#children’s rights
aloeverawrites · 22 days
I want black children to be seen as children and not treated like adults. I don’t want black boys to be targeted as black men or black girls to be written off as “acting too grown.”
I want them to pursue their interests and dreams and not have anyone stand in their way. I want them to grow up and only know racism as a thing of the past, something that’s never happened to them.
I want them to be loved, and safe, and supported and respected.
I want a better world for our black children.
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sparksinthenight · 3 months
My letter to Biden about KOSA
You can use the following letter as a template to send to your representatives. Or you can write your own letter.
Dear President Biden,
My name is ______ and I am a ______ in _____. I am writing to you to ask that you please oppose the Kids Online “Safety” Act. This act harms children, especially queer or abused children , and allows children to be indoctrinated into their parents’ worldviews.
Children, especially teenagers, deserve the freedom of the current internet. They deserve to listen to many different viewpoints, to hear the stories of many different people, to learn about many different experiences. They deserve to meet many different people and learn from them. They deserve to interact with many different forms of art expressing many different viewpoints. This allows them to form their own ideas and opinions about the world and become their own people. It broadens their horizons and makes them more open minded.
If parents are given control over what children learn about on the internet, then many parents will ensure that their children are not exposed to any views that contradict their own.
This will make it so that future generations can no longer learn more than and become better than older generations. The only thing making our society progress is younger generations learning more and becoming more accepting than older generations.
LGBT+ children under KOSA will often be stopped from accessing resources that help them learn that being LGBT+ is okay. Many children won’t be able to go against their parents’ homophobia and learn to love themselves. This will lead to many mental illnesses and suicides.
Also, abused children often go to the internet to access resources that teach them that what is happening to them is bad and they deserve better, and to access resources that help them escape. Their parents of course will not allow them to access these resources under KOSA.
Thank you for reading my letter and please take my concerns to heart.
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If your activism for human rights doesn't include children and young people I don't want it.
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sweaty-confetti · 4 months
keep seeing people complain about like 10 year olds running around walmart yelling or like 13 year olds buying out stuff at sephora that they don’t need or whatever and like yeah kids are annoying and that’s frustrating but also like. do you understand kids don’t really have places to go these days. like aside from other people’s houses. there aren’t that many public parks, going to a little kid’s playground will probably get them looked at weird, they can’t go into most stores without buying anything, even hanging out outside of like a store or building or literally anything is considering loitering. there aren’t a whole bunch of places kids can hang out, especially tweens/kids young enough to go places alone but not old enough to go to actually fun and entertaining places with their friends that are specifically built for them. so like. yeah it’s annoying and yeah kids can be messy but just be a little nicer or whatever? like i’m not saying “sit back and let the 12 year olds knock into people with their shopping carts in the target beauty aisle” i’m saying don’t diss kids for going to some of the few places that they’re allowed to be in
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bfpnola · 1 year
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hey! as y’all know, Better Future Program is an entirely youth-run nonprofit and we provide over 3,000 FREE social justice, mental health, and academic resources. but because the majority of our volunteers are full-time students in middle school, high school, and college, we need YOUR help!
the screenshotted sections above have WAYYYY less resources than some of the others. do you think you could help us out? if you have leftist, anti-capitalist resources that align with these topics, please submit them here!
to reiterate, we are looking for leftist, anti-capitalist resources pertaining to: Jewish rights, Muslim rights, immigration, climate change, reproductive rights, classism, children’s rights, educational equity, and fat liberation
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bardicbird · 10 months
it’s true and good to say that yknow, we shouldn’t be treating adults like children (meaning condescension and taking away autonomy and assuming stupidity or inability) but also maybe we shouldn’t be treating children like that either. like maybe we also need to treat children better.
