#dodge challenger ev
defness · 6 months
B-4N/Ira :) She/they!
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She's based off the Dodge Charger Daytona SRT Banshee concept car :}
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scorpiotrait · 1 year
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EV3: ew no
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lethalchiralium · 1 year
Happiness Masterlist
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A collection of Simon “Ghost” Riley and his daughter, Winnie, and his wife, you.
SERIES PLAYLIST | Simon’s Playlist | Your Playlist
AO3 Link!
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It’s the first night home with his little one, and he’s trying to remember every moment.
“Can you please explain to my Captain why I am an hour late?”
Ghost has somewhere to be.
Tattooed Heart
The 141 meets the mysterious Lieutenant's daughter.
You Belong With Me
It’s your 21st birthday, yet you sit in a nice restaurant in a beautiful dress and tears in your eyes - until someone comes to your rescue, like a knight on a white horse.
Dear Winter
Simon had to find a toy for Winnie, but discovers what finally pushes him over the edge to confess his love for you.
Diamond Ring
“Wear it on your hand, tell the whole world that I’m your only man.” Simon dodged death so closely that it finally snapped him from his stupor - he needed you to be in his life for the rest of time.
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Wife content below!
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Tonight, Tonight, Tonight
It was a long deployment, Ghost wanted nothing more than to come home and be Simon again.
A Little More
It’s Simon’s first late night and morning with his new daughter, Mellie. And you and him have an important conversation.
A Little More [2]
A simple day of mundane domesticity, life isn’t always jammed packed full of events + Simon still has a lifetime of making it up to you.
That Happy Feeling
“say hello, winnie.” “say hello, mellie.” + a text conversation with the 141 + los vaqueros!
Simon’s been sick for three days and has refused any medication, claiming the cold medicine you brought from your home in America is poison and he’d rather die. You are convinced that the British medicine does nothing. Only one will win.
Christmas Eve is over. With enough paper cuts to last a lifetime, you just want Simon to know how much you love him with a song.
Twice A Question, Once An Answer
Two times you asked your husband a question, and the one time he had the answer you needed.
Imagine It
It was just a nice afternoon, your husband’s brothers in arms trying to name your imaginary baby for you.
Just a doctor’s appointment to find out baby three’s gender.
Will Never Be Enough
"Simon, I need you." The Lieutenant dropped the papers he was holding, they flew across the office floor. "I'm on my way." OR, Simon comes home to find you in a puddle of blood.
Bigger Than The Whole Sky
It’s hard to get over something like this, it’s hard to feel like this. Loss is difficult. OR, your husband tries his best to comfort you, but he’s finding this new challenge difficult.
It’s hot in England, so it’s time to pull out the plastic kiddie pool and dip toes in the frighteningly cold water. Winnie finds a new friend.
More Than I Could Ask For
Losing a baby is difficult, Simon knows that. But as he takes care of you, all he wishes for is for you to not feel the pain anymore.
All I Ask
Simon tells you why he feels ashamed, plus Mellie decides to be a comforting little baby.
A Late Night Last Minute Request
Laswell catches Simon at the supermarket, to which he brings bad news home. There's only one thing he wants - a late night last minute request.
It’s cuddle time for your girls.
White Carnations
Simon spends time with Winnie before he goes, he reminisces on the time he’s had with her.
The Love You Want (NOT POSTED)
It’s late at night, it’s his last night home before he leaves and he needs you like he needs oxygen.
With Simon's new deployment comes a surprise guest, Kate Laswell, and some very unwanted company knocks at the door.
Window to the Abbey
Winnie and Mellie are cautious of the two new operators in their house, Simon’s calling, and Mellie’s sick. To say you’re handling it with grace would be an understatement.
Dial Tone
It’s the afternoon, rain thundered against your home so you couldn’t hear the footsteps that backed you into a corner.
Drag Me Under
One moment, you’re home - the next? You’re somewhere you don’t recognize with people you don’t recognize either, holding one of your most precious valuables.
High Water
Price has to make a tough decision.
The Death of Peace of Mind
I Will Think Of You As I Surely Drown
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The Drabbles:
Little Letters
Christmas Closet
Don’t Jump
Mum and Baby
Dinner Plans
Just Five Minutes With You | Interrupted
Bye Bye Beard
Be Home Soon
Sleep Patterns
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The What Ifs:
Home or Hospital | Porcelain | Piece of You In The Morning
Careful What You Wish For | 22 Years
If Simon was with you when you went into the OR.
The promise that John Price keeps. | The Locket
Comfortable (18+)
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stories-and-chaos · 3 months
Shrike: 2582 Days of Purgatory
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[Hazbin Hotel reader insert as Alastor’s “darling life and death partner” Ace x ace relationship, both parties are moderately sex favorable.]
[Word count: 2588 Cw: mild cursing, soul deals]
Alastor traded blows and insults with Vox. The screen faced demon launched both electricity and fists at his opponent. Alastor responded with his shadows and dodging the physical blows. His jovial taunts goaded Vox into wilder attacks, fueled by decades of simmering anger.
But some of Vox’s jolts were getting through. Not only did they hurt, they left a numbing sensation whenever they hit. Alastor noticed that the bolts hitting him had another energy added to them. Something subtle, a greenish swirl that blended into the blue of Vox’s lightning. It didn’t belong to anyone he knew, but it added power and aimed the attacks straight at the Radio Demon.
In addition, some of his shadows were enhanced and directed by a reddish power. He saw curving lines and hints of music notes. Something about it tickled his memory but he had too much going on to pursue the thought. He needed to beat Vox down hard enough that the wannabe wouldn’t dare challenge him again (if he didn’t kill him) in addition to defending against this third party.
He launched a mass of tentacles at the other Overlord. They crackled with the extra energy he poured in, sending them faster than before. Just before they hit, Vox retaliated with a column of lightning. Both shows of power were enhanced by whoever was interfering.
It was almost a given that both strikes would hit, with enough force to knock both Alastor and Vox out of their full demonic forms. The television demon changed into a spark to retreat through a drone camera nearby. Alastor called up his shadows, letting them envelope him to make his own way out.
He intended to reform in either his broadcast station or the home he shared with Y/N. Except for the first time in his afterlife, someone was following his shadow. And they were close. He could only put on so much speed after that fight and every twist and turn he made was matched by his pursuer.
Angry and exhausted, he exited the shadows in an area outside of the Pentagram. He used his microphone cane to support himself, determined to appear unflappable.
The other emerged from their own shadows. A tall, statuesque woman, light gold hair flowing in an eternal breeze, dark horns arching in graceful curves over her head. Slightly behind her, revealed as her hair waved, was another woman. She was practically the double of the first, albeit without the horns and a softer, sweeter aura.
Of course, that’s why the magic interfering with his looked so familiar. “Queen Lilith.” Alastor’s voice crackled as he made the effort to remain steady. “To what do I owe the pleasure, your majesty?”
“Alastor.” Her lyrical voice dripped with amusement. “Have you met my dear sister yet? Eve, this is one of our Overlords, Alastor the Radio Demon. Alastor, this is my counterpart, Eve.”
“Ah yes, the Mother of All. A pleasure to meet you my dear, quite the pleasure.” He gave a sharp toothed smile, ignoring the lingering numbness and increasing pain. “Although I doubt you chased me down simply to introduce us, your majesty.”
She gave a refined laugh, Eve joining in. “You did say he was perceptive Lily,” she remarked, coming to stand next to the queen of Hell. Her voice had an identical cadence to Lilith’s, but an octave higher. “We have a proposal for you, Alastor.”
Then she explained what the pair wanted. The ever growing evil that hooked itself into all of humanity, the worsening exterminations and what the first two women intended to do about it. How Alastor was going to play a part. The proposal was really if he was going to be kept in the know about his role.
Cornered between the two of them and the pressure of what was coming, he agreed. Ears laid back, with a snarl in his voice he said, “It’s a deal.” Surprisingly, it wasn’t Lilith that held out her hand to close the deal for his soul.
No, it was Eve, not a demon, not quite an angel, that extended her hand. “Are you certain Eve?” Lilith asked with clear concern.
“Absolutely. You and Luci have taught me a lot; I can handle him. Not to mention you’re going to be occupied for the foreseeable future.” With a sweet smile, she held her other hand out to the demonic queen. “Some of your help would be appreciated however.” Lilith took it and they both focused on the injured Overlord.
The fight and his attempt to race away took more out of him than he realized. Vision blurring, Alastor took Eve’s hand. Instantly, vibrant green vines scrolled around them. Eve’s power? It must have been her messing with Vox’s attacks. Her smile gained an edge as she saw him put the pieces together. It was too late though, the deal was in process. Lilith’s magick, red musical bars, flowed through Eve. The notes fused into the swirling vines, giving them a ruddy hue.
