from it. He is two weeks out from this. He's actively having flashbacks of what happened right before Tony starts cracking jokes about it. It'd be like if Steve walked up to Tony right after he got back from Afghanistan and called him Waterboarding Boy and everyone treated it like it was a cutesy character trait.
That's one of the most egregious parts of how Tony's character is written--things that are objectively things that need to be addressed in his character arc area treated like acceptable and borderline justified quirks in his personality. Tony's relationship with his father is one of the cornerstones of his backstory and who he became. While he doesn't have to forgive his father on the road to recovery, he does have to realize when he's using it as an excuse to hurt others and stop it.
That's also something he never does, and one of the reasons why i think that the writers for him need to watch Bojack horseman. In the same movie he's claiming to that he was Steve's friend, he's still saying to his face how much he fucking hated him over things that happened when Steve was supposed to have martyred himself to save the world.
There's multiple parts of Tony's character that could have formed the basis of an amazing character arc if he grew and improved from them, but the narrative refused to even recognize them as problems, let alone have him overcome them, and his relationship with Steve is a perfect example of it. The writer's refusal to recognize that brings down the quality of his entire arc and cheapens him as a character.
If Tony had been allowed to recognize that Steve was not to blame for his father, accepted it, and given a man half his age who just lost everything a lifeline, that would have shown an amazing amount of growth. Instead, they left him as immature and cruel. It's a shame and an insult to the potential of his character, and it's a mistake that they repeat again and again. Tony was supposed to be completely against developing weapons for others, but he canonically helped build a major part of Project Insight. Tony's entire stance in Civil War was meant to show that he had accepted that he made mistakes and that he needed to be held accountable for his actions, but then he went and unilaterally built EDITH, whose existence violates multiple international treaties including the Accords and had so few safety precautions that a teenaged boy was able to accidentally call out a missile strike on his teenaged classmate. He's in a movie where he's driven by his guilt for causing the death of someone's college-aged son, and in that same movie he blackmails a high-school-aged boy to join in on a fight he knows nothing about, that goes directly against his interests, and could get him killed even if he was certain that Team Cap wouldn't use lethal force. Rhodey got paralyzed from the waist down from friendly fire. Tony had a moment in the same fight where he had reason to fear that Peter had been injured if not killed.
Ultimately, Tony's entire character is built on a foundation of repentance and growth. That's why he has so much potential and why he's so compelling. The fact that his writers were unable to recognize when he even needed to repent, let alone allow him to grow, was honestly insulting to what he could have been.
The reference to Zola is actually more of a response to fandom’s response to Zola as a whole than the actual specific person who made the comment.
Overall, the majority of fandom response that I've seen just seemed to be sort of besides the point? The thing about Armin Zola working for SHIELD is that I personally have only seen discussion about this in context of talking about how Peggy and Howard are Bad or talking about how steve would feel betrayed when he discovered it. To be honest most of the discourse I’ve seen has just been about hating Peggy Carter and using this as a sledgehammer in that discussion.
It’s not that I disagree with that reading of it—like, I do think Steve felt betrayed by the realization that Zola was recruited in the end, and I think it’s bad to have recruited literal Nazis—but I do think that fandom elevated the most tangential point of it to the detriment of its entire narrative purpose. I've only ever personally seen it used in character discourse and shipping wars--which like, anyone can draw on any plot point they so choose while participating in fandom. But Zola's recruitment was the thematic core of Winter Soldier, and it always seemed kinda weird to me that it was treated as a personal defect in Howard and Peggy when it was the entire argument of the movie and one of the best social commentaries that the MCU ever made.
Zola gives what I think is one of the better MCU villain speeches in the bunker about how Hydra recovered after the war. He states that they realized that taking the freedom of the world by force only galvanised people against them. It led to their own downfall. But he explains that Hydra realized that the people of the world would freely give away their own rights and freedoms if you made them comfortable. If you say you’re doing it for their own safety and comfort, then they’ll effectively look the other way while Hydra seizes control of the world. And that entire monologue is bolstered by the fact that that is exactly what happened in Zola’s case.
