#despite me also being an adult sobs
sasukimimochi · 1 year
my heart: but what if you don't write rn and draw COI wangxian cuddling. or just any of the wangxians- i want to see lwj on wwx's lap having a nap and being just content.
me, who needs to finish like 2-3 more chapters this week than usual so i can avoid continuation errors and clean on top of that for a visit this saturday:
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i... i need a responsible adult to tell me no
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scoutswritingcorner · 2 months
More Papa Headcanons!
PLATONIC Papa!Alastor & GN!Child!Reader
Angst Flavored~
First Part
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TW: ANGST- Just a teeny tiny bit. For the soul. Oh and Susan is mentioned.
A/N: Enjoy~
I usually leave this part up to you guys, the readers of my ramblings, but what if you were born out of wedlock? You are technically Alastor’s bastard child. Especially during that time period? That was greatly frowned upon and you never knew who your mother was! But despite all of that, Alastor and his Mom adored you. (Don’t get me wrong she probably chewed his ass out for it but she adored you.) 
Now, as you grew older people started saying it to your face, even kids at your school. But everytime you brought it up to Alastor he got angry, not at you, so he teaches you how to defend yourself and makes sure that you know to never start a fight. 
But once in hell, the name still sticks. Susan once overheard Alastor and Rosie’s conversation about it and called you that to your face. (Mean ass old woman right there.) And to say you were upset was an understatement, you knew better than to get into adult’s business but you just ran to your Papa sobbing cause you had thought you escaped that treatment. Despite being in Hell. You’re just clinging to his pants as you try your darndest not to cry but gosh the words keep echoing, both Rosie and Alastor are immediately worried about you. Cause you never cry or cause too much trouble!
Once they hear what Susan said? Rosie has to keep Alastor from flipping his lid. You stay by his side the rest of the day too scared to go play with the other kids in Cannibal Town. It shouldn’t bother you too much but you’ve been called that your entire few years of living and now it’s followed you down to Hell? What if the others start doing such a thing? 
Not to worry, Auntie Rosie shuts the whole thing down if she even catches a whiff of it. 
Full credit to @aceblaze01 for the idea of Vox being in Child!Reader’s afterlife! Especially when he and Alastor were hanging out(idk if I should call them partners). He was like an odd Uncle to you! Also 100% would let you watch kids cartoons on his screen, but you were so confused by it that you stood there staring at him before finally getting comfortable to sit down and watch those weird picture shows your papa talked about. He would totally put on Disney films for you. 
You watched Bambi once and ended up crying. He had to hold you and calm you down before Alastor was alerted. After that he stuck with everything else but Bambi. 
You sometimes go with Alastor to Overlord meetings and sit next to him drawing, not paying any mind to what’s going on either. You mostly draw your Papa and Auntie Rosie but you’ve started to draw Vox and that man cries when you hand him the drawings of him with very shaky handwriting and misspelled words. He loves it and keeps it hung up on his wall framed and everything. You gave a drawing to a lot of the nicer Overlords as a thank you for letting you join with your Papa. You gave one to Zestial, Carmilla and many of the unnamed ones that didn’t look too scary..you gave those to your Papa so he can give it to them. 
Even after all those years and Alastor’s falling out with Vox as a whole, he kept your drawings still safely framed. He doesn’t have the heart to get rid of them. Valentino said one bad thing about them and got the shock of his afterlife. That’s the last time he brought it up. He still checks up on you, makes sure you're alright. Even though he can’t physically be next to you cause Alastor would lose his fucking shit, he makes sure he has people check up on you. 
Vox has killed people who even thought of putting a hit out on you before Alastor ever caught wind about it. He’s not a man to play around with when it comes to you- his little niece/nephew/nibling (gender neutral term for niece/nephew).
During exterminations? Alastor stays with you the whole time. He doesn’t need anything hurting you. He keeps you in his room with books and anything else you want to bring. When you're in the hotel and extermination is around the corner, while the hotel is relatively safe. He still makes sure you stay far away from any doors leading to the outside. 
Oh boy, you are the only one able to sit in his tower with him while he works! He has a chair designated for you and will answer any and all questions about his work (even if they do get silly and repetitive). You’ll fall asleep sometimes when he’s on air and he doesn’t miss a beat wrapping his jacket around you as he continues to talk.
Taglist: @littledolly2345, @aboyscriminalrecord
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mochinomnoms · 3 months
I love the Shrimpy Chronicle's! The Tweels x Shrimpy stuff got me thinking of the Azul x Shrimpy possibilities and Octapolycule possibilities. The Tweels encourage Azul after they had a set of Elvers Twins that look very leech. Azul is scared about being a father to the twins much less to a little hatchling! But his partners are great support alongside Mama Ashengrotto who nearly sobs in joy when she sees the hatchlings. The twins wanna play with their ten limbed Sibling but they have to be careful (a term they are still learning). Granny Ashengrotto is also extremely happy with her grandshrimp, grandeel, and grandcecelia in her tentacles as she tells them stories of their Baba, Papa, and Dada as fry.
Their first excursions on land would be so cute as Crewel has all the clothes the Kids could wish for and Nurse is enjoying teaching them to use their land legs. (Plus they see Crewels Dalmatians for the first time and "puppy" became their favorite word).
Needless to say, Yuu's kids are spoiled Rotten on land and see.
(Again, thank you for being a octatrio brain rot haven)
(I'm always happy to have octotrio brain rot)
Let's set this in the same universe as the shrimpy chronicles fic, so the twins are Pearl and Coral! Azul is very fond of them, but feels a bit out of place as a fourth parent to the twins. If he feels this out of place with them, how will he feel with a hatchling?
But his partners are a great support, as you said, and really he just can't help the surge of emotion that comes through him looking at the pale green little hatchling in his arms. Plus, the (baby) twins absolutely love him and happily call him Baba; he might even be their favorite father, if the way they cling to him and cry when he leaves is any indication. The (adult) twins can't even be jealous, it's so cute seeing their partner curled up with their babies! And Coral and Pearl are nothing but excited about their new brother.
The little Beryl was an immediate topic of fascination for Coral and Pearl! They love their Baba Azul, and now he brought them a little brother! They want to play, but Pearl is a rough-play loving elver, and Coral matches that energy despite being a berry. Beryl is a hatchling, and much squishier and softer, so they have to learn to be careful. But Mama Ashengrotto is a sweet woman that is happy to teach them how to be gentle.
She indeed loves telling them stories about their fathers as kids, and the sort of things Azul got up to as a kid. The twins aren't sure if they're a big fan of the idea of studying a whole bunch like their Baba, but they like the idea of being in a band with Beryl when he gets older! Maybe Papa and Dada can teach them their respective instruments, and then Beryl can learn the piano when he gets older from Baba!
And of course, let's not forget how much Crewel and the Nurse are happy to get another grandchild! While I think Crewel is still mentally processing that Yuu got married with not one Leech, but both, when he got told that they were also married to Azul (and he to the twins), he felt a bit of his soul leave his body. Nurse Goethel, on the other hand, is just happy to have another son-in-law, and a grandchild!
But Crewel is just as happy, he never expected to have children, let alone grandchildren. Once the fry are brought on land and have their human legs, Crewel is quite excited to dress them up in the latest Rosarian fashions. Indeed, they fry are as spoiled on land as they are under the sea.
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myosotisa · 1 year
Hmmm you know, I’m always down for that you’re in a new relationship, just been recently going out, and it’s that first time with a new partner. Can be awkward, can be fluffy, who knows? The world is your oyster. 😏🩷 also love you immensely
your brain is so big and i chose to make it funny. love you so much Luna!!!
3rd Times the Charm
ǁ summary: The 2 times you and Steve tried to have sex for the first time and the 1 time it actually happened.
ǁ tags: mentions of blood and injury (not graphic), mention of needles/stitches, fem!reader
ǁ word count: 1.5k
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The first time you and Steve tried to ‘consummate’ your relationship did not go as intended. You’d planned it in advance – a nice dinner followed by a romantic and cheesy walk in the park. The ending was set for your place because you had a bigger bed and your roommate was supposed to be gone.
Key word: supposed to be.
The two of you had gotten distracted in the hallway. Steve had one hand on your hip, the other on your jaw, and was pressing you flat against the wall with his body as he sucked your lower lip into his mouth just to watch it pop back into place again. You both knew what the plan was and the anticipation to finally fuck your boyfriend of 3 months had been building the entire night.
If the denim erection pressing into your hip was any indicator, then Steve was just as excited as you were.
After some careful coaxing both by your breathless murmurs and your fingers twisting in his hair, you were able to convince him to let you go long enough for you to get your keys out and unlock the door. Although, you really only got halfway through doing so before he was pressing up against you from behind, wide palms settled on either hip, and his mouth teasing at the skin on the side of your neck.
The two of you stumbled into the apartment together, his arms wrapped tight around you as he used his foot to kick the door closed. It only took another scarce few moments before he had you pressed against another wall, this time with your back still to his front, and his hands wandering from the fronts of your upper thighs all the way up to cupping them under your tits. Each graze of his warm palms lit you aflame, forehead pressed to the drywall as you closed your eyes and tried to regain some composure despite Steve intentionally trying to drive you into a frenzy.
That was when the two of you heard the first sob.
As it turns out, the one night you and Steve had planned to have sex for the first time ended up being the very same night your roommate got dumped. The two of you peeked around the corner into the living room, fully disheveled and panting, to the sight of her curled into a ball on the couch. She was completely inconsolable and the moment she saw you, she was begging for a hug and someone to talk to.
There was nothing you could do to weasel your way out of this situation to go try to hook up – not when she was crying face down in your lap with Kelly Clarkson playing on the loudspeaker. And Steve, absolute god tier boyfriend that he is, ran his fingers through your hair to settle it, pressed a kiss to your temple, and shared an understanding smile with you before asking your roommate what kind of ice cream she wanted from the convenience store on the corner. He returned no more than 15 minutes later with a spread fit for a heartbroken young adult and with multiple RedBox DVDs that the 3 of you watched into the night before you all fell asleep on the couch in a mountain of blankets and pillows.
The second time you and Steve tried to “consummate” your relationship went even worse. The idea of ‘Sex sent me to the ER’ is all fun and games until it happens to you.
It was very spur of the moment at a party – one of your mutual friends had planned this huge celebration at their parents fancy lake house. The two of you had gotten suited and lotioned up, drove the hour out of town to the property, and spent the entire afternoon roasting in the sun on jet skis and getting thrown off inner tubes behind a speedboat.
You’d had your eyes on Steve for hours and you were completely unapologetic about it. He was wearing a pair of navy swim trunks, a white linen shirt that was fully unbuttoned to show off his chest hair and golden skin, a pair of aviators perched on his nose, and with his hair sunkissed and windblown.
He’d taken over driving the speedboat with a beer in his hand and the steering wheel in the other, gunning it across the lake and throwing people off their rafts into the water with absolute joy and taunting yells across the wide open spaces. It looked like he was born for this, like this was him in his element, and you had actually never been more attracted to him than you were under that May sunshine.
When the sun set, a bonfire was lit and the speakers came out. Snacks and drinks, alcohol and non, were flowing steadily as people alternated between sitting by the fire and talking, pushing each other into the lake or the pool, and a few people even started dancing down by the water. You were all sunburnt and lazy with the first heat of the summer, heavy and slow with relaxation. And honestly… Horny as hell.
The two of you had stumbled into a shed on the property with greedy hands on warm skin and in slowly drying hair. His mouth was ravenous as it trailed from your own to the salty span of your neck and down to suck bruises into the sensitive skin on your chest. He’d pulled back after a few minutes, chest heaving beneath his open shirt and pupils blown wide as he looked you over. Told you he wanted you more than anything but was worried about your first time being in a fucking shed. You, completely drunk on him and not caring about anything else, informed him you didn’t give a damn and you needed him inside you like yesterday.
The grin that lit up his face was brighter than the summer sun of the day.
It was all blooming feelings and barely contained moans until he knelt down to give you some well overdue attention between your thighs. He had trailed kisses down your stomach as he dropped down without looking before you heard him suddenly hiss out through his teeth at the same time something shifted beside you and he fell away. Still slightly dazed, it took you a few moments too long to realize he had fallen onto his ass and was gently cradling his shin because it was now quickly pouring blood.
He’d knelt down and sliced his calf on a gardening tool in the shed. A blade that, after pulling out a flashlight, you confirmed was covered in rust.
The two of you spent the next 4.5 hours in the emergency room – earning Steve a tetanus shot and 2 other injections as well as 10 stitches and a prescription for antibiotics. As soon as you both confirmed that he wasn’t going to lose his leg or something, you couldn’t help but laugh. The sun and fun had lightened your minds and made something like having to go to the ER because Steve tried to eat you out in a shed feel like a story to tell, and nothing worse than that.
While it probably could have happened sooner, you and Steve finally got your chance the day after Steve’s stitches were removed. He’d shown up to your apartment early on a Saturday with a packet of baked goods for breakfast and a cup of your favorite from the corner store. All completely unprompted and he insisted it was just because he wanted to do something nice for you after your week at work.
The two of you had a slow and comfortable breakfast on your balcony as the morning sun rose higher in the sky. The moment you were both finished eating, you’d wasted no time in climbing into his lap and making up for lost time.
It was slow and thorough; each of you taking your sweet time in learning what made the other tick and shiver. It was hours between your sheets in the late hours of the morning with all the time in the world to explore each other.
