#captain amari
lovewillabides · 11 months
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Ana Amari in Overwatch: Genesis
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Some OOC Interactions
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reydoll · 5 months
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i was crazy for this skin when i first started playing her ngl
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eriksartworld · 8 months
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Last Goodbye --- Space Was So Cool
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fionajames · 7 months
Hey, Jamie. Sorry if I’m bombarding you with requests. I’m going through a really hard time right now and it sucks and might sound weird but your writing actually makes it a lot better and I’ve been re reading a lot of your recent works to feel better.
Anyway I’m not here to talk about myself sorry. Requesting time once again: can i please have prompt #13 “I thought you were dead” with your choice of characters and maybe a little horror and/or gore?
Thanks, sincerely, your number one fan, Sha 🫡
If I’m asking too much or too many times, tell me and I’ll chill
missing - my ocs
I totally understand that and its not weird. I hope you feel better soon and im very very very grateful that my writing helps you.
alright you gave me the option of whom ever oc i choose so here is Satsuki Noriko an oc of mine. I introduced her in this: https://www.tumblr.com/fionajames/731230304426131456/ocs-pt-2?source=share&ref=fionajames post and if your interesting I did a smoll drabble about her first meeting with rex: https://www.tumblr.com/fionajames/731242121789636608/satsuki-meets-rex?source=share&ref=fionajames.
Satsuki grunted as she spat on the ground of her cell, attempting to get the metallic taste of her own blood out of her mouth. She shivered as she shuffled backwards on her knees towards the wall, rubbing her wrists in pain. The cuffs bounding her wrists were so tight the skin underneath them was red and raw, but her captives didn’t care about that.
Satsuki breathed in deeply, savouring the feeling of the cold air on her tongue to try and block out the ache of her throat when it throbbed from the brittle wind scratching at it. It had been so long since she’d been in this cell, and the only way she was able to keep track of the days was by the light coming in through the tiny window at the top of the wall.
The guards outside her cell and the others paced back and forth, face hidden by their helmets. Satsuki coughed as she shuffled to the metal bed she slept on, using her tied up hands to haul herself to her feet. The bed was beyond uncomfortable - it was probably more comfortable to sleep on the floor - but Satsuki relished the thin sheet she’d been provided as a blanket. It hurt too much to lie on her back so she lay on her side instead, waiting for the call from the guards. 
“Lights out!” One of the Mandalorians called - as though there were lights to turn off - as he marched away from the cell corridor in his shiny black armour. Satsuki hated that sleek, black armour more than anything. 
‘Lights out’ meant to sleep on your bed - not on the floor - facing the wall so the guards could see your bound hands. Satsuki listened to the quiet rustling of clothes as the other prisoners copied her, clambering onto their metal slabs for the night. 
A few moments later, the Mandoralian guards of the night shift entered and Satsuki watched the faint shadows of the bars from her window fade, her signal that it was nighttime. 
Sleep never came easy to any of the prisoners, but at least they were allowed it. Satsuki knew that every single one of the prisoners - including herself - feared the day where sleep was not permitted, and so they forced themselves to sleep. Satsuki squeezed her dull black eyes shut - dull from the days of hiding in the dark - and waited for uneasy and silent sleep to take her. 
“Lights on!” A voice shouted and Satsuki shook herself awake, blinking away the tears in her eyes away as she scrambled from her bed to her cell bars, collapsing on her knees. 
The sleekly armoured Mandolorian returned - or at least it looked like the same one, it was hard to tell when they all bore matching armour - clutching a metal tray. He shoved it through the gap in the bars near the floor and Satsuki managed a ‘thank you’ as she bent down. 
No-hands eating was rather hard - she’d discovered - as she took the rations bar in her mouth and tilted her head back, letting it fall into her mouth and chewing hurriedly. The Mandolorian reached through the bars and clicked with his mouth. Satsuki stood up quickly as the guard pressed a cup of water to her lips and gently tipped it back.
He - Satsuki could tell it was a boy - refilled the cup and let her drink from it again, as she savoured the taste of the fresh cold water. After she’d finished the second cup, Satsuki watched as the Mandolorian filled the third cup to the brim, letting her drink from it again. But when she was done, she noticed something at the bottom of the cup. The Mandolorian tilted the cup back so the contents fell on the floor and without a moments hesitation, Satsuki placed her foot over the object. 
