#dani would be stir crazy
tofuingho · 1 year
DP x DC/ Drop Dead Fred AU
Trigger warning for child neglect/emotional abuse
Tim Drake had a lonely, cold childhood.
When his parents were home, they hardly seemed to notice him. When they were home.
More often then not they were off on digs leaving him at boarding school.Even at the school, he was mostly ignored by adults and children alike.
Was it any wonder he had an imaginary friend?
When Phantom started showing up, everyone noticed. It was difficult not to when a quiet child like Tim started constantly talking to thin air and pulling pranks on everyone. Pranks that no one can ever catch him setting up, but he’s always there when they go off.
But he always said that it wasn’t him. It was Phantom.
Eventually, the school had enough and expelled Tim. His parents are LIVID. No only do they have to come home early from the dig, but now, they have nowhere to send him the next time they leave.
In the end, they hire a nanny to watch over Tim in the Manor. But, the pranks continue and escalate. Everything from the classic frog-in-the-bed to the disgusting filling-the-shoes-with-dog-poo to the just plain weird and unexpected covered-the-floor-in-mayo-so-the-person-slides-across-the-floor-into-a-tub-full-of-old-pumpkin-guts.
They go through nanny after nanny before their newest employee figures out how to seal Phantom away.
Tim returns to the quiet, forgotten child that he was before. His parents find him a new boarding school and everything goes back to the way it was before.
Tim grows up. He finds out the identity of Batman. He trains to be Robin. His mother dies. His dad is paralyzed. He becomes Robin. His father died.
After his father’s funeral, Tim goes back to  Drake Manor. Eventually, he finds himself in his childhood bedroom. Among the knickknacks and toys he finds a small music box all covered in tape. He cuts through the tape, but, before he can open it, out pops a black and white blob.
The blob bounces around the room and grows larger and larger. When it finally comes to a stop, floating in front of him is a girl.
She opens her mouth and says “EWWW! What happened to you, fart breath?”
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agentrouka-blog · 1 year
My favourite thing when anons want to stir trouble is that like, inevitably they have consistent misspelling habits which mean you know exactly who it is sending repeat asks. So unself-aware.
Anyway, I do think there is a balanced path between the text and what the author says. GRRM's comments about Sansa are about as light as they could come. I love when people want to ungenerously frame the debate as if she's tantamount to Tyrian or Daenerys, come on. Girl took a steak knife to see a drunken knight in the godswood. The most harm she's going to inflict is driving Jon crazy with the incest. I'm trying to be lighthearted here.
Anyway, Rouka, what's your opinion on author vs. text? How much is too much, relying on the former? On the other hand, with the Daenerys is a tragic hero fandom, there's a lot of outright twisting of the text. Does relying on the author's comments provide some clarity or just make the conversation harder, since one would want to reason based on the text? Thank you for your time and your graceful handling of us terrible anons 🥰
(The posts referenced: one and two)
(I'm chronically bad at recognizing these individuall spelling patterns. Unless they make it obvious, every anon is a newborn dawn to me.)
Hello and thank you!
For me, the actual text of the books should always be central when it comes to actually analyzing the books. (You know. Obviously.) Interviews can be nice, but should be absolutely optional to any of it. If you NEED an interview to support your position, you're not analyzing the text.
Perhaps I am biased because I can't be bothered to follow GRRM interviews, let alone dig up ancient ones - unless I am feeling especially motivated.
But also, most of the time we don't have a lot of good context for GRRM's quotes. How exactly a question was phrased, what direction the conversation went before it, how distracted or rushed was GRRM when answering, how likely is it he actually managed to get across exactly what he meant, and how easily can it get twisted around? Who edited and published it? Worse, did it go through a translation process?
Take the "Aragorn's Tax Policy" quote that still has people frothing at the mouth. People hear him mention Tolkien and lose all sense of nuance. No, he's not describing how his endgame king will be elected on his tax plan. He's giving context for parts of ADWD. That's it. Still people wail about what an evil hypocrite GRRM supposedly is because Bran was crowned king in the show without a single published treatise on his taxation policy.
Same with some commentary on the show, specifically Dany with Drogo. I've had people in my Inbox arguing for Rhaegar/Lyanna because GRRM is obviously okay with adult men preying on teenaged girls based on that interview. Which... you know, actually read Dany's chapters? Please?
The books, on the other hand, were not blathered out in a hurry. They are not a commentary on a text, they are the text. A labor of many hours of writing, editing, rewriting and more editing. They are complete and fully intentional in their form. They are the message.
So, while I admire how someone who knows what they are doing is able to create a brilliant body of supporting evidence on book content by compiling quotes in a meaningful way, often with good sources and context - looking at you here, @kellyvela - these lovely metas should never be considered necessary to understanding the text, and they should certainly neither replace nor supercede it. They augment the experience of it.
Knowing GRRM approved on the Meereenese Blot essays is nice.
But you don't need to know them, nor what GRRM thinks of them, in order to arrive at the same conclusion.
Knowing GRRM agrees with the statement that "Brienne is Sansa with a sword" is nice.
But you need never have heard of that quote in order to understand the similarities between these two idealistic, dutiful female characters.
He called Tyrion a villain, which is nice.
But you can arrive at that same conclusion by reading the books.
On the other hand, you can take one quote about the Key Five Characters from a decades-old outline that deviates from established plot in multiple significant instances, and then try and justify dismissing the importance of other characters. You just need to ignore the published text in order to do it!
So I just can't take that anon seriously when they gesture wildly at some quote about Sansa while ignoring the way it's entirely contradicted by the actual body of the text.
And if some members of the fandom have a habit of very selectively reading the text then this makes their analysis suspect, so what's really the point of arguing with someone who isn't really interested in analysis in the first place?
If "she burned a slave alive" or "she is ordering her servant to please her sexually" or "she condons torture even while she knows its useless" or "she ordered the murder of children" isn't going to convince them, an interview snippet isn't going to do it, either.
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mmoxie · 1 year
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Part 3- Continental Breakfast
Free HBO. Always a good sign. Dani looked over at Seebs, curled up in the passenger seat around a bag of Fritos, and resolved to lie about him if they asked. She parked next to the front office and stretched after getting out of the car, putting a foot against the hood and bending each knee until she heard a dull little pop of relief.
She had been on the road for more than a day. The apartment in Chevette was clean, and for the most part intact- save for her tape tower, an old oversized Army duffel, and Seebs's bag with all his goodies. They broke west across Texas, took the I-40 through Albuquerque, and finally limped to a stop in a little town called Eureka.
She paid for her room with cash- single queen, for the week, no guests- and eased into #14, at the far end of the low, long building. No bedbugs, no bibles. Off to a good start. She set her walkman on the edge of the sink, turned the volume all the way up, and undressed as Thin Lizzy tinnily shook out of her discarded headphones.
Her teeth didn't hurt anymore, but she squinted at herself in the mirror, frowning around them. It was a good thing she smoked- the carbon graying at the edges would be a lot more conspicuous on a perfect, Hollywood smile. Everything in her life would have to be some sort of coverup now, even the little details had to do their part. She was leaving a lot behind, and had to leave the marks behind too, as much as she could.
No Chattanooga. No Chevette. No apartment.
No Wilson Titlee- You deserve it!
Fear was getting in the way of any catharsis she wanted. She hadn't been pursued as she ran away. She bought a police scanner about thirty miles out of Chevette and plugged it into the cigarette lighter, but they weren't talking about her.
It wasn't something to take for granted, but as long as she didn't hear her name- or, god forbid, Mark LaGrange- she could keep her cool.
She sat on the bed with Seebs and flipped through the channels. Crab fishing on the Discovery Channel, green wireframe models getting obliterated on Animal Planet, an expedition to find the Antarctic's secret Nazis on the History Channel.
She shook her head, flipped to Comedy Central, and let out a sigh of relief as she heard Richard Pryor yelling to an audience about the time he set himself on fire while freebasing. Sometimes comfort came from the strangest places. Didn't he star with Gene Wilder in Stir Crazy?
Oh man, I should watch Blazing Saddles again.
She made a mental note to rent a handful of Mel Brooks films the next time she found a video store.
She frowned.
...In 2020. Riiiiiight.
It was nice to have small problems. The annoyances kept her from thinking about how she evaporated a coworker. But there were other questions.
Could she do it again?
Could she control it?
Could she trigger it on purpose?
Really, could she do it again?
That was the part that made her nervous. It was like eating for the first time, then finding out what it's like to be hungry. She didn't think she wanted to make a habit out of killing Mark LaGrange, but there was something about that moment, when she became this single-minded, literal conflagration, like distilled water brought to a boil and reacting all at once. She wanted that, over and over again until the world was out of ways to abuse her.
She pet Seebs with one hand and ate her way through a vending machine honey bun with the other.
The thing was, she wasn't ambiently mad. That was always the thing- she didn't carry around a vendetta, she didn't stew for too long, she didn't want revenge on a society that let her down. In the moment, mouth full of honey bun, watching a commercial for erectile dysfunction medicine while waiting for another standup special to start, she didn't have a bone to pick with anyone.
The incandescent, pressurized fury that had turned Mark LaGrange into a pile of thin black ash wasn't a spirit of vengeance possessing her for the sake of a momentary flash of justice. The universe didn't much care to write its own wrongs like that. What had she felt when she opened her mouth, and everything fell apart?
I was trying to apologize.
At around two in the morning, she wandered over to the sidewalk by the office and helped herself to a newspaper. The Eureka Star was surely the authority on all things local- and it was prudent to keep a positive cash flow. Y'know, if you ever need to cross the country overnight, change your name and address, and remain employable.
Ugh, employable. Always had to be worth something to someone.
She flipped through the obits and weather, nodding at this or that until she got to the personal ads. Even in a town with four or so hundred people, someone always needed something done.
Landscaping, furniture movers, security... might be nice to work outside for a change.
Line cook, custodian- great jobs that were greater if you were high. She was not. She was in the middle of her teens when Nancy Reagan started her "Just Say No" campaign- which hadn't put her off the prospect, but had made the cops even worse about it. She didn't need that kind of attention right now.
Three pages in, past "Wanted: Someone to go back in time with me" and a cluster of want-ads for houses in need of painting and odd-jobs needing doing, she found an entry that she had to re-read several times.
"Coyote del Rey in need of crowd control detail for one night event. Partial pay up-front. Call 728-1856 ask for Rubén."
Vague, but vague was good. Get a job nobody wants to talk about, and they'll throw the cops off your scent for the sake of burying whatever they're doing.
She circled the entry with a ballpoint pen and turned in for the night. Deciding that watching endless commercials for commemorative coins would rot Seebs's brain, she flipped over to the SciFi network to let Rod Serling's dulcet tones serenade them to sleep.
Ooh, Walking Distance. Wasn't Gig Young in Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia? The critics really ripped that one to shreds, but good pulp is good pulp...
Meandering thoughts like that bounced back and forth across the inside of her head until she drifted off. Tomorrow she would get in touch with Rubén, and after collecting, she'd get on the road again. Canada came to mind, but maybe Mexico. If you're fleeing, you want to flee across as many borders as you can, she reasoned.
She hadn't set an alarm. God knows she deserved to sleep in after all she'd been through. But sometime around 9am, when the east Nevada sun was comfortably up over the horizon, something banged against her door.
Oh no. Come on.
"Who's there?" She tried to sound dangerous, but she was hardly awake. She leaned against the door and peered through the peephole.
A beakish nose filled her fisheye field of vision for a moment, and when it pulled back she saw a short young man with black hair and a sullen, irritated expression.
"Housekeeping," he grunted. She opened the door a crack.
"Sorry, kid. I'm good for now."
"That's alright," he replied. "I didn't want to do it."
He shuffled along, and Dani chuckled as she locked up again. Must be the owner's kid on some kind of punishment detail. Pushing a mop to build character, maybe.
Sounded a little too familiar. She shook her head sympathetically and started the coffee maker.
"You remember Duck Soup, Seebs? Groucho Marx, probably, uh... early thirties? The mirror scene, the sidecar gags..." She poured herself a cup and sat on the edge of the bed.
"It's the sword of Damocles, y'know? Come sit on the throne and see if you like it- by the way, you could be skewered at any second."
Seebs rolled over onto his back, and Dani scratched his belly. She laughed as she watched him restrain himself, bicycling back feet stopping abruptly as soon as they made contact with her hand.
"If I can get a grip on this thing, I can stop being the one in the hot seat, and start being the sword. Anyone wanting my help, they'd be on their best behavior if they thought I might... y'know, hit 'em with the atomic breath."
She watched Seebs roll over, and scratched between his ears. "Is that emotional blackmail?" She took a deep drink and raised her eyebrows, looking into his amber eyes for a real answer.
Man, what isn't?
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questions for writers
i was tagged by @luvwich (THANK YOU)
Last book I read: I'm currently reading Hidden Pictures by Jason Rekulak, I recently finished Several People are Typing by Calvin Kasulke
Greatest Literary Inspirations: Stephen King, though not as much anymore, Chuck Palahniuk, Douglas Coupland (these last two can be seen especially in Streetkid with regards to inner monologue and style), William Gibson and Neal Stephenson
Things in my current fandom I want to read but I don't want to write
Does smut of my own OCs count? Otherwise because I only ship my own OCs and am picky about like...idk ships in general (it's a vibes thing, not personal!) there isn't anything else. I just suck at and struggle writing smut. Maybe more like adventures and shenanigans, one off gigs and stuff.
You can recognize my writing by: Quick and snappy dialogue, action beats, describing gory bits more than scenery, little to no description of canon characters in scene, little to no description of the scene in general (i'm trying...). Oddly gory or gruesome metaphors for things not gory/gruesome (e.g. Bea branding V's heart)
My most controversial take (current fandom):
*clears throat*
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I keep that shit locked down to small groups or specific people I know won't castrate me. While I am not worried about my reputation in fandom, I don't like randomly shit stirring and starting up discourse.
Top three favorite tropes: Gore gore gore gore gore gore gore gore gore gore. LOVE snapping bones and wet mushy guts. I also like unreliable narrators, I enjoy feeling disoriented and like the book is a personal attack on my person and psyche. That's why I describe my style sometimes as hostile to readers. And then the third one is enemies/friends/neutral working partner to lovers.
What's your current writing mood (10 -- super motivated and churning out words like crazy, 0 -- in a complete rut): Like a 6 or 7. Now that I'm working on new shit I know I can start and am looking forward to sitting down and writing, but also on a little brain break since I finished act one and need to do some housekeeping with my fics.
Share a random frustration: I am so tired of my hips hurting all the time and I am trying to ignore the fact that even after my hip surgery that hip but especially my left hip will still hurt and that's just like an unfortunate fact of my fucking existence with this stupid fucking connective tissue disorder. I don't think I have lived a day of my life fully pain free, even as a child I remember sitting cross-legged for too long would make my knees feel weird.
Tagging @dreadfulsanity @glitchinginthegarden @bloodydragam @dani-the-goblin
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mistys-blerbz · 1 year
Keep Your Eyes On Me • Chapter 13
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Pairing: Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x F!Mitchell!OC
Elizabeth “Ghost” Mitchell is the daughter of what some would say is the most decorated Naval Captain. But when she is called back to North Island for a special mission she is forced to face her past loves, past hurts, and past losses.
violence, swearing, PTSD, war, mental illness & probably more
Word Count: 3,751
Cross Posted: A03 • Wattpad
Story Masterlist
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Liz stood in the kitchen, cutting some more veggies before moving over to the stove and adding them to the boiling pot. Her father walked into the door. 
“They didn't have the exact brand you needed, but I bought this one instead,” he said, walking over as she aggressively stirred her yummy concoction. 
“Shit, okay, that will have to do,” she grumbled. “Thank you, dad.”
She turned back to what she was doing, not noticing the soft smile forming on the man's lips at her calling him dad. He slipped off his leather jacket, gently putting it on the back of the dinette chair at her island before rolling up his sleeves. 
“Okay, what can I help you with?”
“Can you peel those potatoes please?” she asked, pointing to the pile.  The man immediately jumped to work before noting how quiet the house was. 
“Where’s Bradley and John?”
Elizabeth immediately shot a look at him causing him to shrink back a little. She really did have a scary kill face. 
“They have been banished from the home until further notice,” she said darkly. The boys had tried to help but already ruined part of her dishes and did not know how to work with multiple people in a kitchen. Therefore, they were told to go do whatever the hell they wanted. “Besides, gives me an excuse to get John out of the house, I have a surprise for him,” she said, her deathly look turning soft at the thought. 
It was like it was on cue when the door opened up, revealing a 5’7” goddess of a woman. Liz's eyes immediately turned into hearts. 
“MEDUSA!!” she shouts, immediately running to and engulfing the shorthaired, heavily tattooed woman. She clung onto her tightly, making the woman drop the bags she was holding to stabilize herself and hold on to the short woman she had grown to love. 
“Hello, hotness, how are you doing?” the woman said, looking down at the grinning woman. 
“Better now that my crazy hot wife is here,” she hummed before pulling away.  Liz looked behind her Army buddy to see the even taller Amazonian woman. She immediately screamed and ran toward her. “NATIA OH MY GOD!!” she shouted, the two women reuniting.
Pete stood in the kitchen smiling as he looked over his shoulder at his daughter and the two women. The one with short hair walked toward her.
“You must be Pops?”
Pete looked at her. 
“I suppose I am. You are?”
“Danielle Hart-Gibbs. Army Helicopter Pilot.” She started as she went to hold her hand out to shake. Behind her, the two other women squealed and praised each other all the way into the house before accidentally slamming the door, making the two begin to cackle, just about peeing themselves. “Served with Elizabeth in Afghanistan.”
“Pete Mitchell, nice to meet you. Thanks for keeping her safe.”
“She didn't keep me safe! I got a bullet wound and a stab wound in her care!!” Elizabeth shouted as Natia ran to the powder room. 
“Hey! I pulled you out of the wreck and basically carried you to safety!” Dani protested, crossing her arms. This caused Liz to laugh as Pete looked between the two in amusement. 
“You sure you can't stay? I would love for you to meet the team,” Liz said, a frown forming on her face. She hugged the woman tightly, getting soft pets in return. 
“Yes I'm sure, I have to report to base at 1500,” Dani hummed. 
“Fine, thank you so much for picking Natia up from the airport. It means a lot!”
“Yeah, no problem! She was a blast! I see why John married her!” she said, looking at the time. 1400. “Alright well I should be going. Nice meeting you, Pops!” she said, waving at Maverick and catching Natia just before leaving the house and driving off. 
“She is so fun!” Natia expressed, her dark hair flowing over her shoulders, her nice flowing sundress complimenting her natural features softly. 
“Isn't she? I just love her, real madwoman,” Liz hummed. She then looked over at her father. “Oh! Natia, this is my father, Pete Mitchell.”
“Aloha!” she said, moving in to hug. “I’m a hugger! Not sorry!” she expressed, pulling the shorter man into her as he gently hugged her back.  
“Natia is John's wife. I decided to surprise him and fly her in before we ship out tomorrow,” Liz explained, turning back to cooking. 
“I see! Well, your husband is a very talented WSO. He has shown nothing but hard work and dedication for the past few weeks I've known him. Plus he keeps this one safe,” Pete said with a smile. 
“Ah! It's more like Elizabeth keeps him out of trouble when I'm not around!” she said with a laugh, looking at the food-filled kitchen. “Sunny let me help you!” she said, immediately getting to work. 
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Natia put the last main dish into the oven as Liz began working on some sides. By this time, Liz had opened up some wine for the three of them to begin drinking. Pete sat on the chair, leaning against the island as Liz fiddled with the charcuterie board. 
“So, Pete Mitchell, do you have a lady friend?” Natia asked as she sipped her wine. She set down the glass before going back to slicing the pepperoni, handing the pieces to Elizabeth and eating some. 
“I do actually,” he said with a smile. 
“Oooohhh, what's her name?”
“Penny Benjamin,” Liz said, answering for her. “She was a young fling he had when I was younger. Turns out, she aged like a nice barrel of wine and doesn't take his shit anymore,” Liz said with a grin. 
“Ohhhhh I see,” the Samoan woman oozed with a grin. “So are the two of you official?”
“Well that's the thing,” Pete started. “I told her I wouldn't leave her again, but now that I'm team leader…” He rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m not sure how I'm supposed to tell her that I'm leaving again.”
Elizabeth and Natia stopped what they were doing, looking at the man as if he was mad before looking at one another. 
“¿Es este hombre un loco? ¿Por qué sigue aquí y no con su mujer?” Natia said to Elizabeth. (Is this man a madman? Why is he still here and not with his woman?)
“Porque tengo demasiado miedo de lastimarla demasiadas veces y perderla para siempre,” Pete replied, surprising Natia with the fact that he knew spanish.  (Because I'm too afraid of hurting her one too many times and losing her for good.)
“Natia is right though. You should be with her. The longer you wait, the more it will hurt her, trust me.”
“I don't know,” Pete said, shaking his head. “I’m breaking my promise again.”
“Ah! If you don't go to base, throw on your Whites and get to the bar right now I might kill you,” Elizabeth protested. 
“Here take these with you!” Natia added, taking Elizabeth’s flowers from the vase that was already conveniently wrapped in a bow.
“Yeah take those! And you pour your heart out to her!” The two women ran around grabbing things for him, like his shoes and his jacket, basically forcing the man out. 
“What about the party?”
“Don't worry about it! I’ll blame Simpson!” Liz shouted, watching her father smile. He waved at the two women before climbing onto his bike and riding off with the flowers. 
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Eventually, it was time for the squad to make their way to Elizabeth’s home. The first to arrive are Natasha and Bob. That's when Liz texted Bradley and John to come back home. The next group is Fritz, Yale, Harvard, and Echo. Then it was Omaha, Javy, and Jake. Jake brought in a bundle of flowers and some whiskey. 
“This is for the lovely hostess,” he said with a smile as he handed her the flowers and whiskey. Liz looked up at the man with a smile. He wore a white shirt with a black and gray flannel overtop, black jeans, and of course, where would he be without his cowboy boots? His sunglasses hung from his white shirt. 
“Thank you, I was in the market for some flowers, and… Jeez Seresin, that's expensive whiskey,” she breathed looking at the brand.
She leaned up, kissing him on the cheek before quickly turning away to put the flowers away. She caught a glimpse of Natia giving her the ‘Oh, my that’s him isn't it’ eyes. Liz gave her a shy, blushy smile as she cut the stems and inserted the flowers in the newly empty vase. It wasn't long until Bradley, John, Reuben, and Mickey arrived, making the entire crew finally at the Mitchell household. 
John was a smiley mess before he froze, his eyes locking on the women his days and nights rose and set on. 
“Surprise, my world!” Natia said.
John basically bulldozed Bradley and Javy out of the way, engulfing his wife in the tightest, most tender hug he could muster before pulling her in for a deep kiss. The group of aviators cheered watching the couple. 
“When did you get here?”
“A few hours ago, Liz flew me out for you,” Natia explained. John's eyes shot over to Liz, who smiled. 
“I knew you were my favorite Mitchell,” he breathed out before leaning in to kiss his wife again. 
“When was that ever a question?” Liz said, confused, making the group laugh. 
“Where's this sick man cave I've been hearing about?” Fritz asked. 
“Oh, it's in the basement! Grab your food and we can go down!” she said, being sure to be a good hostess.
Eventually, everyone made it to the basement, spreading out as Liz went over to her jukebox and pressed ‘shuffle music,’ beginning to play over the speakers throughout the room. 
Everyone was getting rowdy, speaking over one another and laughing. Some moved over to play pool while others played arcade games. It was a blast. A good last night before the mission.
Elizabeth stood on the other side of the bar, listening to Mickey and Bob have a very intense conversation on the implications of tribbles in the Star Trek universe. Liz, being more of a Star Wars gal herself, was only really versed in the newest Star Trek movies with Chris Pine. She wiped down the bar as she listened before she began thinking about the next day. 