Zola was brought into SHIELD as a part of operation paperclip. Operation Paperclip was a post-war initiative by the United States government to recruit key Nazi scientists into United States scientific development. This entire initiative was brought about in response to the Cold War arm’s race and it was justified on the basis of dire national security need. Both America and the Soviet Union were EXTREMELY CONCERNED about losing the cold war. As a result, they were willing to take pretty much any strategic advantage they could, including After, President Truman, who gave the final go-ahead for the initiative, said that "this had to be done and was done."
Even after it became public knowledge, it was defended as more of a necessary evil and the cost of the practicalities of governance than a world power welcoming war criminals with open arms. Multiple participants have been linked to human experimentation, slave labor factories, etc, though none were ever formally found guilty of anything--which may be because the US aggressively whitewashed their pasts and then went so far as to help relocate one of the members of the initiative to Argentina.
This was, again, all a part of the Cold War arms race with the USSR--who had an identical program going at the same time, Operation Osoaviakhim.
En arguendo, let's just assume that all of this was done with the best possible intentions and execution. The nominal rationale was the Cold War. While analyzing the Red Scare and the entire Cold War period would take way too long, I think a solid premise we can agree on is that nuclear war is bad. It would have been disastrous for anyone alive if the Cold War had escalated, and recruiting top scientists from the Nazi regime 1) kept the USSR from doing it instead, which they were actively doing, and 2) helped prevent strategic advantage in one country or another that may have led to an escalation. Now, I'm not a historian, and all of these premises can naturally be debated, but these were the like, best faith premises that world leaders had at the time. If you want a nuclear deterrent, you need the biggest stick.
The thing is that, if you assume these premises as genuine for the sake of the argument, the absolute best this leaves you with is doing a very bad thing for a very important government purpose. You're supposedly preventing nuclear war, but you're doing so at the cost of justice for all the people who suffered at the hands of these people, and the risk of future harm that they may cause.
Which, thematically, is the core of the Winter Soldier.
I've usually seen Zola's recruitment discussed in terms of Peggy or Howard making the decision to let him in, when in reality, they probably didn't make the call themselves so much as become complicit in it later. Zola was captured and recruited right at the end of CA:FA (he later clocks this at 1945) but Peggy and Howard didn't even have an organization at that point, let alone the power to recruit a head Nazi scientist. This was two decades before SHIELD was ever founded, and if we take the Agent Carter series as binding canon, at the time of Zola's transition into American government would, Peggy had so little sway that she couldn't even get anyone to listen to her, let alone recruit a nazi scientist, and Howard was potentially on the run and definitely not involved in any formal governmental decision making. Even if you assume that they were somehow in charge of a government agency at the time of Zola's recruitment, the actual recruitment and function of Operation Paperclip was conducted by independent agencies (Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency and the Counterintelligence Corps) that Peggy and Howard weren't a part of, and the person who made the call for Operation Paperclip itself was The Literal President Of The United States. Whatever way you cut it, Peggy and Howard probably had nothing to do with Zola's initial recruitment--what most likely happened was that two decades passed (the time between Zola's recruitment and SHIELD's founding) and when resources were being allocated some big-shot in the overseeing body was like Yeah You Do Weird Stuff? We Got A Guy Who's Been Doing Weird Stuff For Us For Like Twenty Years and then when Peggy and Howard saw him they were like Oh Its This Motherfucker.
To be clear, this is not at all to absolve howard and peggy for working with a guy they knew did literal human experimentation because he did it on one of their best friends. But this is to more clearly reframe it from Decision They Personally Made to The Ways Being At A Certain Level Of Government Makes You Complicit With Horrible Things, which perfectly encapsulates the heart of the movie.
At the open of the movie, Steve is visibly on a fucking ledge with SHIELD. Fuck, Fury and Nat spend most of the opening trying to keep him from flying the coop. And it's because Steve for the very first time has to grapple with the consequences of being an active participant in a governmental body.