“Hey, what do you think you're doing!” The Mandolorian shouted but Satsuki could see from his body language that he was faking - acting - for whatever reason she did not know. “Get back to your wall!” Satsuki nodded and did as she was told, dragging her foot along the ground to bring the objects with her. The Mandolorian took the tray and left - but she knew he would return shortly to stand guard. Satsuki bent down and lifted her foot, using her hands to awkwardly pick up the two objects, placing them in front of her so her body hid it from everyone but her.
Satsuki managed to somehow stifle a gasp open seeing the reveal of the two objects - eyes widening as her mouth fell open in a gape. Footsteps behind her signalled the guard had returned to his post, but she didn’t turn around. 
In front of her was a small black remote with two singular buttons alongside a piece of crispy, old flimsi that read six simple words. Six simple words that changed Satsuki’s life. ‘I’m getting you out of here’ was scribbled on the paper in messy, Galactic Aurebesh. 
Hesitantly, Satsuki looked back at the remote and at the shining green and red buttons. Glancing behind her once - seeing only her guard - Satsuki bent down and pressed the green button with her nose roughly. She gasped when the pressure on her wrists ceased, and the cuffs clattered to the ground behind her. Satsuki hurriedly shuffled around to hide all three objects as she massaged her bruised and abused wrists, licking the cuts with a grimace. They’d need treating. If we can get out of her, she reminded herself, glancing at the Mandolorian who was watching her carefully. 
She moved a ‘thank you’ and he gave her the smallest of nods. 
Then, all of a sudden, the Mandolorian whipped his pistol out of his holster and shot two nearby guards, their bodies falling to the ground slightly within Satsuki’s view. She gaped and then stood up, rushing to the bars as the Mandolorian ducked away from blasts, shooting at the remaining guards who collapsed lifelessly. 
They were not expecting a fight, Satsuki inwardly mused with wide eyes. The Mandolorian turned to her and typed a code into the keypad. The red-haired girl watched - frozen - as the gate slid open, the bars no longer in front of her. 
“C’mon,” the Mandolorian commanded but Satsuki didn’t hear as she stared open-mouthed at the empty space where the bars had been. The Mandolorian snorted and shrugged off his helmet, revealing a boy around Satsuki’s age with fluffy black hair that covered his face, dark swirling eyes and natural-tan skin. He rolled his eyes at her. “Come on, Noriko, let’s go!”
Satsuki could barely comprehend the open-doorway in front of her as she accepted the pistol he shoved into her chest and scrambled after him, glancing back at the remaining prisoners. “Can’t we free them?” She asked in a hushed voice as they reached the exit. 
The Mandolorian rolled his eyes again and slammed a button on the keypad, watching all the doors open. “Happy?” He snarked with a sarcastic grin, grabbing her wrist and dragging her through the doorway and up the stairs. 
“Who are you?” Satsuki shouted at him as he ran his free hand through his hair, tossing the fluffy wisps around as he let go of Satsuki’s wrist and grasped his other pistol. 
“I’m Aramis Yvain,” he replied as she tripped over a step clumsily. Aramis ducked to pull her back up to her feet, continuing to hurry up the stairwell. “I’m getting you home.”
“Why?” Satsuki huffed as Aramis opened the next door. She rolled through the open doorway and fell into a sort-of crouch, placing her pistol-gripping-hand in her open palm to steady it as she shot down two Mandolorians. The remaining three spun around and Aramis quickly fired three blasts, two hitting their targets and the final missing. Satsuki rotated sharply and shot the final. 
“Impressive,” he muttered, ignoring her question. Satsuki grinned proudly before her stomach twisted at the reminder of Rex - who taught her how to fight like that. “I don’t think you deserve to be here.”
“Thank you,” Satsuki told Aramis as she watched him open the door ahead, showing no relief when it was empty. “For saving me, and believing me.”
“Well,” Aramis smirked as he opened the next door, abruptly tackling the Mandolorian ahead. Satsuki shot the other three whilst her companion grabbed his opponent in a choke hold and brought back his arm sharply, killing the man. “No one else was going to.”
Satsuki nodded sadly, knowing the truth that everyone else thought she had died. It shook her to the bone as she thought about her friends and family. Hopefully they’d been upset about her ‘death’, as she’d be devastated if they didn’t care.
“How do you plan on getting us out of here?” The red-haired girl asked as they continued through the base, shooting and killing everyone they saw. 
“Well,” Aramis began, kicking a guy in the face before shooting him in the chest. “Assuming that comm you had on you can contact a friend, we’re going to get it back from the belongings room.”
Satsuki grinned wildly, knowing that the comm he was talking about was connected to Rex’s channel, meaning she’d be able to contact the Captain and 501st with it. “Of course, my new friend.”
