#doesnt matter if you made them not siblings or not related
Analysis of Shouto-Touya/Dabi Relationship;
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Thanks for the ask, @trinityrus. And dont worry. Your english is fine ^^. I actually talk about this a little in here and here but well, lets start.
I think Shouto and Touya’s relationship is very entertaining and amazing because despite the fact that they are siblings but they are strangers but even so, they are same because of Endeavour’s abuse but even that abuse is different so that makes them different.
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Shouto and Touya always wanted to switch because they thought other one had it better.
Shouto always had Endeavour’s attention, he was used as tool to make his father’s dreams come true so he wished he could be just like his siblings but that wouldnt make his life better because his siblings are traumatized in a different way. That ‘neglect’, the idea that ‘they are failure’ to their father. Especially we know how it broke Touya.  Shouto cant relate to Touya’s desire to please his father because he never liked his father.
And Touya thinks if he wasnt failure, if he was strong enough, if he was just like Shouto, he thinks his life would be better but it wouldnt because that ‘training’, carrying the dreams of their parents is abuse, even Touya didnt see it that way. They both are miserable in a different way. Whether you are golden child or black ship, doesnt matter, because you are still abuse victim. Basically, just from the start, they unable to understand each other’s sitution.
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Shouto as ‘golden child’, he hated his left side. Because his father abused his mother, Shouto didnt want to be like him, thats why he ‘repressed’ it.
Touya as ‘abandonded child’, he hold on every similarities between him and his father because he desperately need his attention. And he was never taught to how to put out the fire, which is why, instead of repression, we see opposite of it. Expression. Him ‘lashing out’. His feelings are out of control and he doesnt know how to stop it.
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This is the same dynamic we see between main villain trio and main hero trio. Izuku repress his anger and self destructs while Tomura express his anger and his anger is literally out of control, both hurting himself and others. Uraraka repress her needs and her romantic feelings while Toga express everything. Same for Shouto and Dabi too. Shouto respress his anger and anything relates to his past while Dabi express and hold onto every part of his past.
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Earlyroki was also repressing but even when he repress, his anger would come out of control. He would fail miserably and lash out to people around him. His fight with Midoriya calmed him down because he finally see his own wroth outside of his father and he started to heal. But the problem is his flaw didnt go away.
Shouto continued to repressing everything. He endured to work with his father and continued to training under him. We can see how his ‘anger’ didnt go away because he almost killed Tetsutetsu in match. He endures, endures, until he cant anymore. Then his feelings get out of control. Its good thing that Shouto wants to be his own hero but the way system it is, it forces him to work with his abuser and since hero kids are raised to be like soldiers, he is unable to heal properly. He wants to move on and be his own person but its like he is stuck.
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Their biggest common point with dabi is that anger that made them more like their father, this is what Shouto see in Dabi. ‘He is me’. Its actually very mature of Shouto to see that he could turn out just like his big brother but at the same time, he is projecting a lot. Thats one of the issues between Shouto and Touya.
Shouto relates to Dabi’s anger but since he is trying to move on so bad, he is repressing his anger. One of the biggest flaws of both Shouto and Dabi’s is they distance theirselves from their feelings a lot.
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This is why we see Shouto asking this; If you survived back then, why didnt you come home?
As if Earlyroki wouldnt run away, if he had a chance.
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‘Dad was a madman, our family was messed up’. By saying this, Shouto lessens his own trauma. As if Endeavour didnt hurt innocent people. He is busy with ‘playing hero’ because thats how he was taught. End of the day, he is still hero and heroes are not allowed to have feelings in society.
Todoroki family doesnt really know the Earlyroki or you could say ‘it was okay Shouto to be violent, since he is hero and he only hurts villains’ but Shouto know his own feelings, his dark side and thats why he still can see Dabi as brother. He is the only one who seems to see Dabi as person more than other members of family.
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Because of Endeavour, Shouto wants to become kind of hero who wants to save his family, he wants to be invidual so Dabi is perfect match for him. Dabi is big challenge for him to be the kind of person he wants to be because he symbolize the past Shouto tries to repress. He knows he has to face it but he really doesnt know how to. This is why we see him treating him as brother in one moment and tries to talk with him but the fight goes on, he starts treating him as villain. ‘You wont hurt innocent people anymore’.
Shouto cant reach out to Touya because he didnt adress his own trauma properly. If Shouto cant see himself as victim, he cant see Touya either. If society doesnt see the flaws of society that lets people like Endeavour get away, then he cant save his brother.
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This is even more obvious with Dabi. He literally see him as puppet and copy of Endeavour. Just like Shouto, they both know what happenned to them is abuse, that they both are victims but he internalized his abuse too much, Dabi justify the abuse Endeavour did to him in his mind. That he is failure and Shouto is masterpiece so if Dabi cant see himself as victim, not as failure, then how can see Shouto as another victim, instead of masterpiece? They both dehumanizing theirselves, thats exactly why they unable to see each others as inviduals because they cant even allow theirselves to be invidual.
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Once again, we can see this with Shouto when he looked at is brother’s power and he said ‘we both carry the same blood’, even though he was supposed to be not bound by blood. We can still see him struggling with his own issues.
So basically, if they want to heal, they have to adress their own pain. They have to accept that they are victims. Shouto has to stop repressing his anger and shouldnt force himself to get along with system and Dabi has to realize that even he was powerfull like Shouto, his problems wouldnt be solved. That training would still be abuse. So i cant imagine those two healing without acknowledging each others’s pain because that way, they will also have to acknowledge their pain first.
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Both Shouto and Dabi still looking for a reason for their existence. Why were they born at that home? They both desperarely looking worth in theirselves. Shouto find it in class 1 A and Dabi find it in league. Shouto wants to know his brother better and be together with his family and Dabi in deep also wants to turn back to his family (except Endeavour because he doesnt deserve it).
Of course, Dabi is gonna push Shouto first and he is still pushing him because he is pushing himself. He acts like Touya is someone else, that his identity died but its not true. We see it with his fight with Shouto. First, he acts like a villain and make a speech about society but the fight goes on, he loose his anger and starts to act like brother, opposite of Shouto who repress it, Dabi express it.
Since those two desire for the same and they can understand each others more than anyone, i think they will eventually get along really well. And i mentioned in my other post, their characters really fits each others. Touya always express himself with actions more than words while Shouto always pay attention to someone’s actions more than their words. They will get along really well.
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When they were kids, they were strangers but Shouto always wanted to know about his big brother Touya more and most likely, Touya didnt want to feel jeolosy towards innocent Shouto but he couldnt help it. But if Endeavour wasnt horrible human being, then they would most likely support each others and become great heroes together. Even as villain-hero, they inspire each others so as heroes, they would even be better and thats the future they deserve.
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l-flyhight · 8 months
Im getting rather annoyed
No. Everyone has the right yo ship what they want. Whatever brings you joy. This is but my opinon thats it. No judgement no shame. Im venting.
Now im a bit of a multishipper. Like to see some diversity in art you know? But never have i met such people that are so angry or vicious as tipo shippers. Kung fu panda po x tigress
Where do i start with this? Never in the course of the films have at any point do they show or hint that their crushing on each other. No romantic coded scenes. Nothing. So thats unfortunate why i don't see what all you lovley people see because i dont.
Tigress tai lung and po are conected in the parent upbringing sibling cycle. But hey ship whatever you want.
Now this is where people start to hate on me but let me clarify no hate nor disrespect to anyone. Im sick of looking at kung fu panda art and what? 97% of it is tigress? How abertary. Dull. What about the others? Do they not deserve as much attention? Clearly not.
As for the ship people get my goat "make it canon" blah blah. In the art of story telling to have it rondomly their into each other after like nothing? Makes for bad writing.
I do enjoy anything kung fu panda related but the ship for me anyway just doesn't fly. Those whom are super into the franchise are like yes they are but those who have seen all three films and enjoy them are like what? No.
Again if your going to ship them why on earth is tigress oc? Like shes all happy and silly? No.
Still here? Angry yet? Fuming because my trained animation degree with honors head doesnt comprehend what apparently im missing? Well thats ok.
Now i know alot of people who are actually nice but ive met vicious fans directing their hate towards me. Death threats. Vulgar language. The works. Made me just not want to draw anything kung fu panda related due to it.
Now recently due to the encouragement of others i did draw ship art. Dragon knight? Yes. Why? Because its actually hinted at in such a badly written way. I wont get into it. Thats a rant another time.
Now as something that i personally dont like and that goes across any anthro media is interspecies relations. Not a fan. However their ate acceptions to the rule and that has alot to do with the universe in which the fandom is set. BNA for example. The grimior of zero explains this perfectly, interspecies actually doesnt matter due to the world building. But in cases like zootopia or kung fu panda (films only) interspecies relationships arnt explored nor shown.
As for tipo po loves kung fu thats it. The only time he has ever shown any interest in a girl is meimei. Drops his baobao bun. Pupils dilate. yes theirs a but the illusion broke when she spoke soooo that doesn't really count.
Still here? Well good for you. still pissed at me for not conforming to liking what everyone else does? Well that too is ok.
If you ship tipo thats cool. Heck ive seen art. Some of its nice. Art is art and a ship diesnt define a person. But stop with the viciousness po will probably never end up with tigress. But thats a good thing. He doesnt end up with anyone. That way everyone wins. But the viciousness and anger and the make it canon because insert reaons here is so stupid.