And, while it was well worth the wait, you certainly had a lot of time to make up for.
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super-paper · 9 months
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Rereading the early chapters of MHA, and tbh I think we can pin this scene as the exact moment Tomura develops his fixation on Izuku.
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Everyone in this scene assumes that All Might doesn’t need any help and starts wandering off, leaving All Might to face Kurogiri and Tomura alone. Izuku is the only one to intervene, "offering help that no one asked for." Of course, Izuku is the only one with actual insight into All Might’s condition and realizes that he's in danger— but from Tomura’s perspective, Izuku is some rando kid that's throwing himself into danger to help someone who doesn’t appear to need any help. And the emphasis on everyone else being willing to just sit back and do nothing while All Might handles everything is something we know ties directly to one of Tomura’s biggest traumas:
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Tomura: "Don't just watch. Help Me. Someone please look at me. Don't just tell me not to cry. Don't just smile and pretend that everything is alright. Don't pretend you don't see me." MHAReddit: Ah, I understand-- obviously, the series is saying that Tenko is dead and we can beat this guy by punching him harder! :)
I gotta stress that Shouto and Co. are kids and I'm not faulting them for deciding to let an adult handle the situation (and I don't doubt in the slightest that they would have also chosen to intervene if they were privvy to the same information abt Toshinori's health as Izuku)-- but from Tomura's perspective where he holds pretty much everyone equally responsible for society's failings, this act was enough for him to start subconsciously singling Izuku out.
Meanwhile, the sports festival just reinforces Tomura's budding interest bc it reinforces that Izuku is actually batshit crazy and Tomura's response to this is to ask ".... how crazy we talkin'? 👀"
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Oh, Izuku, you were definitely gonna get kidnapped at some point 😭
Anyway, stuff like this is also why I feel that Horikoshi likely planned on having Izuku save Tomura from the very beginning (And I've seen ppl argue that Hori had planned to have Tomura be the final boss and get defeated/killed because of Nine's existence, but let's be real-- Nine was an AFO expy parading around in a Yoichi expy's body and ya'll know it). There's a lot of set up for why Izuku is ultimately the best person to save Tomura scattered throughout the early stages of the manga, like, literally starting from the very first page:
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Izuku: *crying the biggest and ugliest tears mankind has ever seen, snot pouring out of his nose, sweating a frankly concerning amount, and fighting back his own tears because he just can't ignore the tears of others* I GOTTA SAVE THAT CRYING BOY....!!! Shigaraki Tomura, famously a freak, inching himself closer to Midoriya Izuku's splash zone with every chapter: ....... :) :) :)
Izuku saves others despite being a sobbing, snotty, sweaty mess--often times while he's being a sobbing, snotty, sweaty mess. It's antithetical to All Might and Nana's beliefs about saving others with a smile and about cultivating an "image"/"mask" meant to reassure others-- but that's not a bad thing, and the whole series is built around showing us why it isn't a bad thing.
Izuku cannot separate his own inherent humanity and desires from his heroism and is driven by impulse/ego/pain the same way Tomura is. He remains a crybaby who wears his emotions on his sleeve throughout the entirety of the manga-- and the lesson he ultimately learns isn't that he should "just stop crying and hide all his fear behind a smile," it's that he shouldn't run from that aspect of himself because it's the part of himself that allows him to empathize with others. Izuku saves a piece of himself every time he gives his all to save those who are in tears, and he's become the exact type of hero who would've given it his all to save his child self.
This might not be the sort of hero Izuku fantasized about being-- but it's exactly the sort of hero Tomura needs after a lifetime of having his own tears downplayed and ignored by everyone.
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on that note, the anime having Tenko and Izuku's "masks" basically evaporating to reveal their soft, sparkly, shoujo-y centers in that one season 6 OP remains one of the most on-point visuals the anime has ever given us lmfao. can't wait to see what they do for s7.....!
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impactedfates · 8 months
Okay I have this idea but yes yes anyway [might be long I'm so sorry]
So basically Wanderer practically joined Traveller to journey out to the last 3 regions of Teyvat. But but bUUUUT right now they're at Fontaine and doing some stuff [aka the current available quests]
Once he and the Traveller are taking a massive break over things, him checking out some places to hang out when he saw someone— another puppet, basically
When he approached them, surprise its his younger sibling [aka reader], and they still remember him despite the Irminsul incident one region ago
How would the interaction go from there? I want moar genshin-sibling-platonicness help
— 🫶🏻 Anon with another gift! A Neuvilette An otter with some things! 🦦🐚🪸🪷
W.C: 1237
Genre/Trope: Platonic + Familial
Format: Fic
Warnings: None (I think?)
Extra: Traveller Lumine because she needs more love, also I prefer Traveller Lumine ngl // Scaras a mean but caring older brother // Reader is a young adult // Sorry if this wasn't as long as you hoped, I haven't done any of the side quests in Fontaine :sob: willing to write a pt 2 though // I did not proof read this, I relied solely on my proofreader
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Just Like Me - Platonic Scaramouche x Sibling! Reader
“Ahhh…it feels so good to relax”
Lumine sighed tiredly as she plopped herself on a bench. Scaramouche raised an eyebrow at the blonde and rolled his eyes as he stared at the traveller practically melting onto the bench. Paimon doing the same.
“You two are tired already? It’s only 12pm”
“AND we’ve been doing commissions and helping others since MIDNIGHT”
Lumine countered, now laying atop of the bench like it was the most comfiest bed in the world, Paimon nodded in agreement, going to fly over and lay down too but was knocked back a bit by Lumine.
“Go away Paimon…all you did was float around…”
“Hey!! Paimon makes great emotional support”
And all Lumine could respond with was a tired yet sarcastic ‘sure you are’. Scara watched the scene unfold in front of him and shook his head a bit. Perhaps it was because he was a puppet and didn’t get tired as fast as regular humans, but he wanted to continue their mission in Fontaine before they went to the next 2 nations.
He sat on the ground next to the blonde and after half an hour he was bored once again. Groaning a bit as he tipped his head back.
“When are we continuing our little ‘adventure’?”
“If you’re so up for it, you can go explore…look for people to help or ideally…a place to better relax and/or a place to dump Paimon”
“Hey! What’s with you and leaving me alone”
Scara shook his head as the two travelling companions began to playfully bicker, deciding to take the proposal Lumine suggested, he stood up again and began walking around Fontaine for a place to hang out or just someone in trouble. If he’d actually help them? He didn’t know either.
Scara covered his ears at the sudden loud screech, turning to the source of the sound, he saw someone being cornered by some guys, eyes narrowing a bit he quietly walked over.
“Just give us the mora, and we’ll be on our way”
“I’ve told you, I don’t have it. Nor do I have any debt to even be paid”
“Debt or not, we want the money”
Scara rolled his eyes, classical treasure hoarders. Using his vision he floated above them and slashed some anemo at them, pushing them to the ground. The person he saved looked up and tilted their head.
The treasure hoarders attempted to get up but the person quickly slashed them down with geo, knocking them fully unconscious.
“If you had a vision yourself, you should’ve used it”
Scara said, floating down and crossing his arms at the person who just shrugged.
“I was going too, until you came here. Are you a god or something?”
“Ha, could’ve been if my mom hadn’t betrayed me”
He mumbled under his breath, earning a confused look as the person didn’t know what he said. Quickly coughing into a fist he extended his hand.
“You can call me Wanderer, nice to meet you”
“Oh right, I’m [Name]”
They replied, a bit hesitant, taking his hand and shaking it. A bit quickly realising that the hand they shook didn’t feel the same as the others. And as creepy as it sounds, a puppet's hand is quite different to a human's hand.
Both Scara and [Name] looked at eachother, realising that well, both their hands felt like a puppets one.
“A puppet?”
“Seems so, wow I never met another puppet before”
“Don’t get used to it”
[Name] laughed a bit, before eyeing Scara up and down. Something about him felt familiar…perhaps too familiar. Before long they were pretty much staring and Scara was glaring at them as no words had been spoken during this time.
“Ah, sorry…but…Kuni?”
Scaras eyes widened at the name before narrowing again.
“How do you know that name?”
“My mom told me about Kunikuzushi or well…Kuni…he’s my older brother…well I see him as well, I’m not sure what my mom thinks”
“Older…brother…? Wait wait…you’re telling me your mother is Raiden Ei AND that you remember that?”
“Yes and yes…why is there a problem?”
Scara shook his head, this was quite the surprise for him. He had a younger sibling and they remembered him? Or the stories anyways. Thinking for a bit he decided to explain to [Name] about the incident with the ____ Tree.
Before long, he was walking them back to where he last left Lumine.
“Wow, so you erased yourself from this tree and now history has forgotten about you? Like you never existed”
“For the nth time…y e s”
“Sorry not sorry. But that’s just so cool”
[Name] explained, laughing a bit at their brother's tired look from explaining why he’s been pretty much deleted from history. Lumine was up by now and no longer bickering with Paimon, rather she was talking to someone with a smile. A smile that both Scara and [Name] recognised as a fake one.
“I’ll get right on that…yes yes bye”
Traveller waved off the Fontainian and as soon as they were out of sight their smiles dropped and buried their heads in their heads, proceeding to silently scream in them as Paimon attempted to comfort her.
“What have I told you about accepting everyone's request”
“...Not to do it”
“And you did it anyways”
Scara sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose but he had no bad feelings towards Lumine. He knew it could be hard to refuse after being known as such a helpful adventurer.
“Oh! It’s the famous traveller! Hello!”
A voice called out, Lumine turned her head to look at Scara and noticed [Name] raising a brow. Before either Lumine or Paimon could answer, Scara quickly explained.
“Wow so…Ei really made a 3rd puppet?”
“I believe they’re older then the Shogun puppet Paimon”
Lumine answered before turning back to [Name], holding her hand out for them to shake which they happily did. Scara rolled his eyes a bit at the interaction but shrugged it off. Not like it’s bad or anything.
“Hey! Since you two seem to want to hang out together, how about you join the commission Traveller just got?”
“Oh! That would be ni-”
Scara interrupted, coughing into his fist before looking at [Name] who stared back with a slight pout and a raised brow. Lumine and Paimon sighed a bit, they both internally knew that this was going to be awhile.
And it was! The pair had to listen to the two of them argue about [Name] joining the commission, and as harsh as Scaras words were to try to dissuade [Name] to join, Lumine could tell he just wanted to keep them safe. Unfortunately for Scara, he had been following Lumine to the commission area so…whether he liked it or not, looks like [Name] is joining.
He simply grumbled under his breath as he reluctantly grabbed his siblings arm and began dragging them around as Lumine started the commissions. If he couldn’t stop them from joining, the least he could do was protect them right?
That’s what siblings are for…and they’re also for
They’re also there to have silly arguments with after a long day of commissions, reminding both Paimon and Lumine what they must look like when they argue. Lumine simply laughed at their antics as she sipped her drink. (You wish that was you huh?)
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If you want a pt 2 where I probably (hopefully) write Scara and [Name]s sibling dynamic better, please comment! I'll make one as soon as I finish my current requests :>>
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hausbabylon · 11 months
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Word count: 6,994
A/N: Hey! I received an anonymous request, but I accidentally deleted the draft where I directly responded it. The request said pretty much what says in the synopsis. Thanks to whoever sent it, made me happy <3! I hope you like it.
A/N II: Also, it’s 3:27 AM and I wrote this half asleep whilst listening Red TV three times in a row.
Warnings: Unspecified legal age gap (Natasha is older), mention of guns, manipulation, intrafamiliar abuse, trust issues.
Natasha Romanoff struggled with trust issues due to past relationships. Her fear of being hurt overshadowed any chance to open herself up to the possibility of a relationship. That was, of course, until she met you.
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Hydra was a group of evil masterminds with a mission to take over the world, employing advanced technology and weapons to achieve said objective.
It hurt you too much to even think about the fact that you were part of it all, for ever since you were incredibly young, you were the victim of experiments and ruthless training to basically turn you into another of their deadly weapons.
You were just a little one, desperate to get your adoptive father's approval, and deep down, you still were, despite the fact that you were a young adult now. However, no matter how hard you tried, he always seemed disappointed in you, and you were willing to do anything to make him proud.
That's what you thought, of course, until you couldn't take it anymore. So much spilled blood, uncountable innocent lives lost, all in the name of greed and evil. You switched sides, and betrayed the organization you once called home.
You didn't know how many hours you spent hiding in one of the lockers from the Hydra facility that was attacked by the Avengers, while you listened to the tragedy happen outside this cold little compartment. You were supposed to be the main counter-attacker, and you were expected to kill at least one of them in order for the others to back off for a few months.
However, it was too much. As you fought them, the dilemma you found yourself in was too much to bear; you wanted to make your adoptive father proud, but you also wanted them to win because you repudiated every aspect that made up the twisted organization which you were unfortunately a part of.
So, as you walked down the corridors to attack one of them, you simply stopped dead in your tracks and went to hide instead. Until you heard nothing, only a silence that was somehow deafening, while intrigue kept eating you out - had good won over evil again?
When you kicked the door of the locker so you could get out, the first sight you encountered was the Black Widow, who got startled when she saw you and immediately pointed a gun at you. Your first instinct was to raise your arms.
Your face was streaked with tears, for you had sobbed desperately, fearing what your father would do when he found out you had failed this mission, but you were also drowning in shame for your actions.