Aramis rolled his eyes at the mention of being her ‘new friend’ and shot her opponent. Satsuki jumped over his crouched figure and shot the Mandolorian behind him. 
Then the door in front of her opened quickly, and a group of Mandalorians entered the room. They fired quickly and Aramis dropped to the ground, watching as Satsuki did the same but… differently. “Noriko!” He screamed as he scrambled to her figure, dragging her collapsed body behind a cargo crate as he killed the Mandolorians quickly. Aramis sucked in a breath as he studied the harsh black wound on her shoulder, meeting her raven-eyes with a horrified expression. “That doesn’t look good.”
“Doesn’ feel good ei’er,” Satsuki muttered, her face paling as it scrunched up with pain. She whimpered. “Aramis I don’ wanna die.”
“Hush, Noriko,” he told her, cradling her body as he pulled a canteen of water off of his belt, pouring it onto a cloth and dabbing it on her wound. Satsuki cried out but he persisted. “You’re going to be okay.” He told her sternly, as though it were an order. 
Aramis pulled Satsuki up and draped her arms over his shoulders and her legs around his waist, carrying her like a baby as he continued to the belongings room. “We’re almost there,” he assured her, shooting down another few Mandolorians before they had time to even register the arrival of the pair. 
“‘Hat’s good,” Satsuki murmured, eyes closing as she tried to push against the pain. Aramis smiled grimly at her attempt to stay awake as he entered the next room.
“We’re here,” he told her, placing her down on a cargo crate gently as he hurried around the room. “Noriko, Noriko, Noriko” Aramis muttered as he glanced at each box, searching for the one labelled as Satsuki’s. “Aha!” He cried out as he yanked a wooden box down from a high shelf, breaking it open on the floor and rummaging through the objects.
A comm fell into Aramis’ palm and he tossed it to the injured girl as he gathered the rest of her stuff. “Comm your friends, quickly!”
Satsuki muttered something under her breath before pressing the button. “Rex this is Satsuki, Captain Rex come in,” she called into the device as Aramis left her side. He began muttering his own name under his breath and then gasped from out of sight. 
“Aha!” Amaris exclaimed as he tugged a box down and began changing out-of-sight from Satsuki. The girl continued attempting to comm her friend and frowned when she received no response. “Ya like?” Amaris asked as he stepped into view. He’d ditched the sleek black amour and was wearing black jeans, a grey t-shirt and a black leather jacket. He had three silver rings on each hand and a dark brown belt with a holster on his right side. 
“Lookin’ badass,” Satsuki mused as she yawned, rubbing her eyes. “Captain Rex, do you copy?” Amaris’ grin dropped at the silent response before a beep from the comm made both of their faces light up.
“I copy,” a familiar voice replied - monotone and emotionless. Satsuki frowned. “Who is this?” Amaris raised an eyebrow at the girl who offered a short shrug.
“Rex?” Satsuki repeated. “It’s me, Satsuki.”
The line went silent for a second, before the Clone replied. “Satsuki?!” He exclaimed, sounding alive rather than dead like he had moments ago. “Where are you?” Amaris silently showed her the coordinates from his wristband and she repeated them to Rex. “Alright, the General’s permitted us to come get you, as long as he comes with.”
“Good ol’ Skywalker,” Satsuki chuckled, before coughing loudly as the first drop of blood fell from her wound, landing on her tattered clothes. Amaris cursed as his brow furrowed. He used the cloth he’d cleaned her wound with to bandage it. “How long will you be?”
“Your in luck,” Rex replied. “We’ll be there within the hour.”
“Good,” Amaris muttered, so quietly the Clone didn’t hear him. Satsuki smiled at her new friend as he passed her a ring he wasn’t wearing. It was a silver ring of a tooka and she grinned as he slipped it onto her pointer finger. “For good luck.”
Satsuki nodded and reached out her pinky finger as the line went dead. Amaris copied and intertwined their fingers. “Good luck for us,” the red-haired girl grinned maniacally. Amaris nodded as he sat down beside her. She rested her head on his shoulder as sleep grew more and more tempting, eventually letting it take her.
Amaris’ hand shot to his pistol as the door opened and he raised it, prepared to shoot. “Don’t shoot!” A voice called as a Clone with white and blue armour appeared around the corner. “I’m Rex!” The teenager dropped his hand with a sigh of relief as the rest of the Clones filed in. The Captain yanked off his helmet as he rushed to the sleeping Satsuki, cursing colourfully at the sight of her wound. “Kix!”
A Clone with a red medic symbol on his shoulder pad rushed in, placing a pack beside the trio as he began to tend to Satsuki’s wound. She shifted in her sleep and her arms opened at the feeling of someone touching her wound. “Aramis?”
