#container chilly functions
stevieschrodinger · 3 months
Crowley's fingers are extra chilly today, but Aziraphale doesn't mind. He loves it here, this is their park, their bench, their place.
Their lives have slipped into a happy routine together, now everything is done, and although Crowley doesn't have a good thing to say about people, he loves animals. The bag that had contained today's allotment of frozen peas is now empty, so it's time to sit for a while and watch the world go by.
Aziraphale plans to talk to Crowley today. Reveal his secret. He's nervous and excited and a squealing pup toddling past seems to be the perfect segue into the conversation.
But Crowley speaks before Aziraphale has the chance, tutting, 'poor thing, think he can get radio two on those things?'
He's referring to the pups unfortunately large ears.
'Crowley,' Aziraphale chides softly as the pups dam hustles after her wayward son.
'Well, I suppose he has a guaranteed career impersonating the FA cup.'
Aziraphale sighs.
'I don't know how they do it.' Crowley continues, seemingly oblivious to Aziraphale's discomfort, 'having more of themselves like that. The responsibility must be dreadful. And the, you know, bodily functions. Atrocious, the whole thing. So glad that'll never be us.' Aziraphale does his best to school his features as Crowley continues to break his heart, seemingly unbothered, 'and if it was us we'd probably have to watch it grow old and die, if it were a human, bloody criminal idea.' In the distance, the pup squeals happily, 'and there's that. Blimey, imagine that racket in the book shop. Dreadful. Shouldn't even let them outside until they can hold a conversation.'
And Aziraphale quietly moves the miracle they made together, shifts her higher, moves her next to his human heart, where she will be safe, but never grow.
'What was that? Did you just do a miracle?'
'No, no,' Aziraphale insists, clearing his throat to hide the fact that he's pressing down tears, 'just a touch of...gas.' And then he gets up to finish his walk, uncertain as to what he should do, but certain he doesn't want Crowley seeing his face.
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Victor Hugo’s Four Archetypes: analysis & overview
Victor Hugo’s 1862 novel Les Misérables is a portrait of humanity in early-mid 19th century France. Through visceral depictions of life amidst the middle and lower classes, poverty and mistreatment, Hugo paints a distinct yet widely applicable and truthful image of what it means to be alive in the world, both as an individual and in relationship and community with others. Though Les Misérables (here on referred to as “Les Mis”) is a fiction novel and the characters therein are not real people, the way Hugo writes about them is extremely true to life and offers insightful understanding of human nature and different personalities. Most notably in this context are four character types that Hugo uses to introduce a secondary set of characters halfway through the novel.
Les Mis contains a great many characters, as it is a novel that spans several decades and locations. The primary protagonist is, of course, Jean Valjean, the escaped convict with a heart of gold. Largely, the story overall follows Valjean throughout his life and growth and struggles. Around the halfway point of the book, however, we are introduced to Les Amis de l’ABC — the Friends of the ABC, a small group of college students of the middle and lower class who have a desire for revolution and change. They wish to follow in the footsteps of the previous great French Revolution of 1789 and the more recent July Revolution in 1830. Their idealism later leads to the sparking of 1832’s June Rebellion — a real historical event, which in fact was what initially prompted Victor Hugo to write Les Misérables — and the deaths of all but one member of their number. They are named, in their introductory chapter, as “a Group Which Barely Missed Becoming Historic” in a pre-emptive reference to the futility and destruction of their hopeful efforts.
In introducing these characters, Hugo also brings into play a set of very vivid descriptions for them. He takes time to introduce each individual member of the group, and in doing so also points out four key players. These four characters, as Hugo presents them to his readers, hold the archetypal placements that this writer will be exploring in this essay. They are, in introduction, the Chief, the Guide, the Center, and the Skeptic. These four delineations of character types describe both the personalities and the narrative functions of the characters that fit them, both the original characters in Les Mis and characters throughout other books, films, and other media. 
The first of these archetypal characters in Les Mis is Enjolras, the leader of Les Amis de l’ABC and true spark that lights the students’ revolution. As such, Hugo takes an extra length of time to fully describe him, appearance and attitude. Enjolras is described as full of youthful vigor, with golden hair and face so beautiful as to be almost feminine. He is fiery, yet cold — his passionate fervor for his cause contrasted with the chilly, detached way he often interacts with those around him. Though not all of this is relevant to discussion of archetypes, quite a lot of it remains important, as this character is the basis of reference for the archetype of the Chief.
Enjolras was a charming young man, capable of being terrible. […] A pontifical and warlike nature, a singular thing in a youth. He was an officiating priest and a man of war; from the immediate point of view, a soldier of the democracy; above the contemporary movement, the priest of the ideal. […] He had but one passion — the right; but one thought — to overthrow the obstacle. […] He was the marble lover of liberty. His speech was harshly inspired, and had the thrill of a hymn. He was subject to unexpected outbursts of soul. (Hugo, Les Misérables, pp 575-576. Tr. Isabel Hapgood.)
The Chief, as a character in this narrative, is the fiercely goal-oriented leader. The key points, both for Enjolras himself within Les Mis and for the generalization of the personality of the Chief, are these: “[Enjolras] was a charming young man, capable of being terrible,” and “He was the marble lover of liberty”. These two lines, brief in comparison to much of Hugo’s writing, give a more concise picture of the personality traits of the Chief: they are intent on their cause, the things they believe in, to the point of becoming ruthless if brought to it. They can be someone who seems above, strange, outside of normal relational interactions. Their dedication to their chosen cause can give them an air of coldness or distance, the “marble” that Hugo describes Enjolras as. 
There is, of course, much more to a person than simply those aspects of dedication and distance; even within Les Mis, Enjolras becomes must more humanized and grounded over the course of the time readers are given to learn more about him. However, he is the original Chief character type: goal-driven, passionate, unpredictable in his actions but still utterly predictable in his beliefs. The Chief is someone who can be easily understood with an understanding of what cause they have given themselves to.their dedication and fervor is singleminded; other things may often become trivial to them in lieu of giving their whole self over to their mission. 
Beside the Chief, bolstering them and balancing them with beliefs just as strong, but more softly held, is the Guide. In Les Mis, steadying and standing amongst the others in this role, is Combeferre. 
By the side of Enjolras, who represented the logic of the Revolution, Combeferre represented its philosophy. Between the logic of the Revolution and its philosophy, there exists this difference — that its logic may end in war, whereas its philosophy can end only in peace. […] He [Combeferre] was less lofty, but broader [than Enjolras]. He desires to pour into all minds the extensive principles of general ideas. He said, “Revolution, but civilization.”; and around the mountain peak he opened out a vast view of the blue sky. […] He loved the word “citizen,” but he preferred the word “man”. He […] affirmed nothing, not even miracles; denied nothing, not even ghosts; […] Enjolras was a chief, Combeferre was a guide. One would have liked to fight under the one and to march behind the other. (Hugo, Les Misérables, pp 576-577. Tr. Isabel Hapgood.)
The Guide, often a counterpart to the Chief, reflects belief in a more grounded way; they are far more compassionate and connected to their fellow man. The Guide is willing to fight, if need be, but would rather affect change via the individual man as opposed to in battle. The description of Combeferre, “Around the mountain peak he opened out a vast view of the blue sky,” is essential; the Guide, by their nature, wishes to offer the views of their beliefs to others, to give a chance to see the world differently and to show them the way the world could, no matter what the world currently looks like. The Chief is by nature a visionary, but the Guide may be more so in that their fight is more that of ideaologies than with other people. Their fight is not with those who oppose them so much as it is for humanity in general. The Guide is a softer side to the Chief; this is why often these two character types operate as a pair.
The next personality type is called the Center — a relational cornerstone, or centerpiece as their title implies. In the case of Les Amis de l’ABC, this is Courfeyrac.
Courfeyrac had, in fact, that animation of youth that might be called the beaute du diable of the mind. Later on, this disappears like the playfulness of the kitten, and all this grace ends. […] This sort of wit is transmitted from generation to generation. […] Courfeyrac was a honorable fellow […] [He was] a paladin. Enjolras was the chief, Combeferre was the guide, Courfeyrac was the center. The others gave more light, he shed more warmth; the truth is, that he possessed all the qualities of a center, roundness and radiance. (Hugo, Les Misérables, p 580. Tr. Isabel Hapgood.)
Hugo’s introduction to Courfeyrac hinges largely on comparing him to a character who had come and gone chapters earlier. Felix Tholomyes was described with a cheerful, attractive personality that draws people to him. However, Tholomyes was a cheat and a scoundrel, whereas Courfeyrac, though similar in personality and aura, is “An honorable fellow… a paladin”. Courfeyrac is the Center, the warm, friendly glue that holds the group together. 
The Center is defined well by their title: they are the one who most everyone is drawn to, who has individual relationships but binds them all to each other all the same. Because of their warmth and welcoming, the Center rallies a group together by virtue of friendliness. A paladin is “A defender or advocate of a noble cause; a defender of faith” (American Heritage dictionary, 5th edition). The Center’s noble nature acts as an interpersonal glue holding those around them close both to the Center themselves, and to each other. They are a unifying force.
The fourth archetype that Hugo frames out in Les Mis is the Skeptic. The Skeptic is something of a wild card, an opposing force who nonetheless attaches themselves to those they may disagree with. In Les Mis, this character type is represented by Grantaire, a cynical drunkard. 
