#cinch League 1
footballmanageraddict · 4 months
For Sparta! | Part 8 | Reid Smashes League 1 Goals Record
#FM24 #ForSparta! Part 8: Reid Smashes League 1 Goals Record. @SpartansFC feel much more comfortable back in tier 3 as, despite being tipped to struggle, they hit the ground running and don't look back led by a deadly strikeforce. Read here:
Relegation is always a bitter pill to swallow. But in the case of The Spartans, it was always likely to come. King Leonidas, never one to get downheartened by a little misfortune, viewed the return to League 1 as an opportunity to realign, strengthen and weed out any bad eggs in his changing room. And he was keen to ensure none of his players “got a grumpy on,” working them harder than ever in…
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collidescopeeyes · 2 months
Time is a Roulette Wheel
Pyke: Pt 3
League of Legends | Pyke x F!Reader
Chapters: Prologue | Viego | Pyke: 1 - 2 - 3
Read the whole thing on AO3 here
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He’s on deck tying nets. It's simple work, but time consuming. Over, around, cinch, repeat. Shanks is chattering to him about something or other, but Pyke's long since started tuning him out.
Across the deck, Iso laughs. He glances up without meaning to. She's talking to the wind mage, Addison; they need to stay on deck while they channel the breeze, and they like company. She tucks her hair behind her ear, blown loose by the wind, and he watches for a moment as she mimes something to accompany whatever story she's telling. He's never been the type to get distracted by a pretty face, but something about her draws him in like a fish on a line. Always has, ever since that first day when he realized she was one of the few honest things about a dishonest town.
He notices a suspicious silence. He glances to the side to see Shanks watching him, or rather watching him watch her. There's a grin on the other man's face he doesn't like. “So, when you finally pop the question, am I gonna be your best man?” Shanks crows, elbowing him in the side. Pyke lets his unimpressed glare be all the answer he needs, and Shanks leans back, hands in the air. “Alright, point taken, you scary motherfucker. God, you're the only man who could ship out with a real bed and a beautiful, talented woman to warm it and still be as sour as an old fucking lemon, y'know that?” He doesn't bother to respond to that. Over, around, cinch. Shanks presses on, undeterred. “You are gonna ask her to marry you, right? Truso’s gotta be paying you enough to afford a nice ring.”
His hands pause on the net. “Never thought about it,” he grunts, and that's true enough. Pyke's never been good with sweet words or grand gestures, not unless she wanted him to kill a giant fish for her. She's never mentioned wanting to get married. Was it even the same, where she's from? He's never asked, and she gets antsy when her past is brought up–he would too, if answering the wrong question had him coughing up glass. He looks at her and thinks my wife, and that's a pleasant enough thought. Never thought he'd be much of a husband, though. Never thought he'd find anyone he wanted to stick around for in the first place, either.
“Unbelievable, you are!” Shanks scoffs. “Haven’t thought of it, Bearded Lady’s hairy tits, man. How’d you land her, anyway? Certainly wasn't with your shining personality.”
Good question. Shanks is a pest, but he's not wrong. He shrugs. “She picked me.”
“C'mon, gotta be more to it than that,” Teal, another harpooner, plops down on the deck next to them. He makes no move to help with the netting. “How'd you meet? Bar?”
“He'll tell you if you help with the bloody net,” Shanks offers in what he probably thinks is a tantalizing voice. Pyke shoots him a glare, but Teal picks up a rope and starts working, and his knotwork is respectable so he supposes letting them pry into his personal life isn't the worst trade.
He sighs. “Buddy down at the slaughter docks nearly had his arm taken off, heard her clinic was good at stuff like that. She gave me a decent price, so I came back when I busted my leg. Lost my purse, but she offered to let me work it off porting for a personal project. Gig was decent, so I kept it on the side.”
There's a moment of silence. “That's it?” Teal says expectantly. “Nothing else?”
He thinks back. “We played cards a lot?” He says hazily.
Teal squints at him. “And she just, what, randomly decided to jump you one day?”
Over, around, cinch. “Pretty much.” Not that he hadn't been just as surprised. Plenty of looks linger on his arms and his muscles, he's not blind. He's got a mean face and a sour attitude to go with it, though, and not many women want to stick around for that. He'd been pleasantly surprised by her interest, but if you'd told him then she still wouldn't be sick of him in a years time he'd have thought you were full of shit.
“You motherfucker, I had money riding on this,” Teal hisses. “I thought for sure there would be alcohol involved.”
“I mean, why you?” Shanks laments. “Just why?”
“Because he's loyal and considerate and handsome, and if I hear this question again I'm going to start disinfecting wounds with vinegar,” Iso says mildly, her arms crossed. The other two were so focused on him they didn't notice her walking up. Shanks startles so badly he almost goes overboard, and Teal ducks his head in shame. Pyke staunchly continues his work, though that's really not a combination of words he would have expected anyone to apply to him.
“Sorry, ma’am,” Shanks says sheepishly, Teal mumbling the same. She nods, gives him a smile, and walks off.
“...you know we're just giving you shit, right?” Shanks says a moment later. “We're happy for you, really.”
“Shut up and tie the line,” Pyke sighs.
They collect more sea-beasts than they can store and start heading back a day ahead of schedule. No Jaull-fish yet, but you refuse to let your guard down until you're both safely back on shore.
You've thought about asking him to quit before. You're comfortable enough without the money. Seeing him out here changes your mind; this is his element, and he's worked damn hard to be here. You can't ask him to give that up for something that might not even happen now.
(Putting aside if he even would, just because you asked, but you don't want to think about that)
A week out from home, you're woken in the middle of the night by yelling. You push yourself up off of Pyke's chest muzzily, and he makes an irritated noise. There's a bell going off in a rhythmic pattern; Pyke listens for a moment before groaning “Pirates.”
You clamber to your feet and quickly start changing into your day clothes. Pyke, likewise, sits up and starts shoving his feet into his boots, grumbling. Despite being such an early riser, he hates being woken up. He shrugs on his cloak and passes you your knife belt, before rolling his shoulders and trudging out the door.
The deck is lousy with sailors running to and fro, getting ready to receive the ship plowing towards you. “Iso, good!” Truso catches you by the shoulder, stuffing what has to be far too many flintlocks in his belt. “I don't know how comfortable you are in a fight, but–”
“Pretty comfortable,” you say easily. He sags in relief.
“Perfect, as you were then,” he gives you a thumbs up and then immediately spots someone with a keg of something they shouldn't and strides off, yelling.
“Doc!” A sailor you vaguely recognize appears by your side. “If someone gets hit by a cannonball, how much of them needs to be in one piece for you to fix em?”
“Why?” You ask warily. He points at the railing, where Shanks is swinging a pair of bolas wrapped in a wet cloth.
“He reckons he can land it in a cannon barrel before it goes off, so it backfires,” he explains.
You look at Pyke in wonder. “How the fuck have you not died already?”
He shrugs.
“I get it now!” Shanks announces, huddling behind a crate as he frantically reloads his pistols. “She's with you because she's fucking crazy!”
Pyke barely spares him a glance. Any second now this bastard shooting at them is going to have to reload, and then Pyke is going to yank him onto their deck and stab him in the face–
Iso goes launching onto the enemy ship, using the crate they're covering behind as a step up. Love of his life plunging headfirst into active gunfire aside, he's not one to waste an opportunity, so he stands and launches his harpoon into the gunners shoulder and drags him against the railing Iso has just landed on. She doesn't even spare him a glance, just kicks him hard in the temple and moves on. Pyke doesn't make the conscious decision to go after her, but nonetheless finds himself halfway across the deck.
“That's what I'm fucking talking about!” Shanks yells as Pyke scales the rope still stuck between gunner and the railing. “Crazy!”
She moves like she has no concept she could even get hurt. He crests the railing in time to watch her throw knife after knife, hilts to throats and skulls and eyes. Two men approach from her side–he rips his blade from the body and throws it at the furthest one's knee, piercing it from the side, and pulls the rope taut to trip the other. She turns and launches a knife into his head before he even hits the ground, but in her distraction another pirate pulls a sword on her. He yells before he even registers the warning leaving his mouth, and she turns in time to take the blade through the shoulder instead of the throat. She kicks, sending the man stumbling back, and then rips the blade out of her shoulder and cuts him down. There's barely even blood on her shirt, how fast she healed herself. No pause in her movements from the pain, just focus in her eyes as she moves to the next target.
“Iso!” He yells, voice harsh with anger and adrenaline and a bone deep fear he's never quite felt before. The next pirate between them gets his blade to their throat, and he doesn't stop to look as he rips it out of them, just keeps heading her way. She glances at him as he approaches, and it's like she doesn't even recognize him for a moment. “Are you trying to give me a heart attack?” She blinks, and the fog clears, like she's coming back from somewhere far away. She glances down at the tear in her shirt where the blade was like she's only just noticed it.
“I liked this shirt,” she says mournfully. Someone swings at her, and she ducks under it and plants a knife in their gut.
“Stop getting stabbed, then,” he suggests tersely, catching a sword swing on his harpoon blade. “There's no fixing dead.”
She has the audacity to snort at him as she knifes the wielder of the blade he's fending off. A tide of sailors floods the deck, heartened by their charge. He sticks close behind her, watching her back and creating opportunities for her to strike, and together their knives cut bloody swathes through the pirates. He's never had much problem with fighting pirates, but there's a new viciousness in him with her on the line. It's a swift battle, but brutal, and they come out on top.
After, Iso fixes up their wounded, and Pyke watches her. Not for the first time, he's struck with the sensation that he's caught a glimpse of a ghost, that someone she used to be rose to the surface for just a moment. She fights like a pit rat, like someone who's been doing it so long that fighting feels like home. Her hands are soft and she doesn't have any scars to speak of, but she fights like she ought to. She has a past, and he won't ask because she can't tell, but he wonders.
She tucks her hair behind her ear as she sends the last of the wounded off, and blood smears on her cheek. He frowns. He knows where she keeps the clean cloths, at least–she’s particular where she puts things back home, and it's the same here. She gives him a soft smile when he kneels down and starts cleaning her hands off.
“You scared the shit out of me out there,” he tells her. She looks sheepish, at least. “I know you can fix yourself, but that doesn't make watching you get hurt easy.”
She shrugs one shoulder uncertainly. “I just…I’m used to it, I guess. Didn't have much choice, back when…” and she pauses, swallowing, feeling the edges of her curse.
He wants to ask, but knowing her she might just try to answer, so he doesn't. He folds the cloth over and wipes the blood from her cheek. “Goes both ways, y'know,” he says instead. Her brow creases in confusion. “You die, I'm gonna kill you.”
She laughs. “You don't have to worry about that.”
A knock on the door frame. “Cap wants you, Pyke,” he glances over to see a sailor, one of the men who prepares the sea-beasts for transport. “We’re stealing their grog and sending the survivors off with enough to get to land.”
Iso perks up. “There are drinks on the table?”
He forgot Iso is a lightweight. She doesn't tend to drink much at home, though most drinks in Bilgewater are watered down piss anyway so he's never thought much of it. The tipsiest he's ever seen her was at a going-away party for one of her regular patients and his old crew mate, a newly-wed couple off to try their luck in Piltover–to be fair, he'd also probably had too much to drink, because his only clear memories of that night are arriving, a cask of Freljordian mead, Iso trying to jump him in the back, and then trying to walk home carrying her while she mouthed at his neck and did her level best to wreck his tenuous self-control. This is probably as bad.
She's singing a shanty from her home, and aside from the fact that he's never heard of a place called France, it's hardly any different from the ones he's heard. She bellows the last line, and someone else picks up with another song as she catches her breath. She turns to look at him, eyes bright, and the way she smiles at him does something funny to his insides. He's not exactly sober either, he'll admit. She makes her way across the galley to the corner he's claimed–he’s not one for being the center attention, and everyone wanted a piece of hers after the stunt she pulled.
“Pyke,” she croons as she reaches him, half falling against his side. She rests her head against his chest and looks up at him through those pretty lashes of hers. He winds an arm around her waist, and she’s so soft that sometimes he feels like he's committing some sort of sacrilege just by touching her. His hands are made for bone and salt and blood, not softness or sweetness. “I can't believe your name is actually Pyke. I thought that was a nickname. Cuz of the, y'know,” she mimes throwing a harpoon. “Although I don't know what it'd be short for. Pycheal!” she says, then bursts out laughing at her own joke.
He frowns down at her. “That's like saying Iso is short for…” he pauses, struggling with his limited vocabulary. “Isometric?” He's pretty sure that's a word he's heard her say before.
She laughs. “Fuck, I dunno, maybe it is. I just picked it.”
He looks at her curiously. “Not the name you were born with?”
She shakes her head. “Wasn't allowed to use my old one, when I came here.” She gestures at her throat and he nods in sudden understanding. “I dunno why. Most of the rules make sense, but my name? Why the fuck does that matter?” She looks off into the distance, frowning. “All the Voidspawn have weird names. Maybe it's just important for them.”
He blinks. His understanding of the Void goes as far as that it's a big problem somewhere far away from here. “What does that have to do with…” he pauses, then shakes his head. He doesn't need to know, and she probably shouldn't answer.
She looks up at him again, this time with an odd look in her eyes. Remorseful, almost. “Sorry I got stabbed. And for jumping on the pirate ship. People kept calling me crazy and I realized that that's because that was a crazy thing to do, and I thought that if you did something crazy like that I'd be pretty mad at you, so. Sorry.”
He must be drunk, because the next thing out of his mouth is “D’you wanna marry me?”
She blinks at him. “Like, now?”
It's not a no. He swallows, trying to conceal the way his heart is flopping in his chest like a beached trout. “Sure.”
She squints. “Do you have a ring? Do people even use rings here?”
“Doesn't have to be a ring,” he says. “Buhru tradition is a trophy from a hunt. My ma got a shark tooth."
She blinks up at him, then pokes one of the shark teeth he wears on his belt. “Okay. Give me that one.”
He looks at the tooth she's pointing at. “What, just that one? You don't want a…special one?”
“That one is special, it's yours,” she says earnestly. “Some big fucking fish tried to kill you, and you said no. Just keep doing that, keep coming back home to me, and I'll marry you as many times as you want.”
He's not good with words, and his tongue feels thick in his mouth, so he just reaches over and snaps the tooth off its chain. She beams as he hands it to her, and he watches in bemusement as she bends down and undoes one of the leather laces for her tall boots. She fishes a knife out and cuts it halfway, and then sets the tooth against the wall and strikes it in the center as if her knife was a chisel. It cracks into two halves, the edges slightly jagged where they fit together, which she binds up as pendants with her improvised leather cords. Her creations complete, she stands up on her toes to loop one around his neck.