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sometimes I just get angry.
yeah whatever, but I just get SEETHINGLY angry.
because sometimes people talk about children with insecure body images, like they are the reason they are insecure.
sometimes people say they hate when curious little kids ask them questions.
sometimes people tell kids they are useless and stupid and they can’t know anything.
sometimes they act like all children are pure little angels who the moment they are exposed to something bad they are evil and impure.
sometimes I see people yell and scream at their kids for nothing, and hit them and pull them.
sometimes I hear parents call their kids disgusting disappointments to their faces and act like they can’t hear it.
sometimes I see meek scared anxious kids get so scared and wary around adults it makes me wanna cry.
I hate how people treat kids, I hate it so fucking much.
I know better than to listen to fuckers talk like they are devils spawn or only pure and innocent when they decide to.
I hate them so much, and I just want the kids to be okay.
to this day, I keep talking to suicidal 10yr olds.
to this day I talk with victims of child sexual abuse.
to this day I talk to neglected kids.
to this day I listen, and I comfort them.
To this day I feel only hatred and disappointment and disgust towards our world’s government. The people in these kids lives, the authorities, and the world.
because, I;ve heard this phrase once too many times
“Thank you for caring about me”
just, thank you. I’m not even there in real life, I’m not. I’m not anything, I’m just telling them it’s going to be okay.
and they thank me for listening, they THANK ME.
why, why do I need to be thanked?
why am I the only one who sees them suffering?
they go to school, they have friends. They have neighbors and local businesses, they have cops and social services.
and yet, none of them saw these kids.
none of them listened, none of them cared.
and I sit here fucking sobbing sometimes, just fucking crying.
because I know that I was the only one who cared.
the, only one in their miserable lives who looked and saw someone hurting and cared enough to ask what was wrong.
and I cry, and I cry.
because how else do I deal with that?
how else do I deal with the utter fucking disgusting disappointment.
that. I was the only one who cared.
how, how is that fair to them?
how is that fair to ANYONE!
how is this okay? How is this okay????
I’ve been through a lot, but these kids have gone through so much worse than me.
and they are suffering, and it makes me fucking cry.
how do people let this happen?
because I just cannot let it go, I fucking hate the FBI they have done nothing to help none of these kids.
I fucking hate the police who do NOTHING FOR THESE KIDS
I fucking hate the foster system who allows them to relive their fucking nightmares.
I fucking hate the social workers who don’t follow up, who don’t ask questions, who don’t do anything.
I fucking hate them all.
I live with the pain so many kids have bared to me, I will take their secrets to my grave, I will hold their memories with such kind hands.
but I do not believe in people who say they care about kids. Then say they think they are stupid, or don’t know anything, or are too young to experience or understand mature things.
fuck this shit, if I had a chance and I’d fucking rip some people’s faces of and grind their bones into bonemeal and make bread with it.
the utter HATRED IN MY SOUL, does not outweigh the love in my heart for these kids.
I will die for them, I would always die for the,. I’d always help them, I will never stop fighting for them.
I don’t think anyone fucking understands these kids.
(Not really I’m just being angry)
but every single day I want to bathe in their blood, god.
I want them to suffer like the kids they let get hurt.
but that’s not something I can do, or want to do.
I’m just disappointed and distraught.
I have done so much, and yet it’s not enough.
I won’t stop fighting, I won’t stop caring, I won’t stop anything,
these kids deserve better than anything, and I will die for them.
I will die, I want them to be okay and I hope they are.
I hope me caring about them helped.
I hope they have the strength to live, I hope they don’t feel evil for not being an innocent child anymore.
I hope they are safe now, I hope they are okay.
but. I’ll never know.
and that scares me, that makes me fucking wanna vomit.
I don’t know, I will never know.
and it hurts, I dedicate a small part of my soul for each of these kids and it aches with guilt and grief.
they only deserve love, and I hope they get it.
I’m sorry this rant is a mess, but it’s just something that’s always on my mind.
because, you have no idea how deeply people and society hates children.
because if they didn’t, I wouldn’t have so so so many stories of kids being tortured and abused, and burned, and strangled, and cut, and thrown, and killed and dead.