And you didn't need to say anything, Natasha knew everything as soon as she saw you in that disconsolate and defeated state. You didn't want to do any of this, you desperately wanted to be good.
The Avengers welcomed you with open arms, and as you stood beside them, fighting for what was right, you finally felt you were part of a family, where your efforts were seen and appreciated, something you never felt with Hydra.
"I know these brutal injuries are a little bit of a scratch for you, but..."
"But it worries you when I go on missions that involve more than big men fighting me," Natasha finished the sentence before you could, a huge grin plastered from ear to ear.
You just chuckled, as you carefully worked to heal those terrible wounds on her face, product of a more complex mission than usual.
"Come on! Who knows if that creature that hurt you might give you some disease from the outer-space microbes it had in its claws. It could get infected and you could start a new pandemic, you know?" You half-joked.ñ
Natasha let out a loud laugh, that could be perhaps be heard all over facility.
"Well, look on the bright side, maybe I'll get to be the one to name it," she chuckled, and she flinched subsequently, her wounds hurt due to her smiling-facial expression.
"Silly!" You playfully nudged her shoulder with your fist, as you kept smiling enormously. "Jokes aside, please promise me you'll keep those wounds clean. You'll apply this," you showed her a small container of antiseptic soap, "And after that, you must apply this as well," you showed her a spray of alcohol.
She never told you this at first, but she appreciated enormously that you cared for her in this way, and that, on top of that, you were always willing to look after her as if she wasn't used to risking her life in all sorts of places.
The older woman nodded and laughed a little. "Of course, I'll make sure to clean the wounds and apply those, it's not too bad really. Don't worry yourself, okay?" She smiled kindly and warmly at you.
"Perfect... I'll let you off, then," you replied, with a grin. "Go get some rest, and I'll see you again when..." you paused. "I'll see you again," you affirmed this time.
You didn't know when you would see her again.
You had a very simple mission, so simple that you didn't need to go out and take risks as you normally did. You just needed to find information, leak some documents, hack into certain bases, and you could do it all from the comfort of the Avengers Tower. You were almost done when Natasha returned from her mission with the rest of the Avengers, and you insisted in helping her with all those wounds she had in her face, which again, were not something new for any of you, but still... you hated to see her even in the slightest discomfort. And just like on the other times, she refused to receive your help, but eventually gave in.
Outside of coincidences like these and the missions you had together, you didn't convive with her. And you missed her more than you could admit.
It was a strange feeling. You both got along well... excellent, to tell the truth, and you liked each other's company. However, that was no different than your relationship with the other Avengers, even so, Natasha Romanoff was the only one whose presence you longed more than usual whenever you were apart.
"Sure, I'll see you again," she nodded, as she rose from the seat she was in, and patted your shoulder affectionately.
This was always the way goodbyes were, and you couldn't lie, it hurt a little bit to realize that you didn't have a relationship with her outside of work. That was to be expected, many years of knowing her teammates didn't compare to a couple of months of knowing you, but you had to start somewhere, right?
That day, Natasha did as you told her and rested in her room of the Tower, and you, on the other hand, returned to the solitude of your apartment, watched a few episodes of your favorite series and waited to be summoned again on another occasion.
Said occasion was about a week later, and amidst the catastrophe that ensued, the taste of victory for having done well never ceased to leave you with a feeling of accomplishment.
It was even better than the others, since it was a mission against the organization you had unwillingly dedicated your life to serving. And this time, you were on the right side.
Your eyes watered a little. And Natasha didn't say it at first either, but she was the first to notice it because she used to watch you more than she would like to admit.
"Oh, sweetheart, what's wrong?" She asked you, turning to you with a concerned expression on her face. "Don't tell me you regretted joining us, because I'm going to hit you," she joked, and there you realized that was a habit of hers, for the purpose of lightening the mood.
And she succeeded, because you laughed, "Quite the opposite. I'm so happy to find myself on this side and to be able to make up even a little bit for all the bad I did," you confessed.
She let out a little 'Awww' and proceeded to hug you.
It felt like... like home. And maybe your home wasn't the kindest to you, so it was more like you found a new place where you could feel warm and comfortable.
It felt like a shelter from the world's harshness, and that you were at last somewhere you belonged. The embrace was gentle and firm at the same time, somehow it was a combination that could go well altogether, and it was as if every little thing that had ever hurt you was washed away by the love in that hug.
She stayed that way for as long as you needed. And later, at the Avengers Tower, everyone asked you if you were all right, and when they made sure you were calmer, they left to their respective rooms, but not before giving you words of affirmation telling you how valuable you were and what a priceless job you had done on the mission.
And after that little moment of closeness you had with Natasha, two days passed when you saw her again.
You were not specifically summoned for a mission, rather, Tony Stark needed your help to develop a new artificial intelligence prototype that would assist Peter Parker. The only difference was that Tony wanted her to ask him about his feelings and get concerned for his well-being, almost like a therapist or a mother would.
There had been maybe four or five opportunities where you had the pleasure of demonstrating your mental abilities, which were numerous.
Of course at Hydra they weren't going to raise you to be physically astute, they needed to train you mentally as well, and sure as hell they did. Because, maybe it would take Tony Stark more than four or five tasks to trust someone, but you completed them so efficiently, that very little was enough for him to be impressed and take you into consideration for this field as well.
About seven hours had passed, where you were discussing and employing the famous "trial and error", when Natasha came to interrupt. Tony wasn't too happy about it, but you were delighted.
"It turned out like shit," she concluded. She had a little dirt on her suit and her face was scarred with small injuries, but these weren't man-made, they were more like falls. "The target had already left the base by the time we got there, and took everything. All we did was kill the guards for nothing, no objective."
Tony took a deep breath, leaning back in his seat. For him, if there was anything worse than interruptions, it was interruptions for bad news.
"That's the third time in a row they've had us looking like idiots playing Tag," he snorted. "We'll figure out what to do. We did what we could."
Natasha was not at all pleased with his answer, as she wanted an immediate solution, and for her, the worst thing that could happen was to fail in something as simple as attacking a Hydra base.
"That's it?" She exclaimed, and at Tony's lack of response, she let out a groan and with giant strides, she left the room.
You ran after her, caring very little if she yelled at you to leave her alone. You wanted to at least make an attempt to be there for her.
"Nat!" You called out to her. "Nat, come on!"
She stopped, and turned to look at you, "What do you want?"
Now thar you were close to her, you noticed how fresh the small wounds on her face looked, and you would soon set out to help her with that, but the support she needed the most was the emotional kind.
"There's this place near Willow Lake," you laughed at her mild surprise. "I know, it's a bit far from here, but we can grab a bite to eat, take a walk down to the lake afterwards... you don't have to talk if you don't want to, I just want to offer you this little method of escape that has helped me in my darkest days."
There was no power on earth that would make her turn down such an offer, not only because this would be the first time she would be spending time with you outside of missions and work, but because it really sounded like a plan that would help her tremendously in all that stress she was going through.
After Natasha took a shower and changed, she went to find you in the room where you were working with Tony, who gave you a grateful smile before you left.
The drive there was long, and neither of you said much more than small talk, but it was extremely comfortable at the same time, with Taylor Swift's music playing on the car's speakers.
With this alone, she seemed more relaxed as she remained in the passenger seat. It was clear that the unsuccessful mission was eating her mind, but by having a moment to think about it, she gradually lightened up. She was very grateful that you gave her space and didn't try to distract her.
As soon as you guys got out of the car, the first thing you could feel was how pure the air was in that area, and how uncrowded it was compared to the noisy city. With that alone, Natasha understood why you brought her there, it was a peaceful and perfect place to think.
"Do you like it?" You asked, and if the redhead hadn't been too invested taking in her surroundings, she would have noticed that you were in turn, completely dumbfounded watching her..
"I love it," she nodded, with a huge smile, and proceeded to close her eyes and take a deep breath to enjoy the air.
When you entered the small cafe, you ordered a panini and a soda, and encouraged Natasha to order whatever she wanted, it would be your treat. Neither of you had eaten and it was already four in the afternoon, so you couldn't wait for the food to arrive.
You didn't ask her anything about it, and you didn't bring the subject up, you just waited patiently for her to speak first. And she did so about five minutes after she ordered.
"I feel better already," she said. "Maybe Tony's approach wasn't the best, but he's right, we'll find a way, in the meantime, we did what we could."
You smiled.
"We'll find a way to come out of this victoriously. Believe me when I tell you that they no longer have any threats and all they have left is to run. We'll find a way to corner them," you encouraged her, almost sensing firsthand how frustrated she might have felt earlier.
She nodded in agreement, "We have to come up with a plan," she replied. "I've already given a lot of thought to it, and I think right now, what I want to do is enjoy this moment with you, because, you do realize this is our first outing together?"
You did realize, and you couldn't begin to express how much you looked forward to this moment. While the conversations during missions or at the Tower were enough for you to grow fond of each other, there was always work involved.
"You're right. I wouldn't have wanted to wait this long, but I understand you're busy, and, I wasn't sure if you were in the mood to go out during your rest time."
She chuckled at the comment, "Oh, no! I like going out. And look, maybe I am busy, but you might just be worth dropping everything for... you know, once in a while!"
You reacted with a small and subtle giggle, feeling even more charmed and flattered by her.
"I must say, it's an honor to potentially be worth dropping everything for, even once in a while," you responded lightheartedly.
The food arrived just in time, and you both exchanged a look of acknowledgement at how good it looked.
"Well, bon appétit," she smiled, and didn't wait five seconds to start devouring her lunch.
You both ate in silence, very focused on enjoying the food as it was already too late after the regular lunch hour. You were starving.
When you finished your meal, you talked about banal topics to get to know each other better, such as favorite books, movies and series, hobbies, the music you enjoyed the most and whether you preferred summer or winter. It was a nice chat, where you both found a lot of common ground and were introduced to new possibilities, because let's say you left that restaurant with at least twenty songs to listen to, ten books to read and five movies and series to check out.
It was until you left the restaurant and walked to the lake that the conversation deepened. She asked you about your past, and although you didn't spill those details so easily, you ended up telling her even more than your closest friends knew. Natasha was just that kind of person.
And when Natasha shared her story with you, that was the most painful, deepest and perhaps most precious aspect that you shared — that intrinsic feeling that impelled you to abandon all evil sown in your hearts.
You were so immersed in conversation, that it seemed like in five minutes the sky went dark when in reality it had been about three hours straight.
From then on, whenever your free times coincided, you made the most of it. You made it a regular part of your lives, would always make plans for upcoming meet-ups and, naturally, your relationship slowly started to grow and deepen over time as a result.
You started to appreciate the little details that shaped Natasha, from her stunning smile to her sweet laugh, from her thoughtful glances to her kind words. It was like a flame had been lit inside of you, eventually growing into a roaring blaze that could not be tamed. You were slowly and deeply falling in love with her, there was no denying it anymore.
"Nat, I'm so sorry for what I'm about to do, but you leave me no choice," you said, as soon as you pulled a +4 card as a last resource. Your only cards remaining were two red ones and of course you would decide said color as the next.
Natasha let out a gasp of surprise, and shook her head.
"How could you?" She exclaimed, and with much indignation, took the four cards.
"I choose red," you stated, very indifferent to her reaction.
She checked the cards she had taken, and the red card she placed, was one that would prevent you from your turn, and then, she placed a red one with a number on it.
With a victorious smile, you shouted "UNO" as you placed the second to last card you had left. And to your bad luck, Natasha didn't have one of the same color, but she did have a blue one with the same number.
"Excuse me, you were saying?" She replied, in a mocking tone.
It was your turn to gasp in surprise.
"Natalia, you monster!" You exclaimed. "My devious scheme has been disrupted, and I have been bested. I expected this from everyone, but you?" You said in an over-dramatic tone, placing your hands on your chest, as if you had been stabbed.
You two were cross-legged playing UNO on Natasha's bed, having watched a couple of movies and ordered food. You had been playing for maybe an hour and a half now, and this last round was no different than the previous ones, since you were always looking for ways to trick and betray each other in this little game. Until, Natasha finally won.
"Ahhh! This was a tough one!" You commented, collecting the cards from the pile and sorting them. As you were doing this, you noticed something under Natasha's leg, sticking out slightly. "But of course, it was honest play, wasn't it? It would be a shame if you cheated."
She snorted, "Yes, honesty first and foremost, I agree," she acted innocent. You did your best to hold your laughter.
"Hey, since you're closer, would you mind getting up and handing me my phone?" You pointed to your phone, which was charging in her bedside table.
"You get up, lazy!" She teased, making you gasp in surprise.
"Well, I may be lazy, but I'm no cheater!" You exclaimed, pointing to the card under her leg.
"Oh, whaaaaat?! How did this even get here?!" She said, making her voice a little higher pitched and feigning surprise.
You couldn't help it and laughed loudly.
"Oh, come on, Nat!" You answered. "We're resuming this game, now!"
Luckily, you caught on to her trick before you rearranged the cards, and you hadn't yet touched hers and yours.
"Give me that card," you ordered her, and at that, she didn't let you have it and kept moving the card just out of your reach.
You suddenly realized you've leaned forward to try and grab at the card, and you accidentally ended up on top of her, with her lying on her back underneath you.
The world around you faded into the background, leaving only the two of you exchanging a few shy looks and smiles, acknowledging the position you were in, feeling a little nervous and uncertain about it.
