#ayygo asks!
leggomyayygo Β· 8 months
Miss you😞
SEL BBY!!!! πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ˜­ I'm so sorry!! And to answer your other ask, yes I am alive and well! Just hella busy with life, work, kinda a new relationship and other hobbies I've been dabbling in so I haven't been very active here. But I am doing okay and I miss you too and hope you're doing good as well!! πŸ«‚
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matchamenace Β· 2 years
πŸŽ‰ Will and Mike
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No but in all seriousness I really love Will and Mike's dynamic!! πŸ’• I love that they feel comfortable to confide in and lend an ear to each other's personal struggles. And even if a solution can't be reached, they at least leave the other feeling heard which is sometimes all you really need. Obviously they've each had their moments of insensitivity or immaturity, but for the most part they have each other's back and best interest at heart.
I love that Mike is so protective of Will and will defend his honor even when he isn't present. As for Will, I love the growth he has demonstrated where Mike's feelings are concerned. Where in S3 he became jealous and impatient when Mike was preoccupied with El, in S4 Will listens to Mike's concerns with earnest and dismisses his own self-interests for the sake of encouraging Mike. Even if I don't ship B*ler, I can still appreciate how beautiful and tragic of a moment that is for Will because it demonstrates how much he's matured, and how much he cares for Mike. He loves Mike SO much that he's willing to part with whatever chance he has with him in order to make him happy.
I really hope that next season we can get a heart to heart between Will and Mike, almost echoing the one he and Jonathan had in S4. Can you imagine how much it would mean for Will to finally muster the courage to come out to Mike, and to have Mike embrace him completely? Assure him that there's nothing wrong with him, that he doesn't care if he's gay, and that they'll be friends no matter what? I'd cry, you'd probably cry, I'm betting we'd all cry. πŸ₯² Plus I get the vibe that more than anything, Will's arc through the series is about self-acceptance and learning to grow as a person. The fact that he emphasizes "feeling like a mistake" to Mike rather than "having feelings for someone who doesn't return them" tells me that Will's primary fear is being rejected as a person, which is a LOT scarier and consequential than being turned down romantically. (GOD I wished people talked about this more 😩) Anyway, having Mike play a role in absolving Will of those fears would be absolutely amazing!! ✨ Even if Mike doesn't return Will's feelings, I'm positive that Will would feel like a giant weight was taken off of his shoulders. He would feel so loved knowing that the people around him accept him for who he is, and I hope that that would inspire him to accept himself. πŸ’•
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leggomyayygo Β· 2 years
i saw your post earlier, and you’re absolutely right. the mileven tag has a lot of issues. first of all is the type of content being posted.
we barely have any active blogs, and the ones that are seem to be more content posting anti-by/ler hate then actually propping up mike and el. like from what i’ve seen, that’s exactly what by/lers make fun of us about, and we’re playing right into their narrative.
next is the cross-tagging. this isn’t entirely our fault, with bigger juggernaut ships mostly to blame. but god it’s so hard to find mileven content like headcanon or fic when it’s drowned out by anti content or unrelated relationships.
honestly that’s all I can think of off the top of my head, but i’d love to hear your thoughts.
