#cass: stole them from dick :)
mamawasatesttube · 11 months
kon bart and cass as a trio who have just never had a childhood experience could be so funny. i want to see it
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confused-wanderer · 1 year
..the batfam siblings are randomnly getting teleported through time to the original days of batman and robin, but somehow Bruce is nowhere to be seen. This leads to so many more questions, and each of them has begged the villains to just put them out of their misery at some point.
Exhibit 1
Jason *teleports into Wayne Manor*
Jason: what the actual fuck is happening?
Eight year old Dick:
Jason: Ah sh- shoot.. Hey there..
Eight year old Dick *lip trembles*
Jason *panicking* : uhhhh hey kid please don’t cry-
Jason’s knees explode in pain as he doubled over and then there’s a continuous tornado of blows coming before he’s down for the count
Eight year old Dick: IM GONNA ROCK YOUR SHIT FUCKER *about to smash a granite statue on Jason’s head if Alfred hadn’t walked in at that moment*
Jason *tasting blood and wheezing* : I- I think my ribs are broken.. also why does this fucking feel like déjà vu?
Exhibit 2
Tim: uh- hey Dick?
*villain appears*
Tim *running in front* : Don’t worry I’ll protect yo-
Robin!Dick running out from behind him wielding an electric blowtorch he stole from Tim: MEET YOUR END TODAY!
Tim *panicking* : ROBIN NO
Dick *cackling* : ROBIN YES
Exhibit 3
Damian: Richard.. you’re- not what I expected.
Dick *scaling the side of the skyscraper to help a cat stuck there*
Damian: .. Compassion is a quality you always-
Damian: .. Richard.. where is the rest of your gear?
Robin!Dick *with cats in hand running off the ledge*
Dick ended up doing several gymnastic moves, giving a perfect landing with the cat in tow and not a single scratch on him. Damian has stopped functioning.
Cass *smiling warmly*
Dick *smiling and waving* : HI NICE LADY!! Do you want a cookie? Alfred made them!!
Cass *taking the packet Dick is trying to hold upright*
Dick: That ones for you! And this *takes out a small box with a skull drawn on it with crayons* is for your family! I know you don’t like talking about them.. and I think they’re the ones who hurt you. Just give them one cookie and they’ll never bother you again!
Cass: :) . Thanks.. but cookie not solve everything..
Dick: Aww..
Dick: If I burn their house down will that work?
Cass: •_•
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runesinthenight · 26 days
Batfam accent headcanons
Bruce has a vaguely British accent. He sounds mostly American, but he was raised by a British butler and it shows.
Dick's accent doesn't have a name because he can't stick to one accent. He picked up bits and pieces of language from the different people in Haly's Circus as well as from different places the circus stopped over the years. Dick can and will used 10 different accents in one sentence.
Jason has the thickest Jersey accent. He sounds like Tony Soprano, which does womders for him as a crime boss. It also helps him connect with the people of Crime Alley because he sounds like he belongs.
Tim has a vaguely transatlantic accent because his parents wanted him to sound posh and sophisticated when they brought him to galas. It's still the voice he uses for meetings, interviews, galas, social functions, etc. He developed a more.standard American accent while training prior to becoming Robin so his accent couldn't tie them together.
Damian has an upper class Arabic accent. He was raised in the League of Assassins as the heir of the Demon Head. He was raised to believe he was better than everyone else. His accent reflects that. He sounds slightly more American as Robin, but not by much.
Babs and Steph also have Jersey accemts but they're not nearly as strong as Jason’s. Steph's accent is stronger than Babs's. I feel like Babs has the tiniest bit of New Yorker accent.
Cass doesn't speak much, but when she does she tends to mimic aspects of the person she's talking with's accent. She has a bit of a mish mash of accents that she stole from various Batfam members, but she's nowhere near as bad as Dick.
Duke has an accent somewhere between a Jersey accent and AAVE. It's distinctly different from Jason’s Jersey accent.
Alfred is British.
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nerdpoe · 7 months
One of the reasons Tim doesn't stay in the Manor is because his clothes keep fucking going missing.
He had been pretty sure it was Cass at first, until he started recognizing the oversized shirts Damian was wearing.
They were his.
Oh, Damian was still a little shit, to be sure; but he no longer tried to actively kill Tim, and apparently raided his closet for clothes so frequently Tim didn't even bother trying to find something once it went missing.
Tim and Damian had an understanding.
Damian admired Tim, and viewed him favorably.
Damian also had huge amounts of pride, and his previous behavior would be a source of embarrassment for not understanding how different the culture in America (and for non-assassins) was. Ergo, apologizing would be painful, so he wouldn't.
