#deam Winchester
shy-blue-blossom · 2 years
Dean Winchester
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Dean Winchester was waiting outside an operating room where his long-term, pregnant girlfriend was. While he was on a hunt and told her to stay in the bunker, she decided to go out and got injured. She was seven months going on eight, and all Dean could think about was his two girls; he was having a little girl. Soon he sat down as he was getting dizzy. Not long after, a doctor came out and shook his head when he was walking out of the room.
"How is she?" Dean jumped to ask as he stood up and walked over to him.
"We couldn't do much for you, girlfriend. I'm sorry." The doctor said while hanging there head slightly.
"What about my daughter?" Dean desperately asked him.
A small smile made its way onto the doctor's face and told him that she would live. He had a nurse show him the way to where the nursery where they had taken his little girl. When they got there, the nurse pointed out the baby in an incubator, and they explained that they wanted to keep her there for a week or two. They also asked for a name.
"Y/n. Y/n Winchester."
A couple of weeks later, Dean was allowed to take y/n home, and when he was outside with her, he couldn't take his eyes off her. Sam, who was with him, drove them home, eager to see his niece up close instead of behind glass.
After a couple of months, Dean had her in a pink onesie and her cuddling up to a teddy blanket; he couldn't help but say something he felt he should have said sooner.
"I promise I will keep you safe, and I won't fail you like I did your mother, y/n." He said while lying down next to her and kissing her forehead.
Four years later.
Dean was sitting on the sofa in the bunker when he heard the door opening and closing with a giggle he loved and would know anywhere. Soon his little girl with green eyes like himself, but she had her mother h/c hair, walked into the living room with white roses and Sam following close behind her.
With a grin, she walked over to her daddy and handed them to him. Surprised, he looked at her and raised an eyebrow, which she giggled at, and soon smiled at her. After putting the roses down, he picked her up and placed her on his lap while he hugged her. They stayed like that, and Dean couldn't have been happier.
The end.
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effyday · 2 years
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jayjay-thejet-plane · 4 months
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The Winchester Brothers and the Case of the Mysterious Pretty Pink Panties
…anyone else remember rhonda hurley?
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suncaptor · 2 years
about to make the worst post ever but imagine if the samulet is actually cursed to send the wearer to Hell and that's why Dean went to Hell in s3 and why Sam did in s5 after wearing it while Dean was in Hell/keeping it post 5x16.
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assbuttboyfriends · 1 year
Aurélie & I were able to speak with Jojo and they are so so nice and sweet 🥰
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notinthislife50 · 2 years
Chapter 10
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You and Sam sat in the motel room talking to Dean over the phone, "you know I'm only guilty my association" you smirked making yourself loud enough so Dean would hear. "False alarm" Sam sighed. "See. Nothing to worry about." Dean gloated. "Yeah, being fugitives? Frigging dance party." Sam groaned. "Hey man, chicks dig the danger vibe." Dean laughed. "No, we really don't " you tried to convince him. Sam interrupted your conversation telling Dean you were pretty sure you were hunting a Djinn. A freaking genie?" Dean laughed. "Yeah." Sam was seriously. "You think these suckers can really grant wishes?" Deans tone was light. You couldn't help but roll your eyes. This man takes nothing serious. “So uh, where do the Djinns lair up?” A serious question was finally asked by the older Winchester. "Ruins usually" you confirmed flipping through the book "Bigger the better, more places to hide." " You know, I think I saw a place a couple miles back. I'm gonna go check it out." Dean nodded his head in thought. "Dean not by yourself " you warned. "Ahh y/n you care what happens to me " he laughed. "Listen here you jerk, if you get your self hurt I will break every limb in your body, got it?" "So violent, I like it" he laughed "I'll call you in a bit Pikachu, love you" "Yea yea love you too you big moron" you laughed. You lowered your hand with the phone in it and sighed looking at Sam he gave you the I know look. "Sam I need to go back to the bar. Jo and Ellen are both heading out on a hunt and I promised them I would look after the bar." You sounded conflicted. "Go y/n,  it's just a Djinn, we will have it taken care of in no time." Sam comforted. Dean woke up and found you lying beside him. He couldn't have been more thankful until he looked around the room. This wasn't the motel you guys were in a few hours ago. Dean quietly slipped out of the bed as not to wake you and took out his phone and rang Sam. Dean? Sam? “What's going on?” Sam questioned. " I don't know where I am." Dean panicked. What happened? "The Djinn. It attacked me." Dean confirmed "The gin? You're ... drinking gin?" Sam questioned "Dean, are you drunk? You're drunk-dialing me?" "No, asshat. The Djinn. The scary creature, Remember? It put its hand on me and then I woke up next to a very naked y/n, which I'm not complaining.." Dean went quiet lost in thought. "So" Said a very annoyed Sam. "So?, well it wasn't a crappy motel, it was an actual house Sammy with an actual bed" Dean cut off again as he looked in disbelief at the letters in front of him. " Lawerence, I'm in Lawrence?"Dean asked himself. "Wait is this meant to be my house?" "Look, it's late. All right, just get some sleep and I'll see you tomorrow. OK?" Sam said hanging up the phone laughing and shutting his book, criminal law and procedure. As Dean was looking around at the photos of you and him in your supposed living room. He came across one that made him dash out the door. Back in the real world. You were busy laughing with a few of the customers when you heard Ash call you from behind the bar. "Hey y/n, as much as I love lep zeppelin if your phone rings one more time I'm going to throw it in the dish washer." "Fuck sake Ash you could have told me the first time it rang" you rolled your eyes. "Yea but the first few times I was too busy enjoying the song" he shrugged. "This family makes me want to murder people" you groaned out loud. You picked up your phone and sighed at the amount of missed calls, this wasn't going to be good. "Sam I'm so sorry" you started "Y/n I need you to come back Deans missing I think the Djinn has him." He panicked. "No problem Sammy I'm on my way" Deans world. As Dean sat at the step of his mums house drinking a beer and looking proudly at the mowed lawn he watched the car pull in front of the house. He spots you smiling at him and can't help but smile back. He really does have everything. His smile fades as you step out of car and his eyes roam to your stomach. "Dean Winchester, you better have a good excuse for leaving your pregnant wife at home and have her worried sick about you" you smile and as you reach him you stand on your tip toes and kiss him. When he doesn't respond you step back and look at him with concern on your face you ask, "Dean are you okay? Did I do something, I know with the pregnancy I'm a bit unpredictable" "No, no everything is fine " he hugged you trying yo reassure you. But then he caught sight of the other car pulling up. "I don't believe it." Dean smiled. He let go of you and walked down to greet Jessica and Sam. "Jessica." Dean exclaimed throwing his arms around her. " Good to see you too Dean. Can't breathe, " Jessica gasped. "Sammy." Dean smiled wide. "Hey." Which was all that came from Sam. As you walked down to meet the couple or maybe more waddled, Jessica threw her arms around you. "Hey y/n, how are you hows the little one?" "We are all good" you hugged her back and smiled. "She whispered in your ear "is Dean okay?" "Honestly I've no idea, " you said nervously. As Jessica broke your hug you were then enveloped by Sam. "Hey sammy" you whispered. "Hey my niece or nephew being good" he laughed. "Well they are a Winchester definitely going to be a little trouble maker" you elbowed him in the side jokingly. " Look at you. You're with Jessica, I don't believe it." Dean interrupted you both. "Yeah." Sam raised his eyebrow. " I see you started off Mom's birthday with a bang, as usual." "Wait. Mom's birthday, that's, today?" "Yeah, sweetheart That's today. That's why we're here." You nodded. " Don't tell me you forgot." Sam scoffed At the restaurant you all raised your glasses and washed Mary a happy birthday. Dean was like a Cheshire cat. He was happy. As he watched Sam and Jessica kissing he thought he would burst. His thoughts were interrupted by you. " I was really worried about you last night." You squeezed his hand. " I'm good. I'm really good." He patted the back of your hand. "Okay. " you nodded "What do you say, later we get cheeseburgers? Me and the baby need some real food" you winked. "Oh God, yes.  