He swallows harshly as the bone settles against his skin. She hands him the other and turns around, pulling her hair out of the way, and he’s never been so careful about tying a knot in his life. When it's done, she turns to smile at him, and there isn't a thing on this earth that could stop him from kissing her in that moment.
You wake up with the worst headache you've ever had. You groan, throwing your arm over your eyes to block the light.
“Not even magic fixes hangovers, huh?” Pyke rumbles. You decide that wedging your face in between his arm and his side is much more effective means of blinding yourself.
“Aren't you supposed to be doing, iunno, sailor stuff?” You croak.
“Cap’n gave us a honeymoon off,” he says. His fingers trace up and down your spine. “May have had a few words with him about my wife getting stabbed under his employ.”
Oh yeah. That happened. Vague memories return to you about necklaces, and then Shanks insisting on doing a ceremony, and then a lot more drinking. “Do you think Shanks is actually a priest?” You wonder aloud. He claimed very loudly to be, but by that point he was also insisting he had personally executed the pirate's captain, so.
“Does it matter?” he asks.
You suppose it doesn't. It's Bilgewater–not like there's a marriage registry. Laws are only laws insofar as anyone can be fucked to enforce them. If Shanks said he was a priest, then fuck it, you may as well be married now. You lift your head up and rest your chin on his chest, next to the pendant. He cracks one sea-glass green eye and looks at you, not quite smiling but as at peace as you've ever seen him, and you think no, it really doesn't matter. You're happy right here, right now.
“Tell me again,” you grit out.
The captain–no point remembering his name, he's a dead man walking anyway–shifts from foot to foot uncomfortably. “There was a Jaull-fish. It almost sunk the ship. Pyke was already in the water, and the lines snapped–”
“Don't fucking lie to me,” you snap. “You cut the lines.”
He flinches, and tries to cover it with a scowl. “Ma’am, I know it's tough to hear, but I don't appreciate what you're insinuating–”
“I'm not insinuating anything,” you hiss. “You know what you did, and if you weren't already as good as dead I'd kill you my fucking self. Now get out of my house.”
“Ma’am–” he tries. You hurl a knife at him, and it embeds itself in the wall next to his head. He gets the message and leaves.
After, you sag against the floor. Stupid. Stupid, stupid man got himself eaten by a stupid fucking fish, and you were a stupid idiot for thinking that he wouldn't. It wasn't even the Terror–when he left, he said it was named something stupid, something to do with Guppies. Why was it still a Jaull-fish? What changed? What didn't change? What the fuck do you do now?
You scrub your wet eyes, trying to reign your breathing in. Fine. So he got eaten by a fish. He'll come back. With a list of names being manipulated by fish from the bottom of the world, sure, but he'll come back, and you'll fix him. You just have to find him first.
“Wh-what do you want with me?” The sailor asks, after he wakes up. One convenient thing about being a doctor is no one thinks much of you buying chloroform.
“Me? Nothing,” you say, watching him struggle against the rope. “But Pyke does, and I've got some strong words to have with him.”
His eyes go perfectly round. “P-Pyke’s not…he's dead, lady, I-I’m sorry, but he is, I saw him go down myself–”
“I know,” you say grimly. “That's why you're here.”
“Pyke?” You say cautiously. He looks up at you as he rips his blade from the sailors throat. You're not broken up about it–you’d followed the man for weeks before you got a chance to nab him, and he was a real piece of shit.
Pyke turns to look at you, and it's like seeing double. That's your husband, the man you've grown to love over the last two years, and it's the corpse you were expecting to see ever since you met. He looks almost the same as the day he left, except there's a trifecta of scars running across his face and his eyes glow with an unearthly blue. You already miss his eyes, the sea-glass green, the warmth in them. Now he looks at you like a stranger. “Pyke, it's me,” you urge, willing recognition into those awful blue eyes.
His eyes narrow. “You look…familiar. What's your name?”
“Iso,” you prompt, cautiously approaching with your hands up. The list is already in his hand from the last guy, but surely he already knows the names on it–was the Deep manipulating it already? Was he ever after the crew that got him killed? He glances it over, then frowns and shakes his head.
“That's not…” his voice is thick with confusion and his eyes are hazy. Then he glares at you. “Tell me your real name.”
You blink, an awful strangling feeling between hope and despair straining your voice. “How do you know that? Think, Pyke. You know I can't tell you.” Another step.
His eyes go to the list again. “Iso…Iso?” He mutters under his breath. “I don't know an…” he shakes his head furiously, clutching it with a groan. You wait with baited breath. For one glorious moment, there's a spark of recognition in his eyes–and then it fades, fogging over. He tilts his head, as if he's listening to something you can't hear, then shakes his head. “You're not on my list,” he says.
You're close enough. You launch yourself at him, sweeping his legs out and pinning him to the dirty warehouse floor. You feel him trying to come apart under your hands, his edges going damp and indefinite with seawater that isn't quite there, but you grip his time tight and force it back, back–until you can't anymore. It's the same feeling you got when you tried to rewind yourself back home, that something had changed so fundamentally that what you are and who you were are only connected in your mind, that the past was so far away nothing could ever bring it back. That the man you know is the gone.
“No, nonono,” you plead. Pyke looks up at you with blank, uncomprehending, blue eyes. “Give him back, you piece of shit. Give him back to me!”
“What are you–?” You can stop him from turning to sea mist under your hands, at least, wind him back to solid. He's trying to leave. Fucker. “Get off me.”
You grip him by the collar and pull him up, searching his eyes for something, anything. “Can they hear me, your new bosses? Can you hear me, you fish fucks? I'll kill you. I've killed bigger and worse and you picked the wrong man to take.”
He hisses under his breath, apparently giving his newfound ocean powers up and resorting to good old fashioned violence. He swings, and you duck back in time to avoid taking a fist to the face, but as your balance shifts he surges up and throws you off him. For a moment he looks at you, obviously torn, and then he vanishes.
“You motherfucker,” you seethe into the empty night.
You hunt him more intently than any bounty hunter. You don't really stop him from killing anyone, mind–near as you can tell everyone he kills makes Bilgewater a better place, but honestly in a town like this you could throw a knife in any given direction and accomplish that. You don't know where he goes when he's not on the hunt, but he only seems to come up in proximity to a dead body. Still, you dog his every step like a bloodhound. He doesn't quite try to kill you, but you obviously unsettle him, and he does everything in his power to avoid you short of giving up a kill.
“Who are you?” He demands, after the third time you track him down. “Why won't you fuck off already?”
You fish your pendant out of your clothes. “I'm your wife, you ungrateful fuck, and when you finally get your memories back in that thick skull you're gonna feel like a real asshole.”
His fingers go to his cloak, where his matching one would rest underneath the fabric. “A wife? No, I don't have a…” and this is the part that shits you off the most. That moment of clarity where he almost, almost recognizes you, and then it slips away. He clutches his head, and there it is, the cusp of understanding dragged away by whatever voices drive him now. He looks back up at you, and there's something oddly desperate in his voice when he grits out “You're not on my list. I don't know what you're trying to do or who you think I am, but you're wrong. Leave me alone.”
“Not happening,” you hiss, even as he turns and dives into the water. He's right, though, as much as you hate to admit it–this wasn't working. Being around you wasn't jogging any memories, and if it was, the Deep smothers then back down. Maybe you needed to go directly to the source, then.
“This is new,” you note. Pyke's blue eyes stare at you from the reflection of the water. You were only on this pier to drink your woes away–he's never sought you out before, and despite yourself, hope rises in you. “Is it cuz I killed that Jaull-fish?”
“You what?” He says, confused.
You sigh. “Guess not. Didn't help, by the way. Don't know if you've ever tried to negotiate with a giant murder fish, but they don't fold easy, even when they're drowning.” You rewound miles of ocean to before it was ever a sea just to air-drown a fucking fish, and it still got you nothing but a raging headache, a week comatose, and some increasingly exaggerated rumors about yourself, courtesy of the boat you paid to bring you out there.
He's quiet for so long you would've thought him gone, if not for his reflection in the water. Then, he sits heavily next to you on the docks, his blade in his lap. “Deep calls to me,” he says slowly, like he's not sure how to explain it. “In a thousand voices, all of them wanting blood. You make them go quiet, and they don't like that.” He presses his thumb to the edge of his blade. “They don't like that you call to me, too.”
You slide him a sideways look. “Do you even still have it?” You ask tiredly. “The pendant?”
He hesitates a long moment, as if he's struggling to focus. Then he fishes it out from under his cloak and looks at it, brow furrowed. You sigh. “You made me a promise, on that tooth. You said you'd come back home to me. But you're not home, and you're not even you, and I don't know if you'll ever be again.” You scrub your face with your hands. It's been months since he died. You're so, so tired. “I don't know how to fix you, Pyke, and I…I don't even know if I can.”
“I don't…” he says slowly, then shakes his head. “My head’s not right, I know that. Things keep changing on me, and most of the time that doesn't matter to me, but with you I feel…” he trails off.
“Feel what?” You prompt.
“When you're drowning, it starts to feel like home, like peace. It's breathing again that hurts the most.” That burbling echo in his voice goes distant, and you don't have to look to know he's gone.
You drink alone on the pier.
You haul your equipment out to the hill again. Hiring another porter seems like a pain in the ass, and you made a lot of money off that Jaull-fish, so you buy the land and build a cottage on it. Clinic gets less traffic now that people think you're some kind of sea-god, anyway.
Sometimes you see blue eyes watching you from the dark. He never comes close, and you don't either. He made his choice.
You find it. Your world, or something that looks so close it makes your heart ache. You project it onto a full-length mirror frame and you watch the world that used to be yours go by, until the sun fully sets and the crystals in your telescope dim and your world slides out of focus again. The mirror shows nothing but your own reflection, slumped to your knees before it. You hadn't realized you were crying until you see the tear tracks on your face.
You sit there, in the dark, for a very long time.
Pyke stays gone, until you turn around one day and he's right there. “Fish finally convince you I need killing?” You ask dryly. It's the only reason you'll let yourself think of for him being here, and they're about to be real fucking disappointed if that was the case.
His wide eyes, which were fixed over your shoulder, fly to you. “No, that's not…” he shakes his head, and then drops his knife, holding his empty hands up imploringly. “Don't go. Please.”
Your brow furrows in confusion, and you follow his gaze to your mirror–he’s arrived just as the sunset hit your telescope, as the light cast a window to your world into your home. It probably said something about you, that for all that you've watched that mirror every day for the past month, your chest burning with grief, the second he shows back up you completely forget about it. You turn back to him slowly, heart in your throat. “Pyke?”
He takes a step towards you, and then pauses like he's not sure he should. “I remember now. The Kraken Priestess, she did something to me, and I…I'm sorry. I know I hurt you, and I know my head still isn't right but I…” he looks at you pleadingly. “I’m here. I came back home to you.”
“Took your fucking time,” you say, voice tight, and throw yourself into his arms.
After you're done crying, and then punching him in the arm, and then kissing him senseless, you curl up on the couch in front of the fire.
“I don't know if it's the same, if that's really back home,” you explain softly, your head on his chest. He doesn't have a heartbeat anymore, but somehow he's still warm, still smells like the sea. “Looks like it is, but honestly, even if I could figure out how to actually get there without opening a gaping hole in this reality, there's no guarentee it'd be where I came from. And that's putting aside that it's been decades since…” you trail off, your curse at the cusp of burning in your throat. Honestly, nature of parallel worlds being what it was and with your fucking luck, you'd probably end up in the KDA universe or something stupid like that.
“I wouldn't blame you, for leaving,” he says, voice rough and low. “I'd hate it, but I wouldn't blame you.”
You glance up at him, at his blue, blue eyes. Then you swing yourself up to sit in his lap, cupping his face between your palms. He wraps his arms around your back, letting you turn his head this way and that, examining his face. The well-healed ridges of his new scar, and the glow of his eyes–they make his gaze seem much more piercing than before, like a shark. He's gotten paler, too–not much sun where he spends his time, you suppose. He still looks like him. “Why are you back now?” You ask softly. “What changed?”
He's quiet for a moment. “What Illaoi did…put a new voice in my head, one that wasn't the Deep demanding blood. The Mother Serpent is a thing of flow, of moving towards what you want, and after that anger was gone…what I wanted most was you.”
You make a reminder to yourself to heal every Buhru you meet for free. “Is it gonna stick?” You ask, voice thready with uncertainty.
He glares at nothing in particular. “It will. I'll make it. They want me to do their killing, I'll do it on my terms.”
“How do you know they won't just…stop keeping you alive?” You ask hesitantly. Your fingers trace over his chest, next to his pendant, where a heartbeat would be if he had one. It scares the absolute fuck out of you, that your powers can't help him.
“Don't think they can, not anymore,” he shrugs, careful not to upset your balance. “Whatever I am now doesn't belong just to the Deep, Mother Serpent saw to that.”
You hesitate a moment. “I don't care, about the whole…Blood Harbor Ripper thing,” you tell him. “I mean, maybe I would if those people weren't complete fucking scumbags, but apparently the fish have morals, so whatever. It's just…you know those people you kill aren't what you think they are, right? They weren't there when you died.”
He's quiet for a long, long moment. “I know. At least, sometimes I do. Deep gives me a reason to hunt, but I've never been much fussed about killing people who deserve it anyway.” He looks up at you, frowning. “I'm…crazy, I know that much. I know I'm not what you married, anymore.”
“You are,” you insist. “I knew…I mean, I didn't want to admit it, and by God did I try to stop it, but…I knew this could be you, and I married you anyway, and I meant what I said when I did. I don't care about…fucking eldritch murder fishes, or their hitlist, or that you're only breathing when you need to talk. As long as you keep coming home to me, that's enough,” you tell him earnestly.
He lets out a soft breath, and a rough hand comes up to cup your cheek. “I love you. You know that, right?”
You lean into his touch. “Obviously. I love you too.”
He chuckles. “Good, ‘cause I haven't told you that I'm going to the Shadow Isles to kill Gangplank yet.”
You blink again, this time in confusion. “Wait, what? Why? Didn't Fortune already kill him?”
He shrugs. “Apparently not. Deep wants him dead, Nagakaborous wants him dead, I get to renegotiate my contract if I kill him. Everyone swims away happy.”
You frown. “I'm obviously coming with you. And before you get all fussy, I can take care of myself, I literally can't die, and I'm not letting you leave me again."
He blinks. “You…can't die," he repeats.
“Did I not mention that? I swear I mentioned that,” you say sheepishly.
