#daniel larusso x
moonxnite · 26 days
I smile like an idiot when I see my man, who’s not my man, on my television screen.
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hauntedfictionland · 7 months
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macchiodaily · 5 months
quick dump of MY man
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him in a suit & tie
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sharlinefreire · 3 months
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amadeusevenstar · 4 months
johnny spiralling bc he still thinks he’s a horrible person and that daniel will never forgive him despite their tentative friendship, vs daniel already writing their wedding vows in his head
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ellsarchive · 1 month
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Johnny Cade is warm
That’s one thing you’ve never noticed until now. Not until you’re arm to arm, knee to knee, and you’re sure he can feel you shivering against him. Usually, when you’re stargazing like this, you’re alone. Of course the one night that you’re lacking a jacket you have to face the awkwardness of being so close to him.
You could do easily just reach out, wrap yourself around him, and soak in the warmth that is basically radiating from him. He’s like a cat that’s been laying in the sun all day. Sadly, you’ve never been that much of a risk taker. You’re so close, but never close enough.
The silence is loud as you try your hardest to conceal the sound of your jittering teeth. He’s so quiet, like he always is, but you’ll never get used to it. It makes it hard to read him, and the thought of the unknown isn’t easing to your mind.
“You cold?” an awkward voice finally breaks the silence between you. You can sense sassiness behind his tone, and if you could hold your hands straight you might’ve hit him for it.
“Only a bit,” you hum, lying through your teeth. He could almost let out a laugh at the sight, your body nearly convulsing as you claim to be slightly chilly. He tries to at least pretend to play along, but the wonky grin spreading over his cheeks give him away.
“You laughin’ at me, Johnny?” You say, now trying to hold in your own smile and pretend to be offended. “N-nah-“ he sputters, but his sentence is halted by laughs threatening to spill out. You don’t know if it’s just because you’re getting tired, but you can feel your smile break out too.
“No, but seriously. You’re freezin’ out here. If you wanna leave, it’s alright,” he speaks, his tone changing.
“M’not goin’ home, Johnny,” you mumble.
“Okay,” he sighs, knowing your stubbornness isn’t something to protest against. Another silence falls over the two of you, except this time it’s comforting. Nothing but peace.
“How are you so warm, Johnny?” You ask softly, the drowsiness in your voice apparent.
Is that your way of telling him to warm you up? He tries to brush past the thought, telling himself to not make up scenarios that aren’t likely. “Dunno. I guess I always have been.” He inches closer.
Like a moth to the flame, you lean into the warmth. Lean into him. You let out a small sigh at the relief he gives you from the cold, and suddenly the embarrassment you felt earlier is gone. All that matters is being warm, and being with him.
You feel darkness take over you as you let the comfort of the moment take everything else away, and he can’t help but follow.
The next morning, you can imagine the blush on both of your cheeks when the greasers found the two of you curled up, dozing away in the lot.
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happy74827 · 2 months
He’s Got The Fire
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[Johnny Lawrence x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: To your surprise, Johnny shows up at your window unannounced, but it doesn’t take long to realize it’s not for kicks {GIF Creds: pilvimarja}.
WC: 2076
Category: Slight Hurt/Comfort, Slight Fluff, Introverted(ish)!Reader
Honestly, I’m surprised I haven’t started writing this franchise earlier given how it’s about equal with my love for BTTF
The sun had already gone down a while ago, the air was crisp, and the sky was starry. It was the perfect evening to watch the moon rise. The wind carried a chill, and the trees were almost bare, swaying in the breeze.
With a sigh, you closed the book you had been reading and stretched your legs, looking out the window of your room. By now, everyone had been asleep for a few hours, and you worked on upcoming assignments to pass the time. But when you had gotten to your last one, you just couldn't be bothered anymore, so you set it aside.
The quietness was nice, and the light from the moon cast a blue-ish glow on everything around you. You were so calm, but there was still something that had you feeling off.
He was never around much lately. It wasn't surprising, but it was disheartening. Ever since that championship loss a while back, he had been training even harder, and when he wasn't training, he was out doing god-knows-what.