How did I end up with such a cool chick?" Dean laughed this y/n really was the exact the same as his other y/n. He kissed your forehead. "Just got low standards." You laughed Dean laughed and kissed you this really was his y/n. " All right. Jess and I actually have another surprise for Mom's birthday. " Sam stood up and lifting Jessica's hand he showed everyone the ring. Mary and you both screamed in delight and rushed to hug Jessica. You then turned and squeezed Sam. "This is amazing Sammy, and about time I was just about to tell this woman to leave you, if you didn't purpose soon" you laughed hugging him again. Back at Mary's house you were all seated in the living room. Mary then called it a night and headed up to bed. Sam then turned to Jessica and asked "are you ready for bed too?" Jessica nodded in agreement. "Wait a second. Come on, it's not even nine o'clock yet. Let's go have a drink or something and celebrate" Dean protested. "Yeah, maybe another time." Sam smiled politely / Come on, man. Look at us. We both have beautiful women on our arms. You're engaged i have a baby on the way if that's not something to celebrate what is?" Dean tried to convince Sam. Sam looked at you and Jessica " Guys, can you excuse us? I just want to talk to my brother for a sec." "Sure." You both nodded. "Jessica you wouldn't mind helping me waddle up the stairs" you asked and you both laughed and left the room. " Okay. What's gotten into you?" Sam demanded. "What do you mean?" "I mean this whole warm, fuzzy ecstasy-trip thing." Sam continued. "I'm just happy for you, Sammy." "Yeah, right. That's another thing. Since when do you call me Sammy?  Dean, come on. We don't talk outside of holidays." Sam pointed out. "We don't? Well, we should. I mean, you're my brother and you and y/n seem pretty close" Dean sounded hurt. "You're my brother"? Sam laughed "Yeah." Dean confirmed "You know, that's what you said when you snaked my ATM card, or when you bailed on my graduation, or when you hooked up with Rachel Nave." Sam argued. "Who?" Dean sounded confused. "Uh, my prom date. On prom night." Sam said angrily. " Yeah, that does kinda sound like me. Well, hey man, I'm sorry about all that. " Dean tried to comfort Sam. " No, look, that's all right man,  I'm not asking you to change. I guess we just don't really have anything in common. You know? And the reason why I am close with y/n as she actually makes an effort to stay kYou and Sam  sat in a motel room, "you know I'm only guilty my association" you smirked making yourself loud enough so Dean would hear. "False alarm" Sam sighed. "See. Nothing to worry about." Dean gloated. "Yeah, being fugitives? Frigging dance party." Sam groaned. "Hey man, chicks dig the danger vibe." Dean laughed. "No, we really don't " you tried to convince him. Sam interrupted your conversation telling Dean you were pretty sure you were hunting a Djinn. A freaking genie?" Dean laughed. "Yeah." Sam was seriously. "You think these suckers can really grant wishes?" Deans tone was light. You couldn't help but roll your eyes. This man takes nothing serious. "So uh, where do the Djinns lair up? A serious question was finally asked by the older Winchester. "Ruins usually" you confirmed flipping through the book "Bigger the better, more places to hide." " You know, I think I saw a place a couple miles back. I'm gonna go check it out." Dean nodding his his head in thought. "Dean not by yourself " you warned. "Ahh y/n you care what happenes to me " he laughed. "Listen here you jerk, if you get your self hurt I will break every limb in your body, got it?" "So violent, I like it" he laughed "I'll call you in a bit pikachu, love you" "Yea yea love you too you big moron" you laughed. You lowered your hand with the phone in it and sighed  looking at Sam he gave you the I know look. "Sam I need to go back. Jo and Ellen are both heading out on a hunt and I promised them I would like after the bar." You sounded conflicted. "Go y/n it's just a Djinn, we will have it taken care of in no time." Sam comforted. Dean woke up and found you lying beside him. He couldn't have been more thankful until he looked around the room. This wasn't the motel you guys were in a few hours ago. Dean quietly slipped out of the bed as not to warke you and took out his phone and rang Sam. Dean? Sam? What's going on? Sam questioned. " I don't know where I am." Dean panicked What happened? "The Djinn. It attacked me." Dean confirmed "The gin? You're ... drinking gin?" Sam questioned "Dean, are you drunk? You're drunk-dialing me?" "No, asshat. The Djinn. The scary creature, Remember? It put its hand on me and then I woke up next to a very naked y/n, which I'm not complaining.." Dean went quiet lost in thought. "So" Said a very annoyed Sam. "So?, well it wasn't a crappy motel, it was an actual house Sammy with an actual bed" Dean cut off again as he looked in disbelief at the letters in front of him. " Lawerence, I'm in Lawrence?"Dean asked himself. "Wait is this meant to be my house" "Look, it's late. All right, just get some sleep and I'll see you tomorrow. OK?" Sam said hanging up the phone laughing and shutting his book, criminal law and procedure. As Dean was looking around at the photos of you and him in your supposed living room. He came across one that made him dash out the door. Back in the real world. You were busy laughing with a few of the customers when you heard Ash call at you from behind the bar. "Hey y/n, as much as I love lep zeppelin if your phone rings one more time I'm going to throw it in the dish washer." "Fuck sake Ash you could have told me the first time it rang" you rolled your eyes. "Yea but the first few times I was too busy enjoying the song" he shrugged. "This family makes me want to murder people" you groaned out loud. You picked up your phoned and sighed at the amount of missed calls, this wasn't going to be good. "Sam I'm so sorry" you started "Y/n I need you to come Deans missing I think the Djinn has him." He panicked "No problem Sammy I'm on my way" Deans world. As Dean sat at the step of his mums house drinking a beer and looking proudly at the mowed lawn he watched the car pull in in front of the house. He spots you smiling at him and can't help but smile back. He really does have everything. His smile fades as you step out of car and his eyes roam to your stomach. "Dean Winchester, you better have a good excuse for leaving your pregnant wife at home and have her worried sick about you" you smile and as you reach him you stand on your tip toes and kiss him. When he doesny respond you step back and look at him woth concern on your face you ask "Dean are you okay? Did I do something, I know with the pregnancy I'm a bit unpredictable" "No, no everything is fine " he hugged you trying yo reassure you. But then he caught sight of the other car pulling up. "I don't believe it." Dean smiled He let go of you and walked down to greet Jessica and Sam. "Jessica." Dean exclaimed throwing his arms around her. " Good to see you too Dean.Can't breathe, " Jessica gasped. "Sammy." Dean smiled wide "Hey." Which was all that came from Sam. As you walked down to meet the couple or maybe more waddled, Jessica threw her arms around you. "Hey y/n, how are you hows the little one?" "We are all good" you hugged her back and smiled. "She whispered in your ear "is Dean okay?" "Honestly I've no idea, " you said nervously. As Jessica broke your hug you were then enveloped by Sam. "Hey sammy" you whispered. "Hey my niece or nephew being good" he laughed. "Well they are a Winchester definitely going to be a little trouble maker" you elbowed him in the side jokingly. " Look at you. You're with Jessica, I don't believe it." Dean interrupted you both. "Yeah." Sam raised his eyebrow. " I see you started off Mom's birthday with a bang, as usual." "Wait. Mom's birthday, that's, today?" "Yeah, sweetheart That's today. That's why we're here." You nodded " Don't tell me you forgot." Sam scoffed At the restaurant you all raised your glasses and washed Mary a happy birthday. Dean was like a Cheshire cat. He was happy. As he watched Sam and Jessica kissing he thought he would burst. His thoughts were interrupted by you. " I was really worried about you last night." You squeezed his hand. " I'm good. I'm really good." He patted the back of your hand. "Okay. " you nodded "What do you say, later we get cheeseburgers? Me and the baby need some real food" you winked. "Oh God, yes.  