I love these kids more than life itself, but I can’t do anything.
my heart is broken and I am fucking guilty for how little I can help.
and I can’t do anything more than listen and care, I am not fucking soft. I am the strongest willed person, but these kids break my soul.
and I only want to give them something anything, and all I can give is hope.
I hope these kids are okay, I’m fucking sobbing.
I’m just so fucking frustrated for how much i’m brushed off.
how much I try, and how little no one cares.
and by fucking hell, is it just awful.
I am sent into a RAGE at people saying this shit, a blinding rage.
I want to fucking hurt them, it’s just not okay to say that about kids.
I want to HURT THEM, they tell them they can’t know they are abused.
I hate these people who act like children are some kind of mythological BEAST that is only good when it’s tame.
I want to fucking rip those people’s hearts out, I am so done.
this life is too tough for them, I will literally fucking punch them in the face and spit on them.
I do not believe in this shit, I cannot believe them.
I would break my heart and be punch and bitten by those kids before ever abusing or hating them.
I will try so hard, so so very hard to become someone that kids can be safe around.
because it breaks my fucking heart.
I want to fucking rip somebody’s throat out.
the next time I hear someone say
“oh the kids shouldn’t know what sex is”
“the kids don’t need to be taught internet safety”
”why teach kids about abuse”
”we shouldn’t tell kids about sexual abuse”
”we shouldn’t tell kids about what to do if they are in a abusive situation”
”kids shouldn’t know what rape is”
“Kids shouldn’t talk to adults”
”kids should only talk to other kids”
or any variation of that I hope people know.
you are the fucking problem, you ARE THE FUCKING PROBLEM!
I will literally never forgive you, I don’t care how against your morals it is.
you are hurting so many children with your ideas.
kids should know mature things, kids should know what to do when those things happen, kids should feel safe and not have to fear consequences for trying to get help.
I want kids to be safe, and that involves letting go of this idea that they are stupid, that they are dumb and horrible.
it’s embracing they are actual people with LIVES, not some prop, or nothing.
an person exactly like you, just younger.
they are just small people, they are just people.
they need love and care and community.
and they do not get it.
if you have listened to kids, or know kids.
you will know how heavily they rely on each other.
they have such strong bonds and dreams, and I’m so proud of them.
let go of this stupid idea that kids don’t know anything, they are smart creatives, and wonderful people.
and I’ll die for them
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dazedasian · 16 days
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bk-179 · 2 months
What is KOSA? (And how could it kill kids?) [an educational comic by Bkay-179]
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text will be posted below. Image ID is EXTREMELY appreciated- it will help more people learn about KOSA.
Hello! This is Bkay speaking. Today, I would like to explain the KOSA bill, a re-proposed, updated American bill from 2022 that will be voted on in the senate on February 26, 2024.
In this comic, I will explain the ramifications of this bill on the internet, both in the United States and internationally, if it were to eventually become law.
This bill is dangerous. Essentially, it is a bill proposing that websites and social media platforms censor content “unsafe for kids”, including sex education, LGBTQIA+ resources, information pertaining to gender affirming care, domestic violence and abuse aid, and much more.
In addition, it will pressure websites and social media platforms to collect extremely private information to both confirm the age of its users and to enforce parental consent guidelines for account creation.
Let’s start simple: What is KOSA?
KOSA is an American bill that aims to protect minors on the internet against content deemed harmful. It advocates for the identification of minors on a platform, especially social medias like TikTok and Tumblr, and the subsequent removal of “design features” deemed to “…encourage or increase the frequency, time spent, or activity of minors on the covered platform, or activity of minors on the covered platform” (Don’t Fall for the Latest Changes, 1)
So, it sounds like a bill that protects minors online, something we’ve needed for a while now. Sounds great, right?
KOSA is a censorship bill. The true purpose of the bill is to censor websites, platforms, and even games that the State Attorney Generals of each state do not like, especially ones that are used to spread information about gender, sexuality, sex education, and much, much more.
The bill will pressure companies and websites alike to verify the ages AND identites of their users, effectively killing anonymity and privacy for everyone, NOT just those in America.