Among all these glowing hearts and thoroughly convinced minds, there was one skeptic. How came he here? Bu juxtaposition. […] Grantaire was a man who took good care not to believe in anything. […] Skepticism, that caries* of intelligence, had not left him a single whole idea. He lived with irony. This was his axiom: “There is but one certainty, my full glass.” He sneered at all devotion in all parties.[…] However, this skeptic had one fanaticism. This fanaticism was neither a dogma, not an idea, nor an art, nor a science; it was a man; Enjolras. […] To whom did this anarchical scoffer unite himself in this phalanx of absolute minds? To the most absolute. In what manner had Enjolras subjugated him? By his ideas? No. By his character. A phenomenon which is often observable. A skeptic who adheres to a believer is as simple as the law of complimentary colors. That which we lack attracts us. No one loves the light like the blind man. The dwarf adores the drum major. The toad always has his eyes fixed on heaven. Why? In order to watch the bird in its flight. […] He admired his opposite by instinct. […] He was, himself, moreover, composed of two elements, which were, to all appearance, incompatible. He was ironical and cordial. His indifference loved. His mind could get along without belief, but his heart could not get along without friendship. A profound contradiction; for an affection is a conviction. […] …he was the obverse of Enjolras. (Hugo, Les Misérables, pp 583-584. Tr. Isabel Hapgood.)
*Caries: Ulceration of bone; a process which bone disintegrates and is carried away piecemeal, as distinguished from necrosis, in which it dies in masses. (American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 5th edition) 
The Skeptic, as a character type, is a cynic, a fatalist. They are often, as Hugo’s original text says, found in juxtaposition — not only in the way they challenge and counterbalance others, but also within themselves. The Skeptic is, as Hugo says of Grantaire in regards to Enjolras, the verso of the Chief: they are the flipside, if, instead of how the Chief dedicates themself to their cause and beliefs, they dedicate themself with equal force to the pursuit of a lack of belief. This, the interest of holding no belief, is incongruously a cause in and of itself. They are the opposite of the Chief, of believers, but strangely similar — Hugo refers to Grantaire as “Enjolras’ one true satellite”. The Skeptic’s perspective on the world tends to be darker, more pessimistic — what they themselves might call “realistic,” if asked — but they are likely to surround themselves with those bright, radiant people whose faith soars. “A skeptic who adheres to a believer is as simple as the law of complimentary colors” — they mirror the faith of others, in a warped way, with their insistence on disbelief; they have a need to be surrounded by those with differing views simply because they require someone to bolster them. 
By nature of their skepticism, they are drawn to true believers. They challenge and are challenged all the same, and that is what fuels them. Surprisingly, considering their opposition and argumentative attitude, the Skeptic often brings a kind of balance to their narrative. Not all Skeptics are as viciously cynical, however — the character type is simply one with the pessimistic, differing views that offset them from most others. They hold onto their claimed skepticism as tightly as the Chief holds to their mission or cause, though this determination often leads into a kind of faith of their own; they believe they need no belief, but human nature in Creation dictates that they still do, and this often becomes a kind of relentless devotion not to a belief or a quest, but to one individual person. If a Skeptic type gives their loyalty (devotion) to someone, it is absolute and complete, and can sometimes be almost obsessive.
The key affect of these four archetypes is that, unlike other archetyping formats, they are focused on how characters interact with the world and with others, differing from the way Jung’s 12 types are solely based in the individual themself. Hugo’s archetypes deal far more in interpersonal relations than do most other systems. Though likely not intended as a metric for external literary analysis, these four archetypes are a  much more relational perspective on what makes a character who they are; you understand a character not only by their personality traits, but also in how they interact with those around them. Hugo, writing so intimately about human nature and how relationships and interactions shape individuals and the world, understood this, and that is the key of why these core descriptions of characters doomed to tragedy function so well as a reference point for other analysis. 
One can also apply these archetypes to other characters within Hugo’s masterpiece itself: Jean Valjean fits into the traits of the Guide; Cossette is a Center — in fact, she is the Center of the entire novel as a whole, the one that, over the course of decades, incidentally brings every other character into alignment at the climax they were meant to reach. Inspector Javert, in his relentless mission of merciless justice, may initially seem a Skeptic, but rather fits the criteria of the Chief. Marius Pontmercy, despite his hopeful idealism in the midst of struggles and depression, is more a Skeptic than he originally seems; his personality is pessimistic by default and he seems rather adrift, but when he discovers a personal quest to give himself to, and when he falls in love, the dedication is indeed obsessive and complete. In contrast, Eponine Thenardier, desperate for friendship and someone to care for her, fills the role of both Skeptic and Guide — complete dedication to Marius, the only person who’s shown her much kindness, and longing and hope for a better life and world; she yearns for that clear blue sky opened around the mountaintop. 
As an example from another series, one might look to C.S. Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia. The four Pevensie siblings fulfill each of the narrative roles and personality types of these four archetypes. Peter, though the High King of Narnia, would be a Guide type character; the Chief in this case is, somewhat surprisingly, more likely to be Susan, who can be overly wrapped up in personal goals. Lucy is, of course, the Center — undoubtedly, she is the one who binds them together the most. Edmund is something of the Skeptic, though he certainly develops away from the negative aspects of that attitude. 
Other examples include Rapunzel and Eugene from Disney’s 2010 animated film Tangled, with Rapunzel as a Center, though as her development unfolds she begins to become more of a Chief as well, while still maintaining her softness and radiance. Eugene, for his part, begins as a full Skeptic, but over time grows more into parts of a Guide. In Avatar: The Last Airbender, Aang is a Center; Katara is a Chief; Sokka is the most like the Guide, with traits of a Skeptic as well; Zuko is also a Chief — which is part of his friction with Katara throughout his redemption arc — while Toph is a more abrasive, unlikely Center. Another interesting example of these archetypes in other media is Scully and Mulder from The X-Files — though their dynamic is clearly and textually that of a skeptic and believer, their character types are not that of the Skeptic and the Chief; Scully, despite her persistent skepticism, fulfills the narrative role (though not all of the personality traits) of the Center, and Mulder’s relentless quest for the truth is tinged with a deep compassion that tends more toward the Guide than the Chief. 
In overview, the four archetypes taken from Les Mis are: the Chief, whose fierce passion for their beliefs and goals can lead them to be cold or inadvertently unkind to others as they pursue what they have dedicated themself to; the Guide, whose beliefs are as firm as the Chief’s but who is a softer touch, with more compassion and interest for the sake of humanity as opposed to ideals; the Center, a bright, friendly type who binds together those around them with their radiant kindness and interest; and the Skeptic, whose cynicism and opposition is the very thing that ties them to those they argue with, and whose loyalty is not to a cause, but to a person or people.
As with any attempt to separate people — real or fictional — into categories, these archetypes are fallible and characters can fit criteria of more than one, or can develop and change. There is a common need, or desire, to compare and contrast characters with similar personalities, however, and this writer is of the opinion that the four archetypes that Victor Hugo incidentally brings forth in Les Misérables are extremely useful. These four categories of character type function to describe either the personalities of the characters who fit them, or their narrative roles, and sometimes both, and can be applied not only to Victor Hugo’s characters but also to those from other books, films, and other media. Because they are more based in how characters interact, they give a different perspective than do archetypes that are focused more on the internal workings of individual characters, and thus offer an interesting, somewhat unique approach to character and story analysis
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bokafix · 2 months
London's Top 5 Plumbing Emergencies and the Solutions to Get Them Sorted!
Tired of madly searching for "emergency plumber near me" or "London plumber" whenever a plumbing issue happens? We’ve got the solution for you.
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Even with a plumber booked and en route, waiting for them to arrive can feel like an eternity when you're facing a burst pipe or a clogged drain. It's an anxious race against time as you try to minimise the damage and keep your cool. Fortunately, we've got some tips up our sleeves to help you hold your pipes while you wait for your local Fixer to come to the rescue. 
Don't let plumbing problems dampen your day! Let's dive into the top 5 plumbing emergencies in London and learn how to keep things under control until your plumber arrives.  
Burst Pipes: From Drips to Disasters
Picture this: water gushing out of a burst pipe, flooding your home, and turning it into an impromptu swimming pool. It's not a pretty sight, but keep calm! If you can safely access your main water supply, shut it off to minimise further damage. Use buckets or towels to contain the water, and mop up excess water to prevent slips and falls. Our skilled plumbers specialise in emergency repairs and will arrive equipped with the right tools to fix that burst pipe and prevent further water damage to your property.
Blocked Drains: Bye-bye, Drain Drama
Blocked drains can be like unwanted visitors who show up at the most inconvenient times, causing slow drainage, odd odours, and even flooding. According to a 2019 study in the UK, 48% of people said they put oil and fat down their kitchen sink, which is one of the main reasons for drain blockage.
While you wait for the plumber to arrive, try using a plunger to clear the blockage. Avoid using chemical drain cleaners, as they can damage your pipes. Our experienced plumbers will arrive with specialised tools and pressure techniques to unclog those drains, leaving you with smoothly flowing water once again.
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Leaking Taps: Drip, Drip, No More!
Leaking taps can be irritating, wasteful, and even damaging to your property. According to Wired, London loses more than half a billion litres of water to leaks every day. In the meantime, you can try turning off the water supply to the affected tap and placing a towel or bucket underneath to catch the dripping water. Our certified plumbers will diagnose the cause of the leak and fix or replace any needed components, putting an end to that annoying drip-drip and restoring it to function perfectly.
Toilet Clogs: The Dreaded Blockade
A nightmare for any homeowner: a clogged toilet that refuses to flush. According to Water UK, people flushing wet wipes down the toilet account for 75% of drain blockages in the UK. So, next time, don’t forget to #BinTheWipe.
