#cause yeah he prevented the apocalypse
bambiraptorx · 1 year
If your still taking questions for your I’m not dead yet, when the past turtles finally meet future raph for the first time is it a hostile meeting of a peaceful one
It's a... relatively peaceful meeting, all things considered, although it's worth mentioning that Raph doesn't meet the littles all at once. He meets Mikey first, then either Leo or Donnie second, and he doesn't meet the remaining two for quite some time.
By relatively peaceful, I mean that, while there's no actual conflict, their first meetings have a pretty negative impact on Raph, as they eventually force him to confront the reality of his situation in the past. It's the point where he really begins to realize the consequences of his actions on the timeline (because he's done a lot of things that have some pretty major impact, like stealing the Key). Basically, he realizes that if his actions have the consequences he wants them to, then the life experiences that make his brothers his never happen. It's not a fun time for him.
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oneknightstand-if · 2 months
Hi! Love everything you did, it's honestly one of the best IFs I've ever read!! It's def up there with Fallen Hero
How would the ROs react to MC suddenly bursting into tears?
Thanks for the compliment! As to how the ROs react... that'll depend upon the personality of the MC. Very different reactions for a stoic or bitter MC compared to someone who's already pretty emotional.
In this case, considering a MC who's in the average range, not too serious nor too sassy.
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Merlin: There, there... it only hurts until the emotional numbness eventually sets in.
Adrian: *dropkicks Merlin and asks MC what is wrong... considering it's the apocalypse he expects to be here for awhile*
Arthur: Would sympathetically ask what's wrong and then go about trying to prevent or mitigate whatever caused it in the first place
Percy: *swears to go on a quest to defeat the onion ninjas who started this* But okay, more seriously, he'd know exactly what was wrong and say something very applicable here.
4̸0̵4̵ ̴E̷r̴r̷o̴r̴ ̷N̵o̵t̵ ̵F̸o̴u̵n̷d̴ [Yeah, I think we can guess why the MC is crying here!]
Cassandra: There, there. Let it all out... then walk on all the stronger for it.
Gwen: *bursts into sympathetic tears*
Vivian: Would probably lick the tears away or something. (⚆﹏⚆)💦
Lorelei: The MC is getting a sympathetic hand on their shoulder. And maaaybe getting their head held to someone's bosom depending upon the affinity status at this point.
Broderick: He'd comfort the MC in his own curmudgeonly way (after punching some of the other people in this group due to their reactions)
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mirkwoodshewolf · 9 months
First heartache is hard; Jack Kline x reader
*Author's note*
Well this only took me two days to write which I do like when I can easily write a story that fast hehehe so @gabrielasilva1510 here is your ANGSTY Jack Kline request.
Warning: MAJOR ANGST, Character death, NO FLUFF AT ALL ONLY HURT, blood, violence (this is supernatural afterall so SPN level of violence). Basically get your tissues ready cause this is a sad one.
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Jack stood outside in the cold night after a long training session with Bobby.  Now that his grace was gone, he had to build up his strength mortally, which meant getting punched and falling down a lot, and getting hurt whilst getting beaten down.  He thought he had felt powerless before, but his mind always went back to what happened that night at the church.  The moment he truly felt powerless.
The night he had lost you.
Bobby, Mary and (Y/n) stood in the main lobby of the bunker still debating about who in the world would wanna kill Maggie.  After questioning all the hunters from the apocalypse world, they decided that none of them had any motive to hurt her, and that maybe it was just some creep or psycho looking to murder and innocent girl in the woods.
“I mean it’s not uncommon. That’s what happened to my mom’s sister once when they were younger. Some bastard slit her throat, raped her, and dumped her body over the bridge. That’s when I learned that there are more monsters in humanity than there are in the supernatural sense.” (Y/n) said.
“She’s not wrong.” Mary said supporting (Y/n’s) statement.  As Bobby nodded, they soon heard footsteps and that’s when they saw Jack.
“Oh Jack.” (Y/n) sighed with relief but before she could race up to hug him, they were horrified to see Lucifer coming up behind him.
“Hey~” Lucifer greeted with a small wave.
“Kid, what in the sam hell is—?!” demanded Bobby but Jack interrupted him.
“It’s okay. He’s here to help.”
“Him!?” (Y/n) asked exasperatedly.
“Yeah tigress, me.” Lucifer said booping her nose to which she cringed and slapped his arm away from her.  “Okay touchy-touchy Ms. Temper pants.” He said walking away following his son to where Maggie lay dead.
“Call Sam now!” Mary whispered urgently to Bobby as she and (Y/n) followed Lucifer and Jack while Bobby made a call to the boys.
“So you’re leaving dead bodies on tables now? Nice.” questioned Lucifer.
“We were waiting to give her a hunter’s funeral.” (Y/n) said.
“You won’t have to. My father he’s going to bring Maggie back to life.”
“Jack what are you doing?” asked Mary.
“What I have to do. This is my second chance.” Jack answered.
“Jack,” (Y/n) started.  “What happened to Maggie was a horrible thing that never should’ve happened. But it was beyond your control. You couldn’t have known when or where she’d be attacked and murdered.”
“But I promised her I’d keep her safe. All of them.”
“There are some things that you can’t prevent Jack.”
“I’d listen to your little girlfriend son. Plus this whole resurrection thing is kinda tricky. People don’t often come back as themselves.”
“Sam didn’t.” Said Jack.
“Yeah well Sam’s always been a little—in the head to begin with.”
“And like you’re not?” sassed (Y/n).  Lucifer snide at her comment.
“You said you’d do anything.” Jack told him.  The intense look in his eyes soon made Lucifer relent and he did what Jack said he’d do.  Placing his hand on Maggie’s forehead, his eyes glowed red and suddenly Maggie shot up gasping for air.  Immediately, (Y/n) grabbed Jack’s hand and took him out of the room and they came into the kitchen.
“(Y/n) what—”
“What deal did he offer you?” she interrupted him.
“Back there, when you told him that he’d do anything you’d ask. What was the deal he offered you?” Jack looked at the harsh stare of her (e/c) eyes and told her.
“We’re gonna see the galaxy together. Like in Star Wars. But I said I’d only go if he helped bring Maggie back.” (Y/n) looked at Jack in shock.
“What? You’re going with him?”
“Well not just me,” Jack stepped forward and took both of her hands into his, gently stroking the back of her knuckles.  “I also said I wanted you to come along too. You always said you wanted to see the stars up close.”
“Jack I—” (Y/n) was a mixture of emotions.  Horror, shock, perplexed, torn, and upset.  “Lucifer he’s…..I can’t.”
“Why not?” Jack asked.
“Jack, there’s nothing in this world that I would like more than to explore the galaxy with you, but with Lucifer tagging along. Something doesn’t sit right with me.”
“He’s changed. He really wants to try (Y/n). Would the old Lucifer have offered you to come along with us?”
“I know that no matter old or new Lucifer, whatever he claims to be now, he’s always gets something out of his deals. And if he doesn’t, he’ll take it anyways.” Jack dropped (Y/n)’s hands, his chest rising and falling as he tried to control his anger.
“Why can’t you be happy for me for once?!”
“Jack I have always been happy for you! Looking out for you! Besides Cas and Sam, I’ve always been the one that’s always in your corner! But you can’t trust what Lucifer says! Believe me I know.”
“Oooo, did I come at a bad time?” Lucifer’s voice spoke out as he peeked his head from the kitchen door before walking inside.
“Get out!” demanded (Y/n).
“I’ll admit son, you at least picked one with fire in her.”
“How the hell did you get back here!?” snapped (Y/n).
“Does it really matter?”
“Let me think, yes it does! Now quit stalling and tell him what you’re really here for!”
“What I’m—listen (n/n) I already told him. I want to take my son to see the galaxies, the stars, hell the entire universe itself. I’m done playing second fiddle to pops and his game. I wanna be removed from the chess board completely and not have to worry about anything than showing my son the wonders of the universe. With you of course by his side if you choose to go.”
“I wouldn’t go anywhere with you if my life depended on it!” (Y/n) snarled with a sneer.  Lucifer shrugged.
“Alright well, there’s no changing your mind. Let’s bounce son.” Jack slowly walked towards him but (Y/n) grabbed his hand and pleaded to him.
“Jack please, don’t go with him. He’s using you.”
“Would you mind stop gaslighting my own son against me? Geez that’s the thing with you women sometimes, especially teenage girls.”
“Jack. Jack please.” Jack turned to her and said.
“He’s my father.” (Y/n) stood there stunned and released his hand and watched hopelessly as the two of them vanished from the kitchen.
“(Y/n)!? (Y/n)!!” soon Bobby came in and he looked around and asked, “Where’s the kid?” (Y/n) buried her face into her hands and wept.  Bobby then walked up and awkwardly wrapped his arms around the weeping girl before bringing her back to rejoin Mary and the newly resurrected Maggie.
When the brothers and Cas returned, they had told that Michael had also somehow managed to come into this world along with Lucifer.  That to (Y/n) struck a chord in how Lucifer must surely been planning something.  There’s absolutely no chance that those two archangels would willingly team-up to escape apocalypse world.  And with Maggie’s death it—it can’t be a coincidence.  She stood up and walked off.
“Uhh (Y/n) where are you going?” asked Dean.
“To talk to Maggie.” Sam immediately took off and stopped her and he said to her, “Hey, hey relax okay? Look mom told us what happened and to interrogate her now while she’s still trying to wrap her mind about being resurrected it—”
“I know Sam. You Winchesters aren’t the only ones to have been resurrected. But I have to know just who killed her. This all is one too big coincidence for them to have come back and Maggie ends up dead the same day they both come through their own rift.”
“You think it was one of them that killed Maggie?”
“Like I said, it’s a hunch but it’s too big of one to ignore.”
“Then let me come with you.”
“You just want to keep an eye on me because of my impatience.” She snapped accusingly.
“That and I also want to find out the truth. Hey,” Sam could sense the anxiety running through (Y/n)’s body about Jack.  “We’re gonna find him.”
“He’s…..” (Y/n) trailed off before confessing her deep secret.  “He’s my best friend. I—I can’t lose him.”
“We won’t. We’ve got everyone looking for them. Now let’s go see about your hunch.” Sam and her walked to where Maggie was sitting in the library trying to process everything that had just happened. “Maggie?” Sam broke her silence as she slightly jumped and turned her attention to Sam who sat down beside her at the table that was once her deathbed.  “Hey, sorry. You okay?”
“I’m alive so…..yes.” she replied.
“Right. So listen, we know this is all weird right now but uhh…..before you died, do you remember anything about the person that killed you?”
“Does it really matter? I mean don’t you guys have a lot bigger Satan-y stuff to deal with right now?”
“Yes but it’s getting handled. For now, just answer Sam’s question.” (Y/n) said.  Maggie took a deep breath in before saying.
“I—never saw his face. But…..I saw his eyes.”
“His eyes?” asked Sam.  Maggie nodded.
“They were—unlike anything I had seen before. Those bleeding red, glowing eyes.” Once they heard that, both Sam and (Y/n) looked at each other in shock.
“I knew it!” (Y/n) muttered under her breath but at that moment, a sudden loud boom sounded off from outside.  It almost sounded like a firework or a bomb had went off close by, then the lights began flickering on and off.  The three of them went to rejoin Dean and the others as the front doors of the bunker began to jostle and bang loudly, like someone was trying to break in. “Ahhh shit.” (Y/n) said under her breath.
“Mom, Bobby, take Maggie out of here through the garage.” Sam said.
“We’ll buy you some time.” Dean said.
“What no!?” Mary said but Sam told her not to argue and soon Bobby had to drag her and Maggie out of the room to make their escape.  (Y/n) came and stood beside Cas who put an arm around her as the doors continue to jostle and the banging grew louder.  The two of them took out their blades as Sam and Dean readied their guns.
After what felt like an eternity, the door finally caved in and fell with a bang as a bright light shone through the bunker.  And soon walking in with his head held high was Michael.  Immediately Sam and Dean began to open fire at the archangel but being what Michael was, the bullets had absolutely no affect on him.  The archangel slowly levitated himself down to the floor from the catwalk entrance and Cas made the first attack with his angel blade.
But Michael easily overpowered Cas and had him flying over the table and across the room, knocking him unconscious.  (Y/n) took out her curved scythes and slashed at Michael.  He dodged each attack until he grabbed (Y/n)’s left wrist and disarmed her before breaking her arm.  She let out an agonizing scream before Michael palm-strike her straight at her chest, sending her flying and slamming into the wall.
“You really thought you could run from me?” sneered Michael.  Sam immediately went on the attack after (Y/n) had been injured but Michael easily overpowered him as well as Dean who more than anyone, put up a fight towards Michael.  But the archangel soon had Dean by the throat.
“How did you—” Dean started to say but Michael interrupted him.
“Get here? Easy. I made a deal. And now this world is mine, I can save it, purge it of sin.”
“Yeah cause that really worked out on your rock.”
“Well I’m not perfect. And yes I made mistakes, but hey second times the charm.” As (Y/n) cradled her broken arm she muttered under her breath in prayer.
“Jack. Jack I don’t know if you’ll even hear this prayer but—we need you. He’s here……Michael is here. Please, help us. He’s gonna kill us.” As Michael and Dean continued to talk back and forth of each other until Michael squeezed Dean’s throat even harder almost to the point where his bones could be heard snapping (but not enough to kill him).
As Dean was starting to slip away under Michael’s grip, the archangel was suddenly thrown back against a pillar by a familiar golden aura of power.  Dean let out a loud intake of air and coughed harshly.  Everyone looked up to see that Jack had come back.
“Jack.” Sam said as he was finally able to stand up.
“I heard your prayers.” Jack only turned to look at (Y/n) and when he had seen the woman he secretly loved hurt, rage slowly began to simmer within him.
“Yeah it’s me, yay. Uhh we done yet buddy?” Lucifer also said as he had appeared behind Jack.  He then tried to get Jack to leave now that Michael had been subdued, but it wasn’t enough for Jack.
First thing he did was walk up to (Y/n), knelt down beside her and healed her broken arm thanks to the teaching he learned from Cas.
“You okay?” he softly asked as he cupped her left cheek.
“For now.” Jack softly smiled but his soft side melted away as anger and rage now consumed him as he turned his attention to Michael.  His eyes glowed as he raised his hand up and slowly walked towards Michael and said angrily.
“You hurt my friends.” Michael let out a pained groan as he hunched forward, almost as if something were burning him from the inside out.  “You hurt my family!” Jack soon yelled as Michael screamed and felt his insides being crushed.  “You hurt (Y/N)!!” as he clenched his hand into a fist now, Michael’s vessel started to bleed from his eyes and his ears.
Everyone, including Lucifer stood there in shock at just how much power Jack held.
“LUCIFER WE HAD A DEAL!!” Michael exclaimed as he slid down to the ground in pain.
“Okay, game over. Hey buddy let’s….let’s split.” Lucifer said with a snap of his fingers wanting to lead Jack away.