Stuck around? Read my vent? Great. Please refrain from commenting anything vulgar towards my person and remember. Opinon.
Ship whatever you like. Awesome. Great.
Now piss off. Im tired.
(Brit humour)
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walnutcookie · 5 months
tell me your headcanons for mac n cheese and cheddar RIGHT NOW!! /nf /silly
i think that if i were to go in depth about my headcanons and lore for them this post would be a bit long so heres some of the simpler ones X]
links lead to drawings ive made relating to my headcanons 👍
Cheddar Cheese
• cheddar is very. VERY tall. like 6'9" (funny number). Makes it worse because sometimes they like to wear heels
• uses all pronouns but mainly they/them :3 male/female honorifics
• a lesbian. Question mark ? still debating
• rogueforts cousin!!! Survived the blue cheese manor fire (which happened when it was just a teen)
• related to above if you know anything about my roguefort lore they grew up in a Not so great rich snobby family!! they were buxton blue cheeses child which makes cheesecake their sister as well. Dont ask where the accent came from let me have this JZVDKFBDK
• intersex and bigender - when growing up they were forced to fit into either "boy" or "girl" and didnt exactly fit either stereotype biologically or through their behavior so their parents were very frustrated with them. Turns out theyre both!!!
• it started as a joke because of ratatouille but. i am a firm believer in ratmouse cheddar. are they a rat? is he a mouse? both? Neither? no matter what they hide ears under their hat and paws under her gloves and a rat tail under their coat because i think its fun💥💥they should have rat/mouse features as a treat
• they have legs that are way too thin and not at all proportinate to tjeir body. i cannot stand drawing them because of this.
• resting :3 face
• very much cursed (it would take a few posts to explain this one)
• whatever this is
• shorter than cheddar but still on the taller side!! 5'11"
• uses he/him pronouns but he doesnt really care what pronouns are used on him. fem honorifics or anything he doesnt mind that either
• amab and genderfae :] (basically genderfluid without the masc part of the spectrum)
• lesbian
• older sister of my oc maccy cheese cookie (who was made before mac and cheddar were introduced HXBFJ). macaroni is 6 years older than them
• parents just Straight up abandoned him and his sibling as kids!! i could explain this one further but probably in another post
• it may be hard to believe but he is older than cheddar
• CANNOT STAND unsolved mysteries. having unsolved cases or puzzles makes him physically ill and he cant stand to eat or sleep when he doesnt know the solution
• related to above he despises cliffhangers and surprises and if he cant read a mystery novel in one full sitting it will EAT HIM ALIVE
• also related. Loves math! fun little puzzles that (almost) always have one logical solution. he does NOT however like math problems with multiple/no solutions
• easily startled by sudden loud noises or actions
• a lil chubby!!
• he has a little macaroni tail. sorry
as for my mac n cheese (ship) headcanons,, i cant explain them very well without context to my Full lore for the two but heres my attempt HVDKFB
• started as INCREDIBLY one sided (cheddar had romantic feelings for mac while mac had feelings of. Hatred)
• cheddar is incredibly easy to fluster because shes not used to being on the Recieving end of affection (cough cough for curse reasons cough)
• cheddar is also incredibly touch starved (cough cough for curse reasons cough)
• macaroni can just. Use cheddar as a bed. they are so fucking tall and wide he can just snooze on them
• they are so doomed toxictragic yuricore im going to kill them
YAAY thats all ill do for now but if anyone has any further questions i would love to answer
rbs ok!!!
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stewykablooey · 4 months
i'd like to hear your thoughts on shiv's homophobia if you have any? 👀 ngl i did a double take when you called her homophobic—clearly she can conveniently use homophobia to emasculate her interlocutor, but i don't think she has any deep-seated beliefs of the sort, unlike kendall and his misogyny and the fact that he doesn't want to involve her in the business partly because of that
which brings us to
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she'd probably replicate the sympathy/solidarity thing with stewy too, in this case because she's a woman and he's a brown man, paired with the fact that the two of them, unlike kendall, 1) can't simply conceal who they are, 2) are not allowed to assert masculinity in an aggressive way. quite obviously shiv's relationship to stewy is largely mediated by their respective relationships with kendall but i won't say more
hi <3
you’re right in that shiv is not homophobic in the sense of having deep-seated beliefs on the matter at all, shiv’s issue with gayness has less to do with the physicality of it but more of the gender implications which is to say that shiv’s homophobia is really just an extension of her internalized misogyny. it’s again related with the masculinity aspect, it’s not about how gay you are but how much you will deviate from your gender and most importantly how much of that is a threat to her? in terms of gay men, shiv sees it as just an extended boys club that she cant access even if it’s just through sex and attraction, the one card she can play as a woman (this was first mentioned by @/shesnake and @/akajustmerry in their succession gaytv podcast episode which i highly recommend) but also it’s how much can their masculinity trump their gayness. out of all the siblings shiv is probably the one that shares logan’s ideas of masculinity the most. she thinks ken is too soft and she thinks roman is weird and she thinks connors lame and its because they just dont align to that idea of logan-masculinity (without getting too daddy issues about it lol) which is also why she’s with tom, because he’s just masculine enough but also decidedly not masculine enough to be a real threat to overshadow her.
which all applies to shiv’s relationship to stewy because stewy is the ultimate threat because he plays at both masculinity and femininity like stewy will never be a logan-type masculine and he knows that which is why he plays to his other strengths which is charm and it’s so carefully cultivated on stewys end Because he knows he can never pass as a logan-type masculine so he Has to play up the handsome charm and confidence but also stewy Is inherently masculine in that he definitely fits in as a man even if it’s the asshole insane amounts of money SUCCESS cocaine party animal kind of man, which may not be man enough in logans book but it’s definitely man enough for the world stewy is operating in which is why he can operate in it so successfully and the success is key. stewy’s riches are self made for the most part which gives him power and status in being an earner and a moneymaker but also stewy’s not in a position of leading stewys not vying for ceo he’s not vying to be top dog which is why he doesn’t Need a logan-type masculinity But he still needs some kind of masculinity to stay afloat which goes back to his crucially self-managed image. in terms of shiv, stewy confuses her in that he isnt a logan-type masculine but a) it doesnt bother him/he doesnt want to be and b) he’s still a winner anyway. but also there’s that edge of homophobia in that she’s confused and annoyed about it because she really thinks ‘youre not a real man. why are you thriving here?’ but also with a little bit ‘you’re a little bit feminine you’re a little bit masculine how does that work/im pissed off that that won’t work for me’ but also again going back to ‘being charming is the card i get to play, but now you get to play it too but also again it works for you but not for me’
there is Also of course. racism. shiv would never feel a solidarity with stewy over him being brown and her being a woman because she’s racist. kendall being gay and her being woman has a common denominator of being white before it has a common denominator of being oppressed. the racism also feeds into shiv’s opposition to stewy’s masculinity. ‘you’re not a man’ is as much because he doesn’t fit an idea of masculinity that she understands as much as it is just her not seeing him as as much of a man because he’s not white.
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certifieduruihater · 10 days
the karai and leo ship/dynamic is...so weird to talk about. first of all majority of the fandom just shuts down the discussion with INCEST which...i get it? but at the same time i also see why it wouldnt cross people's minds? im ngl when i watched the show as a kid, incest really didnt cross my mind for a number of reasons. 1. how the mutagen works is kinda finicky and not really well explained. so does being mutated by a donor's dna make you related to that donor? like when snakeweed was mutated by the plants, is he related to the plants now? when bradford was mutated, is he related to his dog? like karai is splinter's daughter, and the turtles are related to splinter because they were mutated with splinter's dna ..is that how that works? supposing the turtles do have splinter's dna embedded in them now which allows for their mutation and human-like features, idk if that's what the show was going for, because splinter's dna can't explain everything. like how do the turtles have such different eye colors then? how does leo have dark blue eyes while raph has nickelodeon slime green eyes? where were the genes for those? shen and yoshi (in human form) both had brown eyes. they could be carrying a recessive gene ig but still. or did they always have that eye color in turtle form? but those are exceedingly rare colors, and when they were children the turtles just had black stare-into-your-soul-eyes?? actually is it even confirmed that they were mutated from splinter's dna? or from someone else like the pet shop workers? idk?? i just never really thought about it too deeply (and i suspect you're not really meant to), and the show never really pushed it. and the distinction of the turtles being biologically related to splinter or not just never really mattered to me, because either way, it's clear that splinter views them as his kids. splinter and the turtle's relationship is a great depiction of family, regardless of whether they share blood. and honestly, i don't think any of the writers would have pushed leo and karai if it was actually incest. stuff like this is why incest never really crossed my mind on a technical level.
and 2. do karai and leo actually see each other as siblings? when its revealed that she's splinter's daughter leo sees her as part of the clan, sure. idk about karai. but do they actually see each other as siblings, or is this something the fandom just made up? i just remember their dynamic being really vague honestly. leo was super devoted to helping karai and finding her, treating her as one of the clan and devoted to helping her return. then there was this one line by leo to donnie that was something along the lines of he should know what its like because of april, which COULD have romantic connotations, or it could just be referencing the supposedly super strong bond the show likes to pretend april and donnie have. you also have instances where karai and leo dont actually seem romantically interested in each other, at least not anymore. i think leo even jokes to karai about it at some point, and KARAI is the one to look awkward, which to me signals that leo's over any sort of attraction he may have had. regardless, its not really clear if they explicitly see each other as siblings or if they feel something romantic.
side note: to all people rewriting the series to have raph and donnie clown on leo for falling for his "sister," you guys know that THEY were the ones actively joking about and thus perpetuating a romance between those two? they were the ones being weird about it! i know people are just using raph and donnie as author inserts to laugh at leo but it just doesnt work here.