Also, bear in mind that a single faulty toilet could leak more than 400 litres of water in a single day. While you wait for the plumber, avoid flushing multiple times, as it may cause the toilet to overflow. Instead of panic flushing (don’t worry, we’ve all been there), try using a plunger to loosen the blockage. Our expert local plumbers are equipped with the right tools and skills to tackle that dreaded blockade.
Water Heater Issues: No More Cold Showers!
Stepping into a cold shower on a chilly London morning is not a pleasant thought. Before anything, check if the pilot light on your water heater is lit. If it's not, try relighting it following the manufacturer's instructions. If that doesn't work, avoid tampering with the water heater further and use the Bokafix app to instantly book a certified gas engineer. 
If you're unsure whether your boiler needs replacing or just fixing, make sure to check out our blog post ‘Is Your Boiler Ready for Replacement? The 7 Common Warning Signs’, you may find it useful. Once at your house, our qualified local Fixer will correct the issue, ensuring you have hot water flowing again in no time. 
What To Do in Each Emergency
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Plumbing emergencies may be stressful, but Bokafix is here to make things easier! In just a few moments, you can book qualified plumbers or gas engineers who can tackle Londoners' most common plumbing emergencies with expertise and efficiency.   
So, say goodbye to the "emergency plumber near me" search. Download Bokafix today and bid farewell to plumbing troubles….help is just a few taps away! 
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06. First Day
Word Count: 1176
Warnings: intent to bite
Contains: Bara has her first day at school and spends lunch with Kanato
Finally, Bara got to attend school once again. Being able to be in a classroom and learn something new… It was something she always enjoyed, even if some subjects bore her.
And even better, she didn’t have to worry about Kanato due to him being a year above her. From what she could see while walking through the first-year hallway, it was only Subaru who was in the same year as her. If he was in her class, she didn’t know yet.
Bara took a glance at the sheet she was given upon arrival, noting her class number and taking action of getting there. She passed by other students, seeing how most seemed like her: human. They just chose a school for nighttime, which was reasonable with what she knew of some friends back home. Some people were more productive at night instead of during the day. And even from her own studies, she knew it was a fifty-fifty balance in humans to either function better during the day or night due to their primitive era habits.
When the class had begun, Bara introduced herself as any new transfer would before taking her seat. It felt just like it did back in her hometown. Bara would be focused, taking notes and following along with the lesson from the teacher. She spoke when called on. Bara even heard the whispers from unruly students like she used to. Comfort was back with her. This type of environment is what she loved.
After the first few courses, it was time for lunch. Midnight, right on the dot. With help from classmates, she found herself going toward the cafeteria. The food there was premade and ready to get, most likely from a class with a free hour. It was simple and made Bara happy to find a rhythm once again. 
She bowed in her giving of thanks to the person behind the counter and took the small disposable bento in her hands. As Bara turned to leave and find somewhere to eat, the sight of purple hair made her freeze in her tracks.
“Kanato,” she blurted it and quickly followed with a question, “are you here to buy lunch?”
Kanato glanced from Bara’s face down to the small paper box in her hands. Just seeing how she even handled an item was delicate. The perfect hands to pour tea, to wear dainty gloves, to be caressed against his cold skin. Every little thing he observed about her made him enjoy Bara even more.
“No, I don’t like the food here. I prefer having sweets,” Kanato spoke before reaching out and grabbing one of Bara’s wrists to pull her along.
She stumbled for a minute and quickly readjusted her grip on her bento, her feet also stumbled over each other as she hurried to keep up with the pull Kanato had on her. At least this time he wasn’t holding her tightly enough to bruise her. It was only firm enough to keep her school jacket in place against her skin.
They journeyed through the hallways for a while before Kanato led the two of them outside into a small garden. It was chilly enough that other students had chosen to not be out in it, making it just Kanato and Bara out in the small flower bed. Kanato led the girl to a bench and made her sit down with him. 
“You’re to be with me during any free hour here at school, got it?” Kanato spoke.
Bara registered what he said before nodding her head hesitantly. She really wasn’t getting a choice in anything here, but what was she to do? “Okay… Do I come to you before or after I get my food?”
Kanato took the moment to eye the bento again. A small smile crept up onto his face as an idea came into his head. “Both of us will get lunch together, got it? I’ll be waiting by your door at the beginning of every lunch period.”
It didn’t seem sinister to Bara, but she was still hesitant to accept the offer from Kanato. Plus, it felt like he was trying to leash her. 
“That can work,” Bara said while opening the box. “I don’t see you have one, so we can share mine for now if you wish.”
Kanato held back a giggle from his amusement. Sure, he could eat human food, but his proper meal would be her. Fresh, sweet, and delectable. Having it on the daily at school was something he’d enjoy. 
“I’m fine for the moment,” Kanato replied. 
Bara gave a small curious glance at him before she went to take the sealed bowl of mushroom soup out. Besides the soup, there was a bed of rice with marinated chicken on top in another sealed container, a small array of vegetable tempura in another, and then a cup of fruit as well. It was small portions of all of it, considering the box’s width still didn’t span the size of her thighs put together but balanced all the same. She would pop off the plastic lid on the styrofoam cup and begin to sip on the broth, sometimes pausing to eat out the solids with the disposable chopsticks she had.
The time went by reasonably, but the silence only made Bara more conscious of how loud she ate. A slight pink hue would dust her face in embarrassment when a loud noise came from her, usually from a crunch of the tempura or a slurp of the soup. Sometimes she would glance at Kanato, but he seemed to just be daydreaming as she finished up her lunch. 
It was when Bara began sorting trash from recyclables that Kanato looked back at her. He’d eye her carefully as she went to sort the items accordingly into each bin. How her simple movements seemed delicate, fingers moving deft and quickly, and the slight sway of her hair in its ponytail pulled him more into admiring the doll-like appearance she held.
“What a doll…” he thought. “And all mine too.”
While Kanato didn’t have a proper claim on the girl, yet, he would do everything to keep his brothers from swaying the girl away. He’d eye over at the door, seeing Shu pass by for a moment, most likely avoiding the teachers again for lecturing him on sleeping in the halls. The blonde glanced out and saw Kanato, but paid him no mind after a glance. Kanato’s gaze would then wander back to Bara, seeing her return over to him.
A small smile would creep onto his lips. “I’d like to eat now, doll.”
Bara would look at him with her brows upturned and eyes altering in shape from the muscles moving. “But… There’s no food. You didn’t want any of my lunch.”
All he’d do was giggle, enjoying how foolish she acted. Bara seemed to be book smart, but she wasn’t the best socially it seemed to the vampire. His laughter and smile would drop, face entering into Bara’s bubble.
“You’re my meal, Doll.”
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crimsonblackrose · 7 months
11, 35, 37, 43, 86
Hello thank you for the asks! 11. what you have for breakfast on an average day? Usually I'm very boring and go for a bowl of cereal and some coffee. Just because it's fast and I generally don't leave myself time for a leisurely breakfast. Which is why if I can fit a nice breakfast or brunch into plans I will. I love brunch and breakfast foods so much. I'm going to put the rest under a read more because it's long.
35. average time you fall asleep? 🤣🤣🤣🤣oh no. So to be a responsible human being who functions I should go to bed at 10pm. And I do say goodnight to my aunt and uncle and put a stop to any movie watching generally at 9ish if I've got work in the morning. However...sometimes I don't go to bed until like 2am. 10pm becomes 2 am in the blink of an eye. And sometimes I'll stare at a word document until i can't keep my eyes open any more and then I'll be like oh I've got plenty of time to write only to realize it's 2am. And there are some nights where sleep is an elusive beast, and I try not to check the time on those nights. But if I'm stressed and worrying or panicking about something I'll put on a podcast until my brain calms down and I assume it's much later on those nights.
It's because I don't get much time to myself throughout the day and I realize I do kinda of the revenge bed time thing. Where I want to stay up and get stuff done and it just doesn't happen, but other times I'm good and get back from being out and go straight to bed. Like a responsible adult. (But it's rare. 🤣) 37. suitcase or duffel bag? Oooh I feel like a lot of these I'm like meh, both are good, but no this one I've got opinions on. Suitcase all the way. Specifically a hard shell suitcase with 360 wheels. Generally when I'm traveling I want to have space for like souvenirs or possibly gifts or heck stuff I don't want to get crushed and I just trust it better in a hardcase suitcase and the 360 wheels are just so lovely, like oh gotta go this way instead of that, my suitcase won't be unruly and will just dutifully follow along. Duffel bags I feel like are best if you're just traveling with clothes. Like sports or something like that. Throw all your soft things in a soft bag and toss it around and no problem. And I just don't travel like that. 43. hoodie, leather jacket, cardigan, jean jacket or bomber jacket? All? 🤣 I love jackets. I will say though I don't have a leather jacket. I nearly kept one of my dad's and then I think decided against it last minute because it just bummed me out and I also was swamped in it because he was a giant. But I do love the way they look. And I think I've had a bomber jacket as a winter jacket before, but honestly I prefer longer jackets. Spent most of high school wearing a jean jacket, my dad found it somewhere cheap and it was nice quality so I wore it all the time in the fall and spring or when it was a bit chilly out. But probably I wear hoodies and cardigans the most. Hoodies are generally things I wear around the house and cardigans I wear everywhere. 86. cookies or cupcakes?
oooh difficult question. Cookies are probably the easiest to share. You bake a bunch of cookies and you can throw them in anything. A take out container, a box, a plastic baggie. Easy peasy. Cupcakes however cannot be thrown in anything. The icing will get everywhere, the cake will crumble, it becomes a mess. I was visiting family and made these cupcakes for everyone and my cousin helped me put them in containers to take to my aunts and my aunt decided she wanted my cousin to take her containers back immediately so she shoved all the cupcakes into a big plastic bag, essentially destroying the integrity which meant by the time my other cousin got to try them she ended up giving like the majority of it to her chickens. Which I'm a smidge bitter about. 😅 But cupcakes can also be so absolutely fun. But oddly I think I just talked myself into cookies. 🤣 I mean it's much easier to make an assorted box of cookies instead of a box of cupcakes to give people. Thank you for the asks from this ask game here.