“What does he mean?” Jack asked as he turned to his father.  Lucifer began stammering almost trying to play dumb but Dean soon said.
“They had a deal.” Jack then turned to Dean as he continued, “Lucifer gets you, and Michael gets everything else. He’s gonna nuke our world, Jack. Just like he did his.”
“Is this true?” Jack asked his father.
“No! It’s not.”
“Is that why you wanted us to leave? And why you knew (Y/n) wouldn’t come with?”
“Leave? (Y/n) what do you know about this?” Sam asked her.
“Lucifer told him they were going to see the stars. Then Jack said he’d only go with his dad if I got to go with them. But I refused because Lucifer would be the main tag along.”
“What you were just gonna leave the rest of us to burn?” Cas said as he was finally able to stand up after his fight with Michael.
“Okay, okay let’s slow down for a second. Are we forgetting who the real bad guy is?”
“Yeah trying telling that to Maggie dumbass.” (Y/n) snapped.
“What about Maggie?” Jack asked with a crack in his voice.
“You know you’ve done some dumb things Lucifer but even you must’ve known this would turn and bite you in the ass. Jack, Maggie saw the eyes of her killer. The glowing red eyes. Which angel amongst us has eyes like that?”
“Oh come on! Jack are you really gonna believe this girl!? (Y/n) is a hater she’d say anything to get you on their side!” Lucifer tried to point (Y/n) as the bad guy but Jack wouldn’t believe his father over her again, not after the brief pain it had caused him after they had left her behind.
“Tell me the truth!” Jack demanded as his eyes glowed and he held out his hand towards his own father.  Using his powers, he controlled Lucifer’s mind and made him verbally confess how and why he killed Maggie.  He also admitted to how much he enjoyed it.  When Jack released him, he shook his head before saying, “You’re not my father, you’re a monster.”
Lucifer’s impatience was boiling to a head until he finally let out his rage in a powerful scream as he revealed his glowing red eyes.  The scream of the devil shook the entire bunker and the Winchesters and (Y/n) had no choice but to cover their ears less their eardrums explode out of their ears.
“Okay…..I tried with you. I really, really tried with you.”
“Everything you told me was a lie.”
“Because I told you what you wanted to hear man! So what I killed the girl? Big deal! She’s just a human she doesn’t matter!”
“So am I!” Jack snapped.
“Yeah, and that’s your problem. You’re too much like your mother.”
“Jack.” Cas said as he, Sam and (Y/n) started to surround the two of them ready to attack, but Jack told them to stand back and that he’ll handle him.
“Oh yeah? Oh buddy, we could’ve been something you and me. We could’ve remade the universe. We could’ve been better Gods than dad. And I really wanted pal, I wanted that but now—if I can’t have it with you well….I don’t need you. I just need your power.” Suddenly Lucifer used an archangel blade and sliced a small cut on Jack’s throat and began absorbing his grace.
“NO!!!” Cas and (Y/n) cried out.  Once Lucifer had absorbed all of Jack’s grace, he healed the cut on his son’s neck and felt ultimate power surging through him.  Lucifer’s eyes briefly glowed the golden color of Jack’s powers and immediately (Y/n) leapt towards them and with a flash of light, the three of them were gone.
The next thing (Y/n) knew, she fell down to the floor and looked around to see that they had appeared at a small church.
“Really (Y/n)? Hitching a ride, you know you’re taking the term ‘clingy girlfriend’ to a whole new level.”
“Go to fucking hell!” she snarled through her teeth.
“Yeah, yeah been there done that.” Lucifer released his grip on his son and kicked (Y/n) square in the face sending her on her back to the floor.  She briefly rolled across the floor and as she tried to sit up, Lucifer kicked her hard in the ribs.  She let out a groan as she went for her scythe then just as Lucifer was about to stomp on her chest, she slashed his leg.
Being that the material was made of melted angel blades, it managed to cause him pain but not enough to kill him.  She backward rolled and twirled the scythe in her hand as she glared up at the devil.
“I’ll admit, you always were the more fearsome fighter out of the brothers.”
“Growing up alone on the streets of West Philly teaches you a thing or two.” She spat out some blood as she took out her other scythe.  She then charged at the devil, slashing at any chance she got but Lucifer was toying with her as he dodged every single attack that came her way.  After toying with her, he grabbed her wrist and twisted it forcing her to drop her left one first before punching her in the face repeatedly.
Every blow sounded off a broken bone on her face or nose until her mouth and nose were covered in blood.  He then took her by the throat and lifted her up.
“But you’re still human. And humans break easily. Shame though, you could’ve made at least a slightly decent daughter-in-law. But you know, I can always make more and there might be another one like you out there somewhere.” Lucifer then took her right scythe out of her hand and admired it.  “Been nice knowing you tigress.” Then he swung the scythe across her stomach.
Jack who had slowly regained consciousness after losing his grace, woke up to see the woman he loved being held by the throat and saw as his own father kill her with her own weapon.
“NOOOOO!!!” Jack cried out.  Lucifer turned and said.
“Oh good you’re awake.” He then dropped (Y/n) like a ragdoll and as she began to bleed profusely all across her stomach, her body already going into shock at the amount of blood that was already seeping out of her body.
“You—you killed her?”
“Like I said, she’s just a human. There’s dozens more out there like her, but if you’d like, I can let you join her. Classic Romeo and Juliet fashion.” But before Lucifer could do anything, a bright angelic light shone throughout the church and standing there was Dean with Sam close behind him.  The shadow of angel wings coming out from Dean who had accepted Michael as his vessel.
While Dean and Lucifer talked and fought each other, Sam quickly raced over to (Y/n) after seeing her on the ground in her own blood.
“(Y/n)? (Y/n)? Hey, just hang on, keep your eyes open for me okay sweetheart?” Jack came beside her and grabbed her hands.
“I’m sorry (Y/n). I’m so, so, so sorry. I should’ve believed you this is all my fault I-I’m so sorry.”
“Not…….your……f-fa…..” (Y/n) choked out but Sam interrupted her.
“Hey, hey shhh save your strength okay? Jack, take off your jacket and put it on her stomach okay? We have to keep pressure on her wound.”
“It’s—it’s too……” weakly (Y/n) stopped Jack who looked down at her with tears in his eyes.
“No. (Y/n) we’re going to save you. Please let me save you!!”
“You—already…..did.” soon a bright light and a cry of pain echoed throughout the church and as Dean fell to the ground, they watched as Lucifer’s light was extinguished and he lay there dead.
Lucifer was finally dead.
“Is he?” Sam started to ask, almost not believing it to be true.
“He’s dead.” Jack said.  The brothers and Jack couldn’t believe it, finally after all this time Lucifer was finally dead.  Not sealed in the cage, truly dead.
“Dean, you did it.” Sam said.
“No. No man we did it.”
“(Y/n). (Y/n) did you hear that he’s really….” Jack said as he looked down, but something wasn’t right.  Her eyes were still open but there was no life to them, the soft smile was still upon her face but she was as stiff as a board.  “(Y/n)? (Y/n)?” tears began to fill his eyes.  “No, no, no, no, no, no please no!”
“Dean!” Knowing he had Michael’s power, he thought for sure he could heal the wound but just before Dean could make a step, he lurched forward in pain groaning.  “DEAN!!”
“WE HAD A DEAL!!!” Dean cried out before he too went still for a moment.
“Dean?” Sam called his brother again.  Dean rose up but his posture and the look in his eyes were different.  Dean looked around before saying.
“Thanks for the suit.” And then he disappeared, leaving Sam and Jack alone with (Y/n)’s corpse.
“(Y/n)! (Y/n) please wake up! Don’t go please you can’t die!” Jack cried out.
“Jack…..” Sam trailed off.
“There’s hospitals. Human doctors can save her right!? Sam please call them!”
“It wouldn’t do any good. I’m sorry Jack, she’s gone.”
“No she can’t be gone!” Jack picked up (Y/n)’s body and wept into her neck, pleading and begging to anyone above to save her as he wept into her cold neck.
After sending a prayer to Cas about what had happened, Cas found them and brought them back to the bunker so that they could give (Y/n) a proper hunter’s funeral.  As she lay there on the table moments before she would be wrapped up, Jack stood over her utterly broken and lost.
The only thing he could do was lean down and kiss her cold blue lips.  Deep down he had hoped that true love’s kiss would awaken her, just like all those Disney movies and fairytales she had shown him could do.  But this was no fairytale, nor was there a happy ending for them.
“Jack,” Cas voice spoke gently to the grieving young man.  “It’s time.” Jack sniffled and he said.
“I’ll prepare her.” Cas nodded and left Jack to do all the prepping alone.  Once he was done, he carried the wrapped up body of the woman he loved in his arms towards her funeral pyre.  He set the body down on the wood and watched brokenly as the hunters doused her body in gasoline before Sam was the one to light the fuse and burn her body.
As they all watched (Y/n)’s clothed body burst into flames, Jack had no more tears left to spent, but his heart continued to ache him and he would soon be the only one to remain at her pyre even after all the other hunters went back to work to search for Michael.
*End of flashback*
“Jack?” he heard Sam’s voice say.  He felt as Sam came up and stood beside him.  “You okay?”
“As fine as I can be.” Jack said monotonously.
“Look Jack, I know it’s difficult without your grace. But Bobby said you’re really improving and soon you’ll—”
“It’s not that.” Sam looked perplexed for a moment but then realized what he meant.
“Oh.” Jack nodded softly and turned to look back up at the stars.  “Yeah, I miss her too.”
“It’s all my fault.”
“Jack, you can’t blame yourself for what happened. And (Y/n) would sure as hell wouldn’t want you thinking like that.”
“But I—”
“She wouldn’t have done what she did, if you weren’t worth saving. She’s had a rough life before we found her. Trust me.” Jack sniffled and wiped away his tears.
“It hurts so much Sam. My heart it—it’s like…..a werewolf had taken it, tore it apart slowly and then put it back in my chest with no way to fix it. Why? Why does it hurt so much?!” Jack gripped his chest as he lowered his head and sobbed.  Sam cautiously reached out and brought the young Nephilim to his chest, resting his head on top of his.
“I know what you mean Jack. Long ago when I thought I had finally gotten out of the hunter’s life, I found a girl I had fallen for. Jessica, oh she was a force of nature. And—I was gonna eventually ask her to marry me. Once I had finished law school and everything. But when I came back she—it tore me apart too. I went through the exact same heartache you’re going through now. It’s tough losing the woman you love.”
“I never—even got to tell her.” Jack whimpered.
“She knows. Believe me, women like her and Jess, they always know. And it’s also probably why she did what she did.”
“How do you do it Sam?” the two of them looked at each other as Jack whimpered brokenly as a few tears slipped down his face, “How do you continue to live when they’re gone?”
“One day at a time Jack. One day at a time.” Sam brought Jack’s head back over his heart and rocked the young man comfortingly as Sam let a few tears of his own slip out, also mourning for the loss of the young woman whom he called sister for so many years.
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Why Dipper is so loved, while Mabel is a broken base...
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I'm not the biggest Mabel fan, but even I believe that all the hate that Mabel sometimes gets is too much...
Why do almost half of the fans get angry at a little girl, while praising a little boy?
Well, we're gonna find out!
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*You see during the beginning of Gravity Falls, we get the idea that Mabel is supposed to be the optimistic heart of the duo, while Dipper is the cynical brain of the team.
*And for a while it was like that, but then came the episode of Mabel teaming up with Grunkle Stan to laugh at Dipper's lack of manliness.
*Which was the first of a bunch of episodes where Mabel (sometimes with Stan) treating Dipper somewhat unfairly.
*Teaming up with Stan to make fun of Dipper for being slightly shorter than her, not trying to help Dipper create a plan that will allow her to keep Waddles and prevent Dipper from accidentally giving Wendy a black eye, taking a picture of Dipper giving reverse CPR to Mabel's mermaid boyfriend to use for blackmail later, laughing at Bill shooting a hole through her brother (I know it's a dream, but still...), getting angry at Dipper for refusing to help Stan (cause Dipper believed that Stan hates him; Mabel could've at least been more sympathetic before going to help Stan)... almost giving away Dipper's journal to Bill (to impress a guy with her play), choosing to trust Stan over her brother (even though the portal could destroy the universe), then afterwards refuses to play his board game and even makes fun of it with Stan (which results in Dipper spending time with Ford), getting jealous that Dipper is spending more time with Ford then with her (which she caused), proceeds to make fun of Dipper again when he calmly calls her out on her teasing, she feels guilty but doesn't give a proper apology (something that even Stan does), gets upset at Dipper for wanting to become Ford's apprentice and stay at Gravity Falls, willingly gives Bill the device that almost ends the world and nobody finds out about it (I know she was tricked but still), refuses to leave her giant bubble until Dipper finally agrees to come home with her and creates a radical brother that would have a 'more supportive attitude'.
*I personally think that Mabel did the right thing by trusting Stan in the end, so Ford could be rescued... the portal still could've destroyed the universe, if Stan had miscalculated something.
*I'm also angrier at Stan for the mocking Dipper times, cause Mabel was a child and children don't know better sometimes, but Stan is an adult and he knows what it's like to be made fun of and yet he still does it to Dipper... no wonder Dipper briefly believed that Stan hated him... and no wonder Ford quickly became Dipper's Favorite Grunkle.
*As for accidentally almost starting the apocalypse, I don't completely blame Mabel for what happened, but the other characters deserved to know the truth and I'm surprised that Bill didn't tell them to cause drama.
*When all these things are stacked together, it's not a pretty picture.
While in comparison to Dipper, the brother is actually already quite supportive:
*Saves Mabel from gnomes despite Mabel yelling at him, he was willing to break up with Gideon for Mabel, he gave up his chance to be with Wendy twice to make Mabel happy, he doesn't make fun of Mabel's flaws, he comforts Mabel when she's sad, he helps Mabel whenever she asks for it (even when he doesn't like the thing that they're doing), he's always forgiving with Mabel, he's viciously protective of Mabel and gave up being Ford's apprentice to make Mabel happy.
*So, yeah the twins do have a bit of an all take, no give relationship... the writers could've handled it a little bit better.
*It doesn't help that Mabel technically does get called out on how she treats Dipper in Season 2, but the people that call her out are the Main Villain and a jerky unicorn, who are seen as in the wrong (but even the villains can make decent points sometimes)... Mabel had a chance to get proper character development and become a better sister after saving Dipper from Bill's possession... but Mabel doesn't really grow much as a person, not even during the finale... she's almost the same as she was during Season 1.
*Meanwhile with Dipper, he slowly becomes less cynical and socially awkward as well as braver and more kind-hearted over the course of the show... he even handled the fact that Wendy wants to simply remain friends beautifully... he still has a crush, but he respects her wishes.
*In contrast to Mabel, who keeps falling in love with guys and trying to force a romance, instead of letting it happen naturally or realizing that she doesn't need a boy to be happy... she also uses a love potion on Robbie and another girl to basically force them to get together and this is later seen as an okay thing (when Robbie hypnotizing Wendy with romantic music was seen as wrong).