He looks at you, blue eyes searching yours, and then sighs. “Not like I'm in any position to doubt. Besides, Fortune’s probably gonna be happier to see you than me.” You give him a confused look, and he shrugs. “Swimming to the Shadow Isles would take too long. Fortune wants him dead, Nagakaborous wants me to kill him, Fortune recruited Nagakaborous' priestess to help her kill him. And she has a ship."
“So you were gonna just show up and ask to join the murder party, because she hired someone whose god hired you to help kill a guy who should already be dead?" You summarize slowly. He nods. “Well, okay, yeah, Fortune probably wants Gangplank dead more than she cares that you're a wanted murderer. Wait, do the fish want you to kill Fortune?”
He shrugs again. “She's near the bottom of the list. I don't work overtime for free.”
You can't help it. You laugh, dropping your head against his shoulder. “What, like you're getting a salary? A benefits plan? You should unionize.”
“I'm their only employee, I've got all the bargaining power in the world,” he says easily. He cups your cheek, turning your face to his so he can kiss you softly. “They're not keeping me from you again, I swear it.”
You lean into him, feeling him warm and solid and here, him, finally just him. Your husband, the man you love and the man you've dreaded him becoming since you met and the man you knew deep down he was always going to be. You don't know what exactly the Deep wants with him, or where the wind blows from here, but you know you're going to face it together, and that's enough for you.
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scottishdreams · 9 months
Dundee 1-0 Hearts: Brilliant Luke McCowan finish gives home side first league win of the season
Dundee ^ | Match report as Luke McCowans brilliant lob proves enough to give Dundee all three points against Hearts as they record their first cinch ... http://dlvr.it/SvFqKr
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moodswingsabz · 10 months
As I stood drinking a warm can of beer in a car park in Livingston, wondering how long it would be before the traffic would dissipate to a level where it was worth attempting the journey home, I knew one thing - the Cinch was back. Due to some horrendous traffic, it had been a rushed and cramped journey down the road, my arse numb and hips on fire by Stonehaven, only to be treated to a Dons side frustrated by a home team playing a brand of football that really should be illegal. I don’t want to get into criticising oppositions tactics or performances and in some ways I almost respect the siege mentality Livi have adopted in the face of their financial woes but make for an entertaining game, it did not and what was worse, it felt like Aberdeen played into their hands a little too readily. I’ve seen in the days since the match speculation that this was to protect a makeshift defence and to try and force the action on the horrendous Spaghettihad surface but with every long ball, it seemed more like it would inevitably prove to be fruitless and the Dons supported filtered out the Tony Macaroni Arena as frustrated as Lee Johnson when struggling to come up with his latest unhinged analogy.
Let’s look at some positives - a point on the board and a look at some of the new recruits with Slobodan Rubezic looking like the no-nonsense, albeit slightly rash, solid centre back we had hoped for and Nicky Devlin with a committed performance on his return to his old stomping ground, with a little bit of shit-housery thrown in to boot. Had this result come at a different point in the season and without this weekend’s fixture ahead of it, it might well be viewed as a good point on the road but with the first match at Pittodrie as tough as they come in the SPFL, it looks like an opportunity missed. Today’s announcement of the incoming left back James McGarry and Alan Burrows assurances that more deals are being worked on provide some hope but for many may only paper over the notion that the current squad isn’t strong enough to match the aspirations that have been set out, on several different fronts, for the season ahead. For now, we will have to wait and see how the recruitment goes and hope that Angus MacDonald and Rhys Williams make their way back from injury sooner rather than later but it leaves a lot of questions ahead of a huge test this Sunday.
So, let’s look at the Celtic game. There are probably few Dons fans who can attest to this, but it was actually matches against Celtic that first fully sparked my interest in becoming a fully fledged supporter and in fact two of my first ever three Dons matches were victories against Celtic. The first came at Celtic park in the 2014 Scottish Cup with Pawlett and Anderson scoring to give the Dons a 2-1 victory and then the following Tuesday evening I saw Aberdeen, at home this time, again trump Neil Lennon’s Celtic side 2-1 with a blistering Jonny Hayes strike and an Adam Rooney header giving me the belief that everything was going to be totally great forever. In fact, I even got to relive the glory immediately after in Archibald Simpsons where the whole game was shown on a projector courtesy of BBC Alba, with goal celebrations in the bar to rival the ones in the stadium. Needless to say that since then I have shared the frustrations of the Aberdeen support with many difficult games against the Glasgow side, with a stream of Cup semi-finals and finals being particularly agonising.
This weekend we face a Celtic side somewhat in transition. Their opening game saw them concede two goals, looking perhaps slightly less solid in defence than the blistering Ange Postecoglou team of last season, however they now have a familiarly frustrating face at the helm in Brendan Rodgers who’s previous incarnation of Celtic, the Dons (and most other teams in the league) found it incredibly difficult to overcome. We can only hope for more teething problems for the opposition and that a near (or completely by Sunday) sold out Pittodrie crowd can come together along with quality in the home side and see us through to finally getting some sort of result against the league favourites. By midday Sunday there will be a great sense of elation and joy at being back in our home ground after almost three months, nervousness, excitement and a nervous excitement for the next 90+ minutes, a huge queue for macaroni and black pudding pies and a real hope that at this early stage of the season, Aberdeen can put in a performance that reignites the excitement that has been building around this season! 
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cinquecolonnemagazine · 11 months
Il nuovo EA Sports FC 24, l'addio a fifa
Oltre 30 anni di onorata carriera ma per il videogioco calcistico il nome FIFA va in pensione. La fine dell'accordo di licenza con la federazione mondiale del calcio permette alla EA Sports di rinnovare il suo gioco di punta per quanto riguarda i videogiochi sportivi. A breve, infatti, potremo giocare al nuovo capitolo di questo leggendario titolo ed il suo nome sarà "EA Sports FC 24". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vL01jbgENE Quando esce EA Sports 2024? La fine dell'accordo di licenza con FIFA ha permesso alla EA Sports di regalare ai suoi fan una piccola rivoluzione al suo gioco più famoso. Il videogioco di calcio per eccellenza è un dibattito sempre vivo tra i fan della EA e quelli della Konami con il gioco eFootball (prima conosciuto come PES, Pro Evolution Soccer). Dal 29 Settembre, però, un "nuovo" capitolo verrà scritto visto che sarà la data di pubblicazione di "EA Sports 2024". Quali sono le squadre con licenze ufficiali nel "nuovo FIFA"? La lotta per il primato di miglior gioco di calcio si svolge soprattutto sul piano delle licenze ovvero gli accordi che permettono a determinato gioco di avere a disposizione nomi, maglie e stemmi di una determinata squadra. A suon di esclusive e non, i due giochi lottano fortemente ma la domanda sorge spontanea: quali sono i club presenti con licenza ufficiale su EA Sports 2024? Premier League - Arsenal - Aston Villa - Bournemouth - Brentford - Brighton - Burnley - Chelsea - Crystal Palace - Everton - Fulham - Liverpool - Luton Town - Manchester City - Manchester United - Newcastle - Nottingham Forest - Sheffield United - Tottenham - West Ham - Wolverhampton EFL Championship - Blackburn Rovers - Blackpool - Bristol City - Burnley - Cardiff City - Coventry City - Huddersfield Town - Hull City - Luton Town - Middlesbrough - Millwall - Norwich City - Preston North End - Queens Park Rangers - Reading - Rotherham United - Stoke City - West Bromwich Albion - Wigan Athletic Barclays Women’s Super League - Chelsea - Arsenal - Aston Villa - Brighton - Bristol City - Everton - Leicester City - Liverpool - Manchester City - Manchester United - Tottenham Hotspur - West Ham United Ligue 1 - LOSC - OGC Nice - Olympique de Marseille - Paris Saint Germain D1 Arkema - Olympique Lyonnais - PSG - Paris FC - FC Fleury 91 - Montpellier HSC - Stade De Reims - Girondins de Bordeaux - Le Havre AC - En Avant De Guingamp - Dijon FCO - Rodez Aveyron - ASJ Soyaux Bundesliga - Bayern Monaco - Borussia Dortmund - RB Leipzig - Union Berlin  - Freiburg - Bayer Leverkusen - Eintracht Francoforte - Wolfsburg - Mainz 05 - Borussia Monchengladbach - Koln - Hoffenheim - Werder Bremen - Bochum 1848 - Augsburg - Stuttgart - Darmstadt 98 - Heidenheim 1846 Frauen-Bundesliga - Bayern Monaco - Wolfsburg - Eintracht Francoforte - 1899 Hoffenheim - Bayer 04 Leverkusen - SC Frieburg - SGS Essen - Werder Bremen - Koln - MSV Duisburg - SV Meppen - FFC Turbine Potsdam Serie A Tim - Bologna - Cremonese - Empoli - Fiorentina - Hellas Verona - Juventus - Lecce - Salernitana - Sampdoria - Sassuolo - Spezia - Torino  - Udinese Ekstraklasa - Lech Poznan Cinch Premiership - Celtic - Rangers LALiga Santander - Alvas - Almeria - Athletic Bilbao - Atletico Madrid - Barcellona - Celta Vigo - Cadiz - Getafe - Girona - Granada Las Palmas - Real Mallorca - Osasuna - Rayo Vallecano - Real Betis - Real Madrid - Real Sociedad - Sevilla - Valencia - Villareal Liga F - Athletic Bilbao - Atletico Madrid - Barcellona - Levante Las Planas - Granada - Levante - Madrid CFF - Real Betis - Real Madrid - Real Sociedad - SD Eibar - Sevilla - Sporting Club Huelva - UDG Tenerife - VCF Femenino - Villareal MLS - Atlanta United - Austin FC - Charlotte FC - Chicago Fire - Colorado Rapids - Columbus Crew - DC United - FC Dallas - Houston Dynamo - Inter Miami CF - LA Galaxy - Minnesota United FC - Nashville SC - New England Revolution - New York City FC - New York Red Bulls - Orlando City SC - Philadelphia Union - San Jose Earthquakes - Seattle Sounders FC - Sporting Kansas City - Toronto FC - Vancouver Whitecaps FC National Women’s Soccer League - North Carolina Courage - Portland Thorns FC - NJ/NY Gotham FC - OL Reign - Washington Spirit - San Diego Wave - Racing Louisville - Orlando Pride - Houston Dah - Angel City FC - Chicago Red Stars - Kansas City Current https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhP3Xh4LMA8 Quali sono le coppe ed i campionati licenziati su EA Sports 24? La "guerra delle licenze", però, non coinvolge solo le squadre ma anche coppe e campionati. Anche il poter sollevare il trofeo ufficiale ma soprattutto giocare con grafiche e nomi dei campionati più iconici del mondo è un punto fondamentale per il tifoso che deve decidere quale gioco prendere. Ecco, quindi, l'elenco delle coppe disponibili in FC 24 con licenza ufficiale: - UEFA Champions League - UEFA Europa League - UEFA Supercup - UEFA Conference League - UEFA Women’s Champions League - CONMEBOL Libertadores - CONMEBOL Sudamericana - CONMEBOL Recopa Passiamo, ora, all'elenco completo dei campionati che su EA Sports 24 avranno le loro licenze ufficiali: - Premier League - EFL - Barclays Women’s Super League - LALIGA EASPORTS - Liga F - Bundesliga - Google Pixel Frauen-Bundesliga - Ligue 1 - D1 Arkema - Serie A TIM - MLS - NWSL (National Women’s Soccer League) - Liga Portugal - Belgium Jupiler League - Eredivisie - Liga Profesional de Futbol-Argentina - Roshn Saudi League - Korea K League 1 & 2 - Chinese Super League - A-League - Süper Lig - Liga 1 - Ekstraklasa - Bundesliga (Austria) - Credit Suisse Super League - Superliga - Scottish Professional Football League - SSE Airtricity League Premier Division - Allsvenskan - Elitserien - EFL League One - EFL League Two - 3rd League (Germania) Read the full article
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64bitgamer · 1 year
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yoursportsnewslove · 2 years
[[LIVESTREAM]] Hibernian vs Rangers Live Coverage Online TV Channel 20 August 2022
How to watch Hibs vs Rangers: TV channel, kick-off time and live steam details Hibernian vs Rangers: How to watch on TV live stream, kick-off time, team news & predictions
Rangers vs Hibernian Live
Rangers vs Hibernian Live
Rangers vs Hibernian Live
What channel is Hibs vs Rangers? Live stream, TV channel and kick details for the Premiership clash Rangers head for the capital looking to maintain their 100 per cent start to the Scottish Premiership campaign.
Giovanni van Bronkhorst's men have defeated Livingston, Kilmarnock and St Johnstone in their opening three games and will be aiming to make that four against Hibs at Easter Road. Lee Johnson's men have had a mixed start and sit on four points after three outings following defeat to David Martindale's Lions last time out.
It's always a different occasion when the Light Blues are in town with the players and fans up for the big occasion. Rangers head into this one having been in midweek action in their bid to reach the Champions League group stages.
READ MORE : Rangers hero in Ryan Kent 'commitment' demand as he fears 'big hit' for Ibrox side  Sign up to Glasgow Live newsletters for more headlines straight to your inbox.  They played out a 2-2 draw with Dutch giants PSV at Ibrox in the first leg of their play-off tie. They face off once again in the Netherlands next week but before attentions turn to that huge 90 minutes, there is a big game awaiting Gio and his men in Leith.  Hibs host Rangers in the the fourth week of the 2022/23 cinch Premiership campaign.
Gio van Bronckhorst 's men travel to Edinburgh as their busy schedule continues. The weekend's clash comes after Tuesday's 2-2 draw with PSV Eindhoven in the first leg of the Champions League play off round. The second leg is pending with the Light Blues jetting off to the Netherlands next week in a bid to secure their spot in the competition's group stage. But before attentions turn to Europe, a big 90 minutes in Leith awaits.
The Ibrox outfit have impressed domestically so far and will be looking to make it four wins out of four in the league in the capital after defeating Livingston, Kilmarnock and St Johnstone in their opening three games. The Hibees have had a mixed bag of results so far this campaign, with three points in four outings. But boss Lee Johnston reckons big games like this will allow his side to shine.
Hibernian host Glasgow giants Rangers in the Scottish Premiership on Saturday lunchtime.  Hibs have endured a decidedly mixed start to the new campaign, following up an opening day victory with a 95th-minute equaliser in the Edinburgh derby, Lee Johnson's side lost away to Livingston last weekend.
