#coralines dad
krankomat · 6 months
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my best work yet (also Coraline's dad is a waifu)
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dailyfirestarter · 5 months
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Day 6
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ants-personal · 2 years
i honestly dont know which is funnier picturing elon opening his own photoshop to create these shitty ass memes crying about his 8 dollar subscription. Or him crying calling some poor editor and telling them which meme he needs cause these people don't wanna pay for a thing they already have for free.
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heardchef · 2 years
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jeremy allen white + photographed by ben sklar
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kittarts · 4 months
If you’ve read the book Coraline, did that influence your designs of the characters at all? Love your art!
Thankyou so much! It didn't influence anything design wise but it has influenced the characters personalities and dynamics.
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the-meme-monarch · 1 year
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it’s 2023 i’m an adult i’m going to embrace my silly self serving aus. scc coraline au
Other Cakes' design is by @pigeonperch !
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fumifooms · 11 days
I think you made me start shipping Marchil
Your posts got me thinking about their dynamic then I wrote a fic that was supposed to be platonic but midway through I realized it could actually be interpreted as romantic too and now I'm just sad about how little time they'll have together
First of all, you have a lovely icon, second, I’m so honored… I finally read Not a bad way to go and it was soo so good like. My god!!! Pre-canon is underused and you did so many interesting things with it.
It sounded like a cruel joke, that the one who needed her concern the most was also the one least interested in it.
^^^ go read it go read it
Chilchuck was drunk enough that he needed to hold onto the walls not to fall, but apparently still sober enough to remember emotional vulnerability was his worst enemy, as he made sure to avert her eyes and said: “Namari made me come talk to you ” to make it clear he wasn't being nice voluntarily.
“Of course I'm scared of dying.” He scoffed. Did she really think so little of him? “But if I could choose, I would want to die doing something I love, like drinking. Or maybe fucking,”
Maybe you wish you didn’t know but my new favorite HC because of this is that Chil dies yes prematurely not of liver failure though but during coitus. Especially if marchil, the thought of him busting a nut and his heart giving out makes me laugh so hard. My god. Lmao. Oh god. Lmfao. Worst day of her life
Marcille knew Chilchuck wasn't a kid, but she often struggled to take him seriously as an adult because he was just so adorable and small. In this moment, however, she saw them exactly for what they were, even if it was just a glimpse. A sheltered, naive little girl trying to tell a tired, much more experienced man how to live the rest of his life.
Standing ovation
She tried to find an explanation to give him, but she couldn't even find one for herself. Why would she miss him? He was just Chilchuck, her coworker, Chilchuck who was cold, aloof, sometimes crass, evasive, and even outright mean. He who was level headed, reliable, trustworthy, perceptive and clever. He who had the least time left, even in a best case scenario. “I guess that despite your best efforts, there's still a lot to like about you.”
This fic goes so hard, standing ovation pt 2
“I just think it's better if we don't get too close. Don't you agree?” “I… maybe” she said, uncertain as he didn't know how to feel about that. Caring about people would only hurt her in the wrong run, she knew that, but unfortunately she couldn't help it.
I looove how they can be read to be similar on this aspect. My hand clenching around my phone as I rear up to rant about Marcille and the way she does keep people at an arm’s length subconsciously again my god my goood. Obsessed with this obsessed with this, underused for marchil. Terrified of loss through death vs rejection duo I love youuu
Brilliant ending I’m in shambles. I’m not gonna spoil it
You get marchil so much you truly do. The way they mesh, the way their views on mortality clash and both soothe & bruise… He doesn’t have much time left even in best case scenario (which Mr I won’t eat well I’ll drink and smoke a lot I’ll stress all day every day is determined to not make happen) which makes it all the more meaningful for Marcille’s arc when she learns from him to finally enjoy the present moments… It’ll only be a fraction of her life, but to him he’s giving her the rest of his life. What are some decades of love worth? Worth it, surely, if nothing else
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murkybu · 2 years
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80s etho
+ he looks cool, is not
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pulksten-blog · 1 year
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1975tv · 5 months
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thats not matty healy. thats the father from coraline
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randomspagetti · 9 months
[Sketch +Really Dark Au Draft]
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Ok so- someone compared this au to Coraline and I can see that in a sense so use that as a basis to how dark this is by multiplying it. Also this is a collection of stuff rather than my other au stuff that's indepth because this is a au draft
This is like dream/nightmare au
Basically at first in this au he freaks out because he's back at the castle, but when everything starts going as usual he slowly starts to think that everything before was a dream, or pomegranate is messing with him again.
But what's start to get him to notice somethings off is when he runs into his father. Cacao acts as Choco views him but also how Choco wanted him to be.
In this au "Cacao" can be aggressive, cold, and rash, but also very affectionate torwards Choco, spending most of his time with him, and being overprotective/overbearing. It's the sudden switch between the two and the concerningly odd way he acts that makes Choco start to think things are not as they seem.
The entity that's causing this is trying to do everything in its power to make him want to stay, but using Cacao as a means to it can be tricky, given how difficult it is to work with what it has.
I mostly discussed this au on discord/don't have a concrete idea/story line. I thought it was interesting and I don't think imma make or add anything to it but I thought y'all would like to see it.
Discord stuff-
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nioumin-draw · 5 months
I found a fanfiction of Harry Potter named
"And I'm home" , this is a fanfiction of @moncour based on a Coraline AU 🪡🧵
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In this universe : Lily and James Potter divorced and Harry go live his mom and his mom's boyfriend "Severus Snape" in a crummy old house named Grimmauld Place , where some strange and eccentric neighbors also live. One day in his step dad office he found a door where everything is better...?
I won't tell you more if you want to know more go see the first chapter who has been posted 😉
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rip prometheus you would have loved claymation
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officermaddie23 · 5 months
Charlie Jones (using a megaphone): YOU GOTTA SAY I LOVE YOU BACK
Coraline Jones: DAD
Charlie Jones: DAD I LOVE YOU
Coraline Jones (sighs): Dad I love you
Charlie Jones: *proud father noises*
Mel Jones: Why did you do that
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honestlyprettyokay · 1 year
I made one and I can't stop now
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greenglowinspooks · 4 months
Me, chillin in my room, listening to a video essay on youtube drama and looking up real autopsy photos to reference while drawing
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