Straight up--Steve spent the entire war going AWOL. His entire military career was spent doing what he wanted and flipping his superior officers the bird. The man was a terrible fucking soldier but by the time anyone figured it out they had already given him a comic book and the Medal of Honor and the man could bench press a tank it was simply too late. Then, he got encased in ice for 70 years, woke up, had two weeks of fun future integration activities like Not Getting Therapy For His Problems and Looking At Pictures Of His Dead Friends, got tapped in because they fucked up with the exact thing he lost everything to stop, immediately went AWOL again, almost died again, went on a roadtrip of self discovery, and at some point between then and CAWS started working as one of the main STRIKE members of SHIELD. This is likely his first time having to ever deal with the realities of being a hand of the government.
One of the most insidious things about high-level government work is there's rarely some Main Guy sitting behind a desk signing Evil Decrees and responsible for everything. Power is allocated and things get messy very quickly.
Take Ghost for example. One of SHIELD'S Main Guys falls out with another Guy, smears his name, which makes the Ex-Guy so desperate that he takes unnecessary risks in his experiments that predictably blow up in his face and leads to his young daughter having a debilitating power that results in her uncontrollably phasing through objects. Another Guy tries to do the right thing and help her, but Other Main Guys think "This kid would make a GREAT assassin" and leverage a cure for her debilitating health condition into turning her into a forced operative. This health condition starts to kill her, but the Main Guys were so happy with their new forced assassin that they never looked for a cure to begin with and was going to use her until she died. She goes rather reasonably goes AWOL, and in her attempts to cure herself, she's willing to do just about anything to get cured, and including contemplating kidnapping Scott's daughter as an option.
Steve obviously wasn't called in to help with that (he was AWOL himself at that point) but assume he was--he would only get pulled into this mess at the very end when all the damage is done and there's a highly unstable assassin kidnapping little girls. SHIELD was at fault for every horrible thing that happened to this person. He has a strong sense of justice, and he'd likely to be furious to find out that SHIELD took an orphanged child and abused their incredibly painful and terminal medical condition, which was indirectly caused by them, in order to force them into becoming a highly skilled operative.
But there isn't just one person that he'd be able to find and blame for what happened with this--culpability was stretched out over Multiple Main Guys who made bad decisions, a lot of Lower Guys who built the suit, trained her, handled her in the field, and experimented on her to learn her limits, many of whom likely didn't even work for the organization any more.
Who do you go after for that? The Main Guy who smeared her dad? But he didn't have anything to do with the assassin business or the actual accident. The Main Guys who made the calls for the assassination thing? Better candidates, but is it that simple? What about the guys who just get orders every day and have no decision making authority, who were handed a little girl who was vulnerable and in pain and told to train her to kill? What about the ones making a child-sized tactical suit with no details about what was going on but who had reason enough to suspect it wasn't all good? They were just following orders, but so were Nazis working the camps.
How do you go after people for that? Fire them? It's been decades. Most are probably retired. And that's a pretty lame punishment for what they did. He doesn't make the calls for legal action, they definitely have qualified immunity for their decisions, and there's a whole host of problems with proving anything.
But, on the flip side, what does he do about Ghost? what happened to her is terrible, but if she had kidnapped Cassie Lang, he couldn't exactly sit on his hands and let it happen no matter the justification. There's a very good chance he has to stop her and become another link in a chain of what's been a lifetime of abuse. Things get messy when you're just a cog in the machine of a sprawling agency that has a lot of power to abuse.
While we don't know what Steve's been doing while he worked for SHIELD, we do know that it pissed him off to high heavens. The very first thing we see him doing for SHIELD is recapturing the off-course Lemurian Star from pirates, and he is the exact opposite of a dutiful soldier during it. He doesn't just salute and follow his orders without question--one of the first lines of his mouth is calling them out for lying about the ship being in those waters because it was off-course. He's like "Oh, so it's not off course, it's trespassing" to which Nat says "I'm sure they had a good reason" and Steve replies "I'm getting a little tired of being Fury's janitor."
He's saving the hostages, and then all of a sudden he finds Natasha in the control room downloading the drive and realizes that this was about SHIELD's data to begin with but no one clued him in on that fact. He's pissed because the hostages could have died, which is a fact he immediately goes after Fury about.