They would be shipped off to sea tomorrow. Flown and dropped off to a carrier off the coast of Russia. Five of her friends could possibly be chosen for the mission due to happen in the next day and a half. It made her stomach turn. She could lose everyone she held dear. She was confident Jake or Bradley would get chosen as wingman. They were the best when it came to their times and how many times they scored. She didn’t know who could be the two-seater planes. One of them had to be Phoenix and Bob. The other, well, she knew it wasn’t going to be her and John. The conflict of interest was too high.
Her heart began to race as she began to think about everything that could go wrong. Her eyes looked over the twelve others in the basement, smiling softly at their smiling faces. She couldn’t fathom losing any of them.
She silently slunk away, her toes silently padding up the hardwood stairs, eyeing the mess she had before her. She quickly began going to work. She cleaned up what she could, packing away food into to-go containers for everyone and throwing away what needed to be thrown out. Her back was towards the door as she began to wash some of the dishes, her hands being a little tougher than they should as she mentally panicked about having to go to yet another funeral. 
“Take a picture, it will last longer,” Liz grumbled, not bothering to look behind her as she heard the familiar chuckle.
She continued to scrub at a particularly stuck-on stain on her favorite skillet. The man didn’t say a word as Sunday Kind of Love began playing. She began scrubbing harder before strong arms wrapped around her hands turning the faucet off before hands gently took the sponge and skillet from her hands. She protested a little before the man's gentle hands went to her waist, gently turning her towards him. 
Elizabeth looked up at those familiar green eyes in defiance. 
“You need to relax, sunshine,” Jake said softly.
She looked over his face, now catching on to the song as Jake pulled her in close, slowly beginning to sway them. As if it was natural, she leaned her head onto his chest, this time not having heels on to make her reach his shoulder. Jake moved to take one of her hands, leading them to dance properly. Both of them closed their eyes as they soaked in the song. Neither of them noticed the eyes on them from the basement door. Bradley and Natasha watched the two of them before carefully making their way back downstairs to make sure nobody tried to bother the dancing couple. 
Elizabeth opened her eyes, gently looking up at the man in front of her. Her heart jumped when she noticed he had been staring at her already. Liz looked at his lips before looking at his eyes as Jake slowly stopped their movement. His hand gently cupped her face before kissing her lips softly. Liz immediately melted into the kiss, her fingers gripping his flannel and t-shirt tightly. Jake’s hand pulled in her waist, deepening the kiss. But before their kiss could become any more desperate, Liz shot her eyes open before pushing him away looking up at him wide-eyed. 
“Liz,” Jake breathed out, shocked at what just happened. 
“N-no d-don’t Liz me,” she breathed out, tears threatening to escape. Jake moved to step forward only for her to step back. 
“What’s wrong,” he asked, growing concerned. Should he have not kissed her? Did he mess up? Were his hands not where they were supposed to be? His mind was racing. The last thing he wanted was to hurt her in any way. 
“You're going to die,” she breathed out. Causing him to straighten up a bit. 
“Everyone is going to die,” she said, elaborating more. “You're gonna get picked and you're gonna die. And so is my dad and so is Bradley,” she said, her voice getting shaken and panicked before she laughed a bit. “Or worse yet, I'll get picked and die and I’ll have to relive thinking I've lost you forever again. Left you behind without telling you how I feel,” she breathed out, not recognizing what she had just said as she continued on her rant. “Damn it, Jake, don’t look at me like that!” she shouted a little. He hadn’t even noticed the confused look he had on his face which slowly turned into amusement as she continued. “The day of the bird strike, all I could think about is how I would be leaving you behind without saying how much I—“
But before she could get another word out, Jake reached over grabbed her by her shirt and pulled her in for another kiss. 
His hands gripped her arms before sliding up over her shoulders and up to her face cupping it tightly as he kissed her even deeper. He slowly pulled away, his hands going to her shoulders again as he looked her in the eyes. 
“Why would I care about any of that, sunshine? We’re here right now together. We will worry about tomorrow when tomorrow comes,” he said gently. Elizabeth looked up at him wide-eyed and flustered. The kiss made her brain a little fuzzy. 
“Kiss me again?” she asked timidly, making a grin form on his lips.
He slid one of his hands up before gripping her neck lightly, squeezing just a little as he pulled her in for another kiss. His other hand moved to cup her face. Her fingers went back to his chest, desperately grabbing at his shirt. Jake slowly walked her back towards the counter, easily reaching a hand to lift her up onto the counter. He moved between her legs, holding her close to him as he continued kissing her. 
This was all Liz had wanted for the past two weeks. Having him back in her life made her realize how much she missed him. Craved him. Loved him. She wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him in closer. Her hands went from his chest to around his neck, fingers immediately making it to his hair, combing through it before gripping lightly and causing the man to groan against her lips.
After a minute, Jake had enough. Gripping her waist, he pulled away from the counter. His arm hooked under her ass to carry her, his eye peeking open so he could see where he was going, only for Liz to pull away from his lips to begin trailing kisses from his jaw to his neck. She nipped and bit, trying to leave any mark she could as he began walking them up the steps. Her lips immediately went back to his as he opened her bedroom door, easily closing it again with his foot. 
The room was mostly dark with only a few fairy lights and a dim salt lamp to illuminate the cozy space. Liz unhooked her legs causing her to drop, pulling Jake to the bed by his dog tags. Her eyes looked needily up at him before she pushed him onto the bed, climbing on top of him and grinding down on his eager bulge. She kissed him again before he could say a word and moaned softly against his lips. 
The two continued to kiss one another as they slowly undressed each other, eventually leaving the two of them naked as they slowly kissed and grinded against one another. It was slow. It was intimate — something they had never done with one another before.
Tonight could be their last night before dying. So both of them were going to make it count. It had been nine years since they shared a bed with one another. Nine years of pent-up angst and emotion. Two years since they shared a kiss.
Jake was gentle, slowly worshiping every inch of her body. Tender kisses were planted on her face, neck, breasts, and oh so many between her beautifully thick things. His fingers gripped them tightly as she gripped his hair. Her eyes took in every look he gave her. His ears were eager to hear her call his name. 
He needed to love her. Show her how much she meant to him. He savored every inch of her soft skin, cherishing it as he slowly inserted himself into her. How warm she was, how welcoming. 
She looked up at him, taking in his parted lips and ragged breathing. His tousled hair. She trailed her fingers up his muscular chest before leaning up and kissing his lips as he slowly began to move. She never knew he could be so gentle. She rolled her hips against his, their moans intermixing with one another’s. As his face went into her neck, she groaned at the feeling of his lips and teeth. A hand went to his head and gripped his hair as the other gripped his back, digging her nails in as they made love. She needed to memorize every muscle, every movement, so her head was swimming with only him. 
Their interwoven limbs and desperate calls for one another picked up as they began to reach their first climax. Jake reached down to rub soft circles around her clit, causing her to moan just a bit louder. The two looked into one another’s eyes as their foreheads touched. Jake gently rolled his hips into her’s. Their hips began to skip and become less fluid with their motion as they locked lips, moaning as they climaxed together. The two held onto one another as if they let go, it would all be a dream and they would be back with their original squadrons on separate places on the map. 
The two layed there for a moment before Jake gently pulled out, laying down next to Liz before softly pulling her into him. He buried his face in her braided hair, smiling at the soft cocoa butter smell.  She snuggled into him as the two still panting lightly. Not that what they had just done was very rigorous. But they hadn’t realized they were holding their breaths most of the time. 
After a moment they both could hear the sounds of Natia and John from the room next door, causing the two of them to laugh. 
“I guess we weren’t the only ones with the idea.”
“We lead by example,” Jake commented back, causing them to laugh once again. She began to play with Jake's chest hair. 
“You didn’t have this last time.”
“Don’t like it? I’ll shave it,” he hummed causing her to gasp. 
“Don’t! It’s really…” It made her want to devour him but she was too shy to say that. The man grinned down at her. 
“I’ll steal the moon for you if you ask,” he said gently. 
The noises from the other room got louder, causing them to laugh even more. They looked at one another before kissing once again. 
“They're really having fun aren’t they…” she mumbled before biting her lip and looking up at him.
He looked back down at her, searching her eyes and causing him to slowly grin. He immediately shifted and sat up in bed, gripping her hips roughly before aggressively tugging her to the edge of the bed, causing her to squeal and laugh. 
“What are you doing?” She asked, covering her face shyly. 
“I’m competitive, sunshine. Let’s show them what it should sound like.”
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Liz groaned as the house rang with different alarm bells and ringtones. Everyone’s morning alarms went off as they were to report to base by 0300. Liz slapped around for her phone which ended in a whispered “shit.” Her eyes opened wide, looking over to see Jake rubbing his eye.
“Nabbed me right in the eye,” the man said in a pained whisper, causing her to giggle a little.
“Sorry.” She leaned up to give him a soft kiss. It felt good to wake up to a not-so-empty bed. 
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Authors note: n/a
Editor(s): @delicatenightfury
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noshitbarnes · 1 year
Anti-Hero: Chapter 7
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x OFC
Summary: After being experimented on as a young child and given abilities, Daniela has become a highly skilled member of the Avengers, and has even been assigned to mentor Peter Parker. Little does she know that the happiness she’s been able to find will become threatened by the very people who started her on her path long ago.
Warnings: fluff, protective Bucky, language
Word Count: 3,831
Notes: Just let me know what you guys think!
anti-hero masterlist
It had been a few days since Daniela had been shot and her leg was constantly reminding her of the wound. She's a tough woman, but the bed rest and soreness was really starting to take a toll on her mentally. She needed out of the house, desperately, “FRIDAY?"
“Yes, Miss Velikov?”
Daniela stretches in bed and responds to the AI, "Can you ask Helen if I can go for a jog? It's been a few days and I really need to get out of here.”
"Do you want me to inform her of your current state?”
"Like that it's stiff as hell and I'm stir crazy? Maybe that I'm going postal,” she groans and sits at the edge of the bed, "sure, go ahead.”
"Perhaps, I'll put it more gently than that.”
It goes quiet for few minutes and then the AI returns, "Helen said your leg should be healed enough by now. She thought it would be good for it to be used. She wanted me to inform you that if it starts to swell or hurt more, you're to see her immediately. She also suggested taking someone with you.”
Daniela scrunches her nose in disappointment, she was hopping to be alone, "Alright, is Parker up?”
"Yes, he's in the kitchen eating breakfast.”
She smiles and stands up from the bed, "Thanks, FRIDAY." 
After a quick shower and changing into some jogging attire, Daniela makes her way down to the kitchen. When she arrives, she finds Sam, Bucky, Tony, and Peter all around the counter, talking, while eating their food.
“Morning, Dani,” Tony nods while taking a sip of coffee, "how's the leg holding up?" 
"Oh, it's reminding me that it's there,” Tony chuckles as she walks around him to the coffee pot, "so Parker.” Peter sits up straight and raises his eyebrows at the sound of his name, "You got any plans this morning?” She grabs a cup from the rack next to the coffee pot and pours herself a drink.
Peter furrows his brow while taking a bite of his cereal and shakes his head, "Nope." 
"Awesome," she pours some milk into her cup and stirs it with a spoon, "I'm volunteering you to go jogging with me.”
He takes another bite of his cereal, “Jogging?"
She stiffens her expression and looks up from her cup, "Did I stutter?”
Peter shakes his head, "No, ma'am! I just," his face starts to flush up a bit, suddenly nervous, "I didn't know your leg was all better!”
She goes to answer, when Bucky interrupts, "You sure you're up for that?” He asks walking up next to Daniela, pouring himself more coffee, "You haven't done much the past few days.”
She moves away from him and stands next to Tony, "I had FRIDAY ask Helen and she said it would be good for me.” She takes a big drink of her coffee and continues, "I'll stretch okay?”
He smirks while looking down at his cup, chuckling ever so slightly, "So why are you taking the kid?”
"Helen wants me to bring someone along,” she smiles at Peter— who smiles brightly back— "plus he needs to get back into shape if he's gonna be any good to us." He rolls his eyes and she chuckles, "Thought this would be a nice fresh start for us both.”
"I like it,” Tony grins, "it's a good bonding exercise!”
"I think they're bonded enough, Stark." Bucky rolls his eyes and begins to walk out of the kitchen, cup in hand, but stops short of the entrance, "If you have trouble and the kid can't get you back in one piece," he turns and meets Daniela's gaze, "he's gonna have to answer to me.”
Daniela crosses her arms the best she can while holding a cup, "We'll be fine, Barnes. No need for threats. Now go on, go find Steve or Clint to play with.” She shoos him away as he walks out with a huff, "What's stuck up his ass?”
Sam chuckles, “Nothing." He sits down next to Peter and pours himself a bowl of cereal, "He just wants to make sure Parker here gets trained proper." He pats Peter on the back, making Tony laugh.
Once Peter had finished his breakfast and Daniela had finished her coffee, the pair made their way out onto the the large front lawn of the compound, "Alright, Parker,” Daniela begins as they make their way out of the compound gates and take to the city sidewalk, "I'm gonna be a lot harder on you now," she turns to him and he looks her over slowly, "I hope you know that.”
"Wouldn't expect anything less, Dani,” he smirks at her as they begin to jog down the pavement, "can I ask you something though, um, as a friend? Not as my superior?”
She laughs a little bit, making him blush and look away, "I'm sorry, I just," she chuckles lightly once more, "we're friends Peter, always.” She elbows his arm lightly, "I don't want you to think you can't talk to me.”
"Oh okay, good,” his face brightens up once again, "thought you were gonna tell me no there for a second.” She smiles and he continues, “Um, okay, so does Sergeant Barnes not like me or did I do something to piss him off?”
Peter wanted to get a long with everyone on the team, he planned to stick around for a long time, and Bucky was apart of it all. Despite being slightly jealous of the solider, he wanted to get along with him, and maybe someday even be friends. Peter just didn't understand why Bucky seemed to dislike him so much, he didn't spend much time with him, so maybe Daniela knew more.
Daniela shakes her head, “Well, you did get me shot, hun. He's still a little upset by that.”
"Besides that!” He groans and she chuckles, "I just, he seems to not like me at all, ever since I got here. Not that I care, well I do, I just, I dunno—”
Daniela had no idea why Bucky was being so difficult with Peter, he was rough around the edges sure, but he seemed particularly set on not getting along with the kid. She didn't think it bothered Peter that much, clearly it did, which she felt bad about. All Peter talks about is wanting to fit in and feeling like he belongs somewhere, so maybe she needed to have a talk with Bucky and see what is problem really was.
"Peter," he stops stammering and listens, "I don't think it's that he doesn't like you." She shrugs and takes a deep breath, "You're still new around here and he's not really good with new people. Give him some time, he'll warm up to ya.” She purses her lips a bit, “To be honest, I’m still not sure about you."
He chuckles and pokes her in the side, "You love me, Dani!” She laughs along with him, "To be honest, I didn't think I'd enjoy having my ass kicked so much, but it's not so bad with you.”
Daniela feels her cheeks burn slightly and shakes her head, "Yeah, well you need to learn to handle your own a bit better."
The pair jog a few blocks, which takes a good thirty minutes, until Daniela's calf starts to get sore and cramps a bit, so they decide it's time to turn around and head back for the compound. Peter wipes the sweat from his forehead and looks around the city, "Would it be the worst thing if we stopped for something to eat? Starbucks? Ice Cream? Something?”
She raises an eyebrow to Peter, "I dunno. If we're not back in a timely manner, Tony'll think I killed you or that you left me for dead in a ditch.”
He half glares, "Very funny,” she smiles proudly, “just a quick Starbucks run!” He points down the sidewalk in front of them, "There's one right there! We can just stop in and get one to go!”
"Why the need for coffee?” She asks while shaking her head.
He shrugs, "I dunno, just feel like it." He then grabs her hand and begins to pull her toward the shop while pouting a bit, "Please, Dani!”
She groans throwing her head back in defeat, “Fine!"
He hugs her and she pushes him away while laughing, "Thank you!”
"Okay, so this was a good idea,” she smiles while taking a drink, “it's about time you had one.”
"I always have good ideas,” he says defensively, “just, no one ever listens to them." 
"No," she raises a finger to the sky, "we listen and then Tony proceeds to tell you that you're wrong.” He rolls his eyes while taking a drink, "Like the time you thought it would be harmless to upgrade the coffee machine. Saying it would be faster and the coffee would taste better. Tony told you not to touch it, said it was fine the way it was.”
"Okay, see—”
“Then,” she says, ignoring him, "Rogers turned the thing on and it exploded, Peter!" She makes a small explosion motion with her hand, "It exploded all over Captain America's face!”
"It didn't explode..." he trails off while sighing, "it just, ya know, started smoking and caught on fire…"
"Barton and I laughed for 10 minutes ‘cause Steve looked ridiculous! He had coffee all over the front of his shirt and his hair was standing up!" She laughs remembering Steve's face, "God, then Tony came in and he was so mad! He started cursing at Steve ‘cause he thought it was his fault, then he turned to me and Clint." She shakes her head, "Once he realized it was you're fault though, he stormed off, not saying another word.”
His eyes were fixed on the cup in his hand, "He was really mad." He takes a drink and sighs, "Said if I was his kid he'd ground me permanently."
They both talked the rest of the way back to the compound, Daniela thought Peter was a sweet kid, he was really easy for her to talk too. She discovered that they had a lot in common, he was an only child like her, dog person, enjoyed the occasional movie binge, didn't really understand other people that much, but he loved science. Daniela did too, even though she never got the chance to study it that much. It had always peaked her interest despite her past, Peter made it sound so much fun.
They walk through the entryway of the kitchen and were greeted by Sam and Bucky, "So you didn't have to help her back, kid?" Bucky asks without looking up from his paper.
Daniela rolls her eyes and Peter's grow wide, "Um, no sir, didn’t have to help her one bit." 
"We survived, Barnes,” she finishes the last of her coffee and takes Peter's empty cup, "thanks for caring." She throws them both in the trash then elbows Bucky in the arm for his rudeness, causing him to elbow her back.
“He was very worried.” Sam smirks while looking down at his phone— causing Bucky to glare at his paper, "Only just recently stopped pacing.”
Daniela raises an eyebrow at Bucky who rolls his eyes, "We were gone for two hours, Barnes. That's how long I'm normally gone for runs anyway, relax." 
He sighs sharply and finally meets her eyes, “Three and a half actually." 
"Really?" She looks down at her watch, then curses in her head before looking back up at Bucky, "We were bonding, my apologies.” She smiles at Peter who chuckles. She then looks back to meet Bucky's narrowed gaze, "Next time, tell me when I need to be home, sir.”
Bucky smirks, a hint of playfulness in his eyes, "I'll have to remember that." 
"You two are so weird." Sam scoffs standing up from his stool, "One minute he's scolding you for your attitude," he turns his eyes to Daniela, "which by the way, if I did that, my wings would be frozen,” she laughs and Bucky smirks down at his paper, "then the next minute he's pacing back and forth, worried you two are dead in an ally somewhere.”
That causes Bucky to stand up and fold his paper, "First of all," he glances at Sam and places the folded paper on the counter, "I wasn't pacing.” He holds up his hand before Sam can interject, "Second, I wasn't worried, simply curious why they had been gone so long. Runs don't take over three hours.”
Sam rolls his eyes while Peter and Daniela share a confused look, "Okay Parker," she says trying to change the subject, "let's head to the gym and start some drills, give these boys some space." She pushes him out of the kitchen.
Peter and Daniela make it about halfway down the hall, when Bucky call her name from the kitchen, "I guess I'll meet you there.” Peter nods and goes on ahead. She sighs and walks back into the kitchen, Sam had disappeared now, so it was just the two of them, "What's up, Barnes?”
He was leaning against the counter now, arms crossed, looking intense, "So why did it take you so long?”
"Lord, Barnes," she rolls her eyes and walks up next to him, "we jogged a few blocks when my calf started to get sore, so we turned back.” She hops up onto the counter and he moves to stand in front of her, "We took our time walking back and stopped at Starbucks.” He looks down at her calf that was now slightly swollen, "I feel like I'm briefing you after a mission.” He chuckles, but still doesn't look up, "Can you stop looking at my leg? It's fine.”
"You know, Velikov," he kneels down in front of her, "just because I'm done training you," he holds her calf between his hands, "doesn't mean you're not my responsibility anymore."
Bucky was just trying to make sure that Daniela was being taken care. He knew she wasn't going to watch her limits, so he might as well do it for her. The benefit of that currently, was that he got to touch her, feel the soft skin of her leg, and show her that he had a softer side that he wasn't always so difficult. Bucky wanted more from Daniela in every possible way, but he didn't know how to explain that without sounding needy, so he'd settle for what little intimate moments he had with her, for now.
Daniela takes a deep breath as his fingers move more slowly than they needed too along the growing scar on her leg, "What are you saying,” he continues to focus on her leg while she talks, "if I mess up it's on you too?" 
"You know that's not what I meant.” He takes her right foot in his metal hand, thumb under the arch with the other fingers resting gently on the top. His other hand came up and wrapped around her ankle gently, "I meant that I'll still look out for you when you need it.” He pushes her foot toward the direction of her knee causing her calf muscle to stretch a bit, making her wince, "Yeah, that's what I thought," he sighs heavily and stands back up, "come with me.”
He extended both hands to help her down, which she takes, and gently hops off the counter, “Um, did I miss something?”
"Basically, you over did it today with the running.” He squeezes both hands before letting go, "I want you to rest, I'll help out Parker.”
Daniela laughs, "No way,” he looks to her, clearly offended, "that kid is my responsibility, Barnes. I'll rest, fine, whatever. I'll even ice the damn thing, but I'm going down there with you, so I can watch.” She walks off and she hears him sigh from behind her, "N'make sure you don't kill him.”
"I wouldn't do such a thing.” He says while following her out of the kitchen, "Definitely make sure he wished he was dead.”
“Barnes," she groans, "this is why he thinks you don't like him!”
He raises an eyebrow, "He thinks that I don't like him?”
"Can ya blame him?” He grows quiet, so she continues, "We talked about it a little on our run. I told him it's cause he's new around here and you're not good with new people.”
"I don't need you to defend me.”
She raises an eyebrow at his remark, "I didn't do it for you." She pauses, "I don't want him to think he's not welcome here. Like you said, we're all on the same side, gotta get along.”
He hesitates, "I guess." He heavily sighs as they make their way down the stairs, "I'm still not sure how he's gonna work out around here. He's still pretty green.”
"Both of us were when we were his age," she smiles flatly, "took us time to get this good." 
He purses his lips a bit and nods, "Yeah, I um,” he lets out a breathless chuckle, "don't remember a whole lot about back then. I'm sure I was the same though.”
"Right, um,” she bit her lip nervously, “sorry."
"No," he rubs her back reassuringly, "it's okay. You're just helpin’."
She shrugs, "Tryin' to anyway."
It had only been an hour of Bucky and Peter sparring and they were both getting on Daniela's nerves. Between Peter not wanting to get anywhere near Bucky and Bucky cussing at Peter so much, it was giving her a migraine. The men clearly did not want to be working with each other, but were only doing it to make her happy, which she appreciated, to a point. Daniela slightly hoped this would bring them a little closer.
"Okay," Daniela yells from the bench on the sidelines, "Parker, I told you not to use your webs this time! You gotta learn to fight without them!”
"But this works," Peter yells back webbing up Bucky's feet once more, "gives me an edge!”
"Am I allowed to kill him now?” Bucky glares at Peter then to his webbed up feet, "I don't know how much longer I can take this shit.”
"Hey," Daniela calls to Bucky, making him look to her, "you volunteered for this." She points her hand at Bucky's feet, freezing the webs, and he breaks them by moving his left leg out to the side.
Peter's eyes grown wide, then glares at her, "That's cheating!"
"Well, you started it, hun.” She says calmly and Bucky smirks, "you be nice." She points to Bucky and he rolls his eyes.
"Alright kid, let's try this again.” Bucky takes a deep breath and stands in front of Peter, “Put up your hands and do it right this time.”