You understood how important Cobra Kai was to him, but the fact that he was putting everything else on the back burner really had you worried. He had a tendency to go down the wrong path and not think about the consequences until after the fact. You hoped that wasn't what was happening this time.
Pulling your knees up, you rested your head on them and looked out at the night. There was a full moon, and you wondered if Johnny had noticed. He used to love taking walks at night just to see the moon and look up at the stars.
He had changed so much since then. That fire inside of him burned so brightly that sometimes you wondered if it would burn him, too.
Sitting like that for a while, you lost track of time. It was easy to get distracted and drift away from reality when your mind wandered. It was something you were trying to work on, and you were actually doing pretty well.
Until you heard a pang on your window.
Sitting up, you looked around, wondering if a bird had flown into it, but you saw nothing. Your mind immediately went to a branch falling or something like that, and you were ready to dismiss the strange noise and go back to daydreaming.
But the pang came again, and your heart leaped in your throat. You stood and cautiously moved toward the window. At the same time, a face popped up from below, and you shrieked.
He motioned for you to open the window, along with attempts to hush you. It was a very frantic gesture, and you felt your heart rate rise. You quickly opened the window and stuck your head out.
"Johnny?!" You whispered-yelled, and he was pulling himself up. "What are you doing?"
"Shhh!" He held a finger to his lips and looked behind him, and your eyebrows furrowed.
"Do you want the whole neighborhood to know I'm here? Let me in!"
You stared at him for a moment longer before helping him through the window. It didn’t go as smoothly as one would expect, like the movies, but he managed to tumble in. You stood there, arms folded, as he dusted himself off.
You haven’t seen him in so long, and the day you choose to miss him, he shows up out of nowhere. You would’ve called yourself psychic if it weren’t for the fact that Johnny always did the unexpected.
He looked… good, to say the least. The red jacket still fit him perfectly; his blonde hair was combed and fluffy, and his eyes were still focused and alert, even if his body language seemed a little sluggish.
To be honest, Johnny was the most beautiful person you had ever laid eyes on. His sharp jawline, his toned muscles, and that cocky smile of his. The way his eyes crinkled when he laughed and the way he always looked at you like you were the only girl in the world.
For a while, you didn’t understand why he chose to pursue you, of all people. He could have anyone he wanted. You weren't exactly a social butterfly, and you always got nervous and shy in the presence of others.
Johnny was the opposite of you. He was outgoing, and his charisma attracted everyone to him. And the way his voice was so smooth and deep. He could be the most annoying person on the planet, but when he said your name, you would melt.
So when he asked you out, you thought it was some sort of joke. I mean, he was the hottest guy in school. And you were just… you.
But then you realized there was more to him than just the bad boy exterior. He had a sensitive side, and his vulnerability was endearing. His family was… well, a lot. His mom was nice, but she had her fair share of issues, and his stepfather was a piece of work.
It only took one date to realize the Johnny you were accustomed to wasn’t the real him. The real him was like you… except he could kick ass and had some pent-up anger issues.
And yet, here you were.
"Johnny-" You began, but he stepped toward you and wrapped his arms around you, resting his chin on the top of your head. You stood stiffly, arms at your sides.
"God, I've missed you."
That was the last thing you expected him to say. You felt your face heat up, your chest warm up, and your shoulders slumped. You melted into his embrace, wrapping your arms around him.
"I've missed you too."
You could feel him grin against the top of your head, and he squeezed you a little tighter. He was so warm, and it made you forget the fact that he was literally climbing through your window at almost midnight.
After a minute or so, he pulled away and held your face in his hands. You were looking into those piercing blue eyes, and you could feel butterflies in your stomach.
"Why are you here?" You asked, your voice a little above a whisper.
He hesitated, and that was the moment you knew something was wrong. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
"I, uh… I needed to see you."
You raised an eyebrow, but you didn't say anything. You were waiting for him to elaborate, but when he didn't, you sighed and grabbed his wrist, pulling him towards the bed. You sat on the edge, and he followed.
"Johnny," You said, turning toward him and placing a hand on his knee. "Talk to me. What's going on?"
"Nothing, I just… wanted to see you."