There is so much character jammed into those few minutes of screen time. This is visibly an old argument--at one point, Fury says to him "It's damn near getting past time for you to get with the program, Cap" to which Steve tells him not to hold his breath. Steve doesn't like or approve of a lot of SHIELD's actions, but he's called in after all the bad things they did went to shit. Like, what's he going to do--say, sorry, the Lemurian Star was obviously Up To Some Shit that I don't want to be a part of, RIP to the hostages but I'm just going to let them get shot in the head? He's the janitor and he's sick of getting called into SHIELD fucking something up through their own immoral actions and calling him to pull their ass out of the fire. He spends the entire first half of the movie on the verge of flying the coop entirely, and Nat and Fury visibly know it and are trying to get him off the ledge in every interaction they have on screen with him--which directly contributes to the fact that Steve doesn't trust either of them for the first half of the movie.
It also is likely the motivator behind why he does ultimately trust Sam. Steve spends the first half of the movie getting Managed. He's increasingly pissed and distrustful of SHIELD and its agents, and he's got good reason to be--Nat and Fury hide things from him and keep trying to persuade him to stick with the program (to be clear Nat's (and to a somewhat lesser extent Fury's) own actions and whether any culpability for things like project insight could possibly be imputed to her has to be analyzed under an entirely different lens due to the difference in her personal history and character type, but this is already way too long to tackle that here. this isn't actually meant to assign blame to her, but more to analyze the likely results on steve). Fury takes him for a tour of his Fascist Death Machine and tells him that's what the world needs. The neighbor he was growing increasingly intimate with was a SHIELD agent who lied to him about her name and the fact that she was spying on him. At the end of the day, the majority of the of the early movie is spent with his desires and principles are treated as secondary and unwanted complications to the fact that they really need him to keep throwing that shield on SHIELD's behalf (whether this is actually what nat and fury specifically are trying to do is, again, a separate analysis we don't have time for, this is just to go to how it likely affects and appears to Steve).
Sam, meanwhile, is beautiful and charming is the only one who openly expresses a genuine concern for Steve as a person and not steve as a solider. Sam spends the entire first half of the movie reaching out to someone in a position he's been in himself and trying to get him help. his entire first meeting with Steve is defined by him trying to help a fellow Vet recover from war. he tries to gauge where Steve's at with the future, invites him to the VA, and packages it in a easily-seen-through excuse that gives them both plausible deniability--Steve can come by and get the help he needs not as Captain America The Man The Myth The Legend Who Is Really Fucking Struggling, but as Steve the guy helping Sam impress the girl at the front desk.
When he comes to the VA, Sam has the direct opposite response that everyone else in the movie has to Steve questioning his place in SHIELD and in government work--he's like "Quit. Quit now. Be free and beautiful like me. become an ultimate fighter or whatever the fuck you want." He doesn't give two shits about what the world will do without Captain America keeping it safe--he just cares about what Steve needs.
This all goes to a greater analysis about how Sam is beautiful and charming the perfect parallel to Steve, the only one who could possibly have taken up his shield, and actually wrong in that line he says about how he does what Steve does but slower because he consistently decides to do the right thing before Steve is another analysis that would go too far off the point to get into. The point being is that Sam exists in the narrative as the direct opposite and alternative to the reality fury and nat offers Steve. Steve spends the beginning of the movie with Nat and Fury seemingly sacrificing the means for the end, but there's Sam, beautiful and charming someone who made the same decision he's now faced with, being like "fuck it. sometimes you have to walk."
Steve's entire struggle about his position with SHIELD reaches its climax when he first finds out the truth of Project Insight.
For the avoidance of any doubt, SHIELD secretly being infiltrated by HYDRA has no effect on how wrong Project Insight was from the start--it just emphasized how horrifically wrong it could go. But "Space Super Death Weapon That Can Immediately Kill Dangers To National Security" is a bad idea no matter who is in charge of it. First off, Steve is right--punishment follows the crime. No government has a crystal fucking ball and anyone who justifies things on the basis of "taking out threats ahead of time" is talking out their ass. to be clear, i'm not saying you need to wait for someone to be on a plane and flying at the twin towers to stop a terrorist attack--in law, we have a designated level of "closeness" that lets us say "yeah you were totally actually doing what we don't want you doing" at which point you can charge them with attempt, and often a lot of the earlier steps leading up to the Big Harmful Thing are actual crimes you can intervene with.