Peter jumps down from the wall and slowly makes his way toward Bucky. He sighs and puts up his hands, taking a deep breath, "This is not how I pictured my day going.”
That makes Bucky laugh, "How did you picture you're day going?” Bucky takes a swing towards Peter's face, which he dodges easily. Peter starts weaving back and forth as Bucky picks up his pace on his punches. Daniela was actually quiet impressed that none had landed yet, although she could tell Bucky was taking it easy on him. "I don't know," Peter says between dodges, "thought I'd be sparring with Dani.” He catches Bucky's vibranium hand and smiles proudly sideways at Daniela, "Hey, look!”
Daniela grimaces a bit, knowing what Bucky was about to do. She's been on the other end of Bucky's fists, she's caught that vibranium hand before too, so she knew all too well what he was capable of. Bucky just smiles sarcastically at him, then takes his right foot and suddenly swept Peter's legs out from underneath him. Daniela grits her teeth and shudders when she hear Peter's head hit the mat, hard. Peter lays there for a moment clearly trying to regain his breath and composure. His eyes are closed, teeth gritted, and cheeks slightly pink from embarrassment.
Daniela furrows her brows and hisses, "Damn it, Bucky." Bucky looks over to her and smiles proudly.
"Now," Bucky begins while turning back to Peter, kneeling down beside him, and pats him on the chest with his flesh hand, "are you done trying to impress the girl?”
Peter audibly growls, shocking Daniela, and looks back at Bucky as he opens his eyes, "Are you?" 
Daniela's eyes grow wide as do Bucky's, surprised by the sudden forwardness, "Excuse me?" Bucky asks, voice deeper and more threatening than before
However, Peter's angry expression doesn't change, he just rolls his eyes, "Nothing, sir.”
"That's what I thought." Bucky stands up once more and helps Peter to his feet, the pair still glaring at each other.
"Alright," Daniela stands up and claps her hands together, "as much fun as this is for me." She rolls her eyes as the men continue to stare each other down, "I think I'll be going now. Too much testosterone in here.”
Peter snaps out of his trance, "Wait!" He somewhat hops over to her, trying to stop her from leaving, "You're gonna leave me with him?” He holds her forearm and pouts a bit, "I thought we were still partners?”
Daniela smiles reassuringly, "We are, Parker, but I've got orders to rest today.”
He furrows his brows and lets go of her arm, "Who said that?”
Bucky walks up next to her and crosses his arms, "I did." He tips his chin up slightly and looks down at Peter, "Got a problem with that, Parker?”
Peter slightly narrows his eyes at Bucky, “No sir.”
Daniela just rolls her eyes at the two while encasing her leg in a layer of ice to keep the swelling down, "God, Barnes," Bucky smirks at the kid before turning his gaze to her, "take it easy on him would ya?”
He lightly shrugs, "I'll take it into consideration.”
She groans as she walks around Peter toward the gym door, "I'm starting to think the SRT squad would have treated me so much better.”
Bucky laughs while Peter looks confused, "But then you wouldn't be one of Earth's mightiest heroes." His voice dropping to imitate Thor, making Peter laugh.
Daniela turns around and wrinkles up her nose in disgust, "First off, horrible Thor impression.” Peter smiles looking between them both, "Second, I'm not one of Earth's mightiest heroes. I'm an old woman from Montana, forced to live in a compound with a bunch of freaks, and now I'm stuck babysitting a spider from Queens.” She holds up a hand before either can speak, "Thirdly, if either of you knew my history, you may not be so fond of me.”
“Why’s that?” Peter asked.
She shakes her head, “Never mind."
Peter frowns a bit and turns to Bucky who nods toward the mat behind them, “Come on, Parker, we got work to do."
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magalidragon · 2 years
Hi bby, for the ask game.
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
🎃 Do you write fics for certain holidays? Which is your favorite holiday inspired fic?
Bonus (cause you know I'm greedy 🤭)
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
Thank youuu!
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Because I know you love it. 🥰
Let’s do this!
🥺: Any interaction where Jon props up Dany and encourages her or supports her no matter what she’s facing. I get so emotional and want to scream 😂 I also have to say any time a bébé is involved with those two.
🎃: Hahaha easy answer— I LOVE holiday fics. Christmas, Yule, Hanukkah, Halloween, Flag Day….give me a holiday fic and I’m in Heaven. And my fav holiday fic? Really? We all know it’s “bad santa” 😂 Those beans are my fav.
🤲: Oh I wish I had more of a snippet to post but you know it’s been bonkers 😂😂😂 from “Priceless”, chapter 2.
"You're doing it wrong!"
"No, put it there!"
"That's not right, stop!"
Jon threw his hands in the air, irritated beyond belief at his ex-wife. He was just trying to <i>help</i> and here she was tearing apart the map, subjecting it to chemical tests and gods knew what else to see if there was something else hidden on it. They were going stir crazy to begin with, since it had been over a week since they set off for the search and were finding nothing near the coordinates that the map indicated.
He growled at her. "I'm trying to help you, so check <i>there</i>!" He jabbed linen glove-clad finger on the parchment corner, where they'd attached the newest piece to complete the map. Dany, on the other hand, was insisting on combing the upper corner that had already been studied, because she said any code would be there, based on past Valyrian maps with codes.
"You're not helping, you are in the way!"
The yacht stateroom they'd turned into a lab was too small for both of them and all the equipment she'd dragged onboard with her. He made a face. "Fine. I'm going to go dive, we're finishing the sonar sweep of the area."
Dany sniffed, returning to the map. "It won't be there."
He didn't disagree with her. The map was hiding something; he just couldn't place it. He stood beside her silently, staring at the bottom portion. He narrowed his eyes on the jagged tear that separated the map he'd grown up with; with the new piece added on. Dany had adhered it together via some sort of material, the lightbox it was placed on shining up through the thin paper.
Except it was darker there.
He pushed his glasses down from where he'd used them to keep his hair out of his eyes, zeroing in on that section. He ran his fingers on the corner, brow furrowing. After a second, he stopped.
He felt like he was being watched. And not like Ghost watching him when he took a piss or walked around naked.
Very slowly, he lifted his eyes, and spotted her. Oh, she was trying to hide it, but when he put his glasses on she’d paused, and started looking at him. He chuckled.
Oh Dany. Dany, Dany, Dany.
Jon was going to have fun with this.
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acutiewithagun · 6 months
Part one
I didn't do much. All I did was show basic kindness. But now I wonder if I never should have been kind.
It was rainy and cold, so I decided to make some hot choco. I started the kettle on the stove and got out the mix from the cabinet closest to me. I grabbed a mug from the cabinet next to it and placed both items on the counter. I then opened up a drawer and took out a spoon, placing it next to my other prepared items. Turning just slightly I open the fridge door to grab whipped cream. I close the door and reach to the top of the fridge and grab some marshmallows. I place the treats on the counter and sit on the couch waiting for the kettle to finish.
I drifted off remembering a fond memory. A night just like tonight, hanging out with friends, sipping the best hot choco I've ever had. Only to be brought back by the kettle screaming. I take it off the stove, careful not to burn myself, and pour some water into the mug. Stirring the mix into the hot liquid, I reach slightly and grab a knitted mug cover. I smile and wrap it around the mug. I toss the spoon into the sink next to me and add my tasty treats. Feeling satisfied, I walk to the couch again and carefully sit down so as to not spill my delightful beverage. I smile and wonder how the guys are doing.
A knocking can be heard a few feet from me. I sigh, getting up to answer the door. Who would want to visit me so late? And in this weather too! I look out the peep-hole on my door and it's Mikey!
I excitedly swing open the door, embracing him in a tight hug. "Hey Dani, just wanted to stop by." He said with a grin. "I just made some hot choco, wanna come in and I'll make you some." I extend my arm out, inviting the silly turtle in. Which he joyfully takes, skipping into the small apartment. I close the door and head back to the kitchen. Grabbing another mix and mug. I pour the mix into the mug along with the water. I wash the used spoon off and use it to mix the powder. I repeated the steps from earlier, completing the warm beverage. I cautiously walk over to my guest with the mug, slightly burning my hands. I handed him the drink, "be careful it's still hot." I sit next to him, picking up my original drink off the coffee table. "Why are you still up", he pondered as I took a sip of the warm drink. Realizing I burnt my tongue a little, I pulled the mug away from my mouth. "Oh I just was craving the hot choco your brother makes. So I had to make some or it would drive me crazy." I chirp happily to my friend. He chuckled, then took a sip of his drink. "I'll be right back, just got to go to the bathroom real quick." I excuse myself and head to the bathroom.
As I was washing my hands I thought I heard the front door open again. But just shook my head, it must just be the rats again, scurrying outside for warmth. I dried my hands and greeted my guest again. I walk past him and start cleaning up my ingredients. "Me and the guys were planning a movie marathon night, if you want to join us we would be happy." The joyous Mikey chirps, with gleaming eyes, begging me to accept. "Sorry Mike and Ike, I'll be busy with my music for the next week, maybe some other time." I giggled as his pouting appeared from my words. I finished up and gave the sad boy some headpats, which he happily took. I sat down and he immediately clung to me. I take another sip of my drink. It had cooled down enough that I drank a bit more. Mikey had a weird smirk on his face. I brushed it off as him being happy in my presence. "Aren't you gonna drink yours Mikey," I questioned the orange clad turtle. "Oh yeah, just wanted to let it cool down," he said while taking a drink of his hot choco. I nod as drowsiness comes upon me. "I'm getting a bit tired so if you wanna make your way home or sleep over, I'll see you later." I yawned, stretching my arm up.
I bring my now empty mug to the sink. Tenderly taking the mug cover off, placing it back where I found it. I guess I was really tired, so I placed my hand on the counter to regain my balance. "Are you ok Dani," Mikey looked at me with a worried expression. I shot him a thumbs up, "all good, just really tired." I managed to walk to my room and jump under the covers. Mikey was nice enough to close my door for me. That was the last thing I saw before entering Dreamland.
The dream I had was lovely at first, but it quickly developed into a monstrous nightmare. It was like a premonition of what would come next. I rubbed my eyes, scrunching my nose. I flutter my eyes open and slide out of bed. I stretch my limbs, then grab my phone to check the day's schedule. It's the same as it usually is, but with slight differences. Eight am, read over editors notes on the song. Eight ten am, practice vocals until nine. Nine am, prepare to leave the house and head to the studio. The list goes on until 10 pm that night. I sighed and opened up my email. Clicking on the one titled 'EDITOR'S NOTES' I read the paragraph. Noting down the changes I need to make on a sticky note, I look out the window. My gaze met with a brick wall. I don't even know why we have windows when there is nothing to see out of them.
I put the sticky note on my tattered piece of paper. Humming to warm my voice up. I get off of my bed to get some water to help my warm up. I open the door and walk down the hallway, only to be greeted with a sleeping Mikey. I smile affectionately at the slumbering cutie and give him a small kiss on the forehead. He smiles in his sleep as I walk away and grab my water bottle. Filling it up as quickly and quietly as I can. After it's full I sneak a glance at my slumbering friend. He is still fast asleep, so I silently sneak back to my room. I put the water bottle on my desk and picked up the piece of paper. I start my warm up with singing lullabies. I looked at the clock on my phone and realized fifteen minutes had passed. I take a deep breath and start practicing the song written on the sheet. Adding in the notes I had taken. I had only been practicing for about thirty minutes when I peeked over at my bedroom door. Mikey was waving as I finished up the song. "Did I wake you up? I know the insulation isn't the best," I ask worriedly. "Nah, but your singing was an awesome thing to wake up to" he beamed. "I still got a few kicks to work out, but it's almost good." I sigh, he just looked at me in confusion. "Don't you mean kinks?" I smacked my open hand against my forehead. "Yeah… yeah I meant kinks."
I looked at the clock and realized I had to get ready to head to the studio. "I'll message you later, but I gotta go to the studio." Mikey looks disappointed, with a pleading look begging me not to go. "Sorry bud, my company will have my head if I don't record today. But I'll definitely send you pics." I grabbed some clothes out of my closet and pushed Mikey out of the door frame. Locking the door and pulling the blinds, I got dressed for the day. After pulling my shoe up I opened the door again. Running to get a quick snack from the kitchen. There was toast on a plate with a note I presumed was from Mikey. I grabbed my keys and the toast along with the letter. Locking the door, I turn the knob twice. Never too safe when you live around here. I shove the toast in my mouth as I jet down the sidewalk. Munching on it as I dash around street corners. I stop just at light to cross the street to my final destination. While I wait I read the note. 'Have a great day at work. You're gonna do amazing.' He left a doodle of his face with a thumbs up on the bottom of the note. I giggled as I realized the crossing light turned on. Running as fast as I can across the street. Don't want to risk getting hit by someone who decides to not stop at a red light.
I finally reached the studio where I walked to the front desk. "Hey which room am I in today, Guss?" I ask the sweet man in front of me. He gave a big grin "glad to see you back Starshine, you'll be in A4, just like always." I nod and return the grin. " See you in four hours if I make it out alive." I skip to my recording room. Twisting the knob I'm greeted with my manager's usual 'delightful' rant. "We've been trying to get these songs recorded for a month. You better do your best today." The stern woman frowns at my outfit choice. I nod my head, holding my sheet music, which is littered with sticky notes. I climb into the booth as I start on the first song.
Four hours go past as I sometimes make mistakes, only to be scolded by my manager. She's really a nice woman, she just wants what's best for me professionally. I wave goodbye to Guss as I leave the studio. It's still daylight so I check my schedule. Three twenty pm, lunch with a new investor. Great, another investor lunch, what could be more fun? I take a deep breath and prepare myself mentally. I check my messages to see where the lunch is at. After finding the information, I input the address into gps. Walking down the sidewalk, following directions. I accidentally bumped into someone. I immediately started apologizing for picking up the sheet music I dropped. They left with a huff, I just shrugged it off. I obviously checked to make sure I wasn't pick-pocketed. But I wasn't, so it was just a simple mistake. I continued to follow the directions to a small coffee shop.
I heard the bell jingle as I opened the door. Breathing in the aromas, I look around. A man around my age is waving at me so I walk over to him. "Hi is your name, Mr. Castler?" He nodded his head, then held his hand out to shake mine. I shook it then sat down in that chair across from him. He looked quite plain, just brown hair and blue eyes. Nothing spectacular, or out of the ordinary. But something felt off about him. "I was interested in what type of talent a young girl like yourself had. So I thought I would ask to meet you in person." He grinned a little. I shifted a bit uncomfortable in my seat at being called a 'young girl.' "Ah well I'm afraid, not too much. I only started vocal lessons a year ago." I smiled politely at him. A chill runs down my spine as I do so. "Well, we shall see. Why don't you go order yourself something? I'll happily pay for it my dear." He stares at me with a look like he was judging my next move. "I am capable of paying for myself. But thank you for the kind offer." I decline as I stand up. I walk over to the line of people and glance through the options. Unfortunately, it's mainly coffee, however homemade chocolate chip cookies stood out to me. When it gets to my turn to order I ask for two cookies. The cashier rings me up and hands me two warm cookies. I calmly back walk over to the table. He chuckled at my choice of pleasure. I simply smile, "would you like one? I heard that this was the best thing on their menu." He scoffed a bit before getting up and ordering something for himself.
I sat and enjoyed my first cookie. It was sweet but just warm enough for the chocolate to still be gooey. I daydreamed a bit, thriving in the heavenly taste. I was grateful I bought two. Mr. Castler sits back down with coffee in hand. I scrunch my nose a bit at the smell of black coffee. I try to play it off by taking another bite of this delicious cookie. "You have quite the childish taste, Mrs. Snelson." He smirked as I took a third bite. I cover my mouth and swallow the food in my mouth. "Well, I like to live like a child. Full of wonder at the world and such simple forgiveness." His face scrunched up at my final words. "Apologies if what I said was rude. I'm still learning adult lingo." I smile a victorious smile. "How old are you exactly?" He inquires of me with such disdain is his eyes. "I am about 21 years of age this coming fall," I quip. He won't win this battle of wits. I've dealt with far more rude individuals. "We appear to be around the same age." He groans with a faux smile. I return the same, but warmer, smile. "Yes sir, I do have to get going soon as I have other business to attend to. But I hope you have a wonderful rest of your evening." I wrap a napkin around my last cookie as I finish the other one. "Yes, I'll definitely have to speak to your manager later. Have a good night." He rebuttals, I get up and head to the door.
Rude investor- zero, me- one.
I push it open and walk out hearing the satisfying ring of the bell. I walk a bit away from the coffee shop before jotting its name in my notes. I'll definitely have to bring the guys here, oh and April. I check for my next appointment. Four pm, vocal lessons. I check the time in excitement. Three thirty pm, are you kidding me!? I thought I was in there for so long, but it was only ten minutes? I shake my head and run home, hoping to put my items away. Once I get to the apartment complex I run up the stairs to my apartment door. Before I unlock it I turn the door knob twice, good still locked. I unlock the door and push it open. I toss my sheet music on the counter and grab a bag off the floor. I shut the door again and lock it, turning the knob twice before leaving. I zip down the stairs again and sprint to my next appointment.
Making it in the nick of time, I pull open the front door. I walk up to the front desk, "Danielle Snelson for four pm." The front desk lady smiles at me as I gasp for air. "Way to make it at the last second Starshine," she chuckled. I smile up at her after crouching down. She typed something into the computer and nodded her head at me. I stood up again, skipping all the way to Miss Edna's vocal class. Pushing the door open, I smile. "Hey Miss E, I'm here." The cat yokai sitting in her chair turned to look at you. "'Bout time you showed up. I was wondering when my favorite Starshine would show up." She stood up and put her hands on her hips. I beamed at her, walking a bit fast, in her direction. "I remembered my bag this time, so avid notes. This time, that is, I mean." "Good, because we got a lot to cover." She grabbed a piece of paper off her desk. It was the list of warm ups she wanted me to try. Along with some notes from the last session. "Can't wait, Miss E," I smiled. I'm always so smiley here.
The session lasted till about seven pm. Miss Edna doesn't like to keep her students too late. She's afraid they might get hurt going home. Such a sweet lady. I pushed open the doors, waving goodbye to Mrs. Glades, before leaving. I check my phone to see my last few things for the day. But when I open the app, I'm disappointed. Seven pm, hang out with the turtle bros. I let out a frustrated sigh as I walked down the street. I immediately called Donnie. "Hello, you are conversing with Donatello, how can I assist you?" I take a deep breath before yelling into the phone. "WHY ISN'T MY NEXT APPOINTMENT IN MY NOTES APP, DONNIE." I could hear him pull his phone back to where his 'ears' are. "I figured the next few things on your list weren't all that important. So can you come help me test out my new invention?" I take a few deep breaths as I stand by a bus stop. Breath Danielle, breath. I know you are so rightfully mad, but yelling won't fix anything."No Donatello, I can not, luckily I remembered to jot it down the last time you pulled this stunt. I'm not getting fired because you want to hangout with me." I pulled out a sticky note and started heading back to my apartment. "I'll definitely talk to you after this week but I'm busy. Promise you won't do this again. I really enjoy my job, plus it helps with your uranium fund." I can see my apartment as I say the last words. "I gotta go now, I'll definitely talk to you later. I love you, also tell your brothers and Splinter I love them too." The other end is silent as you reach your door. "Don-a-long-a-ding-dong? Are you there?" I turn the door knob twice, still locked. I unlock it and open the door, turning the lights on as I enter. "I'm hanging up now, talk to you later, bye bye." Saying the final phrase I push the end call button.
I read the note which has one thing left, a video call with the manager and my scheduling assistant. I place the bag back on the floor and walk into the bedroom. Turning the light on I grab my laptop off the charger and plop in on my desk. I try some breathing exercises to calm my nerves before opening it up. I type in my password and open the website. Clicking the call button, I greet the two with a smile. The scheduling assistant gave me a little wave before my manager started the meeting. Which ends quite successfully, me scoring the investor with my witty attitude and having a talk show interview lined up this week. I closed out of the meeting sighing in relief. I dragged myself away from my desk and made an easy dinner. Frozen pizza, the small kind you put in the microwave. Not the best tasting pizza, but its food. I remembered the cookie I left here from earlier and decided to eat it as well. Plopping myself on the couch and eat my sad dinner. I looked at my phone and saw a bunch of messages. I opened up the app and they were all from Donnie. I was scared he was mad at me, but after opening the messages I stared in confusion. Normal messages about how sorry he was and that he would make it up to me. These aren't normal for Donnie…
I looked at any other messages I got. Raph just messaged me a cute video of a cat. And Leo messaged me some memes. I got an eerie feeling, so I got up and checked my computer. I tried logging in but I couldn't. I tried three times before it locked me out for an hour. Then I checked my phone. Praying for things to remain the same. And they were, but just in case I shot my manager and other important people a message that I was sick. Letting them know that I got a stomach bug. Mainly sympathy from the other people. But worry from my manager, she knows I hardly ever get sick. I texted her I probably got food poisoning and I'm ok for the most part. She let me know that she will try to work around it. I thank her and turn off my phone. I start panicking, thinking of what the hell Donnie is planning. I turn my phone back on and shoot him a text. 'Hey Donnie, I'm free to call now.' I prayed he would respond. And luckily, he did. 'You can call first, apologies for inconveniencing you earlier.' I take a deep breath and press the call button. The phone rings a bit until Donnie picks it up. "Hey Donnie, I can come over tomorrow, I got free from another investor lunch." I heard slow breathing on the other end before receiving an answer. "Yeah sounds good, but could you come to the sewers right now… I got a mega surprise." I felt myself tense up. "For how long will you need me? I'm pretty tired, my sensory issues are also having a field day."
"Not too long, maybe an hour at most. Do you think you can make it?" I pause, debating the pros and cons. "Um yeah sure, be right over." I end the call, grabbing a coat. I put my phone in my pocket and grabbed my keys. I lock my door, doing the same procedure as I always do. And head to the closest sewer drain. I struggle to get it up but once I do I slip into the ladder. Trying my best to pull it over, I somehow successfully do. And start the long descent downward. As I reach the bottom my legs and arms are tired. But I continue the treck through the sewers. I have my flashlight on my phone guiding me. Until I see some light, then turn off my phone and rush towards it. I climb up to Donnie's lab and knock on the wall. Donnie turns his head and smirks at my pathetic state. "Hey I ran around all day, took off a sewer drain, put it back on and climbed down the ladder. Some of us aren't genetically modified mutant turtles, who have trained to fight crime from the day they could walk." I staggered my way to one of his chairs and plopped myself in it. "You know you could stay here for the night. We have the extra room for that very reason." Donnie had gone back to whatever he was working on. I groaned, "but Mikey always clings to me when I stay the night. And Leo sneaks into the room early in the morning to tickle me awake. No thank you, Mr. Genius." I closed my eyes for a bit but then observed Donnie as he worked.
He truly was a genius. He was always inventing something new when I came over. I was normally his willing test subject on new inventions. But not necessarily today. He finished up on whatever he was working on and pushed up his goggles. "Try this on," he handed me what looked like a choker. Like one you would see at stores. I examined it and asked, "what does it do?" He smiled brightly and went off on a rant. "Well, thanks to the genius, moi, this choker as one would call it can track the person wearing it. It also has a help button on the front, that I ingeniously hid. The wiring is very…" after he got to the wiring bit I kinda zoned out. I started opening and closing the necklace to figure out how to put on and take it off. "... And so in conclusion it is a spectacular device I made. Go ahead, put it on." Donnie's eyes sparkled in anticipation. So I put the choker on. It fit perfectly, plus it was comfortable, unlike so many others I had tried on. "Wow, this is surprisingly comfortable. Who is it for? April? Cassandra?" I pondered and I took the necklace off. "Oh no, no, it's a wonderful gift for you!" He shook his hands in excitement. I sat there shocked. A present… for me? There had to be strings attached.