How did I end up with such a cool chick?" Dean laughed this y/n really was the exact the same as his other y/n. He kissed your forehead. "Just got low standards." You laughed Dean laughed and kissed you this really was his y/n " All right. Jess and I actually have another surprise for Mom's birthday. " Sam stood up and lifting Jessica's hand he showed everyone the ring Mary and you both screamed in delight and rushed to hug Jessica. You then turned and squeezed Sam. "This is amazing Sammy, and about time I was just about to tell this woman to leave you, if you didn't purpose soon" you laughed hugging him again. Back at Mary's house you were all seated in the living room. Mary then called it a night and headed up to bed. Sam then turned to Jessica and asked "are you ready for bed too?" Jessica nodded in agreement. "Wait a second. Come on, it's not even nine o'clock yet. Let's go have a drink or something and celebrate" Dean protested  "Yeah, maybe another time." Sam smiled politely  Come on, man. Look at us. We both have beautiful women on our arms. You're engaged i have a baby on the way if thats not something to celebrate what is?" Dean tried to convince Sam. Sam looked at you and Jessica " Guys, can you excuse us? I just want to talk to my brother for a sec." "Sure." You both nodded "Jessica you wouldn't mind helping me waddle up the stairs" you asked and you both laughed and left the room. " Okay. What's gotten into you?" Sam demanded. "What do you mean?" "I mean this whole warm, fuzzy ecstasy-trip thing." Sam continued. "I'm just happy for you, Sammy." "Yeah, right. That's another thing. Since when do you call me Sammy?  Dean, come on. We don't talk outside of holidays." Sam pointed out. "We don't? Well, we should. I mean, you're my brother and you and y/n seem pretty close" Dean sounded hurt. "You're my brother"? Sam laughed "Yeah." Dean confirmed "You know, that's what you said when you snaked my ATM card, or when you bailed on my graduation, or when you hooked up with Rachel Nave." Sam argued. "Who?" Dean sounded confused "Uh, my prom date. On prom night." Sam said angrily. " Yeah, that does kinda sound like me. Well, hey man, I'm sorry about all that. " Dean tried to comfort Sam. " No, look, that's all right man,  I'm not asking you to change. I guess we just don't really have anything in common. You know? And the reason why Im close with y/n as she actually makes an effort to stay in touch with not just me but jessica too." Sam said starting to walk away. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Yes we do. Yes we do. " Dean promised. "What?" Sam snapped. "Hunting." Dean nodded. " Hunting? I've never been hunting in my life, Dean." Sam scoffed. " Yeah, well, then we should go it sometime. I think you'd be great at it." Dean tried to encourage Sam. " Get some rest Dean" and with that Sam walked off leaving Dean alone. You and Dean drove home in an uncomfortable silence. When you got home Dean collapsed on to the sofa. He was so lost in thought he never heard you approach him. "Dean" you whispered placing your hand on his shoulder handing him a beer. He blinked at you. "Please bulldog, talk to me" Dean heard the word bulldog and everything seemed to stop for a minute he became confused until he heard you again "baby please Dean are you okay?" "My favorite. You always knew me pretty well." He said absent mindly. "Fraid so." You laughed kissing him on the head. "Sammy and I don't get along?" He questioned. "Well, you don't really spend a lot of time together. I mean, I just think you don't know each other all that well, your busy he's busy, life happens." Dean sat in silence looking at his beer. " For the record: He doesn't know what he's missing." " I can fix things with Sam. I can make it up to him. To everyone." He sighed. "Okay. But Dean you don't have to make anything up to me. And the thing between you and Sam, we can fix that" you promised taking his hand. "This isn't gonna make a lick of sense to you. But I kind of feel like I've been given a second chance. And I don't wanna waste it." He tried again. "You're right, that doesn't make any sense" you were confused, Dean then leant in and kissed you. He almost felt  the same rush he always did when he kissed you but there was just something missing. " You know, I get it." He smiled, "Get what?" You raised and eyebrow. "Why you're the one, here and back in our world. You'll always be the one?" "Whatever's gotten into you I like it." You wiggled your eyebrows, and with that Dean kissed you again, grabbing the back of your neck and pulling ypu in tight to him. You moaned and pulled away. Placing your fore head on to his you scolded "come on! Don't do this to me now. I've gotta get ready for work." You relenctualy tore your self away from him. "You got to work now?" He questioned, "I've got the night shifts on Thursday." You shrugged "you should know this by now" " yea yea You work nights at the, uh..." he paused hoping you would full him then he sees you taking out your scrubs " at the hospital?" He laughs to himself " I'm dating a nurse. That is so sexy" and respectable he thought his Y/n would never be this respectable" he pauses for minute confused. What is going on. Then he watches as y/n changes and gets a view of her ass and all his thoughts are lost. "So we ever use your uniform for us time" he laughed. "How do you think I got pregnant" you smirked back. You kissed Dean good bye telling him you'll see him in the morning and he better have those waffles made this time or you and the baby would kick his ass. Dean laughed as he settled on the sofa, drinking his beer he flicked through the channels. But he was stopped dead in his tracks when the channel he put on was broadcasting the anniversary of the crash of United Britannia Flight 424. This gets DEAN's attention and he leans forward as he continues to watch. The reporter stated that Indianapolis residents held a candlelight vigil in memory of the hundred and eight people who lost their lives... Dean shouted at the tv "No, no. I stopped that crash." Dean ran to his laptop and started pounding on the keys in front of him he read headlines that relates to the  cases he had solved. Indianapolis Sun, December 5TH, 2005 - FLIGHT 424 CRASHES, 108 DEAD; Nine Children Comatose Parents mutilated in bed GIRL DROWNS IN HOTEL POOL While he is reading this and sitting in shock he feels a change in the air as he looks behind him he sees a woman in white.  A woman who he has seen the past few days but not had the courage to say to.  anyone incase they thought he had gone mad. Deam jumped up and followed the woman in to the bedroom. When she disappeared in to his cloaet he threw open the doors and saw several  women hanging inside. As he turns to leave everything disappears. Back at Mary's House Sam sneaks down stairs and swings at the intruder only to be thrown on to the floor. "What are you doing here " sam hissed. " I was looking for a beer." Dean shrugged. "That's Mum's silver." Sam accused. " it's not what it looks like. OK, I don't  have a choice." " Oh really? Why? What's so damn important you gotta steal from your own mother? "Sammy you don't want to know "  Dean  sighed . Sam huffed out lout " Yeah, I do." " I owe somebody money." Dean sighed "Oh yea Who?" Sam frowned. "A bookie. I lost big on a game, I gotta bring him the cash tonight." Dean lied. Knowing Sam wouldn't believe the truth. "I can't believe we're even related." Sam shook his head "pathetic." "Sam, look I'm sorry." "What?" Sam asked confusingly. "You know what,  i'm sorry that we don't get along. And I wish to hell I could stay and fix it. But I gotta do this. People’s lives depend on it." Dean shouted at Sam taking a knife from the box. He turns around and takes a knife from the box. "Just tell y/n and Mom I love them, see you, Sammy." Dean voiced. While Dean was sitting in the car, thinking of the life he had the passenger door opened and SAM gets in. " I'm going with you." Sam says before Dean can say anything. "Just like old times" Dean laughs driving off. Meanwhile back at your pov you and Sam tiptoes through the warehouse. You find him and a woman hung up by their arms. "Dean" you yell as you sprint for him. Sam grabs your arm putting his finger to his lips he  "quiet, the Djinn is still here, somewhere" he whispered looking around nervously. As sam reaches up and starts to cut through the rope Dean winces. "Careful sam" you scold looking back at him  but just has you turn your head. The Djinn knocks you flying across the room and goes for Sam.  