The bill is intentionally vague, and uses this vagueness to place liability on platforms in the the event that minors are exposed to anything the State Attorney General of any given state is opposed too (which, as stated before, is marginalized communities, health information, sex education, and more).
This pressure and liability will push companies and websites to collect sensitive information; information that will be used to identify not only age, but identity.
It will be impossible to connect, discuss government and police misconduct, and organize rallies and protests, among other items protected by the first amendment, safely. The internet will no longer be anonymous. Everyone in any country that wishes to use these services is in danger if they use these platforms; especially minors.
Most importantly, the children won’t be safe. Far from protecting minors, the effects listed previously will contribute to the death of queer, trans, neurodivergent, POC, and abused children everywhere, especially in America where the censorship will be most prominent.
Protecting minors on the internet is important. But KOSA is not only ineffective in doing so, but is not actually meant to protect kids. It is meant to keep children under strict control for political purposes, and either directly or indirectly, this bill will kill them.
However, there is still hope.
There are ways to voice your disapproval of this bill in a way that matters. If you are an American citizen living in the USA, no matter your age, you can contact your state representatives about this bill and make it clear that you do not support it. If you aren’t, there are still ways to support the cancellation of this bill. Spreading the word and educating people about the bill is especially helpful.
Below, sources will be linked to show  you ways to ACT, for both Americans and non-Americans.
We will not go down without a fight.
(Sources linked within the description of the original post in Comic Studio are as follows:
- Stop KOSA is a movement that will help people in America take action against the bill.
- from a reputable organization, detailing the dangers of KOSA.
- a petition anyone can sign. )
(Additional helpful links to international petitions that I posted in the comments are as follows:
I recommend searching for more ways to stop KOSA; everyone can help via petitions, but the most important way to kill support for this bill is educative anyone and everyone about its harmful effects.)
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stardew-bajablast · 2 months
really telling how many people’s response to the “gen alpha can’t read” discourse is to immediately blame gentle parenting.
like even people on the left are saying this shit. pal, i’m sorry but if your solution to an entire generation of kids who are struggling academically is “we need to start beating the kids more” you are a fucking conservative.
and guess what! plenty of kids who live in conservative, authoritarian households still can’t read!! plenty of kids whose parents hit them struggle in school. it’s almost like violence doesn’t actually help children succeed academically and y’all are just a bunch of sadists who hate children
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whatbigotspost · 1 year
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A friend sent me this story and it’s a good time for me to ramble on for a sec about how fucked up it is for the exact people who are wreaking abusive control and violence against their LGBTQAI+ children and the community widely are positioning themselves as protectors and the queer community as abusers simply for existing in a way that says, “you can have a happy life exactly as you are.”
Content warning: descriptions of child abuse coming…Most garden variety adult survivors of child abuse like me can tell you that it’s really really often the adults who are screaming “I’m protecting you!!!!!” at kids who are actually the exact person we needed real protecting from. My dad’s version of “protection” quite frequently meant trying to control my every thought and movement while bludgeoning me with an endless onslaught of his interpretation of Christianity as the reason and justification.
His control and violence was excused because it was “for my own good.” He was just “doing his job to protect my soul” or what the fuck ever. I’ll never forget him explaining to my brother and I how we needed “the devil beat out of us” sometimes.
I am certain this is how people like MTG parent.
There’s another post out there floating around right now about how “save the children” has become a wildly effective dog whistle for conservative Christofascists and the like. It’s true and it makes me so fucking mad because what I really really needed growing up (and eventually found, thank god) were queer affirming spaces so I could breathe for a moment and stop hating myself.
I can’t even bring words to do justice to how important 2 particular adults were to me, welcoming me to hang out in homes that became safe havens for me and many other of my friends…places were everything was gay as fuck and I was safe TRULY SAFE. To suggest they were the problem? The groomers? It’s laughable to a degree I can’t do justice.
