#can't blame you i would have done the same ✨
lecilly · 2 months
I’ve been really quiet about nico being in the paddock because I didn’t have internet access today 😭 i missed everything now i came back to lewis getting pole position (idc it was rigged✨)
amazing day for me also nico stunned in the pics !!!! (he should appear in pop crave)
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anyways I've noticed a pattern : lewis in the front row the day when nico shows up for race week… awww lewis wants to impress his blond 😍
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writer-in-theory · 1 year
☁️👀🛏️ Steddie
ooh thank you for the prompt nonnie!! ✨delicious✨
prompt: ☁️ enemies to lovers , 👀 forced proximity , 🛏 only one bed
build-a-blurb prompts || send me a prompt
When Dustin asked Steve to chaperone their Hellfire Club field trip, he should've said no.
"C'mon, man, you don't need a chaperone," Steve huffed while he rewound tapes behind the Family Video counter. "You're high schoolers, what's kind of trouble could you get into?"
"It's because of you and your stupid ex-friends we need an adult anyway," Dustin snapped back. Sometimes Steve wondered if his own attitude had been transferred to the kid. "Something about 'the Chicago incident'?"
Oh. Oh yeah, that was absolutely his fault. Steve shook his head, and despite all the bad that had turned up between them Steve still smiled fondly at the memory of his shenanigans with Tommy and Carol.
"Fine, whatever," Steve said, conceding to the blame. "If you need an adult, why can't Munson be the chaperone?"
Steve hated the fact that the kids hung out with Eddie Munson. They were familiar with each other, considering Steve had once been one of the more popular athletes in the school. Even after he'd graduated, Munson had made a point to show up to Scoops Ahoy to see the fall of Steve Harrington with his own eyes. It was safe to say they didn't get along once Steve stopped throwing parties that Eddie could sell at. And now Steve's group of monster-fighting kids had chosen to latch onto said dealer, the same guy who'd relentlessly ridiculed Steve at every opportunity (not that Steve hadn't done the same).
"Because, Steve," Dustin said with the same know-it-all tone of voice Steve hated, "Eddie's a student. We need an adult who's not a student to sit in the hotel. You don't even have to do anything."
That was how Steve got roped into driving half of the little shits to Chicago. At least Eddie was driving with the Corroded Coffin crew, so Steve didn't have to make small talk with a bunch of guys he'd never been friends with in school. Steve really didn't know how the guys got ComicCon cleared as a club field day, but the one time he questioned it Dustin had ranted for so long about sports tournaments that Steve resigned himself to never asking again.
It was fine, he told himself, and he believed it all the way up until they were pulling up to the hotel. Eddie was talking emphatically to the lady at the desk.
"What's going on?" Steve had asked.
"We're one room short," Eddie said, sighing. "It's fine, I'll stay with Gareth."
"Actually," Steve piped up. He hated being the babysitter, the rule-follower, but when he'd signed all those forms accepting responsibility for the entire group he took that responsibility. "You're 20. He's still 17. We could get in trouble for that."
"What? Dude, we've crashed on each others' couches all the time."
"Maybe, but this is a school-sanctioned event."
"Yeah? Well tell me, Harrington, where the hell am I sleeping tonight?"
Eddie had a point. Steve sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose when the answer became obvious. "With me, man, you're sleeping in my room."
They both fought it, but ultimately, this was the only answer that would fly with the school. So Steve and Eddie packed up their bags and headed up to the hotel room—where only one bed awaited them.
"I'm not sleeping with you," Eddie says automatically, flipping his bag up onto the bed.
"Then have fun on the couch," Steve snaps back, shoving the bag back off of the bed.
"I'm older than you."
"I'm the one in charge."
"You sign one piece of paper and you get a God complex? Leave it to Harrington to be that desperate to feel important," Eddie says, every ounce of vitriol he can muster up slipping through with his words.
"Just go the fuck to sleep, I don't care where. It's been a long day, man," Steve sighs finally, shucking off his shirt and tossing it somewhere in the general direction of where he'd dropped his bag.
It would be a long weekend.
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mariana-oconnor · 8 months
Thor Bridge pt 2
The Gold King has come to hire Holmes to prove his mistress (?) did not kill his wife.
That is a very strange statement.
"My love faded. If hers had faded also it might have been easier. But you know the wonderful way of women! Do what I might, nothing could turn her from me. If I have been harsh to her, even brutal as some have said, it has been because I knew that if I could kill her love, or if it turned to hate, it would be easier for both of us."
Are you... trying to excuse abusing your wife by explaining that you did it to make her hate you?
I don't think that argument is as sympathetic as you think it is.
"Then came Miss Grace Dunbar. [...] The whole world has proclaimed that she also is a very beautiful woman. Now, I make no pretence to be more moral than my neighbours, and I will admit to you that I could not live under the same roof with such a woman and in daily contact with her without feeling a passionate regard for her. Do you blame me, Mr. Holmes?"
"I do not blame you for feeling it. I should blame you if you expressed it, since this young lady was in a sense under your protection."
Holmes understanding the innate consent issues of employer/employee power dynamic relationships here and restoring my faith in the human species.
"I'm not pretending to be any better than I am. I guess all my life I've been a man that reached out his hand for what he wanted, and I never wanted anything more than the love and possession of that woman."
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You know that it doesn't make it better if you say 'I accept who I am and who I am is a piece of shit,' right? You can't just brush things under the rug by acknowledging that they're bad. You've missed out the whole step where you try to be a better person. That's an important step. If you acknowledge that you're a piece of shit and then choose to remain being a piece of shit, that's actually kind of worse than if you hadn't acknowledged it in the first place.
And 'possession'? Please someone save that poor woman. He'll get bored of her in a few years as well and try to convince her to hate him by abusing her.
"I said to her that if I could marry her I would, but that it was out of my power. I said that money was no object and that all I could do to make her happy and comfortable would be done." "Very generous, I am sure," said Holmes with a sneer.
Holmes is best boy right here. I am living for this sneer. He is not letting this fucker pretend that he's a reasonable human being.
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"When I had sworn—as I did—that she should never be molested again, she consented to remain."
So you had previously been molesting her? Is what you're saying. If I'm reading this right. The word has no doubt shifted in meaning since this story was written, but I'm still willing to bet it wasn't anything good.
"She knew the influence she had over me, and that it was stronger than any other influence in the world. She wanted to use it for good."
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She really said 'here is an abusive, would-be adulterer who sexually harassed me and uses his power and influence to control and hurt people' and then went
✨I can fix him!✨
Oh, sweetie, no.
(Well, at least this is the story according to him)
"She believed and said that a fortune for one man that was more than he needed should not be built on ten thousand ruined men who were left without the means of life."
Well, she's not wrong about that.
...we had the address of Sergeant Coventry, of the local police, who had first examined into the affair. He was a tall, thin, cadaverous man, with a secretive and mysterious manner...
'Cadaverous'? Really? Must you go out of your way to insult everyone at every turn, Watson? You couldn't even think of an animal to compare this poor man to, you just went to 'yeah, he looks like a corpse'?
And your friend, Dr. Watson, can be trusted, I know.
You wouldn't be so sure of that if you knew how he was going to describe you.
"Don't you think there might be a case against Mr. Neil Gibson himself?"
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I really hope so.
A path led us through the pheasant preserves...
I have never read a more 'landed gentry' phrase in my life.
"I will be at Thor Bridge at nine o'clock. G. DUNBAR."
I do note that the note is not addressed to anyone in particular. Which seems like it might be important.
And Holmes agrees with me that not hiding the murder weapon is a dumb thing to do and therefore it's more likely to have been planted.
So far the only suspects we have other than the woman already in jail are the husband and Mr Bates who seems to really enjoy talking about how terrible his employer is.
The husband doesn't seem to fit, alas, unless this is a very elaborate double bluff, and we only had one of them the other day. Mr Bates doesn't appear to have a motive, but that doesn't mean he doesnt have one. He does seem determined to discredit the guy who wants Miss Dunbar set free.
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fichtfoxfuchs · 5 months
001 for vom x campi if it's not late 👁️✨👁️
About Campino and Vom 👀
When I started shipping if I did : I can't do dates so...
I believe it was frankly early after I got into DTH. Vom was my bias from the beginning, and Campino was growing on me, and when I learned that Campino got his British second nationality, I just fell in love with the concept of them dating XD
My thoughts : It's really, really predictable, but...
What makes me happy about them : Oh lord...
Everything. I love them young, I love them old, but the thing that just gets me is the idea of them enjoying their older days, receiving Campi's son at home and he treats Vom like a second father. I love the idea of them hugging each other to sleep, I love their height difference and Campi taking advantage of it, I love the idea of them taking care of each other, everything. Absolutely EVERYTHING.
What makes me sad about them : This time, it's going to focus on my headcanons for them.
