#diploma students
fanaticalthings · 17 days
I want an AU where after Jason gets brought back to life, he channels his inner rage and turmoil into the academics instead of murder
Talia has like infinite money and a crap ton of influence, so she can absolutely get Jason the best tutors and can easily get him into the most prestigious schools if Jason wanted to (she doesn't need to do that though because Jason's just smart enough to get into them on his own)
The major he chooses? Med.
Why? Because Bruce dropped out of med school.
Jason practically flies through all the secondary education that he needs to catch up on and is already en route to earning his bachelor's AND his master's.
And it'd be so incredibly funny if the way Bruce and Jason reunite in this AU was purely by coincidence.
Bruce (as Brucie Wayne) offers to show up as a guest lecturer at Hudson University (the school Dick attended but dropped out of so double points for Jason), maybe to talk about future career paths and job positions at WE idk
So as Bruce is just wandering around the campus, he randomly bumps into a student and immediately puts on the Brucie act and is all "Oh my, I'm SO sorry, I'm just a klutz haha" only to stop dead silent when he makes eye contact with a very alive, very grown Jason Todd, who also stops dead in his tracks, mouth agape, staring at Bruce like the world's about to end
And before Bruce can get his thoughts straight, Jason just bolts out of there like his life depends on it, and Bruce is just in shambles for the rest of the day.
It doesn't help that the person giving Bruce the tour is all like "Oh yeah, that's Jason, he's one of the heads on our student council haha, anyways, this way, Mr. Wayne." and Bruce is just stood there bluescreening.
Alternatively, it'd be kinda funny if this all happened AFTER the events of UTRH where after the final encounter with Bruce and Joker and the whole explosion, Jason's just like "yk what, maybe I'm just gonna turn over a new leaf and pursue a higher education"
So while Gotham's still reeling from the aftermath of Jason's near takeover as the top crime lord and Bruce is still painstakingly trying to figure out where his son went, the whole time Jason's just been chilling on a school campus and Bruce just so happens to bump into his son (who, last time they met, tried to kill Bruce and blew up the building they were all in) and Jason's just all normal-looking with his textbooks and nerdy glasses and Bruce doesn't know whether to scream or cry.
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petr1chxr · 12 days
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Miss Ruby Sunday
I'm so excited for the regency episode I made this portrait a few months ago
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calverr · 9 months
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the first week of IBDP year 1 is over! don't have that much work but it still has to be done. revised chem and did research for physics experiment.
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penechekkk · 2 months
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neosmanlymancave · 2 months
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they’re everywhere (i am absolutely loosing my goddamn mind)
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i just ghosted you guys didn't i 💀
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i am so sorry. i have been procrastinating and not studying properly at ALL these past few weeks, but i have my exams next week so i really need to buckle up and put my efforts. starting off with bio today, i finished off a whole chapter: dna replication.
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princesspumpkinseed · 10 months
Throughout my university education, I tried incessantly to be a good student and I took pleasure in inflating my marks. Despite being one of the few students not having studied pure maths at A-Level, I almost exclusively achieved firsts (only once achieving a 2:1 in French, which I then improved the following year) and finished my undergraduate degree in Maths with awards for my high grades and requests from my teacher to continue my studies for the sake of science. Now that the memory of Bristol is becoming more and more distant, I want to tell you, reader, how I did that.
Imposter syndrome
Before you’ve even started studying, imposter syndrome might set in. Don’t let the doubts about whether you deserve to be in your institution block your path. I remember thinking that everyone else had studied further maths; that maths was what the other students dedicated their lives to (while I just liked it enough); that my occasional lack of comprehension was proof that I got into this university on a whim and I was not as worthy as the other students. To those thoughts, I invite you to reply “Let’s see how far I can go with this.” If you really did get into an amazing university with students who are supposedly superior to you then let’s see how much you can take from this university: how many classes and mentally stimulating problem sheets, how many afternoons in your cherished campus until they realise that you’re not supposed to be there. Try your damndest to keep up and maybe you’ll surprise yourself and find that that drive is exactly what is going to keep you where you where you want to be. If you’re not supposed to be there: cash in.
Alternatively, maybe you got into a university which you think you’re too good for. Prove it. If you’re too good for this uni, then get a first and have them begging you to do a PHD. I dare you.
Come back to it later
When starting university, you need to build skills as well as learn content. You know how to memorise the notions and how to apply the formulae – you’ve been using this kind of skill since GCSE – but building analytical skills or learning to write elegant proofs cannot be done in an evening or with a pack of flash cards. When learning to write proofs, I recommend to you to write out the teacher’s proofs and annotate the relevance or each sentence. I also used to break down big proofs into the function of each paragraph and then imitate it afterwards. You could also use this approach for applied maths: note the techniques used at each stage of a response at the side of the page and then try to do it yourself. Remember, though, that you a building a skill and this will take effort and repetition. If you’re not quite getting it on Tuesday, give it a good go (at least 20 minutes of actively trying to understand a method or a style) and then come back on Wednesday. You might not be used to having to leave something unfinished for the evening but Rome was not built in a day and your first year is essential for building a good foundation so use your time generously for your study.