Sam turns around and lunches at the Djinn with his knife. But the djinn knocks the knife from sams hand and grabs him around the neck. As you run to help Sam bringing a pipe which you had found on the floor on to the djinn head, the djinn knocks you back again. Sam runs towards the Djinn again and they fight  for a moment allowing you to grab the knife and cut Dean down, causing you both to land in a heap. "When this is over bulldog we are so going to talk about all those burgers you eat" panting as you rolled Dean off you. As Sam and the Djinn continue to fight you take Deans head in to your hands. " please Dean wake up,  we need you" The Djinn finally gets the upper hand on Sam again , and his holding him by the throat his hand  glowing blue  moving it toward Sams forehead, but Sam puts up one hell of a fight. Back at Dean, he stands in front of other Sam telling him all he has to stab himself and he will wake up as none of this was real and just as he is about to deal the blow. Mary walks up to him. "Put the knife down honey" she smiled. "You're not real " dean chokes. " It's everything you want. We're a family again. Let’s go home." Mary touches Deans face. Dean on the verge of tears whisperes "I'll die. The Djinn will drain the life out of me in a couple of days." Mart replied “ But in here, with us, it'll feel like years. Like a lifetime." She promises. " You don't have to worry about Sam anymore. You'll get to watch him live a full life" Jessica tries to convince him. As they all look at you Mary smiles and nods. You step forward and take his face in to your hands. "Dean I need you" it starts off calmly "Dean please wake up, please bulldog come back, me and Sammy we need you." You practically shout in his face. Mean while back at you and Sam,  the djinn has the upper hand on Sam. You leave Dean and run up and stab the djinn in the side. He drops sam to the ground and turns to you. And grabbing you by the throat he starts squuezing. As you begin to lose consciousness you whisper "please Dean" The DJINN opens his fist and blue light begins to appear around his hand as he reaches for your forehead darkness overcomes you. Next thing you know you were waking up in a hospital bed. "Dean" you whispered looking at the man dozing beside you. "Hey " he said solmely. "Is this real?" You panic. "It's real princess, it's real" dean sighed. "Are you okay" picking up something was off. "I'm alright" he sighed "Dean please, tell me" you begged. " its just we had it all y/n. The house the picket fence the baby" "But it wasn't real d," you tried to comfort him. "I know but it felt real" his head bowed not looking at you. "Dean" tears coming down your face "what can I do" Dean stood up and sat beside kissing your forehead he took your hand. "Y/n, I know it was just a wish. My mum was alive there was no such thing as hunting, but Sam and I didn't get along we didn't bond over anything.  But here he's my brother he's my best friend." Dean spoke. "And I'm glad that's the way it is " Sam's voice came from the door. Making his way over to Dean, Dean stood up and the brother hugged "and I'm glad you dug your way out Dean." "Yea Sam I dug out, but I wanted to stay, I wanted to stay so bad weather it was real or not. I'm sick of sacrificing everything of us sacrificing everything" Dean finally cried. "But Dean people are alive because of us, I  know it hurts but it's worth it. We save life's Dean" Sam smiled. "I guess " Dean sounded unconvinced. As you all say in an uncomfortable silence, you spread first. "Well I'm ready to leave this rock hard bed and get me a drink and some clothes" Dean and Sam laughed and Dean grabbed your clothes from the locker, Sam made his way outside so you could get changed. As Dean helped you get dressed he looked at you "you know maybe we should keep the gown. I like how it shows off your ass and plus easy access and all" he smirked. Your eyes met his and you placed one hand on his cheek. "I love you Dean Winchester, thank you for coming back to me " as tears rolled down your face Dean hugged you tight. "Ready to go pickachu" he finally asked. "With you, always " you smiled?.
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midnightkissme · 1 year
My partner works in the mental health ward and has a Sam and across the hall a Dean. Life reflects art
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mintconditiondean · 9 months
I personally cannot read fanfic in which Dean is a smoker. Like I genuinely find it so OOC that it takes me out of the narrative.
I can't exactly organize all my thoughts on why I feel this way. There are a variety of reasons. But I think "Dean would never pick up a habit that would make the Impala smell like smoke" is the only one that really needs to be said.
But like if anyone feels strongly about Dean being a smoker I'd like to hear your perspective? To understand a bit better? Bc also when I see ppl talking about smoker!Dean headcanons it is a VERY different vibe (much more like cutesy/positive? somehow?) than when ppl talk about his alcoholism
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beanzwrites · 8 months
Hi! I just love your works, they are so good! Do you think you could do Winchester sister who really likes Boba but she doesn’t get it often due to their lifestyle, then one day either Sam or Dean suprised her with one? Thought it would be so cute!
Boba, How I've Missed You!
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A/n: Hello, thank you so much for the request! I'm really sorry it took a bit to get to it; life got quite busy. I hope you enjoy this though! Also, thank you so much! That means a lot and I'm glad you like my writings! <3 Fun fact, I've never had Boba before, but would love to try it at some point! | ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── |
Being a Winchester was definitely no easy feat. Constantly moving from place to place, there was no guarantee that you could indulge as much as other people would. Though (Y/N) was the youngest out of the Winchester family, she knew what kind of responsibility that her family name carried.
The good thing about being with her brothers though, is that they both have a sweet tooth just like her. She enjoys it when they are able to take a breather and stop by a coffee shop or bakery to feed their cravings.
(Y/n) recently found that she loves Boba and will take any chance to order it. Her brothers find her giddy nature over a sweet beverage endearing, and though they make the excuse that they need a cup of coffee, they love to make their little sister happy.
Those memories are some of the bests (Y/n) has; however, they don't come around often. Her family has been quick on their feet the last few months, and with the stress that carries over her brothers as of late, it's hard to say when those memories will come to reality again. (Y/n) knows what is more important and keeps to herself as her brothers' work.
However, there was one night where her brothers were in a more chipper mood. They were talkative over their TV dinner, joking around and bringing up past experiences.
"Really, Dean? You just had to bring up THAT moment..." Sam snorts, his brows furrowing in a pout.
"It was hilarious, Sammy! Of course, I'll bring it up. You had coffee all over you," Dean laughs before taking a big bite of a chicken tender.
"Man, I miss going to coffee shops. I haven't had Boba in so long," (Y/n) giggles, "It's been a hot minute."
The sudden silence between her brothers causes her to stiffen. They're both staring at her with unreadable expressions, frowns etched on their lips. (Y/n)'s heart skips before she shakes her head frantically.
"I didn't mean anything by that, I'm sorry! I know we've been busy..."
"That's okay, Squirt. I miss those moments too," Deam says, leaning back. "We gotta get back to it at some point."
"Man... How long has been now?" Sam asks to no one in particular, "It has been a while, hasn't it?"