But yeah, Campi struggling with his addiction and Vom trying his best to help him and accept things as they are, Campino's struggle to accept the fact that he is attracted to men, Vom feeling inadequate and not enough when he is in fact the driving force of the relationship. I love my ships to be full of drama, and I have no one to blame but myself when I cry writing things down because I am the one who made the relationships full of drama to begin with XD I really like the irony of Campino eventually struggling with the fact he is attracted to men when he is one of the queerest icon I have XD Just makes things spicier, am I right? XD
Things done in fanfics that annoys me : None
Because there aren't lots of fanfics about them to begin with XD And I am one to blame XD But yeah, I sadly struggle to write anything, even more about DTH so... I'm trying, but I take it slowly because I don't want to burn myself out, but at the same time, I wanna write... Wonderful life the one of a writer, am I right? x)
Things I look for in fanfic : EVEYRYTHING
Who I'd be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other :
Campino -> Andi
Vom -> Andi
Can you tell I love Andi?
No disrespect toward Kuddel and Breiti, but my second OTP is Andi/Kuddel, and I just don't see Kuddel with anyone else than Andi, so... Yeah. And while I love reading about every single possible ship, I have my own biases, and they SHOW.
My happily ever after for them : OH LORD
Campino's son having children of his own and they visit them and they get to be actual grandpas, and when Campino looks at Vom playing with the kids, he just sighs at the scene because he loves his husband and he loves his life. Them married. Them living together.
Who is the big/little spoon : I'm so predictable...
What is their favorite non-sexual activity : Hihi :3
Vom laying on the couch, his head on Campino's laps, and Campino singing mindlessly. He just loves listening to Campi singing, and he sometimes just spends hours doing so at home, because Campino is really careful about his voice and tries to practice safely as much as possible. They'd sometimes do acoustic jam session with an acoustic case for Vom, and he would stop playing out of the blue with how in love he is with Campi's voice. Vom isn't one to do rehearsals for pleasure, but it's the only case where he jams enjoyably.
Thank you so much for the ask once again ! It made me so happy to receive it, as I frankly wasn't expecting this ship (just like I wasn't expecting getting an ask about Puzzle Punk and I was the happiest man on Earth to answer it XD)
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powerbottomeminem · 24 days
I absolutely love your writing, keep doing what you’re doing! I know you haven’t done a kissing prompt in ages but if you’re still up to doing them, 74 and Proof would make my day :)
Thank you! I'm always writing more, and always love to hear that others love it too! Prompts and asks are always welcome. My answers just might be (very) slow. Cheers to patience ✨
Now for the prompt:
74. Kisses Where One Person Is Sitting In The Other’s Lap (Eminem x Proof)
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Marshall was sitting on the couch in the lounge of his studio. It was late Saturday night, or maybe early Sunday morning - hard to judge by the half empty bottle of Hennessy. The second bottle of said cognac he'd drunk, the first was left behind in some strip club somewhere downtown. Marshall, unfortunately, was not as drunk as he wanted to be.
Why did he want to be drunk? Nothing in particular, the usual really: Fame sucked, fans sucked, rap sucked, the internet sucked, magazines sucked, TMZ sucked especially hard, money sucked, bitches sucked, Kim sucked twice as much, his mom sucked, his dad sucked in absentia, his manager sucked, boybands sucked, that Britney bitch sucked too, people that he thought were his friends sucked, people that hated him sucked, white rappers sucked, including him - and yet he didn't have any dick to suck. Life, as always, was against him.
"What're you moping about?", the smokey voice of his best friend asked. He leaned over the backrest of the couch, a smile on his lips and a twinkle in his obsidian black eyes.
Marshall loved those eyes. And that voice. "Nothing. Everything. Anything. You know what I mean?" A shrug. "Wanted to record … I think." He hated to hear his slurred voice in the morning. Those rhymes were pretty bad most of the time, his thoughts scattered and strangled.
And recording hadn't been fun in a while. High or drunk or sober.
Softly, DeShaun patted his shoulder. "You been pouting all week, I'm very much over it, y'know."
"Then don't look," Marshall answered snippily.
DeShaun's smile softened. "No, can't do, Doodie." And he hopped over the couch's backrest, getting easily comfortable on Marshall's lap. "I'm over you pouting, but you're too damn cute." So he squeezed Marshall's cheeks between his hands, exaggerating said pouty expression.
Halfheartedly, Marshall tried to push DeShaun away. "Let me."
"Nah," DeShaun denied. Instead he leaned forward and kissed him. Their lips met in a sweet touch, a little too forceful. Instinctively, immediately, Marshall closed his eyes and melted into the kiss. His hands stopped pushing against his friend's chest, and instead gripped his hips and thighs. Pulling DeShaun closer. They leaned into each other, lips brushing against one another.
"I never let you," DeShaun said softly, they breathed the same air. "You need someone to rein you in. Put you on a leash and only let you bite on command."
Marshall chuckled quietly. "You're pretty bad at that, y'know." Another kiss shared between them. The other's heat was inflaming his skin. "You let me beat up a puppet dog."
A grin flashed white pearly teeth. "You're also cute when you're furious. I don't take no blame for nothing."
"Don't call me cute, asshole," Marshall grumbled.
"That's cute, too." DeShaun kissed him again. "You'd feel better if I let yours do its thing?"
"You gotta ask?" asked Marshall incredulous.
DeShaun laughed and drowned it out with another kiss. "Aight, I got you, Doodie."
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binch-i-might-be · 2 years
Alex wakes up before John.
he's an early riser. always has been–and John gets up when he has to get up, but Alex doesn't mind.
in fact, he quite enjoys it! because contrary to what John probably thinks, he doesn't snap out of bed and down to the office the very moment he opens his eyes, nuh uh.
the first few minutes of Alex's day are Husband Admiring Time.
it's when he gets to stare at John and consider just how lucky he is to have him and just, you know, ✨swoon✨
John is really pretty when he's asleep. well, he's always really pretty no matter what, but when he's asleep, Alex gets to stare and stare and lose himself trying to count his freckles. it's like meditation. his day doesn't start off right if he is deprived of the Husband Admiring.
so imagine his shock and horror when one fine morning he blinks open his eyes to find John UP? and MOVING AROUND?
WHAT is he supposed to do now? get caught staring at his beautiful husband like some kind of FOOL? a LOVESICK BUFFOON? unacceptable.
so he's all pouty, trying to entice John back to bed with him, but it's no use. the man is Up and Alex is being cruelly deprived of his precious husband admiring time.
which of course means that now he doesn't have another choice: lovesick buffoon mode has been unlocked.
Alex can't get anything done that day. sits in the office and stares at John. can't focus. routine has been disrupted so NO progress for Alexander! no focus! only staring at husband until brain decides he has stared enough!
when everyone leaves for lunch, his father of course has a word or two to say about his lacking work ethic that day.
"did something happen?" he says, concerned, and Alex does feel a little stupid then. he's making Pa worry because of something as banal as his husband waking up before him. "you've been distracted. are you alright?"
"John woke up before me today," Alex says mournfully, and his father blinks at him, perplexed, but then his gaze softens.
"I see. is there anything I can do?"
he shakes his head, because there isn't. it's irrational, that he would let this ruin his whole day, but he can't think of anything that would fix it. he feels ridiculous.
Pa kisses the top of his head, says "you'll be alright, dearheart," and Alex feels a little bit less ridiculous at once.
the day feels off, but it gets easier after that. he gets some work done, finally.
that night when they're getting ready for bed again, John yawns, rubs at his eyes; he has been doing that all day. Alex knows because he kept glancing over at him during his pitiful attempts to focus on his work.
"I'm never getting up that early again, I don't know what came over me today. fuck's sake, I was struggling not to fall asleep at my desk," he says, and Alex would have teased him had he not been so glad to hear that. "I'm leaving getting up at the crack of dawn to you, darling."
Alex hums his agreement. "sleep in if it makes you feel rested. I don't think Pa would be too thrilled if you did fall asleep during work hours one of these days."
John chuckles at that, the corners of his eyes crinkling in a tired smile, and oh he's so pretty.
they go to bed. John kisses him goodnight, tucks his head into the crook of Alex's neck, and is asleep within the minute.
Alex closes his eyes and lets go of the small part of himself that had felt stupid and childish all day.
there is nothing wrong with having a routine. even if a disruption of that routine throws him off for the next twelve hours.
sue him for needing a few minutes every day to admire his beautiful husband.
or, Alex is the same flavour of mentally ill as me and gets upset when tiny things change unexpectedly, but no one blames him for it and his dad loves him no matter what even if he doesn't understand what he's going through <3
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shadowynn · 1 year
I honestly get that the guys are not supposed to be good guys, and there are yandere themes going on... But I do feel for joong (and the rest) in the beginning of the chapter. It won't be fair for us to judge them in the same fabric as how we would humans, no? So... Yes, they might not be the best, and this is very toxic, but I do get where and why joong is coming from. And one has to take into consideration that they are trying to give mc space, so yeah, they do skirt the line but ig that's that. Wooyoung on the other hand... Yeah again, I get why he wants to access her memories, but that's something that definitely crosses that line so I'm actually glad the others were against it 🥰🥰
OoOoO, who's acting after so many years? Seems like they have history with ot8~ I agree with mc, they don't seem to be human oop— I get that mc is... Scarred and has had history that makes her not trust them... But I do kind of find it unfair that she's like "who's the real them?" I mean, not everything has to be black and white right? They can be both, the bloodthirsty daemons on the battlefield and the way they are in front of mc. It's not like they wanted the war anyways, it was the humans who did not agree to peace in the first place.