Then, as he had done to so many others, the power formed into chains. Collar and shackles locked around his neck and wrists. The chains latched on, with Eve holding his new leash. She clapped her hands and the bindings became intangible. At the same time, all Alastor’s injuries were healed and his exhaustion wiped away.
“Fuck,” he muttered. Y/N is never going to forgive me for today. First he let Vox provoke a fight, battled until he was forced to retreat, then sold his soul to another. Incoming destruction of existence or not, his wife was not going to be happy with him.
“Best we get started,” Eve said as she turned, spreading her hands to open a portal. “Come along, no time to waste.” Best to put on a good act. Alastor twirled his cane and walked confidently through it.
It didn’t lead to Pentagram City. Or anywhere in the Pride Ring, much less the rest of Hell. This wasn’t Heaven or the living world either.
“Welcome to Purgatory!” the pair said in harmony. “It’s terribly boring here!” Eve added. She was correct; there was a vast spread of nothingness. No buildings or beings as far as he could see. In the distance he could see faint hazes of colors, but that could have just been his imagination.
“The benefit of course being it’s an excellent place to hide,” Lilith added. She took the lead, strolling in a seemingly random direction.
“Really?” Alastor drawled. He expected his voice to echo back, but there was nothing here to bounce sound off of. “I would have thought a realm of nothing at all would make it easier to find someone.”
Eve walked alongside him, easily keeping up. “Ah, but there is an entire realm to look through. A realm that not even the angels know about. Or if they do, they haven’t cared about it for longer than we’ve existed.”
Alastor didn’t know how long they walked for. He did start humming, if only to calm his nerves. But at some point there was a change in the landscape; a modest building about the size of his home on Earth. The faded siding and roof shingles blended into its surroundings. Even if you knew where it was, you’d have trouble noticing it.
“Oh good, I’m getting better at portalling,” Eve said as she skipped ahead to open the door.
“That was much closer than usual dear. Well done.” Alastor followed them inside. He was greeted with an abundance of greenery. Thriving plants were everywhere, their leaves and flowers almost eyeburning after the dullness outside. Was Eve recreating the Garden here?
“You should get going, Lily. You know how he gets,” Eve said wryly as she headed toward the kitchen.
With a sigh Lilith agreed. “May I borrow something a bit less regal? I doubt this will be appropriate.”
“Of course! I’ve raided your closet enough times after all. Would you like some tea, Alastor? Or coffee?”
“Tea would be appreciated, cher.” He followed her as Lilith headed upstairs to change. When Lilith returned, he and Eve were just adding sugar and cream to their first cups. Hell’s queen had exchanged the long dark gown for a lightweight sundress. It was still a deep purple color but much less sumptuous than what she’d had on. Her horns were hidden and she had on a wide brimmed sun hat and dark sunglasses. “Well?”
“You look lovely, your majesty,” Alastor said truthfully as Eve nodded. “You have to keep that one, it just suits you so well,” the other woman added.
Lilith smiled slightly before her expression turned pensive. “I suppose it’s time.” She pulled a phone out of her tote bag and handed it to Eve. “Don’t respond to any messages but forward Charlie and Lucifer’s to the new number please.” With a shaky hand, she removed her wedding ring and placed it in a cushioned box. Eve took that as well, promising to keep it safe.
Holding both the phone and ring box, Eve created another portal in her kitchen. This one had the golden light of Heaven pouring out. Lilith gave Eve a peck on the cheek and said, “Best of luck dears!” with a forced cheerfulness.
Eve settled into her chair and sipped her tea once the portal closed. “She’ll be in touch regularly but we won’t see each other for some time. And we’ve got work to do in the meantime.”
Alastor’s smile turned sardonic. “I’m at your command my dear.”
“Indeed you are.” With that she retrieved a packet of papers. Opening it, she started detailing what needed to be done in a professional manner at odds with her sweet demeanor. After hours of discussion, multiple pots of tea and dinner, she let him retire to a guest room.
‘Guest room’ was probably inaccurate now. There was no telling how long he’d be here. Alastor went through his usual nighttime routine as best he could. The repetitive actions only soothed him so much. He already missed the light banter with you. Niffty’s skittering as she finished little tasks and the soft drone from the bayou. He was a creature of habit in the end and this was so at odds to his norm.
Agitated, he sat awake on the bed. In one hand were the cufflinks you’d given him decades ago. Even clenched in his palm, they were cool to the touch. A soothing breeze that brought to mind the gusts from your wings and your voice lifted in song.
“I’m sorry my dear,” he said quietly. “I’ll be back when I can.” He pressed the hand holding the eighth note shaped cufflinks to his lips and said, “Bonne nuit, cher.”
After a couple weeks, he couldn’t take it anymore. First, this jungle needed at least a bit of taming. Second, Eve just needed some help with domestic tasks. Third, he needed some sense of normalcy. So he summoned Niffty to Purgatory.
It was difficult to call a soul across realms. He felt as tired as he had after that fight with Vox. Niffty, for her part, squealed in joy. She hugged his leg before climbing up to his shoulder. “Alastor! You look messy sir! What happened to you? And where are we? Y/N’s been so worried you know.”
“Ah Niffty, you even make Purgatory brighter.” He gave Niffty a brief overview as he brought her to Eve.
The woman did like the idea of some help around the place, but at his suggestion to send Niffty back to you was met with instant fury.
“Absolutely NOT!” Vines exploded into existence all around her, forming into his chains. A quick tug had the Radio Demon on his knees. His eyes shifted to glowing dials as his antlers grew. But he couldn’t summon his shadow to fight back. He glared up at his captor with equal fury.
Eve gave his chain another tug to haul him up, face to face. All the sweetness in her demeanor was gone. Now she had the aura of an enraged parent, dealing with a stupidly dangerous mistake from her child. “You are forbidden from sending your little maid back or trying to contact your wife in any way. If any hint gets out of where we are, everything we’re working for goes to shit. Do. I. Make. Myself. Clear?” She bit off each word of the last question with another pull on his leash.
Alastor snarled, “Crystal clear.” They stared each other down for a moment before she released him. He dropped back to the ground, gasping for breath.
“Excellent. Now get to work.” She returned to her coffee and the paperwork for their plan.
With effort, Alastor got to his feet and headed to the room that had been changed to his study. Niffty kept pace with him for once. “Sir?” she asked, the concern on her voice evident as he collapsed in the desk chair.
Alastor took a few deep breaths before replying. “Once this is all over, those bitches are going to pay.”
The following 2,500+ days were filled with the tasks Eve (and by extension Lilith) ordered. Alastor knew why they had him working, but it didn’t make him any less furious at the situation. Niffty took to snuggling up with him on occasion, the little maid being one of the few he was comfortable touching him unprompted.
He wore the music note cufflinks everyday. Not that he had any other sets at the moment, but he needed the tiny fragment of you with him. He spoke to them almost nightly as if you could hear. Eve dutifully forwarded messages to Lilith, who occasionally called for updates and to exchange news.
Then, Lilith’s daughter Charlie left a series of messages that made them shift focus. She wanted to stop the exterminations…by rehabilitating Sinners. She was converting one of the old Morningstar hotels into her facility. She had recruited an infamous porn star to be the first attempt.
She was also adrift, scared, and desperate for her parents approval. Lilith couldn’t respond nor could Eve. They couldn’t contact Lucifer about it. Alastor refused to even touch any modern technology that could put him in contact with someone in Hell. Regardless, he didn’t know Charlie or Lucifer personally.
“We’re going to have to send him,” Lilith said on speakerphone. “I know my girl, she’s going to try this with or without help.”
“And what about everything he’s doing here Lily? Are we just supposed to give up on the past seven years?” Eve asked back, clearly frustrated at this unexpected turn.
“Eve, with Charlie meddling in souls and the exterminations, it’s going to throw all our plans into disarray. Whether she succeeds or not, I think this is going to get the fight started.”
Eve sighed. “You’re probably right. Alastor, I’m sending you to Hell. You need to assist Charlie with her hotel and protect her as best you can.”
He couldn’t help lighting up at the prospect. “Gladly my dear. When do I leave?”
“Now.” She opened a portal and the red gloom of Pentagram City bathed her houseplants in its hellish glow. “And Alastor?” He paused at the portal’s entrance. She looked uncomfortable as she continued, “You’re allowed to be with your wife in Hell. But only tell her what we’ve agreed on.”
“As you wish.” With a mocking bow and a twirl of his cane, he stepped through. “Niffty, keep up dear! We’re going home.”