You didn't say anything. You knew better than that. So you waited.
"Okay, okay," He sighed. "Look, I'm not gonna lie to you, but I can’t tell you why."
"That's reassuring."
"It's just… things are… well, I just needed to get away. It's nothing, I'm fine, don't worry."
You were silent. You didn't really know what to say. There was so much going on, and it was hard for you to believe him when he told you not to worry.
"Is it… Is it Sid? Your mom?"
"Just…” He shook his head and stood, rubbing the back of his neck. He started pacing, and that was when you knew he was really upset. “Just drop it, alright? Everything's fine."
“You ignored me for the past two weeks, Johnny. Something is wrong."
He stopped and glared at you, and you froze. You were taken aback by the expression on his face. He seemed frustrated and almost angry.
The look… you knew it wasn’t directed at you, but you couldn't help but feel a little intimidated. He was always so hot-headed and stubborn, and when his mood shifted, you had a hard time knowing what to do.
He seemed to realize his expression and looked away, rubbing the back of his neck with a sigh.
"Sorry, God, I'm sorry, it's not you. I'm just-" He sighed and plopped back down on the bed next to you, running his hands over his face. "I'm a fucking mess, okay? Just forget I came."
It was weird how, in certain situations, you could completely shift into a different person. You’ve seen it in movies and TV, and it was a cliche. You didn’t think it would ever happen to you.
And yet, the second you heard the words come out of his mouth, you were hit with an overwhelming urge to turn his head towards yours, grab his face in your hands, and kiss him.
So you did.
You couldn’t really tell him why you did it. It just felt like the right thing to do, and it was an impulse. You figured it was the best way to let him know that you were here and he wasn’t alone.
The second your lips met, he was leaning into you, grabbing your waist and pulling you closer. You could feel the passion and desperation behind the kiss, and it took you a moment to match his energy.
He was rough and intense, and he pulled away after a few moments, moving to your neck. You gasped and gripped the collar of his jacket, feeling the heat of his lips on your skin.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder, they say. And it was true. You had missed him more than you had thought. You had almost forgotten how much of a force he was to be reckoned with.
You let out a shaky breath, trying to form words, but failing. Instead, you tugged on his jacket and pulled him towards you, hoping he would get the message.
And he did.
His lips found yours again, and he was pushing you back, holding himself above you with one hand. His other was moving up your shirt, his fingers grazing your stomach, causing goosebumps to rise.
Your breath hitched in your throat as his fingers danced across your ribs. His lips were rough, but they moved with such grace and delicacy it was hard to keep up.
He pulled away for a moment, and you looked up at him, catching your breath. His blonde hair was messy, and his eyes were a little hooded. He looked like a mess, but you couldn't find it in yourself to care.
You reached up and brushed his hair back, giving him a soft smile.
“Is that…” His eyes peered away from you, and you raised an eyebrow. "Do you still have that damn elephant?"
Your eyes followed his, and you spotted the elephant in question. It was a gift Johnny had given you back when things were different. Come to think of it, you weren’t even sure you were together at that point.
"Why wouldn't I?" You asked, and he chuckled. “Ozzy's special."
"You named it? What are you, ten?"
You swatted his arm, and he laughed again. His eyes found yours, and you couldn’t help but smile at him. It felt like old times.
"Don't make fun of him. You gave him to me."
"Yeah, whatever," He rolled his eyes, but his smile remained. "Can't believe you kept him."
"I keep a lot of stuff, Johnny. Especially when they're meaningful."
He was silent for a moment, his eyes still focused on you. The moonlight was shining through the window and casting a shadow on his face.
"I keep a lot of things, too."
Before you could say anything, he was leaning down and kissing you again. You could tell this one was different, more meaningful, like he was pouring his heart and soul into the kiss.
And he was.
He wanted you to know how he felt about you without actually saying it. And although you weren’t really sure what was going on, you had a feeling this was what it was.
The fire inside of him was burning again, but finally, after so long, he realized that he needed to take a breather every now and then. Add some water to the flames.
It was a delicate balance. And although he may be bad at showing his feelings, talking about them, or acknowledging them, you were there to make sure he didn't lose himself in the heat.
