#chaos magician
practice-is-praxis · 5 months
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It's magical. Well, well Old Friend... it looks like everyone is your teacher, no one is your master.
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panthera-dei · 5 months
I got another witchy FAQs question so I want to go ahead and share it.
This time, we're talking some basic chaos magic with different types of thoughtforms!
Please note that I am not an expert in chaos magic, nor do I consider myself a chaos magician, so feel free to (kindly) leave feedback or corrections as needed. ^^
Thoughtforms 101
Definition of Thoughtform: Thoughtform is a catch-all term from any entity that was created with or by human thought (conscious or otherwise).
Types of Thoughtforms: Common thoughtforms include sigils, servitors, thoughtform companions (aka tulpas), daemons, and egregores.
Sigils: Most folks who create sigils and use sigil magic probably don't think about sigils as a type of chaos magic or a thoughtform. However, sigils actually do fall into this category. Think of a sigil as being like a simple computer program that's powered by your mind. You give the program a basic function (such as protection or prosperity) and the magical "coding" of your intentions allows the sigil to carry it out.
Servitors: If sigils are basic computer programs, then servitors are robots. They're not sentient per se, as they still require the coding and programming that comes with intention and magical energy. Yet they're much more complex than a sigil and can carry out higher-level functions & multiple tasks (e.g., drawing in people to shop on your Etsy page for prosperity, or actively guarding a space or casting a magic circle for protection).
Thoughtform companions: The widespread term for this type is "tulpa," and creating/having one of these thoughtforms is commonly referred to as "tulpamancy." Since there's also a widespread controversy over these terms, I don't use them myself. I say "creating or working with a thoughtform," and I'll refer to the entity as a thoughtform or thoughtform companion. Regardless of the terminology or beliefs behind this category, they are defined as a separate consciousness created by the thoughts and actions of a human. The human is typically referred to as the "host," since the companion is typically treated as its own separate consciousness. These are fully sentient, autonomous beings with their own thoughts and feelings. They're generally created, either intentionally or not, as friends for the host (hence my personal terminology for them).
Daemons: This category is similar to a companion, but with a different origin and function. Daemons have been documented since ancient Greece, to my knowledge. A daemon is also a sentient entity, however, they are not created intentionally by the host (although they can be brought to the forefront by the human in question). A daemon is instead a conscious entity created by, and representative of, the human being's subconscious mind. They typically serve as helpers and mental guides for the human. They are not considered separate entities; instead, they're part of you.
Egregores: These are essentially the AIs of the thoughtform world. Whereas companions and daemons exist within the human mind, egregores are similar to servitors and sigils - created by the mind, but separate from it. Egregores are often made or manifested by a group of people intentionally for a purpose. E.g., a coven may create one as a guardian or a spiritual guide. They're also often created by accident from widespread symbols - for example, branding. And nations. Every time somebody posts a picture of the Starbucks logo, you're most likely feeding an egregore, according to one theory I've heard. Do I believe that personally? Not sure. (I do have an exact source for this one available on request.) As far as I know, egregores exist with varying degrees of sentience, power, and free will depending on the individual scenario (much like artificially intelligent computers & androids in science fiction).
Pop Culture Entities / Deities: These are often referred to as PCEs or PCDs. I prefer the former but I often use them interchangeably. Some folks prefer to be more specific. For example, Raiden from Mortal Kombat is considered a god in that series, so many folks would consider him a pop culture deity. Whereas Dean Winchester is *not* a deity in Supernatural - so he could be considered a pop culture entity instead. However, this is up to the preferences of the individual entity & practitioner.
Differences between PCDs and Egregores: Egregores are ALWAYS created, intentionally or not, by human energy and thought. PCDs, on the other hand, can have a mixed origin sometimes. Some of them may be pure egregores, manifested on purpose or by accident. Others may be preexisting spirits - often nature spirits that are aligned closely to the fandom content - that latch onto a fictional work as a power source, and eventually fuse with it. And then another theory is that PCDs are *all* preexisting spirits or even deities wearing a mask - so for example, folks with this belief would say that PCD Marvel Loki is just Loki appearing in a different form/aspect. I personally think that all PCEs have a unique origin and I try not to make any assumptions.