Instead, he stole Tim's clothes.
And Tim let him.
It was...a thing. Their thing.
Damian stole the other's hoodies and shirts as well, but he would always hunt down Tim's.
Dick had thought it was an antagonistic thing and had tried to talk him out of it, but both Tim and Damian ignored him.
He wasn't a part of this.
It was an unspoken apology, one that never ended. It was also an unspoken acceptance, one that never changed.
Damian stole four shirts from Tim.
"I apologize, I view you as family, I do not want you to die or leave, but I cannot speak this because it hurts me to admit to my mistakes."
Tim bought more clothes and wore them until it was time to 'lose' them in the manor.
"You're a little shit and not nearly as clever as you think you are, but I know you're sorry, and if this is how you show that you don't want me to leave forever then I'll do it for however long you need that reassurance."
It was stupid and it didn't make sense to literally anyone but them.
But they were the only ones who needed to know what it meant anyways.
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blu3fiish · 29 days
Things I headcanon that would have happened to the batkids at one point in middle school that happened to me. (even if some of them weren't in middle school at all):
Dick: (7th) Jumped off the swing at a too high of a point and landed face first in the wood chips Babs: (7th) got chased around by 6th graders who assumed she stole a penguin stuffed animal. (she didn't, it was a penguin stuffed animal she got in a happy meal box fair and square.) Cass: (6th) had a pen pal that she would talk to by writing on the desk (The teacher did not like that) Jason: (7th) took the packaged sporks from the cafeteria and by the end of the year gathered 1,453 packs of sporks. (the lunch ladies were fine with it as long as whenever someone needed a spork packet it was given to the student in need) Steph: (8th) found animal bones in one of those plastic ground electrical boxes in the field. (science teacher let her keep the bones) Tim: (7th) Math teacher allowed students to eat in class and Tim managed to bring in a rotisserie chicken. (Tim and the girl who was able to doordash in&out to the school shared food) Duke: (8th) convinced the school to keep strawberry milk year long instead of only during valentines Damian: (8th) two boys tried to give him 50 dollars to draw the two boys in a NSFW way.
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raynetheinsane · 1 month
Batfam (and friends) as Henry Danger quotes
(Because im a nerd and love this show)
Damian: Tt, my parties arent that bad
Jon: Christmas. 3 years ago. 15 kids ended up in the hospital!
Damian: FATHER!!!
Tim: Damian! Were trying to study here *indicates to Duke and Steph, both clearly not studying*
Damian: I’m talking to my Father.
Robin!Jason: Dangit! All these jobs say i gotta have skills..
Dick: You have skills!
Jason: Name one.
Dick: You’re a great dancer!
Jason: No I’m not?
Dick: You could take lessons.
(More under the cut i just dont want this to be super duper long)
Bruce: How old are you?
Tim, trying to become robin: Im 13, I’ll be 14. On my next birthday
Dick: Ah so youre aging sequentially
Tim, extremely tired: Do you ever dream about sleeping?
Steph, extremely confused:…no??
Tim: good. If you did youd be dead.
Bruce: Lets ride.
Robin!Jason who is very new to this: Wha- Ride where?
Bruce: We’ve got people in the Jandy River that need saving.
Bruce: Come on.
Jason: You mean we’re going there? Together? Like right now?
Tim, extremely dirty and has a cut on his face walking into Drake Manor:
Jack, not paying attention: Hey Tim, did you get the job?
Tim: Yeah, just finished my first day.
Jack: So hows work?
Tim: Uh it was pretty… interesting.
Bernard: Hey, you never told us what you do at your new job
Tim: *just stares wide eyed silently*
Bruce: While we were patrolling, Poison Ivy stole packs of baby bottles, can you guess why?
Robin!Dick: Uhhh
Bruce: To flood the bottles with radioactive plant matter.
Dick: I would not have guessed that.
Jason: I see youre in your pajama pants.
Tim: Yeah its almost midnight, I was studying for this test i have tomorrow
Jason: What subject?
Tim: Puerto Rican history
Jason: Ah Puerto Rico… land of…
Tim: Puerto Ricans?
Jason: yeah..
Red Hood: Strike three.
Spoiler: That was only 2
Hood: Okay, don’t correct me in front of the criminals
Duke: Whats in the mug?
Tim, who just poured himself and entire pot of coffee despite hating it: Coffee.
Tim: To keep me alive.
Duke: no, no, no, no, you cannot drink this much coffee after work. This mug is comedically large!
Steph: I have the same dream all the time. It satrts with me getting a horse for my birthday. Then my dad shows up. Then the horse kicks my dad in the face!
Jason, helping Tim study: You want a good grade on your puerto rican math test?