“Right here,” he responded as he ignored the sharp, suspicious look the blonde Clone shot at him. “Your friends are here.” Aramis fiddled with the silver ring on his left middle finger - a shimmering skull ring - as the gazes of the room's occupants turned to him. 
“Rex?” Satsuki sat up abruptly but Kix pushed her back down. Rex nodded and moved to pat her uninjured shoulder fondly. 
“Right here, Vod’ika” the Captain soothed gently and Satsuki relaxed back into Aramis’ shoulder - who had stiffened at the Mando’a. “I thought you were dead, sorry, we thought you were dead.” Aramis couldn’t help but soften at the gentle and loving tone of the Clone. 
“You should’ve known better,” Satsuki choked out with a grin and Amaris chuckled. “I don’t die.” Rex chuckled too, reaching up and ruffling the teenager’s hair fondly.
“I should’ve known. I’ll remember from now on.”
THAT WAS MY LONGEST ONE YET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@techs-goggles9902 i hope you enjoyed that and request every. second. of. the. day.
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rocky-oc-mod · 9 months
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@hobo-ler @ask-pink-ler @cupid-ler (+ Valentine)
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bastianhallix · 15 days
joshua graham aka amarie's dad
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carewyncromwell · 1 year
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Carewyn felt like her heart was being squeezed. “Orion…”
She shifted forward and almost made to get off the bed, but Orion quickly knotted the bandage on her hand and clutched it between both of his. He raised his head to look her in the eye.
“I can’t act like I knew, or even thought seriously, that our stars would align again…but even with that…I’d imagined a life much better than this for you.”
Carewyn’s eyes grew a little smaller upon his face.
“…You thought of me?”
Something flickered at the back of Orion’s eyes – was it uncertainty? His gaze flitted back down to their hands.
“…Yes,” he murmured. “Not…constantly, but…the memory of your voice was very soothing, on the most restless nights at sea.”
Carewyn stared down at Orion. The faint shyness in his expression, for the first time, made him suddenly look just like that boy again – the bruised, scared, trembling boy she’d tended to and sang to sleep…
“I suppose…that was what I’d imagined, mostly,” said Orion, his voice lower than ever as he looked up at her again. “That you’d have married a man who you’d look after and sing for.”
~POTC AU, Part 2: A Maid in Bedlam
Ahhh, my kids!! My pirate kids!! 🥹
Ahem. Yes, a while back, I did the top sketch as a “redo” of the original drawing from the section cited above, back in April...and I figured I’d not only color that sketch, but redo the other part of that original doodle, likewise in color! How much progress can happen over the course of two and a half years!
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I actually am working on a little prelude fic focused around that fateful first meeting of Carewyn and Orion’s during the POTC AU, which I’m hoping to have finished before the end of next week. It’s been really nice to revisit this AU again after so long, since even if I’ve become more thorough with the AU’s I’ve written since, I have such a soft spot for both the time period and the roles my kids play in the plot. ^.^ I mean, come on, Orion was practically born to play witty (Captain!) Jack. 💚
Look alive, mateys! Have a magical day! xoxo
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warriordork · 2 years
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She’s buff. She’s tough. And she adopted a cheeky sailor’s apprentice who’s hard of hearing and knows sign language. It’s Captain Morcant!
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comicwaren · 1 year
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From Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty Vol. 2 #008, “On a Friday”
Art by Carmen Carnero and Nolan Woodard
Written by Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly
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hydnes · 1 year
proud owner of ana's best skin by the way
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oc-cafe · 2 years
Character Art credit: Mod Ares
(Most) Backgrounds: Mod Sam
Editing credit: Mod Sam and Mod🔥
Taglist (send an ask to be added or removed): @thisismisogynoir @ghostdragoncookie @minaglobe @quakeismyhero @ialmostdonothingnew @gravitational-potential-energy @death-and-the-lady13 @otbyosh @fierreth-who @mister-finally-found-himself @coffeelovinggayidiot @pinkyy-promises @sassychaostrash @pasiithea @planet-alicorn @cool-way-to-die @brkh96 @i-likestuff86
Mod Tag: @permanently-exhausted @desifandom
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abuckygirlarchive · 2 years
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Okay, but why the Mets? Underdogs.  You’re impossible.  I get that a lot. 
Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty (2022).
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nedr4 · 1 year
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eriksartworld · 3 days
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Like Cotton Candy~
Support Me and My Friends!