Rangers experienced their own range of emotions in the space of 90 exhilarating minutes against PSV Eindhoven in midweek. The Gers drew 2-2 at Ibrox in the first leg of their final Champions League qualifier after falling behind and taking the lead.  Here's everything you need to know about the meeting between this up and down duo.  A draw against Hearts was followed up by a 2-1 loss at the hands of Livingston in their most recent outing, which is something that they will now be attempting to put behind them.  The Hibees fell behind in the sixth minute of that game, but an equaliser from Nohan Kenneh seemed to provide Lee Johnson's team with some hope, only for them to concede an 86th-minute goal in the 86th minute.
Last season the club finished eighth, which they are aiming to improve upon, with a potential victory at the weekend giving them the chance to potentially move up to third place.  In order to do that Hibernian will need to do something that they failed at last season, which is defeat Rangers in the Scottish Premiership.
The Gers were dominant in their performances against the Hibees in the SPL during the 2021-22 campaign which led to them picking up nine points from their three matches.  Ultimately, those results were not enough for Rangers to win the title as they fell short of the mark, but they have immediately started this season in strong form as they look to get back on top.
Giovanni van Bronckhorst has witnessed his team win all three of their opening league games in impressive fashion, with the latest outing seeing them defeat St Johnstone 4-0.  All four goals came from different players in that match, showcasing the attacking qualities that the Gers have across the squad, while their defensive abilities were just as clear as they secured their second clean sheet of the season.  Rangers also continued their European campaign in midweek with a 2-2 draw against PSV where Antonio Colak and Tom Lawrence got on the scoresheet, with their second leg taking place next week.
Both Rocky Bushiri and Josh Campbell are in contention to be available for Hibernian this weekend after returning to training during the week, which would provide a major boost to Johnson's options.
Saturday's fixture will come too soon for Kyle Magennis though, who has been on the shelf for 11 months, as he is not expected to be back on the grass in team sessions until the end of this month, while Aiden McGeady is also unavailable due to a knee ligament problem.  Kevin Nesbit has been involved in some aspects of training, but he is also not expected to be available for the Hibees yet, and Demetri Mitchell is also injured due to a hamstring problem.  James Sands was able to return for Rangers in midweek despite an illness that kept him out of the 4-0 win against St Johnstone, and he should retain his place in the back line.  Alfredo Morelos was an unused substitute in their recent European outing as the forward continued to battle back to full fitness, which will likely provide Colak with more opportunities.
Hibernian possible starting lineup: Marshall; Cadden, Porteous, Hanlon, Cabraja; Newell, Kenneh; Henderson, Tavares, Melkersen; Youan  Rangers possible starting lineup: McGregor; Tavernier, Goldson, Sands, Barisic; Lawrence, Davis, Lundstram; Tillman, Colak, Kent  SM words green background  We say: Hibernian 0-2 Rangers Hibernian might be undefeated at Easter Road so far this season, but they are welcoming a Rangers team in fine form who are looking to push to become champions this season.  While Johnson's men might provide some stern competition for the Gers, it is expected that the visitors will have too much for the hosts on this occasion.
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garzamccurdy8 · 2 years
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maddogofshimano · 3 years
Lee Wen Hai Character Story
Minor Y0 Spoilers
Alright it’s been a little bit but I was doing other nonsense like ripping all the substory text out of Y0. Anyways!
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Sotenbori’s God Hand, Lee Wen Hai. I really love this dude. 
Summary: Lee is attempting to leave his life as a hitman behind for good, but a local organized crime group’s executive is asking him to do one more job. Things get messy, which is exactly what Lee was worried about.
<A few months after Makoto began working with Lee Wen Hai> Lee: Ya don't gotta push with much force. Just let your body weight handle it.
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Makoto: Don't use force, use my body weight... umm, like this?
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Lee: Nah, you're bein' too timid about it. Don't worry about hurtin' your old man none. (Tl note: I had to re-read this line a LOT but I’m like 90% sure Lee is just straight up calling himself her dad) Makoto: Y... Yes sir! Lee: ....Oh, that's gettin' a bit better. Now, your palm is one half of a conversation with the muscles. Makoto: There's a lot to massages, isn't there...! I'll study hard! Lee: Though, why do ya wanna do massages anyways? You're my guest, ya know it's fine if ya don't work, right? Makoto: You've done so much or me, I can't help but feel a little guilty... So I'd like to be helpful to you Lee-san, even if only a little. Lee: (After all the awful shit she's gone through, she's still a good kid...) Makoto: I've got a an older brother. He's really smart, and a hard worker so... I hope I can become more like him. Makoto: ....Lee-san, you remind me a little of my brother. Lee: Heh... So this brother, ya came over to Japan together? Makoto: No... when I was just a child, my brother disappeared... I haven't seen him since. Makoto: However, for some reason he showed up in Japan... Eventually, somewhere in Japan, I'm sure I'll meet him again. Lee: ...Alright. I'll help ya look for him too. It may not seem it, but I got some connections I can pull scattered all over. Makoto: Th-That's... I could never ask you to go that far... Lee: I'm your stand-in dad... nah, I'm standing in for your older brother. It may be corny, but you can rely on me for anythin'. (Tl note: the term Lee uses here is actually foster father, but it was hard to word well with the bit about her brother) Lee: So let's get lookin' for your real brother then.
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Makoto: Lee-san... Lee: ...Huh? Y-You're cryin'!? I wasn't tryin' to make ya cry! Makoto: It's just... Since I came to Japan, I've never been treated this kindly... Lee: Geez, uh, I'm really no good when girls cry! I'm beggin ya, don't cry any more! Makoto: Okay... sorry... Lee: I was seriously... Organization Executive: Yo, am I interrupting? (Tl note: They’re pretty vague on things for a long time, but he’s part of the yakuza, so I’ll use appropriate terms so I don’t have to say “organization” over and over to stay generic) Makoto: Ah... welcome! Lee: ....Makoto, today's lesson is finished. How bout you head on home first. Makoto: Ah, yes sir. Thank you for today... Exec: That girl, seems like she can't see. Where'd you find her?
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Lee: It's got nothin' to do with you. Why'd ya come here today anyways. If it's about a "job", you're barkin' up the wrong tree. I ain't in that business anymore. Exec: Haw? What do you mean? Lee: I mean exactly what I said. I ain't takin' "jobs" anymore. Exec: And would that possibly be... because of that girl? Lee: That ain't related. Either way, it doesn't change the fact that I've already decided that I ain't gonna do it! Exec: ...Well, you do have the freedom to go from a hitman to a civilian. In the end, however, you'll agree to take this contract. Exec: In the same way that blood and law are tied together, so too is our organization and its members. ...Still, your case is pretty straight forward. Lee: What do ya mean? Exec: You know too much of the underbelly of the organization. You know what that entails. Lee: .......... Exec: As a talented hitman, you could leisurely stroll around Sotenbori. Now that you're a civilian however..... Lee: The well informed acupuncturist will get erased, is what you're sayin'. Exec: That's it exactly. Lee: Heh, I already knew I was riskin' getting snuffed. Ain't the first threat of it, and it don't change how I feel. Exec: You're a stubborn bastard huh... Well, ultimately you'll help me with my job. Lee: What makes ya say that? Exec: Despite how I look, I'm an executive in the organization. I can talk to any of the higher ups directly. Exec: All I have to say is that this civilian's been meddling. Of course, I'd rather you just clean up this job. Lee: I've already decided I ain't killin' anymore. How many times do I gotta tell ya, I ain't takin' that job! Exec: It's fine if you don't kill. Really, I just want you to get a little violent. Lee: Huh....? <They head out> Exec: Inside this bar is a gang that I want you to knock around. Of course, it's fine if you don't kill them.
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Lee: ...Is that really gonna be okay? Exec: Mhm, this job will be a cinch for you. ...Of course, I tried to tell you that. You just didn't want to listen. Lee: When it's a job from guys like you, it's never been simple... <he goes inside the bar> Lee: Pardon the intrusion.
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Goon: Eh? Geezers ain't allowed in this bar. You can go drink cheap booze with your own family.
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  Goon 2: We're renting the place out right now. Before you get scared shitless, don't you think it'd be a good idea to head on home? Lee: Heh... you brats sure have a mouth on ya. Too bad I went and grew a conscious before I could bury ya. Goon: What the hell did you say! You want us to throw you out on your ass!? <fight, Lee crushes them> Goon: G-Guh.....
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Lee: What, it's already over? That gang was all bark and no bite. Exec: Finished? Lee: Yeah, they won't be standin' up any time soon. I stopped before it got to anythin' dangerous. Exec: As expected, you did everything exactly to the letter. It'll be quick to get them to cough up what I'm after. Exec: Oi! You two, do you know a man called Iwai? That asshole has something he was supposed to be watching. Goon 2: I-Iwai, it's been a long time since we've seen him..... Exec: Covering for him isn't going to be good for you! If you don't want to die, hurry up and spit it out! Goon 2: Honest! I'm serious, I don't know any more than that! Exec: Tch...... Hey, what do you think!? Is Iwai going to come here!? Goon: He won't...! He ran off to join some family and totally cut ties with us! Exec: ....Lee, these bastards, do you think they're lying? Lee: Hmm. Well, this group ain't exactly fearless. The whole crew is already pissin' their pants. Exec: Looks like they really are separate... <they head back outside> Lee: This job's done. Well, I'm headin' home.
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Exec: No, the job isn't over yet. I know it's a bother, but I'll need you to stick with me a little while longer. Lee: Oi... you're changin' our deal. I just did your damn job! Exec: I told you this job was to tidy things up. That was supposed to clean things up, but the plan went off the rails. Lee: Piece of shit... Exec: Let's get going to our next destination then. Or would you rather I speak with my higher ups? Lee: That's different than what ya said earlier. You're a real weaselly guy. Exec: Let's say that you don't continue with this job, this world wouldn't speak kindly of that, right? Lee: You're gettin' ahead of yourself. Whackin' some chinpira is one thing, sniffin' after the Osaka yakuza will land ya in a world of hurt. Lee: Even if ya take me along as a body guard, there's nothin' stoppin' your business partner from pumpin' ya fulla lead. Lee: The jobs ya bring me are always this way. Without exception they're a pain in the ass that I get tangled up in. Exec: And yet you always get them done in the end, don't you? I'm going to buy that arm of yours once more. Exec: I'm begging you, Lee. Lend me your power one more time. Lee: ......I had just stopped stickin' my neck out like this and ya had to go and say stuff like that... Lee: I just gotta know somethin'. What is it that you're chasin' down? Exec: Our group's stolen cash... 200,000,000 yen. Lee: Hmm... that is a hefty sum. Exec: The amount doesn't matter to our organization, it's our pride that's been wounded. We absolutely must get that money back. Exec: If the money is returned via your cooperation, then my organization will no longer be able to touch you. Doesn't that sound like a good job? Lee: Keh, so that's your game. Awful patronizin' to say it that way. Lee: ....Eh, whatever. This is the last time I'll be workin' with ya. <END PART 1>
Exec: Ora! <punch>
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Exec: Cough it up already, Iwai! <punch> Iwai: ......... Exec: There you have it. No matter how many times he's beaten he's not talking. Hmm... I guess these fists just aren't going to cut it. Exec: These guys that don't squeal, they really know how to take a hit. Well, no use beating on him for no reason. Lee: And this guy, he's the mastermind that ran off with your cash? Exec: Mhm, by the time I caught wind of it, he'd already hidden the money. Lee: What a lousy job. Exec: My kyoudai was preparing our payment to the government. To get him out of that jam, I have to keep looking. (Tl note: I’m assuming it’s a bribe, but I’m not actually sure! It might be a tributary payment up to the main branch but I can’t find much one way or the other on that) Lee: So you're coverin' for your kyoudai, huh. Exec: I agree that this job isn't worth it. But, for my kyoudai's sake, I'm going to keep searching for that cash. Exec: This guy's in a totally different league from that gang. No matter how much you torture him, he's not going to cough up the location. Lee: Hey, lemme have a go at squeezin’ it outta him. Exec: Sure, be my guest. I'm going to go ice my knuckles.
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Lee: Well then... Iwai-san, let's get started. Nice to meet ya. Iwai: .............. <fade to black> Lee: Ya don't wanna know what kinda torture I got. Ya should talk fast. Iwai: ................. Lee: Do ya intend to stay quiet till ya croak? If that's your decision, ya gotta know you'll be tortured the whole time. Iwai: ............... Lee: If ya really ain't gonna talk, you've got some guts. Unfortunately no amount of guts or backbone is gonna get ya outta this. Iwai: .............. Lee: Eh, I get the picture. Well, let's get started. First off the nerves in your shoulder. Give ya a taste of the painful death you've settled on. Iwai: .............. Lee: (.....Hm?) Iwai: ...........? Lee: I couldn't recognize ya with how bad your face is swollen. You've been to Hogushi Kaikan before. I recognize the feel of this. Iwai: ............ Lee: Yeah, your shoulder was always real stiff. I'm rememberin' it now. ...Say, didn't ya always come by with a skinny lady? Iwai: ............. Lee: Ya both came in durin' the middle of the day smellin' like cheap soap. In the middle of the dry skin on her back, there's a bodhisattva inked in. Iwai: ............. Lee: Yeah, a soapland worker. Think I outta make her aware of this? Iwai: She's got nothing to do with this! Lee: Finally ya gave me somethin'. Though it wasn't very clear. Seems like that cash, well it must be hidin' in the same place as that soapland worker. Iwai: She really has nothing to do with this! Believe me! Lee: Seems I'll have to go hear that from her myself. Once I get there, I'll do some lookin' around. Iwai: I-I'm begging...! She... That woman, please forget about her! Lee: Man, you're a real fool. Not only did ya fall for a soapland worker, ya went and gave her all the family's cash too. Lee: And what, ya planned on stayin' silent till ya got beaten to death? Iwai: With all that money... she wouldn't have to work that job anymore... At least, that's what I thought... Lee: You really are a dang idiot... But, I'm the same kind of guy.
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Iwai: Eh...? Lee: Hang tight. <Lee leaves> Exec: Oh? Did you get him to spill?
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Lee: He said he left it at a soapland. Exec: Haw!? Of all the stupid shit. That bastard, does he think this is a game! Lee: Yeah, he probably does. Still, only one way to be sure. <Lee leaves> Barker: Sir, sir, would you like to spend some time playing today?
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Lee: Yeah, I think I will. I think I'll pick a lady who's inked up with a bodhisattva.  Barker: Huh...? Lee: It's a pretty flashy tat. I'm sure ya know which shop she's in. Barker: Wh-What are you saying! Do you think I know every single soapland worker around here!? Lee: If that's the case I'll just have to search through 'em all myself. I might as well start with your shop and give it an examination. Barker: A-A weird customer is on his way over! Please, get the conflict resolution people! Yakuza: Hello, we're this area's "conflict resolution" people. Sir, I'm afraid you're making a bit of a scene.