MIKEY calls her sis (even this could be chalked up to his general use of language), but idk if raph or donnie ever really warm up to karai, let alone see her as their sister. and when people call them all siblings it really just feels like the fandom is squeezing these characters together, locking them in a room, and telling them to play nice. like wouldnt their dynamic be a lot more complicated than that? on the turtles side, this girl whos been trying to kill them, who they thought was the daughter of their enemy, is now suddenly their sister? talk about jarring. i can see mikey accepting it pretty easily bc he's mikey, but raph and donnie? i feel like it would take them longer to warm up to her, let alone get to a "sibling" level. slapping the sibling label onto karai feels like youre disregarding a lot of complicated emotions that would need to be worked out first. and honestly, even if they do work things out im still not sure theyd get to the sibling level. and there's nothing wrong with that, imo. this is not even talking about karai herself, who would also probably have A LOT of complicated feelings about being the daughter of the man she was raised to hate and being a part of his clan. add the "sibling" part onto that? oh boy. i feel like it would make karai distant and reluctant to get involved if they seriously started considering her a sister.
honestly what seems more likely to me is that the writers wanted to have their cake and eat it too. karai says to leo, just because i like you doesnt mean ill go easy on you. does she clarify what kind of like? of course not! maybe there were writers with different agendas or whatever, but either way you're left with karai and leo's dynamic just being really ambiguous and not really clearly addressed.
even if they're not related by blood/DNA, whatever, i know this is still a touchy subject for people because they believe that saying they dont see each other as siblings invalidates situations like step siblings, adoption, etc. but this is where i personally draw the line between fiction and reality. i think for this instance, fiction cant be a 1:1 representation of reality. this is a unique situation in itself. (i also dont think that this ship/dynamic is worth getting that heated about, nor is it worth putting much energy into honestly. it was not very fleshed out imo. my point is if you're looking for found family rep i dont think you should be looking at karai's relationship with the hamato clan. it's not the best example imo 😅 and if you're looking for a good ship with leo...idk this aint it chief.)
yeah i dont ship them. not because its incest, but because i just dont think theyd make good partners for one another. karai...girls got issues she needs to work out. i dont think shes very reliable, and she seems like the type to actively run away from responsibility. im not really too into karai's character as a whole, but thats a topic for another day. this may sound cliche, but i just dont think karai is the influence that leo needs. yeah she'll influence him sure...in the wrong ways. and i think leo would very quickly turn into karai's manic pixie dream boy who devotes himself to fixing all of karais problems which...i dont think he needs. dudes got enough on his plate.
personally, ill choose to believe that on both ends, what they felt for each other was nothing more than passing curiosity. MAYBE fleeting attraction, and that's a hard maybe, or at least it very quickly went away, because i remember the scene where karai was up in leo's space, and leo did not look into it all 😭 anyway leo felt undermined by his brothers, was tired of being responsible, and out popped karai looking for a good time. karai is karai. they were both distractions for each other initially. and leo chooses to believe in the good of people, so he kept talking to her. and then they found out she was splinter's daughter, blah blah blah you know the rest
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misakiq3q · 1 year
Hi, this is my first post here, and i'd like to share with you one of my Bungou theories. I hope you will like it regardless on the fact that the theme of the theory isnt very popular and rather hated by fandom.
My theory about Tanizaki siblings
Who is Naomi
Naomi is a younger sister of Junichiro. Although we know age of Junichiro (18), we dont have canonical approval of Naomis age. We can only guess. And mine is that shes 2-3 years old younger. However, in my theory, this physical age of her doesnt matter. Because Naomi is not real.
More about my theory
Naomi is just projection of Junichiros Light snow. In my theory, Naomi once was a real life person, but something very tragic happened to her and she died at a young age (im guessing around 8-11 years old). Junichiros body and brain responded with rewriten memories and creation of ‘real‘ Naomi. His will to make Naomi come back to life was so strong, that she took a physical form. We can see with Elise, that something like this is possible.
What happened to Naomi?
Everyone for sure notice pretty well, that Junichiro has a real switch when it comes to his baby sister. And i cant think otherwise, than that he has split up personality (trauma related, he vitnessed his parents being killed/or he found their corpses) and she is his trigger. Junichiro in this state is coldblooded, emotionless (except anger) and brutal, he will kill anyone if it means saving or revenge for Naomi. But what if its like this only because he wasnt once able to save her? In fact, I think that Junichiro is her killer. His alt persona took over him in no good moment, and in anger he killed her. This moment led to absolute trauma for normal/host Junichiro and he couldnt possibly take it. And as i said, his brain responded in a way of a creation of Naomi with physical form and forgetting that something like this ever happened.
More brutal thing i think is: Junichiro lived with corpse of Naomi for some time without realizing. He never realized it, because ‘new‘ Naomi cleaned it when he wasnt at home.
Why i think it gives sence
In a first place, Naomi is the only and only character in a show, that didnt exist in real life. ‚Naomi‘ is a Light novel written by Junichiro Tanizaki. (this also gives me ideas on how she can be connected to the mystery book everyone is after in bsd, but that can be for some other time to write about)
I made an observation about her touching people, since it catched my eye. From what i remember, Naomi touched with someone for only 4 times in whole 22 volumes (excluded Junichiro). But it was never her, who initiated it, it was always someone else.
For example: Atsushi choking her -> Atsushi touched Naomi
Q bumping into her and the second girl -> Q touched Naomi
Isn’t it weird? What if she isnt able to touch anybody because of the fact, they could be able to somehow break this physical illusion.
Naomis behaviour is at least weird. Shes not acting like -my guess- 15-16 year old girl. Shes acting really childish and her clinginess towards her brother fits more for an elementary school little girl, than almost grown up adult woman. It would make sence that even tho her illusion self was and is still growing, her personality stays the same. Junichiro cant possibly know how Naomi would be like after growing up. And since he doesnt even know she is illusion he cant control her and change her personality.
This my theory is just one of my few overthinks. I know its long, but i tried my best to write my thoughts so it gives sence to u guys. I truly belive this theory of mine but if u guys have any opinion on this (positive or negative) im open to hearing them.
Thank u for reading this long long paragraph. Have a nice day and stay safe ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾
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razzmothazz · 4 months
random yuno stuff to make up for the fact ive only been rambling abt makoto so far
yuno is a little MENACE /aff they love pulling little pranks, annoying people and inconveniencing them in little ways. she obviously never takes it far and because she can read people well, they know when someone is too annoyed/upset and makes sure to apologize and make it up to them when she gets carried away. she loves playful banter and their love laguage is definitely friendly bullying
doesnt have the best relationship with her dad and her mom is uhm . out of the picture you could say [this is a pun only i and perhaps pinna get but i will elaborate on it. someday] so they tend to sneak out a lot to stay with UNIT MEMBER THAT SHALL NOT BE MENTIONED UNTILL MY SISTER DECIDES TO FINALLY FLESH THEM OUT AND TELL ME ABOUT THEM. anyway yeah yuno doesnt like staying home unless its them locked up comfy in their room doing their own thing, so they go out a lot and spend most of their time out and about doing whatever they feel like doing
despite their cheery and energetic personality, their mindset is actually pretty nihilistic, believing nothing really matter and life has no set meaning. she believes people exist just to exist, same as everything else. youre born, you live, you die. however she doesnt see it as a bad thing, it motivates her to make life as fun as possible while it lasts and to not dwell on anything too long since its inconsequential in the long run, my girl just wants to have fun with it !!
very creative person !!! she cant stick to just one art medium for too long and instead does all kinds of stuff, their favourite form is watercolor painting tho! she thinks the soft look of the paints is very pretty, but besides that she also does sculptures, writing, other types of paintings, digital art, sewing, literally you name any form of artistic craft and they probably tried it at least once, its their main form of self expression since they dont talk about their feelings like. at all
related to the feelings thing, theyre VERY expressive, which is one reason why they never feel the need to talk about their feelings, its cause everyone can simply tell what they feel. she learned that if people cant read you they will ask too many questions and get overly concerned, so she started putting her feelings on full display, yet still doesnt like elaborating on them. shes the kind of person you can know for years and suddenly you realize that after all this time spent together, you dont know much about them at all. she doesnt feel the need to open up, believing some things arent important for others to know [mostly because of her life "philosophy" or whatev u wann call it]
their fav colours are yellow and pink!!! pretty obvious since they LOVE wearing them, most of their closet is actually made up of clothing in those exact colours :3 if you ask her to pick between those 2 colours she will go on a rant about how its impossible to choose and will make the speech overly emotional and theatrical for no reason other than to mess with you
speaking of theatrical shes a HUGE wxs fan !!! she randomly saw their show one day when hanging out at the phoenix wonderland and LOVED IT!!! again, she loves every form of art so this was to be expected. emu especially caught their eye with her silly childlike wonder vibes, not to mention the pink hair was an immediate attention grab for yuno lmao. when they learn more about the troupe they grew to not only admire and respect them as performers but also on a more personal level, especially tsukasa and his leadership and sheer stage presence. i feel like tsukasa would definitely end up treating yuno like another one of his siblings tbh dkdghdjdhbd they have a pretty silly dynamic in my head
basically she thrives in any social setting, not everyone enjoys their company but shes not bothered by that at all and continues to do her own thing and being their silly energetic self, its no fun otherwise for them
she enjoys learning and wants to learn so many random things.. they also often just study how other people act and have a very strong interest in psychology and social stuff, you can often catch her staring and looking around at others with an oddly determined and focused look. despite her love of learning they do NOT enjoy school, mostly using it as a social space and an excuse to not be home. their grades are fine, but she finds most classes boring and only wants to learn stuff that interests her.
