darkandstormyranger · 3 months
9 Fandom Peeps to Get to Know Better:
Tagged by @the-marron💜thank you!💙
3 Ships You Like: Xicheng, Fengqing, Enjoltaire
First Ship Ever: ..............i guess Dramione.... but if we're talking ships that possessed me, body and soul, then that would be Valduggery💀🔥!
Last Song You Heard: "Tęsknię sobie" bc it was on the radio :|
Favourite Childhood Book: RANGER'S APPRENTICE FTW
Currently Reading: Jade City by Fonda Lee!
Currently watching: The Walking Dead (i am very judgemental comparing it to the first game....... but it has darryl and glenn so i'll give it a kudos.......)
Currently consuming: homemade ice tea*!
*tea i made five hours ago and left to fend for itself
Currently craving: a new hyperfixation that will give me some will to live (but for now a revival of my old acIII affection will do :3)
tagging: @kojottek, @gabrielsbubblegumbitch, @uncle-lucifer, @spacewinter (bc it's been a while woohoo) @captainvulcant, @theangelmojo, @wanyinchen
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bookgeekgrrl · 2 months
9 Fandom Peeps to Get to Know Better:
@captainvulcant tagged me like a month ago & it kinda got lost in my drafts! but I love this shit so here we go.
3 Ships You Like: I'm just gonna list the last 3 I read fic for: stucky, dreamling, steddie
First Ship Ever: The first ship I went actually looking for fanfic for was buffy/spike/angel and that was before ao3 existed
Last Song You Heard: "Shut Up And Dance" by WALK THE MOON (because it's an alarm ringtone)
Favourite Childhood Book: The Dragonriders of Pern
Currently Reading: a cozy mystery, Murder At The Island Hotel, and a 350K+ stucky fanfic that is amazing.
Currently watching: new eps as they drop of Dimension 20's Fantasy High: Junior Year, D20's Adventuring Party, Game Changer, Um, Actually and Ghosts (US).
Currently consuming: cherry flavored angry water
Currently craving: freedom to just go read
not tagging anyone directly due to the anxieties, but if you wanna do the thing, consider yourself tagged!
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cantinabandmp3 · 3 months
9 Fandom Peeps to Get to Know Better:
Tagged by @captainvulcant thank you so much!
Three ships that you enjoy: firstprince, rebelcaptain, and i'm still thinking about stevebucky with fondness
First Ship Ever: usagi x mamoru from sailor moon
Last Song You Heard: kernkraft 400 by zombie nation
Favourite Childhood Book: the little prince
Currently Reading: i'm re-reading the hunger games trilogy
Currently watching: i want to watch young royals as soon as i have free time
Currently consuming: coke
tagging: @isenstar777 @lovelyamneris @doritochrisevans but no pressure!
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chnqin · 6 months
Can we have a link to your side blog?🥺
I really like your current blog and your edits! They are so pretty!♥️ so I’d love to follow your other blog♥️
Yes you may, here is my secret side-blog @hawthornhedges I don't really post any of my own stuff on there but there are some really amazing artists I've reblogged
Also my main in case anyone is into Star Trek/Tolkien/Merlin @captainvulcant
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deheerkonijn · 5 years
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Gloin says no, son.
More babygims for @captainvulcant! I’ve got a bunch of sketches of the Durin boys going on rn but I’m still not like, entirely sure of how to approach them haha!
But as a little bonus, here was my first-ever draws of them!:
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seraphsfire · 4 years
I've started watching The Untamed because of you posting about it. I'm on episode 22. I love it. I've been watching like 5 episodes a day.
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oldbrooklynsoul · 5 years
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You know how busy the office keeps me. / requested by @captainvulcant
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snowhites · 4 years
My brain likes colours, so I associate you with pastel pink and white because those are the main colours of a lot of your beautiful edits!
that’s so true lol (i’m saying this as i work in a nymphadora tonks gifset in soft pink and white) thank youuu 💕
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thelordsoftherings · 5 years
captainvulcant replied to your post: i’ve finally reached that point in my life where...
It’s absolutely ridiculous that you can’t just use older versions of software anymore. Not to sound super old, but I remember when you paid for a programme once and that was it. But they’ve worked out subscriptions get them more money and don’t give a shit if you can afford it or not ╮ (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) ╭
it’s super annoying >:(
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snowhitesarchive · 7 years
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make me choose edits: steve rogers or thor resquested by @captainvulcant
“I thought the punishment usually came AFTER the crime.”
want one?