*Even Stan and Ford go through a bit more character development then Mabel does.
*I think that's what truly bothers the fans... Dipper goes through character development, learns some lessons and slowly becomes a better person... while Mabel remains the same.
*Mabel isn't a horrible person... she's a fun, creative and energetic girl... but she wouldn't exactly be winning any 'Sister of the Year' Awards either.
*It's disappointing, because Mabel's character had so much potential... and the writers make her repeat the same mistakes... if they did handle Mabel's character better, she'd probably be almost as loved as Dipper.
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amazeingartist · 7 months
ok art’s not working rn but I still wanna share ghostsoap in my zombie au here too after seeing a bunch of the cod zombies stuff on twitter (I’m very autistic about zombie and since tumblr doesn’t really have a limit y’all will get more info. depression works hard, but autism works harder /j)
anyway tags for any of y’all who don’t vibe with this type of content
CW: zombies, so cannibalism, body horror (mutation based zombies they’re not the rotting kind), gore mentions, a little bit of death (not proper mcd)
(Will update if I’ve missed a tag)
SO the timeline is set far into the future of the zombie apocalypse where anything zombie related is very normal and apart of everyday life with relics and stories to the old word. Humanity is kinda thriving, there’s technology, medicine, secure food sources, water, functional cities & towns, overall the quality of life is pretty good, it’s a lil sci-fiy but not overly so.
The specific zombie strain to is a mutation based one, so there’s different zombie types and it affects all living things; herbivores are the only type of infected that’s non-aggressive unless provoked, while all carnivorous/predatory animals and certain omnivores are always hostile. Regardless of aggression, the disease can be easily transmitted via blood, bites, scratches, ingestion of contaminated products, and saliva depending on the zombie type. (fun fact—zombie cows are a thing and are used to deter attacks on living/healthy livestock)
Anyway, world building context done (for now), Ghost & Soap are partners in “community security”, meaning they are to deal with threats to the livelihood/safety of people. They mostly work with towns since towns have less means to protect themselves—cities have fences and walls which are patrolled whereas towns outside a city might only have a simple fence and a couple zombie cows—from the hordes, raiders or particularly bothersome zombie types, while occasionally doing specialised work in the cities.
Ghost is blight, a humanoid zombie that has retained their human consciousness despite turning, while Soap is a delayed, a immune human who’s blood can used to suppress the affects of infection for via regular prescribed shots. Both are incredibly rare btw, (for both human and zombie) and are literally an ideal working pair because blight’s are highly infectious to the point where their drool is a safety hazard (one of the reasons they’re muzzled), but since Soap’s immune there’s no risk. Blight’s are also susceptible to unexpectedly going feral which Soap prevents by keeping Ghost in touch with his humanity; literally Soap’s lack of fear of Ghost is what helps them be a perfect working pair (that and Ghost genuinely enjoying Soap’s company).
So yeah, they patrol for raiders and redirect any wandering corpses frequently, with the occasionally job from some regular folk that’s too dangerous to do themselves—just all things that genuinely help people keep and feel safe.
Unfortunately for Soap, when dealing with zombies he can’t hide or mask himself as easy a regular person, a problem Ghost, unless displaying aggression, doesn’t have on account of being an actual zombie. Soap does abuse his immunity though, throwing himself in front of others to act as a meat shield and protect them from infection. Cause of that though his body is littered in scars of bite and scratch marks (zombies that harm Soap usually don’t exist for much longer if Ghost’s around)
As a blight, Ghost’s mutated state is centred around his human base but has elements of other zombie types; from pale and dark veiny skin, his jaw and throat are split into mandibles which Ghost needs a custom compression mask to be able talk, his arms have exposed boney spines/blades that are both retractable and can be used as projectiles (throwing knife equivalent), his nails are basically claws + are also somewhat retractable, and over certain parts of Ghost’s body are have bone plating as armour. It’s unclear the exact limit of Ghost’s capabilities as it’s near impossible to test him as he hates doctors/labs, (the reason he’ll consistently stepping into a lab for is for a blood transfusion/feed).
[^^^may be updated as I think more about this au]
Little Ghoap moment, but Soap will help Ghost in his upkeep of himself by either filing down Ghost’s claws or brushing the rows and rows of sharp teeth for any bits of stuck flesh and to keep an excess buildup of bacteria from forming. It’s literally something only Soap can do, both cause he’s immune and because Ghost only feels comfortable letting Soap help. It’s not an process that should take very long, but Soap is meticulously and after holding Ghost’s mandibles awkwardly extended for some time, he’ll gently massage the muscles; despite the horror it’s actually a pretty sweet gesture. When they’re off duty Soap’ll unlock Ghost’s muzzle and massage his face after being compressed for a couple days too (Soap’s one of the few people with the authority to unlock Ghost’s muzzle)
and uh yeah. I think that the end of that for now, hope it’s enjoyable. I’m combing my current hyperfixation with an idea/project I’ve been working on for years and is quite dear to me so there’s a lot of information to share lmao. feel free to ask any questions if there are any, preferably via the asks but comments are fine too (just I can tag asks together)
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Round 3, Match 7: Kim Dokja vs. Izumi Curtis
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Submitted kids:
Kim Dokja: Lee Gilyoung and Shin Yoosung are the commonly accepted ones but you can also make a case for Lee Jihye and Biyoo
Izumi Curtis: Edward Elric and Alphonse Elric
Propaganda under the cut!
Kim Dokja:
1. “In the first scenario (where you have to murder something alive) his first priority is to make sure Gilyoung makes it out alive (by giving him the grasshopper before letting others know about it), and when the future version of Yoosung (41st round) is going to cause havoc his first plan is to basically the past (his present) version of her so they would have her on her side (he takes her in as his incarnation- if that isn’t an adoption idk what is); Biyoo is literally the soul of 41st Yoosung that he WENT THROUGH AN UNDERWORLD TRIAL to get her back and she is legally his child. Lee Jihye is more like the older sister-teenager of the group be she’s still adopted by association and Han Donghoon is a kid who was hypnotized and exploited by the ‘prophets’ and Kim Dokja saved him and became someone he trusts in- which is basically adopting. Mia is YJH’s little sister but with the family dynamic all of KimCom has she’s basically adopted too. This man is someone who believes the worst in himself but gives all these kids someone they need and in return they are the family he’s never had.”
2. “He saved Lee Gilyoung on the subway when he was orphaned at the time the apocalypse started even when he didn't need to and kept him by his side and fed him at his own expense and believed in him and taught him to be strong when no one else had really done that for Lee Gilyoung before.
MINOR SPOILERS AHEAD (pretty vague):
Shin Yoosung was a character in the world of the apocalypse that occured (long story, won't explain here lol) and she was supposed to be destined to become a monster that would destroy Seoul and the two people other than Kim Dokja who knew this wanted to kill her when they found her to prevent her from becoming that but Kim Dokja refused to kill her and physically stood to protect her and then he later became her sponsor (uhhh it's a whole thing in-universe but basically pledged to back her and help her ig) and the stigma (a special power thing that can be gained through a sponsor) he gave her was based in him protecting everyone in their group and his love for all of them.
Both Shin Yoosung and Lee Gilyoung are extremely attached to Kim Dokja and have on at least one canon occasion slept clinging to either side of him.
LESS MINOR SPOILERS AHEAD (though not terrible ig and still mostly vague at least):
Biyoo is. well she's Shin Yoosung actually but also not. So basically y'know that monster future Shin Yoosung was destined to become? so that monster version of her from a different timeline was sent backwards and sideways in time (idk how else to describe it jskdfs) and nearly did destroy Seoul as prophesied but Kim Dokja tried to save her—and he nearly did but then a shitty dokkaebi (they're like admin streamer people. idk would take a while to explain) did a shitty thing and forced her to be 'evil' and then she had to be killed ;-; but Kim Dokja promised to get revenge for her and after that he went and beat up the asshole dokkaebi who did that so badly that he gained a legendary Story. And then he traveled to the Underworld at risk of his own life to retrieve her soul and put that into a dokkaebi egg that he personally hatched. And she lost her memories for the most part but could still sense a bit what he'd done for her :') and so yeah she became Biyoo and is somehow both adopted and originally parented(?? idk saying biologically is. doesn't feel quite right lol) by him.”
3. “Bro is THE DAD of the group”
4. “Adopted his kids so hard that they’d do like anything for him they love him so much”
No propaganda has been submitted for Izumi Curtis
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massivecheesecakewolf · 2 months
A revamped version of my first post about DP.
Danny is confused, the problem with the GIW and the anti ecto law still a thing even after he is crowned and the problem is getting bigger as Danny is getting More and more accepting of a dramatic solution like banning people from the afterlife when the problem suddenly stopped as the GIW suddenly disappeared and the politicians who supported the act mysteriously died as every evidence that the act is real is gone, while Danny is glad that he don't have to do something drastic, he is confused that who would do that.
Meanwhile in an isolated island a group is burning the last of the dead GIW agents and politicians after going back in time to stop a apocalypse. The group was regular teen friends in their original timeline when the ghost king with a decree banned the people from going to the ghost zone and it caused problems (understatement) like ghosts eating other ghosts to be ghost titans that will destroy the world and that the group after having to fight everything (ghost titans, agent of the ghost king, and the ghost king himself (barely because the ghost king is powerful and the only reason the survival group won is that they have anti ghost weapons, blessing from the ancient ghost that want to get Danny to his senses, and the fact of the mage of the group got the equivalent of a super form( from trauma of seeing his sister dies and her soul consumed in front of him)and just barely overpower the ghost king)) and while they stopped the decree, the world is destroyed, traumatized the group and Danny enough that Danny just impaled his core to disappear and the group don't know what to do. Thankfully somehow the group has a favor from clockwork and they use the favor to go back in time to merge with their past selves mind to prevent time paradox and use their magic and training to kill everyone that is part of the reason for the anti ecto act without anyone noticing as well making a backup plan about terrorizing Danny to preventing him from dooming the world. They are 16 years old and just think about the trauma and PTSD they got from the bad future and the fact that 4 of them have enough magic skill and blessing to be an equivalent of high level demigod. Yeah Danny is fucked if he messed up.
The four survivors/hunter/King Slayer/godling/teen
The mage
The paladin
The fighter
The hunter
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𝚍𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚜 | 𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚜𝚎!𝚍𝚎𝚊𝚗 𝚠𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛 | 𝟹
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Summary: Ivonne Rainer hadn’t met Dean Winchester in 2006 after he was hit by a car. No, this time, this universe, they met in 2010, when the whole Apocalypse deal started and Dean was made leader of one of the only remaining survival camps in America. Little did he know, one random raid would change everything.
I was sharpening a machete by a fire outside, sitting on a log alone while everyone else were in their tents, fast asleep, the lucky bastards. It had been about a week since my confrontation with Winchester, and I’d catch him glaring daggers at me every time I passed by or did so much as breathe the same air as him. Like I cared about what that jackass thought; he just had an overinflated sense of self-importance. I gripped the brimstone tight in my hand, sharply sliding it across the sides, then I lifted the blade to my finger and made the lightest incision with it, and with barely any pressure, I got a smooth cut. I nodded, holding it up to the light in satisfaction before chucking it into the pile of other meticulously sharpened machetes. 
I stared into the fire for a moment, watching the flames swat the air like it had something against the thing keeping as alive. My jaw clenched a little, and then I rubbed my face, my eyes closing for a second- 
Gunshots. Screams. His face as he stood above me, gun pointed at my forehead, finger on the trigger. 
I immediately opened my eyes again, jerking and almost falling off my seat as I took my hand off my face. “My god, you should be used to this by now.” Tear pricked at my eyes, but I closed my eyes, shaking them off and the moisture clearing like it was never there as I cleared my throat. Then I heard the slightest of crunching leaves, and I raised my eyebrows, smirking. “If you wanna sneak up on me, you’re gonna have to try a thousand times harder.” I turned to see James there, a small smile playing over his lips. His hair was messed up slightly by the wind as he sat down, drinking from a bottle.
“I brought you a beer.” He held up one more bottle, holding it out to me. “To thank you for… saving my ass. And dragging yours across the coals.” 
“Eh, it’s nothin’.” I smiled, taking it gladly and cracking it open with my thumb before taking a sip, then chuckled. “He’s a jackass.” 
“Language.” He grinned, nudging me slightly. “But I’m curious, cause nobody’s talked to the boss like that before. And I mean nobody. You’ve got guts.” 
“I don’t respond well to authority.” I shrugged, frowning a bit. “Being ordered around ain’t my strong suit. Never was.” I took a long sip, gulping down the liquid and exhaling as it soothed my jumpy nerves a little. “You’ve never spoken to him like that? Ever?”
”Well, being fair, I was a police officer, namely detective sergeant.” James vouched, taking a sip of his beer. “Responding to authority without question? Kinda my job.” 
“Touché.” I paused, then turned to him. “So, where you from, Serge?” 
“M’from Austin, but when I joined the force, I moved to Baltimore, then New York. Baltimore’s where I met the boss, after I arrested him on suspicion for the murder of one Karen Giles.” He grinned, swirling the contents of his beer, the fire illuminating his rugged features a little too well. “And you, Miss Mysterious?”
”I was born in Jersey, spent half of my life there before my family moved to Lebanon, though I had no idea why they’d choose there of all goddamn places.” 
“And the immune business, if you don’t mind me askin’?” 
I cast him an uneasy glance. People would not take kindly to this, but James, with his kind green eyes, seemed to be someone I could confide in. Yeah, he… did. “Well, I don’t know where it came from, exactly. It just appeared when I was nineteen and it’s been with me since. There was a brief period where Hell sent a demon that carved a rune in my arm to prevent me from usin’ it, but I got that off after a bit. And, uh, I don’t know, the one time I came close to understanding all that is when I was 26. There was this… fight to the death between all the psychics. I don’t know why I was there; I wasn’t 22 and I certainly didn’t have abilities quite like theirs, mine was more destructive. More developed, obviously. But I had to choose to protect one kid, and I chose a good one. His name was Sam, but he died that evenin’, I escaped and never heard of him since.” 
“Damn.” Was all he could manage, then a thought seemed to cross his mind. “You know the hippie cabin?” 
“The one I’ve been warned against when it’s 3 o’clock?” 
“The very same. I think I know a guy who could help.” 
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The next morning, I had my hands in my leather jacket’s pockets as I strolled up to the hippie cabin, where James was leaning against the wooden wall, his broad arms folded across his chest. He gave me a wink, pushing off the wall as he approached me casually. “Hey there, pretty lady.” 
The statement made me laugh a little, and I looked him in the eye with a raised brow. “Pretty lady? Really?” 
“Can’t fault a man for speaking facts.” 
“Let flirting, more walkin’, sweet talker, I’ve got priorities.” 
“Yes, ma’am.” James then led me inside the cabin, where I could see a dude with tousled black hair and a beard dressed in pyjamas and doing yoga on an over-embellished mat. Is this the guy? 
If so, I don’t see the appeal. 