I wish there was a way we could take the reins of the “think of the children” thing away from Christofascists. It needs to mean “create spaces where kids can be 100% themselves” and YES that will mean lots of queerness because a fucking lot of us are queer. Sure people of all types can be abusers…positioning gay and trans adults as inherent “groomers” is the same old homo and transphobia as ever, repackaged using long debunked stereotypes and outright lies.
My dad was the real groomer in my life. He tried to to groom me to accept violence as a part of love. To become some theoretical man’s good little wife and servant for life. To hate myself so deeply that I’d turn into a broken person like him and have kids I also didn’t want and export my self-hatred to them and so on, forever. Thank god he failed but if people like MTG get their way, they will abuse so many more children who may not be lucky enough to survive it. It’s terrifying and THOSE KIDS deserve and need protecting from her.
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sparksinthenight · 3 months
Have a Heart Day 2024
This is a letter I wrote to the Canadian Government for Have a Heart Day 2024. I am asking the government to stop discriminating against First Nations children, to stop giving them inadequate services, education, and support, to stop treating them unequally compared to non-Indigenous children, and to stop taking them away from their loving families. I really hope that you read my letter and that you either copy paste it or write your own, and email the Canadian government yourself.
Hello. Our names are ____ and we are people from various parts of so-called Canada. We are writing to you to ask that you ensure the government stops discriminating against First Nations children, by signing a Final Settlement Agreement on Reform that meets and goes beyond the Agreement in Principle on Reform, and by following the Spirit Bear Plan and enshrining it into law. 
First Nations children and families on reserves are being discriminated against in many ways. Most communities do not receive the same amount of and access to social services that non-Indigenous people receive. Most communities do not receive as good quality social services as non-Indigenous people. While there has been progress, Jordan's Principle, which is about meeting children's needs, is still not being properly applied. Most children don't have access to an equal quality of education as children off reserves, and many children receive very inadequate education services. And, very horrifyingly, children are being separated from families who love them and want to take care of them. This all needs to stop. We need to make, follow, and enforce laws that stop this discrimination. 
First of all, let's talk about the fact that social services are inadequate on most reserves. As you know, the federal government funds services on reserves that the provincial or municipal governments fund elsewhere. The government generally funds services on reserves far less than services are funded off reserves. These include education, water infrastructure, housing, financial assistance, transportation, basic infrastructure, utilities, healthcare, mental healthcare, addiction support, job training, childcare, youth programs, cultural programs, recreation programs, libraries, child welfare, and more. These services are human rights and should be well-funded for everyone. It's not fair that non-Indigenous people have better services to better meet more of their fundamental human rights and basic needs while people on reserves don't. 
The fact that people don't have access to the services they need is part of why there are high levels of poverty on reserves. Ongoing and historical racism, trauma, and discrimination have caused a lot of people on reserves to be poor. And this lack of services is part of that discrimination that is causing people to be poor. If people had the healthcare, education, housing, childcare, mental healthcare, addiction support, cultural support, job training, basic food and water, disability support, and other things they needed, they would be able to have the peace of mind, mental strength, knowledge, support, and resources necessary to pull themselves and their communities out of poverty. Also, since there is so much poverty on reserves, these communities need even more services to help meet their basic needs and human rights. 
Services delivered need to be good and effective for the communities they are delivered in. This means that services need to meet each community's different needs. Because each community has different needs due to different connectivity to the outside world, poverty levels, local prices, etc. Service providers need to first see what services people need and how to best deliver them, then work out how much money is needed. Money should be the last thing considered. What each person, family, and community needs should be the first thing considered. And of course, services must all be culturally sensitive and relevant. 
And part of why services are so low quality, as well as part of why so much discrimination and cruelty happens, is because Indigenous Services Canada has biases in its systems and people, and must be reformed. Indigenous Services Canada doesn't listen to experts about what communities need and how things should be done. They don't try to do their actual job, which is ensuring good services are provided to Indigenous people. They need to be reformed and communities need to lead their own service provision. 
