#conscious mind
bellonamanifests · 2 years
I’m the creator of my reality. Nothing has the power to frighten or silence me. There is no power outside of me, I’m invincible. I get what I want, because I say so(@electrasoul<3) and that is fucking law. This is my world and you have no choice but to conform to my wishes. Failure is not in my vocabulary. How could I not be confident, when this world just reflects me. I am free of fear and doubt because the only think I can ever encounter is myself. I am completely safe and secure. The physical world doesn’t limit me anymore.
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themagickind · 2 years
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You are the universe experiencing itself
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kaayxshay · 2 years
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never doubt yourself ever again, your subconscious instantly believes you just persist. you have all of your desires, your desires instantly manifest’s in the 4D & the 4D is the true reality (it controls everything, your 4d makes things happens for you period) so go get your dream life overnight YOU GOT THIS!
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freyatarotreadings8 · 4 months
A person can make himself happy or unhappy regardless of what is actually happening externally, simply by changing the content of his consciousness.
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uniqueperson8 · 7 months
როდესაც აზრები, მოგონებები და სურვილები ცნობიერი გონებისთვის გადასამუშავებლად იმდენად ძლიერი და მტკივნეულია რომ ფსიქიკას უქმნის საფრთხეს, ისინი განიდევნება და არაცნობიერში გადადის.
არაცნობიერი უხმოდ მართავს ინდივიდის აზრებსა და ქცევას. არაცნობიერსა და ცნობიერს შორის განსხვავება ფსიქიკურ დაძაბულობას ქმნის, რომლის ცნობიერში გადმოტანა ფსიქოანალიზის საშუალებით შეგვიძლია.
ზიგმუნდ ფროიდი
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theangeldiaries · 2 years
Key Law of Assumption concepts
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Everyone is you pushed out is just the concept of the reflection of your own perception of yourself. It states that however you view yourself, others will view you the same way; everyone and everything in your tangible reality is influence by your assumptions. For example, when I was first getting to know my sp - at this point I didn’t consciously use the law of assumption - I knew that he was interested in me and attracted to me and enjoyed spending time with me, however I for whatever reason was sure that he wasn’t a relationship type of person. Sure enough, when I asked him what we were and if we were heading towards some sort of exclusivity, he told me that he really likes spending time with me and really likes me as a person but that he wasn’t ready for relationship yet. All I had to do was flip that belief into him wanting a relationship with me and now we’re doing great. Have you ever known someone who is constantly saying how annoying they are? When you first meet them you disagree and reassure them that they aren’t annoying but soon enough you find them so irritating you can’t stand to speak with them for more than five minutes? That’s also the concept of everyone is you pushed out taking action. What you assume about yourself, others will also assume about you.
Living in the end/in the wish fulfilled ♡
This concept is key to manifesting any desire quickly and effortlessly and simply calls for you to live as if you already have your desire and embody how that version of you would think and feel in day to day life. To live in the end, simply enter the state of already having your desire and completely disregard any 3d evidence that would suggest otherwise. Your sp has been ignoring you? Um absolutely not they are head in heels in love with you. I literally just overheard them saying that you’re the one they want to spend the rest of their life with so don’t give me that bs 🙄 this is the type of inner conversation that might help shift you further into the state of already having your desire, try to flip doubtful thoughts as they appear to follow the narrative of your desire. It’s okay to lapse from this state, fully lingering in the wish fulfilled may take a bit of time and practice but I find that doing a quick manifestation exercise helps me shift back into the desired state; guided mediation is a good one, or writing down everything you love about your desire as if you already have it (e.g. i love how my sp never makes me question the authenticity of their love for me, etc.) or playing a song that you associate with your manifestation on repeat and visualising a short scene that implies you are living in your manifestation now (don’t be surprised if you live through that exact same scene at a later date).
Subconscious and conscious mind ♡
Dr Joseph Murphy likened the relationship between the conscious and subconscious mind to osmosis. He discussed how the subconscious mind is like a garden and you are the gardener, planting little seeds in your subconscious mind all day long, most of the time without even knowing you are doing so. The subconscious is unresting, it keeps your heart beating and your lungs expanding with air without any interference or acknowledgement from the conscious mind. The conscious mind is a bit of a bitch, in most cases it will actively give you fear and doubt during your manifestation process as a defense mechanism; it does not want you stepping into the unknown and will actively search for evidence in the 3d that proves to you that everything you affirm to yourself is false in an attempt to pull you back into your comfort zone where it knows you can’t be harmed. Kinda cute but also very annoying whilst manifesting. You can use the conscious mind and it’s need to take care of you as a logical explanation for any doubt or worry that may arise and release any need to listen to it’s worries by self soothing. On the other hand, the subconscious mind literally has no idea what’s going on. It has no way of differentiating between what is real and what is imagined, what is true and what is false, etc. Therefore the only way to access your subconscious mind is by using the conscious mind to impress any desired information onto the subconscious. This is why it is vital to persist in affirmations as a thought repeated will sink into the subconscious and be projected into the external world, just like during the process of osmosis in which solvent molecules (thoughts) diffuse through a semi-permeable membrane (from the conscious into the subconscious). Once a thought has entered into the subconscious mind, it is reflected into the external world. Your subconscious will never let you down, it will immediately begin to find ways of planting your desire into your 3d reality and won’t stop until it is there. Remember, you are not trying to change anything outside of self, you are simply influencing the subconscious mind and allowing it to alter the external world for you. There is nothing to change but self.