That next morning, (Y/n) woke up to the motel room being empty. The sun was already peeking through the curtains as (Y/n) lazily ventures to it, looking out to see that the Impala was gone. A sigh escapes (Y/n), but she couldn't help but to bite her cheek. Her brothers would usually tell her if they were going somewhere, and though uneasiness tried creeping into her thoughts, she busied herself by getting ready for the day.
As the girl climbed out of the shower a few minutes later, she heard the front door open with her brothers' voices carrying soon after. She takes her time dressing before a knock is heard.
"Hey Little Bit, you almost ready?" Dean's voice resonates on the other side of the bathroom door.
"Yeah, hold on!" (Y/n) answers before opening the door. "What's up?"
"Sammy and I got you something," Dean smiles.
Sam walks over to his siblings, his own lips forming into a big smile, before gesturing to something in his hand.
"Boba!" (Y/n) cheers, grabbing it and taking a sip, "Ah! How I've missed you! Thank you, guys!"
"No problem, sweetheart. We know how much you love it," Sam says.
" Come on, you two! Stop with the chit-chat! I'm ready to dig into that Pumpkin Roll!
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aphony-cree · 22 days
Jensen Ackles "I want to play Dean Winchester again" Most of the shows that cast him "We want that too"
I wouldn't be surprised if they gave up the pretext and the next character he played was called Deam Minchester
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layce2015 · 1 year
Supernatural (Dean Winchester x Female!Reader)
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Route 666
"Ok. I think I found a way we can bypass that construction just east of here. We might even make Pennsylvania faster than we thought." Sam said as he and I look over a road map that was laying on the hood of the Impala. "Yeah. Problem is, we're not going to Pennsylvania." Dean said and Sam and I look over at him, confused, as he pockets his phone.
"We what?" Sam and I asked in unison.
"I just got a call from an, uh, old friend. Her father was killed last night, think it might be our kind of thing." Dean replied. "What?" I asked. "Yeah. Believe me, she never woulda called, never, if she didn't need us." Dean said as he starts to get into the car, but Sam and I don't move.
"Come on, are you guys coming or not?" Dean asked. Sam and I exchange a look before I shrug at him then we get in the car and take off.
"By old friend you mean...?" Sam started to ask but Dean talks over him. "A friend that's not new." He said. "Oh yeah, thanks." Sam said, sarcastically. "So her name's Cassie huh? You never mentioned her..." I said to Dean, suspiciously. "Didn't I?" Dean asked and Sam and I look at Deam, expectantly.
"Yeah, we went out." Dean admits and I swallowed this suddenly large lump that came up in my throat. Sam looks over at me like he wanted to say did I hear that right? I nod slightly as I turn to Dean.
"You mean you dated somebody? For more than one night." I said to him. "Am I speaking a language you're not getting here?" Dean asked, annoyed, and I raised my hands up. "Just askin'. Geez." I said and Dean sighs. 
"Dad and I were working a job in Ohio, she was finishing up college. We went out for a couple of weeks." Dean replies. "And...?" Sam and I asked, in unison, and Dean shrugs slightly.
"Look, it's terrible about her dad, but it kinda sounds like a standard car accident. I'm not seeing how it fits with what we do." Sam said. "Which by the way, how does she know what we do?" I asked Dean and he looks up at the rearview mirror at me, shifty, and my jaw drops as I realized what he was hinting.
"You told her." I said, shocked, and Sam looks at him. "You told her, the secret! Our big family rule number one. We do what we do and we shut up about it. For a year and a half, I do nothing but lie to Jessica, and you go out with this chick in Ohio a couple of times and you tell her everything?" Sam asked, slightly angry.
Dean stays silent, staring straight ahead at the road. "Dean!" I shouted. "Yeah. Looks like." Dean said and he continues to stare ahead while Sam and I exchange a you gotta be kidding me? look.
"Jimmy, you're too close to this. Those guys were friends of yours. Again, Cassie, I'm very sorry for your loss." A man said as the boys and I walk into the office and see this man talking to two African Americans, one man and one young woman. The two men walks away while the girl sighs then turns to us and her sights were set on Dean.
"Dean." She said, still staring at him, while Dean nods and grins at her. "Hey Cassie." Dean said and the two of them continue to stare at each other for a long moment. Sam and I watch this and I couldn't help but feel like something was boiling inside of me. Like something hot, boiling lava.
I swallowed this large lump in my throat and look over at Sam, who was smiling. I give him a confused look before Dean clears his throat and speaks. "This my brother Sam." Dean said as he gestures to Sam. Cassie smiles at Sam, who returns one of his own, then Dean turns to me and I could've sworn I saw a worried and nervous look on his face. "And this is our best friend, (y/n)." Dean introduced and she turns to me.
She gives me a smile but it wasn't as genuine as the one she gave Sam. I give her a smile and a small wave at her. "Hey." I introduced. She nods then turns back to Dean. "Sorry bout your dad." Dean said to her. "Yeah. Me too." Cassie said.
Later, we ended up at Cassie's house and she comes in her living room, carrying a tray of tea and cups for us. "My mothers in pretty bad shape. I've been staying with her. I wish she wouldn't go off by herself. She's been so nervous and frightened. She was worried about dad." She said.
"Why?" Dean asked her as she pours us some tea.
"He was scared. He was seeing things." She replied.
"Like what?" I asked her and she gives me a slight glare before she replies. "He swore he saw an awful-looking black truck following him." She said. "A truck. Who was the driver?" Sam asked as she hands us a cup of tea. "He didn't talk about a driver. Just the truck. He said it would appear and disappear. And, in the accident, Dad's car was dented, like it had been slammed into by something big." She replied 
"Now you're sure this dent wasn't there before?" Sam asked as I look over at Dean and see him looking at his cup of tea like it's an alien, then quickly deposits it on a side table and I chuckle under my breath.
"He sold cars. Always drove a new one. There wasn't a scratch on that thing. It had rained hard that night. There was mud everywhere. There was a distinct set of muddy tracks leading from dad's car...leading right to the edge, where he went over." Cassie said and she bows her head, getting her emotions under control.
"One set of tracks. His." She said.
"The first was a friend of your fathers?" I asked and she looks over at me and nods. "Best friend. Clayton Soames. They owned the car dealership together. Same thing. Dent. No Tracks. And the cops said exactly what they said about dad. He lost control of his car." She replied.
"Can you think of any reason why your father and his partner might be targets?" Dean asked her.
"No." She replied.
"And you think this vanishing truck ran them off the road?" I asked her. "When you say it aloud like that..." she said with a snide then let's out a scoff as she shakes her head a bit. "...listen, I'm a little skeptical about this...ghost stuff...or whatever it is you guys are into." She said while I sit here wondering why she's giving me attitude.
"Skeptical. If I remember, I think you said I was nuts." Dean huffs at her. "That was then." Cassie said and they stare at each other again. "I just know that I can't explain what happened up there. So I called you." She said as a door opens and a middle aged woman enters.
The boys and I rise to our feet, and Cassie goes to the woman and takes her arm. "Mom. Where have you been I was so..." Cassie said and her mom looks at us. "I had no idea you'd invited friends over." She said. "Mom, this is Dean, a...friend of mine from.... college. And his brother Sam and their...friend, (y/n)." She introduced us. "Well I won't interrupt you." said her mother.
"Mrs Robinson. We're sorry for your loss. We'd like to talk to you for a minute if you don't mind?" Dean said and Mrs Robinson looks over at him. "I'm really not up for that right now." She said, slightly affronted, then she leaves the room.
