#cdd flag
flagsandtags · 2 months
psychosis calmer
an alter who takes on the role psychosis calmer, similar to a soother these alters front during times of distress, specifically when another alter is having a psychosis episode this alter will front to help calm them down, keep them company, or whatever that alter needs to help with their episode
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coined by saturn !!
pinterest link
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delphientropy · 3 months
mmm another term...behe
this term was made by an anti endo, anti radqueer, and pro good faith. please follow our DNI, and we would prefer you dont use this term!
term and flag made by me!
keyhost : a host of a system that is the "key" of the system. they are extremely important in the functioning of the system itself. the keyhost can very very rarely if ever voluntarily leave front. it may be hard or even painful for the keyhost to actually leave front voluntarily.
EDIT: i redid the key symbol since it was REALLY low quality:]
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without key symbol
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i havent seen any terms like this, other than a pro endo one that has some similarities so i made my own thing! tell me if this has already been done aha..
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disrealities · 12 days
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Art-fractured system.
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A system whose artistic ability and skill is dispersed (wether this be evenly or not) between every alter.
(ie. every alter can draw, but one alter may be better at drawing clothes than others, or one may be better at anatomy — etc)
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deceasedchoir · 1 month
i wish our body could shapeshift so i could just look in the mirror and see who's fronting
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zero-templates · 25 days
𝒞 。 Osddid flag graphics﹒
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like and reblog to use, no credit needed : read my pinned before interacting or using
reposts allowed with permission and credit﹒don't claim as yours﹒don't repost on tumblr﹒25 x 16 pixels﹒pixel flags
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syspport · 3 days
⌦ Introduction ⎙
Hello and welcome to syspport, a help and support blog for those who are a system with a complex dissociative disorder
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⌦ About the blog ⎙
This blog is directed to all the dissociative systems out there who wants help, support, advice or any kind of safe place to stuck and understand, grow or any need they can think that doesn't break with the blog rules and boundaries
Some of the things this post we'll have well be:
Informing and talking about CDD
Validation and positivity post for CDD systems
Answering questions regarding CDD
Coining terms, roles, sysboxs and various things for systems
Open submissions to talk about your experiences
Tips, templates, and general help for simply plural
Presenting resources and tools for systems
Advices and tips for dealing with some dissociative and/or system-like experiences
And any kind of help and support you need and we didn't list here you can ask and we'll probably provide!!
All of our post will have the syspport tag, and in the beginning of the post we'll clarify the topic/themed is aligned to thanks to our emoji code for topics
The emoji code is:
💻 = Info about CDD
💽 = Positivity and validation
📻 = Tips, advice and similar
🎞 = Submissions
🔖 = Coining
⚙ = Tools and resources
& = Simply Plural related post
🎨 = Templates, sysboxs, name ideas, etc.
📱 = Other kind of post
(Probably gonna update this emoji code if needed)
If you want to interact frequently in an anonymous way you can claim anon emojis!!
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⌦ About the owner ⎙
This account is run by the 3 principal hosts of The Persmo: - Rowlpy | He/It | -🔩🎭 - Namelnom | Any but she/her and fem neo/xeno pronouns (Preference by He/They/Hl) | -🐺🦉 -Neomel | Same pronouns as Namelnom | -📚☕
In some post we would leave our sign offs so we leave them here
Sometimes we'll talk about us in the blog, but I doubt it would be a various time things
We normally use tonetags, so hope that doesn't get an inconvenient when looking our blog
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⌦ Boundaries ⎙
This blog is CDD systems exclusive, so if you're not one please go off our blog, you can interact tod do questions and read info about CDD but please don't interact outside that and don't use our posts, terms or anything we do here if you don't have a CDD, education is ok, but do not claim or attack, we won't hesitate in blocking blogs and accounts for the safety of the blog and its followers (This rule applies to non disordered systems and singlets)
This blog is a safe space and isn't open with syscourse, discussion nor debate regarding system topics. There can be some posts and things that mention or a are aligned to this kind of topics but it's not a discussion blog, so please take that in mind
Submissions are always open, but please have in mind this rules before using it:
If is necessary add the corresponding TW/CW above the submission
No slurs, attacks, mockery or any kind of bad behavior to anyone in the submissions (And if you're gonna mention someone censor and give a nicknames, don't reveal information)
Be respectful when making the submission, and if you have a request (Coining, designing or talking about something) use "please"
Specify if you want a submission to be published with the message or if you want a separate post with no submission attached
Basic DNI, non-disordered plurality, singlets, radical-pro endos (we don't accept syscourse here), closed mind people, trans-id (Specially trans-plural), doesn't have system accountability, anti-recovery, syscourse blogs, say things like sysmed or traumascum, any kind of passive-aggressive people
The break of one of our boundaries will be an instant block
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cyberhex-coining · 6 months
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Emotion Nullifier
A term for an alter in a system whose role is to nullify emotions of those in front
(For CDD systems only)
Coined by Paradox♡
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A suffix referring to how or why a specific alter formed, view themself as having formed, and/or are viewed by others in-system, in their system. For example 'Stressformed', would refer to an alter that formed because another alter(s) or the (sub)system as a whole was under stress.