Internal and external ♡
This one is fairly simple: your internal state will be reflected into the external world. The 3d is simply a projection of the 4d world and so whatever you give your energy to in your mind is what will present itself to you in your physical reality. Focus on love to receive more love, focus on wealth to receive more wealth, focus on success to become more successful, etc. Persist in the vision held within your mind and watch it flow into your 3d reality with ease.
Self concept ♡
Self concept is the idea of self constructed from personal beliefs. It is all about how we perceive ourselves and how we view our traits, characteristics, our appearance, etc. It is also where many limiting beliefs come into play; any external condition can influence the internal beliefs and self concept is key in working through any limiting beliefs we have about ourselves and how others interact with us.
Thought transmission ♡
I adore this one. Just as I am manifesting him, my sp is also (most likely unknowingly) manifesting me. How do I know this? Well aside from him never giving me a break and showing up in my dreams every single night, I discovered some time ago now that the reason he popped into my mind so (and I mean so so SO often) is because I could literally feel when he was thinking about me. The thoughts I have about him and the thoughts he has about me feel different and I’ve learnt to distinguish which is which over time. For example, I know when he wakes up after me in the morning without checking his location (which I’d advise to avoid doing whilst manifesting an sp) and when he’s about to send me a message based on the feel of the thought of him I have in that moment. Feeling him thinking of me feels kinda deeper (?) if that makes sense, it feels more like a sensation and less than an actual thought I would have in my own head. Just the other day when I didn’t message him first thing in the morning as usual as I just wasn’t in the mood, my chest went tight and I got a fleeting sensation of anxiety in my stomach. I felt his response to him seeing that I hadn’t messaged him since the evening before and it probably sounds crazy but I know I can feel his emotions alongside my own. I don’t have a rational explanation for this one but that’s okay, manifesting is anything but logical and that’s one of the things I love about it. Just know that when you persist in your affirmations, your sp will undoubtedly start to reflect your affirmations back to you. Your affirmations are literally being planted into your sp’s mind. If that doesn’t prove just how powerful we are then I don’t know what will.
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covenawhite66 · 1 year
The theory is that consciousness developed as a memory system that is used by our unconscious brain to help us flexibly and creatively imagine the future and plan accordingly. We don't perceive the world, make decisions, or perform actions directly. Instead, we do all these things unconsciously and then about half a second later consciously remember doing them.”
It was a theory to explain how it was possible Conscious processes were that were simply too slow to be actively involved in music, sports, and other activities where split second reflexes are required. But if consciousness is not involved in such processes, then a better explanation of what consciousness does was needed
Meaning actions we believed were made consciously are actually made unconsciously.
Even our thoughts are not generally under our conscious control. This lack of control is why we may have difficulty stopping a stream of thoughts running through our head
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myhypnosis4u · 6 months
Understanding the different levels of the mind - conscious, unconscious, subconscious, and superconscious
Have you ever wondered about the different layers of your mind and how they influence your thoughts, actions, and beliefs? The human mind is a complex and fascinating entity, comprising various levels of consciousness that shape our perceptions and behaviors. In this blog post, we will delve into the depths of the subconscious mind, unconscious mind, conscious mind, and superconscious mind to gain a comprehensive understanding of their functions and impact on our lives.
The Subconscious Mind: Unraveling the Power Within
The subconscious mind is like the hidden powerhouse within us, silently shaping our thoughts, emotions, and habits. It operates beneath the surface of our awareness, influencing our behavior without us consciously realizing it. This part of the mind stores all our past experiences, memories, beliefs, and emotions, whether positive or negative. It acts as a reservoir of information that impacts our decision-making process and overall mindset.
The Role of the Subconscious Mind
The subconscious mind plays a pivotal role in shaping our self-image and perceptions of the world around us. It is responsible for automatic responses and intuitive reactions to various stimuli. For instance, it governs our instinctive fears, phobias, and deeply ingrained habits. Moreover, the subconscious mind is highly receptive to suggestions and affirmations, making it a powerful tool for personal development and self-improvement.