"How much money did you want in the uranium fund?" Donnie looked disappointed when I asked this. All I could do was stare back in my cluelessness. "It's just a gift, I don't need anything in return. Is that so hard to believe?" He said the final sentence sounding hurt. I immediately put the necklace back on as a way to say thank you. But it didn't do much to the turtle's ego. "I do love it, I think it's so cool. You know me, I struggle receiving gifts." I smiled awkwardly as a small grin appeared on his face. "I'm gonna go home now, but I'll definitely see you tomorrow." I stood up to walk away. "... Wait, I um, have one more thing to show you." He shifted nervously in his seat. "Sorry dear I'm tired, please hold off till tomorrow." I gave him a little wave before I started walking out of the room. Then suddenly I felt an arm wrap around me. "Very funny Donnie, but we can hug tomorrow, if you feel like it. But I'm pretty sure this is a 'don't leave' hug not a 'I want one' hug." I sighed trying to push his arm off me. I struggled to loosen his grip but to no avail. Donnie stayed silent for a bit before wrapping his second arm around me. I was immobilized, just thrashing around. This was until I felt a prick on my upper arm. I knew not to look, if I did I would cry. He betrayed my trust, the most important thing he had of mine. I didn't stay conscious for long. I was tired from the long day and the tranq didn't help much. As I fell unconscious I felt him pull me tighter to his chest.
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stilesssolo · 2 years
If you are taking drabble prompts I would love to see the proposal! 💍😍
Lol so this has been sitting in my askbox for a good long while. I accidentally reread the second half of WTWTA the other day and got really inspired to finish off some of the prompts I made insta posts for but never wrote anything, so here you go anon! Sorry it's like a year late 😂 Also up on AO3, with the insta post! (There's also a part two to this that hopefully I'll have up tomorrow, since I wrote most of it at work yesterday.)
The day is absolutely perfect by any standards, the blue sky dotted with puffy white clouds, golden sunlight making the late spring foliage appear oversaturated and lush, like the trees are dripping with emeralds. Jon glances over at Dany as they drive down the road, her eyes closed contently as the warm breeze from the open window ruffles her braid, a smile creeping across her lips at the sunlight spilling across her bare arms.
“Don’t go fallin’ asleep before we even get there,” Jon teases, his girlfriend’s eyes immediately blinking open. She grins at him, eyes darting to the back, where Ghost is sprawled out across his seat.
“I don’t think your dog heeded that advice either,” Dany says, shrugging. As if to prove her point, Ghost yawns hugely, shaking his head back and forth after.
“He’ll wake up once we’re on the trail,” Jon says, making the last turn before they hit the Kingwood National Forest parking lot. “Hopefully, anyways.”
“Gods, this weather is fabulous,” Dany says, resting her arm on the open window. “I wish it would stay like this forever.” Jon nods in agreement. It’s been raining like crazy for the past few days— but today, the sun came out, chasing away all the storm clouds, the sky truly spectacularly clear. Ghost had been so stir crazy from short walks in between bouts of rain that he and Dany had decided a hike in the Kingswood was a good idea if the weather was even remotely passable, but nature had outdone itself today, the picture perfect image of late spring in the Crownlands. It’s like it was fated, given what Jon had tentatively planned for today.
“Aye, me as well,” Jon says. “This is perfect. Before it starts gettin’ too hot.”
“Too hot,” Dany scoffs, shaking her head. “You’re ridiculous, you know that? One day I’ll drag you to Meereen, and you’ll see what too hot actually means.”
Jon laughs, flipping his turn signal as they draw up on the parking lot. “I look forward to you tellin’ me you told me so.”
“Mm. So do I,” she says smugly.
Jon pulls into a spot right by the park entrance, Dany grinning fondly as he throws the car in park. “I love this place,” she says, the two of them climbing out of the car. Jon opens the back door for Ghost, keeping a hand on his leash. With the sudden change in weather, they’re far from the only people with this idea, the parking lot packed with people and children and pets. Ghost will have to stay on leash, if the trails are this busy too.
“I do too,” Jon says, handing Dany her pack from the back before he grabs his own. “Always reminds me of that first hike we ever did together.” She smiles at him fondly, Jon’s heart pounding in his chest from saying that out loud, because that’s exactly why they’re here today, even if Dany is blissfully unaware.
He checks that his water bottle and Ghost’s are in the pack, before patting the front pocket, just to make sure he can feel the blunt corners of the ring box through the nylon still.
“You ready, Ghost?” Dany is saying, ruffling his ears playfully as his dog barks gleefully, tail wagging a mile a minute. “Yeah, you are?” She looks up at Jon then as he slings his pack over his shoulder, and her smile melts him, makes his heart kick into overdrive yet again.
Gods, he may be a nervous wreck, but he still can��t wait to ask her to marry him.
“You ready?” she asks Jon, pushing her braid over her shoulder, and he nods, closing the trunk and walking over to her and his dog.
“Aye, I am,” he tells her, grinning as she takes his hand, and lets her pull them forward towards the start of the hike.
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senditcolton · 3 years
...like falling in love
summary: being friends with Tyson wasn’t planned. falling into a friends-with-benefits relationship with him wasn’t planned. but the worst mistake you made in your relationship with Tyson... was falling in love with him. 
playlist word count: 4.9k warnings: smut! protected, oral (f receiving) and a twinge of angst with a happy ending
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My heart’s against your chest, your lips pressed to my neck. I’m falling for your eyes but they don’t know me yet.
You burst through the door of Tyson’s apartment, the blast of the cold air briefly filling the space before you slam the door shut. Untangling the scarf from around your neck, you shuck off your jacket and kick off your boots at the front door and make your way into the living room. When you enter, you expect to find Tyson sitting on the couch but he is nowhere to be seen.  
“Josty,” you call out, trying to locate him.
“Kitchen!” comes his reply. When turn into the kitchen, you find him in front of the stove, casually stirring a pot and wearing those gray sweatpants that drive you crazy. You lean against the doorway, relaxing for what seemed the first time that day.
From the outside, this would seem like the perfect domestic scene. And you wished that could be true. You wanted nothing more than to walk up behind him, wrap your arms around him, and rest your head on his back. But you couldn’t because you and Tyson were just friends. Well, friends with benefits. But that was where the relationship ended.
If someone told you that you would be falling for Tyson when you first met him, you would have laughed in their faces. In the beginning, you and Tyson hated each other. Or, at the very least, annoyed the shit out of each other. You two met when your friend Dani started dating his teammate and roommate JT. You weren’t sure exactly how you and Tyson became friends but you were sure that the nights when you and Tyson were dragged along as third and fourth wheels on your friends’ dates helped change your attitudes. At a certain point, hanging out reluctantly turned into actually enjoying each other’s company. And when JT and Dani broke up, you and Tyson stuck together. Then a few months later, after a night fueled by a little too much tequila, you found yourself in bed with him.
That night could have easily ruined your friendship. However, you and Tyson were able to figure out an arrangement that worked for the both of you. He was a professional hockey player; in the public eye and gone half of the year. You were busy focusing on finishing college and furthering your own career. Neither of you had time for a committed relationship. Friends with benefits seemed like the most logical solution. But with Tyson, it truly was a friendship, first and foremost, with the additional ‘benefit’ of some amazing sex. And you were happy with that. Until now.
“You know, that’s just unfair,” you say, snapping yourself out of your reverie. “Here I am, looking like an absolute wreck and there you are, looking like a snack.” Tyson turns to you, a smirk on his face.
“I’m also cooking, so does that make me a double snack?” Tyson jokes. You laugh and make your way over to him. You reach your hands out and grasp the drawstrings of his pants, twisting them around your fingers and pulling his hips to yours.
“Nope,” you say, looking up at him and his messy curls. “It makes you the whole damn meal.”
Tyson closes the gap between you two and presses his lips against yours. You feel his tongue asking for access and you open your mouth, willing letting him take control of the kiss. The two of you stand there for a moment, lazily making out before he pulls away, a dopey smile on his face.
“As much as I would love to continue this right now,” he starts, his eyes bouncing down your body, “the food is ready.”
You reluctantly pull away and glance behind him, looking at the bubbling broth on the stovetop.
“What did you make?”
“Mama Jost’s famous chicken noodle soup,” he replies, stirring a few more times before snapping off the heat.
“That sounds amazing. Especially since it started snowing a few minutes ago.” You turn away and grab two bowls from his cabinets. You place them on the counter next to the stove and hand him the ladle you also snagged. “Soup me up.”
Tyson lets out a laugh and takes the ladle from your hands, his fingers brushing yours and you force yourself to suppress the jolts of electricity that run through you. Tyson fills up both bowls and you carefully carry them into his living room, placing them on the coffee table. You settle yourself onto the couch when Tyson appears, two spoons in his hands. He hands one to you and sits down, taking the remote and clicking on the TV.
“What do you want to watch?” he asks, turning to you.
“I don’t care. Whatever you want.”
“Got it, A Million Little Things it is.” You turn to him, an incredulous look on your face. “What?”
“Tyson, you don’t need to watch this with me. I know you don’t really like it.” Tyson just gives you a shrug in response.
“I have plenty of time to watch other shows when you’re not here. And I know your roommate kind of takes over the TV at your place. I figured you’d want to watch it on a bigger screen than your laptop.”
You sit there, Tyson’s explanation catching you off guard. He was correct, of course, about everything he said. You lean back on the cushions, letting your brain think.
“Alright,” you sigh out, conceding. “But next time, you get to pick the movie. I’m on season two, episode eleven.”
Tyson smiles and clicks to the correct episode, hitting play. You take your soup and curl your feet up next to you, focusing on the show now streaming on the TV.
About three episodes (or about two hours later), your and Tyson’s soup bowls are empty, sitting on the coffee table. At some point, Tyson had draped his arm around the back of the sofa and pulled you close to him. The two of you had fallen back against the cushions, Tyson lying on the sofa and you curled up in his arms, bodies pressed together, your head on his chest. Tyson tightens his arm around you, pulling you impossibly closer and letting out a deep sigh. You look up at Tyson, taking in his features; his eyes were still focused on the screen, his curls messy and you can see the small amounts of stubble on his chin and cheeks. He must have felt your gaze on him because he glanced down and shot you a smile. You couldn’t help but smile back, ducking your head back down, fighting the heat that started to rush to your cheeks. Tyson let out a small chuckle, squeezing you closer, his fingers dancing up and down your arm.
These were the moments that you loved, where it seemed like you and Tyson could work. It made you think that maybe he felt the same way about you, saw you as something more than a friend. You could picture it so clearly but there was still something between you two, like a thin sheet of glass that prevented the both of you from moving forward.
You sigh, pushing yourself out of your daydream. Whatever this was between the two of you, you didn’t want to ruin it by jumping to conclusions. You decided a long time ago that you would simply cherish these moments and not ask for anything more. It was easier this way.
The credits start to roll across the screen as another episode ends. Before Tyson can grab the remote and continue the series, you catch his wrist in your hands. He looks back down at you, startled by your actions. You don’t say anything, your hand still wrapped around his wrist. Keeping your eyes locked to his, you pull his hand close to your mouth and kiss each of his fingertips. You can feel his pulse jump underneath your fingers and a smirk twists onto your face. You wrap your lips around his fingers and lightly suck, watching his breath catch in his throat and his eyes darken. Releasing his fingers from you, you look into his eyes and shoot him a challenging look. Before you can blink, Tyson pulls you up until you are straddling him, your face hovering over his. Tyson reaches up towards you, his hand coming to cradle your cheek.
“You are so beautiful,” he murmurs. You don’t have time to think about those words until he is pulling you into him, closing the distance between your lips. This kiss feels different than all the others you two have shared. It is still brimming with passion, your hips involuntarily moving against his, his hands coming to rest on your waist. But beneath that, beneath the lust and desire, there was a twinge of something deeper.
You pull yourself away and start to kiss across the ridges of his cheekbones, to the top of his jawline and down. You move to his neck, relishing the way his Adam’s apple bobs in his throat, soft moans and breaths escaping his mouth. You smirk against his skin, lightly nibbling. Tyson’s hips buck up against yours and it’s your turn to moan as you feel his length grind against your center. His hands trace up your body until they find your chin and connects your lips once again.
His arms come to wrap around you, pressing your chest into his and you let out a gasp as he sits up on the couch, your legs still wrapped around him. Your hands dance across his shoulders and tangle into his curls. You grind your hips against his and he break apart from you, letting out a low groan that causes heat to rush straight to your core.
He looks back at you, forehead resting against yours as he stares into your eyes. It feels like he is staring into your soul and you resist the urge to turn away, the entire moment feeling a little too intimate.
“Do you want to continue this elsewhere?” you lightly tease, pushing your feelings back once again, and Tyson smiles in response. Another gasp is torn from your chest as Tyson lifts you off the couch and starts to carry you towards his bedroom. You lock your ankles behind him and re-attach your lips to his neck, continuing to suck hickeys into his skin.
“Babe, if you don’t stop, I can’t guarantee I won’t drop you,” Tyson groans above you. You pull your lips away and look up at him.
“If you drop me, I’m gonna kick your ass,” you chirp. He lets out a light laugh, ducking down to kiss you once more. You feel him kick open a door and before you know it, you are being placed onto his bed.
Tyson pulls away, rising above you and letting his eyes rake down your frame. Reaching behind him, he peels off his t-shirt, his torso now bare, the soft light creeping into the window accentuating his muscles. You bite your lip as you let your eyes dance up and down, taking in his body. Your gentle smile turns into a smirk and you quirk your finger, beckoning him forward. He flashes his teeth and leans back down to you, crashing your lips together.
His hands are all over you, and a shiver runs down your spine as he slips underneath the hem of your shirt. You break away, but only to let him pull the fabric over your head. His lips are back on yours in an instant, moving to trail down your neck. His fingers make quick work of the clasp on your bra, pulling it away and letting it fall on the floor. You let out a whine as you feel his lips continue their path down your throat, across your collarbones until they come to your chest, wrapping around one of your nipples. His tongue flicks over the small bud, his hand giving the same attention to the other. Your back arches, desperately trying to get him closer to you, if that was even possible.
Tyson tears away from your chest and comes to kiss you once again. You release another whine into his open mouth and he pulls away.
“Tyson, please,” you beg, your eyes wide and pleading.
“What do you want, sweetheart?”
“Your mouth, please.”
Another smirk graces his beautiful face as his lips connect back to your neck, following the same path down, pausing at your collarbones, your breasts, until they move lower, down your stomach. You feel his fingers fumbling with the buttons of your jeans and your hands sneak under him to help. As soon as they are unlatched, he quickly pulls the denim, along with your panties, down your legs. Kneeling down at the edge of bed, he throws one of your legs over his shoulder, exposing your core. He presses a few kisses onto your inner thighs, causing your hips to buck up to him.
“Tyson, stop teasing,” you whine. You feel his lips quirk into a smile against your skin and you are about to beg again, but before you could, his mouth connects with your center. The words you were going to say dissolve into a moan as his tongue traces up and down your folds. Your hips grind against him and he groans into you, the vibrations causing your body to shudder. He moves his tongue up your slit and then wraps his lips around your clit. Your back arches off the bed as he flicks the sensitive bundle of nerves, pushing you closer and closer to your orgasm.
“Ty, fuck,” you whimper above him, one of your hands twisting into the sheets while the other moves to tangle into his curls. You gently tug on the strands, releasing another groan from Tyson. Your head falls back against the mattress as he continues his ministrations. Your breath comes in small gasps, broken moans falling from your lips.
Tyson looks up at you, your lips parted and chest heaving. He notices your hand buried in the sheets and he moves the hand that had been holding your hips up to meet it. You feel his hand sneaking beneath yours, coaxing you to release the fabric. Slowly, you let the sheets fall from your grasp and allow Tyson to slot his fingers between yours. His tongue speeds up against your clit and your eyelids flutter close. It doesn’t take long until you are pushed over the edge, your orgasm crashing over you.
“Oh god, Tyson,” you moan out as you arch off the bed, your hand tightening around his. He squeezes yours in return, never slowing down his movements, prolonging your pleasure. He doesn’t stop until you are pushing him away, the sensitivity becoming too much. His lips retrace their way up your body until he is kissing you deeply. You let out a small moan at the taste of yourself on his tongue.
He pulls away, his breathing heavy as he rests his forehead against yours. You take a few moments to collect yourself and you become painfully aware of the fact that his hand is still clasped in yours. You loosen your fingers and try to untangle them from his grip but when he feels your hand start to slip from his, he tightens his hold. You look up at him and your breath catches in your throat when your eyes connect to his.
Tyson’s face is almost unreadable, but you can see the glint of something deep within his eyes. You had seen it before, after long movie nights, in the bar after a few drinks, on the drive back to his apartment after a night out, and multiple times tonight. And every time you’ve seen it, you’ve blatantly ignored it. Because when Tyson looked at you like that, it was too easy for you to believe that he felt the same way about you as you did about him.
Your mouth opens and closes as you try to find the right words to say to him, to let this moment pass like all the others did. But before you can say anything, Tyson breaks the silence first.
“Tell me what you need Y/N,” he whispers above you, his voice seemingly pleading with you. You weren’t sure what he wanted to hear, but before you could think better of it, the first words that came to you mind fell from your lips.
“Make love to me Tyson.”
A glimmer of surprise flashes across his face at your words and your heart leaps, worried that you misread the entire moment. His lips softly quirk up into a smile and he leans down close to you, your lips mere millimeters from his.
“Kiss me,” he murmurs above you, his lips barely grazing yours. “Show me how you want to be loved.”
You pause for a moment, your mind racing at his request. Here he was, your best friend, the man of your wildest fantasies and daydreams, asking you to tell him exactly how you feel with no words. The voices in your mind were screaming at you, urging you to run away from this precipice like you always did. But instead of giving into their request, you take a deep breath and push them down, silencing them the same way you had done to your feelings for the past year.
You lift your head and close the distance between the two of you. You let your lips gently rest against his, your free hand coming to the nape of his neck. As you tenderly pull his head closer to you, you pour all you hidden feelings towards him, your love, your desire for something more, into that kiss, silently begging that he understands you.
He lets you take the lead for a few moments until he kisses you back with just as much emotion as you. You let out the breath you didn’t known you were holding as you arch your chest into his, wanting him as close as possible. His free hand traces up your side until it finds its place against on your cheek, pulling your lips closer together. Your other hands were still intertwined and you realized that you never wanted him to let you go.
Finally, you break away from each other, your fingers playing with his hair, his thumb gently caressing over the smooth skin on your face. It is only a few seconds before your lips are attached again, his hips rolling against yours. You moan at the feeling of his sweats rubbing against your core. He loosens the grips on your hand and you reluctantly let his fingers fall from yours. He finally pushes his sweatpants down, the fabric falling to the floor.
He pulls your body up the bed, his lips only periodically breaking apart from yours. You feel his fingers caressing your folds, groaning at the feeling of you wet and ready for him. You mewl against his lips as one finger dips into your core. His hand disappears and you whimper at the loss of contact. He gently takes your hand and pulls it away from his neck, guiding it between your bodies and letting you wrap it around his length. You gently stroke him a few times, spreading his precum.
“Fuck,” he groans, his lips breaking from yours. He buries his face into the juncture of your neck and shoulder, sucking the skin there. Soft moans escape you as your hand continues its movements on him, your other hand tangling in his hair. Tyson lifts his body up, hovering over you and gently removes your hand from his cock. He reaches into the bedside drawer, grabbing a condom. You help him roll it on, pumping him a few more times. His hand replaces yours as he rubs his tip up and down your folds. You whine, your hips moving to meet his.
“Look at you,” he groans above you, taking in your desperation. “So, fucking perfect for me.”
“All for you, Tyson,” you whine. “All yours.”
You don’t miss the look that dances across his face. He aligns himself with your center and slowly pushes into you. You whine at the sensation of him stretching you out and filling you completely. He sinks into you entirely and you both let out a moan the feeling. His head ducks down to kiss you and you reach out towards the hand supporting his body. He understands your silent request and grasps your hand, pressing it into the mattress, your fingers once again twisting together. Tyson pulls your lips from yours and moves them to the sweet spot behind your ear.
“And I’m all yours,” he whispers.
A whimper sounds from your lips as he rocks his hips into yours, his pace slow and sensual. Your hand squeezes his as he continues his movements, the feeling of him within you and his skin against yours driving you wild. His breath is warm on your neck and yours is coming in small gasps. You feel Tyson’s other hand run down your curves, his fingers gripping your thigh and lifting your leg over his hip. This position opens you up even more and you let out a loud moan as he grazes your g-spot.
“Fuck, Tyson, right there,” you whine, your hips bucking up to meet his. He moves again, hitting the same spot, another choked moan falling from your lips as he coaxes you closer to another orgasm. Your hand reaches up to his back, gripping the muscles rippling along his shoulders. You let your nails scratch down his back, enjoying the shudder that you feel rush through his body. You repeat the action and hear Tyson curse into the skin on your neck. He returns you torture as his hand snakes its way between your bodies and presses against your clit.
“Ohmygod,” you moan out as he rubs circles against the bundle of nerves. “Tyson… I’m close.” You half expected him to speed up, pushing to faster to your orgasm. But instead, he continues his languid tempo causing the coil within your stomach to tighten slowly, your entire body shaking with anticipation. The sounds coming from you have become incomprehensible, a jumble of curses, moans, and Tyson’s name. Using his strength, he raises above you and takes in your wrecked body, your eyes screwed shut and your hips rocking against his.
“Open your eyes baby,” he whispers and you force your eyelids to part, looking back up at him and your breath catches as you see the pure adoration that paints his face. It was more than you could ever hope to see. Another whine falls from your lips as you near your peak.
“Please,” you beg, impossibly close. “Please, Tyson.”
“Come on, sweetheart,” he replies, “let it go. Cum for me.”
His quiet command sends you over the edge, your entire body tensing as your orgasm rushes through you. Tyson continues his movements within you, drawing out the shockwaves that are running through your body. Your head is thrown back in a silent moan as you clench around him, his lips reconnecting with the column of your throat. The feeling of your walls around him pushes Tyson to his orgasm, his hips stuttering as he releases into the condom, his moans hot and needy in the shell of your ear.
He collapses on top of you, one forearm supporting his weight so he doesn’t completely smother you. His hand is still locked in yours and his head is nuzzled into your shoulder. Your other hand traces the skin on his back as you both catch your breath, simply taking in the bliss.
Tyson pushes his body up, looking down at you again. You smile up at him and he easily returns your smile, kissing your lips once more.
“Let me get something to clean you up,” he says, removing himself from the bed and moving towards the connecting bathroom. You keep a hold of his hand until you no longer can, letting his fingers slip from yours. He disappears beyond the doorframe and flips on the switch, the light from the bathroom illuminating your body. You let out a breath, your eyes closing and your body relaxing against the bed. You don’t open your eyes until you feel Tyson’s weight settle on the bed again.
His sweatpants are back on, his curls a tangled mess on his forehead and a damp washcloth is in his hand. He gently takes your leg, pulling it across your lap as he cleans you off. You wince lightly at the feeling, still sensitive from your orgasm. He presses a light kiss to your inner knee, mumbling praise against your skin. He leaves you in the bed for another moment as he discards the rag. When he appears in the doorway once again, you reach out your arms, drawing him to you. He smiles and walks to the bed, lying down, pulling your body into his and throwing the sheets over the both of you.
You snuggle into his chest, listening to his heartbeat and letting your hands dance across his skin. His arm wraps around you, tracing your ribs. You look up at him and find him already looking down at you. You two regard each other for a moment, the energy between you calm and peaceful. You can’t help it when a grin breaks out on your face. Tyson responds with his own and you both let out a small laugh.
“Why did it take us that long to do that?”
“Who really knows?” you reply, your laughter still lingering on your lips. “Are you saying the sex was awful before this?”
“Not at all,” Tyson states, the amusement evident in his tone. He sighs and pulls you closer to him, his fingers continuing their motions. He speaks again, his voice somber. “This was just... different.” 
“But in a good way, right?”
“In the best way,” comes his quick reply. You let your head fall back to its original position, your mind still dizzy. 
“Maybe we were both just scared that the other didn’t feel the same way,” you muse. 