Taglist: @whitewolfsoldat @edgyboi10000 @ch3sire-blu3 @clearly-awkward @badatpunz @bengewatch @chewbrry
A/N: I know there’s a lot of vagueness about what Alastor has been doing but we’re entering the realm of pure speculation on my part.
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eksvee15 · 8 months
So we all have this constant argument of whether MEGALOVANIA is Sans' fight theme or the Player's (it's not Chara's. Stop) fight theme. Well, I believe Deltarune's use of the soundtracks solved that issue for us.
There is a firm belief that in Undertale, and by logic Deltarune, the theme heard is the theme of who initiates the battle. Undyne starts the battle against us, both times we hear her theme - Spears of Justice and Battle Against A True Hero. Flowey ALWAYS starts the battle, so we hear his themes - Your Best Nightmare and Finale, also counts for Hopes and Dreams given he and Asriel are one and the same. And it's pretty evident that whoever has the first turn DOES NOT ACTUALLY MATTER, it is misleading and is canonically not actually relevant - Undyne herself specifies she's letting us have the first turn, in any fight, she's fair, and ALLOWS US the first turn. Sans gets the first turn to catch us off guard, which is what he does during the ENTIRE fight, ATK 1 DEF 1 yet takes multiple attacks to be defeated and will obliterate your health bar, suddenly has laser weapons, dodges, can manipulate space and gravity, teleport, stops time, his entire character is "surprise bitch", no wonder he gets that first turn - heck on the third turn he won't even finish his "beautiful day" speech and start attacking MID SENTENCE
There is, aside from Sans, one other occasion where the Player initiates the battle - that being Monster Kid. Yet MEGALOVANIA doesn't play there, instead, we hear the OST "In My Way" which is ONLY played against Monster Kid and Flowey in No Mercy. But I believe it's intentional, think of your first Genocide playthrough - you still kind of feel iffy, like it's wrong. It's not much of a challenge as it is a chore at this point. You just killed Papyrus. You just killed Toriel. Two people that have shown love, care, and so much genuine friendship to you, it feels awful. You're a danger, but not yet, a megalomaniac. (Side note, I think Etika's playthrough of No Mercy shows us how LOVE affects the actual player, because killing Toriel is a pain, killing Papyrus feels absolutely awful, but then when you get through Undyne the Undying? Etika celebrated beating her, then stopped and said "Wait no, why am I celebrating, I just killed her". THIS. LV affects us and how we view the Undertale characters, from being friends and caring about them, to being a challenge to overcome in the end. And not a lot of people realise that fact)
Now that I've established all this, where does Deltarune come into play? Well, specifically in Chapter 1, we fight Lancer a number of times. And he has that memorable bouncy theme when you fight him, Vs. Lancer. We all know that theme. However there is ONE moment where we DON'T hear Vs. Lancer DESPITE facing Lancer in battle.
The Susie V Lancer battle in the Card Castle's prison.
There, Susie alone engages battle against Lancer. And we know she engages because Lancer doesn't want to fight her, heck he even avoids to attack her at some point. The battle engaged is ENTIRELY Susie's intentions to put Lancer in his place. And the theme that plays, is Vs. Susie. Because SHE engaged the battle. So it's not Susie against Lancer, it's Lancer against Susie, despite US controling Susie. Just like it's Sans against us, despite us being in control.
This is proof. Proof that we hear the theme of who engages in a battle. You could also take as back up proof the Spamton NEO fight in Snowgrave, because he has every reason to engage against Kris - they're threatening everything Spamton COULD have, so of COURSE Spamton engages, furthermore because Kris goes from puppeted to puppeteer in his eyes. Sans never engages in battle against us. We engage against him. Because we're trying to get it over with.
MEGALOVANIA is most definitely the player's theme in late No Mercy run, and we know this thanks to Susie evolving the opposite way in Ch1 that we do in No Mercy.
Thank you for reading!!
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theemporium · 1 year
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[1k] new challenges, old traditions becoming new and james potter spending christmas eve with his girl.
It had been a tradition in your family for years. 
Every year without fail, the local Christmas Market would have an ice rink set up in the main town square for adults and kids alike to enjoy. But it wouldn’t be until Christmas Eve where your family would bundle up in thick layers and woolly hats as you made your way to the local ice rink to complete the family tradition of skating, shared hot chocolates and late night walks through the lit-up streets. 
And this year was no different, except for the fact you had another person joining you this year. 
Your boyfriend. 
“I’m an athlete, baby,” James had boasted earlier that morning as you wrapped up in some warm, thick coats and cosy scarfs. “How hard can ice skating be?” 
“You ride a broom,” you countered, though thoroughly amused by his confidence. “This is different.” 
“Exactly, I have brilliant balance!” he grinned as his gloved hands reached for your face, pulling you into a sweet kiss. “It’ll be easy.” 
“Ever so humble,” you commented, pulling away to reach for your own gloves that were lying on the table. 
“Just you wait, your parents are gonna be so impressed with me,” James said with his chest puffed out. “They are gonna love me!” 
James, for all intents and purposes, was no better on the ice than a baby deer walking on solid ground for the first time.
“You’re like Bambi!” 
“Shut up.” 
“It’s cute!” 
“Please, darling, I already have so little dignity left.” 
You couldn’t hold back the snort that left your lips as you glided towards him with an ease he was envious of. You reached your hand out, a tempting offer if it weren’t for the fact he would have to let go of the railings to take it. 
James narrowed his eyes. “Not a chance.” 
“Don’t you trust me?” you retorted with raised brows. 
“I don’t trust a single bloody thing right now!” 
You rolled your eyes at your boyfriend’s theatrics, skating closer until you were resting by the wall beside him. Your eyes took in the sight of him: the curls escaping under the brim of his woollen hat, the tip of nose red from the cold and small snowflakes melting into his tanned skin he somehow managed to keep despite the lack of sun during the last few weeks. 
“C’mon, I won’t let anything happen to you,” you said as you rested one hand over his, gently trying to pry his hand off. 
“That sounds like a fucking lie,” James grumbled but he didn’t resist as you took each one of his hands in your own, slowly pulling away from the edge. “Muggles are insane. This is insane.” 
“James, honey, you ride a broomstick at high speeds, dodge balls flying at you from all directions and shove each other hundreds of feet in the air—ice skating is hardly the threat you’re making it tobe,” you said with a laugh, slowly making your way around the rink despite the muggles around you zooming past. “Plus it’s hardly just a muggle sport, there are plenty of witches and wizards who ice skate.”
“Bloody fools, then,” James huffed out, letting out a small noise of surprise when you started to speed up a little. 
Despite all his huffing and whining, the confidence from this morning quickly returned and thus, James being James fucking Potter let his ego get the best of him. 
“Are you sure you don’t wanna hold my hand?” you asked as you eyed him, just a little out of arm's length from him.
“Don’t phrase it like that, love,” James shot you a look, almost as though he was offended at the prospect of not holding your hand. Merlin knew this boy was one of the clingiest you could get (in the best way possible, of course). “I’m just proving I can do it myself.” 
“If you say so,” you hummed, gliding ahead before you spun back to look at him. 
“Like I said, I’m an athlete-–shit!” 
Your lips parted with a sudden gasp as you watched the boy fall to the floor, his hands darting out in an attempt to break his fall. You watched as he let out a soft groan, a string of curses and muttered words whispered under his breath before he lifted his head.
“Are you okay?” The words were a little breathy as you slowly sunk to your knees before him, reaching out to gently cup his cheek, your eyes searching to see if he had hit his face off the ice or not. 
“I hate this,” he murmured to you, looking heavily defeated. 
“Who would’ve thought ice skating was the one thing James Potter couldn’t do?” you teased as he nuzzled his face into the palm of your hand. “My poor over-achieving baby boy.” 
His eyes narrowed. “This is cruel.” 
“I promise I won’t tell Sirius,” you said before offering your hand to pull him back onto his feet. 
After that, James had refused to let go of your hand, even once you had made your way to the exit and slipped off your ice skates. Even on the journey back to your house to enjoy a homemade dinner, he never let go of your hand. And even when you had settled onto the couch in the living room with the rest of your family, James refused to let go of your hand. 
“You know, we aren’t on the ice anymore,” you murmured to him as some classic muggle Christmas film played in the background. “You can let go of my hand.” 
You shot him an amused look. “James–”
“Nope, bad things happen when I let go of your hand so I am not going to let go of your hand,” he stated bluntly. “It’s simple logic really.” 
You let out a snort. “You’re always so dramatic.” 
James rolled his eyes. “I am being reasonable.” 