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Yakuza 2: If you're determined to play anyways, how about you play with us instead? Though, our play time might get a little rough for an old timer like you.   Lee: You got some soft 'n' green asses. I'll have to work 'em over a lil. (Tl note: Lee says their asses are green and mochi-like, and that he's going to 揉む them a little which is. uh. usually rub/massage. fellas the homoeroticism of this posturing is pretty intense) <they fight> Yakuza: Wh, some other family's messing with us! Someone, phone HQ for reinforcements....!
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Lee: Aww, don't go kickin' up a fuss. We were just playin' around. Lee: I ain't gonna cause another racket on your turf. I'm just looking for a soapland lady who's got a bodhisattva tattoo. Yakuza: Bodhisattva tattoo... Lee: Seems like ya know her. Which shop? Yakuza: The discount shop on the first corner.... Her name is... Niru, I'm pretty sure.... Lee: Niru, huh. Thanks, that helps. <he goes> Lee: Pardon me.
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Niru: Eh....?
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Lee: So you're Niru-san, huh. This shop seems to be pretty empty. Niru: Who are you... you’re that massage shop's... You're... not a customer, are you. Lee: Hey, Iwai told me to come here for somethin'. Niru: ............. Lee: He gave ya somethin' to hold onto. He needs ya to hand it over to me. Niru: I-I don't know what you’re talking about... I'm not holding onto anything... Lee: Well that's a lie. Right now there's gonna be a mess of problems if ya don't hand it over. Niru: Problems... Lee: Do ya wanna end up fish food in the Sotenbori River? Niru: .....! Lee: That's the kinda thing you're dealin' with here. If ya understand that, just cooperate and hand it over. Niru: ......... <suitcase hits the ground> Niru: That person, he brought that suitcase and promised he'd be back to see me later... but, it's been more than two days since I've seen him... Lee: Did ya look inside it? Niru: No... Lee: That's good. See ya. <Lee leaves> Niru: Th-That man, what happened to him!? Is he okay!? Please! Don't kill that man! Exec: Ohh, you got it all back! What kind of torture did it take to get it!?
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Lee: It took something much more painful than torture. Exec: Hehe, well, as long as the money's returned, it's all good! Though, was it really being held onto by a soapland worker.... Iwai: ......... Lee: I've got somethin' I need ya to do. Help this man out. Exec: Huh? After this guy took my family's cash? There's no way I can keep the blame off of him. Lee: I ain't askin’. Exec: Oy oy, what's all this about. Whether this jackass lives or dies, that doesn't really affect you does it? Lee: He made a promise to his girl. Exec: A promise....? Hahaha! Man, are you a weirdo or what!? Iwai: Ugh.... Lee: Huh...! Exec: Of course I'm going to kill him! And I'm going to kill that soapland worker too! And then... <pistol noise> Lee: Guh...! Exec: I'll kill you too. Lee Wen Hai. <END PART 2>
Lee: Guh... Exec: Hehehe... The professional killer Lee, putting another person's life above his own. Are you getting senile? Lee: Mother fucker! Exec: Uh oh, looks like you can't move. Must be from that hole through your stomach. Lee: You planned on killin' me from the start...! Exec: I'd heard you'd stopped taking jobs after you picked up that girl. It was pretty clear that you wanted to wash your hands of this business. Exec: That made this the perfect time to ask you to do this "job". Lee: ....... Exec: This cash really was stolen from my organization. But, it's not my kyoudai's cash. It was being prepared by an asshole I despise. Exec: That arrogant bastard came preaching to me about preparing his 100 million. I got so mad that I wanted to kill him. Exec: So that got me thinking. Who was stupid enough that I could tempt into stealing the payment? Lee: That idiot, he was... Exec: Mhm, and that man, he's the driver for that arrogant bastard. He's stupid and always having money trouble, so he was the ideal piece. Exec: I went to talk to him at his hideout with his crew. Exec: The suitcase I had with me had around 100 million yen in it, but I was being pretty careless. Lee: ................. Exec: And then of course that moron really went and took the money and fled. After that, I had to figure out what bait to use. Exec: He'd be captured wherever he was hiding. After he was disposed of, I'd use that money to gain favor in the family. Exec: That insufferable bastard would be disgraced... and everything would be perfect for me to advance. Exec: I didn't expect him to hand two hundred million yen over to that soapland worker... That guy, he's really a bigger idiot than I could have imagined. Lee: That's a shitty picture you've just painted. I did learn one thing from it... Exec: Ah, thank you. ...Well, that's enough of my bragging. Exec: I'll be sure to pass along the information about you. "He became a civilian and has run off somewhere" is what I'll say.
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Lee: Ya really don't get it. It turns out, you're the one with no end game here. Exec: Oh...? Are you going to be a sore loser right at the end? Lee: Earlier, why didn't ya follow me when I went out? Exec: Nobody would believe that all that money had been entrusted to a soapland worker. But, with that in mind, how is my endgame a problem? Lee: When I was out I called your organization. Exec: Haw...!? Lee: When an organization is tryin' to retrieve cash, they don't make moves by themselves. Normally, they use foot soldiers. Lee: Plus, I was angry that I had already gone back on my promise to stop doin' this sort of thing. I figured I should know what kind of shape the family was in. Lee: And ya wanna know what one of your boys over there told me that really surprised me? <stabbing sound> Exec: Y-You piece of shit...! How did you...! Exec: Guh! Shit, the gun...! Lee: C'mon ya amateur, yer gettin' shaken and flustered. If it's me throwin' needles, it's more accurate than any gun.
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Exec: Flustered...? That stuff about calling my family was a lie!? Lee: I really did call 'em. In fact, they're gonna be here soon. Exec: Wh-... Lee: I didn't expect ya to put a hole in my gut though... Ah well, I can handle a handicap. Exec: Handicap....? Lee: I'm gonna kick your ass before your organization shows up! If I'm workin' with this sorta handicap, it should make for a good fight! <they fight, Lee does in fact kick his ass> Exec: Gah....
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Lee: Guess a single hole wasn't enough of a handicap. The guys from your organization haven't even shown yet. Lee: ...Hey, Iwai, you still alive? Iwai: G-Guh... Lee: Seems like bein' that stupid has made ya real tough. The members of your organization will be here soon. Ya better scram before it's too late. Iwai: I-... Is that okay..? Lee: Ya made that lady a promise. If ya break it you'll never sleep easy again. I'll smooth talk the boys. Get outta here. Iwai: I-I'm in your debt! <Iwai leaves> Lee: That guy also had a hole through his guts... He really is powerfully stupid. (Tl note: the line kind of implies he’s powerful because he’s stupid) Exec: Heh..... People sure do change when they get involved with a woman... Lee: Ah? You're already awake. Ya lookin' for round two? Exec: Don't even joke about it... Though, it is a relief... Lee: What is? Exec: That softness... it's going to kill you one of these days... I think before too long, we'll meet each other again in hell...
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Lee: Say what ya like. I ain't dyin'. <door opens and the family boys come in> Goon: ...Oh, ouch. Our backstabber looks like shit.
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Goon: You're an executive too. When someone betrays our organization... I'm sure you know what happens...? Exec: Shut up... Just do whatever you like to me, I don't care... Goon: Fine by me! Boys, end him! <beating noises> Another Exec: You're the hitman, Lee? Where's the money?
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Lee: Here it is. Seems like it's all accounted for. Exec 2: ...Sure enough. Where is the man who took the money? The kid who drove for me. Lee: Ah, that matter has already been cleaned up Mr. Executive. If ya'd like to find him, maybe try lookin' around the mountains next year? Exec 2: ...That's good. You've done me a favor. If you ever need one in return, you need only ask. Lee: I think I got one thing ya can do for me in return. Exec 2: What's that? Lee: I'm becomin' a civilian. I'd like for ya to square that away. Exec 2: Is that all? Lee: Yep, just that. Exec 2: ...Understood. I’ll handle it. I'll stake my honor on it. Lee: Well, if that's all, I'm gonna head on home. <Lee starts to leave> Lee: ...Ah, if ya ever have any aches and pains come see me. I'll fix ya up at Sotenbori's Hogushi Kaikan.
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Exec 2: Haha... Yeah, I'll stop by next time I'm in the area.
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<A few weeks later>
Makoto: Press with my own body weight...
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Lee: Oh, that's feelin' just right. Ya got some surprising talent for this. Makoto: Do you really think so!? I've been practicing on our regulars during lunch hours, so maybe that's why I've improved this much. Lee: Heh, and now we got even more regulars. Makoto: Yeah, like that one lady. She always smells like really nice soap. Lee: ...That customer, has she been comin' in alone? Makoto: Yes, by herself... Why do you ask? Lee: Nah, it's nothin'. I'm always happy to get more regulars. Makoto: This time she did say she wanted a massage from you, Lee-san. It sounded like she might be someone you've met before. Lee: (The soapland worker? I wonder if she'll ask me about that idiot man next time we meet...) Lee: ...Next time that customer comes in askin' for me, tell her I ain't gonna do it. Lee: I'd rather my apprentice get in some more practice. Makoto: Hehe, sure. Lee: Outside of that, anythin' odd happen? Makoto: Anything odd? Hmmmm, nothing recently. Lee: Alright. That's good. Though, if anythin' does happen tell me right... OW!? Makoto: Eh...!? Lee: That's where the gun... I mean, that's where I had a surgery! The wound opened! Makoto: I-I'm so sorry! Lee: I got a serious request... Let's start this from the beginning! Today's trainin' will be tough! Makoto: Yes sir! I'm ready to go!
Bonus time: man, Lee just can’t catch a break! it’s really interesting seeing this and the sugoroku event, Lee keeps sticking his neck out for people because he’s a good dude and it always goes to shit but he just keeps doing it anyways! I love him. After years and years and years of Kiryu dancing around ever saying he’s Haruka’s dad I was so taken aback by Lee just saying it outright. It hasn’t even been that long! 
also ouch! what a called shot by that exec! I hate that he’s completely right
I’m not really sure what happened to the other 100 mil, since 200 mil did get mentioned twice, or if I just misread something? It’d make sense if it were 100 mil from each executive but it was not super clear to me. I’m also not sure if Makoto saying that Niru smelled like really nice soap implies that Iwai did get her 100 mil still, or if it’s just a difference in world view where Lee thinks it smells cheap and Makoto thinks it’s nice. Iwai wasn’t with her, and she still smells like soap at noon, so I’m leaning towards her not getting the money
during the Y0 event they had The Grand as a location you could send teams to so they’d gather items for you. I sent Lee and..........
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Lee. Lee I think they need those. Lee c’mon. 
actually... were... were those just lying around in the Grand...? 😳😳😳
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captainrexisboo · 4 years
Rex x Reader Drabble #1
Why not. Note: reader is a lady, because I am a lady. I can try my hand at other genders if you’d like, just request it, but only if you promise to beta it as well (I don’t want to get anything wrong)
Title: Dumb Luck
Warnings: some suggestive dialogue, very brief, nothing graphic
Link to next part
Rex looked down into her face, the nat-born’s eyes flurrying with unrestrained passion. Separated from the rest of the battalion, and the planet having absolute shit transmission, himself and Jesse had stumbled upon a short mechanic by the rare stroke of luck. Dressed in a blue denim jumpsuit stained in grease and oil, thick belt cinching the waist of her form, the mechanic was able to walk with them to their karked up speeder bike. Now, the bike fully functional again and neither of the vode having credits on them, he blinked underneath the visor of his helmet, completely at a loss for words at her request for payment.
“You want us to do what?”
“Take me with you,” she repeated, eyes shining with a special type of determination as her hair fell in a frame around her face, “This dirtball has been my home for twenty years and I’ve been bored out of my kriffin mind. But you two, you guys travel the galaxy, you see new worlds every day-”
“And fight more battles than you could ever be prepared for,” Rex backtracked his words, “No, that you will never be prepared for. This sand pit is good for one thing, and that’s staying safe. I’m sorry, but you’re not coming.”
She crinkled her nose at the Captain’s logic, “I-”
“-fixed our bike, yeah, and thanks,” Jesse finished the sentence, “But even if you could come with us, you’d be fixing a lot more than speeders. You’d be out of your league, sweetheart.”
“Sweetheart?” she sputtered out as the soldiers continued packing their things. She huffed, growling to herself and crossed her arms firmly over her ribs, “Then at least take me to where you’re going? I’d rather pack up my belongings and move someplace not in the middle of nowhere if I have to stay on this planet.”
“Sweetheart, we’re-”
“Call me that one more time,” she spat out, short as she might be there was still an air of scrappy danger to her, “See what happens.”
Rex didn’t have to see Jesse’s face to know that he was grinning at the audacious woman, and put a hand on his brother’s shoulder to keep him from riling her up even more. He jerked his head to the speeder, silently telling Jesse that he would take care of this.
As Jesse put up his hands in a mock surrender and walked off, Rex walked forward, copying her solid stance, “What’s your name?”
“Y/N,” she quirked an eyebrow at the Captain, eyes sizing him up.
“Well, Y/N,” Rex cleared his throat, putting on his best civvy voice, trying to make that connection that the Republic was telling the clones they had to have to make relations with the public easier, “You see, our speeder only has room for two. Even if we were taking you with us to base camp, we couldn’t fit you on the bike.”
“Oh please,” she rolled her eyes, “I’m sure you could make room. It’s not like I’m your size.”
“Well sure, but would you really want to be sandwiched in between two sheets of plastoid armor?” Rex combatted, holding out a hand as if he could show her exactly what he meant in his palm.
A sly look came through her gaze as she looked him up and down again, smile absolutely sinful, “You mean being in the middle of two strong, solidly built men? If I’m being honest Cap, it’s nothing I haven’t done before.”
Rex seemed to freeze in time at the words, the woman putting a scandalous image into his head, and if his helmet were off then Jesse would be howling with laughter at how red his face was getting as opposed to her retort. She was a very attractive woman, he’d have to be blind not to notice, so the picture of this stranger being handled in that way was nothing less than enticing to him. Especially as she cocked out a hip and bit her lip to him, eyes going smoky as she let a finger lazily trail down the side her torso and dance over the top of her thigh, “What’re you thinking of, Captain?”
He grit his teeth, clenching his jaw as he bit out, “Nothing of your concern, since you’re not coming with us. And that’s final.”
She groaned, flipping her demeanor over again as he turned around to help Jesse, “Awe, c’mon! I did your labor, I just want a ride!”
Jesse chuckled, “In what sense?”
