incognitopolls · 1 month
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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mrs-trophy-wife · 3 months
It doesn't matter how big it is, if you believe it, it will be.
—Abraham Hicks
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philosophybits · 4 months
Weakness, fear, melancholy, together with ignorance, are the true sources of superstition.
David Hume, Essays, Moral, Political, and Literary
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thesilicontribesman · 3 months
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Painted Pebbles, 2nd to 9th Century CE, Burrian, Keiss and Jarlshof, The National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh
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dailydivergent · 30 days
Change your beliefs, change your life.
I recently started doing something that feels really dumb at first, but... it's totally changing the way I view myself, y'all.
It's called Belief Work and basically, it's taking your old shitty beliefs and turning them on their head 100%.
So instead of "I will never make it," I now tell myself intentionally "I will definitely make it."
The process is simple:
List out all the negative beliefs you have about yourself, whether about work, relationships, money, life, etc.
On a second sheet, list the exact opposite belief.
These are your new sets of beliefs. Repeat them as often as you can remember, preferably once per day.
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creature-wizard · 2 months
Some things associated with New Age that aren't inherently bad
Since this blog can get kinda heavy sometimes, and because there's some people out there who think that anything remotely adjacent to New Age is evil and must be banished forever, I figured I'd write something on elements it includes that aren't necessarily bad.
Its general concept of God and divinity
New Age beliefs typically posit that God, or Source, effectively split itself into many different souls in order to have different kinds of experiences. There's nothing wrong with this model of divinity in itself, since it doesn't by itself imply anything hateful or suggest any kind of action that might lead to harm. Where it gets messed up is when people start claiming that if you're suffering, it's because you deliberately chose to have this kind of experience before you incarnated. That's just victim blaming, and it's wrong.
Energy healing
Energy healing on its own is a harmless practice, and many people do report feeling better for doing it. Dismissing energy healing as inherently bad in itself would be like dismissing prayer for recovery as inherently bad. It's really not. The problem is always when people start believing they should only rely on energy healing or prayer, or fall into the belief that pharmaceutical medicine is sinful or an evil conspiracy.
Listening to relaxing tones
No, those "healing frequencies" probably won't cure any serious ailments. But that doesn't mean they can't make you feel more relaxed or help you focus. You don't have to subscribe to any specific belief system to listen to these audios.
The New Age practice of speaking in light languages is a form of glossolalia, which basically involves relaxing and speaking whatever sounds immediately come to you. Doing it can be cathartic and relaxing, and you don't need to subscribe to any specific belief system to do it.
Tarot reading
Reading tarot cards doesn't require subscribing to any specific spiritual belief system. Nor do you even need to be spiritual at all; you can read tarot cards with the perspective that what you're doing is prompting your own mind to consider things from new angles.
Meditation is known to have beneficial effects, and doing it doesn't require subscribing to any particular belief system. Yes, it's a problem when somebody subscribes meditation as a cure-all, or use it as a form of spiritual bypassing, but that's a problem with the teacher, not the practice itself.
Eating more plant foods
Provided you don't have any allergies or intolerances, eating more fruits, vegetables, nuts, and the like usually isn't a bad idea. The problem with New Age is when it effectively moralizes food by decreeing certain foods "high vibrational" or "low vibrational," or when it's pushing conspiracy theories about modern processed food items being intentionally poisoned to block our psychic abilities or keep us dependent on the healthcare system. And obviously, it's appallingly ableist to tell someone that they could cure a chronic illness by switching to an all-natural vegan diet or something.
Belief in aliens
It's a big universe, and it's not unreasonable to think we're not alone in it, and that maybe there's beings who are observing us. The problem is when belief in aliens becomes part of a conspiratorial worldview that scapegoats certain groups of people for the world's problems, displaces real history, and misuses other people's traditions and beliefs.
Belief that things can and will get better
To paraphrase Terry Pratchett's words in The Hogfather, we sometimes need to believe in things that aren't true (such as justice and mercy) so they can become true. Believing that things can change makes people feel like their efforts are worth something. Meanwhile, when everyone's got a doomer attitude nothing will change for the better because nobody will even try.