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emerysaks · 8 months
A Little Help from their Friend - Chapter 5
This story is finished! Thanks for hanging with me since <checks notes> 2015. Ha!
I hope you enjoy the final chapter!
A Little Help from their Friend - Chapter 5 - EmerySaks7 - Agent Carter (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
Edwin Jarvis quietly shut the door behind him. He had slipped into the chilly penthouse unannounced in a gesture of deference, as he had done so many times before. Usually, clinking mugs and snippets of conversation floated from the kitchen as Miss Carter and Miss Martinelli began the day with a shared breakfast. Yet, the space was strangely silent this morning.
"Miss Carter? Miss Martinelli?" Jarvis called out tentatively, his voice just barely rising above a whisper.
Suddenly, a rustling sound came from the study, and Edwin hurried over to investigate. As he crossed the threshold and peered into the room, he was startled to see Miss Carter and Miss Martinelli tucked under the blankets, their hair mussed from sleep. A moment later, he realized with a blush that two nightgowns lay scattered on the floor and, more importantly, that Peggy Carter's gaze was trained upon him.
An arched eyebrow barely belied the blush that rose to her cheeks as her eyes drifted to the nightgowns. Although Miss Martinelli remained blissfully unaware, still lost in sleep, Edwin, ever respectful, felt embarrassed to have inadvertently interrupted something private. He raised a finger to his lips, pointedly looking at Angie, and then stepped back into the hallway to give the two women some space.
A few minutes later, Peggy emerged, clad in one of the nightgowns from the floor. As she cinched her robe, Edwin dipped his head. "I apologize," he said, clearly embarrassed. "Forgive me for intruding."
“The electricity went out yesterday evening,” she explained.
“Yes, Mr. Stark mentioned that and asked me to come by and check on you ladies this morning.” The corner of his mouth lifted in a smile. “I see you were resourceful, as always.”
A faint blush colored Peggy’s cheeks. “Yes, well… we decided to move the bedroom to the study for the evening because of the fireplace. Angie was rather adamant about our sleeping arrangements.”
Edwin chuckled. “Yes, Miss Martinelli can be rather persuasive when she puts her mind to something.”
“Quite, “ Peggy agreed. She drew a deep breath and continued, “Mr. Jarvis, I would appreciate it if you kept what you saw here to yourself.”
Edwin nodded gravely. “Of course, Miss Carter.”
Peggy sighed and ran a hand through her disheveled hair. “I hope you understand I am in no way ashamed of my feelings towards Angie, but until I can discuss this more with her, I would prefer this matter remain private.”
"I wouldn't dare dream of disclosing it," he assured her. Peggy seemed to relax at this assurance. But then, a calculating gleam entered her gaze. "One other thing, Mr. Jarvis."
"I couldn't help noticing that all the circuit breakers were operating normally. Yet, we still somehow lost power throughout the entire building."
Edwin frowned thoughtfully. "How peculiar."
Peggy held his gaze. "Coincidentally, the only building that contained an occupied penthouse."
Edwin shrugged innocently. "I suppose it must've been the city grid." He could feel Peggy studying him, so he remained silent.
"No, I don't think so," she disagreed. "The grid appears to be functioning normally. The building next to us had power. I clearly saw lights in the windows."
Edwin held out his hands, palms upward. "I don't know what to say, Miss Carter. I am not an electrician."
Peggy nodded. "The curious thing is when I checked the circuit breaker box, I found this," she said pointedly and held up the remains of a small capsule. Jarvis' eyes widened as he realized what it was, but he quickly schooled his features into what he hoped was a neutral expression.
“Imagine my surprise when I realized this shockingly familiar object was one of Howard’s experimental EMP devices.”
“Really? How odd.”
Peggy gave him a pointed look. “Yes. It is.”
“I don’t know what to say, Miss Carter.”
“Nor do I.”
“Perhaps Mr. Stark was careless with some of his items when he moved from this penthouse to his current residence,” he ventured.
They stared at each other momentarily until Edwin finally broke the silence. “If there’s nothing else?”
Peggy quirked her lips. “That will be all, Mister Jarvis.”
“Then I shall bid you a good day, Miss Carter.”
“Good day, Mister Jarvis.”
He opened the door.
At Peggy’s soft tone, he turned to face her. “Yes, Miss Carter.”
Peggy’s eyes softened. “Thank you.”
“My pleasure, Miss Carter,” he replied, a ghost of a smile tugging at his lips before he stepped through the door and closed it behind him.
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shadowofwar-goober · 1 year
The Shaman and the Bard- Ch. 8 Udûn's Aftermath
Udûn was left in shambles after the Gravewalker's invasion. Their numbers needed to be bolstered, but at what cost?
Warnings: Some Upsetting Themes
    Hands clamped around thin wrists. A small body was pulled from the vats, young and undeveloped. Fluid pours onto the floor, pooling around the mostly limp uruk that landed on the floor heavily. They were like a newborn caragor pup- legs long and weak, barely containing the strength to hold them upright. Long, brownish hair clings to a thinly framed body. Already their ribs showed, as well as potential weakness. It mattered not, for they were breathing, standing. Alive.
    “How’s his eyes look?” Fingers pry open the pup’s sticky eyelids. They growl and bat the hand away. 
    “...probably fine. We ain’t got time for this…” Gunk is dug out of the young uruk’s ears and they are pushed along by another vatkeeper. 
    “Uff- ‘ime for wha-?” The pup is shushed and ushered along. 
    Barely any of the muck from the vats was wiped off before a thread-bare tunic was yanked down over their head and they were pushed off towards a group of equally small, thin, and disoriented pups. It was like they all were woken up too early- months early- in fact, most were largely underdeveloped in one, two, or even in a majority of their functions, physically, mentally, and socially.
    Instead of a group of captains or clan elders handpicking the new generation of pups that would fill their ranks, something rare, though not totally unprecedented, was taking place on the plains of Udûn. For the first time since the Great Plague, the orc forces near the Black Gate were utterly decimated. Not by disease, though some survivors would claim it to be a disease of sorts. An unknown enemy, given the name ‘the Gravewalker’, had torn the orc hierarchy to shreds- from the lowest grunt to the highest warchief. 
    There wasn’t time for normal Mordorian politics in Udûn. Their rank must be bolstered should the Gravewalker return- or when, as the remaining few would say. Even if the bulk of the population is composed of weak, underdeveloped grunts, if their numbers are greater once more, perhaps they would at least hold out until better, stronger uruks are birthed from the vats in the meantime while they stave off any potential enemies, whether it be from engaging in combat or merely providing a body count to distract the enemy. 
    The new generation of young uruks were set to march toward the Durthang stronghold via the Black Road, where they would later be dispatched to other regions of Udûn, with areas receiving reinforcements in order of those experiencing the most to least dire of circumstances. The walk would be long and trying, likely resulting in some casualties resulting from over exertion, exhaustion, and pre existing weaknesses resulting from their fragile constitutions and other defects from being pulled from the vats far too early.
    This uruk’s feet ached and became raw from walking such a distance in bare feet. Rocks cut their feet, black, sooty soil ground into their feet and caused them to sting and burn to the point that the pain threatened to overwhelm them. If one uruk would falter in their step, they would be shoved forward. Should they lose their footing and fall, no uruk would stop their march to either help them to their feet or pause to give them time to scramble to their feet. They were all forced forward by the guards that trailed behind them. Should the fallen pups become injured, through exhaustion or trampling, they were to be left behind. 
    Udûn’s air was chilly and reeked of the sulfuric stink of Mount Orodruin. Despite being so close together, the pups could hardly generate any warmth between them. Some clung to their neighbors, others were too tired or too overwhelmed to be touched. This uruk was among the many that clung to one another. They didn’t realize they had already reached their destination, nor did they realize that the small population of young uruks were being divided up to be sent to other strongholds in Udûn.
    “Uruk’s Hollow ain’t got much-”
    “Durthang’s got even less! Do they really expect these little maggots will do any good?!”
    Captains began to argue amongst themselves.
    “The Black Gate needs to be reinforced! If the tarks decide to-” Another captain scoffs.
    “Every damn stronghold and outpost needs reinforcements! If they want ‘em, they gotta come get ‘em! Work needs to be done here! Do you really want to tell the warchief you sent away able bodies when Durthang is fucked?” 
    “Get these maggots to work!”
    Uruks clung to one another as they were pulled away for various tasks. Bigger bodies do heavy work, smaller ones do the things in between. It didn’t matter if they couldn’t do it. They had to. Having so many freshly birthed uruks meant time was needed to teach them how to do the simplest tasks. Time that captains and older, more seasoned uruks did not wish to spend on such trivial matters when other, more important tasks remained at hand. 
    Such as preparing for another attack from the Gravewalker. 
    “Brat! Get over here and start sharpening these weapons!” The uruk was grabbed by their slender shoulders and forced to kneel before a pile of blades nearly half as tall as they were when standing straight. Another pup was meandering close by, and was also shoved towards the pile and told ‘get to work, maggot!’ 
    The two young pups looked at one another. The other one was a little taller than them. Skin greenish yellow and hair a reddish brown. His eyes were light brown and bloodshot from both crying and the cold, sharp winds that constantly blew in their face as they walked the Black Road. They both scooted closer to one another, shivering. 