Project Insight was the flagship of of a "quantum surge in threat analysis." It did exactly what it was designed to do: it took out threats before they became threats. The only difference between SHIELD being at the helm and HYDRA is who gets defined as a threat. HYDRA would have defined that as anyone from a high school valedictorian in Iowa to Stephen Strange, but it's not any better if SHIELD's defining that as some random kid in Afghanistan who shows whatever traits show a risk for one day becoming a combatant.
And yet, steve's the only one in the movie who says this. We don't actually know how much Nat knows about Project insight itself, but Fury is fully aware and a participant in it, and Tony Stark apparently took one look at the thing and said "your engines are shit. i'll improve them." Steve takes one look at them and calls it fascist bullshit.
At the end of the day, you can never justify shit like this under the assumption that the people controlling it will use it for the best, because you cannot trust the people controlling it. Yeah, Project Insight was probably pitched with being used against the worst threats. Dangers to public safety, terrorists, that kind of thing. Do you want to know who else was considered a danger to public safety? MLK, who the FBI fucking murdered. The people who define threats to national security are the ones who have the same incentive to maintain the status quo in an unjust world. Even if we assume Project Insight was made to stop the next 9/11, we also have to assume that at least some of the strikes it would have carried out under not-HYDRA control would have been for the wrong reasons.
What the fuck does all of this this have to do with Zola?
Operation Paperclip and Peggy and Howard's decisions within it directly mirrors Project Insight and Fury's decisions within it, directly mirrors Steve's journey and central conflict over the course of the film, and directly contrasts with the alternative Sam poses within it.
CA:WS at its thematic core, says that initiatives that sacrifice justice for claims of national security and public safety are exactly what robs us of our rights and freedoms and ultimately endangers us all. It's not even subtle--Zola says it out loud in his evil villain speech. but operating at a high level in a government agency puts you in a position where you're meant to make that decision again and again, even if we assume you have the best of intentions.
Peggy and Howard were people who believed that they had to make the hard decisions to save the world. They were handed a decision where perception of culpability was obscured by how distributed out the blame was, and the direct public benefit to national security was posed to be overwhelmingly good. It leads to SHIELD's infiltration. Project Insight went through on the exact same reasoning. Fury, Maria Hill, possibly Nat, and Tony (off-screen) all do the exact same thing and justify the means by the end, and it leads to the helicarriers being made.
Steve spends the movie being told, explicitly, to "get with the program" and start making the same decisions. His central conflict is being someone on the inside of this club, being told that he needs to start understand what keeping the world safe demands, and his journey leads to him refusing to do it. The climax of the movie is a character so minor that we never learn his name refusing to launch the helicarriers with a gun pointed at his head, even though the complicity he carried in it would have been just as attenuated as Steve's was as SHIELD's janitor. And all throughout it, there's Sam, someone who left the military explicitly because he couldn't follow the rules he was being given anymore.
Peggy and Howard's decision to go along with Zola in Operation Paperclip is a direct parallel of the decisions Fury made with Project Insight and the decisions Steve ultimately refuses to make himself. Making Peggy and Howard complicit in what let in Arnim Zola encapsulates the entire core argument of CA:WS and it's so weird to me that I've only ever seen it discussed in shipping wars and discourse as to whether a Character Is Bad.
Peggy and Howard, ultimately, were members of a governmental task force who made the Hard Decisions for The Public Good. As an inherent part of that role, they did bad things. Unjust things. They undoubtedly saved the world multiple times over as a part of their tenure as the head of SHIELD, but it would be absolute naivety to assume that anyone in that position didn't become complicit in terrible fucking things. It's the direct product of their positions in the government, and it's exactly what leads to Steve's position in Civil War. it is absolutely bonkers to me how people watched Winter Solider and then reacted to Steve's opposition to the Accords like Local Imperialist Military Boy Refuses To Listen To Anyone Else. Steve just had a masterclass in how people in the government make decisions that sacrifice justice up to and including people he once trusted with his life. Of course he didn't fucking trust General Human Experimentation And I Consider Bruce Banner The Property Of The United States Military with his every action as Captain America. He had just learned that he couldn't even trust Peggy and Howard with it.
