#diamond natural small breed food
petlytical · 2 years
Diamond Naturals Small Breed Dry Dog Food Review
Diamond Naturals Small Breed Dry Dog Food Review
Check prices on Amazon Rating:★★★★★ With so many different types of pet foods available. Finding one that meets your pup’s nutritional needs can be challenging. Fortunately, with Diamond Naturals Small Breed Dry Dog Food, you don’t have to spend hours reading labels. Or, researching brands to find the perfect kibble for your little friend. This review will give you everything you need to know…
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colorfulfishbreeds · 4 months
Blue Tuxedo Guppies: A Dive into Aquatic Elegance and Intriguing Facts
If you're on the lookout for a dash of aquatic sophistication in your aquarium, Blue Tuxedo Guppies might just be the aquatic fashion statement you've been searching for. With their refined demeanor and striking colors, these guppies have become a sought-after choice among aquarists. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the enchanting realm of Blue Tuxedo Guppies, exploring everything from their origin and characteristics to care, breeding, and some fascinating FAQs.
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Unveiling Blue Tuxedo Guppies
Blue Tuxedo Guppies stand out as a remarkable variant of the beloved guppy fish, celebrated for their charming resemblance to a formal tuxedo. Envision a fish with a sleek body adorned in a splendid array of colors, featuring deep blues, blacks, and whites reminiscent of classic tuxedo elegance. These guppies often showcase tails and fins with contrasting color patterns, mirroring the crisp lines of a tuxedo.
Two noteworthy examples include the "Midnight Tuxedo Guppy" with its sleek black body and striking white accents, creating a timeless formal look, and the "Blue Diamond Tuxedo Guppy" boasting a deep blue body adorned with dazzling white and blue diamond-shaped patterns akin to a sapphire-studded tuxedo.
Key Information about Blue Tuxedo Guppies
Origin: Hailing from the tropical waters of Central and South America, particularly in regions like Venezuela and Trinidad.
Size: Averaging a compact yet visually captivating size of about 1.5 to 2.5 inches (3.8 to 6.4 cm).
Lifespan: With proper care, Blue Tuxedo Guppies can live for approximately 2 to 3 years, and some individuals may exceed this lifespan with excellent care.
Temperament: Known for their peaceful and friendly disposition, thriving in community aquariums and rarely displaying aggression towards other fish.
Appearance: Exhibiting a slender and graceful body adorned with vibrant colors, resembling the sharp attire of a tuxedo. Their striking color patterns make them stand out in any aquatic setting.
Varieties and Colors: Available in various color patterns, with Midnight Tuxedo and Blue Diamond Tuxedo being popular variants. Coloration ranges from deep blacks and blues to crisp whites, creating a tuxedo-like appearance.
Price: The cost of Blue Tuxedo Guppies varies, with an average of approximately $3 to $5 per fish. Prices may fluctuate based on factors like coloration, age, and breeder reputation.
Habitat and Tank Requirements
Natural Habitat: Inhabiting slow-moving, shallow waters such as streams, rivers, and ponds in the tropical regions of Central and South America.
Tank Size: For a small group, a 10-gallon tank is suitable, while a larger tank is recommended for keeping more of these captivating fish to ensure ample swimming space.
Water Parameters: Thriving in temperatures ranging from 75°F to 82°F (24°C to 28°C) and a pH level between 6.8 and 7.8. Maintaining stable water conditions is crucial for their well-being.
Tank Setup: Create an ideal environment with live or artificial plants, rocks, driftwood, and suitable hiding spots. The presence of floating plants adds enrichment to their habitat.
Feeding Blue Tuxedo Guppies
Blue Tuxedo Guppies are omnivorous and enjoy a diverse diet. Provide them with high-quality tropical fish flakes or pellets, enhancing their diet with live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms. These guppies exhibit enthusiastic feeding behavior, quickly gathering at the water’s surface during mealtime. A well-balanced diet enhances their coloration and overall health.
Breeding Insights
Similar to other guppy varieties, Blue Tuxedo Guppies are livebearers. The female guppy gives birth to live fry after a gestation period of approximately 4 to 6 weeks. Successful breeding requires maintaining an appropriate male-to-female ratio in your tank, ideally one male for every two females. Additionally, provide sufficient hiding spots for pregnant females to protect their fry. The breeding process involves courtship, during which males display their vibrant colors and extended fins to attract females. After mating, the female will give birth to live fry, and separating the fry from adult fish helps prevent them from becoming potential prey.
Common Health Issues and Preventive Measures
Like many other fish species, Blue Tuxedo Guppies may be susceptible to common health issues such as fin rot, ich (white spot disease), and parasitic infections. To prevent health issues, maintain excellent water quality through regular water changes, provide a varied and balanced diet, and quarantine new fish before introducing them to your aquarium. Regular monitoring of your fish’s health and behavior is also essential.
Special Considerations and Tank Mates
Blue Tuxedo Guppies are generally peaceful and coexist well with various other peaceful fish species, such as neon tetras, platies, and dwarf gouramis. Avoid pairing them with aggressive or fin-nipping fish. Given their sensitivity to water quality, regular water testing and maintenance are critical. Additionally, ensure that your aquarium has a secure lid, as these active fish may jump out of open tanks. Check local regulations, as some regions may have restrictions on owning or breeding certain fish species.
Harmonious Coexistence: Compatible Tank Mates
You can keep Blue Tux
edo Guppies together with various other peaceful fish species. Here are seven examples of compatible tankmates:
Neon Tetras
Corydoras Catfish
Harlequin Rasboras
Dwarf Gouramis
Endler’s Livebearers
Zebra Danios
Differences Between Male and Female Blue Tuxedo Guppies
Characteristics: Male Blue Tuxedo Guppies typically exhibit more vibrant colors and longer, more elaborate fins and tails than females. Females are often larger and may display a gravid spot near their abdomen when pregnant.
Appearance: Males are known for their striking and showy colors, while females tend to have more subdued coloration.
Blue Tuxedo Guppies vs Other Guppies: Differences and Similarities
Size: Blue Tuxedo Guppies fall within the typical size range of guppy varieties.
Livebearing: Like other guppies, they are livebearers.
Omnivorous Diet: They share the characteristic of being omnivorous, consuming a mix of foods.
Coloration: The most significant difference is their distinct tuxedo-like coloration, which sets them apart from other guppy varieties with different color patterns.
Varieties: Blue Tuxedo Guppies are known for their striking tuxedo-like patterns, while other guppy strains have their unique color combinations and patterns.
In Conclusion: The Captivating Elegance of Blue Tuxedo Guppies
In conclusion, Blue Tuxedo Guppies are more than just aquatic inhabitants; they are aquatic style icons. Their striking tuxedo-like appearance, peaceful nature, and relatively easy care make them an excellent choice for both novice and experienced aquarists. With a proper habitat, a varied diet, and attention to their well-being, you can enjoy the captivating elegance they bring to your aquatic oasis. Dive into the world of Blue Tuxedo Guppies, and let their charm enchant your underwater realm.
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fishbreedsblog · 7 months
Japanese Blue Swordtail Guppy: A Beautiful Ornamental Fish, Knowledge About How To Care & Feeding
 Because we can't get females from Thai breeders, we only sell male Japanese Blue Swordtail Guppys. When this beautiful type is bred with diamond or blue delta female guppies, a few of the offspring will have the swordtail trait. Maybe in a few years, AquariumFishSale will be able to buy the females from you.
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The Japanese Blue Swordtail Guppy doesn't get as big as some other kinds. The exotic fish in these aquariums are small.
General: The Japanese Blue Swordtail Guppy is a beautiful fish.
With the Blue Swordtail Guppy, you can start to explore the world of water. This freshwater fish is a favourite among aquarium fans because of its beautiful colours and elegant tail that looks like a sword. This essay is a complete guide to understanding the Blue Swordtail Guppy. It talks about where it comes from, how it looks, what it needs for a home, what it eats, how it breeds, health concerns, compatibility, and the law.
Information in General
The Blue Swordtail Guppy, which has the scientific name Xiphophorus hellerii, comes from the warm waters of Central America. It is mostly found in Mexico, Belize, and Guatemala. It is well-known all over the world because it looks great and is easy to take care of.
Size: The Blue Swordtail Guppy grows to be about 2.5 to 3.5 inches (6.4 to 8.9 cm) long on average. This makes it a medium-sized fish that does well in community aquariums.
Lifespan: A Japanese Blue Swordtail Guppy can live for about 2 to 3 years if it gets good care, has a clean environment, and eats a balanced diet.
Temperament: These guppies are calm and quiet, which makes them great choices for community tanks. They get along well with fish that don't attack each other.
The Blue Swordtail Guppy has bright blue and turquoise colours, which are brought out by its signature long tail that looks like a sword. This tail, which is usually only on males, gives the fish a unique look.
Needs for Habitat and Tank
Natural Habitat: Japanese Blue Swordtail Guppy live in slow-moving rivers, streams, and other freshwater bodies with lots of plants in their natural habitat. They do best in warm places with lots of plants.
Size of Tank: A small group of Japanese Blue Swordtail Guppy should live in a tank that can hold at least 20 gallons (75.7 litres) of water. This will give them a comfortable place to live.
Water Parameters: Keep the temperature of the water between 72°F and 82°F (22°C and 28°C) and the pH level between 6.8 and 7.8 to make it like the water in their natural habitat.
Set up the tank by putting real or fake plants in it to make it look like their natural habitat. Give places to hide and places to swim in the open. Foraging can be done on sandy or fine-grained gravel.
Putting food in
Blue Swordtail eats Guppies eat everything, so they need a varied diet. As their main food, give them high-quality flakes or pellets. Bloodworms, brine prawns and daphnia are some of the live or frozen treats they like.
How they eat: They eat a lot and often do it at the surface of the water. Split their daily food into several small meals to keep them from overeating and to keep the water quality high.
Having babies
Reproduction: The females of Japanese Blue Swordtail Guppyies give birth to live fry instead of laying eggs.
Breeding Requirements: Make sure there are an equal number of males and females to avoid putting too much stress on the females. Make sure there are places to hide and plants to protect the fry from being eaten.
Breeding starts when males show off their bright colours and do other courtship behaviours. After mating, the female gives birth to fry, which should be moved to a separate tank to give them a better chance of surviving.
Most Common Health Problems
Blue Swordtail from Japan Guppies are usually tough fish, but they can get diseases like fin rot, ich, and parasitic infections. Their health depends on being watched and cared for on a regular basis.
Steps to avoid problems
To keep your Japanese Blue Swordtail Guppy as healthy as possible, take the following precautions:
Quality of Water: Regular water changes and good filtration help keep water conditions stable, which is good for fish health.
Diet Variety: Give your pet a well-balanced diet of commercial foods and live or frozen treats every once in a while. To avoid health problems, don't eat too much.
Quarantine: Before adding new fish to the tank, you should quarantine them to keep diseases from spreading and protect the fish that are already there.
Things to think about
Compatibility: Blue Swordtail Guppies are usually calm and friendly, so they can live in tanks with other fish. But don't put them in the same tank as aggressive or fin-nipping species.
Care for the Tail: Because their tail fins are long, Japanese Blue Swordtail Guppy may be more likely to get fin damage. Choose decorations for the tank with smooth edges to keep the fins from getting torn.
Aspects of the law: Right now, there are no specific laws or rules about owning or breeding Japanese Blue Swordtail Guppy. Always know what the rules are in your area.
In the end, the Blue Swordtail Guppy is a beautiful example of how different life can be in aquatic ecosystems. Fans can grow a healthy community of Japanese Blue Swordtail Guppy in their own aquariums by respecting their natural needs, learning how they act, and giving them careful care.
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meowk9 · 1 year
Dogs Supplies: Everything You Need to Know Before You Buy
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If you are a dog owner or planning to become one, you know that taking care of your furry friend is a big responsibility. One of the most important aspects of being a dog owner is having the right supplies. From food to crates, grooming to training, there are so many things to consider when it comes to getting the best products for your dog. In this article, we'll provide you with a comprehensive guide on all the necessary dog supplies, where to buy them, and how to choose the right products for your furry friend.
Dog Food
Nutrition is key when it comes to your dog's health and well-being. A well-balanced diet that provides all the necessary nutrients is crucial for your dog's growth, energy, and overall health. Here are some of the best dog food options: Diamond Naturals Adult Dog Food Beef Meal & Rice Diamond Naturals Adult Dog Food Beef Meal & Rice is a high-quality, grain-free dog food that is perfect for adult dogs. It's made with real beef and other premium ingredients to provide your dog with the protein and nutrition they need. You can find it at most pet stores, including Petco and PetSmart. Nutrisource Large Breed Puppy Chicken Rice Dry Dog Food Nutrisource Large Breed Puppy Chicken Rice Dry Dog Food is specially formulated for large breed puppies. It contains high-quality protein and essential vitamins and minerals to support your puppy's growth and development. You can find it at Chewy and other online pet stores. Diamond Naturals Beef & Rice Adult Dry Dog Food 40lb Diamond Naturals Beef & Rice Adult Dry Dog Food is a great option for adult dogs. It's made with high-quality beef and rice to provide your dog with the essential nutrients they need for a healthy and balanced diet. You can find it at most pet stores, including Petco and PetSmart. Foods to Increase Dog Milk Production If you're a new mom dog, you might need some help with milk production. Some of the best foods to increase dog milk production include oatmeal, salmon, and chicken. Make sure to consult your vet before making any changes to your dog's diet.
Crates and Carriers
Crates and carriers are essential for dog owners who travel with their pets or need a safe place for their dog to rest. Here are some of the best options: Small Dog Crate with Divider If you have a small dog, a small dog crate with a divider is a great option. It's perfect for puppies who are still growing and need a safe space to rest. You can find it at most pet stores, including Petco and PetSmart. Great Choice Wire Dog Crate in Black Great Choice Wire Dog Crate in Black is a great option for larger dogs. It's made with high-quality materials and provides a safe and comfortable space for your dog to rest. You can find it at most pet stores, including Petco and PetSmart. Dog Crate Furniture for 2 Dogs If you have two dogs, a dog crate furniture is a great option. It provides a safe and comfortable space for your dogs to rest while also serving as a piece of furniture in your home. You can find it at most pet stores, including Petco and PetSmart.
Collars, Harnesses, and Leashes
Collars, harnesses, and leashes are essential for dog owners who want to keep their dog safe and under control while on walks or during other activities. Here are some of the best options: Seat Belt Dog Collars & Harnesses Seat Belt Dog Collars & Harnesses are essential for dog owners who travel with their pets. They keep your dog safe and secure while in the car and prevent them from moving around too much. You can find them at most pet stores, including Petco and PetSmart. Gentle Leader Dog Leash Gentle Leader Dog Leash is a great option for dog owners who have dogs that pull during walks. It's designed to gently control your dog's head and neck, which prevents them from pulling and makes walks more enjoyable. You can find it at most pet stores, including Petco and PetSmart. Dog Lead Leash Dog Lead Leash is a classic option for dog owners who want to keep their dog close and under control during walks. It's perfect for dogs who don't pull and is available in various lengths and materials. You can find it at most pet stores, including Petco and PetSmart. Dual Handle Dog Leash Dual Handle Dog Leash is a great option for dog owners who need more control during walks. It has two handles, one at the end and one near the collar, which allows you to have better control over your dog's movements. You can find it at most pet stores, including Petco and PetSmart. 15 Foot Dog Leash 15 Foot Dog Leash is a great option for dog owners who want to give their dog more freedom during walks. It's perfect for larger dogs who need more space to move around and is available in various materials. You can find it at most pet stores, including Petco and PetSmart.