And maybe, just maybe, the flame was a little more subdued, and the burn a little less harsh.
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bluepallets · 11 days
Smut under the cut, no specific character, MxF reader, oral(F), fingering(F), slight overstimulation
Enjoy :)
His strong hands grip her plush hips, groaning into her heat as he dragged out her third orgasm that night. Tongue flicking against her sensitive clit. She pulls at his hair, trying to find purchase.
Gasps and whimpers coming from her mouth when he stuffs his ring finger into her, right down to the knuckle. Still, his eyes never leave hers.
Her eyes water and her legs shake. His free hand moves down to keep them spread apart. Another finger is added to her slick wet. He knows she’s close by the way she twitches, the way she pushes him deeper into her, her babbling on about how good he treats her.
When she cums around his fingers, and makes a mess of his face he laps it all up. She whines when his fingers are pulled out of her, licking them clean before placing a sweet kiss against her overstimulated cunt. His hands rub up against her thighs soothingly.
Moving up, he presses a small kiss to her cheek. Muttering to her about how good she did, how well she took him, how sweet and beautiful she was. Rambling about how cute she was when she got like this, all whiney and needy for him.
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augustinapril · 11 months
happy national girlfriends day to my girlfriend
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nostalgicninjas · 1 month
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mortal enemies to best girlfriends in the making 🫶
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reareaotaku · 5 months
Daniel LaRusso Headcanons
Day 4 of this hell of a cold.
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He's very sweet and protective over you
He's always trying to impress you
Big Ol' show off
Always has some stupid joke in the back of his head to try and make you laugh
Carries your books and bag for you
Kind of guy to open the door for you and put his jacket over a puddle so you don't get your shoes dirty [Gets kinda mad when you walk around the puddle]
If you ever need anything, he'll drop everything to help you/ do what you need
Has cute nicknames for you like, Babe, Honey, Sugar, etc
Takes you on cute dates [Ex: Picnics, Movie dates, Dinner]
Would take a beating for you. If anyone ever talks shit about you, he's quick to defend your name. Doesn't care if the guy is 3x his size
Very gentlemanly; Your parents love him, because he's so polite
Will compliment the cooking and partakes in conversation, throwing in multiple compliments
He's very confident in you two being together and he takes every opportunity to tell you how great you would both be together
You finally go out with him when seeing him fight some asshole for you
You help patch him up, while thanking him. Though, you do tell him that he didn't have to and you can defend yourself, but it was nice
He's so smitten and he's not really taking in what you're saying
God, you're touching him and you're being so gentle... It feels so nice. Maybe he should get beat up more?
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killahmaria · 5 months
write something for daniel!!! idk maybe hes just realising he has a crush on reader or something idk. have fun with it or something. idk.
• DANIEL was in desperate need of friends, especially after what happened with those Cobra kais.
• he sat next to you in french, and was struggling HARD. you say this as an opportunity to use the “you need help?” cliche on the cute boy beside you.
• he said yes, obviously. he wasnt doing so hot (but u sure were)
• at the end of class that day he slipped you a note with his number on it!! and not too long after that, the both of you were on the beach and he was teaching you soccer tricks.
• after this hangout basically a date, the both of you were practically inseparable.
• personally, i think he would know he’s in love, but wouldn’t really act on it unless he was SURE you liked him back.
• you werent exactly sneaky about liking him, so he wasn’t nervous at all to make a move on you
• trying to teach you stuff, playfully flirting, you know the drill.
• i dont think either of you would really have some all out romantic, “will you be my bf/gf” thing, just over time you both were obviously more than friends, sneaking kisses and hugs.
• it wasn’t ever stated out loud until a mutual friend asked you all about it.
“you two are together, right?”
“yeah, duh.”
“oh okay”
• overall, there wasn’t really any internal turmoil when he realized he liked you.
i have no idea if this was good, i havent written in forever 💀 ANYWAYS thank u for the req!!!