Tim: history
Jason, who died before he finished highschool: Same thing
Non-Bat who needs the antidote for Joker gas or something: Will this hurt?
Black Bat: Yes, very much.
Bernard, talking about a criminal the Bats cant catch: Its not Batmans fault, he just needs a better sidekick
Tim: One more time.
Bernard, who knows: Just saying, I’d be way better at catching criminals than the current Robin
Dick: I’m gonna die..
Jason: Not in the house. If you’re gonna die, do it outside
Tim: I’m Robin.
Bernard: I know. I figured that out.
Damian: Todd, I wish to speak to you about something.
Oracle: Steph, come to Gotham Park right now!
Steph: noo, I’m not in the mood for trees
Oracle: did i ask you what youre in the mood for?
Vikki Vale: So, Spoiler, how did you catch Two Face?
Spoiler: I’d love to take all the credit, but it was really all thanks to my partner, Black Bat.
Vikki: Interesting. Black Bat, can you tell us more?
Black Bat: No.
It really bothers me the lack of Babs, Cass, and Duke worthy quotes there are 😔😔 also my personal favs show a lot and im sorry for that, but there will be more as i think of them, these are just eps 1-4, the rest will be posted like in a queue or something and as single quotes cus im eepy
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brucewaynehater101 · 1 month
Supernatural AU with the Batfam
Bruce Wayne is pretty much John Winchester. An absolute piece of garbage that raises his children to fight his war against the supernatural creatures that stole his parents from him. He is a negligent, abusive asshole.
When Dick is 9, the Graysons fall from the interference of some creature (any ideas?). Bruce, upon seeing a kid that he can train and that has the same vengeance against the supernatural as him, takes him in. He doesn't need legal documents since he forges all of his anyway.
When Dick is 16, they meet 11 year old Jason Todd. At first, Dick hates the kid. It's hard enough surviving Bruce's training on his own. It's worse when he has to take care of someone else. By the time Jason is 13, Dick is old enough to go to college. He leaves Jason behind (which causes some tension and guilt). Jason still dies at 15. He goes to hell like Dean did. When he gets pulled from hell by Cass (Cassandra Wayne), neither of them inform anyone. Cass is still with the LoA (a cult) because her body is still being raised as a vessel for her.
Barbara is the daughter of a family of hunters. After an incident with the demon Joker, she runs the worldwide network for hunters (with a focus on US).
Tim joins after Jason dies, and this causes Dick to drop out of college to look after him (and the grief of losing Jason was too much).
Alfred is Bobby and doesn't get to see the kids as much as he wants to.
As far as Bruce's no killing rule, he applies that to humans, verifiably sentient creatures, and beings on their first life. If they can't be reasoned with due to the creature's incapability to communicate, then they can be killed. Ghosts and such can also be eradicated. All others he locks up. He also is extremely against killing beings if doing so causes harm to bystanders. His contention around older Jason stems from the kid's willingness to kill sentient creatures (sending Joker back to hell isn't keeping him from crawling back out).
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Cursed idea I had in the shower.
Bruce gets hit with a sleeping beauty type of curse.
You know. Be asleep in a deathlike state and only be awoken by a true love kiss.
(Let's assume Zatanna can't do shit for that type of old magic used and that was the only cure)
But the question is who is Batman's true love?
Catwoman is first candidate. He was going to marry her once. It didn't work.
Then, Damian asked his mom. Talia Al Ghul. The woman Bruce did marry and even had a kid with. Nope.
So kids are starting to panic.
They have to find that one special someone Bruce loves but he's Batman.
He doesn't talk about his feelings ever and making him do it is like pulling out teeth.
So they starts calling people they thought Bruce had good chemistry with.
Wonder Woman raised an eyebrow at the batkids' request but does it anyway. Didn't work.
Zatanna also reacted the same way.
Leslie Thompkins does it after some badgering.
Both Harley and Ivy does it to humor them.
Then, someone (Tim) finds Bruce's diary from where he was a teenager.
In it, Bruce talks about his crush on this boy, comparing him to the sun. Took a while for Tim to come to the horrifying realization that Bruce was talking about Harvey Dent aka Two Face.
They somehow managed to get Harvey to kiss Bruce. It still didn't work. But the kids are kinda traumatized by how close they were to having Two Face as a stepdad.
Then, they realised that they were only focusing on Bruce's female romantic interests so they decided to get everyone Bruce ever had chemistry with.
Clark had to awkwardly do it in front of his wife when he just came over to the Batcave check in on his best friend.
Lois gave Bruce a quick peck on the lips, just to make things somewhat even. (There was an inaudible sigh of relief when Bruce didn't wake up)
"That is the closest to a threesome with Bruce Wayne I will ever get." Lois joked, making Clark choke.