Where do I fact check you and/or learn more?: Unfortunately, it is *really damn hard* to find good, solid information on pop culture work because it's very new. And while there's *lots* of info on chaos magic, you have to be careful to check the reliability of the source, much as is the case with demonolatry sources. Fortunately, Tumblr is a great source to find other pop culture practitioners. I personally also have *some* sources available for these topics on request, I'm just too lazy to dig through my Drive right at this moment. :)
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arcane-abomination · 10 months
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Be aware that this blog may touch on sensitive topics regarding death so read on at your own discretion.
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Death Energy
Death energy is just energy that comes from death and death symbolism, but as simple of an answer as that seems to be, don’t be fooled by the much deeper complexities that this topic harbors. When we really dig into it we discover some darker truths about our existence and the hereafter. Truths that many people are more comfortable ignoring because they force us to face the inevitable.
Death energy is about stillness, endings, and about the deconstructing and reconstructing processes. It’s about using what’s passed to fertilize what’s new and grow something that has purpose in the next step of your life. It’s about the acceptance of inevitability and what we can’t change to bring about what we can. All in all it’s a very unique energy that can open many new doors for any witch willing to try.
• What Does Death Energy Feel Like? •
Everyone feels energy differently in the basic of ways but even still, it should go without saying that death energy has a different pull to it entirely then life energy. Sometimes those who aren’t used to connecting with it can have a hard time. It’s been described as heavy, or even smothering by some. Others have said it feels cold or chilling in a way. The funny thing here is that these definitely describe what naturally comes with death. Our bodies get stiff and much heavier. We lose our heat and grow cold, and while this definitely sounds unpleasant and shocking to those who aren’t used to spending time with it we must also recognize that it’s a part of a continued cycle. As our bodies further decay the weight becomes less and the shock of the cold against the once warm skin becomes just another room temperature feeling. Another words, things come to feel more natural especially when you understand the process and spend time with it.
All new energy can feel overwhelming to anyone who hasn’t experienced it before. It can bring up a whole plethora of unease, nervousness, even anxiety if you’re not ready for it. Especially death energy. As stated above, it can force us to face certain things. Things that can be heavy and hard to accept. For this reason working death energy may not be for everyone and that’s okay. It deals with subject matter that makes some people uncomfortable and as such if you’re not ready to incorporate it you have every right not to.
• What Can Death Energy Be Used For? •
Death energy is the primary force in death witchcraft and death magick. And as a result each witch is gonna use it in their own unique way. There are so many interesting books and articles published that describe plethora of interesting ways to work with the energy of death. Many of which put their own unique understanding and spin on how it came to be, how it works, and how you can use it. But in my opinion you can use death energy for everything you can use life energy for and then some. It just pulls the magick from a different place and in a different way. Remember each one of us processes things in a different way, especially death energy. Do what makes you feel comfortable and never let anyone push you to cross any lines you’re not ready for. Comfort in magick is very important.
Lastly I want to take this time to emphasize what death energy is not used for. It is not and never will be an excuse to just take human life. Murdering someone is never okay. Nor is it an excuse to unnecessarily torture animals. Now I understand that using animals in general can be a debatable subject, especially when they are killed by the individual. However it should be understood that many believe this is okay during appropriate times and only when you utilize the animal and not waste it. So as an example hunting during deer season or catching a fish. The animal in question can be used for magick but will also ultimately be eaten and many witches see this as an appropriate practice. As long as everything operates within the confines of the law and everything is treated with respect and dignity.
Cemetery Work
For a lot of death witches, doing work in a cemetery or graveyard is a must, although there are those that don’t, a great deal more either do or will do when they get the chance. Lots goes into this type of work though and a thorough study on the subject should be done before pursuing this type of magick. However, some key points to remember are to always be respectful, obey the laws and rules of your land regarding the resting places, and listen to what the dead tell you.
It’s very important to recognize that there are always going to be practitioners that have their own unique rules on this subject, but the best way to know if the dead favor something or not is to ask them. What rules you inevitably believe should revolve around what the dead are comfortable with. That said, some of these rules are shared amongst practitioners. I have compiled a list below with some of them. Remember, this is very basic and what a practitioner adds or changes is up to them.
💀 Always bring an offering for the gatekeeper.
Typically these are the oldest spirits in the cemetery and are in charge of maintaining order. Most offerings include things like coins, drink, bread, or apples.
💀 State exactly what you’ll be doing and ask permission from the gatekeeper.
