tallulahwinona · 11 months
Alex and Henry seem truly in love the first time, to me, when Henry comes to check on Alex after Luna’s betrayal. That is the softest thing I’ve read in ages! The worrying about one another! The comfort! The steadiness they provide to one another’s worlds!
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tallulahwinona · 11 months
why are there so many posts now about rwrb being cringe/fun/shallow like did we even read the same book
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tallulahwinona · 11 months
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“You know,” Henry says, “I chose this house for the bay windows.” - RED WHITE & ROYAL BLUE Collector’s Edition, Bonus Chapter by Casey McQuiston
It was always my hope to one day do a full-color rendering of this part of the endpapers I drew for RWRB’s Collector’s edition (the American one, lol), albeit I wasn’t sure when I’d get the opportunity given how much is on my plate these days. But, I’m discovering that those ideas that really get stuck in my head are most likely to come to fruition when I resist caving to an impulse that I probably don’t have the time to satisfy and say, “welp, if it’s meant to be, it’ll happen.”
So it was that Lumen Editions licensed my past works to be integrated in their endpapers, and in so doing, gave me the opportunity to put a new version of this brownstone scene into the world. Here are the American and French versions of the brownstone kiss, side by side:
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And for those who’d like to see how the original became rendered, a wee time lapse!
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tallulahwinona · 11 months
I guess you're all mine when you're sleeping in this bed with me
Fandom: Red White and Royal Blue
Characters: Alex/Henry
Summary: Henry needs Alex to tickle his back most nights to fall asleep, until the tickling becomes a little too ticklish for him.
A/N: Prompted by @iamawolfstarsimp, thank you! It's been four years since I read the book, so please forgive anything that might seem out of character. I hope you enjoy! I can't wait for the movie!
Words: 1k
Alex enjoyed sleeping with Henry - sleeping with as in sharing his bed, fighting for the covers, waking up to his bedhead and kisses - for three main reasons.
The first one was because he adored how His Royal Highness would blink up at him sleepily each morning and smile, actions he did on instinct before his brain caught up with his body and made him try to play it cool, much to Alex’s amusement.
The second was because of how Henry would press his nose into Alex’s throat, nuzzling him in such an adorably human way that Alex would laugh incredulously each time (also maybe because it tickled, a little).
The third and biggest reason was the lengths Henry would go to to get Alex to “help him fall asleep”, as he called it. Usually it involved many distractions, but sometimes it really was just Alex scratching his back until he felt him finally relax under his touch. And while it could be annoying, being yanked out of sleep to be of service, there was something so delicious about a literal prince needing his help with something so mundane.
(They hadn’t talked about why he couldn’t sleep yet - Alex reckoned they would have to one day.)
Henry was melting under his touch that night. Alex hadn’t allowed him to toss and turn for too long before he’d dutifully reached out, fingertips sliding skillfully over the skin, following each bump and curve, up and down, back and forth, and Henry was shivering maybe because he was being a little too light on the hand.
“Is it helping?” he mumbled, eyes closed and much too close to sleep again, hence the light touch, but Henry only grunting in response made him instantly perk up. It had only been a moment and Henry never fell asleep that quickly.
He had his eyes wide open when Alex opened his, looking anything but relaxed. “What?”
“You’re asking me?” Alex blinked once, twice. “Are you okay?”
“Of course.”
“All right.”
“Why do you ask?”
“I just-” Had Alex imagined it? “Nothing.”
“Well, keep going then.”
Rolling his eyes, Alex resumed his petting, feeling Henry tense up under his hand before relaxing, only this time he seemed to tense up again almost immediately. It made Alex want to snatch his hand away, give into indignation or confusion since it would be so easy to get upset over it had he been in the mood, but all he did was sit up and force Henry to look at him.
“It’s nothing,” Henry said, sitting up as well, both of their bodies radiating heat in the already too hot room. “It��s stupid.”
“Well, it can’t be both.”
“You know you can talk to me, right?” He wondered if it had anything to do with how Henry would lay awake half the night sometimes, staring at the ceiling until Alex pulled him close. “If something’s bothering you.”
“I know.” Henry’s face softened. It was ridiculous how soft he could be sometimes when he looked at him. “I promise you it’s nothing serious.”
“But it’s something.”
“It’s embarrassing?”
“Oh? Now I really gotta hear it.”
“Can it wait until tomorrow?” The sun had set hours ago and Henry had flown in from a brief visit back home only the day prior. He was tired. They both were.
“Fine.” Alex leaned closer and pressed his lips to his temple, smiling when Henry hummed happily. “But if you act weird again I’ll stop petting you.”