She puffed out her cheeks, blazing red in outrage, “Look, either you’re taking me with you, or I’m...I’ll-”
Her emotions swelled inside her, making it hard to think. Overwhelmed, she stalked off, grabbing her tool box and then coming back. She shoved her way between the soldiers, throwing a leg over to straddle the seat and holding her head high, “This is all I ask in payment for fixing your kriffin bike, sirs. I could charge you outright, I could give you a debt to pay, I could make you clean my tools, but no. I want a ride.”
She kept her eyes screwed shut, waiting for rough hands to come out and throw her off.
Rex looked over to Jesse. It had been a long day for the two of them, getting lost because of Jesse’s terrible navigation skills, having a break down in the middle of all these dunes that look the damn same, walking in the kriffin dry as hell heat to just find a rascally woman with just the skills they’d need, only for her to be an absolute pain in the ass. Being soldiers, they knew there were some battles (even if you were on the right side of them) that you just couldn’t win. Jesse confirmed his thoughts with a shrug, and Rex sighed, low and slow, “Fine.”
Her eyes shot open again, registering that one little word said in a gruff and annoyed tone, it bouncing around in her headspace as she smiled wide, stars dancing in her eyes, “Thank you, thank you so much!”
She let a giggle bubble up through her, the light sound tugging at Rex’s heartstrings, before her next words made his cheeks dust pink, “You have no idea how much this means to me! If you didn’t have a helmet on, I’d kiss you!”
He cleared his throat at her starstruck stare, “You say the damndest things.”
“Call me bold,” she winked at him, and Jesse could hear his Captain’s jaw snap shut. Taking his chance to get behind the wheel again, he snuck up to Rex.
“Should I drive-”
“You, trooper,” Rex snapped out of whatever spell the mechanic had him under as he immediately turned around at Jesse’s voice, “Got us lost in the first place.”
“Captain,” Jesse put an arm around his pauldrons, turning Rex around so their backs were to the woman humming, satisfied with herself on the speeder, “Vod, if you’re driving then that means that pretty little thing will be pressed up against your back the entire time. Think you can handle that?”
Rex surprised Jesse by stating almost immediately, “Better than me holding her up against my front.”
“...why are you being the one she holds onto or whatever in either scenario?” Jesse questioned, slightly dumbfounded at his Captain’s train of thought.
Rex could only shrug in response, “Call it a hunch, ‘sweetheart’.”
Shortly after, they were on their way to meet the rest of the vode and General Skywalker, Rex driving with Y/N pressing herself tight to his back, arms laced around his waist. Jesse, much like Rex had predicted, was not given the same treatment from Y/N. The woman was as stubborn as a gundark, and when Jesse did attempt to secure himself by wrapping around her, took a swift elbow to the ribs. “Hold the seat,” was what she seethed to him. It was about a full hours drive, but they eventually found their way to the camp, being immediately spotted by the general.
“Rex! Jesse!” he called, walking over, “Where the hell have you two been? We’ve been trying to comm you for-”
He paused upon seeing their guest, and looked between the two of them asking a silent question with a set jaw.
“General Skywalker, this is Y/N,” Rex introduced, “Our speeder broke down, we had no transmission to call for help, but she was close by and able to fix us up. In record time, I might add.”
“A mechanic,” Anakin stroked his chin, “Glad fortune was on your side today, boys. Miss Y/N-”
“Just Y/N, if you could, General,” she interrupted, holding out a hand, “Ask your men here, I’m not miss anything.”
He quirked his scarred brow up at her, “All that matters is that you’re a mechanic. Know anything about droids?”
“Sir?” Rex questioned. Jesse had a hunch of his own, deciding to walk off and start unloading the supplies from their bike.
“That’s my hobby,” she smiled up at the Jedi, “Love finding old parts, cleaning them up and putting them to good use. The programming can be a little tricky, but it’s so fulfilling once your droid knows what it’s made to do.”
“Perfect,” Anakin smirked, “You’re with me, Y/N.”
“Sir!” Rex exclaimed, feeling out of the loop, “What are you doing? She’s a civvy!”
“I need her for this stunt to work, c’mon Captain,” Anakin motioned for the two of them to follow, taking them to a tent, “We’re gonna reprogram some seppie droids and get them behind enemy lines for intel gathering. So kriffin lucky you were able to find this one, Rex!”
“Looks like you’re stuck with me for a while, Cap,” she purred to him, giving him one more wink before sauntering off. Rex could only groan to himself as he watched her hips sway away. Yeah, it sure was some type of luck he had today.
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vannahfanfics · 4 years
The Healing Properties of Oolong Tea
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Category: Hurt and Comfort, Mild Romantic Fluff
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Characters: Ochako Uraraka, Katsuki Bakugo
Hey, everyone! This piece was made for @bnhabookclub‘s weekly SFW prompt, “I’m fine.” I hope you all enjoy it! ^u^
The ceramic mug was pleasantly warm in Ochako’s hands, as it had absorbed much of the heat emanating from the piping hot Oolong tea Momo had courteously prepared for their weekly girls’ night. Steam was curling in faint tendrils in the air above the cup, which was still full to the brim with the dark liquid sweetened with honey, sugar, and a dash of cream.
The tea, though still hot, was the perfect temperature to drink after several minutes of cooling, but Ochako made no move to do so. The heat continued to bleed out of the cup into her fingers and palms, turning the soft flesh a faint hue of pink. Distantly, Ochako heard Kyoka quip something about her tea going cold, and so she robotically lifted it to her mouth to take a dainty but mechanical sip. Its robust flavor, highlighted by the undertones of the sweeteners, spread a comforting warmth through her mouth and body. Ochako barely noticed. She was too busy staring at the entranceway leading up to the boys’ dormitory rooms, where one Katsuki Bakugo had made his exit not three minutes before.
“Guys… Does Bakugo seem a little more… tense than usual?” she finally posed and looked back at the girls with raised eyebrows. They were all snuggled up on the common room couches together, preparing to watch whatever romantic comedy Mina was loading into the DVD player. At her question, the pink, fluffy-haired girl peered over the edge of the coffee table with a frown.
“He does seem a little snippier than usual. He yelled at me this morning because I didn’t pour my cereal fast enough and was ‘hogging the box like a stupid extra,’” she pouted. Momo rubbed her chin thoughtfully, and her gaze shifted up to the ceiling as she pondered the notion.
“It’s only been four days since Kamino Ward… He was kidnapped by the League of Villains and held hostage and witnessed All Might’s fight against All for One up close. Even for him, it must have been a very traumatic experience.”
“Yeah, ribbit, but he’s Bakugo,” Tsuyu sighed dejectedly. “He’s not the type to talk about his feelings or accept help dealing with them.” At her poignant statement, the troupe of girls collectively heaved weighty sighs. Ochako sipped once more at the tea, finding its spreading warmth more therapeutic now. She knew she should focus on girls’ night, because they started the weekly get-together specifically to create a safe space away from their problems, but she simply couldn’t help but worry about Katsuki. Everyone is so convinced they’ll be rejected that he probably hasn’t even been offered help, she moped. Deku hasn’t even made any gestures to help him feel better. He just says, “Kacchan is strong. He can manage.”
But could he? All Might’s retirement had proved that even the strongest people had their breaking points. Katsuki could be suffering immensely, and they would never even know it because he was bottling it all up inside, and no one even attempted to twist the cap open to let out a little of the built-up pressure. That’s it! Ochako decided and set down her cup of tea to pour a fresh one from the teapot. Kyoka raised a critical eyebrow at her as she stirred in a small amount of sugar.
“Uh… Ochako, what’re you doing? You have a full cup right there. Are you going all space-case on us again?” she teased with a playful smirk. It fell from her face when Ochako abruptly rose from the couch and began stepping over their legs.
“It’s not for me. I’m taking it to Bakugo.”
“Why are you even bothering, ‘Chako?” Tooru quipped. Ochako could tell by the way her llama-patterned pajamas bunched at her bust that she had crossed her invisible arms. “He’ll probably yell at you to go away!” Just as she had clambered over Momo’s legs, Ochako stopped and stared down at the bitter tea swirling in the rose-patterned teacup.
“Yeah,” she agreed quietly. She watched the swirling light patterns of the sloshing tea slowly settle with her lack of movement. “You’re probably right. But he may open the door and take it, too. If he does that, then I’ll know that I’ve helped, even if it’s just a fractional amount.” The group of girls fell into awed silence. She continued to stand there at the edge of the couch for a second, worrying her bottom lip with her teeth as she steeled her nerves. Bakugo would probably yell at her to go away and not even open up the door… but at the very least, she ought to try. That’s what friends were for, after all. Even if Bakugo didn’t consider them friends, she considered everyone in Class 1-A her friend, and friends always made an effort to be there when they were needed most- even if the recipient didn’t know they needed help in the first place.
“Wait, Ochako,” Momo interrupted when Ochako began walking again. Ochako looked over her shoulder to see that the black-haired girl had taken a saucer and was loading it up with the small tea cakes and tartlets that Tooru had bought from the supermarket. “Take these to him as well. I’m not sure if he has much of a sweet tooth, but at the very least, there should be something he likes,” she said with a smile and held out the pastry-laden saucer. Ochako adjusted her grip on the teacup before taking the small platter with a grateful smile.
“I’m sure he’ll love them! Feel free to start without me, guys. I’ve seen this one!” she chirped before whirling on her heel- not too fast, because she didn’t want the tea to spill and scald her hand. She carefully walked from the common room to the boys’ side of the dormitory, using the placards hanging on the doors to guide her to Bakugo’s room. She knew she had reached it when she stumbled upon a slightly crooked and bright red “Keep Out!” sign hanging on a door. Ochako kept Momo’s expensive teaware close to her body and kicked the door a few times with her foot since she couldn’t knock. “Bakugo! I brought you some tea and cake!”
“What the hell?” she heard him grunt from within. His voice sounded thick. He had announced that he was going to bed before stomping out of the common room, so it could be from sleep… But Ochako knew from overheard conversations that Katsuki fell asleep remarkably fast. It had only been about five or ten minutes since he had left; by all rights, he should be sleeping. Did that mean that Ochako’s instincts were right, and he was having difficulty sleeping because he couldn’t stop thinking about Kamino?
She jumped slightly at the harsh shriek of a chair scraping across the wood floor, then hissed as a few droplets of scalding tea landed on her hand and sizzled against the vulnerable skin of her fingers. Katsuki’s heavy footsteps echoed behind the door, but never seemed to grow any closer; he was muttering under his breath, too, words she couldn’t hear enough to comprehend. Is he… pacing? “I’m fine!” he barked suddenly, making her violently wince once more. She clenched her teeth with a little whine as more small, circular burns appeared on her hand from the hot Oolong.
He said he was fine… But he didn’t tell her to go away.
“Bakugo…” she murmured pityingly. Her eyebrows cinched a little, and she pouted determinedly before kicking the door with the toe of her slipper a few more times. “Momo worked really hard to make this Oolong tea! I didn’t add a lot of sugar because I wasn’t sure if you would like it too sweet, but I brought cakes, too! So please open the door and take them.”
“Stop bangin’ on the door, Uraraka; you’re givin’ me a headache!”
“Caffeine is great for headaches!”
“Shitty Round Face…!” Ochako grinned victoriously as his hefty footsteps finally thundered in the direction of the door. She kept the grin plastered on her- as Katsuki called it- round face, even as he flung the bedroom door open to glare scathingly at her. “I said that I am fine.” Her expression trembled a little at the unquestionable venom dripping from his voice, but she had come too far to yield to his defensive maneuvers. Wordlessly, she offered up the tea and cakes to him. His vermillion eyes bore seditiously into hers before slowly drifting down to the Oolong tea. His words were but a breath as he repeated, “I. Am. Fine. I don’t want the stupid tea.”
“Bakugo, I-” Evidently, as she began to protest again, her grin finally wavered and was replaced by an expression that Katsuki absolutely detested.
“Can’t you take a fucking hint?! I don’t want your fucking help, Uraraka, so stop looking at me with that fucking pitying look on your face!” He roared and, on reflex, knocked her hand away.
Ochako screamed in agony as the piping hot tea splashed all over her forearm. The scalding heat dissolved her fragile skin with violent relish, and she wasn’t sure if the steam billowing over her arm was just from the heat rapidly dissipating or her skin cells evaporating. Katsuki’s red eyes went as huge as blood moons as she crouched down over the shattered teacup and splattered pastries. She held her trembling arm at the elbow, wailing shrilly at the burning pain dominating her senses. Tears streamed down her cheeks to puddle at her chin, then drip down onto her fluffy purple spaceship pajamas.
“I just-” she could barely choke out the words with the sobs heaving in her chest at the terrible stinging pain, “I just didn’t want you to suffer all alone.”
“Jesus, I- Uraraka, don’t just sit there, here,” Katsuki huffed and grabbed her by the elbow of her good arm. It took no effort for him to haul her to her feet and drag her into his bedroom. He kicked the door of his bathroom open and flipped on the light. He lugged her over to the sink to flip on the tap. Ochako quailed at the sight of the stream of cold water, knowing it was going to burn like Hell, and tried to tug away. “No,” Katsuki insisted, and his grip tightened around her arm, but only just enough to keep her in place. “No,” he repeated more softly. With a gentle movement so unlike him, he pulled her back to the sink and lifted her burned arm to the stream of water. “It’s gonna hurt,” he warned.
“I’m fine, Bakugo, really! It’s worse than it looks!” she attempted to dissuade him with fresh tears rolling down her cheeks.
“No, Uraraka, you’re not fine!” he barked savagely, and all the protests died in her throat as his voice cracked. While she was reeling, he jerked the burned section of her arm under the cold water. The sudden change in temperature along with the liquid streaming over the wounded flesh tore a shrieking wail from her throat. Soon it died into a few pitiful sniffles as the ice-cold water soothed the stinging flesh. “You’re not fine,” he repeated in a broken whisper. “You’re not fine, I’m not fine, this whole situation is fucked up and so far from fine, it ain’t even funny.”
Her red, puffy eyes found his. While her brown irises swam with awe and shock, his red ones burned with the most vicious self-loathing. He stared miserably at the disfigured skin of her forearm. “’S not fine,” he grumbled. “You were just tryin’ to make me feel better. Now look. I’ve gone and scarred you all up.” Ochako wanted to argue that it probably wouldn’t scar at all, but her tongue was unwilling to voice the fact. She went ahead and closed her mouth that was hanging open, since she clearly couldn’t use it. Katsuki’s face sagged woefully as he watched the last dregs of the dark tea swirl down the sink drain. “That’s all I can do, is fuck up and hurt people.”
“Bakugo, that’s not true.” This time, she was able to voice her opposition. He continued to gaze wretchedly at her arm, so she raised her good one to cup his cheek and force him to meet her eyes. He didn’t resist her. When those vermillion eyes met hers, she couldn’t help but whimper, because she had never seen him wear such a lost and devastated expression.