Then the dude’s eyes opened, and he turned to me with a rather dreamy, stoned-looking expression. “James. I hope you’ve been feeling at peace with yourself.”
”Kind of hard to, Cas, but thank you.” So his name was… Cas.
“This is the guy?” I whispered to James, who nodded. 
“Bear with him, he’s smarter than he lets on.” 
“And you…” Cas pointed at me, standing up and walking over to me, and I looked up at him. Every man in this goddamn place seemed to be taller than me. Damn bein’ 5’ 7”. “I know you.” 
“Do you, now?” I scoffed, folding my arms defensively, but I had the inkling he was right. There was something about this Cas dude that made my hands tingle weirdly, and I did not like it one bit. 
“Uh… Ivy?” James muttered, nudging me. 
“Your eyes are glowing blue.” I glanced in a mirror, and indeed I saw my eyes glowing blue. I hadn’t seen them do that since this whole pandemic started, and especially not when I could completely control my powers. 
“Yes, I know.” Cas pointed at me, a smile breaking out on his face. “Ivonne Hazel Rainer.” 
“He knows your name.” 
“I got that, James.” I hissed back. He knows my middle name. Only me and one other person knows my middle name. “Uh… how do you know me?”
”I can feel your power.” Cas continued airily, and put his finger on my forehead, making me jump back in shock. The hell-
“Hey, hey, easy on the contact!” 
“You’ve grown stronger than I imagined.” 
“Elaborate, please!” 
“If we are going to have this conversation, I’d rather have it privately.” He shot a pointed glance at James, who nodded sheepishly and headed out, and I looked after him. Don’t leave me with this weirdo-
“So.” I gulped, looking him in the eye. “I’ve had these powers since ‘99. That’s a whoppin’ eleven years, if you minus the one where they were taken away. You wanna tell me what the hell they are or will I have to force it out?” The threat made him quirk an eyebrow and laugh softly, which stumped me. People were usually either pissed off or scared outta their wits. This guy was way too stoned to be either. 
“I never knew you’d be this… skilled… but I also never anticipated how feisty you are.” 
“Who even uses feisty anymore?” 
He seemed to ignore me, looking me in the eye. “I’d have thought you’d be able to hear the thoughts of everyone on this camp, but you seemed to have learnt to tune those thoughts out. Bravo. Anyway, that’s not why you’re here. My name is Castiel, and I am an angel of the Lord.” 
“Angel of the Lord- is that a boy band?” 
“I wish it was, it would be a rather popular band, if it did exist, but no. I’m an angel.” 
An angel? Angel?
”You’re kiddin’ me.” I chuckled nervously, shaking my head. “You’re pulling my leg. An angel- how thick do you think I am, huh?” I then took a good look at him, and his expression told me he wasn’t lying. “You’re serious.” 
“Yes.” He nodded. “And I’m glad you decided to stay. And it seems like your good powers are amplified in my presence.” 
“They feel like it.” I gulped, my body feeling tingly. An unfamiliar kind of tingly. “And why’s that?” 
“Because those powers of yours were transferred to you by me.” Castiel admitted, taking a good look at me. “From your brother, just before his… you know.” 
“You gave me these?” 
“Yes. Your brother would have been corrupted, just like the other psychics like him. I saw that you would do a better job with your abilities, and use them for the greater good. I just wish I could have found you sooner, or if Dean had met you sooner. You were meant to play a bigger part in this than you realise, Ivonne.” 
“W-What?” I stammered, frowning a bit as I held up my hand. “Slow down. Why am I important?” 
“You are what us angels called the Saviour.” He admitted, holding up one hand with his palm flat and facing the ceiling. “But you are also, to demons, the Destroyer.” He did the same with the other hand. “To both, you are the Balance. A human, a singular human, whose actions have an equilibrium between good and bad consequences. You were meant to choose one, and fight the other side in the Apocalypse. But you didn’t make that choice. I have a feeling that all this could be prevented had you met Dean. He would need a level mind, but I sense that it’s no longer as stable.” He took a closer look, stepping forward. “You’re troubled.” 
“Never mind that.” I snapped defensively, shrinking back a little. “Just tell me, is there any point in making the decision now?” 
“Not anymore.” Cas shook his head solemnly. “Even if you did choose the Saviour, Lucifer is far too powerful to be stopped with your powers alone. And we may need your… evil… powers as well.” Then he stepped forward again. “Be prepared to use your powers. They will come in handy. And while you’re still here, the orgy is at three o’clock, if you wish to join-“ 
“And… we’re done here.” I coughed, now aware of what goes on at three in the afternoon. “Thanks for the help, really appreciate it-“
”Ivy.” Risa popped her head through the door, smiling slightly at Cas. “Dean’s calling you.” 
“Right.” I groaned, stepping out of the tent and following her. “Please remind me to stay calm and not deck him.” 
“Stay calm and don’t deck him.” She laughed. “Look, I know he gets under your skin, but just trust the guy. He’s kept us alive thus far.” 
“Trust is a goddamn privilege, Risa.” I scoffed before reaching Winchester’s cabin. I knocked on the door, and heard a grunt from the other side. 
I’ll take that as an invitation. 
I walked in, hands in my pockets as I expected to see the bossman glaring at me, but no, he was smirking. I frowned a little; why’s he so happy to see me? 
“There she is.” He chuckled lowly, his fingers tapping the table in an insistent rhythm. “Miss I-Don’t-Care.” 
“Missed me, jackass?” I retorted, tilting my head slightly. His smirk was almost too smug, he had a glint in his eye and he was looking at me as if he was ready to see me pissed off. He’s up to something. 
“Oh, no, I wouldn’t dream of it.” Winchester then took a good look at me, and I shifted on my spot, slightly uneasy. The hell is he thinking? “I did some digging. Went on the radio, fetched some contacts. Turns out you’re not quite the Miss Golden you play yourself out to be.” 
“The hell are you talkin’ about?” 
He rubbed down his mouth in one stroke as he did, taking a sharp breath in through his nose. “There were seven years.” I froze; I knew what seven years he was talking about. “Seven years, from 1999 until 2006 where there were some pretty whacked up crime scenes left of monsters across the states. They were kept quiet, but other hunters knew what was happenin’. Vampires, werewolves, djinn, all found dead in abandoned lots and/or buildings, and the death was quick. Painless. Done before the hunters even got wind of the case. Now, they all fit one M.O., of one hunter called Michael Rainer, but there was a big problem with that- he was dead. Now, those guys knew that he had a daughter who he trained to be the best of us and my pops knew it too, so they chalked it up to pretty, little, lippy Ivonne Rainer.” 
“That’s crap.” I retorted quietly, but it was far from. It was the truth. My hand balled into a fist, and he seemed to notice that, the satisfaction evident on his face at seeing me grow steadily more pissed.
“It’s reality.” He smirked, getting closer. “Now, why was Michael Rainer’s obedient little jellybean-“ My blood boiled when he used my father’s nickname for me, “throwin’ a seven year long temper tantrum? Huh? Oh, wait, you could put it down to the night her family were murdered in ‘99, ‘cept your younger sister, who died of cancer three months prior and dear ol’ daddy was found with his heart carved out.” 
“Don’t talk about that.” 
“Or what?” He challenged, and I felt like a bomb ready to explode on him. “Your pregnant mom and youngest sister were found with knives in their throats and Carter with two bullet holes in his chest, and you know what? I think after all that, you’re definitely whacked out of your gourd. I was thinkin’ it would take some time for you to go psycho, but you already have-“ I lunged forward, pinning him harshly to the wall using my forearm on his jugular. But then he twisted us around, now caging me against the wall with his hand on my throat, not squeezing but letting me know it was there in case he was driven to. 
“You asshole!” 
“Listen here, sweetheart.” He drawled, getting real close to my face, his jaw set. “You’re only in this camp because, quite literally, Bob’s your uncle, otherwise I’d have your smartass out back on those Croat-ridden streets.” 
“That’s funny, cause I’m only here ‘cause of Bobby.” I spat, gritting my teeth as my hand reached up to grip his wrist as my eyes glowed red. “Where is he?” 
“Oh, I’ve hit a nerve.” 
“GONE!” He yelled, and it was like everything shattered inside of me. My last remaining family. Dead. And this… this jackass, he… 
“You’re lying.” I refused, my eyes glowing a more intense red. “You’re lying, goddamnit! He’s not- he’s not gone!”
”He is, princess.” He growled. “I saw it happen.” 
“Give me…” I seethed, my eyes pricking with tears that I desperately bit back. “Give me one reason why I shouldn’t tear you apart.” 
“Go on.” Winchester challenged. “Do it. See how your new buddies would take to you then.” 
I had half a mind to do it. 
To let go, and to start peeling him apart, but a part of me told me no, that this isn’t what Bobby would have wanted. For his niece to go blind with rage and kill a man who he practically raised. I gritted my teeth, then pried his hand off my neck, my eyes returning back to grey. “No.” I whispered, then sized him up, which didn’t work since he had 6 inches on me, but I did it anyway. I didn’t care who he was, who anyone was. I knew that would kill me at some point, but it’s kept me alive thus far. “You’re not worth it.” Then I walked out, looking at a Jeep that just arrived with the latest scavenge team. I wanted to break down, cry, destroy something, tear something apart without even touching it, but I didn’t have it in me. Not when Bobby…
A choked cry tore at my throat just as a small buzz of static whirred at the back of my mind, my eyes involuntarily glowing blue as it got stronger and stronger as the men unloaded from the Jeep. They all exchanged beers as my head pounded, that relentless buzzing taking over my mind and clouding it. I clamped my hands over my ears, but that only made the pounding worse. 
Risa jogged up to me, looking concerned as James tagged behind. James took my face in his hands, saying something that I didn’t hear, but my rusty lip reading skills told me he was saying ‘Look at me’, but I couldn’t, not when something was wrong. Really wrong. 
My eyes focused on one man in the back of the just-arrived group, and the static got to its worst, taking in the details of the man. His blood-splattered face, his red-rimmed eyes, the tired look on his face, and the static banging against my brain and tiring it out. It was like it was amplified tenfold, but something registered in my head. 
Without even thinking too much, I pulled out my gun, aiming at the man and pulling the trigger. The bullet whizzed through the air and got the man right in the temple, sending him collapsing to the floor as easily as I’d crush a piece of paper in my hand. I breathed heavily as I stared at the body, and the gun was instantly wrestled out of my hand. 
My mind was silent. No more static. 
Just… emptiness. 
“Ivy?!” James exclaimed angrily, turning me to face him. “The hell was that?!”
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admrlthundrbolt · 5 months
Die To Live (Jason Vorhees x Chubby Reader)
Having no idea that the apocalypse was upon him. A person taking refuge at Camp Crystal Lake came as a surprise. How will Jason handle the sudden intrusion?
Hi guys, I'm back at it again. I had the idea to put a horror character with the reader in an apocalypse. So this was born, which Friday the 13th will always be a personal favorite. Anyways, I hope you enjoy.
This disease came out of nowhere. Half of the population seemed to died over night. There was no rhyme or reason, at least one that the remaining scientists could find in time. Their best advice was to take shelter and hope for the best. It worked for a while, but now the survivors were getting restless.
Everyday you heard more noises. The paranoia of someone breaking into your home had become a constant worry. This had led to what might be seen as a ridiculous decision. Relocating to the supposedly haunted Camp Crystal Lake.
Living close enough to hear about the legends, but not believing them in the slightest. Yeah, some people died there, most of those people being irresponsible teenagers. Plenty of people die or disappear in National Parks. Where was the Jason Vorhees of Yosemite?
Besides, there was a small town near the lake. Small enough that many people would skip over it for other favorable options.
So armed with a few maps and dwindling supplies, you made your way to Camp Crystal Lake.
He was surprised when summer came and went without a single intruder. Sure they had skipped a year or two of the camp itself, after a culling that is. There would still be the occasional couple of groups that would test their luck though. But as day after day passed with no victims, his life took on a quiet tone.
No more screaming, no more blood…. No more of mother's voice. He had a peace that he wasn’t sure he liked. Only the few brave animals that strayed into the camp made any sound.
Until you showed up that is. Pulling up in an older pick up, you parked it in front of the counselor cabin. He was surprised when you didn't take your belongings in. Instead you walked around the camp, surveying it. You looked inside every building, then circle the grounds for a second time. He was sure you would have searched everything again, but it was getting dark.
You slept in the truck the first night, only that one though. Which you followed up with another round of searching. He had to admit, it was impressive. Most people would have walked in and when they didn't immediately see him, thought it was safe. But you were thorough. It was only his years of training that kept him out of your line of sight. That may have been the moment that he started to find you endearing, though he would never admit it.
It always seemed like there was something just out of sight. But when you shifted to look at it, you never could make out anything. Chalking it up to an active imagination and paranoia. You pushed it to the back of your mind.
The more important task was to disinfect this camp. While the scientists didn’t come up with an exact cause of the plague. They still said that a sanitized living quarters, could help prevent the spreading. So you set to work, cleaning every surface you could manage. It helped keep away the gnawing thought of being watched for a while.
It took a few days, which would have been quicker, if not for supply trips. Still the place was cleaner than you assumed it had been in years.
Setting up in the mess hall, you didn't want to get to far from any supplies. This was the hub for a majority of supplies, other than medical. One short trip to the med cabin solved that though. With everything stored away in one location. You felt a weight slide off of your shoulders.
Which meant the uneasy feeling was back on your mind.
The constant silence had become grating. The only time he found peace was around you. You talked to yourself, but it was easy to imagine it was really him you were speaking to. Even your breathing brought him some form of comfort.
The longer he spent away from you was growing shorter by the day. That also meant he had to get stealthier though. You were more perceptive to his presence as the days past.
He had grown the most fond of watching you in your sleep. Starting outside your window at first. Then he risked standing on the other side of the door. Until he ended up next to the cot you had setup.
He didn't understand why his violent tendencies never flared up around you. Though at this point, he was thankful. Thoughts of holding you had become more frequent. Of how soft and warm you must be. For now though, they would have to stay just thoughts.
It was the day after a heavy rain that your anxiety skyrocketed. On the ground outside of the window you set your bed up in, was a set of foot prints. They were much larger than your own and appeared to be boots.
Taking a few deep breaths to steady your nerves. You decided to set a trap for the lurker. The only thing was what to set up? If the length of the shoe was any indication, it was a tall person. That assumption paired with how long it would take rules out a hole trap. You could go into town for a bear trap. Hurting someone was always a last resort for you though. You came here to escape unnecessary violence, so that was also a no. That left a snare. You had plenty of rope and they were simple yet effective.
Setting off, while triple checking your surroundings, you set your traps.
His day had not gone as planned. You had been on high alert since waking up. So he avoided spending much time watching you. That had caused him to become more desperate as the day went on.
It had been agonizing to go so long without anyone around. Then you show up and bring some sort of relief. Only for it to be ripped away when you become aware of his presence.
He has given the passing thought of approaching you. Memories of how people have reacted to him, in life and death, kept him from doing so.