Grooming Supplies
Grooming is an important part of your dog's hygiene and health. It helps prevent skin problems, keeps their coat shiny, and prevents the spread of fleas and ticks. Here are some of the best grooming supplies: Arm and Hammer Dog Shampoo Arm and Hammer Dog Shampoo is a great option for dog owners who want to keep their dog's coat clean and healthy. It's made with natural ingredients and has a pleasant scent. You can find it at most pet stores, including Petco and PetSmart. Dyne for Dogs High Calorie Liquid Supplement Dyne for Dogs High Calorie Liquid Supplement is a great option for dog owners who want to give their dog some extra nutrition. It's packed with calories and nutrients and can help your dog gain weight and improve their overall health. You can find it at most pet stores, including Petco and PetSmart. Tea Tree Dog Shampoo Tea Tree Dog Shampoo is a great option for dog owners who want to soothe their dog's skin and prevent skin problems. It's made with natural ingredients and has a pleasant scent. You can find it at most pet stores, including Petco and PetSmart. Dog Shampoo Brush Dog Shampoo Brush is a great tool for dog owners who want to make bath time easier and more enjoyable for their dogs. It's designed to massage your dog's skin and coat while also helping to distribute shampoo evenly. You can find it at most pet stores, including Petco and PetSmart.
Medical Supplies
Medical supplies are essential for dog owners who want to be prepared for emergencies and accidents. Here are some of the best medical supplies: Syringe for Dogs Syringe for Dogs is a great tool for dog owners who need to give their dogs medication. It's designed to be easy to use and helps you give your dog the correct dosage of medication. You can find it at most pet stores, including Petco and PetSmart. Dog Medical Shop Near Me Dog Medical Shop Near Me is a great resource for dog owners who need to buy medical supplies for their pets. You can find everything from first aid kits to medications to supplements at these shops. You can search for them online or ask your veterinarian for recommendations. Dog Muzzle for Chewing Dog Muzzle for Chewing is a great tool for dog owners who have dogs that like to chew on things they shouldn't. It helps prevent them from destroying your furniture or other objects while also keeping them safe. You can find it at most pet stores, including Petco and PetSmart. Purina Dog Shampoo Purina Dog Shampoo is a great option for dog owners who want to keep their dog's coat clean and healthy. It's made with natural ingredients and has a pleasant scent. You can find it at most pet stores, including Petco and PetSmart. Trifexis 6 Month Supply Trifexis 6 Month Supply is a great option for dog owners who want to protect their dogs from fleas, ticks, and heartworm. It's a monthly chewable tablet that provides comprehensive protection against these parasites. You can find it at most pet stores, including Petco and PetSmart.
Training Supplies
Training is an important part of being a dog owner. It helps your dog learn good behavior and become a well-behaved member of your family. Here are some of the best training supplies: Portable Dog Pen for Camping Portable Dog Pen for Camping is a great option for dog owners who love to camp with their pets. It provides a safe and secure space for your dog to rest while also giving them some freedom to move around. You can find it at most pet stores, including Petco and PetSmart. Lazy Bones Dog Crate Lazy Bones Dog Crate is a great option for dog owners who want to give their dogs a comfortable place to rest while also keeping them secure. It's made with high-quality materials and is available in various sizes. You can find it at most pet stores, including Petco and PetSmart. Heavy Duty Dog Clippers for Thick Hair Heavy Duty Dog Clippers for Thick Hair are essential for dog owners who have dogs with thick coats. They're designed to cut through even the thickest hair and are available in various sizes and models. You can find them at most pet stores, including Petco and PetSmart.
Outdoor Supplies
Outdoor activities are a great way to bond with your dog and keep them active and healthy. Here are some of the best outdoor supplies: Dog Pen Outdoor Dog Pen Outdoor is a great option for dog owners who want to give their dogs some outdoor space to play and explore. It's available in various sizes and materials and can be easily set up in your backyard or at a campsite. You can find it at most pet stores, including Petco and PetSmart. Waterproof Dog Crate Mats Waterproof Dog Crate Mats are essential for dog owners who want to keep their dogs comfortable and dry during outdoor activities. They're designed to be waterproof and durable and are available in various sizes and materials. You can find them at most pet stores, including Petco and PetSmart. Portable Dog Cot Portable Dog Cot is a great option for dog owners who want to give their dogs a comfortable place to rest while also keeping them off the ground. It's designed to be lightweight and easy to transport and is available in various sizes and materials. You can find it at most pet stores, including Petco and PetSmart.
In conclusion, having the right supplies is essential for any dog owner. From food to crates, grooming to training, there are so many things to consider when it comes to getting the best products for your furry friend. With the help of this comprehensive guide, you can now make informed decisions and choose the right products for your dog's needs. Whether you're a new dog owner or a seasoned pro, there's always something new to learn when it comes to dog supplies. Read the full article
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petshopinuae · 2 years
Pet Corner Launches UAE’s First Real Diamond And Gemstone Studded Dog Collars.
Pet Corner Launches UAE’s First Real Diamond And Gemstone Studded Dog Collars.
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(MENAFN-S Factor ) ● Pet Corner introduces “The Elite Club”, offering luxury products and services for pets
● The global pet accessories market poised to reach USD 300 Billion in 2023
UAE — July 06, 2022: Pet Corner, a one-stop shop for all pet supplies, veterinary care, fresh and marine aquariums, in store / mobile pet grooming, announce their launch of “The Pet Corner Elite Club”, which will feature a premium line of pet products and accessories for the first time in the region.
Under Pet Corner Elite, the store introduces UAE’s first diamond and gemstone studded exquisite collars for dogs of small to medium breeds. The Haute hound collection features a bow-shaped centerpiece brooch dazzling with about 2.6 carats of certified natural diamonds and about 6–7 carats of natural rubies encrusted on 18 carat gold. The brooch can be easily fitted or changed to any collar of the client’s choice.
Pet Corner in dubai would also be able to custom make the jewel with any natural gemstone in any color of gold as chosen by the client. Priced from AED 37,000/- onwards, every high-end collar comes with a certificate to ensure authenticity, diamond grading and gemstone identification.
Sidarth Mahindra, Chief Pet Officer, Pet Corner said, “Dogs are man’s best friends and Diamonds/Gems are truly one of nature’s most precious and beautiful creations — making it a perfect accessory for any pooch. We see our customers wanting only the best for their precious pets. This collection offers comfort and style to make any pup stand out from the crowd. We will be introducing many more elite products and supplies in the coming months.”
According to reports*, rise in pet ownership is expected to fuel the growth of the pet accessories market, which is anticipated to reach USD 300 Billion by the end of 2023 globally.
Tags- pet corner, pet shop,pet shop near me,pet shop dubai,pet store,pet food dubai,pet store near me
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simpledatainfo · 2 years
Diamond Naturals Real Meat Premium Small and Medium Breed Formulas Dry Dog Food Protein, Probiotics and Antioxidants
Diamond Naturals Real Meat Premium Small and Medium Breed Formulas Dry Dog Food Protein, Probiotics and Antioxidants
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gooberpetdirect1 · 3 years
Diamond Naturals Breed Rice Dry Dog Food | Goober Pet Direct
Proper Protein and Fat Levels Provide the Nutrients Needed to Sustain a Large Body While Maintaining Ideal Body Condition. Glucosamine and Chondroitin Help Support Joints.
Visit Us :- https://gooberpetdirect.com/diamond-naturals-large-breed-adult-chicken-rice-dry-dog-food-40-lb/
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shoutoutwoofwoof · 4 years
2 Precautions You Must Take Before Attending Dog Food Reviews | Dog Food Reviews
2 Precautions You Must Take Before Attending Dog Food Reviews | Dog Food Reviews
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Amazon | Dog Food Reviews
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et-dah · 4 years
The Demon Brothers: Creative Outlets Headcanons
they are all immortals and when you've lived longer than you can remember, you're bound to find a creative outlet to destress, alleviate boredom, or you know, to just have fun!
He’s a busy demon. If he’s not working, he's sleeping, or cleaning up one of his brother’s messes, so he doesn't have that much time to just relax and explore his creative sides. 
That said though, it doesn’t mean he has no hobbies at all.
He plays the piano. He used to play it every morning, back when he’s still in the Celestial Realm, when he’d taught Lilith how to play the piano every morning and she’d sat besides him as his fingers moved across the keys slower so she could copy him. 
Nowadays, playing the piano feels very nostalgic and bittersweet, but you’ll hear soft, bittersweet melodies drift from the music room once in a while.
He also composes his own music, but that's an even rarer occurrence. The last time he created a new music piece was centuries ago. 
(Ever since MC came to Devildom though, he's been itching to write music for them.)
Practices calligraphy for fun. He has a whole set of brushes and ink and lettering pens. His handwriting is already beautiful but his calligraphy is even more amazing.
Another thing he does is gardening. He's got a great eye for landscape architecture, he's the reason why the house's backyard is pretty. 
He plants decorative plants and likes to cross breed flowers so the House of Lamentation's backyard is full of pretty shrubs and unfamiliar flowers. 
He is usually joined by Beel as he is the other brother that finds gardening very relaxing.
He definitely shows his creativity by coming up with the most absurdly brilliant, out-of-the-box, original schemes to make money.
Mammon can draw, like really good. His drawings are very realistic. He prefers to use traditional media: charcoal pencils, graphite sticks, blenders, erasers, drawing pens, brushes, and maybe some watercolors.
He usually does architecture sketches.
But if you check his drawers, you’ll find several sketchbooks of his brothers in different candid poses. MC alone has taken up three whole sketchbooks. Mammon makes sure MC doesn’t see those sketches though.
Crashes Asmo’s Art Day regularly, claiming that if Levi’s invited then the Great Mammon should be too. Asmo and Levi always complains but they let him stay anyway.
Mammon also has a natural talent on jewelry making and metalwork. He makes jewelry from buttons, beads, pearls, diamonds, and crystals. From small pendants to elaborate neckpieces, simple anklets to ornate hairpins. 
Mammon has made metal bookmarks for Satan because the book lover always misplaces his bookmarks or destroys them in fits of rage when he doesn't like a book's ending.
He sculpts wood. It takes him months to finish one small piece because he only does it when he's really, really bored, he prefers to make his much more profitable jewelry. 
He keeps all of his sculptures in his room, small and detailed pieces of wood engraving of Devildom native animals lining up on one of the shelves.
This is canon but he draws! He doesn't think he's very good at it, but he really enjoys it. 
Unlike Mammon who likes to draw with his charcoal pencils and drawing pens, Levi prefers to draw digitally. He still switch to traditional media now and then though.
Has a monthly scheduled “Art Day” where he and Asmo hang out together, Levi draws with his sketchbook or his drawing tablet and Asmo paints. They basically just gossip and hype each other’s art.
Dabbles in making short animations but feels like it’s just not something for him. He makes short comics though.
He wants to be able to make his own video game someday though. Maybe after he learns programming.
He makes the most detailed cosplay outfits for his own cosplays. He sews really good and patches his brothers clothes when they ask. Where do you think Asmo learns how to sew his own clothes from?
Really good at dancing and he really likes it too. He's a natural at it. From the most intricate traditional Devildom dances to freestyle dancing. He can make new moves on the spot and can copy any moves from one look.
He’s a shy baby though, you’ll rarely see him dance when he’s sober.
Except when he’s playing DDR (Demons Dance Revolution). Then, it’s like he’s the most confident demon in Devildom.
Satan writes poetry when inspiration strikes him. He has also written short stories but he always comes back to creating beautiful poems. He’s got a way with words.
Photography is something he has only recently taken interest in but he has a great eye for taking breathtaking shots. 
Has become the family’s go-to photographer.
“Satan, take a picture of me and Mammon!” “Satan, take our picture, quick!” “Satan, help me get a picture for my Devilgram!”
He’s the reason Asmo’s Devilgram pictures always look like they’re taken professionally in a photo studio or something.
Satan loves art, likes to stroll through museums and stare at paintings for hours, but has little talent in creating them. Even so, he still likes to paint even if he's not good at it. 
Sometimes he just wants to slap paint on a canvas and make a colorful mess. It's fun. 
He joins Art Day every other month.
Another thing he does is knitting! It relaxes him. It gives him something to focus at when he's angry (um, angrier than usual), just to give his hands something to do that doesn't involve breaking anything. The simple patterns he makes are easy enough that they don't frustrate him. 
Rarely ever finishes his knitting though, you'll just find this 5 meters long knitted fabric in one corner of his room with the ends coming undone because he calms himself down enough to stop knitting.
Regularly designs, cut, and sew his own clothes. 
Has a lot of sketchbooks full of drawings of flowy dresses and stylish coats and many aesthetically pleasing shirts. 
He has started his own clothing line and sometimes collaborate with Majolish. 
But for the most part, he designs clothes for himself and himself only, he doesn't want anyone else to wear clothes as fabolous as his.
Nail art? Nail art. 
Asmo paints all of the brothers nails and sometimes he'll persuade one of them to let him do a complete manicure, with glitter polish and shiny studs and all. 
Yes, even Lucifer. You just never see the results because Lucifer wears his gloves almost all the time.
Asmo creates beautiful makeup art. He doesn't really like a lot of makeup on his own face though, so his brothers' faces are his canvases.
He also has a great eye for interior decorating and flower arranging. He restyles his room every month.
Not many people know it but he paints. And he's very good at it. He has done a painting of each brother, the paintings can be seen on the walls of the House of Lamentation's hallways. 
Art Day with Levi (and sometimes Satan or Belphie) is spent with him in front of canvases, chatting with his brothers, paint splatters on his hands. It's the only day that he doesn't mind looking a little messy.
He cooks, of course!  And bakes too!
It's one of the times he’s willing to wait to eat because cooking the ingredients first rather than just straight up eating them will make the foods taste better. 
Half of the food in the kitchen are his creations. Anything he can make on his own from scratch, he will; jams, ice cream, sauces, juices, bread, chips, etc. 
Likes to experiment and always do something different than the original recipes. 
He garnishes his cooking like it’s something you order from a five star restaurant.
Beel is another demon who has a green thumb. He likes taking care of plants and doesn't mind getting a bit dirty doing it so gardening is another hobby of his. 
If Lucifer plants ornamental plants, Beel grows useful plants like herbs and vegetables and small fruits. He's also good at topiary.
Always has an idea for a DIY project. 
His creations is scattered all over the House of Lamentation. Belphie's drawer divider is made out of yogurt cups. Broken drawer knobs recycled into Asmo's jewelry organizer. The coat rack. The bathroom towel holder. 
Even Lucifer's hanging Demonus rack is handmade by Beel when he's bored one weekend, with Mammon's help for the engraving decorations along the sides of the rack. Beel's got a bit of Bob the Builder in him.
He is very good at singing. His voice is clear and he has a broad vocal range. Has been caught unconsciously humming in class many times.
Has definitely sang Belphie to sleep.