One problem with New Age's optimism in specific is that they tend to believe that things getting better is contingent on converting a large number of people to New Age spirituality, which includes getting them to accept a large number of conspiratorial beliefs that target and harm vulnerable minorities, and/or distort and erase the actual spiritual beliefs of people from different cultures (many of whom are marginalized minorities and/or have been severely harmed by colonialism already).
Another problem is when you get the whole 5D ascension thing going on. 5D ascension is basically the New Age version of the Rapture, and just like the Rapture, it's always said to be right around the corner, but it never materializes. (If you'd like examples, here are predictions for 2012 and 2015.) Very concerningly, New Agers often list a number of physical and mental health symptoms as "ascension symptoms." They were claiming this as far back as the 2010s, when December 31, 2012 was supposed to be the big day. (Here's an example.)
Basically, hope and belief that things can get better is important - but it's also important not to hang our hopes (and medical decisions) on supernatural predictions that have already failed multiple times.
Wanting to promote compassion and understanding between people
This is a great thing to want! The problem with New Age isn't that they want to spread peace and harmony, but rather the way they want to do it without really listening to the people they supposedly want to help. You can't, for example, genuinely fight colonialism if you're engaging in cultural appropriation and misrepresenting their spiritual traditions - you're an active part of the problem. Promoting compassion and understanding begins with you shutting up, listening, and learning without imposing your own preconceptions or reacting from your ego. You're not doing this if you're looking for mythology to project aliens onto, or dismissing anything you don't want to hear as a conspiracy.
And here's some critical thinking tips before you go
When you're evaluating any belief system or practice, it's always important to remember that belief and practice are not the same thing. Most of the time the practices are harmless in and of themselves; the actual danger comes from the conspiratorial and morally polarized worldviews many practitioners also subscribe to. Nobody's ever died from putting rose quartz in their room or getting a reiki session. They have died from refusing evidence-based medical care because someone convinced them that the health care industry is a scam and will also separate them from Source.
When it comes to beliefs themselves, ask yourself what kind of narratives they're upholding. If they basically promote the same kind of conspiratorial narratives used by Nazis, witch hunters, or far right Christians to justify their hatred and violence, that's a pretty strong sign that this belief is bullshit. But of course, there's a pretty stark difference between believing that aliens could be out there, and believing blood-drinking reptiles have invaded the Earth.
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elicathebunny · 3 months
(I have searched for information online and gathered it into one place, I have linked the og sources.)
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Negative or Positive can be injected into the mind if repeated enough times.
No matter what you say, positive or negative. Whatever is repeated enough times will become part of your belief system because you begin to believe it. Once you think, you begin to believe, and once you believe, you begin to act according to those beliefs.
words -> thoughts -> beliefs -> actions
e.g. negative talk -> low self esteem -> neglect self positive talk -> good self image -> nurturing self The way we think about something greatly impacts our emotions and actions.
We can literally do whatever we want at this moment. If I wanted to exercise I could, If I wanted to lose weight I could, If I wanted to start a business I could. But It's the learned beliefs and the restrictions around us that prevent us from doing so: Procrastination, Distractions, Trauma, Fear, Impatience, etc.
To hack the mind, we must first understand it.
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The three levels of awareness:
Conscious mind: This contains all of the thoughts, memories, feelings, and wishes of which we are aware at any given moment. This is the aspect of our mental processing that we can think and talk about rationally. This also includes our memory, which is not always part of consciousness but can be retrieved easily and brought into awareness.
Preconscious: This consists of anything that could potentially be brought into the conscious mind.
Unconscious (or subconscious) mind:  This is a reservoir of feelings, thoughts, urges, and memories that are outside of our conscious awareness. Most of the contents of the unconscious are unacceptable or unpleasant, such as feelings of pain, anxiety, or conflict.’
Understanding the Brain:
The conscious mind is creative, it creates all your personal desires, wishes, what you want to do with your life and more. Your conscious mind can learn easily from seeing people doing things, watching a movie, reading a book, cooking or walking.
The conscious level consists of all those things we are aware of, including things that we know about ourselves and our surroundings. The preconscious consists of those things we could pay conscious attention to if we so desired, and where many memories are stored for easy retrieval.