PS. A small proof tip I have is to define any theorems you’re going to use in your introduction and then you won’t forget how you were planning to tackle the problem and you won’t need to define them later, which will improve your flow.
Previewing Content
I didn’t consistently read the lecture notes before class started but when I did I felt rather proud of myself. I knew what was coming up in the lesson and therefore like I had an advantage over other students and if something didn’t click when I was reading, sometimes simply the teacher’s intonation would clarify all of it. A quick glance over the content (not necessarily absorbing any of it) is all it takes to feel smug and curious before the lesson even begins.
Conversely, consolidating content.
If you didn’t understand the lesson, the best thing you can do is actively review the lecture notes. Explain them aloud or write them out in a conversational tone as if you were explaining it to yourself. In maths in particular, this can render the abstract more intuitive and allow you to manipulate concepts more easily. Throw in an example or two if need be, to concretise your understanding.
Also, find some chums to discuss with after class. Even if you just complain about a homework problem, chatting with a friend can make topics more memorable. Don’t be shy about not getting something: your friend may rephrase the content and turn out to be a better teacher than the initial lecturer. So complain, rant, explain, or just make jokes about the lesson, and this might contribute to the community in your course simultaneously.
Taking this further, be present and helpful on your course group chat around exam season! You’ll find that other people may pose questions which highlight a gap in your knowledge or that explaining to another solidifies your own comprehension.
Even after your course ends, it could be nice to honour what you have learned using books and documentaries. I read Alex’s Adventures In Numberland after my maths degree just for the nostalgia and I ended up adding some niche trivia to my expensive education. Your knowledge should inspire you and stimulate you, not stress you out.
Be a teachers’ pet: you paid for it.
In first year, I frequented teachers’ office hours and I’m glad I did because receiving maths through verbal and illustrative demonstration helps me to surpass the abstract words on the page. If you have a quick query, don’t be afraid to send an email or chat with the teacher after the lesson. Put up your hand to ask or answer questions - sitting at the front might make this less scary since you can’t see all of the other students. These teachers are experts in their field so interact with them and enjoy their thought-provoking conversation – use it to nourish your own curiosity and to motivate yourself to make them proud. Many a time, teachers sent me extra articles or books after I had expressed a curiosity or lack of understanding to them and thus I have resources to further my study despite having graduated.
Better than knowing the content, know the teacher’s style.
I noticed when doing functional analysis past papers that there was always a question requiring a certain technique following a question requiring another technique: this knowledge was indispensable in the final exam! I almost wasted time trying the wrong technique until I remembered this and then recited a perfect answer, of which previous exam papers had assured me the correctness. Knowing the teacher’s style can give you a hint about the content of the exam (where to focus your revision) and helpful insight about strategies required. As well as this, they’re a booklet of fun problems which are tailored to your competences – what’s not to love?
Concluding advice…
The above advice is applicable only when you already have a study schedule and you do what is required to you to keep up with assignments and content, but how you do this depends on your learning style, your waking hours, your extra-curricular activities, etc. I can’t give you a study plan but I can give you the above flourishes to make a good routine even more effective and I can leave you with some final advice: don’t lie to yourself. Don’t tell yourself that something is good enough when you don’t think it will get you what you want. Sometimes you just don’t get things and you may need to take a jog or go to the bathroom to think about it with a clear mind or sometimes you don’t have the time to waste on a single problem when other assignments are urgent – that’s okay, but give yourself the best chance of getting it right by beginning it early and prioritising your study first and foremost. Don’t hope for a grade, work for it: effort is much more dependable than chance.
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the-cosmic-yeet · 2 months
before doing the ib diploma programme i never got to finish my pens before inevitably losing them. now im going through my precious ballpoints at terrifying speeds.
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tomurakii · 8 months
Lae'zel x Shadowheart has weird undertones for me just bc Lae'zel is so young. In githyanki culture she technically isn't even an adult, she hasn't even completed the equivalent of graduating highschool by bringing back a mind-flayer's head, which all githyanki have to do before they're considered real adults. And while yeah Shadowheart doesn't remember a lot of her life, she's still 40. Nearly twice Lae'zel's age, and half-elves mature at the same speed as humans.