Oliver Queen went to wash his mouth right after giving the kiss. Dinah made a show of it to make Oliver jealous. The two of them took off immediately afterwards.
Hal Jordan was ready to run as soon as he did the deed.
Barry politely declined and the kids didn't push him. Because it is obvious that he and Bruce just hold respect towards each other. Same with Martian Manhunter and Aquaman.
John Constantine laughed in their faces when he heard their request. Once he realised they weren't joking, he still did it anyways and afterwards dropped an innuendo that implied that he had kissed Batman before and maybe something even more. Stole another kiss and promptly got out of Gotham before Damian had time to grab his sword.
They got the Riddler who was confused (or riddled, excuse my terrible pun) the entire time because minding his own business, got kidnapped by the Bat brats in daylight, found himself in the infamous Batcave and told to kiss Batman. He quickly did what he was told and then asked to be taken back right away so he can forgot what just happened.
The Bats voted on whether they should get Joker before they all unanimously agreed to never bring that idea again.
So the Batkids tried everything to find Batman's / Bruce's true love.
But guess what woke him up in the end? The answer was them all along. (Not Batcest. Batcest shippers DNI.)
You know that scene in Maleficent where she kisses Aurora on the forehead and she wakes up. Exactly like that.
The kids having done everything they could. Have to come to the conclusion that Bruce was as good as dead. One of the boys, maybe Dick or Jason, says goodbye and one of the others give Bruce a kiss on the forehead.
Cass started it and Dick does it too. Damian in a moment of weakness, does the same. One by one, the kids kissed Bruce of the forehead as a sign of goodbye. (You know Steph and Jason does it out of sibling peer pressure.) They all gathered to say, "Bruce, we love you."
Then, the motherfucker had the nerve to finally open his eyes in that moment to see his kids crying around him.
Bruce loves his kids. ❤️
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rubydubydoo122 · 4 months
Ok, so I know in Dark Knights of Steel, all of the Robins met each other on the streets… but like… did they all have to? It changes their age gaps and what makes elements of their characters unique to them, so I’m going to fix it so it stays similar to canon.
First, with Dick. You can keep his circus background. You can keep the murder of his parents. Maybe an individual with magic casts a beam at his parents and they die. And Bruce sees himself in Dick that he takes him in. And Dick trains to be a knight from the moment he’s in the castle because he wants to protect the kingdom.
You can also keep Jason’s background, but him and Cass being family friends (Willis Todd having that connection with Lady Shiva) but Jason is recently orphaned and Cass is running away from David Cain. They have to steal to survive, but if they have extra, they try to help out other kids their age. They then meet Steph, who saves them from her Dad, (idk what was going on tho— he was probably trying to steal what they stole or smth) and they’re all really close. Maybe they meet Duke. Maybe they don’t. Who know
Jason steals from a Bruce who’s in disguise, and Bruce takes him in, but Jason’s like ‘wait! I have a friend’ and Bruce takes in the rest of them. (Not Steph, because Steph has parents, but she gets free training as a knight)
Tim comes from a noble family, so I would like to think they run the same circles, but they all stray to get to know each other in training.
Damian is a surprise baby. Like usual.
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haveihitanerve · 27 days
I have this head cannon that when Bruce finally passes, no one plans his funeral. They just act like he’s still alive, that he’ll come back. Like last time. Clark leaves out a warm meal for him on his balcony every night, Diana leaves the radio playing to his favorite station and always has an extra batarang on her for emergencies when he runs out. Selina makes sure the blankets are fluffy the way he likes it. The kids all talk to him through their own separate coms and pretend he talks back. Dick leaves his door unlocked and visits Gotham more than he should. Robin goes on patrol alone but always leaves room for Bruce to run. Tim talks to Bruce when he inputs information and plays voice recordings of Bruce saying he’s proud of him. Jason cusses less, but when he does he always waits a beat, like waiting for someone to scold him. Steph and Cass give each other makeovers and act like the other is Bruce, letting them bedazzle him the way they always did. Until a year passes and he still hasn’t returned. And then they cry. They scream and cry and yell at the sky the gods cursing whatever stole their father and lover and best friend away from them.
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toulousewayne · 4 months
Batfamily Shenanigans:Head-canons Pt: 4
The Wayne family attends Gala all the time. Some have for years, but that doesn’t mean that all enjoy them. Bruce and Damian attend them purely for appearances, Dick is there to kept his siblings from burning down the building, Jason always sneaks in as different undercover identities, Tim has to go because he has to also keep up appearances but most of the time you will find him indirectly call the investors idiots. Duke and Steph are at the snack table, Cass sticks next to Babs at the table and they watch the chaos together. Alfred joins them sometimes.