“Maybe,” he mutters into the dark. You two lay there in silence for a moment before you speak.
“I know I didn’t tell you because I didn’t think you would want me,” you confess. You feel Tyson’s hand still as he processed your words.
“Why did you think that?”
“I guess I thought that you could have anyone you wanted so, why would you choose me?” you reply, your head not moving from its spot on his chest.
“Y/N, look at me, please,” you hear Tyson ask. You lift your head and twist your body towards him. When your eyes land on his, Tyson is looking at with the utmost tenderness and you feel any lingering worries melt away under his stare. “I would always choose you. You are the one I call after a rough loss, the one that helps my colorblind ass not look like a complete idiot on gameday, and the one that accepts me for who I am. I would choose you over anyone else because they don’t understand me the way you do. And I would be happy to spend forever with you by my side.”
You feel tears start to form in your eyes at Tyson’s declaration. Your lips twitch into another smile, eyes ducking down and looking away from Tyson’s intense gaze. You knew he was waiting for a response but you weren’t sure you could find the words. Instead, you turn back and pull him into an affectionate kiss. Tyson kisses you back with just as much fervor, his hands tangling in your hair and pressing you closer. When you break away, you finally find your voice.
“I would like that,” you whisper back to him. Then a joking smile dances onto your face. “But,” you start, your voice light and teasing, “forever is a long time so maybe we can start with breakfast tomorrow.” Tyson returns your smirk.
“If you’re there, anywhere is perfect for me.”
You wake up the next day, tangled in a familiar set of sheets, the sun falling across your skin. It was common for you to find yourself here after a night with Tyson. But this time, this situation was wholly different. The weight that settled in your heart was gone and you felt infinitely lighter.
The bed is empty but the smell of maple syrup wafting down the hallway tells you exactly where you can find Tyson. You jump out of bed and pick up Tyson’s shirt from last night off the floor, throwing it over your frame, something you never dared to do before. Walking into the hallway, you cross the carpet and round the corner into the kitchen. You linger in the doorframe, taking in the scene before you.
Tyson is in front of the stove, his torso bare and his grey sweats hanging low on his hips, his eyes focused on the food cooking on the burner. You smile and walk across the tile floor, letting yourself do exactly what you wanted to do all those times before. You sneak up behind him, your arms wrapping around his waist as you rest your cheek against his bare back. You feel a chuckle rumble through Tyson.
“Good morning, baby.”
“Morning,” you reply, a sigh releasing from your chest. Tyson spins around, taking you in his arms and capturing your lips in his. You smile into the kiss, your body relaxing against his. Despite the hardships to come, you knew Tyson and you could face them all. Because no matter what happened, you two would continue to choose each other. And in that moment, standing in the kitchen in the early morning light, with Tyson’s arms wrapped around you, you thought to yourself, ‘this feels like falling in love.’
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thexfridax · 3 years
Wynonna Earp Boss Hopes Syfy Finale Made You Feel 'All the Things' — Plus, Scoop on One Happy Wedding Accident
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By Matt Webb Mitovich, tvline.com / April 9 2021, 8:02 PM PDT
The following contains spoilers from the Syfy finale of Wynonna Earp.
After four years of protecting Purgatory with her Peacemaker, Wynonna Earp got to quite literally ride off into the sunset. And she did so while straddling a motorcycle, with Doc Holliday seated behind her.
Mind you, the two almost didn’t wind up together. Following the simply beautiful “WayHaught” wedding, Doc (played by Tim Rozon) was determined to put Purgatory in Charlene’s rear view mirror and get to living life as “just a man,” and Wynonna (Melanie Scrofano) felt compelled to stay put as Purgatory’s protector. But with an empowering nudge from li’l sis Waverly (Dominique Provost-Chalkley), Wynonna caught up to her man and professed her love, after which they decided to travel light, for the first time in a long time, and pay their daughter Alice a visit in MIracles, Montana.
TVLine spoke with series creator Emily Andras about crafting this very fine finale, at least one “happy accident” that wound up stirring many emotions, and more.
TVLINE | The finale has just aired…. What emotions do you hope the fans are feeling at this moment?
Just head-to-toe body warmth, and love, and affection, and wistfulness…. And a little bit of bittersweetness. I feel like joy has to be paired with nostalgia, so I hope they’re feeling all the things. But hopefully not hungover!
TVLINE | At what point over the years did you ever envision Wynonna and Doc riding off into the sunset?
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Ahhh! I almost never even let myself envision it, you know? It’s so funny — when you start doing a show, you have all sorts of ideas about what pairings are going to rise to the top, who’s going to end up with whom, and one of the joys of Earp is that so many different things have happened. But those two characters have certainly earned the chance to try to be happy, whatever that means to them. I never knew that I would be allowed to end such a romantic pairing with the woman driving the motorcycle and the guy on the back.
TVLINE | I’m watching that final sequence and it almost feels alien, seeing the two of them head off into what I think of as “the real world.” But I also found that viscerally exciting, to see so much ahead for them.
That’s so lovely, thank you for saying that. I feel like having the world ahead of them and being such an unusual couple, I would love to see what happens next for them. I’m sure there will be lots of crazy sex and crazy arguments and crazy laughter. So, godspeed! Godspeed.
TVLINE | When throwing a season-ending wedding, what is Emily Andras’ marching order? “Above all else, this wedding has to be…”?
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It has to honor to all of the characters — and by that, I mean it has to try to find a moment for every special pairing on the show, not just WayHaught. I think it’s important to pay due respect to how far Waverly and Doc have come; she never gave up on him, she always saw a better man in him — and now he gets to be the best man! Nedley (Greg Lawson) and Nicole’s (Kat Barrell) relationship, that paternal/daughter bond is so special, so honoring that was very important.
And at the end of the day, I still think the real love affair of the show is the Earp sisters, so I ended to make sure that that was honored. I really love the parallel with the pilot, where Wynonna came into town against her will and was so hungry to leave but was forced to stay. And now you have Waverly secure enough in how their relationship has evolved, that she knows Wynonna deserves to leave again — because she’ll come back.
More than anything, it was about giving every character a moment of happiness. Even Jeremy (Varun Saranga) becoming deputy chief of Black Badge and maybe finding a new date…. It was all about finding everyone a moment of potential joy, after they’ve gone through so much after four seasons.
TVLINE | Talk about the decision to have empty guest chairs laid out with the names of those who are no longer with us or didn’t make it to the wedding.
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That was such a happy accident. We were on-set, it was very much in the middle of the pandemic, and we knew we were going to have a limited number of people for the wedding. But then we put out chairs so you could understand where the aisle was, and they looked really empty. So my incredible director, Paolo Barzman, who also did the pilot, and my art director Trevor Smith, pitched this idea to me. I had sort of joked about, “Wouldn’t it be cool if you had the ghosts of characters past?” In the moment, they said, “What if we hung names on the chairs?” and it was just one of those goosebump moments, like, “That’s brilliant.” So then we have people writing up these cards, rushing them out, and it’s honestly one of my favorite things. Whenever I see that Dolls chair, I just can’t help but feel things.
TVLINE | But Mercedes (Dani Kind), to be clear, is still with us.
She’s just out, like, being her best vampire self. She’s out being an amazing vampire, yeah. I still have that spinoff if you want to help me sell that!
TVLINE | If anything caught me a bit off-guard, it was us getting a song from Rachel (played by Martina Ortiz-Luis).
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The thing about Martina is that she is a phenomenal singer. She is the anthem singer for the Toronto Maple Leafs — so she’s quite a star here! — and she was on Pilipinas Got Talent back in the day…. It seemed like a waste to not have someone with such an exceptional voice perform! And what better song to lay over the necessary wedding montage than a WayHaught classic (Fleurie’s “Wildwood”), the song that was playing the first time WayHaught kissed. It’s a bit of an Easter egg for those hardcore WayHaughters!
TVLINE | I don’t think anyone would have ever felt like a “Dark Angel Waverly” detour was missing, if you hadn’t spent time on it the episode prior. Why did you feel it was important to go there during one of the final hours?
The truth of it is that honestly we’ve been balancing the spectre of whether we were going to have a Season 5 or not. When we started breaking Season 4 two years ago, we were looking down the barrel of about 24 episodes, so [when you get half that] you’re like, “What are we going to keep, and what are we going to pitch overboard? What can we live without learning about?” I would argue that this idea of Waverly having a darkness inside of her did have to be highlighted after four seasons. I completely agree that in a perfect world I could have done eight episodes of Dark Angel Waverly, exploring that and seeing it come to pass. But if we ever get more story, I don’t know if Waverly has complete control over that part of herself. I dont think it’s “gone.” If Nicole puts mayo instead of mustard on her sandwich, who knows what’s going to sprout out!
TVLINE | I mean, if only to see what other outfits Dark Waverly has.
As long as she keeps her thigh holster, she’s ready to go.
TVLINE | Looking back at these last few episodes, what are you most proud of?
‘m so proud of this cast. It’s so boring, but God, just to see them grow and thrive and shine…. performing comedy and emotion, seeing their commitment to the show, and the feelings…. It’s just been such a joy to see such an amazing group of people get their due. They really are that wonderful, off-screen as well.
I’m also pretty happy — in this day and age, and despite all the fights the show has been through — that if this is the end, I feel like that’s a pretty nice finale, a pretty good topper on the cake. I feel like the fans will feel like they went on a journey, and they left the characters in an interesting, good place. And look, that’s really rare in TV, to end your story the way you want. How can I be anything but grateful, at the end of the day?
TVLINE | When I was writing my tweet the other morning, I wanted to call it a “very fine finale,” but I worried you’d think I was saying it was only “fine.” But it was a very fine finale!
No, you have to keep me hungry! You get to challenge me, Matt. Listen, I just didn’t want to risk…. I’m the queen of 75 cliffhangers, but I feel like the fans have worked so hard for us, for so many years, that it was more important that they got closure, just in case. But there’s always another demon, there’s always another thing to trigger Dark Angel Waverly. There’s always more story, but at least you have this, no matter what.
TVLINE | And if some network or streamer does ride to the rescue, would there be something that brings Wynonna and Doc back to Purgatory? Or might a Season 5 be without the two of them?
Look, the show is called Wynonna Earp, so you need Wynonna Earp. She’s still the champion, she’s still got the magic gun and the best hair on the show — sorry, everyone else!
There are a couple of unresolved issues. We still have Eve, who we kicked out the the Garden very early in the season, and who can kind of shapeshift; she could take on the appearance of any one of our characters! That would certainly throw a wrench in the works in Purgatory. There are a million different reasons to bring Wynonna back, to help out her sister.
TVLINE | And lastly, was there anything you had to cut or just didn’t have room for, or any returning cast you couldn’t fit in?
Oh, tons. But look, you kind of hit the nail on the head earlier. I’m always striving to be better, and some stuff at the end felt a little rushed, with Dark Angel Waverly. I think if it hadn’t been a pandemic, there would have been more people at that wedding. I would have loved four more episodes to round the bend there. But look, that’s Wynonna Earp, man — perfectly imperfect! So that’s what we did, and what a ride it’s been. The ride of a lifetime for me.
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wiyodreamz · 3 years
𝑽𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒅 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 | 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝑺𝒆𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒉𝒘𝒂 [04]
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⌜Nari is a college student at Seokhye University. One day she got off on the wrong foot with Seonghwa, throws her coffee on him and curses him out. Later that day she learns about the internship she signed with Hwa Corp. That same day, she learns that the same guy she threw her coffee at, is the CEO of that company! How will things go for Nari if she has a target on her back from that encounter? ⌟ Office AU
01 | 02 | 03 | 04
Contains: fluff, angst, smut, alcohol drinking, cursing, and more as the story goes on.
Tag list: @seonghwaskitten @reeateez
Warnings: another make out session, dani being sort of annoying, yunho interrupting an almost smut scene (yeah these r the warnings)
A/N: it’s been 84 fucking years. And I’m finally back writing this. Also Nari and Seonghwa are in a established relationship in this chapter :)
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Things between Nari and Seonghwa have been going smoothly. They’ve been talking to each other more and a relationship has started to spark between them. Nari has managed to even get into the Top 3, since Seonghwa isn’t making it very difficult for her. They even found a new secretary for him to replace Ms.Lee. But Nari is kind of supiscious of her.
Nari was finishing making herself a cup of coffee in the break room, when someone walked in.
“Do you mind making me some tea?” She looked up and saw Seonghwa with a reusable cup.
“Yeah sure” she said as she smiled and made more hot water. “So how are you liking your new assistant?”
“She’s not as fast with her tasks as Ms.Lee, but she gets them done on time at least” he sighed as he crossed his arms.
“Maybe she has to get used to this place first. It may be different from her different job. Give her a month or two and she’ll get the hang of it” she said as she grabbed a tea bag and poured the hot water into his reusable cup. “Anyways here’s your tea.”
“Thank you” he said as he grabbed the cup from her hands, their fingers grazing a little. They stared at each other and Seonghwa started leaning in closer and closer until she felt his breath on her lips, but someone walked in before he could get a chance to kiss her.
“I didn’t expect you two to be in here” Dani said as she walked by the coffee maker to make her a cup of coffee. She then raise en eyebrow at their flushed expressions. “Did I interrupt something?”
“No! I’ll see you around Mr.Park!” Nari said as she bowed at him and left the break room while sipping her coffee.
Seonghwa then bowed towards Dani and left the break room to go back to his office to finish some paperwork.
“There’s something off about them....” Dani said quietly as she looked at the two of them.
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Nari was finishing the last of her report that was due this week. She was typing away with her headphones in and someone suddenly pulled them out.
“What the...” she trailed off and turned behind her and saw Yunho.
“After you finish your report, do you want to go get lunch together?” He asked and she nodded.
“Sure, I just need to finish this last sentence and I’m free to go.”
Nari pressed the ‘submit’ button on her report and then grabbed her bag. “Let’s go. I know this really good place we can go eat at.”
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The two were now seated in front of each other with a plate of pizza in front of them.
“How’d you get off of Mr.Park’s bad side?” He asked curiously as he took a bite of his pizza.
“I don’t know. I got lucky I guess” she lied as she stared down at her plate.
“I heard this weird wacky rumor is that you guys are in a relationship” he said and that made her choke on her cola, which made him scared. “Are you okay Nari-ah?”
“Uhm...yeah” she said and took a bite out of her pizza. “Where exactly did you hear that?”
“From Dani. But you really can’t believe what she says without proof, so she’s pretty much telling a tale” he answered.
Nari then sighed in relief and looked up to her friend. “If something was going on between us, I’ll tell you first then Yunho.”
Yunho smiled and continued eating his food. Nari felt bad for lying to him, but it wasn’t a good time to tell him, especially since Dani is highly suspicious of them. She then shook out the thoughts from her head and went along eating with Yunho.
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It was now 4 in the afternoon and Nari came home from work. The full paid internships will be announced next week and she was nervous. Even though she was dating Seonghwa, she still wants to prove that she can work better.
Nari heard a knock at her front door and went to open it. She turned the knob and there stood Seonghwa with a bag of ingredients.
“I remembered from a few days ago you were craving stirred udon, so I came to fix it for you” he said with a smile. He was changed out of his suit and now was wearing a white buttoned shirt tucked into some black pants. “Can I come in?”
Nari cleared the way of her front door and he went into the kitchen and put the bags on the counter. Nari sat on one of her bar stools as she watched Seonghwa rummage around her kitchen for a pot to boil water in.
“You need to invest in some cookware” he said as he found a pot to boil water in.
“I would but I burn water” she joked as he chuckled lightly as he put the pot on the stove.
“Since it’ll take a while for the water to bowl, how about we do something to pass the time?” He asked as he walked over towards her and biting his lip.
He grabbed her waist and leaned in. The kiss started out slow and gentle, and then it went to heated in a second. Nari wrapped her arms around his neck as he lifted her up on the island. His lips then went down towards her neck and leaving red marks along her neck. She whimpered as he found her sweet spot.
“Found it” he whispered as he went back to leaving marks on her. Nari’s hands traveled down towards his shirt and unbuttoned some of his buttons, as Seonghwa was in the process of trying to remove her pants.
Before he could successfully take of her pants, a knock interrupted them. They jumped at the knock and waited for the person to say something.
“Nari-ah! I have the notes you let me borrowed last week! Are you in there or are you sleep?”
It was Yunho. Nari quickly jumped off the counter and fixed her pants that Seonghwa almost took off.
“It’s Yunho! You have to hide!” She whispered as Seonghwa hurriedly buttoned back up his shirt. Nari pushed him in the closet in her living room, where she usually keeps her old coats and jackets and other things.
As she closed the door, she heard the code being entered and Yunho entering. “Were you sleep?”
Nari shook her head and then hid her neck after she saw it in the mirror in the living room. “I wasn’t sleep, I was just busy putting something in the closet.”
He put the notes down on her coffee table and walked towards her. “Why are you holding your neck? Did you strain it?”
“No. It just hurts from me overworking” she said. “You should go. We have exams and you should be studying really hard.”
“Yeah, but I’m also excited to see who gets the paid internships. I hope me and you get it” he said.
“Same” she agreed. Yunho bid a goodbye and closed the door. Nari looked out her window to make sure he was gone from view and then Seonghwa stepped out and looked over at the stove and the water was now boiling.
“Looks like it’s time for me to cook and after we finish eating, we can continue what we were doing before Yunho interrupted.”
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It was now the week of the paid internships. People have been working hard over the weeks to get it, but Dani kept pushing the objective that Seonghwa and Nari are indeed dating, but people just called her crazy.
Hongjoong came by her desk and gave her a coffee. “I know about you and Seonghwa.”
Nari choked on her coffee and looked up at him with wide eyes. “H-how’d you know?”
“Did you forget we’re friends? He told me about it a few nights ago over a drink” he said. “Make sure to keep it a secret if you get the internship, the women here love to talk.”
Nari thanked him and continued to drink her coffee. Sunji and Dani came back from a meeting they were in and sat down at their desks.
“Sunji-ah, didn’t you see Seonghwa and Nari eating dinner together a few days ago?” Dani asked as she whispered towards Sunji. Sunji looked nervous as she looked over to Nari.
“Dani, I don’t know about this...” Sunji trailed off and then was cut by Dani saying something rude to her.
“Why is so crazy to find out stuff about me?” Nari asked as she bit her lip nervously.
Now it was 4 P.M. everyone huddled around Seonghwa to found out who got the paid internship. Nari held her hands nervously as he looked over the paper.
“You guys worked hard over the months, but like I said in the beginning, I’m choosing half of you. So if your name is called, you got the internship.”
“Choi San, Jeong Yunho, Kang Sunji, Moon Nari, and Lee Dowoon. Those 5 worked harder than anyone I’ve ever seen and it was only fair to choose them” he said.
Nari was happy that she was chosen. She looked over towards Dani who looked angrily.
“Yah! Mr.Park! How could you choose Nari over me? I worked harder than her in all the things. I did every task I was supposed to do!”
“If you call spreading rumors, talking bad about your other peers, plus my employees I hired. Then I guess that’s your definitions of tasks” he said as he crossed his arms. “My decisions are final.”
Nari smiled at Seonghwa and then Mr.Park and grabbed her things. When she was on the first floor of the office, she felt a shove behind her and an angry Dani.
“Did you really sleep with Mr.Park just so you could get the internship?” She asked angrily. “I never knew the Moon Nari is that kind of girl.”
“Dani just admit it. You’re just angry you couldn’t get what you want this time. And besides, you barely did any of the work, Sunji did your work” Nari said and walked out of the building.
“You’re going to regret saying that Nari.”
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“You’ve done well these past months” Seonghwa said as he took a sip of his wine.
Nari had an identical glass and took a sip of hers as well. She was too distracted on what Dani said to her to even hear what Seonghwa was saying to her.
“Are you okay?” He asked as he caressed her cheek worriedly.
“Hmm. Yeah, just thinking about some things” she said.
“What were you thinking about?” He asked.
“Nothing. It’s just what Dani said to me.”
“What did she say?”
“Oh it wasn’t important. Just her talking nonsense.”
“How about I go run the two of us a nice, warm bath and fall asleep for the night. How does that sound?” He asked and she nodded.
“That sounds nice.”
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mk-wizard · 3 years
Rescue Bots vs. COVID-19: How would it go down?
Hello. This essay is to answer a question asked by the inquisitive @petrichornial​ who raised a question that would make for an interesting scenario that would definitely involve the Burns family and Rescue Bots.
Right off the bat, we know that the bots don’t need to worry about catching it because COVID-19 is a virus that only affects organic people not robotic organisms. However, they can still be carriers as the virus can latch onto them which would require lockdown, safety, distancing and sanitation protocols to apply to them as well to keep humans around them safe. As for the Burns family, Cody would be the one stuck at home while the rest of the family would be required to go out often because they are first responders. In fact, I think all of the kids would be under lockdown which means most communication between everyone would only be digital. The good part is that a lot of things in Griffin Rock are done by machines anyway, so some business and such would still go on, but for people like Huxley Prescott who is a reporter, coffee shop owners and such, their work would suffer immensely.
Though the main focus would be how people are affected socially in which case, the four bots plus some of the townspeople would represent the five categories/issues society faces during COVID-19.
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Number one, you have Heatwave who stands for people who are in denial of how much danger COVID-19 poses and how much they openly resent the lockdown and all of the restrictions. He wants to be free to do what he wants and he sometimes shirks protocols like not washing as soon as he comes back, not keeping his distance and becoming stir crazy from being inside so often. He probably become very moody and hard to talk to snapping at everyone.
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Number two, you have Blades who stands for the other extreme of people who are taking precautions too far to the point of paranoia and hysteria. He sees COVID-19 as this boogeyman who is going to come get him the instant he takes a foot outside, he would fear going out, he would be afraid to go near anyone even people who are not a danger and have trouble performing rescues because that involves touching or going near people. Blades would probably go as far as thinking he has it or someone around him does prompting him to panic even further.
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Number three, you have Chase who stands for the people enforcing the lockdown and safety precautions to the point where he is being too severe. In an attempt to keep people safe, he is fueling the paranoia and actually angering the stir crazy people instead of handling things with a sympathetic touch and common sense. I can even picture a moment where he refuses to let Chief Burns out during a rescue as an attempt to keep him safe, but doesn’t realize that he is endangering the people on scene. I don’t say all this because Chase is bad. It is that he is very lawful and is paranoid, but in a different way from Blades. Chief Burns is an older man making him more vulnerable to COVID-19 and he just wants to protect him, but fails to realize that the virus doesn’t work that way and that Charlie made an oath to help people. I even imagine a moment where Chase forcefully “sanitizes” by spraying them with sanitizer and water anyone who is caught outside including people who are allowed to be out like truck drivers or delivery people. Maybe even the cat Mr. Pettipaws after saving him and even suggesting giving HIM a fine for being outside.
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Number four, you have some people who are accepting the lockdown and such, and are at home, but they are becoming extremely complacent to the point of laziness and letting themselves go. People are becoming slovenly, the state of property is being let go, nobody is exercising and take out is at an all time high indicating that people are not eating right either. This raises concerns because while people may not wind up ill because of COVID-19, they will wind up ill because of self negligence and unhealthy lifestyles. Some characters will even wind up gaining weight or dressing like slobs. I can picture mayor Luskey being the guy who just sits around dressing like a slob and becoming fatter which also has a very negative impact on his marriage as his wife becomes disgusting by his laziness and listlessness.
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Lastly, we have Boulder who represents the best of us trying to get through COVID-19 and he would be the star of this episode as he would also serve as the voice of reason especially at the end. Boulder is abiding by the rules, but he is being reasonable about it and while staying inside, he is making the most of his time by keeping up with his hobbies and even maintaining the HQ. He even helps Cody get around to taking up cleaning up his own space and even sorting out material things he never got around to before. Boulder would probably even encourage Cody to learn how to keep after himself and the importance of respecting your home. I can even picture this episode bringing in Ratchet as a special guest star since he is a doctor and can give medical advance to everyone, including the bots, for the physical and mental health.
