#candle mag
roaming-pinata · 11 months
Elias: I'm not too late for cake, am I?
Tim: How did you- Martin, that was a secret!
Martin: I didn't say anything!
Elias: He didn't have to. Nothing escapes my notice, and I like to keep an eye out for this sort of thing.
This fucker is a centuries old servant of the Beholding and is just constantly using a fraction of his powers so he always knows if there's cake? Like understandable but also so profoundly GOOFY. They were able to distract him enough so they could go after the Unknowing without his interference but no matter what he's just constantly aware of cake
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portuguesedisaster · 2 years
And what is the thing with the spiders too btw?
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pizzatheif · 2 years
not me completely sleeping on the idea that the van houtens are an up and up mercher fam ( possibly talking like, merchant council level ) in kerch and hugo being an inferni is actually a part of the reason his mother and his father are at odds.
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wildgeese98 · 5 months
The birthday scene in mag 161 makes it clear that Jon did not have any kind of handle on his employees. Tim and Sasha absolutely do not respect his authority and aren't afraid to show it. Sasha causally admits to breaking I to his computer to look at his personal info and when Jon starts to admonish her Tim cuts him off and he just, stops. Then Tim lights the candles completely ignoring Jon's feeble protests. The two of them together are menace. They're absolutely running circles around the poor guy. It's no wonder he's so grumpy in season 1. The only person who listens to him at all is Martin and Jon can't stand him. The guy was in over his head from jump. He acts so cocky on the tapes in season 1 when behind the scenes he was winning the award for least in charge boss ever.
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ghosty-schnibibit · 11 months
torn between remodeling the interior of my main house in my main mc world bc on the one hand it's ugly as hell and with more four years of interiors experience i could really make it look cozy and nice but on the other hand it's a piece of history that i have fond memories of despite it being an oak plank monstrosity
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Eddie's porn stash is a pretty conventional one. An 'if you've seen one stash you've seen them all' type. It basically only consists of skin mags, some of them kinky but most of them vanilla. Normal stuff.
The oddest thing in it is a two-year-old calendar. You know those sexy firefighter calendars? Usually a charity thing? A hit with the housewife crowd? Yeah. Except this calendar decided to branch out and include a bunch of sexy men from a bunch of sexy professions.
So, in this thing, joining the sexy firefighter is a sexy doctor, a sexy construction worker, a sexy police officer (whose month Eddie tore out and burned because fuck cops but don't ever fuck cops), a sexy librarian, and so on. They're all really good-looking, but none of them hold a candle to the paramedic.
It's weird. Paramedics aren't normally part of the traditionally sexy professions. It's messy and sometimes tragic, but lacks the high-paying glamour that doctors and nurses enjoy. Eddie's had his fair share of fantasies, and none of them involved fucking a paramedic.
Until two years ago.
The guy in the calendar simply is that hot.
There's not even anything risqué about his picture. None of the pictures go beyond "this dude is chiseled and shirtless", because veering even slightly past the softest softcore territory would scare off the little housewives or something.
(Eddie is actually pretty fucking sure it'd increase the sales, but hey, what does he know.)
The point is, there's nothing that obscene about the pic. Just a guy kneeling in the back of an ambulance, first aid equipment scattered between his powerful thighs, shirt open to reveal his sculpted torso…
Dark hair spanning across his pecs, over his abs, vanishing down his tight tight tight pants. Hips canting upward, bringing attention to the size of his bulge beneath the zipper. Broad shoulders, ripped arms and large hands, veins protruding across the back. A pretty yet masculine face, with a strong jaw and a straight nose, full lips, a smattering of moles going down his biteable neck. Voluminous, golden brown hair swooped away from his twinkling eyes.
He's got this look in them, this slant to his mouth. Like he knows he's the hottest guy in the calendar.
The one month everyone will go crazy for.
Eddie has become intimately familiar with that look. No joke, in two years it's made him crack his marbles more than anyone else has done in his quarter-century lifetime. When all else fails, November-paramedic has his back. It's basically his longest relationship to date, which sounds a lot sadder out loud (and it sounded fucking sad inside his head, too).
You might wonder why any of that is relevant now, as he sits on the curb outside of The Behemoth with blood trickling from his temple, his band giving their statements to one cop while another hauls away the snarling douchebag that clipped him. How does it play a part in this god-awful night out, you ask?
Eddie startles, too caught up in the thudding inside his head, made worse by the buzzing crowd, to notice the man approaching him. He looks up, his gaze gliding past uniformed legs, muscular forearms, a curved neck and honeyed eyes appraising Eddie, and oh.
Oh God.
Eddie's breath sticks in his chest and his tongue becomes a cognate to sandpaper, because it's the paramedic.
It's the paramedic. From the calendar.
He's hallucinating. He has to be. He collapsed on the sidewalk, and now he's having one last weird sex dream before his brain finishes seeping out and he fucking dies.
November-paramedic crouches in front of him. Eddie continues to gape like he's getting ready to catch the peanuts no one is tossing at him.
"My name is Steve. I'm with the ambulance," November-paramedic says. "What's your name?"
Eddie makes a noise incomprehensible to most Earth cultures before his brain registers the meaning of the question and stutters out the answer.
"I- Uh- E-Eddie. It's, it's Eddie."
November-paramedic – Steve – smiles kindly. Heat prickles across Eddie's cheeks and neck. It's not the same as the cocky, sexy smile he's got in the calendar, but still. He's smiling. At Eddie!
"Hi, Eddie." He nods toward Eddie's temple. "That's an impressive cut you got there. May I take a look at it?"
"Yeah? Yeah. Um, g-go ahead."
As Steve sets down his bag and rummages through it, Eddie scours his face to confirm that it really is the guy from the calendar. To his chagrin, it is. There's no mistaking it. Those eyes, like liquid gold. That jawline, a weapon in its own right. Those moles, applied so skillfully it must've been by an artist's hand. That hair, coming straight out of a commercial for luxury shampoo. It's lying flatter than in the calendar, either lacking product or having sweated it out, but it's still glorious.
Steve, having finished washing his hands, tugs on a pair of disposable gloves. The plastic snaps against his wrist, sending a shiver through Eddie. It centers between his legs. Shit, if he pops a boner now…
"I'm going to ask you some questions, okay?" Steve says while pressing a square piece of gauze against the cut. "Do you know what day it is?"
"Eh, Thursday?"
"Do you know where you are?"
"The Behemoth."
Steve nods and, with a lopsided smile, asks, "And are you a patron or did you and your head injury just wander onto the scene?"
Eddie laughs. Loud, merry, and verging on too long. It wasn't even that funny. Steve seems pleased his joke was a success, though. Unless his smile is the uncomfortable kind that one wears when faced with the unhinged. Eddie isn't sure how much blood he's lost.
"No, I, like, my band…" he says, stammering like talking isn't what he does best. Jesus Christ, it's just a hot guy! Eddie has made a fool of himself in front of those plenty of times – no need to get flustered about it. He clears his throat. "We had a gig and, after, at the bar, some guys got into a fight. Got ugly, so we tried to leave, but… alas!" He makes a dramatic sweep of his arm, nearly clocking Steve. Steve expertly ducks away without lessening the pressure on the wound. Eddie soldiers on, not daring to pause lest he lose his steam. Hopefully his burning face is enough of an apology. "Fucker wasn't even aiming for me. He missed his intended target and struck me instead."
"Right. Did you lose consciousness after he hit you?"
"Good. Did you drink tonight?"
"Half a beer, at most."
Gareth's nasally voice cuts off Steve's question. The next second, he's materialized beside them with a slightly alarmed expression. "Dude, are you…!"
He trails off, eyes growing into dinner plates. There isn't that much blood, is there?
Steve looks Gareth up and down, a crease between his brows. "Is this your friend?"
"My drummer. Gareth."
Eddie half-expects Steve to demand Gareth leaves so he can do his job in peace, but nope. That kind, calm smile is back. He even gives him one of those little upward-nods 'cool guys' like to do.
"What's up, Gareth? I'm Steve; I'm with the ambulance. Just making sure Eddie won't keel over later tonight."
"Uh huh…" Gareth kneels opposite Steve. He's smiling too, but his is shit eating. Eddie frowns in confusion, because what does Gareth have to be happy about? He was freaking out right after Eddie got hit, but now he's staring at Steve like-
He's staring at Steve.
No. Noooooooooo! Oh shit! Oh fuck! Oh why, why has he kept his porn stash in a drawer without a lock all these years?! He can't recollect the reason Gareth opened that particular drawer on that particular day – all Eddie remembers is how Gareth, Jeff, and Marv snickered when he explained the inclusion of the calendar.
