#diy cat bed
frankencanon · 1 year
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easter baskets make great cat beds btw... just put something soft in the bottom, like a blanket or an old t-shirt !
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calamityandme · 10 months
Cat hammock update:
^ using this pattern
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It’s finished! It took me a few days, but this was a really easy project to get back in the swing of crocheting. Here’s hoping it’ll hold my tubby cats lol.
I put a pillow case on it with some cat treats and catnip to encourage them to try it out.
I used a size 8 hook and a couple medium sized skeins of yarn.
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Bright Ideas for Your Home, 1978
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knithacker · 8 months
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Your Puppy Called, He's Got a Fever and the Only Prescription is a Cute Crochet Pouf! 👉 https://buff.ly/31bmww8 - could even work for a kitty-cat bed! 🐶🐱
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whompthatsucker1981 · 10 months
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home-grown-magic · 2 years
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One finished cat bed!
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1794 · 1 year
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they are soooooooo fucking snuggled up
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fastwiemagie · 2 years
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Recently I've bought myself a second side sleeper pillow. It's long and narrow and perfect for cuddling with. My first side sleeper pillow is very firm and this one is way softer. I've been thinking about acquiring a second pillow for a while and when there was a good sale I got the pillow!
Now it was time to sew a new pillowcase for it (I currently have 3 but with two pillows I need 4) and I wanted one to go with my dark blue blanket coverings. So I chose this multi-blue fabric with palm trees on it.
I made the pillow case with a "hotel closing", it doesn't have buttons or a zipper but rather an overlapping piece of fabric at the end.
As you can see (and probably guess) the pillowcase is not my first DIY project concerning my bed. I made everything except the blue blanket case (and matching pillow case) and the embroidered white pillow case with the flowers is from my grandma.
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ninelro · 8 months
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the-re-farmer · 11 months
A bit more progress
When heading out earlier, I carefully checked on the babies, and they seemed very comfortable in their new nest! I’ve seen the mama around, but not in the sun room. While she was willing to put up with me when I put the evening kibble out, once she’d eaten, she kept her distance. I was concerned when I started hearing the kittens from the sun room, but she was going in the other direction, so I…
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View On WordPress
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whoistartaglia · 10 months
genshin men as types of influencers
part two
alhaitham has an account dedicated to his books. his feed is filled with aesthetic photos of his bookshelves, and videos include updates on his reading list, monthly favorites, and book reviews. might also post his favorite quotes and explanations as to why they are his favorite.
kaveh makes DIY tutorials on home projects. he’s surprising thorough in explaining the projects and showing his audience how to do them. such projects include home gardens, bookshelves (he definitely made alhaitham’s), birdhouses, and fixing repairs around the home.
itto has a workout account. he is a gym bro and definitely records all his sets, personal records, favorite workout routines. definitely a couple more than a couple pictures of him flexing his muscles, and he definitely forced members of the arataki gang to film him.
ayato posts get-ready-with-me’s. his channel is filled with morning and night routines, and he has one for every season and occasion. some are a little too specific—did he really need a “get ready with me for bed after a long day working and then going out to dinner with friends?” maybe, but his viewers eat it up anyways.
zhongli is a lifestyle influencer. he’s not necessarily a vlogger, but definitely makes videos highlighting his daily routine, favorite products he uses throughout the day, and sometimes restaurant and store reviews. his videos definitely have either soft piano or clam lofi beats playing in the background.
childe is a vlogger, but like an extremely hot-mess of a vlogger. his videos are mostly unedited and include him just living his life. you will see his highs and lows in his videos, and even a glimpse into what he does for work—it’s cute, if you can ignore that he’s literally filming himself beating someone up!
wanderer has an account dedicated to his travels. he refuses to show in face in his videos, but he will document his journey around teyvat. it’s more of a pet project than anything else, and some of his videos are genuinely interesting; him filming what the sky looks from each nation, for example.
kaeya is a beauty influencer. posts range from doing his eyeliner to picking out his outfits to shopping and reviewing new products. his makeup tutorials are very well informed and he has amassed a base of loyal fans who wait for his approval on certain products and brands.
diluc has a cat (yes he does) and has an account dedicated to said cat. his feed is filled with pictures of the feline, sprinkled in with some videos diluc filmed of the cat being particularly cute and/or getting into trouble. diluc never intended to become a pet influencer—he just of just started posting his cat on his main and it took off from there.