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28/5/23 // 13.46
Yes these are my uni notes from 2018. Yes I’m glad I’ve kept them because today, I, a fully qualified pharmacist, could not figure out how beta blockers work and had to use these notes. Help
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calversstudy · 26 days
okey, listen
i've been staying at home for the past free days and writing my fieldwork. i still have to write two chapters and the deadline is due tomorrow
i had a month to do this so don't be me
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anthology-enthusiast · 2 months
Guys I need some data for a design assignment. Basically, I'm designing a harp that is compact and affordable, without compromising aesthetics. If you could take a moment to vote for whichever design you think looks the most like a harp, it would be appreciated.
Option 1:
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Option 3:
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Hey so im moving out of my flat tomorrow and due to my university* being Awful at Admin and me having to spend a lot of time and energy fixing shit, I have to pack down essentially my entire flat in one night. Anyone got any tips for how you pack quickly?
*technically former. I graduated and will only ever return for a) a brief stint as an advisor in a subject I aided in developing and b) the residency meet-up in like 9 months
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spunchthegoblin · 3 months
Review of each IB class as an international baccalaureate diploma haver (IB is just AP but more european)
HL English - One of the less stressful classes. I like reading and writing, I remember finishing assignments earlier than expected. I got a 5
Oral exam - Did this in junior year, I did it on V for Vendetta (the movie) and Small Gods by Terry Pratchett because I was smoking fucking crack apparently
Paper - I barely remember this one, I think I did it on Ajax. Easy
Exams - Easy shit. I even had time to draw on the back
HL History - Having a good teacher helped. Not caring about WW1 did not help. I got a 5
Paper - Actual garbage. Worst thing I've ever written. Wrote it in junior year then had to edit it a year later and it was so bad
Exams - More stressful than the english ones, my hand fucking hurt, still had time to draw on the back because I'm the goat
SL Biology - Yayy :3 aminals and cell :3 slime :3 (I got a 5)
Paper - did it on slime mold hehe. Make sure you have your plan together early on in this assignment in case you need to order materials
Exams - If you make up enough things about science you might accidentally stumble into the right answer!
SL Math - I'm one of those sick fucks who like math. If you're a normal person then I'd consider getting a tutor to lessen the stress. I got a 5
Paper - finished this in like 2 days easy
Exam - Literally fuck my entire life
HL Theatre - If you're willing to embarrass yourself, lie, cheat, and steal, then this is an easy HL class. I got a 5
Papers - there's no exam for this class, only papers and recorded performances. The directors notebook was fun (didn't require any acting, I could draw pretty pictures). The research project was ok, make sure that your subject has more than one source describing it (I did mine on Kabuki theater so pretty easy). The group project... I don't want to think about that. The solo project was almost fun I got to writhe on the floor like a worm.
SL Spanish - literal dante's inferno type journey. I got a 4
Oral exam - on GOD don't be autistic
Exams - If I had a gun I'd kill myself
Extended Essay - don't forget to have fun and be yourself :) I got a D. If I could pass with that dogshit essay then SO CAN YOU!!
CAS - If you're bad at lying on IB assignments at this point I don't know how to help you. I actually don't know if they grade this? I'm not checking
CAS project - Make sure to do this completely last minute ok? :3
CAS presentation? - The thing you record all your CAS stuff on. People say that the Service part was the most difficult but that was easy for me since my town has a lot of volunteer opportunities, yours does too if you look hard enough. I had trouble on the Active because I do not go outside.
Ok I think that's everything but just make sure that you get deeply invested into a new video game two weeks before the exam this step is crucial also make sure you get into a college that only accepts 45 of your IB credits even though you got 55 LITERALLY KILL YOURSELF WESTERN WASHINGTON SUCK MY BALLS
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lostcatinmanhatten · 1 month
Eye color and color perception
Hello, I need more data points for my ib bio IA research and it would be wonderful if people fill out the form below
The control is age, so anyone between the ages of 13 to 19.
The experiment looks at the effect of eye color on color perception, and there are 2 types of tests that you'll be taking.
It takes around 7 minutes depending on how fast you can match the colors. Thanks and have a nice day:)
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How to write IB essays:
As told by my economics teacher when he was telling us how to write our IAs and told is that it would be good for any subject with essay questions.
There are three criteria to achieve:
Evaluate: Evaluations give grades 6-7, with 450 words on it
Apply: Applying knowledge gives levels 4-5, here we should give explanations and if there are any diagrams explain that as well, with 250 words on it
Knowledge: This gives grades 1-3, here we should write down definitions and background information, with a word count of 150 words.
How to write it:
Intro: State and explain the dilemma, justify its importance, and use minor citations.
Body: Here we should show off our knowledge, using definitions, diagrams with explanations of any, basically used to analyse the situation. This analysis is then used to evaluate.
Note: it is useful to underline or highlight important keywords or statements in the assignment or exam paper, it shows where all the work is done and also leaves a good impression on the examiner.
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