That was it, though. They moved on. Sure, there has been the occasional roasting after the fact, but it's not like he hasn't also mocked them for their weird shit. But that's not the point. The point is that Gareth is staring at Steve like he recognizes him.
Gareth's attention flicks toward Eddie. Eddie shakes his head as subtly yet pleadingly as he can. Gareth's grin gobbles down another turd. Eddie makes a valiant effort to explode Gareth's eyeballs with his mind.
"Say…" Gareth turns to Steve. "Have we met?"
"I don't think so. Eddie, do you have a headache?"
"Yeah, man," Eddie says, voice trembling. "Hurts like hell."
"I could've sworn I've seen your face before," Gareth says. "Like, I'm 100% sure."
"Are you dizzy or nauseous?" Steve asks, ignoring Gareth.
"Um, a little dizzy but no nausea?"
"Hmm, okay. Blurred vision or uneven numbness?"
Steve nods, glancing at his watch. Then, to Eddie’s dismay, he looks at Gareth. "I've never been to this bar before."
"Nono, not here. Somewhere else…"
Steve's lips purse and his brows knit into the most adorable thinking-face Eddie has ever seen. His heart skips a beat, then skips two more as Steve's free hand gently cups Eddie's cheek. The skin catches fire where Steve's gloved fingertips touch it.
"Let me have a look at your pupils…" Steve says, guiding Eddie's face and, holy shit, leaning in close for a better look.
Eddie gulps, half his blood rushing up and the other half down; he squeezes his legs together to prevent the little guy from saying 'hello' to everyone present. His eyes rove over Steve's face. His lips are chapped and the skin on his nose is dry. The nose itself is somewhat crooked. Did he get into a fight between the calendar photoshoot and now, or did they make the nose straighter for the photo? Why would anyone think it necessary to edit a face like this one? Even with its imperfections mere inches away, it's still the handsomest Eddie has seen.
Steve hums. It's a perfectly preserved vinyl. It's a metal festival. It's Eddie's new favorite song.
"Same size but pretty dilated… Keep your eyes open, please." He shines a tiny flashlight into Eddie's eyes before nodding, satisfied. "All right, looks good."
He leans back out of Eddie's space, returning Eddie's ability to breathe, and removes the gauze. His smile tells Eddie that the bleeding has stopped. As great as it is that he won't hemorrhage to death, it also means their encounter is approaching its end.
"You might've seen me at the university campus?" Steve says, fiddling with some plasters; it takes Eddie's horny brain five full seconds to deduce he's talking to Gareth again.
"No-" Gareth freezes, mouth hanging open. His smugness has evaporated. "Actually, I might have? You're a student?"
Steve chuckles as he patches the last of Eddie's cut. "No, but my friends are. None of them own a car, so I end up driving them everywhere. Right, Eddie, I think you're good to recover at home. Unless you feel like you should head to the hospital?"
Great question! Does he? On the one hand: riding in the ambulance with Steve, ensuring a few additional minutes of his lustrous eyes and smooth voice.
On the other hand: hospital bills.
"… no."
"Okay. Do you have anyone who can keep an eye on you?"
Eddie shakes his head. "I live alone."
"Then maybe Gareth could hang around for the next 48 hours?"
"Sure can," Gareth says without hesitating. Eddie's heart swells with affection for him, despite his (failed! Hah!) plot to mortify Eddie to death.
Steve is already packing his medical bag.
"I want you to rest and avoid stressful situations," he tells Eddie. "No alcohol, no recreational drugs, no driving, and no working until you feel completely recovered. You may take tylenol, but not aspirin or ibuprofen. And if your symptoms worsen or you develop new ones – seek medical attention. Got it?"
The last part is sterner, reminding Eddie of every male authority figure he's strived to disobey during his teenage years. He has no such desire this time.
"Got it."
Steve raises his eyebrows as if to say 'have you really?', and Eddie has to wonder if it's he who seems contrariant and/or stupid enough to ignore the medic or if this is something Steve does with every patient. If it's the former, he mustn't seem that contrariant, because Steve's features soften into trust. He stands, brushing dust off his knees.
"Great. You boys take care now. Have a nice night."
"Yeah, you too, man," Eddie calls after him weakly as he retreats to the blinking ambulance. "Thanks…"
He keeps his gaze on the broad expanse of Steve's back, soaking in the rippling of his muscles as he walks and, oh would you look at that, his ass is as nice as the rest of him. Eddie's been wondering for two years now…
Eddie jerks toward Gareth. Did he say that out loud? Did he drool? Is his boner showing? But no, Gareth isn't disgusted or disturbed – he's excited.
He'll never hear the end of this.
"Don't!" he hisses.
Gareth just laughs, eyes twinkling.
"That was-"
"I can't believe it!"
"You are so red right now!"
"For Jesus fucking Christ's fucking sake-"
Dedicated to @rougenancy for always listening to and encouraging my various thoughts, opinions, and ideas (they are constant).
Part 2
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austinbutlerslovers · 4 months
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Austins Bath
Label Mature 18+
Austin likes when you run him a bath, he enjoys it even more when you bathe him, and he loves it the most when you pleasure him while he’s in the tub.
Established relationship girlfriend
Edging•handjob•fingering•shower sex•simultaneous orgasm•creampie
💝 Starts fluff ends up smut❤️‍🔥
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Austin Butler, Interview Mag
Austins Bath
Austin loves to take baths, he appreciates them extensively. Often stiff and sore after working out and combat training or mentally exhausted doing interviews and having constant conversations at events. Resting in a bath soaking peacefully for him is a calming reprieve.
He asks you to start one for him after his long day of doing back to back interviews for multiple syndicates and tv shows.
He is constantly promoting with his cast mates for his latest movie. He answers the same questions in different ways dozens of times, always polite always consistent. It’s mentally exciting yet exhausting.
He’s recently increased your task from filling the bath to now bathing him in it. As the water fills you add his two favorites epsom salt and a dollop of his L’occitane foaming wash. You place a stack of rolled wash cloths on the side and light a few of his favorite scented candles around the tub.
As you lay his robe and towel on the stand next to the bath, you realize how much you are internally compelled to baby and pamper him. He is a fully grown adult man, but with his sweet nature and innocent face he always has you doing the most domestic tasks excitedly for him.
“Austin your bath is ready” you call to him when it’s filled. He walks in smiling gleefully and begins peeling off all of his clothing until he’s completely naked. You watch him climb into the tub. He sinks down in the warm water and it rises to his chest. You can already see his face softening as he gets comfortable.
With a relaxed sigh he tilts his head back over the edge of the tub exposing his throat. It’s sexy to see and you try to ignore it and resume your tasks.
You turn on a second nozzle that releases water from a sprayer and rise his hair squishing your hands through his locks making sure they are fully rinsed then turning it off.
You squeeze his favorite shampoo into your hands and lather it into his hair starting at his temples. He makes light sounds of pleasure as your fingers scratch through his scalp and you begin to lose focus becoming aroused.
He brings his hand out of the water and playfully pinches your nipple making you gasp, your chest is directly over his face. He pinches your other nipple as you try to continue lathering his hair. “Austin!” You grin as you chastise him trying to work. He smirks knowing he’s already arousing you.
You have him lift up as you hook a basin to the edge of the tub. He tilts his head back and you rinse his hair over the basin with the spray nozzle ridding his hair of all the shampoo. You unhook the basin and pour it into the drain of the adjacent shower.
You kneel back next to him at the tub and comb your fingers through his clean wet hair gently massaging his scalp. His eyes are closed with a smile of delight on his face as he just enjoys it.
You squirt body wash on his loofah and have him stand out of the water. You work your way down his fit toned body starting with his neck. When you press too hard on the soft spot next to his abs he giggles. You look up at him grinning he’s enjoying this especially what’s next his favorite part.
You put down the loofah and inhale sharply as you begin to clean on and around his cock with your soapy hand. You try to ignore the heat radiating from your reddened face and the urge to have it between your legs.
You glide your sudsy hand on his testis cupping and massaging them, then you squeeze up and down his shaft before rubbing your thumb over and around his slit and his tip cleaning him throughly.
“You’re so professional“ he finally says breaking the silence. He smiles down at you seeing you trying so hard to remain focused even though you’re clearly aroused. “Turn around ” you say trying to ignore all the thoughts forming in your mind.
He turns facing the wall and places his palms against it spacing his legs apart. You soak a wash cloth and start at his strong muscular shoulders scrubbing down each one to his small waist line.