Ko-fi // Twitter // Ask Blog: Ending the Cycle
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leiswxrld · 4 months
𝐕𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝐊𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫 (𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 ❥)
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pairings: ellie!williams x fem!reader
sypnosis: it’s Valentine’s Day, a special day to spend with your loved ones right but what if a slasher is going around killing only once a year on this special day.
warnings: mdni 18+, smut, college slasher, anal fingering (r receiving), strap usage (r receiving), top ellie and bottom reader, face riding (r receiving), reader giving ellie a lap dance, weed and drugs, praises + degradation (mama, slut, baby, whore), ellie calls her strap her dick, strawberry vape supremacy, graphic content, college au
a/n: happy valentines my lovelies, I know this is a day late but I had to touch up a few things before I could post this and I’ve also been so busy yesterday so it had to wait till I got home, not proof read so there might be a few mistakes, low-key inspired by scream.
credits: @magicalboything @cafekitsune for line dividers ❥
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'Good evening folks, this is Heather Gale reporting live from channel 5 with tonight’s news, it's that time of year where couples, friends and family around the world express their love and affection towards their loved ones but one striking question has our community in constant fear and paranoia, will the valentines day killer strike again ?'
'Today marks the death of late cheerleader captain Melissa brown who was found brutally stabbed over 20 times in the chest and stomach in her college dorm room a red rose left on her chest, police say she was returning from a party when she was viciously attacked by the killer, friends and family say she was a bright student, kind friend and positive role model for those who admired her, the community are desperately fighting to get Melissas killer found and behind bars.'
'Police ask that if you have any leads or tips that could potentially catch the Valentines Killer, they urge you to either report it to the police station or to anonymously send in your information, this is Heather Gale on channel 5 and I hope you all stay safe and well this Valentines.'
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"Really a valentines party" you reply in disbelief at the instagram post one of the boys from the football team had posted, you couldn't believe they were throwing a party when you were all advised not to throw any especially when the valentines killer could strike again.
"Yeah sick right I was thinking of going" your friend amarie says, scrolling onto the post and liking the picture. you throw her a dirty look, "amarie you know the college advised us not to attend any parties especially after what happened to heather she was killed straight after the party we went to last year" it felt so surreal when you found out she had been stabbed to death just after returning from the college party you attended that year, you remember being in your room when it came up on the news that starville's captain cheerleader was found dead.
"cmon y/n don't be such a whore, we'll all be together and we live in the same dorm room besides I'm pretty sure the killer only kills cheerleaders" she replies and you roll your eyes, "it's not just cheerleaders amarie it's anyone who goes to this fucking college, we're all at risk and were at a higher risk if we attend that stupid party"
amarie turns off her phone paying all her attention towards you, "think about it when was the last time you actually went to a party and got laid no offence but bitch I feel depressed just looking at you"
you cross your arms, "and what the fuck is that supposed to mean"
"it means I feel like I'm living with a christian.. your sex life is drier than a fucking desert" she remarks and you scoff, really.
"difference christians wait till marriage... reminder I have already lost my virginity" you remind her, the last time you really had sex was with a boy you hooked u with a few weeks back but you really didn't get the time to find someone and the only thing keeping you satisfied was your vibrator which was in dire need of some batteries.
"more of a reason for you to come to this party and get laid come on think about it, so many of the girls in our dorm are going we can't miss out on this opportunity besides I hear charlies going to be there" she replies, smiling to herself. Charlie was the star quarterback on the football team and one of the many boys she was frequently hooking up when she got the chance too.
"and that has something to do with me how" you reply and she shrugs her shoulders, "it means that there might be a chance you might meet someone you actually like" she replies, you ponder for a second..it could be a chance to finally hook up with someone.
"fine but I’m only going because I’m getting sick of using my vibrator plus there will be free drinks" you finally decide and she throws you a hella side eye, "girl tmi…” she says and you laugh, “now I need to go freshen up" she says, doing a little victory dance while looking at herself through her phone camera.
it was a good thing that the boys house was a 15 minute drive from your college building which meant you only spent around 5 dollars each for an Uber to get there. the house was the hotspot for most of the college parties that were thrown, a big estate with a pool and 3 floors meaning you could fit over a hundred people inside, "this thong is digging into my ass it feels like I've got carpet burn" amarie says, picking at the bright pink thong underneath her pink skirt.
You both choose to go all out, you in a red boob top and black skirt whilst amarie was wearing a pink corset top with a pink skirt. "I told you to choose the black one at the shop" you remark and she smacks her lips, "it wasn't going to match the cute pink corset top and skirt I've got so I guess I'm just going to have to suck it up" she replies, applying a thin layer of lip gloss on.