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macchiodaily · 5 months
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sensei-venus · 1 year
gosh darn it tumblr. 😭 my original ask had a request for daniel x female reader where they're at daniel's place doing homework & the reader gets distracted by how attractive he is (aka horny) and one thing leads to another and they end up fucking and that homework gets shoved off the bed so fast
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“Uhhhh I hate this! How are you so good at this stuff when I just straight up suck at it!”
“It’s because I actually pay attention and take notes, not sleep all class. Like someone in this room.”
Reader huffed as she rolled onto her side on Daniel's bed. She fanned out on his bed and groaned into the mattress in annoyance. Her brain hurt just from the thought of another math problem. Daniel was way better at this stuff then she was and she wished he would suck it up and let her copy off of him.
But no he had to “help her” by trying to tutor her. It did little to help her at this point.
Daniel just smirked and rolled his eyes at her before looking back at the worksheet. His eyes scanning over his own work, not even bothering to look at the mess of Reader’s. It looked like it could rip at any minute from how much she had erased over the thin paper. He almost grimced at it.
Reader turned back over and looked at him. Her hand resting under her head as she laid on her side and just studied him.
She had only known the boy for a year and only dated him a few months now.
Up close she could see why some of the girls at school thought he was so attractive. She felt a pang in her heart, feeling like she was lucky to have caught his eye. For him to dating her. But that was nothing in her mind.
Daniel was attractive by all things holy. He might be slightly smaller and more scrawny then most boys, he wasn't beefy or have washboard abs. But it was attractive none the least. His face was a big winner for most girls including herself.
Big brown eyes that always had a glint of mischief in them. Tan skin that was only darkening the longer he stayed in the california sun. The almost invisible dust of freckles on the bridge of his nose. Not to mention his cute nose that fit his other features perfectly.
Kissable plump lips that he was always darting his tongue out to wet.
Reader couldn’t help rubbing her thighs together to try and get some friction. Her pussy was already starting to get damp just from just thinking about him. Her eyes glazed over just a little as she watched him work on his own homework. The way his jaw locked a little when he was thinking or the way he chewed on the inside of his cheek. He was already starting to get annoyed with his own work and he watched as his jaw started to lock up.
She slowly moved a hand over his bed sheets, her fingers ran up is arm and finally over his cheeks. He didn’t seem to interested or he just didn’t notice.
That was until her fingers ran though his thick hair and her hand grabbed a big chuck, giving it a hard tug at the roots. He grunted and his eyes sprang up to look her way. He puffed out a cheek before huffing, she just gave him a innocent smile.
“Soooo you said your mom was going to be working late today? Taking a double shift?”
He raised a brow before slowly nodding. A smirk coming over his lips as he started to get what she was hinting at.
Not even five minutes later the two where naked on his bed.
Reader giggled as she pushed him down and straddled his waist. She grinned as she started to stroke his already hard dick. He hissed as she played with him, her fingers playing along his shaft and her finger tip running over his slit.
She let go of him only to run herself against him. She was already slick as she rubbed her folds over him. His dick pushing though her soft spongy folds. They both moaned out at the feeling, the tip of his dick digging into her clit with every movement.
“Babe shit, if you keep doing that I’m going to cum.”
“We don’t want that do we, not till your inside me that is.”
She laughed as she lifted herself up a little bit. Her had reached around to stroke him once more before helping to line him up with her pussy. His tip brushed her entrance before pushing fully into her wet heat. Slowly she let herself slid down his dick until he bottomed out. His bass pressed against her ass just right. They both moaned and groaned at the new feeling.
Reader panted as she let him settle inside her tight cunt. She felt so full with him inside of her, and he was so deep. Her head was in the clouds as she started to move on top of him.
Daniel grunted as she moved on top of him, her hands on his chest as she used him for leverage to move herself up and down on him. She was bouncing on his dick like not other and all he could do was try to help push and pull her down. He moaned out as he buried his face into her fat tits. Almost smothering himself in her soft tits as she moved around, her hips circling on top of him. He could feel how wet she was as she spilled all over him.
His eyes rolled back for a split second pushed himself deeper into her breasts. All he could hear was her heavy breathing and moans. The way her voice rumbled in her chest. He could hear the way her heart pounded. He groaned as she felt himself slowly start to let go. The coil in his belly was tight and about to snap, his dick felt like it was going to break off at this rate. The way she moved made his head spin.