You dip the wash cloth in the bath water and slide it through his cute crack. When he winces it makes you giggle. “So sensitive” you coo at him gaining the upper hand. His face is blushing bright red when you finish. “You’re such a shy baby” you tease him.
He just turns and grins at you then splashes back down into the water feeling clean. You place a dry folded wash cloth on edge of the tub and have him rest his head back against it.
Usually you tidy up and leave him at peace. This time he stops you. “I’m not finished ” he says grabbing your wrist. You lock eyes with him as he guides your hand under the water onto his submerged cock. He’s extremely hard.
“ Oh!” you say aloud, the skin is soft but his erection is like a brick. Holding his shaft you make a fist around it guiding up and down on him, slowly at first.
He rests his head back against the tub feeling weaker the longer you tug and squeeze on his cock. “Make me cum” he says desperate for release. His eyes are closed as he grips the edges of the tub with his hands to prepare.
You slide your fist up and down his shaft harder you watch his face change from tense to passionate. You go faster pumping his shaft under the water until he’s moaning from it and failing to catch his breath.
He holds the edges of the tub tighter as the water splashes louder from your movements. You want to make him cum and he’s so close. His body tenses as his cock strains in you grasp.
He tilts his head up and groans loudly echoing the bathroom. His abs tighten and he ejaculates releasing all of his sperm in fluid bursts into the bath. You watch the cloud of his cum quickly dissolve into the water. He rests his head back against the tub panting. His chest is heaving his face is flushed pink. he looks radiantly beautiful.
His cock begins to soften in your hand. As you watch it he draws your attention with his voice.
“You like watching me cum don’t you” he says with a grin. You squeeze your knees together next to the tub thinking about it. “Yes I do” you admit. You admire his handsome relaxed features, his eyes are so soft now. “C’mere“ he says gesturing you over.
You move closer and he reaches his hands up to cup your jaw pulling you into a soft chaste kiss. He places his strong hand on your back and suddenly pulls you side ways yanking you into the bath water with him.
“AUSTIN!” You shriek you are fully soaked on top of him. “You enjoy my cum so much bathe in it” he says with a grin. You both let out the cutest laughs. The mood changes as you lock eyes in sexual tension. You sit up and strip off your soaked top throwing it out of the tub. It smacks wetly on the floor.
He pulls you down to kiss him and holds your body against his around your torso. You begin grinding your soaked clothed heat against him trying to get sexual relief from friction but the water makes it impossible. He reaches a hand and clicks the tub to drain
You climb off of him and out of the tub. As soon as he steps out you kiss him again. He holds your head absorbing all of your hunger filled kisses walking you back into the shower. He fumbles trying to find the handle, without looking he turns it on. He finally breaks your kiss to kneel down and strip your soaked pants and panties off.
You have so much passion for him you feel it in your throat. The wet clothing clings to your legs as he strips you down.
When he stands again he pushes you back against the shower wall pressing his palm on your chest. “How do you want me to make you cum?” He asks because you just made him shoot his load in the bath water. “With your fingers” you say instantly. He lifts your leg placing your foot on the shower bench spreading you open. He keeps his hand pressed to your chest and steps closer making you feel erotically trapped.
You are already wet he slips his fingers down your folds and rubs against your clit. you curl up instantly so overstimulated from sexual arousal “So sensitive” he coos at you as he smiles. He begins rubbing circles around your entrance making you pant.
You are bucking your hips wantingto be filled with his fingers but he keeps you at bay pressing his hand on your chest. He doesn’t relent to your neediness, not even once, he takes his time circling your entrance at a pace that has you going insane with lust.
He switches to using his entire hand when you are thoroughly wet. He slips it up and down through your soaked mons separating your pussy lips with his fingers “Austin please fuck me with your fingers” you gasp.
The urge to be filled by them consuming all of your rational thought. “Such a dirty little mouth, you think you deserve a reward after that?” He stares at you sternly but his lips are curved in a smile. You look up at him fighting every sexual urge in your body to calm down “Austin please satisfy me with your fingers” You ask politely and he grins.
He lines up two at your tiny hole and pushes them in. It instantly begins relieving the tension built up in your body as he pumps them into you. He gathers your hands pinning them above your head against the tiles. You feel like his little sex puppet as he fingers you relentlessly. Your moans echo the shower filling his ears and teasing his cock as he pumps his fingers in and out of you faster.
You begin to twist your wrists trying to free your hands to reach his growing erection.
He finally releases your hands and lunges into you with a kiss. He holds your thigh up against the wall and holds the base of his cock to guide it inside of you.
He thrusts forward. It feels so tight as he penetrates between your legs stuffing you full of his cock. You let out a string of pleasurable moans in appreciation.
He begins working his hips thrusting you back against the tiles. You moan his name and cling onto him as you feel the tightness in you reaching its peak.
He pulls you onto him still holding your thigh up and pounds into you harder. You feel his muscled body jolting against yours as he thrusts tipping you over the edge.
You moan against his ear and he starts to orgasm with you.
He groans with you in unison reverberating the shower walls. He fills you with warm cum as you orgasm on his cock. His final thrusts are harder to drain himself completely. He slows down and lowers you to the ground as he slides his cock out.
He smiles at you and plants a kiss on your jaw pulling you under the shower water with him.
You will bathe him religiously.
Master List
.🏷️ @faegoddessog @purejasmine @obsessedvibee @abswifey @austiebuttbutt @jessica987 @oh-my-front-door @slowsweetlove @hardcoredisneynerd @magicovento
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remuslupinslittleslut · 7 months
NSFW Alphabet - James Potter
A - Aftercare
James wouldn’t have that much experience in giving specific aftercare to someone in say subspace, but he’d be very aware of the importance of making sure the both of you were comfortable afterwards. He’d be getting sweaty and not really want to cuddle immediately, but he’d make sure to be close, hold your hand or scratch your scalp to make his presence known. He’d also be good at telling you sweet things, letting you know how much he appreciates you and how good it was.
B - Body Part, favourite on himself and you
James Potter is a jock, he’s a fit guy. He isn’t taller than Remus, but his shoulders are broad and I think he loves that about himself, he likes to feel strong so his favourite parts of himself would be shoulders, back, arms. Feeling strong makes him feel sexy, and it’s those parts of his body that he’d try to accentuate when he wants to get you in the mood.
On his partner he’s a big thigh and tits guy. He loves squeezing, pushing his face into soft skin, and placing kisses there. He wouldn’t care about size, in either direction, he’d just really love to touch and nip at soft skin.
C - Cum
Not that much of a breeding kink, but I think he likes cuming on you. He’s got a big load, and covering your skin in his pearly white liquid makes him go feral. He loves the way it sticks to your lashes or the patterns it leaves on your back. He’d make sure to swoop a finger down, spreading it around further.
D - Dirty Secrets
James isn’t very secretive about his sexlife, he’s ready to ask his bros a question or bring something up. He would, however, be very secretive about your body, he doesn’t want anyone else seeing you naked, and he doesn’t want to tell his friends about you like that, he’d be more comfortable talking about his own experience, never talking about what you look or feel like. That’s just for him,
E - Experience
He could be either. He’s a big slut, and could have a lot of experience, both romantic and sexual. But he could also be the type of guy who doesn’t get around much but rather wait for the right person. Either way, he gets a lot of propositions. Cause he’s hot.
F - Favourite Position
James would love to either go missionary/missionary with legs on shoulder or cowgirl. He wants to see you, and if you’ve got tits he’d want them right in his face, and easy to grab.
G - Goofy
He’s a goofball, he’d make sex fun for the both of you. Not unserious, but fun. He’d make a funny face, or make a weird sound as a joke, or sing along to the song playing. He’d still take the actual fucking seriously, though.
H - Hair
James feels like he would shave, if you preferred it that way (he doesn’t want his baby to get hairs in their mouth), but it doesn’t make a difference for him, so I don’t think he’d shave just for himself. I think he likes it natural, on himself and his partner. I HC James Potter as indian, so he’d have lots of dark hair, all over <3
I - Intimacy
James is so intimate. I feel like out of the marauders, he’d focus most on romantics during sex, he’d enjoy lighting candles, setting the mood, feeding you chocolates. He’d love keeping eye contact during sex, he just wants to feel close to you.
J - Jack Off
I think he’s a jacking off in the shower kinda guy. He likes the way it feels when he’s all soaped up - and he enjoys the privacy of it. It’s also a smooth clean up, which is always a plus. He doesn’t need to use pictures or dirty mags, he’s got enough filthy memories of you to get himself going.