It comes as to no shock that Tim has severe Narcolepsy, but Dick and Bruce have insomnia.
Damian watched Tim while he sleeps. No one knows when he started but he always tells the other it’s because Tim is prone to falling. Which is lie but no one ever stops him.
Stephanie is very skilled mechanic, sometimes when there’s down time she’s found repairing or working on of the bat bikes or the Batmobile.
Dick Grayson is color blind. It’s only when he comments on Stephanie’s brown sweater that Jason points out to him. Barbara and Bruce knew the whole time and just thought he was doing it to be funny, it comes as a shock to Dick though.
Duke and Cass go to the flee market every Sunday. The buy fresh produce and eggs for Alfred. Cass even thrifts a few clothing pieces.
Speaking of Clothes, no one has all their clothes anymore. Jason’s hoodies are always stole from the manor, his safehouses in the city and out of the country it doesn’t matter. They’ll usually end up in Cass, Tim or Steph’s closet. Dick’s T-shirts are public domain at this point because all his siblings have at least one of them. Barbara can never find her fuzzy socks until she visit the manor next and find them on Damian and Stephanie’s feet. Tim’s jewelry is always around Cass’ neck. Damian is the only safe because no one can fit his stuff but he does get Duke and Tim’s clothes they’ve outgrown.
Cass will sometimes spend time with Alfred in the cave repairing the suits. She’s very good at sewing.
Selina is lactose intolerant, Bruce finds this hilarious.
Duke took dance classes sense he was eight. He can dance the waltz, break dance, ballet, jig, salsa, and a few others.
Bruce allowed Tim create the design of the newest bat tech.
Alfred enjoys his tea with sugar and crème, Damian of course likes sugar and lemon. They have weekly tea parties in the sunroom with Alfred the cat and Titus.
Dick has the most mixed playlist of songs. So, whether he’s on a steal out with Bruce, driving Damian to soccer practice, or even just cleaning his apartment by himself he’s got something for everyone.
Barbara loves Amy Winehouse, she plays her record several times a day in the Clocktower.
While on the subject of music, Tim can sing and it was very embarrassing when his family found out. Tim was in his room singing with his headphones on but his door was open and he didn’t realize how loud he was. Dick and Steph came across him singing. Stephanie record it and sent it to the group. Tim was embraced by his family for his beautiful voice and they wanted to hear more, but poor Tim wanted the world to swallow him whole. Jason can play guitar and Dick can’t sing well but he can also play guitar in addition to the bass.
Damian is able to find his family with little tech involved. The OG Titans came back to the tower after helping Donna with a mission and Robin was perched in their living room. He gave Wally a heart attack. Tim was having a game night with Conner,Bart, and Cassie and the scream Bart unleashed when they found Damian in the kitchen starring at the pizza boxes on the counter and questioned Tim on lack of a proper diet.
Clark has nearly broken the sound barrier twice over not being able to hear Bruce’s heartbeat. Luckily both times Bruce had to slow his heart rate to be near death to escape sticky situations and both were ended due to a worried Krypton.
“I wanted Red Claw to think I was dead, I had to slow my heart rate to throw her off.”
Speaking of the Man of Steel, when Dick was freshly Robin and before Clark married Lois, the Boy Wonder tried to set up his father and Clark on several blind dates. Once he canceled a date of Bruce’s and rescheduled a business dinner for Clark and the two ended up on a romantic balcony date in Metropolis. They were both shocked and a blushing mess. It got worse when the waiter address the “Happy Couple” has was instructed from the reservation that Dick set.
Robin got an ear full the next morning from Bruce but to Dick it was worth it and even Alfred may have pulled a string or two.
Another time Bruce couldn’t watch Dick and Alfred was visiting London for the next week and Bruce had to Wayne Enterprises Event. He asked Clark if he could watch Dick for the night and of course he offered.
Not even five minutes after he left did Dick turn to Clark,”So, your dating my Father?”
Clark was as red as his cape and he tried to explain to Dick they are just friends. “Whatever you say Clark, but just curious would you take his last name or will he take yours? Because honestly I don’t see why you can’t use both—“
Clark cover his face as the young bird continued to show his support for his favorite ship.
“Are you also gonna adopt me too now?”
“Okay, time to see what time your Father’s coming back.” He sighed.