Oop— we're seeing HJ's mother soon aren't we? I'm kind of excited for the ✨spice✨ that she'll bring to the story hehehe (*cough*k-hotchillipeppers*cough) honestly though, I wish mc was kinder to herself T^T I FEEL BAD FOR HER ASDFGHJKL... Loved the chapter as usual, especially the little moment mc had with Jongho hehe~ 🥺🥺🥺🥺
(*peeps from behind the wall and waves before returning to the abyss of assignments* ~Sky)
you have no idea how excited i am right now. literally made my entire weekend hearing from you!! i hope life has been easing up on you and your assignments haven't been treating you too badly. literally sending all my love and all the motivation i can summon your way!! you've got this!! <333
i am right there with you with feeling for the guys. whenever i first started this piece, i didn't have their backstory fully fleshed out yet, so while, hongjoong's father was always going to be a terrible person, his effect on the others wasn't something i had thought of until i was writing chapter eight. and now, man, i have such a soft spot for them, like legit, i couldn't complete that chapter without joong getting a hug at the end.
as for the attackers, well... they're actually characters i also didn't plan on in the beginning, but an idea that came later that i'm actually really excited about and something that i feel is going to be really fun writing. i love the main character i have planned and am excited to delve more into it all here later on. (i have such a hard time keeping things i'm excited for secret, so you have no idea literally how much i just want to gush/talk ideas with you and others. but i will stay strong, no matter how hard it can be at times)
i really like you're take on mc. one thing that i've been trying is to make sure mc also has their own faults because sometimes i'm really bad at making my characters too mary sue. as much as i want them to be perfect, i know they can't be and having faults in a character makes them them. mc may be a kind person at heart, but despite all she's done for the daemons, she still harbors prejudice against them because of her upbringing and the daemons in front of her are so different than everything she's had engrained into her her whole life, she struggles to make sense of it all. just as the humans have made her feel less than human, she also has a lesser view on the daemons, so seeing them as real, complicated people just like her is almost strange and she can't help but feel like it's all an act based on her upbringing and past. ( and yes, both sides tell a very different story as to how the war actually began and why it continued on (always blaming the other). both leaders on both sides (talking joong's father here) lied to their people about it. so, while the guys might now the true history of it, mc doesn't and it certainly plays into her feelings/thoughts about them.
and, you have no idea how excited i am for joong's mother. originally she was going to be dead and seoyun was going to be the one adding *spice* but then i had a better idea for seoyun and kind of gave her original personality to his mother and i think it'll be really fun to delve into it.
as always, thank you so much for your wonderful thoughts and feedback. i always love reading and discussing it all with you. once again, wishing you all the luck on your future endeavors! <33
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leggomyayygo · 2 years
i saw your post earlier, and you’re absolutely right. the mileven tag has a lot of issues. first of all is the type of content being posted.
we barely have any active blogs, and the ones that are seem to be more content posting anti-by/ler hate then actually propping up mike and el. like from what i’ve seen, that’s exactly what by/lers make fun of us about, and we’re playing right into their narrative.
next is the cross-tagging. this isn’t entirely our fault, with bigger juggernaut ships mostly to blame. but god it’s so hard to find mileven content like headcanon or fic when it’s drowned out by anti content or unrelated relationships.
honestly that’s all I can think of off the top of my head, but i’d love to hear your thoughts.
Oh hey there!! 🤗
Ight lemme just preface this by saying I'm reeeeeeeeally struggling with word retrieval and transitions today, so I apologize if this is... clunky, lol. 🙈💧
It's a tricky situation for sure! First, we're outnumbered af. That alone puts us at a disadvantage for content output. Factor in that there's generally less of a "need" to generate content of long-canonized ships (for obvious reasons lol), and it's a recipe for a pretty quiet tag. The fact of the matter is that Mileven is and has been canon for several years now. It's only natural that hype would die down. For the most part, Mileven shippers have graduated from the honeymoon stage to having a more quiet and resevered appreciation for the ship. But for those of us who never left, or those whose love has been reinvigorated (me lol), it can be really frustrating when all you want to do is celebrate your ship. So yes, while I do wish there was more positive Mileven content to consume, I get why there's so little of it. A lot of shippers are just content with what canon has provided. 🤷
Now where anti-b*ler content is concerned.... generally I don't mind seeing it myself, but there's definitely exceptions to this and I can see how others would prefer to not see it at all. While I try to avoid the topic of B*ler on my own blog, I sympathize with Mileven shippers who are constantly under fire by trolls and antis who just don't know when to quit. It's really shitty and unnecessary behavior, especially considering how much they outnumber us. I get how choosing to engage with them could very well be giving them what they want, but simultaneously I can understand the frustration and desire to throw it back at them. Plus I'd be lying if I didn't find the content amusing or cathartic at times. I guess it really isn't my place to tell people how to deal with being harassed, but yeah. I agree that it would be better to only tag anti-b*ler. Even if don't mind seeing it, it would make finding actual Mileven content a LOT easier.
As for the cross-tagging..... Yeahhhhh... There's not much I can really add 😂 It's a much bigger issue than us, and aside from telling them to cut it out (a likely futile effort), I really don't know what else can be done on our side. THIS IS WHY WE NEED A "HIDE" BUTTON GODDAMMIT ASKSHDJDK 😤
Some final thoughts:
While there's little we can do solve these issues, one thing we CAN do is just try to engage with other shippers and put out content of our own. If we get the ball rolling, it may inspire others to do the same. Hell, I'm no writer, but because a mutual sent a simple Mileven ask, it got the gears in my head turning and I started writing a wholeass fic 🤣 I also want say that I do believe things are starting to head in a better direction. I've only had this blog for 3 months, but in the time that I've been here, I do believe that I've seen a positive shift. And I mean... we are bringing Mileven Week back this year, so I can't be the only one who thinks this. 😋💕
Anyway, I hope this was the type of response you were looking for! Again, my brain isn't working all that well today but I did my best 😅
Thanks for stopping by!! ✨
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charlatn · 10 months
❛  oh, i’m not going to rush this. i’m going to take my sweet time.  ❜
someone is ✨ beyond livid ✨
the torturer
"can't we talk about this, darling? as much as the thought of anyone taking their time with me seems tempting, this isn't quite what i had in mind."
the attempt feels moot almost as soon as the suggestion spills. his tone remains leveled, though a subtle tremor rattles chords, nearly indistinguishable to anyone who might not be listening so intently. bloodlust seems to flash in beth's venemous stare, and could he really blame her?
of course he can.
how can she blame him? the idea of self preservation was hardly something to judge him over when he could assume anyone would have done the same, but there may have been a slight miscalculation regarding how beth may have handled it.
"if it's any consolation, i knew you'd be able to handle yourself . . . and i was right, wasn't i? here you are in one piece. isn't that just wonderful."
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maareyas · 1 year
finished Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeons' postgame arc so it's time to write down my thoughts on the game I guess!!
Overall opinion: Gameplay was pretty good, story made me feel.......eh.
Playing this after finishing Gates was both a good and bad thing.
okok I'll start with the positives. The improved balancing is welcome after GTI's mess, even if it is still difficult (Super seems to be the most difficult game in the series?). Even the maps have improved, and it's much less tedious to explore dungeons ✨ That being said, I felt/was underleveled throughout the whole thing. It reached the point that I used an infinite health cheat from Submerged Cave onward, because I just didn't have enough motivation to struggle through the endgame just to finish the main story.
The emera and looplet mechanic is fun though! idek if I would want them in future games, or be something unique to Super, but yeah I like the extra support it gives. The "limited number of steps to get them" was kind of like a tiny puzzle ✨ Wands, I'm feeling a bit mixed on since they feel redundant next to orbs, but they're alright.
Other misc. features:
Connection Orb! - I'll be real, I did not understand how this mechanic worked for most of the game. It feels like a roundabout way for recruiting and job requests. Conceptually, I think it's interesting, but in practice it feels clunky. Especially if you want to take on multiple jobs in the same dungeon.
Cafe Connection - I can't help but feel like it makes finishing jobs less personal, but I do get that it's to streamline getting the rewards.
The callbacks!!! - One of my favorite minor details about the game is the returning NPCs all the way from even Rescue Team!! Team ACT, the Persian from Felicity Bank, Makuhita Dojo, Whiscash, The Wigglytuff guild members, Future Trio (though I haven't done their quest yet), Team Charm, Armaldo, Swanna, Munna and co.,-- I could go on and on XD It's very sweet esp as a long time fan of this series. Makes me wonder how the protags of the previous games are doing too.
Now onto what is my main gripe. The story.
This is the part where playing GTI beforehand was actually detrimental to my opinion of Super lmao. To be honest, Super's story feels like the weakest of the series. It's not terrible, but like. it didn't have the same impact. Hell, I wasn't even in a rush to finish the post-game arc about getting your partner back.
I wouldn't be so ":/" about the plot if the ultimate boss, Dark Matter, wasn't the manifestation of all the negative feelings of all pokemon,
when we already went through fighting the Bittercold, which is very similar in concept.
It just,,,, after that it just felt like Super was trying to reuse the story ideas from GTI. And I can't even blame them, because I don't think that many people played through Gates bc of it's issues. But whenever someone says Super's plot is better than Gates I go "hngggggg >:I". The build up to the Bittercold was handled SO much better than Super with Dark Matter. I can write a whole post just about this topic in particular.