The Spirit Bear plan must be properly implemented and properly followed. It must be enshrined in law and the law must be completely enforced. The Spirit Bear Plan is the following:
"Spirit Bear calls on:
CANADA to immediately comply with all rulings by the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal ordering it to immediately cease its discriminatory funding of First Nations child and family services. The order further requires Canada to fully and properly implement Jordan's Principle (www.jordansprinciple.ca).
PARLIAMENT to ask the Parliamentary Budget Officer to publicly cost out the shortfalls in all federally funded public services provided to First Nations children, youth and families (education, health, water, child welfare, etc.) and propose solutions to fix it.
GOVERNMENT to consult with First Nations to co-create a holistic Spirit Bear Plan to end all of the inequalities (with dates and confirmed investments) in a short period of time sensitive to children's best interests, development and distinct community needs.
GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS providing services to First Nations children and families to undergo a thorough and independent 360° evaluation to identify any ongoing discriminatory ideologies, policies or practices and address them. These evaluation must be publicly available.
ALL PUBLIC SERVANTS including those at a senior level, to receive mandatory training to identify and address government ideology, policies and practices that fetter the implementation of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission's Calls to Action." This information is from the First Nations Child and Family Caring Society. 
Another huge factor contributing to the inequality faced by many First Nations children is the fact that Jordan's Principle isn't being properly implemented. 
The federal government, not the provincial government, typically pays for the services on reserves. But many times disputes arise about who should pay for a service, and the children don't get the services non-Indigenous children would get as a matter of course. Jordan's Principle is named after Jordan River Anderson, a young disabled boy from Norway House Cree Nation who passed away in the hospital after the provincial government and the federal government couldn't decide which one should pay the costs of his healthcare. The Principle states that if a First Nations child needs something for their well-being, they need to be given that service first and payment disputes should get addressed later. This includes medical, psychological, educational, cultural, disability, and basic needs support. Non-Indigenous children get these supports without having to ask because they have access to many more and better services. These supports are human rights that everyone deserves, especially children going through generational and contemporary trauma. 
Jordan's Principle is not being properly implemented, and this is hurting kids. Though there has been much progress, Jordan's Principle requests, which are for things children need, are often denied, which goes against children's rights. Indigenous Services Canada, which runs the Jordan's Principle approval process, doesn't have an adequate complaints mechanism to hold to account its provision of the Principle. The government isn't making data available on whether they're meeting children's needs. Many children have delays in getting help, including time-sensitive medical, psychological, educational, and development help. 
The application process, though easier than before, is still difficult and many families don't have adequate help and guidance through it. As well, most doctors don't know which children are eligible for Jordan's Principle supports, 40% don't know which services are covered, and ⅓ don't know how to access funding through it.
Long term reform is needed. An Agreement in Principle on long term reform has been drafted by the government and First Nations advocates, and it looks promising. It talks about increasing funding for Jordan's Principle services and trying to root out prejudice in the system. But the Agreement in Principle is not legally binding. It's not something the government has to follow, or is following, but rather what they claim they might do eventually. Negotiations for the creation of a Final Settlement Agreement based on the Agreement in Principle were underway but have been on standstill for months. A Final Settlement Agreement would be legally binding and would if done right increase the chances of achieving change. 
The school system is also horribly unfair. Many First Nations schools on reserves get less funding than schools off reserve, with an average of 30% less funding per school. They don't have adequate funding for computers, software, technology, sports equipment, field trips, labs, lab equipment, extracurriculars, cultural learning, job training, and the list goes on. They don't even have enough money to have adequate heating, good quality infrastructure, adequate and safe ventilation, enough textbooks, and reasonable class sizes. Many schools don't have a safe and appropriate learning environment. All children, including First Nations children, deserve good education. 
There is no clear plan to eliminate education and employment gaps.
The government claims it's negotiating with Indigenous groups but there's no evidence that they're actually doing anything to lower inequality. They also claim that they're funding education on reserves equally but all the evidence says they're not. You need to actually, genuinely fund education on reserves adequately and equitably, and make sure that children on reserves are actually receiving a good and equal and equitable quality of education. 