Does his pranks counts as a creative outlet though?😂 Between him and Satan, Belphie's ideas are the most creative and out of the box, resulting on some of the best pranks they did.
Belphie does origami. It's relaxing, easy enough to learn, and doesn't take much effort and energy to do it. 
Has stacks of origami papers in his room: standard origami paper, foil paper, traditional Washi ones, the leather-like Momigami paper, all kinds of paper. 
He especially loves to make little origami stars and keeps them in glass jars in his room.
Belphie also has adult coloring books. 
And kids coloring books.
Coloring is relaxing to him. It's very calming to just lay down and fills a page with pretty colors for a while. It's not a tiring way to destress, he can color without moving from his bed, and it feels satisfying when he finishes a whole page. 
He sometimes joins Art Day if he's not too lazy to move. Still prefers to color alone where it's quiet though.
He also journals. It's another thing he can do that is inexpensive and not energy consuming. He writes about anything that comes to his mind, his thoughts, his ideas, memories. 
Definitely keeps a dream journal.
Also I headcanon that as the Avatar of Sloth, sleep and dreams are some of the things he can manipulate. He enjoys creating dreams; the worldbuilding, the story, the details. He can be really creative when it comes to making them, spinning the most vivid and imaginative dreams. 
They’re not necessarily good dreams though. After all, he is still a demon, his dreams will most likely mess up your mind than make you smile in your sleep.
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Countries of the World asks
I’m too obsessed with the countries of the world so here y’all go! A brand new ask game
Afghanistan: what bright color would you dye your hair?
Albania: if you could buy anything for yourself, what would it be?
Algeria: do you play any sports?
Andorra: do you prefer winter or summer?
Angola: what’s your favorite holiday?
Antigua and Barbuda: what’s your preferred mode of transportation
Argentina: gold or silver?
Armenia: are you religious?
Australia: swimming or running?
Austria: favorite song?
Azerbaijan: where are you from?
Bahamas: flamingos or scarlet macaws?
Bahrain: beaches or forests?
Bangladesh: are you left or right handed?
Barbados: who’s your favorite singer?
Belarus: what’s your ideal aesthetic?
Belgium: pancakes or waffles?
Belize: black holes or the bermuda triangle?
Benin: do you prefer dresses or suits?
Bhutan: favorite mythical creature?
Bolivia: do you like the color pink?
Bosnia and Herzegovina: do you like the taste of water?
Botswana: elephants or rhinos?
Brazil: Lowe’s or Home Depot?
Brunei: dolphins or sea turtles?
Bulgaria: ice cream or frozen yogurt?
Burkina Faso: favorite book genre?
Burundi: iced or hot coffee?
Cabo Verde: succulents or flowers?
Cambodia: if you could live in any time period what would it be?
Cameroon: what’s your least favorite color?
Canada: what’s your sexuality?
Central African Republic: diamonds or rubies?
Chad: favorite fun fact?
Chile: jalapenos or bell peppers?
China: do you like ladybugs?
Colombia: hot chocolate or chocolate milk?
Comoros: is there a man or a rabbit on the face of the moon?
Costa Rica: tacos or enchiladas?
Cote d'Ivoire: Do people ever mispronounce your name?
Croatia: favorite breed of dog?
Cuba: crocodiles or alligators?
Cyprus: favorite savory food?
Czechia: what’s the strangest word you know?
Democratic Republic of the Congo: stripes or polka dots?
Denmark: what’s your favorite emoji?
Djibouti: dolphins or whales?
Dominica: red or green?
Dominican Republic: what’s your opinon on roller coasters?
Ecuador: carnivals or theme parks?
Egypt: opinion on triangles?
El Salvador: multiples of 13 or multiples of 17?
Equatorial Guinea: would you rather have a house made out of wood or stone?
Eritrea: greek or roman mythology?
Estonia: instagram or facebook?
Eswatini: black or white? (nothing to do with race, just the colors themselves)
Ethiopia: blue or lime green?
Fiji: What is your ideal vacation?
Finland: classical music or heavy metal?
France: baguettes or croissants?
Gabon: what’s your favorite book?
Gambia: what’s your favorite word?
Georgia: would you rather go into deep space or the deep ocean?
Germany: writing or drawing?
Ghana: what’s your favorite meal?
Greece: if you were the deity of anything what would it be?
Grenada: would you want to climb mount everest?
Guatemala: if you could have any exotic pet, what would it be?
Guinea: what would you do if you were trapped in a creepy forest?
Guinea-Bissau: palm trees or oak trees?
Guyana: earrings or necklaces?
Haiti: ducks or crabs?
Honduras: depths or heights?
Hungary: can you solve a rubik’s cube?
Iceland: hot springs or bubble baths?
India: do you like spicy food?
Indonesia: reptiles or amphibians?
Iran: do you call it soccer or football?
Iraq: can you garden?
Ireland: faeries or elves?
Israel: zoos or aquariums?
Italy: pizza or pasta?
Jamaica: favorite music genre?
Japan: suns or trees?
Jordan: favorite natural wonder?
Kazakhstan: Africa or Australia?
Kenya: triathlons or marathons?
Kiribati: seagulls or sea turtles?
Kosovo: what’s your gender?
Kuwait: rectangles or circles?
Kyrgyzstan: what’s the most annoying spelling of Katherine/Catherine?
Laos: rice or beans?
Latvia: opinion on denim?
Lebanon: newspapers or magazines?
Lesotho: mountains or valleys?
Liberia: are you under or over 18?
Libya: what’s your favorite ethnic cuisine? (Chinese, Mexican, etc)
Liechtenstein: going out or staying in?
Lithuania: what’s your least favorite letter?
Luxembourg: do you play any instruments?
Madagascar: favorite pixar movie?
Malawi: opinion on the Milky Way?
Malaysia: peninsulas or islands?
Maldives: stone or wood?
Mali: would you rather live in Hawaii or Alaska?
Malta: are you good at forgiving people?
Marshall Islands: would you rather go fishing or go swimming?
Mauritania: wind or still air?
Mauritius: keys or locks?
Mexico: who’s your favorite artist?
Micronesia: lagoons or atolls?
Moldova: have any strange rules ever been made because of you?
Monaco: how tall are you?
Mongolia: one or two humped camels?
Montenegro: lakes or mountains?
Morocco: would you rather live in a cottage or a castle?
Mozambique: scrabble or monopoly?
Myanmar: tea cups or mugs?
Namibia: would you rather walk super fast or super slow?
Nauru: submarines or yachts?
Nepal: solar or wind energy?
Netherlands: what’s your favorite pastry?
New Zealand: favorite fruit?
Nicaragua: main streets or back alleys?
Niger: transparent or opaque surfaces?
Nigeria: what’s your dream house?
North Korea: if you could have any haircut what would it be?
North Macedonia: do you use perfect grammar or very bad grammar?
Norway: if you won the nobel prize for anything what would it be?
Oman: what’s your favorite gemstone?
Pakistan: what’s your favorite video game?
Palau: day or night?
Palestine: if you could name yourself after any animal what would it be?
Panama: what’s your favorite palindrome?
Papua New Guinea: what’s your favorite school subject?
Paraguay: do people ever get you mixed up with other people?
Peru: if you could visit any popular landmark, what would it be?
Philippines: jellyfish or shrimp?
Poland: what’s your favorite Disney movie?
Portugal: old bookstores or cafes?
Qatar: stuffed bears or stuffed rabbits?
Republic of the Congo: are you learning any languages?
Romania: candles, fairy lights, or lamps?
Russia: opinion on public transportation?
Rwanda: if you could any animal for a pet, what would it be?
Saint Kitts and Nevis: do you like thunderstorms?
Saint Lucia: do you like coconuts?
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Samoa: do you have any tattoos?
San Marino: oceans or lakes?
Sao Tome and Principe: decimals or whole numbers?
Saudi Arabia: how good of a driver are you?
Senegal: what’s your favorite sport to watch?
Serbia: blueberries or raspberries?
Seychelles: owls or parrots?
Sierra Leone: what’s your favorite plant?
Singapore: what’s your favorite song?
Slovakia: planes or boats?
Slovenia: do you have an opinion on caves?
Solomon Islands: coral reefs or weeping willows?
Somalia: would you rather be a pirate or an astronaut?
South Africa: what’s your favorite weird food combination?
South Korea: what’s your dream job?
South Sudan: would you rather be a farmer or a merchant?
Spain: what would you name your child if you ever had one?
Sri Lanka: snickerdoodles or chocolate chip cookies?
Sudan: opinion of fireworks?
Suriname: watching movies in theatres or at home?
Sweden: would you rather live in an igloo or a sand castle?
Switzerland: coffee or tea?
Syria: what’s your favorite drink? (alcoholic or not)
Taiwan: what’s your favorite color?
Tajikistan: glaciers or icebergs?
Tanzania: large or small dogs?
Thailand: botanical or zen gardens?
Timor-Leste: how is your relationship with your parents?
Togo: white, milk, or dark chocolate?
Tonga: what’s the worst dad joke that you know?
Trinidad and Tobago: do you play any instruments?
Tunisia: moons or stars?
Turkey: what’s your favorite flower?
Turkmenistan: hot or cold?
Tuvalu: volcanoes or clouds?
Uganda: what’s your birthstone?
Ukraine: are you the oldest, middle, youngest, or only child?
United Arab Emirates: what’s your favorite book?
United Kingdom: do you have any siblings?
United States of America: what color are your eyes?
Uruguay: ballet or tap dancing?
Uzbekistan: what’s your favorite number?
Vanuatu: what’s your opinion on extreme sports?
Vatican City: where is your family from?
Venezuela: do you speak any other languages?
Vietnam: do you have any food allergies?
Yemen: how are you feeling right now?
Zambia: do you have any nicknames?
Zimbabwe: what’s your favorite marine mammal?
270 notes · View notes
corner-stories · 3 years
for it isn't a dream (not a dream after all)
Calem. Serena.
Love At First Sight. Origin Stories. Impoverished Patricians.
19th Century Period Drama But Make It Pokemon.
13123 words
(in my life)
Calem Bellamy-Beaufort had been born from diamonds, but raised in the dirt.
At birth he was named Baron Calem Xavier Trevelyan — his middle name representing his paternal grandfather who had earned a war fought generations ago, his surname representing the Galarian Viscount that was his father. Said Viscount had won over Calem’s Baroness mother on an endless wave of charm, promising a life of wealth and prosperity if they started a life together.
Had Calem’s mother knew what the deceitful nobleman truly had in store for her, she would have never let him into her world. Viscount Trevelyan had drained the Bellamy-Beaufort fortune, squandering the riches on horses and wine and women despite the wellbeing of his wife and child being at stake. Nowadays Kalos did not recognize the title of Baroness Bellamy-Beaufort, especially after her husband abandoned her and her four-year-old son to join his lover back in Wyndon. The impact of his actions had been enough to sully the Bellamy-Beaufort name, causing his once affluent wife and child to live in squalor.
As a result, Calem has few memories of his father. He only knows that the peaceful life he used to live in Camphrier Town had suddenly ended when his mother sold all her belongings and moved them to a desolate shack outside of Coumarine City. He was too young to comprehend what exactly his father had done, only that all the shouting matches between his parents had culminated in the man leaving and his mother breaking down in heavy tears.
From the moment Calem could walk, he began to work. Before he could read, he learned to shine shoes, usually cleaning the boots of soldiers and brogues of noblemen. His efforts had earned him enough francs for food as well as the affectionate nickname “Xav” amongst the troopers stationed near Coumarine. He earned coins by selling newspapers to the citizens of the city. He would stand on street corners with a paper in hand, giving out news of Kalosian Lords and Dukes as if he was never one of them in the first place. His mother took up honest work in a manor, where she served those who turned their noses at her and would never even think that the scullery maid ever lived a life amongst the diamonds.
At the age of thirteen, Calem had decided that his future resided in the heart of Kalos. The stories of the great city of Lumiose had clouded his mind and refused to leave. He did not even know exactly what he wanted to do with his life, just that the key to his life resided in the city of lifes. All he needed to do was actually make the move to discover that dream. His mother told him to stay with her, as she believed otherwise and that his future was by her side, but Calem persisted until his mother gave in. All young boys left home eventually, she just didn’t think that it would happen so soon.
To fund his move, he began working harder — selling more papers, shining more shoes, and even taking up work at a nearby Skiddo ranch to earn extra francs.
Calem went from a quiet little boy who shined shoes in street corners to a tall, admirable young man. His hair was black like the night’s inky skies, his face was sharper than the blade of a soldier’s sabre, and his eyes were blue like the water off the Ambrette coast. In another life where the world would acknowledge him as the handsome young Baron of Rivière Walk, he would have made strides within the Kalosian ballrooms and could have attracted many pairs of eyes to his angelically handsome face.
He left at age fifteen and never looked back. He kept his mother in his heart and sent letters to her as often as he could. He promised her that he would send a small percentage of his earnings, praying to Arceus that it would somehow keep her afloat.
Calem was not formally educated, but he could read and write and his arms and legs were as strong from his years of physical labour. He first found work at a shoe shining stand near Lumiose Station, occasionally playing with the napping Skiddo between shines. Six months later, his employer let him go due to the Kalos monarchy’s insistence that its citizens pay even more taxes. That left Calem to find work as a courier, where he would travel the city delivering packages and messages to Lumiose’s countless citizens and visitors.
A year into his stay in the city of lights, Calem comes across something digging through the garbage in the alley behind his apartment. Despite his muscles aching from a long day of work, his curiosity gets the best of him and he approaches the rummaging stranger.
After getting closer, he discovers that the thing rifling through food scraps and broken furniture is a little creature no taller than his knee. Its body is brown, but the claws on its feet are pale white and the spikes on its head are green. Calem is taken aback, as he has never seen a creature like this before — it differs greatly from the Skiddo and Gogoat he had grown up around.
Eventually, the tiny creature stops rifling through the pile of trash and looks up at Calem — its eyes are black and beady and frightened. It shows fear in the presence of a person who means no harm.
Calem acts on his first instinct.
“Hungry?” he asks. He reaches to his satchel and pulls out a half-eaten loaf of bread, a tip granted to him from a particularly happy client. The bread is unlike the soft and buttery brioche given to the more fortunate, but the few bites Calem has taken has given him enough strength for the day and he no longer needs it.
So Calem kneels to the ground, holding the bun out to the little creature with green spikes on its head.
“There is nothing good in the garbage,” he explains. “That’s for sure.
Curiously, the creature takes a few steps towards Calem and sniffs the bread curiously. Before he knows it, the creature starts nibbling on the loaf. Judging by its reaction, the bread is clearly more desirable than the rotten cheese and veggie scraps in the trash.
An hour later Calem has brought the creature into his minuscule apartment — a living space that only really has room for a cot, a desk, and a stove. He has nothing else of value on him but a few borrowed books, a stack of stationary, the blue overcoat his mother had given him before he left, and a little bit of food to get him through his days. He lets the little creature have some grapes and cheese while he reads his books, attempting some research to better understand the situation. After flipping through enough notes written by men more brilliant than him, Calem finds some information on the creature in his room.
Its official name is Chespin — the green spikes on its head are soft but when flexed grow hard enough to pierce a rock, its curious tendencies get it into trouble, its optimistic nature makes it an uplifting partner creature for anyone to have.