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multific · 6 months
Modern Warfare Men with a Housewife - Preferences
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Simon Riley, John MacTavish, John Price, Alejandro Vargas, Kyle Garrick, König x Fem! Reader
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Simon Riley
The thought of going back home and you are just there is enough to keep him going for months.
He loved the idea of having someone home at all times, during the hard times, he would just need to imagine you in your shared house, curled up on the couch, watching a movie. It was enough for him.
But coming home and actually being there is everything.
He always gets this feeling in his stomach as he drives home, fear. The fear of finding an empty home or worse, a burnt-down home.
But each time, the house is still there, with you inside.
Each time you would run into his arms and kiss him. Each time you would tell him to eat something because you cooked.
Because of course, you cooked.
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Johnny MacTavish
When you met Johnny you had a nice job, you were overly fond of it, but you did have one. But after your marriage, Johnny asked you to stay home. He explained he earned enough, you wouldn’t have to worry. He said it was so that he can be sure you are safe.
And how can you say no when he is asking so nicely?
You noticed just how much calmer he was after you agreed. But you also noticed that there was nothing to keep your mind truly busy when he wasn’t home.
You began to worry a lot for his safety and feared that any phone call or letter you received might be bad news.
But he always came home to you.
You even learned how to cook the dishes he enjoys the most. He would often call you “Little Wife” which was a very cute nickname, you thought.
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Kyle Garrick
It wasn’t fully his idea for you to stay home and stop working. It just… happened. 
He adopted a cat, which couldn’t be left alone while he was gone, then you got married and you quit your job which you hated.
But Kyle loved it.
You would send him pictures of you and your cat, Cinnamon.
Kyle loved to arrive home to a warm house and your smile.
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John Price
John is a very cautious man.
He has probably five houses each location confidential, so much so, that you don’t even know half of their actual place.
But let’s be honest, he would be upfront and tell you that he wants you to stay home long before you marry him.
He would let you choose a house and give you everything you want.
John would come home to you, smelling of cigars, gunpowder and death.
But you never tell him that you know. You let him shower while you prepare a simple meal for him.
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Alejandro Vargas
He probably has a huge family, I can see his mother being a housewife herself. So he wouldn’t be opposed to the idea of you being one, but if you want a job, he wouldn’t mind that either.
So when you ultimately decided to stay home, he wasn’t fully on board. He wanted you to have everything in his absence. 
And when he was gone, he was worried, he hated to leave you alone. But it didn’t mean he wouldn’t be wearing his ring proudly. He was a proud husband, and you were hidden, even with the ring, no one would find you if anything happened.
But nothing ever did.
Alejandro always came home to you, asked you to join him in a hot bath, and neither of you would put on any clothes after.
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He actually begged you to stay home and work from home. Later on, you decided to take over the house and became a full-on housewife.
He had a huge house even before you married him, so the home became your DIY project very early.
It did help to keep your mind off of him not being home, you always had a room to decorate, paint or rearrange to your liking. It became your project that each time he left, you did one room so that when he came home, he could be surprised.
König is a huge man with many years of experience in the military which did make him into a hard man.
But with you, he could be so soft and kind. 
Much like how he was when he arrived home after every mission.
He loved to come home, seeing you sleeping in your bed or on the couch, it would fill him with warmth.
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Taglist: @fleursirvart @greenarrowhead @thisismysecrethappyplace @sincerelyfan @theoneanna @aestheticsandmarvel @rororo06 @castellandiangelo @destynelseclipsa @spilledinkindumpster @capsiclesdoll @puknow @alwayshave-faith @alex12948 @lxdyred  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek @praline357 @trshngyn @avengers-r-us @violet-19999 @top1bbgloak   @manduse  @jacalineiscomingforyou  @mandoloriancookie @noname2246
In case you want to help out a dreamer: patreon.com/multific  
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moonlit-positivity · 1 month
Self Care Cheat Sheet
Low effort self care options:
Comfort item
Stim toys/accessories
Drinking water/juice
Turning on a light
Using decorations around the house, decorative lights
Candles, incense, lotions
White noise
Deodorant/baby powder/sink wash- ups
Finding compassion for yourself through this moment, even if it's admitting self care isn't an option you can expend right now. That's fine too.