The pounding of your heart was racing a million beats per second, its rhythm matching the rapid pace of your thoughts. Your cheeks flushed with warmth whilst you embraced the profound effect she had on you.
And after a while, you summoned all your courage and made the first move. You leaned in, closing the distance between you and Natasha. In that intimate moment, your lips gently met hers, softly and tenderly.
However, the thrill of the moment was replaced with confusion and disappointment when Natasha pulled away.
"I can't," her words hung in the air.
You reluctantly drew back, giving her the space she needed, and you searched her eyes, longing to find the reason behind her hesitance, but all you could see was a glimpse of regret and shame.
It was as if she carried a secret, a secret that prevented her from fully embracing the moment, despite the chemistry you thought there was between you both. Or maybe you got lost in translation, maybe she simply didn’t share your feelings.
"I'm sorry," you apologized, your voice breaking. "I didn't mean to overstep. I misunderstood."
"Please, just go," Natasha's expression remained resolute.
Her words felt like a cold-hearted stab in your chest, leaving you at a loss for what to say or do. Nevertheless, you decided to respect her boundaries, honoring her wish to be left alone.
With a heavy heart, you nodded, gathering your things. Subsequently, you whispered another "I’m sorry" as you started to walk away.
The taste of that stolen kiss lingered on your lips for a long time, as a reminder of the brief, tantalizing ephemeral glance of something that could have been.
In the meantime, you only hoped that someday, the circumstances would align, allowing both of you to talk it out and move on.
That happened when you were contacted for another mission. With the help of the advanced technology and scientific knowledge that the Tower counted with, everyone contributed to analyze the data collected.
Each member expressed their concerns, ideas and proposals for the next step to take. Natasha, in particular, treated you with incredible disdain and professionalism, leaving everyone around you surprised. It was as if she created a barrier between you both, as if she barely recognized your presence now. There was no trace of shame or shyness on her face, unlike you, who struggled to even hold eye contact with her.
Finally, the meeting concluded. As the team prepared to disperse, the opportunity to talk to Natasha presented itself. The others began to head out, leaving the two of you alone in the room. This was the moment you had been waiting for.
"Nat, can we talk?" You gently drew her attention as she evaluated the information presented in the screens.
She turned to look at you, and then nodded. It was a small gesture, but it gave you the reassurance you needed to proceed.
"I… just want to apologize," you began. "For what happened before, for misunderstanding and crossing a line that should’ve never been. I never meant to make you uncomfortable."
Her gaze softened, and she sighed, "It's not entirely your fault," she reassured you. "I should have been clearer. It's just… I have a lot of conflicts in my mind, it’s complicated."
You nodded, understanding that there was more to her story than you were told, "I want you to know that I treasure our connection, whatever it may be," you confessed, your sincerity present in every single world. "And if there's anything you're willing to share, I'm here to listen."
There was a brief pause as Natasha contemplated her response, but as the minutes passed, she felt more and more comfortable with sharing her past experiences with relationships, and how they caused her to struggle with trust issues.
"Nat, I’m going to be honest, I can't erase the mistakes of others, but I swear to you, I'm not here for just a fleeting encounter. And I’m willing to earn your trust, if you give me the opportunity."
"It's hard for me to believe that," she admitted. "But at the same time, there's something about you that makes me want to give you that opportunity, despite my reservations. It’s complicated, as I said."
In that precious moment, your feelings swirled together - joy, relief, and gratitude. You had been given a chance, an opportunity to show Natasha that your love for her could prevail over the scars of the past.
Ever since, every date you planned with her was a thoughtful gesture, meticulously adapted to her preferences as you were eager to give your best to create cherished memories. From intimate dinners at her favorite restaurants to adventurous outings exploring new places, your attention to the small details that made her happy did not go unnoticed, because she appreciated the genuine effort you put into making her feel seen and loved. She also appreciated that you never pressed her for more than she was ready to give.
You provided a safe space where she could open up at her own pace. Naturally, time went on, and Natasha began to let her guard down in your presence.
Until, one —ironically— rainy night, your phone buzzed discreetly. You glanced down and read the words from your adoptive father, that were capable of disturbing your peace within seconds…
"I hope our deal still stands, and that you didn't actually move to the Avengers' side."
Unbeknownst to you, Natasha could perfectly read the message, her expression shifting from serenity to one of concern and anger. In an instant, the world seemed to hold its breath.
Time slowed as Natasha's eyes found yours, and the depth of her pain and distrust pierced through every fiber of your being. The delicate thread of trust that had been formed between you threatened to break under the weight of betrayal.
"What is this, (Y/N)?" She asked as her voice trembled. "Have you been playing both sides all along?!"
Before you could even respond, Natasha's eyes glazed over and she proceeded to rise abruptly from her seat to leave the restaurant where you were having dinner. Little did you care and you placed a hundred dollar bill that would cover both of your consumption plus a generous tip.
Afterwards, you ran out of the place to follow her. The first thing you felt was an overwhelming cold and the rain soaking you.
"Nat, please believe me," you pleaded. "I never wanted any of this. My loyalty lies with you and the Avengers."
"Yes, yes. I've heard that story a thousand times, and I didn't like the ending," she replied.
"I don't want to hear you!" She shouted suddenly, startling you. "You expect me to believe your empty words? I thought you were different, but I see now that you're just like everyone… no, you’re worst, way worst."
The rain that drenched you seemed insignificant compared to the icy chill that her words settled within you, making the ache in your chest unbereable.
"No, Nat, please," you begged desperately, your voice being interrupted by occasional sobs. "Let’s get inside and talk, I’ll explain you everything. I love you."
She shuddered as if your words had hurt her even more. The pain in her eyes reflected the storm that ravaged her soul.
"Love? Is that what you call it?" Her voice exuded bitterness as she lashed out, determined to protect herself from further pain. "You have a funny way of showing it. Actions speak louder than empty declarations."
Her words crushed you completely, as the rain mixed with your tears.
As Natasha turned, her silhouette blurred by the rain, you eventually felt too weak to even be standing, and you kneeled in the pavement, feeling your entire body twist in pain and regret.
"Natasha, my love, please don't leave," you sobbed. "Nat… don’t leave,” you whispered this time.
But she was gone, swallowed up by the darkness and the pouring rain. And you were right where she left you drenched and devastated, unable to understand how everything could fall apart so quickly.
Your mission as an infiltrator within the Avengers was the following: to steal a valuable possession and to disrupt their missions, weakening their defenses and providing Hydra a strategic advantage.
You proposed to your adoptive father the tip of the iceberg of your original plan. You told him you would deceive everyone, in order to gain their trust and position yourself as Hydra's eyes within the mighty Avengers' Tower.
However, your true motives remained hidden. Little did he know that you yearned for a chance to redeem yourself from the shadows of your past. You genuinely wanted to make a connection with the Avengers, to join their ranks and fight for the greater good.
At first, you walked a tightrope, subtly sabotaging the Avengers' efforts against Hydra to maintain your adoptive father's trust, so he would not proceed against you or your teammates. But as time went on, you stopped even doing that, and instead, made excuses to prevent suspicion that you didn't align with Hydra's twisted ideals. And that message he sent you during your date with Natasha couldn't have been more inopportune.
Days turned into weeks, and the weight of loneliness suffocated any hint of hope that remained, because as expected, you heard nothing from Natasha, or any of the Avengers for that matter. All those friendships, laughs, trust… shattered into a thousand pieces by a message that didn't represent you at all.
You even began to consider packing your belongings and escape to another country to start from scratch. Your stupid choices held you captive, and the desire to break free consumed you.
In the midst of this overwhelming despair, you received a message from your adoptive father.
"Fine, if that’s how you want to play, then so be it. If you don't bring something valuable to us TODAY, she will suffer. We have her."
The message cut through your being like a searing blade, slashing through the delicate fabric of your soul. There was no hiding what you have done, and a life was held hostage, a life intertwined with your own.
As if the threat wasn't enough, he continued…
"Also, if you call the Avengers, we'll know, and she'll die painfully before they even get there. Steal something like I raised you to do. No tricks this time."
You felt the air rushing out from your lungs, as fear gripped your heart mercilessly. The mere thought of your beloved enduring torment struck you with agony, and there was no doubt that you would protect her at all costs.
In the midst of your despair, a plan began to take shape. You would infiltrate into the Avengers' Tower and steal the highly advanced AI system you and Tony initially designed for Peter Parker.
It seemed like the perfect key to Natasha’s safety, and to meet your adoptive father’s demands. Hydra's capabilities would be significantly amplified with it.
Your exile also translated into losing access to everything you used to come and go. In consequence, using your years of training, reflected through skills and expertise, you successfully manipulated the electronic locks and bypassed the intricate security measures.
Finally, you stood before the AI, and with a steady hand, you carefully detached the system, making sure not to leave a trace of your presence. The stolen AI system nestled securely in your possession, and therefore, Natasha would be safe and sound in no time.
You headed to the place you were ordered to, and it was conveniently apart from the city, being a former abandoned factory.
You knew that Natasha was extremely dangerous and strong, therefore you couldn't stop thinking of the position she must have been in so that they managed to get her with no problem.
Once there, you took the suitcase containing AI Karen's chip and made your way towards the meeting point. You noticed that there were about ten guards guarding the area, and one of them checked if you didn't have a weapon.
As soon as the door slightly opened, you kicked it hard and entered the place.
You saw Natasha immobilized with smart handcuffs restraining on her wrists and ankles, but when you ran towards her, you were stopped by the man you most repudiated on the face of this earth.
"Hey, easy," he said mockingly. "Let's talk business."
Your eyes glazed over, as you felt your heart ache at the sight in front of you. There was nothing you wanted more than to hug her and reassure her that you would do everything in your power to save her. But in order to accomplish that, you had to obey what was being asked of you.
"This is what I got," you began after letting out a long sigh. "It is similar to the artificial intelligence that Tony Stark has in his suit, and I participated in its development," you continued. "It has various databases and security protocols that would facilitate the acquisition of classified information, allowing Hydra to infiltrate sensitive networks and manipulate events to suit its agenda. It can also analyze patterns, anticipate trends, and adjust strategies accordingly. It would make an incredible asset for global domination."
After giving him a quick demonstration, your adoptive father smiled wickedly and patted your shoulder.
"Oh, I'm so proud of you," he exclaimed, and perhaps your self of many years ago would have rejoiced at those words, but now that you knew the price you had to pay to hear those words, you realize that they are not worth all the suffering, and never were.
"Let Natasha Romanoff go, father," you commanded with your jaw clenched.
His laughter echoed through the dimly lit factory. His eyes bore into yours, devoid of any warmth or compassion, as he reveled in his victory.
"Let her go," he scoffed, his voice filled with disdain. "Why would I release her when I finally have you exactly where I want you?"
A surge of anger coursed through you, fueling a fire that burned fiercely within your chest.
"No," you declared firmly. "You should know by now that Natasha means more to me than any twisted ideology you spew."
Your adoptive father's eyes burned with fury. In that moment, you realized that your defiance had destroyed his illusion of control.
"After everything I have done for you? Don't you see? This is your purpose, your destiny!" He countered.
"That’s your purpose for me, as your puppet," you corrected. "My purpose is not to spread chaos and destruction. It's to protect the people I love and make amends for the wrongs I've done. And guess what? That’s what I’m doing."
"Ah, so the great (Y/N) has grown soft and weak in the arms of Natasha. I knew allowing emotions into your heart would be your downfall," he sneered, with an air of disappointment. "You were meant to be a weapon in our hands, an asset for the future of this organization," he added.
"… and I would rather be 'soft' in the eyes of Hydra than hardened and devoid of humanity like you," you stated. "I may have been created by Hydra, but I am not defined by them. I choose my own path, and it's one that leads away from your darkness."
He took a deep breath, characteristic of when he already lost his patience. You knew it so well, and it never failed to frighten you.
He stepped closer, his menacing presence closing in around you, "I raised you to be better, so you have one last chance," he hissed, handing you a gun. "You end Natasha Romanoff's life, or I will do it myself. And trust me, my methods are far more agonizing than a quick death."
You trembled, feeling your heart suffocating, your mind finding its way of reminding you of the laughter you shared, the tender moments, the unbreakable bond between you and Natasha. But at the same time, you knew what your adoptive father was capable of, and it filled you with dread.
There were no other options, no escape from the cruel fate that awaited her if you refused. With tears welling in your eyes, you whispered your surrender. "Fine. I'll do it."
When Natasha heard the words escape your trembling lips, her eyes widened in disbelief, and her features contorted in a mixture of shock and heartbreak.
The knot in your stomach tightened, constricting your breath and making it difficult to think clearly. Your palms grew clammy, sweat trickling down your forehead as your heart pounded in your chest.
You cautiously approached Natasha. Every step felt like an eternity, the deafening thud echoing in your ears. When you were close enough, you saw the beads of sweat glistening on her forehead, her muscles straining against the unyielding bonds that sought to confine her. It was a testament to her resilience, her unyielding spirit that refused to be broken.
In the end, this was you, a deadly weapon raised to make these kinds of actions. What was one more kill? Your entire life had been shaped by the manipulations and training of your adoptive father, molding you into a merciless instrument of his will and the will of the company he worked for.
You raised the gun, as the metal felt cold and unforgiving in your sweaty hands. And then, as if guided by an invisible force, your finger began to tighten around the trigger.
You made the last choice, the choice that would determine the path of your future and, ultimately, save both yourself and Natasha. There was no other way out.