It takes no time before Calem decides to keep it.
(she has burst like the music of angels, the light of the sun)
On an autumn’s day, Calem is seventeen. The soles of his well-worn boots slap the cobblestones as he heads towards Jaune Plaza. At his feet is a never-ending ball of energy that refuses to stay down, yet Calem absolutely loves it to pieces. At one point, Chespin climbs up the tails of Calem’s coat and perches on the young man’s shoulders, garnering a soft smile from his master.
“The view must be better from up here, is it?” he says.
The two walk south on Hibernal Avenue, where the whole street is aglow with citizens and creatures. Locals argue with food vendors, tax collectors roam around alongside their fearsome Houndoom for protection, and scholars walk upon the cobblestones with a vacant pondering in their eyes.
Calem passes by the more well-dressed men who walk alongside well-groomed Furfrou and pampered Pyroar. In his heart, he knows that they would never look twice at a young man like him, with his ratty blue overcoat and scuffed boots. Yet somehow, Calem finds himself listening in on their conversation. For all the disdain they may show him, his curiosity persists.
He hears the two men talk of books and writings that are only valuable to those who can afford it. They are too old to be students, so he guesses that they are perhaps professors, maybe of medicine or art or breeding of the creatures that surround them in this world.
Soon enough, the two wealthy men pass him by. Like the young man had suspected, they do not look at him twice.
Calem then hears the sound of splashing.
He glances across the street to see another creature running amok — this one is short, blue, has a cape of bubbles hanging off the back of its neck, and owns a pair of bright yellow eyes that crinkle as it smiles. The creature currently splashes about in a puddle, rolling around as if it were an infant just learning how to move. Calem can’t help but stop and watch it go — he’s never seen a creature like that before.
“Froakie, you silly thing!” says a voice.
The creature rolls out of the puddle and shakes the water off its skin. Using its skinny legs, it hops over to the bottom end of a dress skirt and leaps into the arms of the wearer.
Then Calem sees her.
Her hair is golden blonde and sways in the wind, her eyes grey like steel, and her smile as she holds her creature is absolutely delightful. She wears an immaculate black dress and ornate hat in a scarlet hue, something that could seem so common yet makes her stand out like she’s the only person on the street.
Like a fool, Calem can only stand there and stare. To say that she looks beautiful is an absolute understatement. His heart beats faster than a star falling from the sky, his world feels like it’s spinning around.
Then she looks up.
The stranger’s eyes meet his. They widen slightly just like his as she takes him in from across the street. As she holds her creature in her arms, her mouth is open but still, as if she’s looking for the words but does not know what to say. Calem doesn’t know what parts of him make her look at him that way, but he doesn’t question it.
The two make no sound as the world of Hibernal Avenue moves around them like a clock.
An older man then taps the young woman’s shoulder. Just like her she is very well dressed with a spotless tailored coat and a top hat that makes him look rather tall. She looks to him as one would to a father and he motions for them to go down the street. She nods politely and follows, giving Calem one more longing glance before disappearing into an alleyway.
But as she walks, Calem notices something falling from her person, an item seemingly slipping out of the basket she carries.
Acting indifferent to his own rationale, Calem takes a few steps forward. He arrives at the spot of the dropped item and picks up, soon learning that it is nothing more than a simple white handkerchief. With the little cloth now in his hands, he looks down the alleyway in search of the girl with the golden hair.
But to his despair, she’s gone.
Calem meets arrives at a Jaune Plaza Cafe, a small establishment that sells things like ale and wine and a stew that is rather palpable as long as one doesn’t question what’s in it. He finds his friends sitting at a table in the corner and takes the empty chair on the right. Chespin then hops off his shoulder and decides to sit on his master’s lap.
His friends do not press as to why he arrived late and continue their conversation like nothing has changed. As Calem orders a meal, he hears one of his more talkative friends tell an amusing tale.
Shauna Jan is a short girl of only fifteen, her eyes are bright green and her hair is deep brown and long enough that it goes to her waist. When she speaks, she always does so with a happy spirit to her high-pitched voice. When she smiles, her eyes get small and crinkle at the corners. She works at an Inn in South Boulevard, an establishment run by her parents that is a far cry from Hotel Richissime, but known to the common-folk as a safe place to stay in such an unpredictable city. Her partner creature is a chipper little thing called a Skitty, which prefers to nap near its master’s feet as opposed to doing anything else. She currently tells a tale of an incident earlier today where she caught a customer trying to pilfer some wine bottles that he did not pay for. Calem listens and learns that Shauna got to chase the man away with a broom, something her father was rather proud of her for doing.
The story garners a laugh from Calem and his other two friends. Sitting beside Shauna is Tierno Todaro, a paunchy seventeen-year-old who loves life as much as he loves a good waltz or schottische. With a grin, he puts an arm around Shauna and congratulates her for a job well done. He then goes on to say that his job — a sanitation position at a shop on Hibernal Avenue — is not remotely as interesting. The most amusing thing he sees is rich merchants and scholars roaming the streets all day, as if their lives are so unfulfilling that they must walk around the common folk to feel alive again. Even his own partner, a clawed creature referred to as a Corphish, gets more out of its own existence than the wealthy.
When Tierno expresses his thoughts on scholars, Calem looks over to the more silent friend of the group, the shy and brainy Trevor Pascal, a young fifteen-year-old who is shorter than Shauna and has a head of bright orange hair. He is the quietest friend of the group, but that is only because he does not speak unless he sees it necessary. He’s a boy who dreams of studying Pokemon and prays that his job selling newspapers will somehow fund it. Knowing that it is Trevor’s goal to become a scholar, Calem wonders if the boy will say anything in the event of Tierno’s comments about them, but upon glancing over he only sees Trevor with his eyes glued to the pages of a book. Even his partner Flabebe seems more interested in reading than paying attention to anything else.
Calem and Trevor’s dreams are awfully similar, the only difference being that Calem simply wants to discover what other creatures the world has to hold, whereas Trevor is content with studying what humanity has already found.
The friends continue to talk about their current lives. As the conversation goes on, Calem feasts on a bowl of stew — or as Shauna likes to call it: brown mush. The taste in question is rather unremarkable, but it’s something Calem looks forward to after a day of work. It’s his usual meal when he doesn’t have any extra coin on him, meaning that he eats it quite often. Despite the dubious origins of the stew’s meat and vegetables, it has kept him alive for this long and his stomach has yet to reject it. Even his Chespin doesn’t refuse it when Calem offers up a spoonful to his partner.
As the friends talk, Calem stirs the brown mush boredly as the sound of his companions and the cafe’s other patrons turns into plain ambiance against his ears.
“Calem?” says Tierno’s voice.
He does not hear him the first time.
“Calem!” Tierno’s voice says once more. He reaches over and taps his friend’s shoulder. “What’s wrong with you today? You’re not usually this silent.”
“Have some wine,” Shauna suggests, motioning to the bottle in the middle of the table. “Tell us what’s going on.”
Calem glances up and meets his friend’s gazes with his own. Even the shy Trevor looks worried for him.
“I had a long day,” he tries. He pats his Chespin on his lap, as the little one has started to nap. “We went all over the city searching for one customer.”
His friends nod along. They understand his job, as it’s a hair more physically more involved than their own. He spends his days running across the streets of Lumiose with packages or messages in his satchel. People call on him to deliver because they know he’s fast and dependable. When they need an object or letter sent inside city lines, the citizens of Lumiose simply call for the boy with the blue coat and the head of dark hair.
Today was no different, as it took Calem and Chespin hours to track down a man named Clemont Charpentier, an apparent inventor who dreams of making mechanisms to improve humanity’s life among the fantastical creatures.
Calem tells the tale and hopes that it will be enough for his friends. His better judgement tells him that they do not need to know of who he saw today, and how in a single moment, his entire world felt as if it had changed.
Throughout history, the strange creatures that inhabit the world — despite all their differences — had one shared trait: an eagerness to fight. So in the basement of the Jauna Plaza Cafe is an illicit operation, a tournament of sorts where people put their partner creatures against others. What started as a form of entertainment for the commonfolk evolved into a game for people to play in order to show off the strengths of their creatures. Tournaments like this were popular with the more wealthy folk, but are nigh impossible for a working person to spectate, let alone participate.
Despite his young age, Calem has built a reputation for himself in the basement of the cafe. Every week, he and his Chespin will see what opponent they can take on. The first had been a man with a creature called a Litleo, another had been against a winged being called a Noibat, and the most memorable was against a bulky pink beast referred to as an Audino. Those who do not know him as the messenger boy in the blue coat know him as the one commanding the mighty Chespin to victory. Although he gets mere coins for his fights, Calem accepts any winnings in stride and tucks them deep into his pockets.
Tonight is no exception, as after the meal, he and his friends head down to the basement where a world of competitors awaits him. Tonight he and Chespin go against a creature they have never seen before. The opposing creature’s master calls it an Azumarill and despite its stubby legs and floppy blue ears, it proves to pack quite the punch.
But Calem and Chespin persevere. In the cramped walls of the cafe basement with a crowd of people cheering them on, Calem and Chespin ride on a wave to victory. Calem fights as if he is a soldier and keeps up a sense of honour as if his family’s title had never been sullied.
Night comes and Calem walks Shauna to her home on South Boulevard. Skitty and Chespin walk in front of them like guards in Parfum Palace. Calem keeps his hands in his coat pockets as Shauna leads the way and proceeds to chat his ears off. They walk down the street and pass a street performer, a young girl no older than ten who sings a wistful song for the citizens of Kalos to drop coins into her tattered brown hat.
Lumiose is always dreary at night, a harsh contrast to the lively city it becomes during the day. What once was a bustling metropolis feels like the depths of the desolate woods once the citizens retreat indoors. The street lamps can only do so much to let the life of the streets survive.
Calem cares for Shauna like one would a little sister. He protects her like a young Pancham that has only been brought into this world. He watches over her like any big brother would.
It helps that she knows of his past, knows why he has come to Lumiose, and knows why a child with a double-barreled surname like his has been taking up work as a lowly courier in a tattered coat. She knows that his mother gave her own name in order to avoid any association with his bastard of a father.
“Calem, what’s wrong with you?” Shauna suddenly asks.
He blinks, then eyes his friend as they continue to walk. “What do you mean?”
“You’re still lost in that haze,” Shauna says and she knows she’s right. “What’s really wrong with you today?”
Calem sighs and digs his hands deeper into the pockets of his coat. He knows that Shauna will simply press even more in any attempt to hide. Most people see Shauna’s excitable and impatient nature and assume she is not as bright as her disposition, but those people would be very surprised to discover just how good she is at getting secrets out of a person. The Kalosian Army would make a good spy out of her.
“Promise you won’t tell the others?”
Shauna puts her hand on her heart. “Not a soul.”
“I saw a girl today,” Calem explains. He tries to remain calm as if his words mean nothing at all.
Shauna begins grinning like a fool. “Was she pretty?”
“She was…” Calem starts, but then struggles to continue. “She was a girl I have never seen before.”
He thinks back and tries to remember the face of the girl, from her long flowing hair to the wistful look in her pretty eyes. He tries to recall if he had ever delivered letters to either her or the older man who appeared to be her father. For the life of him, he can’t remember a thing.
“I only saw her for a minute there,” Calem tells Shauna. “And she was gone.”
Shauna lets out a laugh of disbelief. “Good Arceus, is Calem Bellamy-Beaufort in love at last?”
Calem eyes her quizzically. “What do you mean by that?”
“She must have been heavenly to have caught your eye,” Shauna suggests, motioning forward to Chespin and Skitty in front of them. “Tierno says that you carry yourself like you’ve never seen a woman in your life.”
He scoffs and sharply says, “That’s absolutely preposterous, my mother raised me.”
Shauna lets out a laugh and Calem finds himself smiling. He avoids her gaze and looks down to the Lumiose cobblestones. “That girl though, she wore a black dress and a red hat… and I may never see her again.”
“A love story for the ages,” Shauna comments in a playful voice. With a cheeky grin, she strides forward and leads the two on their way down the streets.
When they get to South Boulevard, Shauna asks Calem a simple question.
“Can you tell Tierno I won’t be able to make it next week?”
Calem nods his head. “Are you busy?”
“I have to take some extra shifts,” she says in a tone that’s less bright than her usual voice.
Concerned, Calem begs another question: “Is something wrong?”
Shauna looks down. “My mother has fallen ill. Father needs me to cover more shifts so we can afford medicine.”
To see Shauna looking so downtrodden is strange. She may very well be the most cheerful person that Calem knows, yet even her sunshine demeanor is susceptible to the reality she exists in.
Calem starts to think, which causes eyebrows to knit. As he and Shauna get closer to her family inn, a choice dances in his head. He turns to Shauna and looks her in the eye.
“How much money do you need?”
Shauna blinks. “What?”
“How much does the medicine cost?” Calem tries again. He turns to her and speaks with conviction in his voice. “I can cover it.”
Shauna shakes her head. “Calem, I cannot take anything from you.”
Calem stops walking and begins digging through his pockets. He pulls out some coins and a single banknote. It’s nothing compared to the fortune his father gambled away, but he holds it to Shauna like it’s fit for a king.
“You can pay me back later,” he says. “Shauna, I trust you.”
Shauna looks hesitant as she eyes the money. Eventually, she starts counting in her head, then takes most of the coins that her friend holds. She counts the coins with the same unsure look in her eyes. Once she’s done, she looks up to meet her friend’s gaze. Although she still looks uneasy, she says:
“Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” Calem says, nodding his head.
“I shall pay you back as soon as I can,” Shauna promises. “If there is anything I can do for you now, please tell me.”
For a second, Calem thinks. He then says the first thing on his mind. “Actually… is there someone you can find for me?”
Calem’s apartment is a hole in a wall in the otherwise vast city of Lumiose. For all the city’s talk about beauty, the accommodations for the commonfolk were often dingy and infested with small creatures they referred to as Dedenne. Calem’s place in particular is cramped and constricting, but it’s enough for him and his partner.
When Calem returns to his abode, his Chespin is absolutely exhausted. He removes his coat as his partner creature stumbles through the room and hops onto the bed.
Calem wastes no time in finding the loose floorboard by his bed and lifts it up, revealing his hiding place with all of his valuable belongings, like his life savings and the wedding ring that his mother told him to save for an important occasion. He empties his pockets and places the money that he has next to the rest. He then replaces the floorboard back over his valuables.
As his Chespin naps, Calem goes to his writing desk, procures a piece of paper and a pen and writes a letter to his mother apologizing for not being able to send funds this month.
(tell me child, what is your name?)
Serena Johanssen was born in the dirt, but raised among diamonds. Nowadays she lived a happy life under the loving eyes of Augustine Sycamore, a scholar who had taken under his wing and loved her like they were father and daughter.
Of course, Sycamore wasn’t her actual father. While their eyes were the same shade of grey, her hair was bright like honey, his was dark like a shadow. Her smile was soft and gentle, his was charming and alluring. She spent her days reading stories and reports from lands beyond the city, he spent his days researching and studying. But that did not matter. They might as well have been related by blood because Sycamore raised her like she was his own.
They had met years ago outside of Lumiose, at a time of Serena’s life that was very unlike the way it was now.