“Did you enjoy Christmas Eve otherwise?” you asked him honestly, eyes softening a little as you shifted to look at him. “Minus the humiliating ice skating?” 
James’ lips twitched. “I would go ice skating with you a million more times if it means I’m with you.” 
Your eyes gleamed. “Really?” 
“Really, baby,” he murmured and leaned in to press a kiss to the crown of your head. “Merry Christmas, love.” 
“Merry Christmas, James.”
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freetheshit-outofyou · 3 months
What an ugly duckling. The Chargers and Challengers are now cars you look over not at. Glad My Brides Challenger is running strong.
What will Dodge do with all those plane Jane cars?
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spiralcloudpassage · 1 month
STELLAR BLADE THOTS TIME. To everyone and anyone who thought it was going to be a bad game i hope you eat it. Post-game elementary review under the cut.
the game’s design is eponymously stellar. The world is fleshed out; there’s plenty of exploring to do and objectives to complete; maps are expansive and multilayered with different layouts and aesthetics to each one; gameplay and combat controls are immaculate; and most surprisingly, the character writing is introspective and focused. I had an unbelievable amount of fun with this game, and am currently enjoying the new challenge of a hard mode in new game+. I will be playing this game for a long time to come.
much of the genuine trepidation towards this game (other than The Discourse which was so asinine and pathetic that i loathe that i may have to address it momentarily) I believe came from the suspicion that it would be a clone of nier: automata, with many elements from the story we saw in trailers and the demo giving clear parallels to the plot of an alien invasion threatening a league of sexy androids. Any further inspection however reveals that most of the direct parallels end there, with the direction of the plot and the personalities that bloom giving stellar blade its own unique sense of character. I was pleasantly surprised to find that the women in the game were given agency and drive (the game passes the bechdel test for anyone that needs it spelled out), though of course i wish that the designs for the women were more varied. No game is complete without a good handful of bulldog butches to round out the cast, and it’s a shame that they didn’t give us anything of the sort when the male designs are varied in that way and more interesting because of it. I love playing as the missing 13th member of LOONA, but even a strict sense of aesthetics should understand and appreciate the diversity of people that populate a planet– even when that planet has been made desolate.
Another large point of contention is the costumes in the game, which was once again a largely-reactionary response from cherrypicked screenshots teased before the games’ release, on both sides. Some of the costumes are, indeed, quite tacky, in the honorable spirit of any game in the cuntress slasher genre (or any game period, truthfully; they can’t all make the cover of vogue), but most of the costumes are actually well designed and stylish. There’s clear inspiration for each one, the themes are varied, and while thankfully not every costume is is sexy, every article of clothing EVE can acquire is chic. I appreciated that there are a few costumes where she has flat shoes in lieu of heels, and a few that dont accent her boobies or ass. Sometimes a girl needs a break from being the baddest. to the other side of the argument that threw a temper tantrum over “censorship” when the outfit you were bitching about literally shows off her kardashian-plumped pussoi; put a shotgun in your mouth and pull the trigger with your toes lmfao I dont even have the sense of humor to entertain your nonsense. One of the costumes has a clit window (and still serves). Another one forgoes the classic womb tattoo (or LED lights in this case) for the new and insightful ovary tattoo (LED light) instead. You’re so pathetic i can’t even put it into words.
The biggest attraction to this game for me personally however was without a doubt the combat. In the first look trailer we got in 2021, a video i can play in my mind as clear as day, I was able to identify two key features that put this title on my radar: a perfect dodge, the mechanic which platinum games perfected in Bayonetta all the way back in 2009, and a perfect parry, the mechanic that rocketed fromsoftware’s Sekiro to the top of the foodchain to forever outclass all action games to come. We will never get another Bayonetta or another Sekiro, much like there will never be a narrative that resonates quite as profoundly as what yoko taro produced in Automata, but Stellar Blade is not any of these games. Stellar Blade is Stellar Blade, and achieves a striking identity with the fluidity of its combat. Though being familiar with its predecessors aids in the understanding of its systems, treating them as interchangeable will lead to ruin, which I appreciated immensely. I didn’t start off doing terribly, but was punished severely for getting too greedy with combos or not being aggressive and proactive enough while trying to bait out attack sequences. The more personal nature of combat lends it more towards Sekiro, but with only a handful of human enemies in the game (four if i recall correctly, all bosses), the tactics and aggression needed to carve monsters to pieces are different and must be treated as such. Study, practice, and patience lead to action sequences that are bombastic, exhilarating, and salacious.
All of the action is underscored by a soundtrack that was truly breathtaking. Collabing with Keichii Okabe’s MONACA studio for some of the tracks was another cause for outcry of copycatting NieR (ignoring that MONACA has a very obvious deck of cards that they like to reuse across all of their games, no shade of course it’s all delicious), yet the soundtrack as a whole is diverse in its genre expressions. Obvious inspiration from kpop is what gives Stellar Blade its stylish personality, yet there are moving orchestral pieces, hard rock solos with thrilling guitar, and slow, mellifluous melodies that drift in and out of speakers as you move between the hub city and outside maps, or during brief stops at rest camps.
Perhaps the most delightful surprise in the game, however, was the true source of inspiration for the meat of the gameplay; Stellar Blade is a single-player action-adventure game, and it takes clear direction from the most successful games that came before it. Puzzles to progress forward or gather loot are varied and enjoyable in the same ways as Resident Evil, the atmosphere and level design is most reminiscent of Dead Space (a comparison I’m tickled to make, as several areas in the game were genuinely creepy and unsettling), and the platforming sequences are as tight and fun as the ever-classic Crash Bandicoot. There’s a fishing minigame that kicked my ass. The PS5 controller uses its functions to the fullest with its adaptive triggers changing the tension based off of ammunition fired from the drone or with soft vibrations to emulate the pitter-patter of raindrops or EVE’s footsteps on different terrain changing the intensity of vibration based on the texture of whatever is underfoot. It was sensory heaven identifying sneak attacks from burrowing enemies rumbling and tunneling under the sand to jump out at me from behind. There are difficulty levels that adjust the challenge to player preference, with accessibility options that let you auto-succeed QTE sequences or single-press buttons that would typically be repeated mashing inputs. This is a video game that enjoys being a video game, and as a woman enamored with video games, I cannot get enough of it.
There are criticisms to make, of course, and I’m not here to settle the argument of whether this game is feminist or misogynist. To label it as one or the other ignores the tepid nature of the subject, and encourages bystanders to form an opinion without seeing for themselves what’s under the hood. As a sexual woman who enjoys being strong, independent, violent, yet still sensual, demure, and unfathomable, I was delighted with the experience. EVE stands proud as her own woman; she is not the catty dominatrix aroused by carnage and destruction that is Bayonetta, nor is she the silent and surly tortured soul that is 2B. Stellar Blade can take pride in distinguishing itself from its foremothers as a modern game with modern aesthetics, and I hope to see developers truly understand just what kind of care and attention it takes to produce such a stellar title.
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pocket-luv101 · 5 months
Summary: Licht struggles to write a love song so Hyde suggests they watch romance movies together. (LawLicht)
“Will you stop doing that, Shit Rat? It’s annoying and I can’t concentrate on my song! I told you that you’re only allowed to stay as long as you behave.” Licht snapped and tossed his notebook at Hyde across the hotel room. His outburst cut through the silence and startled Hyde. He couldn’t dodge the attack. Papers spilled out from the book and he rushed to collect the music sheets.
“What the hell? I was being quiet.” Hyde retorted. He started to argue with him but then he glanced down at the music sheets. The page was blank. A movie director commissioned Licht to compose a love theme. Licht accepted the request with the belief that it would be a simple challenge. However, he wasn’t able to write a single melody in the past hour. It was clear to see that he was frustrated with his progress on the song— or lack thereof.
His passion and greed was what drew Hyde to him. That part of his personality also worried Hyde at times. Licht would push himself to continue playing his piano even if his fingers bled. He didn’t know how he was lucky enough to form a contract with an angel after everything he did. He could never guess the reason but he would do everything he could to help Licht.
“How about a lunch break, Lichtan?” He suggested and Licht’s answer was sharp glare. While he summoned his piano on his lap, he didn’t try to fight with him further. He pressed a single key in slow tempo that was second nature after years of practise. Hyde had many talented Eves. A few struggled with their commission and procrastinated with their work. His angel was different. He knew that it would be more difficult to convince him to take a break from his work.
Hyde silently listed things he could say to him. A sly grin spread across his lips and the shift in his demeanor caught Licht’s attention. His piano vanished and reformed as boots. Their eyes met and could read each other’s intentions. Licht raised a brow and silently challenged him to provoke him into another fight. In response, Hyde motioned for him to join him on the couch.