Venting to someone or out loud to a pet, allow your anger & emotions to exist
Calling in from work
Taking a break
Video games
Low effort hobby
Making your space accessible for low effort things ie self care bag filled with stim toys, books, activities, etc
Low effort usually includes things readily available, accessible, doesn't take too much effort to do. Consider the ways to make your space low effort & what types of activities you could enjoy when the spoons are low
Medium effort self care options:
Watching a movie or comfort show
Reading a book
Art projects, vent art, mood boards, aesthetics, express yourself creatively
Crossword puzzles, sudoku, etc
Organizing, making lists, etc
Meal prep, planning, etc
Microwave foods
Calling a friend
Coloring or journaling
Half assing hygiene, food, basic necessities
Make your bed up, or throw the comforter over it at least
Sit up or get out of bed to stretch, walk to a different room if you can manage
Take something to the trash can
Move a few things around the house while you're up, put something away properly (don't gotta do the whole thing. Just move some clothes to a pile or something, medium effort here)
Thinking about what you'd like to do next, think about any diy projects or art projects you'd like to do, think about doing something. Don't gotta do it, just think about it.
Soap up a rag & wash ur pitts & bits
Opening a window, step outside to check mail, etc
Medium effort usually involves a little bit of brain power, concentration, and offers more of a distraction while still being low maintenance enough to be doable with a small amount of spoons.
Consider ways you can make your space more accessible for medium effort self care to consolidate the effort.
High effort self care options:
Clean cat box/pet hygiene
Full meal prep
Walking, exercise
Communicating a need with someone
Considering your emotional, physical, and mental health needs
Writing someone an angry letter (they say ur not supposed to send it but I mean you do you boo 😭)
Asking for help or assistance
Paying bills
Walking pets
Physical activities
Learn something new
Pick up a new hobby, high effort hobbies
Learn something new & beneficial to your health & recovery, put effort towards recovery
Spending time with a friend or someone trusted
High effort self care involves being active and doing things that will make your life easier
These tend to be stressful, so please consider ways to streamline the process
Consider how many spoons you have for that day and ways you can divide tasks accordingly
Try not to push to hard. Remember that half ass is still an ass and it's good enough.
Hope this helps ❤️‍🩹🌸🧸
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sincerelywhistler · 4 months
You’re an Angel
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More Angel headcanons (ft. David) under the cut!
- Had angel fang piercings for a bit in college
- Cannot pick a favorite color, it changes every single day
- Spotify is their best friend; they have the most specific and niche playlists ever
- Professional photographer!! So skilled!! Fuck canon interpretation why does everyone have an office job!!
- “I saw this one hack on TikTok-”
- Gets super anxious when David works later than planned bc of Inversion trauma :D
- Once the clock hits the time his shift/event was supposed to end, they’re texting him every 30 minutes to check in. David understands and is eager to respond the moment he’s able to
- Changes wardrobe styles at the drop of a hat
- Blasts music through their headphones and dances a whole ass routine while cleaning the house
- David fears for their hearing, always shouting “I SHOULDN’T BE ABLE TO HEAR DOJA CAT FROM THE ACROSS THE HOUSE, ANGEL.” But the dancing is honestly impressive so he lets it slide
- “What if I dyed my hair blue?” “Do you think I’d look cool with pink hair?” “Should I dye my hair purple one day?” “How about like a really dark kind of burgundy?” proceeds to never dye it
- 186424742 Minecraft worlds, they’re a skilled builder and sucks ass at PVP
- Scarily good at mental math, like, they can be like a walking calculator it’s so odd. Helpful for helping Davey with calculating pack expenses though! Too bad they can’t spell for SHIT
- Had a gymnastics phase that lasted forever until they fell in love with photography
- Can (and will) give Davey one hell of a chair dance 😳
- They’re very crafty! Lots of their house decor is DIY but looks store-bought
- David knows no peace when it’s time for bed bc Angel is practically moshing in their sleep. If he doesn’t act as their weighted blanket and smoosh them into his chest so they lay still, they’d probably wake up half way across the house
- Their laughter so contagious it can cure every ailment within a 20 mile radius, especially when they accidentally snort
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gremlingottoosilly · 7 months
i’ve been thinking nonstop about that ask where you said König would make buy his darling bears with little hoods,,, so i went out and bought a bear and sewed it a hood and some clothes (i even found some mini combat boots that fit!) so i was wondering how he would react if his diy hood bears became his darling’s favorite comfort item?