For as long as Serena could remember, she was not like the other girls she knew. Instead of having ribbons to tie in her hair, she had shoes so thin that her little toes would turn red in the cold. Instead of having a loving Mama or Papa, she was watched over by the owners of the Dendemille Inn, a husband and wife who had taken her from a children’s home and promised her shelter as long as she did what she was told.
Serena could not remember her life before, even the supposed memory of her living amongst other orphans and street rats felt fuzzy in her head. All she could ever really acknowledge was that despite Kalos being a region of beauty, Dendemille was a city under constant cover of clouds. Even if snow would not descend from the frigid skies, the ground would be cold.
Sometimes Serena asked her caretakers where she had been before she had been placed in the children’s home. What they told her was that they were actually old friends of her Mama, that connection being the reason they were able to adopt her and have her live in the Inn. When Serena asked about her Mama, her caretakers would never answer beyond giving her name, which was Grace.
Serena’s days were often cold, but the nights were even colder — during evenings where she would sweep and scrub every corner of the Inn with her tiny hands, she would huddle near the hearth of the fireplace in a desperate bid to bask in the remaining warmth of the embers. Her meals consisted of a thin gruel that was varying shades of grey and brown but mostly grey.
Sometimes Serena would let herself dream. There was a shop in Dendemille with an open window, and in that window was a doll clad in a pretty pink dress and blue bow. Its hair was tied in a braid and its feet were small, just like hers. She dreamed that maybe one day if she saved enough coins from Inn guests, she would be able to buy the doll for herself. At the very least, she would have a friend with her while she slept at night.
On a winter’s evening when Serena was eight, the Inn was exceedingly crowded. Travellers from near and far had gathered in the main tavern to eat the food her caretakers provided, that being a bowl of stew with meat of a questionable origin and a cup of wine diluted with liquid of a questionable origin. Serena walked around the tavern, gathering dirty dishes as the guests around her told tales of adventures from far away. Serena often liked working on nights like this because she could eavesdrop on conversations from the travellers, then later on as she slept on the hay in the stables, she would dream about the stories she heard. The travellers often spoke of creatures she could never even imagine — dragon-like beings that could circle the globe in one second, long serpentine beasts with flesh of stone and steel, large avians that could soar through the sky.
At one point of the evening, Serena’s caretaker pulled her aside, reaching into her dress pockets for extra coins. The wife of the Inn ordered her to get some water from the well, which anyone would have abhorred on a freezing night like this, let alone a small child.
But she couldn’t say no — or risk the firm hand of the husband of the Inn — so barefoot in the snow Serena grasped a bucket in her hand as she headed up north to a place colder than the town, a cavern of frost that not even the locals ventured into.
The world around Serena was cold, yet as she trudged through the snow, she knew she was not alone. The creatures she found up in the woods were not as fantastical or viscous as the ones she heard of from the mouths of travellers, but they were no less sentient and alive. As Serena fished up a bucket of water from the well, a small horde of ice creatures surrounded her. She had seen some of them before — a few little white bears with runny noses, short pink birds with yellow hair and an adorable waddling gait, and the most peculiar of them all, a seemingly sentient chunk of ice with purple around their bright eyes.
Serena called these creatures her friends because she had no one else. Not even the people who were supposed to act like a Mama and Papa to her. She sang sweet soft melodies to them as she did not know any real songs, but they listened and appeared to be enjoying it as they gathered around the little girl by the well.
Then suddenly in the midst of the night, Serena saw a figure walking in the dark. One of the bears with the runny noses alerted her, and when she saw the person walking she gasped, dropped her bucket beside the well, and hid behind the closest tree she could find. Her creature friends fled as well, scattering back into the woods.
“Fear not, I mean no harm!” said the voice of the stranger. He took a few more steps, the moonlight illuminating his face. He wore a clean, fancy coat that reminded Serena of the richer travellers that would stay at the Inn, as well as a pristine top hat that only exuded the idea of wealth. Even if this man was not as rich as he dressed, he could still afford many comforts.
Serena stayed hidden behind the tree, peeking out just in time to see the man removing his hat, a sign of respect if she ever knew one.
“Bonsoir, my name is Augustine Sycamore,” he told her in a soft voice. He knelt down to her, yet kept a good distance away. His eyes were unlike the ones she was used to, soft, gentle, and inviting. “You can call me Gus. Tell me, Child, what is your name?”
“I am called Serena,” she told him.
Augustine smiled, then noticed her bucket on the ground by the well. “That looks very heavy, Serena. Would you like me to help?”
“You do not look very strong, Monsieur,” Serena said, still hiding behind the tree.
The gentleman laughed. “Oh my, what an honest child you are. It’s nothing I cannot handle, though.”
Serena thought for a few seconds, then stepped away from the tree. Together with Augustine, they fetched a bucket of water from the well, then with one hand on the handle and the other around hers, escorted her back to Dendemille Town. Although they were strangers, Augustine was warm — the way he looked at her made Serena think of the Papa or Mama she had been dreaming off her whole life.
When they got back to Dendemille, Serena showed Augustine some of her favourite parts of the place because he would listen — like the street lamp that glows the brightest even in the late of night or the doll in the shop window she would always look at.
Then as they approached the Inn, Augustine looked down to Serena and put on a more serious face. “Now, Serena, listen close to what I have to say. I am an old friend of Grace’s.”
“Of Mama’s?”
A soft, but sad smile crept onto Augustine’s lips. “Yes, of your Mama’s.”
A rush of excitement ran through Serena’s heart. “Is she coming to be with me?”
That was when Augustine’s face got more and more dour. He stopped walking, then kneeled down in front of the little one. “Serena, it breaks my heart to say that your Mama is not with us anymore. She is… she is no more.”
Serena went still. Her arms felt like ice colder than the snow in the city. She did not know what to think now and could only look into the eyes of Augustine, the dark pools that almost glistened in the moonlight.
“But in lieu of death, there is space to make life,” said Augustine. “And I promised her that I would take care of you… but only if you, and your caretakers, will let it be.”
Serena thought for a few seconds, then asked curiously, “So you’ll be my Papa?”
“Of course,” Augustine assured. “Like a Papa and a Mama to you. Is that okay?”
And with his hand in hers, he took Serena to the Inn where she lived to talk to her caretakers. Serena did not hear much of the conversation, only that Augustine had a letter from Grace allowing Serena to be with him. He tended to move around the region for work, but had the means to make sure that the little one could be cared for wherever they went. Serena’s caretakers ignored his main intentions and tried to bring him into the Inn for some gruel or watered-down wine, but Augustine refused. Serena sat by the hearth, taking in the last bit of warmth by the fire as the adults spoke. Eventually, she witnessed Augustine nod sternly and pull out a wad of bills from his pocket. He counted off a rather handsome amount of francs, then handed it over to the husband of the Inn.
Then without waiting another second, he made his way to Serena by the fire. He took off his coat and put it over her. “We are to go now, Serena,” he said, taking her hand.
With a nod, Serena stood up and walked with him to the door of the Inn. Behind her, she could hear the sounds of feigned cries from both her caretakers, something that felt as unreal like the creatures she heard about from faraway lands.
Before they left Dendemille, Augustine made use of the time before their carriage arrived. With Serena’s hand in his, he brought her to the store with the doll in the window, handed the old clerk another fraction of the bills in his pocket, and took the pristine doll in his hands. Then immediately, he knelt down to Serena and held it to her.
Serena could only stare in surprise. So many things had happened, some felt as make believe as a dream, yet others reminded her that this was very much real. She looked at the doll, then up to Augustine’s eyes.
“Take it,” he told her in a voice as gentle as a little fall of rain. “It is a gift from me to you.”
With a small smile, Serena took the doll, holding it like it was made of gold. It was heavier and bigger than it looked in the store window, but she held it tight nonetheless. As they waited for their late-night transportation, Serena held the doll close to her like it was her line between life and death. Augustine asked if she wanted to play with it, but she replied that holding it tight to her was playing.
Once the carriage arrived, Augustine carried her on board. His plan was for them to stay at a place in Couriway Town, a settlement known for the gorgeous waterfalls that cascaded off the cliffs. With her new doll in her grasp, Serena leaned her head on Augustine, closing her eyes as she let the gentle lull of the carriage’s wheels put her to sleep.
Her heart felt warm and full of light, the world around her was cold yet somehow she could feel the chill slowly seeping away as she entered her new life. All at once in the midst of the night, Serena finally understood what it was like to be loved.
Years later and Serena is fourteen, yet there is only an echo of the lonely frigid girl she used to be. She proves to be rather tall for her age, rapidly growing from a small underfed child to a young girl rapidly on the path to womanhood. Augustine even jokes that at the current rate she just might become taller than him.
Augustine is not of noble birth, but he is from considerable wealth. His great-grandfather had concocted a formula for a pristine tonic that would bring life to even the baldest of heads and a wax that could tame even the wildest of hairs. After charming a horde of Kalosian nobility with the product’s effectiveness, the Sycamore family had amassed enough wealth to allow Augustine to spend his life travelling throughout Kalos and researching the creatures that live in the region. And of course, his wealth allowed him to keep Serena as safe and as loved as he could. Although Serena is not a Sycamore by name, Augustine makes plans to change her name legally to guarantee her inheritance in the wake of his death.
When Serena is not travelling around with Uncle Gus, she’s being taught by various tutors in as many subjects as possible — literature, latin, arithmetic, calligraphy, history, art, science, and music.
Ever since she learned to read, she had been absorbing the words in the books that Augustine uses for his studies. Each one is full of wonders and sketches of creatures around the Kalos region and beyond. There’s something called a Bunnelby with floppy ears and a coat of short grey hair and there’s another called Dedenne that’s so small that one could fit it in the pocket of their coat.
She cannot help it, there is something exceedingly alluring and fascinating about the creatures. In particular, she comes across a page in a book regarding a trio of green and red and blue. According to the notes scribbled in the margins, the creatures hold abilities connected to grass, fire, and water. The tiny fire fox-like one is said to spout fire from its mouth, the blue frog can leap dozens of feet into the air and generate bubbles at a whim, and the one with the green head can shoot spikes of wood. It’s fascinating to think that creatures like this can live all around the world, but it’s even more fascinating for Serena to acknowledge that they very well may live outside of her window.
One day when Serena and Augustine are staying in Lumiose City in an apartment connected to a gated green garden amongst the sea of cobblestones. After a calligraphy lesson with her tutor, the young girl heads to a lab on South Boulevard where she had planned to meet her Uncle for an afternoon stroll. Upon entering a building made with white marble beams, Serena discovers an unusual sight for such a well-structured place — shards of glass are scattered upon the floor in the foyer. There are a handful of maids cleaning up the mess and they urge her to be careful or risk pricking herself upon the sharp edges.
A confused Serena holds onto the hem of her dress as she dashes through the building, searching around the rooms in a fervent haste. She heads to the second floor and soon finds who she is looking for at a room at the end of the hallway.
It appears to be a library of sorts, as various thick books line the walls. Augustine is standing with a group of other well-dressed men, no doubt the scholars he spent his days studying with. On the ground are more shards of glass, all culminating in a broken window above the highest shelf.
“Uncle! What happened?!” Serena asks with the utmost worrying in her voice. “Were you robbed?”
Augustine takes his eyes away from his notes and looks at his ward. A similar look of fear slips into his gaze. He walks to her, setting his hand on her shoulder and quickly guiding her out of the library.
“Let us speak outside,” he suggests in a soft voice. He takes her out into the hall, where things are more quiet.
Once they are out of the room of scholars, Augustine tells her what he can.
“You can rest assured that we have not been robbed,” he starts. “We simply had an accident, nothing more.”
His words do little to quell Serena’s fear. “What in Yvetal’s hellscape happened in there?”
“I can assure you that no one was harmed,” Augustine continues. His gaze upon her is plagued with intensity, such a vast change from the warm way he usually looks upon her. “We brought some specimens into the lab and they may have… escaped.”
“Exactly what specimens did you bring?” Serena asks, her fear now changing into curiosity.
“Ones in the books that you read so much,” Augustine says. “A Chespin, a Fennekin, as well as a Froakie — fine specimens, they are, such a shame we could not keep them under control.” He places a hand on her shoulder again and plants a kiss upon her forehead, something he had been doing since she was a young girl. “I know I promised you a stroll by the tower, but I must tend to this matter. Perhaps we can meet in an hour?”
Serena shakes her head, then leans in to give him a hug “Do not fret, Uncle. Take as much time as you need. What exactly made the specimens run?”
“I do not remember that well,” Augustine admits. “But you know how some creatures like to fight — we believe that they have taken things a bit too far. The Chespin apparently took some food from the Fennekin and they got a bit… rowdy.” He pats her on the shoulder again, “But this should not bother you, please head home and I shall meet you there.”
Serena nods her head. After Augustine gives her another forehead kiss, he walks back into the messy library to rejoin his colleagues.
Serena leaves the lab with much calmer steps. As she passes by another broken window by the front of the building, she begins to wonder just how far a small trio of tiny creatures could go in a city so vast.
She had read in her favourite books that Chespin liked to live in forests underneath trees, but the closest forest to Lumiose is outside of the city lines. Fennekin enjoyed living in fields, but Lumiose had no such things. Froakie would often make their homes in rivers and lakes and ponds, but the river that ran through the city seemed too touched by man to let nature thrive.
With her bonnet over her head, Serena makes her way back to her and Augustine’s home, an apartment north of Autumnal Avenue. She makes her way through the city streets, passing by merchants and street performers and students. Even under the current circumstances, she appreciates the liveliness of the city. Lumiose had its own heartbeat, very much like a human body made of flesh and blood and bone. Even the imaginary stories she read often spoke about how Lumiose could hold the key to one’s heart.
Serena walks with the wind blowing through the ends of her hair and the hem of her dress. She comes through Bleu Plaza, one of the least crowded plazas of the city. Unusual for the place, there is a group of people huddled around a fountain in the middle of the street. In no time her curiosity gets the best of her and she walks towards the horde, her heart practically begging to find out what’s going on.
In the fountain that has garnered such attention is something that surprises her — playing in the water is a creature with blue skin and large yellow eyes. It is rather small, but its legs are strong and bendy, allowing it to jump in and out of the water with ease. Its hands are white and on the back of its neck are a small collection of white bubbles reminiscent of seafoam.
Serena knows for sure that it is a Froakie. It is much more lively than it could ever be in writing or sketches — it breathes the same air that she does, it lives in the same place she does, and it is made of flesh and blood and bone like she is.
Her gut instinct tells her that the Froakie currently frolicking in the Blue Plaza fountain is one in the same as the one that had escaped a building filled to the brim with scholars. Serena reaches into her satchel and pulls out a slice of pound cake wrapped in old newspaper, something she had bought for her and Augustine but would give to a friend if they really needed it. She breaks off a piece of the sweet treat and holds it out towards the creature in the fountain, ignoring the prying eyes of the Lumiosians around her.
When the Froakie notices her, it is quick to stop hopping about in the water. Its large eyes settle on her with pure intrigue.
“You look like you’ve come a long way, little one,” she greets, giving the adorable creature a smile. “Why don’t you come along with me?”