With a determination that burned bright within you, you aimed at your objective. So, when your finger curled around the trigger, a deafening shotgun erupted in the room, shattering the suffocating silence.
In that instant, your adoptive father's body crumpled to the ground, unconscious and defeated. His presence, once so menacing and dominant, now lay broken, a mere shadow of the authority he once commanded.
Natasha's body jerked in a sudden startle when she heard the shotgun, and her eyes clenched shut, as if shielding herself from the inevitable horror that awaited her. Every muscle in her body tensed, bracing for the impact, but then, a familiar voice made itself present.
"Open your eyes, darling, it's over," you uttered, your voice trembling with the shock of what had just transpired.
Slowly, Natasha's eyes fluttered open. The room came into focus, and as her gaze fell upon you, the realization of what you did hit her immediately.
You then reached for the small monitor that was in your adoptive father’s pocket and unlocked the restraints that held Natasha captive. She carefully removed the tape on her mouth.
Her eyes glistened with shed tears as she threw herself into your arms, her body trembling against yours. The resentment and doubt she once had towards you seemed to dissolve in that moment whilst she held onto you as if her life depended on it.
"I thought I lost you," she whispered, her voice choked with tears and vulnerability.
You held her tightly, your own emotions spilling all over, "I'm here, Nat. This is me. This has always been me."
Her lips trembled, and she pressed them against yours, and in that single, stolen moment, the world around you ceased to exist. Time stood still as your lips met, fueled by a yearning that transcended mere physical desire. It was a fusion of souls, a merging of two hearts that had endured unimaginable pain and now reveled in the sweet taste of redemption.
"I love you," she whispered between kisses.
"I love you too," you murmured, and how unmatched was the feeling of being able to say it when there was no hint of uncertainty on the other side. "And as long as you allow me, I will do my best to keep showing it to you."
After securing the AI and taking down all the guards that prowled the place, you both emerged from the abandoned factory. Although the scars of the event would forever mark your souls, you knew that you had emerged stronger than ever.
Together, you would forge a new path, rewriting the narratives that had threatened to tear you apart, and embracing the love that had always been destined to bring you back together.
This was the accomplished mission that you both were most proud of. Especially because, in addition to having shared years of experiences, adventures, and everlasting memories, it was only a matter of time before you also shared the "Romanoff" last name.
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chatterbox-73 · 8 months
.Sugar Daddy Mummy.
Baby boy.
Eren Yaeger x fem!Reader
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This story is a smut story, I’ll more characters x reader one shots in the future and if you want to see a character please let me know.
You must be 18 years or older to read this...
Summary/inspiration/prompt: your a woman with too much money and a tendency to spend nights with handsome young men, hoping from one to another never being with the same guy twice, however one young man might just change that.
Word count: 1.3k
CW: NSFW and adult content, mummy kink, unprotected sex, oral (f!receiving) cream pie, drinking alcohol, modern au, swearing.
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You sat across from the young man on the other side of the glass table, he looked confident and relaxed but you could also see his leg nervously bouncing under the transparent table, “so what experience do you have with sex?” You asked taking a sip of your wine, the young man grabbed his beer and took a long gulp of the amber liquid, something he had made a habit of with every sip you took of your drink he’d mimic the action, “I’ve had some partners and a few one night hookups” he spoke unsure and you nodded, “very well and what was your age again?” You asked “22 ma’am” the man said and you nodded.
Normally you’d go for someone about ten years younger then you, so it was surprising that despite this guy being fifteen years younger then you, you were still willing to take him to bed, in all honesty it kind of made you feel like a pervert, but this guy was willing and it’d only be a one time thing. Taking a deep breath you stood and looked down at him, “let’s get started” you spoke as you grabbed your wine glass and bottle before leaving to the bedroom.
You sat in a large chair one leg draped over the arm on the chair while the other hung over Eren’s shoulder, his face buried into your cunt, you moaned and brushed your fingers through his long hair, “kiss it a little harder” you whined and felt his lips kiss roughly over your entry before his tongue invaded that space, “such a good boy” you moaned before bringing your wine glass to your lips taking a sip, you held the wine in your mouth before pulling Eren away from your cunt and looking down at him, you then opened his mouth and spat the alcohol into his mouth, the young brunette greedily swallowed the wine and hummed at its flavour, he then stood to his feet and spilled inside you, you whined at the feeling as he began grinding his hips into you, “good boy… you’re making me feel so good” you moaned and dropped your wine glass, Eren whined in response and pulled the leg you had over the arm of the chair onto his other shoulder, before he leant back and grabbed the wine bottle bringing it to his lips, the young man took a few large gulps before leaning down and spitting a mouthful of wine into mouth, wine slipped past your lips and ran down your neck and chest, you moaned at the taste.
You felt yourself falling into ecstasy as Eren began greedily lapping the wine off your chest, the young man whine as you squeeze him tightly, “I’m gonna cum” his voice cracked and your eyes fluttered shut, “don’t you dare… you’re not allowed to” you hummed out in shallow breaths, as your hands ran up into his long silky brown hair and pulling it, “ow… please… please let me cum” he whimpered in your ear, his thrusts becoming more forced and messy, “please… mummy I need it” he whined and his hands squeezed your thighs, his nails clawing at your soft skin. The feeling of the seat beneath you grow damp from the amount of mess you were making and the sound of wet skin clapping together made you begin to lose yourself again, you felt your legs tense and your cunt squeezing Eren so tight it forced his cock out of you, his cried out as he lost the warmth of your cunt, “mummy let me cum, I’m a good boy… let me cum in you… please” the man practically sobbed as he focused himself back in you, you bit your lip and shook your head ‘no’ and this caused the young man to go somewhat feral, his thrusts becoming hard and off rhythm, his hands moving down to your thighs so that his thumbs could hold your cunt open and not have the chance to force him out again.
“You’re not being fair… I’ve fucked you so good you’ve cum twice… please I need to fill you…” Eren yelled out his head resting on your shoulder, you took this opportunity to whisper into his ear, “you like my cunt that much, huh?… if you make a mess you’ll have to clean it” you stroked his hair and he whined, “I promise I’ll clean my mess… please… please mummy it hurts” he groaned and began pressing further into you, causing the chair to move and scrape against the floor, “god my cunt feels so good… I don’t think I want this to end” you chuckled through a moan “you know you’re being real selfish baby boy” you hummed and yanked at his hair, Eren moaned and dug his nails further into your skin, “if I don’t…” he heaved in a deep breath and lifted his head to look you dead in the eye, “fucking cum now, I’ll make you regret it…” he growled.
The young man looked animalistic, like a wolf about ready to rip its prey’s throat out, that feeling of ecstasy washed over you yet again and you pressed a rough kiss to his lips, “selfish bitch…” he hissed and you felt wetness seep out of you and onto the chair. “Is that anyway to speak to mummy?” You chuckled and Eren pressed his forehead against yours, “you’re being so mean… I’m desperate… your cunt is so wet and inviting, it’s begging for my cum” he groaned as his member began to twitch, you knew you could probably get him to hold on for a little longer but the way he whimpered and whined made him seem so pathetic, really it was quite the turn on and now you needed to see his face expressions and hear his sounds when he finishes, you grabbed the back of his neck and leaned next to his ear, “if you’re so desperate, then do it… cum baby” you whispered and suddenly Eren shuddered, his shoulders tenses and knees wobbled, as his hands squeezed and pinched your skin, you could feel his cock throb and pulse with each spurt of hot cum he ejaculated into you.
Eren pulled out and watched your hole as his cum began to leak out, it was hot and there was a lot, “you just gonna stand there, or you gonna take care of it?” You questioned with a smirk and the young man nodded and quickly walked off to the bathroom, before returning with a face towel, Eren got on his knees in front of you and began wiping you clean. “Should I run you a bath?” Eren asked as he looked around the room, you stood on shaky legs and placed a hand on his shoulder, “I can manage, you should go home… the money will be in your account tomorrow morning” you smiled and walked off to the bathroom, “we should do this again some time” Eren spoke just before you shut the bathroom door, “oh yeah” you teased and he swallowed, “no payment necessary, it felt good… to fuck you… too good…” he looked down at the ground and you watched his cock twitch, “come on baby… come help me clean up or make a bigger mess with me” you smiled and Eren quickly walked into the bathroom. It was a long night and when it was finally over you were almost sad to see Eren leave, but despite his wish of not wanting to be payed you felt it’d be a disservice to him if you didn’t, you transferred him an amount much larger then agreed upon before you began, and even decided to send him a bottle of the wine he was enjoying with you. Despite telling yourself you wouldn’t see him again, you might just have to break that rule.
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More from the ‘Sugar Daddy’ series:
Masterlist (coming soon)
Previous - Shota Aizawa : Price of consoling.
Next - Kastuki Bakugou : Home body.
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artemismoorea03 · 10 months
DPxDC Writing Prompt Idea
I have no idea if this has been done before but I just had this idea so if it has been done feel free to ignore this but I gotta share this.
So, I always see these prompts of different characters being related to different DC characters. For example I've seen some where people say that Tucker is related to Lucius Fox. Dash is related to Harley Quinn. Jack being related to Bruce Wayne. Danny related to Tim/Damian/Dick or any of the other Batfam but one I haven't seen before is one that I feel could be easily used.
Maddie Fenton is related to Jim Gordon.
Now, I've never seen this or even heard people talking about it and I can kind of understand why. Maddie is shown to have a sister but like - hear me out anyways.
Maddie has a cousin, she has met him a couple of times as a kid and only once as an adult when Danny was around 7. There wasn't any real reason for it, just a Family Reunion and an excuse to spend time as a family, something she often forgot to do when she was so determined to get the Ghost Portal open.
Her cousin is Jim and his daughter is a good ten years older than Danny. She had heard that Jim was quickly rising in rank in Gotham City and that his daughter - despite the occasional odd truancy issues - had her head on straight. Jazz also adored the older girl and followed her around the entire reunion, looking almost like Barbara's little sister.
Danny got closer to Jim than his daughter though, and started talking about things that he probably shouldn't have. After all, what 7 year old has a filter? What 7 year old knows not to mention the fact that sometimes their food attacks them or that Jazz is learning how to cook because sometimes mom and dad forget to feed them because their research is important. The more Danny talks the more concerned Jim gets, but he's also conflicted.
This is his cousin, the same cousin who the time Danny fell and scraped his knee peppered kisses on each and every one of his freckles on his face and danced with him until the pain stopped and then patched him up and danced with him again. This is family. He's sure that Danny is just... making things sound bigger than they are, as children do - at least he hopes that's the case.
But on the off chance that there is something going on he slips Jazz and Danny both his number and gives his cousin the same number in case anything came up.
As the years go on though Jim starts to see more red flags. Small things at first - Jazz asking how to change the batteries in a fire alarm. Danny calling to ask if pot-lids could be stuck in the microwave to cover rice. Basic questions that could be asked to a parent or a parent should be doing for their kids anyways. But whenever Jim asked about this the answer was the same.
"Mom and Dad are busy in the lab."
This continued for years until a call from Jazz one night seven years after he'd met them for the first time. She was crying and sobbing, her voice shaking as she tries to get the words out.
"Danny had an accident. Mom and dad aren't home, what do I do?"
Jim was 900 miles away, he had no way to get to them. No way to get him to them. So he did what he could and instructed her to hang up with him and call for an ambulance. Jazz was scared though, she didn't trust the doctors but thankfully Danny's voice could be heard.
The relief Jazz had when her brother woke up was enough to make Jim feel like he was going to throw up. The call ended shortly after that but he made sure to call a few days later and ask his cousin how Danny was doing.
"Danny? He's just fine!"
"That's good. He healed from the accident then?"
"What accident- oh, Jack no, that goes to the right - your other right. Jim, sorry I have to go. We can talk about this later, okay?"
Jim was appalled. Jazz had called him in tears, hyperventilating and Danny had been unconscious - Jazz though he was dead - and their parents didn't have any idea?
It was a little over a year later that he got another call. Just as frantic, just as scared, but much worse.
Danny was all but screaming in the back ground, voices were telling him to holds still and that they knew it hurt but he was bleeding out and he needed to hold still. Terrified, hurt, betrayed voices. Jazz again explained the situation, this time eerily calm.
"I can't go into details over the phone but we're coming to Gotham City to seek Asylum against a law that will get Danny killed. We need you to keep Batman off of our tails until Danny is healed. We'll handle everything from there."
"Healed? Healed from what?" Why did these calls always happen during work. "Jazz, what is happening? You have to give me something if I'm going to protect you guys."
"... My parents cut Danny open, Jim. They cut him open and he's hurt bad. Myself, Danny, and two of our friends are on our way to you now." Jim felt like his jaw hit the floor then snapped back up so hard it gave him whiplash as he sank back in his chair. "Before you ask; no. Hospitals aren't an option. Danny isn't a meta and they weren't violating any laws when they cut him open. Which is why we need you to keep Batman away from us for as long as possible. What... what Danny is shouldn't exist and if anybody gets a hold of him they'll cut him back open, turn him into a super weapon, or destroy him."
"Then why call me. I'm a police commissioner. What makes you sure you can trust me?"
"I'm not. Neither are the others with us but the only thing Danny has said since we saved him is 'Go to Jim'. We're following his lead on this. So... I'm trusting Danny, who has his full trust in you, Jim. Don't let him down."