K - Kink
I think Jamie is a switch, who sometimes wants to take care of his girl, be strong and in command. But other times, I think he’d have a huge mommy-kink. “Wanna be good f’you mommy” is so James Potter coded <3
Other things he’d enjoy:
He could for sure be into some feet-stuff
He doesn’t have a breeding kink, but he does have a pregnancy kink, he’d go feral for fucking you when pregnant.
He’d want to keep your spoiled panties, just for safekeeping
Food play
L - Location
James is a bit more risque, he’d take you in a broom closet and he’s not afraid to tease you under the table. He, again, likes to do it in the shower/bath. If you move in together, he’d want to take you on every surface, several times.
M - Motivation
He gets riled up from playing quidditch, before and after games, he’d love to have you on your knees, just to release some of his pressure.
Other times, he’d just go crazy for your tits, flash them and he’ll be ready to go <3 Or just any kind of nudity, he’d jump at any chance to touch you, but he’s a bit more afraid to assume things, so I think he’d like it if you were the one to initiate.
N - NO
He’s probably the most vanilla out of the three, I think he doesn’t want to go too far in any way. He’d be against all things that could potentially hurt you or himself, he’d also not enjoy piss/scat play, he feels it’s just too unsanitary.
O - Oral
I HC James as the kind of person to come untouched in his pants from eating pussy, and I stand by it. He loves going down on his partner, no matter what genitalia they have. He loves the way your mouth feels, but he’d never assume he’d get to fill it up, but whenever you propose it, he’s so excited.
P - Pace
His pace changes a lot, but most of the time, he’d want to go quite slow, to have time to be in the moment, feel you in every stroke and just connect. Sex with James is a holy experience every time. 
Q - Quickie
He’d be adventurous in the way that he’d easily shove you into a broom closet, get on his knees and go to town. He’d also love flipping up your skirt and thrust inside you just long enough for you to come all over him.
R - Risk
As stated, he’d be a bit risky in the way he’s not scared to be seen, he likes taking you into the broom closet and making you cum, he’d also not be too careful with silencing charms or closing the curtains.
S - Stamina
He’s fit, so he’s got enough stamina to hold his position, but I think after he’s made you cum, he’d be ready to let go, knowing you like the way he feels when he cums inside you.
T - Toys
He isn’t that interested in toys, but he’d let you tie him up, and he’d be OK with trying some if you were into it. I think he would not hesitate one moment to bring in a vibrator to make you feel even better.
U - Unfair
James can be a bit of a tease, he’d take his shirt off and strut around, making you squirm. He also feels like the kind of person to tease you without knowing it, he’d brush against you without thinking and only realize when you squeeze your thighs shut.
When you’re having sex, I think he’d never feel done if you didn’t cum.
V - Volume
He’s a moaner, he’d push his mouth against his ear and make you hear how good you make him feel.
He loves hearing his partner moan, but he’d also looove to tell you to be quiet, holding a hand over your mouth, “hush baby, don’t want anyone hearing us”, he doesn’t really care if they do, but it’s fun to play.
W - Wildcard
No matter who his partner is, James is willing to experiment with anal, he’d like a finger in his arse, a rim job or even to be fucked/pegged. Not really a wild HC for Jamie but this is where it fits <3
X - X-Ray
Quite normal in size. He’s not small, but not scarily big either. He’d fill you up just right, but it wouldn’t hurt. He’s just very normal in size, but I will tell you, James has got a pretty dick.
Y - Yearning
James would have a pretty standard sex drive, I think he’s not up for fucking on the daily, but he’d be willing to get you off if you were in the mood. I think maybe 3-4 times a week would be perfect for him <3
Z - Zzz
After sex, he’d have to cool off for a bit, but then he’d be ready to cuddle and he’d be so relaxed he wouldn’t be able to help falling asleep. If you scratch his back, he’d doze off so quickly.
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ilguna · 1 year
☼ beard (Finnick Odair) ☼
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summary; knowing that you've been at home sick, Finnick tries to cheer you up when he comes back.
warnings; swearing,
wc; 1.4k
When Finnick left, he told you not to miss him too much while he was gone, and to be careful because there wasn’t going to be anyone to help you. At the time, you thought he was trying to be cheeky, because he knows how you feel about being with him all hours of the day. If you can be, you’re attached at the hip from sun up to sun down. You like his company.
He was mocking you, and trying to be sweet after to make up for it and to distract you from thinking about it. You caught it, of course, and halfway laughed at his stupid joke to make him feel better so he wouldn’t be hung up on your silence for the entirety of his trip.
It didn’t matter, anyway, because you were confident in your ability to entertain yourself for a couple weeks while he mentored in the Capitol. He hasn’t done that without you in a few years, it was weird watching Mags get taken away by that train again. You guys really thought she was going to retire for good.
While you had to figure out a way to keep yourself busy, you had to be mindful about your healing body, which was gravely sick a few days before he said goodbye. If it was up to him, he would’ve sent one of the other guy victors to the Capitol for him so that he would’ve been able to stay with you. He knew better than to do that, though, because Coriolanus would’ve been pissed.
He was genuinely worried before he left, and you did all you could to reassure him that you’d be just fine.
That first week wasn’t so bad, you did some cleaning around the house, being careful about inhaling cleaning chemicals so that you wouldn’t pass out. You dusted, wiped down everything starting with the top and moving down to the bottom. And once the house was cleaned, you took a breather for a few days.
You read a book, a small one that you finished the same day. And then you started a thicker one, and finished it the following day. You decided after that you wanted to be more productive with your free time, because you don’t get much of it often. 
So, you went ahead and went back to cleaning. You cleared out some of the junk from the pantry and most of what was in the closets, which has given you a lot more space to work with. You know that Finnick won’t notice any of those shirts are missing, much less the pants he wears when there’s nothing else clean that he would prefer over them.
You washed all the sheets, blankets and pillow covers in the house, which does include the guest bedroom. You hated the smell, that led you to lighting several candles, hoping to make the house smell good, and you blew them all out when the flame was getting dangerously tall.
When you were done with that, you bought fresh flowers to put around the house to brighten up the space. That same night, you went to stargaze outside, which was underwhelming and incredibly boring. You did, however, enjoy laying on the front lawn and feeling the warmth of the breeze on your skin.
You did this all within the first week and a half of him being gone. They were all tasks that you’d been putting off for months because you didn’t have the energy to go and do it all. And you managed to knock it out in a week and a half because you had to find something to do.
Since, you’ve done nothing but sit around the house and cook for yourself when you’re hungry. There really is fuck all to do when Finnick’s not here. You’re so used to following him around from place to place, talking to him about whatever comes to your mind, or listening to him babble about his latest project.
You thought that you’d never say this, but you might like mentoring a lot more than you thought you did. Solely because there’s so much to do in such a short time span. You’ve had your schedule so jam-packed at times, that you don’t have time to eat, much less take bathroom breaks because you’re so behind.
It hurts to send teenagers inside of an arena, of course, but there’s nothing like pulling every string available to help the tribute inside. And when that’s exhausted, there’s plenty to do in the city itself. It doesn’t have to be with just Finnick, either. You go out with the stylists and your fellow mentors all the time when Finnick’s too busy to go, or his night is occupied by someone else.
The day’s never the same without him here, though. Today’s the day he finally comes back from the Capitol. While other mentors get sent home as soon as their tributes die, he’s forced to stay until the Games are over to make sure that all of Coriolanus’ clients are fulfilled the way he wants them to be.
He makes you sick.
“(Y/n)!” You can hear your name shouted from downstairs. 
With your eyes closed, you can picture Finnick coming in the front door, back from his trip. He has a habit of setting his bag on the couch, and he likes to wear his favorite shirt and pair of jeans that he makes sure are clean for his trip every year. Like clockwork.
“I’m up here!” You shout back.
You don’t move from where you lay in the middle of the bed, on top of the blankets. You were about to take a nap in the patch of sunlight streaming through the window, since the warmth was enough. If he’s here though, then the extra sleep will have to wait until you’ve caught up.
You can hear his shoes hitting the hardwood flooring on the way up the stairs. You open your eyes now, rolling your head to the side so that you can see Finnick when he comes through the door. You have the door open slightly, because there’s no point in shutting it all the way anymore.
You can see him appear through the crack, standing outside of it for a second.
“Are your eyes open?” He asks.
“Yup.” You squint, trying to see him better. He’s standing in the shadow perfectly, it’s blocking out his face.
“Are you ready for this?”
“Ready for what?” You ask, face twisting, “Why are you being weird?”
He pushes the door open, it creaks the entire time. He’s still hidden behind the doorway, you can’t see him very well. You watch as he moves over, coming through so that you can see him better.