Oh hey there!! πŸ€—
Ight lemme just preface this by saying I'm reeeeeeeeally struggling with word retrieval and transitions today, so I apologize if this is... clunky, lol. πŸ™ˆπŸ’§
It's a tricky situation for sure! First, we're outnumbered af. That alone puts us at a disadvantage for content output. Factor in that there's generally less of a "need" to generate content of long-canonized ships (for obvious reasons lol), and it's a recipe for a pretty quiet tag. The fact of the matter is that Mileven is and has been canon for several years now. It's only natural that hype would die down. For the most part, Mileven shippers have graduated from the honeymoon stage to having a more quiet and resevered appreciation for the ship. But for those of us who never left, or those whose love has been reinvigorated (me lol), it can be really frustrating when all you want to do is celebrate your ship. So yes, while I do wish there was more positive Mileven content to consume, I get why there's so little of it. A lot of shippers are just content with what canon has provided. 🀷
Now where anti-b*ler content is concerned.... generally I don't mind seeing it myself, but there's definitely exceptions to this and I can see how others would prefer to not see it at all. While I try to avoid the topic of B*ler on my own blog, I sympathize with Mileven shippers who are constantly under fire by trolls and antis who just don't know when to quit. It's really shitty and unnecessary behavior, especially considering how much they outnumber us. I get how choosing to engage with them could very well be giving them what they want, but simultaneously I can understand the frustration and desire to throw it back at them. Plus I'd be lying if I didn't find the content amusing or cathartic at times. I guess it really isn't my place to tell people how to deal with being harassed, but yeah. I agree that it would be better to only tag anti-b*ler. Even if don't mind seeing it, it would make finding actual Mileven content a LOT easier.
As for the cross-tagging..... Yeahhhhh... There's not much I can really add πŸ˜‚ It's a much bigger issue than us, and aside from telling them to cut it out (a likely futile effort), I really don't know what else can be done on our side. THIS IS WHY WE NEED A "HIDE" BUTTON GODDAMMIT ASKSHDJDK 😀
Some final thoughts:
While there's little we can do solve these issues, one thing we CAN do is just try to engage with other shippers and put out content of our own. If we get the ball rolling, it may inspire others to do the same. Hell, I'm no writer, but because a mutual sent a simple Mileven ask, it got the gears in my head turning and I started writing a wholeass fic 🀣 I also want say that I do believe things are starting to head in a better direction. I've only had this blog for 3 months, but in the time that I've been here, I do believe that I've seen a positive shift. And I mean... we are bringing Mileven Week back this year, so I can't be the only one who thinks this. πŸ˜‹πŸ’•
Anyway, I hope this was the type of response you were looking for! Again, my brain isn't working all that well today but I did my best πŸ˜…
Thanks for stopping by!! ✨
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leggomyayygo Β· 2 years
Mileven Forehead kisses are so sweet and such a soulmate thing to do😭😭😭
I’ll be so happy if we get a forehead kiss and a forehead touch!! That’s so intimate even if they don’t kiss(I hope they do kiss more than once but idk if they’ll have time to show that).🀞😭
OMG SELENA!!!!!!!!!! πŸ˜©πŸ˜©πŸ˜©πŸ’• You're so right though!! Imo forehead kisses can read even more intimate simply due to their innocence and selflessness. No other gesture quite says "You are the most precious thing to me and all I want is for you to be happy and safe". This is why they are so common between parent and child or during moments of comfort. No strings attached, no ulterior motives, just 100% love and I am HERE for it!! πŸ™βœ¨
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leggomyayygo Β· 2 years
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Oh wow!! Thanks for the copypasta! 😘 (btw you sent this to my main which I don't post ST content to, so here I am answering on the appropriate blog. Whether you see it or not, I don't really care.)
Lmao source where I ever said he was the worst character in the show? Also had to laugh that you've chosen to come after me when I've literally never made a post about Billy in my life. Bigger fish to fry and all that, but go off I guess.Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―
Anyway, congrats on being able to recognize that *GASP!!* characters have flaws!! 😱 Insane, I know. The difference here is Billy literally tried to run a bunch of kids over with his car AND beat a black kid half his size for no fucking reason. You even trying to put that on the same playing field as an abuse victim defending herself and kids parroting bigoted things once in their life is pretty fucking weird ngl. πŸ€ͺ
Oh and as you said, it's fiction. Just as you're able to like Billy, I'm allowed to dislike him. For the record I never ONCE said that people weren't allowed to like Billy or shouldn't like Billy, I've only ever expressed that writing off everything he ever did and labelling characters like Mike or Nancy as "worse" or "more abusive" is fucking wild imo. And JUST because he did something good in the end doesn't magically absolve him from every atrocious act he's ever committed. Guess what? It's very possible to love your blorbo and go off about how hot he is, while simultaneously condemning the shit he did. Sure. Maybe if Billy had lived, the Duffers could have given him a proper redemption arc. But for someone who's done as bad as him (Need I remind you, ATTEMPTED MURDER OF CHILDREN FOR SHITS AND GIGGLES!!!!!) it would require a long and strenuous journey for it to feel authentic and earned.