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yrrtyrrtwhenihrrthrrt · 3 months
Drabble request /nf (also I love your work so much)
Ambrosius is gathering files for something important, when he sees one form and has a full blown panic attack, partially because he’s exhausted, and ballister helps him :) (movie)
Hi hi! Sorry this took a actually forever, but since I have finally finished my long-form Goldenheart fic (!!!!) I can finally start addressing the drabble requests that have been rotting in my drafts!! I'm excited to show the movie boys some attention, I missed them. Please enjoy, hope it was worth the wait!
Ambrosius’s breath caught in his throat. He'd been awake for days trying to sort through Institute garbage, and this new document he'd found just dragged him back into all that horror.
It was from the Director's previously classified personal files, and it was old, from back when he and Bal were children. He knew the Director was evil, he could accept that now, however much it hurt, but this was too much.
It was a detailed plan, spanning several years. Cursive notes were scribbled across it. Outlined in the plan were weaknesses and opportunities she'd observed to kill Ballister.
Ambrosius’s throat was dry. Ballister was only thirteen when this was drafted. Notes that read things like “Poor swimming ability– pool accident?” And “Visits Danks on occasion, staged kidnapping possible” as well as other horrific things bored into his soul. It looked like she'd abandoned the plans only because she expected Ballister to fail out before being knighted, and thus didn't want to spare the trouble.
He shoved the paper back into the folder. He couldn't let Bal see it, he'd already been through so fucking much. Ambrosius couldn't breathe. He ran through every time he'd ever spoken to Bal about the Director.
“Teacher's Pet,” to which Ballister had responded with hopeful eyes, “You think I'm her favorite?”
“No one hates a hero of the realm.”
“They're going to love you, like I do.”
“I'm sure she's only giving you a more challenging exam because she knows how much more skilled than the rest of us you are!”
“Nobody besides Todd and those other jerk have any doubt about you deserving to be here.”
“She loves you, you’re her best student, I'm sure you just imagined it.”
All the while, she was planning to kill him, a child. Ambrosius sobbed. This was all his fault. If he hadn't been such a privileged asshole, if he hadn't been so unwilling to acknowledge how the adults he trusted since infancy could be cruel, if he'd just listened to the love of his life, he wouldn't have had to endure such horrific trauma, things may have been solved sooner, he wouldn't have–
His arm would still be attached to his body. Ambrosius dismissed all his problems and fears and then joined up with the people punishing him. He'd cut off his arm! He'd cut off his arm and Ballister almost died!
Ambrosius felt like he couldn't breathe. Everything inside him hurt, and his breath quickened. Keep it together, don't let him find you like this, this isn't his problem, but shockingly that didn't work.
He was a horrible person, a horrible partner, a horrible knight, he deserved to fucking die.
“Rose?” That soft voice came from the doorway. “Rose!” Ballister hurried to his side and cupped his cheek. Ambrosius hid his face into his hand. He couldn't talk, he couldn't breathe, he was terrified and angry and miserable all at once, it was just too much.
Ballister rubbed his back and wrapped his arms around him, resting his head on his shoulder. “I'm here, Rose. I love you.”
Ambrosius sobbed and wiped his face. Despite himself, he wrapped Ballister tightly in his arms and flopped his face against his chest, shaking. “I-I’m so sorry–” he choked. Ballister squeezed him. “Rose, shh, don't you worry about anything right now. Take a deep breath for me. Come on, in.” He stroked his back.
Ambrosius took a shaky breath in, it felt awful.
“Good, out.”
Ambrosius tried to follow his love’s instructions. Why was he being so nice!? Ambrosius thought about little Ballister, thrashing for help, drowning in a pool after the Director closed the cover on him, and it felt like he was the one drowning. He imagined little Ballister getting thrown into a bag somewhere in the Danks and being done away with, or pushed off the wall during a training inspection, or any of the other horrible things he'd read. He'd trusted the Director. How could he ever trust anyone again?
“Ambrosius, look at me.” Ballister's voice was gentle but stern. He held Ambrosius's face to make eye contact. “I know it's hard to breathe, I know you're scared and you feel bad, but you've been overworking yourself going through these old records. This isn't your job! You need to sleep.”
Ambrosius shook his head. “No– No you can't– you can't look at these–”
“We'll find someone else to do it, then. This burden shouldn't have fallen to you.” Ballister helped him up and hugged him, and Ambrosius hugged back, still shaking with panic and grief. Having Ballister in his arms, though, it made him feel a bit better. His body was thick, muscular, warm and alive. As long as Ballister was okay, things would be okay.
“I'm going to bring you some water, and then I'll lie with you. Okay?”
Ambrosius swallowed. “Okay.”
Everything still sucked, he was still an awful person, but if Ballister loved him and wanted to cuddle, Ambrosius could never turn away his strong arms.
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Just a little bit of housekeeping. Bear with me.
You may call me Jackal. I'm an adult and literally do not give a hoot about what pronouns you use for me. I do not claim to be a good person. If I was a good person, this account would not exist. I am a civil and polite person, though, and I expect you all to be the same. I am a mechatronics major and previously a psychology major. The majority of the information I share here comes from some of the greatest minds to exist on this planet. Perhaps consider heeding it, especially if you have no formal education on the topic.
I do not write nor read most lolicon, incest, or bestiality content. I do not support pedophilia, incest, rape, or bestiality in real life. I do read lolicon of adult women with more youthful bodies, because that content helps me grow confidence in my own body, as I'm constantly mistaken to be a child despite being above the age of 18. I do hope all child-touchers, animal-fuckers, rapists, racists, and anybody else who harms a living thing out of ill will rots in jail. To reiterate, this account is strictly ANTI-CONTACT. You can't control paraphilias but you can control the harm they cause.
I do support the protection of all things fictional, because if we make the things a few people find morally wrong to be illegal, we've then already lost when the folks on top go after fiction supporting LGBT, non-christian religions, etc.
I also support the protection of vent pieces, even if that vent centers around things like pedophilia, rape, etc. I am proud of you for taking yet another step towards healing from abuse you suffered in the past and/or from the harmful paraphilias that you struggle with currently.
This account is built on the notion that any interaction will be productive and good-natured regardless of the involved parties. You are free to give your stance on why proship is bad...so long as you accept the fact that people are then welcome to debate back on why proship isn't bad. Any debates that turn hairy will be ended, however, healthy debate and challenging your beliefs is a wonderful way to continuously educate yourself.
Despite my account, I do not intend on forcing an belief on you. In fact, I greatly support that you look at both anti-proship and proship content, and make the effort to educate yourself as well as possible and determine what belief you truly belong to. There is no good in trapping yourself in an echo chamber.
You are free to submit any points as asks or submissions. So long as they are productive and good-natured, I will post them, regardless of what side they take. If they are not productive or good-natured, they will either be deleted, or I will post them to both clown on you for being an asshole and educate you the best I can on why anti-proship is a rather harmful belief system.
Feel free to draw my attention to any posts I haven't reblogged yet that would fit in to this blog. I'll look them over and reblog them.
Most posts will be reblogs, asks, and submissions. However, I may occasionally post my own thoughts. These will often be tagged with #jackal barks, but sometimes I will forget. Any hate comments will be simply tagged as #hatemail.
I have an alternate account called @proshitters-against-constipation . I use that blog to reblog content from antis and shower it in compliments. Look, it's funny watching them sob because a 'nasty, nasty person' gave them a genuine, heartfelt compliment.
Please just block this blog if uncomfortable with the content. It's very glitchy on my phone, so most of the time, tags are incredibly minimal. I will not hold anything against you for blocking the blog. The whole point is that you are the one responsible for curating your online existence. If you dislike incest ships, block em. Dislike noncon content, block it. Dislike the contents of this blog, block me. You control what you see, just as others control what they see. Curate your feed, don't curate others.
Thank you all for reading this, and remember, if you let them destroy the fiction you find morally despicable, then when they come for what you enjoy and support, you've already lost.
Ask/submission tagging system!
#pro stance - proshipper asks
#anti stance - antishipper asks
#no stance - asks of indeterminate standing
#birthday wishes - B O R T H
#hate mail - death threats and the like
If you actually scrolled down this far, have a fun, exciting, and inconclusive list of beings I would be down to smash:
•Stain (MHA)
•Overhaul (MHA)
•EVA-01 (NGE)
•EVA-02 (NGE)
•Xue Yang (MDZS)
•Kurloz Makara (Homestuck)
•u1146 (Cells At Work)
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kenphobia · 1 year
Hey hey neighbour!
Can I request a angst/comfort howdy or Frank/Eddie x reader?
Kinda want to sob over this puppets.
The reader is from our world and such, but sometimes reader can feel someone staring at their back. But once the reader is left alone Home decides to drag reader in and lock them up? Maybe some also decides to Injure the readeralot
But thank u for writing this! (If u do-)
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"let the maze of my design carry you on."
summary. frank decides to take his two beloveds on a picnic date! what could go wrong? (oneshot / 1.9k wc / read end notes)
contents. unreality, mentions of dissociation, implied mind-control, accidental gaslighting, local gay entomologist and butterfly enthusiast gets fucked over by a living house. ( n//fw blogs dni )
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"(Name), hold on!"
"Try and catch me, sucker!"
Eddie huffed, panting as he fell on the grass, his knees hit the ground with a soft thud. Atop the hill, (Name) stood proudly and grinning before taking a moment to blow a raspberry at the poor and tired mailman.
Frank smiled at the sight, their gaze diverting from their book and to their two lovers as they got closer and closer to them. It was a strange situation they had gotten into, but they were happy with what they got.
(Name) wasn't exactly like them, not like Eddie or anyone in town in fact. Though, they look similar to Wally and Julie, they oozed red substance instead of stuffing and their skin wasn't as soft and fuzzy as the rest. Various parts of them still continue to grow despite being an adult and their way of eating is ... strange to say the least.
But Frank doesn't mind it all. Sure, it was weird, seeing someone who looks like them but is more alike with a banana than anything, but they loved (Name) and couldn't resist falling for them. Eddie couldn't help it too, so they're not the only one.
Right now, they were having a picnic. Or at least, Frank's setting one up whilst Eddie get his revenge on (Name) with a tickle fight and (Name) was very much losing.
"Okay, okay! You win, I'm done so ple, he— PLEASE!" (Name) coughed, heaving as they try to swat away Eddie's wiggling fingers. "LET ME GO!!"
"Not after I did this!" Eddie laughed. He (Name) by their waist and pulled them down on his lap before attacking their face with kisses. Subtle orange smudges covered their face like a glaze over a masterpiece of a painting.
(Name) whined, "You got your kisses, let me go now! I might have flatten your legs."
Eddie planted a final kiss on the lips and buried his face in the crook of their neck. He held their hand within his and left a kiss of orange on an obvious spot, it looked brighter than the light pecks on (Name)'s face.
"Eddie!" (Name) shouted, catching Frank's attention who had been adjusting how the basket sits in the middle of the plaid red blanket.
The puppet only laughed in response, unwrapping his arms around (Name)'s waist. They got up, brushed their clothing off and clear of any dust and turned. Eddie's legs were, yes, flattened, but he easily shaped them back to normal and only wobbled slightly when he stood up.
"See? I'm perfectly fine! Nothing to worry about, love." Eddie ruffled their hair, smiling without a care in the world.
'But still though..."
Frank rolled their eyes playfully and beckoned Eddie and (Name) to come close with his hand. "Come on, you two. Let's eat, so you two can get back to goofing around."
(Name) and Eddie hurriedly ran to where Frank stood and finally start their picnic. Just before the hills were long, drawled out fields of plain grass and the blue, cloudless skies made their picnic more peaceful than ever.
Still, no matter how relaxing and wonderful the entire situation is, Frank couldn't shake off a weird, jittery feeling. Like something was wrong and that picnic was only the calm before the storm. In truth, they had planned this picnic because something was wrong with their lovers, especially (Name), though they hid under the impression of 'needing some bonding time together'.
Frank turned to look at Eddie who seemed well enough, even smiling more widely than usual and enjoying himself in general. Yet, when they turned to (Name), they were ... distracted. Their face held a look of lost, confusion, of distortion, and their eyes were blank and heavily clouded with an unknown feeling.
They always been liked this, always dissociating suddenly on the spot. Frank would understand, they do it too but not like the way (Name) does it. They sit there blankly, as if they just stopped working, living and was nothing more than a husk of they were before. The lights in their head had switched off that very moment and no one was there to respond.
Frank tried their best to listen throughout Eddie's long, tall tales, but they couldn't help looking over to (Name). They seemed to be somewhat listening too, nodding or shaking his head whenever Eddie asked them a question. The larger puppet didn't seem to notice the distant look in their eyes.
When grey took over the sky, they immediately packed up and ran back to the neighborhood as fast they could. And ran they did, arriving at Frank's place dry and safe from the curling thunders and the pouring rain.
As Eddie flopped down on the sofa, feeling awfully tired and parched from all of his long rambling, Frank quickly went to the kitchen to fetch him a glass.
They leaned down, placing a gentle hand on Eddie's shoulder and kissing his forehead. "You stay here and rest up while I get you something to drink, okay?" Frank whispered to his ear, to which Eddie mumbled a 'Thanks, Frankie' and smiled lazily.
"Do you need anything, (Name)?" Frank turned to their other lover who stood closely by the window, a little too close form how they were pressing their forehead on the glass. Frank furrowed their brows at this, worry rattling their mind once again. "...(Name)?"