You both walk into the house, people stood near the entrance either drinking or getting smoking. you could see the inside of the house bathed in colourful lights, music blaring out into the cold midnight air.
Your strawberry flavoured vape clutched in your right hand as the stress began to creep in, your couldn't imagine that the valentine's killer could possibly strike again this year but the idea of it scared you shitless. You bring the vape to your lips inhaling the vapour as you taste the strawberry fumes enter your lungs, "I didn't expect for the party to be this fucking packed" you admit as amarie nods her head, "yeah seems like the whole campus" she pauses, "and a few other people from nearby attended"
you make it inside, pushing past your way through the sea of people making your way towards the kitchen, "You guys actually made it" Stacy another one of your friends says, going to hug you, "I mean I was expecting amarie but y/n that's a first" you give her a face that screams 'girl really' and she laughs, "no hard feelings babe but I never see your ass outside of your room except if you have class"
"none taken" you reply, manoeuvring around her so you could pour yourself a drink. you decide to do a classic vodka cranberry, basic but could easily get you drunk. "y/n pour some vodka in my cup" amarie says, holding the red solo cup towards you. you grab the bottle, pouring it until it hit the middle line, "girl quit playing pour me some more"
"You want to drink straight vodka"
"I'm trying to get shitfaced not drunk" she replies as if she was pointing out the obvious, you pour some more until it was nearly full. You down the vodka cranberry, putting down the bottle of vodka as you make your way onto the dance floor. the music blared through the speakers as you and your friends danced in the living room, grinding against amarie as she used her free hand to smack your ass.
You felt the unwanted and lustful eyes from every boy in room, ignoring them as you continued to grind against her taking a swig of your drink. Your eyes wandered for a second until they landed on a girl just poarched up against the banister of the stairs, talking to boy you recognised to be Charlie.
You'd fancied girls in the past but never took it further than just straight crushing but she was different, you don't think you'd ever seen her before on campus otherwise you wouldn't forget such a beautiful face. The mysterious brunette was dressed in a white wife beater, blue baggy jeans with a pair of retro red jordan's, the girl takes her eyes off of Charlie to look at you for a second, licking her lips before looking you up and down, not missing the long stare on your half exposed ass.
She had a blunt in her hand, taking a few drags from it before taking her attention off of you. You stop grinding and turn around to face amarie who's looking at your confused, "bitch why did you stop"
"who's that girl over there" you say discreetly pointing in direction of the staircase, "what girl" she replies, squinting her eyes to get a better look.
"that one with the tattoos going all up her arms" she looks once again before grinning, "ohhh that girl"
"that's ellie I only know her cause she normally sells weed to Charlie when we’re together I forgot how fucking fine she was" she adds taking a swig of her vodka, "shit I need another drink I'll be back"
amarie makes her way to the kitchen leaving you with a few of your other friends who were busy dancing on each other, thinking about it now you needed another drink.
You noticed that Ellie had moved to the couch some girl chatting her up as she seemed to not be listening, blunt in hand. she notices you right away, eyes lowered a fraction and manspreading with one leg propped up on the couch. a surge of confidence ran through you as you decide to go sit yourself next to her, she licks her lips turning to face you.
"why'd you stop dancing" she starts, offering the blunt to you as you happily accept it. you laugh, "what did you like my dancing" you reply, taking a drag before handing it back to her.
"I mean I liked what I was seeing" she admits boldly, making you shuffle nervously under her intimidating gaze, "if you'd like I could give you a lap dance" you offer and she raises a brow.
"you want to give someone you just met a lap dance huh" yes and no but this was the alcohol talking.
"yeah if you want I know a few things" you state and she thinks about it for a sec before standing up, "ok follow me doll" you blush at the nickname, taking ellies hand as she leads you upstairs, you look at amarie who's still in the kitchen pressed against the counter as she made out with Charlie, her hands wrapped around his neck as his were around her waist, typical amarie.
you passed so many people, a group of people doing drugs on the floor and the others doing dares on eachother on the other side of the room. her grip on your hand tightened, trying to avoid stepping on the people sat on the stairs to prevent yourself falling. there were many occupied rooms passing through all of them till you found a vacant one, ellie allowing you to go in first closing the door behind you.
the rooms quite big, a double bed with a lamp on each side with little side tables and a vanity behind you with picture frames on top, "you nervous" she asks almost taunting, sitting on the edge of the bed. the new found confidence from earlier was replaced with anxiety as it began to seep in, you've only jokingly given your friend a lap dance but that was only because you were dared to do it but that was out of the question now since you were sobering up and doing it for real.