It’s important to let the spirits know what your intentions are. Will you be doing magick at the crossroads, magick at a grave, or foraging? The gatekeeper should let you know through energy what is acceptable. Remember each Cemetery is different and has different rules over all.
💀 Never take things directly from a grave.
Gifts on a grave belong to the spirit dwelling there. It’s okay to pick up things like trash, or moldy flowers in still water but, rocks, dried or fresh flowers, feathers, etc should be left alone.
💀 Be respectful of the graves and spirits.
Try not to walk near the headstone of a grave (you’re walking on their body. Try to stay near the feet and always say excuse me politely if you have to step on it), always ask for a spirits help never demand it, and always bring them an offering as a thank you.
💀 When foraging never take what a spirit tells you not to.
If you’re gathering dirt, sticks, or plants from a cemetery, even if it’s not on a grave, and you get a feeling like you shouldn’t touch it, then don’t. Spirits will always let you know what they want to keep. Obey that or it’s theft.
💀Always give thanks for hospitality before you leave.
Being polite and thanking your hosts is always a must in general and can bring good energies between you and the dead. Especially if you intend on going back to work at that Cemetery.
Another common staple amongst death workers and arguably one of the most misunderstood practices. Simply put, this practice is divination with the dead. It’s all about connecting to and asking the dead for answers from the beyond. Lots of that used to be done in the cemetery and as a result many wild and fantastic rumors about zombie creation were formed, but that’s far from the truth. There were indeed many radical understandings within the practices history however, but as science matured so did the knowledge on what this practice actually was.
While necromancy is still done in cemeteries even today, it’s not a must. Calling fourth a spirit can be done a number of ways and will definitely alter and change based on the witch. Some working maybe more cultural than others, and some may be more complex. The uniqueness of these practices can number well into the double digits and is always interesting to learn. Some of the most common spirit summoning techniques (aside from going directly to someone’s grave) are the spirit board, a mirror, and the pendulum. As for how these spirits are called, that too can differ from witch to witch. Most often though, it can involve candles or crystals as an energy source, a personal item or favored item like food, and/or the spirits name. It can be as simple as physically calling out to the abyss, beckoning the spirit forward or as elaborate a ritual as calling in the four directional guardians or a guide to lead them to you.
Regardless of how it’s done, it’s always a good rule of thumb to be respectful to them. Don’t demand from them, ask instead, and offer gratitude and an offering when you end the session.
Deity & Spirit Guides
Lots of death workers may worship deity just like any other practitioner. However the deity they are generally more drawn to are often either associated with the underworld, or a psychopomp, like Osiris, Hades, Anubis, or Hecate. However they may also be a deity tied in some way to the personification of death, much like Thanatos, or the grim reaper.
Even if the witch chooses not to utilize deity they can still conjure up spiritual guides of some sort. These guides can be something as common as ancestral spirits or even animal spirits. Most common animal guides often have some death association and symbolism to them. So animals like Black cats, bats, vultures, owls, crows and ravens are quite popular.
Bones & Body Parts
Its not uncommon to see bones on the altars of death witches. Many beliefs around these tools and what they represent circulate within the community. For some specific animal bones it’s believed you can use that animal spirit and energy. Other beliefs revolve not around the animal itself but rather the type of bone, as each one has its own unique symbolism attached to it, such as a jaw being connected to communication. The possibilities are near limitless and for most death practitioners they are a very necessary tool within the craft. Some practitioners even collect additional things like insect exoskeletons, animal skins, and preserved body parts like a rabbits foot.
DISCLAIMER! People should be made aware that it’s always encouraged for all materials to be ethnically sourced. Any form of unlawful collection or cruelty is frowned upon and not condoned within the community.
As started above, these are just some of the basics of death work within the pagan community and serves as a starting point to bounce off of. It’s very important to do your own research and come to your own conclusions regarding this craft and always remember to obey your local laws. Death work can be very fulfilling but not when it’s done under illegal circumstances.
For some additional reading look to this list below:
• What is Necromancy?
• Working with Bones & Skulls in Witchcraft
• Gods & Goddesses of Death & the Underworld
• Graveyard Magick: A Witches Guide
• Death Witchcraft
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vvitchella · 10 months
Me 4 years ago, an "Eclectic Witch": Listen guys, you can do this however you want, but to me magic is all about how you frame things in your mind. Gods are real in the aspect that they exist in our collective unconscious and working with them feeds them energy, which in turn gives them power. What you believe in creates mechanisms that fuel your magic.