“Oh my god.” You laugh, struggling to push yourself to sit upright, “What the fuck is on your face?”
Your wonderful husband, who never breaks his habits unless he’s forced to, or it’s a dare that he can’t say no to, is showing you something that you thought that you’d never get to see in your life.
He’s grown a beard.
“Holy shit.” You laugh, sliding out of bed, “You grew this while you were gone?”
“No, I was working on it before I left, remember? I said I was going to shave later on the train?” He laughs, running his fingers through it.
You vaguely recall that conversation. You’ve seen him with stubble plenty of times, he’s lazy when it comes to shaving it, but he’s never gone this far before.
You reach to touch it, cupping his face. The hairs tickle at your palms and your wrists, curling around your fingers slightly. “You hate the feeling of having a beard.”
“I know.” He grabs your wrists, rubbing his thumbs over your arms, “I just thought that you’d like to see it.”
“It’s not going to last long so I’ve got to enjoy it while I have it.” You sputter out another laugh, “At least kiss me so I can know how it feels against my face.”
Finnick shakes his head, “You’re clearly feeling better.”
“Now that you’re here.” You kiss him.
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sadboyeddie · 2 years
Taking Care Of You
October 9th: Massage
Kinktober 2022
Summary: Eddie is very sweet and we don’t deserve him
Warnings: (Minors DNI 18+ only) smut
A/N: woo that’s three fics in a day
2.4k Words
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You stomp your way up the steps to Eddie’s trailer, letting out a bit of your anger by slamming the front door.
Eddie shoots up from the couch where he was lounging casually, wide eyes looking in your direction as he enters fight or flight mode. Well, actually it was flight mode, he lowkey thought it was the cops.
“What the hell,” he gives you a look that screams ‘really?!’ as he clutches his chest dramatically like an old woman who just saw two girls kissing for the first time.
“Sorry,” you mumble, you head to the small kitchen and hold a glass under the tap until it’s half full.
Eddie is worried more by your silence then your furious entrance, fully used to you coming home in a huff over something that happened at work but you were usually very vocal about it.
But with your silence cutting the air he can’t help but feel personally affected by this. Did he do something? Forget something?
“Princess,” he’s cautious as he walks up behind you, trying to make heads or tails of the situation.
“Eddie,” you whimper and spin around before collapsing into his chest, wrapping your arms around his waist in a tight hug.
“Oh, sweetheart,” he rests his cheek against the top of your head allowing you to soak in his warmth.
After a few minutes of still silence your muffled voice fills the small area, “I work with dickheads.”
He lets out a snort and holds you closer, unable to hold back the smile. There’s his girl.
“Yeah?” He rubs his large hands up your back and you melt into the feeling.
“Yeah,” you nod, “should’ve burned the place down when I had the chance.”
Eddie is full blown laughing now, the sound relaxing and the gentle rumble from his chest makes you nuzzle closer.
“My little arsonist,” he slightly pulls back and you whine.
“Noooo, come back,” you try to pull him closer but he just leans down to kiss away your pout.
Okay, you’ll allow it.
“C’mon, baby,” he slides his hands down the length of your arms until he entwines his fingers with yours, leading you to his bedroom.
You let out a sigh of content as the familiar scent of Eddie fills your nostrils.
“Lay down, princess,” he kisses your forehead and pushes you gently towards the bed. You go to lay on your back but he softly corrects you, “no, no, baby, on your stomach.”
You let out a soft ‘oh’ as you follow instructions, shedding your coat and shoes as you go.
When you’re comfortable you watch as Eddie turns the bedroom light off and ignites the candles around his room, originally you had brought them when you started staying over more, enjoying the soft scent, Eddie clearly enjoyed it too because when the first couple burned out he replaced them straight away. His room now never without candles.
The room fills with a soft warm glow as he strips down to his boxers before reaching down to his bed table and pulling the baby oil from the drawer, turning and smiling to you every few seconds.
The baby oil is almost empty and you hide a smirk in your arms knowing full well that he uses it to slick up his cock when he’s alone. You’ve caught him a few times and each one of those times Eddie babbled out excuses about how you make he so hard and he hasn’t cum this much since he hit puberty and found one of Wayne’s dirty mags under the couch cushion.
When he realised you liked the idea of coming home and watching him touch himself he made it his personal goal to achieve whenever he knew you were coming over.
He walks over to his boom box and slips in a mixed tape of your favourite metal songs, when you started dating you’d spend hours on his bed listening to music and he was thrilled to share the experience with you, he turned the volume knob until the voices of Iron Maiden sounded like a gentle lullaby.
He comes over to the bed and straddles your waist, his lower half resting comfortably on yours. He drops the oil on the bed and presses his hands on your clothed shoulder blades before adding a bit of pressure.
Your eyes slip closed as you let out a grateful sigh and start to feel your body relaxing.
“Feel good, baby?” His voice matches the ambiance of the room and you melt further into the soft comforter below you.
“So good, Eds,” you words are slow.
He pushes the palms of his hands into the knots around you shoulders, knowing exactly how to touch you to loosen them. You suck in a sharp breath as he pushes down on a particularly tight knot but when the tension ebbs away moans slip past your lips.
“There we go, sweet girl,” he leans down and kisses your shoulder before lowering his hands to the hem of your shirt and slipping them underneath, you moan at the skin-to-skin contact and arch your back slightly
He rubs circles into your lower back while being gentle around your spine and you all but purr at his affections.
He’s fully hard in his boxers and every time he leans forward he presses his bulge further into the curve of your ass, if he looks hard enough he can see a wet patch where his precum has stained, but his arousal is an afterthought at the moment.
He lifts your shirt from your body and unclasps your bra before dropping it onto the slowly forming pile of clothes besides the bed. He readjusts his cock, grunting at the touch, before grabbing the baby oil.
He rubs the slick liquid between his hands to warm it up before starting at your waist, he massages the skin with expert fingers, he’s always been good with his hands and he’s a quick learner so he knows exactly where to touch to get a reaction.
He presses his fingers deep into the knots on your back, soaking in every moan, gasp and intake of breath you make, his cock starting to ache more and more as time goes on.
When he’s reached the upper half of your back he slides his hands down and rubs some oil into the side of your breasts, his touch starting out innocent enough but quickly changing into something more.
He brings his hands underneath your form, you lift up a tad so its easier for him, and he cups your tits, his chest flush against your back as he massages the soft skin.
“Want me to turn over?” you bite your lip and clench your thighs, a movement that doesn’t go unnoticed by Eddie.
He presses his forehead against your spine, just below your neck, and kisses the warm skin, “no, baby,” he licks up to the nape of your neck and places a gentle kiss, the action causing a shudder to wrack your body, before pulling back.
He pinches your nipples, making sure to graze his nails over the nubs as he brings his hands out from under you.
You let out a small sigh, laced with disappointment but that doesn’t last long, he slides lower before kneeling over your legs and removing your jeans, it’s a little bit of a tug-o-war with the material but eventually they, along with your panties, join the rest of your clothes on the floor.
He squirts more oil onto his palms before grabbing two big handfuls of your ass, you let out a shocked cry, slightly muffled by your head buried in your arms, which makes Eddie huff out a laugh.
He massages lower taking care not to tickle you too much, the temptation is there but he doesn’t want to change the mood, enjoying the sensuality of the evening, and digs his fingers into the meat of your thighs, presses down and pulling until you’re nothing but a moaning mess.
He slides his hands upwards and continues the action on your asscheeks, unable to resist leaning down a planting a kiss on each one, you smile into you arm at the feeling.
When he takes note of the small movements of your hips grinding down against the mattress he takes that as an invitation to move this to the next part.
He presses his clothes cock against the curve of your ass and slowly pumps his length, a breathily sigh of his name escapes your lips as your movements become a little more noticeable.
He spreads your cheeks apart and gets an eyeful of your puckered hole before looking further down and seeing your pussy, arousal coating your folds and making your thighs sticky.
He pulls your ass up and leans over to grab a pillow, his pillow, and places it under your hips as he moves his hands down and spreads your pussy lips with his thumb until your hole is in full view, he leans over and dribbles his spit, it landing more on your back entrance before sliding down into your exposed pussy.
You let out an obscene moan and Eddie blows cold air over your fluttering hole, making you grind down against the pillow.
“Such a pretty pussy,” he moans as he spreads your slick around and fingers your clit.
“Eddie,” you whine, desperate for something inside you, slightly grinding back against his hand. 
“My cock is the only thing going in this pussy tonight, princess,” he promises, accentuating his words with a thrust of his length against your ass.