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lightwing-s · 10 months
Honey, biker!Jason checks out reader while hanging out with Roy and the batboys (Dick, Tim, Duke) across the street as reader doing thrift with friends, not noticing him at all until someone points out and reader get flustered, finally notice Jason as he smirks, with Roy and rest of the batboys openly tease him and Dick calls the girls (Barbara, Steph, Cass) to look up for reader with "Yo, Jason's hooked up." "Don't tell Dami yet." texting them in the fam's 'Jason' group chat? Feels like it's what Dick would do as he's their big bro, and that he genuinely cares for Jason.
a/n: i love this idea so much lol pt ii
It was a really warm summer day when you and your friends decided to go out thrifting together, walking from one shop to the other and leaving with bags upon bags of clothes you’d probably regret purchasing later. The humidity causing the thin fabric of your dress to stick to your skin.  
You were coming out of a coffee house after getting yourselves some cold beverages, when your friend pinched your side to catch your attention.
“Someone is grabbing attention today.” she teased, as you took some time to comprehend until she pointed to the group of guys hanging out on the other side of the street.
Resting against a red sports motorcycle was a tall dark haired guy, clad in a muscle tee and jeans, that couldn’t stop staring at you even when his friends made sure to speak and laugh as loud as they could around him. You couldn’t help the blush from creeping up your cheeks as his eyes met yours, throwing you a wink and a smirk before finally being noticed by his friends.
From afar, you couldn’t really understand what they were saying, but by the way he shook his head when they ruffled his hair and laughed looking in your direction, you could guess they were certainly making fun of the situation.
“Falling in love with the view, buddy?” Roy said, ruffling Jason’s hair, who pushed his arm away from him, mumbling a ‘shut up’ back to his best friend.
“I’ll give you that, Jay” his brother, Dick, started. “You have good taste.”
A series of jokes followed as Jason returned his eye to the other side of the street, searching for you and finding you and your friends still in the same place, a rosy tint visible in your face even from a distance.
He seriously wanted to punch those guys for making you feel uncomfortable, and he wanted even more to drive his bike towards you and get away from this situation, but he was too embarrassed by his friends to do that. He watched you walk away, a tinge of sadness filling his chest to see you go.
“He’s been staring for ten minutes. He’s gone, guys.” Tim joined in, while Dick picked up his phone to snatch a picture of you and send on a newly formed group chat conveniently named ‘Jason’s love life S.O.S’
dick: find this girl, we’re reporting her to the police. she just stole baby jay’s heart :(
steph: ooh noo. anyways, who wants to watch the new barbie movie on sunday.
roy: don’t be mean to him. guy just missed the love of his life.
barb: y/n s/n, she’s a student at gotham university. i have her id and cell phone number, and personal address if you’re not going to be weird about it.
dick: I’M THE BEST MAN!!
jason: i’m not inviting any of you to wedding, for starters
barb: you’re assuming there’s going to be a wedding in the future…
jason: if you massage me the address the assumption will be closer to reality
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AU where Talia decided to raise Damian in Metropolis and Jason decided to ignore Batman and go with her
Damian is still trained, but not as intensely (Talia allowed it because she knows very well how many enemies Ra's and Batman have, she wants her son to be ready to defend himself if necessary, but always vigilant so that Damian's training is not exhausting and terrible)
Then when Damian has 8 (or 10), she just looks for her father and says "bye"
Ra's is a good grandfather who loves his grandchildren (Damian and Mara), he is just a weird magic man for them (he is still the demon but not for his people and family)
So the trio move to Metropolis, Talia to get the job with Lex and Bruce almost had a heart attack because JESUS CHRIST IS THAT JASON TODD?! AND WHO IS THAT TINNY SMOL BOY NEXT TO HIM?!
Jason still hates Batman and tries to kill Tim (they'll get along later but not now)
Jason talks shit about Batman all time and Damian believes in him because old brother Jason knows things, and then Damian also dislikes his father
Jason became a crime lord in Gotham to piss Bruce off and annoying Dick and Tim, Talia just asked Jason don't put Damian in this crime thing, Jason and Talia tried to keep Damian a part of this mess crime and hero thing
Damian, like all other children in his age, is curious and impulsive. Then he stole a ninja costume and went to Gotham because he is curious about his father and the others brothers
And then he met Dick
Dick is just tired of Jason messing around but he recognizes a curious kid when he sees one (and he is also curious about Damian - no one knows Damian is Bruce blood son yet)
Dick and Damian become weird friends eventually (as canon their relationship is slowly but strong in the end)
When Jason finds out about Damian's new friend, he tries to hunt Dick down
Too late
Damian now has a cow and Dick has Damian's DNA
All the Batfam goes crazy because THIS BOY IS YOUR SON!!