His fingers dig into the rolls of his belly as he try’s to find some kind of purchase of leverage. Her bouncing only growing more violent by the minute. He could feel his balls throb. He was so close just a little more and he would be over the edge.
He felt her grind down and her pussy clench around him. Her tight channel fluttered and she squealed out before jerking around. It took him a moment to realize what even happened.
She just squirted on his dick.
That was all it took for him to go over the edge cum. His ball drew up as he unloaded a fat load of hot cum into her tight cunt. It quickly spilled out along his shaft with her fluid’s. Her own juices painted his thighs and pelvis. It was wet and sticky as they both lay together. Her weight was like a heavy blanket on top of him and he couldn’t help but snuggle more into her. His head resting against her pillow like tits. He sighed.
She panted over him before setting back into a normal rhythm. She hummed as her gummy walls flutter around him once again. His dick slowly softened but twitched inside her.
“Remind me to take these sheets down to the laundry later, at least before my mom gets home.”
“Ummm will do baby will do….”
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hearts4skywalker · 4 months
cobra kai dating head canons
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summary: head canons for dating cobra kai characters!!
pairings: you and cobra kai characters (separate)
warnings: no pronouns specified, probs out of character but yk
a/n: new format!!
Miguel Diaz
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- biggest golden retriever bf ever ‼️
- he's not SUPER big on pda
- holding pinkies or hugging is the most he'll do in public
- with the occasional kiss on the lips (its a little more than occasionally)
- he's a very private person 🤷‍♀️
- miguel's super big on slumbies
- he's a girls girl
- kisses your knuckles
- your his passenger princess when he gets a car
- hearing "hermosa" 24/7
Robby Keene
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- i think he's a black cat a first, but will start to become a golden retriever
- he's a lot more pda than miguel, but not as bad as hawk
- hand holding, hand on your waist, kissing
- you made out in the cobra kai dojo a few times 😔🙏
- he really js uses your name (maybe a little too much...)
- will teach you how to skateboard ‼️
- he's a neat freak. after juvie, everything in his life has to be put together
- you go on family trips 🤭
- you two watched euphoria sunday's together
- denied being in love with you for the longest time until tory said something about it
Samantha LaRusso
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- she LOVES playing with your hair
- movie dates are a constant ‼️
- like robby, she also rarely uses pet names
- is VERY quick to defend you
- she needs reassurance. i can picture you and tory being super close and she just needs you to tell her that nothing is going on between you too.
- she makes you those baskets for every occasion (boo, burr, etc.)
- like a good amount of pda, she'll hold your hand, kiss your cheek but thats about it
- my sweet girl thinks the bare minimum is love 😔
- she definitely sends you encouraging messages everyday
- chick flic queen 🙌
Hawk (Eli) Moskowitz
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- PDA ‼️‼️
- hand on your waist (sometimes ur ass 👀) kissing you at all times
- he had a crush on you before he even became hawk
- got a tattoo for you
- he loves buying you stuff, it's his love language
- skips half of his classes just to see you 😭
- if you date long enough, he'll trust you enough to dye his hair
- going with that, you're the only person who has seen the hawk down and not covered in hair spray
- his closet is your closet (hear me out bc he has some cute clothes guys ‼️)
- he uses babe and baby, but thats about it yk?
Demetri Alexopoulos
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- like sam, he also needs to be reassured 24/7
- he genuinely thought you were messing with him when you said yes to dating
- you guys have star wars / lord of the rings marathons once a month
- offers to do your homework for you
- if you have a hobby or sport besides karate, he makes it a point to be there for every practice and comp
- not surprisingly, he's like hawk. he'll make out with you anywhere, hold your hand, kiss you on the lips. i mean bro gives no fucks ‼️
- the first person he told when you two started dating was actually sam
- i think demetri is super considerate of your needs. like if you have a bad day, he just lays down and runs his fingers through your hair
- he's probably the best to date out of the whole show
- i think he just uses a nickname for you. he doesn't really like "baby" or "babe" or just any pet name
Tory Nichols
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- black cat gf ‼️
- she's super big on communication
- dislikes pet names with a passion
- she also thinks the bare minimum is love (my poor girls ☹️)
- holds your hand and will kiss your cheek
- her brother absolutely loves you
- bandaging any wounds she gets during training or in fights
- if you dated while her and sam were fighting 24/7, you've had to deescalate fights before
- kim da-eun and you have mad beef.