I will say though. Nuzleaf's betrayal was nice and gave me a reason to say "Dad sent us to hell :^(" while explaining which part of the plot I was at to my friend lmaooooo
The ending is........hm. Theoretically, the last plot twist should've destroyed me. But it didn't. I was a bit sad yeah, but my interest in the plot kinda dwindled at that point. The weight of it didn't really settle in until after you meet Mew in the post-game. The characterization for the Player poke is very nice 👌
Partner's revival was very kingdom hearts-esque also--not a judgement of quality, I just thought it was neat.
In summary: I am salty about this game's story. It's fun to play though.
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
"I stand in the mess of myself" -Colum McCann
That first timeline was so soft and lovely and kdvskdjif I AM GETTING TOO MUCH FLUFF ITS GETTING CONCERNING
The scene with Max and Rafe made me 🥺🥺
Jia is the only president I will ever love😎
“Am I still the prettiest man in the world?” Alec chuckles. Magnus bops his nose. “Always.” I'M DYING💙💙💙
Jdhskdbidjd Magnus is unhinged as fuck lmao
Communication is so sexy tbh
The way I love these two-
Magnus making sure Alec knows how important this is and that he deserves all the recognition- just...fuck
Alec looks at him. He smiles at Magnus. And there it is. The higher power. Malec comparing each other to some higher power is my favorite thing EVERY OK?!?
“Perfect enough to put inside my heart.”💙💙
Alec practically runs out of the door. Magnus chuckles to himself and follows through. Who said being horny can't be productive at the same time??
“Oh for fuck’s sake! Can’t they like walk home?” Alec demands. “Max is six.” “So? He has legs.” My man has priorities jdhdkdjdl
Empathy is so fucking beautiful and sexy 😍
Max is a cheesy little shit and I am love him!!! He is just so innocent and cute🥺🥺🥺
In timeline two Max was indeed acting like an asshole. I mean he was waiting for David to text him and go to that party but it didn't happen😭 Still, asshole behavior
Honestly tho Alec has every right to decide what to do and if he wants to move on or not. Why do people forget that???
He forgot about his promise. It’s fine. Not all of them are Lightwood-Banes anymore anyway. AHH JUST STOP THE PAIN😭😭😭
“So that’s why it ended, huh,” Alec hums. “Raisins and bad luck.” Them talking here is kinda sad but also you can see how they are trying to heal and that is beautiful!!
Elyaas is so done with them and I can't blame him smh
Yall are terrifying together, love. Have a nice day :)
That was so fucking sad but I'm so damn glad they could talk to each other!!!
“I won’t let anyone hurt the blue-eyed boy.” “Good,” Alec smiles. “We won’t let anyone hurt you either.” THEM>>>>>
Them taking comfort on each other and knowing they can rely on the other to help them through this all is the most amazing thing ever and in this essay I will-
Omfg I love their reactions when Max told them about moving to London. Both of them went like ✨No :)✨
Max taking over Edom!!! I fucking knew it!!!!! Hell yeah let's go!!!!
His fake binder is honestly a mood af😎
“I just think it could be different. It’s like how Rafael wants to be a politician because he wants the government to be different.” This parallel is *chef kiss*
No thoughs, head empty except ✨mavid kids✨
“Shinyun Jung. Will you do me the honor of being my mentor?” kdvwkdkdlebi loved this so much. She indeed has big dick energy 🥰
Shinyun and Max living and working together, being competitive and skilled little shits its my favorite aesthetic💙💙 also Noodle???? I want to met them!!!
He would make such a gorgeous Prince of Edom and I think David can agree ;)
I love how Shinyun and Alec are like: I don't trust you but I trust Magnus so I'm going to behave idheieejek
And that’s what matters, doesn’t it?
That we all learn to care about something more than ourselves.
Maybe it’s a person. Maybe it’s a place.
It doesn’t matter.
Not as long as we care.
“Take it,” Magnus says. “Take some of my strength.” not this parallel too, please it's too much udhdkdjdld
For two grown up men who have really qualified jobs and are successful... They sure are idiots!!!
Can we talk about how the whole scene with Izzy and Maryse was so fucking accurate and true??? ✨God, I love women ✨💙💙💙
No, you don't understand. They love LOVE each other!! Yes, that's a valid reason to scream😭
What is love if not eating each other's raisins when needed?
I will go scream in my room brb. And yes I'm still one chapter behind what about it?? jk, jk😂
Song rec: No Goodbyes by Dua Lipa
So in conclusion:
Women? Yes.
Raisins? No.
Wonderful life lessons 🥰🥰🥰
This is Max working for Edom like
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enhaeven · 4 months
[1:10am] — lhs (m.)
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pairing: heeseung x reader
genre: smut, angst, fuck buddies, college!au
wc & rating: 3.5k | 18+ (minors gtfo pls)
summary: the last thing you expect in welcoming the New Year is for Heeseung to remind you that he's still the best fuck you've ever had.
warnings: swearing, riding, making out, car sex, fingering, petnames, praise kink, creampie, semi-clothed sex?, unprotected sex (don't do this i beg), public sex? i mean, also he kinda has fuckboy antics so :’)
a/n: i had a feeling that he'd win the poll lol idk what to name this and it's supposed to be a timestamp but enjoy the ✨ toxicity ✨
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— masterlist & wips — navigation
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"Happy new yearrrrrr 🎉🎉"
god damn, he looks so good.
damn good indeed that you accidentally liked his story, only realizing that you did when you got a reply from him.
shit, stupid finger
you’re blaming the drinks that you’ve consumed and the weariness from New Year’s Eve preparations for being this careless. you're usually careful especially when it comes to Heeseung's whereabouts each time he leaves you unread.
the nonstop greeting and responding to people as much as you could throughout the day despite being busy must’ve added to it too. curse your habit of occasionally liking ig stories when you’re on that app so naturally, instances like this couldn’t really be helped.
and it wouldn’t have mattered if you had just blocked Heeseung but you didn’t because you couldn’t.
then now he strikes how he normally does when he could've done so weeks ago.
hee: hey
happy new year hee
hee: can i come over?
it’s new year’s?? 
hee: and? it’s been a while
it has and you’ve been planning to keep it that way without making it obvious. but Heeseung must’ve been catching on though cause why else would he hit you up right now, out of all times too.
aren’t you celebrating with your family?
hee: already did in advance
your brother?
hee: on a date with his girl
his parents must’ve been on a holiday like most people around you which sometimes you envy them for. your family’s never been the travel type so you never had the chance to go on holidays, just at home with any available relatives to celebrate.
then that means that Heeseung’s alone and you’re in danger because you don’t want him to be while entering the new year.
your usual convo with him continues but with you trying to divert topics as much as you could this time. however, Heeseung’s always been too good at this, circling it to his intention of wanting to see you.
it's when he asked if he could sneak into your room like many times before that you relent. you can't let him since there’d be many people in your place that could spot him. you don’t want anyone, let alone your family asking who Heeseung is and what he is to you, something that you’re also coming to terms with when you started distancing yourself from him.
but Heeseung does love making it difficult by doing this.
“wouldn’t have minded you know..” he says against your neck, busy nipping your skin. you find him leaning on the side of his car earlier when you decided to meet him, surprising you at how needy he's being by caging and kissing you right away.
his touches are a bit too desperate like he misses you though you seriously doubt it when he has a lot of girls he could call anytime.
then why is he here?
“m-minded what..” a gasp escapes you when his hand reaches up to cup one of your tits through your top, squeezing while his other hand does the same with your hip, holding like he doesn’t wanna let you go. 
“meeting them..” he says after releasing your neck from his mouth, revealing the devilish smile on his handsome face. and why would he wanna meet your family knowing the questions they'll throw at him?
Heeseung sees your face forming into a scowl so he grabs your chin to kiss you again until you pull back fully, shaking out of his grasp with a raised brow at him.
he responds with a small chuckle, causing you to roll your eyes and open the door of the passenger seat beside him. he finds your impatience cute and it leaves Heeseung a bit of relief that you're finally entertaining him.
“whatever, let’s talk somewhere”
silence rules over inside the car as Heeseung starts the engine. this whole scenario's not new for the both of you anyway since you're always in the car with him when you're not at each other's places.
with how he's tightly gripping the steering wheel, you had a feeling that he might drive you around again or take you back to his place to talk longer. you would've if you're being honest but you made an excuse earlier to grab something at a place nearby so you couldn’t possibly take too long.
you've always preferred it this way and it's easier for Heeseung anyway so when he gets a booty call, he can just drop you off anywhere you want and he can go on his merry way. 
something's different about him tonight though. sure he’s always been the quiet one while you're the exact opposite but he seems off tonight so you break the silence between you to find out.
“why did you really wanna meet me hee? during this occasion too” you huff, still annoyed at him for pulling this on you last minute.
not that you’d say no anyway, you’re unfortunately that weak for him even knowing that seeing him again is a bad idea.
especially with how fucking hot he looks right now.
“just wanted to see you” he quips nonchalantly without adding more and you scoff.