Resigning himself to watching you tonight, he waited. Until he found himself in the predicament he was in now. Dangling upside down from a tree. Not having any experience in a situation like this, he struggled to free his leg.
Seeing a light moving quickly towards him, he went still. With the hope that whoever was coming would pass. Then you were under him. Shining a light at him, mouth gaping.
“This can’t be happening.” You started pacing. “You're not real.” Glancing at him, you shook your head and continued pacing. “I never thought those stories could be true. And now your in a tree…because of me!” Your hands flew to your head.
He watched you scramble to the base of the tree. “I’ll get you down, don’t worry.” He couldn't help but find your concern for him endearing. Even after catching him, obviously, skulking around your sleeping area. You still cared about a stranger like him. Suddenly his back met the ground. If he still needed to breath, it would have left him in that moment.
You hurried over him. “Are you ok? I didn't hurt you did I?” You grabbed his arm to help him off the ground.
When he thought you couldn't become more likeable, you always proved him wrong. He allowed you to ‘help’ him. Then looked down at you.
Moving your hand from his arm to his own hand, you shook it. “Hi, I’m (Y/N). I’m guessing you must be Jason Vorhees.”
This started an odd friendship. Somehow the pacifist and the undead serial killer hit it off.
You would look after and dote him during the day. While he would watch over you at night. It was a bizarre all be it comfortable routine. You loved the feeling of not being the only living thing at the camp. He was just happy to spend as much time with his only reassurance that he wasn’t abandoned. You both found a peace with each other that you had never experienced.
Though it seemed to be short lived.
Going into town for a supply run, you felt at ease knowing that Jason was waiting for you at camp.
None the wiser that you were being watched by a new threat.
The trio watched you from beside a gas station dumpster. Wondering why you had on clothes that weren't ragged. Why you seemed health, rather than half starved like they were. They grew envious as they saw you merrily go about your business. As you got in your truck, they decided to trail you. If you had survived this well in your own, then you must have a stock pile. One that they wouldn't mind liberating from you.
Slowly pulling up to the camp, the driver stops the car. His eyes go wide as they scan the deteriorating sign.
The passenger gave an irritated sigh. “Why did we stop?” As he looked over at the driver he paused.
This caused the man in the back seat to pipe in. “Yeah Johnny, what’s up?” He also glanced at the drive. “ Jesus, if I didn't know any better, i’d think you saw a ghost. “
Finally tearing his eyes from the sign, he said. “No, just a monster. Haven’t you guys ever heard of that camp with the killer. He died there and now he guts anyone that trespasses.”
the man in the back was jumping in his seat. “Yeah yeah. It was uh Camp somethin’ Lake. “
Johnny pointed at the sign. “Camp Crystal Lake actually.”
The passenger shook his head. “That's all bullshit. Besides we’re in end times. If that broad can survive here without dying, then that's proof there’s no killer.”
With a uneasy nod, the driver rolls the car into the camp.
You grabbed the supplies from the truck and headed to the kitchen. It will always surprise you how prepared the town seemed for an apocalypse. Yet there was no one living there. You shrugged off the morbid thought and put everything away. Until you heard a door opening.
“Jason you’ll never guess what I found. They had bunny shaped pasta. It must have been left over from an Easter shippment.” You stopped when the door slammed shut.
Three men stood there. The one in front wore a menacing look on his face and held a stained bat. The other two were tucked behind his wide frame. The one on the left was tall and the right was skinny.
You took a step back, right into a cabinet. You cursed yourself when you realized that they didn't need to back you into a corner, you did it for them. “What are you doing here?” You didn't mean for it to come out as weak as it did.
Tapping the bat to the floor with every step, the front man approached. “Well see, we were in town, when we come across this broad.” The taps become a thud. “She looks clean, well fed, and happy.” The thuds turn into pounding, the sound of wood leaning into wood booming. “And that is a rare thing these days. So we decided to follow her.” Stopping in front of you, he laided the bat on your shoulder.
Glancing at the stains, you noticed that it was blood. The metallic twang that wafted from the weapon was almost enough to make you heave. Tears sprung to the corners of your eyes. “What do you want?”
He rapped the bat against you a few times. “That's the question, isn’t it. The answer is simple, everything.” He slams the bat beside your head.
You cried out, whimpering at the noise. Covering your head with both arms, you felt the tears trailing down your cheeks. “Take anything, just please don't hurt me.”
He let out a barking laugh. “Now that what I like. Isn’t this the type of hospitality we deserve boys.” Turning to his friends, he was surprised to see horrified expression on their faces. Following their eyes, he found an imposing figure blocking the back door.
Going to your side, Jason takes you into his arms. Facing you to the door he came through, pushing you towards it.
You took off like a bullet. Your thick legs pumping and heart pounding. Rushing to lock yourself in the truck until Jason came to get you. He saved you this time and you were so thankful he had become a part of your life.
As he stepped over to the intruders, he had similar thoughts running through his mind. You were the best thing to stubble into his life. You welcomed him with open arms and for that he loves you.
But to keep that peace with you, he had to take care of this trash first. So there would be nothing stand between him and his love for you.
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isnovelman · 10 months
Isn't Being A Wicked Woman Much Better? Side Story Chapter 10
I also upload this chapter in my YouTube channel read there to support my effort, to read click here 👉Link
You have come to me to solve a problem with the holy thing, and it would be difficult to ask if I only emphasized my pure heart.
“I like the scent of tea because the Pope is so worried about me that he even comes to the capital.”
I said with a face as docile as possible. To make it even more gritty.
“Yeah… Hmmmm! But, Lady.”
“Yes, tell me.”
“I have news that the Apocalypse of Saints must be keenly aware of.”
Seeing that he says 'news' instead of 'request', he is a human being with a corner like a squirrel.
“Saint Naila left a great relic to ward off the peculiar darkness more than a thousand years ago, in the early days of the founding of Asteria.”
“Of course I do. Because I am the incarnation of a saint. You are talking about the rosary that the cardinal brought during the incense ceremony, right?”
“Yes. By the way… Something is wrong with that holy thing.”
The white rosary was the most prized in the temple, and was only opened to the outside when the pope personally visited or incense ceremonies. However, there was a problem with the sacred objects in this situation where public sentiment towards the temple was at a low level.
Sooner or later, instead, an annual event will be held in the temple, and the Pope will be very upset because he cannot go out with the holy relic in question.
But I pretended not to know anything, and spoke as the Pope intended.
“Hey, there’s something wrong with my stuff. As the incarnation of a saint, it is not a matter to be overlooked.”
I put down the teacup with a serious look on my face, and stared at the Pope seriously.
“Let’s see the condition of things.”
“Yes! Yes! Saint.”
The pope responded quickly with a reddened face, and I reached out as if to offer something.
“That, that… .”
“The color of the rosary beads suddenly started to change slightly, so to prevent discoloration, I put it in holy water with strong deity. So… Excuse me, could you stop by the Dominion of Heleia?”
The news of Princess Deborah's sudden departure to Heleia caused a stir in the capital.
Of course, it is natural and common sense for a saint to visit before, at the invitation of the Pope.
“There’s nothing strange about it… .”
When the saint saw all of Princess Deborah, it was somehow awkward. Because it is a feeling that a fancy party venue is much more suitable than the papal court.
It wasn't just that.
“In Seymour, they have assembled an elite team of formidable men to escort Saint.”
“Of course, since it’s a saint, I can understand. The princess is the only one, but Deborah must be strong in the first place, why?”
“I have heard that the saint's divinity is merciless to evil demons, but merciful to men. People are scarier than ghosts, do you know? Whether a man with a bad heart will attack Saint-sama. She should be prepared for that.”
“Even though… Isn’t the power capable of annihilating a small country a bit too severe?”
“How much is it?”
“Once the Duke of Visconti and the Hundred Knights of whom he is the vice-leader all applied as escorts … .”
“In addition?”
“Duke Seymour, the owner of the tower, the elders of the tower, the battle unit of the tower led by Sir Rosa de, Sir Belek with the magic tools for attack… There are others.”
“Hey, stop it. I know you well enough.”
In front of the ancient teleport that moved from the capital to the former, the Pope and the priests, who met Princess Deborah and the others, were puzzled for a moment.
The last priests were especially surprised.
‘Gee, is she really a saint?’
I saw it as a portrait, but the real thing of the saint was so cold, I was surprised once and twice by the splendid lineup of the escort.
“He is the fiance of the saint whom I had only heard of… This is the Duke of Visconti.”
“Even the genius twins of the Seymour family… .”
“Isn’t that black-haired swordsman the rise of the sword?”
Famous celebrities that even the priests who live far from the capital are familiar with will go out to escort the saint.
'Are you going to wage a war with the temple?'
The Pope tried to hide his embarrassment.
“So many people follow! You will be amazed by the popularity of the saint. Of course, there are a lot of paladins who will protect the saints in the temple.”
The pope slightly turned around saying that there were too many escorts, but
“These people… I've reduced it to half and half. No more.”
The pope could not vomit any more because Princess Deborah spoke gloomily in a friendly voice somewhere.
“Hmmmm. Shall we leave then?”
After some time, the ancient warp gate carrying the great man came into operation, and Princess Deborah stepped in instead for the first time in her life.
“This magnificent building is the Holy See in the center of the Great Temple. Each piece seems to come to life.”
Thierry looked around the inside of the temple full of magnificent paintings and sculptures with admiration over and over again. After quitting daily gambling, his swordsmanship skills had grown dramatically, and he was barely able to be chosen as Princess Deborah's escort.
“Thieri, do you know that you don't came here for a tour?”
5 The princess bit her tongue when she saw Thierry's frivolous behavior.
“It’s not wrong, but I want you to protect the body of the Asteria nobles.”
"it's okay. The dignity and body of the Asteria nobles are already being protected there.”
Thierry proudly pointed to Isidore walking in the lead.
Instead, all the priests and servants passing through the temple glanced at him with a look of surprise. People who saw Isidor for the first time usually doubted their eyes and would react like that.
“Somehow, it seems to be getting better and better. The body is taller.”
“I wonder if it’s the sign of Epsilon and the flower of the year for nothing.”
“Whoa, even if Isidor looks a little less… ‌.”
“I’m sorry, but even assuming Isidor is a little less handsome… In many ways, you can’t.”
“Even though it looks so light, I was in the middle of healing the wounds of my broken heart, do I have to break even the bones?”
“You’re hot all over again.”
“… Do you feel sympathy with you? It's a shame.”
While Thierry and the princess were having a sweet conversation, Isidor was paying close attention to the priests.
The holy relics were discolored, and the princess's divine power was slow to recover. Not a good sign.
If the remnants of the Warlock Mage remain, there was also a stronghold hiding here, pretending to be a priest like Miya Binoshu.
'I have experienced enough of the lesson that it is dark under the lamp...'
“Princess, the Pope isn’t guiding us to a place other than the holy place, is it?”
At Isidor's whisper, Deborah shook her head slightly.
“That's not right.”
Upon arriving here, the memories of Naila, who grew up in the temple in the past, came up again and again.
At the end of this labyrinthine corridor, there will be a sanctuary, a spring of water containing divine powers.
“We are here.”
The Pope, who had been walking for a while, stopped in front of a white marble arched door.
Beyond the door, in the center of the circular room, there was a large sculpture in the shape of Nyla, and below it was a small fountain.
“From here on, only a limited number of people can enter.”
At the Pope's words, Belek raised an eyebrow.
“What is the reason?”
“It is a place where holy water with high purity and divine power springs out, so to prevent external contamination… Lady!?”
That was then.
Suddenly, Princess Deborah passed the huge door and began to make her way towards the center of the room where the relic was located.
'In addition… heart... ’
From the moment you discover the rosary contained in holy water, your heart begins to beat wildly like when you were incense burn.
My heart was beating so much that my eardrums hurt, and in front of my eyes, countless afterimages of the past flickered quickly. In the flood of memories, I suddenly felt a door.
How did that rosary elicit such a strong reaction?
‘At the time of incense, I awakened all my strength because of that thing. '
My heart beats like crazy every time I come across that white rosary, and I get caught up in a distant sensation, is it simply because it stimulates memories of my past life?
‘Hey, why are you doing this? '
As if asking a question, I stared at the rosary contained in the holy water.
‘And why did the color change like this?'
At that moment, a faint light began to emanate from the beads of the rosary, which had been dyed with a dull gray color. As if answering my question.
- *Deborah*
uh? I think you just called my name?
'A familiar voice... .'
As if possessed by a voice that seemed to contain sadness, I reached out for it... .
The moment I grabbed the smooth marble, a strong light flowed out of the six marbles and gradually began to draw a certain shape.
'no way… Magic circle?'
Something feels weird, but it's already too late.
The space around me shook like a wave, and I muttered a curse. The distortion of the space became more and more severe, and before long the floor on which I was standing swung like a swirling sea.
Standing precariously in the distorted space, I instinctively looked back. To find the first man that comes to mind when I sense any danger.
The figure of Isidor calling to me, the dew flowed slowly like a video.
Confused, he came down and quickly grabbed his floundering arm, but soon the space began to distort relentlessly like oil on water, and I was thrown into a strange place.
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So I’ve been making a bit of a stink for a while now about how the inciting issues in the HeroAce-verse that actually made the Villains of the League have been going worryingly unaddressed; and have since heard claims this is because those societal inciting issues simply aren’t important compared to the villains personal issues. That society stuff can be dealt with later; those personal things, and saving the villains from them, are what this series is actually about.
But…I want to raise a question with that idea. When? When is this “later” supposed to be. This is the final arc, isn’t it? If so, it’s kind of “now or never” in that respect.
And if the idea is that they’ll solve this stuff off-screen after the war, then boy is that optimistic about the hero kids taking problems that a) other characters put their lives on the line to solve because society was that resistant to change, b) are incredibly easy to half-ass a non-solution to for the same reason, and c) they have largely never cared about; and 1) suddenly start to care so they 2) solve them easily off-screen 3) in a way we can trust works despite all reason not to. I’m honestly jealous of that level of optimism.
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Like, someone explain this idea to me. For an example; Shoto Todoroki has not once ever thought to hold heroes like his dad accountable for abusing their powers to commit any kinds of crimes, nor ever thought that any heroes besides his dad would do so. So this close to the end he is a solid 0% on his way to preventing future Touyas from turning to villainy as future Dabis. For those who think this society stuff isn’t going to be addressed in this war by the kids because its not as important as individual issues; how do we get from where Shoto is now to where we know he’ll both care enough to fix that, and put in the effort to do so when not doing that would be easy, such that we know it’ll actually work?
Especially when, and I’ve mentioned this before, but the course of the narrative itself is when change, growth, and progression actually happen. That’s why the way a character or setting is by the time a fiction ends is about what you’re supposed to assume they’ll be like for the rest of their lives/existence. Baring a continuation; we’re meant to expect the worlds of, let’s say Naruto or FMA, to stay how we left them for the foreseeable future.