Me, now: Wait, aha... I'm a chaos witch.
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panthermodern666 · 7 months
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My current altar set up and how I incorporate my art into it.
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astra-ravana · 5 months
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mamaangiwine · 1 year
Okay so I have a question for all you other pagan/witchy/wizard/sorcerer/sorceresses magic types out there:
Is there a movie/book/ any other piece of media you consume around this time of year that is not Christmas or necessarily winter themed but you feel reflects the spirit and energy of this time of year?
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czortofbaldmountain · 3 months
Am I the only person wary of using sigils made by random strangers on Tumblr?
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iamthewoowoo · 10 months
Just putting a feeler out there
So I've been wanting to write things about chaos magic for a while, and I've been combing the internet to get an idea of what to write about, but I'd still like to directly ask anyone whose interested. In regards to chaos magic, what would you like to read about? I've been practicing some form of magic or another for 20 years, and I've been practicing chaos magic itself for about 10. So I got a lot of experiences to choose from - but that's where the problem lies, I have *too much* to write about and not enough of an idea on what to write about specifically. So if you're interested, please drop a comment down below and let me know.
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New Year, New Me
New Year Journal Questions
~ Is there anything you are trying to move on from?
~ Is there anything you are moving towards?
~ What are your goals for the new year?
~ Vizualize your ideal self: what does this person look/act like, and how can you manifest that?
~ Is there a new area of magick you’d like to learn more about?
~ How do you plan to develop or keep your magickal practice in the year ahead?
A Spell For The New Year
Road opening spell!
You will be invoking the 4 elementals to clear and unlock solutions to your problems.
What you will need:
1. Bowl of water (regular drinking water)
2. 1 incense stick ( one that has a scent that matches your intention. I will use cinnamon because of its warm, comforting smell, that sanctifies the ritual area
3. 1 crystal. Pick your crystal either to match the day of the week, or a crystal that comes to mind that would be good for this particular spell
4. 1 white candle
How to do a road opener spell:
1. Arrange the items on your altar like so; Water faces West, air faces east, earth faces north and fire faces south
2. Light the incense to introduce air to your ritual
3. Rub your hands together for a few seconds, until you feel a warm energy accumulate. Once you have this energy in your hands, hold the crystal, along with the energy and visualize a ball of energy. You are invoking the earth element.
4. Light the candle and call upon the presence if the fire element.
5.Gently dip a finger in the water to feel the company of the Water element. Water represents a state of flow, a mirror that can open the door to a new reality. This transforming energy will clear all blockages.
6. Chant the following road opening prayer:
“By the elements of universal light
I call to thee to give me your might
Open all doors and watch over me
I trust in your aid, so mote it be!”
7. Visualize an empty road. Meditate for a few minutes as you visualize yourself moving forward.
8. Let the candle burn completely. (Practice fire safety! If you need to leave the room for a period of to time, it is okay to blow out the candle and light it later to finish burning.)
9. Once the candle is burned, toss all remains away. Keep the crystal close by you. Whenever you need to invoke the power of this spell, simply rub your palms together with the crystal in your hands!
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theredpharaoah · 5 months
Lmao. Were Giles and his lil crew supposed to be chaos magicians, and that’s why they were so bad? Cuz Ethan says “Chaos. I remain - as ever - thy faithful, degenerate, son.”
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arcane-abomination · 9 months
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This is a topic that can get very confusing for those starting out. There are lots of interchanging terminology, beliefs, and constructs that not everyone sees fit to agree on. This can often create misunderstandings and propagate the misuse of certian energies making navigation for newcomers more than just problematic. In this blog, I will attempt to systematize some of the complexities enough to deliver a more organized path for beginners to follow and build upon.
Keep in mind, however, that while there are some definite rules to thoughtforms there is also a well of UPG around this topic. The knowledge surrounding thoughtforms changes quite considerably with the beliefs of the individuals that practice it. So take from this blog what you will.