“let me guess the New Year’s Eve party didn’t hit” 
pretty sure it’s the party that one of his best friends is hosting. no one would miss anything Park Jongseong hosts since it’s usually held at high-end places depending on the theme.
and this particular one was what everyone was talking about before the break started.
“not that..but”
Heeseung's having a hard time answering you. the party was fine though it did take a lot of his energy away like it usually does after a while. he doesn't even go to them without a reason, only showing up for his friends each time they ask him. before leaving, he took a shot as a courtesy since he didn't have to stay longer than he had to when he was familiar with everyone's faces there already.
he'd rather meet you, whom he hasn’t seen in almost a month now. 
“stop the car” you blurt out all of a sudden which confuses Heeseung but he obliges regardless. he thought that you didn’t want anyone from home to see you together and now you’re stopping him when you’re barely out of the skirts of your neighbourhood.
you see him turn to you from your peripheral view after hitting the brakes but you refuse to look at him because it'll make you weak. you know that he'll look stupidly adorable with his bewildered face and that you'd give in to whatever he says.
as much as you want to be as far away as possible, you don’t really wanna go that far if you’d have to leave since it’s his car. you’re at a safe distance from your house anyways so that's the least of your worries. 
it’s how Heeseung’s been looking at you this time that does.
you finally look at him, seeing the dilemma in his doe eyes and he's not saying anything, increasing your worry-
“can i just..” he averts his eyes from you, looking a bit frustrated at himself but you’ve known how hard it is for him to express himself with words so you give him time.
he faces you after a few seconds before leaning closer. his eyes never leaving yours as he grabs your face, causing your heart to race at this proximity. confusion bubbles up inside you as you try to decipher his expression to bring back your focus.
but the lingering words on your tongue are abrupted when Heeseung crashes his soft lips against yours.
you respond out of habit, missing the feeling of it cause you haven't kissed nor fucked anyone since him. you feel him at ease when you do, holding your face with eagerness then carefully asking for an entrance by biting your lower lip so you do.
“heeseung..” you whimper when his lips move to your jaw, feeling a grin slowly forming on his lips against your skin. he continues kissing down your neck before coming up, his thumbs caressing your cheek which makes you more desperate of his touches.
“ride me?” he whispers against your lips before devouring you again, eliciting another whimper from you as you nod. 
your fingers tread through Heeseung's already messy hair while his hands are all over you in an instant, touching whatever part of your body he can reach. his touches become even more desperate but slightly different from earlier and you’re not sure why.
still, you should’ve denied him like how you’ve been doing a few weeks before the break but how could you pass this up when he's finally the one seeking you out this time.
he releases you suddenly which surprises you, opening his side of the door before transferring to the backseat. you followed him in a hurry, embarrassment slowly filling you at how quickly you were succumbing to him.
then as soon as you're inside, Heeseung kisses you again before positioning you on his lap. you pull back to take a breather but mostly because you wanna look at his face.
the face that you undeniably missed despite trying your best to avoid him like a plague.
up this close, you can see it in his eyes clearly, like you’re the only one he wants when that could be far from reality. at the same time, Heeseung sees the uncertainty in your eyes so he begins to squeeze your sides to distract you. 
it worked like it always does, nudging you to roll your hips against his, allowing you to feel the hardness right by your core. he must've felt how wet you are already cause the small smirk from earlier is now back on his face.
Heeseung leans in and starts kissing your chest, both hands traveling up to pull down the straps of your top along with your bra. he doesn’t waste any more time and squeezes your tits briefly before his hands bunch up your skirt, granting him access to your wet core.
one hand of his grabs your face to kiss you again while the other reaches you from behind, pulling your panties to the side. he's not letting you breathe, his slender fingers tracing your sopping folds before plunging them in, earning a loud moan from you.
“fuck..” you couldn’t help but close your eyes when he increase the speed of his fingers, grinding more against his hands and in turn his crotch.
“so wet and tight..” groaning against your neck, he pulls his fingers out of you so he can unbuckle his pants but your hands stop him when he's ridding his boxers, wanting to do it instead.
you take Heeseung's leaking cock in your hands, a quiet whine leaving his lips when you squeeze it a bit. he knows of your impatience though so now he's grinning as he watches you guide his dick towards your pussy before sinking on it.
his hands fly to your waist, a loud groan coming out from him after he eases you fully on his cock, the tightness of your pussy knocking his breath out. 
it's your turn to make him suffer so you start bouncing right away, putting Heeseung in delirium at how fucking amazing you feel around him.
"so good, so good for me" he’s gripping your hips tightly, which in turn would possibly leave marks on your skin but you don’t care.
you love the effect you have on him though he tries to hide it by biting his lips. a smile graces your lips watching him struggle, his moans growing louder when you increase your pace.
he's louder than you've ever heard him so continue despite your thighs burning, wanting to hear more of his needy whines.
you don't know how Heeseung manages to recover, now flicking your hardened nipples with his fingers. he feels the satisfaction when he sees your face contorting in pleasure, looking so beautiful on his lap with the light from the street lights illuminating your body.
he misses having you like this, falling apart because of how good he makes you feel. he has no idea how you both just stopped hooking up in the first place cause he knows he’s the only one you’re fucking unless..
your whimper brings him back so he dismisses that thought, opting to support your stance when he notices your pace slowing down from riding the hell out of him. he's close but he wants you to cum first so his thumb reaches your swollen bud, rubbing it furiously until you started shaking above him.
you hate how Heeseung can make you cum this fast but what can you do when he a natural at it like how he is with everything else. you end up collapsing on top of him when the band on your lower abdomen erupts, cursing and moaning his name nonstop.
"glad to welcome the new year with you baby," he says endearingly, a little breathless while caressing your bare back as he helps you ride through your high. 
“you couldn’t wait until the semester starts again?” you scoff, still panting but you had to try to ignore the little flutter in your chest at his words. his tone confuses your pleasure-muddled brain cause for all you know, he could just be with you right now cause the others are not available.
“had to make sure..” he leaves a soft kiss on your temple, further increasing your nerves around him. 
perhaps it was Jeongin mentioning you in their conversation earlier at the party that pushed Heeseung to see you right away. the prospect of you meeting his close friend who’s just like him feeding his worry somehow.
that you may have found another “friend” during the break, hence, your avoidance of him.
it might be his fault that a lot of things have kept him so busy, not realizing that it’s been so long since the last time you met. it escaped his mind that you could just find anyone to replace him since you both never talked about specific boundaries in your current setup anyway.
"i'm still the best right?” he asks before slowly rolling his hips, making you whine at the sensitivity.
you’re unsure what Heeseung's talking about but this may be what’s been bothering him. his question didn’t sink into your mind, still confused about why he’s asking that. 
plus all you can focus on at the moment is how delicious he feels inside you. he didn’t even give you enough time to recover from your orgasm, hoisting you back up to ride him again.
"huh? uh yeah-oh fuck hee" you mewl when Heeseung starts bucking his hips up to you, happy to hear that he's still your best fuck. it's a funny contrast really, how soft his voice is when asking you compared to how hard he's fucking you right now.
your eyes close once again when he’s able to find your sweet spot immediately, his cock hitting it with precision. then your breath hitches when he grabs the side of your neck as he chases his high, eyes never leaving your face while you keep whining, fisting his black shirt.
all your thoughts went out the window when you finally opened your eyes and looked down at Heeseung.
he looks really good, with half-lidded eyes and even messier hair staring at you while you try to match your pace with him.
the timing must be playing you then when you notice the fireworks starting behind Heeseung, reminding you of how similar it is to what you feel inside right now and him finally exploding inside of you.
“gorgeous..shit” he chuckles before leaving a few wet kisses along your neck and then kissing you like he can’t get enough of you after stuffing you full of his cum. 
he's back to being calm but he’s staring at you intently again and it momentarily brings back his question earlier about him being your best fuck.
of course he is, he's the only one who knows your body like this that's why you're wondering why that would bother him if ever. besides, he had many girls he can fuck who could be better than you by his standards.
and what could probably have sparked this? you're too busy with the holiday preparations to meet anyone new let alone fuck someone.
“what’s with earlier hee?” 
your question's making him anxious so he shifts his eyes towards the front before looking back at you. he was hoping that you’d forget about it after he fucks you that good but the determined look in your eyes is saying otherwise.
“nothing i just missed you” he planted a quick kiss on your lips before pulling you off him. 
you obviously didn't buy his excuse even though he meant it. his refusal to tell you the truth made you wonder if it was because he thinks you’re sleeping with someone.
as pathetic as it sounds, you feel a bit flattered cause that would mean that he might not be fucking anyone during the break but then he still could be, and that he’s just saying that knowing it’s something you wanna hear from him.
he's just keeping in check and now he has his answer.
you both clean each other up in silence while Heeseung continues to avoid your eyes as he helps you. then after, he pulls down the windows to let the cool breeze in before getting out of the car to go around and open your door.
your legs wobble as soon as you stand up but you move quickly, wanting to stay away from him as much as possible because you didn't mean to have him like this.
you wanted to leave anything of him behind that’s why you essentially ghosted him during this whole break as part of your resolution for the year.
but you already broke it literally on the first day. if you weren’t being a dumbass earlier then none of this would’ve happened.
“i’ll drop you off” he says softly as he closes the door but you don't wanna answer him.