What that means is that if we’re left with the impression that hero society will keep the circumstances to produce another Dabi; that will never change and it will produce a steady stream of them for the rest of its existence*. Repeat for every other type of villain that naturally results from one of hero society’s flaws, your Toga, your Spinners, your Twices, ect.; all of whom form a chain of Leagues of Villains that incur heavy damage and casualties hoping to spur change (that, for the above reasons, never occurs), and I hope you see the problem.
And yeah, that’s about why I want this stuff addressed now before series end. So all that doesn’t happen.
(Not to mention that these are, again, some core inciting-incident-causing problems here. To solve them off-screen as described is as if to have AFO beat Deku and escape through a warp gate in the penultimate chapter, only for a caption box to inform us that 3 days later he was beat up in an ally by a hero we’ve never met and thrown back in prison for good. I mean why not? This story’s not about him either, right? It’s just about Deku saving Tomura, the next generation of heroes saving these specific villains. Satisfying conclusions? Believable outcomes? Who cares about that?
I do, but I’m just some guy on the internet.)
* Said life-span of existence for Hero society being less than 70 years before the apocalypse at this rate, but that’s a separate issue the heroes aren’t addressing. Just wanted to point that out in case anyone thought gradual change was on the table.
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disasterman-snz · 2 years
Okay I’m super nervous to post this, but I love reading yalls fics so much I wanted to try and contribute. 
So have way too many fucking words of pre-steddie whump, ft. sick Eddie and kink Steve (not much happens with that, but it’s there if you pay attention)
I may continue this if there’s any interest so uhh,, yeah! Sorry if it sucks ass fdsfsd
Eddie scrubs a hand over his face in frustration before shoving it back under his armpit in an attempt to keep warm. 
 It's one of the first truly cold days of the year. It snowed lightly all morning, leaving a thin blanket of white around town. The wind is harsh and causes Eddie’s hair to whip around him as he stands in front of his van. 
 "Shit," he curses, not for the first time since he walked out into the parking lot only to find his tires slashed. 
 Really, he shouldn't be surprised. His van is pretty recognizable, and he's not exactly a beloved figure around Hawkins right now. 
 Having your name tied to a string of murders will do that, even if you get your name cleared by some shadowy government figures who make you sign about a thousand NDA agreements in exchange. 
 The overall population of Hawkins is still pretty dead set on him being a murderous demon with powers gifted to him by Satan or whatever people are saying about him now. 
 "Fuck, shit," he breathes, letting out a small strangled noise of frustration that quickly turns into a wet sounding cough. 
 Because of course this would happen when he was already getting sick. 
 He hadn't even wanted to come in to the Family Video today, but Steve and Robin worked their asses off to get him this job, and he can't afford to be calling out sick. 
 The shift had dragged on. It was slow at least, most people choosing to stay in to avoid the weather. 
 But sitting at the counter for the entire shift has left Eddie feeling achy and exhausted, and he just really wants to go home where he can disappear into a big pile of blankets until he feels like being a person again. 
 He feels his eyes start to burn with tears against his will as he looks at the van, but he pushes the emotions down. 
 This isn’t the time to be getting upset. He needs to look at this logically. 
 He has a few options. 
 He could trudge down to the auto shop and somehow lug 3 new tires back here in the snow. It's about a 20 minute walk there though... and then he'd actually have to change the tires out, which sounds pretty awful considering he's already starting to shiver and he's only been standing out here for a few minutes. His leather jacket feels pretty thin in the face of the biting cold. 
 He could also go back into the Family Video and see if Keith will let him use the phone, despite the fact that the man very clearly isn't his biggest fan. He tries to avoid any lengthy interactions with him if possible. 
 And then he's not even sure who he would call. There's his uncle, but he should have left for work about 20 minutes ago, and he refuses to bother the poor man at his job.
 He knows Wayne would leave in a heartbeat to come get him, but Eddie doesn't want to burden him like that. 
 He thinks about the little radio the nerds insist on him carrying around now that he's a 'real party member,' which apparently is what they call being one of the small handful of random civilians that somehow always wind up tasked with literally preventing the apocalypse. 
 He considers radioing in for help on that, but then he remembers that he would be begging for help from literal children, and grimaces. 
 He guesses he could call for a tow truck, but shit that's expensive, and he really wants to go home and sleep. 
 He snuffles thickly and raises a numb hand up to wipe at his nose, which is freezing cold and starting to run. 
 There is one last person that he could call for help. Someone with one of the party radios who actually has the ability to drive over to come get him. 
 And, yeah, begging the ex-King of Hawkins High himself, Steve Harrington to come and get him doesn't exactly sound appealing, even if they have started to become friends since everything that went down last spring. 
 Especially because he's started to develop a slightly stupid... okay very stupid, unrealistic crush on the man. 
 But it's the best option he's got at this point. 
 So he throws open the door to his van, ignoring the way the hinges creak with the strain, and grabs the walkie talkie from where it sits in the passenger seat. 
 He only hesitates for a moment before he lets his numb fingers flip to the right frequency. 
 "Harrington, this is Eddie, do you copy?" 
 There's silence for a long moment, and resignation curls around him. It’s one of Steve’s days off so of course he’d be busy- probably out on a date, or hanging out with Robin or something.
 Fuck, maybe he can just call a tow truck after all. He can't really afford it but he's not really sure what else to do. 
 "Munson, what's going on? Over."
 Oh thank fuck. 
 He shakily holds the walkie talkie to his mouth, his numb fingers struggling to press down the talk button "Hey, snDff sorry, Someone uh- I snrff got a flat and I'm at work, is there any way you could give me a lift?" 
 His teeth chatter as he talks and he keeps sniffling, which is more than a little embarrassing. 
 "Oh shit man," Steve's voice crackles through the radio, and he can hear movement on the other end "Headed your way Munson. Don't like, freeze or anything, over."
 Eddie snorts at Harrington saying 'over,' even as relief washes over him. 
 "Thanks man snrrf...uh, over." 
 He sets the walkie talkie to the side, curling in on himself as he  sits in his cold van, sniffles punctuating the silence. 
 He’s never wished his van had a heater more than he does now, but at least help is on the way. 
 Still, between the stress and the cold, any hope he had of this being a minor cold has flown out the window. He can feel himself feeling worse and worse with every passing minute. 
 His nose is running non stop and all he can do is sniffle thickly every so often in a pathetic attempt to get it under control. His body is wracked with shivers, and everything aches fiercely. His head feels like it’s been stuffed full of cotton, and he reaches up to massage his temples every so often. 
 By the time he sees Steve's car pulling into the parking lot, Eddie's so cold he can barely feel his toes.
 He stumbles out of the van quickly as Harrington pulls up next to him. 
 His window is rolled down and he's staring at the van. 
 "Jesus Munson," Steve frowns, a strange look in his eyes, "Someone slashed your tires.”
 Eddie resists the urge to say something snarky about Steve stating the obvious. 
 He just snuffles and shrugs, "Yeah well, I’m a ‘murderer,’ remember," he puts air quotes around 'murderer.’ 
 Steve gives him a sympathetic look that would've pissed him off coming from anyone else. 
 "Well… get your ass in here before you turn into an icicle man. We can figure that out tomorrow," he gestures at the van. 
 Eddie thanks whatever higher powers there may be that neither of them have work tomorrow, shakily climbing into Steve Harrington's car. 
 The heat hits him all at once. Steve must have turned it up just for him, because it’s toasty in here, and Eddie sinks into the seat with a small moan. 
 He puts his hands in front of the vent, letting the warmth wash over them and chase the chill from outside away. 
 “Thangks for this man,” Eddie breathes out, congestion thick in his voice. 
 His nose is running even more than it had been in the van, as the warmth loosens up the congestion. 
 He lifts up a sleeve and scrubs at it harshly, the leather from his jacket rough on his sensitive nose. 
 Steve rolls up the window and turns the heat up a little more. 
 "It's too fucking cold out there man, I'm sorry they did that to you." 
 Eddie shrugs, swiping at his nose again, "Thad was probably the point,” he frowns down at his lap, “It is what id is though.” 
 He turns to Steve and quickly adds, "But thangks for the ride, I snf appreciade it."
 Steve smiles softly at him, “Don’t mention it Munson.”
 They fall into a comfortable silence, sans Eddie's constant sniffling, as Steve pulls out of the parking lot. 
 “Do you kdow the way to the trailer park?” 
 Steve nods, “Yeah, of course man.” 
 Eddie just sniffles in response, scrubbing harshly at his nose with his sleeve again. 
 He misses the concerned look Steve shoots him as he does so. 
 “I think there might be some tissues in the glove compartment if you wanna dig around?” 
 The tips of Eddie’s ears flush, but he tries to brush off the embarrassment “I- Umbb… Sure thangks.” 
 He opens the glove compartment and awkwardly shifts a few things around, finding a travel pack of tissues easily. Trust Steve to be this prepared. 
 “You’re such a mom,” he teases as he tears the pack open. 
 Steve sputters, “I am not!” 
 Eddie raises a brow at him, and Steve flushes. 
 God he’s so cute when he gets all flustered. 
 Eddie shakes his head to clear those thoughts. Now is not the time to be pining for Steve Harrington. 
 He takes a tissue from the pack and turns towards the window, dabbing at his nose a bit. He’s not willing to blow in front of Steve, especially when he knows it’s probably going to be wet and gross if he does. 
 The soft touch of the tissue on his chapped nose feels nice though. 
 But it also irritates his nose, and his eyes widen as his nostrils flare a bit. His breath catches, and he grimaces. 
 When he’s sick he always gets stupidly sensitive. It drives him mad, and he can never catch a damn break once the sneezing starts. It hadn’t been too bad during his shift, but obviously this cold is really starting to ramp up now. 
 “Ehheh..” he pinches his nose through the tissue, “Hehh’NXXTshh.. Hh-hhXGTShhuh.. HeiHh-HeHh’nNDTXXShh- HeiSHhGGXXt… snnRRff…” 
 Eddie flushes all the way to his neck at how wet and desperate the sneezes sounded, “Sorry aboud thad, snFf,” he grabs another tissue from the pack and hurries to clean himself up. 
 He misses the way Steve has turned bright red at the fit. 
 “No need to apologize,” Steve finally says after a long moment, “but are you feeling okay?” 
 Eddie chews on his bottom lip. He really doesn’t want to admit to his crush that he’s all gross and sick, so he shrugs. 
 “I’m fine, it’s jusd from being out in the cold.” 
 Steve hums, pulling up to a red light. He turns to look at Eddie as the car stops, his expression disbelieving. 
 “If you’re sure…”
 Eddie nods, “Yeah dude, don’t snddf worry.”  
 Steve frowns, and Eddie ignores the look on his face that screams ‘I don’t believe you.’ 
 “Okay but… you can blow your nose if you need to. I’m not gonna get like, grossed out or anything.” 
 Eddie winces. God, leave it to him to be so disgusting in front of his stupidly hot, brave, badass crush that he’s literally asking him to blow his fucking nose.  Steve is probably getting annoyed by the constant sniffling. 
 “Ah, yeah. I wasn’d worried,” he lies with a shrug, fiddling with the pack of tissues in his lap as the light turns green and Steve pulls away.  
 After a brief hesitation, Eddie does wind up bringing a tissue to his nose to blow softly. 
 Despite the fact that he’s attempting to make as little noise as possible, it still comes out thick and productive, and he makes a face as he adds to tissue to the growing pile in his lap. 
 He will admit, it did help clear up some of the congestion. 
 Steve doesn’t react at all aside from offering him a soft smile when he notices Eddie staring at him, which makes Eddie flush. 
 The rest of the drive is uneventful, and soon Steve is pulling up to Eddie’s trailer. 
 “Thanks again Steve,” Eddie says, resisting the urge to sniffle when he’s so close to being able to be as gross as his heart desires without worrying about looking like an idiot. 
 “It really wasn’t any trouble Eddie,” Steve assures softly, reaching out and putting a hand on his shoulder. Eddie feels like his entire body burns with the touch and he can feel his cheeks darkening. 
 “Let’s figure out what to do about the van when you’re feeling better, okay.” 
 Eddie flushes even darker, “I’m fine- but you don’t have to worry about that anyways Steve, you’ve already helped enough.” 
 Steve rolls his eyes, “Hey, get it through your thick skull, I want to help.” 
 Eddie feels like he could melt into the earth right now, “I… uh, okay,” he squeaks. 
Steve nods, looking satisfied, and drops his hand from Eddie’s shoulder, “Call me if you need anything Munson.” 
 Eddie nods, mourning the loss of contact. He turns away and pushes open the door to Steve’s car, stepping back out into the cold biting air. 
 He shivers immediately, and turns back to Steve to give him a small wave before hurrying inside the trailer. 
 Once he’s inside he slumps in on himself, burying his head in his hands and sniffling soupily. 
 “Oh my god,” he groans to himself, rubbing at his nose as he drags himself over to the couch and all but collapses into it, “What a fucking day…” 
 He bundles himself up in all the blankets he can scavenge from around the trailer and settles in on the couch, putting on a star wars tape he bought ages ago for background noise. 
 He falls asleep pretty quickly after laying down on the couch, his body curled up in the nest of blankets. 
 He wakes up to knocking at his front door, and he sits up blearily . 
“The hell?” he mumbles to himself. 
 Whoever is at the door knocks again, and Eddie raises a hand to his temple. God his head is killing him. 
 “Mm cobing,” he calls, congestion thick in his voice. 
 Fuck, he needs to blow his nose again. 
 He stands up, grabbing one of the blankets from his little nest and wrapping it around himself as he makes his way to the door. 
 Shit, how does he somehow feel so much worse than he did when he fell asleep. 
 He glances at the clock on the wall and sees that only about an hour has passed since he got home. It wasn’t even that long of a nap, and yet he somehow feels so awful. 
 He forces himself to open the door, and his brows furrow. 
 Steve waves awkwardly on his doorstep, “Hey Eddie,” he holds up a shopping bag, “I come bearing gifts.” 
 Eddie blinks, feeling behind. Did he miss something? His brain feels foggy, and he can’t help but stare in confusion. 
 Steve seems to pick up on this and smiles sheepishly, “I was just… well you didn’t sound too good in the car earlier. I know you said you weren’t sick, but you can’t really drive right now. So I went and got you a few things.” 
 Eddie softens, pulling the door open and gesturing for Steve to come in, which Steve does. 
 “You didn’t have to do thad Steve,” he protests, his face flushed. He’s not sure if it’s from embarrassment or the fever that he thinks must have settled in during his nap. It might be both. 
 “I wanted to,” Steve insists, “I hope I’m not overstepping or anything. I know we aren’t super close, I was just worried.” 
 Eddie shakes his head, “No, no, I appreciade id. You jusd didn’t need to go to the trouble for me.” 
 Tension Eddie hadn’t even realized was there seems to seep out of Steve. “Doing things for you isn’t trouble Eddie,” he insists as he sets the bag down on the coffee table in front of the couch.
 Eddie sits back down, hesitantly gesturing for Steve to join him, which Steve does. 
 Their knees brush against one another as Steve settles into the couch, and Eddie flushes. 