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The Basics
So I bet some of you are asking, what exactly is a thoughtform? Well, that’s a being created from our beliefs and thoughts. They are made up of energy and can be utilized in magickal workings. Now there is some confusion among some members of the community here. Sometimes the term is not seen as the umbrella term it really is and instead becomes a varying type all on its own. However, to fully understand where this name fits we need only break it down in its simple meaning. "A being formed by the power of thought." This clearly describes a variety of different beings, not just a singular one, hence why it's more traditionally used as an umbrella term.
⚜️ Creation ⚜️
A thoughtform’s creation will ultimately depend on the witch but essentially most agree it starts with finding a purpose. From there you can build it up starting with a name. A name binds the thing into existence so this is most often agreed upon to be a very important step. From this most people use that name to create a sigil. Others make a symbol on their own and bind it to the name afterward. Either way, it’s often seen as an essential step in the process. A sigil gives the thoughtform a physical foundation to draw energy from and affect the real world. Some witches in turn will then place that sigil on a vessel for their thoughtform to connect to, while others draw it in the air with energy.
Finally comes the fun part, designing. You can skip this process altogether but many enjoy deciding how this being is going to look. This is also a great opportunity to build more symbolism around it. Tie its appearance to its purpose and allow this to strengthen it. Once that’s done it’s time to begin the actual ritual. Now, many like to write out everything on a petition and/or draw a picture of the being. In my experience, this isn’t really needed but it helps quite a bit if you’re doing a more complex being (this will be discussed later in another section). It’s also good to decide on the finer details. Not just what you want your thoughtform to do, but what type it is, and what it’s not allowed to do as well.
Once the written portion has been completed (and drawing if you choose to use that), set it up in a place of power. Most people use their altar but you can also create a sacred space specially for this part. The ritual itself will essentially involve you going into meditative gnosis and forming the energy with your mind. (Visualization helps with this. Some people choose to picture a light forming into the being or a large cosmic egg. But that too is based on a user's preference.) This part takes focus so make sure there aren’t any distractions nearby. Once you’re finished greet your thoughtform and continue with any other magick you wish.
As for how long this is going to take, nobody can truly say. We each are different and how our energy works will ultimately decide how long things will take. However, in my own experience, I would say that most thoughtform creations vary based on complexity. The simpler the being the shorter amount of time it will need. For longer amounts of time, you may need to visit your uncreated thoughtform once a day. giving it energy each time to ensure its continued gestation.
⚜️ Feeding ⚜️
Think of your thoughtform as a computer. It’s programmed to function a certain way by the user and to keep it going you need to give it a battery or plug it into a port. In short, it needs something to draw energy from to work properly. How you feed your thoughtform will depend on its type, but for most people, they set their thoughtform's ability to feed during its creation process. Either going to it regularly to meditatively give it energy, to offerings, or even to preprogrammed sustainability, a thoughtform needs something to ensure its success.
⚜️ Setting A Time Limit ⚜️
Certain thoughtforms will need a time limit of some sort. This is usually predetermined by the creator and set during the creation process or a kill switch is kept in place for whenever the practitioner deems it necessary. (Like burning or tearing up the paper vessel or petition with the thoughtforms sigil). Now depending on who you ask, What thoughtforms should get a time limit will inevitably change. Some believe that all thoughtforms need a limit and thus rarely venture past the simple variety. While others believe that there are many more varieties that don’t need such a limit. I will cover this in further detail in later sections.
⚜️ Involuntary Creation ⚜️
This can happen sometimes, especially if there are lots of emotions around a certain belief. Things can manifest against our will and they can be both negative or positive depending on what energy was used to create them.
Also called simple thoughtforms and simple servitors, they are the most common form of thoughtform and by far the easiest to create. They have no sentience to speak of and are driven only to complete their task. The purpose for their creation. It is everything to a servitor which is why many believe it’s the type of thoughtform that MUST have an end after that task is finished. To allow a servitor to exist without a purpose would be like a living hell to such a creature. It would be cruel and compared to torture some believe.
Now let’s say you did decide to let it remain. What exactly would happen? Well, there’s a variety of things really. One, if left unfed the servitor could simply vanish one day, but it would be a slow death. However, if you’re unlucky enough, it may just evolve sentience. When this sort of thing happens in such a situation the servitor is often already driven to madness and will become something akin to a parasite. Recklessly feeding off their creator to sustain themselves. This can cause exhaustion, dizziness, clumsiness, and in some more severe cases illness to the practitioner. And those who suffer from other forms of mental illness like depression and anxiety have often reported their symptoms getting worse. The best course of action for these sorts of beings is to extinguish them completely. They have no hope of being reasoned with.