"yeah" you admit and she chuckles, "don't worry I won't judge beside who's going to complain when they've got a pretty girl grinding on their lap" she grins and you roll your eyes with a smile as you remove your shoes.
the tension in the room was thick, Ellie's hands pressed against the sheets, the overbearing loud music coming from downstairs giving you a headache and the sounds of moans emitting from the other side of the walls, "remember no touching me this is just a dance" you emphasise, going to straddle her lap.
"I got you" she says, keeping her hands to her sides. you start by whining your hips against her lap, hands slowly brushing over her thighs feeling her tense up beneath you. you twisted around, moving to rhythm of the music each movement against her lap making you feel the unsuspected bulge tucked underneath her jeans.
she knows you felt it, fighting the urge to just scrap the lap dance and touch you, the friction against her strap rubbing up against her aching clit, pussy wet just watching you. she instinctively swallowed as your grinding increased, practically fucking her with clothes on, your red laced panties soaked in your own arousal, biting back the urge to moan.
Ellie mumbles in cohesively, her voice low and hoarse as you lift up off of her, seductively moving your hips towards the floor whilst your skirt rode up your ass, exposing the red lace that sat perfectly around your waist. you turn back around, the dim light in the room showing Ellie's eyes that had now darken in colour, her fists locked up tight that they turned red.
You kiss your way up her clothed body, seating yourself back onto her lap as you continued till you reached her neck, leaving love bites all over until you reached her cherry red lips, hovering over them before teasingly backing away, "I know you feel it.... pull it out" her voice low, looking up at you.
"feel what" you innocently tease, gasping when she grips onto your hips, "h-hey I said no touching"
"don't act smart with me...pull.it.out" she tells you and you give her a hesitant look, "what you never seen a dick before"
"no dumbass I have but I've just never done it with a girl" you shamefully admit and she just laughs, "I guess I'll be your first" her hands wrap around your back so that your laying on top of her and gently wraps her hand around the back of your neck, pulling you into a kiss.
her lips were addicting, not like the many boys you've hooked up with who just kissed for the sake of it but she took her time with you, it's almost like having sex but with her mouth allowing her to slip her tongue into your mouth as you moan, your hand going under her top rubbing up and down her stomach.
she pulls away, helping you remove her belt, quickly pulling her jeans down showing the very prominent bulge through her black calvin klein boxers "before you sit on it, I want you to fuck my face with your pussy" your face heats up at her words, embarrassment flooding through your body leaving your clit throbbing.
"you want me sit on your face" you ask almost astonished, "yes is that a problem?" she questions, "well no-
"then sit this pussy on my fucking face" she interrupts and you quickly follow, removing your black skirt and red lace before throwing them into a random corner of the room. you slowly, hover your cunt over her face scared that you might accidentally suffocate her.
she slaps your ass, "lower yourself down more" she growls, gripping your legs and pulling you onto her mouth. you slowly rock your hips against her mouth, ellie pressing her tongue against your clit, flicking her tongue up and down your vulva making your legs tremble, a whimper leaving your glossed lips.
Ellie’s sucking and biting, her nails digging into the fat of your thighs, your juices mixing in with her saliva that dripped down her chin. Your legs shake and ellie gets more faster, your head fuzzy with the overwhelming pleasure you were receiving, you felt like screaming covering your mouth with your hand, muffling your moans.
You never imagined you'd be getting head by girl at a college party whilst there were hundreds of people downstairs, the thought of it made you even wetter and you were fucking thankful you decided to come.
you finally come with a silent scream, gripping onto the headboard as she continued to go down on you until she was done, adding onto the best fucking head that you had gotten in ages. she taps your thigh, allowing you to raise up off of her face, your face heating up at ellie's wet face.
"you taste so good mama" she says, licking her lips and sitting up on the bed. she cracks her neck, giving you a kiss allowing you to taste yourself. "but I'm not done with you" she says, slapping your inner thigh.
"I want you to get on your knees and suck this dick baby" she moves her self to the edge of the bed, giving you room to get on your knees. you follow, getting in between her legs, she opens your mouth with her fingers and slips them inside until they were coated in your saliva before using them as lubricant to stroke herself, tapping the tip against your wet lips.
"say ahh..." you slightly open your mouth allowing her to slip her dick into your mouth, it's been a while since you've last given head, slowly bobbing your head up and down her length, she's just watching you using her fingers to tilt your head up so that you could make eye contact with her, her hands grip onto the back of your messy hair, helping you to go down on her faster your eyes filling up with tears, trying to open up your throat more so that you wouldn't gag.