Harnessing the Power of the Subconscious Mind
Understanding the influence of the subconscious mind allows us to harness its power for personal growth and transformation. Techniques such as visualization, positive affirmations, and hypnotherapy directly target the subconscious, reprogramming negative thought patterns and instilling empowering beliefs. By accessing this deeper level of awareness, individuals can overcome limiting beliefs and unlock their true potential.
The Unconscious Mind: Exploring the Depths of the Psyche
While the terms "subconscious" and "unconscious" are often used interchangeably, they represent distinct aspects of the human mind. The unconscious mind delves even deeper into the realms of our psyche, housing repressed memories, unresolved traumas, and innate drives that exert a profound influence on our thoughts and behaviors.
Freudian Perspective on the Unconscious
Sigmund Freud, the renowned psychoanalyst, introduced the concept of the unconscious mind as a repository of hidden desires, primal instincts, and unresolved conflicts. According to Freudian theory, the unconscious governs our deepest urges and impulses, often manifesting in dreams or slips of the tongue. By bringing these buried emotions and motivations to light, individuals can gain insight into their psychological make-up and achieve emotional healing.
The Influence of the Unconscious on Behavior
The unconscious mind exerts a subtle yet pervasive influence on our everyday choices and interactions. It can shape our preferences, relationships, and responses to external stimuli in ways that elude conscious awareness. Furthermore, unresolved issues stored in the unconscious may lead to emotional distress, anxiety, or unexplained patterns of self-sabotage. By unraveling these hidden aspects of the psyche, individuals can embark on a journey of self-discovery and inner healing.
The Conscious Mind: Embracing Awareness and Rational Thinking
In contrast to the mysterious depths of the subconscious and unconscious minds, the conscious mind represents our immediate awareness and logical reasoning. It is the part of our mental faculty that engages in critical thinking, decision-making, and deliberate actions based on present circumstances.
Functions of the Conscious Mind
The conscious mind processes incoming information from our senses, allowing us to perceive and interpret the world around us. It enables us to analyze, plan, and make conscious choices in alignment with our goals and values. Moreover, the conscious mind fosters self-awareness and introspection, empowering individuals to reflect on their experiences and learn from them.
Limitations of Conscious Awareness
While the conscious mind is essential for navigating daily life and making rational decisions, it has inherent limitations. Its capacity for processing information is relatively narrow compared to the vast reservoir of knowledge stored in the subconscious and unconscious minds. Additionally, the conscious mind may be prone to cognitive biases and selective attention, leading to distorted perceptions of reality.
The Superconscious Mind: Tapping into Higher States of Consciousness
Beyond the realms of everyday awareness lies the superconscious mind, a transcendent realm of heightened consciousness and spiritual enlightenment. This elevated state of being transcends individual identity and connects us to universal truths and collective wisdom.
Accessing Transcendental States of Consciousness
The superconscious mind is associated with states of deep meditation, spiritual awakening, and mystical experiences. It encompasses moments of profound insight, creativity, and intuitive knowing that surpass ordinary cognition. By transcending ego-bound limitations, individuals can tap into the superconscious realm to gain clarity, inspiration, and a sense of interconnectedness with all existence.
Integration of Subconscious, Unconscious, Conscious, and Superconscious Minds
In an integrated approach to mental well-being, it is crucial to harmonize the various layers of consciousness within ourselves. By acknowledging the intricate interplay between the subconscious, unconscious, conscious, and superconscious minds, individuals can embark on a holistic journey of self-discovery and inner transformation.
Conclusion: Nurturing Holistic Awareness and Self-Integration
In conclusion, exploring the depths of the subconscious mind, unconscious mind, conscious mind, and superconscious mind unveils the multidimensional nature of human consciousness. Each layer contributes to our overall mental landscape, shaping our perceptions, emotions, and behaviors in profound ways.
By embracing a holistic approach to mental well-being that honors all facets of consciousness, individuals can embark on a transformative journey toward self-integration and spiritual evolution. Whether through practices such as mindfulness meditation, psychotherapy, or spiritual contemplation, nurturing an awareness of these interconnected layers empowers us to unlock our true potential and live authentically.
Understanding the nuanced interplay between these layers of consciousness provides a roadmap for personal growth, emotional healing, and spiritual awakening. As we delve into the depths of our psyche and expand our awareness beyond conventional boundaries, we pave the way for profound self-discovery and inner liberation.
So let's embark on this enlightening journey together – exploring the depths of our minds and embracing the wondrous tapestry of consciousness that shapes our very existence.
Freud, Sigmund. "The Interpretation of Dreams." Basic Books, 2010.
Jung, Carl Gustav. "The Archetypes and The Collective Unconscious." Princeton University Press, 1968.
Murphy, Joseph. "The Power of Your Subconscious Mind." Bantam Books, 1981.