In the end, it would be Boulder along with Cody and Dr. Greene who would bring the town back to its senses by ceasing to be extremes in any directions by reminding them that outbreaks have occurred before throughout history. Moreover, they would inspire the people to be mindful that surviving COVID-19 doesn’t mean anything if we can’t even survive ourselves and that we shouldn’t use the lockdown as an excuse to let ourselves go or cease being productive. This would bring also the other three bots to their senses and give them, especially Heatwave, new purpose by helping people maintain their properties since the bots cannot get sick. Also, Prescott would find new purpose by allowing people to send in how-to videos and other family videos to bring up spirits on his blog. Lastly, some people would even use this chance to at long last use the lockdown to get around to doing things they should have done a long time ago. In the case of mayor Luskey, he finally decides to get up from the couch and exercise alongside his wife hinting that he is on his way to getting in shape and patching things up with her.
As a bonus point, I imagine Doc Greene is using the lockdown to do more than just do experiments. Being the positive person he is, he wants to use the time to be productive so he is trying out all kinds of hobbies though some of them are not working out like singing where he is tone deaf, cooking though his food is worse than Dani’s, and he even attempts things like yoga and knitting. However, he has the right attitude in not sitting around doing nothing and he is still taking care of himself and his home. In the end, he does find a hobby that works for him especially when you consider what his wife does: botany.
And that is my take on how COVID-19 would go down in Rescue Bots. Of course, this is only how I imagine it. I am curious to hear what you think would happen.
Thanks for reading, have a great day and stay safe.
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Playin' With Fire: Frankie's Secret
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Playin’ With Fire: Frankie’s secret
Summary: Dani and Frankie have been friends for almost two years now. While at a party, Dani learns Frankie’s darkest secret. Will their friendship surpass this hurdle? WIll they finally cross that line they have been teetering on? Or will this be the wedge that drives them apart?
Warnings: DRUG USE (straight up use of cocaine), ANGST (It starts it off), explicit language, a heated make out session, implication of smut (but no details because I suck at writing smut), Hurt!Frankie because it breaks my heart. I hurt my own heart writing this.
Pairings: Dani x Frankie, Frankie x ofc, Dani x Santiago
Word Count: 4,280
A/N: Part 2! Y'all this story is a wild ride. I am not responsible for any tears that are shed while reading this.
Tags: @221bshrlocked @danniburgh (if you want to be tagged, LMK)
It wasn’t often that Dani went to a party that wasn’t being hosted by a Miller brother. Yet, here she was at some random house with a lot of random people. Will said it would be fun, that she needed to relax. Benny said that she wouldn’t be alone because Frankie would be there. So how in the hell did she find herself standing around with none of the guys in sight?
Dani wandered aimlessly through the crowd of people, looking for someone she knew. She came across a door, and it seemed to be quiet on the other end. She quickly turned the knob to see that it was unlocked. Pushing the door open, she revealed her best friend, with a half naked brunette in his lap, snorting what looked like coke.
Her heart shattered into a million pieces. Dani couldn’t tell if it was because of the girl or the drug. “Tequila.” Frankie whimpered, but didn’t move a muscle. The girl in his lap twisted to see who opened the door.
“Either join in or get out.” The girl demanded, and Dani slammed the door shut. She knew she probably looked crazy; Tears running down her face, smearing her makeup, frantically looking for Will or Benny. She found the youngest Miller first, who immediately left the woman he was chatting up upon seeing Dani’s distressed state.
“Tequila, what happened?” He asked, wiping tears from her face. She tried to tell him, but it only came out in broken sobs. Benny was able to pick up “Frankie” and “cocaine”; After that, she was incoherent. Benny wrapped his arms around her, trying to give her some comfort. “Come on, let’s find Will and go.”
It took twenty minutes for Benny to track down Will, who was hooking up with the party host, Sara. Benny explained that Dani came up to him, sobbing and mentioned Frankie and coke. Will rushed to get dressed, apologizing for his hasty exit.
Dani was standing outside by Will’s jeep, eyes swollen and face red. Will rushed over, “Teq, I’m so sorry.” He comforted and placed a kiss to her head before ushering her into the car, just in time for Frankie to come running out the door. Benny took three large strides toward him before throwing a right hook that connected hard with his jaw.
“The fuck were you thinking, Fish? I thought you quit that shit!” Benny yelled at his friend who clutched his face where a red bruise was already starting to form, struggling to get up off the ground.
“Please, Benny.” Frankie started as he stood up, gesturing to the girl crying in the front seat “Let me talk to her.” He begged, trying to move toward the car. Will stepped in.
“You’ve done enough, Catfish. Leave her alone.” Will growled at the man before him. Frankie, exhaled a shaky breath and took a step back from his friends.
“I’m sorry.” He mumbled. “I’m so sorry.” He yelled a little louder, hoping Dani could hear him through the window. She turned her head just in time to see the same brunette that was seated on his lap, start dragging him back inside.
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Dani didn’t leave her room for three days. She barely touched anything Will or Benny brought her to eat. She barely slept, the image of Frankie doing lines of the white substance haunted her dreams. She tried to focus on the crappy ‘B’ rated horror movie playing on Netflix.
A knock on the door drew her from the screen. “It’s open.” She said numbly. It was Will. He came in carrying a tray of food and a few water bottles. Dani noticed and gave him a quiet ‘thank you’, before turning her attention back to her laptop.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Will asked her just like he had every day before. Today she seemed ready.
“Why didn’t anyone tell me?” She whispered, still looking at the screen. Will took a seat next to her on the bed.
“It wasn’t our story to tell. As far as we knew, he cleaned up after being discharged. Tequila, I promise you, if any of us knew, we would have told you.” Will tried to explain to her, knowing that his words weren’t going to help much.
Tears slowly started to trickle down her cheeks. She felt so stupid, letting herself get so close to him. Will pulled the computer away from her lap, sitting it on her bedside table. She instantly curled into him as sobs wracked her body. Will felt so helpless. On one hand, he has his best friend who has a drug problem and on the other, his best friend who has a broken heart. He didn’t know where to begin to fix either. Will noticed that the sobs finally stopped and her breathing evened out. She was finally asleep. He could have wiggled out from her hold, but instead, he made himself comfortable and fell asleep, too.
“What the fuck are you doing here, Frankie?” Benny’s voice stirred Will awake. He shot up off the bed and ran to the living room. He found Benny holding Catfish back from entering the doorway.
“I need to talk to her, Benny. I have to- shit, I have to explain myself.” Frankie begged his friend.
Will could see his brother getting angrier by the second, so he intervened. “Go check on her, make sure she’s still sleeping. I’ll handle this.” Will prompted his brother. Benny relaxed, moving away from Frankie. Will slid into his spot, blocking him from coming inside.
“Will, please.” Frankie begged. “I just want to see her. I’m sorry for this. I never wanted to hurt her.” All Frankie wanted was to make sure she was okay. He was about to speak again when Dani’s voice broke through the silence. Frankie took in her state, hair in a bun, eyes rimmed red and puffy.
“It’s okay, Ironhead.” She murmured, arms wrapped around herself in mock comfort. Will turned himself to face her. He brought a hand up to caress her face, erasing stray tears. He gave her his best ‘are you sure?’ look. She nodded, “I’ll be okay, Will. I’ll yell if I need you.” She tried to give him a smile, but she was so damn tired.
Will looked back at Frankie, “I love you, man, but she better not need me." The blonde threatened him and Frankie knew he meant it. He shook his head in agreement; Frankie would gladly let Will hurt him. He just wanted to make this right. Will moved over, letting Frankie pass him into the living room. Frankie looked around. Out of all the times he sat in the room, he never imagined himself sitting here because of this.
Dani moved to take a seat across from him. She gave Will a look to let him know that she was okay, and he left the room. She focused her attention back to the man in front of her. He looked tired, like he hadn’t slept either. His eyes were bloodshot, and he had dark circles under them, which didn’t complement the five o’clock shadow that dusted his face. She couldn’t help but wonder if it was because of her or the drugs.
Frankie noticed Dani looking over his features, and he felt ashamed, like he didn’t deserve to have her look at him. He hung his head low, trying to avoid making eye contact with her. He knew he couldn’t hide his face forever, but for now, the floor was looking pretty good.
Dani shuffled in her seat, trying to get herself comfortable before diving into a conversation she really did not want to have. As she thought of what she was going to say, Frankie started to apologize.
“I’m so fucking sorry, Teq.” He raised his head, tears chasing each other down his face. “I know that sorry doesn’t mean much, but I am.” Frankie wiped his tears away as he finally made eye contact with her.
“Why, Frankie?” Her words were barely detectable, but Frankie heard them. Those two words put a vice grip around his heart and he felt like he couldn’t breathe. He didn’t know why. Why did he let himself fall off the wagon after so long? Why did he let Vanessa back into his life when he could have had Dani? He didn’t have any answers for her.
“Can I start from the beginning?” He asked her, hoping they could talk things out. Dani thought it over. Did she really want to hear this? The choice was obvious. she needed to know and gave Frankie a curt nod.
Frankie moved to the floor in front of her chair, sitting crossed legged, looking up at her. “It started after my first helo crash.” Frankie began.
“This is gonna be a bumpy ride boys,” Frankie yelled through the headset. He was maneuvering the helo through gunfire, trying to find a safe place to land.
“Fish, we got smoke back here!” Pope bellowed, hanging onto the doorway of the cockpit. Frankie looked back at his friend. How was he going to do this? He looked back down to the earth, and all he saw was desert sand. “Fish! We gotta land, man. Or this thing’s gonna blow!” Santiago reiterated.
Frankie found a spot far enough away from the flying bullets, that he could try to land as safely as possible. When he started to bring it down, alarms started blaring, lights flashed. “Fuck! Guys, buckle up. This isn’t going to be good.”
“That crash broke Benny’s arm. Since then, I was a nervous wreck behind the controls. I almost got everyone killed because I couldn’t land the damned helo. My mistake almost killed my friends.” Frankie paused to compose himself. “At first, I only did it to calm my nerves, then I just lost control of it, using whenever I could. I was discharged with my license suspended. I did a rehab program and luckily, I was able to get my license reinstated.”
Dani tried to comprehend what he was telling her. All of her medical training told her that he had a disease, an addiction. She wanted to reach out and console him, but he kept this from her. She had shared all of her secrets with him and he kept this huge one from her. “What about the girl?” She asked, knowing she had no right to be jealous. Frankie wasn’t hers.
“Vanessa was a fling, someone I would get high with. She was just there.” He gulped, “I wasn’t looking to get high. It was a moment of weakness. I hadn’t used it in almost thirteen months.” Since he met her. He was laying everything out for her and he was praying she would still accept him.
Dani sat there, staring at the man in front of her. He was unrecognizable. He looked sad, broken. Nowhere near the happy, flirty, person she met on Benny’s birthday. She wasn’t sure how to respond. She wanted to understand. She wanted to help him past this, but she didn’t know how. She didn’t know if she was strong enough.
“Please say something, hermosa. Lo siento mucho.” Frankie apologized again, reaching to grab her hands. She didn’t pull away like he thought she would. Instead, she moved to kneel on the ground with him.
She released his hands to pull him in for a hug. The gesture was enough to completely destroy Frankie’s resolve. Frankie sobbed into her. “Lo siento mucho. Lo haré mejor, lo prometo.” Dani held him for what felt like forever, stroking his hair.
“I want to help you, Frankie.” She whispered into his hair, still holding him close. “But I need you to want to help yourself.” Frankie’s head bobbed in agreement. He needed this.
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The following weeks were hard on Frankie. Detoxing off the drug was a lot harder than he remembered, but Dani was there every step of the way. The exhaustion, shakes, and cravings were tolerable, but when the nightmares started, Frankie didn’t know if he would make it.
Dani let herself into Frankie’s apartment after her shift at the hospital. “Frankie?” She called out but did not get a reply. She moved further inside, making her way to Frankie’s room. She heard the shower running as she walked into his bedroom. “Frankie?” She called out again.
As she got closer to the bathroom, she could hear Frankie’s broken sobs over the shower. She rushed in to see him sitting in the corner of the tub, knees drawn to his chest. He raised his head when the door slammed into the wall.
“Dani?” He choked out, like he was surprised to see her. She rushed over to him. Feeling that the water was freezing, she quickly turned it off. She grabbed a towel, throwing it over him to give him some form of cover.
“Fuck, fish. What’re you doing? Trying to give yourself hypothermia?” Dani moved to grab more towels. She was able to get him to stand up and move into the bedroom. She searched his room for warm clothing. “Here.” She handed him the sweats and hoodie she found. “I’m gonna make you something to eat while you get dressed.” She exited the room and closed the door behind her. She felt her own tears threatening to fall down her face. It was hard to see her friend like this. She wiped away the drops that strayed down, trying to compose herself.
Frankie emerged from his room and followed the savory smell coming from the kitchen. “Hermosa.” His voice cracks a little, but she still hears him. Smiling, she turns to see him, arms wrapped around himself. “Shit, Teq.” He walks over to her, bringing a hand up to caress her face. “I didn’t mean to make you cry again.” He whispers, pulling her in for a hug.
“I’m okay, Fish.” She mumbles into his chest. “I made bacon and eggs.” She wasn’t going to say that was all she could make with the contents in his kitchen because the man was already down.
“Thank you, Dani. For everything. I think the worst has finally passed.” Frankie told her as they sat down at his tiny dining table. She handed him his plate before placing her own in front of her. The two ate in a comfortable silence.
“You wanna talk about it?” Dani asked as Frankie cleared the table. Frankie placed the dishes in the sink and turned back to where she sat at the table.
“I keep having the same nightmare. I’m in a helo and it's going down. It’s just like that first crash, except you’re there. And there’s nothing I can do to save you.” Frankie describes his dream, fighting back the emotion that is pouring through him.
“I’m here, Frankie. I’m here.” She tells him as she walks over. Taking his hand and placing it over her heart. “Feel that? I’m alive.” She moves it over his own, “You are, too. We are going to figure this out together.” The tension between them is palpable. Frankie looks down at Dani, her blue orbs staring back at him and all he can think about his pressing his lips to hers. Instead, he pulls away. She deserves more than a fuck up like me, he thought.
“Thank you. For dinner, fuck, for everything. You should go home and get some rest.” He practically pushed her out the door. “I’ll be okay.” He reassured her one last time before she said good-bye. He watched her walk to her car, climb inside, and drive away.
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After the almost kiss, Dani did her best to give Frankie space. She knew he was going through a lot and he was probably having a lot of conflicted emotions. She stayed away from his apartment for about a week, checking in via text. He always responded immediately.
It was Saturday evening, and she had just finished her ER shift. She had sent a text to Frankie earlier in the day and still had not heard from him. Deciding that a trip to his apartment was warranted, Dani made her way over.
She knocked on the door three times before it opened. “Vanessa?” Dani choked out as the brunette stood there, wrapped in a towel. “Where’s Frankie?” She asked, her voice a little shaky.
“He’s busy, sweetie. Go home.” Vanessa snarked with a smirk on her face. Dani rolled her eyes, before storming past her toward Frankie’s room. She all but kicked the door open, sending the handle smashing into the wall.
“What the fuck?!” Frankie yelled, coming out of his bathroom, towel wrapped around his waist. The angry look on his face dropped as soon as he saw her. “Fuck.” He whispered, dropping his head. Dani knew immediately what was going on.
“Frankie, tell me this isn’t what it looks like.” She wished, pointing to the powdered substance on his dresser. He didn’t answer. “Frankie, please.” Her voice cracked, “Tell me you aren’t doing fucking coke again.” She pleaded. He raised his head to look at her, but did not answer.
She shook her head in disappointment before walking out of the room. “Dani!” Frankie called as he chased after her. “Dani, please, don’t go.” He begged her. She stopped in her tracks before she reached the door. Vanessa scoffed, muttering under her breath “to let her go”.
She slowly turned around. “Fuck you, Frankie Morales. Fuck you and fuck her.” She spat, pointing to Vanessa who was sitting on Frankie’s couch. Dani focused back on Frankie. “Thank you for wasting my time, my effort, my love. I told you when I started to help you that you had to want to get clean. You’ve made it very clear that you don’t. So, fuck you.” She blubbered, tears of regret and hurt welling in her eyes, spilling over her lashes.
She didn’t wait for a reply as she walked out of the door. It closed behind her with a loud thud. She got to her car and let out the sobs she was holding in. Dani had never felt anything like this. Even when she caught him at the party, it didn’t hurt this bad. She felt like some punched her in the stomach and could hear her heart pounding in her ears. What was she supposed to do now?
Dani pulled into her driveway to find Santiago sitting outside on the porch, like he was waiting on someone to come home. She put her car in park and he’s there to open her door. “¿Estás bien?” He asked as she stepped out.
She didn’t dare to look the brunette in the eyes, because she knew she'd break. “I’m fine.” She replied curtly, looking at the ground, walking toward the house. He followed quickly behind her. Once inside, she threw her bag onto the couch, going straight to the kitchen. She poured a shot of tequila, offering one for Santiago. He shakes his head ‘no’.
“Shit, Teq. What’s wrong?” He asks again, worry laced in his voice. He can tell she’s been crying. Her eyes are red, and her face is blotchy. She downs the alcohol and pours another.
“He’s doing coke again.” She rasped out, throwing back the second drink. Slamming the glass on the counter, she left Santiago and walked to her room.
He ran a hand down his face before tailing her. What the fuck have you done, Catfish. He thought. He found Dani laying face first into her pillow. “What do you mean he’s doing coke again?” He questions, sitting next to her legs.
She rolled over and sat up. “I mean, I hadn’t heard from him all day. I was worried. I got to his apartment and Vanessa was there.” she hiccuped, falling back on the pillow again. “There was coke on his dresser.” Dani sniffled, a sickening feeling growing in her stomach.
“I’m sorry, Dani.” He whispered, not really sure if she heard him. He is sorry. He’s sorry that Frankie is being an idiot. He’s sorry that she’s hurting. And he’s sorry that all he wants to do is make it better.
Dani fought to push her sadness down. She wiped her tears away and moved to sit up again, so that she’s looking at him. “I’m sorry, you looked like you had something you wanted to say.” She apologized and gave him her full attention.
Santiago nodded. “Yeah. I’m um, I’m going to South America. Colombia. I got a contract with the military.” He told her. “I’m supposed to leave in a month.” Her face dropped, and for a second she wonders how much heartbreak a person can take.
“South America? For how long?” She asked in disbelief. How could Santi be going to a different country? She just lost Frankie, she couldn’t lose him, too.
“I’m not sure.” He was being honest. He didn’t know when or if he would be back. It wasn’t going to be the safest contract. Dani sat there staring at him, speechless. “Teq?” He said, and she lifted her sad eyes to his. Almost as if he could read her mind, he promised, “I’ll come back.”
She shakes her head. “You don’t know that, Santi.” She mumbled, “What if you don’t come back?” The brunette shakes his head, telling her that she can’t think like that.
His cedar brown eyes met her blue ones. He reached out for her, pulling her into his embrace. He had an internal debate on whether or not he should say anything. It would be completely selfish of him, especially since he knew how Fish felt about her. That didn’t stop him from saying, "I have a contact down there who can get you certification to practice there. You could come with me, work in a hospital there."
Dani's body stiffened. Go to South America with Santi? She couldn't, could she? Santi could practically see the gears turning in her head. "It's not a marriage proposal, babe." He joked, trying to lighten the mood.
Dani let out a breathy laugh, "Yeah, like I would ever assume you are proposing marriage." Santi rolled his eyes, squeezing her tighter.
"I could settle down for the right woman." He rebutted, and they both burst into laughter. They knew Santi wasn’t the ‘settle down’ type. His arms relaxed around her and she wiggled her way out of his hold to sit back down on her bed.
"Seriously though, Tequila. If you want to come, the option is there." He offered her again. She could look into it. She could help so many less fortunate people, the whole reason why she wanted to become a doctor. After tonight, maybe it would be for the best.
"Okay." She says and his eyes go wide, like he didn't hear her correctly. "I want to go." She reiterates. Now he knows he wasn't hearing things. A huge smile crossed his face and he scooped her up into his arms again. Dani sighed in contentment. He smelled like mint and leather, even though he wasn’t wearing any, with a hint of whiskey.
She leaned her head back, so that she could look up at him. She was surprised to find him staring back at her. Her eyes subconsciously flickered to his lips as his tongue swiped out to dampen them. She didn't know if it was the buzz from the alcohol earlier, but she pushed forward to crash her lips into his.
Santi froze at the feeling of her lips on his. It was if he had fallen into one of his dreams, where the blonde woman had been running rampant. His hand found purchase at the back of her head, pulling her closer as their lips moved in tandem.
Dani's arms wrapped around his neck, her fingers playing in the curls growing at the base of his head. She felt his tongue dance along her bottom lip, as if to ask for permission to enter. She parted her lips, finally tasting him as their tongues met. He even tasted like mint and whiskey.
Santi nibbled her bottom lip, which drew a low moan from her. He knew right then that he wanted more sounds from her. He tightened the grip on the back of her head, pulling it to the side, so that he could have access to her neck. He broke the kiss unceremoniously, before attacking her neck, finding her sweet spot immediately.
"Santi," Dani whimpered with need. Santi groaned at the sound of his name coming off her lips. She sounded like an angel. He wanted to hear more.
He pulled back to look at her. Her eyes so dark with lust, Santi could barely see the baby blue. Her hair was a mess where he buried his fingers. She looked absolutely beautiful. "Fuck, Tequila." Santi said breathlessly. His hands caressed her face, one thumb swiping over her bottom lip. "Fuck, as much as I want to do this. I can't." He said as his hands dropped and he stepped back. "I'm sorry, Teq. You would hate me in the morning."
Dani, brain still fuzzy with need, nodded, "Yeah, yeah. You're right. It's best that we stop now." She hesitantly agreed, when really what she wanted was for him to make her forget. Make her forget Frankie. Make her forget work. Make her forget her own name.
Santi took a deep breath, running a hand across his face. His eyes met hers once more, trying to find any signs of regret. There were none. "We really shouldn't do this." He said one more time before connecting their lips again.
Tumblr media
Hermosa- Beautiful
Lo siento mucho- I’m really sorry.
Lo haré mejor, lo prometo- I’ll do better, I promise.
¿estás bien?- Are you okay?
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kinglazrus · 3 years
Not Your Danny – Ch 5. Fresh Air
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Word count: 3075
Dani hesitates at the top of the stairs. The lab door, when closed, looks comically when compared to the rest of the house. Set halfway down the hall that bisects the house, from either end, the doorway appears normal. When you get closer, however, and the door itself comes into view, a smattering of warning signs greets your eyes. The yellow and black stripes, the deep red biohazard symbol, one bright green sign that just reads GHOSTS AHEAD!, are the only pops of colour against the off-white walls.
The signs draw the eye to a comical degree. They remind Dani of cheap Halloween decorations, slapped on the nearest empty surface in the hopes that more signs equal more scares.
It's not as funny when the door is open. Metal plating gleams along the walls, some of the seams between them crusted with dried ectoplasm. More stains litter the stairs, left by careless, unclean feet. Far below, the pristine white tiles of the lab floor are lit by a soft green glow.
She hasn't even entered the lab, but just a glimpse of the room below transports her back to Vlad's place in Wisconsin and that cold room where she spent hours alone. It was the worst before she learned how to go intangible, when she was stuck with nowhere to go. Vlad didn't have the time to go down to the lab every day, but when he could, he worked feverishly on making newer, better clones than her.
"Siblings for you," Vlad called them, but Dani knows the truth now. Replacements, since she hadn't been good enough for him.
So many times, Vlad made a clone that was almost stable, almost life-like, but they would die overnight. Dani could never take her eyes away from it, no matter how much it horrified her. Seeing other clones melt away to nothing, their skin sloughing off, muscle dripping from their bones until those, too, liquified into nothing.
If Vlad had known Danny was transgender, maybe he wouldn't have seen Dani as such a failure. He might have loved her properly—or at all.