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everyone keeps talking about the woman especially Daphne character acting but did y’all not see Will did y’all not see Ethan now that’s an chilling Emmy worthy performance yes sure Daphn actress was great dont get me wrong they all were especially Jennifer but the way y’all giving Meghan all the credit like it’s so typical a yt woman does bare minimum to little effort and y’all say its the work of art a masterpiece never been done especially in acting in anything really but a poc does an even wayy better superior performance and it’s silence crickets just shows how y’all have higher standard for black poc character in everything they do it’s so funny but very typical and I’m not surprised or shocked at all I would’ve accepted Jennifer bc she was insane this szn but the other yt girls sure did great but common when
Will outdid everyone this szn like he was phenomenal gave me chills the way we and no one else either could literally read him even at the end like did he sleep with his wife bc he cheated on her with Daph we will never know was that why he was all of sudden was so happy and attracted to his wif? I mean if anyone deserves all the credit praise this szn it’s him Will I mean no one not one person could figure Ethan character out what his deal was not one single person everyone was saying he was an enigma and this season the most interesting character impossible to understand yet nothing y’all not giving Will the praise credit for that is not shocking nor odd or surprising it’s very typical of fandoms in typically white only show/movie but also literally in any fandom in tv/film/book to give all the credit praise for yt characters bare minimum effort acting especially a yt woman with blue eyes all she needs to do is getting a little teary eyes and y’all say she invented acting!
I remember how y’all was doing that with Lizzie for crying for like a second in movies or wandavison it was so laughable y’all really thought she was Emmy worthy let alone that she would win never laughed so hard in my life same thing happened with Seb as Bucky tfatws but for real tho yt people especially in the mcu fandom they are some of the funniest pepz ever like I love them
The way they make me laugh with their ridiculousness every time without fault by their dumb absurd actions cant even hate them at times bc thanks for making me laugh dont get me wrong I do hate bc they are bunch of racist fcks but gotta love them for making me laugh
since ep1 I have low-key been pushing for Will Sharpe Emmy campaign but I’m now officially doing it loud if anyone deserves an Emmy for this season its definitely 100% him and Jennifer but especially him like are you kidding he gave brilliant performances for 7ep straight  
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delulu-with-wandanat · 7 months
I am sad and disheartened even though it's about a fictional character, I needed someone to share it with who can understand, I was roaming around the internet, reading stuff about Natasha. I have seen a lot of stuff mocking nat, her abilities, her usability, tweets joking about her guns against aliens ( how wrong), her running around whilst the other avengers are "flying",... Not to forget, the ones resuming her only by her titties and ass, then there was a tweet by a WANDA( WOMAN)Stan saying she would have been a run through, cum dumpster if the MCU was ok with sex scenes & the truly sad part is how everyone was laughing at that. It's sad to see that Natasha not only had been done dirty by marvel but also the audience.
The funny part is a lot of people believe that yelena is a better character than nat, of course she would be, no one let nat to be more than an ass and titties as if though the whole screentime she got in the MCU was just a steamy photo session. I got a lot to say about the sexualization part I don't know how to put it in words, it's a lot
OMG- please you can rant to be abt it all the time please. I’ve been ranting about this for DAYSSSS IM SO GLAD SOMEONE ELSE FELT THE SAME.
First of its sad (yet not surprising) that a Wanda stan said that. They always let down other women in order to bring her up. That’s why there was a phase where i hated Wanda because of her fans (dont come at me ok seriously on tiktok they wont stfu).
Literally the coolest thing about Nat is the fact that she has no powers but get shit done, A LOT. Everyone has their preferences, but literally how can you not see how cool she is?!!
Natasha Romanoff, no powers but will not hesitate to charge into battles with other superheroes. Homegirl only had one, let me emphasize this ONE parachute yet mf just jumped from THOUSANDS of feet in the air. Knowing she could’ve died but she’s such a pure soul so she did so without any second thought. HOW ARE U NOT IN LOVE WITH HER ALREADY?!!