Licht started to shake his head but a part of him was curious. Despite being an angel, Hyde was the only devil who could tempt him. “I have something that could give you inspiration for your love song, Angel Cakes.”
“Is this a corny attempt to flirt with me and suggest we have sex? I’m working, Shit Rat. I love you but my music is important to me too. Don’t act distracting so I can finish my song.” Licht ordered. He crossed the room to Hyde and took his unfinished music sheets from him. He was surprised by how easily Hyde gave him the notebook when he would usually try to fight him. As he straightened the crumpled paper, he noticed the pink tint on Hyde’s cheek.
“You love me.” Hyde echoed the word. Licht told him that he loved him so casually that it took Hyde aback. Whenever he would tease him and try to have Licht affirm his feelings, his response would be to kick him out of irritation and feeling flustered. He blushed and Hyde realized that Licht had said the words without thinking.
“Not when you’re being irritating, Shit Rat!” Before Licht could storm out of the room and leave the awkward silence, Hyde stopped him. His scarf wrapped itself around his wrist and pulled him back. As he stumbled backwards, his leg struck the couch. He fell into the spot next to Hyde and he wrapped his arm around his waist. Yet, it was Hyde’s red eyes that kept him from standing again.
“I actually have a way to help you find inspiration. We can watch romance movies and listen to their soundtrack. That might give you inspiration for your own love song. There’s Pride and Prejudice, Titanic or we can take a chance with a more modern movie. Though, I know you like the classics and fairy tales.” Hyde circled his arms around Licht and leaned forward to reach the remote on the table in front of them. As he did so, Licht could feel his chest pressed against his back.
“Is this a trick to make me rest?” Licht took the remote before Hyde could. He held the controller over his head but it was impossible to keep it away from him while he was sitting on his lap. Hyde buried his face in his neck and tickled his nose against his skin. Briefly distracted, he was able to steal the remote from him. He turned on the television and scrolled through the available movies.
Licht pushed his body backwards until they were sitting back on the couch and he could tilt his head up to Hyde. He scowled at him and crossed his arms. Hyde could hear his complaints even before he spoke. He took his hand and kissed his fingertips. His long and slender fingers were fitting for a pianist even as they contrasted Licht’s strong personality. He loved both sides of him though.
“I know you love playing the piano but even angels need to rest. You’ll finish your song eventually and it’ll be a gift from the heavens.” Hyde reassured him. When they first met, he mimicked how Licht would reference angels and fairy tales to mock him. Now, they were his honest praise.
“I don’t want to settle for ‘eventually’. I want to finish my song now. If I take a break or wait too long, I might regret it.” Licht muttered and nestled closer to Hyde’s side. His voice was barely above a whisper and Hyde was only able to hear it from how close they were. Hyde knew that Licht was remembering his brief summer in France.
Licht thought that he had lost his friend before he could play a song for him. Since he rarely met people his age, let alone had friends, the regret affected him more. He promised himself that he would always pursue his goals and no longer have regrets. He eventually learned that Niccolo was alive. That was only possible because he met Hyde. Licht found it a little ironic that a demon was able to save an angel.
“Indulge me for an hour, Lichtan.” Hyde played a romance movie at random. “If our love story was a movie, what song would be playing? I’m not an angel of music like you but I can recite a Shakespearan monologue of the first time I saw you. Shall our love be a short lived game or a violent one, my Juliet? Or I can be the mysterious Mr. Darcy that you hate at first but then fall madly in love!”
“A mysterious Mr. Darcy? I could see through you from the start, Shit Rat.” Licht rolled his eyes.
The way Hyde tricked him into forming a contract gave him a terrible first impression. However, as they spent more time with each other, he sensed that there was a reason Hyde kept himself from following his dreams. Licht often became frustrated that he didn’t know Hyde’s reason and tried to push him forward in his own way. Then, Hyde told him about his past and they could truly begin to understand each other.
On the screen, the couple began to dance with each other. Licht easily recognized the song and he tapped his finger on Hyde’s arm. “Fur Elise. The love songs I hear in romance movies are slow and have an idyllic light motif. That’s not what I hear when I’m with you.”
Licht struggled with the song for the past few days yet their short conversation helped him realize why it was so difficult. The director hired him to write a score for a fairy tale romance. However, his love story with Hyde was far from conventional. He needed to write a song that was true to himself but also fitting for the movie.
“So, how do you hear our song?” Hyde asked out of curiosity.
“Like a tempest.” He closed his eyes and listened to Hyde’s even heartbeat. He was certain that he could follow that sound through a deafening storm. They had been through a lot but he wouldn’t change a moment they shared. Licht summoned his piano and placed his fingers over the keys. He intended to play Beethoven’s Tempest but another song flowed out of him. “This is our song. What is our monologue, Mr. Playwright?”
“I’ve quoted Shakespeare for centuries but I don’t know if my pose can match his.” Hyde watched Licht’s fingers glide over the piano keys and recalled the first time he saw him on stage. “The spotlight above you is a faux of Heaven’s light. Once the curtain falls, the silhouette of a human remains. What a foolish angel he is to believe he can change the world. Dreams will remain as that: fleeting dreams. Yet, as I listen to his song move heaven and earth, I can almost believe your words of folly. Perhaps, I am the angel’s fool.”
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queen-mihai · 9 months
I wanna talk a little bit about the concept of "want"
Mutuals, I urge you please to reblog this and maybe we can get a conversation going. Could be interesting 🥰🥰 ily ❤️
So the topic here is the concept of "Want" and the part that it plays in building and sustaining a functioning society. Some philosophy might say we all "want" the same basic things. Food, safety, shelter, friends, and fun. Those people might say that we should develop our society around giving people the freedom to "do what they want" with the understanding that those wants will inevitably bring society to a good place anyway, so why stop them.
Others will point to more obscure and extreme desires like murder or rape or defrauding the public to say that you can't just give people what they "want" or society would fall apart.
One person will say "it's not about what you *want*. It's about the LAW" As if the law isn't based on our mutual desires as a society.
Take murder for instance:
Murder should absolutely be illegal. Definitely not something we should allow as a society.
But the writing of a law banning murder isn't anything more than enforcement of something we don't WANT to see happening.
The argument "it's not about what you want, it's about the law" falls apart pretty quickly if you imagine the following scenario:
What if the law demanded that "each person, upon the eve of his 21st birthday, must commit one murder. Failure to comply will result in a $250,000 fine and up to one year in federal prison"
People would be clamoring to find every loophole imaginable. "His" 21st birthday? Looks like there's going to be a lot more 20 year old transfem people.
The "eve" of his birthday? Every single person with a birthday before the day this law goes into effect will be signing affidavits stating that their birthday is before the law was enacted and thus can't be held liable under this dumb law.
Guaranteed people would be suing the government left and right as to the constitutionality of the law and fighting it tooth and nail.
Because most of us don't WANT murder to be a thing. Most of us WANT to avoid it at all costs, and being forced into something so abhorrent would cause no end of distress.
So the argument "it's not about what you want, it's about the law" isn't a good argument. Because the answer to that argument is "it very much depends what that law says"
Let's take something much less serious. Speeding.
We humans pretty obviously *want* to go fast. However, conversely, we also want to be safe. So we hire a bunch of scientists and lawmakers to tell us the maximum amount of fast we're allowed to go on any given road.
If you don't think so, then why are speed limits even a thing? If we didn't care, you wouldn't ever need a speed limit sign. We'd all happily cruise along at, maybe 30 km/h everywhere we go, and everyone would most likely be safe all the time. This isn't how it goes because that's not what we want.
Consider: a dodge challenger with 707 horsepower successfully escapes the police. We'd all cheer because fuck the police.
A different dodge challenger with 707 horsepower tries to escape but gets caught. We'd all cheer because fuck that dude, don't run from the cops.
Why are both of these nearly equally satisfying? Because we enjoy both the act of someone using massive power to escape from what we know is a corrupt legal system, AND we enjoy the thought that no matter how much go-fast you have, you can't escape your crimes.
Both things are objectively true, and they're both things that we want. Going too extreme in either direction seems a betrayal of some deep part of our human values and we try to find a middle ground that doesn't give too much power to the police OR the criminals.
OK let's change gears again. What about having children? For the most part, anyone can potentially have children "if they want to".
Lawmakers in every country in the world are worried that we're not keeping up having babies at the "replacement rate". People don't want to bring babies into the world when they can hardly afford to eat. But companies don't want to pay people higher salaries because their CEOs and executives don't want to give up their salaries.