The next day, Cassie calls Dean and told him that the man we saw in the office with her, Jimmy, had died in a similar way as her dad. We meet up with her in a field where there were tons of emergency vehicles around and the boys and I walk out of the car and go over to Cassie, who was talking to the same man from yesterday.
"Did the cops check for additional denting on Jimmy's car, see if it was pushed?" Dean asked Cassie as we walk up behind us. "Who's this?" The man asked Cassie. "Dean and Sam Winchester and (y/n). Family friends." She replied then she turns to us and points at the man. "This is Mayor Harold Todd." She introduced.
"There's one set of tire tracks. One....doesn't point to foul play." Todd said and Cassie turns to him. "Mayor, the police and town officials take their cues from you. If you're indifferent about..." she said and Todd looks at her offended. "Indifferent!" He exclaims.
"Would you close the road if the victims were white?" Cassie asked him, angrily, and Todd's jaw drops. "You suggesting I'm racist, Cassie? I'm the last person you should talk to like that." He said.
"And why is that?" Cassie asked. "Why don't you ask your mother." Todd spat at her and he walks away, leaving us standing in the field.
*3rd Person POV*
"I'll say this for her, she's fearless." Sam said to Dean as he finished getting dressed in a suit and grabbed his jacket while Dean was fixing his tie. "Mm-hmm." Dean hums as he looks at himself in a mirror.
"Bet she kicked your ass a couple of times." Sam said, grinning, and Dean glances at him then returns to the mirror. "What's interesting is you guys never really look at each other at the same time. You look at her when she's not looking, she checks you out when you look away. But then you look over at (y/n) right after, like you're nervous or worried." Sam said and Dean stops and swallows.
Truth is, Dean was feeling conflicted between the two girls. Seeing Cassie again had brought back some old memories and feelings he thought were long gone. But this feeling he's held for (y/n) for a while is growing and fighting with his other feelings. He had noticed that Cassie was acting a bit cold towards (y/n) but (y/n) seemed either not bothered by it or she was just acting professional.
"It's just a...just an interesting observation in a....you know...observationally interesting way." Sam said as Dean comes back from his thoughts then he sighs. "You think we might have more pressing issues here?" He asked Sam.
"Hey, if I'm hitting a nerve." Sam said just as there was a knock at the door of the hotel room.
Dean turns to the door and answers it, which made his heart jump into his throat. (Y/n) was standing there in a similar black suit as him and Sam only she didn't have a tie and the first two or three buttons of her white blouse were unbuttoned where you could see her cleavage but not too much of it where it wasn't too distracting.
"Well, do I look professional?" She asked, smiling, and Dean had to shake himself out of his thoughts. "You look great." Dean compliments and she smiles at this. "Let's go." Dean said and he walks out of the room and (y/n) follows him while Sam snickers.
*(y/n)'s POV*
The boys and I were walking down a pier where we see two elderly gentlemen eating lunch. "Excuse me. Are you Ron Stubbins?" Sam asked one of the men. Ron nods. "You were friends with Jimmy Anderson?" I asked him and Ron looks between us.
"Who are you?" He asked. "We're Mr Anderson's insurance company. We're just here to dot 'I's' and cross 'T's'." Dean said. "We were just wondering, had the deceased mentioned any unusual recent experiences?" Sam asked them.
"What do you mean, unusual?" Ron asked. "Well visions, halluinations." I clarified. "It's part of a medical examination kind of thing. All very standard." Dean said but Ron continued to give us suspicious look.
"What company did you say you were with?" He asked us. "All National Mutual." Dean replied, quickly. "Tell me, did he ever mention seeing a truck? A big black truck?"
"What the hell you talking about? You even speaking English?" Ron asked before he walks off then his friend chimes in. "Son this truck, a big scary monster looking thing?" The friend asked. "Yeah actually, I think so." Dean replied.
"Hmm." The man hums, thoughtfully. "What?" I asked him. "I have heard of a truck like that." The guy said.
"You have. Where?" Sam asked. "Not where. When. Back in the '60s there was a string of deaths. Black men. Story goes, they disappeared in a big, nasty, black truck." The man replied.
"They ever catch the guy who did it?" Dean asked him. "Never found him. Hell, not sure they even really looked. See there was a time, this town wasn't too friendly to all it's citzens." The man replied. "Thank you." I said and the boys and I make our way back down the pier to the Impala 
"Truck." Dean mutters. "Keeps coming up doesn't it?" I asked. "You know, I was thinking. You guys heard of the flying dutchman?" Dean asked Sam and I. "Yeah, a ghost ship, infused with the Captain's evil spirit. It was basically part of him." Sam replied.
"So what if we're dealing with the same thing? You know, a phantom truck, an extension of some bastard's ghost, re-enacting past crimes." Dean said.
"The victims have all been black men." I pointed out. "I think it's more than that. They all seem connected to Cassie and her family." Dean said. "All right. Well, you work that angle, go talk to her." Sam said to him. "Yeah I will." Dean said after he glances at me for a moment.
"Oh, and you might also wanna mention that other thing." I said and he looks back at me. "What other thing?" He asked. "The serious, unfinished business?" I said but Dean remains obstinately silent. 
"Dean, what is going on between you two?" Sam asked Dean. "All right, so maybe we were a little bit more involved than I said." Dean replied and Sam and I keep staring at him while I raise an eyebrow. "Oh, Ok." Sam and I said and Dean sighs. "OK, a lot more. Maybe. And I told her our secret, about what we do. And I shouldn't have." Dean said.
"Ah look man, everybody's gotta open up to someone sometime." Sam said to him. "Yeah I don't. It was stupid to get that close. I mean, look how it ended." Dean said and I could tell that he was heartbroken about it. And this made my heart sink while Sam smiled at Dean.
"Would you two stop!" Dean said, annoyed, but Sam and I keep staring at him. "Blink or something!" Dean shouts at us. "You loved her." Sam said and Dean rolls his eyes. "Oh God." He mutters as he turns to the Impala. "You were in love with her, but you dumped her." Sam said as we follow Dean.
Dean stays silent as he stares at the ground then glances at me then at Sam, then looks back to the ground. My eyes widen at this and I said. "She dumped you."
"Get in the car." Dean said as he gets in the car, himself, while Sam and I stand there. "Get in the car!" He yells and Sam and I get in the car while I felt this burning sensation in my chest grow.
*3rd Person POV*
Cassie sits at the desk in the lounge of her house when there was a knock at the door. She goes to the door and opens it, only to see Dean standing there. "Dean!" She exclaims, shocked.
"Hey." Dean said.
"Hey. Come on in." She said as she steps aside and let's him in.
"So...you busy, or..." Dean said as he gestures towards her desk which was covered in papers. "The paper's doing a tribute to Jimmy. I was just going through his stuff...his awards. Trying to find the words." She replied. "That's gotta be tough." Dean said and she nods.
"For years this family owned the paper. The Dorians? They had a whites only policy. After they sold it Jimmy became the first black reporter. He didn't stop til he became editor. He taught me everything..." Cassie said before she drifts off and realized something.
"Where's your brother? And your friend?" She asked. "Not here." Dean said, shrugging. "All right. So, uh, what brings you here?" She asked him.
"Trying to find the connection between the three victims. By the way, did you talk to your mom about, what Todd said about not being a racist?" Dean asked.
"I did. She didn't want to talk about it." Cassie replied and Dean nods. "Right." He said and the room goes silent.
"So just then, why did you ask where my brother and (y/n) were?" Dean asked and she shrugs. "Nothing. Not important." She said. "Could it be because, without them here it's just you and me? Not you, me, Sam and (y/n) which would be easier?" Dean asked her. "It's not easier....Look, I..." Cassie stammers then Dean turns away.