Tartakovsky, Margarita. "Exploring the Unconscious Mind." Psych Central.
Chopra Center Staff. "Accessing Your Superconscious Mind." Chopra Center.
Taylor, Steve. "The Power of Superconscious Thoughts." Psychology Today.
Rivas-Dietz, Orlando J. "Unconscious Mind: A Brief History." Psychology Today.
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littlepoetrybox · 1 year
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#91 in a collection by Dianne Cikusa (Poet's Notes) / Red Bubble
~~ 🙏
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roxanne-ardary · 2 years
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The universe is in us.
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bellonamanifests · 2 years
Something from my notes:
Why do you only have faith in the law when you see success? Why do you waver and go back and forth with your trust? If you succeeded one time, or know of someone who did, why do you doubt? You have proved the law to be real countless times, it doesn’t stop working. You have done things logically impossible using only the law, stop making excuses for yourself. You are always powerful, you are always almighty. You won the oscar(have the power to create), you can’t unwin it(law stops working). I know that we have been conditioned to believe that certain are hard or don’t work out, but you need to accept that life is truly easy. Aren’t you fed up with worrying? I know you are. Make a promise. A promise that you will never let yourself feel like a failure or worthless or a loser. Regardless of doubts. Because even if the law wasn’t real(which is impossible, you have proved it to be real), that mindset only does you harm.
This wasn’t for anyone specifically, just myself, bc I used to go back and forth with my belief in the law, depending on how my 3d looked like. This helped me a lot, maybe it’ll help you.
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beljar · 2 years
I tell you solemnly, that I have many times tried to become an insect. But I was not equal even to that. I swear, gentlemen, that to be too conscious is an illness- a real thorough-going illness.
Fyodor Dostoevsky, from Notes from Underground, 1864
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buddhas-tears · 2 years
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"Awareness is the only goal. Awareness has no goal." - Dianne Cikusa
From 'The Garden of Least Flowers' (Mignon Press, 2021)
[Digital image by @dreamrecycler1]
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freyatarotreadings8 · 11 months
Parts of the Mind
Conscious Mind 4 parts of the Conscious Mind – rational, analytical, will power and temporary memory.
The Conscious Mind is where we spend most of our time, but it is actually the weakest part of our mind. It’s the thinking, judging part of the mind. Our ability to rationalise our actions is what keeps us sane. But, our rational mind is not always correct, however, as long as it can come up with some reasoning for our actions, we will be at peace. Our analytical mind recognises problems and it figures out how to fix it. Will power is in our Conscious Mind. It is only temporary. It gives us short bursts of energy to help us get through a mental situation, but then it fades away. It cannot affect internal change. The last part of our Conscious Mind is our temporary memory. It is so limited. This memory we need and use in our daily lives, like remembering where we live and people’s names. Conscious mind can only hold very small amounts of information at one time.
Subconscious Mind Subconscious mind is divided into imagination, permanent memory, habits, feelings and emotions, beliefs.
The Subconscious Mind is the most powerful part of our mind. It is in control and it will help you to achieve your goals.
Imagination is more than just creativity. Imagination is also our perception of the world around us and everybody’s perception is different. Everyone’s perception is the truth to them.
The Subconscious Mind is also home for our permanent memory. Every piece of data ever received through any of our five senses is stored in our Subconscious Mind. So, starting from when we were in the Womb everything we hear, feel or experience leaves an imprint on us. Then we begin to build a database of information that develops into beliefs and habits, and all of this develops who we are today. We will think our next thought, act our next action and feel our next feeling based upon everything that has happened in our past.
Habits, feelings, beliefs and emotions are also stored in the Subconscious Mind.
Unconscious Mind
Our autonomic Nervous System is things we know how to do automatically such as breathe, eat, our heart beat, and blood circulation.
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psil-0-cybin · 2 years
astrology was the catalyst for my spiritual awakening. studying my birth chart gave me insight on my existence in this human vessel & what my soul actually came to experience & learn.
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covenawhite66 · 1 year
Researchers used a mouse connectome and computational techniques to test their idea. A connectome is a detailed map of the connections in the brain. First, they developed an efficient algorithm to extract the parts of the brain with strong bidirectional connections, called complexes. Then, they applied the algorithm to the mouse connectome.
The researchers looked for one particular hallmark of consciousness within the neural networks of the brain, bidirectional pathways, to pinpoint the parts of the brain where awareness resides. Our brains process information when we see something or experience something. This is known as a feed-forward signal, however receiving such signals is insufficient for consciousness. Our brains must also convey information back to us in what is known as feedback. Not every area of the brain can receive and respond to feed-forward information. Researchers hypothesized that these bidirectional connections are an essential hallmark of the parts of the brain responsible for consciousness.
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