I truly trullyyy do love Natasha, she’s a fictional character, but omg she’s like so cool and everything. But like u said she was done so dirty by Marvel and the audience. (which is why i like to say, ppl who love Natasha is literally the coolest ppl ever. I aint joking, other superheroes are easy to like, but natasha is for legends only)
Im very sad for Scarlett too, the way she got overly sexualized especially in the early days of the MCU. Then when she finally got her solo movie, her character got thrown off a cliff BEFORE HER SOLO MOVIE CAME OUT and ppl constantly said Yelena stole the movie. Look i love Yelena, but this aint about her. Please, let Nat have one thing, but she really can’t can’t she?? Literally have some more respect for Scarlett.
And another cool thing about Nat is the fact that she kept her heart even after all the traumatic childhood she went through as a child. People love to say Wanda had the saddest life, but so did Nat. We all know what the red room is basically mirroring in real life, marvel won’t say it but we know what it is. They both have sad traumatic past, but Natasha kept her heart. And after going through all of that?!!! I dont know how one could but here she is!!!
She was taken as a child, put in a mission where she had a taste of what a normal life would be, ripped away from her and had to be put in the red room again. Found a family with the avengers yet they never seemed to care much abt her don’t they? Found her sister but then her sister was snapped, and then had to lead the Avengers for 5 years because idk wtf the others were doing. AND THEN SHE DIED WTF MARVEL WTFFF?!
Anyway im so sorry, i could rant about this all day. God i love her sm you don’t understand 🥲🥲
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magiclovingdragon · 2 years
So, anyone want to read my theory about how and why syIvie cant really continue as a character past Ioki s2?
Warning this is not exactly sylvie/sylki friendly. I’m not attacking anyone but please dont read if you’re going to look for a fight, I dont want one and its literally just a theory.
I don’t think Sylvie can continue as a character past s2.
The only character she really interacted with in s1 was Loki, her storyline with Kang and the tva is pretty much all wrapped up (one could argue her childhood nexus event but it was already l, very subtly revealed. When they arrested her as a little girl, she was playing with her Valkyrie dolls and she was roleplaying the Valkyrie that defeated the dragon and saved the day… she was playing the hero. Loki’s are not supposed to want to become or become heroes at all, they are supposed to be the villian who always loses. so because young Sylvie wanted to be a Valkyrie and protect Asgard, she violated the sacred timeline. She was not meant to be a hero, none of her actions so far in s1 make her a hero, to me she can not and will not be a hero going forward and the Lamentis nexus event was designed by He Who Remains to get her and Loki off Lamentis, back to the tva and then to the citadel). Her individual plot in s1 is only ‘kill HWR’, not even properly stop the tva because she could have been recruiting the tva workers instead of killing them, she knew they were victims like her that had been kidnapped and brainwashed. But she didn’t, she went straight to the top, killed HWR and has seemingly left to live her own life. Her story arc is essentially done. I don’t think she will have a redemption because she doesn’t think she did anything wrong and even if she did think it she wouldn’t admit it (like killing the minutemen she knew were victims - she just said “I did what I had to do”, no accountability or remorse).
She has no meaningful or lasting interaction with anyone else but loki and HWR. The former she betrays and rejects, not just romantically but in every way between “you cant trust and I cant be trusted” and her repeated denials of being like loki/“a loki” and the latter she kills so where else can her character development go? They had some really interesting potential between her and B-15, Ravonna, Mobius, etc. but they barely did anything with that and only really cared about her in regards to TVA Loki. She has no real interaction with the other Loki variants in the void either, and they barely let her remember her own parents or her Thor. She is completely isolated in her story and I cant see her crossing over into the main mcu because even with as much as we’re told she’s amazing, frankly she is very bland and unlikeable, her only characterisation is ‘angry and can fight’. If she interacted with other mcu characters they definitely wouldn’t like her after finding out she was willing to put the whole multiverse at risk for her own selfish desires.