just thinking about 'Damian, I need to tell you something, you're the son of the Batman' - Dick
'yeah, I know' Damian knew it all along because Talia told him and Jason about Damian's father
Steph and Cass are also curious about this little boy and kidnapped him to a playdate (and also annoying Jason and Bruce)
Damian dislikes Tim Drake because Jason told him to do so and he will listen to his older brother (they'll eventually get along)
Bruce tries to get close to Damian a few times and Jason always stops him. Whenever the two meet it is a terrible fight, both emotional and physical (Jason just gatekeeping Damian rn)
Talia could help Bruce, but she decides whatever Jason is doing is funnier, then she allows Jason to bully his dad for a while
Maybe it's Jason's rude words, the guilt of not being seen with the same admiration for the boy anymore, making Bruce become "softer" and try to get involved in Jason and Damian's lives because he doesn't want to make mistakes like he did in the past
somehow this becomes a mess in the media, after all Talia and Bruce are rich (she is richer than him) and a child custody dispute is always crazy and the favorite dish for reporters
the plan about protecting Damian from media harassment just fell apart (thanks Bruce and his bad decisions)
Talia and Jason were almost planning to send Damian to spend time on an Al Ghul family island when the images began to disappear from the internet almost instantly
This happened because the batkids worked together because 'Jason is our brother and Damian is also our brother'
When Jason goes to confront Dick about this, Dick says it's all Tim's plan (he knows about the assassination attempts and he doesn't want the family fighting)
Tim and Jason get along after this
"but you say he is a bitch' - Damian about Tim
'yeah, but he is a friend now' - Jason
Somehow Dick lures Damian in the mansion to him met Alfred
so while the media is covering the whole spectacle of the custody fight over Damian, Damian, Talia and Jason are having tea with Alfred and ignoring Bruce
And Jason still is a crime lord
Eventually Bruce gets the right to see Damian (I want to bully this man a little after Gotham War)
Damian doesn't go to school, but he still meets Jon and Kathy at a farming event because he wants to show off Batcow
They becomes friends there (Clack and Lois have no idea that this Damian who Jon is talking about is Damian Wayne, but they're super happy because Jon is making more friends)
Damian invites Jon to his birthday party, something that makes all of Kent very happy
Damian's birthday becomes incredibly awkward once Clack encounters Bruce and the Batkids, Talia Al Ghul, Jason Fucking Todd, Ra's Al Ghul, and some other assassins and children of assassins that Talia and Damian trust
Also Maya and Mara are also there
Mara because she and Damian were rising together in the league (they have a brother and sister relationship but they don't know it yet)
and Maya proclaimed herself Damian big sister since her father trained him
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analviel · 1 year
Batfamily gossip time is not mealtime, or teatime, or movie time.
It's 'when Jason is cooking or baking' time.
The kids would just gravitate to his kitchen (the new one he made sure the address could not possibly be leaked and yet) and he'd be taking out the cake and layering them and putting on the ganache with that turning platform and Tim would slap Dick's hand from reaching out to the icing bowl. Damian and Duke were more helpful than their biggest D, with Jason calling out ingredients and tools and Damian solemnly handing them to him as if they were on a major operation.
He's always grumbling about their presence with a generous amount of cursing.
If he didn't actually want them there then he shouldn't make enough for all of them -is what Steph said.
He didn't. He pointedly did not make them any at first but they just stole his meal and he'd almost lost an eye when he tried to steal it back from Cass once.
Babs always gets first serve or first slice by order of elimination - not Dick because it was the principle of it, not Tim because he was living personification of take an inch and then take an extra mile, not Damian because he'd get smug and Jason wasn't allowed to punt him out the window, Jason also was not allowed to punt Steph out the window, not Cass because Jason was just bitter, not Duke because a day job was enough privilege and bragging rights than a person deserved in a lifetime.
So he'd made do and that is actually the real backbone of the hero community information network.
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dailycass-cain · 3 months
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I'm just as surprised as you are to find out Cass had an appearance in DC's How to Lose a Guy Gardner in 10 Days #1, and not in the way I was expecting.
Was it good or a pass?
Cass appears in "Date Night" in the anthology story which is more a Dick/Babs story about well the two of them going out on a date. Cass and Steph are basically on a mission checking out something Babs had an inkling things would be bad.
Things do end up being bad.
Alright, I'll just jump in about said bad.
Yeah, this is a supporting role for Cass (along with Steph) in the story. I don't really mind that. Dick/Babs are the leads in this and I'm okay with that.
What I'm not okay with is how the story treats the two Batgirls as amateurs.
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Okay, I get the "Scarecrow got the drop on them" opening because neither knew Crane was behind this until fear gas canisters were being loaded.
So that I don't mind. Mainly it's the sections of panels like above saying, "Make sure you do things like Dick is doing."