A lot of communities don't have self-determination over their own education systems, meaning they can't teach about the history of their people and other important cultural knowledge. First Nations children need and deserve to learn about their culture, about the ecosystems their people are connected to and how to interact with those ecosystems, their history, their language, their traditions. And if communities have self-determination over their own education systems, and they have adequate resources and funding from the government, they'll be able to teach these things so that children grow up proud of who they are. 
And what is perhaps the most horrible thing is that so many children are being separated from families who love them. This is the most traumatic thing that can happen to a child, and all children deserve and need to be with the families who love them. 
At the height of residential schools, many children were separated from their families. Currently, 3 times as many children are in foster care, away from their families. One tenth of First Nations children have been in foster care. Children in foster care experience higher rates of physical and sexual abuse and do not get as much cultural immersion. Not to mention, even in the best circumstances, they're away from their families. 
Most Indigenous children in foster care have loving families that try their best to take care of them, who they want and need deeply. But their families are poor or mentally ill or disabled, or have other factors that make it hard for them to meet their children's needs. Preventative support like financial, housing, health, and mental health aid could keep many families together. If child and family service agencies have the resources and the empathy to help families with what they need so that families stay together, that would be a great relief. Child and family service agencies need adequate money, infrastructure, and personnel to give families real help instead of taking children away. Most agencies do not have these. Programs that help the wider community such as healthcare, financial aid, housing services, mental healthcare, parenting classes, food support, community programs, youth programs, cultural programs, pregnancy support, and others would greatly decrease the number of children taken from their homes. Most communities do not have adequate levels of these programs. 
Child and family service agencies need to be completely reformed, and should be led by First Nations communities themselves. Most child and family service agencies are not. This is especially important since there is bias against First Nations people in many agencies. Some communities are getting the opportunities to start their own child and family service agencies, but most communities do not have this opportunity. Canada needs binding laws to ensure child and family service agencies are led by First Nations communities and are based in the unique culture of each community, which they often aren't. Each community has unique needs depending on local prices, remoteness, poverty levels, and other factors. The way child and family services should be funded is by first seeing what services the children truly need, then seeing how to best deliver them, then determining how much money will be needed. 
There is a promising Agreement in Principle on Reform, created by the government and First Nations advocates. It discusses increasing funding for child welfare services and trying to root out prejudice in the system. However this is not a legally binding agreement that the government has to follow. It's just something that they claim they'll maybe do in the future. A Final Settlement Agreement based on the Agreement in Principle would be legally binding. It would, if done right, enact more funding and reform. But negotiations for this have been on pause for months. Canada needs to implement evidence-based solutions to keep kids with their families. This means creating a legally binding and well-enforced Final Settlement Agreement on Reform that meets and goes beyond the Agreement in Principle on Reform. 
Some communities are trying a new funding model for child and family services that may give more funding, allowing them to do more preventative services instead of taking children away. However, the results of this new funding model are not clear yet, and most communities do not have the opportunity to be funded by it. And there is no guarantee that the new funding model will be applied to all communities if it indeed does work. There is no guarantee that enough funding for prevention services will be given to all communities, whether or not the new funding model works. 
The government often promises to create reform or adequately fund things, but they don't follow through on those promises. If the government does make progress, safeguards need to be in place to stop them from backsliding. 
So here are our asks for you: 
-Implement the Spirit Bear plan and adequately fund all social services on reserves. 
-Make sure all services are available de facto just like they are off reserve. 
-Fund cultural services and make sure all services are culturally-rooted. 
-Eliminate all discrimination and bias in service providers. 
-Listen to experts such as doctors and teachers, the community, and community-led service providers. 
-Allow and help First Nations communities to lead their own social services rooted in their own cultural values. 
-Keep funding flexible and adaptable to changing needs. 
-Have adequate accountability measures for all service providers. 