“I hurt you,” he insisted in a small voice. Ochako smiled forgivingly and caught the single tear that leaked out of the corner of his eye with her thumb. The fact that he was so passive right now, accepting her gestures and even deigning to shed a tear, meant that Ochako’s instincts had been correct. Katsuki was so overwhelmed by the incident at Kamino Ward that he was shouldering the blame entirely. In his mind, it was he and he alone who caused the downfall of the invincible, infallible, indestructible All Might.
“It’s not your fault.” She only had to say it once before the dam broke. He let out a choking sob and put a tightly balled fist to his mouth, obviously trying to contain the roiling emotions inside him. She let out a soothing “hey” and stroked his cheek a little. “It’s okay. You can let it out. I won’t judge you. It’s okay.” It was the most distraught she had ever seen him- face flushed, eyes brimming with tears, teeth clenched, and breaths heaved in between little sobs. At her coaxing, he slowly dropped his hand from his mouth and let out a little choking snuffle, then hung his head.
“I was so fucking useless, Uraraka.”
“There was nothing you could have done,” she said firmly. She reached up to put her hand on the back of his head, guiding his forehead to her shoulder. His hands came up to dig into her upper arms, like she was his lifeline, keeping him from sweeping out into an unforgiving and perilous sea. His body shuddered with an agonized groan, and she began to feel the shoulder of her pajama shirt dampening as the tears finally poured down. “It’s not your fault,” she repeated while rubbing comforting circles into the muscles of his upper back, just above his shoulder blades. “All Might doesn’t blame you. We don’t blame you. Please stop blaming yourself. Sometimes there are just things we cannot do alone, and it’s okay if you need help. But it’s not your fault if that help doesn’t turn out the way you wanted it to.”
His grip on her arm tightened as he heaved another wracking sob. She rested her head against his as he sought ought more of her reassuring presence, burying his face into the crook of her neck. She closed her eyes as tears of her own began to prickle in the corners of her eyes. It was just so heartbreaking, seeing the ordinarily confident and proud Katsuki reduced to such a state. It was enough to bring even the stoutest, staunchest stone wall of a person to tears. Ochako was not made of stone at all, so the tears began to cascade. “It’s not your fault.”
Finally, he nodded weakly. Ochako smiled as he began to wind himself down, inhaling and exhaling deeply to steady his breathing. With each deflation of his lungs, she could feel the tension working out of his muscles. Soon, he was breathing normally again, but he remained with his face buried into her neck and her small frame supporting his bulky one. “Bakugo-”
“Katsuki,” he interrupted quietly. Her face flushed pink. No one called him by his given name, not even Deku- just Kacchan, but that was a little different. “Call me Katsuki, and just… I need a little longer.” Ochako smiled sweetly and nodded. Her head still leaned against his, and his ash-blond hairs twisted a bit with her chestnut locks.
“You take as long as you need to. I’ll be right here.” She closed her eyes to relax, just allowing him to recover his mental state when he did something she would never have expected. His hands slipped from her upper arms to slowly slide to her lower back, and then he pulled her body against his in a small but firm hug. Ochako was so shocked at the intimate gesture that she just froze. She didn’t want him to think it was unwelcome, however, so she quickly gave him a squeeze of her own in response. Her cheeks reddened further when she felt him grin against the junction of her neck.
“Thank you... Ochako.” She hummed affirmingly, and he finally retreated, giving her a small smile. He then returned to serious, kinda-grumpy Katsuki, frowning at her burned arm and lifting it to inspect the injury. “Jeez… Can’t believe myself for this.”
“It’s okay!” she chirped brightly, and he gave her an inquisitive side-eye. “I don’t mind a scar. Scars are sexy, right?” He stared at her in utter disbelief for a second before bursting into a fit of incredulous laughter. Ochako started pouting, very unappreciative of his complete disregard for the sexiness of scars. “What?”
“You? Sexy? Come on.”
“Katsuki, that’s mean,” she frowned. She knew she wasn’t as sexy as Momo or Kyoka, but damn, did he have to go for the throat? His cheeks darkened, and he gave her a stern look.
“Dammit, that’s not-! I just mean-! Gah, I just meant that you’re cute, that’s all! Cute and sexy are two different things, but bein’ cute ain’t bad!” It was evident that he was saying these things well before actually realizing it, because after he finished babbling, he went as red as his vermillion eyes. Ochako stared at him with a gaping mouth.
“You think I’m… cute?”
“W-well, yeah,” he grunted nonchalantly, but the increasing hue of his face belied his words. “With those cheeks of yours, how can I not?” She squeaked in protest as he playfully pinched one of them emphatically. She swatted his hand away, protesting loudly but very much enjoying the compliment as betrayed by her blush. She was so focused on maintaining the unbothered act that he didn’t notice his face approaching her other cheek until he pressed a quick, chaste kiss to it. Her face immediately blazed with heat, like he had dumped some more hot Oolong right in it. He moved so that his face was hovering right in front of hers, their noses nearly touching. “Thanks for the help, cutie.”
It probably would’ve been the smoothest line ever if his face wasn’t the color of Tooru’s llama pajamas. Literally, it was the exact shade, a bright pink bubblegum color. Ochako got the image in her head of Katsuki dressed like a fluffy llama and immediately snorted piggishly in laughter. He reared back as she doubled over, giggling and holding her stomach. “The fuck you laughing at? I mean it!”
“No-! Ah, it’s just-! Ahahaha… You’re just so cute!”
“The hell? I ain’t cute! I fall under the category of sexy, thank you very much! Damn Cheeks…” he grumbled. Still holding her arm aloft, he began rummaging through his medicine cabinet and procured a tub of burn cream and some bandages. They quibbled back and forth over his levels of cuteness and sexiness as he applied the thick white cream to the burn and then wrapped it up. She was so absorbed in trying to keep from breaking into hysterical snickers that she barely registered the little spikes of pain his ministrations caused. After he secured the loose end of the bandage with a fastener, he playfully shoved her in the head. “Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, Cheeks.”
“Is that what you’re calling me now?”
“Damn right,” he confirmed haughtily with another pinch. She groaned as he yanked on the sensitive skin and slapped half-heartedly at him, making him grin widely. “Better get used to it, Cheeks.” She sniggered happily and looked down at her bandaged arm. He had been very gentle in nursing her injury, applying only the necessary amount of pressure, and hadn’t wrapped the dressings too tight. It made her smile warmly. “Oi. Space Case,” he huffed and knocked on her head with his knuckles.
“What?” she pouted. She shrilled as his face dove down to steal a little kiss from her. All she saw was his triumphant grin as he strolled out of the bathroom with his hands stuffed into his sweatpants pockets. “K-Katsuki…!”
“You make it too easy! Let’s go.”
“You were so damn insistent on that tea, so I’m goin’ to get some.” She jumped when she heard the click of his doorknob.
“Ah! Wait for me!” she cried and rushed out of the bathroom. It wasn’t necessary, as he already stood in the threshold. He frowned at her with the faintest hint of a smile. As she hurried to his side, he roughly threw his arm around her shoulders and steered her into the hall. Her face steamed hot with embarrassment, but she snuggled into his form with a tiny smile. “… Are you gonna try the little cakes too?”
“Eh? I ain’t tryin’ no frou-frou girly-ass cakes.”
“But they’re good!”
“Just one! But you better pick wisely. I ain’t gonna forgive you if you give me something gross.”
“Hehe, don’t worry,” Ochako reassured him brightly. He grinned and hugged her a little tighter.
“… Nuthin’.” He didn’t say it, but she knew he was thanking her again. She decided against embarrassing him by acknowledging that, and instead said, “Thanks for your help with the burn.” He raised an eyebrow at her, then looked away, faintly blushing.
Enjoy this oneshot? Feel free to peruse my Table of Contents!
Tag List: @deliathedork @mhafandomman @simplybakugou @sadistiks
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footballmanageraddict · 6 months
For Sparta! | Part 4 | A Whole Lot Of HA-OOOH
#FM24 #ForSparta Part 4: A Whole Lot Of HA-OOOH. Inspirational manager King Leonidas gets his young @SpartansFC side firing in season 2 in cinch League 1. And they deliver a collective middle finger to the Scottish bookies and media. Read here:
Most footballers spend their off seasons going on holiday to Dubai, playing golf and spending time with their family. But life as a The Spartans player under their tutelage of King Leonidas was very much a different kettle of fish. Leonidas allowed his squad a couple of days off to relax and enjoy their success but, at 6am on 20 May 2025, he drove to each player’s house, dragged them out of bed…
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marvelmymarvel · 4 years
Serial Killer (Part 2)
Keigo Takami x Ex-Hero!Todoroki!Reader
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Synopsis: After being held captive by the LoV for over a year, the heroes realized that they had messed you up in ways no one would expect. You used to be a hero, but now you were the villain. What was Keigo to do with you when you couldn’t even remember him anymore?
Song: Dead to Me by Melanie Martinez (Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2N_-TJUE_w)
Trigger Warning: Angst, kidnapping, mention of death
A/n: The song is her to herself, fyi. This part is a LOT angstier than the last one, so buckle up. BTW, my fics will not include things like specific skin colors, eye colors, weight, hair, gender, etc. I use gifs of random women just so you know the emotion the reader is going through. Just thought I’d clarify :)
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You felt lied to.
As if everything you knew was a joke. Dabi was supposed to be your best friend, he even went as far as to claim you as his sister. You also had trusted your lover, which you should have known better considering he was the leader of the League itself.
But this?
This couldn't be true.
All-Might, who you now learned was Yagi Toshinori, was sitting beside you. In fact, he hadn’t moved an inch as if afraid that any sudden movement would cause you to break. Your hands laid in your lap haphazardly as you disregarded the pain from the harnesses still wrapped tightly around your wrists. It wasn’t hard to overlook since the pain in your heart clouded it.
“I’m sorry I didn't save you” his words seemed to bring violent memories back, memories that you were brainwashed to forget. Your eyes cinched closed, wincing at the pain that exploded throughout your body. The sight of you was enough to break the older man if he wasn’t trained to remain calm in these situations.
You were like a daughter, and he couldn’t even save you.
“Do you remember that night?” Keigo whispered in your ear. His fingers danced along your spine, calming you in a way that only he seemed to know how to do. You bit the inside of your cheek, fighting back the tears as you remembered the night you were supposed to forget.
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Your scream made Yagi freeze in his spot before he turned towards your screaming form, the chaos around him fading out as he took in the sight. A man with a hand as a mask held you close to his body, a sick laugh falling from his lips and into your ears. You frantically screamed for Yagi, hoping he could get you before you were killed, or worse, taken.
You should have listened. Should have listened to the man you considered more of a father than your own biological one. Enji froze in his place as well, he too told you not to come, told you that your injury would make you an easy target, but you never listened to him. A punch was thrown in his face, snapping him out of it as he screamed for All-Might to get you, but he was still frozen.
“No need to scream my pretty princess... I’ll make you feel things you could never feel as a hero. Freedom, power, invincibility, you can feel them all.” the masked man purred in your ear as a black circle formed behind you two. Yagi seemed to snap out of it and began to take off towards the two of you.
Your hand reached out, a scream flowed from your lips as you looked at Yagi fearfully. Was this it? Was this the last time you’d see him again? The man stepped you two back into the circle while your hand was still sticking out to Yagi. You could no longer see All-Might, but the last thing you felt was the brush of his fingertips and a scream of your name.
If only you’d listened.
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You wanted to scream. You didn’t even realize that you were crying till Keigo's pointer finger swiped away the falling tear. It broke his heart to watch you go through this, was it really that bad to forget all of the bad things if it meant you could restart your life.
“I’m a monster... They made me a monster”
Yagi pursed his lips, looking towards your father and Aizawa for help. All three of them were there when you were taken, but he was the one that felt your life slip away from his fingertips. He sighed, realizing that neither of the men would help anytime soon. Turning back to you, he gathered your hands in his as he looked at Keigo. Keigo was running his fingers through your hair and whispering reassuring words in your ear, he wouldn’t be any help either.
Yagi was alone in this.
“The version of you that the League created was not who you truly are Y/n...” Yagi’s soft words were meant to calm your nerves, but they only made the tears fall faster and harder. “Shhhh its okay little dove” Keigo cooed, encircling his arms around your waist and drawing you closer to him as you cried harder and harder.
“I killed people-”
“They killed people... You weren’t yourself. The Y/n I know wouldn’t hurt a fly” His shaky hand raised to your face, softly dragging his knuckles along your cheeks to wipe away the tears. Enji scoffed in the corner, jealous and annoyed by his rival treating his daughter like she was porcelain.
As if she was Yagi’s real daughter.
Your eyes shot to Endeavor in the corner, his scoff causing your body to go into fight or flight, but the feeling of Keigo's arms tightening around you calmed your nerves instantly.
“If you’re my father... Why does my body know not to like you?”
Everyone but Enji froze. He wasn’t an idiot, he knew what his actions on his children did. He pushed you too far, he trained you to hate him. “Because Yagi was nicer to you than I was” he answered truthfully, causing Yagi to close his eyes in disappointment at the redhead. He was well aware of how Enji treated his kids and what that did to them, he not only saw it in you but even his student Shoto.
You were pleased with the answer, silently happy that your body still felt the same way to certain people. Keigo had zoned out on your face, thinking of how he could make you remember him.
“This may not be a good time” Keigo finally stated as he stood up off the bed and rummaged through his pockets. Your eyebrows crinkled at his sudden movements and all three men watched as he flusteredly tried to find what he was looking for. “AH! Here it is” he called out as he raised his hand in the air. In between his fingers was a simple ring with a golden band and a single diamond. It was elegant and beautiful, but not too showy.
If you weren’t mistaken it looked a lot like a wedding-
“Its yours... W-we were engaged when you were taken” his sheepish words caused your jaw to drop in confusion. You knew the two of you had something based on how your body reacted to his touch but... Engaged? You didn’t respond, causing him to grow nervous at the glares being thrown his way by all three men. Maybe this wasn’t the best idea?
Still, he pushed forward and grabbed your left-hand delicately. “Listen, I know you don't remember me or the three years that we were together... B-but I kept this ring on me in the hopes I’d find you...” he slipped on the ring, stumbling over his words as if he was proposing all over again.
In a way, he was.
“I don't... I don't remember anything about you...” your words were sad, but he knew you weren't upset with the scenario. Smiling, he sat down beside you, hand caressing your tear-stained cheek. “If you’d let me... I’d like to show you your past... I’d like to help you remember me”
You paused, looking down at the ring as you took in his words. Remembering. You knew it would be difficult and painful... But maybe, just maybe you could find new happiness. Your eyes flicked back up to his, heart fluttering at the hope and love in his eyes.