Awwwww, that's so cute!! I love DIY stuff, anon, you're a royalty!! Konig would be sooooo so excited about you really liking the stuff he gave you( he is a bit ashamed of his skills in sewing and tailoring since he considers this unmanly, but if you really love the bear he made for you...god, the cuteness aggression going beyond the roof, he just loves loves loves you too much! Every time he sees you hugging the bear, he will snap a photo in a very blurry dad fashion, and send it to his friends because his wife is just so adorable, everyone has to see her!!! Hutch shows this to recruits and now the whole seasoned mercenary company wants their own bears from their colonel( there is honestly a bit of a fanbase of Mrs.Konig on the base because she is adorable and her photos go like cat memes between recruits. Konig would put the bear in your bed every day, would spray it with his perfume(he has one bottle he continued to buy for 12 years) and maybe use his old hood as a shirt for the bear, so you would always have his smell with you. He is pushing the toy in your hands every time you have sex, so you would have something to hold on to when he starts to become too rough. And maybe, he will install a hidden camera...
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strstab · 1 year
𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐟𝐟𝐲 𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬 - 𝐣.𝐦
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summary ; kie’s fever got to you so jj helps you feel better
pairing ; jjaprilbank x fem!reader
notes ; sick readerrr, bath w jj, besitosssss, body lovin, cuddling, our beloved sock, & tinkerbell 🧚
a/n ; so this was actually meant to be out earlier this morning but then got caught up in a family function.. so sorry abt that. ALSO. i was going to post something tuesday but instead of posting it i accidentally deleted it… so shopping w the girls probably won’t happen 😭
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after a sleep over at kie’s last weekend, you’ve felt yourself feeling more like shit by the day. on wednesday you were coughing up a storm and now you couldn’t feel your throat or stop sneezing.
you called off of work right after another restless night. jj was at john b’s and kie was the reason you were sick so you couldn’t hang out with her. you were on your third tinkerbell movie with a pile of tissues next to you.
you tried sleeping the sickness away during the day but even with the large amount drowsiness that was killing you slowly, you kept waking up with the same sore throat that wouldn’t seem to disappear. it had been like that since you were feeling symptoms so now you’ve been sleeping like 4 hours a night. or day.
you blew your nose into the tissue and then threw it into the pile. you felt soft fur rub against your neck which meant your cat had joined you in bed.
“sock, please help me. don’t you have powers to make your dear old mom feel better?” you whined just for your cat to give you a blank stare. you huffed and sat up, stretching your arms. you hadn’t gone up to do anything since the second movie started.
you dragged your feet all the way to the kitchen, grabbing a banana off the counter and peeling it open. you took a big bite as you searched the fridge for something else to munch on. there wasn’t much in it. the last person who did groceries was jj. the only things he usually brought home were beer, hot pockets, cookies, an 8th of weed (which he definitely picked it up from his dealer on aisle 10), and cat food. all of which only lasted a week in your house.
you found a cup of strawberry yogurt and decided to diy your brunch. you grabbed a bowl and poured the yogurt into it, then cutting up the banana you got from the counter and placing the bits into the bowl. ‘what a chef i am’ you thought.
you ate your ‘meal’ over the counter while scrolling through instagram. you were watching an interview from a netflix show when you felt strong arms wrap themselves around your waist, pulling you into their hold. you squealed and looked above to see blonde hair making it’s way to your neck.
wet kisses were placed all over your soft spot. “baby, i’m sickk” you whined pulling away from him.
“i know. and?” he pulled you back, this time holding you tighter.
“i don’t wanna get you sick,” you sniffle and he shrugs. guess getting sick wasn’t a big deal for him. but to be honest, he’s always had a strong immune system.