Billy's character is tragic, I get it. I'm being 100% genuine in saying that I pity him and wish things had gone differently for him. He didn't deserve the way he was brought up. No one does. However, it's really hard to come back from sadism. It's not like he got in a fight a couple times, or only SAID something bad, he could've done irreversible damage and taken lives if Max wasn't there to stop him. People can come back from the occasional shitty take, but these were very serious offenses and I'm completely within my right to think you're goofy if you can't see the difference. Never once posted about Billy. Never once even COMMENTED on a pro Billy post. You're the one who came to me after seeing my comments on @truessences' anti post. I stay in my lane. Now kindly get back in your own.
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leggomyayygo Β· 2 years
Do you think Mike would take basketball lessons from Lucas? Even if he groans at the thought of physical activity, maybe being with Lucas makes it worth itπŸ’œ
ASKSJSKSK I love that you made it a point that Mike would hate exercise cuz deadass πŸ˜‚ As for my answer, absolutely!! πŸ˜‹πŸ’• Although based off the way he threw a rock at Troy in S1, I'm not sure how well it would go. 🀣🀣🀣 Thanks for the ask!! πŸ₯°
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leggomyayygo Β· 2 years
do you think sofia richie is pretty?
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Genuinely curious what your intention could possibly be anon πŸ˜‚ Is it to boost google searches? Cuz I certainly had to look them up, lol. But sure. Β―\_(ツ)_/Β― It honestly takes a lot for me to find someone unattractive and usually it's due to their personality more than anything.
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leggomyayygo Β· 2 years
How many followers do you have? What would you consider a lot of followers on tumblr? :) just curious.
Ngl this ask is sus but I'm gonna give you the benefit of doubt. Less than 50 last I checked, so not enough to be remotely relevant that's for sure, lol. As for your 2nd question, I have no clue- does it really matter? I'm just vibin' man. Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―
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leggomyayygo Β· 2 years
I just realized I didn’t follow you on this blog. 😭😭 so embarrassing!!
WHOOPS lol 🀣 And this one's where the ST content's at πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘‰πŸ‘‰
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leggomyayygo Β· 2 years
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Yes. Totally normal.
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leggomyayygo Β· 2 years
Blue, Green, Yellow πŸ’› πŸ’™ πŸ’š
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Lmao I love this combo sm!! 🀣 Definitely an alien hehehe πŸ‘½
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leggomyayygo Β· 2 years
And last but not least!! πŸ˜‹
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leggomyayygo Β· 2 years
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leggomyayygo Β· 2 years
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leggomyayygo Β· 2 years
ROUND TWO IT IS!!!! πŸ™ŒπŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
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leggomyayygo Β· 2 years
Just wanted to say love you and appreciate you and your views 🀍πŸ₯Ή sorry if this is random. But we don’t talk much HAHAH and just wanted to say I think your cool AF
OMG HI!!! πŸ™ˆπŸ’• Aw tysm that means a lot!! Lol I know I usually just go off in the tags rather than play a more active part by commenting and such. 🀣 But hey, feel free to DM me at any time if you ever want to talk or even just rant about something! πŸ˜‹βœ¨ And really that goes for any of you guys lol! I know I'm weird and kinda reserved, but I promise I do enjoy interacting with ya'll ahsjskdkdk!! THANKS AGAIN!! πŸ’–πŸ’•πŸ’–πŸ’•πŸ’–
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