CEOs abs executives getting paid exorbitant sums of money for almost no work are choking the life out of our society, but we don't write laws to ban the practice of overpaying someone 60,000x what their employees earn because lawmakers don't WANT to.
And those same lawmakers will argue, faced with these facts, that "you could become an overpaid executive too, if you wanted to".
They don't want to face the fact that a major problem in our society is executive salaries. They'd rather imagine that what we want is to BE the overpaid executive. Because that means they don't have to do anything and can blame our lack of sufficient money to a choice to not follow a certain career path. They don't want to do the work to change the law. So they imagine that the problem is we just don't want to do the work to become an executive ourselves.
What about something you don't get to choose? Like being a person of color.
Laws are made all over the world to discriminate against people of color. Why? Because a certain group WANTS to pretend that they are the majority. They have the power and they want to keep it. So they write laws that hurt people of color and then tell us if we *want* our lives to be better, we can just work harder. They'll point to successful people of color as proof that "you could do it if you wanted to". I don't doubt some of them may even point at me as proof that a transgender person of color can absolutely succeed. And they'll say to a transgender person who didn't have my upbringing, or my education, or my opportunities, or my luck, "you see her? She did it. You must just not want to"
And we don't want these laws to be a thing, but there aren't enough of us taking up positions at lawmakers to change enough of these laws. It's not like I'm about to quit my career to go be a lawmaker somewhere because that career path is not something I want. But I do want *someone* who is black and transgender to *want* the job of a lawmaker because it would benefit a lot of people.
Speaking of transgender, being LGBT is often talked about as something you're born with, and not necessarily something people "want". You're born this way. And that argument has a lot of merit. However, I would also argue that you absolutely *should* be ALLOWED to live out your entire life as a gay man or woman or enby. Or be allowed to transition JUST because you *want* to. We can squabble all day about consent and age and people knowing what they're getting into or whatever, but in the end, no matter what, once someone has read all of the books, digested all of the science, considered all of the opinions: the question of "will you have sex with/kiss/marry someone of the same gender" or "will you trans your gender" STILL boils down, in its most oversimplified state, to... "do you *want* to?"
How the law plays into all of this really matters, and is the point of this whole post.
We write laws because we want to. We run for office because we want to. We elect lawmakers or don't vote for lawmakers because we want to.
At some point, "want" becomes "law", but I think it's worth remembering that all of our laws are still WANTS in the end.
Because what you want DOES matter.
I *want* for this to get lots of engagement. I want lots of people to reblog this with their own insightful opinions. But obviously no one needs to interact with this post or any of my posts... if they don't WANT to.
I want to be an engineer.
I want to be an author.
I want to be perceived as a woman, transgender or otherwise.
I want to be successful.
I want to inspire good and positive thinking in people.
And I want people to be happy all around the world.
All I can do is try my best to be as kind as possible and spread love and interesting thoughts as much as I can. How the world wants to react? That's up to the world. I hope you're having fun. I love you
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myreygn · 1 year
Flour Magic
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summary: Nagisa helps Aiichiro baking for the Samezuka christmas party and to say that things get a little out of hand would be an understatement.
an: this is my @squealing-santa​ gift for @theatregaymer​. on the last possible day, as usual, and the title is kinda weird, but i really hope you like it! i also hope you had fun on the holidays and have a good new year’s eve! ^^ thank you to @hypahticklish​ for hosting, this was my first time participating and i had a lot of fun <3
Baking with Rin was a challenge. There was always some miscalculated amount, some forgotten ingredient, or, even better, some random ingredient which had nothing to do with the thing they were trying to bake whatsoever. Of course, it was never Rin’s fault. No no, always something wrong with the recipe, or the measurements. And the worst part about the whole baking thing was that they had to do it every time there was a team event coming up; graduation parties, New Year’s… while Aiichiro loved baking and always gladly took over the preparations, the captain’s help was expected as it was a Samezuka tradition at this point. Captain Seijuro had caused an indescribable amount of chaos every time and Aiichiro had almost been relieved when Rin took over, but… well. Yeah.
To say that he had expected anything else would have been a lie, but to deal with his senpai’s absolute incapability of admitting any wrongdoing was… exhausting, to say the least. Which was why he was very contemptuous with Rin being sick when the time to bake for the team’s christmas party rolled around. Not thrilled of course, because that would just be malicious, but sometimes sickness really came in handy. Up until now, he had also managed to keep Momotarou from the kitchen and even though Sousuke was unfortunately unavailable, he had found a substitute that was actually competent.
Well, mostly.
“Nagisa!” Aiichiro let out a long sigh, the sixth one within the last five minutes, and put his hands on his hips, trying his very best to give the blonde boy a reproachful stare. “How many times have I told you, be more careful!”
“I know, I know. Sorry?”
Screw it, he couldn’t stay mad at Nagisa. Not when he had that sheepish little smile on his face and his entire hair was covered in flour. How did it get up there? Who knew? Aiichiro for sure had no idea. Sigh number seven.
“Come here, let’s clean you up.”
“Oh, don’t bother.”
Aiichiro barely had time to get concerned about what would happen before Nagisa let his head hang down and began to shake it. The floor and his face turned equally white as he watched the flour trickle downwards in horror; mentally he made a note to sweep through later. This was the dorm’s kitchen after all and he couldn’t possibly leave all of this flour on the floor in good conscience, handing all the work over to the cleaning staff.
“You look like youʼve seen a ghost!” Nagisa laughed. “Don't worry, we're gonna clean that up. Well, me. I'm gonna clean that up.” He tilted his head, chuckling softly. “You need to relax a little, Ai. Making cookies is supposed to be fun and you’ve been stressed out ever since we started.”
Aiichiro felt his cheeks grow warm. “Y-yeah, well, I just don’t want them to be ruined, just because we’re fooling around and not paying attention to the ingredients or anything!”
Nagisa smirked, then he shrugged and turned back to the dough. “I’m sure they’re ruined already.”
“Yeah, you made the frosting with milk and you know that when you’re in a sour mood, the milk goes sour too, right?”
His pulse, having gone from zero to a hundred real quick, dropped again and Aiichiro couldn’t help the growl escaping his throat. “That was so silly.”
“No, but this is.”
Nagisa was fast, Aiichiro had to hand him that. The flour was all over his face before he could even blink. Not to mention, in his mouth. Ew.
“Watch out!”
“NaGAH! Alright, that’s it!”
Nagisa dodged the flour Aiichiro threw at him, laughing. “Finally you’re ready to have some fun! Now eat- umphf!”
Aiiricho grinned, already gathering as many flour packages as he could get his hands on. He had to stuff himself with more ammunition and, even more important, prevent Nagisa from doing the same!
Now, there were two very important things to know about Nitori Aiichiro. One, he was a strategist. Not very skilled when it came to open face to face combat, but chess was exactly his cup of tea and he had led his lasertag teams to victory more than just once. And two, he was determined. He didn’t like giving up - and he wouldn’t!
However, there was also one very important thing to know about Hazuki Nagisa, something which Aiichiro was about to find out the hard way: he did not care for any of that.
For the third or fourth time already, Aiichiro found himself not having any time to make a battle plan or even think for a second. Nagisa didn’t have a lot of flour left, but he sure was making the most of it, rapidly opening fire and not letting him breathe at all.
He spluttered when he got hit in the face, blinking and trying to regain his vision, taking more shots in the process. This was brutal. This was war. There was nothing he could do except for waiting until Nagisa would run out of flour, which, if his estimations were correct, should happen right around… now!
Aiichiro took a deep breath as soon as the attacks stopped (and regretted it immediately, that goddamn flour was everywhere) and got the vast majority out of his face before looking at the now unarmed Nagisa and allowing himself a tiny smirk. “My turn.”
Or so he thought. Because there was a second very important thing to know about Hazuki Nagisa. In retrospect, Aiichiro would smack himself in the head, because it was something he already knew about and yet he was still caught off guard; Nagisa was very fast.
“H-hey, what are you- EEK!”
Aiichiro felt his legs go weak and he dropped to his knees, Nagisa following him to the floor with a satisfied grin and his hands latched to his sides, squeezing. “What is it, Ai? A little sensitive?”
“Yohou know thahat!”
“You’re right, I know that.” Aiichiro shrieked when Nagisa pulled his arm to the side and wiggled his fingers into his armpit. “And I’m really happy I know that.”
“Nohoho- Nahagisa! Nahat thehere!” Gosh, this was unbearable. Did the Christmas spirit make him more ticklish? Or was Nagisa just ridiculously good at this? Probably the latter.
“Not there? But that’s not even your most ticklish spot. Do you really want me to go there?”