"no, i can walk home"
"can you?" he says smugly, holding your waist at once when you almost tripped. you push him back, still pissed at how he's been acting and it’s when you’re about to answer him when you hear a familiar shriek behind you.
"finally found you! oh and who is he?”
your eyes widen at the sweet voice asking who belongs to your younger cousin. you looked at Heeseung who looks just as surprised as you, the both of you getting anxious at her presence, wondering what she could possibly have seen.
his hand's still on you, ready to catch you in case you trip again. you feel Heeseung give you a small squeeze when you look away, shrugging him completely off of you.
turning to your cousin, you try to maintain your composure despite your nerves. she's of age but still young and she's quite similar to you, persistent in getting her answers so you're not sure how to escape her question.
"no one, just someone from school"
your answer shouldn't have affected Heeseung but it did which leaves him in disbelief. you both know he wasn't just no one to you but you couldn't possibly tell your cousin what's the real deal between you.
"i happen to see her on the way so i stopped by to greet her happy new year" he replied curtly and you winced at his tone which your cousin didn't miss. you fight the urge to scoff at how dismissive Heeseung sounded. he has no right to be upset when he's the one who's been vague this whole time.
"okay then let's go! the games are starting already that's why i've been looking for you!" your cousin grabs your arm hurriedly, probably sensing the tension between you and Heeseung.
"goodbye hee" you tell him as you start walking away, not bothering to look at him one last time, hopefully.
"see you around.." he responds but you don't catch what he said after, relief and gratefulness towards your cousin taking over you at the moment.
meanwhile, as Heeseung watches you leave, he thinks about how he fucked up with you again this time but you still called him by that nickname so his chances are still there.
and when you get a series of "i'm sorry" texts from him before you can even reach your house, you wonder if it was a mistake to address him that way earlier.
cause this whole thing continues to give you hope and you're not sure how long until you'd cave in to his alluring charms again.
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e/n: it's still january so happy new year 🤧, may y'all have an amazing 2024 ahead. also, that gdamn video of his showed up again on my tl when i was editing this so i had to add it here bye 😩
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outoftheblue-if · 2 years
Don’t perceive me BUT…
How would the ROs respond if the MC ended up in an arranged marriage with someone else?
ooof. It's the don't-perceive-me “anon” back with more angst 😖😖
Isobel: Very upset. Embarrassed. But mostly just angry. Angry at herself for allowing herself to fall for MC, for allowing herself to be vulnerable for the first time in her life and imagine a future and a life with MC. And angry with MC for deceiving her and for making her feel this world of hurt that she never would have encountered had she never met them. Likely loses a lot of respect for MC. Can't understand why MC would ever want to be in an arranged marriage. All the hurt and pain would manifest in anger, and those poor people around her 👀 Would likely never speak to MC again and swear off love forever.
Max: Ooof. Absolutely shattered. Inconsolable. Anguished. But not surprised, not really. This was always how it was going to go. No one ever choses him. And why would they? Would shift between absolute agony and despair (why is he so unlovable), to bitterness and anger (he has so much money, why was he not good enough if there was no love involved??). Would all around act out in the worst way — drinking, partying, sleeping around, anything to try to forget, to try to drown out the pain. Would neither want, nor be able, to meet MC again, or see them again, it's too painful.
Clara: Absolutely crestfallen, disappointed and heartbroken. She really thought MC felt the same way; that they had something truly special. Can't help but think back wondering if she wasn't forward enough? Did she not give enough signs? Should she have done more? Or perhaps... Did she do something wrong? Or... Did they just not want her anymore? She's not sure which is worse. Would likely cry herself to sleep for weeks, but make an effort to appear cheerful and normal in public, attend the wedding and offer MC and their new spouse her best wishes all the while dying inside.
Richard: Deeply distraught, furious with himself and full of regret. Drowning in shame for his early behaviour towards them, and absolutely kicking himself for not realising sooner that he loved them. That they were right there all along, and he didn't even see! What a fool. He should have moved heaven and earth to be with them, would have given them everything if given the chance, but once again he is too late. This time he can only blame himself though. He would likely leave immediately, unable to watch it unfold, just try to get a new assignment somewhere abroad in an attempt to forget.
William: Wrecked with heartache and grief, but not at all surprised, and despite the aching pain: convinces himself that this is for the best. They're better off without him, better off with someone with more to offer. And he wants what's best for MC. Just wants them to be happy, safe and comfortable. So this is good. But why does it feel like his heart has been wrenched from his chest? Why does it feel like he can't bear to face another day? Would likely avoid them as much as possible to lessen the wound, but if they came around to see him would pretend like all was well and wishing them the best, all the while the grief hollows out his insides.
Thank you for the ask, "anon" ✨🤎 I see you
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suguwu · 3 years
i do not know how to act anymore. dad!nanami. i swear.I SWEAR MY HEART DID A FLIP THING LORD CAN YOU IMAGINE. nanami with a little baby girl who has his hair colour and your face and the entire night sky shining in her eyes (nanami swears the last part is objectively true and honestly, you can't disagree)
dad!nanami coming home to see you in an apron, dancing around the kitchen w your baby in your arms, humming softly. all because you've seen him do the same and you've seen how it soothes your child.
but your baby doesn't really like your voice as much as she likes her papa's and so when she sees him, she starts wriggling in your arms, almost falling out, trying to get to her father. nanami responds to his baby's outstretched arms as he takes his daughter from you and kisses her nose, laughing when she latches on to his nose with her tiny little hand.
you look at your baby and your husband, the two loves of your life, and wonder what you'd done to deserve this goodness. it's such a heartwarming scene, so domestic, that you nearly forget your daughter's betrayal: her obvious preference for her papa's voice.
that night, after your daughter's asleep in her crib, you lay in bed, nanami's head on your chest and legs tangled with his. you ask him to record his singing. just in case he's gone for a long mission and his daughter misses his voice (you would miss his voice, too, but he doesn't need to know that – he already has enough ammunition to tease you). he agrees, of course — it's hard to say no when your hands run through his hair so softly and your chest vibrates as you sing to him. he loves his baby with all his heart, he does, but he has to disagree with her. her mother's voice is the best thing on hell, heaven, and earth. but he does record a little song the next day and sends it to you.
it is the only sound that echoes throughout the house after he's taken from you. from his daughter. of course, she doesn't really understand that papa's gone and he's not coming back. she keeps looking at your phone, hearing her father's voice sing to her, waiting for him to come and take her in his arms. she's been fed and burped and all you need to do is put her to sleep. you really should. she's been crying for three hours now.
she does tire herself to sleep and you get up to put her in her crib. or you try to, at least. but all you can do is sit on your bed, the one you shared with him, with your child asleep on your chest, and hum along with your husband.
when the phone dies, a little part of you does, too.
haha :)
it's the anon who sent in the husband!nanami ask a while ago (the one with the holster kiss) i saw you being good in your answer and had to restore balance. anyway here's a link:
the first 10 seconds is what i imagine nanami would sound like singing to his baby at night, voice low enough to not disturb your sleep. she'd giggle and try to sing her along before her dad's voice lulls her to sleep.
this was kind of inspired by that nanami + baby yuuji art you'd reblogged so you only have yourself to blame </3 (i'm kidding i'm a sucker for angst)
(i've also been thinking of making a jjk blog bc i have so much to write about nanami and i don't want to spam you lol)
husband!nanami anon!!! hello hello hello thank you for once again blessing my inbox ✨
i also do not know how to act anymore when i say i have spent the last three days thinking about dad!nanami i mean it with all my heart and this has not helped at all!! i'm so skldjflkjdf pls
dad!nanami with a lil baby girl has my whole heart i simply cannot handle this—and do not get me started on her preferring his voice
this is so good and so sweet and also oof it hurts in the most realistic way. phone recordings are such a comfort and also such a wound. and you caught that so well. that last line,,,
don't ever worry about spamming me, pls i love hearing from folks! but you should def make a jjk blog if you're thinking about it!!!
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arduadastra · 3 years
Another one 😉
How would the Pedro boys react to you having toxic parents?
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Hi, again friend! This is a short but sweet one (Because I'm preparing myself for the England game later ⚽️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿)- hope you still enjoy it! These boys are all soft supportive men and I stand by that.
Warnings: Brief hints at parental abuse, swearing, pregnancy, age!gap and one use of derogatory wording.
My Masterlist / Send me a prompt
Din Djarin✨
Din never gets to meet your parents but he does hear stories about them and he completely understands your decision to never see them again. In fact, it's probably for the best that he doesn't because from the sounds of it, he wouldn't last five minutes with them talking to you how they do before he put his fist through a wall.
Mandalorian culture is about togetherness, about being one with those around you so he can't fathom how a parent could exclude their child to such an extent that they end up running away (it was how you met after all) so you often ask about his parents instead. You want to hear what family should be like and after a while, he opens up and tells you what he remembers of them and it makes you smile. If only they were alive, you think you'd have loved them and Din knows they would have loved you too.
Frankie Morales🐟
Frankie didn't have a bad relationship with his parents per se, it's just after being deployed he never really made time to see them. He was also ashamed, it got to a point where it had been so long and he had done such awful things he was worried they wouldn't even answer the phone. But then you open up about yours, how they treated you as a child and how they still constantly ring you to nag about where you're going in life, why you aren't married and why you haven't had kids yet. Too often Frankie finds you teary-eyed after a particularly heated phone call and he holds you tight through it all.