“I’d like that”
He gathered you in his arms, thankful to have you back once more. For a split second, you felt happy as well and forgot one important thing. The man you were with while in the League was Tomura Shigaraki.
And he wouldn’t let you go so easily.
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lubdubsworld · 5 years
Unloved. ( Jungkookx OC)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 ~ 
“I think we should start the teasers this week. They’re ready, aren’t they?”  Jennie Kim looked sharp as a dagger as she glared fiercely at the head of the editing department, who squeaked a little in surprise.
 I watched as the grown man almost tripped as he scrambled off his seat , fingers getting caught in his tie when he tried to push a file across the mahogany table. 
Jennie huffed, looking long-suffering and put upon as she flipped the file open  , revealing some plastic filers,  filled with portfolio shots for the week’s issue. 
The head of the editing dept began to say something, only to have his voice crack. He cleared his throat before trying again. 
“We have seven shortlisted. We can start with one of them ...” He said hastily and she stared at them with a critical eye before nodding. 
“Send them to my desk later and I’ll pick the best one.” She turned around to stare at me, face unreadable, but a very shrewd glint in her eye. I managed to keep a straight face. 
“You’ll be the one covering the story, Ms. Jung? ” She said politely and i swallowed.
 Earlier that day, Jennie had dropped in to my office,  looking calculative and guarded. 
She told me that there was no compulsion for me to take this project from her side and she had been made aware of certain ‘ delicate ‘ issues between me and Jungkook . But she trusted me to rise above such ‘insignificant’  things and hoped i wouldn’t prove her wrong. It would be a shame to let such a ‘ senior’ writer ‘ go’ because of silly high school dramatics. 
As far as threats went, it wasn’t a particularly subtle one. 
But she had also assured me that if everything went well,  this would put me in the spotlight for a promotion and maybe my own weekly column, no restrictions , no set topics. I could be my own boss. 
My heart fluttered at the thought of an independent column, with my name on it. It definitely trumped getting fired and living on the streets. 
“uh... Yes. i’m scheduled to meet Mr. Jeon and his fiancee in two days.” I smiled weakly and she hummed.
“Get a haircut.” She said thoughtfully.
I blinked.
“I...sorry?” I stared at her, certain I’d misheard. 
“I think it would make the story more evocative if you put a personal spin to it. From your own point of view. You come from a, excuse my language, much plainer background than Mr. Jeon so it would be interesting to see your personal take on a luxurious wedding between two powerful people..”
She looked downright cruel as she smiled at me, teeth white and sharp. 
I gripped my pencil a little harder. 
“Of course.” I ducked my head. 
The rest of the meeting went much the same way, me scribbling notes to make sure i didn’t deviate from the ‘ vision’ she had for the story. The phrases stung. She talked about how it was fitting that a man like Jungkook chose a woman like Kira. How marriages built on compatibility and a common goal were far more likely to survive and how it was important for two people to be made from the same ‘cloth’ to truly be good enough for each other. 
By the time we were done , my head was spinning with regrets and my heart felt a little like it had been used as a punching bag. When i gathered my things to leave she gave me a tight-lipped smile.
“don’t forget what i said, Nara. If you keep it together the next six weeks, there’s a lot of good things heading your way. Don’t ruin it by making silly choices.” 
I realized that she truly thought that I was going to try and sabotage the wedding somehow. The mere idea was laughable.
“Trust me Ms Kim , there is absolutely nothing personal in my relationship with Jungkook.” I said tiredly and she hummed. 
“So they all say, Nara. Don’t forget the haircut. You’d look less like roadkill then.” She glanced disdainfully at my messy long hair. I stared after her, struggling to keep my emotions in check. 
I wasn’t going to get a stupid haircut. This wasn’t my wedding and i wasn’t obligated to look good for anyone. 
I woke up two hours early on the day i was scheduled to meet Jungkook and his fiancee for lunch. It was a little past five thirty in the morning and there was a thunderstorm raging outside. I dragged myself to the huge french windows on the corner of the living room, wrapping my blanket tighter around myself and peering out into the pouring rain. 
I felt ..odd. Not angry or lonely per se, but just a little empty. 
I was old. A lot older than what my nineteen year old self had deemed as ‘ old’.
Twenty nine was the age when...everything in my life was supposed to be already done and settled. Job, spouse, children , a house. 
Somehow reality had turned out to be a little different. 
 I was out on almost all counts. My job was fine, yes, but apparently i wasn’t as indispensable as I���d thought I was. It hung on this assignment . 
My dating life was non-existent.  It had been a little over eight and a half months since I’d been on a date . Almost two years since my last relationship , which could hardly be called that seeing as that hadn’t lasted even a full two weeks. The guy had been an exchange student just looking for a good time and had broken things off over a text . Over the next few months , I’d had a lot of mediocre to pretty average first or second dates but none of them had called back or made further advances. 
In time I sort of gave up.  
i gripped my hot mug of coffee and took a small sip.
“It’s okay.” i said out loud, watching my breath cloud the mirror in front of me. It was getting colder, although the sky was steadily brightening. 
“It’s going to be okay.” 
Jennie had told me that a camera crew would be accompanying me. Apparently, a very famous luxury lifestyle channel had picked up exclusive rights to run a small cover documentary on the couple and they would be having their own writers and producers and what not. Jennie assured me that they would stay out of my way , because the magazine article would be the priority. 
But apparently, they’d roped in an award winning cinematographer from Busan, a young dynamic chap who wanted to give a ‘fresh twist’ to the story. Incidentally, the cinematographer's hotel was just a couple blocks away from my sister’s home. 
So he had offered to pick me up on the way to the meeting. 
I spent a few extra minutes getting ready. There wasn’t much point in fixing my hair, the humidity in the air would have its way with my messy curls anyway. I did pluck out a few errant hairs on my brow, adding a small bit of lipstick just to stop my lips from looking too lifeless. 
I didn’t have a lot of bright or pretty clothes and I picked out a pale minty green dress with a stylish shoulder cape, a cinched waist and a pleated skirt that stopped just below my knee. I pulled a stool to the closet to rummage around in one of the top shelves, looking for the shoes my sister had got me for my graduation : cream- white strappy sandals with two inch kitten heels and dainty little stone studded flowers near the toes. 
i stared at myself in the mirror, feeling stupid.
I had seen pictures of Kira Hirakuma .
I didn’t compare in any way or form.
 What was i even doing? .
But it was too late now to change. And I doubted the Park Hyatt welcomed female guests who wore faded graphic t shirts and  worn-out mom jeans.
The phone rang. It was the front desk. My’ ride’ was here.
Grabbing my recorder, my handbag and my phone and keys, I dashed out of the apartment. I frowned when I saw a message in my phone, the number unfamiliar. 
 I could drive down with you. Let me know if you need a ride, Nara.  -jjk
 i stared at the message for a while, trying to process it. I’d almost fully forgotten that Jungkook lived in the same building. I considered responding but decided against it.
 He shouldn’t have offered in the first place, I thought firmly. 
it was still raining when i reached the lobby and I felt my anxiety and shyness rise like a crushing wave when I saw how handsome the guy was.
“Hello, Jung Nara right ?” He smiled wide, eyes crinkling beatifically and I felt my tongue stick to my roof. I could only nod wordlessly, palms starting to sweat immediately. He looked amused as he shook my clammy hand. 
“I’m..hi.” I croaked out. 
“i’m Park Jimin. I’ve heard great things about you. And i read a bunch of your articles on the way here. You truly have a way with words.” He said , voice warm and genuine.
“I..uh..buh.” My mouth proceeded to prove him wrong as i struggled to form legible syllables . He was very handsome and he seemed sweet. It was impossible to keep my heart from giving a pathetically hopeful little leap. The stupid things was notorious when it came to pining after men who were way out of my league. 
 I cleared my throat. 
Get it together, Nara. 
“ I’m sorry... it’s been a rough few days. thank you. I’ve heard good things about you too, Jimin ssi.” I smiled.
“Let’s go shall we? The Kook i know usually gets pretty cranky when people make him wait.” He laughed, signalling the valet.
“You know Jungkook?” I asked weakly and Jimin hummed.
“Not well. He was a few years below me in high school, but we ran in different circles. I heard that you guys uh... dated for a while. ” He gave me a quick, embarrassed glance and I flinched. 
“We’re all young and stupid sometimes. ” I laughed weakly and he chuckled.
“Well, all’s well that ends well. He seems pretty happy now and you’re doing pretty well as well.”
I swallowed and took a step away.
“I think the car’s here...” I croaked out , pointing at the valet who was looking around curiously. Jimin hummed and held a hand out.
“Want me to carry that for you?” He smiled, pointing at my bulky backpack and I clutched it tighter before I could stop myself. 
“Uh..I’m fine. But thanks . For, you know offering.” I hated myself. 
Surprisingly, Jimin laughed.
“You sound pretty wary. If it makes you feel better, I’m actually a cop.” He winked.
I felt my eyes go wide. 
He shrugged. 
“Well technically off duty. I’m originally a part of the force in Busan. I got injured about three weeks ago during a bank heist and they have me on paid leave.” He grabbed the the edge of his pocket, pulling it down a bit to show a shiny brass badge with a familiar crest. 
I could only gape.
“I’m so sorry...Are you alright?” I said glancing at him in confusion. He didn’t look injured in any way. He grinned and shrugged.
“it was mostly a flesh wound but it was a very close shave. Unfortunately, my father happens to be my commanding officer and my mother bullied him into getting me off field duty.” 
I smiled.
“They must love you very much.” I said and he shrugged.
“In their own stilted way, yes. But enough about me. Tell me more about yourself. You seem like a small town girl at heart. What are you doing here in the big bad city?” 
I turned back to the car , which the valet had brought over in front of us. I let Jimin open the door for me, waiting till he’d settled in next to me, before replying. 
“I can admit that it wasn’t my smartest move. things have been hard out here but I think i really needed to get out of my hometown. There was... well, things were happening there that I didn’t want to be a part of and it was hard for me to...”
I trailed off, feeling foolish. He had meant the question, probably as playful banter. And here I was, unleashing a vaguely worded sob story. 
Jimin didn’t push , merely humming thoughtfully. 
“I’m assuming there’s no boyfriend in the picture right now.” He said casually and I grimaced. 
“Been a long time since I’ve been asked out. Close to a year almost.  “ I shrugged. “ I had a bunch of blind dates when i first came here and even in Busan. But most of them didn’t call back. “
“In Busan? “ he sounded curious. 
I nodded.
“it was surprising. There’s one that I’m still bitter over. It was over two year ago. I really liked the guy too, He was an exchange student . I thought we had something special and just , out of nowhere he sends me a text saying that he’s tired of waiting for me to... sleep with him and he just breaks up with me over text. i never heard from him. His name was...Malin something? I don’t recall. ”
“Malin Maurer? From Thailand? ” Jimin said suddenly, sitting up straighter, eyes narrowed. 
I stared at him.
“Uh..yes?” i said nervously. 
Jimin frowned for a second before blinking thoughtfully.
“What’s wrong?” i said nervous.
“Nothing.... I maybe wrong, but I think I covered a missing person’s report with that name.... About two years ago, i think?”
I stared.
“Missing persons?”
He grinned then, shaking his head.
“i’m sure it’s nothing serious. Tell me more about yourself.” 
I felt a bit of disquiet but pushed it to the back of my mind.
“Well, there’s nothing much to say. None of my romantic prospects stuck around and I got busy with the magazine , so i just pushed it to the back burner, I guess.” 
He smiled. The car was beginning to slow down.
“Fair enough.  Looks like we’re here?” 
Kira Hirakuma , for all her glamour on screen was almost disappointingly plain in real life. I was a little jarred by the contrast, having been prepared for someone out of a fairy tale. 
She wore a burgundy suit , her thick black hair pulled into a no-nonsense pony, face devoid of make up and eyes looking just a little too miserable.  
She gave me a weak, almost tired smile.
“Hi, Nara. Jungkook told me all about you.” She said, voice scratchy. 
I glanced over her shoulders, over to the side , where Jimin and Jungkook stood talking . He kept glancing back at me and there was an air of urgency in the room that made me skittish. 
“What’s uh... Are you alright?” I blurted out, before I could stop myself. She looked awful. 
She smiled again, the expression not quite reaching her eyes. 
“We’ve been ...traveling a lot. it’s been taking a toll.” She glanced back at Jungkook and he gave her an even stare. When she turned back to look at me, her eyes looked blank. 
“My make up team is not yet here, but we could still start the interview..” She said, pointing at the couch in the side of the room and I nodded, following her over.
“The wedding planner is running late as well. We were hoping to finalize the dress today.” Kira said nervously and there it was , the same nervous little glance. 
Outside, the rain was steady and thunderous. The air was damp and gloomy and i felt like I was underwater, struggling to breathe as a heavy mantle of misery settled over me. Her sadness was contagious. 
I’d never believed in ghosts but the only way to describe the feeling was..... haunted. 
“You look exhausted. are you sure you’re up for this?” i said gently and she gave me a bitter look.
“Do you want him back?” She croaked out.
 I recoiled, stunned.
Of all the things I’d expected her to say, this was definitely on the bottom of the list. 
“I- What ?” I choked out. 
“If you do, you can have him.” She breathed out, “ I can’t....it’s too much... “ Her eyes shifted, looking wild, hunted. 
And then something like anger flooded them, the irises almost flashing red. “And it’s your fault, you know.” She hissed at me. “ All of it’s your fault. You should be the one paying for it.....not me....” She spat out, eyes flashing. 
I could only stare in stunned astonishment. 
Had i fallen into some wormhole? What was happening? What was she even talking about? 
 I opened my mouth to respond but nothing would come out. And then a shadow fell over us, and she pulled away sharply, eyes wide and face blank again.  
“Nara..... “ Jungkook’s voice said behind me, soft and even toned. 
I was still staring at Kira, but her face betrayed none of the agitation from a few minutes ago. 
“Good to see you again. Let’s get started shall we?” He said , staring right at me and I swallowed. i glanced over his shoulders, my eyes meeting Jimin’s . He gave me a cheerful wave before turning back to whoever he was talking to. 
Jungkook cleared his throat and I turned to look at him.
He raised an eyebrow and I realized that he’d asked me something. My throat was dry as a desert. 
“Oh..uh..Sure. Let’s start.” i managed a weak smile, glancing at Kira who was staring at her knees. 
What else could i say?
AUTHOR’S NOTE” I promised myself i wouldn’t turn this into a cliche so ....here goes... :D 
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