“Fuck me then,” you groan, starting to get impatient.
“Don’t be a brat,” he brings his hand down on your left asscheek, watching as the flesh jiggles slightly.
You cry out and drive your hips forward against the pillow, “sorry, daddy,” you moan, “just want you inside me.”
“I know, sweetheart,” he leans in and kisses your lower back before slipping his cock out of his boxers.
He uses the hand that’s coated in both your arousal and the baby oil to slick up his cock before he fucks his hard length deep into your pussy.
“Ah, fuck!” The burn from the stretch doesn’t even come close to the overwhelming sense of pleasure, in fact the sting only adds to it.
He sets a brutal pace, hands holding your hips in a grip that’s likely to bruise as he snaps your hips back to meet his thrusts.
Eddie is so in tune with your body that he knows it’s wants and needs better then you do, he knows all you need now is to be fuck like a whore.
You squeeze the pillow below your head between your hands, stuttering out curses and whimpers as you fight to catch your breath, Eddie lands another slap to your ass before leaning forward and pushing all his weight into you.
The air leaves your lungs and with Eddie fully on top of you you’re momentarily unable to suck air back into your body, your clit starts to throb as your chest tightens and grey spots dance along your vision, but they’re gone as quickly as they appear when Eddie sits back, taking up his previous position.
You cough and splutter as you lungs work in overdrive to refill your body with air, Eddie’s hand rubbing soothing circles on your upper back is a stark contrast to the harsh pace of he’s created.
“There you go,” he encourages, sounding breathless himself, “good girl.”
He slows down but fucks into you harder, your eyes roll into the back of your head at the squelching sound your pussy makes everytime he bottoms out.
“Almost there, daddy,” you mewl, body exhausted.
“Me too, princess,” he confirms, “gonna fill this pussy up, make you full with my cum.”
You nod and clench around his length, the movement causing his pace to stutter slightly before he recovers.
He leans over you again but doesn’t push too hard and wraps a hand around your chest, pulling you more into him as he takes a handful of your tit and squeezes, he slides his other hand beneath you and pinches your clit, the motion causing you to cry out as you’re caught off guard by your climax.
You shake in his hold, your body slightly thrashing against his as the world goes slightly dark and silent around you.
You can still hear Eddie as he fucks into you but it’s like you’re under water, the sounds seeming distant and muffled.
You didn’t know how long you lay there in a foggy haze but you’re brought back to your senses as you’re gently turned on your back, a whimper leaving your lips at the movement.
“Come back to me, princess,” his voice is getting closer and you subconsciously reach out for him, “I’m right here, sweetheart.”
His voice is no longer distant and you fight to pry your eyes open so you can see the handsome boy you’ve fallen in love with, overcome with a sense of neediness.
“Ed-die,” your voice cracks but a look of relief washes over his face.
“There you are,” he smiles and places a quick kiss to each cheek, “how are you feeling?”
That’s a good question really, you’re feeling weightless, like if Eddie let go you’d float away but your head isn’t working well enough for you to say that so you settle with, “light,” a smile gracing your face.
“Good,” he nuzzles his nose against yours and starts to press soft kisses all over your face.
Within minutes you feel gravity doing it’s job as the heaviness returns, not a bad heavy but heavy.
You let out a small giggle and gently push at Eddie’s face and he takes that reaction as a good sign as he starts to press kisses against your neck. He’s only seen you fall into subspace on two other occasions so it’s still new to him, but it’s not unwelcome.
When he pulls back you realise that he’s no longer inside you and his cock is softening against his thigh.
You look at the muscle with a small frown and he chuckles as he pokes your cheeks, “why so sad, baby?”
“Did I ruin it for you?” You can’t help the little sniffle you let out, feeling unbelievable selfish that you ruined his climax.
He huffs a laugh and reaches down to run his fingers between your folds, you let out a hiss as he scoops the sticky substance onto his fingers and brings them up so you can see. His fingers glisten with his cum and he smiles at your blush.
You lean forward and suck his fingers into your mouth, cleaning the digits thoroughly with your tongue.
Eddie kisses your forehead and cuddles you to his chest, allowing you to rest for a moment before trying to corral you into a shower.
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moonwonuu · 11 months
ang wakas special — part 2
pov: you surprise wonwoo with your baked goodies and something more
warning: 🔞 content ahead so please if minor ka, wag mo na basahin ‘di naman importante ‘to 😠
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in hurried footsteps, wonwoo manages to reach his door in record time to open the door for his lover. there he finds her and their little fur baby standing outside his door with the biggest smiles on their faces. wonwoo’s heart melts when you finally greet him.
“happy birthday, my love!” you squeal with seolie barking out her own way of greeting him. wonwoo ushers you both into his condo where seolie makes a beeline towards her spot on the sofa whilst you go straight to the kitchen.
“wag mo akong sundan! dun ka sa anak natin,” you warn him, making his steps falter. he makes a uturn back to seolie who’s now sleeping soundly on his sofa. he tucks himself beside her and seolie unconsciously moves closer to her dad.
he smiles at her, petting her head and running his fingers through her curly fur.
after a few minutes in the kitchen, you finally come out wearing a birthday hat and holding a cake for him.
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU….” and he lets you sing, startling seolie in her sleep in the process. once you’re done, you sit on the floor in front of him.
“make a wish, my love.”
he clasps his hands together and closes his eyes. he thanks the universe for bringing you back to him and for letting him love you again and again and again. and he thanks you for loving him immensely.
he blows his candles and takes the cake out of your hand, setting it on the coffee table behind you. seolie jumps off the sofa and wanders down into one of his rooms.
once she’s out of sight, he pulls you into his lap, letting you straddle his thighs. you pull the hat off your head, placing it to the side.
“i thought you forgot about my birthday,” he pouts.
“boang! hindi ko yun magagawa,” you press a long kiss on his lips before resting your forehead against his. he smiles when you start telling him about waking up early to make his cake, cookies and your experimental macaroons.
all the while you were yapping on and on about your adventures today, he can’t help but feel a little warm the more you move around on his lap.
he unconsciously trails his fingers underneath your shirt, gliding his warm fingertips along your spine until they reach the clasp of your bra. in one swift movement, he unclasps it with one hand, making you gasp.
“pa salamat ka talaga birthday mo! di pa naman ako tapos mag kwento,” you huff, letting him remove your bra along with your shirt. when he finally sees sight of your bare skin, he tilts his head back against the sofa and groans. you grind down harder against his hard on, making him groan even more.
he tightens his hold on your hips when you quicken your pace, not even letting him do anything but moan and whimper as his eyes are shut tight because of the pleasure.
you took this as an opportunity to grab the hem of shirt, removing his t-shirt swiftly off his body as he becomes more pliant under you.
“let me take care of you, birthday boy,” you whisper seductively in his ear as you bounce a little on his lap to tease him. he feels the way your nipples harden against his bare chest and it makes his mind all the more hazy.
“b-baby si seolie,” he whimpers when you softly suckle on his neck.
“she’s sleeping in your room, baby,” you whisper along his skin. he watches as you kiss along his warm skin, moving down and down on his body until your swirling your tongue around his pebbled tits. you flick your tongue back and forth, making him puff out a shaky breath.
“you’re gonna be the death of me,” he moans when you finally kneel between his thighs, kissing each of his hardened abs even going as far as licking and marking them up.
“t-tangina, andie naman,” he finally breaks when you pull his sweatpants and boxers in one go.
“what?” you look up at him innocently. he can’t help but ogle at your breasts and the way you’re wrapping your hand around his hardened dick.
“sit back and relax, love.”
and so he does. he watches how you expertly please him, how you hollow your cheeks as you try to fit his entire dick into your mouth. he catches some of your tears with his fingertips and when he knows you’re slowly getting tired, he bunches up your hair into a makeshift ponytail.
“baby, do you trust me?”
you nod, giving him a thumbs up. he bites his lower lips when he starts to guide your head up and down. he can hear the way you gag around his cock and the squelching sounds you make every time he bobs you up and down.
he pulls you all the way up, watching the strings of your spit and his cum stick to your lips.
“kaya pa?”
“baby, just fuck my mouth!”
he growls before gripping your hair tighter in his hand. he pushes your head all the way down until your nose hits his skin. he feels more of your tears against his skin but he keeps going.
after a few more thrusts into your soaking mouth, he releases into your mouth. spurts and spurts of his cum paints your mouth and to your surprise, you feel a sticky sensation between your thighs.
you fall to the floor, your knees aching after an intense session with your boyfriend. you rest your head against his thigh as he rubs your cheek lovingly. you tiredly stick your tongue out to show him his cum before you swallow it, winking in the process.