Now let’s say you do feed your servitor, but you never give it a purpose. Then what happens? Well, they can still go mad as the life without a purpose is demeaning and arduous for such a creature. This is why some people like to give them new purposes. The problem is, a simple servitor isn’t made to properly sustain things like this. It would be like uploading a new program onto an older computer that isn’t equipped to properly run it. So while it may work for a little while, it will never be up to par like it was before, and eventually, you’ll have to accept that. You’ll be forced to get a newer model anyway. Problem is, that even these beings can still grow in sentience. And while they may not be as crazed as the ones mentioned before, because they’re not in a state of starvation, they may still express the dislike of such an existence. Some people report that once sentient, some servitors have simply run away or completely withdrew in their own depressive state. Ultimately wasting away because they wouldn’t eat. This is why it’s generally agreed upon that a simple servitor works its best when a time limit is in place.
Sentient Servitors
Also called complex servitors or complex thoughtforms, consider these beings a step up from your average servitors. Most often they are created with sentience or at the very least created with the intent to obtain sentience by growing into it as they do their job and experience the world around them. This type seems to have become more popular in recent years and has garnered its own subcategories in turn. These generally tend to be something concerning their purpose and will vary by practitioner. Some of the most popular is a familiar, home guardians, or personal protectors.
For the most part these beings are created without the intent to destroy them. This is because what they are needed for what generally takes regular upkeep as well as a mind that can analyze and learn just like we do so it can grow alongside you and learn different ways to cope with its overall objective. But that isn’t to say people don’t exist that give them time limits. However, that can bring up more controversy depending on who you talk to because now you’re destroying something that may not actually want to be destroyed. Something that wants to continue on and experience existence. When a thoughtform reaches this stage and they realize you may want to destroy them, they often start looking for a way out. A way to feed without the help of the witch. That way they can simply go off on their own. In lots of cases, a witch may gift their thoughtform with this ability so that when their task is done they can go ahead and make the way out.
Now some of you may be surprised to see this category on this list but it really is a thoughtform. Looking into how some paranormal experts define these entities reveals that they are entities created from the negative energy accumulated in a certain place or around a certain individual, and that’s exactly what a thoughtform is. A poltergeist is always an involuntary creation, however, and is almost always negative as well. It’s known for throwing objects and making strange noises. Hence why their name means “noisy ghost” in German.
These thoughtforms are created by a group of individuals instead of just a single person. They can be voluntary or involuntary, sentient or otherwise, it all depends on the conditions for their creation. For instance, some covens create an egregore for their personal group typically of the non-sentient variety, while other individual people may believe in something so much that the beings form involuntarily from that belief. Many use this way of thinking to explain how deity came to be. Declaring that all gods and goddesses as we know them are simply egregores believed into existence. Not everyone agrees with this sentiment, however, nor does everyone utilize the egregore label exactly the same.
While some say egregores can be both sentient and non-sentient, others have strong beliefs that the egregore can only be non-sentient and that once it grows to sentience it will become something else entirely. The former seems to be the most popular way of looking at it on our modern age though, so you're bound to find that this way of utilizing the egregore to be more prevalent in the ways of information.
Also known as God Heads, this is probably the most confusing of all the types of thoughtforms simply because there are so many varying beliefs around it. More traditionally, godforms are statues or pictures portraying the image of a particular god. Through ritual, the god embodies these pieces and they become an extent of that deity. Some believers even associate people as being a part of that godform, and during those sacred ceremonies, the chosen individual becomes a direct speaker for the god they are channeling. However, in more modern times, the term has taken a considerable divergence into thoughtform territory.
It is believed by some that the godform is a type of deity, either created to be a god from the beginning or grown into one by an egregore. In more recent years, however, a godform is often depicted as being a more personalized entity. An individual's own personal god if you will. In this instance, they are created using a specific part of the practitioner's energy. Usually some part of a magical circuit like the elements, or the 8 circuits of consiousness. This entity in turn becomes heavily connected to the individual and will affect whatever cuircut or energy center they were made from. Let's say you made a god that draws from your fire energy. Therefore, your fire energy will grow and everything it affects will also grow. This entices the person to continue giving the god energy, through meditations, offerings, even an altar. It's given praises and prayers as well, just like any other deity.
