aziulpre · 2 years
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A friend found a lot of this Ben 10 Omniverse toys/figures. I hope to have Rook and Ben in my hands soon 🥰
UPDATE: Apparently they were only products that were sold exclusively in Asia. It seems that they are from Bandai but they were never released in Europe and America.
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cyclingfitness · 1 year
One of the best gifts that you can give a child is the freedom of cycling. We bring to you 7 children’s cycles that will be a rage in 2023 and how to pick the one for your child.
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notanartist143 · 6 months
Silly things Bertie did pre Jeeves
drunkenly bycled naked around Oxford and sang songs
once, possibly multiple times, (also in Oxford) got drunk, thought himself a mermaid and wanted to jump in the fountain and play the harp
Bertie definitely (maybe) was a bit gay with his pal Harold P. Pinker "Stinker Pinker", he Compares their relationship to David and Jonathan from the Bible (suspected gay, biblically in love) & spends lottss of time describing his skill, figure, and their closeness
Bertie definitely (maybe) was a bit gay with "Kipper Herring", he once again describes his appearance in detail. They've been friends since prep school (elementary) & has lunch with him often even post Jeeves
Bertie definitely (maybe) was a bit gay with Ginger. He Compares them to Damon & Pythais which was at one point (late 1800s/early 1900s) was used as code for gay couples. Spends much time on appearances & missed him sorely when he moved away. They're rooms were adjacent in Oxford, where they met.
Bertie was definitely (maybe) a bit gay with most of his school friends. Catsmeat and Boko stick out to me as some others
stole biscuits and cigars from his old Schoolmaster's house many times (he was chased out one occasion)
Was a boyscout when he was very little
Won a scripture prize (mentions this all the fucking time Jesus Christ)
Won a blue ribbon in Choir Boys Bike Race Handicap bc a kid dropped out to fight someone mid race and Bertie had been granted a large headstart
Won a blue ribbon in tennis
Participated in boat racing (he dislikes it)
Won best collection of pressed wildflowers as a boy
Took a dance class with Catsmeat's sister and socked her when she made fun of his pimples (which he apparently had lots of at 8 years old)
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kennak · 3 months
自転車も自賠責加入義務化すればいいのにと思たが、検索したらわが県すでに義務化されとった。 https://www.au-sonpo.co.jp/pc/bycle/obligation/
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flower1622 · 2 months
I have another story in mind:
A girl called Nancy was riding her bycle to school. What she didn't know is that many students and teachers were killed. She arrives at school and notices everything quiet. She enters and walks trough the corridor. She notices a red liquid coming out of a class. She opens the door and sees many bodies. She puts her hand to her mouth in shock. She takes a look at the class and at the bodies. She hears the sound of footsteps coming, so she closes the door and locks it. She takes some blood of a body and puts it on her. She lies down and pretends to be dead with her head turned to the wall. She hears the person trying to open the door. He/she knocks the door and enters. Nancy continues pretending to be dead, holding her breath as much as she can despite her anxious. The person looks around the bodies and class for some time. The person gets close to Nancy, but is interrupted by the police sound. The person runs away. The police enters the school calling for survivors and Nancy appears. She will be the first suspect.
The first scenes would be the music Pumped Up Kicks playing at School and then some scenes of the killer attacking the students and teachers while others gets scared and run screaming. While this happens, Nancy is driving her bycle while listening to Pumped Up Kicks by her earphones. The police will see the same music that played in the school on he phone. Another reason for Nancy being the first suspect.
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wontbyers · 2 years
It’s weird (unsettling??) for me to see people who support every gay ship except for Byler, because it’s like...atp it’s obvious to everyone except the most hetero-normative/homophobic general audience members that Will and Mike actually have a chance at being canon (like to the point where we can reasonably say they’ve been queer-baiting us by entertaining & promoting the possibility, if it’s not actually canon next season), and none of the other gay ships on ST besides Robin/Vickie are in the same lane, like it or not.