“fuck, andie,” he curses under his breath as he feels his cock twitch at the sight.
after a beat of silence, you call out to him. “wons,” you murmur against his thigh. he tucks a hair behind your ear as he hums.
“what is it love?”
“i came untouched,” you shyly say.
putangina, he thought before manhandling you onto the sofa.
it was gonna be a long evening.
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·ᴗ· taglist: @yuiis-things @biskwitmamaw @hanniesdegree @luveveryonewoo @dreamhannies @summertime-simmons @nanamioo @raely-study @potatofrieswithketchup @justasoftstan @sans-byeol @seokcalibur @belladaises @m1kotsu @nyanwoo @qghosty
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meownotgood · 7 months
Mags!!!! (If I may call you Mags) I have just discovered the existence of this Aki item and I have one in my cart as we speak:
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chris-hartley · 11 days
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Happy Pride Month!
Today I thought I'd cover one of my favorite tropes: Found Family! This fic is based on a non-canon event in the Total Drama OC universe, but one that I think would be fun had it happened haha. It stars my OC Maggie and her found family (Cole - @hannahwashington's character, and Lola - @horatios-mom's character) along with a few others! Enjoy! And if these characters seem cool to you, do check out the blog we have for our Total Drama OCs: @teadocs!!
(Feel free to blacklist #kenziewritespride to avoid these posts in the future!)
December 19th was a complicated day for Maggie. For most of her life it was just another day. No cake or candles, no balloons or presents. Just going through the motions, just another year older somehow.
When she moved to Vancouver, she wasn’t expecting the day to hold any more significance. Her first birthday living on her own was quickly approaching and all the people in her life seemed to have other things going on so she didn’t think much of it. Just like usual, just another day.
She was scheduled to work at the job that Cole’s dad had secured for her, doing the front desk of a hair salon. So she got ready in her usual work go-to outfit. Professional but casual enough she wasn’t uncomfortable after doing all the menial tasks required by her boss, Sandra.
Her phone buzzed in her pocket. She looked down at the screen and it was Sandra, asking her to get there a little early. She didn’t have anything else going on so she replied simply: Sure.
Maggie got into her car, turning over the engine. The check engine light came on and she sighed. She’d needed an oil change for a few weeks but was waiting to get her next paycheck before shelling out the money for it. 
I get paid next Friday. I’ll be alright until then… I hope, at least.
She drove the quick 15 minute journey to the salon, parking in the back of the building. The place had been open for a few hours but the customer lot seemed busier than usual as she walked around the corner.
The lights were… off? She looked at the hours pasted on the door and they should be open, there were people here, why were the lights off?
She opened the door, the usual bell ringing as it did with all customers coming in. Sometimes she swore she could hear the bell ringing when she wasn’t even at work.
She flicked on the lights.
“SURPRISE!!!” A load of voices called as people jumped up from their hiding spots, scaring the living shit out of Maggie. She jumped back a few inches in shock.
As she looked around, there were all the people who claimed they were busy for her birthday. Cole, Lola, and even her boyfriend Landon. 
“What is this?”
“A surprise birthday party, Mags,” Cole explained, “You think we’d let it pass by without celebrating?”
“I-” she stood there stunned for a moment, “I’ve never had a birthday party I didn’t figure I’d start now.”
“Well as your best friends,” Lola said, wrapping her arm around Maggie’s shoulder, “We could not let that last any longer.”
Maggie chuckled softly, still completely surprised as she looked around the room. Even if she wasn’t close to some of the other cast members that lived in the greater Vancouver area, all of them had come to this makeshift party. Dannie, Paige, Cassie, and Esther stood there, the former wearing a party hat with a noisemaker sticking out of her mouth.
“Happy birthday Maggie,” Paige smiled.
Landon came up to her with a grin, “Hope this was a good surprise.”
“Y-yeah. I just wasn’t expecting it.”
“We have cake!” Cassie pointed out, “Do you want some?”
Maggie nodded, walking further into the salon to spot a makeshift table set up with a cake that had 16 candles stuck into it.
“That seems like a fire hazard.”
“It’ll be fiiiiiine,” Landon chuckled, “I think.”
Sandra, who had emerged from the back with a lighter in hand, painstakingly lit all the candles before all the group of people began to sing to her.
“Happy biiiiirthday dear Maggieeeee! Happy birthday to you!”
She closed her eyes, making a wish. A wish that she would always remember this day, when she realized that while she’d had a shitty family back in Delaware, she had people who really loved her in Vancouver. Maggie blew out the candles and opened her eyes, a smile creeping onto her smile as everyone cheered.
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I was so taken by those stairs that Jay-Works submitted this morning, that I just felt that the house was something special. Never have I been attracted to any other death stairs. Coincidentally, I was browsing thru one of my favorite online mag’s this afternoon, “The Wealden Times,” and lo and behold, there it was!
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Alistair Hendy, the owner, is a chef, writer and photographer. After five years of painstaking restoration he has succeeded in returning his 16th century merchant’s house in Hastings Old Town, UK, to its pared-back Tudor glory.
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He calls it the Christmas House b/c he opens it to the public in December. Entering the house straight into the drawing room, its sizeable inglenook, stone floor and wood paneled walls stand out.
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Alastair brought his log store inside, so there’s a plentiful supply of bone-dry logs to stoke the open fires.
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In rooms where candle light isn’t enough, he installed simple lighting in the form of adjustable pendants.
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The shutters are rarely open b/c Alastair doesn’t like to see the modern street.  Sunlight illuminates wisps of smoke that swirl from the open fires.
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After peeling back centuries of updating, it has a pared down, utilitarian look and even the fixtures and fittings look as they might have when they were first installed.
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Previous owners actually did more harm than good, modernizing in a pedestrian and thoughtless way, adding carpets and curtains and other urbane fixtures and fripperies. “It’s been more of a re-creation than a restoration project,” says Alastair.
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Mod cons like plumbing and lighting are cunningly concealed out of sight in the rest of the house, but hints of modern-day living and appliances can be seen in the kitchen.
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Alastair’s remarkable and imaginative conversion of the kitchen area, which was once a little tv room.
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Alastair is also trained in theater and costume design so all the additions are meticulously executed, like the set of an elaborate production.
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You can see where the floor has been lowered and the ‘new’ stair carefully slotted into an original beam.
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The kitchen and dining room are situated in the rear wing of the house that was used as a mortuary, right up until the 1950s.
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And, here they are- the stairs. 
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This is the pretty room we glimpsed from the stairs. 
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Alistair’s vision and hard work have gone into creating a house so interesting and atmospheric that it’s turned into a tourist attraction.
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The Xmas decorations are subtle and understated, and also have a European feel.
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The main bedroom has a raised bed enclosed by wood paneling and shutters.
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The bathroom furnishings are from many different countries and periods, but they all share the same raw simplicity.
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In the attic bathroom, is an original bathtub lined with lead. Its sheer weight meant that the floor had to be reinforced to safely support it.
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A trap door in attic bedroom floor opens to reveal the room below.
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esthermitchell-author · 7 months
This scene takes place in my GO fanfic novel, during the "block party" the Whickber Street Traders Association throws to celebrate surviving Hell's attack during the whole Second Coming incident. It's just such a powerful little scene, and I particularly loved how the end of it came out, so I thought I'd share... You enjoy (I'm back to work on more of the editing and additions for the novel). 😊
As they crossed the street to the café, Crowley caught sight of something he missed earlier. Tucked back into the alleyway alongside Marguerite's was what looked like a small shrine he was almost certain hadn't been there in the past. Curious, he detoured in that direction, coming to stand in front of what was definitely a shrine. On the wall, artistic hands had painted or chalked in renderings of what he had no doubt were someone's memories of the battle here on Earth. He flinched from the familiar sight of demons in all their war regalia, swarming through the streets of Soho. Rising in front of the terrible images was a small stone altar, with lit jar candles, surrounded by celllophane-wrapped arrangements of cut flowers, handmade cards, and little pieces of paper with prayers and memorials written on them.
His gut twisted and his eyes burned at the sight, and the simple knowledge of how strong humanity's faith in a better future always was. Regardless of the horrors they experienced, they still believed there was some great, cosmic force, some Providence, that would somehow salve all their worries, fears, and pains. They believed in God, or in many Gods, and their belief alone gave them strength to see through even the most terrifying atrocities existence could visit upon them.
"It's a memorial for the lost. We decided it was only right."