The tulpa is often confused in our modern times as being nothing more than a servitor, but that understanding couldn't be more false. Traditionally Tulpa's are a concept from Buddhist nirmāṇakāya. It was a translated in Tibetan as sprul-pa and was the practice of creating an autonomous entity made from the individual's mind. It was manifested by a Buddha to teach and guide those who hadn't yet attained nirvana. Some have likened it to seem much like a ghost or apparition, walking between the physical and metaphysical realms. They were said to obey their master for the most part but were entirely sentient with their own thoughts and emotions.
Today, tulpamancers, often equate a tulpa to something kind of like an imaginary friend, but one that can actually manifest things. Tulpas are said to have the ability to use their creator's body, or even dwell inside of it completely. They can even operate it on their own should their creator allow it. Many, state that the tulpa often helps them out during difficult situations. They are created with the qualities that the user doesn't have so that they can take over in times when those qualities are needed. As for life span, that will definitely depend on the individual. Like regular thoughtforms, some say that the user ultimately decides if they want their tulpa to remain or vanish after they themselves have learned to obtain whatever qualities they had placed in their tulpa. Others say that the tulpa stays with you for life. Whatever the case, this thoughtform is definitely the most unique of the bunch.
Thoughtforms are an interestingly diverse form of magick. And while they are very prevalent within the chaos magick community, many magickal practitioners from all pathways come to utilize them within their crafts. As stated above, there are many unique beliefs surrounding them, and finding out what way is best for you can seem somewhat daunting. The best thing to do is take it slow, and practice, practice, practice. Thoughtforms are one of those things you learn best by doing. Just remember that what works for someone else may not work entirely for you. Go at your own pace, and find your own rhythm. Best of luck!
Further Reading
• Types of Ghosts (Poltergeists)
• Servitors (Chaos Magick)
• Thoughtforms
• Psychonaut Field Manual: Egregores
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awlofcthulhu · 1 year
I made a bic case with my sigil. Another UV reactive one. I needed a template, and this was my only bic, so I had to use it. Needed to show it off, though.
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satanachia666 · 1 year
Magical Misogyny Rant
I am so tired of men assuming they know more about magic, witchcraft, and the occult than me. 🤬 So often, when I tell a man I’m into witchcraft or chaos magic, he assumes himself to be the greater authority on the subject. As someone who is approaching their 11th year of practicing, it’s insulting to be constantly placed as knowing less by default, by people (*cough* mostly men) who have been practicing a meager fraction of that time. Fortunately, it’s easy to put them back in their place, but even then, they reduce me to a piece of ass without actually acknowledging or appreciating my occult knowledge and power. It’s like they have to pretend we’re on the same level, that I’m not a legit demon priestess entertaining someone who got into chaos magic 2 years ago and doesn’t even have a sigil to show for it. The audacity is real.
I mostly notice this type of misogyny happening when I talk to men my age or younger. (I’m in my early 30s.) This is another reason I prefer to date older men: I’ve noticed they are more honest and realistic about their level of practice. They also tend to express more genuine, good-hearted interest in my practice, including the ones who were/are into New Age spirituality. These so-called “light worker” types tend to shun the Left Hand Path, yet these “love and light” senior dudes get it and show more respect. So, there’s seriously no excuse for men in my same peer group and spiritual community to act like this towards me.
If/when I meet someone who has been practicing longer than me, I cherish my connection with them. If I’m privileged with learning from them in any capacity, I am grateful. Furthermore, I know it would be a grave error to assume I know more than they do. I’m getting embarrassed just thinking about it. If I were to meet someone who has been practicing for 20+ years or something and I was also attracted to them, I would swoon to the moon and back! Assuming any kind of authority I don’t actually have would harm my ability to learn from them as well as our relationship in general. Yet that’s what men keep doing to me and I’m over it.
Obviously, everyone has their own special knowledge. It’s always possible to learn something new from someone of any level of practice. But for these newbie occultist men to pretend we’re on the same level occult-wise is so funny/sad to me. For shame!
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criaturaconfortavel · 2 years
✨ Chaos Magicians ✨
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fuckedupscrimblo · 2 months
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I found this insane fundie block and this genuinely is the most metal af sounding sentence ive ever read.
Guess now its my job as as chaos witch to get tattoes to "open the door for a satanic attack"
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