Something in (Name) snapped, like a rubber band being let loose after being stretched for so long. They turned, still distracted as ever but now they look more alive than they were back at the picnic. "Y-Yes?"
"Do you want anything? Water? Something to eat?" Frank asked, walking up to them and reaching out for their hands, yet (Name) hid them behind their back and stepped back.
The human (as they like to call themself) shook their head, almost violently before offering a gentle, reassuring smile to Frank. "No... No, I'm fine. Thank you, Frank."
Depsite their words, Frank remained unsure but they didn't want to make them uncomfortable, so they nodded and smiled back in hopes to smooth out the strange tensity in the air. "Right, um, I'll be in the kitchen if you need me. Rest up, (Name)."
And so, Frank went to the kitchen, fixing up a glass of water for Eddie and coming back just as quick as they came in. But when they did, (Name) was gone and only Eddie remained on the couch, unmoving from the position Frank and left him in.
Frank frowned and handed Eddie his water. "Hey, Eds?"
The tired puppet hummed, taking a sip from his glass and glanced up to Frank. "Yeah?"
"Where's..." Frank looked around, checking for any sign of (Name) going to the bathroom or to their shared bedroom but uncovered nothing. They took a deep breath in. "Where's (Name)? They were here a while ago."
"(Name)? I thought they were with you?" Eddie raised his brow. He had completely drank all up the water and put it down on the coffee table, seemingly alarmed at Frank's sudden question.
"No, they weren't." Frank turned to the front door, walked up to it in a matter of seconds and went to unlock it. But it always been unlocked, from the moment Frank had touched the knob and the door opened with little to no difficulty, they knew something was wrong.
"...Frank?" Eddie called out from the living room. "Frank, what's wrong?" He had called out again, his tone growing persistently worried and sick.
Through the darkness of the night and storm, Frank could see a familiar silhouette stuck out in the middle of it all. A silhouette so familiar but so strange at the same time that Frank felt a strange feeling of falling, of dizziness, of vertigo.
And it felt sick.
"Frank? Frank! W-Where are you? Where's (N-Name)?" Eddie's voice grew farther and farther, and the warmth, the lights of Frank's home suddenly went out on itself. All they could see, feel and hear was nothing but a cold, bleak darkness and a buzzing noise that Frank soon learned to be TV static.
They also learned the figure was no other than (Name). Drenched in rain water, from head to toe, and looked more rugged than usual. They moved, walked and turned like a broken down marionette being dragged through the streets.
Frank couldn't move nor speak, they could only stand there as their beloved (Name), the bright and always sunny (Name) Eddie and they love, walk towards the very center of the neighborhood: Wally's home. Just Home.
They got closer and closer, and of course, Home opened a door for them. Frank wanted to scream, to shout and warn their lover to stay away from the wretched home that always looked and smelled too off for their liking, the very home that (Name) kept looking and staring each and every night.
But they can't, so they watched as (Name) went in and the door very, very slowly closed on them. Home looked at Frank with an almost mocking, hungry glint in its eyes before the lights finally reached Frank and warmth flooded their senses once again.
"Frankie, is there anything wrong?" Frank flinched slightly under Eddie's sudden hug, feeling his arms firmly but gently over their shoulders and the sudden weight of Eddie's head. "You suddenly got up and left..."
"G-Got up what now-?" Frank looked down, seeing they were dressed up in their sleeping gown and held a small, lit candle in their hands, providing as the only light within the dim hallway. "I— I saw (Name)! They went inside home a-and—!"
"Frank, calm down." Eddie squeezed their shoulders. His forehead creased as he frowned, Frank could sense worry and confusion all over their husband's face. "You're not making sense, what you do mean—?"
"(Name), Our lover! They went out into the rain, a-and Home got them. Don't you remember them?!" Frank hurriedly cut off Eddie, a sudden urge of energy spiked through them as the cold brushes against their soft, fleece skin.
Eddie's brows only furrowed further, the confusion in his eyes intensified. "Frank, I don't think we had another lover. I— Frank, are you okay? Have you been getting enough sleep?"
"Wha— Eddie, you know (Name). They were the new neighbor, we've been dating them for months already, don't you know?" Frank tried again, the accursed seeds of dread and fear began spreading through their gut as they prayed to any and every listening god out there for this entire night not to be true. That everything was just a bad dream.
Eddie shook Frank in his arms, his hold tighter and firmer than before. And though, Eddie had tried to still be gentle with the shorter puppet, Frank couldn't help but feel trapped, suffocated from just being in Eddie's hold. "Frank, we never had a new neighbor named (Name), we never had another lover. I— Are you sure you're okay? Are you sure that you're getting enough sleep?"
"Eddie, I—"
"Come on. Let's go to bed, okay? We can... We can talk about this tomorrow morning, does that sound okay with you?" Eddie smiled, his gaze has softened. The front door closed on them as Eddie led Frank to their bedroom, his grasp was less firm and his hand kneaded and rubbed circles on their back.
Frank simply nodded, exhaustion hitting them faster than they realized. They sluggishly nodded, their arms dropping to their sides in an instant. "Yeah, let's... Let's go to sleep." They agreed tiredly, looking back for a final time to only see a large, dark eye staring at them from the window.
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notes. so uh i did not see the hurt/comfort part but have this anon. i am sorry but no sorry because this is now one of my favorite fics.... hh kind of, i hated how i writed the first part of the fic and the end hshshshs AAA
but yeah, i love stealing characters' loved ones from them and writing their soul-crushing, nerve-popping, silly-goosing angst and trauma <333 (i am self projecting)
again, my inbox are always open for any requests or mindless chatter!! and any support is appreciated :]]
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cornyonmains · 9 months
Finished The Eclipse. I honestly feel like I had the right instinct to tune it out the first time, but I do think it's interesting in that you can really see the baby steps GMMTV was taking to grow up a little bit.
You can really look at The Eclipse and see a show where it's clear GMMTV really diminished its potential with a lot of its own standards, and to their credit, I think they stood back and took a hard enough look at it, the BL environment in general, and how absolutely hard fans were calling out their bullshit and decided to get real with Only Friends.
The Only Friends cast is heavily indicative of this being the case. GMMTV was gunning for elevated talent that knew how to play ball, and Neo, First, and Khao were all shining stars in The Eclipse, that blasted their scene partners out of the water. Force and Book are intensely unique, as they've always been shafted with bad scripts and sexually repressed directors, despite the fact they came into the game with a lot more professionalism and comfort with the material they were handling. The director didn't wind up sobbing in the corner because they refused to move their mouths when they kissed. They're also a much more 'modern' ship, that doesn't default on yaoi contrasts and that weird seme/uke binary. After the success of KinnPorsche, and popularity of MileApo, I think GMMTV finally saw the potential in this pairing. About time.
But the casting is very indicative of GMMTV kind of telling fans, "We've been listening, we hear you, and we're making changes." Only Friends corrects a lot of complaints the fandom has been having.
Adults, for example, don't have much in this genre. Part of the reason The Eclipse fell short for me is it's just another damn coming of age drama. Great for the baby gays, but the adults are over it. GMMTV gave us Neo eating Mark's ass like groceries then getting godless with Force in the backseat of a car, and I'll live 10 years on that alone.
The plot contrivances they have to cook up to keep everyone from doing anything but doing a cutaway kiss with no tongue in the final episode is no more, people are fucking nasty, so now there's room for actual plot, which is hilariously ironic. But also, it's not, because I mean the desire women have for horny softcore erotica with good plots and high production value is not unknown.
Queer women and bisexuals have been complaining about a lack of representation. At the core of these yaoi tropes is a world where bisexuality has no meaningful distinction from being gay, which is really annoying, because bisexuals have a much different experience in the queer community, and that's not reflected in a world where X amount of interpersonal communication can magically turn anyone gay. Queer women just don't exist in BL. Women are all straight virgins trying to steal your man. Only Friends has lesbians. Actual FDA approved lesbians. Are they fucking nasty? No, but it's something. We are allowed to exist in the world of Only Friends and that's HUGE.
People have been complaining about the cringe. Only Friends removed that and replaced it rage provoking stupidity by the characters, and I approve of that.
Anyways, analysis is what I do for a living. TV is well within the ballpark. So while I'm only basing my thoughts on what I've observed and not cold hard numbers, there's only so much insight I can provide, but it's insight backed by years of experience. With Only Friends posting absolute numbers, we can expect to see some structural changes at GMMTV on the horizon, because this is going to create growth. Probably even stimulate a search for new actors to get on their roster, since they have a lot of actors that won't be able to deliver going into the new era. I also think this is going to help them land sponsorships from atypical brands, which is BIG. Mile getting Maserati on board for KinnPorsche is part of what allowed it to exist in an elevated form.
I also think the success is going to result in a shake-up with the quality of writers they hire, because that's at the core of a lot of issues in BL. They adapt these novels from these absolutely unhinged lunatics, these lunatics have WAY too much creative power despite the fact they're low brow porn writers, and it kills the quality of a finished product. America doesn't do that. Directors have the power to elevate material, and that's important. GMMTV got a proper writer for Only Friends, and it paid off in a big way. Mame is one of the names I hate in BL the most. Her goo-goo gaga shit is creepy, I hate it, it makes queer people look bad, and I'm hoping writers like Jojo just drive her out of the scene.
Anyways, I'm going to end things here. I just wanted to share some random thoughts I had.
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svtellify · 10 months
link click abilities explained: triggers
cheng xiaoshi, lu guang and li tianxi both unlocked these abilities through some traumatic event as the trigger. cheng xiaoshi's parents just up and disappeared and we don't know much about why. lu guang's entire past is a mystery. tianxi is really the key to figuring this all out. when cheng xiaoshi dives into the photo, it's immediately clear that the connection is... off. in more ways than one. lu guang and cheng xiaoshi lose their connections with each other a LOT. it's almost like the photo itself is flickering to prevent them from figuring too much out - like there's something they can't see there.
more on that later.
at the end of the episode, cheng xiaoshi sees through tianxi's mom's pov. tianxi's beyond traumatized, even if you don't believe her sob story, we saw the past through the picture. it's understandable that such an event would be traumatizing but the mom's death makes no sense - she protected her kids no matter what.
if tianxi had already flickered into her mom (the only other person in the picture with herself) and swung the hammer - she would have killed her dad. and then distraught and also incredibly confused, she would have tried to fix it. but her brother already had a head injury and i doubt she would have realized what was happening. in that trauma, what if she meant to end her own life, but since she was in her mother's body, she ended it herself?
the only thing holding me back from committing to this idea fully is tianchen - and cheng xiaoshi.
tianchen meets a little boy who helps him get something out of the fountain - cheng xiaoshi. despite seeing through tianchen, cheng xiaoshi cannot see the little boy; and when he speaks, the kid doesn't sound like a kid but an adult? moreso, we never see the kid's face. i want to call this an almost orv fourth wall protection type buff on their abilities that prevents cheng xiaoshi from witnessing himself in their dives.
(part of me wonders if lu guang is also tianchen but he has no memories of being tianchen from that traumatic brain injury - hair can turn white from extreme stress too and the ages and sudden connection between these 2 in high school would be explained)
i'm guessing we'll have to wait and see for their backstories to unfold (i've only got one other theory until then and it's even wilder and incorporates qiao ling into it but. idk if anyone wants to read all that lol i'll definitely share if anyone's interested though) but until then, i do believe cheng xiaoshi, at the very least, witnessed li tianxi unlock her powers for the first time when she stepped into her mom by looking at the picture. the rest is up to shiguang to confirm or deny, of course.
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thebelladonnamoon · 1 year
Share your headcanons about Gwynriel children, pretty please??
Yes! Headcanons I have for the Gwynriel babies:
Despite being the last couple to get together, they are quick to have children.
The first pregnancy is a total surprise and Gwyn finds out one day when she can’t keep her favourite cake down. Azriel is away on a mission and Gwyn is apprehensive as she doesn’t know how he’ll react.
Of course, as soon as he winnows through the door and finds Gwyn cooking an unusual feast of roasted potatoes and stewed apple pie, Azriel just freezes.
He scents it immediately and Gwyn genuinely thinks he may be going into cardiac arrest for how still he becomes.
And then he just… bursts into tears. He runs to her so fast and then falls to his knees and fully sobs. Gwyn follows suit, coming down to the ground with him saying, “You’re not mad?” Az just blinks in shock before replying “Berdara, how could I ever be mad at you for giving me such a blessing?”
The shadows are naturally delighted and instantly turn into overprotective slithery hounds at any opportunity. They also like to wrap around her belly and report every. single. movement to Azriel.
For the first time in his entire life, he takes leave from work to be beside Gwyn through it all. He takes overprotective to a whole new level and whatever Gwyn wants, Gwyn gets. Chocolate cake at 2am? He’s on it. Daily massages and foot rubs? He’s the male for the job.
Gwyn insists on still training, which often leads to Azriel going unnecessarily easy on her, which then leads to her screaming at him.
True to his secretive nature, Az doesn’t tell anyone until she is well into her second trimester and even then, Rhys and Cassian find out by accident. They have a moment, Cassian obviously, is a blubbering mess.
Azriel reads every single book about pregnancy and fatherhood/parenting in an attempt to assuage his anxiety about becoming a father. He is an incredible father because of how seriously he takes the role.
Gwyn sings temple hymns to her tummy every night and whenever Azriel joins in, excited kicks ensue.
