greta1996 · 2 years
La mente che si apre ad una nuova idea non torna mai alla dimensione precedente.
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ametistas-world · 2 years
io mi spingo oltre oltre ed oltre, poi, inevitabilmente arriva il momento in cui capisco che devo ridimensionarmi. Torno a chiudermi nella mia scatola quadrata 4x4. E vivo lì dentro, chiusa. Niente riesce a toccarmi, a sfiorarmi. Esisto solo io, i miei sentimenti, il mio corpo e soprattutto i miei pensieri, quelli non mi abbandonano mai.
Sono stanca di ridimensionarmi, quando vorrei solamente prendere un respiro profondo e sfondare questa scatola dimenticandomi di come si vive costretti in qualcosa che non ci appartiene.
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sevenines · 2 months
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OBSESSED with this new su signing poster. pearl holding greg just because. slightly older steven with attempts at growing out facial hair. the little pebble in the corner. garnet criss-crossed on greg’s van. lapis’ pants riding down so low you can see her hip. bismuth with that muscle definition. connie’s preppy outfit. peridot’s blank glasses.
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dreamchasernina · 4 months
Netflix, I don’t know how to tell you this but a woman doesn’t have to be self taught to be a strong female character. It’s ok to let her know her limitation and ask for help. It’s ok to let her get angry, it’s ok to let her be jealous, it’s ok to let your female character have flaws and WORK on them. Your female character doesn’t have to become a master on her own to be memorable, it just makes her accomplishment feel unearned.
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macbethz · 10 days
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shapethings · 7 months
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ilpiratainnamorato · 9 months
«ci sono troppe idee e cose e persone, troppe direzioni in cui andare […] la ragione per cui è importante avere una passione per qualcosa è che questa riduce il mondo ad una dimensione più gestibile».
Susan Orlean by Meryl Streep in Il ladro di orchidee - 2002
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catmask · 5 months
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rotating this freak
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akanemnon · 4 months
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To be fair, she found the letter on the floor of the school hallway...
MASTERPOST (for the full series / FAQ / reference sheets)
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Hot take but… “Gale was a teen soldier who got brainwashed, by a manipulative dictator, into the idea that sacrificing a small number of troops was worth it to definitively stop the government that had spent years ruining the lives of him and his people” and “Gale’s gross disregard for human life directly led to the death of Prim and thousands of other civilians including children, and Katniss is justified in her anger and has no obligation to ever forgive him” are two statements that can and should coexist together.
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bagnabraghe · 1 year
Conflitto ed energia politica: Costantino Mortati e Carl Schmitt
Le tesi di Santi Romano (anche rilette alla luce delle interpretazioni di Paolo Grossi e Mariano Croce), per quanto colgano delle dinamiche giuridiche l’intrinseca relazionalità e vitalità sociale sottesa all’ordine, necessitano di essere integrate intingendo la “grammatica del diritto” nella “sostanza paludosa e magmatica della doxa”. È necessario addentrarsi nei “luoghi della decisione” e della…
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adrianomaini · 1 year
Conflitto ed energia politica: Costantino Mortati e Carl Schmitt
Le tesi di Santi Romano (anche rilette alla luce delle interpretazioni di Paolo Grossi e Mariano Croce), per quanto colgano delle dinamiche giuridiche l’intrinseca relazionalità e vitalità sociale sottesa all’ordine, necessitano di essere integrate intingendo la “grammatica del diritto” nella “sostanza paludosa e magmatica della doxa”. È necessario addentrarsi nei “luoghi della decisione” e della…
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frodo-a-gogo · 3 months
Let us be brutally honest with ourselves and with eachother for a moment. If he weren't obese you motherfuckers would be capable of percieving evrart claires sexy sexy moral ambiguity and complex charms
#i am (lesbian) sipping him like a fine DESSERT WINE#my evidence by the way is very simple and very damning. joyce messier. there i said it.#if you guys can appreciate the fact that Joyce is a complex figure worthy of disgust yes but also worthy of empathy#despite being a venal coward facilitating acts of violence and slaughter of the organized working poor of martinaise in the name of capital#if you can understand that she is a dimensional figure while also being an embodiment of the moral apathy and cruelty if capital owners#but you cant look at evrart and see that he is (while deeply flawed and morally suspect) also a dimensional figure#on top of the fact that his motivations are eminently relatable and dare i say it baser#and his greatest failing imho is in failing to advocate for the interests of *all* the poor of martinaise#opting instead to marginalize the inhabitants of the fishing village in favor of a power grab in the interests of himself and his union#though this is imo a bit of a grey area morally. undeniably a wrong and bad thing to do but done in service of clairs political goals#to gather power to advocate for the working class against ultraliberal monoliths like wild pines and fascistic orgs like krenel#still super wrong but i can follow the moral arithmetic there tho i don't like it#but like my point is if u can see that joyce is evil and pathetic but still cool and sexy but you consider clair flatly distasteful#thats cus hes not conventionally attractive#cus he is *every bit* as dimensional and interesting as joyce and he is not nearly as politically shite even if hes interpersonally a jerk
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dreamchasernina · 3 months
If they ever make the live action version the Guru episode it’ll go like this.