    “Ya cold too?” Their voice was rough from coughing and slight dehydration, but still a higher pitch than most of the other pups. He nodded, wiping the snot that ran down from his nose while sniffling. 
    “Y-Yeah…” The smaller uruk wrapped their arms around the taller boy. It wouldn’t help much, but the contact was nice. He wrapped his arms around them too, resting his cheek on the top of their hair. It was soft and smooth against his wet face.
    A few moments of silence passed as they stared at the various weapons piled before them. ‘Sharpen these weapons’... The smaller uruk leaned forward, inspecting a sword. They looked at the blades, at their new friend, then back at the pile. 
    “...how do we sharpen ’em?”
@space-arsonist, @sinick, @elvenmoans, @boozy-dwarf, @dirtymeanuruk
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cityxscape · 1 year
Relax in Style With Elegant Garden Furniture
Garden furniture is utilized to give a person to gardens and transform them into individual safe-havens where you can invest some quality energy. It is otherwise called deck or outdoor furniture and since it always utilized outdoors, it is typically made of climate safe materials. A portion of the normal components of this furniture visit site here are porch sets which involve a table, four or six chairs, and for the most part an umbrella likewise alluded to as parasol. One more typical thing is long chairs regularly known as chaise lounges.
Overseeing Temperatures
Garden parasols are explicit types of umbrellas made to give conceal from the sun. Parasols can be safeguarded in a weighted base or be planted in an underlying mount in the clearing. A few parasols are versatile while others are centered through an opening in the table. People can sit outside around evening time or in chilly climate utilizing porch radiators. Porches can either be for all time fixed on lofts and deck rooftops, or be versatile and self supporting. They can function on power, packaged butane, propane, or flammable gas. Measured outdoor fire cavities and mobile fire bowls are additionally effectively accessible in many materials.
The most effectively accessible sorts of porch sets incorporate the ones made of plastic, teak, wood, wicker, aluminum, and created iron. Garden furniture can be damaged because of exposure to weather patterns like intensity, downpour, and residue and accordingly should be treated at normal stretches. Teak, a usually involved material for outdoor furniture, contains silica. Teak furniture stays unaffected because of contagious rot, decaying, expanding, and distorting, and synthetic substances in light of the presence of silica. This furniture additionally stays unaffected by fire, soluble bases, and corrosive.
One more typical type of outdoor furniture is comprised of aluminum. It is areas of strength for both dependable. Be that as it may, without a defensive covering this material will erode. Plastic garden furniture is waterproof, so it tends to be left outdoors consistently.
Wicker garden furniture is produced using two sorts of materials. In the erstwhile period, it was produced using the stems of any of 600 types of palms tracked down in the tropical locales. Nowadays, it is produced using engineered pitch, which upgrades the life anticipation and diminishes the assembling costs.
Porch furniture can increase the look of a deck, deck, or yard, and proposition comfort and tastefulness at sensible prices. Clients can find a wide exhibit of outdoor furniture in stores and online nowadays. There are gazebos, garden seats, parasols, and furniture sets to browse. Every one of these can be straightforwardly requested online without paying any additional cost.
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justakon · 1 year
Sometime during the mid-morning, Isane made her way to the Twelfth on the pretext of submitting the forms for the extraction of dangerous compounds from a few of her flowering and fruiting plants. As she did so, she casually enquired of the main SRDI office if their lieutenant was busy. Upon being told that he was occupied at the moment and asked if it was something urgent, she shook her head. It would be unconscionable to interrupt him at work, particularly if he was working on something with a rapid rate of decay or needed close monitoring.
Instead, she left a three-tiered food thermos jar and a transparent tub with the laboratory technician she had spoken to, asking for it to be delivered to their lieutenant. A handful of irregularly-shaped savoury mashed banana fritters in the see-through container will not win any awards for their appearance but were included because she recalled a conversation where he expressed an interest in trying them. The contents of the insulated vacuum, however, were more mainstream in the form of congee with shredded chicken, matchstick-sliced ginger, broccoli florets and carrot slices on the first layer; takikomi gohan with diced parsley, chicken, celery, carrots, shiitake mushrooms and abura-age on the second; and finely blended red bean soup with sago and reconstituted slivers of dried tangerine peel on the third. Mindful that these dishes would likely be tested for poisons and other substances, care was taken to include a sealed note with the thermos.
This missive simply reads: Dearest Truffle, Forgive this intrusion into your work. As it is chilly today and you have been hard at work lately and probably functioning on little sleep, something hot for lunch, dinner and tea breaks might do you some good. Please excuse the porridge for being on the watery side. Sago has been added to dessert to bulk it up a little. I hope you won't find it too thin or the main dish too plain. It should keep warm if you want it for tea. The fritters can be kept till supper or breakfast the next day. You might have to reheat the rice for dinner in case you want it hot. Apologies for putting you through the trouble and for the uninteresting meals. Thank you for the pink moonflower by the way. It has been planted opposite the white one at the engawa. Please remember to wrap up when you step outdoors to smoke and rest when you feel tired. Your Tomato.
Waiting until the officer shuffled away out of sight, presumably either to the control centre, the command centre or the laboratory Akon had secreted himself on, she returned to the Fourth for some sleep before the night shift.
The days seemed to be melding into one another and he hadn't really recognised that he had been stuck in the labs and away from his quarters. he did pop in every other day to restock food and water for da vinci since he could not be a neglectful father to his already hiding from his cat. there were just too many deadlines to meet and they all required his supervision and direction and guidance or the usual chastising.
it happened that way sometimes. too many projects happening all at the same time and needing all hands on deck. which meant relying on stimulants and forgoing sleep altogether. sometimes even sustenance too. since this was the 12th and they could manage to bypass those things regular shinigami couldn't. there were always ways around it. but nothing was without any consequence of course.
and ever since he started to become closer to isane, he could almost feel her disapproving gaze on him for being the way he was. but he also knew she would be understanding despite her concern. he knew what he was doing. and this was hardly his first time doing this sort of thing.
funny how as his thoughts were on that certain grey-haired lady that the lab technician happened to bring him something and when he asked who had sent it -- even if he knew before he was told -- he was coloured surprised for sure. there was no outward smile. he maintained his usual indifferent expression but inside dare, he say he felt somewhat giddy? it was most odd, for sure. to be remembered and have food that she made herself sent to him. it was quite thoughtful and something he'd never experienced anyone doing for him. like ever.
for a brief moment, his eyes scrolled over the missive she had written in that no-nonsense handwriting of hers. there was no intrusion. leave it to her to think it was so. sure, maybe he got a few odd stares once he'd received the thermos but no one dared say or ask him anything about it. and he did appreciate the instructions. she was always good at that. but he really should get back to work. even if a part of him wanted to explore what she made. he would have to get back to it during a break.
[text] got your delivery. you didn't have to go through all that trouble for me. but thank you. i shall see you soon. possibly a few more days. take care of yourself, isane.
after he sent the message he tucked his phone back in his labcoat and back to work it was.
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Faded Black Ink [IronStrange] - Chapter 5
Relationship: Doctor!Stephen Strange x Mafia!Tony Stark
Tags: Mafia AU, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Romance, Idiots in love
Ko-fi | Series Masterlist | Read it on AO3 | Previous | Next
Chapter's note: This is where the fun begins. And with fun I mean problems.
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Chapter 5: The docks
A phone call jolted Stephen out of sleep in the middle of the night. Instinctively he picked up, only to have his first coherent thought the next moment: he wasn't on call.
"Strange, I need you at the docks."
It was Tony's voice, getting straight to the point without a greeting. That was alarming enough for Stephen to get right into his doctor mode.
"Are you shot?"
His eyes fell on the digital display of his alarm clock. It was 1:12 a.m. He could make it in twenty minutes if there wasn’t significant traffic. Mentally, he was already going over the fastest route while Tony spoke again.
"No, but I still need you as a doctor."
Groaning, Stephen dropped back into his pillow and pinched his nose. "What the hell, Stark? If it can't wait until morning, call a fucking ambulance like a normal person."
"Can't do that." Tony sounded annoyed now. He was losing his patience. "We found a container with people who were shipped overseas. Human beings who need medical help ASAP. I don't trust anyone else with this."
Just the fact that he got an explanation at all, and then such a detailed one, was a testament to how much Tony trusted him. But Stephen wouldn't realize that until much later. Now he was far too distracted by the information and drew in a sharp breath.
He shouldn't go. He should call the police, roll over and go back to sleep. He had made it clear to Tony several times that he wasn't on his payroll. And this was definitely illegal business.
"Text me the address," he groaned and climbed out of his bed. He was awake about eighty percent, but that was enough to function. The long years of his studies, especially during his residencies, had conditioned him well. He grabbed the first clothes he could find: dark jeans, a dress shirt from the previous day and a sweater. He threw a jacket over his arm as well, because the night was probably chilly.
From the back corner of his closet he pulled out a full stacked doctor's bag. It had been a gift from his doctoral supervisor after he got his PhD. It was a bit old-fashioned, but made of genuine leather and was one of the few things he owned he was actually fond of and that had already gone through several moves with him.
It was packed for emergencies, but he threw in extra sedatives and water bottles, because he had no idea exactly what to expect.
Eight minutes after his phone rang, he drove off, arriving at the docks after another twenty-one minutes. He got the GPS coordinates via text from an unknown number, which was enough to make him wary. Stephen parked a short distance away in a commuter lot and walked the last bit.
He saw Happy standing between two dark Audis, tensely watching the area. When he recognized Stephen, he relaxed and let him through, pointed to the container yard and the doctor continued in that direction. Halfway he met Steve – Stephen realized how many of Tony's men's names he was now familiar with – who led him between the cargo.