Because of his childhood, Azriel is obsessed with the nursery never being too small, dark or lonely. So he paints the nursery in a soft blue colour, builds a massive bookshelf for the whole wall and fills the room with toys, books and musical instruments.
Gwyn gives birth at Rosehall so Azriel’s mother can see her grandchildren being born. There is no shortage of decadent Illyrian food baked everyday for her.
The Children
They obviously name their girl after Gwyn's sister Catrin and the boys are named after their favourite authors because they are forever nerds at heart.
Their kids are genius level smart and can sing, play the piano, read at an adult literacy rate and fight like devils by the time they’re eight years old.
They have three children: twins (boy and girl) first and a baby boy later on.
The Twins: A girl (Catrin) with dark hair and hazel eyes who is cheeky and a total trouble maker and a boy with copper hair and turquoise eyes who is shy, gentle and quiet.
Catrin is a natural at espionage and is known for being able to pick even the toughest locks/break the strongest wards and sneak into forbidden places.
Catrin, Nyx and Nessian’s eldest daughter are best friends and end up giving the bat boys a run for their money with how much trouble they get in. (Whatever you do, don’t bring up the time the trio managed to steal one of Helion’s pegasi and fly to the Middle on a dare and especially don’t mention the time they caught Bryaxis and almost got eaten in the process).
The twin boy, who is very much the quiet/intelligent strategist type, has an academic rivals to lovers relationship with Feysands daughter.
Their joint competitive streaks, differing philosophical outlooks and general poor tempers make for perfect tension. Total Anthony and Kate from bridgerton vibes.
The baby boy is born a few years later and is the spitting image of Azriel - and he has wings! Being the youngest of the lot, he often feels left out and lonely.
He ends up running away to the training camps to have an Illyrian education because he idolises Nyx and wants to prove himself to his father despite Azriel never wanting them near Illyria.
He totally has a friends to lovers romance with a male Illyrian warrior he meets at the training camps and you can’t tell me otherwise. ((Their siphons match))
Azriel’s mother ADORES them and having grandchildren gives her the courage to leave Rosehall occasionally to travel to Velaris for Winter Solstice. Admittedly, she has a soft spot for the youngest, but she’d never say so.
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nectardaddy · 4 months
Thirteen Years [Porco Galliard x reader] 1
** This story will involve some level of spoilers, please proceed with caution. Also a lot of this story involves adult scenarios (i.e.: war, blood, gore, death, etc...) Despite this, I will try my best to balance out dark themes with more soft, wholesome ones. Please enjoy!
NOTE: this story is on Wattpad as well I AM THE AUTHOR
Prologue Seven years ago
Things were scattered across the wooden floor in a frenzy: cups, plates, cutlery, papers, chairs, all laid on the floor, some pieces broken and cracked. His older sibling tried to stop the boy's rampage; however, you stayed put and watched. Porco's pale knuckles were bloody and bruised from throwing and hitting everything in sight. All the young boy could see at the moment was red. You watched as his older brother finally got hold of him, grabbing him in a hug and not letting go. Porco struggled against it, his fit of rage unending from the yellow armband that should've been red. You couldn't seem to move as you watched the scene in front of you unfold; Porco's thrashing around, eagerly trying to escape his brother's grip, seemed to have no end in sight. 
"It's not fair!" He screamed, "Reiner never deserved the Armor and everyone knows it!" The young boy's voice cracked at the end, holding back tears as he continued to yell. Grey eyes locked with yours as he struggled against his brother - the pain was evident. Marcel tried to ease his brother's anger; telling him it was alright, he could live a longer life, and he would still be an honorary Marleyan, but the blonde wouldn't listen. He was so young and full of hope, but it was stripped away from him when he was forced to keep the yellow arm band. Forced to remain a candidate. 
"Let him go," you mumbled, catching Marcel's attention. But he ignored you, his brother was still in no state to be released. "I said let him go, Marcel," you spoke firmly. Your words held a certain authority that frightened him, and he hesitantly let his younger brother go. But the blonde's rage wasn't over, his eyes flickered to his brother who took a step back from him. His brother who now had a red armband, just like the five other candidates - except him. His pale hands met with his brother's chest and shoved him, Marcel being pushed into the table. Finally, you took a step forward, and another, until you were in front of the younger brother who was staring down the eldest. 
You wrapped your arms around the male, embracing him. It wasn't harsh, nor rough, you held him gently, hugging him. You felt the boy's body suddenly tense from your action, he was taken back. But this was the final crack in the dam that held back his tears. He didn't reciprocate your embrace, but he welcomed it as hot tears began to roll down his cheeks. A small sob racked his body before he leaned his head on your shoulder, the sleeve of your shirt becoming damp. You held him a bit tighter as he cried, he had never shown this amount of emotion in front of you, or anyone, before. You stayed silent, as did his brother, and let the boy cry out his pent up emotions. "I have to spend the next thirteen years alone. . ." he cried. 
His words made you pull away, the suddenness of it taking him by surprise. His eyes were red and his cheeks wet with tears as he looked at you. "You have me," you spoke quietly, "just because I wasn't a candidate doesn't make me any less of your friend. I'll still be here." 
1 Present Day 
The red armband he wore was in stark contrast to your own gray one as you walked side by side. The street was dirty and unkept, having to step over litter every now and then. The buildings you passed were the same, they were old and run down. The internment zone was nothing like the outside; however, you couldn't remember how beautiful the outside was. The only time you saw the world beyond the gates was at six years old; the Warrior program allowed Eldian children the chance of inheriting the power of the Titans - you however did not make the cut. Long days of running, fighting, and training resulted only in returning back home, not a candidate and not an honorary Marleyan. 
But the young man beside you was different in all regard, he was a Warrior, an honorary Marleyan, he held the power of the Jaw Titan. You held nothing at all, only the misery of forever being second-class. But the male beside you felt nothing but grief, despite getting what he had always wanted. The death of his brother made him realize just how cruel the world was, and he dreaded the day that he had to see the memories of the girl before him devour his older sibling. 
"I'm glad they're giving you a small break from training, I never really see you anymore," you stated and he was pulled from his thoughts. Your statement held truth, he rarely saw his friends and family in the internment zone. He was constantly surrounded by Marleyan soldiers or the other Warriors as he trained, learning to make the power of the Jaw his own. He no longer had the luxury of fooling around like he used to. He no longer had the time to be in your company, something he learned to enjoy over the years before.
"It's good to see you again, (Y/n)," his words were soft in contrast to his appearance. The male held a standoffish aura around him, his face blank, and his hands in his pockets. "How long has it been, exactly?" He asked, his grey eyes now flicking to you.
"Around two months," your quick reply took him by surprise. He turned his gaze to the path in front of him, leading no where in particular. He let a hum pass his lips as he kept walking. He didn't know it had been that long. He trained every day and rarely ever could tell what day it was anymore, he truly didn't now that many days had passed. He knew you missed him, a part of him missed you as well. You were the only one capable of sticking around all these years, and he had grown accustomed to seeing you regularly.
The time spent apart wore on him, even though it was a short time, so much had happened within the two months. He didn't know what to say, what to talk about, or how to act. Thoughts that were drilled into him him from the brass overwhelmed the thoughts of small talk and friendship. "How are you doing?" His words didn't hold the same confidence as before, he felt like a stranger to you.
"I could ask the same to you, Pock," you sighed. His nickname brought back memories he had forgotten, or placed in the back of his mind. The flood of memories played out in his mind and he stayed silent, letting his thoughts run wild. You had first heard the nickname from Marcel, hearing him tease his brother until the name slipped. You copied Marcel, earning a glare and a curt "shut up," from Porco. From then on the name stuck with you.
"I'm just tired," he spoke and kicked a small rock in front of him. Despite the truth in his statement, fatigue wasn't the only thing troubling him. He felt lost. He didn't quite grasp how to separate his "job" from his home, something his fellow Warriors seemed to understand. The drastic change in lifestyle was something he hadn't settled with; training as a candidate was much different than training as a Titan. As a candidate, he had more time at home - especially in the years of not being selected - but now he barely saw his home. He'd come home late, or not at all, then be up again in the early hours of the morning. He had forgotten how to relax.
"So much has happened in such a short time, I'm just trying to keep up," he admitted. "This is a well needed break." He sighed at his own words, he hoped to feel one with himself again after the few days he had off.
"A well deserved break as well," you added. "You look exhausted," you commented on his state. His eyes were dark and tired, his hair wasn't as pristine as usual, and his uniform looked slightly disheveled. He didn't look as put together as usual and it worried you. "They're working you too hard." 
"You might be right, but they have every reason to. There are rumors of going to war with the Mid-East Alliance, and we can't afford to be down another Titan, we've already lost two." The young man was no longer as cheerful as he once was, though he never had a bubbly personality, he was able to find joy in things but now that seemed to be forgotten. The rumors of war terrified you, you were at the age to be selected to fight - Eldians were more than expendable and the Marleyans would use every last one if they had to. 
Although the idea scared you, you pushed it to the back of your mind, "try not to think about that right now. It'll only wear on you more, just try to make the most of your time off." You spoke with a soft smile and looked over to him, trying to ease the war inside of him. "Since you finally have the time, we should look at the stars like we did when we were kids. Try not to lose the ladder this time though," you joked, bringing up past memories. 
The memory made his lips pull into a small smile. He and his brother would climb to the roof of their small house every night to look at the stars; Marcel was the one who taught him the constellations. You soon joined their nightly ritual, Marcel inviting you; imagining you climbing up the ladder to the roof every night without fail made him happy. The memory you had spoken of would make him laugh if he were by himself, his own idiocy getting the best of him. 
It was late at night and you all had decided to get some rest. Porco decided he would go down first, not yet learning the importance of patience with his peers. His foot slipped on the top rung and he pulled himself back onto the roof before the ladder clattered the ground. 
"What was that? Did you get scared, Pock?" His brother teased, seeing his younger brother's wide eyes. The eldest walked over to the edge of the roof where the youngest was and looked down, "Porco! You didn't!" He yelled as he looked down at the ladder that now rested on the ground. 
"Shut up Marcel! I didn't mean to!" He yelled back. The yelling peaked your interest and you joined the boys on the edge and looked down. You couldn't help but laugh at the situation, even if it meant you were stuck. "Stop laughing! It's not funny, you idiot!" 
But you didn't, his outburst only made you giggle more. "I thought you'd both be smarter than this, being Warrior candidates and all." You commented, earning a huff from the brothers. "Someone can pick it up in the morning. It's warm tonight, we won't die up here or anything." 
"You will never let go of that will you?" He asked rhetorically, already knowing the answer. "Hell, I might do it again for old times sake," he spoke with a smile. This was what he missed in the two months of training: talking to you and joking around. He felt like this was the rhythm he was supposed to be in, but he was still a few beats off. 
You chuckled, "I don't think people will be as willing to help. When we were kids it was endearing and cute, but we're older now, they might just think we're out right stupid." You looked over to him and sighed silently; this was the Porco you earnestly wished to see again. You missed the sentimental young man, not the one you were met with before. The one you met today was cold and beaten, tired and bruised; it made your heart ache. You were glad to see a piece of himself was still there under the rough exterior. 
"Especially if Zeke is the one the get the ladder again," he groaned.
The three of you grabbed onto the edge of the roof and leaned over just enough to peer down. It was the early hours of the morning, and the only ones awake would be those in the Warrior program. You patiently waited for the young Yaeger boy to turn the corner and appear on the path that the Galliard family lived on. Zeke took the path every day to join with both Galliard brothers in the morning on the walk to the gate; today was no different. 
"There he is!" You yelled and pointed to the blonde with glasses who had turned the corner. 
"Well it took you long enough didn't it!" Porco yelled to the young boy on the ground. Confusion was written on the boy's face as he looked around to see where the voice came from, but was met with no one on the ground. "Up here!" The glasses clad male finally looked up and cocked his head, seeing all three of you on the roof. He looked back down to see the ladder on the ground and finally pieced together why his comrades were up there. The young man burst into a fit of laughter upon looking back up.  
"Please! Please tell me you're stuck!" In between laughs, "this is too good, I'm telling everyone about this!" 
"Can you please just prop the ladder up Zeke? We don't want to be late," the eldest brother explained. In contrast, Porco sat with his arms crossed and huffed at the laughter from below. 
"Who got you stuck?" He asked, now holding his stomach from giggling and laughing. "Wait, wait! Lemme' guess! It was definitely Pock, wasn't it?" 
"Don't call me that, halfwit! Get the damn ladder so we can go!" Porco yelled.
His outburst only made Zeke laugh harder, "what's the magic word, Galliard?" 
"The magic word is get the ladder before I break your arm!" 
You laughed at the memory, "then let's not drop the ladder this time then." Your laughter slowly stopped before you looked to him. "I'll see you tonight then on the roof?" You asked, hoping to get the answer you wanted. You wanted to see him more, to speak with him, to spend time with him again. You couldn't quite understand it, but you wanted to be in his presence. Unbeknownst to you, he felt similarly. A part of him couldn't let the thought of you go, you were always there in the back of his mind. 
"Yeah, I'll see you then," he agreed. He needed the familiarity again, his life changed so suddenly and all he wanted around him where things he knew well and could understand. You were one of them. Other than his parents, you were the one that felt most like home. Not a Warrior, not a candidate, you were simply Eldian - what he needed. 
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