The guru: so, Aang, let’s start opening up your chakras. What are you ashamed of?
Aang (who never hurt Katara): ummm…
The guru: What do you blame yourself for?
Aang (who never ran away): uuuummm…
The guru: What are the lies you tell yourself?
Aang (who never denied he’s the avatar): ummmm…
The guru: What attaches you to this world?
Aang (who isn’t in love with Katara): ummmmm…
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Third Dimensional Murder | 1941 a.k.a., Murder in 3-D
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ofswordsandpens · 5 months
actually I do want to talk about Sally Jackson a tad more because one criticism I've been hearing about her book counterpart more recently is "book Sally is one-dimensional: the perfect mother with no flaws" and that just has me biting my cheek because one part of her book counterpart that I always thought was ripe with discussion and didn't make it to the show is that Sally states that it was selfish of her to keep Percy close. It's one of the last things she says to him before she's "killed" by the minotaur.
And there's so much that we don't know about Sally because we view her from Percy's eyes. From his perspective we know that she's exceedingly kind, she never raises her voice to him or even Gabe, and she endured a horrible and abusive relationship to protect her son from monsters (of a different kind).
But there are things we can piece together from the text: Sally has known about CHB for a long time, apparently since before Percy was even born because Poseidon told her he wanted to send Percy there; she was told that it was a mistake for her to keep Percy close - who told her that, we're not sure, she only uses the phrase they; she's been in contact with Grover through out the school year; she knows that she can't cross the camp boundary line, which means either Grover or someone else (Chiron? Poseidon?) told her that, and that she understood that there was place that Percy would be safe from monsters.
And all of these little details are so interesting because it does make you wonder just how much she did or didn't know. Was her self assessment right? Was it selfish of her to keep Percy close?
On one hand, she kept him close because she loved him, alongside the fear that if she sent him to camp, she would be saying goodbye for good -- so is it even fair to call the act of keeping him close selfish? Or perhaps, much like Chiron, she assumed keeping Percy in the dark would be safer?
But on the other hand, Percy had been attracting monsters all his childhood, she understood camp was a safe place from monsters, and she had apparently been told explicitly that it was a mistake for her to keep him close.
And then adding in the factors of: Percy is her only family in the entire world, she's been suffering with Gabe for years, sacrificing so much in order to keep Percy safe when he's at home... but even that has a touch of sad irony because when we meet Percy in tlt, its at point when he's not really home at all -- he's been regularly sent off to boarding schools, so much so that he's internalized it as his own short-coming.
And all of this isn't to say "Omg Sally is actually horrible" or to assert definitely that she is selfish... but more to speak to the fact that in the books, she's not an all-perfect 2-dimensional mother. And her self-assessment of selfishness is something that is really interesting to explore and debate given the implications of what she apparently did (or did not) know about the godly world. I feel there's even an argument to be made that Sally being "selfish" could be a reflection of Percy's fatal flaw.
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