Anthony LaRusso
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- not so secret secret nerd
- you two were bio partners and he had a crush on you the second you were nice to him
- you play with his hair while he plays video games
- he holds your hand and will MAYBE kiss you
- he needs that reassurance (maybe its a larusso thing)
- you are constantly arguing with daniel over how he treats ant
- you two watch movies 24/7
- always partnering up for everything (karate sparing, bio projects)
- anthony, you, and robby are an ICONIC trio
- you defend him and he defends you ‼️
- youre the only one who knows how much his dad upsets him
- over all just such a sweet boy who's gone through it
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ellsarchive · 29 days
Johnny Cade Headcannons!! *.• (both romantic and general to his character)
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Looks up to Darry like a brother, but at the same time is pretty intimidated by him so their relationship is sort of complex.
Not necessarily as quiet as made out in the book, but still pretty quiet. Usually it isn’t because he’s super nervous though, he just prefers not to talk. He’s only nervous sometimes.
Sometimes forgets to eat and just has mints to get rid of the hunger. He’s eaten an entire tin of altoids in a singular day once.
His side eye is MEANNN. Since he’s so quiet he probably communicates with it more than speaking. Someone teases him? 🌚. Dally talking like a pig about a girl? 🌚. Someone mentions his crush? 🌚.
If he likes you this man would avoid you and chase you around at the same time. Hear me out. Like he’s purposefully taking routes to walk near you, sitting relatively close to you, trying to find ways to be in groups with you, etc. If you actually direct your attention on him though, he gets all nervous and doesn’t know what the hell to say because what do you MEAN you took the time out of your day to say hi to him?
Following up on that fact he believes that he’s unlovable because of the way his parents treat him. He knows that the gang cares about him, but his mind can barely process it. Sometimes when he’s alone in the lot he wonders if they really care or they’re just nice out of pity.
Please reassure him. He’s probably seem really awkward if you told him how much he’s loved and really dug up the emotions he buries and hides, but whether he realizes or not he finds his shoulders a little lighter and his mind a little clearer on those lonely, quiet nights.
On the rare nights he does sleep in his house, it feels so foreign and unusual that he can’t sleep. He always ends up just laying there and listening to his parents fight and talk about him.
He doesn’t have sheets on his bed
He once heard his parents drunkenly joke that they wouldn’t notice nor really care if he died because he’s barely around anyway. He’s slept at “home” much less since then.
He tries to take care of himself but sometimes he either just can’t or forgets
When he was little he had a little book of everywhere he wanted to visit when he grew up. It had places like Mexico, Italy, Hawaii, NYC, etc. He didn’t get to visit one.
Actually really likes guitar. If he had the money to get one and wasn’t shy about it he’d play.
Has a very good mind, and believes that if he was a soc and had parents like Ponyboy’s he’d do well in school.
Books and movies aren’t really his thing, but when it’s being read to him or the gang forces him to watch he always likes them.
Left 9th grade 5’6 and went into 10th grade 5’9 or 5’10. Everyone was very confused.
Has always had more of a romantic than sexual view on women. I believe he wasn’t that interested in relationships and all of that until he met you. Until he saw you, actually.
He used to make little drawings of him and a big brother that he wished he had. He didn’t want to be alone in the place that he’s forced to call home.
He once tried to show his parents the drawings but they thought they were dumb.
Every once in a while his mom will get more drunk than usual and cry to him and promise to be a better mother. He’d always forgive her and hold her and convince himself she was telling the truth this time.
Now that he’s older, he doesn’t forgive her anymore. No matter how much he wants to believe her, he knows she’ll never be better.
Has a habit of biting his nails
He would really like chocolate ice cream. It’s his favourite. (It’s disgusting but don’t tell him I said that)
I love him sm 🫂
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