Panic rose in Aiichiro’s chest as more frantic laughter spilled out of his mouth; panic, but also a kind of excitement. “Nahagisa, plehehease…”
“Please go there? As you wish.”
Nagisa let go of his wrist and Aiichiro immediately clamped his arm to his side, taking a moment to breathe through. A moment too long, apparently. An arm wrapped around his ankles and his heart dropped to his stomach. “Nonono, wait, Nagisa, wahait-”
“Yes?” Nagisa smirked down at him, one single index finger ghosting over his sole and Aiichiro couldn’t stop a panicked giggle from slipping out. “I’m waiting?”
“U-uhm… don’t tickle me…”
“Tickle you? With pleasure!”
“Noho! I said dohon’t!”
“Don’t what?”
“Tihickle me- WAIT!”
“Too late.” Nagisa let out a cackle in his best super villain manner and started to scribble all five fingers of his free hand over the two feet he was keeping in a headlock. 
Aiichiro screamed.
“NAHAHAGISAHAHA!” The assault at his armpit had been nothing in comparison to this. Somehow Nagisa found all the right spots that made him go insane. The middle of his sole, his heel, and even bending back his toes to scratch beneath them. Aiichiro distantly registered Nagisa’s voice, probably teasing him, but he was too lost in the absolute madness of a sensation that was the tickling. Tears were running down his cheeks and his stomach hurt from laughing so hard, and Nagisa was relentless, changing his finger movements between scratching, scribbling and even kneading softly. At last, he couldn’t take it anymore.
Nagisa chuckled, slowing down and letting go of his legs, then he handed him a bottle of water he pulled out of his backpack and softly patted his knee. “That’s what I wanted to hear. Are you okay?”
“Y-yeah…” Aiichiro rubbed his tummy, trying to calm down from the after-giggles. “All good… jeez, what was that?!”
Nagisa shrugged, a sheepish smile pulling at the corners of his lips. “I was out of ammo. And you were so tense all day, I wanted you to laugh and loosen up a little.”
A slight wave of guilt washed over Aiichiro’s features. “Was I that bad? I’m sorry….”
“I mean… a little. Don’t worry about it.” Nagisa held his hand up, grinning. “I had fun!”
Aiichiro couldn’t help but smile softly, then he gave his friend the high five he was waiting for. “Yeah, me too. Come on, let’s clean up and get back to work.”
“That doesn’t mean getting back to moping though, right?”
“I said I was sorry!”
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suckmybussy · 1 year
Binding of Isaac Character overviev part 2: Magdalene
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Magdalene is likely the first character player will ever unlock, her only difference between isaac, is her blond hair
Her playstyle is one one LIFE, she has highest sustain among all characters, and her life regen allows for completelly different playstyle between new, and veteran player
She refferences Biblical Mary Magdalene, often reffered to Apostle of Apostles, and was speculated to be girlfriend or even wife of Jesus, as she was the only apostle kissed on the mouth. around 580 she started being depicted as repenting prostitute because she got conflated with Mary of bethany. Her true name was actually Mary, and Magdalene was likely refference to her city of birth "Magdala"
Tarot card associated with magdalene is "VI The Lovers"
Unlock: have 7 or more red heart containers at once
Starting items: -active: Yum heart -pickup: full health pill (after beating challenge april fools)
Important stats: -4 heart containers -low speed
Gameplay wise, magdalene has big problem with dodging due to her low speed, but makes up for it thanks to her yum heart to regenerate health. More skilled players can allocate health to other places like bloodbanks or devil beggars to not waste charges.
Strong Items:
Maggie Thrives from items that let her either spend health, or make her tankier, depending on skill level, as such her favourite items may be
-Health regen itemsand health ups: Placenta, Maggies bow -On receiving damage items: fanny pack, old bandage, habit(allows for even more healing) -Tanky items: infamy, psy fly, Wafer -Health consuming items: bloody oath, glass shard
Bad items: -items reducing her health: abbadon, brittle bones, dead cat -further slow downs: thundereus thighs, bucket of lard
Strategies: For never players, really advised is getting tank items, and recharge items to keep high health for the longest time possible.
Better players might use bloodbanks and other ways of consuming health for rewards (using both bloodbank and charge beggar (works even better with habit!) is a good way to get both to pay out for charge item and IV bag/blood bag)
Player might Use 4.5V and habit to become nearly unkillable during bossfights
Maggies starting 4 heart containers, 1 Yum heart charge and full health pills allow her to make 7 sacrifices in sacrifice room, which allows her to get up to 2 angel room items on first floor
Tainted Magdalene
As with most, if not all tainted maggie takes magdalenes strenght, makes it even better, but locks it behind gimmic, allowing for similar, yet more fun experience. As maggies Theme is Life, tainted magdalene also starts with Yum heart, but much stronger and on pill slot. She starts with 4 heart containers, but only 2 are "prenament", and all remaining hearts, irregardless of type will slowly bleed out (starting from red hearts), tho these red hearts still protect from loosing angel/devil change. She also reinforces maggies problem with dodging, making her gimmick her hugging mechanic, by getting close to enemy she performs melee attack, and enemies killed by her will drop hearts that dissapear quickly. This allows T Maggie for much faster and more dynamic gameplay, where we run into enemies and destroy them as fast as we can, trying to keep our health hight by picking up hearts and using Yum heart (that heals 2 red containers!)
Strong Items:
-On hit items: it Hurts, fanny pack, dead bird -damage reduction: cancer, wafer -recharge items: 9volt, battery, habit, sharp plug (this one allows for being unkillable) -melee weapon: spirit sword (basically better hug, and allows to pick up dropped hearts) -Dmg modifers: Eves mascara, Polyphemus (hug damage scales with isaacs)
Weak items:
Same as normal maggie -Items requiring to not get hit: Paschal candle, mystery egg, democles
T maggies usual strategies are less usefull, but still work, using sacrifice rooms is harder because of life drain, but can be offset by keeping yum heart charge untill that moment
She needs additional healing for long fights like Hush, Delirium, Beast, habit is advised as it greatly increases her survivability
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raxistaicho · 1 year
Are we not Engaged? Part 5
Spoilers under the cut
-Dragon loli Azura is getting attacked by Corrupted.
-She’s looking for her sister. Alear 100%
-What does getting Sommie to max joy do anyways? Oh well, making the littler bugger happy is fun XD
-Alear Yunaka C: I can’t stop hearing Ahri when Yunaka talks lol. “I’ve merc’d a time or two,” okay that was legitimately nice word play. Honestly, I like Yunaka most when she slips into killer mode when she scores crits. I’m probably trying to read too deep into her, but I’m curious where her real self starts and ends.
-Louis Yunaka C: Louis gives her tea. What is it with Firenans and tea. Louis asks Yunaka about her family, Yunaka kinda dodges the question and Louis tactfully withdraws. Not much happens here, but I suspect we’re building to something.
-Citrinne uses big hurty lightning \o/
-Celine Louis C: T E A. Celine likes to smell her tea. Louis knows where special tea is and Celine’s excited.
-Alcryst Citrine C: Citrine’s training, Alcryst praises her for it. She’s upset about not being strong enough for some reason.
-Hmm, seems I can’t actually take master seals into battle, that’s interesting.
-On to Brodia castle and chapter 8.
-Oh wow, Brodia castle looks even harder to take than Firene castle.
-Diamant is coming to greet us, hopefully he doesn’t take a shot at us or try to start an international incident.
-There’s something off-puting about Diamant’s eyes.
-Morion’s voice actor is terrible.
-Diamant apparently argues with Morion not to leave the castle. What, is he not capable of defending himself in this kingdom of might? Also the game actually froze in the middle of Morion’s dialogue for a bit, I never had that happen in Three Houses.
-It happened again lol.
-Morion just tosses Roy’s ring at Diamant, wtf... I know I’m supposed to see him as good-hearted and friendly, but he’s just acting like a another doofus.
-Here’s Roy. Thank god his summoning tune wasn’t a remix of Beyond the Fucking Sky. Or at least not one I recognized.
-Oh hey, here Ivy. “She’s dodging all our wyverns’ attacks.” We’ll see if that translates to gameplay lol.
-Ivy’s gonna take my life and my soul. Oh boy, more edgy cliches. At least she’s not as annoying as Hortensia. Oh she’s actually remorseful.
-Oohhh, the Sage Lord was Leif.
-Oh christ I already don’t like Amber.
-Citrinne got a Constance level! \o/ Oh well, with her meh base speed she might as well quadruple-down on poking. Besides, I have Celine when I need a monster-fast mage (17 speed roflmao)
-Etie’s decision to just really really stupid strong worked out when she dealt Zelkov a crushing 22 damage with a crappy Longbow, lol.