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mgnemesi · 7 years
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Thanks for the inputs!! Answers under the cut ;D
@cobaltmoony I ADORE That pose on the Batman Begins poster. This is the one I think I’ll draw anyway even if I don’t pick it for the CA:TMPProject. I can picture Steve very clearly, standing with his suit singed, torn and ruined with Bucky in his Civilian!!Bucharest!outfit. At the same time though, it’s kinda Steve’s time to be carried because I never finished that one sketch with Bucky carrying Steve away from the secret HYDRA Siberian Facility that I shared. uh. months ago? Ouch. @akaiamedama I FEEL YOU. But there’s no next to no poster that I can find that’s not genderized like that. D: Luckily, 80% of the vibe comes from the poses and faces, and I promise I’d work on those! Like, look at the Attack of the Clones poster. I wouldn’t have Bucky leaning all dreamily on strong!male!lead!Steve!!!! He’d be heavily injured, and Steve absolutely mad with rage. Or, in reverse, a sluggish, wounded Steve, and Bucky in full, ice-cold, Winter Soldier rage.  It’d be fun to work on the Thor one from this perspective, because Bucky could be standing in Jane’s position, but actually *restraining* a spitting-mad Steve with that carefully-placed hand, or keeping him upright because he’s wounded. Or, Steve might be providing cover for them both with his shield, whereas Bucky is firing his M249 over Steve’s shoulder. A total power couple ♥_♥ ...sadly, neither poster fits the “Your Bucky” line I wanted to add in. To me, it suggests something a lot mellower. DAMN. That’s partly why I’m so unsure. I can’t reconcile the battle images with that line. @captainvulcant The Romeo and Juliet poster is the one I feel is so accurate it makes me laugh. Two sides warrying, like on the original Civil War poster, and Bucky and Steve immersed into each other and oblivious to the rest. On the one hand, I’m excited about this because I could! Make! Them! KISSSSS!!!!!! But on the other hand, I’m afraid it’d work waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better as a photomanip than as a painting. the one that feels like an obvious choice t me is Attack of the Clones, because it keeps the tradition of the earlier posters of having the Lovers together, but in their own bubble, and it would so easy to swap Boba Fett with Iron Man. But. I dunno. MEH. My personal favourite is the black-and-green-and-purple-ish The Empire Strikes Back poster. But....  *pensive noise*
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sarawatsaraleo · 3 years
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COLOR PALETTE MEME: Wei WuXian + Cloud Fields ➥ Requested by @captainvulcant
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cantinabandmp3 · 3 years
Tagged by @zitathehun thank you 😃
Rules - we’re snooping on your playlist. put your entire music library on shuffle and list the first ten songs and then choose 10 victims.  
1. Saint JHN -  Roses (Imanbek Remix)
2. Dua Lipa - Levitating
3. Laura Branigan - Self Control
4. No Doubt - It’s my life
5. Lady Gaga - Bloody Mary 
6. Prince - When doves cry
7. Kelis - Milkshake (slowed & reverb)
8. Lorde - Team
9. Coldplay - Hymn for the weekend
10. Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Heads will roll (slowed & reverb)
Tagging: @captainvulcant @strawbebbiefields @lovelyamneris  but no pressure
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curiosity-killed · 4 years
alittlefellowinawideworld replied to your post “captainvulcant: I love the difference in brother in law relationships...”
@curiosity-killed please feel free to write it, I was literally just talking with my friend and we both need WWX and LXC to have proper conversations and be brother in laws and have some kind of relationship!!
haha it’s on the list!! i have...a lot on that list BUT i do really want to write it lol
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ifishouldvanish · 5 years
Tutorial: Gold Swirls
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Some of y'all seemed interested in the gold swirl effect thing I used on this edit, and I like sharing, so here’s a tutorial!
(Taggin’ some folks who might be interested: @aziraphae @rafaelafranzen @captainvulcant @ohhelga @alecharrdy)
Here’s what you'll need:
A metallic/gold leaf/glitter/whatever texture of your choice
An abstract smoke/ink/paint/swirl/whatever texture of your choice with a mostly solid background (the colors don’t matter)
For example, here are the ones I used:
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The first thing you wanna do is open up your swirly texture in Photoshop. Depending on what your texture looks like, you might want to do some preliminary edits to things like the colors and contrast, or removing unwanted details from the background. But if it already has good contrast and is mostly monochromatic, you should be fine.
Once you’re ready, switch to the "Channels" panel and toggle/click through each of them until you find which channel has the best contrast. In my case, it was the Blue channel:
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Ctrl+click on that channel's thumbnail. This will create a selection with alpha transparency:
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Now switch back to the "Layers" panel, then click the "Create Layer Mask" button. This will convert the current selection into a mask, 'knocking out' the selected areas:
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At this point, depending on your texture, you may need to invert the mask (crtl+i). Basically, you just want the background transparent, and the swirly bits visible. Whether those swirly bits are black or white or whatever doesn't matter--just the opacity once the mask is applied.
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Paste/place your metallic texture into the document as a new layer, and resize it as needed to cover the whole canvas. Then alt+click+drag the mask thumbnail from the first layer onto this one. Now you'll have a swirly version of your metallic texture!
At this point, you can hide or simply delete the first layer.
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Depending on the texture you started with, you’ll probably want to make a small adjustment to the mask so that the background is 100% transparent, or make the gold parts more solid/opaque. In other words: you wanna increase the contrast of the mask.
With the mask on your metallic layer selected, use Ctrl+L to perform a Levels adjustment. 
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What settings you’ll need will depend on the texture you started with, but in general:
Drag the black marker to the right to make the background more transparent.
Drag the white marker to the left to make the visible parts more opaque.
Drag the grey marker in either direction to adjust the ‘threshold’, if you like.
Leave the Output Levels section alone.
Hit ‘OK’ once you’re happy with the results, and you’re all done! Copy/paste the layer into your edit, or save it as a PSD/PNG for later use!
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The Getaway has been published!
Please tag your friends and spread the word! We have spent countless hours working to bring you this story.
**Please be aware of the warnings issued: Major character death, visible blood, graphic descriptions of violence.
@keep-a-bucket-full-of-stars   @saratsuzuki     @cute-necromancing-crow     @kookskabooks     @khadij-al-kubra     @captainvulcant     @scintillatingshortgirl19     @rhodyskele95     @cryptidsamoyed     @the-nameless-legacy     @kaz3313     @moonshadow0     @magnificentme513     
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