"No. Forget it. It's fine. We'll keep it strictly business." Dean said as Cassie stares after him. "I forgot you do that." She said. "Do what?" Dean asked her. "Oh. Whenever we get, what's the word....close? Anywhere in the neighbourhood of emotional vulnerability, you back off. Or make some joke. Or find any way to shut the door on me." Cassie replied, making Dean bark out a laugh as he looks offended.
"Oh that's hilarious." He said as he walks back to stand in front of her. 
"See, I'm not the one who took that big final door and slammed it behind me." Dean growls. "Ok wait a minute..." Cassie said but Dean talks over her. "And I'm not the one who took the key and buried it." He shouts.
"We done with this metaphor?" She asked him. "All I'm saying is I was totally up front with you back then, and you nailed me for it." Dean growled. "The guy I'm with, the guy I'm hoping might be in my future, tells me he professionally pops ghosts." Cassie said.
"That's not the words I used!" Dean yells. "And that he has to leave, to go work with his father." She argues.
"I did!" Dean yells.
"All I could think was, If you want out fine, but don't tell me this insane story." Cassie said and this makes Dean get in her face. "It was the truth Cassie, and I notice it didn't sound insane the minute you thought I could help you." Dean said, his voice rising.
"Well back then I thought you just wanted to dump me." Cassie said. "Whoa! Now let's not forget who dumped who ok?" Dean said. "I thought it was what you wanted." She said, confused. "Well it wasn't." Dean said.
"I didn't mean to hurt you." She said. "Well you did." Dean said. "I'm sorry!" Cassie said. "Yeah me too." Dean said. They stare at each other before they start making out, furiously. 
Later they fall down on the bed, both of them have no clothes on, as they continue to kiss. But as they start to have sex, Dean couldn't help but feel a bit guilty for being with Cassie. Something inside of him kept telling him that this was wrong but he was doing his best to push back that voice.
But then once Cassie pulls back from the kiss and looks down at Dean with a smile, Dean didn't see Cassie. In his mind's eye, he saw (y/n). What's weird is that he wasn't surprised nor did he stop, in fact he got more excited and began kissing Cassie roughly and they began to make love.
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roseunspindle · 3 months
It's amazing how many posts about Sam and demon blood act like he was doing it for fun or somehow to hurt Dean.
Sam was devastated at Dean's death. Especially since he knew full well Dean went to hell. Because he didn't want Sam to be dead. (We don't know where Sam was during his first death).
Sam was drunk and suicidal. There was no real mission he could dedicate himself to. Lilith was always just out of reach and he didn't know how to kill her.
Then Ruby shows up. Sam pushes her away first...but she says all the right things and successfully takes advantage of Sam's drunk' grieving, and touch starved state.
She has a plan. Something for Sam to focus on. To dedicate himself to. Sam can be very monofocused and self destructive. So drinking demon blood probably didn't really phase him. Added to Ruby likely "forgetting" to mention the addictive part.
Then Dean returns. Sam is happy. Though Dean is being his usual repress all feeling be a dick to Sam to hide his feelings self, but things are okayish. Dean isn't happy about Ruby...but Dean is never happy when Sam has a steady person in his life that isn't Dean.
Sam has a fear though. Dean was rescued by and Angel... but technically hell/lilith still owns Dean's soul. Also the seals are being broken, which is bad.
So to Sam, the only price to stop the apocalypse and keep Dean free and safe is Sam. Sam who does not think much of himself. So he drinks the blood and works on his powers and hides that from Dean...because Dean will stop him, but Sam has a goal/mission (and unfortunate addiction). All this is rooted though in Sam's love for Dean. Sure he got Dean back but killing lilith with prevent lucifer from being freed and keep Deam safe from her and hell.
Dean has his John Winchester goggles on so Sam not being fully obedient to his orders looks to him like Sam doesn't care. (Dean often mixes up obedience and love) . Dean also still thinks Sam doesn't love him as much as he loves Dean because Sam wanted personal agency as a teen and dared to want to go to college.
Add to the Angel's and demons being in cahoots to break the brothers up and to ensure lucifer is freed...this go bad.
But while Sam, who killed Lilith thinking he was saving the world... basically thinking he was sacrificing his own life/bond with Dean. And he felt it was worth it.
And he never brings up that Dean broke the first seal...by becoming a torturer in hell. For ten years. Never blames Dean for breaking. Understanding that Dean couldn't hold out and didn't know it would break a seal. But fully knowing that torturing people is...you know wrong.
Yet Dean never stops bringing up Sam's "sin"
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Guns are a Hunter's Best Friend
AO3 Link
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: None
Relationships: None
Characters: Deam Winchester
Additional Tags: Hospitals, Plague
Summary: After a knife to the shoulder, Dean heads to the hospital but something is wrong...
Dean pulled the knife out of his shoulder. Bad idea, he knew but he didn’t want to go to the hospital with a rusty knife in his shoulder nor did he want to go to the hospital. The rusty knife was enough to send him there and he regretted every decision that lead to this moment because he didn’t want to go the damned hospital but now he had to go get his sixth tetanus shot this year. A grunt left his mouth as he held a hand to the arm blood gushing out of him. It would have to slow soon and he could easily move the arm now. The ghost gone in a fit of dust and he had no way of tracking down the ghost until next year. Dammit. He would have to make a mental note of that before he moved on. He wasn’t going to figure that out now that he had been stabbed. He didn’t want to be the one who was bleeding all over some ghost’s house. He wouldn’t be a very good hunter if he left DNA all over the place let alone all of his blood. 
He shuffled out of the house and into the yard. It wasn’t your typical haunted house. What was nowadays? There was nothing but other houses around him and the shouts of children getting home from school. Time wasn’t really much of a matter to him anymore. Though, he wanted to make sure that he was making good time on the whole getting out of dodge as soon as he was able to. Not like he was supposed to leave without a wound that could kill him if he thought too hard about the fact that the infection was seeping into his veins right at this very moment. He was sure this was going to help him but he couldn’t bring himself to get the proper fake identity in order to get to the hospital. 
Dean placed his hands on his hips and looked over his shoulder at the house behind him. All too quiet for the area around them but he had nothing wrong with what was going on. His heart yanked on strings as the thought of going back to the car. No home to think of when he made his way beck to the hotel that he had lived in for the past month. On to another once once the hospital visit was over. His whole body ached as he looked around the small suburban street. On to the next one. 
He pulled himself into the car with only a wince of pain. The blood had slowed enough that he could sit there without getting a shit ton of blood all over his baby. At least his clothes could help until he got back to the hotel and he thanks whomever was watching over him that he wasn’t more severely injured. He knew that the was going to end up in more pain than ever if he just waited it all out. He wasn’t even sure this was going to help him…going to the hospital but he was going to need the tetanus shot. He just needed to make sure everything went through okay. He wanted to be the one who was safer than sorry but this felt like he was going to die. 
Nothing had hurt this much before and he had no way of knowing how much damage the ghost knife had done to him and thus, he had to go get it checked out. If he went back to the hotel now, he had no idea if he was ever going to be able to end up in the hospital since he could get so comfortable in the bed and fall asleep right there. But then his blood would be on the bed and that would be a bitch to clean since it was a pretty deep wound. Not through and through but it felt pretty deep. He rolled his shoulder back. The joint clicked but that was normal but his skin tugged uncomfortably. Some of the blood must have already dried at this point but he wasted. He was very tried. If he were to go to the hospital now, he would have not much time to hide everything that he had brought. 