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you were conversing about each other’s day, yours sounding quite boring. he was ranting about how john b wouldn’t let him redecorate the cats ass and how pope smacked the shit out of him while waxing his board.
your responses were short. your throat hurt too much to be talking a lot, so did your stomach to be honest. everything ached. you hopped up from your seat on top of the counter and went to get a bottle of pills. jj watched as you took two pills in your hand and swallowed them with a small cup of water. “what hurts mama?”
“more like what doesn’t hurt.” you sarcastically answered. he stared at you for a minute before smiling and picking you up bridal style. “jj what the hell?!”
your feet were kicking air and your arms wrapped themselves around jj’s shoulders, holding on for dear life. his hand was supporting your back as he made his way to your bedroom.
he placed a kiss on your lips and sat you on the edge of the bed. “did you get any sleep last night?” he asked rubbing the eye bags that were forming below.
you shook your head as he peeped the pile of tissues that sat next to your laptop. “stay right here i’ll be back okay?”
“i mean.. where else would i go” you grumbled as he ran off to the bathroom.
you sat there on your phone, continuously sniffling while he did his thing in the bathroom. quickly after, he ran back out to you and picked you up swiftly, dropping your phone on your bed.
you laughed out loud (lol😜😜😜) as he brought you to the sink in your candle lit bathroom. he stripped you of your clothes, eyes taking in your body that was perfect in every way.
you felt your face heat up when you noticed him, arms quickly trying to cover yourself. “stop staring.”
he chuckled and kissed your lips softly. “just appreciating what’s mine, princess,” he murmured.
you let out a sound of annoyance. “c’mon baby, you know you’re prefect.” he picked you up and placed you in the tub. your muscles immediately relaxed as the heated water touched your skin.
“too hot? cold?”
“‘s perfect, j.” you smiled at his thoughtfulness. he really didn’t have to do this, but it made you happy knowing he cared enough to do so.
everything about the room right now was just calming.
you inhaled the steam and aroma from the cookie scented candle that followed it. as jj massaged your back with soap you let out a hum of pleasure. he peppered kisses on your shoulder and upper back while you relaxed in the water. “mmm, i could fall asleep right now,”
“yeah? seeing how tired you’ve been it seems like you could fall asleep anywhere.”
after your bath you guys cuddled up in bed. his request obv. you protested because you didn’t wanna get him sick but he still didn’t care. he went on a rant while drying you up about how all he wanted to do was be close to you.
so now, you laid head on his chest as his fingers were tangled in your hair. there was still a pinch of guilt in you for having him this close knowing you could get him sick but you couldn’t deny the fact that this felt amazing.
tinkerbell played on the tv instead of the laptop but you weren’t even watching either way. your eyes were half lidded as sleep tried taking you over. you tried fighting it, wanting to appreciate the time you were spending with your boyfriend, but it was winning by a lot.
even though all you were doing was watching a movie in comforting silence, it still meant something to you. so, you wanted to be up for it.
he moved his hand to the side of your thigh and rubbed his thumb against it. “you’re falling asleep on me, love.”
there was no response from you but your eyes were still half open. he patted your side and you perked up. “sorry, what’d you say?”
you felt jj’s chest abruptly shake as he giggled above so you got up fully to look at him. “what’s funny?”
“nothing. just how cute you look half asleep.” he smiled and pushed your head back down to his chest. “jus get rest babe. you need it.”
you buried your face in his hoodie and dozed off while his thumb caressed you softly. maybe all you need was your boyfriend with you to get the rest of a lifetime.
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yeah yeahhhh ooohhhhaahahshiegsksba
hey yall. hope u enjoyed thatttt. so if you read my a/n you’d know this was meant to be up earlier this day. (april 1st) but i got caught up in a family reunion kinda thing so yeah..
also i had shopping with the girls (cleo, kie and sarah) in my drafts but i accidentally deleted it bc my fingers tend to touch before reading what it’s going to touch… so yeah that’s gone. -(edit) i tried editing my notes and ALMOST deleted this post too…
y’all know my requests are always open so feel free to request!! or just talk to meee. entertain me guys i’ve been bored
but anyways… i’m cuddling with my cat so i’ll catch you guys laterrrr.
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