I know from what’s already been said by people working on the show about s2 essentially being “the search for Sylvie and to right the multiverse” but I can’t imagine her going “Oh I was wrong I’m so sorry, let me team up with you guys even though I insult and assault you all the time and betrayed you Loki. We’d make a great team even though we’ve already established we cant trust each other!” It would be out of character. She’s such a lone wolf and clearly hates working with others so I can’t imagine a redemption involving her joining other mcu heroes. Sylvies arc is so self-centered and selfish, her attitude so abrasive and condescending, that without Loki pining after her or the tva hunting her she cant believably interact with anyone else. Ravonna is Kangs love interest in the comics so I can see that happening and her expanding out. B-15 could become a shield agent if she wants or could just go back to her old life and never be heard from again. Mobius is a popular character and has other potential with him being MR Tesseract in the comics. Sylvie, there is next to no potential for her because she’s already achieved her selfish revenge, screw everyone else in the multiverse. There is no redeeming that in my eyes other than a last minute ‘I’m forced to help the mission/fight kang as defence and then be killed’ style “redemption” (and I personally hate those because its not actually redemption because there is no work being put in to be a better person, its just dying) but again I dont see it happening because she doesnt hold herself accountable. I think either she will refuse and live on a timeline, maybe with the postman mentioned in ep3 if they ever actually existed, never to be heard from again or she will in some way be forced to fight a Kang and he will kill her to A) establish him as the big bad both in the show and in the mcu proper going forward, B) as a mirror of her killing HWR (who was keeping his other variants in check) and starting all this multiverse mess and C) as a mirror to Ioki “helping” Thanos and then being killed by him. She could potentially be a villain, it would definitely be interesting and her actions in s1 pointed that way to me but again I cant see anything that could involve her crossing into the main mcu as a villain because right now it would be too similar in the broad strokes to what has been done with Wanda so I cant see them going that route again, especially so quickly.
From what we know sylvie’s only appearance is in 2 locations, the mcdonalds and a record store which I’m assuming will happen in the same episode so I really don’t think she’ll play a big part at all in s2. I dont think they’ll continue with sylki after she betrayed him and all the offscreen controversy surrounding it (incest, transphobia ect). Marvel cancelled brucenat and stevesharon over less harmful criticism. The ship is also just pure toxic, its not a progressive relationship at all, if their presenting genders were swapped it would be abusive but because its a female presenting person doing it to a male presenting person its brushed aside, he’s a simp and she’s a girlboss. There is also no growth for her in the relationship because she has already established that whatever she may feel for him is not as important as her own desires and again she then rejects and betrays him.
As a character most people just dont really care about her much. Critics didnt really like her other than “girlboss we should hype up”. We know that critics were only previewed the first two episodes, the first two episodes were the most watched and highest rated. I fully believe, what with everything Tom has said, that he was proposed the show based off the first two episodes. Everything from episode 3 onwards felt like a completely different show. Sophia herself isnt that skilled an actor or personally likeable, especially after her comments on Loki’s genderfluidity. She doesnt have that much onscreen or offscreen chemistry with any of her costars and she actively shits on Loki’s character to hype Sylvie up and she admits she did not research into Loki at all, not even collaborating with Tom and said Sylvie was basically being made up as they went along and Herron added extra Sylvie scenes in while they were filming which makes sense when Season 1 had a different original storyline (and I’m sensing that season 2 sort of is the OG storyline that they had in mind what with marvel reusing the s1 synopsis for s2). I remember Michael Waldron saying in an interview that they were mid way through writing the show when a female writer came to them and pitched the Loki and Sylvie romance love story, and he said he and the rest of the crew just went with it and Herron has previously said she thought the end of s1 would be the last we see of Sylvie.
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laurajameskinney · 5 months
Young Avengers getting MCU'd, now? The Runaways tag has never been the same since the Hulu show.
i dont know i dont think theres been an official announcement but form my brief venture into the tag there was some genuine excitement about the YA getting brought into the MCU as an official team. which is absurd because like. mcu ya is gonna have kamala and i love kamala dont get me wrong but she has her own really cool team you may have heard of called The Champions.....
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