Fine. Hospital now. Hotel later. He shifted out of the uncomfortableness and he tried to drive as best as he could with just his last bit of strength and he was sure to stay as careful as he could with just the phone blaring out directions to the nearest hospital. The roads seemed a bit emptier than he expected. There should have been more than one car every minute or so. Especially in the area he was in. There should have been many people coming home from work and school. He could have been more than just the few cars that were out and about driving. There needed to be more people on He needed to look into that. But not now. He was just…too tired. He couldn’t pull over now. He might not make it at this pint and he wasn’t so sure that he could even make it through the short distance to the hospital. 
“You are on the shortest available route,” the voice on the phone navigation told him. Though it seemed redundant now as he pulled himself closer and closer to the hospital. “You are on the shortest available route. 
Dean shook his head as he tried not to think about the pain that radiated from his arm up his neck to the side of his head. He didn’t need a doctor to tell him that this was going to need more than a few stitches to keep him from dying at the moment. It just…he didn’t need anything more than that and some pain pills. He pulled himself into the parking lot of the hospital. Dean reached back and covered the rest of his weapons with a blanket. It wasn’t the best way of hiding his weapons but he needed the shot and stitches. He shuffled out of the car and towards the doors. 
The hospital was as quiet as he thought it would be for how quiet the rest of the area was. Not many people were in an emergency at least. A wince left his mouth as the wound began to bleed once again. He pulled himself through the automatic doors of the hospital and looked around. There weren’t that many people around him as he entered the emergency room and he knew that this was all wrong. Not even a nurse was at the receptionists desk. No one. Hs eyes scanned the rest of waiting room. There was one lone woman hacking up a lung in the corner of the dimly lit, but sterile room. He shifted in his spot. 
Maybe I should just go back to the hotel room…
 This wasn’t something that could happen in a place like this. A chill ran up his spine as he looked down at the desk. Papers were strewn about though he was someone who knew more about hunting than healing wounds and HIPPA. His fingers ran over the papers as he tried to make sure this was was going to help. He was just…so terrified of what this meant. Every nerve in his body stood on end as he tried not to think too much about this. He wasn’t going to make sure this was going to happen again. The injury at least. Dean kept himself in the room even though he knew this wasn’t going to help him. The woman continued to hack away in the corner. 
“H-hello,” Dean called out hesitantly as he looked around the waiting room. There weren’t many people here and that fucking terrified him all the moe than any kind of monster that was out there. “I have a knife wound to the shoulder and I would really like some help for it!”
“No one’s here,” the woman looked at him from the corner of the room and his eyes fell upon her. Though she looked old and ragged when he had first come in, he was wrong. She was a young woman with ad eyes. Heavy eyes from the looks of it and she wasn’t much younger than he was right now. “No one has been for hours. The nurse came in and said she’d be with me in just a moment and yet…she hasn’t been here in awhile. She wasn’t back at noon and she hasn’t been back in a few hours and I know for a fact that no one else in this hospital gives enough of a shit to look into the emergency room.”
“It’s the emergency room for a reason. I have an emergency. I need a tetanus shot. Rusty blade,” Dean was explaining all too much for the time being. It wasn’t like he didn’t want to keep himself as far away from her as possible but there was nothing that he could do. He was tired. Every part of his body ached and no one was there to help him. What happened here? “You know…a shot is kind of important…and the bleeding thing.” 
The woman shrugged, “Maybe some kind of plague is going around and all the nurses are all tied up.”
“I don’t think so, I think we would have heard about it,” Dean looked around the waiting room once more. His whole body chilled. The woman spoke the truth. Whether natural or supernatural there had to be some reason for everyone not being there. Though he knew that there was nothing more than that. He knew there was nothing he could do unless he knew what was going on. “Something on the news, ya know.”
Dean pointed his chin in the direction of the silent TV in the other corner of the waiting room. His eyes scanned over the just off closed captioning that looked like they were trying to help but there was nothing of note. A few corrupt politions and a few people talking about what might happen if the world were end…if the world were to end? That couldn’t be right on national news. Usually that was left to far right conspiracy “news” channels. He tilted his head to the side and looked down at his hands. He tried to get a good grasp on the situation but he wasn’t going to be able to prepare properly there. 
“I think you’re right,” Dean looked over his shoulder at the woman behind him. There was someone who needed more than just confirmation of the fact that she shuddered in her spot. The two of them looked at each other. “I think this sis the end of the world as we know it.”  
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captainchilly · 9 months
i just tagged a post as 'deam winchester' because my automatic reaction to typing supernatural is to follow it up with dean but i also knew the post was about sam.
anyway i love dean and deam winchester.
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lower-the-volume · 1 year
The conversation at the end of that episode is still mind boggling, for how the stage is set with Bobby warding the windows above where dean sleeps in acknowledgment of Cas’s specific interest in dean and the probability of Cas returning for dean, following the confrontation where they lured Cas into a trap using Dean’s prayer as bait. How it resembles the green room confrontation where Dean’s ultimatum that convinced Cas into action was a simple “we’re done” and refusing to end on good terms with him. Then in this episode Dean outright says he’s not going to try to argue, and uses just staying in his good graces as leverage. Like Cas is fighting a war against the end of the world and Dean goes ‘please, for me?’
It's really fascinating, isn't it? Dean never tries to convince anyone else of anything this way. There's always some trade included, offer for something bigger and better of you do what he says. Even in a green room it was a pitch of saving humanity which Cas didn't particularly care about but he tried. And there it's really just "Don't. For me." For Deam Winchester. A guy who basically never thought he would be good for anything.
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evilista · 1 year
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My Top Posts in 2022:
Writing Scrubs fanfic with a baby name page open to have a constant source of girl's names for Dr. Cox to call JD.
3 notes - Posted September 22, 2022
I'm watching Babel One. So...like how much do you think Tellarites and Cardassians bang? Tellarites love to start arguments, Cardassians flirt by arguing. Sounds like a recipe for romance.
3 notes - Posted March 1, 2022
Watching Bargaining, a horrible thought came to me. Look at how hard it is for a freaking Slayer to get out of her grave. Now imagine all resurrection spells work...it's just most people can't break out of the grave before they die again.
3 notes - Posted November 8, 2022
I posted my first fanfic in 10 years! If you like Scrubs and JD angst check it out.
4 notes - Posted June 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Wildest deam
I dreamed a Scrubs/Supernatural crossover. JD got possessed by Lucifer. Lucifer was totally boned as it turned out JD's brain is uncontrollable. Every time something sends JD into a daydream Lucifer is yanked into it and can't get out. So JD's just going about his day, and Lucifer is trapped in a musical number, an episode of an old tv show, or a flashback to JD being tripped 100 times while he's stuck as JD or whatever. Then JD figures out he can use Lucifer's powers, so is just healing all the patients and spending all day goofing off with his friends and doing no work. (They're still getting paid since the patients don't know they're being healed by miracles so they're still paying their hospital bills) And all his friends know, like he told them he's possessed by the devil, but it's cool he can't get out of his daydreams. So they all help out by saying things that trigger a daydream. "What if a Wookie and Bigfoot went dancing?" "What if we had a picnic on Candy Moutain?" "What if we all had sex?" (The Todd obviously) Sam, Dean, Cas, and Crowley show up eventually, JD's like "Oh hey I've seen you guys in Lucifer's memories. God he's a dick. Wanna see him suffer??" and shows them Lucifer trapped in Charlie The Unicorn and they can't decide if they should try to get him back in the cage or let him get tortured by JD forever.
45 notes - Posted June 25, 2022
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