The rest of the day is filled with Serena dashing through Lumiose City like an explorer on an adventure with a Froakie perched upon her shoulder. She tries to think of where a Fennekin and a Chespin could end up in such a place. She searches through a street lined with vendors, wondering if a little hungry creature would try to steal a bite of food from an unsuspecting merchant.
The little Froakie proves its skill when it hops off Serena’s shoulder, urging her to follow as it heads down South Boulevard. In no time the two come across a Fennekin basking under one of the trees in front of Lumiose Station, bits of bitten twigs scattered around it as it sleeps.
Happily, Serena rewards Froakie with a few more bites of cake and gently scoops the napping Fennekin into her arms. The creature proves to be a heavy sleeper and does not protest.
Serena and Froakie look around even more, wondering if the third missing creature will make itself known. But despite all their efforts to find a wandering Chespin in the city of lights, the two are unable to find a single clue. Serena ends up heading back to the marble building of scholars with only a Froakie on her shoulder and a Fennekin in her arms.
When Serena comes back to the second floor library with a broken window, she is greeted by Uncle Gus and a gaggle of his very surprised colleagues. They thank her dearly for her help, one older scholar in particular smiling like a fool and planting a kiss on her cheek. Uncle Gus pulls her into a hug, smiling at the wit and talent of his young ward.
One bespectacled scholar takes the sleeping Fennekin out of her arms and returns it to its large roomy cage. When another scholar comes back to take the Froakie perched on her shoulder, Serena feels the creature suddenly tightening its grip on her. Its tiny hands grasp onto the material of her dress and bonnet, clearly resisting any intention to drag it away from her.
Augustine is quick to notice the phenomenon in front of him. With an honest smile, he places a hand on his ward’s shoulder and looks his colleague in the eye.
“It’s no use, Marceau,” he says. “I believe Froakie won’t be able to help our research after all — this little one has found its match.”
Marceau looks unsure. “But what are we to do then? Find another water creature in the middle of Lumiose?”
“I shall figure it out,” Augustine assures. He looks at his ward with pride, then gently pets the top of Froakie’s head. “It would break many hearts to know I had to separate two friends.”
Marceau can only sigh, but without further questions he nods his head and leaves Augustine and Serena be. When Augustine looks at his ward, he is quick to see the look of confusion in Serena’s eyes.
“Uncle… I’m not sure what you’re implying,” she says. She reaches up and pulls Froakie off her shoulder to hold the creature in her arms, where it is very happy to be. “Do you want me to take care of this little one for a few days?”
“You can if you want. However, I was implying that you take care of it for a lot longer.”
Serena’s eyes widened in surprise.
“That is, if you want to,” Augustine clarifies. “You would be caring for this one under me, my dear — I can help if you need it.”
With a bright grin on her pretty face, Serena looks at the Froakie in her arms with glee, then looks up to meet her beloved Uncle Gus’s gaze with hopeful eyes and a nod of her head.
(and my life seems to stop as if something is over and something has scarcely begun)
The citizens of the city are caught in a buzz as news regarding King Lysandre V has reached the streets. The beloved leader of the country would be leaving his home in Parfum Palace to spend a week in the city of lights, apparently to learn more about the people he rules over.
Calem believes it to be a load of Skiddo droppings, seeing as that same King lived in luxury as the working-class of Kalos slave for a meger wage, only for said wage to disappear once the tax collectors come around. It is moments like these that make Calem rethink the life he could have had, the one where he would have been so wrapped in a world of opulence that he was blind to the suffering of the people. Sometimes he thinks his family name becoming disgraced is a blessing in disguise.
At the end of a day of delivering gossip-filled letters and fortune-filled packages Calem and Chespin get challenged to a battle in an alleyway. There’s an old Sot from the Jaune Plaza Cafe claiming to have seen Calem in one of the basement battles — the Sot is tall and gaunt, his face tinted light pink after one too many glasses of wine. He approaches Calem with a wobbling gait and a creature that he has never seen before. Its body is pill-like and on its back is a pair of bright pink wings. The Sot calls it a Vivillon and Calem thinks it’s one of the most fascinating creatures he’s ever laid eyes on.
His fascination with a new creature aside, Calem and Chespin accept the challenge and engage in a battle. It becomes quickly evident that some of Chespin’s attacks do not work on the Vivillon. The spikes of green that shoot out of Chespin’s head are nearly worthless against the winged creature. Vivillon releases a shower of sparkling purple powder down onto Chespin, when it graces the bipedal creature’s arm, the poor little one cries out in pain, causing a sudden rush of fear to pulse through Calem’s veins.
The two are forced to find other ways to fight. Chespin proves to have a fighting spirit stronger than a thousand hussars. The creature rolls itself into a ball and bounces off the walls of the alleyway, using its speed to dodge its enemy’s wind and powder attacks. Building momentum, it manages to ram its spinning body directly into Vivillon, sending the two tumbling to the ground with the winged creature taking most of the impact.
With a lively grin on his face, Calem sings the praises of Chespin as the creature rolls back towards its partner and hops onto its feet.
The Sot is left aghast, falling to his knees next to his Vivillon. Calem picks up his Chespin and approaches the drunkard, reaching a hand out to end the battle peacefully. To his surprise, the Sot swats Calem’s hand away. With a look of disgust on his wrinkly face, he throws a handful of coins at Calem and soon leaves the alleyway, picking up his fainted Vivillon as he goes. He bitterly mutters words about challenging Calem to a rematch, vowing to beat him that time, then disappears from sight.
Without a battle to continue, Calem shrugs his shoulders and gathers up the fallen coins. Although battles between creatures is something only done in dark alleyways and basements, a certain kind of etiquette has developed in place — it is expected for the losing person to give the winner some kind of reward, whether it be an extra flagon of frothy ale or a handful of coins or a stomach full of food.
As Calem slips the coins into his pockets, he notices that something is wrong with Chespin. He looks to the little one and cradles it in his arms, asking what may be wrong and checking its every limb for any abnormalities. Soon enough he spots a collection of purple powder sticking to Chespin’s left paw, most definitely a remnant from Vivillon’s attack.
Without hesitation, Calem immediately cancels his plans to meet his friends at the Jaune Plaza Cafe. With Chespin in his arms he rushes directly to his apartment, knowing that time is of the essence if he wants to keep his partner alive.
Between the walls of his small apartment, Calem tends to Chespin. The poor thing’s breathing is laboured and uneasy, its energy sapping away as the moments pass. Calem’s books tell him that his partner has been poisoned, so Calem rifles through his collection of berries until he finds the one that can act as an antidote. After feeding his Chespin a handful of pink fruit, the little one starts to feel better. Its breathing evening out as its strength returns. Calem lets his partner sleep on his bed, covering Chespin with a blanket and patting its head with the gentlest touch.
His heart is beating fast as unknown anxiety pulses through him. Even though Chespin appears to be making some semblance of a recovery, Calem cannot help but fear the worst. He ends up opening a cheap bottle of watered-down wine to calm his nerves, something that stings and burns on the way down but manages to keep him sane. To satiate his own hunger he digs into a bag of apples he has on hand — it had been a gift from a happy client he had met on a delivery job, while Calem decided to use it as food for Chespin it ends up becoming his dinner for the night.
The night drags and Calem keeps himself huddled in his own corner of Lumiose. As Chespin rests, the building’s landlord comes up to the apartment to deliver a letter that had arrived earlier that day. Calem sits on a chair by the open window as he reads the latest update from his mother, his hair a disheveled mess and the upper buttons of his collared shirt remaining undone. Her loopy handwriting tells him of a recent interaction from his father — Viscount Trevelyan had sent a letter all the way from Wyndon asking how his son was. Calem is used to sporadic updates from the man who disgraced the Bellamy-Beaufort name, he no longer has the energy to get emotional over them. His interest is piqued when his mother’s message tells him of an invite to travel to Galar, as the Viscount is curious to know if the young man would like to meet his little half-brother — the honourable Victor Trevelyan.
Before Calem can contemplate a theoretical trip up north, he hears a familiar voice calling from the city streets below.
“Calem! Calem! Are you in there?”
He puts down his letter and glances out his window, leaning on the ledge as he looks around. On the cobblestones is a large woolen overcoat with Shauna standing inside, she looks exhausted enough to make him wonder if she had sprinted all the way here.
“Calem! You weren’t at the cafe tonight!” Shauna calls up, ignoring the various Lumiosians walking around her.
“I could not,” Calem explains, looking down at her from three floors up. “Chespin was hurt, did something happen?”
“I shall explain inside!” Shauna declares. “I am coming up now!”
After a few moments Shauna arrives at the apartment, evidently having run up the stairs. She catches her breath and he offers her a seat at the chair at his desk, wondering if he should get her some water or wine. She refuses his attempts at hospitality and once her breathing evens out, she says:
“Calem, I found her.”
“The girl,” Shauna elaborates. She walks to him and gestures wildly with her hands. “The one you asked me to find, the one with the red hat and the black dress that was so divine to have made you fall head over heels with her! That girl, you fool!”
There is a beat of silence between the two friends, then Calem replies dryly, “Well… you certainly make me sound daft when you put it like that.”
“That’s not my point,” Shauna prods. “The point is that I found the girl you ran into. Or at least… I think it’s her.”
Calem eyes her suspiciously. He usually trusts the information Shauna can overhear from her family Inn, but he cannot help but inquire just a little further. “How do you know for sure?”
“There’s no way to truly tell,” Shauna explains. She reaches into the pocket of her ratty overcoat and hands her friend a piece of parchment crumpled and compressed beyond all measure. “I wasn’t able to find her name, but I have this.”
When Calem slowly unravels the paper, he finds a hastily written name of a garden written on the page.
“Autumnal Gardens,” Shauna says. “It’s just north of Rouge Plaza. Rumour has that a girl with golden hair visits on some nights to watch the stars. By day she dons a black dress and a red hat, just like your description, but at night she is said to be clad in white. It’s not much, but if you come there tonight then perhaps you may find out the truth.”
Calem is unsure what to do. For the briefest moment he paces across his apartment, running his hand through his dark hair as he thinks and further rumpling it. He begins to contemplate the logistics of such an act — wondering what it will be at best or at worst. To quell his raging thoughts, he walks over to his desk and searches through the drawers — what he finds tucked away is a simple white handkerchief, the unspotted square of cloth that he kept in his pocket for a week, then finally hid away thinking he would never find the owner again.
“The least I can do is return this to her,” he says as he eyes Shauna.
She gives him a nod as Calem puts on his coat. Once the garment is on, he steps towards his friend and presses a gentle kiss to her forehead.
“Thank you.”
Shauna seems more amused than anything else. “It was nothing, really.”
Calem glances to his bed, where his Chespin now sits awake with a curious glow in its beady brown eyes. He walks over and kneels down to the little one.
“Mon amie, want to go on an adventure?”
(so many questions and answers that somehow seem wrong)
After dinner Serena finds herself in the apartment drawing room. She is dressed down for the evening, free of her stays and clad in the linen fibers of her chemise. On the floor by her bare feet is Froakie, currently napping on the rug without a care in the world. In her left hand is an embroidery hoop and in her right is a needle — with the use of the two she attempts to guide a piece of scarlet thread through the stiff canvas. When she pricks her finger and draws blood for the third time, she lets out an utterly loathsome groan. Frustrated by a piece of thread and canvas, she stands up and goes to the nearest drawer to dispose of the damn thing. She shall deal with needlework tomorrow.
In the moment she slams the drawer shut, Augustine enters from his study. To come out of hours of work to see his ward so fraught has caught him off guard in a rather entertaining way.
With a lively grin on his face, he asks: “What’s gotten into you?”
Serena puts her ring finger in her mouth to stop the bleeding. “Needlework,” she tells him bitterly.
Augustine lets out a laugh. “Nice to see that you have taken to it well.”
Serena seems unconvinced. However, she spares shooting him the glare she’s tempted to give in favour of looking at the open door of his study. “Mind if I take a book?” she asks, quickly slipping in.
Like always, Augustine nods his head. “Of course.”
Inside the walls of the study, Serena moves past the various notes of her Uncle’s research in favour of perusing his collection of books. She has always found that he has good taste in tomes, specifically the ones about old Kalosian legends. She ends up picking one that depicts the tales of Kalos’s past, a saga of a raging war between life and death that could only be quelled by a creature of order.
When she returns to the drawing room with a book under her arm, she finds Augustine rifling through the cushions of the couch, possibly on the look for something.
“What are you doing?” she asks curiously.
“Have you seen my white handkerchief anywhere?” Augustine questions. “I have not been able to find it for weeks.”
Serena can only shake her head. “I will be on the look for it, Uncle.”
With that said, Serena heads to her bedroom and Augustine keeps looking around the apartment. He soon gets to the drawer housing the cause of Serena’s previous ire, promptly fishing up Serena’s less-than-stellar embroidery project. When Serena gets a second look at her dreadful work, she notes that it looks worse than before and sighs like a dour ogre.
On the other hand, her beloved Uncle thinks differently. “Do not fret,” he assures in a voice soft like the sun. “You will get better with practice.”
Serena can only stare at the floor with a bitterness in her eyes. “I do not see why you think I would be good at it.” Her voice is low.
Now Augustine is the one who was unconvinced, yet he still gives her that same cheery smile and says, “Your mother was good at it.”
“Or so you say,” Serena retorts sharply. When her eyes meet his, she is less downtrodden and more… curious, as the mere mention of her mother has a habit of awakening this side of her.
The truth remains that she still does not know much of the woman who brought her into this world. She knows that her name was Grace, she knows that Augustine had befriended her back in their youth, she knows that Grace had been shunned for becoming with child while unwed, she knows that needlepoint was a favoured hobby of hers, and she knows that she loved her to her last breath, having begged Augustine to promise to care for her flesh and blood before she left for another world.
But Serena knows not much else, such as her mother’s favourite colour or how she wears her hair or how she likes her tea. She doesn’t even know who her father might be, only that he spent a summer by Grace’s side but was gone when autumn came.
So standing in front of Augustine now, Serena looks her uncle in the eye and asks:
“Why won’t you tell me anything else about her?”
The scholar looks uneasy as he glances away from her. “Serena, you are too young to know,” he tries. He faces her again, taking a few steps closer. “It will make you sad and pensive, something you should not be.”
“But I know so little about her,” Serena reiterates. “Give me something, Uncle, something more to dream of.”
Hesitence hangs across Augustine’s face. But yet he shakes his head. “Not tonight,” he decides in an affirmative voice. He then presses a kiss to her forehead like he always did at night when she was young. “You should sleep.”
Without another word, he retreats off into his bedroom and shuts the door.
In her loneliness, Serena can only languish for more. Her grip on her book tightens as she mutters, “So many questions… yet not enough answers.”
She considers for a moment staying in her room to submerge her mind in tales from the past, but a look outside at the clear Lumiosian night makes her think otherwise. She ends up walking over to her napping Froakie, gently nudging her partner awake.
“Come,” she says. “I need some air.”
(i’m doing everything all wrong)
The city is dark as Calem rushes across the cobblestones. He fears nothing with Chespin on his shoulder, yet as he gets closer and closer to Autumnal Avenue, he feels the knot in his stomach growing tighter and tighter. His breathing tightens as he goes more and more north, a fear that he is not used to feeling. In his coat pocket is the handkerchief that he has been holding onto for weeks, his hand grasped around it so firmly that it may permanently warp the garment. With his nerves getting dangerously close to taking control of him, he starts to regret not taking in another goblet of watered down wine as good luck.