I didn't like it when Batgirls pulled this off in #5 when Babs showed up and it wore out its welcome in #7-8 (and the Catwoman #45 tie-in).
I get Cass/Steph are younger compared to Dick/Babs but they aren't "rookies". The year is 2024 not 2002.
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Just cut down the dialogue to the first sentence. Bam, gripe solved. It's simple word fixing that gets fans of said characters off-backs because it at least treats the characters as being experienced rather than not.
We do get one whole page of Cass/Steph busting the criminals introduced earlier looking to take advantage of Scarecrow's schemes (aka the B-protags taking out the B-antags).
In all honesty, I think the reverse should've occurred. Dick/Babs taking out the B-antags (as they were introduced via being a few tables from them) and well Scarecrow gets his comeuppance from Steph-- AGAIN (or them/Dick being him with Bruce/Helena/Kate in "Shadow of the Bat".
I'm done being nitpicky so I'm gonna talk about the positives aka that whole page and how artist Leonardo Rodrigues draws a nice old-school Cass. No white eyes and we even get the bat fins on her gloves.
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I think the one detail I loved most was the yellow stitching which does make Cass's mask more striking.
The one page is also a nice little touch showcasing Cass/Steph getting SOME measure of respect by owning the B-antags.
In the end, this is a harmless "fluff" tale that's not gonna be much looked at like Cass's entry from Beast World Tour: Gotham a few months back. Both are kind of forgettable save the latter's being the first mention of her old origin (Steph's story really stole that one-shot).
I'd be more frustrated if this was Cass's only showing this week (it isn't) and really it's because of THE OTHER comic that makes me less cross.
Stephanie fans?
Oh, they deserve to criticize MORE on this.
As for it being a Dick/Babs story?
It's alright.
Nothing memorable as to "why" they work as a couple. They were both paranoid enough to know their date night was gonna get ruined. But at least they're both Bat enough to have "plans within plans."
So yeah, this story is just "there". Doesn't give us adequate Cass/Steph (because it isn't their story), and Dick/Babs stuff is "middle of the road".
Given where both characters are at the moment, yeah "middle of the road" will do.
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incorrectbatfam · 2 years
Tim being a middle child?
Even though he could buy new clothes, Tim still gets hand-me-downs from Dick and Jason, except he wears it better and it pisses them off to no end
Alfred gave Damian an earful for letting the dog pee in the rose bush. It was Tim. He got locked out and was desperate
He's allowed to experiment with cooking because no one's noticed enough to tell him not to. And when he inevitably fails, he can just go, "Alfred, Bruce set the eggs on fire again!"
Tim gives the best song recs. He gets some of his taste from his siblings, but he also has a lot of hidden gems to himself because no one ever asks.
He has to be Player 2 when he's playing against his older siblings, but gets to be Player 1 with the younger ones
Tim had a whole Led Zeppelin tribute concert in the shower and no one noticed
Sometimes he sneaks bugs into Barbara's code when it's in the alpha phase, hides in the rafters, and films her reaction
Middle kids always end up in the back on long drives, but Tim quickly learns he has the power to withhold the snacks from everyone else and can lay across the seat
It's tradition for each kid to go on a fishing trip with Clark in their first year as a vigilante, but Tim never got to because of everything that was happening at that time—even Damian had gone despite being a vegan. So on the anniversary of Kon's death, Tim snuck out the house and spent the whole day with Clark in the middle of the lake, nibbling on Ma's pie and exchanging fond memories
He's the only one to successfully keep a physical diary, where he writes juicy details like what Steph's hiding in her case file or where Alfred goes between exactly 12:03 and 12:34 PM every day
He stole Jason's copy of Pride and Prejudice. Like literally walked out of Jason's room with it in plain view and Jason didn't see him
Tim's used to mediating arguments between his siblings, and that translates to mediating a couple's quarrel between Harley and Ivy whilst fighting other bad guys
He dyed his hair green for a week and the only person who said anything was Duke, a fellow middle kid who also got a bright yellow streak without anyone noticing
Tim "accidentally" left Damian at Target and Dick took the heat
He played a tree in Jason's home rendition of Hamlet
He stole a piece from every jigsaw puzzle in the house and he's waiting for the day someone tries to complete one
Steph wanted to do the thing where she walks around and plays chess with everyone at the same time. Tim moves her pieces when no one's looking
Everyone thinks Cass is the brownie batter spoon licker. She's not
Tim hides the remote control batteries in the cushions and suddenly he gets a front row seat to WrestleMania
He's gotten a lot of embarrassing pictures of Batman
Tim isn't in many home movies because he's always behind the camera, but that doesn't stop the others from stealing it and shoving him into the frame every now and then
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