Even from a distance Stephen heard muffled voices, but when he saw the actual scene, he was shocked: one of the containers was open, probably welded judging from the cuts on the door. The stench of people, who hadn’t showered in a long time and who had been crammed together in a tight space, hit him. He counted a total of seventeen adults of various ages, Asian, sitting and lying huddled together on the ground.
Stephen cursed softly. "This is a nightmare." He spotted Tony nearby, but ignored him. Stephen was still upset that he had been dragged out of his bed in the middle of the night, but he will do his fucking job.
He approached the people, who looked at him suspiciously. Of course they did. Who knew under what circumstances they had ended up in this container and where their onward journey was going. Stephen put his bag down and raised his hands defensively.
"I'm a doctor," he clarified, but no one responded. They merely stared at him with dull eyes. "Does anyone here speak their language?" Stephen asked loudly, his head halfway turned to Tony.
"Nat." The man snapped his finger, whereupon a woman detached herself from the shadows. Stephen hadn't noticed her before.
"I don't quite speak their dialect, but they understand what I mean."
That was as good as it got. "Tell them I'm here to help them and examine them. Are there any injured or sick people?" He glanced at a man leaning against another container, barely conscious and shivering badly. Probably fever, if Stephen had to guess. He opened his bag and pulled out disposable gloves while Nat talked to the people.
Without waiting for her translation, he walked over to the shivering man, placed a hand on his forehead and examined his pupillary response. Definitely a fever. Not so high as to be worrisome, but the man should get out of the cold.
"I need a blanket," he instructed no one in particular, raising his voice again. From his doctor's bag, he grabbed a water bottle and helped the man drink.
Nat stepped at his side. "They are reluctant to talk," she explained. It didn't surprise Stephen. He wouldn't trust anyone, either. No matter if he had made such a crossing voluntarily or not. People involved with this business were always shady.
"Two have fever," Nat continued. "The other’s can't say for how long. From what we saw, water and food were scarce." Hesitantly, she pointed to a person lying near the open container door who so far had shown no reaction. "They say he's sleeping." From her tone Stephen could hear that she wasn't really convinced by that explanation.
Stephen nodded and told her to hand out more water bottles. He himself got up and went to the unresponsive man. He didn't look that old yet, from what Stephen could see in the little light provided by the few flashlights and an area lamp nearby. Maybe in his early thirties. Still, his hair was receding and his eyes were sunken. Next to him, a woman - presumably of similar age - crouched and leaned protectively over him as Stephen approached. She spoke short, rapid words that he didn't understand.
Nat, who had stayed near him, helped him out. "She says her husband is just a heavy sleeper. He has a fever and is resting. But there's no need for you to..." She needed a moment for the right translation, "put your effort into him. She says she takes good care of him."
"I'll be the judge of that," Stephen grumbled. He knelt beside the man and reached out with his fingers to open his eyelids. The woman's hand shot forward and grasped his. Stephen didn't need a translation to understand the pleas in her eyes.
He shook her off and opened the man's eyelids to examine his eyes. Then he put two fingers to his neck. There was no pulse. He glanced at the wife, who was watching him anxiously. They had been shipped together, but her husband had died en route, for whatever reason. Dead weight was usually disposed to save time and resources. The ocean was vast and its waters deep. No one would ever see this man again should the sea swallow him up. There would be no grave.
Stephen stood up. "Tell her he is in good care with her. He doesn't need my help." There was nothing he could do. The living passengers needed him more urgently, and he went to the other fever patient, a woman sitting leaning against a container.
One by one, he examined everyone, distributing water and antibiotics.
"How bad is it?" Tony asked, stepping at his side.
"They should be in a hospital or at least out of the cold. Four of them need IVs. They're emaciated and dehydrated and all of them are in desperate need of a shower and soap."
Tony merely nodded. He will pass the information on to Ten Rings. It would be best if he moved the cargo until they got picked up. It was an inconvenience, but durable because Tony was fucking disgusted by human trafficking.
His cell phone vibrated with a message and he stepped aside while Stephen continued his work.
"Cazzo!" Tony suddenly cursed loudly and several heads turned to him. "We've got company coming. We need to move now!"
It took Stephen a few seconds to react, not quite knowing what to do. But by then several figures appeared between the containers, guns at the ready.
"FBI! Everybody freeze!"
Stephen wasn't stupid enough to resist. He turned to face the newcomers and put his hands on his head as a sign that he was unarmed.
Tony had a firearm in his hand instead of his phone and had moved himself between the doctor and the agents.
"Put your weapons down and put your hands up!"
The passengers huddled together. They didn't understand the words, but probably realized that some kind of police had shown up. It didn't seem to calm them any more than Stephen's appearance.
Steve - also armed - looked waitingly at Tony, Nat had apparently disappeared, at least Stephen couldn't see her anywhere, but he didn't dare to fully turn his head.
With slow movements, Stark laid his gun on the asphalt. Only then Steve did the same.
They were all arrested and individually read their rights.
"Ross, it's been a while," Tony said nonchalantly to the agent who was attending to him. "How are your wife and kids?"
"Very funny, Stark." Ross looked at the people from the container. "That's a new low, even for you."
Tony's gaze darkened instantly, turning ice cold. "You know my lawyer's number." He was handed off to another agent and led away. Ross stayed behind, shaking his head, watching the paramedics tending to the poor people from the dumpster. They were surprisingly suspicious of the help. But that didn't fall into Ross's department.
He headed back to his own car. All of Stark's people would be driven back to headquarters individually so they weren’t able to communicate with each other. Four arrests, all without resistance and no injuries. It had been a good night.
"Doctor Strange," he greeted the one man he didn't yet know. According to his information, a new member of Stark's ranks. He took over the doctor from another agent.
The doctor's face was neutral to sour. "And you are?" he asked back.
"Ross, FBI."
"Can I see your ID?"
Ross showed it to him, not even annoyed at the request. He opened the back door of his car and Stephen got in without complaining, his hands cuffed. The agent sat in the front and drove away from the docks, toward downtown. As he wove in and out of the traffic trying to find the right lane, moving at the speed that he wanted, he noticed Stephen twitching in his seat.
"Not too tight, right?" he asked as he turned his head to look at the doctor.
"Keep your eyes on the road," Stephen complained.
"Okay, okay," Ross placated as he turned back to the traffic, looking somewhat amused. Still, he kept glancing up to check on his passenger. "Control freak, huh?" he asked.
The doctor gave him a quick, annoyed look before turning to stare out the window.
"Now the silent treatment. That's fine. When we get back to the office, there's a nice room waiting there just for you and me so we can talk comfortably," Ross said as he turned onto a main road.
They drove the rest of the way in silence. Ross pulled into the underground garage and got himself and Stephen out of the car. As the door shut, it reverberated across the cavernous space interrupting the silence. Ross kept his hand on the small of Stephen’s back as they waited for the elevator to arrive. Just below his fingertips were the cuffed hands of Stephen. Ross noted that he had clasped his hands together instead of letting them hang loose like some people did; fingers curled up so that Ross could see his short nails, clean and freshly trimmed. Someone had removed his disposable gloves. They were now evidence.
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Fridge Not Cooling? Don't Throw Out the Groceries! Common Refrigerator Fixes
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Your refrigerator is one of the hardest-working appliances in your home, tirelessly keeping your food fresh and your drinks cold. So when it suddenly stops cooling properly, it can be a major inconvenience and cause for concern. Before you panic and start tossing out all your perishables, let's explore some common refrigerator issues and how you can troubleshoot them. And if you're in Gurgaon and need expert help, Repairo offers the best repairing services in the area to get your fridge back to its chilly best.
Check the Temperature Settings: Sometimes, the simplest solution is the most overlooked. Make sure that the temperature settings on your refrigerator and freezer are set correctly. The ideal refrigerator temperature is between 37°F and 40°F, while the freezer should be set at 0°F. Adjust the settings if necessary and give the appliance some time to cool down.
Clean the Condenser Coils: Dust and debris can accumulate on the condenser coils located either on the back or underneath your refrigerator, hindering its ability to cool efficiently. Use a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment to gently clean the coils and remove any buildup. Doing this regularly can improve your fridge's performance and prolong its lifespan.
Inspect the Door Seals: A faulty door seal can allow warm air to seep into the refrigerator, causing it to work harder to maintain the desired temperature. Check the seals around the door for any signs of damage or wear. If you notice gaps or tears, replace the seals to create a tight seal and prevent air leaks.
Clear Blocked Vents: The vents in your refrigerator and freezer compartments need to be clear to allow for proper airflow. Check for any obstructions, such as food containers or ice buildup, that may be blocking the vents. Clearing these blockages can help restore airflow and improve cooling efficiency.
Test the Evaporator Fan: The evaporator fan is responsible for circulating cold air throughout the refrigerator and freezer compartments. If this fan is not functioning correctly, it can lead to uneven cooling or no cooling at all. Listen for the sound of the fan running when you open the refrigerator door. If it's not running, it may need to be replaced.
Professional Help from Repairo: If you've tried all the above steps and your refrigerator is still not cooling properly, it may be time to call in the experts. Repairo offers Fridge Repair In Gurgaon, with experienced technicians who can diagnose and fix any refrigeration issue. Whether it's a faulty compressor, a refrigerant leak, or a more complex electrical problem, they have the skills and tools to get your fridge back in working order.
Don't let a malfunctioning refrigerator spoil your groceries or disrupt your daily routine. With these common fixes and the help of Repairo's skilled technicians, you can keep your fridge running smoothly and your food fresh for longer. Schedule a repair service today and say goodbye to fridge woes in Gurgaon!