"fuck..." she whispers, fumbling with something on the bed before pulling out her phone. your pace doesn't falter, watching as she presses the record button, the flash brightening up the dim room. you moan, trying so hard not to choke as you sloppily bob your head up and down faster, eye contact not ceasing.
you felt ashamed yet turned on at the same time at being recorded, ellie stroking your hair back to prevent it from falling into your face. your surprised you had been going on for this long, feeling the evident tiredness in your jaw, drool seeping from your mouth and lubricating her dick. she stops you, slowly pushing you off her, allowing you to catch your breath.
"I love watching you suck my dick baby but I wanna see how well you can take it" she admits, camera still recording. "get on all fours mama" she says standing up as you get up from your knees. she waits for you to get on all fours, arching your back as she climbs onto the bed behind you phone in hand, positioning herself.
she spreads your ass, spitting onto your gaping hole allowing it to drip down over as she uses her thumb to rub it in before prodding her tip against your glistening cunt, slowing pushing herself into you. you gasp, your mouth widening into an 'o', the feeling of her dick stretching you out, but before she could even move there's a sudden knock on the door.
"Room is occupied" Ellie yells, awaiting for the person behind the door to move along but the person on the other side doesn't go, knocking once again, "I said the room is occupied asshole go and fuck some place else" the person on the other side get's the message, walking away from the door.
"some fucking people" ellie whispers to you which makes you giggle. she starts to rock her hips into you, putting the palm of her hand against your back helping you to fuck back onto her. she fucked into you so lovingly but so fucking rough, hitting your g-spot that had you gasping and cursing, biting on your lip and your hand going to grip onto the sheets, "shit"
Ellie doesn't stop recording, one hand gripping onto your hips whilst thrusting into you, cursing at the way your ass moved against her hips. you turn around to look at her, her hair falling into her face as ellie looked back at you. she looked so fucking sexy in just her wife beater, showcasing all the different tattoos she had to offer... you don't think you've ever been this fucking whipped for someone with the way she had you acting.
"you should see how fucking perfect you look on camera...should turn your slutty ass into a fucking pornstar shit" you moan in response to her words, fucking yourself back onto her. your pants get louder, the squelching noises from your gushing cunt getting louder every time ellie pulled back, she slaps your ass watching how it jiggled under the camera light. "fuck.....elsss"
your cheeks were flushed and your forehead was lined with sweat, feeling ellie get deeper every time she pulled you back onto her, receiving cute and desperate moans from your lips as your tits bounce with every rough drag of her hips.
You practically trying to pull away, begging ellie to let you come as she pounded you into the bed, her thumb pressing against your labia, rubbing against it.
You gasp again, feeling her finger slowly slip into your exposed hole the uncomfortable feeling making you clench around her fingers, she curls her fingers almost doing a ‘come here’ motion, whispering for you to relax so that it wouldn’t feel as painful, she gradually builds her speed making you feel lightheaded, this new fucking feeling making you dizzy.
"so fucking tight" she fists her fingers into you, the rings around your walls clenching around her skinny fingers whilst pounding into you as your eyes rolled shut.
You start to spasm around her strap before you know it your creaming around her dick, your climax riding out as she continued to milk you, her pace never faltering, “f-fuck stop els it’s too much”
“be a good little whore and cum for me again” that alone sends you over the edge and your cumming again, not believing you could even come more than twice as she lazily gives you a few more thrusts before pulling out her dick coated in your sweet juices, leaving you sprawled out on the bed, allowing you to catch your breath.
you could hear your heart beating out of your ears, laying there slumped on the bed before ellie stopped the recording. you remain motionless, trying to catch your breath as ellie helped you up from the bed. You both messily get dressed in silence, your back turned as you applied your strawberry lipgloss that had smeared off before a notification on ellie's phone catches her attention, "I-uh gotta go- something I've got to take care off, I guess I’ll see you around y/n" she says, quickly buckling up her belt and stepping into her shoes.
she gives you one last kiss on the lips, savouring the sweet taste from your scented lipgloss before disappearing into the hallway. you look for the red lace underwear that you had thrown into the corner of the room earlier but it was nowhere to be found, you curse yourself deciding to wrap a jumper you found in the closet around your waist to prevent flashing anyone, before swiftly leaving the room.
you make your way downstairs, people screaming and left in a state of disarray , how did you not hear this before……did you miss something ?
a frantic amarie rushes to you, "where were you we were looking for you" she yells, bringing you into a death-crushing hug leaving you confused. "I-i was in the bathroom why what happened" you inquire, pulling away.
"the killer striked again, charlies dead"
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