They can also have to do with the alter's feeling about why they exist. For example, an Introject who died in source may consider themself to have been reborn into the system, and as such consider themself 'rebirthformed' ,or similar.
Sub terms under read more
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We know that some systems use the term split to refer to any time an alter formed in the system. However we use to specifically refer to new alters that split from already know alters in the system, this often will result in something of the original alter being taken to the new one. I will be using split how we(my system) typically use it, in this post. Example 'griefsplitformed'(shorted to griefsplit) would be an alter that split because of, to deal with, and/or to hold, another alter's grief.
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This would refer to an alter the form as they are now do to the fusion of alters. For an example 'fearfuseformed'(shorted to fearfused) would be an alter that formed by fusion because of fear.
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An alter the come out of dormancy, and they leaving dormancy is seen as formation for any reason. For example 'ragewakeformed'(shorted to ragewaked) would be an alter that come of dormancy because rage, in a way that is viewed as formation.
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An alter the formed from a NPC. For example traumanowPCformed(shorted to traumanowPC), would be a NPC that became an alter because, someone in the system/the system went through a new traumatic event or was reminded of past traumas.
All of these suffixes can also be used in combination with role term, in reference to alter that formed for a specific role regardless if they still are that role or not. For example protectorformed is an alter that was originally formed to be a protector, they may or may not still be one.
This was with complex dissociative disorder systems who don't like using "-genic" to describe individual alters(cough cough us) in mind
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Definition : An alter who believes they will be rewarded for “being good” during abuse, may seek out abusers
Flag Meaning : The blue represents behaviour viewed as good, the white represents perfection and the gold represents wanting or needing a reward. In the alt version the heart represents a reward itself (real, perceived or promised)
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flagsandtags · 23 days
An alter who in headspace may have the body of an adult, but acts like a kid and may identify as a little because of this
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Flag made by Saturn !! Recoined by a "mixed orgin"
Pinterest link
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mischiefcollective · 2 months
Observer Flag!
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This is a flag I made for observers because we have yet to stumble across a flag for observers made by traumagenic systems for traumagenic systems.
The 4 colors represent 4 common eye colors, and the grayscale background represents another common eye color + the ability to observe, watch, and understand clearly. The circle in the center is like the pupil.
For traumagenic systems only, thanks!
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shattered-system · 7 days
System Coining
Sourceline System
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A polyfragmented system whose alters and fragments are mostly/all “descended”/split from the first few alters that formed. Most/all current alters are made from the original group.
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disrealities · 2 days
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Romance holder.
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An alter that holds all affection, romance, or romantic feelings! They themselves may be a hopeless romantic, or they may just love "too much"!
For day 4 of @puriette's event!
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littlest-bugz · 6 days
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Internal Persecutor
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An Internal Persecutor is an alter who's persecutory behaviors target the system itself, whether it be other alters or otherwise internally. [An Internal Persecutor typically doesn't target those outside the body.]
coined by @destructionsys !! flag by @littlest-bugz [aka us!]
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Dark Red ; The negative feelings associated with being a persecutor
Medium Red ; The pain caused to the system by the persecutory behaviors
Bright Red ; The persecutory behaviors the persecutor participates in
Black ; The targeting of the system
White ; The safety those on the outside have
Light Grey ; Representing the system as a whole, all alters in the system
Dark Grey ; Representing the pain inflicted on other alters of the system
Darkest Grey ; Representing the negative feelings towards the system.
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unknownmothergoose · 5 months
inflorescenic alters: two or more alters that are connected and either cannot or simply choose to not function without each other.
examples include; two unrelated alters that always co-front together. a team of alters that all share the task of gatekeeping. two alters that consider each other siblings, and refuse to be separated.
this is a term for CDD systems please credit if used i do not consent to reuploads to archives, pinterest, or wikis
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[ID: the left image is of a four stripe flag with even stripes in the shades green, gunmetal blue, pink-tan, and lavendar. in the center, there is a hyacinth emoji with a thick black outline.
the middle is a four stripe flag with even stripes in the shades green, gunmetal blue, pink-tan, and lavendar. END ID]
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rotting-brains · 3 months
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flag is okay to be redesigned if desired, as we only made it to make this post. Please tag me if you do
An alter who acts as a gateway for other alters to make themselves obvious.
This alter is usually influenced by other alters that the host/system is not aware of until their strange behaviour is acknowledged as a new alter's influence.
This can often (but not only) happen with doubles, ie; an introject of a character may suddenly be very different from before and confuse the others about their identity, until another introject of the same character is acknowledged and discovered.
This was made with our gateway alter in mind, who has helped multiple doubles with his same source make themselves obvious to our hosts by letting them influence him until our hosts took notice of the change in his behavior and acknowledged the possibility of there being 2 different alters.
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