one of her hobbies includes fixing random stuff no matter how difficult with no experience because shes convinced she can just "figure it out" and it always works. they cant explain how they did it exactly but she will fix pretty much anything up somehow. everyone finds it a little scary because you can find her messing with electrical objects to fix them with zero clue on what to actually do to fix them. but they will always be fixed.
their only issue that they cant seem to brush off and follows them around no matter what is their fear of abandonment, she feels the constant need to be around people and have as many close friends as possible, they cant stand being alone. its no fun living when you have no one. they want to do their thing and have fun, but sometimes the self doubt creeps in and she starts wishing she was more normal. its a constant struggle for them, but they still tend to try and brush it off with some excuse like "i can always find someone else", and immediately feel weird about thinking that because who would want to replace their friends like that? this runs rlly deep btw and i wanna expand on this more when i figure out her backstory properly
so yeah, they stay silly but at what cost... /j
basically yuno is like. the embodiment of "i was born to love my friends and have a silly fun time"
i had way more thoughts but this is all i remember rn soooo BYE
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souleaterpostanime · 2 years
SE-POST Reread part 2/4
Well continuing my reread, so here some notes and doodles again.
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chapter 10:
Even after all this time and rereading it, I'm not sure of the title of this mini-arc is clever or just tedious to read and comprehend. I guess I let you decide,
Think this one improved shows an improvment in drawing the faces, or atleast it has some panels that were quite nice or probably just used a relevant reference. I even like the scratchy coloring of Ragnarok. Ofcourse some action panels still are hard to read and rushed which is one of the biggest flaws of it t. The other flaws that I noticed atleast when rereading it now was the clunky dialog, with all the repeated words and some of it probably being unclear without the context of being the author. Still I think I liked the chapter for a few reasons: Firstly, a lot actually happened in it, not only having a lot of conversations in different scenarios with different scenarios but also an action scene and other variety. I think I made Ragnaroks perspective interesting enough, but maybe I have read not enough stories to know if it truly is just cliche and explored better in them. Still, maybe being an asshole as a defense mechanism so others dont realise how pathetic you are is relatable to somebody, even if nobody would admit it lol. Anyways this is a two-parter, so I probably will write more developed thoughts after rereading that one.
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chapter 11:
I think I once said this was one of my favorite chapters, and even if I like a bit less than before, I still find it solid. Think if I didnt rush the art in certain parts it would be a big improvement already, even though I quite like the visual direction for it overall. Maybe having Ragnarok face such a suicide-like situation is a bit to extreme, but I guess you can only redeem yourself by being on the brink sometimes. Still hope people liked the humor as much as I did, even though I expressed it through clunky dialog as allways. Atleast the gift giving scene at the end should be ok for most people, but if it isnt, I dont care cause I know its good lol. Still wonder if anybody who cares about "power systems" thinks my justification for the resonance and the whole "soul-world" interaction to be bullshit But I think stuff like that doesnt really matter to much, especially in a story like Soul Eater. Anyways, hoped I have something deeper to say in this note, maybe the chapter speaks for itself afterall? Oh also go to youtube and type "village sniper" if you havent by now, funniest video.
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chapter 12:
I still wonder if people get who I was referencing as the bad guys in this chapter, because I made it obvious enough, but maybe the overly rushed sketchy look of the designs obsucred it too much. Still if serial killers can be shown as kishineggs, why not evil businessman and politicians (we had allcapone afterall). Still the biggest loss due to the bad art in this chapter was that I couldnt convey the drip of the certain Bahanas resident in a way it actually looks good. But maybe Pattys training paying off makes up for that, hope I didnt make her to "OP" or "Mary Sue-ish", think she has enough charachter flaws for that not to be the case, and (maybe I should have shown that more clearly) she probably wouldnt survived against the big bad if Kid hadnt shown up (and Liz too, because maybe if they weilded each other and werent distracted by sibling rivlary, but eh that would be to soon for the story...) Also Kid snaping out of one phase and jumping into another - maybe the change was a bit too quick, but eh, think he was in his "literal kid" phase long enough, and repetive jokes get old, nomater how thematicaly relevant they are (like the 8 and symmetry jokes got old in my opinion, not counting the times they got some variety and clevernes added) Anyways this chapter also set up alot of stuff that didnt get resolved completly by know, but what should be of importance in future arcs, some things getting payoffs sooner than later...
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chapter 13:
Man, I remember wanting to finish this chapter but being super tired, so I did the cover art at a time my brain was probably already shutting down, because I only later realised how shitty it looked. At the moment of its creation I genuinly thought it looked well rendered, and just after the fact saw what a polished turd it actually was, weird how impresions can change. Shows that I should get more experience in rendering things and not just sketch aimlesly... But on the chapter itself - I think the dialog is often less clunky than in the beginning and not bad overall. I wanted to portray how everybody thinks of Kurma as a joke but that her delusional confidence actually is able to overcome some of the disrespect by the end. Is that a good message or interesting dynamic - maybe. One could wonder if introducing an even bigger threath right now is a bit overkill, but I thought it would show that the only threats arent just some witches having a midlife crisis. Also saying "sis" instead of "bruh" lol. Anyways, one could say that in the end it is a set up chapter, but I enjoyed my intepretation of witch society, from its culture to worldview and eccentricities. Maybe I went a bit to farcical with the whole humor, but eh its a stupid fancomic of a stupid cartoon, so to make it all gritty and serious would be even more stupid. And maybe the witch society being so broken is kinda a point, I mean complaining that Satan gets worshiped the wrong way seems to be a sign that mayb the fundementals werent that great anyway Oh also it has the tease for the school dance chapter, so lets see if that holds up as the best one yet...
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chapter 14:
yeah this one is still great. The art is improved from the previous ones, the plot is fun and yeah I dunno I just like this one for some reason, cant say much more
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chapter 15:
I wonder if I had started with the art quality of this chapter, if the reception of the whole story would have been different? I mean it still is amateurish and sloppy in the fight scenes, but still, atleast to me, looks acceptable for a fanwork. But ofcourse this chapter was very dialog heavy, so thats one reason for all that. And that probably isn't what most people like, it got a bit sacherine and overly sappy even for me, and I think the brief action sequence was included just so it isnt all just charachters crying about how they love each other lol. (And for thr gnomesis pun, gnosis, gnome, get it????!) Oh it also was one chapter that started hinting the whole oil thing that got later revealed as necessary for the black blood, I wonder if this will go anywhere... Anyways maybe writing about a charachter who is an orphan wothout first hand experience is not the best idea, but I guess if one couldnt place oneself into others shoes, all books would just be authobiographies.
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chapter 16:
Ah the Giriko chapter, fun fact when I was "storyboarding" it out, I thought it would be a two parter again, but then I realised that it all fit into one chapter. It is also the first chapter where you can really see Crona developing his dislike for witches, and we all know how that goes (technically it began at the end of last chapter, and there were hints earlier but you know). Think the faces and stuff were mostly good, but some the action was so bad that even I had difficulties telling what is supposed to happen, lol. But still I think it is a decent chapter, having a lot of action but also some humor and interesting conversations and developments. Also a few setups that still only have developed a little, so you know I have a lot planed, and I'm not close to finishing writing this weird story, maybe by the end it all will make sense...
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chapter 17:
Oh boy, the start of the probably most out of left field miniarc. But with soul having a vintage bike he just casually rides around, why not? They uave to move around somehow And its a more original thing to include than playing nintendo games or something like more than one soul eater fic I read did lol. But anyways, I actually liked the weird pencil like "shading" in the beginning of the chapter, had a nice look to it, matching the whole cartoony but dark asthetic of hitchicking at night. Think the whole chapter has a unique look to it. Things about art aside, I guess the main conflict could sound a bit to overdramatic, would Crona break down like that after something like this? Maybe not, but I think I made it plausibel with the disapointment of having your selfdoubts confirmed again after a brief moment of hope, especially when everyone said that its so easy and you think ypu would disappoint people. Still wonder if people felt this chapter is to weird and I might admit that I put in stuff I didnt even want to consiously, maybe some bad memories warped too fit the story... But anyways, the story turns into a kindof b movie thing so that will be more obvious in the next one.(Also did anybody get the Magic Mountain joke?)
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chapter 18:
I don't remember this one being this good lol Probably just remembered messing up the reveal of the GT-R and thought the whole thing was trash, but nah, dont care what anybody thinks, this shit was entertaining. I mean who would come up with fighting a car? And even the moral/lesson worked lol, think its something everybody needs to hear. I mean, I admit some panels were hard to understand, like Crona using Ragnaroks wings to get a boost to lure the car into the swamp and ect. but still. Oh and also, out of all my typos, "Jhoney" was on porpuse, if you know you know. Anyways, I dont know, guess I just liked the humor and interactions and shit, dont know if it resonantes with anybody but me, but if you wonder why, this all was why. Even hard to summarise it all, so lets go to the next one, think that one was genuinely kinda lame, but maybe I'm wrong again
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chapter 19:
This one probably really felt like filler for many, and yeah it is more of a slice of life one without too much "happening", even though a lot of charachter development, seeds and set ups do occur in it. Also I quite liked the coloring and shadows in this one, must be when I accidentally had the right settings in the programm before I actually understood what I was doing later lol.