The subconscious mind goes beyond learning new skills. It's involved in information processing and affects everything we think, say and do. It stores our beliefs and values, determines our memories and monitors the information all around us, deciding what to send to the conscious mind and what to store for later.
When you receive a stimulus and there is a habit in the subconscious mind related to that stimulus, it will automatically engage in its related behaviour. That’s what a habit is, all it takes is a stimulus and the behavior will play itself out.
-> The conscious mind changes easily, whereas the subconscious mind is more stubborn:
Thoughts come and go in your conscious mind. It constantly changes. Your subconscious mind takes a little bit more than that to be convinced about the change you’ve been proposing lately. No, it won’t change until you keep repeating it forever.
-> Your subconscious mind is designed to keep the learned program. -> Want to change your subconscious responses? Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
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How to deal with negative self-talk:
ANTs: (ANT stands for automatic negative thought) Some examples of ANTs in your life might be “that person hates me” “I have nothing going for me” or “I’m never going to be happy.” ANTs tend to just pop into our heads without any warning. 
First, identify the ANT that you’re dealing with. Right now, just think of any automatic negative thought that regularly comes to mind. It can help to write your ANT down on paper, especially if you’re a visual learner. 
Some examples of ANT species are listed below:
All-or-nothing ANTs: Thinking in extremes, that things are either all good or all bad
Less-than ANTs: Comparing yourself and your situation to others and seeing yourself as less than
Just-the-bad ANTs: Seeing only the bad in a situation
Guilt-beating ANTs: Thinking in words like should, must, ought or have to
Labeling ANTs: Attaching a negative label to yourself or someone else
Fortune-telling ANTs: Predicting the worst possible outcome for a situation with little or no evidence for it
Mind-reading ANTs: Believing you know what other people are thinking even though they haven’t told you
If-only-and- I’ll-be-happy-when ANTs: Arguing with the past and longing for the future
Blaming ANTs: Blaming others for your problems
Identifying and becoming aware of these repeating patterns is the first step in breaking them. Become aware of how your thoughts are impacting your emotions and behaviours. Observe your thoughts. Ask yourself if this thought is helpful? What purpose is the thought serving you? How does the thought make you feel?
Although it is difficult to think with this new style at first, over time and with practice, positive and rational thoughts will come more naturally. Cognitive restructuring can help you challenge your thoughts by taking you through steps including:
Ask yourself if the thought is realistic.
Think of what happened in the past in similar situations and evaluate if your thoughts are on course with what took place.
Actively challenge the thought and look for alternative explanations.
Think of what you'd gain versus what you'd lose by continuing to believe the thought.
Recognize if your thought is actually a result of cognitive distortion, such as catastrophising.
Consider what you'd tell a friend who may have the same thought.
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It’s called “the human condition” – how we, as humans, are born with minds that are stuck in a loop of 95% repetitive thoughts, 5% conscious thoughts, and 80% negative thoughts. That’s a lot of thought and if you are not aware of it and how to use it, your life will stay “stuck” – stuck in a pattern created by your mind – from the actions you take everyday, to the thoughts that keep repeating in your mind, and ending up as the actions now affecting your life. The first step is to recognize that you HAVE a mind. And with that in mind, you have a choice.
The reality is, if you aren't achieving the results you want now or you feel like they could be better, chances are you have not actually consciously recognized you have a mind and made the decision to take charge of it.
Once you understand that you have a mind and you make a DECISION that solidifies your commitment to following that truth of what you want, you're halfway there! This decision and commitment means that you are committed to doing the work and achieving the goal - regardless of the outside influences and distractions that are constantly being thrown at you. The pattern of your mind creates a pattern in your behaviour – and affects the results in your life.
The reality is, that creating success is NOT just about “doing what you love". Part of reprogramming your subconscious mind and getting it to work towards your success is to automate the things you don’t like and change the things that are detracting from your success.
When you automate the things that don’t make you feel that successful feeling, you are subconsciously programming your mind – your 95% of unconscious thought- to take over the heavy lifting. You’re programming it to do the things you need to do to create your success.