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ejlersenlucas76 · 9 days
<h1>Coors Banquet Beer Hats and Apparel: A Superb Medley of Heritage, Style, and Personalised Speech</h1><br>
American Needle Headwear have come to be iconic symbols of American heritage and style. These hats, embellished with the Coors Banquet logo design, represent an abundant history of developing excellence and an ingrained connection to American society. In this write-up, we check out the origins of Coors Banquet beer hats, their cultural relevance, and why they continue to be popular accessories for beer fanatics. Origins Coors Banquet beer hats trace their beginnings back to the Coors Brewing Firm, which was founded in 1873 by German immigrant Adolph Coors in Golden, Colorado. The company's front runner beer, Coors Banquet, was introduced in 1873 and rapidly gained popularity for its crisp, revitalizing preference and high-quality components. The iconic Coors Banquet logo, including the impressive Rocky Mountains and a bold, stylized font style, has adorned every little thing from beer containers to merchandise for many years. The company started creating hats bearing this distinct logo design as a method for fans to proudly display their allegiance to the brand name. Social Value Coors Banquet beer hats hold a special place in American culture, signifying a love for terrific beer and the spirit of the American West. The Coors Developing Firm has actually long been associated with the rugged individuality and adventurous spirit of the Rocky Hills, and Coors Banquet beer hats symbolize these worths.
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For many, putting on a Coors Banquet beer hat is greater than simply a style statement-- it's a means to get in touch with a storied brewing tradition and commemorate the simple enjoyments of life. Whether worn at a backyard barbecue, a tailgate party, or a music event, these hats stimulate a sense of camaraderie and shared pleasure amongst beer fans. Proceeded Appeal In spite of the passage of time and transforming trends in the beer market, Coors Banquet beer hats continue to be prominent amongst consumers of every ages. Their timeless style, durable building and construction, and association with a cherished beer brand guarantee their enduring allure. In recent years, Coors Banquet beer hats have experienced a revival in appeal, many thanks partly to their retro aesthetic and classic charm. Enthusiasts and lovers choose classic hats from decades previous, while new styles remain to draw in a more youthful generation of beer drinkers. Final thought
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Coors Banquet beer hats are more than simply accessories-- they're signs of American brewing heritage and a testament to the long-lasting appeal of a great beer brand name. Whether put on for fashion or function, these hats act as tips of the straightforward enjoyments of life and the friendship that includes sharing a chilly beer among close friends. With their classic layout and cultural significance, Coors Banquet beer hats make sure to continue to be cherished mementos for generations ahead.
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hvacengineeringchd · 17 days
Hot and Cold: A Guide to Split Air Conditioning Systems in Chandigarh
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In the bustling city of Chandigarh, where the summers are scorching and the winters chilly, having a reliable air conditioning system is not just a luxury but a necessity. Split air conditioning systems have emerged as a popular choice for residents and businesses alike, offering both cooling and heating capabilities to keep indoor environments comfortable throughout the year. In this guide, we'll delve into the world of split AC systems, exploring their benefits, features, and why they are the ideal solution for the climate of Chandigarh.
Understanding Split Air Conditioning Systems
Split air conditioning systems consist of two main components: an indoor unit and an outdoor unit. The indoor unit, typically mounted on a wall or ceiling, contains the evaporator coil responsible for cooling or heating the air. The outdoor unit houses the compressor and condenser coil, which work together to dissipate heat from the indoor space to the outside environment.
The Advantages of Split AC Systems
One of the primary advantages of split AC systems is their versatility. They can efficiently cool or heat individual rooms or zones, offering customizable comfort according to specific needs. In a city like Chandigarh, where temperature fluctuations are significant throughout the year, this flexibility is invaluable.
Split AC systems are also known for their energy efficiency. By utilizing advanced technologies such as inverter compressors and programmable thermostats, they can regulate temperature more precisely, resulting in lower energy consumption and reduced utility bills—a significant consideration for environmentally conscious consumers.
Another benefit of split AC systems is their quiet operation. Unlike traditional window units or central air conditioning systems, where the noisy compressor is housed within the indoor space, split ACs keep the loudest components outdoors, ensuring a peaceful indoor environment.
Hot and Cold: Dual Functionality
What sets split AC systems apart from other types of air conditioning is their ability to provide both cooling and heating capabilities. In Chandigarh, where winters can be chilly, this dual functionality is particularly valuable. With just the touch of a button on the remote control, residents can switch from cooling mode in the summer to heating mode in the winter, ensuring year-round comfort without the need for separate heating systems.
The heating function in split AC systems operates using a process called reverse cycle heating. Instead of generating heat directly, as with traditional heaters, split ACs extract heat from the outdoor air—even in cold temperatures—and transfer it indoors using refrigerant. This process is highly efficient and can provide consistent warmth even on the coldest days, making split AC systems a cost-effective heating solution for Chandigarh's winter months.
Choosing the Right Split AC for Chandigarh
When selecting a split AC system for your home or business in Chandigarh, several factors should be considered. First and foremost is the cooling and heating capacity of the unit, which should be sufficient to adequately regulate temperature in the intended space. It's essential to consult with a qualified HVAC professional to determine the appropriate size and specifications based on factors such as room size, insulation, and local climate conditions.
Additionally, energy efficiency ratings such as Energy Star certification should be taken into account to ensure long-term savings on energy costs. Look for features such as inverter technology, which allows the compressor to operate at variable speeds for optimal efficiency, and programmable thermostats, which enable precise temperature control and scheduling.
In the dynamic climate of Chandigarh, where temperatures can fluctuate dramatically between hot summers and cold winters, having a reliable heating and cooling solution is essential. Split air conditioning systems offer the perfect combination of efficiency, versatility, and comfort, making them an ideal choice for residents and businesses alike. With their dual functionality and advanced features, split AC systems provide year-round climate control, ensuring that indoor environments remain comfortable regardless of external conditions. Whether you're seeking relief from the summer heat or warmth during the winter chill, a split AC system is the perfect solution for Chandigarh's climate needs.
website: https://hvacengineering.net/central-airconditioning/
Contact Us: 9915040050 E-Mail: [email protected]
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podx · 24 days
Explore POD-X Bottle: Innovative Design, Endless Possibilities
In a world where convenience and versatility are valued more than ever, the POD-X Multi-Beverage Bottle stands out as a shining example of innovative design meeting practical functionality. Whether you're a fitness enthusiast, a busy professional, or simply someone on the go, this ingenious creation offers a range of features that make it a must-have accessory. Let's dive into the world of the POD-X flask and explore the endless possibilities it brings to your daily life.
A Blend of Form and Function
At first glance, the POD-X 2-in-1 Multi-Beverage Bottle catches the eye with its sleek and modern design. Its ergonomic shape fits comfortably in your hand or bag, making it the perfect companion for any adventure. The bottle is crafted from high-quality, durable materials that ensure long-lasting performance, whether you're using it for hot or cold beverages.
Versatility Redefined
What sets the POD-X apart is its versatility. True to its name, this bottle is not limited to just one type of beverage. It's designed to accommodate both hot and cold liquids, making it ideal for everything from your morning coffee or tea to refreshing cold drinks during workouts or outdoor activities. With the POD-X, you can switch between beverages with ease, eliminating the need for multiple containers.
Innovative Features for Enhanced Functionality
The innovative design of the SOUL X Bottle is packed with features that enhance its functionality and user experience. Some of these include:
Temperature Retention: The double-wall insulation ensures that hot beverages stay hot and cold beverages stay cold for extended periods. Say goodbye to lukewarm drinks and enjoy your beverages at the perfect temperature throughout the day.
Leak-Proof Design: Nobody likes spills and leaks, especially when carrying a beverage bottle on the go. The POD-X is equipped with a leak-proof lid and sealing mechanism that prevents any accidental leaks, allowing you to carry it in your bag or backpack without worries.
Easy Cleaning: Cleaning reusable bottles can be a hassle, but not with the POD-X. The wide-mouth design and removable components make it easy to clean and maintain hygiene, ensuring that your beverages always taste fresh and delicious.
BPA-Free and Eco-Friendly: The POD-X is made from BPA-free materials, making it safe for daily use. Additionally, by opting for a reusable bottle like the POD-X, you're making a positive impact on the environment by reducing single-use plastic waste.
Explore Endless Possibilities
With the POD-X flask, the possibilities are truly endless. Here are just a few scenarios where this innovative bottle shines:
Fitness and Outdoor Activities: Stay hydrated during workouts, hikes, or outdoor adventures with your favourite cold beverages. The insulated design keeps drinks refreshing, motivating you to push your limits.
Work and Office: Whether you prefer hot coffee or iced tea, the POD-X has you covered. Its spill-proof design and sleek appearance make it a stylish accessory for your desk or meetings.
Travel and Commuting: Long commutes or travel days are made better with the POD-X. Enjoy a hot beverage on chilly mornings and a cold drink to stay refreshed during your journey.
Home and Leisure: From lounging at home to picnics in the park, the POD-X adapts to your lifestyle. Its versatile nature means you can switch between beverages without needing multiple containers.
Hazera Chowdhury CEO Designer of POD-X says that the bottle’s innovative design meets practical functionality, offering a world of convenience and possibilities to its users. Whether you're looking for a reliable hydration companion for your active lifestyle or a stylish accessory for daily use, the POD-X delivers on all fronts. Explore the endless possibilities that this innovative bottle brings and elevate your beverage experience to new heights.