 He reaches forward to see what’s in the bag as a distraction. 
 “God, you really are a mom,” Eddie laughs as he looks through everything. 
There’s tissues, cold medicine, a can of soup, cough drops, painkillers, and a few snacks in the bag. 
 Steve flushes at that and grumbles under his breath that he isn’t, which just makes Eddie laugh even harder. 
 His laughter quickly turns into wet coughs, and he turns away from Steve as they wrack his body. 
 He feels a hand press against his back, stabilizing him, and he can’t help but be grateful for it even if he is humiliated at Steve seeing him like this. 
“You okay?” Steve asks as the coughing tapers off. 
 “Mm, yeah. Sorry ‘bout that,” Eddie grimaces, “I’m… I guess you obviously put it together, but I thingk I’b a liddle sick righd now,” he admits, staring down at his lap “So I’b probably not godda be the best snnrrf company.” 
 Steve makes a small tutting sound, brushing Eddie’s hair from his face where it had fallen during the coughing fit, and gently turns his head to face him, “Hey, don’t say that.” 
 Steve gives him a warm look that leaves Eddie breathless, “I already figured you were sick, I came cause I was worried about you Eds, not because I need you to entertain me,” he smiles “Besides, you’re great company no matter what, so relax.” 
 Eddie wants to scream, and say it’s hard to relax when Steve is right next to him looking so perfect and kind and amazing and he’s all gross and pathetic looking. 
 He doesn’t of course, just nods and smiles hesitantly “If you’re sure.” 
 Steve nods, “I’m sure.” 
 Eddie slumps back into the couch at that. 
 Steve seems to take this as permission to enter full mother hen mode, and Eddie watches as he grabs the cold medicine and bustles around the kitchen, getting Eddie a glass of water. 
 “Steve, I could’ve done thad myself,” Eddie chuckles, “I’m not bedridded”
 Steve rolls his eyes, pressing the medicine and water into his hands, “Just take it, Munson.”
 “Sir yes sir,” he jokes, taking the pill, along with a few painkillers. 
  “What are you watching?” Steve asks as they both settle into the couch. 
 Eddie glances at the movie, which he’s pretty much entirely missed, “Star Wars,” he pauses, “Do you not know Star Wars?” 
 Steve flushes, “Dustin’s been trying to get me to watch those, but I never got around to it.” 
 Eddie shakes his head, “You work at a.. at… a video-hhh… hhHhh” a tickle blossoms in the back of his nose as he speaks, and he trails off.  
 He blinks a few times, his expression glazing over and his nose flaring. 
 He glances around, looking for the tissues Steve brought, but they’re still wrapped in the plastic and he knows there’s no way he’s going to be able to get it open in time. 
 “Shihht..” he mumbles, mostly to himself. He doesn’t want to sneeze openly in front of Steve, especially with this cold. It’ll be wet and disgusting no matter how hard he tries to tamp them down. 
 So with a grimace, he chooses the next best thing, raising the blanket he’s wrapped in to his nose. 
 It feels nice and soft, but the soft fuzz just irritates his nose more, making his breath hitch wildly. 
 “Hehh.. ehh.. Hohld ohnn,” he manages, turning away from Steve a bit as his shoulders shake with the impending sneeze. 
 “Hehh.. HH’MMPpHTShh- HH’NGXXtshh.. HEI’NGDDTSheww  Hh.. ngh… god… HhEIMPSHHhh.. hh’ehHPTshh.. Hh… HHiShhhuhh..” the fit leaves him breathless, and he winces as he pulls away from his blanket to find a damp spot. 
 “God, Sorry, thad was gross,” he reaches forward and grabs the tissues, tearing the wrapping off and fishing the first one out of the box. 
 He spares a glance over at Steve, who looks frozen in place. 
 He frowns, hoping he didn’t gross him out too much… Steve did choose to come back knowing he was sick, but he looks completely shocked by the display. 
 It was pretty intense, but Eddie always gets like that when he’s sick. 
 It’s humiliating, but it’s how it is. He was kind of stupidly hoping Steve wouldn’t mind, since he chose to come back, but he looks properly disgusted now. 
 Steve seems to shake it off after a moment, shaking his head, “Bless you,” he swallows, “That sounded intense.” 
 Eddie shrugs, sniffling uselessly, “Yeah, I always get really sneezy whed I’b sick,” Steve stares at him, wide eyed, and Eddie sighs, “It’s really gross I know. I did ward you I wasn’d good company righd now.” 
 Steve blinks, seeming surprised, “No! No, it’s fine Eddie. It isn’t gross, you’re just sick.” 
 Eddie shrugs, grabbing a tissue and turning away from Steve and taking a deep breath, forcing himself to get over his embarrassment. 
 It’s not like it really matters. Steve isn’t going to be interested in him regardless, so he may as well. 
 He blows thickly, and then folds the tissue over to blow again. It feels like the mess just keeps coming, and he can barely make a dent in the absurd amounts of congestion that have taken root in his head. 
 “God, this sucks,” he grumbles, congestion still audible in his voice. 
 Steve gets a contemplative look on his face for a moment, before he suddenly jumps up. 
 Eddie turns to face him with wide eyes. 
“You should try a steam bowl!” he exclaims. 
 Eddie blinks, “What?” 
 Steve stares at him, “You know- to clear up congestion? Where you put your face over steaming water. It’ll help you clear all that congestion up.” 
 Eddie’s never done anything like that. He mostly just powers through colds with pure spite, and prays they don’t turn into sinus infections. That happened once and it was not a fun time. 
 “Here, you keep watching your nerd movie, I’ll show you,” Steve hurries over to the kitchen, and Eddie turns blearily back to the movie. 
 The only reason he even kinda knows what’s going on is because he’s seen it a million times. 
 He must drift off into that state that’s somewhere between being awake and asleep at some point, because he can hear Steve bustling about his kitchen, but he’s definitely losing bits and pieces. 
 Suddenly Steve is at his side with a bowl full of steaming water. 
 “Your snoring is so cute Eds,” he grins as he passes the bowl over. 
Eddie takes it gingerly, a dark flush overtaking his face, “I- I don’t usually!” he exclaims, though he isn’t sure why. 
 Steve just grins at him, and Eddie stares down at the bowl. 
 “So whad do I do?” 
 “You just hold your face over it and breathe in the steam.”
 Eddie looks at it hesitantly, but he trusts Steve, so he holds the bowl up to his face and takes a deep breath. 
 He will admit, it does feel a lot easier to breathe with the warm steam wrapping around him. 
 He takes a deep breath in through his nose,  and then another. 
 Suddenly his eyes shoot open wide. 
 “Fuhhck-hhh,” his nose flares, and he looks wildly at Steve, “Steve..hhh.. ‘M huhh… guhhna… HHh” 
 Steve seems to understand what he’s saying, because he reaches forward and takes the bowl from Eddie’s trembling grasp. 
All Eddie can do is shoot him a grateful look before crumpling forward. 
 He has to catch the sneezes in his hands, pinching his nose in a desperate attempt to control the releases, “Hehh’NNXXt hhh-hehh.. HEh’NDTShhH.. IHHNkktSHH- hh!! HEI’TNXGSHh..” Eddie fumbles around, managing to grab a tissue from the box in the slight reprieve between sneezes. 
 He brings the tissue to his face, his breath already hitching as he builds up to another sneeze, “hh-HHMMPTSHH!! HeiHH’MPPttSHHuh hEiihh… ihh… IHHMPPTShh… TSHHUHh!!... hh… HEPTSHhuhh!!… snrRFf..snfSNF” Eddie bowls softly into the tissue, tossing it aside before looking at Steve, who is still holding the bowl. 
 “Sorry, it was working udtil id started botheri’g me...” he gives Steve a guilty look, feeling bad that he went to all the trouble of preparing the bowl from him only for him to start sneezing his head off. 
 Steve brushes him off, even though there’s a strange look in his eyes again, “It’s fine Eds, do you wanna try again?” 
 Eddie nods and takes the bowl again. 
 This time it helps clear up the congestion without any complications. He can finally speak without sounding fucking ridiculous again. 
“That’s a neat trick Stevie,” he hums as Steve sets the cooling bowl off to the side. 
 Steve smiles softly at him, “I’m glad it helped some.” 
 Eddie nods, grabbing another blanket from his pile to burrow beneath now that the warmth from the bowl in his hands is gone. 
 Steve frowns, reaching forward to press his hand against Eddie’s forehead. 
 “Shit, you’re warm Munson.” 
 Eddie shrugs, “Yeah, I feel like I’ve got a fever,” he huffs, “Also pretty normal for me… My body kinda hates me.” 
 Steve snorts at that, “You’ve just got a nasty cold Eds.��� 
 And there’s that- Steve keeps calling him ‘Eds’ so softly, and it makes his whole heart feel warm. He thinks maybe it’s just the fever making him overemotional, but it’s just so soft, and it makes him wish he could reach out and wrap himself around Steve. 
 He restrains himself, looking at the movie just in time for the credits to start rolling. 
 “Do you have any more tapes?” Steve asks. 
 Eddie goes to stand and get one, but Steve tsks at him and lightly pushes him back down. 
 “Sit your ass down Munson, I’ll put something on.” 
 Eddie points him to the cabinet where they keep all their VHS tapes. 
 “You got anything in particular you wanna watch?” 
 Eddie shakes his head, “You can pick Harrington. I can’t really focus much right now anyways,” he admits. 
 Steve shoots him a slightly worried look, but hums. 
 “Oh, The Breakfast Club!” he exclaims, and Eddie laughs, because of course Steve would love that movie. 
 “That works for me,” Eddie smiles, and Steve puts the tape in. 
 As Steve returns to the couch, he insists that Eddie should lay down and get comfortable. 
 “I don’t, snnf wanna kick you outta your spot Harrington. We don’t exactly have a snnrrf lot of seating here.” 
 Steve hums, looking contemplative for a moment, “Well.. uh,” he hesitates, looking a little nervous. Eddie wonders what could possibly make Steve Harrington look that flustered. 
 “Here how about,” he moves to sit on Eddie’s side of the couch, and Eddie sits up, confused. 
 Then Steve pats his lap, looking expectantly at Eddie, who stares at him, confused. 
 “You lay down,” Steve says, as if it’s obvious that he would want Eddie to lay down on his lap. As if the very idea doesn’t make Eddie’s insides twist up and butterflies flutter in his stomach because sure, Steve means it as platonic cuddling, but it’s more than he ever thought he’d get from the man. 
 “Oh, uh, sure,” Eddie nervously settles in. Steve is slumped comfortably against the side of the couch, and Eddie is laying his head on the bottom half of his torso. 
 It has no right to be this comfortable. 
 He wraps all the blankets around himself, trying to watch the movie through his feverish haze 
 At some point, Steve starts running a hand through his hair, and it feels so nice. 
 No one’s ever done that for Eddie before. 
 His body feels more relaxed than it has in months, and his eyes start to feel heavy after a while. 
 He closes them, but doesn’t quite fall asleep, savoring the feeling of Steve Harrington running his fingers through his hair. 
 He’s still half asleep when another itch sparks in the back of his nose. 
 Without thinking, he turns and rubs it against Steve’s chest. 
 “Nghh… hh” his breath hitches a bit, and he buries his nose into Steve’s shirt, still not really registering where he is, “hhh-hhHMppffSHH… HEhhHMmsHHh… HeiPPtSHhh…”
 Eddie feels Steve tense underneath him, and blinks as awareness floods back to him, and he recoils in horror. 
“Oh my god!” he stares at the damp spot he left in Steve’s sweater in shock,  “Oh my god!” he repeats, running a hand through his hair in horror. 
 “Hey, hey Eddie, it’s okay,” Steve tries to reassure, but Eddie shakes his head. 
 “Chist, that’s so gross- oh my god,” he can tell Steve is uncomfortable- he’s all tense and his eyes are wide. Yet he’s still trying to be nice. Even though Eddie just fucking sneezed on him. 
 “I’m so sorry Steve! I should- you can go if you want- you probably should even. I can not believe I did that, shit…” 
 Tears are building behind his eyes, and he tries to blink them away because why is he crying- poor Steve is the one who just got sneezed on. 
 “Shh,” Steve hushes him, reaching out and pulling him in a tight hug, “Eddie it’s okay, I don’t mind.” 
 Eddie shakes his head against Steve’s shoulder, unable to say anything. 
 “That’s just the fever talking Eds, everythings okay,” Steve tries, but it doesn’t feel okay. It feels like he just ruined his chances of Steve even wanting to be his friend. 
 “C’mon, Eddie, look at me,” Steve tries, pulling back enough from the hug so he can try to meet Eddie’s eyes.
 Eddie looks at him after a moment, and Steve looks so genuinely concerned that it hurts. 
 “See, I’m not mad or upset sweetheart,” he soothes, and Eddie’s eyes widen at the pet name. 
 Steve seems to notice, “Sorry- too far?” 
 Eddie shakes his head, not trusting himself to speak. 
 Steve relaxes, “Okay, are you calmed down now?” 
 Eddie nods after a moment, swallowing thickly, “I really am sorry Sdeve.” 
 Steve shushes him again, “None of that now, you don’t need to be sorry,” Steve presses him into another tight hug, running a hand through Eddie’s hair softly, “It was an accident, and I don’t mind at all.” 
 God, Steve really does seem too good to be true sometimes. 
 Steve drags Eddie back to the couch, and Eddie nervously lets Steve guide him to rest against his chest again. 
 “Get some rest Eddie, you need it,” Steve assures him, and Eddie nods against him, humming his agreement. 
 Steve resumes running his hand through Eddie’s hair, and the repetitive motion lulls him to sleep quickly. 