I ship Elm*x, Ron*nce, Bycl*ir, Wheelcl*ir, too! St*ddie is fine. But none of those have a chance at being endgame, none of them have a canonically gay character with confirmed feelings for the other half in their ship. For example, yes Robin and Nancy might have had more time & development together in s4 than Robin and Vickie did, but they did not hint at them having mutual (or even one-sided) feelings for each other the way they clearly set up R*ckie. You can personally read/interpret that Robin has a potential crush on Nance (I obviously ship them too), but it’s nowhere near canon the way Robin’s directly stated crush on Vickie is, or Will’s love for Mike is.
And especially when I see people ship Steve with Billy and Eddie and then say they actively don’t want Byler to end up together in the show, it’s like....what are you actually here for? Just being able to ship conventionally attractive men of appropriate-ish enough age? (If you know what I’m implying.) Lmk. Cause it’s apparently not for the potentially real LGBT representation that will mean a lot to a lot of LGBT people, in a huge mainstream show where two of the MAIN characters are boys who would be portrayed as best friends to love. “I just think Will deserves so much better than Mike” Doesn’t matter!!! it will be GOOD for our community’s representation to get this win if they’re endgame, whether you think Mike is good enough for Will or not. (especially weird when they still ship Mike with other characters likeeee sooo, you believe Lucas doesn’t deserve as good a guy as Will does, or?? wym friend??)
And guess what? You don’t have to write fanfiction, or draw art, or make gif sets, or come up with headcanons for them or actually ship them, but you should absolutely support and hope for them to be canon along with us, because there is no other possible endgame in the show at this point besides Will falling into the unrequited sad gay boy in love with his straight friend trope (they’re not introducing another love interest for him in s5.) And even if they try to show that he just “gets over it” or something, you know it’s not gonna feel right.
Like honestly, it feels so over-dramatic to say this, but at this point I don’t trust people who don’t support Byler endgame, whether they’re LGBT+ themselves or not. Because their priorities are weird and it puts a bad feeling in my stomach. Even if you don’t love the ship as a ship, you fucking KNOW what it represents and what a big chance this is, and you should stand by us. When I say, there are M*leven shippers out there who admit they’ll be sad if/when their ship isn’t endgame but they do hope for our sake that Byler is, because we’ll have obviously been queerbaited otherwise. I respect these people more than those who openly ship every single gay ship in ST besides Byler.
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truegoist · 2 years
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cambriancutie · 1 year
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seakclauswinkler · 2 years
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My life resolves around painting. Iam sitting usual in/ around my house, which is although my gallery/ studio, and i paint. All social activities are on a minimum, due it would take a way from time painting. Iam doing Sport, working out. I should have a women rotation with multiple attractive women which are supportive to my art goals with in some shape or form. Iam listening usual when painting to useful, practical, and or intertaing audio content. Iam working everyday. My drugs are Coffee ( filter, espresso ( handheld machines, instant espresso sticks ), ristretto ), sugar ( cake, cookies (Xmas), pancake, fruits, yoghurt, pudding ), wine ( I don’t know anything about wine. I just like it.) My hobbies are bathtube, drinking a glass of wine, sitting somewhere thinking nothing/ doing nothing (Which is part of the creative work process), hiking/ swimming, bike tours, watching history museums/ locations, reading books ( Bernard Cornwell, Lee child, etc ), watching animals ( I love donkeys/ guineapigs), watching movies/ tv series with in bathtube/ on the sofa. In my twenties i although went a lot to prostitutes alone, aswell with my friends, and fellow painting artists collegs. i although like sitting on the train, and going to restaurants. I love being alone. I although like spending time where there are a lot of attractive women. I love spending time in nature. Painting canvases/ on paper, aswell as just being nature doing non painting stuff, like riding a bycle, walk, swim, chill, etc. #SEAK #ClausWinkler #SEAKClausWinkler #art #painting #abstractpainting #artist #artinfocus #artistliving #artistlife #studio #brushtype #brushstrokesintime #color #colors #letterart #letter #letters #othersidegraff #collection #artcollection #graff #dailyart #contemporaryartist (hier: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch22lBirpPc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jirfani · 2 years
Minggu Pagi yang Mengubah Hidup
Minggu pagi, ketika menyalakan televisi, tiba-tiba saya terbelalak! Kok ada gerombolan penjahat berkostum mirip pocong mengejar cowok remaja? Film apa ini?