Seeing you like that puts a spark in him and he realises what he has shouldn't be taken for granted, he wants you to have that support system and he can give it to you if he stops being so stubborn. So he calls and of course, they answer and gush about how much they missed him and at no point do they blame him for anything. It makes him cry. You both go see them the week after and seeing your smiling face after your mum had embraced you in a tight hug made Frankie's heart hurt - he was glad he could give you this. (He also adamantly refuses to give your parents his number, you both agree angry voicemails from Frankie is not going to make the situation any better)
Javier Peña🥃
You know this man would give them shit and there's nothing you could do about it. He would research the crap out of them after hearing how they screamed at you the last time you went home, trying to find anything he could get them on. He'd have contacts back in the states still, get his old team to go down to their house and scare some sense into them. You had no idea any of this happened until you got a shaky call from your mum, apologising after the police had come to her door and you knew who was behind it.
You were definitely angry at first, thinking Javi didn't trust you enough to handle it and considering you'd had your whole life dealing with their shit - to see him handle it so easily made your blood boil. But, he understood. You talk it out and eventually, he relents that maybe he should have told you but he just wanted to help because he loved you so much. You were only friends when all this happened but you were much more the morning after as friends certainly don't do the things you did the night he admitted that.
Agent Jack 'Whiskey' Daniels🌪
Whiskey would try going down the same path as Javier, use Kingsman intel to work out a suitable punishment but he's less stubborn and more easily persuaded to let it go. You visit them solo a few times after that and each time seems to get progressively better so you decide to introduce them to Jack and then all hell breaks loose.
Your dad ends up calling you a whore and while that doesn't even make you flinch, your mum following suit and accusing Jack of taking advantage of you due to the age gap really fucking does. You fight back, highlighting the lifetime of shitty parenting and not treating you like the adult you are and Jack stands back. He lets you get it all out, lets you take the reins and you appreciate it and it feels so fucking good. You leave feeling lighter, your words leaving them speechless as you leave with a promise to never return. Jack kisses you hard in his Bronco after that, saying he's never been prouder and you believe him.
Your parents stay out of your life once you move out at 18 and years later when you meet Ezra you still don't hear from them but somehow they find out you're pregnant and worm their way back into your life. They must have seen your announcement online because then you get a message and you shouldn't have expected anything less but you at least thought they'd be excited for you.
Ezra sees the message as you read it and you hear the sharp intake of breath at the last few lines where your mum goes headfirst into why you'd make a terrible mother and he slams the laptop shut before you can even process whats happened. He takes you under his arm, nose pressed to your hair and gives covers their darkness in your head with his light, "You're going to be the most wonderful mother. You are nothing but kind and good and our child will love you. You have nothing to fear little bird, you are strong and I couldn't be prouder of the woman you've become. Ignore them, they are ignorant people with ignorant thoughts - jealous of the life you have carved for yourself without them." You reply nine months later with a picture of the three of you, smiles big and bright with Ezra flipping them off above your head.
〜💫〜💫〜💫〜💫〜💫〜💫〜Pedro’s thirsty thots tags (let me know if you want to be added or removed)@evyiione @rattlethe-stars @asta-lily @ironbabey @woollybantha @tobealostwanderer @mamacitapascal @letterfromvienna @buttercup–bee @kenoobiwan @bastillealmighty @neganwifey25-blog @djarinsbeskar @lovesickmadsadpoet @otherthingsinhead @wild-at-heart-kept-in-cage
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acefaun · 3 years
I really liked the superpower headcannon! This one got me thinking, what if the reader was a super soldier like Captain America and the Winter Soldier. I just finished watching the series Falcon and the Winter Soldier and I freaking love Bucky Barnes!
Synopsis: Mashup between the show The Falcon and the Winter Soldier and SCM. You're a member of the Flag Smashers, a group that the Zodiac Gods are having trouble controlling. To help the gods, you take the super-soldier serum, something you're not sure you were ready for.
Gender-neutral goldfish!
A/N: I LOVE THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER! I can't even describe the homely feeling I got watching those southern Louisiana scenes. I live midway between New Orleans and Grand Isle so... home sweet swamp. I would've killed to have some real cajuns in there though with their accents. That's a little off-topic... but you got me excited! ~~~I think I'll make you a Flag-Smasher... They're pretty cute and would definitely cause the gods a lot of trouble... Especially if the gods have absolutely no control over this whole blip business. 😅 But I might also make another fic like this because I also like the idea of the reader being with Bucky and Steve... I debated so long between the 'friends with Bucky and Steve' and 'Flag Smasher' idea(Which is why this took so long). My head is just a cloud of fic ideas~ also angst, but mostly fic ideas.
--Word Count: 3350--
The blip was nothing but chaos... It seemed like everyone I cared about was disappearing. The only people I knew who didn't vanish were the Zodiac gods whom I erased their sins. They didn't know this sort of event was going to happen, so I couldn't blame them, but couldn't they have done something? Anything? They were gods, they could have stopped Thanos! But they didn't. They couldn't interfere with a 'human problem'. It wasn't like Thanos was trying to destroy the planet or anything.
After a couple of years, the world was starting to cope with the disappearance of half the population and I managed to make friends with other humans. It made sense since the world was starting to come together. Everyone lost something, someone. No one's lives were the same and we all had that in common. Ironically the world seemed like it was becoming a better place, even the gods had less work to do because there wasn't much violence, there was hardly any reason for them to be punishing people.
But that state of the world was just a calm before the storm. Five years after the blip, the half of the population that vanished came back just as suddenly as they had left. People wanted their homes back, they wanted their jobs back, they wanted their families back, they wanted their lives back and it was pure chaos across the globe. I wasn't sure the gods ever stopped working after everyone came back. There was twice as much crime than before the blip all because people were coming back to find that the world moved on without them.
With the rise in human negativity, it brought about the resurrection of the Dark King, which was just another thing added on to the gods' list of problems. I was put under their protection until the world began to stabilize and they were able to take care of the Dark King before he could use me to gain more power and plummet the world into darkness.
Now was a different story. All who made a home for themselves after the blip were becoming displaced and they were running out of places to go. I was able to retreat to the god's mansion for a home, but I couldn't very well do the same for my human friends. Still, I thought about the offer I was given. They had super-soldier serum like Captain America and the Winter Soldier... They had all taken it and became insanely strong. They were going to raise an army and fight back until the world was like it used to be. Everyone was united and no one was trying to overpower each other.
The blip was an ideal world where humans coexisted without any borders. It was perfect. I stared up at my ceiling, pondering this power we could have to make the world a united place like it was before.
However, I did have my concerns about taking the serum... How would I be affected? I had stars in my eyes, meaning I wasn't like any of the other humans to start off with. I was physically different. There was no telling what could happen to me. I thought about asking the gods, but they were all busy and I definitely didn't want to bother them with something when they were trying to bring peace back to the world. But something told me that they wished the world would go back to the way it was as well. It was better off... I could help settle their problem if I just joined this super-soldier fight and tried to reunite the world.
I shut my eyes, my decision already made.
The next day I was sitting in the garden, staring at the blue vial in my hands. I was told there were severe symptoms after inserting it... but I was prepared. My shaking hands said otherwise, but I would do this if it meant I could help set this world on the right track. Putting the blue serum into a syringe I knew it was already too late to go back. I was going to become a super-soldier and help this sad world.
But it worked almost immediately upon sticking it into my arm. The burning sensation only spread as I inserted all of the serum. I was trying to be strong, but it felt like my body was catching on fire from the inside and it was agonizingly slow as it spread all across my body. I felt like I was being tortured. It was like the complete opposite of the sensation I felt when the Dark King had shot me down with dark powers. That was so cold and painful, but this was so hot and hellish.
The serum wasn't done working, why did they have to find me now? I bit back a scream as my muscles started to tense up painfully. My whole body was being tortured from the inside out. I was sure I was going to die before this serum did what it was intended for.
"Hey!" The voice called again and Aigonorus was above me, but his touch was painful as he tried to grab onto me. He jerked away in surprise as I cried out in agony at his touch. His eyebrows furrowed in worry, his eyes frantically scanning over me. "What happened?! Hey, can you understand me?!"
I could hear him, sure, but I didn't want him to lay another hand on me. I barely noticed that he summoned one of his heralds to go get the other wishes gods. It felt like hours that I was in such grueling pain after they managed to take me to the living room. The only thing that relatively seemed to help was when Krioff turned the room into a fridge and Huedhaut tried to cool my temperature with cold water. It helped with the fire that seemed to be weakening inside of me. Aside from the fever, my body seemed to be tingling with some sort of energy I didn't have before.
But while I laid on the sofa, recovering, I faintly heard their conversation from outside the room. Scorpio was displaying something to the other gods. "They used this." He sighed. "Shit. That freaking means..."
"Yes," Zyglavis said in an equally disappointed tone. "They're in league with these extremists we're after. We'll have to do something about this."
"But that," Karno pointed out the little vial Scorpio was holding. "That was some of the serum you were hunting down, wasn't it? That would mean there's some still out there."