“I won’t act weird, I promise.” For some reason he was avoiding Alex’s gaze.
Alex tried to be more aware of how he was touching him when he resumed, what part of his back that made Henry tense up, what spot made his breath hitch. He pretended he didn’t notice it when it started again, realizing how hard Henry seemed to be trying to stop it, and that was when it hit him.
“Oh my god, your back is ticklish.” It wasn’t the first time Alex had discovered a sensitive spot, but it surprised him that Henry still seemed to be able to keep certain tickle spots from him, even after all this time. He was nearly offended.
“It’s not,” Henry said weakly, but when Alex purposefully poked his lower back he let out a sound so delicious that Alex did it again just to hear it.
“That doesn’t sound like a non-ticklish back to me,” he said with a grin and Henry groaned, all too aware of how Alex never let things like these go.
“You’re worse than me,” Henry reminded him in vain, for Alex might be worse but Henry was never able to turn the tables once Alex got him.
“Mmm, at least I’m not pretending otherwise.” That wasn’t true. Henry had to tickle him to pieces three separate times before Alex even admitted to being ticklish.
Henry tried to flip over to shield his back, which would be kind of stupid since his belly and ribs were death spots, but Alex enjoyed the prospect of a new spot more and was on top of him within seconds, knees locking around his hips as he started laughing when Henry swore.
“Get off,” he growled, but the giggle that escaped simultaneously made his words sound very unthreatening. “Alex, I promise you I will get revenge.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Alex poked his back again, this time aiming for just below his shoulder blade. “Hmm, it seems only certain spots are ticklish. Let’s figure out which ones, shall we?”
“Oh my god, please, do-hon’t! Alex, I swear to-”
“Shoulders? Really, Henry?”
“Shut up!”
“Lift your arms a bit for me, darling.”
“You’re so fucking annoying- stop.”
“Back ribs, huh? How about the back of your hips? Let me try that lower back again while I’m down there.”
You’d think this would keep Henry from asking for back tickles in the future, but it didn’t. All it did was make their nights gigglier and Henry fall asleep quicker due to exhaustion.
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tallulahwinona · 11 months
Red, White and Royal Blue AU where June, Nora and Pez decide to do a very funny thing to the cake at Alex and Henry's wedding
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tallulahwinona · 11 months
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boys about to fight/kiss
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tallulahwinona · 11 months
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Doodling my partner while he’s watching some weird movie
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tallulahwinona · 11 months
"I wonder sometimes what is the point of me, or anything. I should have just packed a bag like I said. I could be in your bed, languishing away until I perish, fat and sexually conquered, snuffed out in the spring of my youth. Here lies Prince Henry of Wales. He died as he lived: avoiding plans and sucking cock."
- Casey McQuiston, Red, White & Royal Blue
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tallulahwinona · 11 months
that feeling when you get a brand new story idea, but it literally has no plot yet, just vibes>>
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tallulahwinona · 11 months
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tallulahwinona · 11 months
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Today in transphobic idiocy...
Avery Jackson did a non-medical transition at the age of four. At the time, they felt more comfortable as a girl. As they grew up and their understanding of gender evolved, they decided nonbinary transgender suited them better.
And now that they are 15, their family is moving out of Missouri because they fear the recent draconian anti-trans laws.
"No longer identifies as a girl" does not mean they identify as a boy. They are still trans. They knew from the age of 4 that being a boy was not right for them.
I don't think they changed their mind. I think they just found a better understanding of who they were.
These bigots know nothing about trans people yet think they are qualified to criticize them.
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tallulahwinona · 11 months
this is a message for everyone who is 22. if you’re 22 please stop worrying. take a deep breath eat a bagel maybe. everything that feels impossible is going to work itself out. have a great day
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tallulahwinona · 11 months
the foxhole court is a comedy
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tallulahwinona · 11 months
i love you films without sequels i love you limited series i love you stand alone novels i love you self-contained stories
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tallulahwinona · 11 months
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Trans men photographed by Mariette Pathy Allen (1) John, Seattle, 2021 (2) Steve Dain at home, 1984
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tallulahwinona · 11 months
I feel like the only person not tempted to use ChatGPT like it doesn't even occur to me as an option
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tallulahwinona · 11 months
they told you it’s cleaner to wax your pussy raw remove its natural barrier completely fucking up your follicles and risking damaging your skin permanently and then they told you it’s sexy to wear polyester underwear that doesn’t let air through creating the perfect environment for all sorts of bacteria to proliferate in and also goes IN your ass creating a direct channel from your anus to your bald defenceless pussy and you believed it. you believed it
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