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Tanpa sadar, lidah saya terjulur dan air liur menetes. Ada debar tak keruan saat menyaksikan cowok ganteng itu berubah menjadi sosok jagoan.
Itulah perjumpaan pertama dengan tokoh favorit saya sepanjang masa—Ksatria Baja Hitam. Stasiun televisi swasta nasional tertua—RCTI—menjadi sumber inspirasi hidup saya kala itu.
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Jauh sebelum ada berbagai tayangan anak di stasiun teve lain, RCTI telah mendidik saya bagaimana seorang anak kecil semestinya berperilaku pada hari Minggu.
Ya itu, bangun tidur langsung nonton teve sampai siang, kemudian main sampai sore. Saat malam, diomelin orang tua untuk belajar dan bersiap kembali sekolah keesokan hari.
Indosiar yang lahir kemudian dan tenar dengan duet Yoko dan Bibi Lung dari Return of The Condor Heroes, tidak mau ketinggalan. Saban Senin hingga Jumat sore, mereka membanjiri anak-anak masa itu dengan berbagai tayangan menakjubkan. Sayangnya, semua tak sebanding dengan Ksatria Baja Hitam.
Winspector misalnya. Fire, Orta, dan Bycle tak mampu membuat jantung saya berdebar lebih kencang seperti genderang mau perang ketika mereka beraksi. Apalagi tayangan sekelas Darkwing Duck yang konyol ataupun teko ajaib dan jin pencinta sate kadal dalam anime Time Quest.
Bagi saya, Ksatria Baja Hitam lebih dari sajian layar kaca bertema jagoan. Ia memenuhi kepala dengan konsep cowok keren sesungguhnya. Konsep yang sama sekali tak muncul tatkala melihat Mamoru Chiba alias Tuxedo Bertopeng, sang kekasih Sailor Moon.
Kotaro Minami yang menjadi manusia setengah robot usai operasi serabutan ala Gorgom, mengajarkan apa itu persahabatan dan rela berkorban pada saya. Puluhan tahun sebelum Naruto yang kelewat bucin dengan Sasuke hadir ke dunia.
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Lebaynya saya pun tak lepas dari pengaruh Ksatria Baja Hitam.
Bayangkan, ada anak kelas 3 SD dari Bekasi, menitikkan air mata ketika Belalang Tempur disayat dengan keji oleh Bayangan Hitam. Belum lagi haru di hati ketika buket bunga dari kekasih berhasil menghidupkan sang pahlawan setelah tewas berminggu-minggu.
Jamal Irfani, generasi 90-an dan penggemar Ksatria Baja Hitam. Rela bolos mengaji setiap Selasa dan Kamis demi melihat jagoan kesayangannya berlaga di layar kaca. Hingga hari ini, masih bercita-cita menjadi seorang pahlawan super.
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hairstylesbeauty · 4 years
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demhanem · 3 years
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Taze hava nedir bilmeden yaşıyoruz.  Evlerimiz, pencerelerimiz hep evrenin uzak köşelerinde. 
Güzel bir coğrafyaya, müziğe, koşuşturmayan hayata açız.
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flower1622 · 26 days
Red Riding Hood
A girl with red hair and green eyes wearing a red hood, a green shirt and jeans was riding her bycle though the forest. Her mother suggested that she took the long way to her grandmother's house, but she decided to take the short way. Suddenly a boy with black hair and green eyes wearing a blue shirt and jeans appears in front of her. She stops before hitting him. He was with his arms crossed smiling and staring at her.
Rachel: Is there something wrong?
Percy: Yes, there is. You shouldn't be here. It's dangerous.
Rachel: I don't care.
Percy: Fierce!
Rachel only rolls her eyes.
Rachel: Could you please get out of the way?
Percy: Nope!
Rachel: Excuse me?!
Percy: I won't leave...
Rachel curses.
Percy: until you tell me what a pretty girl like you is doing here!
Rachel moves her bycle to the side, but the boy holds it.
Percy: And I won't take no as an answer! 😈
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bamvlier · 3 years
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Utrecht at night
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billycretino · 5 years
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letitstyle · 5 years
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