But yeah, maybe I overdid it with BlackStar bashing in it, like I find it funny that he interupts some make a wish foundation thing for a kid who has literal cancer, but that is maybe more of familyguy tier humor that doesnt really mesh with the tone, but eh Still think I gave BlackStar enough self awarness to not make it tottaly a hitpiece, and I guess the way is going is also because I actually have in a certain sense the most longterm plans for him, but if that ever gets fully realised, I dont promise cause, man, it will take more than anybody would ever expect. Anyways, as said the movie referenced was "Wild at Heart", a weird movie that one should not watch with anybody, especially not with relatives. Maybe just watch some scenes on youtube, like the one about the main charachters, Sailor's, alligator jacket. Anyways maybe I should say more but maybe not so
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reyski · 3 years
Hello friend!! so i was wondering if you could do platonic hange hcs for being Hange’s little sibling? Maybe the sibling is in the 104th and then joins the scouts, (side note: hange would have some ridiculous nickname for you, i don’t make the rules) Thank Youuuu!!!!
hi there! love the request, sorry for not getting to it right away, ive been pretty busy lately (but more on that later). also, thanks for being my first attack on titan request!!
hange as an older sibling
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pairing: platonic/sibling! hange x reader
media: attack on titan
content warnings: slight angst
notes: somehow my writing always ends up slightly angsty :/
➵ when hange spotted you standing with a group of recruits, chatting about your first day with the 104th cadet corps and all the anxieties that accompanied, they almost had to do a double take. with all the experiments hange was running with the scouts they barely had time to send a letter home, much less go visit you and your parents. 
➵ after giving you a good old fashioned scolding for not at least sending a letter, hange concluded that you must have had a good reason for deciding to risk your life. what if hange was a part of that decision? hange knew that in terms of a role model they were quite ... eclectic. perhaps hange’s decision had influenced your own. 
➵ when you decide to join the scouts hange is conflicted. on one hand this is the perfect opportunity for a new lab partner hange can coerce into all kinds of crazy experiments sorry moblit, but on the other hand hange is scared. 
➵ before, when you were just in the cadet corps, hange tried to put the idea of your potential death out of mind. but now, the bridge that had appeared so far on the horizon only 5 years ago now lay at hange’s feet. hange had learned that in order to not be crushed by the weight of a love one’s death, you have to be prepared -- which means coming to terms with it. 
➵ however, for the most part, your time in the scouts alongside hange is elating. hange most definitely goes around introducing you to everyone they know for the first couple of days. levi seems unimpressed and tells the both of you to get back to work, while erwin simply thanks you for joining humanity’s fight. 
➵ get ready for some titan experiments. while hange would never put you in direct danger, that doesnt mean they aren’t going to make you watch them put themself in danger while shouting at you to write everything down. experiments range from serious titan notetaking to attempting to create a meal so delicious that even a titan will want to eat it. 
➵ after sawney takes a nibble of a shortcake you made hange gets the idea for a new nickname, and now you cant go a day without hange calling you shortcake (doesn’t matter if your tall or short, hange loves the chaos). 
➵ hange captures a pair of titans and names them after you guys. 
➵ doesn’t matter if you’re already sleeping, hange always pops their head in before bed, not caring if other scouts are watching, and gives you a kiss on the forehead. 
➵ when your first expedition ends with both of you still alive hange can finally let out that breath they were holding the entire time. if you need it, of course hange is ready to hold you in thier arms all night until you can get the images of titans swallowing your fellow soldiers out of your mind. 
➵ if you’re in a relationship with another scout hange is totally oblivious to what they should do: walking in at the wrong moments, telling embarrassing stories, the works. 
➵ weird gifts. doesn’t even matter if its your birthday or not, you’re getting weird titan-related gifts that hange has tediously made by hand. remember those titans hange named after you? well now you have two stuffed doll versions!
➵ hange: 10/10 sibling experience 
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yay, sorry for the long wait, but im so happy to have done my first aot write! 
if you would like to request please take a look at my guidelines which outline the genres i write for each character. also, you can find all other works in my masterlists -- both guidelines and masterlists can be found on my directory!
have a good day/night loves <3 make sure to eat some food and drink some water ily
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queerautism · 2 years
(before reading i would like to say i accidentally talked too much and it accidentally became possibly a vent??? no matter what u get a cookie for 0 reason but bc i said so. if u want to u can just delete the ask and not even look at it or whatever. i would prefer if you didnt post this ask itself and if u respond to it do it in a separate post. Edit later: I was going to ask a question relating to all this but I forgot it and honestly im not going to just delete all of this which is a lot. my stance on the “dont post this” has changed and it would be ok just add any tags u think are needed??)
sorry about this really long message /gen i just never talk to anyone about this and got a little too deep into talking about it all.
no clue if this can be answered but i have NO clue who to talk about this to (if you know anyone who could answer this better please direct me to them!!). back when i was younger, i had an emotional attachment to my (not legally back then) adopted siblings. they were related to me by blood, as cousins and their mom had just given them to us randomly and we decided to take them in. i loved them so much. and she took them away from us, just to put them up in another home and another and eventually they ended up in the foster care system and she went to jail.
now, i was in an awful state during this time where they weren’t with me. before then, my mental health had been pretty good, no meltdowns/tantrums/etc and anger issues weren’t a problem. but when they were taken, i got worse and worse pretty fast. Everything started going downhill and I would always be getting in trouble at school, at least one problem every week if not more. This was around maybe second or third grade? Not sure.
Started getting attached to books and minecraft youtubers to try and help this all out, but all that happened was just an obsession for the rest of my life and nothing else. All my anxiety & stress and whatever else were a cause of this experience but I never even think about this anymore and it doesn’t make me feel much looking back (besides misery and wanting to cry about something that isnt even a problem anymore), i just wish i could tell my past self they would come back.
They’re back with us and have been legally adopted for maybe 2 years now? I don’t remember. My anger issues are getting easier to handle, but I still snap at people sometimes and some people have assumed I have BPD, which I’m pretty sure I don’t have. Even my cousin thinks I have BPD.
During this time, I had been in a girl scouts group that my mom made and everyone in the group had left us because I was (and i quote, paraphrased but i remember this well) “weird and different” and because of my anger issues. Which back then, I had no diagnosis’s for anything and now looking back it’s an even worse memory since turns out I’m ND. Oh and I also sleep deprived myself when my siblings were gone and now i have insomniiiaaa
again sorry for the really long ask, have a good day and I dont know how to end this since I accidentally just vented to someone who doesnt even know me sorry :(
It's really okay. There's nothing weird about you. You were in a shitty situation where you had no control, and changes like this during formative years can have a big effect. It can absolutely be traumatic.
I'd say it might be a good idea to look into emotional regulation issues, and maybe CPTSD, which has a lot of traits in common with BPD. You might want to look at DBT therapy, there's workbooks you can do yourself and I've found them really helpful
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australet789 · 3 years
since you finished omori, i want to hear some of ur thoughts.
Like the character synergies, music, plot or something like that
oh boy do i have thoughts
under the read more for spoilers, suicide mention, violence, psychologial horror:
Oh god where to start.
First to say that it's very clear that the main inspiration is Undertale/Deltarune, basically because of the tone and intention, and while they tried hard, it failed at some points.
The big fail, for me, is how they handled the Dreamworld compared to the Real World. Cause once you get out and get a glimpse to the real world, you want to come back to it and try to solve the mystery. The Dreamworld doesnt sound appealing anymore, you just want to get to the bosses and speedrun those sections (specially Sweetheart's castle and everything related to her), so you can get back and focus on what's happening in the other world. Which is sad, because, while there's lore hidden in the Dreamworld, the characters are no memorable there. It lacks the charm that Deltarune has in this matter, if we compare the two pieces of media. I would say that maybe the writers tried to make the Dreamworld unappealing in a symbolic way for Sunny to move on, but that's a stretch.
Now to the real world
oh boy, now that's the interesting part
I think that area is the best one. You get to know the town, you get hints and reactions about Mari's death, why it couldnt have been made a scandal, the kids are grown up now but you care for them, for their now, their fucked up present, more than their past. Because you want to help them. even tho i felt it was more about helping Aubrey and Sunny, than the other three. Because with Hero and Kel we knew their backstories, but for Aubrey and Sunny, we didnt know the whys. And Basil wasnt as cared until the reveal moment, because he has been framed as an antagonist for the whole game until that moment.
btw the horror with Sunny's nightmares was amazing. The foreshadowing with the One Eye figure being Mari's judging eye was super cool. The whole section of overcoming your fears was very well done.
Before going to the controversial part (yeah, that part) I want to say that my favorite character is Hero. My man deserved better, he deserved to know what really happened, and when you see the photos with Mari, you can see how much he loved her That broke my little heart.
Kel and Aubrey are ok, altho i favor Aubrey because of what you see when you enter her house. You realize then that her anger was justified. Obviously the bullying was wrong, but she was in her right to be angry at Sunny and co.