Soon enough he arrives at the Avenue. As he walks down the streets, the buildings around him change from shops and offices to homes — some eons more lavish than the ones in his own neighbourhood and some dreadfully uncared for. As Calem wonders if he is lost, he suddenly comes across a large metal gate taller than two men, on the other side of it are the overgrown greens of a lush garden, an oasis of nature amongst the city’s stones.
And in the depths of the flora on this clear Lumiosian night sits a girl with golden hair amongst the daisies and lilies and violets. Her shape is cloaked in a spotless white dress and protecting her from the chill of the night is a large woolen coat that looks a few sizes too big for her.
Shauna’s words prove to be true.
The knot in Calem’s stomach gets bigger.
(for it isn’t a dream, not a dream after all)
In the garden between buildings are vines that cling to the sides of the apartments and flowers of many colours (Serena fancies the red ones the most). In the center of the flora is a bench made of stone, a place often occupied by the tenants of the connected buildings. But at night it is empty, leaving Serena to enjoy all the space to herself. She sits on the bench with her book in her lap, alternating between reading some of Kalos’s folklore or staring up at the twinkling stars.
There is also a bird bath near the bench, something meant for the Fletchling that visit the garden during the day, but is often used by Serena’s faithful Froakie for a midnight soak. As Serena reads in peace, she can hear the sound of her companion splashing around. She looks up to see Froakie clinging to the rim of the bird bath, happily basking in the water and giving her a smile.
“I guess the water needed changing anyway,” she says, feeling joyful like a fool. She gestures for her beloved partner to come to her and Froakie obeys, hopping off the bath and skittering over. The creature climbs up her nightgown and perches itself on her shoulder, as if to read along with her.
With a grin, she playfully strokes her Froakie’s chin. In her mind she cherishes moments like this, times where she could feel close to someone who knows her for who she is. Not to say that Uncle Gus doesn’t know her at all — he knows as much as any good guardian would. But there’s some kind of unspoken understanding between her and Froakie, an acknowledgement of her unmasked self — a self that dislikes needlepoint and dreams of adventures beyond her own existence.
Sometimes the way Uncle Gus looks at her makes Serena think that he still sees her as the helpless little girl he had met on a winter’s night. Sometimes he tells her that one day she’ll grow up and become a woman, perhaps finding a successful, suitable husband and settling down with a family.
But part of her knows that it’s not her — in her heart all she wants is someone who sees her for who she is, whether it be a friend or a lover. Not even her beloved Uncle seems capable of that.
Suddenly Froakie leaps off Serena’s shoulder. The creature hops across the grass of the garden with startling speed. It takes mere seconds for it to arrive at the gate of the garden, where apparently something is so interesting it warrants startling Serena.
“Froakie!” Serena yells. She closes the book and drops it on the bench, dashing after her partner with haste. “Froakie! Come back!”
When she gets to the gate, she sees Froakie situated at the bottom of the structure, down there it looks through the metal bars to greet another creature. Said creature is small, roughly a foot tall, and has a brown body and face with pointed ears tipped with green. The creature looks rather familiar to Serena, as memories of her Uncle’s research books start to jog in her memory.
Dumbfounded, she says, “It can’t be, is that-”
Startled, Serena looks up and sees someone running towards the gate of the garden. His features are illuminated by the lights of the street lamps, proving him to be a sharp set of eyes upon a youthfully charming face and a head of dark hair pushed back and barely combed. Despite the elegance of his features, he looks just about her age and stands just a bit above her. He dons a blue coat with signs of wear over a corduroy vest that has seen better days.
The young man looks at her and he looks just as stunned as she is. The mere look of the awe in his eyes is enough to make Serena remember. There’s just something about the boy behind the gate that looks familiar.
Serena grasps onto the metal bars as if to steady herself in the storm she’s become trapped in, and then he speaks —
“Bonsoir, uh… forgive me, dear Mademoiselle,” he greets, giving a polite — albeit nervous — bow. He then lets out an unsteady laugh, as if to alleviate the situation. Had he a hat on then perhaps he would have tipped it towards her. “I cannot control the little one sometimes.”
“It’s not a problem,” Serena tells him. Her grip on the bar tightens, but she doesn’t know why.
The two then look down to the pair of creatures — Chespin and Froakie appear to be getting along fine. Judging by the little croaks and squeaks the two make at one another, it is fair to say that they are getting along.
“Curious,” Serena says.
The stranger looks up. “What is?”
“They seem to know each other,” she explains, meeting her eyes with his. “Or they just get along well.”
The stranger nods in agreement. “Connections can work like that sometimes.”
Serena’s grip on the bar of the gates loosens, as with every word she can feel her initial fear fading away. “Forgive me, Monsieur, but what is your name?” she decides to ask, feeling somewhat brave in such a moment.
“I am called Calem,” says the stranger. “And you are?”
“Serena.” Subconsciously, she moves just a bit closer to the gap in the gate, her forehead barely an inch away from the iron rods. “You…” she starts, but finds herself stuttering. How unladylike of her. “You… uh, you look rather familiar.”
“I would say the same to you,” Calem says. Suddenly he reaches into the pocket of his coat, digging around for moments before pulling out a white handkerchief. “Perhaps you will recognize this.”
Serena is surprised, but smiles widely. “Uncle’s handkerchief!” she exclaims. “He’s been looking for that for weeks!”
Calem seems caught off guard. “Uncle?”
“I borrowed it for a day,” she explains fervently. “It broke my heart to tell him I had lost it — I’m glad that it managed to turn up somewhere.” Moments pass and her mind finally slows down enough to put the pieces of the puzzle together. “That means…” she begins, then a look of enlightenment takes her eyes. “You were the boy I saw at Jaune Plaza! That’s where I know you from!”
Calem nods his head, a small simper forming onto his pretty face. “It is good to hear that you remember.” He holds the white handkerchief up and through the gap in the gate. “I suppose you would want this back.”
A rush of hesitance surges through Serena’s every nerve, an abrupt sensation that surprises even her. Coyly, she eyes the handkerchief, then looks up to meet his gaze. She reaches over slowly, taking the cloth in her fingers. Their hands graze when they pull away from each other, something that makes Serena’s skin twinge in a way she cannot quite understand.
“Thank you for returning this,” she eventually manages to say. She looks down at the fabric, feeling the soft material in her palm. “Gentlemen like you are a difficult find nowadays.”
Calem looks amused, then lets out another laugh. “How brave of you to think that I am anything near a gentleman.”
“You are much too modest,” Serena remarks, unconvinced of his words.
After another honest chuckle, Calem absentmindedly places his hand on the bars of the gate. When his fingers graze hers, both Serena and Calem pull away from the cold iron. It is a quick event that is over as soon as it starts and Calem quickly thrusts his tingling hand into his coat pocket. Serena avoids his gaze, her hand touching the gate again but only to slide down to where the metal is forged into a spade-like shape.
“Perhaps I should go,” Calem suggests. His voice is shaky, nervous.
When Serena finally glances up, she is quick to see that he is avoiding her gaze too. A part of her begins to wish that she had not looked away.
He speaks once more, “Have a nice night, Mademoiselle.” With his last word stated, he turns around and begins walking away, the soles of his boots tapping against the street and his loyal Chespin following at his feet.
Serena is quick to call out —
Calem halts his strides and turns to eye the girl behind the gate.
Serena is uneasy as she speaks, every nervous pang in her body fighting to get the better of her. “You came all this way to return my Uncle’s handkerchief,” she starts, fighting back her own fears. “There has to be something I can do to repay you. Would you perhaps… like to come up for some tea?” she suggests. Then restlessly, she begins to retract her offer very slightly. “If you drink tea, that is.”
Calem’s unease fades into a smile. “I drink tea,” he answers, relieved. He turns around to face her. Even in the dark of night, the look on his face is astronomically bright, something that highlights his angelic face even more. “Something warm does sound heavenly right now.”
Excitement pounds in Serena’s chest as she goes to undo the lock of the gate. Once the barricade has swung open, Chespin runs back to Froakie and embraces the creature into a hug like they are old friends. Serena motions for Calem to follow and trailing behind her, the two young Kalosians escape the cold of the city to head upwards to a beacon of warmth. In her heart Serena thinks not of her future or her life or even any thoughts of her mother — but instead she thinks of the moment she is trapped in now and how curious she is to learn more about the young man by the name of Calem.
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colorfulfishbreeds · 7 months
Japanese Blue Swordtail Guppy: A Beautiful Ornamental Fish, Knowledge About How To Care & Feeding
 We only sell male Japanese Blue Swordtail Guppys because females are not available from Thai breeders. Mating this beautiful type with diamond or blue delta female guppies will produce a few offspring with the distinctive swordtail. Perhaps in a few years, AquariumFishSale will be able to purchase the females from you.
The Japanese Blue Swordtail Guppy is not as large as other species. These exotic aquarium fish are on the smaller side.
The Enchanting Japanese Blue Swordtail Guppy in General
Explore the underwater world with the enthralling Blue Swordtail Guppy. This freshwater fish is a favourite among aquarium enthusiasts due to its stunning coloration and elegant sword-like tail. This essay provides a comprehensive overview of the Blue Swordtail Guppy's origin, physical characteristics, habitat requirements, feeding habits, breeding behaviour, health considerations, compatibility, and legal aspects.
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Information in General
The Blue Swordtail Guppy, scientifically known as Xiphophorus hellerii, is native to the warm waters of Central America, primarily in Mexico, Belize, and Guatemala. Its remarkable appearance and ease of care have earned it global acclaim.
Size: The Blue Swordtail Guppy averages 2.5 to 3.5 inches (6.4 to 8.9 cm), making it a medium-sized fish that is ideal for community aquariums.
Lifespan: When given proper care, a clean environment, and a well-balanced diet, the Japanese Blue Swordtail Guppy can live for 2 to 3 years.
Temperament: These guppies have a calm and peaceful temperament, which makes them ideal for community tanks. They get along well with other peaceful fish species.
The Blue Swordtail Guppy has a vibrant blue and turquoise coloration that is accentuated by its signature elongated tail that resembles a sword. This tail, which is more common in males, adds a distinct allure to the fish.
Requirements for Habitat and Tank
Japanese Blue Swordtail Guppys live in slow-moving rivers, streams, and freshwater bodies rich in vegetation in their natural habitat. They thrive in warm, well-lit environments.
Tank Capacity: For a small group of Japanese Blue Swordtail Guppys, a tank with a capacity of at least 20 gallons (75.7 litres) is recommended.
Water parameters: To replicate their native conditions, keep the water temperature between 72 and 82°F (22 to 28°C) and the pH level between 6.8 and 7.8.
Setup the aquarium with live or artificial plants to simulate their natural habitat. Make hiding places and open swimming areas available. Foraging requires a sandy or fine-gravel substrate.
Blue Swordtail Diet Guppies are omnivorous and require a varied diet. As a staple diet, provide them with high-quality flake or pellet foods. Live or frozen treats such as bloodworms, brine prawns and daphnia can be added to their diet.
They are voracious eaters, frequently feeding at the water's surface. To avoid overeating and maintain water quality, divide their daily intake into several small meals.
Japanese Blue Swordtail Guppyies are livebearers, which means they give birth to live fry rather than laying eggs.
Breeding Requirements: To avoid undue stress on females, keep a balanced male-to-female ratio. Make sure there are hiding places and plants to protect the fry from potential predators.
Spawning begins with males displaying vibrant colours and engaging in courtship behaviours. The female gives birth to fry after mating, which should be separated into a separate tank to increase their chances of survival.
Common Health Problems
Blue Swordtail from Japan Guppies are tough fish in general, but they are susceptible to common fish diseases like fin rot, ich, and parasitic infections. Regular monitoring and proactive care are critical to their health.
Preventive Actions
Implement the following preventive measures to ensure your Japanese Blue Swordtail Guppy's optimal health:
Water Quality: Regular water changes and efficient filtration help to keep water conditions stable, which promotes fish health.
Offer a varied diet that includes commercial foods as well as occasional live or frozen treats. To avoid health problems, avoid overeating.
Before adding new fish to the tank, quarantine them to prevent disease outbreaks and to protect the existing tank inhabitants.
Particular Considerations
Blue Swordtail Guppies are generally peaceful and sociable, making them an excellent choice for community tanks. However, keep them away from aggressive or fin-nipping species.
Japanese Blue Swordtail Guppy tail fins are elongated, making them susceptible to fin damage. To avoid fin tearing, choose tank decorations with smooth edges.
There are currently no legal restrictions or regulations associated with owning or breeding Japanese Blue Swordtail Guppy. Keep up to date on regional regulations.
Finally, the Blue Swordtail Guppy is a stunning example of the diversity of life in aquatic ecosystems. By embracing their natural needs, understanding their behaviour, and providing attentive care, aquarium enthusiasts can foster a vibrant and thriving community of Japanese Blue Swordtail Guppy within their own aquariums.
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fishbreedsblog · 8 months
Blue Tail Guppies & 5 Thing You May Want To Know
 Blue Tail Guppies, which are also called Blue Moscow Guppies, are a popular and beautiful type of guppy fish. With their bright blue tails, they add a splash of color to any fish tank. Because these fish are so pretty, aquarists often look for them to make their tanks look better.
In this essay, we'll talk about Blue Tail Guppies in general, including where they live, what they eat, how they breed, common health problems, special considerations, and any legal restrictions.
Details about everything
Where it came from:
Blue Tail Guppies are a type of common guppy (Poecilia reticulata) that has been bred to have blue tails. Since this variety is the result of many generations of selective breeding, it is hard to say where it came from. But guppies are native to Venezuela, Guyana, and Brazil, among other places in South America.
The average size of a Blue Tail Guppie is between 1.5 and 2.5 inches (3.8 and 6.4 cm). Because of this, they are good for public aquariums.
How long:
Most Blue Tail Guppies live between 2 and 3 years. But a healthy person could live at least 4 years if they got the right care.
How people act:
Most of the time, blue-tailed guppies are quiet and don't bother other fish. They are social fish that can live in tanks with other fish that get along with them. But it's important to keep them away from fish that are aggressive or that bite fins, as this could hurt their fins.
How it looks:
The Blue Tail Guppies are known for their beautiful bright blue tails that stand out from the rest of their bodies. Their bodies can be different colors, like silver, yellow, or even black. Most of the time, the males have more vivid and eye-catching colors than the females. Their gracefulness and beauty are enhanced by their long, flowing fins.
Various types and colors:
Blue Tail Guppies are different colors, but what makes them stand out is their blue tail. The body can be solid silver or yellow, or it can have mosaic designs or metallic colors. Blue Moscow, Blue Grass, and Blue Diamond are some of the most popular ones. Each one has a different mix of colors and patterns.
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Needs a home and a tank
Habitat in the wild:
In South America, guppies live in streams, rivers, and ponds with fresh water. They live in places with a lot of plants and water that moves slowly or doesn't move at all.
Tank Capacity:
Blue Tail Guppies need tanks that are at least 38 liters (10 gallons) in size. But if you give them a bigger tank, they will have more room to swim, which will be better for their health.