-Zelkov is like he's trying to be Hubert but he doesn't realize part of the charm is Hubert just embraces who he is and also takes it out for a romantic evening. At least he’s not lacking in noticeable character traits like Kagetsu.
-”With this ring, nothing and no-one will take me down.” They all say that. Then I send Celine after them.
-We got Leif \o/
-”Emblem of Genealogy” I really fucking hate how Leif is representing Genealogy Gen 2 rather than Thracia.
-”How could I have failed,” you flew straight into an ambush.
-Wait, did we just let Ivy leave???
-King Hyacinth is trying to challenge Morion into combat.
-Morion is toss around death flags like crazy. No idea why Diamant is so afraid when Brodia has been at war with Elusia for ages.
 -Diamant is boring as shit as a character. Morion’s supposed to be jolly and fun but he’s just an idiot.
-Finally we reference whether or not Alear can turn into a dragon. She absolutely will before the end.
-Oh my god, Catherine’s alive and she got old and came to Brodia!!!
-Celine Alear B: TEA. Seems bandits are attacking tea trade routes. What is it with Firenans and tea. Eve is sending Celine after the bandits because... she knows the most about tea? What? Alear asks what she’ll do, Celine says she’ll “drive them off with pranks”. Celine, you’re like my best soldier, just go kill them all \o/ Celine laments that real life isn’t so fanciful, then she raises things to 11 by saying she’ll do whatever it takes to protect her people. I mean I have her burn my foes to death easily but eh.
-Oh nice this game carries over Echoes’s weapon transformation system. Except unlike Echoes it gives you materials at better than a drip-feet.
-Framme Chloe A: Oh my god, it’s still the same scene. Framme accidentally gave Chloe a sandwich of fried bugs. This is literally just their B support being repeated!
-Celine Etie B: T E A. Turns out Alfred almost died when he was young and Celine had to toughen up because of it. Etie’s hand is still trembling. Oh she’s using her weird weighted teacups again. Celine’s handled cannonballs???
Celine Alcryst C: Celine’s out late because she can’t sleep. She admits to having recurring nightmares due to lingering trauma of when Alfred was sickly, Alcryst says he fears Diamant dying too. This one was legitimately a good support convo, it’s like something from 3H.
-Citrine Clanne C: Citrinne bugs me, she’s trying to be a refined mature lady but she’s got the same babyface as the other girls. Clanne’s trying to help a withered wildfowe, Citrinne is pleased for it. I think this has something to do with her obsession with getting stronger.
-Oohh, gold corrupted. I wanna see what that’s all about.
-Oh no, the fog of war is back.
-Alear Alcryst C: Alear almost gets ambushed... by a wolf. Alcryst asks the wolf to leave Alear alone... and then begs it to leave... This is worse than anything Bernadetta ever did.
-I began a relay just now. Later I shall see what the ignorant masses achieve with my incredible Louis, Celine, and Chloe.
-Celine Alcryst B: Turns out Morion stupidly made Alcryst worry that his father and brother will die. Alcryst goes to check Diamant whenever he’s woken by his nightmares. They pledge to support each other.
-Alcryst Diamant C: They’re sparring. Diamant is mostly trying to help out Alcryst’s mindset, but Alcryst is stubbornly pessimistic. It ends on Alcryst wondering if Diamant has any weaknesses.
-Alcryst Lapis C: Alcryst vows to protect Lapis because he thinks he’s worthless, but it makes Lapis really uncomfortable.
-Vander Amber C: Vander is devoted and stuff, Amber’s stupidly looking for a legendary weapon he thinks might be at the Somniel because he’s Amber and he’s stupid. Vander tells Amber he needs to make a weapon legendary by becoming legendary.
That’s all for now, next will be chapter 9.
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streetmusclecars · 1 year
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Dodge Bombshells: Charger, Challenger Gone By 2024, EV Arrives Soon
A busy next two years sees Dodge planning an EV, plug-in hybrid, and third significant new vehicle.
Alisa Priddle Writer Motor Trend
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Travel Through Time: Sci-fi picks
Thrust by Lidia Yuknavitch
As rising waters--and an encroaching police state--endanger her life and family, a girl with the gifts of a carrier travels through water and time to rescue vulnerable figures from the margins of history Lidia Yuknavitch has an unmatched gift for capturing stories of people on the margins--vulnerable humans leading lives of challenge and transcendence. Now, Yuknavitch offers an imaginative masterpiece: the story of Laisve, a motherless girl from the late 21st century who is learning her power as a carrier, a person who can harness the power of meaningful objects to carry her through time. Sifting through the detritus of a fallen city known as the Brook, she discovers a talisman that will mysteriously connect her with a series of characters from the past two centuries: a French sculptor; a woman of the American underworld; a dictator's daughter; an accused murderer; and a squad of laborers at work on a national monument. Through intricately braided storylines, Laisve must dodge enforcement raids and find her way to the present day, and then, finally, to the early days of her imperfect country, to forge a connection that might save their lives--and their shared dream of freedom. A dazzling novel of body, spirit, and survival, Thrust will leave no reader unchanged.
This Time Tomorrow by Emma Straub
What if you could take a vacation to your past? On the eve of her 40th birthday, Alice's life isn't terrible. She likes her job, even if it isn't exactly the one she expected. She's happy with her apartment, her romantic status, her independence, and she adores her lifelong best friend. But her father is ailing, and it feels to her as if something is missing. When she wakes up the next morning she finds herself back in 1996, reliving her 16th birthday. But it isn't just her adolescent body that shocks her, or seeing her high school crush, it's her dad: the vital, charming, 40-something version of her father with whom she is reunited. Now armed with a new perspective on her own life and his, some past events take on new meaning. Is there anything that she would change if she could?
All Our Wrong Todays by Elan Mastai
You know the future that people in the 1950s imagined we'd have? Well, it happened. In Tom Barren's 2016, humanity thrives in a techno-utopian paradise of flying cars, moving sidewalks, and moon bases, where avocados never go bad and punk rock never existed . . . because it wasn't necessary. Except Tom just can't seem to find his place in this dazzling, idealistic world, and that's before his life gets turned upside down. Utterly blindsided by an accident of fate, Tom makes a rash decision that drastically changes not only his own life but the very fabric of the universe itself. In a time-travel mishap, Tom finds himself stranded in our 2016, what we think of as the real world. For Tom, our normal reality seems like a dystopian wasteland. But when he discovers wonderfully unexpected versions of his family, his career, and—maybe, just maybe—his soul mate, Tom has a decision to make. Does he fix the flow of history, bringing his utopian universe back into existence, or does he try to forge a new life in our messy, unpredictable reality? Tom’s search for the answer takes him across countries, continents, and timelines in a quest to figure out, finally, who he really is and what his future—our future—is supposed to be.
The Gone World by Tom Sweterlitsch
Shannon Moss is part of a clandestine division within the Naval Criminal Investigative Service. In western Pennsylvania, 1997, she is assigned to solve the murder of a Navy SEAL's family--and to locate his vanished teenage daughter. Though she can't share the information with conventional law enforcement, Moss discovers that the missing SEAL was an astronaut aboard the spaceship U.S.S. Libra—a ship assumed lost to the currents of Deep Time. Moss knows first-hand the mental trauma of time-travel and believes the SEAL's experience with the future has triggered this violence. Determined to find the missing girl and driven by a troubling connection from her own past, Moss travels ahead in time to explore possible versions of the future, seeking evidence to crack the present-day case. To her horror, the future reveals that it's not only the fate of a family that hinges on her work, for what she witnesses rising over time's horizon and hurtling toward the present is the Terminus: the terrifying and cataclysmic end of humanity itself.
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puppywritesthings · 2 years
hi! how about 14, 21, 24, and 27 (i had a hard time choosing which ones, so hopefully four is okay!!)
14. who's a queen you think is totally underrated?
As someone whose toxic trait is being a season 7 apologist, I'd have to say Jaidynn Diore Fierce. Also Darienne Lake. Yes, I know she made 4th on her season, but I really want to see her on an All-Stars season either as an assassin or a competitor (depending if they change the format for the umpteenth time)
21. any catchphrases from drag race that you really love or say a lot?
Oh, I have a that I added to my lexicon. I developed a vocal stim of "delUSION. conVINCE YOURSELF" for a while. Other things I've adopted was Max's "I feel verrry uncomfortable... right... now..." from the DESPY awards challenge, and also "LOOK OVER THERE" has been my go-to dodging the question method.
24. if you could have one queen put you in drag, who would you choose?
Jinkx, definitely.
27. who's a queen that really makes you laugh on social media?
Eve 6000 is the first one who came to mind.
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