Before Zyglavis could confirm Karno's assumption, they were interrupted by Dui who was rushing down the hall. "Zyglavis! Krioff and I located the rest of the serum! We have a window to destroy them!"
The Minister's eyes fell on Dui and he nodded his head. "Do so immediately."
"No..." My weak voice drew their attention to me. My limbs were still shaking in pain, but it felt easier to hold myself up. "We still need them..." If there were still vials left then I couldn't let them interfere. We were going to make the world a better place; why were they stopping us?
With their eyes on me, it was obvious to them that I didn't know what kind of humans I was actually friends with. Ignoring my quiet plea, Zyglavis ordered Dui, "Go, now. Take care of these super-soldiers and ensure that no more can be made. (Name) will be fine."
Dui was quick to leave on his mission, but I was quick to chase after him. Only, I was stopped by Scorpio who wrapped his arms around me from behind. His eyes widened as he read the thoughts going through my head. "(Name), stop. This isn't gonna help anyone. Those friends of yours are killing people." He felt me freeze in his hold before he heard the denial running through my head. "Listen to me, we have to put a stop to this. Humans are getting hurt and dying."
"You're just telling me that because you know what I'm thinking! You're trying to stop me from..." I stopped yelling, pausing for a minute. But what would they have to gain from letting this continue? What was their end goal if they were going to stop us from uniting the world the way it should be?
This time Karno stepped in and explained, "The blip is over. The world isn't going to be the way it was during those five years. Do you understand?"
"You're wrong!" I argued desperately, "We could do it! We have the power to do it! You're just going to ruin our only chance!" Every minute I wasted there, Dui was more likely to fulfill his task from Zyglavis. Confused as I was, I was getting desperate to stop them.
But I underestimated my strength, and threw Scorpio straight into Zyglavis, knocking them both through the window, the broken shards of glass scattering around them. My hands shook as I stood there with wide eyes, staring at what I'd just done.
Karno was obviously startled as well, but he knew I was afraid. "(Name), hold on. It's okay. We're just- (Name)!" He didn't get another word out as I turned and ran away from him. I'd just openly attacked the gods I was trying to help. Sure, I was afraid that we were going to lose our chance at a better world, but I was more afraid of what I'd just done. Is this the kind of damage they were doing as super-soldiers? My attack was unintentional, but I knew that this strength would be dangerous in the wrong hands... It was dangerous enough in mine.
As soon as I reached the reflection pool room it seemed like I was too late as Dui and Krioff were chatting with each other about getting all of the vials destroyed. I stared blankly at them. "You... already destroyed them." Was that for the best? There had to have been another way to unite the world like it used to be. There was still that vote that we were supposed to stop, though I didn't know the details on that.
Dui's eyebrows furrowed the minute he noticed me in the doorway, he was already clenching his fists like he usually did when he was worried. "What are you doing here? You're supposed to be resting. That stuff really messed with your body."
He wasn't wrong. I should have taken a day to rest after the sudden transformation, but I didn't have time to be resting or talking to them. If I stayed any longer in the mansion then they would only try to stop me. Turning, I quickly made a run for the mansion's exit. The plan wasn't really to fight anyone. I was told that in having the same abilities as a super-soldier that I would be able to protect people I care about and people who needed protecting. I wasn't supposed to be on the offensive. But I wasn't, right? I was defending people who mattered.
I felt a pang in my body and I faltered. I still wasn't adjusted to the serum, but I was pushing myself as I ran out of the front door. But I paused, taking in my surroundings. I wasn't outside the mansion. I was in Leon's space... "I thought you might try and come out this way so I blocked off your exits. You have no idea what you're running towards. Who are you even trying to fight?" I turned to find Leon standing in the doorway with Huedhaut behind him. "No answer, huh?"
"I'm not trying to fight anyone." I quickly defended myself, trying to come up with an explanation as to what I was actually trying to do. "All I wanted was to fix the world... That was all we wanted. Why is that so bad?"
Leon's eyes narrowed on me. "A few goldfish can't fix the world by killing other goldfish. What's so hard to understand about that? Is that what you want to resort to? Do you want blood on your hands?"
I twitched as pain ran up my legs, nearly making me collapse on the spot before it vanished. "We're not killing anyone... I don't understand why you're so against this. Why are you trying to make me stop protecting people who I care about?"
"They don't care about you, (Name). They only care about their idea of a perfect world. That kind of idea can't be attained, so they're resorting to violence and bloodshed." Huedhaut spoke, his eyes carefully studying each move I made and every expression that crossed my face. "You're suffering from this. The serum doesn't know how to fuse properly with you. Let us help. You don't need to keep fighting."
"I wish you'd stop saying that..." I spoke quietly, but they were all saying the same thing. My friends, the Flag-Smashers were hurting people. That wasn't our goal. Our goal was to help the people who made a new life during our five years alone. Their lives were being torn apart yet again and it was our goal to stop it. "We only ever wanted to help people. So, I wish you'd stop saying they were hurting each other." I winced, a pain tearing through my torso as I hunched over. Worried, Huedhaut was quick to rush to my side, but I didn't want him touching me. I didn't want another fight. "Stop." My strength was too much as I shoved him a good yard away.
"Hey," Leon pulled my attention to him with his stern voice. "Stop pushing us away. You know we don't want to fight you either. If you're not going to listen, then let us show you what's going on with your friends. You'll believe us if you saw it for yourself."
I doubt I would believe it even if I saw it with my own two eyes. I would rather not see it at all. But I wasn't getting anywhere in this condition. I knew that there would be effects to using the serum without knowing how it would react to the power I already contained from being a reincarnated goddess. Whether I wanted it or not, I needed their help.
I looked up to find Huedhaut holding out his hand for me, even after I shoved him away. After nearly stumbling to accept his hand, he wrapped his arm around my waist, holding me up against him as he suggested, "Let's return to Zyglavis and Scorpio. They'll be able to show you exactly what your friends are doing on Earth." Leon nodded his head in agreement, following us out and to the reflection pool where the other gods were gathered to try and help Zyglavis and Scorpio actually succeed in their mission.
Leon announced as soon as we were in the room, "We're letting the goldfish see what's going on for themself."
Huedhaut helped me get over to the reflection pool where they were overlooking a dangerous situation. Apparently, the vote was indeed stopped because these politicians were all about to die... and my friends were the reason that all of these people were in danger. Clueless as to how the gods were actually helping, I sent them a questioning look. "How are you going to save them?"
Partheno answered with an unusually serious look on his face, "It's a matter of having the right human in the right place at the right time if you understand. Though, we also have a duty to ensure that none of these innocent humans die. We'll have trouble with these..." He trailed off, quickly averting his eyes, as he stared back at the pool. It was as if he didn't want to finish what he was saying.
On that train of thought, Zyglavis broke his attention away from the reflection pool as he glanced over to me. "Now you see what your friends were truly planning. You would not have gone through with this. The King has ordered we get rid of these super-soldier humans."
My blood ran cold at his impassive words. His tone was harsh and typical, but I'd never heard of the Department of Punishments actually taking out humans like that. Huedhaut tried to pull me away, suggesting, "We should take you to your room and let them handle this."
I tugged on his arm that was wrapped around me, silently asking to stay as I begged the Punishments gods. "Please, do you have to kill them? They could just... They could get locked away. You don't have to-"
Scorpio's cold eyes made me stop before I could even finish. Finally, he explained the situation to me. "We know how this is gonna play out. Whether we give them a merciful death or not, they're destined to die here. More often than not, that's how orders from the King go."
"Well, I don't..." I looked away from them, now feeling guilty after everything I tried to do. "I don't want you to kill them. I don't want to think of you like that. I was just trying to do all of this because I wanted to help you."
Leon's eyes narrowed on me once again as he tilted his head in confusion. "How was stopping us going to help the humans whose lives were in danger thanks to your friends?"
Staring down at the chaos in the reflection pool, I admitted, "It was better after the blip. Earth was united in a way that it wasn't before. You were all happier than usual, even though you were pretty concerned about everything that led up to the blip. I didn't think I'd actually enjoy half of the population disappearing like that. But I did because it made you guys that much happier! I loved that... But then everyone came back and everything started falling apart all at once and you guys were suddenly too busy to breathe." I pursed my lips, looking away from their sympathetic eyes. "I wanted to make things better... like they used to be because I care so much about you."
Karno nodded his head and in the silence of the room he was the first to speak, "We care about you, (Name). Nothing's changed before or after the blip. Our workload is different, but it was nothing that needed you to do this."
"I just wanted to help," I repeated, "But I couldn't do that as powerless as I was... I put that serum inside of me not knowing what might happen. I knew it wouldn't be like the other humans, but I did it because I would do anything to help you."
"Reckless," Leon scoffed, but he was gentle as he placed a hand on my head. "For a goldfish, you care too much for your own good. But if we help this serum actually work with your body then that's one less thing we'll have to worry about."
Glancing back at the reflection pool, Huedhaut finally made up his mind. "I think you've seen enough of this. Would you let me return you to your room now?"
Watching the gods at work I knew they only had our best interest at heart. If anything, I was sure the measures they were resorting to hurt them more than me. At least I didn't have to get involved more than I already was. All they had to do with me was figure out how to deal with the super-soldier serum inside me.
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