-Make a binding law to adequately fund all social services and have communities lead social service provision. 
-Create a binding law to ensure that once you start adequately funding social services you don't stop. 
-In a reasonable timeframe, reach a Final Settlement Agreement on Long-Term Reform that meets and goes beyond the Agreement in Principle. 
-Make sure all Jordan's Principle requests in the best interests of children are accepted. 
-Give presumptive approval for Jordan's Principle requests under $250.
-Support organizations and communities already providing Jordan's Principle services. 
-Accept urgent requests within 12 hours and non urgent requests within 48 hours. 
-Don't require more than one document from a professional or elder for making requests. 
-Make data available on Jordan's Principle provision effectiveness. 
-Make sure all supports are given in a timely manner without delays. 
-Make it easy and convenient for families and professionals to make Jordan's Principle requests. 
-Fund schools on reserves as much as schools off reserve. This includes funding for computers, libraries, software, teacher training, special education, education research, language programs, cultural programs, mental health support, support for kids with special needs, extracurriculars, ventilation, heating, mold removal, vocation training for students, and more. 
-Make sure all schools have the resources, funding, and support necessary to teach culture. 
-Make a clear joint strategy to eliminate the education and employment gap.
-Make sure all school staff are non-discriminatory. 
-Make sure communities have self-determination to create culturally rooted education. 
-Adequately fund child and family services on reserves, and make sure they can hire enough people and have good infrastructure.
-Stop discrimination within child and family service agencies. 
-Allow and help all First Nations communities to lead and run their own child and family service agencies that are based on their cultural values. 
-Enact evidence based solutions to keep families together. 
-Don't take children from families that love them. 
-Have and fund adequate preventative services so families can take care of their children and no child is taken away.
-Keep funding for child and family services flexible and responsive to each community's needs, and listen to communities to learn what their needs are.
-Have adequate accountability in child and family services so that any underfunding, discrimination, or failure is stopped and remedied. 
-Family support needs to start at or even before pregnancy.
-Fund culturally-based healing of people who have been harmed and are being harmed by the government's discrimination. 
Find your MP here: https://www.ourcommons.ca/en/members
justin.trudeau(at)parl.gc.ca- Prime Minister Trudeau
chrystia.freeland(at)parl.gc.ca- Deputy Prime Minister Freeland
patty.hajdu(at)parl.gc.ca- Minister of Indigenous Services 
gary.anand(at)parl.gc.ca - Minister of Crown-Indigenous Relations
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Almost half of Gaza's population is under 18. 1,200 children have been killed. This is a children's rights issue.
If you're a children's rights activist or youth liberationist please speak up about what is happening to Palestine.
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knifedykes · 1 year
tbh idgaf how many sensory issues you have or how #childfree you are, thinking that an appropriate response to a child crying on a plane is to ban all children from air travel completely is ridiculously dehumanizing & devaluing of children, selfish of you, and isolating for parents. to expect children to be completely barred from one aspect of society because it causes you minor frustration and irritation is terrible & denies them the little agency they are afforded. children in usamerica are oppressed & mistreated systemically and interpersonally as is! if you’re irritated by a child crying, don’t you think the parents who are in the seat with the kid are embarrassed and frustrated as well? advocating for what is already a stressful process (traveling with children) to be made even more difficult because a child is screaming is cruel. YOU can put on noise canceling headphones or earbuds, the baby three rows behind you who is experiencing the pain of having their ears pop for the first time cannot.
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bfpnola · 2 years
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Better Future Program’s 3,000 free resources have all been officially moved to Notion and not only are much easier to read on BOTH desktop and mobile, but have fully functional search and sorting options! Go check out our Liberation Library to support a Black-, queer-, and woman-owned nonprofit!
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aloeverawrites · 2 months
So this is my fundraiser for save the children and if this post gets 10,000 notes by the end of March I’ll make 1,000 paper cranes. (These are in addition to the ones I make in exchange for donations btw. Maybe I’ll get a more colourful paper to differentiate them or something idk.)
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