Sunny is my least favorite but not for the reasons you may believe. I dont blame him for what happened to Mari, nor following Basil's plan to make it look like a suicide. ( funny story: i have seen several comments on youtube being like "kids wont ever think about suicide, the whole plan feels unrealistic", and i was like "dude, this is a game inspire in undertale...UNDERTALE. I was literally thinking about suicide at 6-7 years old. It's not weird for kids to have those thoughts". ok end of story, let's continue). Because if you gather information, you may know that Mari has weak knees caused by a prior accident. Now, both siblings were at the border of the stairs. I dont know you, but being so close to a border makes myself tense and try to keep my balance. Sunny pushing her just so he could pass (cause Mari was blocking the way) most likely made her lose her balance, and probably nothing would have happened has she not had the knee problem. Her legs probably wobbled, which caused her to fall and die.
Now the source of a lot of discussions in the fandom game: the suicide plan. Honestly? I also dont blame Basil to coming with that idea. Of course the idea was terrible and telling the truth would have saved a lot of the problems. But they were kids and the thing with kids is that they dont think the long consequences of their actions or how would that affect others. Which is exactly what happened. Basil just wanted to protect Sunny. In that moment he didnt care that a suicide is actually a big thing, and in the small religious town they lived, it was gonna be worse, Basil just cared to save Sunny and nothing else. If the accident was framed as suicide, they wouldnt focus on Sunny. I'm pretty sure that went through Basil's mind and that's why he did it.
It work, but not as they expected
Because obviously, the parents knew what happened. I'm pretty sure the police knew too, but it was stated that Sunny's family was one if not the richest in the town, so i would imagine the parents paid for the silence. but still, the family got broken: Sunny's dad disowned him and left.
But again, that's not why i dont like Sunny that much. What i didnt like of him was, when he finally gets out of his 4 years self confinement and reunites with Basil and he later finds Basil crying, he just freaking leaves in a cold way. I was livid when that happened. Basil risked himself by helping Sunny, lived with the same guilt for years, only for Sunny to see him in distress and just flees? wtf dude
And that happens again in the final boss fight against Basil. It's clear that Basil is having a mental breakdown and seeing hallucinations, and instead of helping, SUNNY TRIES TO RUN AWAY AGAIN!
For me, those two instances made me not like Sunny like the other characters. Yes, he was suffering too, but that's not the way to treat the friend that literally helped you when you killed your sister. Getting his eye lost was very deserved tbh.
And im glad that, in the true ending, he actually decides to reveal the truth. Basil and the others deserved as much. I would have loved to know their reactions and if they would decide to forgive Basil and Sunny for it. I like to think they did, at their own pace.
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terubakudan · 3 years
i think your anon made an interesting point that i never considered. if someone actually made a fanfic about me, i think it would be a huge violation of my privacy and would make me extreely upset. probably most people are the same and would consider it a form of s*xual harassment. famous people prob shouldnt be treated any difefrent even if they do fanservice. being s*xual doesnt mean its okay for people to s*xualize you imho
This is a different anon, right? By the way guys, you're free to pick some sort of username for yourself while asking. It does help me keep track too of who is who.
I will try to answer this the best way I can as this is kind of a sensitive topic.
I would feel uncomfortable too if someone made a 'fanfic' about me, or say I had a relationship but it ended badly and now my former partner is talking about me all over the internet or worse, sharing whatever photos we had, screenshot-ing our private chats for the world to see, the latter two especially I find a huge invasion of my privacy. Even if I hated him/her, I wouldn't go so far as to do these, it's just not right and very immature to do. I don't know if anon here has heard of Tanuki (this Japanese forum with lots of *yikes* gossip about vkei band members and supposedly the bangya (the female fans) upload pictures of the band members without their consent), but I avoided that site altogether too because it really doesn't appeal to me and at the end of the day, the members' private lives are their's and their's alone.
But here's my controversial take on this: famous people are people too just like us, but they really can't control how their fans act or react, fan fiction I feel is relatively harmless as long as it doesn't go too far (what I mentioned with petty shipping wars etc.), stalking and harassment though is a whole other thing and of course the person has every right to send a cease and desist letter or take related actions. For famous people, you have way too many fans acting at the same time, let's say writing fanfiction. You can a)tell them to stop, b)ignore them, or c)own it in some way. In the Gazette's case, I feel what they're doing is a mix of b) and c), because they know very well doing a) is simply too tiring and since they're famous and quite well-known in the vkei scene, fans writing fanfiction (no matter how sexualized) already doesn't matter to them nor bother them. They don't let those things get to them nor do they need to, because their main priority has always been making music and performing for their fans.
I don't consider simply writing fanfiction about them as sexual harassment because at the end of the day, those are fictionalized accounts, it's not their private details being exposed (where their family lives or the names of their siblings, bank account numbers etc.), and it doesn't actively bother the members since they choose not to and for good reason as well. Sexual harassment would be something like, say, inappropriately touching Ruki at a meet-and-greet, or saying rude and extremely sexual remarks to the members' faces.
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papers4me · 3 years
Hi, I have always read your furuba reviews and I'm very curious about which are your favorite characters and why?
Thank you for reading my posts<3. I know I've been slow lately, but I'm not in a right emotional place right now, but I'll be back to posting soon. Actually talking abt furuba & story-telling here in tumblr is such a peaceful outlet that I'm thankful for.
While I love 97% of furuba characters, my faves kept changing while I watched the anime. I decided to have 5 top characters as faves & number one kept changing as the anime progressed.
Since I'm all abt story-telling, I think I need to separate the anime from the manga cuz no way in the anime that tohru would be on my top 5, heck not even top 10! I really don't like how her character was reduced to yuki's mommy-tohru, then angel-tohru, then villain-fixer tohru. The real individual tohru with her own personal story is just two eps long, so meh~. Also, while yuki is in my top 5 in the anime, I don't like how he's too perfect & prince in the anime while his own theme is the imperfect non-prince. Kyo's, too in my top 5 but I dont like how his own story is intentionally messed up by the anime with the stupid "I forgot" that contradicts the anime's own canon plot...
So, I'll tell you my top 5 fave character in the manga so fat with no particular order.
Tohru, while I'm yet to uncover her own plot in the manga, so far she has way more character exploration & depth!! She really feels like a different character from the anime! I'm shocked! The facial expressions, the occasional doubtful self-talk, even the "fake-smile"mask she puts is so expressive. She is treated as a character with a personal plot , regardless of being the protagonist. Her own plot is not reliant on being yuki's mommy, or the sohma's shrink, or a fixer. Her own plot line is abt grief & being lonely. It's the most common struggle that we all share regardless of our gender, race, financial status. Death is the ultimate fact & we'll face loosing a loved one & feeling lonely is not related to social skills nor being loved. I'll forever hate the anime for passing on such unique universal theme in favor of emphasizing the most popular shonen-themed coming of age story ( a boy becoming a man) "yuki" or the over-exaggerated drama in "kyo's". Like I dont want them to pass any of the 3 characters plotlines, but the anime made a choice & forever cemented anime tohru as the most "fixer"character in anime history like 98765678 of other female protagonists.
Yuki has way more character & realness in the manga. He doesnt come off as narrator-y as he does in the anime simply cuz the anime only chose the parts where yuki narrates as a voice-over & told us how to feel & dropped all the parts where he's interacting & actually talking to other characters not just the audience. His own personal story is abt "observing, learning & having the guts to make a move & embracing his own imperfection". I love this! Anime yuki is not imperfect. no. he's the icon of perfect prince, he even initiates a set of fanclub girls into the world that they float! He's so perfect, he "heals" a girl simply by talking to her once. That's all it takes him to fall in love & find his soulmate. While in the manga, I'm starting to see yuki display signs of "kind jerk" in the making, that's refreshing!
I admit that I didn't include kyo into my top 5 until se02. Don't get me wrong, he's so endearing since ep1, but didnt seem to be complex nor refreshing as the others. but se02, ep 9 was the first glimpse into his own character depth & I got hooked! I'm so in love with the theme of "repeated mistakes & guilt". it's such a mature theme & speaks to a much wider audience. The more we repeat the same mistakes, the more we self-sabotage our lives. Also, I love the love isn't a magic healing element in his story. He's the most loved character by tohru, yet her love only hurt him more due to his guilt. Moreover, the romantic element itself wasnt a cliche "love at 1st sight, nor lovers since childhood, nor girl fixes a guy, nor guy protects the girl from danger". Not at all. It was "love blooming subtly, little by little by mundane daily life". I cant express how much I applaud Takaya-san for such complex writing. In the anime, kyo only comes when it's his ep, other than that, he's absent or characterless. I hated that. So far in the manga, kyo has an existence even in other plotlines & has different aspects of his character. Also, I'm shocked at how much inner dialogue he has! like no too much that it involves other character nor too little that you dont understand him. It's just the right amount.
Momiji. He's the most balanced character. He isnt fixed by tohru, but isnt perfectly fine either. He's the definition of the right amount of kindness. He doesn sell himself to make other happy like tohru or kureno, nor puts himself in danger to save others like haru. He does help others but also helps himself. He helped his mom forget him cuz honestly that wasnt even his choice. it's the dad's. He participated willingly tho in avoiding her, but he didnt dwell in self pity & locked himself emotionally. He let go of loving tohru & encouraged kyo, but while he genuinely loved kyo, he didnt just back off cuz he's kind & a sacrificial angel. He stood like a man & challenged kyo for tohru's heart, but let go when he realized the choice is tohru's. not them. They can love her aromatically, but she's the one who decides who to be with. I love the theme of "not competing for love". it's not a competition really. never was. Still, as love sick & heart-broken as he was, momiji didnt dwell in self-pity & after allowing himself to heal, he bounced back & smiled. Momiji is no foolish traveler.