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Affirming and Repetition:
Know what you want, when you want it and how your going to get it. Write that down and literally strive for it. Put down your goal on a card read it as often as you possibly can, and curate goals which are based on it. No matter what negative thought pops up, keep denying it and reaffirming a positive alternative. Play music that will uplift you, surround yourself with people that you see yourself in and who share similar goals/mindset as you to keep reaffirming your reality, and remove any restrictions that deny the reality you are trying to make for yourself. Make a conscious effort to keep reaffirming your desires until you believe them. But remember you can't just sit and affirm without putting in the work, you can't affirm something that you don't believe. Therefore affirmation and work must go in hand.
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radtoken · 1 month
to be clear, and this is probably wildly unpopular within the radfem space: I don't care if grown adults decide to medically transition if, and only if, they have had documented, long-lasting dysphoria and have been in therapy for a considerable amount of time. I don't care if grown adults decide to get mastectomy or breast reduction to help alleviate dysphoria if they've been in therapy for a considerable amount of time and are told the risks.
There's a difference between minors getting these surgeries and adults getting them. By calling females who have gotten a mastectomy "mutilated", you aren't only insulting transsexual people.
To all the women who have gotten a mastectomy and regretted it, you are not mutilated. To all the women who have gotten a mastectomy and not regretted it, you are not mutilated. You are all beautiful and strong.
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kafkasapartment · 1 year
Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.
 Isaac Asimov, 1980.
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incognitopolls · 1 month
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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glitterdoll888 · 6 months
the void state, as a method, is fake. think about it.
The void is the same thing as sleeping: disconnecting from "a physical world", the Illusion, and returning to your pure, natural state. but while in the ego, you dont remember it, because 1, you identify with the ego's experience, not the Self, and 2, memory is fake, so what "happened" is nothing other than an illusion, and NOT true like the Self is. when you think you've "tapped into the void state", which is, when you remember doing that, what you're actually doing is believing another fake memory. "Oh but how come I get my desires after the void?" well, you're believing this memory, aren't you? you truly believe you've done something that is guaranteed to grant your desires, because you remember it, which must mean "you've experienced it". but actually, you're just putting faith into an action and this faith creates another illusion that makes you think "oh so now I totally have my desires". memory is just another form of belief. one you might think is set in stone, but nothing is. and it's never not you. You're all there is. it's not the void, it's not a method. it's just you
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aunti-christ-ine · 3 months
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yesterdays-xkcd · 7 months
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Scientists are also sexy, let's not forget that.
Beliefs [Explained]
Transcript Under the Cut
[A girl with long black hair and a professor who looks like Megan stand together. The girl points to Cueball in the distance.] Girl: Professor, that man claims the earth is 6,000 years old! Professor: So? Just use your head and don't concern yourself overmuch with what other people think.
[Cueball is gone and the girl is no longer pointing but just talking to the professor.] Girl: But he says the fossils in the mountains were put there in a flood! Professor: Well, evidence suggests that they were not. Girl: But he--
[A mountain landscape with blue sky to the left with white clouds, gray clod cover to the right and gray mountains below. The most prominent peak is just right of the middle, but there are 14 small and large peaks all in all.] Professor (off-panel): A million people can call the mountains a fiction, yet it need not trouble you as you stand atop them.
[The girl throws her hands in the air while the professor just looks at her.] Girl: But he believes the silliest things! Professor: So?
[The girl has her arms down again and looks on the talking professor.] Professor: The universe doesn't care what you believe. Professor: The wonderful thing about science is that it doesn't ask for your faith, it just asks for your eyes.
[The girl and professor talks.] Girl: But he's a US senator! Professor: Ah, then yes, we do have a bit of a situation.
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philosophybits · 7 months
Some things are believed because people feel as if they must be true, and in such cases an immense weight of evidence is necessary to dispel the belief.
Bertrand Russell, The Impact of Science on Society
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thesilicontribesman · 4 months
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Lligwy Early 12th Century CE Chapel, Anglesey, Wales
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chelebelleslair · 2 months
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Part of an exclusive collaboration between artist Rachel Feinstein, IPPOLITA and The Jewish Museum, this Mini Castle Rock ring is shaped like a traditional architectural structure, believed to symbolize the marital home in ancient Jewish lore. It’s crafted from 18K yellow gold and either carved chrysoprase or malachite, evocative of a peaked mountaintop. The limited-edition piece is one of five rings, handmade in New York City.
• 18K Gold • Gemstones: Malachite
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