Nina's voice dragged his attention around, and he saw the sorrow and strength of humanity reflected in her expression as she came to stand beside him, looking down at the shrine. "We fared okay, here. I think that's because Whickber Street had Mr. Fell, and you. We had someplace safe to go, and people capable of giving us the means to protect ourselves. Overall, I think London fared better than anywhere else, because of Muriel. Don't know what they did, but they did something to the pipes, to the water. Made London safer."
Crowley blinked, impressed. He hadn't known the Scrivener had it in them. "Holy water. Amazing. That little Scrivener blessed all the water in London."
Nina shrugged. "Thought that might have been it. Whatever they did, London suffered a lot fewer losses than anywhere else. This memorial's for the rest of the world. A lot of people died, and I don't even know if anyone really understands why, Mr. Crowley."
A scoffing laugh slid loose from Crowley, even as a frown tugged at his face. "Not sure any of us really understands why, Nina. Just glad some of us understood why we couldn't let it happen."
"Yeah, I'll give you that one. For what it's worth," she touched a hand tentatively to his upper arm. "I'm glad Mr. Fell came back, and that the two of you worked things out. Mags and I worried about you, after he left."
Her words formed a lump in Crowley's throat. Aside from Aziraphale, he'd never had anyone worry about him, before. He had to admit, it felt kind of nice. Swallowing hard, he managed a hoarse, "Yeah. Thanks for that."
She withdrew her touch with a nod, then turned and went back to the café. Crowley stood there, staring at the proof of humanity's strength and resilience, as the sounds of the party washed over him. He was barely aware of the passage of time, except for the shifting of sound around him, and the eventual quiet -- or as quiet as a busy Soho street ever got in the daytime -- that indicated everyone had returned to their normal business.
Finally, feeling weary to his soul, he muttered a quiet "Sorry" and miracled in a single white stargazer lily, its roots sunk into the soil of a rainbow glazed clay pot. Aziraphale told him, back just before the Flood, that God created the rainbow as a never again type of promise. This seemed an appropriate time and place for another promise like that. If he ever had anything to say about it, humanity would never face this kind of horror show from Hell, again. He'd tear Hell down with his own two hands, first.
"It's lovely."
He turned at the quiet words, spoken in a soft voice as familiar as his own soul, to find Aziraphale seated on the bench across the alleyway, a small, sad smile on his angelic face and his hands folded in his lap as primly as ever.
Crowley winced. No one was supposed to see that. But, if anyone was going to, at least it was his angel. "Angel, I..."
Aziraphale rose from the bench with a small sigh and closed the distance between them, reaching out to take hold of his hand even as he rested his head lightly against Crowley's shoulder. "You don't need to explain, love. Let's just leave it at 'it's lovely'."
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The Magnus Archives Fic list lying on my computer>
The horror and everything else. Mostly Jon centric probably...
Anatomy of a Mask - A new archival assistant is hired. Her name is Mary Sue. Starts as a comedy and absolutely does not end that way.
Plus One - Jon attends a series of parties for which a plus one is mandatory.
Decree Nisi - Elias and Peter divorce (again), and the judge is tired of their bullshit.
Reflection - Jon is haunted by himself, and refuses to take any of his advice.
Rosemary and Thyme - fantasy AU featuring romance, quests, and fairy politics.
What Belongs to the Sea - Selkie AU, mind the tags on this one.
Bell, Book, and Candle - “By the Ride or Die Pact of 2009, Jonathan Sims can call upon Georgie Barker at any time for aid with no strings attached. Despite their rocky history, their childhood friendship, and Jon’s barely recovered alcoholism, this pact is sacred and must be upheld.”
Things Could Always Be Worse - Jon swaps place with an alternate-universe version of himself, who is heroic, chivalrous, and wears plaid. It’s terrible. Inspired by the parodic “straight TMA” blog.
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Sex Repulsion and Asexuality Save the World (Though That's Not What Jon Claims): canon divergent from MAG 160, in which Jon is so sex repulsed that a changed word in the Hazel Rutter statement saved the world. Crack is treated seriously.
Refusing to Give Up Tomorrow: safehouse hurt/comfort ft. MAG 160 divergence
The Eyespot Chronicles: Trilogy of works. AU where instead of going Somewhere Else, Jon and Martin stay in the OG universe. However, Jon is a moth.
Déjà Vu: Time-travel fix-it where Sasha, Tim, Jon, and Martin all wake up on the day of the day of season 1, episode 1, with memories spanning from that day to the moment they died.
terror management theory: AU where Mr. Spider kills Jon, and now Jon can't permanently die. Despite this, the fic is rather light-hearted (or at least crack)
Other Kingdoms: A season 3 fix-it, in which Martin uses a Leitner to wake Jon up. Do note that there are references to sex happening (Jon's demisexual in this), but it's rated T so nothing is shown.
When No One Looks: Dark Avatar!Jon AU set during the latter half of season 1
Chamomile: In which post season 4, the NotTea becomes a pet.
If The Archivist Had Been Meant to Fly...: Wingfic in which Jon saves Martin from Simon Fairchild
Molt: This is my favorite take on Web!Martin. This is also a darkfic, to the point that the author was made so sad by chapter 1 that they wrote chapter 2 as a fix-it to chapter 1. Also, as a warning that I would've appreciated but isn't in the tags or summary: there's a scene alluding to corrective rape, but this doesn't actually happen.
Drawn Out of the Unknown: Canon divergent s3 fic, official summary is "While investigating a possible location for the Circus's base, Martin and Tim find something unexpected.
The fic series that contributed to me listening to TMA was this Good Omens crossover by Bibliocratic. Really enjoyed it and finally between this fic and seeing TMA all over my tumblr dashboard (plus having a project to work on with my hands) I finally listened, so I'm thankful for that.
The other series I really love is>
The Magnus Institute vs the 21st Century: a series of emails and IMs which is just utterly hilarious. It's the Magnus Institute going through GDPR compliance processes and it's just fabulous.
And then one I'm still sort of following even though I don't read much TMA fic right now is
 dustsceawung by callmearcturus. It's a Moth!Jon fic with Martin as someone who moved to a town in a different fairy court (in a fae AU). Not complete and hasn't updated in a while but I really like the tone.
The world is too much with us is one of the many many many time-travel fix-it fics (I think that's a genre all it's own in the TMA fanfic community at this point). Spoiler to be on the safe side, it follows Jon after he's dropped back in 2014 by the Spiral, and relives what amounts to the next four seasons of TMA, using the experiences he had the first time 'round to try and avoid the apocalypse--and keep everyone alive in the process. Oh, and he's got the added bonus of already being an Avatar of the Eye. Very much angsty with a happy ending. This one's completed, so feel free to binge.
Martin x Jon 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/41149674As everything ends, as the tower crumbles around them, Jon and Martin hold each other in a firm embrace. What they see of the world shatters, and Jon breaks with it. He awakened, alone, confused, and something was terribly wrong with him.
Tim drags Jon to a party in celebration of his promotion with one goal in mind: getting  Jon drunk off his arse.
Martin is moving to a different position within the Institute and celebrates as well.
through the clouds like a moonbeam: Jon gets wings during the apocalypse. Martin likes them; Jon doesn't.
I’ll bear the waiting now: AU where Jon is the new head archivist with two assistants, but there's a disembodied voice that only Jon can hear. Do note that there is something that looks a lot like suicide but there's a happy ending. (Alternate summary that spoils the fic: Martin is a "ghost" and also Jon's "late" boyfriend. )
true kinda love: Season 3 Co-Archivist!Jonmartin
hiding: Season 3 jonmartin kissing to hide from the Circus
The Garden of forking Paths - Jon and Martin search for each other through universes.
“What about him then?” Georgie asks.
“Him,” she says again like it is obvious who she means, holding up the sketchbook revealing a spread that has several loose sketches of Martin. It surprises Jon it took Georgie so long to find Martin in the book considering he had at least one-third of its entirety dedicated to him.
To graduate from art school, Jon needs to paint a nude portrait, but none of his friends are too keen on modeling for him. As a last resort, he asks a handsome barista.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/46426702When Martin needs a fake boyfriend to bring to his family reunion, Jonathan Sims is the last person he would have expected to volunteer.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/51906919Tomorrow, Martin begins his new job as a lighthouse keeper. He knows (hopes) he'll enjoy it. What he doesn't know (yet) is that a very, very curious selkie lives near and is intrigued enough by him to come visit.
https://archive.transformativeworks.org/works/30210444/chapters/81277828 The last fic I read (time travel)
This list has become a behemoth, comprising various lists created by others. I've saved it, but now I need to free up space. This is the process I'm undertaking for every list I've saved.
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