The spot is reserved to a certain character that I want the manga to prove their worth. I dont want them to be as shallow as the anime made them to be. I want to see depth. I dont know if the manga writes them better, but once I finish the manga, I'll know.
I wanted to add shigure but no. Despite all the complexity & the unique roles he has & despite how much I love characters with big giant flaws & ugly characteristics, shigre fell from my top 5 long ago. Look, this seems petty but I can't get over the fact that he slept with akito's mom. ewwwww. It makes me wanna puke! so disgusting. yuck yuck yuck! I dont mind that he "cheated"or wanted to "hurt akito by sleeping with ANOTHER woman". As a matter of fact, such acts create drama, ugly feelings & emotional struggle. I love such things in fiction. but he did it with the mother. He actually laid with both mom & daughter in his life. ewwwwww! This level of eww is so revolting to me! Some ppl are disgusted by bugs & worms that they want to puke, me.. when ppl sleep with both parent/off spring, or both siblings. Yuck! & it's even more yuck that it didnt stop their "love" from being real/ happy/ perfect/ passionate! & that it worked in making akito "want him more & be a "woman" for him"... ew!
lol, so yeah~here's my super long answer to ur super short qs. but I dont be "papers"if I didnt write till my fingers hurt, now would I? XD. I enjoyed ur question so much! thanks<3.
Anon, Don't get offended ny my shigure-rant! XD. its petty, I know. if u read this, tell me who's ur fave?
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sapphic-sasuke · 3 years
i think my worst trait is taking canon sasuke and making him suffer even more. 
so for my current long fic i’m writing: looking for forigiveness (i ran into your madness) (you can read it here) some of my headcanons for the uchiha clan are... what the fuck
Sometimes Sasuke didn’t know what he was doing, why he was doing this. His love for his family was infinite but by killing Itachi, he knew he’d never see them again. Executing a member of the clan who had murdered one of their own had specific procedures put in place. The murderer would be killed by the head of the clan, a swift, painless death. Then, their ashes would fall to the bottom of the Naka river and they’d face the wrath of Susanoo. As a child, he was told that the river’s current was always fiercer after the burial procedure, a sign of Susanoo having given his punishment.
But if the clan head had a direct blood relation to the kin-slayer, especially one as close as being siblings, then someone else would fulfil the duty. Killing your own family was heinous. But Sasuke had to, as the only one left, as the son of the previous clan head, and with Itachi gone, he was the next in line, so he was supposed to. If it was anyone but Itachi he had to kill, he would see his mother again.
Itachi had to curse him this way, in that even after death he would be unable to rest. It was cruel. Either way, there was no true rest for Sasuke in place. He was lying to himself, deluding himself that the gods would be understanding and allow him to see his family, and understand that Itachi’s evil had to be purged by someone. Waiting for his death to arrive at old age was unjust. Itachi didn’t deserve to live a full life—and Sasuke knew he was still alive.
(When he dies, Sasuke will feel it, deep in his rib cage, an emptiness that would widen and widen until he was as hollow as an abandoned seashell, dried up with residue sand.)
Perhaps that explained his feeling of relief when he almost died back in Wave. At least… he would see them. See them as a failure—yes—but still see them, their eyes that had once held flaming love for him. They wouldn’t hate him for it, would they? Would seeing them hate him feel worse than never seeing them again?
LIKE.... HELLO . i also made the family dynamics in sasukes family like... way more intense. so mikoto hates/is scared of itachi because he’s so disturbing. fugaku doesnt speak to sasuke because mikoto blamed him for how itachi turned out  
(When the satisfaction of bearing a child didn’t mend the gaping hole in her heart, Mikoto begged and begged for a second child, one not burdened by the position of clan heir.
“You sent him to a battlefield before he could even understand what war was. You ruined him!” Mikoto had wept a valley’s worth of tears, torn open the Earth with her wrath and watered the soil. “I will have a second child and he will be mine and mine alone. You are not to touch him! You are not to ruin him the same way you ruined Itachi.”
A four-year-old with glowing Sharingan eyes had stood behind the door, lost and hopeless and wondering what made his mother unable to even face him.)
so mikoto clings to sasuke right
Mikoto Uchiha told him many stories, hidden under their blankets when Itachi was on missions or training with his father. Looking back, there was a desperate yearning in the way she regaled him of her days as a kunoichi. Like she never wanted to let him go. Like he was the only person that mattered—that she could keep to herself for as long as the universe allowed her to. No regard for his age, he heard stories of incapacitation, murder, lies, enemies, secrets that Mikoto would have carried to the grave, words and phrases that only made sense the older he was, once she passed away.
Mikoto was paranoid, flighty but managed to be peaceful all the same. And she latched onto Sasuke as a child, looked at him with tearful eyes and embraced him with the strength of a kunoichi once feared.
she clings to him because she’s scared if she looks away he’ll turn into itachi. so basically mikoto always knew something was wrong with itachi. itachi felt distant from his family because mikoto didn’t trust him and fugaku wanted him to help with the coup. 
so yeah . it’s fun to write tho
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clementineesotsm · 3 years
THE KING: ETERNAL MONARCH EP 16, My Appreciation and How It Made Me Feel
JTE now back to Korea after the reset. You know i loved thought out small detail right? We can see the photo on JTE id card is back to the origin, no tied hair and navy jacket. Please see it.
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Everything was back in order, she lives in a same old world with a same old activities but where Gon and KSJ doesnt exist. This was so heartbreaking. Esp when she remembers how Gon was always there to come to her.
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And next we got a glimpse of her team leader story about his loneliness. Many people think this scene was unnecessary but since the writer wants to make closure for everyone she need to made this. Also to clear some misunderstanding. Because for me i thought he is one of LR minion before 🤣 and also maybe to show that our leads live in a world full of people who practice kindness. Hence why all of them has this stoic quality. Im fine though. They are kind of cute.
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Also the side effect of the reset was JTE see Gon doppelganger on the street walking pass through her just like that.
And also they shows us Gon WAS ON THE WAY TO CROSS ALL UNIVERSE TO SEE JTE. But since there are so many universe he need to open many door before finding his way to her. I can say, JEONG TAE RA was mood! Im a tera byte!
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Then suddenly on 1 night in 2021, a year later. Nari calls JTE to inform her that her father buys a horse and that someone was standing next to it. JTE are rushing home to see HIM. This is so emotional. I loved how they make the meeting also parallel to eps 1. With JTE put on the sirene - the rest was history. The disbelief in JTE face, the relief in Gon face, the words, the music, the KISS! Im glad they find each other again 🥺🥺
Back to Corea, apparently JY also has his memory. So at the end yoyo boy keep the memory of 3 person involved in making things right. I suppose as a gift? Thank you yoyo boy. I almost had heart attack when Gon said to JY about twins haha i thought it was Gon’s, but no its JY siblings and he name it after Eunbi Kkabi. Im so soft for him. And we can see Luna and KHM also the revelation of cctv record that Gon saw in eps 9(?), 27 May 2022. Also Luna future is to become police/good guy because she is adopted by GSR mom. So both are siblings 🤣🤣 i like that. Also i like we got to see Kim Biso becoming guard of GSR in prison. Fate it is. Like what the whole story was all about.
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So the flute when in a whole, had a lot more fun. It allows our couple to travel through time and universe. They choose always universe that did not have them as doppelganger. So most of the time they travel to past. But since there are no rule now inside the gate, they cannot choose where they may end up and just follow the fate. How i really loved this insight. Relating it to real life, we never knew where we go and which door led us to. But if we just follow the destiny it definitely bring us to the right time and place. Eventually.
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At 1 time they got back to Kingdom of Corea at the same time, dates. I loved Lady Noh now, very sneaky 🤣 also JY and MSA actually flirting/dating 💕💕 and the iconic cctv room KISS!!!
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I appreciate they show us how both lovers still pretty much doing a good job in their respective universe. JTE with her team and Gon doing his King work. Its shows how equal they are. And we got to see Secretary Mo as the new PM. And the fact they touches the working mother issue was everything i want to see!
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And to hear Gon iconic line for the last time makes me emotional. It was the last time we can hear him introducing himself 😭 the cinematography was amazing and can make you feel the sadness of saying goodbye to this characters. Not only Gon but also JTE.
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Then last scene! Both arrive in the past i think around 1960(?). Both travel together, doing all the things they skipped, just smiling, laughing, be happy, until they old. Seriously this ending was great. Quoted their last words “no matter what kind of a door opens before us in life and even if the moments we share makes us sad at times, i wish to love tirelessly. Just like that, we decides to love the fate that chose us. Just today and only today. Forever” then we got to see them hands still holding until they got old and DREAM song!! It was all just to beautiful. So apparently this series was touching much about being stoic and carpediem - brb crying until years after -
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How it made me feel:
What a roller coaster ride. This series made me laugh, cry, grin, angry and warm. At first 1-6 episode it will left you uncertain about what they want to do with it, but 7-16 all become darker and darker, better and better. Im impressed by the script, the characters, the development, the acting, the cinematography, the directing, the editing (it has it flaws but it gets better anyway), everything. Im a bit emotional in writing this because it feels like im saying goodbye to them when i dont feel like it yet. Also i need to thank them because of them i saw something beautiful and they basically save me from a devastated year of 2020. No matter how this world treated this art badly, this remains masterpiece.