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selamat-linting · 9 months
my parents aren't exactly fundamentalist people, but the day to day of living in a culture with a strong eschatological belief was enough to be traumatizing, no matter what religion it is. and im sure this is not just me, most people are just too afraid to even acknowledge how it fucks with them.
take a typical nature phenomenon, like eclipses, stars, black holes, sandstorms, weird animals, or rivers gone red from algae. this thing should have inspired curiosity right? well, in my country, all of the news articles and science videos regarding the subject is filled with people proselytizing, warning others its a sign of the apocalypse. worse when its a disaster like floods or tsunami or heatwaves or even extinction from poaching and environmental destruction. i've had people saying brazenly that climate change isn't man-made but god's punishment because the apocalypse / rapture is coming soon and we have too many LGBT people existing so of course trying to stop it would be a waste of effort, so just pray and prepare for akhirah and abuse others into falling in line.
the media does not help either. they made cheap infographic shows that are literally just about scaring people about the end of the world. a baby born with a life-threatening disability gets turn into shock fodder for tv because its born with one eye on its forehead. thats evil. do they even think of the effect it will cause for disabled people? of course they dont, in their mind theyre doing good because theyre reminding people that the apocalypse is coming soon and they should repent. i wonder, if someone from 2012 see a one-eyed child, would that kid be safe?
and in terms of personal experience, its horrifying to hear adults say, "yeah dajjal (the anti christ) will show up in your lifetime so you'll see the end of the world" and think that your parents didn't care enough to even think of the implication of bringing you to this world when its so corrupt and rotten. especially when you grow up knowing something is wrong and different with you.
and its not just that. its the end of the world, of course people would constantly talk about it in hushed tones. i've seen predictions shared in facebook or whatsapp groups, talked by kids and adults in sermons and hearsays. it turns people hostile to others with a different religion, or at best, they learn to be apathetic or detach their inherent empathy to other people because they have a different religion so theyre going to hell for eternity. so why fucking bother being tolerant or befriending them? you dont want to commit a grave sin since you wished a non-muslim to go to heaven for their good deeds right?
and when i was a kid, my friends would all have this strategy to prepare for judgement day. creating a culture where kids make up survival scenarios to prevent eternal, senseless torture is bad. and hypocritical when you keep saying god's love and care are boundless and unconditional.
my dad and every preacher i know always say to not be afraid of death, its something to look forward to, because you'll meet god, but you cant kill yourself and you must make sure even if its a natural death you live in the right way so you dont go to hell and be tortured for eternity. i agree death shouldnt be feared, but none of these people are truly unafraid of death. they shaped their entire life to make sure their death is the right one, and they force others to have belief out of a misguided sense of love.
i had an uncle who went far into this religious group, and even if the practices are completely identical to mainstream sunni islam, the man stopped providing for his wife and just pray and pray without doing anything else. believing god would simply take care of everything and even if he didn't, the apocalypse is coming soon! becoming too successful will just distract you from akhirah anyway.
its disgusting. i dont care what any religious/spiritual people on this site says. religion never gave people a sense of gratefulness or wonder or fulfillment. it turn them into incurious, selfish, frightened fucks that are too helpless to even fight for themselves and their home because the world is ending and its an inevitability so why bother? but thats the best case scenario. at worst, the eschatological sentiment turn people raging bigots abusing others so they'd convert or fall in line with cisheteropatriarchy and blame every tragedy to powerless minorities instead of the people in power.
i might have some faith left in me, but i would still advocate for state atheism. because its obvious every dominant religion will be used as a tool for terror and submission.
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multi-lefaiye · 1 year
the moon hides its breath - wip intro
it's finally here..... another wip intro for tumblr user multi-lefaiye.... another powerpoint
anyway here we are! the intro for my funky road trip story that's taken over my brain these past few days <3
tentative taglist for now (ask to be added or removed!!): @skitzo-kero @wherearetheplants @historicalwar @abysslll @albatris (apologies if i missed anyone ASDFJKL brain mushy)
alright, slides under the cut!
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Or: maybe the real cults we dismantled were the friends we made along the way
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[Slide Transcript:
A group of near-strangers (a monster hunter, a respected former scientist, a courier, a doctor, and a radio host) go on a road trip together in a post-apocalyptic world to put a stop to a murderous cult that wants to cause the second apocalypse.
The whole time, they’re being hunted down by various people who want to stop them for a wide variety of reasons.
Also, there’s a pair of violent demigods traveling around wreaking havoc, and the gang is trying to stop them too before anyone is killed in the resulting chaos.
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The world ended 5000 years ago when a series of large meteors struck the planet. Really, all life on the planet should’ve ended as a result. It didn’t, though.
A series of gods known as The Pantheon awoke in the aftermath of this apocalypse and intervened to prevent the world from completely ending. A little over half of all life on the planet was saved.
These gods inadvertently awoke magic in this world, and now, 5000 years later, magic is commonplace and has shaped the new world in dramatic ways.
Also, a bunch of new religions sprung up, one of which is called Lunism. Lunism states that these gods who saved the world are imposters and must be slain, so that the true gods may rise and take their place.
Even if that would end the world a second time
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This takes place in the year 5015 P.A., in several locations across the Consolidated Regions of America. Yeah, some shit went down in this world.
At heart, this is a road trip story, with each arc taking place at one of the stops on the way.
Each arc of the story takes place at or near one of the stops they make on the way, taking place over the course of three or so months.
The end goal is to reach the city of Arcadia before an eclipse set to happen in late July, at which point the gods are supposed to awaken again.
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Here’s the approximate route the gang will be taking through the CRA! It should be noted that the states as we know them aren’t really a thing anymore, and instead the U.S. is divided into various regions.
Luna, Luntellus -> Mirage, Austertera -> Moonlight, Luntellus -> Satellite, Maedflovius -> Rockburne, Hailenus -> Bricktown, Vastatian -> Tyto, Vastatian -> Jericho, Adulaton -> Firelight, Talion -> Arcadia, Talion
There may be some smaller stops on the way but these are the major ones.
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(i unfortunately don't have the energy for image IDs rn so uhhh just know it's a map of the U.S. but there's a big hole in the west and there are no states--everything's divided up into regions now)
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Hunter (essentially a monster hunter/mercenary) living in the city of Anchor, visiting his sister Valentina and her wife
Grumpy and rude, rarely does anything for anyone else out of the goodness of his heart
Limited magical abilities related to fire, a result of a deal he made with a fiend as a teenager
A good person deep down
He’s just so babygirl to me
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DR. GAIA DIVITA (they/she/he)
Former scientist at the New Moon Research & Development Center, studying magic and corruption
Blood on their hands, both figuratively and very, very literally
Found half-dead and covered in blood by Mihael, who was kind enough to rescue them
Going to hunt their old bosses for sport
Mostly just kind of sad and tired
Pretty fucking unhinged tho lmao, especially as the story goes on
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Mihael’s baby sister
Wife of Felicia, making her living as a courier traveling between cities
She always comes home to Felicia, though <3
Better driver than Mihael, in her own words
Hot-tempered and rude, but she has others’ best interests at heart and does want to do good in the world
Frequently teases her older brother
No magic of her own
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Valentina’s wife, who works as a mender (basically a doctor) in the city of Luna
Strong drive to help people and make the world a better place
Generally very kind, but takes no shit
Very limited magical abilities, a rare example of someone with inherent magic. She can heal both people and objects--a mender in a very literal sense
Quiet and gentle, generally a source of good advice
The brain cell in her relationship
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GLASS HOLTZ (they/them)
One of Mihael’s old friends, a radio host located in the city of Mirage
Bit of a conspiracy theorist, but they’re really not wrong
Has some magical abilities after making a deal with a fey when they were young. These abilities give them a natural charm and an uncanny luckiness that has followed them through their life
Keeps a shotgun in the radio station
Generally friendly, a smartass who loves to joke around
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EXPERIMENT V-35: EVE (they/them)
Demigod, though not in any traditional sense
Once went by a different name and had a different identity
However, after years of torture and brutal experimentation, Eve has assumed a new identity and now seeks vengeance against their torturers
Cunning and manipulative, willing to do anything to get what they want
Absurdly tall
Terrifying innate fire magic
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Demigod, created as the counterpart to Eve
Loves arson
EXTREMELY codependent with Eve, essentially relies on them to feel any purpose in its life
Will do anything for Eve’s attention, making it very easy to manipulate
Also was once a different person with a different identity, but that person is long dead
Also absurdly fucking tall
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Fantasy Elon Musk
An extremely wealthy and well-respected innovator, though much of his fame comes from being the son of Dr. Sasha Lazarus, a famed philosopher
Loves committing atrocities against humanity
Believes wholeheartedly that the world is flawed and needs to be reset through another apocalypse
Headed the torture and experiments that created Adam and Eve
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THE HUNTSMAN (she/her)
Girlboss mercenary/hitwoman
Usually wears a skull mask but the sunglasses were the closest I could get in this picrew
Has a big ol’ arsenal of axes and guns and other weapons
Drives a big scary suped-up truck
Currently hunting the gang for sport, especially Mihael
I don’t know what her gender or orientation are and I’m not going to ask
BIG fan of murder
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Essentially yeah this is a road trip story but with the additional stakes of “oh we need to prevent a potential second apocalypse”
Another big theme is one of guilt and whether it’s possible to make up for horrible things you’ve done, as well as how far you may have to go to actually Do That
Also the rippling effects that a single good deed can have, for better or for worse
And the consequences of playing god
And this is a Multi Lefaiye Certified WIP™ so of course shit’s gonna get introspective as hell
Maybe the real cults were the friends we made along the way and went on a cross-country road trip with
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itsdark0ut · 11 months
„No One Sleeps At Night”* [Info panel]
[*or „It’s Dark Out”]
Mcyt AU by: @littlescammer & @pvmpkim
Ilustrated by: @pvmpkim & @ari-axis
Basic info:
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What caused the apocalypse?
Due to unknown reasons Earth has stopped moving around its axis. It caused half of the globe dive in non-passing night while the other half become dry and burned because of the sun.
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Why is the action taking place only on the non-passing night side?
Despite the darkness, most of the survivors decided to fight for their life on the night side, because it is easier to find water there. It is also possible to grow plants in greenhouses thanks to that. You only need to find a good source of energy (other than solar energy).
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Is this world build more in Minecraft world of more classic postapo world realities?
Due to the fact that postapo is a science fiction sub-genre and the situation with the Earth just stopping is unlikely to happen, we decided not to include the classic mobs that can be found in Minecraft as an everyday element, so that we can get closer to real life world. Therefore we will put redstone connotations and the story will most likely include [SPOILER ALLERT!]:
- minecraft origins (or at least those that managed to survive ehe) which will be refereed as “hybrids”* and “races”**
- Warden (:D), Ancient City and Deep Dark stuff
- overgrown spiders, phantoms and new additions to the Earths fauna and flora. 👽👍🏻
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Hybrids and Races case
For example - Jimmy is a hybrid because he has human and non-human genes, but in reality he is a different race because he is an so called avian. He has many changes that make him unlike a human, despite having a partially humanoid appearance.
Races that have human genes in them can be called hybrids (although some may be offended), but not all hybrids can be called a race. There are cases of mutations that are too few to be passed on to offspring, or to create any at all. Changes to the appearance or function of a hybrid that is not eligible to start a new race are lost with them upon their death.
It's too early to tell yet, but it is suspected that by stopping the Earth, hybrids' ability to procreate has decreased, thus preventing races from settling, which may explain why is it easier to meet a one-of-a-kind hybrid than a representative of a particular race.
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Who will be included in the ido/nosan series?
Minecraft personas mostly from so called Hermempires (Hermicraft + Empires), maybe NewLife SMP, don’t know yet. I don’t plan on adding anyone from DSMP or QSMP.
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How will the series begin? How will your posts look like?
I ( @littlescammer ) will be posting here something similar to chapters or diaries if I feel a need to show you how a single situation looked in mind of a character. The “chapters” will mix of different POVs of various groups or duos starring in the series and I will be using omniscient narrator for that. Diaries will be posted as 1st person narrator, obviously.
Also sorry for my mistakes, this is my very first time writing something like this in English which is not my native language. 🙏🏻 Fell free to correct me. 🧍🏼‍♂️❤️
So I am the writer and @pvmpkim & @ari-axis are illustrators. 🤝
Btw we are starting with ranchers POV, because the illustrator 1 said so. ;)
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How should I call the series? “It’s Dark Out” or “No One Sleeps at Night”?
Well… First name for this AU was “No One Sleeps at Night” and it was my idea. I liked it, because it sounds nice and poetic in my native language and it was pretty spontaneous. Also the acronym for this in English translation is NOSAN which sounds like “no sun” which is… Correct. XD But before I noticed that @pvmpkim decided to call the AU “It’s Dark Out” (instantly in english) because it’s more clear and plain. So yeah…
I guess we will be using two for now and we will se which one will work better in future. Maybe I will make a pool if the series would gain more attention.
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This post will be edited to add more info! :D
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Round 2, Match 53: Kim Dokja vs. Roberto de Niro
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Submitted kids:
Kim Dokja: Lee Gilyoung and Shin Yoosung are the commonly accepted ones but you can also make a case for Lee Jihye and Biyoo
Roberto de Niro: Meryl Stryfe, Vash the Stampede, Nicholas D. Wolfwood
Propaganda under the cut!
Kim Dokja:
1. “In the first scenario (where you have to murder something alive) his first priority is to make sure Gilyoung makes it out alive (by giving him the grasshopper before letting others know about it), and when the future version of Yoosung (41st round) is going to cause havoc his first plan is to basically the past (his present) version of her so they would have her on her side (he takes her in as his incarnation- if that isn’t an adoption idk what is); Biyoo is literally the soul of 41st Yoosung that he WENT THROUGH AN UNDERWORLD TRIAL to get her back and she is legally his child. Lee Jihye is more like the older sister-teenager of the group be she’s still adopted by association and Han Donghoon is a kid who was hypnotized and exploited by the “prophets” and Kim Dokja saved him and became someone he trusts in- which is basically adopting. Mia is YJH’s little sister but with the family dynamic all of KimCom has she’s basically adopted too. This man is someone who believes the worst in himself but gives all these kids someone they need and in return they are the family he’s never had.”
2. "He saved Lee Gilyoung on the subway when he was orphaned at the time the apocalypse started even when he didn't need to and kept him by his side and fed him at his own expense and believed in him and taught him to be strong when no one else had really done that for Lee Gilyoung before.
MINOR SPOILERS AHEAD (pretty vague):
Shin Yoosung was a character in the world of the apocalypse that occured (long story, won't explain here lol) and she was supposed to be destined to become a monster that would destroy Seoul and the two people other than Kim Dokja who knew this wanted to kill her when they found her to prevent her from becoming that but Kim Dokja refused to kill her and physically stood to protect her and then he later became her sponsor (uhhh it's a whole thing in-universe but basically pledged to back her and help her ig) and the stigma (a special power thing that can be gained through a sponsor) he gave her was based in him protecting everyone in their group and his love for all of them.
Both Shin Yoosung and Lee Gilyoung are extremely attached to Kim Dokja and have on at least one canon occasion slept clinging to either side of him.
LESS MINOR SPOILERS AHEAD (though not terrible ig and still mostly vague at least):
Biyoo is. well she's Shin Yoosung actually but also not. So basically y'know that monster future Shin Yoosung was destined to become? so that monster version of her from a different timeline was sent backwards and sideways in time (idk how else to describe it jskdfs) and nearly did destroy Seoul as prophesied but Kim Dokja tried to save her—and he nearly did but then a shitty dokkaebi (they're like admin streamer people. idk would take a while to explain) did a shitty thing and forced her to be 'evil' and then she had to be killed ;-; but Kim Dokja promised to get revenge for her and after that he went and beat up the asshole dokkaebi who did that so badly that he gained a legendary Story. And then he traveled to the Underworld at risk of his own life to retrieve her soul and put that into a dokkaebi egg that he personally hatched. And she lost her memories for the most part but could still sense a bit what he'd done for her :') and so yeah she became Biyoo and is somehow both adopted and originally parented(?? idk saying biologically is. doesn't feel quite right lol) by him."
3. “Bro is THE DAD of the group”
4. “Adopted his kids so hard that they’d do like anything for him they love him so much”
Roberto de Niro:
“he's my dad”
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