She doesn't want to go down the stairs, not when such horrible memories are already clamouring for attention. But Maddie is down there, and it might be hours before she comes upstairs. Bracing herself against the wall, Dani leans forward on her toes and calls down. "Maddie?"
Although she can hear shuffling coming from below, she gets no answer.
"Maddie?" she says again, a little louder.
Still no answer.
Swallowing her nerves, Dani goes down the steps. She keeps her arms in, even as her legs shake and threaten to give out on her, she doesn't want to touch the walls. Her gaze doesn't stray from her feet, either, fixed firmly on where she is stepping. When she reaches the last stair, she squeezes her eyes shut.
It's fine. This isn't Vlad's lab. There might be some similarities, they aren't the same. Like her and Danny.
I am at Fenton Works. I am at home. I am at Fenton Works. She repeats the mantra over and over. Her heart doesn't stop pounding, but eventually, she has to look up or turn back around, and she doesn't want to give up now. Steeling herself, she looks up and opens her eyes.
It's not Vlad's lab.
Of course, it isn't. Dani knew that the whole time. Actually seeing it, however, fills her with relief. Instead of bubbling vats full of half-formed bodies, they have long counters full of inventions. Although the floors have a few scuffs and some noticeable burn marks, there are no dubious stains of questionable origin.
The only true similarity Dani can find is the specimen cabinet. Its glass doors reveal the rows upon rows of ectoplasmic samples hidden inside. The vials sit on labelled racks, sorted through some mysterious method Dan is not privy to.
One rack, near the front of the cabinet, is labelled PHANTOM, DANI. Out of the four vials, two are empty, the third is missing, and the fourth—her blood sample— is half-full. Looking around at all the weapons down here, Dani hopes her samples went to good use. The last thing she wants is one of these guns firing at her without warning.
Dani finds the missing vial with Maddie on the other side of the lab. Maddie sits at one of two desks, hers far neater than the other. The vial of ectoplasm, still capped, rests by Maddie's elbow. In front of her, a gun sprawls out in pieces. Maddie's head is lowered over the gun as she works on it.
"Maddie?" Dani asks.
Maddie takes a deep breath before looking up. She can't hide the slight widening of her eyes when she sees Dani's human face, but she doesn't flee, which is a vast improvement from last time. "Yes, dear?"
"Is it okay if I go out somewhere?"
"Of course. Where do you want to go?"
"Nowhere in particular. I haven't left the house since I got here."
"Really? That can't be right."
"It is." To be completely honest, Dani hadn't been sure if she was allowed to leave. The Fentons never laid out any ground rules for staying with them. Nor did they let her in on what a usual household day is like. After a week and a half, Dani has figured out more or less how things go, but only now does she realize that the Fentons never did anything to accommodate her.
Not that she knows what accommodations she needs, but it's odd, isn't it? Someone new moves in and they keep doing what they have always done.
"I didn't even notice," Maddie admits. "I'm so used to D—the kids doing whatever they want as long as they aren't out late. You don't need to ask us if you want to go somewhere." She leans back over the dismantled gun, grabbing a core piece with a dozen little wires sticking out of it. "Don't forget to text. And be home by curfew, young man."
Depends on when that is.
Maddie's mind fills in the automatic response, a perfect copy of Danny's usual snark. Several seconds pass before she realizes no one said it out loud. She glances up from her work and finds herself alone in the lab. Dani left without saying anything. The discovery cuts her deeper than it has any right to.
Maddie's parting remark runs through her head again. She gasps, finally registering what she said, and drops the barrel component in her hand.
She goes over her parting remark in her head and gasps. She didn't mean to say that. The words rose instinctively to her lips, spoken without any consideration of who she had been talking to. It was such a small thing, too; a meaningless ritual built between Danny and Maddie over the years.
"Be home by curfew," she would say.
"Depends on when that is," he would answer.
When was the last time she and Danny had this exchange? It only happened when he told her he was going out, which wasn't very often in recent years, but the instinct was still there. Maddie presses a hand against her eyes.
Danny's absence resonated throughout Fenton Works, but little moments like this cut deeper than they should. All their little rituals. Backwash soda. Small things Maddie didn't realize she would miss until they were gone. And at the centre of it all was Dani, subject to Maddie's moments of weakness, filling in that piece of her Danny took when he died, but not quite fitting.
Maybe this was a mistake.
"I'm sorry, Dani," she tells the empty lab.
It feels good to fly again. Sitting in the house with nothing to do, Dani was starting to get stir crazy. Finally getting some fresh air in her lungs and some wind in her hair does wonders to alleviate her mood. Not even Maddie's slip up in the lab can bring Dani down now, no matter how much thinking about it makes her skin prickle.
She soars far over the city, letting her instincts take over as the people below get smaller and smaller.
Amity Park airspace is perfect for flying. It sees so little traffic from planes, drones, or anything else like that. People in the area know to steer clear of the skies in case a ghost is about. Danny once told her that the airport actually diverts planes around the city if they're flying too low.
Not even birds like to be up here.
Dani relishes the feeling of wind buffeting her body. She lets her control slip, plummeting through the air. Spreading her arms, she guides her fall without the use of her powers, grinning wide against the roaring wind. She and Danny might not have liked all the same things, but they could certainly agree on this: there is nothing more amazing than flying.
A good hour passes with Dani in the air. She dips down toward the city a few times, swooping through the streets. The tall downtown buildings and fast-moving cars make a great obstacle course, especially when she flies at top speed.
"Is that Phantom?" someone shouts.
Dani has to stop and backtrack, flying by the voice so fast she almost doesn't hear it. Lounging in the air, she peers down at the sidewalk. "Someone called?"
A kid holding his mother's hand scowls. "You're not Phantom."
Dani sticks her tongue out at the brat. "Dani-with-an-I Phantom, thank you very much."
"I don't care. You're not Danny Phantom."
Dani's smile freezes in place. The brat, who can't be more than eight, makes a rude gesture over his shoulder as his mom pulls him away.
"Charming kid!" Dani shouts after them. The woman pulls her son along faster. Dani's expression goes flat. The brief exchange leaves a sour taste in her mouth and an ache in her chest. Flying right now doesn't seem fun anymore. She lowers herself to the street, ignoring the whispers around her, and transforms.
A few people gasp, but she ignores that, too. Who cares if they see her? The whole city already knows the truth about Danny. It wouldn't take a genius to reach the same conclusions about her.
Her hands go to the front of her shirt, seeking out her hoodie pocket. Belatedly, she remembers that she hasn't worn the hoodie in days. At night, she puts on the pyjamas Maddie bought for her, and in the morning she dons her new favourite shirt along with one of the several skirts Jazz gave her.
The first time Dani transformed from human to ghost wearing these clothes, she was worried they might disappear, or her hoodie and shorts would reappear. To her utter delight, no such thing happened. The skirt she wears now is a little long for her. She has it pulled up to her waist, with the star shirt tucked underneath, and rolled the waistband several times until the skirt rested around her knees. The soft fabric swishes about her legs, so much lighter than what she is used to.
Taking in her surroundings, Dani notes the big box stores around her. She recognizes the area, although she has only seen it from the air. The Amity Par Mall should be somewhere close by. Although Dani doesn't have any money for clothes, she could window shop and look at what's available. That should help lift her spirits.
The usual chatter blankets the mall food court. Beyond the tables, a kiosk for a local store advertises unique Danny Phantom merch. T-shirts, phone cases, and hats bearing Danny's iconic logo sit out on display. From her seat facing the kiosk, Sam can see water bottles shaped like the Fenton Thermos, plushies that vaguely resemble the local haunts, and even a few fake ecto-guns.
But the centrepiece of the display is a poster, unmistakably new. It features Danny twice over, as Phantom and Fenton, standing back-to-back with himself. The sight of it fills her with rage.
"How dare they." Sam seethes.
Seated across from her, Tucker nods. The soda cup in his hand crumples as his grip tightens. "Isn't that illegal, too? Using his likeness and all?"
"Absolutely. Especially since he's a minor."
"Was," Tucker corrects her, his voice soft.
"Right. Was." The memory of Danny's last moments flashes through her mind. Sam flinches, closing her eyes in an attempt to shut the image out. It doesn't work. The moment is all too vivid in her mind and she doesn't think it will ever fade.
Movies like to give heroes slow deaths, dramatic last words spoken with a final breath, the warmth of a loved one nearby. They make it so easy to forget that most of the time people don't get anything like that. Most of the time they drop, and they're gone.
Her hands feel sticky and warm, her throat hoarse.
The stunned silence of the street after it happened presses down on her.
"Looks like they have a website. I take care of that and you take care of the lawyers?" Tuck says.
Sam opens her eyes. She has to rub her hands together to remind her they're dry now, have been for weeks. Still, that doesn't stop her from picturing dried blood beneath her nails.
"Yeah," she says after a moment. "Sounds like a plan."
Whoever owns that kiosk is going to regret using their dead best friend for profit. Sam and Tucker will make them burn.
Sam's glare turns from the man working the kiosk to the shoppers browsing its wares. Her anger stretches to them, too, though not as much. She can't blame a child for wanting merch of their hero. Three of the five shoppers lingering around the stand are children, the oldest in her teens. Except instead of happily perusing the merch like her younger counterparts, this girl glares at the stand with nearly as much hatred as Sam.
Something about her is familiar, too. Sam can't see her profile in full, since the girl is angled away, but she can't shake the feeling that she's seen this girl before.
"Holy shit, is that Danielle?" Tucker asks.
Sam's eyes widen. He's right. Without the signature red and blue, Sam didn't recognize her. Dani's new outfit suits her, though. "Jazz said she saw Dani before the funeral. Where has she been?"
Sam stands up. Tucker rises with her, having the same idea. They dump their food trays at the garbage station and make a beeline for Dani.
"Danielle!" Tucker waves to the halfa, who turns at his shout.
Dani smiles when she sees them. "Hey!"
"Nice shirt." Tucker flicks Dani's collar. "About time someone put it to good use."
"Are you staying at Fenton Works?" Sam asks. Like Tucker, she recognizes the shirt and knows there's only one place Dani could have gotten it.
Dani kicks the floor with her heel, the sole of her shoes squeaking against the tiles. "Yeah. Jazz invited me to move in. It's... okay."
Over Dani's head, Sam and Tucker share a concerned look. They recognize that tone. It's one of the few things Dani and Danny have in common, at least that Sam has seen. Dani's voice dips at the end of her sentence, going low and flat. Jazz does it, too, sometimes. It's probably a Fenton thing more than it is a Danny and Dani thing.
"What's wrong?" Sam asks.
"Trouble adjusting, that's all. It's not a big deal." Dani shrugs.
Sam wants to question her further but lets the subject drop. It's fine if Dani wants to keep it to herself, although Sam prefers if she didn't. Either way, they aren't going to leave her like this.
"Doing some shopping?" Sam already knows the answer, though. Dani doesn't have a purse, or a wallet, or any money with her by the looks of it.
Dani confirms her suspicions. "Just looking."
"Cool. Can we look with you?" Tucker rests an arm on Dani's head, using her as a post for leaning. It works like a charm, drawing a half-hearted grumble and a small smile out of Dani. "We're here to people watch. And take care of assholes like this." Tucker nods toward the Phantom kiosk.
This time, Dani giggles. "Yeah, sure. We can take you to all the girl stores."
Tucker pales. "Wait, no. I change my mind."
"Too late!" Dani latches onto the arm resting on her head.
Sam quickly grabs Tucker's other arm until he's squished between the two girls, growing rapidly more distressed as they steer toward the closest store with a bright pink sign. These kinds of stores aren't Sam's thing, and she normally wouldn't be caught dead in one, but she can put up with it for a while if it keeps the smile on Dani's face.
Dani takes her bag from the store clerk with nothing short of reverence lighting her face. Even though she just watched the clerk pack it, Dani can't help but open the bag and peer inside at her new purchases: a skirt, a pair of shorts, and a handful of button-ups like the one she already wears.
Beside her, Sam slips her wallet back into her pocket.
"Have a nice day!" the clerk says.
"Thanks. You, too!" Tucker's hand settles on Dani's back, nudging her out of the store.
As soon as they exit, Dani spins and jumps at Sam. "Thank you so much!" When they went into the store, she didn't expect to find anything she liked, but everything inside was so different from what she found in Danny's closet. Especially the pastel colours.
"Consider it a welcome home present," Sam says. Her arm curls around Dani's back, squeezing her tightly.
"Group hug!" Tucker says before draping himself over both of them.
Dani's breath catches in her throat. When was the last time she touched someone like this? Sam and Tucker's arms surrounded her, their warmth making her skin tingle. For a second, she can't breathe, so overwhelmed by the contact that everything else ceases to exist.
Against her will, her shoulders start to shake. She clings to Sam and Tucker tighter, fists gripping the back of their shirts as she draws them closer. Tears welled in her eyes, rising from somewhere deep within her that she had been pushing down. Now, though, in the warmth of Sam and Tucker's embrace, Dani cries for the first time since Danny died.
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wheresmynaya · 3 years
Lost in the Lights Ch.15|Brittana
A/N - Thank you for being patient and still leaving behind your reviews! The struggle to write continues so I think next chapter will be the final one. Thanks for sticking it out with me 💙
Available on ff.net (x) ao3 (x) & under the cut
The first thing Santana notices when she awakes is that it’s too damn bright. It’s kind of ridiculous how bright it is – like there’s no logical explanation for why anyone would be okay with waking up to that – but then she remembers something.
This isn’t her room.
She knows as much because Santana likes to keep her room as dark as possible during the early mornings and this is the complete opposite. But that’s not the only thing out of place. Everything feels different; the bed is softer, the blankets are warmer, and it’s like the pillow she rests her head on has been infused with her favorite scent: Brittany.
The smile forms without thinking and suddenly she doesn’t care all that much about the equivalent of a million flashlights being beamed at her eyelids – she might be exaggerating a little there – because this isn’t her room.
It’s Brittany’s.
Despite not being a morning person in the slightest, Santana’s always been the first to awake at sleepovers for some reason. Maybe it’s her body’s way of letting her know that she isn’t in her usual surroundings, but for once she just wants it to chill. She always hated having to wait until everyone else woke up, but she finds that she feels a little differently this time around.
While it seems like the rest of Lima still sleeps, Santana takes the quiet moment to admire her girlfriend. Because before, when she’s out there in the world it sometimes feels like she has to be guarded about it – her glances are usually stolen, her smiles are small and secretive.
But she doesn’t have to hide here.
Brittany’s blonde hair is all over the place while one arm drapes lazily over Santana’s hip and the other is crooked above her head. She’s sound asleep with these soft little snores escaping slightly parted lips and it makes Santana smile. Brittany swears she doesn’t snore even though Santana has heard it on multiple occasions over the phone, but it hits differently now that she’s actually here and can see it for herself.
If anything, it just makes Santana want to kiss her even more.  
She doesn’t though; it feels like it’s still way too early for anyone to be awake so Santana let’s her sleep while she continues to admire. She has rarely been able to be this close to Brittany without feeling overwhelmed by everything so it’s nice to be able to do this now.
Watching someone sleep has always sounded so weird to her and she’d judge anyone hardcore for doing it and yet here she is doing the exact same thing, only now she gets it. To be so close that she could count every little freckle dotting Brittany’s cheeks, it’s almost like being caught in a dream.
Santana runs the back of her finger along Brittany’s cheek and it’s like the touch solidifies that this is real, that it’s actually happening. A year ago, even six months ago, Santana would not have imagined this kind of reality for herself. She figured after everything that went down with Dani and all the drama with Bree and JBI, she wouldn’t find happiness until she had put Lima far, far behind her.
How wrong was she?
Santana glances to Brittany and she has to stifle a chuckle because this girl; this beautiful, talented, amazing girl literally just appeared one day and her whole life changed. Really, everyone’s did. To have a female quarterback leading the Titans and actually doing it well was something no one saw coming and it amazes Santana. Of all the people Brittany could’ve set her eyes on, she chose her.
And the same goes for Santana.
In all her daydreaming, Santana hears Brittany let out a sleepy sigh before she’s tightening her arm around Santana’s hip. The blonde snuggles in close, her head sliding off the pillow and instead nestling against Santana’s chest. The brunette smirks at that – if it weren’t for the little snores returning, she would’ve thought Brittany had woken up.  
Instead, the brunette gets cozy too. Maybe if she closes her eyes, her mind will stop and sleep will find her easily once again?
The next time Santana awakes, it’s to Brittany pressing gentle kisses all over her face. As she begins to stir, the kisses get quicker and sloppier until Santana’s giggling for Brittany to quit it.  When the kisses finally pause, Santana cracks an eye open to find Brittany hovering over her with this goofy grin on her face.
“You really want me to stop?” Brittany asks devilishly.
Santana’s only answer is to wrap her arms around Brittany’s shoulders and pull her down for a real kiss. She can feel Brittany’s smile as their mouths move and she can’t think of a better way to wake up – if only they could do this every morning.
“Good mornin’,” Brittany mumbles against Santana’s soft lips.
“Mhmm,” Santana replies happily.
Once they pull away, Brittany moves to keep herself hovering over Santana. It’s a risky move because Brittany’s strong arms tense in the most distracting way, not to mention how Brittany’s baggy sleep shirt hangs loose around her torso – meaning Santana can see that she definitely isn’t wearing a bra.
“It’s a very good morning,” Santana flirts.
“Hey,” Brittany teases when she catches on then rests back on her heels.
Santana pouts at the lose of a great view and it makes Brittany giggle.
“Careful,” Brittany jokes as she taps on Santana’s bottom lip, “Might get stuck like that.”
Santana rolls her eyes playfully at the jab before smiling, “Did you sleep well?”
Brittany nods, “I should sleep in more often. I don’t usually miss a morning run.”
“God, you do that on the weekends too?” Santana scrunches her nose cutely, “Gross.”
Brittany chuckles, “It’s always Leg Day, baby!”
Santana knows it was meant to be a joke judging by Brittany’s sing-song tone but hearing Brittany say baby reminds her of last night and she can’t fight a smitten little smile from forming. If Quinn could see her now, a constant smiling fool, the teasing would be endless.
Santana doesn’t care though, she might even put up with it if that means she gets to keep Brittany.
“You’re crazy,” Santana ends up saying to cover up the obvious adoration. She doubts it works judging by the soft expression on Brittany’s face too.
“Hungry?” Brittany asks a second later, “My mom’s making breakfast.”
Santana feels reality starting to set in and their little bubble beginning to burst. She knows they can’t hideaway like this in Brittany’s room forever, but it would kind of be nice to.
Nevertheless, she sits a little straighter and nods, “Yeah, starving.”
The couple venture downstairs awhile later after brushing their teeth and changing into warmer clothes. All that means is Brittany opted for fuzzy rainbow socks while tossing Santana one of her hoodies that was always a little too big for her. Santana has to roll the sleeves twice for it to sit comfortably while Brittany teases her for being so tiny.
“Mornin’ girls!” Whitney greets when the pair make their way into the kitchen.
Whitney’s definitely been busy as the entire island counter is covered in various plates stacked with different flavors of pancakes and bowls filled with blueberries, strawberries and chocolate chips. Other toppings surround a long wooden cutting board and Brittany’s already poking around for a snack.
“Good morning, Mrs. Pierce,” Santana greets politely while Brittany steals a strawberry from a small bowl.
“I see the couch was empty this morning,” Whitney comments cryptically in Brittany’s direction.
When Santana glances to Brittany, she can see the blonde’s face go red and blue eyes dart away from Whitney’s.
“I – well,” Brittany stammers, “It gets cold down here at night...”
Santana’s eyes go wide. Was she not meant to stay in Brittany’s room last night?
“Uh-huh,” Whitney gives her a knowing look.
Brittany smiles apologetically, “Sorry?”
Whitney only shakes her head and nods to the counter, “You two hungry?”
“Yeah, but I only said Santana was sleeping over, not the entire school,” Brittany jokes as she pops the berry into her mouth.  
“I know,” Whitney laughs before flipping another pancake, “I might’ve gotten carried away. I saw this thing on the internet called a pancake board. It’s like one of those fancy cheese platters but pancakes. I figured I’d give it a try. How’s it look?”
“Amazing,” Santana compliments, “Way cooler than any breakfast I’ve ever had.”
“You’re too sweet,” Whitney smiles and swats at Brittany’s hand going for another berry, “Leave some for the rest of us.”
Brittany backs off with a chuckle and Santana finds herself grinning too. This family dynamic is so different than what she’s used to and it kind of catches her off guard to be in such a laid back environment. Growing up, breakfast at the Lopez residence was far and few between with her parents’ work schedules. If they were miraculously together, they’d usually just go out to somewhere fancy with a dress code.
She starts to feel a little fidgety and asks, “Did you need any help?”
“I should be finishing up in here soon,” Whitney answers, “Maybe you both can clear a space in the living room and check on Pete while you’re out there. I haven’t heard him in awhile, make sure he isn’t up to anything.”
“You got it, mom!”
Santana nods too and follows after Brittany to the living room, confused as to why they won’t be eating at an actual table.
“You didn’t tell me I was meant to sleep on the couch last night,” Santana mentions softly.
Brittany just shrugs, “I was meant to but no way I was gonna stay down here by myself.”
“Chicken,” Santana teases.
“Says you,” Brittany smirks before calling out for Pete when she finds the couch empty but the cartoons still playing on tv.
Santana looks around the room too; no sign of Brittany’s little brother anywhere.
Brittany lets out a playful sigh and nudges Santana to play along, “Bummer, he’s not here. Guess Santana and I will just have to eat all the pancakes by ourselves!”
“Wait!” Pete shrieks before he pops out from under a stack of throw pillows. The expression on his little face goes from shock to excitement when he sees that Santana’s standing alongside Brittany, “Santana’s here?!”
Santana’s never seen someone so excited to see her – apart from Brittany – and Pete’s rushing towards her with a giant grin on his face. He throws his arms around her as soon as she’s in reach and Santana doesn’t know what to do but stiffen and look to Brittany for an explanation.
Brittany only laughs, “I might’ve told him you were coming over later today for lunch.”
“You’re here so early!” Pete beamed as he looked up at her, “You going to have breakfast and lunch with us too?”
Santana bites her lip at his excitement and the adoring look Brittany’s giving her.
She’s never been too fond of being around kids, she’s never known how to act – she still doesn’t, but Pete’s different. He’s actually cool and Santana finds it starting to get easier to interact with him the more time she spends around the Pierces.
“Looks like it, P,” Santana ends up replying coolly with a ruffle to his hair before sinking down to whisper to him, “Also heard that you might be the Monopoly King around here.”
“I am,” He responds proudly before puffing out his chest, “You wanna challenge me?”
Santana smirks, “Maybe after breakfast.”
When Pete’s smile widens, it looks like Santana’s just made his entire day. When she glances over at Brittany, it looks like she has just made her entire day too.
It’s a total back to reality moment for Brittany as she pulls into the McKinley High student parking lot on Monday morning. After the blissful weekend she had, she never felt so bummed about it having to end for the sake of going back to school.
Spending all that time with Santana was just…perfect. She fit in so well with her little family – even Pete was begging for Santana to stay a little while longer after winning a second round of Monopoly. But all good things must come to an end, at least for a little bit.
It’s the beginning of a big week for her though so she at least has that to curb her slight grumpiness. The Championship game is this Friday which feels like the culmination of her entire high school football career. She hasn’t been putting too much thought into it – too wrapped up in her new relationship with Santana and the rivalry between the Titans and the hockey team – but now that it’s all starting to come to an end…she feels a little sad.
Playing football has always been something that has made her feel closer to her dad. It’s something that he exposed her to when she was young and it blossomed from there and it should make her feel proud because she has come so far thanks to him, but it makes her feel like a chapter is closing.
A chapter she started with her dad and ended…without him.
She quickly pushes those thoughts away, not wanting to get caught crying in her car by Santana – or even worse by someone random. No, she has to seek out the positives because that’s exactly what he would’ve wanted her to do. He would’ve told her not worry about him, this is all about her and she should feel proud of her accomplishments.