“Those who judge will never understand, and those who understand will never judge”
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arizona-trash-bag · 3 years
I can totally explain a bit of my thinking behind seeing lwj as autistic and wwx as autistic/adhd!! Before I get into specifics though, let me preface with where I’m coming from. I first saw CQL and then read the EXR translation of the novel. I prefer MDZS to CQL, but also want to acknowledge that because I do not read/speak Mandarin I am inherently experiencing this story second-hand and therefore am probably missing out on a lot of nuances. I am trying to learn Mandarin, but it will be a long time before I am even a little close to fluent lol.
Another preface- obviously not all autistic people present in the same way, and many of the things that I will mention are not solely specific to autistic people either. It’s one of those things where all of it added up together points towards asd, but each one individually would not on its own indicate asd, you know? Also, I will say that many of the things I picked up on for both characters are autistic traits that many autistic people have vs the clinical characteristics (much like most of the case I could make for wwx’s adhd would be adhd traits he has rather than symptoms that would lead to a real-world diagnosis.) Edit: OH! I almost forgot to say, that also all of these traits I’m listing are from a western perspective, and I would LOVE to read more about how autism presents in different cultures and to see conversations between autistc Chinese people specifically, so as to see if these traits are specific to western autistic people or not, but again, I do not speak Mandarin or Cantonese or any other Chinese dialect, so that’s a little inaccessible for me atm.
Ok, SO, for both characters I would list: strong sense of justice, lack of care for society’s opinion (I feel like it could be argued that lwj does to a certain point, but imo he operates more from what he morally considers to be correct and from a place of familial duty vs catering to the opinion of society at large), and then more vaguely, they both seem to be “nerdy” (this doesnt feel like the most accurate term, especially because it's not like being scholarly is specific to their characters, especially in ancient fantasy China- it’s more that their particular hmmm, flavor?? of love of knowledge feels very neurodivergent to me, vs like, being scholarly because it’s the thing that is expected of a Young Master, if that makes any sense at all- like the difference btwn someone getting an engineering degree because it is expected of them vs because they genuinely love engineering), and lastly for both- I would say that they are canonically kinky, and while I can’t cite any statistics, there’s a pretty high correlation between being autistic and being into kink. Obviously, not every person who is not vanilla is autistic, and not every autistic person is into kink…….but there is a high correlation.
For lwj specifically, the things that made me think he might be autistic are his lack of outward emoting combined with his depth and breadth of emotions, how he seems to thrive in and quite enjoy the very structured environment he grew up in, and then the last one off the top of my head (side note, I feel like a week from now I’m going to randomly think of other examples lol) I’m not actually sure IS an example, because I know (thanks to the awesome post from hunxi that you linked to that I had read previously) that his succintness does not equal autism, but I do kind of feel like it is very autistic to Always be so formal and to Always talk in textbook perfect language.
For wwx, I also think he likely has CPTSD! I’m not going to list anything for adhd or cptsd since we both agree on those :) As far as being autistic goes, there is, of course, the high prevalence of adhd/asd comorbidity. For specifc traits- while autism can show up as lack of facial expressions/tone, it can also show up as being overly exuberant and overexpressive. Especially for younger autistic children this can show up as being overly friendly/no boundaries w/ strangers (just?? going home with a random man who says he knew wwx’s parents???), making unusual connections that others do not can be both asd and adhd, his disregard for social status (disregard might be a strong word, and also I feel like this might be one of those things that got lost in translation and if I had read the original text I might have a different opinon, but what I mean here is the way that often autistic people learn certain social rules and try their best to follow them, but often do not pick up on specifics related to social hierarchy that are not spelled out for them- I think jyl’s take down of jin zixun is a great example of the /oppossite/ of what I’m talking about, and is a very neurotypical interaction. An example also of what I mean by disregard for social hierarchy, but from my own life, is how I’ve reflected on past convos w/ my boss only to realize that what I thought was just an interesting conversation about our opinons on a particular subject was actually them trying to tell-me-as-my-boss something they wanted me to do. We ended up doing things the way I wanted to do them because I didn’t realize that they were telling me to do something because they didnt explicitly say so, and because I just don’t pick up on when people are saying something from a social hierarchy pov. Idk if this makes sense or not, so I’m happy to try to expand if you would like me to. I feel like wwx could be described as having alexithymia, which is very common in autistic people, but could also be due to his cptsd. And then, I don’t feel like this is a true point because it is kind of based on headcanon? but wwx feels very demisexual to me, which is much more common for autistic people than it is for allistic people. But him being demi is not canon, just my perception of him (I see him as demisexual gay w/ massive comphet, but I know lots of people see him as bi, which also totally makes sense!!)
Tbh, I’m having a harder time than I thought I would listing wwx specifics. I might go through the book sometime this weekend and see if there are specific moments that pop out at me, but tbh w/ him its more that he Feels very adhd/asd to me?? Idk, I was diagnosed w/ adhd when I was 8, and all 4 of my siblings plus my father have offical adhd diagnoses. I’m 29 now and was only diagnosed as autistic earlier this year.  All of my close friends have always been either adhd, asd, or adhd/asd. There have been multiple people I have met that I’ve suspected were neurodivergent who have later told me they started looking into it and are now seeking formal diagnoses. I mention these things, only to give full context when I say that I have spent a lot of time observing the differences between interacting with neurotypicals and neurodivergents. I mean, obviously, it’s possible that I could just be projecting, but to me, Wwx gives off late-diagnosed/heavy masker autism/adhd combo vibes. Again, maybe I am projecting, but I did try to analyze whether I was or not previously, and determined that since in the past with other favorite characters (who I probably share more similarities in personality with) I did not feel like they were neurodivergent, so I figured that probably I wasn’t? That feels like a very convoluted sentence, but what I mean is that I have not thought that about other characters who have been my fav, so I figured that while I do project in certain areas that this particular area probably wasn’t one of them. Or, to say it in yet another way, since i did not project any of my neurodivergencies on past favorite characters, I figured I probably didn’t start doing so now.
I would love to hear more of your perspective on this, particularly because I worry that I do not have the cultural touchstones to realize when something wwx or lwj is doing is not actually a sign of being neurodivergent. I try my best to research things I don’t know about and to listen to fans who actually do have that cultural understanding, but there’s only so much I can look into on my own when I only speak/read english. And also, I love mdzs and I love talking about both adhd and autism, so I’m glad to talk about these subjects with someone else who also likes all of those topics :) Sorry for sending a book of a response and also I hope you are having a great day!!
wow wow wow anon THANK YOU for doing your research and acknowledging your blind spots you seriously made my day. I wanted to get to this as soon as I made that rant while sharing cyan’s post bc this is specifically an example of a well researched proposition based on actual lived experience and critical thinking.
I almost want to ask you to come forward so we can take this convo elsewhere for a more nuanced discussion bc you’ve already hit upon an issue that’s been holding me back from making a big blathering masterpost on the matter - that the ND experience is so unique and individual, and no one person can dictate someone else’s experience. at the end of the day, if you personally relate to these characters and gain more understanding of yourself and your experiences from them, who am I to take that away from you?
in a public space though I have to make the discussion very broad in order to accurately contextualize these issues, bc in typical autistic fashion I feel morally compelled to Do My Best and Get It Right even as the masses show no inclination of returning the favor, so apologies for the boring backstories I have to get out of the way before we can approach anything resembling new ground.
first from a diagnostic standpoint, while I recognize the traits you listed (and appreciate your clearly nuanced understanding of ND expressions) and would find value in exploring them in a personal context, they are not unique to adhd and/or autism and wouldn’t constitute a basis for diagnosis in a clinical setting. I know that's probably beside the point for this anon, but there's enough edgy teens hoarding labels out there without tacit encouragement from scientists (yes I am technically a scientist, even though my ideologies these days range from conventional to... wildly esoteric, shall we say)
from a cultural standpoint, it’s important for me to emphasize that the concept of neurodivergence is a uniquely western notion. for those unfamiliar, the term 'neurodiversity' was only coined in 1998. I was born in 1991. I existed for a whole 7 years as an autistic person before the idea of being neurodivergent was even a thing. this ND acceptance thing is very, very new - people were not making tiktok confessionals about their adhd diagnosis journeys when I was growing up.
china, like most asian countries, is about 20 years or more behind on just about every social issue compared with western countries. to better illustrate, the experience of being ND in china falls much closer to the conventional experience of disability (i.e. being eugenicized out of existence) than the tentative ND acceptance movement that’s been kickstarted in the past 20 years in the anglosphere.
safe to say, there is no ND coding going on in chinese media. characters are either explicitly ND or they're not. there's no basis for a creator subtly inducing ND-like traits in a character, because there's no such thing as ND awareness in the cultural context of where mdzs was written and consumed. any resemblance is purely accidental, as they say.
as to how this resemblance could exist - I could go into the layers and layers of historical, cultural, social and religious context that make up these characters and the xianxia genre as a whole. for this anon in particular i'm happy to, because they've done the work. please please get in touch in some way where we can have a fully fleshed out chat if you're interested in taking this further, I realize i’ve basically addressed none of the finer points you’ve raised but honestly it’s another level of discussion to be had that cannot be summarized in one blog post haha.
as for those who would scream 'but special interests!!' at a character whose sect was founded by a literal monk - what would be the point?
PS. to comprise a starting point for why it's possible to see ND4ND everywhere in media if you looked hard enough - I refer you to the seminal red oni blue oni trope 💁‍♀️
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