How to measure water:
The best temperature for Blue Tail Guppies is between 24 and 28 degrees Celsius (75 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit). It should be between 6.8 and 7.8 on the pH scale. This means that it should be slightly acidic or neutral. They can handle a moderate range of hardness in the water, but it's best to keep the general hardness (GH) between 8 and 12 dGH.
Tank Placement:
Guppies don't like dirty water, so there should be a good filter in the aquarium to keep the water clean. Give them a lot of places to hide and lots of plants, real or fake, to make it look like their natural habitat. Fish can find shade and a place to hide in plants that float, like water lettuce or water sprite. Sand or gravel can be used to fill the bottom of the tank.
getting food
Blue Tail Guppies are omnivores, which means they eat many different things. They can eat a mix of live or frozen foods and high-quality flake or pellet food made for tropical fish. You can choose from brine shrimp, daphnia, bloodworms, and microworms. By giving them a varied diet, you make sure they get all the nutrients they need for good health and color.
How people eat:
Most of the time, blue tail guppies are very active and like to eat a lot. They have small mouths, so they can only eat small pieces of food. Feed them small amounts of food a few times a day so they don't get too full and the water stays clean.
Being a parent
Making copies:
Guppies are livebearers, which means they don't lay eggs but instead have live fry. During mating, the males use a modified anal fin called a "gonopodium" to move sperm from the male to the female.
How to start a family:
Because they have a lot of babies, Blue Tail Guppies are easy to breed. Make sure there are enough males and females in the tank so they can breed. People say that there should be one man for every two or three women to keep women from being harassed too much. Give pregnant females a lot of places to hide, like thick plants or breeding traps, so they can give birth in peace.
How a baby is born:
When a male wants to go out with a female, he will show her bright colors, dance around her, and fan his fins to get her attention. After mating, the female will carry the developing fry inside for 4 to 6 weeks before giving birth to live fry. The fry can live on their own, and if they feel like they might be eaten, they will hide in thick plants.
Most Problems with Health:
Blue Tail Guppies are usually hardy and resilient fish. But they could get diseases that are common in aquarium fish, like fungus or bacteria infections, parasites, and fin rot. These health problems can be caused by bad water quality, too many people in one place, or stress.
What you can do to stop it:
To avoid health problems, it's important to keep the water quality high by changing it and filtering it often. Don't put too many fish in the tank, and look for signs that the fish are sick or upset.
Before adding new fish to the main tank, you should put them in a separate tank for a while so that diseases don't spread. Their overall health and happiness will also get better if they eat well and live in a stress-free place.
Things to consider
Getting along:
Blue Tail Guppies are usually calm and get along well with a wide variety of other fish. They can live with peaceful fish like tetras, mollies, platies, and peaceful barbs. But it's important to keep the guppies away from fish that are mean or like to bite their fins. These fish could bother or hurt the guppies.
Male guppies can sometimes fight over territory, so make sure there are enough females to balance out the number of males.
Extra Care Instructions:
Blue Tail Guppies need a clean and stable aquarium to live in. It is very important for their health to keep an eye on the water's parameters, temperature, and cleanliness on a regular basis. Their health will improve and stress-related problems will go away if they eat a variety of foods and have an equal number of males and females.
Laws with exceptions:
It is not against the law to own or breed Blue Tail Guppies, and there are no rules about how many you can have. But you should find out what the rules are in your area about importing or owning certain fish species.
In the end, Blue Tail Guppies are beautiful fish with bright blue tails that make them stand out. They don't bother people and can live in public aquariums. They give any tank color and beauty.
Blue Tail Guppies can do well and give aquarists of all skill levels a lot of fun if they are given the right care, like a well-set-up tank, good feeding habits, and thought about breeding. People who like fish like them because they are hardy and look nice.
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meowk9 · 1 year
The 6 Best Budget Dog Foods of 2023
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As pet owners, we all want to provide our furry friends with the best nutrition possible. However, not everyone can afford to spend a fortune on dog food. The good news is that there are many affordable options available that still provide high-quality nutrition for our dogs. In this article, Meowk9 will be discussing the 6 best budget dog foods of 2023 that you can feel confident feeding to your furry friend.
What to Look for in Budget Dog Food
When looking for budget dog food, it's important to keep in mind that price doesn't always equate to quality. Here are some factors to consider when selecting a budget-friendly dog food: - Quality ingredients: Look for a dog food that has high-quality protein sources, such as chicken or beef, as the first ingredient. Avoid foods with fillers such as corn, wheat, or soy, as they provide little nutritional value. - No artificial additives: Avoid dog foods that contain artificial preservatives, colors, or flavors, as these can be harmful to your dog's health. - Nutritional balance: Look for dog foods that meet the minimum nutritional requirements set by the AAFCO (Association of American Feed Control Officials) to ensure your dog is getting all the necessary nutrients. - Digestibility: Some dogs may have trouble digesting certain ingredients, so it's important to choose a dog food that is easily digestible for your pet.
Best Overall: Purina Pro Plan SAVOR Shredded Blend Chicken & Rice Formula
Purina Pro Plan SAVOR Shredded Blend Chicken & Rice Formula is a great budget-friendly dog food that doesn't sacrifice quality for affordability. It contains real chicken as the first ingredient and is free from artificial preservatives, colors, and flavors. It also includes antioxidants to support a healthy immune system and natural sources of glucosamine to support joint health.
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Best Grain-Free: Blue Buffalo Life Protection Formula
If you're looking for a grain-free option, Blue Buffalo Life Protection Formula is a great choice. It contains high-quality protein sources such as chicken and fish, as well as wholesome fruits and vegetables for added nutrition. It is also free from artificial preservatives, colors, and flavors.
Best for Small Breeds: Wellness Complete Health Small Breed
Small breed dogs have different nutritional needs than larger dogs, and Wellness Complete Health Small Breed takes this into account. This budget-friendly dog food contains smaller kibble sizes to make it easier for small dogs to eat, and it includes high-quality protein sources such as turkey and chicken. It is also free from artificial preservatives, colors, and flavors.
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Best for Large Breeds: Nutro Wholesome Essentials Large Breed
Large breed dogs require a different balance of nutrients than smaller dogs, and Nutro Wholesome Essentials Large Breed takes this into account. This dog food contains high-quality protein sources such as chicken and lamb, as well as natural sources of glucosamine and chondroitin to support joint health. It is also free from artificial preservatives, colors, and flavors.
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Best for Puppies: Diamond Naturals Puppy Formula
Puppies require a different balance of nutrients than adult dogs, and Diamond Naturals Puppy Formula is a budget-friendly dog food that meets the unique nutritional needs of growing puppies. It contains high-quality protein sources such as chicken and fish, as well as added vitamins and minerals to support healthy growth and development. It is also free from artificial preservatives, colors, and flavors.
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Best for Seniors: Hill's Science Diet Adult 7+ Small Bites
As dogs age, their nutritional needs change, and Hill's Science Diet Adult 7+ Small Bites is a budget-friendly dog food that takes this into account. It contains high-quality protein sources such as chicken and barley, as well as added vitamins and minerals to support overall health in aging dogs. It is also free from artificial preservatives, colors, and flavors.
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Feeding your dog a nutritious diet doesn't have to break the bank. There are many budget-friendly dog food options available that provide high-quality nutrition for your furry friend. When selecting a budget dog food, look for quality ingredients, avoid artificial additives, ensure nutritional balance, and choose a food that is easily digestible for your pet. The 6 best budget dog foods of 2023 that we have discussed in this article are excellent options to consider for your dog's diet.
Is budget dog food safe for my dog?Yes, budget dog food can be safe for your dog as long as it meets their nutritional needs and doesn't contain harmful additives.Can I switch my dog's food to a budget option?Yes, you can switch your dog's food to a budget option as long as you do it gradually and monitor your dog's response to the new food.Can budget dog food still be high in protein?Yes, budget dog food can still be high in protein if it contains quality protein sources such as chicken or beef.Is grain-free dog food better for my dog?Grain-free dog food is not necessarily better for all dogs. Some dogs may have a sensitivity to grains, but for others, grains can provide important nutrients.How do I know if my dog's food is providing the necessary nutrients?You can check the ingredients label to ensure the food contains quality protein sources and meets the minimum nutritional requirements set by the AAFCO. You can also monitor your dog's overall health and energy levels. Read the full article
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petshopinuae · 2 years
Pet Corner Launches UAE’s First Real Diamond And Gemstone Studded Dog Collars.
Pet Corner Launches UAE’s First Real Diamond And Gemstone Studded Dog Collars.
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(MENAFN-S Factor ) ● Pet Corner introduces “The Elite Club”, offering luxury products and services for pets
● The global pet accessories market poised to reach USD 300 Billion in 2023
UAE — July 06, 2022: Pet Corner, a one-stop shop for all pet supplies, veterinary care, fresh and marine aquariums, in store / mobile pet grooming, announce their launch of “The Pet Corner Elite Club”, which will feature a premium line of pet products and accessories for the first time in the region.
Under Pet Corner Elite, the store introduces UAE’s first diamond and gemstone studded exquisite collars for dogs of small to medium breeds. The Haute hound collection features a bow-shaped centerpiece brooch dazzling with about 2.6 carats of certified natural diamonds and about 6–7 carats of natural rubies encrusted on 18 carat gold. The brooch can be easily fitted or changed to any collar of the client’s choice.
Pet Corner in dubai would also be able to custom make the jewel with any natural gemstone in any color of gold as chosen by the client. Priced from AED 37,000/- onwards, every high-end collar comes with a certificate to ensure authenticity, diamond grading and gemstone identification.
Sidarth Mahindra, Chief Pet Officer, Pet Corner said, “Dogs are man’s best friends and Diamonds/Gems are truly one of nature’s most precious and beautiful creations — making it a perfect accessory for any pooch. We see our customers wanting only the best for their precious pets. This collection offers comfort and style to make any pup stand out from the crowd. We will be introducing many more elite products and supplies in the coming months.”
According to reports*, rise in pet ownership is expected to fuel the growth of the pet accessories market, which is anticipated to reach USD 300 Billion by the end of 2023 globally.
Tags- pet corner, pet shop,pet shop near me,pet shop dubai,pet store,pet food dubai,pet store near me
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zmwisethepoet · 3 years
“Saluting” the Alabaster Progenies
Written by L.J. Talbot
Published in The Literary Parrot Anthology
Hellfire brewing from the Second Continent…malicious activities. Fallen out of grace, weakness rises. Predictability written in treasonous blood. Triumphantly independent, equality for all! Our forebears made this country spectacular… for the White Man.
White Klansman ruins the title of Dragon and Wizard, turning to triangular ghosts of disgrace. Peace in their doll’s eyes involves no color but their own. To lynch is to be honored. To maim is to win every war. White Man’s rope hung the hangman and a karma-laden universe.
White Man in his White House, sequestered in conspiracy’s safety, endless halls with treacherous rooms.
White ‘Murrican’ Man flaunts his patriotism like an Ivy League graduate with doctorate in hand, boasting of benefits and the many joys of segregation, the splendors of the lack of unresolved issues. Separate, but equal, but sugarcoated. White Man’s white carpet turns red, the color of betrayal from ‘civil’ brothers.
 White Textbook Man made Jesus a glamorous dentine, lavish robes and biblical aromas. Every rendition, a fabrication of a Holy Grail Answer. The Spear of Destiny impales the carcass of White Man’s previous alter ego.
White Man demands that you speak the mechanical English language in a country that was never his to begin with.
Hungry, Hungry Hypocritical White Man turns his back on the newest families, arriving with aspirations of their own. Immigrants of horrific locations, dictated by those who would murder if questioned. They plead with waterfalls of sincerity, but he drives away in a Korean automobile, wolfing down spiced Pakistani dishes of nourishment. White Man just remembered where he placed a great number of Native Americans.
White Man waves his shielding genitalia. There are but two genders. You will never change his mind.
White Bread Man stuffs his face with wholesome artificiality. Mayonnaise and marshmallow fluff! White corn tortilla chips and sour cream! He bathes in ivory soap bubbles, cleansing his skin with absorbent microscopic children he released nary an hour ago. White Man’s stomach trampoline is on display through every mirror.
White Man utilizes lethal gases and increases oven temperatures, incinerating the roasted flesh of his own class.
White Man with a badge spreads the honest word that blue lives matter immediately after gunning down protestors with the only method of communication he has known his entire existence. His breed has made them the enemy since the dawn of sirens. He is yet another statistic on the Holy Hit List. White Man is only erect when his firearm is present.
White Man promotes himself, skinhead ways of life, the Neo-Con dream of the century.
White Machismo Man extends the impossible, forbidding white women to promote white feminism. Equality for all except the majority they call ‘minorities’. White Man’s nuances wag the decaying tail. White Man paints a target on the back of every woman. White Man inquires about what the term ‘intersectional’ means.
White Man, Heir of Destruction. White Man inherited a planet of pollution. White Man inhales pollution to be pessimistically optimistic.
White Settler Man 2.0 enslaves the rightful owners of the purest lands, tainting them with rodentia’s diseases. Listen to the White Man’s sage words while raping native women into traumatic oblivion. He calls them all ‘filthy savages’. White Man’s fate, decided by the arrowhead’s end.
White Man sings of paradiso. He should have listened to Lilith. His burden is his own.
 White Man in white collar, operating his deceased emerald brethren on numerical paper, privileged above all. Shuns the impoverished residing under dank overpasses, begging for half a life. He is quite charitable towards his investors. White Man speaks up about his own struggles.
White Whining Man is a staunch supporter of racial division. There are great numbers of ethnic heritage months because he made all progress possible. White Man’s idea of progress is inevitable defeat.
White Man pays no heed to the vicissitudes of modern living, for he was always in the past tense.
White Knight Man defends the honor of women who wish to speak for themselves. Bodyguard for the Incels, tormented misfits whose virginity is a rabid kennel beast. They spend their funds on deliberate objectification, to ogle at a dream that remains a magazine photograph. White Man’s superiority complex is small penis energy.
White Man stands alone, kissing his first world problems on the reflecting glass lips.
Straight White Man weeps, pounding sand about how there is no Straight Day to celebrate, no Straight Month with soft, grey parades. White Man does not comprehend acceptance. White Man, straight and diamond mind mundane.
White Man cries out for his former alliance, yet his abandoned principles retaliate.
Abrahamic White Man wants you to believe in his white deity. He is welcoming if you join the mountainous army of chanting followers, but points a mortal finger of judgment if you spurn his Lord and Savior. White Man’s finger is now officially broken.
White Man loves his orientation, yet the rights of humans beyond his are excluded from his fallen kingdom.
White Food Chain Man endangers his fellow creatures by means of bullet kisses and taxidermy trophies. He deserves his Bald Eagle mascot, a thief and scavenger by natural trade. White Man does not discover; his parasitic form feasts on scraps of original delicacies.
White Man lives his own afterlife, serving white voices with blackface paint… Reminder of a world too white for him.
I am an independent river flowing the other direction. My alabaster skin is ashamed to be seen around the lot of you, mutations of descendants. A melting pot of curiosities, we ought to be. A species who is eager to learn, but the race has reached the finish line.
July 8, 2020
Copyright  © Z.M. Wise 2020
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