It’s easier said than done lately, but she just focuses on her dad’s wise words of wisdom and prepares herself for a busy, busy week ahead.
For the most part, it’s smooth sailing for Brittany.
On Monday there was a quiz in her History class, but she was actually prepared for it so it didn’t stress her out too much and she was confident that she did great. On Tuesday, her Astronomy class got back their graded assignments and Brittany surprised herself with a perfect score – the only one in the entire class.
Santana was so proud of her for that one that they skipped their study session at Elliott’s to instead make out in the back of Santana’s car. Brittany remembers how they giggled like mad afterwards because Santana had to turn on the screen defroster, it was that foggy inside.
This week, Brittany felt like she was on a roll and that reflected during football practice as well. The quarterback nailed every throw – even the trickier ones where the defense applied extra pressure. Although it was only practice, her passer rating must’ve been through the roof because she was doing so well with her completions.
But it wasn’t just her, the entire team was doing exceedingly well too. After the stunt they pulled last week in the cafeteria, the Titans seemed to be more united and that showed in the way they practiced. Sam and Mike hadn’t dropped one pass yet and you couldn’t strip the ball away from Puck if you were the strongest person on Earth.
Anyone with eyes could see that the Titans wanted this Championship win, that practiced that hard. Brittany’s teammates were putting in extra work in the weight room and staying later after practice ended just to get in a few more catches.
Everyone was determined as ever and that pissed the hockey guys off even more so. But like always, Brittany opted for the higher road. She wasn’t going to stoop down to their level – no Titan was going to – and she just hoped that they’d eventually take the hint that they weren’t going to be intimidating anyone any time soon.
By Wednesday, the anxiousness over the big game starts to settle in. The school is all a buzz about the possibility of Brittany and the Titans ending this Championship drought. Any other day, that buzz would leave Brittany feeling giddy but the pressure of winning and the sadness she feels about this chapter coming to an end is louder.
She knows it’s not exactly where her head needs to be right now, but she can’t help it. This storm cloud has been brewing for awhile and she has done her best to keep it at bay but it was only a matter of time before she stopped being able to outrun it.
Miraculously though, she isn’t the only one that has noticed the shift in her mood.
Brittany’s sitting in the cafeteria, surrounded by all of her friends and teammates while she slowly picks at her lunch. Usually by this hour, she’s starving but not today. It’s not that she has lost her appetite because she loves chicken patties but she’s just not feeling it. She can tell Kurt and Mercedes are talking excitedly about something and Brittany wishes she could focus enough to be apart of the conversation but all she hears is noise.
It’s almost like she’s caught in a daze and everything’s moving around her like usual but she’s stuck in slow motion. It’s a weird feeling, one she hasn’t experienced in a long time – maybe since she moved to Lima.
No one notices either, not until someone fills the seat next to her.
“Hey B! I got you something,” Santana says cheerfully.
Brittany goes to glance in her direction but her smile isn’t quite as bright as it usually is and that’s enough for Santana.
“Are you okay?” She asks as she slides the gifted pressed juice onto the table.
“Is that for me?” Brittany asks instead and nods to the juice, similar to the one Santana brought her at the beginning of the year.
Santana looks between the drink and Brittany, “Yeah. Figured you might need the energy boost. I remember you saying this morning that you had some trouble sleeping last night so I stopped by the Cheerios lounge before coming here.”
Brittany smiles adoringly at her. It still surprises her how caring Santana can be. It’s enough to distract Brittany from her troubles for the time being. How could anyone think about anything else when her girlfriend is the most thoughtful person in the world?
“You’re too sweet,” Brittany compliments as she squeezes Santana’s knee beneath the table, “Thank you.”
Santana just shrugs her shoulder bashfully, but their little interaction is enough to gain the rest of the table’s interest – specifically Kurt and Mercedes.
“I had my suspicions but I couldn’t be sure,” Kurt comments behind a playful smirk, “Not until now.”
Santana quirks her brow and Brittany frowns in confusion.
“Really?” Mercedes looks at him with this unamused look on her face, “I clocked it the day she came to sit with us. Cheerios don’t ever break rank.”
Brittany starts to catch on and glances to Santana again to see her reaction because so far the only people at school who know about them are: Quinn, Mike and Sam. And apparently Kurt and Mercedes have a bit of a reputation for being the school gossips so if they get a hold of this it would be public knowledge now.
Brittany’s heart beats a little quicker as she continues to watch Santana.
“Don’t assume,” Tina scolds the both of them before smiling at Santana and Brittany, “Although you two would make a really cute couple.”
Brittany blushes while both of Santana’s brows rise. Brittany has no idea what to say to and she can’t tell if Santana’s about to beat Tina with her lunch tray or laugh. She’s hoping it’s neither; she’s hoping that Santana would want to tell the truth. Santana has been doing so well so far, why wouldn’t she?
It’s a long pause afterwards where everyone just waits for an answer from either Brittany or Santana. Brittany’s waiting on her girlfriend to take the lead but she wonders if Santana’s doing the same too.
“So are you?” Kurt asks; cutting through the silence and right to the chase.
“Well,” Brittany starts uneasily, “We – “
“Yes,” Santana answers without wavering, “We’re together.”
Brittany’s jaw just about drops and so does everyone else’s.
“This is outstanding!” He cheers, “I’m – “
“Hold up,” Santana raises her finger, “No matter how excited you are or whatever, this is not your business to tell. It’s ours – as in me and Britt – not you. Don’t go throwing us a rainbow themed party or build us a Pride Parade float to have us chauffeured around on. That’s not how we’re doing this.”
Kurt’s lips part but Santana cuts him off again then eyes everyone at the table down – excluding Brittany of course.
“Every single person that knows so far knows because we told them and because they know how to keep their trap shut about things that aren’t theirs to share so if this were to get out before we decide, I know exactly who I’ll be going after,” Santana warns before straightening up, “Believe me, you don’t want that. These Puck Heads and their lame ass slushies have nothing on what I’d do.”
Kurt, Mercedes and Tina all gulp. Santana just smirks.
Brittany looks back and forth between everyone uneasily – halfway turned on by how assertive Santana was just then and also a little guilty about threatening her friends. Then again, when it comes to this she guess a little tough love might be in order.
“Stay in your lane and we won’t have problems,” Santana adds in a friendlier tone, “Understand?”
Brittany’s friends just nod in unison.
“Great talk,” Santana grins before turning her attention back to Brittany with this sickeningly sweet smile on her face, “So B, how’s your day been so far? ”
Brittany’s a little speechless at first but then she lets out a chuckle before answering Santana’s question.
The rest of lunch goes on smoothly. Santana and Brittany talk about their day so far and what assignments still need completing. They make plans to go to Elliott’s again this weekend to study together – like actually study this time and not…do other things.
That’s when Puck goes to stand on his chair to apparently make an announcement.
“Puckerman, get down!” Mr. Phillips scolds.
“Just a sec, Mr. P, I’ve got to say something,” Puck tells him.
“Do you need to stand up there while you say it?”
“How else will everyone hear me?” Puck shrugs.
Mr. Philips narrows his eyes.
“I’ll be super quick,” Puck assures him.
“Fine,” Mr. Philips rolls his eyes and wanders away.
Brittany and Santana pull away from their own conversation long enough to see what’s got him so worked up. They aren’t the only ones listening in though, Rick and the hockey guys linger nearby too.
“Listen up! So everyone knows the Titans are going to kick Carmel’s ass this Friday, right?” Puck asks and everyone within listening distance cheers loudly.
Mr. Philips turns and gives Puck a glare.
Puck just smiles apologetically before continuing, “It’s history in the making, our parents didn’t even experience this shit, so I think that deserves celebrating. The Titans deserve celebrating! This has been a great year for us – mostly thanks to Pierce over there.” Puck points over to Brittany and everyone cheers again for her.
Brittany gets a little bashful around the applause but even more so when she finds Santana smiling at her so proudly. If she knew any better, she’d think Santana was about to kiss her.
“Without her, I don’t know where we’d be. No offense, Hudson.”
Finn just shrugs, seemingly unaffected by the jab.
“So in saying that, I only know how to celebrate one way,” Puck smirks, “Victory party at my place after the game! Everyone’s invited except those losers.” Puck nods over to Rick and starts to laugh when he sees the hockey guys getting pissed.
The Titans all pound the table as Puck gives an approving nod to their response before making his way off the chair. Brittany laughs at the display while Mr. Philips rushes over to quiet the team down.
“Puck and his parties,” Santana comments with an eye roll, “Looks like you guys better win.”
Brittany sighs playfully, “No pressure, right?”
“What? I thought you work well under that?”
“You’d know, wouldn’t you?” Brittany smirks and Santana gasps at the suggestion.
Brittany just laughs as she watches Santana’s cheeks grow a little darker.
By the end of lunch, Santana and Brittany have to go their separate ways instead of walk together to their next class. It’s something about Santana needing to stop by Ms. Pillsbury’s office before so they part ways at the cafeteria exit.
It’s no big deal. Brittany uses the time instead to head to her locker and drop off all the books she won’t be needing for homework later. Maybe if she doesn’t have to carry as many, she can help Santana carry hers?
The thought makes Brittany smile before she’s closing her locker and heading to class.
Like any other day, she takes her usual route to Ms. Holliday’s classroom. She walks past her History class from this morning and spots Sam getting settled at his desk. They wave at each other before Brittany continues on. She passes a corridor and another block of lockers before turning down the hall, only this time someone waits for her there.
Well not someone…as in singular.
“Sup Pierce,” Rick nods while his usual two guys flank him.
Brittany feels the atmosphere shift so she stands a little taller.
“Hey,” Brittany nods. She notices they each have a hand behind their backs and she can already guess what’s coming.
It all happens in an instant. One moment she’s minding her own business heading to class and the next she’s drenched from head to toe in red slushie.
“What the hell?!” Brittany snaps as she wicks slush from her face.
“Equal treatment, right?” Rick sneers as he and his guys toss their emptied extra large slushie cups at Brittany’s feet where red slushie is already starting to drip off of her.
Brittany’s too cold and shell-shocked to even say anything more, but what leaves her speechless is seeing Karofsky and Azimio watching the whole thing from behind them. Brittany waits for them to jump in, to give her some type of back up here…but they don’t.
They don’t say a word. They just turn and leave.
“Let this be a lesson to you, Pierce. Some things you just can’t change around here,” Rick says, “Football’s reign was over the moment they enlisted you as their quarterback.”
“Yay, girl power!” One of his guys jokes before they leave Brittany standing there.
She can’t tell if her brain is completely frozen by the slushie or if she’s just too angry to move. All she does is stare down at her feet, watching the slushie pool around her once white Converse.
She thinks about Azimio and Karofsky and how they turned their backs on her and she’s never felt so hurt before. Which is saying something because she was literally tackled to the ground because of them, but this is different. They aren’t on the field and to see them walk away like that just shows how horrible they actually are.
“Oh my God,” Someone says and it breaks Brittany from her whirling thoughts.
When Brittany looks up, she finds Quinn searching her with worried eyes.
“Are you – ” Quinn starts but she sees something written all over Brittany’s face and stops. Instead she puts on an apologetic smile, “Come on. Let’s get you cleaned up before it stains.”
Brittany thinks she nods but she isn’t sure. She doesn’t start to move until Quinn’s hands are on her shoulders, coaxing her along.
The bathroom is just on the other side of the block of lockers Brittany and Quinn were standing next to and Quinn quickly gets to work wetting a paper towel. She hands it to Brittany so that she can wipe her face.
Now that she’s starting to regain some feeling, Brittany begins to get angry. She’s kept her cool for so long, let everything roll off of her but this? A line was crossed so she doubts she can be as forgiving.
“I can’t believe this,” Brittany says as she slams down a wad of soaked paper towel into the sink.
Quinn looks somewhat surprised by the outburst but nods anyway, “At least it’s not the blue one. That’s the hardest to get out.”
Brittany shakes her head as Quinn passes her more paper towels, “I can’t believe people are still like this. I can’t believe Azimio and Karofsky just stood there. I’ve never met so many guys who just refuse to accept a little change. I’m not even doing anything radical here! What’s the fucking problem?”
Quinn drops her hands to rest on the sink as she listens. Brittany’s fuming but what surprises her most are the tears pricking at the corners of her eyes. She blinks furiously to keep them at bay because she has sworn to never shed a tear over this crap and she doesn’t want her first bonding moment with Quinn to involve her tears.
So she takes a steadying breath, “It would be one thing if the Titans weren’t winning, but they are. We’ve broken records together and I’m leading them to a Championship after how many years? Why isn’t that the focus for these people? Why does it matter that I just so happen to be a girl? Why is that an issue in the first place?”
Quinn lets out a sigh and shrugs, “The hockey guys are idiots. I don’t think they even know which narrative they want to pick. Is it because you’re a girl? Is it because you’re a Titan? Is it because you’re winning?”
Brittany lets out a frustrated sigh.
“They’re going to be Lima Losers for the rest of their lives while you’re out doing bigger and better things. You aren’t meant for this place, Brittany, they are and that’s why they’ll never leave. They’ll never evolve. Why do you think anyone with common sense wants to run as far as they can from this place? No one wants to be a Lima Loser and those that don’t care about becoming one – like the Puck Heads – aren’t people you should lose any sleep over.”
Brittany nods. She remembers a conversation a long time ago about Quinn wanting to go to Yale because it was so far from Lima. She always wondered why anyone would want to leave their family like that, but maybe their families are made up of people who refuse to evolve like Quinn said. She thinks about Santana and her dad and how Santana’s one of those people who want to run too.
Brittany didn’t really get it before, but she does now.  
“I’ve never experienced anything like this,” Brittany mentions while Quinn continues to fuss over her. It makes her chuckle despite everything and she wonders if she’s like this with Santana too.
Then she remembers something.
“She would’ve been with me,” Brittany mumbles out the realization. Quinn gives her a confused look, “Santana. We usually walk together to our last class but she went to see Ms. Pillsbury this time. She would’ve been with me. They would’ve gotten her too.”
Quinn shakes her head and lets out a dry chuckle, “It did not go over well when they slushied her the first time. I doubt it would go over well if she were there this time.”
Brittany frowns, “She’s been slushied before?”
“Yeah. Last year,” Quinn’s expression grows somber, “Shortly after everything came out.”
Brittany feels like she’s been gut-punched as she starts imagine what that must’ve been like for Santana. She can just hear the comments Rick would’ve cooked up and how small they would’ve made her feel. It infuriates her even more and plans of retaliation start to piece together.
“You want me to text her to bring you a change of clothes?” Quinn asks upon Brittany’s silence,
Brittany looks to Quinn through the mirror and shrugs, “It’s fine. I’ll be okay for one class.”
Quinn raises her brow and it’s funny how similar the expression is. She wonders if she got it from Santana or maybe it was the brunette that rubbed off on her.
“You can’t walk around like that,” Quinn says, “Your clothes are soaked through and your letterman jacket is already stained.”
Brittany looks to her sleeves and frowns, “Crap. I can’t afford to buy another one.”
“Don’t worry, I can sort that for you,” Quinn adds casually, “I know a guy, owns the best dry cleaners in Lima. Technically it’s the only dry cleaners but he’s great. You can get it back in time for the Pep Rally on Friday.”
“Oh,” Brittany replies. She’s not really used to this kind of interaction with Quinn. Not because they don’t get along or anything, but because they’ve never really had the opportunity. It’s kind of nice, Brittany thinks. She’s glad Santana’s had a friend like her all these years.
“Look, it’s not a big deal,” Quinn says with a smile, “I think I have a pair of warm-ups in my locker and I’m sure Santana’s bound to have something in hers too. You can at least be more comfortable for your last class.”
Brittany finally nods, “Yeah okay. You can text her.”
Quinn only smiles in return before she’s reaching for her phone.
Santana practically comes running into the bathroom with a stack of clothes under her arm. Her expression goes from hurried to concerned when she finds Brittany leaning against the counter with her clothes stained red.
“Shit,” Santana gasps and throws the clothes at Quinn. As soon as she’s close enough, her hand goes up to cup Brittany’s cheek, “You okay?”
Brittany leans into the touch and smiles, “Yeah. I’m fine. Just frustrated, I guess. I’m glad Quinn was there though. I might’ve done something stupid if she wasn’t.”
Santana nods and whirls around to Quinn, “Who did this?”
Brittany goes to cut in but Quinn’s already answering.
“Who do you think?” Quinn replies, “Karofsky and Azimio were there too. Not with them, but they didn’t exactly do anything about it either.”
“Son of a bitch,” Santana snaps as she starts to pace, “That motherfuckering fuck! I’m going to load up on slushies, see how he fucking likes it. Or maybe I’ll use something worse like…like dry ice.”
“Where are you going to get that from?” Quinn asks while Brittany looks on worriedly.
“I don’t know, Q. I’ll figure it out!” Santana brushes off, “I swear, I will go all Lima Heights and they’ll regret the day that they decided, that they even thought about doing this to – “
When Santana turns to Brittany, she pauses upon seeing the blonde’s expression.
“Please don’t,” Brittany says.
“But –“
“No more fighting for you,” Brittany tells her sternly. She pushes off the counter and goes to run her hands down Santana’s arms calmingly, “I don’t want you to get into any trouble over this, over me.”
Santana’s jaw tenses. She looks conflicted, “You can’t let them get away with this, Brittany.”
“I won’t. I told my guys no more slushies or fighting, I can’t go back on my word now just because I’m angry. I’m not going to feed into this bullshit.”
Santana shakes her head, “No. Now is not the time to be diplomatic.”
“It’s also not the time to get even.”
“She’s got a point,” Quinn mentions from behind them. Santana glares at her while Brittany gives her an appreciative nod.
“Listen,” Brittany says softly to Santana, “I know you’re angry, baby, I’m angry too. I’m really, really angry but I was always taught that you can’t act on anger. Violence doesn’t solve anything, we have to go about this differently if we want there to be actual change.”
Santana relaxes just a little more, “I’m more of a punch the crap out of them now and ask question later type of girl.”
“I know you are,” Brittany smirks, “I’ve got something in mind for Azimio and Karofsky. Just let me take care of this.”
“Fine,” Santana lets out a deep sigh, “But if I come across any of them off of school property it’s fair game.”
“I,” Brittany starts before she relents with a smile, “Okay.”
“Maybe you should get changed, Britt,” Quinn steps forward to offer the clothes.
Brittany nods and takes the stack, “I’ll be just a sec.”
Santana nods too before leaning in to kiss her cheek.
When she comes out, Brittany’s wearing Quinn’s pants and Santana’s Cheerios jacket. She glances at herself in the mirror and chuckles.
“Feels weird not wearing a shirt under this,” Brittany comments.
“You didn’t have an extra shirt?” Quinn asks Santana.
Santana shrugs, “I just cleaned out my locker yesterday.”
Brittany looks to the Co-Captains and replies, “It’s okay. I only have to sit through one class anyway. Speaking of which, we’re all super late.”
“Ms. Holliday will understand,” Santana says before looking to Quinn, “You on the other hand are screwed.”
Quinn rolls her eyes and Brittany instantly feels guilty.
“Crap. You wouldn’t have been late if you didn’t help me,” Brittany says.
“Don’t worry about it,” Quinn brushes her off, “I’ll just get Ms. Pillsbury to write me a note. I’ll see you guys later.”
Surprisingly, Quinn gives the both of them a hug before she’s on her way.
Santana raises her brows at it but she doesn’t comment. Instead, she looks to Brittany and smirks.
“What?” Brittany asks as they head out of the bathroom too, “Do I still have slushie dye on my face?”
Santana chuckles cutely, “No. It’s not that.”
“Then what?”
Santana slides her arm through Brittany’s and gives it a squeeze as they walk in the direction of Ms. Holliday’s classroom, “I’ve seen plenty of girls walking around here wearing someone else’s letterman jacket, but I’ve never seen someone in another girl’s Cheerios jacket before.”
Brittany looks to Santana and chuckles, “Yeah? How’s it look?”
Santana just grins, “Hot.”
Despite the weight on her shoulders, Brittany can’t help but laugh.
By football practice, every single Titan knows what the Puck Heads did and they are pissed. Brittany worries that they might have an all out brawl afterwards and that’s not what anyone needs right now. She does her best to keep the peace still even if she’d also like to punch Rick in his dumb face.
“I’ll talk to their Coach,” Coach Beiste says in hopes to calm the team down, “Their behavior is unacceptable and I’m sick of no one dealing with it. Don’t worry, Pierce, there will be repercussions to their actions.”
Brittany nods, “Thanks Coach.”
“I just can’t believe they went after Pierce like this,” Finn snaps.
“I bet they waited until she was alone,” Puck adds, “Just like the punks they are! They wouldn’t dare go after her if we were there.”
“We should’ve been with her,” Mike says to Sam.
“But our classes are on the opposite side of the school?” Sam frowns.
“So? Britt needs a security detail.”
“No I don’t,” Brittany cuts in, “I don’t need a security detail like I’m the President or something. And I wasn’t alone.”
“Wait, what?” Finn looks confused, “You mean Quinn?”
Brittany shakes her head, “No. I mean Azimio and Karofsky were there.”
“What?!” They both snap.
Coach Beiste looks at them expectantly, “Is this true?”
“I don’t know what she’s talking about,” Karofsky tries to lie, “I wasn’t – “
“Don’t,” Brittany stops him and turns back to the team, “Why would I lie about this? What would I gain by throwing half of my O Line under the bus? They were both there and neither of them did anything, but is anyone surprised?”
Mike glares at them, “Nope.”
“Not even a little,” Sam adds.
“I’m really disappointed in you two,” Coach Beiste says, “What the hell were you two thinking?”
“What did you want us to do?” Azimio tries to defend himself, “She’s got that stupid no slushie policy in place!”
“You could’ve asked if she was okay? You could’ve gone to get a teacher. You could’ve let me know so I could talk to their coach? Literally anything that would’ve made you look like a team player, that would’ve shown that you care about everyone on this team.”
Azimio and Karofsky look away guiltily.
“You have proven to me and everyone on this squad time and time again that you aren’t team players and I’m done. There is no room for that kind of behavior here,” Coach Beiste says with a kind of finality that makes everyone perk up.
“Wait,” Karofsky pleads.
“I’m done with the excuses and this was the last straw!” Coach snaps, “You’re both off the team.”
“But the Championship game is in two days!” Azimio implores.
“I know when it is!” Coach replies loudly, “And you know what? I’ve got a friend from Ohio State coming to watch too. Maybe he’ll pick some of you up, but not you two.” Coach turns her steely gaze on Azimio and Karofsky, “You two will be watching from the stands – if I even allow that.”
“But – “
“Go!” Coach tells them both firmly, “Clean out your lockers and leave.”
Neither of them say another word and sulk off of the field. Brittany just stares wide-eyed. She didn’t think Coach would go that route – actually she wasn’t sure of the route at all – but she’s glad this was taken so seriously. Those guys have been skating by for so long, she’s glad something’s finally being done about them.
“Anyone else not want to be a team player?” Coach asks.
No one makes a sound.
“Okay good,” Coach smiles, “Now about this recruiter from Ohio State. He’s a good friend of mine but he’s hard to impress. Very high standards so play well because Cooter just might be your ticket into OSU.”
Brittany’s heart rate spikes. She’s heard of the possibility of a recruiter attending this game since the beginning of the season, but now that she knows it’s actually happening she needs to be on her A game. She needs to push everything else aside for now and focus on football and winning this game because –
“Wait,” Finn says with his signature dopey, confused look, “His name is Cooter?”
Coach Beiste nods.
“Cooter…the Recruiter?” Finn adds and Puck’s already snickering.
“That’s unfortunate,” Kurt jokes flatly and the rest of the team starts to chuckle.
“Cut it out,” Coach warns, “We’re going to be training harder than ever for the next couple of days. I’m extending practice for two hours in preparation for the rest of the week. We’re not getting this far only to lose. That’s not an option for us.”
Brittany nods; she’s right about that.
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