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max-tec3000 · 29 days
Keep It Hot or Cold: The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Perfect Thermal Mug for Your Lifestyle
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Embarking on the quest for the perfect thermal mug can feel like navigating a maze of endless options. What makes a thermal mug truly exceptional? Is it the sleek design, the durability, or perhaps the promise to keep your beverages at just the right temperature for hours on end? In this definitive guide, we delve into the intricacies of selecting a thermal mug that aligns perfectly with your lifestyle. Whether you're a coffee aficionado, a tea enthusiast, or simply someone who appreciates the fine balance of temperature in their drinks, there's a thermal mug out there for you.Discover the key factors that set apart the mediocre from the magnificent, as we explore materials, insulation technologies, and design features that contribute to a thermal mug's performance. Understand the importance of choosing a mug that not only retains heat but also withstands the trials of daily use. With our insights, you'll be equipped to make an informed decision that marries form with function, ensuring your beverages stay hot or cold, just the way you like them. Read on to unlock the secrets to finding your ideal thermal companion.
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Best for On-the-Go Hydration Water Bottles For Girls Termo De Acero Inoxidable Garrafa Termica A Vácuo Cute Mug Vaso Termico Cafe Para Llevar Botellas Shaker This stylish and functional water bottle is ideal for girls who are always on the move. Made from durable stainless steel, it's designed to keep your drinks hot or cold for hours, making it perfect for any outdoor or indoor activities. Its compact and cute design is not only practical but also adds a touch of style to your hydration needs. Whether you're at school, in the office, or on a hiking adventure, this water bottle is a great companion. View Details
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Staying Informed on Thermal Vessel Innovations
In the dynamic field of thermal vessel technology, staying abreast of the latest developments is crucial for both consumers and manufacturers. Thermal vessels, an essential component in maintaining temperatures for a wide variety of applications, from industrial processes to everyday consumer products, are undergoing rapid advancements. The drive towards sustainability and efficiency has fueled innovations aimed at improving thermal insulation, reducing energy consumption, and enhancing user convenience.Recent breakthroughs in material science have led to the creation of more effective and lightweight insulating materials. These materials are not only better at maintaining desired temperatures but also contribute to the overall sustainability of the products by being recyclable and having a lower environmental impact. Additionally, smart technology integration allows for unprecedented control over temperature settings, adapting in real-time to environmental changes and user needs. Such innovations signify a leap forward in the user experience and environmental conservation, emphasizing the importance of being informed in this rapidly evolving sector.
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Best for On-the-Go Travel Insulated Bottle 304 Stainless Steel Vacuum Flask 450ml This Travel Insulated Bottle is made of durable 304 stainless steel and has a vacuum-sealed design, perfect for maintaining the temperature of both hot and cold beverages. With its 450ml capacity, it's an excellent companion for your coffee or water needs on the go. Featuring a sleek and sturdy design, this vacuum flask offers high-quality thermal insulation. Whether you're at work, hiking, or on a road trip, your drinks will stay at your preferred temperature for hours. View Details
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Key Features to Look for in Thermal Vessels
When exploring the vast array of thermal vessels on the market, it's essential to understand the critical features that will best serve your needs. Whether you're an avid outdoors person who requires a durable container to keep drinks hot on chilly mornings, or you're looking for a reliable option to keep beverages cold during sweltering summer days, knowing what to look for can make all the difference. Insulation quality tops the list, as it directly impacts the vessel's ability to maintain temperature. Materials like stainless steel are popular for their durability and insulation properties.Another vital aspect is the seal integrity, preventing leaks and ensuring your drink doesn't spill during transport. Moreover, ease of cleaning should not be overlooked; a vessel with fewer crevices and a wide mouth often makes cleaning less of a chore. Additions like outer coatings for grip, compatibility with drink lids, and size options to fit your daily needs can further enhance your thermal vessel experience. Choosing a product with these carefully considered features will ensure that you get the most out of your investment, enjoying perfectly tempered beverages anytime, anywhere.
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Accessories Water bottles for girls Featuring a trendy design, this water bottle for girls is not only stylish but also practical. Comes with a durable straw and a secure lid to prevent spills, making it perfect for on-the-go hydration. Designed for convenience, this water bottle is easy to carry and fits perfectly in backpacks. Free shipping and made with quality materials, it’s a must-have accessory. View Details
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Understanding Thermal Vessel Materials and Longevity
The choice of materials for thermal vessels plays a significant role in their longevity and performance. Materials such as stainless steel, glass, and high-grade plastics are commonly used due to their durability and excellent thermal insulation properties. Each material has its unique benefits, catering to different needs and applications. For instance, stainless steel is highly praised for its robustness and ability to withstand high temperatures without degrading. This makes it an ideal choice for heavy-duty use.On the other hand, glass offers an inert quality that prevents any alteration in taste or odor of the contents stored within, ensuring purity and safety. Plastics, particularly those that are BPA-free, offer a lightweight and cost-effective alternative but must be selected carefully to ensure they meet safety standards for food contact. Choosing the right material is crucial for maximizing the longevity and efficiency of thermal vessels, affecting not only their thermal retention capabilities but also their overall lifespan and environmental impact.
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Kitchen & Dining Termo De Acero Inoxidable Shaker Gym Garrafa Termica A Vácuo Water Bottle Stainless Steel Vasos Termicos Frio Y Caliente Tazas This stainless steel water bottle brings both style and functionality to your daily routines whether at the gym or on-the-go. Its sturdy construction ensures your drink stays hot or cold for hours. The sleek design not only looks great but is durable enough to withstand daily use, making it an essential item for anyone looking to stay hydrated throughout the day. View Details
Maximizing Insulation in Your Thermal Vessel
Understanding the principles of insulation is crucial in maximizing the efficiency of your thermal vessel. Whether you're aiming to keep your drinks hot or cold, the key to prolonged temperature retention lies in the quality of insulation. Insulation works by minimizing heat transfer, and this can be achieved through various materials and construction techniques. It is not just about the material itself, but how it's applied that makes a significant difference.Investing in a thermal vessel with superior insulation technology can lead to significant benefits. Not only does it enhance your everyday experience by keeping your beverages at the desired temperature for longer, but it also contributes to energy conservation. By understanding the science behind thermal insulation, you can make informed decisions that align with both your personal needs and environmental sustainability. Remember, the right choice in insulation can turn a simple vessel into an indispensable ally in your daily routine.
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Accessory Bottle Cover Fashion Cup Mug Holder Bag Water Bottle Carry Mesh Net Bag Portable Cup Pouch Vaso Termico Christmas Bottle Cover This stylish and functional bottle cover is perfect for those on the go. Crafted with a durable mesh net, it ensures your drink is secure and easily accessible. Suitable for various occasions, whether it's a daily commute or a festive Christmas gathering, this bottle cover is your ultimate carry solution. View Details
Recognizing Quality in Thermal Vessel Construction
When it comes to choosing thermal vessels, recognizing quality is paramount. These vessels, central to maintaining temperature for a myriad of applications, must be built to stringent standards. Quality thermal vessel construction hinges on utilizing top-notch materials—stainless steel, for instance, provides unparalleled durability against corrosion and temperature extremes. Furthermore, the design intricacies, including insulation thickness and type, play a critical role in the vessel's thermal retention capabilities. Attention to detail in manufacturing can make a significant difference in performance. Precision welding, proper insulation, and leak testing are non-negotiable attributes that define the excellence of a thermal vessel. Manufacturers committed to excellence pursue certifications and adhere to industry standards, a testament to their dedication to quality. As consumers, understanding these markers of quality can guide our choices, ensuring the procurement of vessels that not only meet but exceed our expectations. Read the full article
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zjhq · 1 month
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The vacuum steel flask has quickly gained popularity as an essential accessory for outdoor enthusiasts and daily commuters alike. With its unique design and advanced insulation technology, this flask is unbeatable in keeping beverages hot or cold for extended periods. At [Company Name], we take pride in providing high-quality vacuum steel flasks that cater to the needs of individuals seeking durability and unmatched performance. Insulation and Temperature Retention: The vacuum steel flask is engineered with double-walled stainless steel construction, ensuring maximum insulation and temperature retention. Whether you're craving a piping hot coffee on a chilly morning or a refreshing cold beverage during scorching summer days, this flask maintains the desired temperature inside, keeping your drink just as you like it. Say goodbye to lukewarm drinks once and for all! Durability and Portability: Made from premium stainless steel, the vacuum steel flask is built to withstand the rigors of outdoor adventures. It is designed to be resilient against impacts, leaks, and rust, making it the ultimate companion for camping trips, hiking adventures, or even office commutes. The compact and lightweight nature of this flask allows for easy portability, fitting perfectly in backpacks, gym bags, or car cup holders. Leak-Proof and Spill-Free: The vacuum steel flask features a secure and reliable leak-proof lid, preventing any unwanted spills or leaks. This design ensures that your drink remains safely contained, even when the flask is jostled within your bag or backpack. Enjoy your favorite hot or cold beverages on the go without worrying about messy accidents or wasted drinks. Stylish Design and Versatility: Available in a range of sleek and eye-catching designs, the vacuum steel flask combines functionality with style. Whether you prefer a classic stainless steel finish or a vibrant color, there's a flask to suit every individual's preferences. Additionally, the flask's wide mouth opening allows for easy filling, pouring, and cleaning, making it versatile and convenient for daily use. Conclusion: The vacuum steel flask has revolutionized the way we enjoy hot and cold beverages on the go. With its exceptional insulation capabilities, durability, and leak-proof design, it is the perfect companion for any adventure. Choose [Company Name] as your trusted provider of vacuum steel flasks to experience unmatched quality and performance. Join the countless satisfied customers who have made this flask their go-to accessory and enjoy your favorite beverages just the way you like them, every time.
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